#possessive lucifer
nunalastor · 2 months
I present unto thee this persistent thought:
Angels, as a rule, are possessive creatures. It is the nature of the divine to covet, to claim, to keep, to care for.
Angels, when they love, love with everything they are. Sometimes, they can even be possessive for each other. Especially when they're in a flock.
Flocks are very tight-knit angel families, and you don't try to break up a flock. You just don't.
Why does this matter to the Hazbin cast?
Lucifer and Vaggie are angels. Charlie is a half-angel.
Lucifer's protective-and-possessive streak is well-documented by this point, but Vaggie's is only semi-acknowledged and Charlie's goes almost completely unnoticed.
So while Lucifer is competing tooth-and-nail against Vox for Alastor's hand, Charlie begins thinking of Alastor as her step-dad already. Though she'll never admit it, Vaggie starts seeing Alastor as her step-dad-in-law.
It takes Adam (fallen and bitter about it as he is) almost two months to realize that Alastor has become part of a makeshift flock.
It takes him another week to convince Susan of just how utterly fucked Vox (and the surrounding area, probably) would be if he ever did manage to take Alastor away from those three.
Vox, of course, doesn't listen to reason and has no intention of backing off until he wins.
Lucifer is starting to get sick of Vox's antics.
Charlie really doesn't want to see her step-dad get stolen by some TV freak.
Vaggie doesn't want Charlie's step-dad being taken away, either.
(Nevermind that Lucifer and Alastor aren't actually married.)
Alastor, and the rest of the Hotel residents for that matter, don't even know what a flock is, let alone that they are the single safest group of individuals in Hell simply for being part of one.
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Seeing Vox trying to woo Alastor, Lucifer's only reaction is a chuckle, knowing that Vox has no chance of winning Alastor over.
Then, Vox grabs and pulls Alastor's arm.
Next thing Vox knows is that he's against the wall on the ground. His screen is cracked. Lucifer, the King of Hell in the flesh, is glaring down at him with disgust and hatred in his full form. Vox can only lie there in shock and terror as Lucifer threatens Vox and orders him to not touch Alastor again.
After he finished his threat, Lucifer nonchalantly brushes the broken glass off his suit and walks away. Alastor sends Vox a smug look before he follows after the fallen angel.
After Vox just lies there for 30 seconds, he says to himself, "God f*cking damnit, now I think the BOTH of them are hot."
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lilacwriter07 · 1 month
The Devil's Morning Star part 2
"Adam please stop your tantrum !" Sera begged as Adam started to wail, throwing himself on the ground . His face red as tears streamed down his face .
"So this is father's little pet ." Metatron spoke looked disgusted as the human started to throw rocks at them, not even hitting them close ."Keep your opinion to yourself ."Uriel shushed him with a glare making the other scoff .
"Lucifer ! I want Lucifer !" Michael sighs deeply ."Adam, Lucifer can't just come .."
"Adam ?" A soft voice spoke making Michael glare at the smaller seraphrim ."Lucifer !" Adam cries holding his arms up, as if he was smaller then the other . Lucifer ignores the rest quickly walking over to him, checking if he was wounded ."Why are you crying ?"
"I wanna fly ! I wanna fly like last time ! They said no !" Lucifer petting Adam's back before he send a glare to his brothers and sister ."Oh ? Don't worry Adam I can take you flying, why didn't you call for me ?"
"Lucifer stop spoiling him ." Metatron suddenly stood next to him, Lucifer noticed Adam shaking as he looks at the other ."If you don't back off I rip your wings off Metatron ."
Michael puts himself quickly between the two of them ."Stop it the both of you ." He looks back at Lucifer, but only to find him and Adam gone .
"In the sky ." Sera pointed out looking tired as the rest of her siblings .
Lucifer doesn't care what they think, all he sees is Adam's smile as they fly together .
(later Metatron found unpleasent things in his nest)
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Ok, this is a bit of a strange ask but I was thinking about female Adam x yandere Lucifer
I don’t know I’m just craving something juicy
Sure thing!!
Possessive Lucifer and Smut under the cut
Adaline found herself pressed against the wall in the hallway of the hotel leading to hers and Lucifer's room. "Luci?"
"I don't like the way he was looking at you." Lucifer growled, they had just got back from a night out and every man at the bar was eyeing her.
Lucifer ended up ripping some of their eyes out.
Adaline smiled. "But you took care of him."
"I did. Now I'll take care of you." Lucifer picked her up in one fell swoop, hooking her knees over his shoulders making sure her back was still to the wall.
Adaline watched as Lucifer went up her skirt, tore her panties and started to devour her. "Oh fuck! Luci.~" She could do nothing but accept the pleasure that devilish tongue gave her, making her moan and cry out with need. "Oh please!~"
Lucifer was going to make sure no one would mistake her for a single woman ever again. He finally pulled back smirking. "You always taste so good my dear." He used one hand to undo his pants and push them down. He lowered Adaline until he was lined up with her opening and buried himself inside her deeply.
They were pretty sure her moans could be heard down in the lobby but they didn't give a fuck. "Tell me beautiful, who owns you?"
"You do! Luci you do!"
"That's right and no one will take you away from me ever again." He finished inside of her but he wasn't done. Lucifer carried Adaline to their bedroom.
Where he kept her moaning his name all night.
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alastorsteatimeritual · 2 months
First post, Fic time!
Self-indulgent eventual Radioapple fic incoming! I'll be posting my updates here too. Uploads every Sunday!
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devilevlls · 1 month
I love imagining MC being jealous every time Solomon tries to make a pact with Lucifer.
Like: "Excuse me, that's exclusive. He is mine".
I can picture Lucifer's smug smile as he notices how his human gets all touchy and gives the sorcerer threatening glares every time he tries to interact with the avatar of Pride.
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princesscait26 · 20 days
Jazz Music
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(This is my very first EVER story. It was written on my phone. I took inspiration from a few stories.)
(I would love feedback. However, if you don’t like it, please just move on.)
Summary: The newest member of Hazbin Hotel has caught the attention of the Radio Demon. How will this turn out?
Alastor x Doe! Reader
As Alastor leisurely strolled through the corridors of Hazbin Hotel, his ears perked at the familiar strains of jazz seeping from room 430. The melodic notes beckoned him, coaxing a ghost of a smile to his lips as he approached the source.
Intrigued by the vintage tunes reminiscent of a bygone era, a simpler time, Alastor paused in front of the door, his curiosity piqued. With a gentle push, the door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit room bathed in the soft glow of evening light.
Inside, a petite figure moved with grace, her silhouette illuminated by the warm hues of hells “sunset” filtering through the window. Alastor's crimson eyes widened slightly as he took in the scene before him—a woman, unpacking her belongings while white fluffy tail swaying to the rhythm of the music.
Caught in a moment of vulnerability, Alastor's smile faltered, replaced by a flicker of something he couldn't quite place. He watched in silence as the woman danced around the room, her movements fluid and unhurried.
Suddenly aware of his intrusion, Alastor quickly withdrew, retreating into the safety of the hallway. His heart pounded in his chest, a strange heat creeping up his cheeks as he grappled with the unfamiliar sensation stirring within him.
Descending to the lobby, Alastor attempted to regain his composure, though his thoughts remained fixated on the enigmatic woman he had just encountered. As he approached the bar where Husk and Angel Dust lounged, he couldn't shake the lingering image from his mind.
Before he could gather his thoughts, Charlie burst into the lobby, her vibrant energy filling the space. With her was Vaggie, trailing behind as always, and a newcomer whom Alastor had only gotten a glimpse of.
With a flourish, Charlie introduced the newcomer to the gathered residents as Y/N, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. Alastor observed from a distance, his gaze drawn to the doe-eyed stranger who stood shyly beside Charlie.
As Angel Dust playfully urged Y/N to step forward, Alastor's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her blushing cheeks and hesitant smile. He felt a strange pang of protectiveness wash over him, though he couldn't fathom why.
When Y/N finally noticed him, her eyes widened in surprise, and Alastor found himself momentarily transfixed by her gaze. Charlie's comment about their shared "deer-like" characteristics drew a small chuckle from the others, but Alastor remained silent, his mind elsewhere.
Unable to articulate the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him, Alastor offered a polite nod before excusing himself, retreating once more into the shadows. As he disappeared from view, the others exchanged puzzled glances, while Y/N's ears drooped in confusion.
Husk's gruff voice broke the silence, followed by Angel Dust's characteristic laughter, but Alastor's absence lingered like a ghost in the room, leaving them all to wonder about the mysterious radio demon and the woman who had captured his attention.
Y/n hadn't set out seeking redemption; rather, she longed for a sense of belonging in a place where safety felt like an elusive dream. Damned to hell, she had navigated its treacherous paths with constant vigilance, always on edge. But fate intervened when she crossed paths with Charlie in the bustling city streets. Their chance encounter led to a conversation that sparked hope within Y/n's weary heart, and Charlie's unwavering optimism convinced her to give Hazbin Hotel a chance.
Though redemption wasn't her primary goal, Y/n embraced her new role with sincerity, channeling her innate kindness and sweetness, much like her shy and skittish animal counterpart. Yet, beneath her gentle exterior lay a hidden past, a tale of woe she dared not share with anyone. There is a reason she was sent to hell.
Finding solace in keeping herself busy, Y/n eagerly lent a hand wherever needed, particularly finding joy in assisting Nifty with her cleaning duties. The quirky little demon took an instant liking to Y/n, charmed by her selfless gestures and warm demeanor.
Angel Dust, with his keen eye for character, saw in Y/n a kindred spirit. He admired her intelligence, wit, and undeniable beauty, envisioning a blossoming friendship between them. Even Husk, typically reserved and aloof, appreciated Y/n's presence during late nights, finding solace in her company as they indulged in a casual game of cards.
Despite her growing rapport with the other residents, Y/n couldn't shake the memory of the red deer demon she had encountered only once. Charlie had mentioned his busy schedule, while Husk had cautioned her to steer clear of him. Yet, the more she tried to push him from her thoughts, the more his image lingered in her mind.
Determined to unravel the mystery surrounding the elusive demon, Y/n resolved to uncover the depths of his character, drawn to his undeniable charm and the allure of the unknown. With each passing day, her curiosity only intensified, fueling her desire to uncover the secrets hidden beneath his facade.
A typical Monday morning at Hazbin Hotel unfolded in its usual chaotic manner, with the corridors bustling with activity as demons scurried about their daily routines. Lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, Y/n navigated through the labyrinth of hallways, her mind buzzing with a million different tasks demanding her attention.
Caught up in her own thoughts, Y/n's foot caught on an unseen obstacle, sending her stumbling forward with a gasp. Bracing herself for impact, she closed her eyes, anticipating the hard embrace of the floor beneath her. Instead, she found herself enveloped in a cloud of intoxicating scent, a mixture of cinnamon and pine that sent a shiver down her spine.
Opening her eyes, Y/n found herself locked in a gaze with none other than the infamous radio demon himself, Alastor. Towering over her with an air of elegance and confidence, he exuded an aura of mystery that left her feeling like a deer caught in headlights. Why is he constantly making her feel this way.
Muttering apologies and expressions of gratitude, Y/n's words stumbled over each other in her haste to regain her composure. Alastor's chuckle cut through the tension, his voice smooth as silk as he remarked on the importance of being careful in the bustling corridors of the hotel.
With a polite nod and a reassuring smile, Alastor assured Y/n that all was well, his crimson eyes twinkling with amusement as he watched her regain her footing. As she continued on her way, Y/n couldn't shake the lingering sensation of his presence, his charm leaving a lasting impression on her mind.
As days turned into weeks, Y/n and Alastor's chance encounters in the hotel corridors evolved into deliberate rendezvous, their paths seemingly intertwined as if by fate. With each passing exchange, Y/n's smile grew brighter, mirrored by Alastor's friendly wave and the unmistakable twinkle in his crimson eyes.
Their bond deepened as they found themselves working side by side, tackling tasks together with effortless synergy. Y/n found herself drawn to Alastor's smooth, captivating voice, hanging onto his every word as he regaled her with tales from his past, his radio talk voice weaving a spell around her.
Unbeknownst to them, their burgeoning friendship did not go unnoticed by the other residents of Hazbin Hotel. Husk's warnings about steering clear of his boss fell on deaf ears as Y/n and Alastor became practically inseparable, their connection undeniable
As time passed, it became increasingly evident to those around them that there was something more than just friendship blossoming between Y/n and Alastor. Angel Dust, always quick to pick up on such matters, took delight in teasing Alastor mercilessly, earning himself a death stare in return from the radio demon.
Vaggie, ever the protector, grew increasingly wary of Alastor's intentions towards Y/n. With her keen angelic powers, she sensed a strength within Y/n that belied her gentle demeanor, suspecting that Alastor may have recognized it too. Determined to shield Y/n from any potential harm, Vaggie kept a watchful eye on their interactions, her concern palpable in her every glance towards the pair.
With the Hotel buzzing with Lucifer’s impending visit, Vaggie wasn’t able to worry too much and found herself torn between her duty to protect her friend and to her girlfriends mounting stress, who was determined to make a flawless impression on her father. With Charlie frantically orchestrating preparations, Vaggie could do little but offer her support, juggling her own concerns alongside her duties to the hotel.
Charlie's anxiety radiated throughout the hotel, her relentless pursuit of perfection leaving no room for rest or respite. Alastor and Y/n, sensing her distress, stepped in to assist, hoping to alleviate some of her burden and quell her fears. Vaggie, though grateful for their aid, couldn't shake her worry over Charlie's fragile state of mind.
Alastor, however, harbored no such sympathies for Lucifer's impending arrival. To him, the king of hell was nothing more than an unwelcome disruption, his disdain for Lucifer's callous indifference towards his daughter and the inhabitants of hell simmering beneath his composed exterior.
Y/n, always attuned to Alastor's moods, noticed his brooding demeanor and instinctively moved closer to him, seeking to offer comfort in her own quiet way. With a gentle touch, she intertwined her arm with his, silently reassuring him of her support.
Despite his aversion to physical contact, Alastor found himself surprisingly comforted by Y/n's presence. As she leaned into him, he couldn't resist the urge to reciprocate, offering a rare pat on her head that earned a blush and a soft, endearing noise of affirmation from Y/n.
Caught off guard by the warmth of her response, Alastor felt a rare flush of warmth spread across his cheeks, a sensation he hadn't experienced before. In that moment, he realized just how much he valued Y/n's companionship and the solace she provided, silently wishing he could be the sole recipient of her affectionate gestures.———————————————————————
As Charlie's anxiety about Lucifer's impending visit reached its peak, she implored everyone to put their best foot forward, emphasizing the importance of making a stellar impression. Her visible stress prompted a collective agreement among the hotel staff to dress to impress, each determined to ease Charlie's worries by presenting themselves in their finest attire.
Y/n, always a vision of elegance, opted for a striking red 1930s-inspired midi dress that accentuated her curves flawlessly making her bosom and tail poke out more. With its puffy sleeves and collarbone neckline, the dress exuded vintage charm, complemented by her hair pinned up and a delicate set of pearls adorning her neck. A touch of matching lipstick that completed her ensemble, drawing admiring glances from all who crossed her path.
As Y/n made her entrance into the lobby, she commanded the attention of everyone present. Angel Dust couldn't contain his excitement, letting out a whoop of approval and a wolf whistle that caught Alastor's attention. When Alastor's eyes landed on Y/n, his breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding so loudly he feared it might burst from his chest. She looked positively radiant.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull of her presence, Alastor approached Y/n with a graceful stride, his movements fluid and purposeful. Taking her hand in his, he pressed a reverent kiss to her knuckles, his words overflowing with genuine admiration as he proclaimed her the most beautiful doe he had ever seen. Y/n's cheeks flushed pink as she bashfully covered her face, but Alastor gently removed her hands, insisting that she not hide her stunning features.
Linked arm in arm, they ventured into the corridor together, leaving Charlie in awe of the softer side of Alastor that Y/n seemed to effortlessly bring out.
Meanwhile, seeking refuge from the overwhelming emotions swirling around her, Y/n made her way to the bar in search of a drink to calm her nerves. Husk's amused chuckle greeted her request for something strong, while Angel's playful compliment about her bewitching effect on Alastor elicited a shy blush and a nervous laugh from Y/n. She secretly hoped there was truth to his jest.
As the final preparations for Lucifer's arrival unfolded, Y/n couldn't resist a tantalizing touch as she passed Alastor, her finger tracing a delicate path across his chest as she met his gaze through her lashes. The effect on Alastor was immediate and undeniable, his usual composure crumbling in the wake of her subtle yet potent allure. Ears flushed crimson, his tail betraying his inner turmoil, and a noticeable tightness in his pants, Alastor found himself utterly captivated by the enigmatic woman who had managed to ensnare his heart and unravel his self-control with a single touch. What was she doing to him?
The atmosphere in Hazbin Hotel ground to a halt as a portal crackled open in the lobby, spilling forth the unexpected figure of Lucifer. Contrary to everyone's expectations, the imposing ruler of hell was surprisingly short, a stark contrast to his daughter, Charlie. Y/n, petite herself, couldn't help but note the irony, realizing she might even tower over him.
Charlie's nerves were palpable as she reluctantly approached her father, offering a hesitant greeting before embarking on the daunting task of introducing him to the hotel's residents. Alastor, ever vigilant, stood close to Y/n, maintaining a respectful distance while silently wishing he could be closer, especially when he noticed Lucifer's intense gaze fixated on her.
Lucifer's eyes lingered on Y/n, his appraisal unsettling as he took in her innocent beauty. Sensing her discomfort, Y/n found herself at a loss for words as Lucifer gallantly took her hand and planted a kiss upon it, his words dripping with a disconcerting charm. Feeling intimidated, Y/n's nerves betrayed her, causing her to giggle nervously in response.
Alastor, seething with barely-contained rage at seeing Y/n's discomfort, could no longer stand idly by. Stepping up behind her, he introduced himself to Lucifer, a silent gesture of protection that did not go unnoticed by Y/n, who smiled gratefully at him, internally thanking him for rescuing her from the uncomfortable situation.
However, Lucifer's audacity knew no bounds as he seized Y/n's wrist, pulling her towards him and demanding a tour of the hotel. Alastor's patience snapped, his demon form surging forth as his antlers grew, his fury unleashed at the sight of Y/n being manhandled.
Ready to defend Y/n at any cost, Alastor bristled with aggression, his intentions clear as he faced off against Lucifer. A confrontation seemed inevitable until Y/n and Charlie intervened, diffusing the tension and redirecting Lucifer's attention. As they redirected Lucifer's focus, Alastor stormed off in frustration, leaving Y/n bewildered by his sudden outburst.
As Y/n clung to Alastor's arm, attempting to calm him down, his agitation only grew, his temper flaring as he abruptly ripped his arm away, causing Y/n to stumble. Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to comprehend what had transpired, seeking solace in the comforting words of Angel and Husk.
Meanwhile, Alastor paced in the radio tower, grappling with his conflicting emotions and struggling to understand why Y/n had such a profound effect on him. Realization dawned upon him, sending shockwaves through his being as he came to terms with the depth of his feelings for Y/n. She was his, and he would protect her at all costs.
Alastor, after his realization, went in search of y/n, finding her in her room, withdrawn and overwhelmed. As she retreated from the day's events, she changed out of her dress and into one of Alastor's button-up shirts that she stole a while back, still carrying his faint scent of cinnamon and pine. Despite her efforts to distance herself, a knock at the door disrupted her solitude. Expecting sympathetic friends, y/n mumbled her intention to talk tomorrow until she heard Alastor's voice, distinct and sweet, on the other side
Unlocking the door with her powers, she avoided meeting his gaze, her disappointment palpable. Alastor, visibly regretful, pleading with her to look at him, apologizing sincerely for his earlier behavior. He assured her that he never intended to hurt her, explaining that he was grappling with inner turmoil that needed sorting out. His gaze held such adoration that she forgave him instantly, though not without a warning that any future transgressions would not be tolerated. He laughed at her stern look. She was just too cute.
She stood from her bed, Alastor noticed the shirt she wore, his eyes lingering appreciatively at her body in his shirt before he composed himself. She turned on the radio, filling the room with quiet jazz, and Alastor approached her, his presence intoxicating. Offering his hand, he asked her to dance, his voice devoid of its usual static, like honey to her ears. As they swayed together, their tails wagged in sync, reflecting the emotions swirling inside both of them. She rested her head on his chest, humming to the song. He was content and could get used to this domestic life with her.
Alastor complimented her appearance, both in the dress and in his shirt. Y/n blushing as she realized her attire and apologized. He expressed that what was his was hers, a statement that surprised her but to which she readily agreed, reciprocating the sentiment.
After the dance, Alastor took a bold step, asking her on a proper date, expressing his desire to court her. Overwhelmed with emotion, she said yes without hesitation, kissing him before realizing the implications of her actions. Instead of being upset, Alastor seized the moment, pulling her into a passionate kiss, the intensity of which left them both breathless. Green and white powers intertwined, marking the beginning of a powerful and enduring love.
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projectbluearcadia · 1 month
This is just the kind of scenario that pops up in my head a lot. The walls in the House of Lamentation have ears. (Suggestive)
“MC, my room. Now,” Lucifer snapped when he saw the mess you and Mammon had made. As usual, Mammon was getting himself in trouble with a so-called good idea and you were roped into it. This time, it had been adopting a feral demon.
Mammon, of course, had wanted to become a selective breeder after he heard about what purebred dogs are worth. Though now he gave up on that because he was a little too attached to the pair of Harumons he’d just adopted. 
In any case, the living room was an absolute disaster area, and Lucifer was very clearly pissed. 
“I-It was me! Why're you taking MC??” Mammon cried after Lucifer, and he turned a glare back at his little brother. 
“I’ll deal with you later.” 
And he left Mammon in silence, dragging MC by the collar. 
Guilty and feeling scared for the resident human, he followed and debated outside Lucifer’s door whether or not he should knock it down and rescue her. 
“L-Listen, Lucifer we can talk about th—Ah!” Mammon flinched at the high-pitched cry against the door accompanying a loud thud. 
“MC…” Lucifer’s lowered voice rasped. “I think I already warned you there would be consequences for doing something stupid like this.” 
“You’re not my dad!”
“No,” Lucifer replied, and a whimper resounded through the wood, making Mammon shiver. Should he risk it and jump in? Should he? “But you serve me, now don’t you MC?” 
“And since you so willingly went along with whatever that idiot’s harebrained scheme was this time, you’re going to make me feel better.” 
“M-My knees are still sore… sir.” Mammon was half tempted to break in there, a little enraged at the thought of whatever physical punishment he’d given to her. Didn't he know that human was fragile!? And how could he do that when she was so cute anyway!?
“Then rest assured that I’ll make something else sore today.”
“W-Wait, Lu-Lucifer,” she gasped before she let out a surprised cry, and Mammon felt his ears turn hot as the sound of a kiss and something else reached his ears. 
“No waiting,” Lucifer growled, breathless as she panted. “I’ve been waiting.” 
“Ah! N-Not there!” she cried out, still heaving for breath, and Mammon flinched as he heard a thump against the door. 
“Why not? You’re shaking your hips like you’re enjoying it. Dirty girl.” 
Fuckin’ hell, Mammon thought. He’s doin' it that way…. Come to think of it, I think Levi was complaining about that earlier... I really should lea--
“Ahn?! Lucifer, why did you lick me!?” 
Mammon's ears turned pink at the sound that came out of her mouth, and he found himself desperately wishing that he was in Lucifer's place.
“Would you have preferred I childishly bit you like I wanted to?" Lucifer chuckled to himself. "But you want me to lick somewhere else, don’t you? If you want that, then you’re going to beg for it… and I’ll make you scream so loud that the entire house will know.”
“A-Aren’t you afraid they’ll get scared…?” 
“They know I’m here, and they know damn well I’d never let anything happen to you. They’ll know exactly why you’re screaming. I promise.” 
Mammon covered his reddened face with a groan. That asshole knew I was gonna follow to make sure she was okay, didn' he? Fuck. I'm not sleepin' tonight...
As a bonus, when the other brothers found out that Mammon was the reason that Lucifer was making MC scream louder than usual, they casually bullied him the next day. Lucifer was satisfied.
MC later made them make up and screwed them both ruthlessly.
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nunalastor · 2 months
What about possessive EVERYONE?
The Vees in the months post-Extermination trying to destroy Alastor's standing in the hotel to destroy any plans he has, only to fail spectacularly.
Vaggie is approached by Velvette while on errands for the hotel, who offers a sweet deal of spreading the hotel's name via social media algorithms and ads if they just let go of that hotelier, he's hardly a respectable face for their brand anyway. Vaggie spends a solid 30 minutes ranting about how he's a bad influence on Charlie and needs to keep his cannibal meat on HIS side of the fridge before walking off and leaving a stunned and slightly traumatized Overlord.
Valentino pressures Angel to give him blackmail material since he lives with the guy, to act as a mole. Angel gleefully recounts the time Alastor scolded Lucifer himself after the latter blew up their kitchen trying to make dinner (he sticks to desserts and breakfast foods for a reason).
As for Husk and Niffty, they can't exactly go against Alastor, Niffty wouldn't want to anyway, and Husk likes the hotel and its people enough that he doesn't want Alastor's position threatened, because him leaving means they might have to as well.
The Vees attack the hotel outright via some goons. Not 10 minutes later and the Princess of Hell is cheerfully waving to a VoxNews reporter while facing a swarm of drones surrounding the hotel, holding a molotov. "This one's for you, Al!" she says as she destroys millions of dollars in tech on live TV.
Vox represents the Vees at an Overlord meeting fully intending to start something, but all the words die on his lips when Lucifer, who had graced them with his presence for once, leans far too close to Alastor and whispers something, eyes not straying from Vox. And Alastor SNORTS, trying to stifle his smile for once as if it pains him to admit to finding whatever he said funny. Vox hasn't seen that look in many, many years, back when he and Alastor were friends and he could still make him laugh in a way that wasn't malicious.
Alastor doesn't like being taken care of, doesn't do it enough for himself either, but he's part of their weird little family at the hotel all the same, and even if he's a weird deer bitch, he's THEIR weird deer bitch, and no one gets to rib him except them.
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Yandere House of Lamentation, but MC Is Into It
Part Ⅰ: L U C I F E R
Themes + TW + CW: Poly MC, Gender Neutral MC (Except for the future NSFW parts where it'll be an AFAB MC), Yandere, Possessiveness.
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“Lord Diavolo, I understand it is no secret I am fond of MC.”
Lucifer's voice was barely above a whisper, but you were still within earshot. You pretended you weren’t listening, eyes lowered, as your finger as it traced patterns in the desk. The other brothers could hear too. Some tried to be nonchalant like yourself, but certain ones couldn’t help but look, tentative.
Diavolo chuckled. 
“It really isn’t, I’m afraid. You and your brothers adore them very much!”
“Hm… Nothing ever seems to get past you. Therefore, allow me to be clear, MC has decided that they want to be with me. Officially, that-”
“Hey, you jerk! MC didn’t say that! They’re datin’ all of us and you know it!”
Even though Diavolo’s face betrayed wide-eyed shock (and sadness) that day, he gave his blessing to the relationship.
Not that his disapproval would’ve stopped the brothers . They had been “dating” you months before that announcement. Lucifer only told Diavolo when he was certain that the demon prince wouldn’t object.
It started when you came back to the House of Lamentation with Solomon one day. You had pecked the sorcerer on the cheek as a goodbye. You didn’t realize it was a mistake to do so in front of the brothers, hoping that they would be jealous. And let’s say you got more than you bargained for.
It was the last straw. They were tired of you “running around” with others for “way too long”. So they did what they needed to do and stepped up to claim what was theirs before any bothersome angels, demon prince, demon butler, demon noble, sorcerer or reaper could. You're their human. Their master. The rest were practically side characters!
So after a lot of fighting, the brothers came to an agreement. You were going to be official with them. All of them. Whether you liked it, or not.
But (much to their delight) you were kind of living for it. “It” being their darker and more possessive ideas of love.
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♡Lucifer is aware that by human standards, forcing you into a relationship with him was completely demented. But he also knew that you didn’t care, so he really didn’t do anything wrong, did he? Sure, he questions your sanity as a human being, but it benefits him, so whatever.
♡What is that, you ask me? Don’t I mean “forcing you into a relationship with him and his brothers was completely demented?”  
♡Oh no, Lucifer is simply being graceful. Can’t you remember that you belong to him? When you made a pact with Lucifer, did you think he was being funny when he said that you were his?
♡In his eyes, you may be free to run around with his brothers, but in the end, he still owns you in every sense. If it were up to him, only he would have you.
♡But alas, his brothers are just as crazy about you as he is, and he will not deal with the headache that would come from their whining about him keeping you to himself.
♡And what if they all decide to turn against him? Not that he believes they hold a candle to his power, but he rather not tear apart the three worlds with a brother’s conflict. Diavolo would never approve of that. And knowing the future King, he might go as far as to have you for himself, and Lucifer is absolutely not a fan of that.  
♡Coming back to the fact that you belong to him, Lucifer is possessive.
♡If you had rejected the arrangement, Lucifer wouldn’t be above any act to make you his. Persuasion, lies, brainwashing, magic. Nothing was off the table. Good for you that you’re already willing to go through with it. For that reason, Lucifer would not keep you locked away in the House of Lamentation.
♡He wouldn't hesitate to remove bothersome pests that would push their luck with you, but they know better than to mess around with Lucifer’s possession partner. They’re all too scared to cross him and his brothers.
♡But if said pest is foolish enough to still pursue you, it’s going to be a horrible day for them. Lucifer doesn’t even have to torture or kill them himself. He just needs to give a hint about it within earshot of one of his more active brothers, sit back, and take pride in what he caused.
♡Lucifer isn't the type to stalk you, either. But he would like to know where you're going and what you're doing if you ever leave.
♡Where did you go with Simeon that time after class? “You know better than to be fooling around with him. You're mine, Mc.” What did Solomon call you for? When will you be back from the Demon Lord's Castle? He's almost like an overbearing parent and that can get on your nerves whenever he overdoes it.
♡But damn it, every time you laugh and tell him your plans anyway.
♡Would he try to make you more dependent on him? Not really? Technically, you’re already dependent on him and his brothers to keep you safe here in the Devildom, even if you're decent in magic.
♡Lucifer will let you have your freedom as long as you're faithful to him and his brothers. If you aren't though, be ready to part with it.
♡Despite Lucifer’s “you belong to me, not my brothers why would I be jealous?” schtick, he’s easily jealous and it’s never obvious. Whenever you deny him, you're slightly hesitant, because there's always a punishment in store for you later.
♡It’s nothing too sadistic, I promise. Lucifer loves and cherishes you, after all. Despite his ugly, possessive nature writhing underneath.
⛤NSFW Part to be posted later⛤ NSFW Part HERE. Minors DNI.
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♡well, here's part 1 of this series! Mammon's Part is up next!♡
♡and sorry if this sucks. I haven't written in months... (ノへ ̄、)♡
♡but now for the promos, haha. if you want to see more content like this check out the Writing and Yandere Masterlist. and to know more about the blog check out About the Blog!♡
♡also consider reblogging and commenting if you enjoyed what you read! it does a lot for me motivation-wise, because it tells me that people actually want to read what I put out. comments with constructive criticism are welcome too!♡
♡tag list: @acaribeau♡
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lilacwriter07 · 13 days
female Beta Adam x Alpha Lucifer part 2
Adam loves nights like this, when the world (or Hell) is just quiet . And the glow down of sex cools down .
Lucifer snoring away on her chest, purring sometimes which made Adam chuckle a bit . Her fingers softly pushing some his hair away from his face .
The Alpha leans into her hand in his sleep, making the Beta wonder if he is already dreaming .
Maybe he is because he growls a bit, holding her tight as she feels his cock coming back to life inside her . Her eyes widened at that, is he going to fuck me in his sleep ?
Fuck that's hot but she is tired so ..
Oh well she will lay down and take it, because really like she said it's hot .
She wonders what he is dreaming about .
Next day when Adam asked him that smirking, as Lucifer admits some fucking Bambi tried to take her .
"Like I will let some wannabe take me away ."
"I will kill him and punish you so badly ." Lucifer said while kissing her neck .
They were very late for breakfast .
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rius-cave · 2 months
I've seen no one mention this yet:
If they get married, Adam's title would officially be Prince Consort of Hell.
As silly as calling him the queen of hell is, Prince Consort is a badass title and feels more serious/real? King also wouldn't be applicable as a title bc he's not a monarch himself, he's married to one. Maybe I just think fancy titles are cool lmaoo
OOOOO that does sound pretty cool!
The other day we made a joke that, if Adam got renamed "Adam Morningstar" that would make Lucifer so hard happy, because it's JUST another way of showing Adam is his hehe.
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greenlaut · 6 days
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an angel (satan)
angels before man by @nicosraf
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thief-of-eggs · 3 months
Alastor isn’t one for kisses, he just slowly and lewdly licks the side of Lucifer’s face and walks away as if it’s the most normal interaction to have in the world
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loregirlsam · 2 months
post-cage/post lucifer possession fic recs
Life's A Walking Shadow by Lise
AU. When Sam gets out of the Cage decades have passed.
The Long Calendar by foolscapper
One time per month, every month on Earth, Sam visits Dean for a day from the Cage. Part 1 of The Calendar Verse.
The Gate is Straight, Deep and Wide by ratherastory
Part 1 of the Fusion 'verse. Sam walks out of hell and finds his way home.
From a prompt at the First Time comment-fic meme: The first time Sam gets that Dean does unreservedly trust him again, coupled with the first time Dean gets that Sam really does want nothing more than he wants to be with Dean.
Post-Miracle by angelszn (artbabe)
Sam gets his soul back, but he comes back wrong. Dean doesn't let him go.
Convalescence by impravidus
Post-Cage!Sam seen through the eyes of others.
Winchester Season by Lennelle
It's dangerous to hunt with the Devil in your head.
The Epilogue in a Very Long Autobiography by foolscapper (*endverse post lucifer possession)
“There is a tall man in the camp today.” Hurt!Sam. Outsider POV. Part 1 of The Author's Notes Verse.
The Author's Notes by foolscapper (*endverse post lucifer possession)
A sequel to The Epilogue in a Very Long Biography. “Five months since he got Sam back, he sets an alarm to wake up in the early morning hours.” Warnings: Suicide and thoughts of suicide, violence, blood, angst, serious subject matters like depression. Hurt!Sam, Protective!Dean. Part 2 of The Author's Notes Verse
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toyducks · 3 months
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me when im possessed to draw him
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