#platonic with a capital p
rogueddie · 22 hours
Steve is definitely rambles when he's nervous, just as much and as bad as Robin- the difference is, the only person he feels safe enough to be open and vulnerable like that with is Robin. At first, she thinks it's just him picking up on her quirks. It takes her a while to realize, no, they really are soul sisters.
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shares-a-vest · 24 hours
Working on some Robin fanart gave me clothes-sharing Stobin brainworms.
Even though he mostly buys his own clothes, Steve is still gifted a few pieces. His Mom will come home with a new shirt she thinks is, 'rather smart' and Claudia always gifts him a new sweater or a shirt on his birthday and at Christmas, sometimes even just whenever.
The only thing is...
He doesn't like them.
The shirts his mother buys are the kind of rich boy dress shirts he stopped wearing as soon as he had any kind of independence over his own wardrobe. And Claudia's choice of clothing is a little too... Dorky.
Even if no one else can see it. Dustin cannot comprehend the subtle difference between a striped polo Steve would wear and then one that looks like something Ted Wheeler might sport at a summer barbeque.
So, you know who gets these clothes? Who loves these clothes?
The dorky stripes. The polos that are far too loose-fitting for Steve's taste. The dress shirts.
Robin, who snatches them up with greedy fingers and a gleeful glint in her eye. Robin, who thrifts and fixes and adjusts and customises. Robin, who doesn't even need to debrief with her platonic soulmate over the clothing Steve finds unacceptable.
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dykelips · 3 days
so!!!!! how do you guys like it? i'm sorta in the middle and i'm trying to decide if i should post it on insta or not (my watermark is also my user for insta, but i don't use the same one on here)
you can't even try to rip their codependency out of my hands idc they're actually everything to me
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itsdjover · 6 months
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They're being chased by a monster and yet their first instinct at hearing Dustin singing on the radio is to judge him. I love them so much.
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donttellunclesam · 15 days
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girls night!!
(close up under the cut)
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ayoedebiris · 8 months
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STOBIN APPRECIATION WEEK day one: favorite scene
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monologichno · 5 months
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I need to make this Hawkeye panels into stobin
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lilpomelito · 11 months
Steve and Robin go out to a gay club in Indy one night and Robin ends up pissed off because even if she did make a couple of friends and connections with the local scene she didn't have as much luck as Steve who made out with like 5 dudes in a row. How come they're going to the gay places and her straight friend still has more game than her?! Turns out maybe not so much, since Steve spends the monday shift at family video talking how much he enjoyed kissing guys and how hot it got him and how it didn't feel like a performance—which Robin can relate to that part—so maybe it's time to keep experimenting? Robin thinks he might be going a little fast but Steve is determined so he asks if he should ask Eddie if he's down to hooking up so he can try having sex with a guy which sends Robin into another spiral because whoa, since when are you aware that Eddie's gay? (And shit, if she said it out loud to Steve does that count as outing Eddie?!) Steve says he just knows, the same way he knows that Vicky is into boobies (ugh, not this again!) and anyway there's no harm in asking. Robin's mind is blown when Steve literally picks up the phone and calls Eddie if he's down to fuck that night at his place. She's not surprised Eddie agrees. He might be even more of a masochist than Robin herself, really. Which leads to a very interesting night where Robin spends hours trying to concentrate on her stupid homework and not think about how her best friend, her soulmate, the light of her life, is right now having gay sex literally days after finding out "kissing guys is cool actually," when it took her years to admit to herself that she was into girls. And it's even more mortifying when a little after midnight Steve calls her—of course he does—and informs her that sex with men is actually so much better than sex with girls, for him at least, he just had the best orgasm of his life (good for him) and inform her that he now has a boyfriend. Honestly, what did Robin expect. Good for Steve and his simple, honest heart.
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demobatman · 11 months
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a little late but in honor of the one year anniversary of volume 2 i redrew the first drawing i ever posted 😋😋
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Steve was looking around for his wallet to pay the pizza man but he couldn't find it. It was Eddie who found it wedged between the couch cushions.
"Thanks, Daddy," Steve said and went to pay the pizza man.
Eddie's eyes widened, and he whipped his head around to face Robin, whose eyes were just as wide.
"You heard that, right?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, buddy, I did," Robin said. "He does that, though, calls people names that are similar to their own. He called me Bobin the other day. Although, I kind of like it. And Daddy is awfully close to Eddie."
"Oh," Eddie said softly.
"You sound disappointed. Did you want him to call you that?" Robin asked.
"What? No. I like girls," Eddie squeaked.
"Eddie, you know about me. You know I wouldn't care if you were also like me," Robin said softly.
"I like girls, Robin," Eddie said.
"Well, I'm just going to put this information out there, for anyone who's interested. . . You can like more than one gender," Robin said.
"Pardon?" Eddie asked.
Before Robin could even open her mouth, Steve came back into the room.
"You'll never believe who's delivering pizzas now," Steve said, only to find Robin and Eddie staring at him. "What?"
"My name is Eddie," he said.
"Thanks, I had no clue," Steve said, rolling his eyes. "Of course, I know your name is Eddie."
"You called me Daddy," Eddie said.
"No, I did not," Steve said and rolled his eyes. "This is just like when Robin thought I called her Bobin. Is it possible that you're just hearing what you want to hear?"
"You think I want to be called Bobin?" She asked.
"You did say you kind of liked it," Eddie pointed out.
"Okay, the pizzas are getting cold," Steve said and headed into the kitchen.
Eddie leaned forward as he stared blankly ahead. He pressed his hands together.
"Do I want him to call me Daddy?" Eddie asked, and then his eyes went wide. "Oh my God, Bobin, I think I want him to call me Daddy, and while he's in my lap, and he's. . . "
"Woah, you can stop there!" Robin exclaimed.
Eddie jumped up and started pacing. He was muttering under his breath as he did calculations in the air. Robin jumped in front of him and grabbed his shoulders.
"Eddie, this a good thing," she said softly.
"I know, it's just surprising, or maybe I'm surprised about the fact that I'm not really surprised at all," Eddie said. "Everyone's been calling me queer for years, I just - "
"Didn't want them to be right because they're a bunch of assholes," Robin said and grinned. "Well, that's understandable."
Eddie was about to open his mouth to say something else when Steve walked back into the room.
"Did I order pizza for nothing?" Steve asked and Eddie stared at him. "What?"
"Steve," Robin started to say before Eddie started crossing the room.
He didn't even go around the coffee table. He just walked directly over it.
"Eddie! What did I say about walking on the furn - Mmmm!" Steve was interrupted.
Eddie grabbed him, dipped him, and looked at him questioningly with his lips close to Steve’s. Steve nodded, and Eddie crashed his lips to his. Steve immediately gasped into his mouth before kissing him back and gripping his shoulders. Eddie quickly broke the kiss and brought Steve back up.
"Wooo! Yeah, definitely not straight!" Eddie exclaimed and slapped Steve’s ass. "You can call me whatever you want, big boy. Hell, you can even call me Big Daddy if you want to."
Eddie swaggered into the kitchen, leaving Steve dazed.
"I told you accidentally calling him daddy would work," Robin said and then winced. "I didn't know he wasn't awake yet. My bad. The hanky threw me off. Well, it all worked out. Steve? Jesus, where did that kiss send you? It couldn't have been that good."
"Leave me alone, Robin. I'm literally seeing through space and time right now," Steve said, closing his eyes.
"Hey! There's pizza in here! In case you forgot," Eddie called out.
Robin rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen.
"You Vecna'd him with that kiss, asshole!" Robin exclaimed.
"Hmm," Eddie said, his mouth full of pizza. "Maybe another kiss will wake the prince."
He skipped back into the living room.
"I'm eating all the fucking pizza!" Robin yelled.
"That's fine! I found something good to eat in here!" Eddie hollered back.
"Swallow that pizza before you kiss me, Eddie!" She heard Steve exclaim. "I'm not a baby bird!"
Meanwhile, Robin was smiling as they squabbled until it fell into silence. She was glad they both finally figured things out. Her clueless boys. She wouldn't trade them for the world. Hmm, maybe for the recipe for this pizza. Holy shit, they've never been this good before.
"Hey, who'd you say was delivering the pizzas?" Robin asked.
"Not only did they deliver the pizzas, but they also made them!" Steve hollered back.
"Name, Dingus!"
"Argyle!" Steve yelled. "I asked him to stay, but he had other deliveries to make. He said he needed to spread the love."
"Aw. I love that guy," Robin muttered.
As she chewed down on the pizza, she decided that she definitely needed to add a new best friend to her collective. Yeah, Argyle was definitely her new best friend.
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rogueddie · 5 months
Steve, who didn't come out to Robin when she did in the Starcourt bathrooms bc he didn't want to take away from her moment, entirely forgetting that he never came out to her and subsequently gives her the bitchiest look when she almost chokes to death at his casual "god I want that guy to rail me"
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starryeyedjanai · 11 months
And Steve is like ??? Tf did you send me ?
And of course he’s insanely curious, but he’s a good friend and if Eddie sent something he didn’t mean to, he’s not gonna open it.
Eddie texts back 😔I sent you a dick pic I meant to send Robin. I have you both as thing 1 and thing 2 in my phone and I sent it to the wrong thing 😫
Steve sends back ???? Why were you sending my lesbian bestie a dick pic my guy????
And Eddie is like for the aesthetics? I need to know if I got a good angle
Steve immediately facetimes Robin and asks, “Why is Eddie sending you dick pics for the aesthetics?
Robin says, “Oh, because I’m objective and will tell him if his dongle looks weird.” Like it's a perfectly normal thing, like he's the weird one for even questioning it.
“Who is he sending the dick pics to after you approve them?” he asks, out of his mind with curiosity.
“How the hell am I supposed to know that? Why do you even want to know?” she asks.
He deflects and tells her that Eddie accidentally sent him a dick pic and that he can’t open it or he’ll see what Eddie dick looks like.
She lets him change the subject, but she's grinning at him like she sees right through him, sees through the deflection. He knows they're going to have to talk about his Eddie problem at some point.
Before they hang up, she says she’ll come over and delete it in the morning for him.
That should be enough to calm him down, that he doesn't have to deal with it alone, but Steve is perturbed all night. He wants to open the snapchat, wants to see what Eddie is sending other people. It feels like a violation of his privacy, though, because he didn't intend for Steve to see it.
So Steve sucks it up and leaves the entire app unopened, lest he be tempted. That doesn't stop him from thinking about it all night.
What kind of pictures is he sending people? What does his dick look like in these "aesthetic" pictures? He sneaks a hand into his underwear thinking about the kinds of pictures he might send Steve if he knew he was interested.
In the morning, Robin comes over and opens the snapchat for him - she doesn't let him see it, and she takes a selfie of herself holding up a peace sign so that Eddie knows it was her that opened the picture.
She says, “It was a really good dick pic,” to Steve, like that is at all helpful to his current situation.
He’s gonna be thinking about this for a long, long time, it seems.
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gr3yearl · 2 months
broke: steve and robin are sisters
woke: steve is robin’s sister and robin is steve’s brother
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xstevex-world · 2 years
Steve: Myself and Robin are best friends.
Robin: Platonic soulmates, if you will.
Steve: We share everything.
Robin: Food-
Steve: Clothes-
Robin: Music taste-
Steve: taste in women-
Robin: gender-
Steve: a single brain cell-
Robin: the only thing we don’t share is an interest in men.
Steve: *holding Eddie’s hand* damn my bisexuality for ruining something so perfect.
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donttellunclesam · 28 days
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the besties (new pfp)
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riality-check · 1 year
"Robin, you need to listen to this."
"Hello to you, too, dingus," Robin says, holding the receiver against her ear with her shoulder as she stirs the pasta she has on the stove.
"Seriously, Buckley, you're not gonna believe this."
"Hi to you, too, husband of dingus."
Through the phone, Eddie snorts, which makes Robin smile. Through the phone, Robin hears Steve mumble before he says, "Okay, Cora, what's Pa's name?"
A few seconds pass before Cora, wonderful little menace that she is, answers with all her bright, two-year old confidence, "Baby!"
Robin laughs so hard she drops her spoon. "Steve, you gotta be-"
"It gets better," Eddie says, and he's laughing, too. "Cora, what's Daddy's name?"
"Oh, don't tell me-"
"S'eehard!" Cora says, not quite getting all the sounds, but Robin gets the gist.
"You two are disgusting," she says fondly. "And she's totally doing this on purpose, isn't she?"
"Absolutely," Steve says.
"She's smiling so wide, it's making my face hurt," Eddie adds.
"Well, she gets it from you," Steve says. "Munson menaces beget Munson menaces."
"Okay, Steve Munson."
Robin laughs. "How about it's both of your faults?"
Silence settles, and Robin doesn't even try to suppress the wild grin that spreads across her face.
"You gotta be kidding me, little lady," Eddie says.
"She's smiling like a maniac," Steve says, awed.
"I think this just means I'm better than you," Robin says, shrugging and almost immediately dropping the phone.
"I mean, yeah-"
"Yeah, right, Buckley-"
And, for the bit and only for the bit, Robin hangs up, content to let those two idiots and their brilliant kid fight it out until they realize they're talking to dead air.
She has to finish her pasta up, anyway.
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