#platonic yandere bnha
shallyouobeyme · 8 months
Platonic!Yandere!EareserMic/Todoroki/Bakugo!Family x reader (GN) + Platonic!Yandere!LoV x reader (GN)
Summary: Trying to juggle hero class, very protective classmates along with their families which included multiple pro-heroes and your teachers who seemed to be incredibly extra attentive around you was hard enough - but at least they seemed to keep each other in check so that you were able to live on kind of normally, while being bounced around between them. Hopefully, no one comes around and ruins that delicate harmony...
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Yandere, Dark content, kidnapping, manipulation, mentions of planning a murder, violence, swearing (thanks to Bakugo), Obsessive behaviour, I do not condone this, this is all fiction, tell me if I missed something - also this is not proofread so there's probably a lot of mistakes that I'll fix sometimes in the future
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Ever since you've started attending U.A., your life has become incredibly exhausting. Now, one would think 'Of course attending the top pro-hero school in the country would be exhausting, what did you expect? A walk in the park? Idiot.', but to this person you'd say that they were right. You hadn't expected U.A. to be easy, you really would have to have been stupid to do so, but the actual school wasn't the problem. Sure, classes were challenging sometimes and the training was working you to the bone some days, but you were able to live with that - after all, you had known that it would be hard when you had signed up for it, but what you hadn't known was that you'd somehow become the pet project for not one, not two, not three, but four pro-heroes, three hero-students and two overprotective suburban moms.
When you had started school, you had expected to kind of merge with the masses. After all, your quirk wasn't really anything flashy, your family didn't include any famous heroes or rich business moguls, and you weren't one to thrive with attention directed at you. Now as someone who joined the school later in the semester for personal reasons, you knew there would be some spotlight on you for a few weeks, but you also thought that there'd already be established friend groups and connections, so once the natural curiosity of a bunch of teens was satiated, you'd be able to just go the rest of your school days in peace and quite on your own. So imagine your surprise when after an entire month of being in class 1-A, the three most popular (and probably most promising) students of the class seemed to be glued to your side, and along with them their respective friends.
Izuku, you learned after a few days, was the kind of person who was probably predetermined to make friends with any new person he met, as he even tried to be friends with the boy who bullied him relentlessly - but with you, he seemed to drive that up a notch. He was interested in literally every word you said, started to have what seemed to be an entire chapter dedicated just to you in his notebook and soon that escalated to what seemed to be an entirely separate book just for information about you. But Izuku was a little weird in the very best way possible, so you didn't mind too much, he was funny and tried to respect your personal space and need for alone time - even though he seemed to think alone time meant that he was just sitting silently beside you while you were allowed to do something you usually would do completely alone, like writing in your diary or calling your parents. Honestly, you were surprised that he let you go on the toilet alone (even though on some days the second you went out to leave for the bathroom, someone from his friend group or he suddenly seemed to need to use the bathroom as well.
Shotou surprised you with how clingy he seemed to be, after all, from what you had heard from people from other classes and from how he seemed the first time you had met him he wasn't really the most sociable person. As far as you knew, he was only part of a friend group because Izuku had latched onto him and had refused to let go until he had become one of his friends by association. So, again, it was quite surprising when he seemed to initiate interactions with you as often as possible, be it insisting that you studied with him, that you joined him while making dinner in the dorms, sitting down beside you during lunch, or just silently sitting in the corner of whatever room you happened to be with and staring. The last one was definitely creeping you out, but after Izuku had told you about all the horrible things that had happened to Shotou (later he would definitely deny any accusations of manipulating you into being more accepting of his friend's stranger behaviours) you felt too bad to confront him about it. Still, Shotou was a lot more up to your speed when it came to how calm and quiet he usually was, so you didn't have all that many complaints about his constant presence, especially since he and Izuku got along great which made hangouts mostly peaceful.
The same decidedly could not be said about Bakugo. Bakugo was a chaotic and destructive force to be reckoned with. He was brash, loud, opinionated and (sometimes) violent - basically, he was everything you usually tried to avoid. Bakugo did not like that - not one bit. He insisted that he was 'the best f**king person in this f**king place to hang out with and he was better than any of these sh**ty extras so you should be happy he even wanted to be your friend, now shut up and let him cook your favourite meal." It was safe to say that spending time with him was usually very stressful for you - at least when Izuku and Shotou were there, which was almost always because he could not hold back on insulting them, screaming that he was the only person who had any right to hang out with you and that he was more than enough to protect you - the question about what they thought you needed protection from was always more or less elegantly deflected. Curiously, it turned out that Bakugo was able to act very differently when it was just the two of you - he was still very brash and slightly aggressive, but he became a lot quieter, and a lot more thoughtful too. When it was just the two of you - for example after he picked you up like a sack of grain when the others were distracted (by his friends usually) and locked the two of you up in his room, he allowed you to quietly read a book or draw or do the things you usually didn't have the calm to do while he studied at his desk, insisting you make yourself comfortable in his bed wearing one of his jumpers.
You figured sooner or later your teachers would figure out what was going on and intervene, but your homeroom teacher especially seemed to go in a different direction. In fact, he seemed to support their friendship with you - telling you that they were the best suited in class to protect you when he wasn't around (again, no explanation as to what you'd need protection from). He insisted that you spent at least one break every few days in class with him so he could 'supervise your progress and help you with especially difficult material', paid a lot more attention to you in class than anyone else, let you get away with forgetting homework or slacking off during training, always pair you up with someone who he'd knew wouldn't let you get hurt and who'd make sure you get a good grade, and you seemingly always got better grades than the students who did just about the exact same thing as you. Honestly, you didn't really have a reason to complain at first, but then the breaks spent with him turned into breaks spent with him and his husband Hizashi (sometimes joined by Shinsou who also seemed to be close to you whenever you left the classroom during breaks, but never really talked that much).
Now the three of them (along with their friends whom the three seemed to colour off on) and your teachers were already hard enough to handle, but they seemed to be happy as long as you spent the same amount of attention on all of them and didn't actively play favourites - even though they always insisted to be the favourite when talking to each other. This delicate alliance was broken though, when Izuku invited you to stay with his mother during an elongated weekend at home - and when he gave you his puppy eyes and let you listen in on a call with his mother where she sounded so incredibly excited at the prospect of her little boy bringing a friend home with him, you just couldn't say no. The weekend was actually very nice, his mother was such a kind woman and she treated you like her own child. Actually, she probably treated you better - she made sure everything was perfect for you, she only made your favourite foods (thanks to Izuku's intel), she made sure your bed was always fluffy, your room was always the ideal temperature, the shower in the guest bedroom always had the right water pressure, and everything the tree of you did was something that you'd enjoy. Sure, she could be a little overbearing, but given that your own family had never really cared about you that much it was really refreshing.
At least it was for the very first time, turns out being cared for 24/7 was a lot less refreshing when there were like a dozen people trying to do it at the same time. Given their rivalry, it was only natural that once Bakugo and Shotou (and Aizawa) found out about your little trip to Izuku's childhood home, they insisted that now you just had to come visit their families as well. And so you started being bounced from one family to the other. Gone were the weekends spent chilling in the dorms and getting to have at least some time to yourself, instead you rotated through four different homes - none of them yours, even though the families in them would vigorously insist that you were the most important 'resident' in it. And so you found yourself in the Bakugo residence, getting pampered by Misuki and Masaru, having your clothing thrown away and replaced by custom-made ones by them, and getting to enjoy being around the (slightly) calmer version of Katsuki.
Or you found yourself in the Todoroki's house, surrounded by his siblings and his parents - his mother seemingly wanting to forget that you were not her child as she treated you like one of her own, even insisting on you letting her or Enji tuck you in no matter how often you tried to tell them that you were actually not a child anymore (not that they wanted to hear that). Enji wasn't home a lot, but he made an attempt to be home as often as he could when he knew you'd be there, causing a vague tension between his family, but no one wanted to say it out loud since you actually enjoyed when he was there (since he not only spoilt you, not shying away from any expense but since he was also the one who was most likely to let you trips with his family - the others preferring to keep you all to themselves inside) and he sometimes brought Hawks along who always made sure you had a fun time since he kind of took on the role of a cool uncle.
The family that was probably most up your lane was the family of your teachers. Aizawa and Yamada cancelled each other's energy out for the most part, so it actually felt like spending time with a normal family, not to mention that their little daughter Eri had really grown on you, insisting that you were her younger sister (you didn't bother to correct her after the first few times, assuming that she was just using the logic a little child would use) and their son Shinsou would usually help you out whenever you needed some alone time by agreeing to play with Eri for half an hour if you agreed that you'd cuddle with him and the family's cats and kittens later - honestly you saw it as a win-win.
With all of these people wanting you to pay attention to them or wanting you to spend time with you all the time, it was no wonder that you were exhausted, but honestly, you were just happy that they got along fine enough to accept the 'schedule' and routine that had arisen from the chaos because you had overheard them talking about just how willing they were to go probably too far to keep you around. Usually, you'd probably gone to the police the moment you first heard Bakugo threaten Shinsou that he'd blow up his cat if one of them ever scratched you or when you heard Hawks and Enji talk about how they'd be able to permanently incapacitate Aizawa and Yamada if they ever needed to, but a) you were never alone, so when would you be able to and b) people tend not to believe that some of the most famous heroes and their children would ever be so obsessed with someone as unassuming as you. So, you just made do with the cards you had dealt to you, just happy about the little bit of free time and privacy you had left.
While you were so preoccupied with keeping these opposing forces at bay that you hadn't noticed some different, unknown, foreboding pairs of eyes on you whenever you were out in public. One Sunday evening in a nice restaurant as you spent the last of your weekend with Midorya, his mother, and All-might who had insisted on joining, to get to know his successor's new best friend and one of his favourite students better, you excused yourself to go to the bathroom and when you came out of the stall, you felt a pinch in your neck and everything turned black.
When you woke up in a dingy bar surrounded by people you had seen only when they had tried to attack your school and kill your friends, with the girl you knew liked to stab people having you lie with your head in her lap as she brushed her hands through your hair - your hands were tied behind your back with silk so there was sadly not a lot you could do about it - and the guy who liked to burn everything around him insisting on covering you with enough blankets to keep you warm to make sure you wouldn't get sick while insulting everyone and everything around him. It was safe to say that you knew that should you get out of the League of Villains lair again, you could probably say goodbye to any time spent alone and most likely to any outing where there weren't at least two pro-heroes protecting you.
A/N: Day 9 of my Yandere Writetober, Special thanks to @sol565 for the inspiration for this story, without them, I would probably not have been able to write what turned out to be the longest story on this blog so far and I really enjoyed writing it so lots of love and lots of thanks ❤️❤️❤️ Tomorrow's word is 'Fortune'
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 month
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There would be NO DOUBT that they would ALL be HELLA OVERPROTECTIVE about you 
I mean, Masaru would be kinda chill actually compared to Mitsuki and Katsuki. He won't freak TF out if you talk to other people and have fun with your friends and he's the most lenient one in the family and he doesn't give a damn what you wear. He likes seeing you in all sorts of clothing and thinks his darling little daughter looks good in whatever she wears and won't force you to do anything 
But when it comes to the question of sleepovers and going to other people's houses WITHOUT EITHER one of the Bakugou's to accompany you is a big no go. They're worried that something might happen to you if you step out of the house and they half wish you'll stop trying to be apro hero. Why be a hero and put your life at risk while you have the big strong Ground Zero as your brother and 2 parents who are perfectly capable of protecting the youngest Bakugou?
Mitsuki, on the other hand will treat you like a child along with Katsuki. Everyone loves spoiling the shit outta you and Mitsuki likes dressing you up in cutesy cutesy little outfits. Mitsuki however will NEVER allow you to break rules like disobeying her when she says no to something and sneaking off with your friends. She simply will NOT tolerate rule breaking and even if you DO manage to sneak around her back, your brother Katsuki will always be there to 'get you on the right track' even if he has to use his quirk on you. They just want what's best for you after all
They are self aware yanderes and their relationship towards you is unhealthy and delusional and they KNOW it but they have to protect you from the horrors of the world. If you used to attend the UA, you bet Katsuki had something to do with why your mom suddenly wanted you to drop out and take a break for sometime and soon that 'break' turned into a never ending relaxing vacation at your home for you. You won't be working anytime soon while they're around that's for sure and while Masaru talks to you, Katsuki and Mitsuki will be busy preparing food for you guys to eat. They don't want you going in the kitchen, what if you accidentally hurt yourself or boil or burn yourself?
They'll love cuddling with you and making you feel safe and comfortable in their presence. They have NEVER hit you till date and never will either. And WHO expects parents to starve their own kids? Cuz, they aren't those types of parents
For punishments, they'll just restrict your usage of your favorite items but they won't leave you isolated or without food and water. They aren't THAT heartless psychopaths 
Katsuki is the world's MOST short tempered brother one can have and you BET he's gonna cling to you 24/7 and tell on you to your parents what you both did the entire day (This boi should come with a blabbermouth and a tattletale warning label). You can hate him all you want for it but he just wants what's best for his youngest sibling. He loves and cares about you too much and he won't cuss around you so much either since he actually rather enjoys your innocence. His blood will BOIL when you talk to other people ESPECIALLY other GUYS and he'll obviously threaten to blow them up, even if you talk to Kirishima
 Being in relationships is COMPELTELY off the table for you. They will NEVER allow you to date and if you are in a relationship in secret, oh... what a shocker, that scumbag broke up with you the next day? Well, you can BET your allowances your OWN family was behind it but they'll just comfort you as they get you and give you whatever you want
The house will be full of baby pictures of you and Katsuki and you all as a happy family. They'll have guests over a few times but they can't ever let someone try taking you away from them so they'll try limiting the time of the guest's stay in their household instead of maniacally killing them. They won't let pro heroes enter their house either and will come up with INFINITE excuses as to why they can't come in. They just don't want to lose you 
Just let them take care of you and everything will be all right after all, family ALWAYS knows what's best for you...
''Come on little firecracker, you'll look cute and adorable in that dress and I think we should CERTAINLY put up some pictures of the wall after this. What do you think Masaru?''
''Sure, our little angel looks nice in whatever they wear''
"Tch... you don't look THAT bad firefly..."
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mango-bango-bby · 9 months
Platonic dabi gives me something I never had 😭🙏 How do you think he would be with baby reader like right after he took them?
♡ Bonding ♡
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, big brother!Dabi, sibling!reader, baby!reader, mentions of kidnapping, fire, Dabi calls you a brat, NOT PROOFREAD
Summary: Your big brother, Dabi, has absolutely no idea how to calm your crying (Platonic!Yan!Dabi x GN!Baby!reader)
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Dabi had no idea what to do with you. He had no idea how to care for you. He knew he shouldn’t have taken you, he had no clue how to care for a baby, nor could he. He was completely broke and just started out his new life as a villain! He couldn’t care for you! But he also couldn’t leave you with Enji, he could let you be a back up Shoto.
“What do you want?” Dabi asked with a frustrated groan. Yet your cries still echoed through the abandoned apartment you two had been living in.
He had tried everything he could think of to calm you down. Yet you still cried, standing at the edge of the old crib that he found at a junkyard. Your little hands holding onto the top on the crib as you cried and pouted at him.
He had tried feeding you, changing you, trying to get you to sleep. Everything and anything to get you to calm down you’re crying. He even tried rattling toys in front of you and even changing you into a different onesie in hopes that it was what you wanted. But nothing worked.
Dabi sighed, sitting on the ground in front of your crib with his hands on his head. He looks up at you for a moment, you’re still crying, tears running down your chubby cheeks and snot on your face. “You’re a brat, you know that?” He mumbles at you, knowing you can’t understand him.
He sighs, using his quirk to shot a flame at a few nearby candles. The apartment was abandoned so the only sources of light were a few candles. Your crying stop for a moment when he shots the flames to light the candles, the candles now light with small blue flames.
You use the crib for support, as you shuffle your way over to look at the candles. Your large eyes looking over as your crying has slightly calmed. You almost seem entranced by the small flames.
Dabi immediately looked over at you, seeing how you reacted to his quirk. Your crying had calmed, your cries now only small sniffles and hiccups. “You like that?” Dabi asked, his voice a bit softer than before. He lifts his hand, igniting a small flame at his finger tips. You stare at the flame, your large eyes wide as you coo curiously.
Dabi twirls his finger, making the small flame move in small circles. This causes you to coo happily, giggling lightly as you watch. You lean over the crib, reaching out your chubby arm. You reach for the flame, making grabby hands at it to signal that you wanted it.
“Ah, ah. You don’t touch. You don’t wanna end up lookin’ like your big brother, do you?” Dabi snickers, using his other hand to gently push you back, causing you to fall in the crib so you now sit on the mattress.
Yes, you were a brat. And you cried and cried, no matter what he did. But he would be lying if he said he hadn’t grown fond of you while taking care of you. He could raise you to be different than his siblings.
You were the only person he loved in that idiotic family.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
(A/N: RAHHHHH I’m back to writing!! I’ve been having such trouble getting inspiration lately. I’m sorry I haven’t been writing much but I’m doing it when I feel like I can 🫶🫶 And I totally agree with you, platonic yans are 💗💗)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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mayullla · 1 year
Title: Your new home at Hawks's apartment
Characters: Hawks / Keigo Takami (Mainly), Miruko (My Hero Academia/BNHA)
Summary: After Hawks adopted you, you were shown to your new home a luxurious apartment that belongs to the pro hero Hawks.
Warnings/tags: Slowburn platonic yandere, fem!child!reader, smidge agnst, reader has a "healing" quirk, the obsessions themes are not obvious here but will happen at one point so just in case I am putting this here Note: Kind of a part 2, if you want to see part 1 head over to the list!
Little healer here! list
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Your tiny gasp as he leaped from the window of his apartment. Delighted you were laughing as you held on to his neck tightly as he told you but not enough to choke him.
"MISTER-SAN IS SO COOL!!!" You shouted at him as you looked down at the tiny buildings. You are so high up in the sky! Hawks was holding you in his arms as you two flew across buildings and houses.
You were so high up people looked like ants when they use to be so tall. Everything was so yellow.
"Hold on tight, kid and don't take of that mask it will be hard to see if you remove it."
The first place he went to was his agency. Everybody greeted him casually yet when they saw you almost everyone froze. They were so quick to assume that you were his daughter by blood.
"Was that why you left a few days?! To get her??"
"How come you haven't told us anything about you having a daughter!!"
"Why didn't you say anything!! She is sooo cute!!"
"What about the news articles?! What am I supposed to say here!!"
Hawks had to quickly silence them and explain to them that you were adopted and not his real "real" daughter. And when he wanted to introduce you to them it seemed that you have disappeared from his side to behind his leg. The suddenly loud voices surprised you a bit and when all of the people's eyes were on you you can't help but hide even more.
Why are you so cute??
"She wasn't this shy before... probably cause there are way too many people here. Come one kid introduce yourself."
Hawks had to slowly help you out into introducing yourself to his agency, shyly you told them your name almost hesitant when you said Keigo's family name. Dear really why are you so adorable?? The whole agency was practically cooing over you at how cute you were.
Almost instantly you were given soo many sweets and candies by everyone that you needed a plastic bag to carry them all. Keigo casually took the bag later unable to bare laughing as he watched you struggle to carry the plastic bag as big as you.
"Would you look who it is! Hawks!" You looked to your side to see a woman with bunny ears and the most mischievous smile. "Are you back from your holi-"
The woman looked at you surprised and you looked at her surprised, the both of you made eye contact. "So who is the unlucky woman you la-" "Shut up."
Hero name Mirko also known as Rumi Usagiyama, Hawks was quick to introduce the both of you also explaining that he had adopted you. "Ehhh what made you think you wanted to become a father so fast?" Mirko smirked at him crossing her arms. Keigo rolled his eyes.
"So little bunny, how is it living with pro hero Hawks?" Mirko asked squatting right beside you to get to your height. You looked at her rabbit ears curiously "It is fun! Mister-san is super nice and funny. He also made the best pancakes I ever tried!" You told her with enthusiasm.
"She is so cute, how the heck did you find her?" Mikro asked Keigo as she played with your cheeks. Squishing both of them, so puffy but still could use a little more fat in them. "Jealous?" Hawks huffed, a smirk on his face.
Mirko was about to say a witty comeback before she felt something odd in her arm. Fast she let go of your face jumping back, high alert as she looked at you cautiously. You covered your cheeks pouting adorably.
You did something, Mirko had dropped her guard just a little for a moment there while chatting with you. She felt as if something entered her veins.
"What did you do kid?" Mirko asked glancing at her hand. It was a strange feeling almost as if something was crawling in her veins. It wasn't uncomfortable, almost warm but... unfamiliar. "Mirko-san had a cut on her arm that looks painful." You grumbled.
Mirko quickly checked the cut it was true that she had a cut on her arm after some fight with villains this early morning. It wasn't really serious and she planned on getting it treated later but it was gone, all that was left was a thin line that told her it was not from her own imagination.
"Little Birdie here had a quirk that heals, she healed me when I got into a little trouble with some villains," Hawks explained, with a smirk this time on his face. "Her skills if trained properly can be on par with recovery girl's skills if not better."
The tension soon died down as Hawks explained how you and he meet and Mirko and Hawks started shooting jabs at each other. Mirko thanked you for healing her giving your head a little ruffle.
"She is so cute plus she can heal! Hey. Give little bunny to me I will be a better caretaker than you."
"In your dreams."
You and Keigo soon took your leave heading to the mall to buy a few things more for you and your room that he asked most to be delivered back. After heading to the market and buying some groceries you and Keigo started to head back to his apartment.
"Mister I wanna ask you something." You were sitting on his shoulders as you held on to his head. "Hmmm?" Keigo grunted allowing you to continue.
"You must be honest with me!" You looked down at him. Keigo wondered why you were asking this but nodded his head. "Did Mister adopt me because of my quirk?"
Unconsciously he paused mid-step unable to answer for a moment needing to think a little. But it seemed that his silence was enough for you to understand what was going on.
"It is fine Mister." You told him placing your small head on his head, "I understand." You told him.
You didn't give him a chance to answer.
It was something that maybe you may have come to expect seeing that your tone wasn't surprised at all. And somehow it surprised Keigo a bit at this reaction... would he call it mature he was sure but it left a guilty feeling, you were at such a young age but you didn't expect much from him...
It gave an ugly feeling inside.
And a certain fear that you have closed yourself from him now.
But what can he do now?
Your actions were the same as yesterday when you got to the apartment but even he knew how you weren't as talkative as yesterday. Silently going to bed after telling him how fun today was as it was your first time going to the arcade and that you will save enough tickets to get a friend for Mr. Hawks the hawk plushie. That you were thankful for the books and colored pencils that he got you. Especially that red bow pin that you told him looked like a red butterfly.
You didn't ask him to stay beside you while you go to sleep instead you were the one to close the door to your room when he thought that he must follow to keep you company.
It was hard for Keigo to sleep that night.
Too quiet.
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roseytheteacup · 2 years
can you do platonic yandere kiritodobakudeku coraline au? If headcanons would be ok if this was going to take too long
(For specific reasons I will do headcanons as of this concept due to it is going to be one of related stories on my wattpad and quotev it's a long multipart ending that's been in planning)
Mind you characters are aged up for this story since they are supposed to be like father kind of figures)
Deku is going to be like the mom who bakes cookies for you and your friends
the moment he first meets you he sees you as a small baby (even though you could be 5'11 like me ~~' and he still think you a tiny baby
he would show you around the garden and house seeing as you 'original' parents wouldn't allow you to have a garden and yelled at you the moment you left your room or breathed the wrong way
he thinks you look adorable staring at his fluffy hair
he has to save you from bakugou sometimes because boom boom boy wants you to take naps constantly(this is referring to people who have insomnia or narcolepsy or people who don't have a great time sleeping)
but when you try to leave he tries to...(hehe no spoilers)
this giant hedgehog the moment he meets you he teases you about looking like a raccoon from the bags under your eyes
but once he realizes why he keeps trying to get you to take naps or get a decent sleep schedule
but you being a little bat or trash panda stay up drawing,listening to music,or just doing random stuff
so he tries to give you treats that make you tired
but every time dang deku yanks you away
so he devises something( ^w^ hehe no spoilers still)
the moment todoroki meets you he's just in awe
your nature makes him want to protect you
so he shows you around the house and your other room
while your in awe he notices how you dress
by means he is criticizing your style but he notices they either seem to be old and mean like holes and dryer burnt old
so he makes you some new clothes even though they're a bit more pastely than you prefer
this guy just picks you up and hugs you the moment he meets you
if your touched starved or feel awkward about touch then you either become a pro at hiding or your getting kiri cuddles
this himbo just likes to show you all the shinies or stuff you may like
he thinks its adorable when bakugo calls you a racoon because you kinda are
he likes to put your hair in little braids or put hair clips in them( for my long hair and short hair teacups and coffee cups)
when he hears you listen to your music let's say he becomes concern also concern with your eating habits
so once he finds about your house lets say ...
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american-idiot21 · 2 years
Yandere dad hawks/Dabi pt1.6
Master list
Master list for series
Im basing this off of “Wake me up when September ends” by Green Day.
So our birthday is in September, and we hate September because of that fact. So its the 19th our birthday and we just wake up and immediately teleport to Hawks house hopping he forgets our birthday. But surprise surprise he doesn’t and the house is decorated. But its in out favorite colors which never happen at our house.
While we are looking at the decorations we remember out conversation that happened on September 1st. And that conversation went like this:
“I dont like September. Can you like put me in a medical induced coma or some shit until September ends?” We say as we teleport right in front of hawks at his agency.
“Ok so no hello? Hi? Or at the lest a hug? We’ve known each other for like 2 months.” Hawks questions, he was going to get back to our question but just wants a hi first.
“Ok. Hi Hawks. I don’t like September. Can you put me in medical coma or something?”
“No. Why don’t you like September? Its your brith month!”
“I dont like it because of school. And because I don’t like my birthday”
“Why dont you like your birthday?”
“Because its just.. like something always goes wrong on my birthday. For example: my mom would get a concussion a week before and it would be a bad once, id figure out someone was using me for a dare or bet, id have a test a fail it, there was even one time where I got nothing I wanted for my birthday! The list could go on and on and on forever!”
“Hmm ok. Tell me what you want. Everything even decorations and I’ll have them at my house on our birthday and we can just stay home that day, do nothing but what you want. Nothing will go wrong! I wont even try to kidnap you at the end of the day. I promise”
“Hmm you’ve made the promise before. But we know you cant really fully kidnap me because of mu quirk. The kidnapping has turned into a joke now I feel like. I mean you’ve done it like 20 times and it still hasn’t worked.”
“Ha ha ha yeah Ik. But I really promise this time.”
“Hmmm OK Fine. Ill be over in the miring before school. Ill hack into the school thing saying im present for all my classes.”
“Ok. Send me a list of everything you want and I’ll get it. And if there are shirt tell me what size in the things too.”
“Ok Ik send you the list. Also there’s a hawks crochet thing in there I really want because the wings are cute.” We say knowing we are going to regret it later when we have like 5 of them. Or as much as he can order. We could tell hawks freaked out after that and after we teleported out of his office and too school because we where going to be late.
After remembering that we chuckle a bit and then hear a loud scream and then “HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!! WE CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TODAY!!!!” Hawks screamed in returned scaring us so much that we screamed at the top of our lungs. Soon fallowed by a hug and red wings wrapping around us.
“Ok ok thanks hawks this is amazing. I love it.” We say while hugging him back, holding back our tears because we felt so happy in that moment.
“So what do oh want to do today first?”
“Breakfast” we say as our stomach growls.
“Haha ok love.”
We all then spent the day doing whatever we wanted and we were freaking out our parents by not being in the house. But we had a good birthday and thats all that matters. Plus Dabi came and we got to burn Endeavors agency down with him while Hawks was busy getting lunch. Also the fact that we got more comfortable with hawks and are starting to feel like the house is home.
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Platonic yandere shigaraki HCS with a younger sister who's the daughter of AFO? (Since he's readers adopted older brother since AFO adopted shigaraki)
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Yandere Older Brother Shigaraki Tomura
“This is the little sibling I was telling you about. Would you like to hold them?”
“But my quirk–!”
“Not this time. Trust me.”
It was hard not to pull his cradled arms away when AFO unswaddled and slowly lowered the baby down
Visions of his past 
His quirk’s awakening flashed violent through his mind 
Tightly shutting his eyes in fear 
he feels the warmth and substantial weight in his arms
Opening his eyes to see a darling little baby cooing at him
Giving a gummy smile when he lets out a little chuckle in disbelief
“This is (Y/n). You’re little sibling.”
“My little-?”
“Yes. Will you protect them?
From then on it was history
It’s been him and his newfound family against the world 
Even with his old notfamily he wasn’t the oldest
And now you’re immune to his power letting him connect with you in a way he just can’t with others
All that being said he’s a doting big brother
“(Y/n). Are you giving the nanny trouble?”
“Psh! It was only a mud pie!”
“Really? That doesn’t sound so bad.” 
“They threw it in my face!!”
“It was meant for the pillow! Honest!”
“If (Y/n) said it was meant for the pillow then it was meant for the pillow I see no problem here.”
Because AFO is AFO the way you’re raised will really dictate how he watches over you
If he’s not the only one doting on you but your father dearest as well you can expect to always be miles away from the action
Kept in the boonies or shipped across the world
If AFO demands it you will see no such thing as a world he doesn’t create
But if you’re just another tool of his then you both will start to get competitive
“Awww heard about the little incident in Kamino! Heard you couldn’t get the job done!” “And I heard about your little excursion with the American division.”
“Pft! it was more so just a distraction.”
“Oh yeah? Is your enemy weakened and out of the game for good?”
“That’s what I thought little Padawan!”
“Grrr shut up!”
If AFO completely ignores you and keeps you only because Tomura wants it 
Or because you have too many features like your late uncle
He’s dealing with a rebellious little sibling that he’s intent on tracking down
Whether you’ve decided to side with the heroes or strike out on your own
He will make it everyone’s problem that you’re not in his custody
“You seem to forget (Y/n) that as your older brother, I’m going to protect you…whether you like it or not.”
In whichever universe you are the apple of his eye
And he refuses to let you leave it
Whatever plan AFO has for him can wait if it doesn’t mean you safely within his grasp
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black-aurora-nora · 5 months
Give In | Platonic!Yandere!Hawks x Teen!Reader
This had to be the worst day of your life.
You didn't think anything would top being kidnapped, but here you were sunken into the couch of your 'home' weighed down by your own dejection.
Your entire body was cold.
Wet, muddied clothes clung to your body and there was an obvious trail coming from the door to the couch.
Everything was numb.
Your fingertips, your toes, your mind.
The sound of the door opening paused your inner monologue.
"Man, that rain is no joke today! I'm soaked!" Hawks' voice came from the front door, but you didn't bother looking at him.
He strolled over to you after taking his shoes off, but again you paid him no mind. You couldn't bear the sight of him.
He stilled for a moment, looking you over while a frown overtook his features, "(Y/N), my sweet little sister, did you go outside?" His voice was so soft yet unbearably sarcastic. He knew the answer.
He hummed unhappily when he received no reply, "You're gonna get sick if you sit in those wet clothes any longer. I'll go draw you a bat-"
"Yeah, I hope I get so sick that I die." You spat. But even that held no real emotion behind it. You couldn't even bring yourself to be angry at him.
You'd been angry at first.
You'd spent so long trying to figure out an escape plan, only to find the door unlocked when you didn't find a key. Then you anxiously ran out into the rain, screaming for help and looking for any other houses or even streets.
For miles, you ran.
For miles, you hoped and prayed that today was the day you'd be free again.
But as if your prayers were nothing but a joke, you found a tall wall at the end of your journey and it suddenly made sense why the door was left unlocked.
The image of Keigo laughing at you was the first thing that flashed in your mind and you felt something snap in your psyche.
You grabbed at the muddied ground, throwing clumps of mud and grass into the wall as if it were mocking you. Curses of Keigo's name left your mouth with fiery breaths and when the clumps of mud weren't enough, you hit and clawed at the walls.
It hadn't mattered that your fingers were bleeding or that a few nails were gone.
Nothing mattered anymore.
Nothing mattered except for Keigo.
"Okay, grumpy, you still have to take a bath."
You clenched your fists and took a deep breath, "Why didn't you tell me about the wall?"
Keigo stopped, turning back towards you. He had a cocky glint in his eyes, "Did you really think I was gonna let you go that easily? Or that someone wouldn’t find you and return you?”
"Why..." You trailed off, "Why did you let me think that I had a chance? I... I ran for miles... thinking I was free..."
A sound of pity left Keigo and you wished you could slap him, "(Y/N), you're a smart kid. I'm your older, smarter brother." You wanted to scoff at his ego, "Why wouldn't I or the Heroes' Commission plan ahead?"
Why wouldn't they plan ahead?
You felt so stupid.
Of course everything had been planned.
Your prior kidnapping from your home.
Your shipment to Japan.
And your 'rescue' accomplished by Hawks himself.
It was so obvious now that all of that had been an orchestrated to get you into Keigo's possession.
You were a business plan.
Something to keep Keigo occupied from losing his sanity.
"Y-... You're all sick... you're all fucking sick!" Your chest hurt and you clawed at your heart with mangled fingers.
"(Y/N), focus on your breathing for me." Keigo told you, ignoring your spiraling. When you couldn't calm down, he stalked towards you, "(Y/N), I said focus! Slow your breathing."
Violent sobs tore your throat.
Everything had been taken from you just so you could play house with some hero.
Keigo cooed softly and closed the gap between you to hold you close and slide you down to the floor, telling you to slow your breathing.
He uttered praises to you when you finally listened and slowly but surely, your breathing was dissolved into quiet sobs and sniffles.
He stroked the top of your head before grabbing one of your hands to look at your fingers. He gave a small sigh when noticed how bloodied and swollen they were. They were probably riddled with fractures and would surely bruise.
“Maybe,” he spoke, “If you’d let go…this whole thing would be easier.”
“I… I’m gonna go take a bath now…” Your voice was hoarse, grated raw from your sobs and you stood on wobbly legs to make your way to the bathroom.
Keigo only smiled reassuringly and before you closed the door, he spoke one more time, “I love you so much, (Y/N). Please don’t forget that.”
But how could you?
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serxinns · 2 months
Yandere Older class 1a x Deadpool reader
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You were a goofy sarcastic playful hero who always made jokes while brutally punching villains in the face while doing wacky and wild stuff saying the most unhinged stuff with a smile on your face and your Fans and Most pro heroes love that about you
Iida was always with you not because you were dead gorgeous and your fighting skills were amazing but because he's worried about you! You pulling these dangerous stunts makes him have a heart attack whenever he peacefully wants to see the news he sees you teasing and taunting a very dangerous and very deadly villian riling them up to the point where they just slash at anything to get you to stop your yapping, next thing you know he's grabbing his hero suit and running over there right now he always scold you for being u safe while you just either laugh it off do those cringey "I'm sowwy🥺" look iida pretends to be cringe out about but deep down he thinks your pouty face and puppy eyes are cute,
Bonus: both you and Iida's fans agree that Iida was the Dad friend and make those complications video of him being one
Bakugo wants you to depend on him and look up to him he always wants you to be by his side whenever you work with him, but you being a little shit makes his job way harder, you always making fun little jokes and uncanny comedic lines while the two of you are literally in a life and death situation while you're just singing nursery rhymes, He always yells at you to be serious and all you did was say "uh oh cranky pants need a sippy cup?" He chased you around that day and seeing that cute little cheeky face of yours made him blush he always acts like he doesn't wanna work with you but in truth, he stalks your schedule and demands his agency to work close to yours but he won't admit that even the fans kinda see that he cares for you and loved you and himself dynamic
Momo is the worried mother if you ever get hurt by a nasty villain she's beating that villain to a pulp heck even making the dude see the clouds, she always is very protective of you like a mother hen making sure you eat, sleep brush your teeth she always tell you to while you whined like a child, if you didn't bring your lunch don't worry she brought a little bento box for you!, whenever your merch comes out or before she's always the 1st one to get it. She even has a room dedicated to it (just like Izuku but we'll get to him) literally she and Izuku would have a battle about who got the rarest merch and expensive merch
Ochako is like your number 1 biggest fan she always knows your schedule as well so she can either watch you from afar and if you needed any help she'll be there to kick their asses!, she's like Pucca (if you know the childhood show congrats) she always watching you dreamily eyes fluttering but strong and dangerous if anyone messes with you, she's is always in her dream world imagining carrying you like a little princess and she's the knight although she's also ok with you holding her like that as well both ways make her blush and giggles and kicking her feet while floating up, she makes fanfiction of you x reader or her under a fake username ofc so she can write down all her fantasies (some of your classmates would follow that page secretly) she keeps an oversized merch t-shirt that you wrote an autograph
While Izuku may be all Might's number one fan who said he can't be yours as well? Like this dude knows it all has 4-6 pages of you, your quirk, your weapons, your personality, your likes and dislikes, your family, your address-, you name it! He doesn't even need to write down your schedule since he remembers it so easily dude has a great memory there's no denying it, whenever his fans scream all over him wondering what's his favorite hero everyone is so surprised when he mutters out you heck he's shy whenever he talks to you your his idol his darling his sweetie standing in front of him happily making jokes and laughing along or badass shooting and slashing any bad guys, as mentioned in mom's headcanon this boy got a WHOLE ROOM dedicated to you heck one time you jokingly put a dick shape drawing when he asked to Have a autograph he bought a photo case for that and put it on display like he's PROUD
Sero and Denki were your go-to when wanting to cause trouble and Crack some jokes heck all even flirt with each other trying to see who gets the most flustered denki craves whatever attention you give him whether trying to annoy him or not he loves it when you eyes are on him he may act like a carefree person who jokes with you but he's a possessive dude he glares at your fangirls from afar when they're squealing all over you trying to get a autograph calling you hot that made his blood boil that he had to intervene by saying there's a villain waving goodbye at the girls while their squealing got louder seeing Denki but Denki glared at them Sero is the calmer one but is Obsessive he loves everything about you whenever your close to him on the outside he as cool as a cat but inside he's dying screaming on the inside just wanting to hold you close he always ask for any sort of physical interaction like high fives, hugs, he even remembered you patting him on the back praising him for wrapping up the villains luckily someone recorded it and now he saves that in his phone watching it repeatedly over and over again also he keeps those spiderman x Deadpool comics
Jirou and Kiri are like Sero but she acts more like a soft tsundere while Kiri acts like a love-sick puppy following you around and worshipping you head to toe. She acts cool and tough around you but if you compliment her she turns red and hits you to shut up just like Izuku she's too shy to speak to you and always lets you do the talking while she doesn't pay attention just hearing your voice makes her trapped in a dazed smiling dreamily she just couldn't help it You were so adorable even under that mask she wants to cup her hands on your cheeks and give you the biggest kisses leaving you a hot flushed mess kiri on the other hand worships you like a God, he always rants to his friend teru about you and even works together with bakugo at times talking to him about you the two of them will rant on about how cool you are (mostly Him and bakugo just listens) he will invite you to spar with him and if he ever accidentally hurts you he feels so bad and apologies to you even tho you didn't even show any anger or sadness but he thinks you do but all you did was laugh saying how strong he was making the number 4 hero blush and crumble right there he always used to complimenting you on your skills body and even your muscles but you complimenting him!? It's like a kid getting a gold star for their behavior! After sparing he always buys you his favorite drink which you teased him about while he looked annoyed with your teasing he actually likes it and when you promise to stop he mentally whines wanting you to do more!
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fluff-n-cookies · 9 months
mrrps n chirps
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Shinsou and Aizawa with a child with a Cat quirk owns my heart.
For example, imagine the reader is Just a lil' baby and whenever they need her attention, they Just call out her name, and in return. she, on instinct, will mrrp in response and whips her head around to see what happened an hopefully get/earn some head Pats. (like a cat!)
unless you're shinsou Since HE has been ABUSING his Mrrp powers.
he will Just randomly Call out your name to annoy you and now, you Just ignore him.
and now, he could be PLEADING for help as he is eaten by feral dogs but you won't budge. if anything you'll attempt to play with the dogs as he is eaten.
Conversations with aizawa go something like it is:
Aizawa:"(y/n), baby, honey, have you Seen Shinsou?"
baby (y/n): "mrrp."
Aizawa : "oh, I did not Know that!"
baby (y/n) : "mrrrp"
Aizawa: "well okay, it's been nice talking to you but I need to go find your brother BUT I WILL tuck you in tonight K? K.''
and when your excited and do that Iil' chirp IT'S OVER THEIR HEARTS ARE MELTING oh would you look at that it's now a puddle.
and they do anything for it!
plushies? done. Snacks? done. ALL the CUDDLES in the WORLD?!?! DONE. Just please chirp, they are addicted to it like it's the worlds strongest drug!
and if you ever cuddle up to them while they are grading or studying and start purring it's practically a dream come true! that's it. this is their life now.
Because everything is right now, all is good in the world and there is no-where else they'd rather be. maybe that's because they can finally relax now, Knowing you, their top priority, is safe in their arms, purring.
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
Reaching into the Fire
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Platonic yandere themes, brutal spanking/beating, child abuse, wounded reader, slight manipulation, Enji is an asshole, kidnapping, ass kicking threats (towards you), death threats (towards someone else)
Summary: What happens when Touya-nii comes home to find you a mess after a severe punishment from your father?
NOTES: Reader is thirteen years old. Reader has red hair. Like other works of mine concerning Platonic Yandere Dabi, he is in the LOV and living with his dad and siblings. Idfk, don’t come at me with plot holes.
Master List here.
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Looking out the window, you don’t understand. What’s taking him so long to get back? Touya should be home by now. He should have been home two hours ago.
“Get your elbows off the table, and eat your food, Y/N,” your father, Enji, Endeavor, orders you in a nasty snarl.
As if you’re not eating because you’re an ungrateful brat.
As if you’re not eating to spite him in some horrible way.
After all I’ve done for you! You can hear his distant voice ringing in your head like an explosion that has almost just settled but not quite.
You glare at your redheaded father with a dark and deep stare that’s too young for thirteen years old.
“Don’t look at me like that, and I won’t tell you again. Do as I say and eat.”
“Where’s Touya-nii?”
It’s all you ever say to him when he’s not here to act as your savior, the buffer between your hot head and your hot headed father.
Your fiery red hair isn’t the only thing you inherited from him.
Your father curses your disobedience, slamming his hand down on the table.
“That’s it, young lady! Either eat or go to your room.”
“Touya-nii would never talk to me like this!”
That’s not exactly true. There are many occasions where he, himself, drifts from his cool nature and is overcome with anger from some of your “dumbass antics” as he calls them.
He’ll hug you with a fierce possessiveness after he calms down and reverts to his level headedness. He’ll tell you that he’s just looking out for you, tells you that he needs you to understand just how precious you are to him. He tells you you’re his baby sister, and he’ll always be here to protect you.
You never heard a semblance of something like that come from your father’s mouth.
Not that it matters. No, you’ve given up on that long ago.
Your father, in all of his mighty glory as the patriarch of the Todoroki household, slams both his hands on the table and stands up. He towers over you like a massive boulder. It’s unsettling.
“Well, Touya’s not your father!”
You’re in dangerous territory.
“I fucking wish he was…”
And his quirk intensifies. He grabs you by the collar of your school shirt, roughly yanking you out of your seat.
Shoto looks shocked, Fuyumi looks like she’s about to say something, and Natsuo puts a hand on both of his siblings’ arms to keep them in their seats.
He knows that if someone does something against their father, then the entire house might burn down with everyone in it.
You feel your father’s flames lick the backs of your bare ankles as you traverse the stairs with him holding onto you firmly. You don’t wince, you don’t struggle, you’re used to this by now.
The door to your room busts open, oh so close to being torn off of its hinges. A knee jabs right into your stomach as you find yourself face down over his bulky thigh, just a giant mass of muscle.
“You’re so ungrateful.”
He spanks you hard with his flat palm.
“After everything I do for you!”
Your poor skin isn’t even kept safe from his hellflames. The fire scorches your bottom in ways you’ve never felt before. His quirk extending, amplifying with his brute anger.
You are what he chooses to release his frustrations upon this time.
How utterly fucking convenient.
You scream into your sheets, kicking your legs wildly.
You hear movement from above you, but you’re in so much pain that you think one slight shift might cause your ass to slide off of your body.
No, you would like very much for your poor butt to remain intact.
And then something even worse is hitting your backside in an angry barrage, and this time, oh this time you have to look — ass sliding off be damned.
It’s a leather belt. Well, that’s new. You’ve never had that before.
Touya-nii always fought for you over this, telling his father that you’re too damn young for the belt.
“If she’s old enough to mouth off, then she’s old enough to accept the consequences!” Your father had shouted right back in Touya’s scarred face.
Your father, up until now, never used the belt on you though, even after all of those arguments with your big brother.
Guess you went too far tonight.
“You act grown, so take it like a big girl if that’s how you want to behave!”
And the belt stings, stings more than you could ever imagine, causes throbbing and aching deep in your muscles, causes the tears already streaming down your cheeks to flow like rapid waters.
You ball your fists up, punching your mattress, pushing at your father’s knee with a weak grip. There’s nothing you can do to escape as he holds you down with one massive paw on the middle of your back.
You wheeze with the cracks in your heart growing deeper, growing wider. The hitched wail tumbling forth from your lungs like a desperate plea for a love reprieve that you know you’ll never get.
And then he’s standing up, letting you fall to the floor with a loud thud. And then he’s putting his belt back on, glaring down at you like a mighty warrior who has just defeated a rebel army. And then he’s leaving you all alone without a word.
And you ball your hands up, cross your arms on the wooden floor, and sob inconsolably.
It’s late at night having just woken up from a terrible dream on the floor of your bedroom. It takes so long to move to the banister, down the steps, into the kitchen. You can’t even be bothered to turn the light on. Takes so much for your muscles to drag a chair over to the giant refrigerator. You wish you were tall, something Touya-nii and Natsuo inherited from their father, one of the rare good qualities.
All of a sudden, a lanky arm wraps around your waist, and you cry out, not from surprise, but from the contact of your ass against someone’s front.
When you’re set down on your feet in the kitchen, you turn around and look up at Touya with watery eyes.
“Whatchya lookin’ for, squirt?” He ask absentmindedly as he rummages through the freezer for some microwave dinner to heat up.
You gulp down an onslaught of emotions trying to purge before you find composure.
“Ah, woke up thirsty, huh? You get like that after having a bad dream. What? Was I chasing you around? Trying to tickle you until you piss yourself?” He snickers at his own version of a joke.
You rub your arms. “Something like that.”
Touya puts the ice in a glass for you, setting his microwaveable dinner aside on the counter so that he can take care of you first.
He moves to fill the glass with water, but you stop him.
“Wait, you don’t need to do that. You can just leave it as it is. I only wanted ice.”
You can’t manage eye contact. His eyes are too…intense. Too blue. That bright electric blue that cuts through you, can always tell when something’s wrong.
You don’t want him to find something wrong.
You don’t want something to be wrong.
Everything is okay now that the beating is over.
Ice. You just need ice. Ice and a goodnight hug from Touya will fix everything.
It always does.
But he grabs your chin and forces you to look at him, forces you to look into his vibrant cobalt eyes that cut through you like a knife dicing fruit.
Slices through you like it’s nothing.
Like you’re soft.
And maybe you are soft, too soft for your own good.
“What happened?” He shakes your jaw gently in his grasp.
And he sees them, sees the tears welling up in your eyes like a geyser by the light of the full moon shining in through the kitchen window.
And you see something gnarling, brewing, melting together behind that intense gaze of his, the only kind your big brother can carry. It screams danger and rage.
But you don’t want to say what’s wrong because nothing is supposed to be wrong. Everything is supposed to be okay.
Ice and a hug will make everything okay, but it’s never that easy for some reason.
Touya knows how to pull answers from you, even if it’s like pulling teeth. He always gets what he wants because he’s stubborn, just like you, just like your father.
“I…” You shake your head and advert your eyes, trying to pry his hand off of you.
But he’s your big brother, and your big brother is determined to know what’s bothering you. Deep down, you know you should just answer him, but you don’t want to. You want to rebel and get away with it!
When do you ever?
Why can’t things just be different sometimes?
“What. Happened?” Is his steady reply, putting emphasis on each word, slowly drawing it out between gnashed teeth.
And his eyes, those eyes filled with storms of his own, look at you like he NEEDS to know what’s causing yours to fill with tears so that he can destroy them.
It’s all you had to say. He turns the light on, and then he’s yanking at your school uniform, trying to find the marks, trying to find anything that will cement even further just how much of a fucking monster, fucking piece of shit asshole their father is.
You don’t like having your sleeves all but torn off of you. And then he’s looking at your legs, lifting them hem of your skirt in a way you don’t like, trying to push it back down in place.
He doesn’t care. He needs to know where you’ve been hurt, needs to know so he can make it better. Not anyone else. Only he gets to make things better for you.
You hope that what you say next might make him stop shoving at your clothes, but you’re so wrong.
“Touya-nii! Stop it! He spanked me!” You snivel into your hands.
You’re spun around, the back of your skirt lifted up to the small of your back, pinned there by a warm hand that you can feel through your untucked shirt. There’s a heavy whimper caught in your throat as he digs one finger into the waistband of your panties and drags them all the way down to the middle of your thighs.
And it’s all over for him.
The welts. The bruises. The scorch marks. The blisters. The blood smeared across the curve of your bottom.
You don’t like it. You knew this would happen. This makes things feel not okay!
You know Touya-nii is probably so worried.
You never want him to be worried because he’s so good to you, the best sibling you could ever hope for.
But the longer he stands there looking at your beaten and raw ass, the more he stands there in complete silence, that’s how you really know things aren’t okay.
You step out of his hold, his grip on your shirt lax enough for you to wriggle out of. You right your underwear and adjust your skirt before turning to look at him with your arms crossed.
“That…that was not from a spanking. What the fuck did he do to you, baby?”
He pulls you into a tight hug, and this is exactly what you wanted — no, needed.
“I think he was so mad that his fire got on me, and he used his belt at the end.” You press your cheek against his chest.
There’s that silence again. A full five heartbeats go by where nothing is said. It doesn’t bother you. You don’t really want to talk about it anymore. Just want to be held by Touya-nii, the best big brother you could ever ask for, hope for, pray for.
Someone out there knew what you needed.
His arms around you are tighter, and you can tell he’s thinking…planning. Planning what, you don’t know.
“Everything will be alright. Your big brother is right here. He’s got you, baby.”
Baby. That’s right. You’re his baby. His baby sister who can do no wrong in his eyes. He knows when to stop being mean and coddle you, and right now is a time where you most definitely need his warmth instead of the venom laced through his teasing words.
All you know is that you’re too sore to be riding on a train, too damn sore to be walking around, too damn tired for whatever journey your big brother is taking you on.
And then you arrive at a rundown bar, and he’s taking you down the steps. The staircase seems like it goes on forever. You pass a lot of doors, walk even further and further down the hall until he stops and opens one.
The room is…dank to say the least. Rundown is a better description.
But so are you, right? Who are you to judge this room? It feels like a reflection of your insides.
Big brother Touya, with his hand still wrapped around your wrist, tugs you into the room and over to the bed where he has you lie down so that you can go to sleep.
You don’t at first. The place is entirely new. You don’t even really understand what this place is.
“Touya-nii, where are we? Why did you bring me here?”
He shakes his mass of black hair at you, sighing in his early twenty years. You understand the depth of which that sigh is coming from.
You sigh just like Touya-nii too.
“Go to sleep,” is all he says as he unties your black shoes, pulling them off of your feet. He lets them drop to the floor, and you cringe at the sound of the dull thud.
The fall from your father’s lap is too fresh in your memory.
“But, I wanna know-“
You don’t get the chance to finish your sentence. He’s already tucking the blanket in around you and pushing your face down against the scratchy pillow.
Huffing with the manhandling, you try to push his rough hands away.
“Okay, I’ll go to sleep, but you better answer my questions in the morning.”
“You’re my good girl, you know that?” His fingers brush your fiery red hair behind your ear. “I’m proud of you. I know you were real tired tonight, but you listened to me. You did everything I asked you to do without complaining or fighting me.”
Your cheeks blush. Of course you’re Touya’s good girl! You’d never deliberately disobey him. All you want is his praise, and here he is, offering it to you on a golden platter.
You take it with a hungry appetite.
He presses a kiss against your forehead and lies down next to you.
You know he runs warm, hot even, but you can’t help but feel bad for hogging the blanket.
“Move your fat ass, Touya-nii,” you tell him as you try to pull the blanket out from under him.
He huffs and flicks your cheek before acquiescing. He turns over only slightly, deciding to make things a bit easier but not entirely, still trying to make you work for the blanket even with a bit of his weight taken off.
He can’t help it. He’s still your big brother after all.
You grumble and puff, but you’re too stubborn to give in. It takes all of your effort just to gracelessly pull the blanket out from underneath your big brother and half hazardly throw it over him before lying down on your stomach.
“God, you’re so annoying, Touya-nii.”
“Why don’t you go cry about it, baby?”
And you smile before drifting off to sleep.
“You brought a kid here?!”
Your eyes immediately open. You blink, adjusting to your surroundings, remembering that Touya brought you here last night.
You stand up from the bed, walking closer to the door, pressing your ear up against it.
“Why would you bring a child here?!” The voice sounds like it’s cracking, crazed.
He sounds like he could use some water.
“I had to. There was nowhere else to take her. She won’t be a problem here.”
You open the door and step out into the hallway. Your eyes land on several people, all of them strangers. There’s a girl who looks about your age, but most of them are older men.
“Touya-nii, what’s going on?”
Stern. He looks at you with stern eyes and a pointed finger. “Get back in the room and shut the door.”
“Listen to me or so help me, I will kick your ass.”
Oh, you know he most definitely will, but he doesn’t mean it in the way your father kicks your ass. No, never. He means he’ll tackle you, wrestle you, pinch you, maybe ground you to your room for a few hours if you piss him off enough. Never the brutal spankings, beatings, of your father. No, Touya-nii would never.
But you’re his good girl. His good baby, so you obediently tuck yourself away in the rundown room.
The conversation moves away from you. It’s obvious because you can’t hear voices outside of the door. You’re forced to lie down on the creaky bed, trying to shut your eyes.
It takes what feels like forever and a day for your brother to come back and get you. He sits down beside you, placing a hand on your back.
“So, you wanna know why I brought you here?”
You nod your head as if he just asked you such a stupid question because it is a stupid question.
You asked him that just last night!
“You’ll be staying here with me. This is…where I work, I guess you could say. Dad doesn’t know, and he’s not going to. He won’t be able to find you here. You’ll be safe here.”
“What about school? I left all of my things at the house.”
“You’ll have to forget about your stuff and school. I’m more worried about protecting you than seeing what kind of grades you bring home. I’m not letting him or anyone hurt you ever again. Dad can fucking go to hell. He had no right to do that to you, and I won’t let it happen again.”
“But, Touya! I need to go to school.”
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes, determined azure seeping deeply into your soul.
“Fuck school. I don’t give a damn about school. You’re not going anymore and that’s final. This is your new home now. I can’t let you get caught. I won’t let you go back. I’ll keep you safe here.”
A lonely tear drips from your eye, turning into a cascade down both cheeks. “I don’t understand!”
And his palms are on your face, cupping your wet cheeks. His hands both warm and warn. The familiarity of it all trying to overwhelm you.
He’s trying to calm you.
It’s only making things worse.
“You don’t need to understand, baby. Your big brother is here. He’s got you. I’ll always be here to protect you. He’ll never hurt you again because I’m going to keep you safe here with me, and I’m going to kill that fucking bastard.”
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
I have a request if that's OK can you do Yandere class 1a(romantic) (and Yandere eraser mic platonic ofc) x reader with powers like starfire or raven
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Sure and I'll go with the reader having powers like Starfire if that's okay with you and I sincerely apologize if this sucked
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You were a part of class 1A and over a period of time, they started growing obsessed and possessive of you so much that you weren't even allowed to hang out with students from the other classes. To say you had powers was an understatement, you were basically a walking weapon with your abilities of being able to fly, shooting laser beams from your eyes and hands, superhuman strength and agility. You aced the UA entrance exam like it was nothing and left everyone awed and speechless of your powers. You were soon sorted into class 1A after you received your acceptance letter and you became friends with your classmates, unaware of their darker masked desires and hidden intentions for you
You were book smart but when it came to figuring out the intentions your classmates had for you, you were quite naive indeed. The other day Monoma, TetsuTetsu and Kendou wanted to hang out with you and you agreed to hang out with them, when your classmates found out about your plans to hang out with some other class instead of them, they were annoyed and their jealousy bubbled inside him. They usually couldn't stand each other at times, each of them wanting to have you for themselves, however during times like this they were forced to work together. "HAH!? TF DO YOU MEAN HANGING OUT WITH THAT BLONDE RAT!? NO WAY!" yelled Bakugou as he muttered profanities and cursed under his breath while threatening to blast Monoma to the orbit. Uraraka, Momo and Mina had resorted to trying to guilt trip you by telling you that you barely ever hang out with them and you wanted to spend time with other people instead of them. Even the usually calm Deku and Kirishima had dark looks plastered across their faces, looking deep in thought while Iida was busy lecturing you as usual about how you shouldn't ignore your classmates when they wanted to spend time with you and besides, you also had homework to do and started listing out every possible reason why you couldn't hang out with the class 1B students
Eventually you ended up giving in and decided to have a movie night in the common room with your classmates since they just wouldn't stop with the incessant pestering. You don't know what it is they've done, but they've done something for sure since no one from class 1B decided to approach you the next day. Even Monoma kept his distance from you and scurried off in the opposite direction as your spotted a few scars on his face and hands which your dear classmates may or may not have caused. They won't allow anyone else to steal you away from them, you're theirs. From hanging out with Shoji and Koda and playing with Koda's pet bunnies to helping Sato bake his goodies and doing homework with Iida and Shoto to going shopping with the girls, you feel like your classmates are monopolizing your time way too much but you can't really do anything about it, how could you possibly prove that they're in the wrong for wanting to spend time with you?
Your teachers are of no help either whatsoever, Aizawa sensei and Present Mic think it's a GOOD thing your classmates are so protective and possessive of you. They're worried you might become reckless one day and your powers might end up hurting you which is the last thing they all want, so it's like a mutual silent agreement and understanding between them to keep an eye on you and protect you. Even if they have to get their hands dirty. Aizawa and Mic see you as one of their own kids to take care of and they take that role VERY seriously. The other day some random dude actually had the GUTS and audacity to try slipping in a love note into your locker while Aizawa was passing by and his eyes narrowed as he wrapped the guy in his scarves and gave him detention for the rest of the semester every day. If someone dares to make the mistake of bullying you, Mic would be the one to deal with that by using his quirk on them to make their eardrums literally BLEED till they apologize
Now, about your powers, it's a tricky situation. As much as they all love you for who you are and how capable you are to take care of yourself, they're also worried you might end up getting hurt one day because of them. No way in hell would Aizawa ever give you strenuous training tasks despite your whining and pleading, you could get hurt. They ALWAYS have eyes everywhere and they know your every move no matter what. Some of your classmates have literally resorted to stalking the living daylights out of you and you're still unaware of the secret cameras placed in your room, courtesy of Iida when you both had that study session a few days ago. Your every movement is now watched by all your classmates and your teachers as well. They don't even realize they're doing something wrong and they're lost so far in their delusion, they think they're just doing their jobs as good heroes in protecting you, their loved one and keeping you safe
Denki, Kirishima, Sero, Hagakure and Ojiro think your powers are cool but the rest of them are really worried for your safety. You always get lectured by Iida whenever you end up doing something risky and Deku would just be pleading with you to never do something like this again while Bakugou would lovingly insult you to knock some sense into your head. You are NOT to be fighting villains, they've all established that already and made that rule VERY clear. If there's a villain attack at some point, you'll be taken to safety because they do not want you engaging into such dangerous stuff. Look, you might have strong powers and you might be a good fighter but that still doesn't mean they'll let you fight villains and criminals, you'll always be seen as someone naive and sheltered in their eyes, someone they need to protect from the darkness of the world. But not to worry though, after the villains are dealt with (Or probably murdered), Aoyama will comfort you with cheese, Momo will make you some tea and Jirou will play some of her music for you as you'll spend the rest of your time surrounded by your classmates once again, your teachers pleased with the turn of events of the extreme lengths your classmates are willing to take to protect you. What sort of heroes would they be if they can't ensure their loved one's safety after all?
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mango-bango-bby · 1 year
Hi! Is it okay if I request platonic Yandere LOV with Dabi’s sister? Like they fight over who gets to babysit her while Dabi run errands? Thank you! I love your content!
♡ Babysitter ♡
(A/N: I genuinely love platonic LOV so much!! I’ve been getting so many platonic bnha request’s lately and I love it so much!! It’s the best for comfort 💞)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, children, the league fighting over reader, reader cries
Summary:  Dabi has to leave for an errand, so the league has to babysit you (Yan!platonic!brother!Dabi x GN!child!reader + Platonic!LOV x GN!child!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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Dabi did his best to take care of you. He did the best he could with his lifestyle. You stayed in the leagues hideout most of the time, almost never going out. You were still pretty young and stayed away from the outside, as your brother advised you to. 
He actually trusted most of the league around you, some of the villains that would visit weren’t as trusted then he would keep you locked up in your room. He knew the ones he trusted though, he knew they wouldn’t hurt you.
“I’m going out” Dabi says, placing you down on the couch. “You’re in charge, watch Y/n” He says, leaving the underground bar. He had noticed that your roots were starting to grow back in. Although not healthy for your hair, he couldn’t risk your identity being even some what findable through your fiery red hair that you got from your father. So he needed to go get more hair dye.
All of the villains in the room look at you as you sit with your toys in your lap. You just play with your small lego’s, not even noticing that your brother had left. The only problem was that no one knew who exactly he was talking to.
“Hehe, c’mon Y/n, let’s go paint your nails” Himiko giggles going to pick you up, only to be interrupted by Spinner. “Don’t leave, I’m supposed to be watching them” He whines, watching Himiko hold you. She only blinks at him.
“No, I’m watching them! I’m they’re favorite! Y/n loves spending time with their auntie Himiko! Isn’t that right, cutie?” She says, blowing a raspberry on your stomach before putting you back down on the couch to play with your toys.
“He left me in charge” Tomura mumbles, his eyes focused on his game on the TV. “What? Why would you be in charge?” Spinner asks, Tomura rolling his eyes. “Because I’m the leader” He says as if it were obvious.
Kurogiri sighs from behind the bar while cleaning glasses. “You all are so immature, that’s why he left me to watch them” He says, earning huffs from around the room.  But they’re cut off by a small knock on a door.
“Dabi?” you say, knocking on his door. None of them were watching, you had left to the hallway. “Dabi” you say walking into the room, looking everywhere, even under the bed as if he could fit under there. “Where’s Dabi?” you whine, walking back into the lounge area, still looking for him. You were still very young but you could speak with very small sentences. 
“He’s not here” Tomura states, not even thinking before saying it. “No-“ You whine, balling up your fist as tears start welling up in your eyes. “No, no, please don’t cry” Spinner panics, Himiko also trying to comfort you but it only makes you cry more. 
“I want Dabi!” You cry, Dabi facepalming as he walks through the door with a box of hair dye in his hand. He walks by swooping you up into his arms. 
“Can’t even leave you alone with them for five minutes” He huffs, carrying you off to your room as your crying calms now that he’s here. 
This only causes another fight, they never did find out exactly who he was talking to.
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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mayullla · 1 year
Title: Little healer here!
Characters: Hawks / Keigo Takami (My Hero Academia/BNHA)
Summary: After fighting with villains Hawks was badly injured, when you showed up and healed him.
Warnings/tags: Slowburn platonic yandere, fem!child!reader, reader has a healing quirk (maybe-), the obsessions themes are not obvious here but will happen at one point so just in case I am putting this here.
Note: Okay so like my hero academia season 1 to 5 I have watched most of the episodes this month and like here. A small brainrot of adopted dad Hawks turned slow burn yandere everyone kind of deal-
Little healer here! list (part 2 is here!)
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It was Hawks who found.. well not necessarily it was more so you found him badly hurt and hiding away after he underestimated a villain he was fighting with.
Hiding injured after the fight in the narrow walkway between buildings he was about to get ready to leave planning on getting up from his seat on the pavement when he heard footsteps only to be left surprised when he saw a child walking in the middle of the dark streets.
A red feather right against your neck you weren't sure what was happening as you looked at the surprised man, tilting your head.
"Mister-san, what are you doing here?" You asked curiously.
Hawks examined you searching for anything suspicious yet other than your white tattered dress and old sneakers and if not a little big for you... nothing was suspicious.
"Mister you are hurt!" Hawks looked at your eyes, concern was written all over them too real to be fake.
"Yeah, I just happened to trip kid." He told you slowly pulling the sword away from your neck he was worried that he might have caused you trauma from it but your casual reaction was something else really.
"You need to treat it!" You whined at him as you walked closer, you didn't see how tensed the man became still cautious about who you were.
Hawks looked at your small tiny hand that was reaching out for him yet he made no move. Pouting you took a seat on the floor and grabbed his hand, bloody from cuts and bruises. "H-hey kid you shouldn't be doing that-" The warm feeling that he felt within his skin almost tingling within his blood and veins yet was somehow soft and welcoming. The pain soothed over as the cuts and wounds healed themselves.
Watching a large cut on his arm slowly knit together he looked at you, who was focused on your work. His eyes narrowed as he wondered how a small kid like you was here when you have a pretty amazing quirk like this. He thought that at your age most children with some sort of healing quirk could probably heal a scraped knee or a small cut.
Not deep wounds like his...
The moment you released his hand you took a deep breath so tired from healing him yet you looked at him satisfied that you were able to help even if his face was so confused. "There! Healed! No more bobos." You told him standing up you were about to skip away when he grabbed your hand.
"Hmmm?" You glanced back at the once wounded man now all healed.
"Uhh thanks for healing me. Can you tell me your name kid?" Hawks asked with a smile on his face trying to look calm. You looked back at him smiling, you told him your name and that you were from an orphanage not too far from here. It seemed like that was enough for him to let you go as you headed back to the orphanage not knowing a small feather go stuck on your hair.
Heading back he went to tell the Hero Commission about a little gem he had found hiding away in an old orphanage. Having a quirk that was maybe as strong as Recovery Girl if carefully watched over will be beneficial to the hero world after all.
He thought that all he needed to do was tell and that was it, as he was reminded of your little smile he thought that that was the last time he would see you smile like that. He wondered why his heart for a moment became hollow.
"Huh? You are asking me to take care of her? Sorry but like I also have an agency to take care of and like hero work and all." Hawks did not expect them to suddenly ask him to take care of you. Currently, it seems that they have their hands full with things to do. Hawks too was busy but in their eyes right now he still should have enough time to take care of a child.
Hawks really thought it was a bad idea as he entered an old orphanage gate the old rusty gate creaking as he moved to open it called many of the residents' attention. And by residence, he means children.
He was quickly bombarded with children all of who were surprised the hero Hawks were there while teachers tried to calm the children down and asked Hawks why he was there.
He was interested in adopting a child much to everyone's surprise.
The hesitant look on the elder teacher's face as she left you and Hawks alone was understandable but unfortunately, he was on a mission right now. "Why is mister-san here?"
"Why can't I say hi and thank the person who helped me in the alleyway?" Hawks teased you. "But then why are we here in this room?" You asked looking around the blue walls decorated with paper flowers. "This room is where children find a home."
"Do you not want to be adopted? Don't you also want a place to call home?" Hawks asked, watching as you shook your head. "I want a home." There was longing in your eyes, yet somewhat scared. It made Hawks wonder how you came to this orphanage how you ended up here... he thought of that time you healed him. You seemed to have no fear of blood when you healed him.
"But Mister-san looks too young to be a father."
..... "Oi."
Hawks was not sure if he should take that as a compliment or an insult. On one hand, it is a compliment to be called young sometimes but from a kid that he was supposed to be adopting he wasn't so sure.
"Listen kid, my name is Keigo Takami. Hero name Hawks. I am quite popular with the young generation. So you not knowing my name means that I doing something wrong here." The small giggles you made covering your hand from letting them made Hawks smile a little, the knowing mischievous twinkle in your eyes was a dead giveaway.
"Mister-san do you want me to call you dad?"
Hawks looked at the papers about your quirk, a healing quirk that he was expecting so long as you are touching the person you can heal that person. Simple it seems but strong... Hawks wondered "So do you use your quirk often?"
"Hmmm sometimes, I am the only one who can heal in this orphanage so a lot of my friends look for me when they get hurt." You said looking at your hands, as you swung your legs under the table.
"How about outside the orphanage?" Hawks asked, you looked at him in the eyes and then outside as you wondered. A finger in under your mouth as you tried to figure out if you ever healed someone outside the orphanage. "You?"
"Very cheeky kid." You giggled as he raised a brow a smirk on his lips. "Sometimes I do. It is not often that I find someone bleeding on the side of the alleyway." Your eyes glittered.
"Very funny." Hawks rolled his eyes, as you continued to giggle.
You were a cute kid really as the conversations he had with you were all light and carefree it almost made him relax a little. And after a few more visits you were adopted by him, as you waved goodbye to your friends you looked at the man with red wings.
You smiled as the teachers told you that you now found a home and that you are so fortunate. That you must be good. Hawks waited till you said your goodbyes before taking you to his car.
"This is your new home," the house was luxurious so different from the old orphanage you lived everything was second-hand if not third or fourth hand. You gasped at how bright and shiny the place was running around yet careful not to touch anything afraid that your might break something.
Hawks watched you roam around the place with sparkling eyes.
Your room was empty and bare of any design or furniture except for a bed, desk and wardrobe. Hawks had told you that he would let you design the place to your liking but you told him that this was enough. The red hawk plushie that he placed on top of the bed was more than enough.
Hawks can't help but smirk at you patting your head as he heads to the kitchen asking what you would like to eat. The meal was joyful, something that Hawks didn't experience often in his own home, not like he was the type to invite people here often when he was so busy.
He asked you if you knew how to wash and you told him you could, giving you your pajamas he prepared you a bubble bath something that made you super excited.
"Ohh! Bubbles!!"
Brushing your teeth in from of the mirror with Hawks right beside you. The cheerful sounds in the lonely house were unfamiliar to Hawks as he watched you watch cartoons on the tv. Not bad, something in his mind he could get used to.
He just didn't expect to have a hard time getting you to bed. When you tried to run away from your room only to get caught by his red feathers. You pouted at him as he tucked you into bed. "Kids don't grow unless they get lots of sleep didn't the caretakers in the orphanage not tell you that?" He smirked at your face, poking your chubby cheeks.
"Well get to sleep." He was about to leave a feather right by the switch to turn the lights of your room of when you grabbed his t shirt. Sighing he turned back to you to see your hesitant face, almost lost and scared that he was your only hope. It was weird... something that Hawks never saw ever since he meet you.
"Don't go..." The voice was small, scared. "Please don't go. I am scared..."
It made Hawks nervous as he took a seat on your bed. You covered most of your face with a blanket but it seems that the strength on your hand that was holding his t-shirt did not lessen. "Hey what is the matter kid? Don't worry nothing bad is gonna happen to yah. You are staying at a hero's home no?"
Your eyes watered as your hold on his t-shirt tightened "I am scared... I am scared that this might all be a dream." You mumbled softly yet Hawks heard everything.
Watching you hold his t-shirt he wasn't sure what to say all of the sudden... "Don't worry... I won't leave you." Hawks softly said placing a hand on your head "I promise you that once you wake up nothing would be a dream and that Mr. Hawks will be right beside you when you open your eyes." Raising the red hawks' plushie that you forgot in the living room he placed it right beside you.
"Promise?" You asked the strength on your hold lessen as you raised your other hand showing your pinky. Hawks smiled softly as he grabbed your pinky with his. "I promise."
Hawks almost knew nothing about how to care for a kid really, yet his head can't help but melt as you continued to cling to his shirt. He stayed with you when you closed your eyes, he stayed with you till your breath slowed a little with little snores. You were asleep tired from a hectic day.
Hawks didn't leave the room immediately unable to get up as he looked at the ceiling. The room was once an empty bedroom meant for guests who would probably stay at best a day or two.
Yet now it was given to a little girl that he was supposed to take care of for who knows how long. He thought he would not get attached he cant not with his line of work. Yet the reality was much harsher to him when he watched as the power in your hand slowly fade little by little dropping to the bed sponge.
Really he also doesn't think that he would be a great caregiver to you. Honestly, he didn't think he would be taking care of a kid in his early 20s. He was told he was to send you to UA where Recovery girl will care of you all the while teaching you how to use your quirk. He thought that at most he will giving you food and shelter at most he didn't think you and him would interact this much.
And this was all in one day...
You would probably be at AU almost the whole day once he gets back to his hero duty to busy then. He was only given a few days off to look after you so that you could get used to your new life.
Maybe then things would change, and maybe you and he would not grow any closer then... when it happens...
He didn't know how long he stayed in your room but in the end, he stood up and left slowly closing the door so as to not let you wake up.
"Awake birdy?" You rubbed your eyes as you stared at the man who wore a cute-looking apron with frills on them. Something was frying in the kitchen, the delicious smell woke you up. "Want some pancakes?"
"Umh!" You nodded your head holding tightly to the hawk plushie. You let him grab you pulling you out of the bed as he had his feathers clean up the bed. Picking you up you clung to his neck still sleepy trying to wake up as your stomach growled.
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roseytheteacup · 1 year
Hey guys its me , I need some ideas or request anything is fine,mind you some of these writings not only help me get into a better mindset but I think you guys would have fun reading it. PLEASE SEND REQUEST. and if the request or ask isnt' working ask me in the comment
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american-idiot21 · 2 years
Platonic Yandere dad Hawks and Dabi:
Gremlin reader part 1
Gremlin reader part 2
How we got close to Dabi
How we got close to Hawks after Dabi
Master list
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