#ra ra Rasputin
(wakes up in a cold sweat) ga, ga, goncharov, member of the russian mob
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headcanonsandmore · 22 days
Some people online: So glad to see Doctor Who being fun and campy again! This previous era was too serious!
The previous era:
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justirina · 24 days
There lived a certain man…
In Japan long ago…
He was big and strong
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And his eyes a flaming glow~
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Most people look at him with terror and with fear…
But to other folks he was such a lovely dear <3
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There lived a certain man, a proconsul of Gaul He was lean and sharp and his head was almost bald Most people looked at him with envy and awe But to Cato, he thought himself above the law He had conquered Gaul and asked the Senate For a triumph through their town And to run for consul - he could win it But they said "Stand down."
Ra ra Julie C., Nicomedes' teenage fling There was a man who couldn't let go Ra ra Julie C., really wanted to be king It was a shame how he stole the show
He crossed the Rubicon, invaded his own home But the Pompeians had already fled from Rome With hardly any fights he captured Italy Though Spain and Greece didn't come so easily He got nearly slaughtered by Dyrrhachium And the next four years of strife But he won and had the Senate make him Dictator for life
Ra ra Julie C., Cleopatra's Roman fling There was a man who couldn't let go Ra ra Julie C., really wanted to be king It was a shame how he stole the show
But as his bogus elections and his hunger for power Became known to more and more people The conspiracy to assassinate This man became bigger and bigger
"This Caesar's gotta go," declared his enemies But a new war loomed and he'd soon go overseas No doubt this dictator was difficult to harm And within Rome's walls, they couldn't carry arms Then they thought, a meeting of the Senate Fit just right, for on the Ides He would be alone for just a minute And Caesar would die
Ra ra Julie C., every Roman woman's fling They had him cornered, took out their knives Ra ra Julie C., really wanted to be king He grabbed a pen and fought for his life Ra ra Julie C., emperor foreshadowing They didn't quit, they wanted his head Ra ra Julie C., Brutus jabbed his ding-a-ling And so they stabbed him till he was dead
Oh, those Romans…
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mattaytchtaylor · 2 years
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Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Lover of the Russian Queen
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ultimatehistorical · 1 year
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superbeans89 · 4 months
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prepping for academic conferences is just making a bunch of slides and praying people don't ask too many questions about the Russian you put on there that you certainly cannot read
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yourlocaltrylingual · 2 years
half of my brain is screaming about THAT ending and the other half is playing ra ra rasputin on a loop
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joeythefrog · 3 months
newsies as things said during rehersal
Spot: who are you- GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! Race: nuh uh, I'm serving Davey: Race that's not your line-
Race: *cunty walk, getting on the floor, giggling and kicking his legs* maybe if we remember it like that then he's still alive. In memory if nothing else
Race: you know when you kill an innocent russian child and you're so distraught that you have to hit a ra-ra-rusputine
Crutchie: *playing careless whisper during the kiss scene*
Davey: shakespear didn't die for this Jack: yes he did, I killed him
Race: petition to use a spray bottle instead of a fake gun so that whenever people piss me off I can give them a light misting Race: *violent shaking and sobbing* wait I forgot my line
Spot: Physch horror but it's me yelling 'no more spray bottle' until you combust
Davey: *giving Race a pep talk after Spot rejects him for the fiftieth time*
Jack: Sometimes cowboys get sad Albert: Sometimes cowboys forget their fucking lines and stare at me for five minutes straight as if I'm supposed to say something Jack: Sometimes cowboys get sad
Everyone storing cough drops in the props: drugs, everywhere
Les: mommy milkers but it's just the box of milk the school offers on friday that my mom gave me money for Davey: what in the fresh fuck
Davey: Race no deepthroating the props -no, no do not seduce the props. Stop it, the table didn't consent
Albert: I run on an hour of sleep and a dream. The dream is Race shutting the fuck up
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 4 months
(my new years resolution was to be more brave, and here are some things that have paid off this month:
-candlelight sleepy girl yoga (so relaxing and lovely and it feels so good to move my body and stretttch. if they did this class every night i would probably go to it)
-got my eyebrows done (i know this is silly but ive always been weird about folks putting chemicals and products too close to my eyeballs but got SO TIRED up maintaining brows and also doing them every morning, so here they are!!! And im going to bed and theyre still there and i am *so natural* so glamorous)
-i said yes to a teaching opportunity, so will officially actually be a Professor Grey too, and Im actually very excited (i never thought i would ever teach art, i always thought if i taught something it would be something serious and idk practical, but, thats not what worked out, and instead i get to spend my time once a week playing with paint and youths and clay and—)
anyway, will add to this as i hopefully continue to be brave 2k24)
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leonardoeatscarrots · 6 months
New Rasputin Assasination Theory ✨️ (courtesy of my brother)
We figured out how Rasputin survived the poisoning!!
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kalcium-yippee · 5 months
Bsd characters as quotes from some of my group chats lol
“The wives are fighting! YAY TWO CHRISTMASES” - akutugawa
“Pookie wookie  hopkins microwave oven” - Ranpo
"Let me see your feet" -Mori
"Im a silly cat girl" - Atsushi
"It gives me immense pleasure when they are starving" - Dazai
"Should i invest in lip glass" -Yosano
"my life is crashing down before my eyes" - Akutugawa
"I have to FEED my workers??" - Mori
"Yes eat my cousins" -Yumeno
"Let me enslave another grandma" -Francis
"I am going to cross examine a parrot." - Poe
"My egg is now super oily" - Ranpo
"I just had a strange urge to eat a sock" - Atsushi
"But I want him in that wedding dress" - Dazai (abt chuuya obvi)
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wheelybard · 7 months
The Master: I really like that Rasputin song.
The Master: Hang on... I got an idea.
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dawn-the-bunblebee · 2 months
So, I have a feeling that the Ancestry Guide might be remastered as part of Player Core 2 (or separately) but the Android race won't be included, and instead get it's "remaster" with the Starfinder 2e CRB since Starfinder and Pathfinder are becoming one and the same soon, still insane to me though that Androids where a playable race in Pathfinder
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Sidenote, Pathfinder is a wild setting on top of being a wild TTRPG system given that earth and also highly advanced spaceships with artificial intelligence both exist and that THESE are adventure paths
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andalus88 · 11 months
This whole sequence was ridiculous and unnecessary
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