#people need to chill
theology101 · 1 month
I’m seeing a lot of posts that are saying ‘Kipperlilly is a Child! She isn’t an absolute villain shes a child!’ as of Children are incapable of evil.
Yeah she hasn’t reached 18, or 21 or whatever benchmark but she is clearly intelligent enough to understand right from wrong and is choosing Wrong.
I get that there might be complex and even relatable reasons for this, and I bet she could probably be redeemed with enough time but frankly, some people slip through the cracks until they’ve gone too far and they’re irredeemable.
Y’all aren’t saying ‘they’re a kid’ when its a school shooter
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margarrivergod · 5 months
it’ll forever baffle me that people shame women for reading BL’s, calling them “fetishizers” or how that content is “not for them”- do they not realize that women are the target audience for BL, that a lot of BL authors are women- even then that content is out there for anyone to read and enjoy
i’m not going to apologize for reading about a 800 year old ghost who worships the ground his beloved walks on rather than some underweight FL who’s thirsting over a guy who called her ugly
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27vampyresinhermind · 1 month
First’s character in The Heart Killers is called “Kant”….my brain is already pronouncing that like Cunt and nobody can stop me.
Also! I’m excited that LYKN will be in the ThamePo BL but like…Lego is right there! How is he not the lead in something??? Look at him!
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I’ve also seen people being butthurt about Boss no longer being part of Revamped (BounPrem vampire project) and acting like he was kicked out. I even saw a few people saying things like “He was perfect for that character! This other actor won’t be able to play that character!” Like what?? We know literally nothing about ANY of the characters! I understand we all adore Boss but they’re acting like this character was written for him alone and anyone else in the role will fuck it up. Like bffr! I fucking love Boss and was very excited to see him playing a vampire (again, that’s an assumption because we know basically zilch about any characters besides the fact that Boun’s character is a vampire and Prem’s is a human) but can people stop acting like BounPrem moving to GMMTV has ruined Boss’s chances? Dude was part of LITA, a massively successful MAME show and let’s not forget that was so successful she broke her longstanding tradition of never casting actors in different roles for Boss, Noeul, Fort, and Peat. Did anybody think that perhaps, since Boy Next World is probably set to start filming soon, that schedules just didn’t align to allow for Boss to be in both productions?? I’m fucking Stoked that Boun is getting to make the show he’s wanted to make for years, he’s getting to make it with his chosen partner Prem, and he’s getting to make with the support of a major production house. Does it suck that Boss is no longer gonna be a part of it? Yeah kinda. But we’re still gonna see him in other stuff, namely Boy Next World! How about be excited about both of these shows without trying to pit everyone against each other.
People are dumb. I’m just gonna a sit over here and be happy about all the new shows with all my faves. They can go sit in the corner and stew in their hatred.
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notreallyuseless · 7 months
I saw people being upset with Team Red uh... chaotic behaviour/not being serious and i'm like,
If i kept getting killed *at my own spawn* over and over again with people destroying my stuff *for fun*, i would have gone insane way before they did :)
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pterodactylterrace · 1 month
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Guys… that’s just not healthy. This show should not bleed over into your social life, and you shouldn’t feel good about dunking on a casual fan because he likes the actors. Let people enjoy the show however they like to. It’s not that serious.
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bidisasterevankinard · 4 months
I hate how people make Scott bad friend or even evil in fics. He was maybe not best at time and had flaws, but so is Stiles and other characters. But also let's not forget that in real canon this two were super close and Scott was fighting hard to get Stiles back in 3a.
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purge-samauwu · 9 months
The people who hate mylo genuinely piss me off. Like he's a self important teenager. LIKE EVERY TEEN IS. He cares for both jinx and vi and is probably worried that either of them will make a mistake and get them all caught or worse. Which would explain why he's so aggressive.
Or do you skip that part entirely.
I could go into an entire rant about how people need a villain so much in stories like this that they'll give the title to any random Joe shmo. Or a whole ass child. Instead of the, I don't know, KING PIN DRUG LORD.
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spookietrex · 5 days
I hate when someone pops up on your post when you're ranting about YOUR medical need/issue and tell you your perspective is dumb because of their experience. If I want to post that I ended up in the ER because my doctors f*cked up my medication and now I'm having withdrawal side effects because they all want someone else to prescribe it, that's on me. But it doesn't give someone the right to tell me "That medication was bad for me. You should tell your doctor to get off of it." Or "You should fire your doctors." I was b*tching about how it's sh*tty that I had to go to the ER because my doctors let my withdrawal side effects start and wouldn't represcribe the medication and made me cry.
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trevorspengler69 · 8 months
I know how people are always like “EWW you like Noah Maxwell?! He did that thing to an underage viewer!” No. That was Adam Rosner. People are allowed to like the character he plays. Same with Jeff Koval. The actor is a horrible person and I don’t support any of it, but I like his character, Jeff Everyman. People have to understand that the character and the actor are different. You’re allowed to like the character and not the actor.
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sunandsstars · 1 year
why do people get so defensive on tik tok 💀 i reply to someone’s comment and give my input NICELY MAY I ADD and they literally fight me bro.
like chill i wasn’t tryna give attitude 💀
also can i say, new avatar fans?? yea these are the people i’m fighting. not saying all but some are so flipping rude. it’s not my fault you don’t know anything about the franchise. just tryna educate you all 😑
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biherbalwitch · 1 year
I love how everyone is trashing on this season & the storylines as if the author, yk, the person who literally WROTE the source material, isn't Right. There. calling the shots and probably getting a second chance to explore changes or different outcomes that she may have thought of later. If anything I find those changes make the upcoming stories all the more interesting
Like I get being disappointed or feeling off about the changes but people are acting like they pulled a GoT
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fella-lovin-fella · 10 months
How in the world can you tell that every women in the theater laughed and no men laughed? I couldn't even tell you if the people three seats in front of me laughed or not.
girl it was a generalization from the voices i heard and did not hear laughing. my theater was so tiny there were MAYBE 35-40 people in there. im sorry, i really should have surveyed everyone at the door before making a five second tumblr post
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tryingnotkillanyone · 10 months
Isn't just pathetic when people hate a character just because they're HUMANS!? MAKING HUMAN MISTAKES!? Or, you know, they are just teens trying their best? And hate them for that? I would like to see them in such situation
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chaos-otter · 10 months
I need people to understand that we have not proven that media affects people on an individual level.
There have been many studies, but none that I have found prove causation between media and actions/thought patterns. Many have results that display an argument that there may be a correlation, but since there is no way to account for all variables, causation can not be proven.
It is why psychology is a "soft" science. Since people have too many variables, it is hard to isolate one to test.
I say this because it leads to my views on media censorship. Which are 2 fold.
1. Since media does not unilaterally affect how people think or act, having media that depicts actions that are reprehensible does not unilaterally lead to an increase in those actions. If it were true that media affects people to such a degree that negative scenarios shouldn't exist, we would need to get rid of all media that has violence, sex, or taboo topics. If a fanfic about incest will lead to more people committing incest than a show about serial killers would lead to more serial killers, right? Yet we have not seen that. Media does affect people, but not in the 1 to 1 way so many people think. If you have a disposition towards a behavior, then sure, media about it might make you more inclined to do it. If you don't, you could consume a lot of crime media without becoming a criminal yourself.
2. Harm reduction. 100% I would prefer someone write a story about rape fantasy or incest or whatever other taboo thing rather than go and harm someone. People will say it increases since people tend to escalate, but that is not always the case. You have been watching too many crime dramas and have drank the copaganda kool-aid. As someone who studied forensics and is now studying psychology, gateway crimes are not as common as people think. Sure, sometimes things escalate, but sometimes a petty thief remains a petty thief for life. If the person was going to escalate, no amount of censorship is going to stop them.
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salty-medley · 4 months
Quote from the light academia aesthetic wiki page:
"The light academia aesthetic is often associated with images of prestigious educational institutions, classical literature, and fine arts. Critics argue that this aesthetic can perpetuate elitism and exclusivity by romanticizing and idealizing a privileged academic lifestyle that is inaccessible to many individuals. It can create a sense of exclusion for those who do not fit the traditional mold or lack access to resources and opportunities associated with academia.
Disconnect from real-world issues
Critics argue that the light academia aesthetic can be overly focused on escapist fantasies and nostalgia for a bygone era, which may result in a detachment from pressing real-world issues and concerns."
So you're the one stressing about an aesthetic and you're worried about the fact people can disconnect from the real world issues?
Is that some sort of joke..? Mate, you're the one who's crying because people like euro-centric ( and it doesn't even work for all Europe tbh...) classical rich things, you're litteraly the one who are making a fuss about an aesthetic.
Maybe you should return to the real world problems yourself.
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moviekidd826 · 4 months
V.A.N has such WDYWFM vibe, I'm here for it !💥
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