#prince shoto todoroki x court lady reader
emjiroki · 11 months
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Prince Shoto Todoroki x Court Lady Reader
Warnings: extreme fluff, arranged marriage, mentions of scars, Shoto is hopeless romantic and we love him ♡
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The late morning Autumn sun baked the windowsill stones as a soft breeze fluttered through the room, gently moving the silvery white fabric that trailed against the floor as you tighten the corset ribbons. The dress was a beautiful gift, handcrafted with delicate lace flowers and silky material, a true gift befitting a princess. You tightened the ribbons to the corset as Princess Fuyumi took a breath, a soft gasp eeking past her lips at the tight squeeze. You could feel her heartbeat hammering through the tight material as you continued to situate and fix, thrumming like the wings of a hummingbird. You gave her a cup of water that was on a nearby tray, a soft smile gracing you as she took the silver from your hands.
“Are you okay my lady? Feeling ill?” You asked with concern as her cheeks flushed.
“No. No, I’m fine,” She breathed, setting the cup aside, “just a bit nervous”. Her hands smoothed the material at her waist, her body fidgeting back and forth in the long mirror as she looked at her reflection. She was stunning in this dress, the deep blue of house Iida fitting her so well it really did feel like she was made for this.
“Nothing to be nervous about,” You said, finishing the backing with an easy knot bow due to this just being the fitting. But nerves were expected when planning to meet her future husband in a week. The dress box and a necklace with the family crest had arrived that morning at the castle gates by private messenger. Queen Rei immediately instructed you to have it fitted on Fuyumi to be tailored if needed and have it ready for the engagement ball.
“But what if he… doesn't want me?” She asked in a quiet voice, looking down at the floor, “What if we’re nothing alike and have no common interests? What if we aren’t meant to be and I end up like my parents?”. The conflicts between the King and Queen were far from private, their fights and cold behavior toward each other spilling over into the bare minimum family life they participated in. You had been taken in when you were only sixteen years old, an orphan made into an aid for the princess, and had quickly realized the strained dynamic that resided within the castle walls.
“But what if you are? And that night is the first night of the rest of your life?” You say, delicately taking her hand in yours as she looked over at you with her stone gray eyes filled with apprehension, “I’m certain everything will be alright”. She squeezed your hand for a moment so hard you thought your fingers would break but you let her, knowing she needed the grounding now more than ever.
“Tell me his name again,” She said, the hand not holding yours going down to pet along the patterned lace.
“Tensei Iida,” You said, having overheard the Queen discussing with her two private court ladies as they made wedding preparations.
“Tensei,” She said with a deep breath, the name rolling naturally off her tongue, “I like that”. You nodded as you fixed a strand of her hair that had fallen out of place, nearly jumping at the quick knock against the door. You bowed and stepped to the side as the Queen entered, gushing over how beautiful her daughter looked.
“Look at you! The prize of the country,” Rei said with an elated tone, hands flitting around her daughter looking for any marks or imperfections to the gown or her composure, “I can not believe that my lovely Fuyumi is going to be getting engaged to be married. The perfect Winter wedding, as is tradition”. The Todoroki’s were always married in the cold, their traditional wedding robes made of thick furs and deep crimson wool. But this time would be different as Fuyumi would only be in the crimson robes for the first half, changing the cloak over in the middle of the ceremony as a transition into the next family.
“Imagine if you are soulmates. A Royal pairing destined from birth, how romantic” Rei said with a dreamy sigh, giving her daughter a squeeze quickly before turning to you. “Does the gown need tailoring?”.
You shook your head. “No your highness, it fits perfectly. Expertly made,”.
“Excellent! Exactly what I wanted to hear,” She beamed, turning for the door once again, “We have many things to discuss Fuyumi, Meet me in the north wing parlor room as soon as you get your dress put away”. The wooden door shut heavily behind her, Fuyumi breathed a sigh of relief as her mother disappeared.
“Get this off of me, I would rather not look at it anymore,” She said curtly, undoing the bow behind her back as you moved quickly to loosen the corset. Once the garment was neatly folded away in a dressing trunk, the princess reluctantly left the room with a quiet “see you for supper” before the door shut behind her too. Fuyumi had always been reserved around her parents, going along with whatever they wanted for her just so she didn’t have to hear them fighting or be on the receiving end of their backlash. After Touya’s death and the second youngest son, Natsuo, leaving for a monastery almost immediately after the funeral before he could be crowned, the pressure had been put on her shoulders. And Shoto’s. Your cheeks burned thinking about the prince as you exited the dressing room and made your way across the hall, stopping by your small room on the way to grab the book you were reading so you could head to the gardens for a bit.
It really was a beautiful day, bugs and birds chirping as you made your way through the bloomed rose hedges and the soft dry grass beneath your feet. You always liked to escape to the back area where a few cherry trees blossomed, still smelling sweet in the fall coolness even with the flowers gone and the leaves turned a vibrant fire orange after the fruit was picked and made down into jams and wine, the spot was peaceful and a safe haven. You had just turned to the page with the folded corner when you heard the slightest shuffle of a footstep behind you.
“Your Father training you on your stealth skills?” You asked with a smile when you heard the prince sigh in annoyance behind you.
“He’s not doing a very good job apparently,” Shoto said, flopping down onto the grass on his back and laying his head on your lap where your legs were crossed under your long cotton dress.
“Maybe you are just not a good student,” You said, giggling as he reached up to push your face playfully.
“Such kind words for the man that wants your hand in marriage,” Shoto huffed, prying one of your hands off the book, lacing your fingers together, and pressing soft kisses to your knuckles. You could feel your lips turning down, brow furrowing out of his view for a moment. You always disliked when he brought up marriage.
“I know you’re grimacing behind your book,” He said pointedly, freehand coming up and pushing the book down so he could make eye contact with you.
“You know I don’t like when you talk like that,” You chided, bopping him very lightly with the hardbound spine.
“Like what? Like someone who loves you more than I have air to breathe?” Shoto mused, pressing one more lingering kiss to the back of your hand before placing it on his head, closing his eyes against the feeling of your fingers running through his red and white hair, nails lightly scratching at the scalp as you felt him relax further against you. The sunlight filtering through the leaves on the trees cast shadows of swaying branches and spots of light against Shoto’s soft face, like bright heaven kisses against his cheeks, his eyelids, and even the scar surrounding his turquoise eye, making him all the more ethereal. He always seemed to take your breath away, your hand faltering for a split second when he cast his bright heterochromatic eyes to yours, the blue and gray shining with so much warmth and adoration that your eyes began to sting with tears.
“I’ve never felt love like I do for you,” Shoto said quietly, a soft breath of vulnerability and admittance for you alone. Before you could even think about replying, the loud voice of one of the King’s attendants rang out across the garden and scattered the birds.
“YOUR MAJESTY! YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUESTED BACK IN THE TRAINING ROOM”. They always knew where to find him, but at least were none the wiser of your beings here. Shoto groaned, calling back a quick “I’m coming!” before sitting up and grasping your jaw in his hand.
“Meet me here tonight, After dinner. I want to see you again,” He said, bending in quickly to press a hard kiss on your forehead as you nodded, fighting the smile from your face. And in a flash, he was gone, wanting to be quick so as not to bring them searching. If anyone caught you two together it could mean the worst of endings. Exiled to the forest to die by the teeth of some beast or, worst, beheaded in a public display. Used as an example of what happens when inferior blood attempts to mix with the royal family. Being allowed a room in the castle alone was more than anything anyone like you could hope to receive from a family of such high standing, according to several quotes over the years from both the King and Queen. Fuyumi had always said to let their comments roll off your back, like water on a duck's feathers, never take heed to their words, and just smile and nod. Even if it felt like acid was boiling behind your teeth as you bit your tongue to keep your composure. An uneasy feeling squirmed like eels fighting the lingering butterflies in your stomach as you thought back to Shoto’s words.
‘The man that wants your hand in marriage'. He had said it with so much conviction, so assuredly that hope had bloomed in your chest for a moment. But it was always a means to an end, and with your luck, not a good one. The close relationship Shoto and you had was forbidden in the eyes of his parents, and almost everyone else, but the prince wouldn’t relent. Starry-eyed confessions in the dark of your room of running away, far away, across the ocean and leaving this big castle and all of the problems and torments inside of it behind. Slip through the cracks like a ghost in the night and vanish before morning dawn. It wasn’t a plan, barely even the bones of one, but the way he held you and spoke so softly it felt like it could be reality. Even as tears wetted your cheeks. You took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts away, not wanting to go into this dinner in a sour mood knowing the Queen’s cheer would bring about a worse one.
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blueparadis · 2 years
Hello lovely! I'm here to join the Behind the Ballroom collab! I've been DYING for a reason to write Prince Shoto Todoroki! Put me down for Prince Shoto x Court Lady Reader (she's the right hand woman for princess Fuyumi) and Royal Engagement Ball!
So much royal au...🩰🥂❤️
The collab
Yes, will put you right away 🤝🏻
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pan-fangirl-345 · 3 years
Could I maybe request a romantic, fluffy, Prince Shoto x Reader who feels like the many ladies vying for his attention are more worthy of him, but he only has eyes for her. He takes her hand at the ball and says ""Dance with me. Dance with me and pretend that the rest of the world doesn't exist. Please?""
Prompt(s): Dance with me. Dance with me and pretend that the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Please?
A/N: Anon, I absolutely adore the way your brain thinks! Of course you can have this! If this isn’t what you were thinking please let me know!
TW: One use of the word fuck and one use of the word hell. Mineta, who comes with his own warning. And mentions of pervy old men, but nothing too bad I don’t think.
Being in court made your brain hurt most of the time.
Remembering who was marrying who (it changed too often), which counselor was aiming for which count’s daughter (they really just wanted to upgrade their standing), who has the king’s ear at any given moment (that changed too often for you to really keep track of it), who was having an affair with who (everyone knew, but everyone also pretended not to notice).
The balls thrown for every little occasion tended to be loud, filled with drunk people of power, short tempers, and men with hands that tended to wander from their wives.
You were never on the other end of those hands, thank goodness, thanks to one Prince Todoroki Shouto, the Crown Prince to his kingdom, and the favored son of the king.
He stood by your side dutifully, much to the chagrin of any potential (and unwanted) suitors, like Lord Mineta, who attempted such a thing once before Shouto had threatened to disembowel him. And to his father Enji, who most likely wanted you killed. Except that all three of you knew that if you were assassinated, it would be traced back to Enji, and he was trying to hold onto his throne for as long as possible.
“Your Highness, you really should be on the dance floor,” you reminded him, glancing at the gaggle of court ladies that were trying to grab his attention.
“(Y/F/N), how many times do I have to ask you to call me Shouto before you finally do?” he asked, turning to you with a small smile.
You sighed, smoothing your hands down the front of your dress again.
“Shouto, there are more than a few girls over there that are on your father’s approval list,” you told him.
“I don’t want any of them though,” he said. “I told you, I want you.”
“Shouto, I’m the daughter of a baron,” you replied for the umpteenth time in a week. “For us to court would be a scandal, even in private, but in public? With serious intent?” You shook your head, turning away from him slightly. “It would be an uproar. Your father might actually murder me.”
“You know how I feel about my father’s rules,” Shouto argued. ”But if you don’t want me-”
“Sho, that’s not it and you know it,” you replied, turning to him. “We talked about this last week. It’s just that there are so many other women in this room that would be so much better for you and your kingdom. They have purer blood, and they’re all much more beautiful, not to mention they have valuable resources that-”
“That come from my father,” Shouto interrupted. “I don’t want to live by my father’s rules anymore. I’ve been living by them my whole life, but not anymore.”
You watched with a mix of shock, horror, and something akin to relief as Shouto moved to be in front of you, bowed deeply at the waist, hand extended in an offer.
Because Shouto was so protective of you, there were very few suitors he let dance with you at these balls, most of them being his small group of friends, who had no intentions of courting you.
But Shouto himself had never asked you to dance with him before.
“Dance with me. Dance with me and pretend that the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Please?“
Gasps erupted from the ladies and the men of the ball, even the ones that were falling over themselves from the amount of alcohol they had consumed.
Enji looked about ready to pitch himself from his throne and burn you to cinders.
Shouto’s siblings looked proud, and his friends were nodding their approval.
Thoughts whirled through your head like a hurricane, but you you couldn’t say no to him.
“Always,” you murmured, sliding your hand into his, knowing that in the end, he would protect you from any consequences, and this might be your only chance.
Shouto was slightly panicked as the seconds ticked by and she stood there with that shocked expression on her face.
(Y/F/N) had been in the castle since she was four, as her father had been having an affair with the King’s Mistress, so he had quickly gained favor in the court, despite his disgusting personality.
When Shouto called him a leech, he meant it.
But (Y/F/N) had been around his age, and she had been quick to defend him from the other children of the castle. She had comforted him as they grew up and Shouto realized that he didn’t want to rule like his father did, with fear and tyranny.
At some point, even Shouto isn’t sure when, he began to see her differently. She looked less and less like the little girl he had been seeing, and she became a woman that was a queen in everything but title.
Shouto remembers when they were six and had to take dancing lessons.
Shouto had refused to participate unless (Y/F/N) was his partner, and she had just giggled and said that he sounded like a king.
It was the first time Shouto remembered having that warm feeling in his chest when she was around, then it popped up more and more as they grew up together.
When they had reached sixteen, both of their families had started to start introducing suitors.
(Y/F/N) had gone to his room crying after meeting one of hers, and had told him that she would rather die than marry him.
Shouto had listened to her recount her meeting, and he would have hung the man up by his intestines had (Y/F/N) not been clinging to him, sobbing.
At seventeen, neither of them had been able to hide the way they felt about each other, and they had finally told each other how they felt, but she still seemed hesitant to allow Shouto to take care of her. She was more worried about the kingdom that she loved than having the man that she loved.
She seemed to think that the court leeches were somehow better than her, that they had more to offer Shouto than she did.
And while that may have true from a ruler’s point of view, from Shouto’s, there was no one better for him than her.
She was someone who would be able to rule beside him fairly, with no malice. She was beautiful in a subtle way, but her soul was one of the most beautiful that Shouto had ever encountered. She was kind, generous, and she had a sense of humor that had Shouto cackling on his worst days.
He would be happy with her, and he didn’t care if they had to wait until his father finally died, he was going to marry her.
“Dance with me. Dance with me and pretend that the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Please?“
Shouto never said please.
Not to anyone.
He was a prince, they didn’t say please, they took what they wanted.
Shouto never said please to anyone.
Anyone but her.
Relief flooded through his system when her eyes softened, and she gave him that small, overly fond smile, and slid her hand into his.
“Always,” she murmured, letting him lead her onto the dance floor.
She looked gorgeous tonight. She looked gorgeous all the time, but the dress she was wearing she had picked for herself.
The top of her dress was pale blue, almost like ice. The material that covered her chest was think, almost like a veil, and it was dotted with small, clear jewels that glinted as she moved, as she breathed.
The blue faded seamlessly into a deep red, and as she moved, it looked like fire and ice mixing into steam.
Shouto knew that she had worn it for him.
In court, when they were younger, had often been compared to fire and ice.
Shouto had seemed so cold when he was in court, so indifferent to everything, but by contrast, (Y/F/N) was so passionate about everything that people had started calling them fire and ice.
It wasn’t just the fact that the dress had meaning, it was the way it hugged her, the way it showed off her curves, the way she moved.
Had Shouto not been the one at her side, men would’ve been drooling at the sight of her.
Shouto didn’t even have to think of the steps to the dance he was leading her in as they music started.
They had been dance partners since they were six, they had been friends for even longer than that, he knew her better than he knew himself.
He knew the way she moved, the way she liked her tea in the mornings, knew the way she sounded when she woke up with nightmares, the way her face felt cradled in his hands.
He knew that she was thinking the same thing as she gripped one of his shoulders, squeezing his hand with the other.
Shouto realized as they floated across the dance floor that he had never wanted anyone other than her. She was the only woman he had ever wanted, in any capacity. 
(Unless you counted wanting them to go away. Shouto didn’t.)
Shouto couldn’t imagine anyone else being by his side when he took the throne. He couldn’t imagine getting into bed with anyone else. He couldn’t imagine not waking up to her face in the mornings.
He wanted her, just her.
Fuck his father’s rules, Shouto knew that he was making the right decision.
The way her eyes gleamed told Shouto that she was thinking the same thing he was.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, so softly that he knew that only she could hear him.
“Always,” she murmured back, her eyes locking with his as the world faded even further into the background.
“Do you love me?” he asked.
“More than anything,” she replied.
“Will you be my queen?” he inquired.
If she said no, he didn’t know what he’d do.
But . . . .
“If you want me to be,” she told him, smiling so brightly that Shouto had to resist the urge to squint at her.
Shouto knew that his plan was slightly insane, that there was the possibility that one or both of them would end up dead, but he didn’t really care at the moment.
All he cared about was the woman in his arms, the love they had for each other, and the way her soul felt.
When the song ended, Shouto spun her the way he was supposed to, but instead of letting go to give her to her next dance partner, he spun her back into himself so that their chests were pressed flush together, a hair’s breadth apart.
“Can I?” he asked her softly, staring into her eyes, watching for any sign of hesitation.
“Please,” she whispered, her arms around his neck.
He can’t remember which one of them moves first, but suddenly her lips are on his in front of the entirety of his father’s court, his father and her included, and that warm feeling almost burns as she smiles against the kiss.
His hands are careful as they snake up her back and around her waist, holding her softly, but with enough strength that she’s secure.
Faintly, Shouto can hear his friends cheering for him, his father’s outraged shouting, the sobbing of the other court ladies, and the scandalized whispers of the rest of the court, but he could care less.
She’s kissing him, she’s in his arms, they love each other, everyone else can go to hell.
He’ll deal with the consequences later.
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emjiroki · 11 months
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Where You Belong Masterlist
Prince Shoto Todoroki x Court Lady Reader
Warnings: Forbidden love, family tensions, mentions of abuse, angst, eventual smut, FLUFF LOTS AND LOTS OF FLUFF
A/N: hey everyone! I'm so happy for the positive reaction my poll got that helped me decide to post this lovely fic over here! The Ao3 link is still functioning if you prefer to read on that platform I will be updating my post soon. I hope everyone enjoys, I put a lot of soul into this piece!
Reblogs, Likes, and Comments are very much appreciated and treasured like gold ✨️
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
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emjiroki · 11 months
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Prince Shoto x Court Lady Reader
Warnings: love confessions, cuddling/kissing
“F-Fuyumi, what are y-” You stammered before one of her slender fingers pressed against your lips in an attempt to quiet you. 
“Before I ask you anything I have something to get off my chest,” She said in a hushed but almost hurried tone, “I know about you and Shoto, about his wishes to marry you. He’s told me everything, from the very beginning I’ve known. I know you two snuck away to the gardens tonight”.  Your cheeks were burning so hot it felt like your skin had stolen the heat from her candle, and your palms began to sweat. But you couldn’t muster anything to say before she continued. 
Passing through the kitchen to get to the servant stairway that leads up past their courters to the main hall. Just as you turned the corner to tiptoe past Fuyumi’s door again, it creaked open, the Princess peaking around the doorway in her nightgown with a candle illuminating her soft cheeks. Before you were able to say anything she was reaching her hand out, wrapping her fingers around your wrist and tugging you through her doorway, shutting the door behind her softly 
“And… And I know that my mother knows now,” There seemed to be something heedful in her tone as she finally looked up from her shaking hands to look deep into you with her dark eyes, “I’m deeply afraid for your safety if my mother decides it to be in her best interest to tell my Father”. This was your concern as well, the Queen was enough of a threat on her own but to get the King involved would be the worst kind of blunder. 
“I- what do I do?” You asked honestly, nearly begging as tears pooled in your eyes. She took one of your hands in hers, squeezing it as you had to her earlier that day.
“Nothing. Don’t do anything, act as if nothing has changed and then I-” She paused for a moment, contemplating her next words as her eyes searched yours, “Leave. Flee from this place as fast as you can and start a new life somewhere”. You felt the tears rolling down your cheeks at the same time you watched hers trail down and drip from her jaw. But she steadied herself, ever poised and sure of her movements as she turned to her wardrobe, shifting a panel in the wooden side that you had never seen and retrieving a leather coin bag.
“This is all the money, and small pieces of gold jewelry that I’ve saved and gathered over the last few years for-,” Again she cut herself off, wiping away tears with the sleeves of her nightgown with a faraway look before shaking her head as if she thought of something silly. “It doesn’t matter, I want you to take it". You both knew the Queen would never allow you to travel with the Princess to her new kingdom now, would come up with every reason why you couldn't, and then have you thrown out or worse after Fuyumi was gone. Neither of you had to say it. She set the bag lightly in your hands, her soft fingers gripping yours around it. 
“I am going to be selfish and ask that you wait to leave until after the Ball, I need you to be there,” She said earnestly, taking a breath to steady her nerves.
“Of course,” you nodded, slightly proud because as far as you know Fuyumi had never done a selfish thing in her life, but a rock still sat in the pit of your stomach. “I’m really not sure what I’m going to do”. ‘How am I going to tell Shoto’
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The next few days went by quickly, preparations for Fuyumi’s big night making the castle the busiest it's ever been. People bustling around with large flower arrangements, servants polishing the floors to a near mirror-like quality, cooks and bakers swarming around the kitchens and pantries. It was all very overwhelming and a good distraction from the elephant that seemed to loom in every room you had the displeasure of sharing with the Queen. Rei was polite and almost subdued at her best moments, aloof and barely even acknowledging your existence just as you hoped, but venomous at her worst. Never a steely word spoken but if looks could kill you would be decomposing in the garden. You would never catch her eyes on you but feeling her dark gaze following every move you made had your skin breaking into goosebumps. You stuck close to Fuyumi, assisting her with any and everything she needed, never letting a moment pass where you were alone anywhere until night when you could escape to your room just down the hall from hers and lock the door behind you. Lying in bed the night before the ball had your mind racing, thinking of all the preparations still not done. Being with the princess through all of the errands and fittings and various meetings with the family florist, you had been left so exhausted once dark fell that you could barely keep your eyes open. No bag packed, no plans made other than just the need to get out. Everything in you wanted to tell Shoto but you knew if you did it would only lead to him coming with you and then the entirety of the King’s army trailing to find him soon after. There would be no escaping if he came with you and it made your heart ache. It was a restless night of sleep, tossing and turning until you heard the servants shuffling about in their quarters above your head. It was still dark out, with no sign of the sun just yet as you attempted yet again to close your eyes and rest for even a few minutes. A soft knock startled you into sitting up in bed, heart pounding in your throat. 
“Who’s there?” you called softly, putting your feet on the floor. 
“It’s me, open up” Shoto’s voice was muffled as he lightly jiggled the knob. You were quickly moving to the door, allowing him in quickly before shutting and locking it again. 
“What are you doing? Your mother probably has someone watching us” You said in a harsh whisper. 
“I made sure no one followed me,” He said, stepping away from the door and pulling you with him so your voices couldn’t be heard, “I wanted to see you”. 
With everything happening and being so busy, especially with the issue at hand, you hadn’t been able to steal away and see each other for even a moment over the last few days. You wrapped your arms around him with a heavy sigh, it had only just occurred to you how drained you felt. You lay your head against his chest, his heart thumping so strongly just below your ear as your eyes shut, soaking in his warmth and just savoring the moment. It was going to hurt so bad to leave this. 
“Let’s lay down for a while, we’ve still got a couple of hours,” Shoto said with a soft kiss on your temple.
“It’s fine, it doesn’t matter,” He said with finality in his tone, toeing his boots off to stow them at the foot of your bed. You couldn’t argue with that, the people who shouldn’t know already do, and the door is locked, the King and Queen more than likely still sound asleep along with half the guard. You climbed into bed under the simple blanket and could finally feel yourself relaxing in his comforting presence. He pulled you closer until you were against his chest again, strong arms around you and holding you close as if any slack would allow you to slip away. 
“I just wanted to spend a little time with you before all the craziness today,” He said with a soft sigh as he relaxed with you finally in his arms after far too long, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “I won’t be able to see you until tonight”. Excitement jolted through you at the thought, Shoto was always so handsome in his Family’s reds. You had only seen him in them twice, both times he had headed out to meetings with his Father. 
“I’m asking you to dance with me tonight,” Shoto said and you could practically hear the smile in his voice.
“Do you really think it’s a good idea?” You asked, a soft smile adorning your face as well. He shrugged, chuckling as you squeezed him tighter.
“No, but as of now I do not care and I certainly won’t care later”. You were both so close in the bed, warmth bleeding into each other as your cheeks began to burn and your heart began to race. It didn’t matter how many times Shoto had been here before it never failed to feel like the first time. Though the relationship between you hadn’t gone farther than kisses, whispered words, and clinging arms, the lack of space between you and the situation at hand made the moment feel so much more intimate. You could feel his fingers trailing up and down your back, his heart thumping evenly in his chest, his steady breaths. 
“Kiss me,” You whispered, angling your head up to look him in the eye, to press your lips with his as he immediately moved forward with a soft groan, as if he had been waiting for you to ask. Starving for it in silence. He was always so gentle like you were made of glass and any wrong movement would shatter you, his lips soft against yours, his breathing almost hesitant as if he wasn’t sure when to stop. You pulled away for a moment, resting your forehead against his shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” you breathed quietly.
“What for?” He asked, taking a deep shaky breath. 
“For everything,” You said without hesitation. One of his hands moved to cup your cheek, thumb sweeping across the skin where an unknown tear had fallen.
“Don’t apologize,” He whispered, “There’s nothing to be sorry about, we’ll get through this,”. You nodded, allowing him to hold you close, his fingers on your spine and your hand in his hair lulling you both to rest for the time you had left.
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emjiroki · 11 months
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Not really any warnings for this one! Thank you to everyone who has been reading ♡
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“Where is my grandmother’s necklace? I’m not being presented without it,” Fuyumi was nearly frantic as the time for her entrance drew closer and closer. Her cheeks were flushed and you could only hope that she wouldn’t start to sweat.
“Right here my lady,” You confirmed, retrieving the gold and sapphire necklace from her jewelry box that one of the servants had brought downstairs earlier. From the moment you had kissed Shoto goodbye this morning and then went to awaken the princess, the day had been busy, barely even a moment to breathe, the corset of the dress Fuyumi had presented to you this afternoon not making it any easier. The silk material was finer than anything you had ever worn before, the dark blue shining like shades of midnight, a special gift for you from Fuyumi crafted by a seamstress couple in the capital city. To say you had shed a tear or two would be an understatement. You had practically been Fuyumi’s shadow that day, but everything that needed to be done was done and now the grand moment was only at most an hour away. 
You saw the relief flood her face, a shaky sigh of relief bringing her shoulders down as you moved behind her to clasp the chain. Fuyumi ran her fingers across the necklace, delicately grazing the gold and jewels with shaking hands. You wanted to bring her some comfort, words of encouragement to seal her walls from crumbling but you couldn’t find a thing to say, instead laying a hand against her shoulder. Her dark eyes looked back at you from the mirror as if she was searching for something in your reflection. 
“Do you have everything you need?”. 
You nodded stiffly as your heart sank into your stomach. This had been the last thing you wanted to discuss right now, you hadn’t wanted to be reminded of it at all, the impending heartbreak of escaping into the night like a ghoul to try and make a new life for yourself making you sick to your core. But you were staying steady, Fuyumi needed you to be strong for her now, as much as you needed to be strong for yourself as well. A sharp knock at the door stole your reply, stomach instantly sinking as the Queen entered followed by her own two court ladies. 
“Guests are still pouring in but the Prince just arrived,” Rei said with a bright smile, looking down at her daughter with a fond smile, “you look absolutely beautiful Fuyumi, this will be a perfect match”. Her dark eyes flicked down to Fuyumi’s bodice before turning to you swiftly.
“Go upstairs and get the brooch I bought for her, why isn’t it in her jewelry box already?”. She waved you away dismissively, the curl of her lip displaying her disgust. You fought any kind of reply away and just left the room, cheeks heating in irritation. You could already hear the string quartet playing softly from the Great Hall and the low murmuring chatter of guests. Could practically feel the energy vibrating through the floors. The rest of the castle was quiet, the only busy place being the kitchen, which you could gratefully avoid, and head to Fuyumi’s room. Candlelight from the wall-mounted lanterns cast rippling shadows along the hallway, the curtains pulled tight to the windows to guard against the starlight and the almost too-cool air of the broaching fall. You were thankful her bedroom door wasn’t locked so you wouldn’t have to worry about getting your dress dirty retrieving the key. The brooch was set aside almost deliberately on the vanity, the soft ivory cameo overlaying a black onyx stone and the silver backing spiraling around the edges like lace. It was truly a beautiful piece but it had been one of many gifts that the King and Queen had given Fuyumi in the last few days, just another thing to appease her she had said with a solemn sigh. You hoped so very much that she would find peace in her new life, that this prince would whisk her away and give her everything she deserved. With the items in hand, you exited the room; nearly jumping from your skin when you came face to face with the King’s guard Captain Keigo, his ochre eyes regarding you suspiciously. 
“What are you doing up here? Aren’t you supposed to be downstairs getting the princess ready?” He commented, peering over your shoulder as if looking for something. Or someone. 
“The Queen instructed me to retrieve the princess’s brooch,” You said with a furrowed brow, confusion evident in your tone and through your eyes. He relaxed a bit, though keeping his chin high, and fixed you with a hard stare. 
“I’ll escort you back, don’t need any detours”
“I’m fully capable of making it back on my own, thank you,” You said respectfully but firmly, you were getting more nervous by the minute. 
“I’ve been instructed not to let you out of my sight,” He said cooly, reaching to take your wrist in his hand. 
“If you want to keep that hand attached I suggest lowering it and stepping away from her” Shoto’s tone was dark, sending a shot of adrenaline through you when you noticed him over Keigo’s shoulder standing at the top of the stairs.
“I’m doing what the King has told me to do,” Keigo said, looking away from you and allowing you time to move around him and go to where Shoto was. 
“And I’m telling you, try anything again and I’ll cut your throat open, Hear me?”. His expression was murderous, the glint in his eyes begging for blood. The blonde seemed to weigh his options, betting on how serious Shoto actually was, and eventually made the smartest decision of not testing him. He made a small sound in the back of his throat, like he was noting something of interest, and walked past both of you to descend the stairs.
“Are you alright?” Shoto asked you, his voice turning soft as he turned his gaze to you, checking carefully for any thread out of place.
“You showed up just in time actually,” You sighed, taking a shaking breath, “I really was just doing what your mother asked”. Demanded was more like it.
“I know, I’ll escort you back,” He said, not making any movements, only tracing you with his eyes as if memorizing every part of this moment, “You are an absolute vision of beauty”. Your cheeks burned as his hand caressed your cheek, drawing you closer with fingers against your jaw. 
“Kiss me”. It was the same demand you had made that morning, his voice breathy as if this request was his last line of life. You pressed your lips together before his next inhale, your knees shaking as he gasped and pulled you even closer, still careful to not mess up the dress and your makeup. You wanted more, to clutch him closer, hold him longer, and never turn this moment into memory but you knew time was running thin. Pulling away from him he sighed, an almost dejected but understanding look in his heterochromatic eyes. His right hand was strangely cool, but you held it close anyway for the short time it took you to get back to the hall. Shoto paused a few paces away from the door but you continued forward, taking one last squeeze of his fingers before going back into the room. 
You were helping Fuyumi attach the brooch to her dress when Shoto knocked on the door, deliberately taking a few extra minutes to dispel suspicion. 
“Good you’re here, how is everything out there?” Rei asked as Shoto shut the door behind him. 
He shrugged, “Guests are mingling, the prince’s arrival caused quite a buzz but everything is going as planned”. The Queen clapped her hands excitedly with a wide, pleased smile. 
“Excellent, Excellent, everything is going just as we planned” She chirped, turning Fuyumi by her elbow to get a look at the brooch, “Does everyone remember their places?”. How could anyone forget? She had been keeping everything on a precise schedule. You fanned out Fuyumi’s dress, checking once more to make sure the brooch was attached fully. You could hear the quartet begin playing the song you had heard more times than you could count over the last few days and knew the time had come. You could hear the crowd quiet till only the music could be heard floating along the floor. 
“Deep breathes your grace,” You said as you stepped up next to Fuyumi, her eyes slightly widened and her hands trembling ever so slightly. She nodded, stealing a shaky breath in through her nose and out through her mouth as the doors opened. The ballroom was filled with a large crowd, Royals and Noble men and women lining the walls and the doorways and around the main floor after they were cleared away to make room for the engagement party. The music hit a soft crescendo as Shoto made his way through the ballroom with this guard Inasa in procession, going up to the throne to stand next to his father as the guard stayed next to the edge of the wide stairs with the others. The Queen and her consorts coming out next to lead the Princess's procession as they announced her arrival.
“Now Presenting, Princess Fuyumi Todoroki” King Enji announced to the room, all heads and pairs of eyes on her as you fanned out her dress once again to glide across the floor. The room was dead quiet as the music seemed to absorb the moment, a collective breath being held as if she had the entire room enchanted. But as much as you wanted to focus on her, your eyes were immediately drawn to Shoto. He looked so resplendent, the gold threadwork displaying the coat of arms for the Todoroki family glimmered so brightly against the deep crimson of his cloak, his hair smoothed back despite the discomfort you knew he had about his scar. You had heard the whispers about how “it was such a shame about that scar, marring his handsome face” but you thought it only made him all the more beautiful, strong, and resilient. You bowed politely to the Prince, a handsome man with deep blue hair that thankfully wasn’t much older than Fuyumi if any at all, and squeezed her hand once more before stepping away to take your place on the second step where the Queen had instructed you to stay. Until you felt a soft hand brush your fingertips and pull delicately at the sleeve of your gown. Shoto let go and took your hand then, moving you up to stand beside him next to the King, in front of an entire countries worth of people. You didn’t dare look at the King or Queen, feeling their eyes glowering into the back of your head. You didn’t need to see the confusion, disdain, and shock on their faces. You stood quietly next to Shoto, his hand gripping yours as you watched Fuyumi and the Prince begin their first dance, her dress smoothing like dark midnight across the floor as he spun her with a bright smile etched across their faces. How happy they looked together even after only knowing each other for a few minutes. The sound of Fuyumi’s trilling laugh made your heart feel warm and brought a smile to your face. The audience of captivated Royals erupted in applause as their first dance drew to a close, the music picking up a different tempo and dragging others onto the floor. Shoto continued to hold your hand as he moved in front of you, bowing deeply before bringing your hand to his lips.
“May I have this dance, my lady?” He asked, his eyes full of something so warm it heated your cheeks. 
“I would be honored, your grace,” You said with a soft smile, giddy butterflies fluttering in your stomach and up your chest. You would enjoy tonight to the fullest. To hell with the King and Queen tonight, to all the titles and royal bloodlines. Now that everything you could do for Fuyumi was done, maybe it was time to have a bit of a selfish moment of your own. 
“Shoto” the King’s voice rumbled behind you, his reprimanding tone evident. You turned to see the Queen’s hand resting on the King’s arm, seemingly trying to keep him in his seat. 
“Father” Shoto replied, ice heavy in his voice. The moment was tense, so different from the frolicking atmosphere of the rest of the room. Enji’s eyes were hard as stone as he stared down his youngest son, Shoto not withering in the slightest.
“Shoto, Y/n, coming to dance?” Fuyumi’s voice called above the crowd and the music, breaking the tension like glass. Her face showcased her worry and irritation.
“Yes, they are,” Rei commented, squeezing Enji’s arm a little and turning her face to his, “Aren’t they”. Enji looked at her and seemed to read something in her gaze, settling back against the throne without another word. You didn’t miss the snake-like smile that pulled at the corners of Rei’s lips though, her dark eyes filled with venom. But you turned away, not wanting the night and the moment to be poisoned, tomorrow and the days following would come no matter how you tried to stop it. Maybe letting tonight be what it is was the smartest course of action. Shoto held your hand tightly as he guided you onto the floor, immediately sweeping you into his arms and holding you close. 
“I told you I would ask you to dance,” He said, all the joy he was feeling spilling forth from his smile and infecting you easily.
“You always seem to make good on your promises, your grace” You addressed him teasingly, rewarded with an amused snort. 
“I always will, my love” He replied, spinning you out with the tempo of the music before curling you back into him, keeping one hand against your waist and the other grasping your left hand. It was like a dream dancing and spinning about the floor with him, all other guests and problems forgotten as you moved as one, feeling as if even your heartbeats had synchronized and the very air in your lungs the same. How badly you wanted to kiss him when he pulled you in close, a matching heat in his gaze when you caught each other staring at the other's lips. The feeling of his hands holding you so tight and close sent heat flowing through your body, barely keeping from stumbling.
The quartet was finishing their fourth song when Shoto linked your arm with his and exited the dancefloor, walking with you over to the open balcony to get a breath of fresh air, the night cool and sending goosebumps up your arms despite the sleeves. The wind was blowing lightly through the trees, branches whispering like they were sharing secrets, and clouds rushing across the rising moon. 
“Runaway with me tonight,” Shoto remarked, not taking his eyes off the stars twinkling in the dark sky. You opened your mouth to speak but resigned yourself to closing it, knowing it wouldn’t change his mind no matter what you said. 
“Just for tonight,” He asserted, turning to you and resting a hand against your cheek, “I want you all to myself”.
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emjiroki · 11 months
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Prince Shoto x Court lady Reader
Warnings: Tense Family dynamics, Mentions of sickness/mutilation, lots of love
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When you first got to the castle you assumed helping the kitchen staff clean and set the table was a part of your duties so when the Queen asked what you were doing as you took the tablecloth from one of the staff to spread across the grand table, you had said you were helping. That was the first time you had ever heard the Queen laugh. She had waved you on and said not to worry, that the “staff would tend to everything”, and that Princess Fuyumi was your only concern and the reason you were allowed to stay there in the first place. Being an attendant to the princess meant taking on any task to help her, and make her life easier. So joining Fuyumi at dinner had always been set in stone, never a request, having the person she could confide in like a diary seeing the display she endured only made things easier.  
Dinner time with the Todoroki family was always somewhat of a chilly event; the King and Queen actively avoiding gazes and only speaking to their children or snapping at the standing staff around them to refill their cups. Things were much more lively when the two eldest sons were still around, from what Fuyumi had told you due to it being before you had arrived, everyone seemed to smile a little more and breathe a little easier with the boisterous banter clogging the what are now long silences. Even with the Queen chattering away about the plans for Fuyumi’s engagement ball, the tension was still palpable; ever-present like a beast temporarily satiated by sacrifice. 
“I’ve sent invitations through two kingdoms, I just know this will be the event of the season,” Rei gushed, one of her attendants beside her filling her glass. 
“Why must we have these grand parties? Isn’t the announcement of a Royal engagement enough?” Shoto asked, slowly getting tired of hearing about these plans. 
“No Shoto. Of course, it isn't enough. This is an important moment for your sister,” Rei snipped, her dark gray eyes mirroring his right,  “her moment to step out into society as the future Queen of the Iida clan, you should be happy for her”.
“Of course, I’m happy for her,” Shoto insisted looking to his sister to see he had not upset her, that their mother had already made her prickle in her skin, shifting uncomfortably in her chair. “I just don’t see the point in some grand show that isn’t even about her, but showing off”. 
“That’s enough Shoto,” King Enji said sternly, making you tense in your seat next to Fuyumi at the sound of his voice. Even two seats away from him the rumbling baritone made your bones rattle in their sockets. You ate quietly, keeping your eyes on your plate to avoid any unwarranted questions or comments in your direction. Another tactic that you’ve found works wonders within this family.
“Have you ever asked her what she wants? You’re already marrying her off with no knowledge of this man, no thoughts of how he could treat her or what his assets bring for her. I feel as if she should get some say-”
“She does!” the response was sharp, almost aggressive in its insistence and just barely keeping her composure under a thin layer of ice, “and his assets have been looked into. He’s going to be the king of a very prosperous kingdom and that will be more than enough”.
“Of course, money is always your main motivation,” Shoto said begrudgingly, his foot shooting to tap yours under the table.
“We’ve made an excellent choice for her, just like we will for you,” Enji said with finality in his tone. Shoto tensed, the smell of burning cotton permeating the air as the cloth napkin in his left-hand burst into flames. One of the attendants scrambled to extinguish it, a water jug in hand even as it burned to ashes and fell away to the floor, Shoto apologizing quietly to them even as he fixed his father with a scathing glare, an irritated sound escaping past his bitten tongue. You nudged his foot back under the table, flashing him a quick look before dropping your gaze again. You didn’t notice the Queen arch her brow, lips turned to a frown and poised as if she wanted to comment but the heavy sound of the King’s cup hitting the table had her recoiling, deciding it best not to set him off any further. The remainder of dinner was quiet, Shoto staying tight-lipped and Fuyumi only speaking up once or twice to ask her Mother to pass her one of the dishes across the table. As soon as Enji had left his chair, the prince was up too, not sparing anyone a second glance as he stormed from the dining room. You audibly heard the Queen mutter something about “Men” under her breath.
“Fuyumi, I suggest you retire for the evening,” Rei said as she put her napkin down onto her plate, “Lots of plans for tomorrow”.
“Yes Mother,” Fuyumi said quietly, barely even looking up at her before excusing herself from the table.
“Goodnight your Highness, sleep well,” You said as you rose from the table, a shiver bringing goosebumps across your skin as she regarded you coldly, like she was hoping for you to drop dead at her feet. You curtsied with a hammering heart before following quickly after the princess, wanting nothing more than to be as far from the Queen as possible.
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The moon was high as you shut your door quietly behind you, finally able to sneak out to the gardens with everyone but the night guards sleeping. The stone floors beneath your feet were cool from the balmy breeze flowing through the open windows, moonlight shining through in patchy streaks that shadowed you as you moved past the princess's room and down the stairs. You ducked just behind the curve of a doorway when you heard soft voices and footsteps, two of the guards having a discussion farther down the hall before turning out of your sight. 
You waited only a moment longer before rushing to the door leading to the gardens. The distant hooting of an owl greeted you as soft grass prickled against your feet, the soft sound of the breeze through the hedge leaves masking your footsteps as moved from the view of the door and windows. 
“I have no reason to be surprised by their lamentable attitudes, but they continue to leave me utterly speechless” Shoto muttered from where he leaned against the tree, one foot up with his arms crossed against his chest. The vest he had been wearing earlier was now discarded on the ground beside him, only the white cotton shirt hanging loose from where it had been tucked in, his clothing displaying the dishevelment of his mind better than the masked calm look on his face.
“I spoke with Fuyumi before seeing you this afternoon, while we fitted the dress for the ball, she seemed perfectly fine. Excited even” You said, walking up beside him and uncrossing his arms to take his hand. He gripped yours tighter and pulled you into his chest, circling his arms under yours around your back. 
“Do you think she’s nervous?” He asked quietly, concern lacing his tone. 
“Of course, who wouldn’t be nervous about their wedding day?” you replied, skimming the softness of his throat with your nose. He hummed a contented sigh under your touch.
“Me, because I would be marrying you and I would be the happiest man on earth”. Your cheeks heated, heart thumping rapidly as your hands tightened in his shirt.
“Why must you say such sweet things when you know they can not be true,” You whispered, breath hitching to stave away the tears. 
“Of course they can, they are true. The deepest truth a man can have” He said, holding you tighter. You pulled away slightly, wanting the space to look him in the eyes. 
“You’ve known you’d be betrothed to someone of your parent's choosing since you were a child,” You said dolefully.
“When have I ever cared what they wanted?” He implored, trying to hold you as you moved away from him. 
“It’s for your future-”
“There is no future for me without you!” Shoto burst, pulling you back around to face him, his eyes shining with unshed tears and fury, “You can’t expect me to live if I don’t have you by my side”. 
“I expect you to do what’s best for your kingdom, it’s your birthright Shoto”. It hurt so much to try and push him away, the sound of your heart breaking nearly audible in the face of his dismay. He was quiet for a moment, his hand holding yours with bated breaths. 
“Have I miss interpreted our companionship? Do you not care for me as I do you?” He said in almost a whisper, as though if he spoke too loudly the words would be true. 
“Of course I do, but I know the limitations of what our relationship can be, what someone of my standing can achieve,” You put a finger over his mouth as he opened to speak, “I will move on with your sister to her married kingdom and be with her, as she wants.  And you will go on to rule the Todoroki Kingdom like your father and his father before him”. ‘Without me’ it was said silently with only your eyes. 
“We shouldn’t condemn ourselves to such a fate with so little to hold it true,” He asserted, pulse thrumming like the wings of a bird through his lips as you move your hand away, only to be caught and held close to his chest, “as if that future is set”.
“It is. In the stars,” You said, leaning just slightly closer as if any inch from him were agony.
“As are we, carefully aligned in perfect harmony together, I know it. I feel it,” Shoto insisted, his grip on your hands never faltering as he too drew himself closer to your parted lips, “Do not cast me aside like I mean nothing, am nothing, to you. Do not freeze your heart of me and leave me without a purpose”. Your mouth was dry, unlike your eyes, in the face of his impassioned admittance. You could only pull each other in, lips a breath away from each other as hands gripped like lifelines until you both paused at the sound of footsteps.
“So this is where you go off to so late,”. The Queen’s voice was icy, chilling you down to the bone even on the warm late summer night. It was like your heart had jumped into your throat, choking off any sound you would have made as Shoto stepped forward slightly, angling his body in front of yours as if to shield you. It was silent, the moment so tense it was like a drawn bowstring, even the frogs and crickets going quiet.
“Mother I love her,” Shoto said, his jaw tight as he stared her down.
“Obviously you don’t know what love is or what it means if you are willing to do this to your family” She scoffed with a roll of her dark eyes.
“And you do?” He asked, an almost demanding tone surfacing past the anxiety causing him to shake lightly beneath your fingers still holding his arm, “Have you and father ever truly loved each other?”. 
“Do not speak to me that way Shoto. And Do not speak of matters you do not understand,” She hissed, the usually private almost stoic face she presented cracking and revealing that he had hit a nerve, “What you are doing is wrong. You know it is”.
“There is nothing wrong with loving the woman I will marry”. 
Rei looked as if her head would pop, cheeks growing flush from her gasping intake of breath. 
“Do you realize what you are saying?” She asked hands balling into fists at her side, “You are willing to condemn an entire line of flame users to disgrace. Your Father? Touya?” 
“DON’T” Shoto shouted, your hand tightening on his arm to keep him steady from moving towards her, “Do not use Touya’s name to shame me. Not when you and father were the ones to seal his fate”. Another gasp from the Queen drew your eyes to her face, stone hues glimmering with unshed tears. She cast her gaze to the grass beneath her shoes, A deep breath seemingly rattling through her lungs. 
“I’ve never forgiven myself or your father for what happened to your brother, how careless we were when he was sick, but we tried to stop him from destroying himself” Her voice was little more than a whisper and you could tell Shoto was just barely hanging on, his knees beginning to shake as he held steady. You knew he was remembering back when Touya had fallen ill due to the flame powers ravaging his body and then not long after that he too was made to drink the Elixir and had suffered permanent damage. The Elixir, made from harvesting a vile of the fire King’s blood and crushing lava rock to mix in a blessed mortar and pestle made from stone of a dragon’s cave, had only ever been granted to the Royal family whose body could withstand the change, or at least should have been able to. The after-effects of the powers on Touya’s body had never been seen before. Anytime he had tried to train the power he had been granted after going through the pain of the transformation, his skin would blister; charring and breaking open to bleed scalding blood. Touya had begged his parents to keep letting him try and get used to the fire, how him coughing up rags full of blood wasn’t an issue and he was fine. The King and Queen refused, arguing that it was far too dangerous and that he couldn’t rule the kingdom with his condition so it was better for him to step down from his crowned position. But then Touya refused, continuing to train and attempt to wield the powers before eventually falling into a coma from the internal damage and then passing away one autumn night in his sleep. Fuyumi had told this all to you last year on the anniversary of his death when you had accompanied her to the graveyard to put flowers on his tombstone, how much it had rattled the foundation of their family. 
“I know you don’t,” Shoto said with a withering sigh after the pause filled with the Queen’s crying whimpers as tears spilled down her cheeks and the sound of your blood rushing in your ears, “But can’t you see that you will lose another child, the only son you have left if you force me to leave her?”. Rei fixed her dark eyes on him as if really seeing him for the first time.
“So you’ll cast everything aside? For her?” She asked with an unreadable calmness in her tone, the waterworks halting in their tracks. You felt a cold chill roll down your spine.
“I would take my own life before I lived a day without her,” He said with certainty as solid as granite that shook you to the core. The Queen didn’t speak for a good minute, your heart thumping so loud it seemed as if it was outside of your body making noise in the open silence. 
“Fine,” Rei said so suddenly you jumped, “If you really want to do this, have it your way”. Shoto relaxed just a little, not stepping away from you. It felt wrong, as if she wasn’t agreeing. Like this was the bait in the trap. 
“Truthfully?” He asked the edge in his voice trusting and desperate to believe her.
“Wholly and truly. Do what you want,” She said looking straight at you this time, her eyes burning through yours like she was trying to set you on fire before turning back to him, “But don’t think you are exempt from consequences”. Rei was gone as quick as she came, storming out of the garden and back through the doors from the apparent slam. Shoto didn’t move for a moment and neither did you, the only sound was your shared breathing and then slowly the sounds of the night began to creep back in as if everything had been holding its breath. 
“I need to go,” You said with a shaky tone fighting tears from spilling down your cheeks, moving around him to try to rush away to your room, to try and think for a while.
“Please don’t,” He pleaded, clasping your hand in his and pulling you to a stop, “Let’s leave. Right now, please go with me”. 
“Shoto-” you started, getting cut off by him spinning you around so you were facing him and pulling you close.
“Please just go with me. Run away from here and leave it all behind like a bad dream and start over. Please” He said almost brokenly, resting his forehead against yours with his hands gripping your waist. You lifted your hands to his face, cupping his jaw and drawing his face to yours, tears running as your lips finally connected. It felt just as you had always imagined, warm and engrossing, stealing every thought from you and sending sparks through your chest. How many times had you thought about this? Picture perfect in your mind, under different circumstances of course. 
“You’re not thinking clearly Shoto, we can't leave. Not now” You said quietly as you pulled away, his hands holding you close as he chased your lips. His breath caught in his throat, his chest tightening as he fought to keep the tears at bay but he finally nodded.
“Y-you’re right, we need time. A plan" he breathed. Releasing his hold on you allowed you to step away, taking a shaky breath of your own. You wanted him to think, to not let his heart run away with his mind. 
"I need to go now before she sends any guards," you said as he simply nodded. It would be a while before he retired to bed himself, you could tell just by the way he was so quiet. He took your hand in his quickly, flipping it palm up to press his lips there and leave the sensation behind.
“To carry my love with you,” He said in such a defeated tone that he sounded tired, weary, but he let you go. You turned and made your way to the castle without another word, leaving him to the moonlight and the crickets.
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emjiroki · 4 months
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Chapter Four
Prince Shoto Todoroki x Court Lady Reader
“Where is my grandmother’s necklace? I’m not being presented without it,” Fuyumi was nearly frantic as the time for her entrance drew closer and closer. Her cheeks were flushed and you could only hope that she wouldn’t start to sweat.
“Right here my lady,” You confirmed, retrieving the gold and sapphire necklace from her jewelry box that one of the servants had brought downstairs earlier. From the moment you had kissed Shoto goodbye this morning and then went to awaken the princess, the day had been busy, barely even a moment to breathe, the corset of the dress Fuyumi had presented to you this afternoon not making it any easier. The silk material was finer than anything you had ever worn before, the dark blue shining like shades of midnight, a special gift for you from Fuyumi crafted by a seamstress couple in the capital city. To say you had shed a tear or two would be an understatement. You had practically been Fuyumi’s shadow that day, but everything that needed to be done was done and now the grand moment was only at most an hour away. 
You saw the relief flood her face, a shaky sigh of relief bringing her shoulders down as you moved behind her to clasp the chain. Fuyumi ran her fingers across the necklace, delicately grazing the gold and jewels with shaking hands. You wanted to bring her some comfort, words of encouragement to seal her walls from crumbling but you couldn’t find a thing to say, instead laying a hand against her shoulder. Her dark eyes looked back at you from the mirror as if she were searching for something in your reflection. 
“Do you have everything you need?”. 
You nodded stiffly as your heart sank into your stomach. This had been the last thing you wanted to discuss right now, you hadn’t wanted to be reminded of it at all, the impending heartbreak of escaping into the night like a ghoul to try and make a new life for yourself making you sick to your core. But you were staying steady, Fuyumi needed you to be strong for her now, as much as you needed to be strong for yourself as well. A sharp knock at the door stole your reply, stomach instantly sinking as the Queen entered followed by her own two court ladies. 
“Guests are still pouring in but the Prince just arrived,” Rei said with a bright smile, looking down at her daughter with a fond smile, “you look absolutely beautiful Fuyumi, this will be a perfect match”. Her dark eyes flicked down to Fuyumi’s bodice before turning to you swiftly.
“Go upstairs and get the brooch I bought for her, why isn’t it in her jewelry box already?”. She waved you away dismissively, the curl of her lip displaying her disgust. You fought any kind of reply away and just left the room, cheeks heating in irritation. You could already hear the string quartet playing softly from the Great Hall and the low murmuring chatter of guests. Could practically feel the energy vibrating through the floors. The rest of the castle was quiet, the only busy place being the kitchen, which you could gratefully avoid, and head to Fuyumi’s room. Candlelight from the wall-mounted lanterns cast rippling shadows along the hallway, the curtains pulled tight to the windows to guard against the starlight and the almost too-cool air of the broaching fall. You were thankful her bedroom door wasn’t locked so you wouldn’t have to worry about getting your dress dirty retrieving the key. The brooch was set aside almost deliberately on the vanity, the soft ivory cameo overlaying a black onyx stone and the silver backing spiraling around the edges like lace. It was truly a beautiful piece but it had been one of many gifts that the King and Queen had given Fuyumi in the last few days, just another thing to appease her she had said with a solemn sigh. You hoped so very much that she would find peace in her new life, that this prince would whisk her away and give her everything she deserved. With the items in hand, you exited the room; nearly jumping from your skin when you came face to face with the King’s guard Captain Keigo, his ochre eyes regarding you suspiciously. 
“What are you doing up here? Aren’t you supposed to be downstairs getting the princess ready?” He commented, peering over your shoulder as if looking for something. Or someone. 
“The Queen instructed me to retrieve the princess’s brooch,” You said with a furrowed brow, confusion evident in your tone and through your eyes. He relaxed a bit, though keeping his chin high, and fixed you with a hard stare. 
“I’ll escort you back, don’t need any detours”
“I’m fully capable of making it back on my own, thank you,” You said respectfully but firmly, you were getting more nervous by the minute. 
“I’ve been instructed not to let you out of my sight,” He said cooly, reaching to take your wrist in his hand. 
“If you want to keep that hand attached I suggest lowering it and stepping away from her” Shoto’s tone was dark, sending a shot of adrenaline through you when you noticed him over Keigo’s shoulder standing at the top of the stairs.
“I’m doing what the King has told me to do,” Keigo said, looking away from you and allowing you time to move around him and go to where Shoto was. 
“And I’m telling you, try anything again and I’ll cut your throat open, Hear me?”. His expression was murderous, the glint in his eyes begging for blood. The blonde seemed to weigh his options, betting on how serious Shoto actually was, and eventually made the smartest decision of not testing him. He made a small sound in the back of his throat, like he was noting something of interest, and walked past both of you to descend the stairs.
“Are you alright?” Shoto asked you, his voice turning soft as he turned his gaze to you, checking carefully for any thread out of place.
“You showed up just in time actually,” You sighed, taking a shaking breath, “I really was just doing what your mother asked”. Demanded was more like it.
“I know, I’ll escort you back,” He said, not making any movements, only tracing you with his eyes as if memorizing every part of this moment, “You are an absolute vision of beauty”. Your cheeks burned as his hand caressed your cheek, drawing you closer with fingers against your jaw. 
“Kiss me”. It was the same demand you had made that morning, his voice breathy as if this request was his last line of life. You pressed your lips together before his next inhale, your knees shaking as he gasped and pulled you even closer, still careful to not mess up the dress and your makeup. You wanted more, to clutch him closer, hold him longer, and never turn this moment into memory but you knew time was running thin. Pulling away from him he sighed, an almost dejected but understanding look in his heterochromatic eyes. His right hand was strangely cool, but you held it close anyway for the short time it took you to get back to the hall. Shoto paused a few paces away from the door but you continued forward, taking one last squeeze of his fingers before going back into the room. 
You were helping Fuyumi attach the brooch to her dress when Shoto knocked on the door, deliberately taking a few extra minutes to dispel suspicion. 
“Good you’re here, how is everything out there?” Rei asked as Shoto shut the door behind him. 
He shrugged, “Guests are mingling, the prince’s arrival caused quite a buzz but everything is going as planned”. The Queen clapped her hands excitedly with a wide, pleased smile. 
“Excellent, Excellent, everything is going just as we planned” She chirped, turning Fuyumi by her elbow to get a look at the brooch, “Does everyone remember their places?”. How could anyone forget? She had been keeping everything on a precise schedule. You fanned out Fuyumi’s dress, checking once more to make sure the brooch was attached fully. You could hear the quartet begin playing the song you had heard more times than you could count over the last few days and knew the time had come. You could hear the crowd quiet till only the music could be heard floating along the floor. 
“Deep breathes your grace,” You said as you stepped up next to Fuyumi, her eyes slightly widened and her hands trembling ever so slightly. She nodded, stealing a shaky breath in through her nose and out through her mouth as the doors opened. The ballroom was filled with a large crowd, Royals and Noble men and women lining the walls and the doorways and around the main floor after they were cleared away to make room for the engagement party. The music hit a soft crescendo as Shoto made his way through the ballroom with this guard Inasa in procession, going up to the throne to stand next to his father as the guard stayed next to the edge of the wide stairs with the others. The Queen and her consorts came out next to lead the Princess's procession as they announced her arrival.
“Now Presenting, Princess Fuyumi Todoroki” King Enji announced to the room, all heads and pairs of eyes on her as you fanned out her dress once again to glide across the floor. The room was dead quiet as the music seemed to absorb the moment, a collective breath being held as if she had the entire room enchanted. But as much as you wanted to focus on her, your eyes were immediately drawn to Shoto. He looked so resplendent, the gold threadwork displaying the coat of arms for the Todoroki family glimmered so brightly against the deep crimson of his cloak, his hair smoothed back despite the discomfort you knew he had about his scar. You had heard the whispers about how “it was such a shame about that scar, marring his handsome face” but you thought it only made him all the more beautiful, strong, and resilient. You bowed politely to the Prince, a handsome man with deep blue hair who thankfully wasn’t much older than Fuyumi if any at all, and squeezed her hand once more before stepping away to take your place on the second step where the Queen had instructed you to stay. Until you felt a soft hand brush your fingertips and pull delicately at the sleeve of your gown. Shoto let go and took your hand then, moving you up to stand beside him next to the King, in front of an entire country's worth of people. You didn’t dare look at the King or Queen, feeling their eyes glowering into the back of your head. You didn’t need to see the confusion, disdain, and shock on their faces. You stood quietly next to Shoto, his hand gripping yours as you watched Fuyumi and the Prince begin their first dance, her dress smoothing like dark midnight across the floor as he spun her with a bright smile etched across their faces. How happy they looked together even after only knowing each other for a few minutes. The sound of Fuyumi’s trilling laugh made your heart feel warm and brought a smile to your face. The audience of captivated Royals erupted in applause as their first dance drew to a close, the music picking up a different tempo and dragging others onto the floor. Shoto continued to hold your hand as he moved in front of you, bowing deeply before bringing your hand to his lips.
“May I have this dance, my lady?” He asked, his eyes full of something so warm it heated your cheeks. 
“I would be honored, your grace,” You said with a soft smile, giddy butterflies fluttering in your stomach and up your chest. You would enjoy tonight to the fullest. To hell with the King and Queen tonight, to all the titles and royal bloodlines. Now that everything you could do for Fuyumi was done, maybe it was time to have a bit of a selfish moment of your own. 
“Shoto” the King’s voice rumbled behind you, his reprimanding tone evident. You turned to see the Queen’s hand resting on the King’s arm, seemingly trying to keep him in his seat. 
“Father” Shoto replied, ice heavy in his voice. The moment was tense, so different from the frolicking atmosphere of the rest of the room. Enji’s eyes were hard as stone as stared down his youngest son, Shoto not withering in the slightest.
“Shoto, Y/n, coming to dance?” Fuyumi’s voice called above the crowd and the music, breaking the tension like glass. Her face showcased her worry and irritation.
“Yes, they are,” Rei commented, squeezing Enji’s arm a little and turning her face to his, “Aren’t they?”. Enji looked at her and seemed to read something in her gaze, settling back against the throne without another word. You didn’t miss the snake-like smile that pulled at the corners of Rei’s lips though, her dark eyes filled with venom. But you turned away, not wanting the night and the moment to be poisoned, tomorrow and the days following would come no matter how you tried to stop it. Maybe letting tonight be what it is was the smartest course of action. Shoto held your hand tightly as he guided you onto the floor, immediately sweeping you into his arms and holding you close. 
“I told you I would ask you to dance,” He said, all the joy he was feeling spilling forth from his smile and infecting you easily.
“You always seem to make good on your promises, your grace” You addressed him teasingly, rewarded with an amused snort. 
“I always will, my love” He replied, spinning you out with the tempo of the music before curling you back into him, keeping one hand against your waist and the other grasping your left hand. It was like a dream dancing and spinning about the floor with him, all other guests and problems forgotten as you moved as one, feeling as if even your heartbeats had synchronized and the very air in your lungs the same. How badly you wanted to kiss him when he pulled you in close, a matching heat in his gaze when you caught each other staring at the other's lips. The feeling of his hands holding you so tight and close sent heat flowing through your body, barely keeping from stumbling. The quartet was finishing their fourth song when Shoto linked your arm with his and exited the dancefloor, walking with you over to the open balcony to get a breath of fresh air, the night cool and sending goosebumps up your arms despite the sleeves. The wind was blowing lightly through the trees, branches whispering like they were sharing secrets, and clouds rushing across the rising moon. 
“Runaway with me tonight,” Shoto remarked, not taking his eyes off the stars twinkling in the dark sky. You opened your mouth to speak but resigned yourself to closing it, knowing it wouldn’t change his mind no matter what you said. 
“Just for tonight,” He asserted, turning to you and resting a hand against your cheek, “I want you all to myself tonight”. 
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emjiroki · 11 months
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emjiroki · 11 months
Where You Belong chapter 5 will be out once u get my Pool Boy Yuuta slimeball collab piece finished!
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emjiroki · 11 months
Chapter 4 of Where You Belong will be out tomorrow ♡
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emjiroki · 11 months
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Sacred: Vampire Cult Leader Geto Suguru x Sacrifice Reader Tw DC
Where You Belong: Prince Shoto Todoroki x Court Lady Reader [masterlist]
Scoria: Knight Enji Todoroki x Queen Reader
Mine: best friends to lovers Draken x Reader
Where the sunshine goes: manila Manjiro Sano x Reader (angst and hurt)
Can't it be enough?: Touya Todoroki x Therapist! Reader
Endless: Barbarian Katsuki Bakugo x Princess Reader
Last Goodbye: ghost Nanami Kento x reader (massive trigger warnings lots of grief)
Feel free to send any questions you have about these stories into my inbox! I'm always glad to be speak on my projects!
Requests are open though it might take me a bit to get to them! Be patient!
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emjiroki · 1 year
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A/N: New Wip list for 2023!! I'll be replacing the WIP link in my pinned to this one! ALSO Adding "Most Anticipated" special category!
Thank you Everyone for voting and letting me know your thoughts!
Pink= Working Title  Red= Warnings
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With his name on it: Ken Ryuguji x Reader (Jealousy and Best Friends-Lovers Trope)
Freefall: Touya Todoroki x Therapist! Reader (LONG FIC, Unrequited Love/Forbidden Love, ANGST) 
What the Devil offers: Sub! Aki Hayakawa x Sub! AngelDevil x Dom! Reader (Bondage, Blindfold, Dom/Sub dynamics, and many more tags)
Scoria: Knight Enji Todoroki x Queen Reader (Forbidden Love, Hurt and Comfort, Jealousy)
Where You Belong: Prince Shoto x Court Lady Reader (Forbidden Love, some Angst, reunited family, happy ending)
Dying Sun: Touya Todoroki x Reader Zombie Apocalypse Au (gore, cannibalism (zombies) just end of the world badness)
✨️Most Anticipated WIP of 2023✨️
Endless: Barbarian Bakugo x Princess Reader (Enemies to Lovers, Forbidden love, Fantasy AU) 
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emjiroki · 10 months
So I'm thinking about my WIPs and if I should continue all of them (it's alot)
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