marzipanandminutiae · 1 month
So I've seen conflicting stories about the colour black in history.
Some say it's very expensive and hard to maintain, so that's why rich merchants wore black. Evidence in portraits.
Some say that for dyes it's on the cheaper side actually.
Some say the expensive black doesn't come from dye but rather the colour of the animal, so black fabric comes from black fibre which comes from black sheep. How exactly would black sheep be more expensive than regular white sheep?
Which one is right? I know this is probably influenced by which century it's set in, like maybe some eras have an easier time getting black dye
I found a well-sourced blog post about this, luckily, because I'm a 19th-century focused researcher and I've heard conflicting things about black in earlier periods. It seems to be that high-quality black-dyed fabric was difficult to obtain in the west from the Middle Ages potentially through the 18th century because it required massive amounts of dye to get the color very deep ("true black"). Lesser black shades were quite common, though, so black, period, doesn't seem to be more expensive than any other color. Possibly the intensively dyed, deep blacks might have been? But not black in general.
Rich merchants did wear black- but so did other people. They just usually didn't have portraits.
The black sheep thing I've never heard before. And anyway, that could only apply to wool- not cotton, linen, silk, leather, etc.
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rongzhi · 7 months
Hi Wawa. I'm SEA diaspora Chinese and like many east asians I'm lactose intolerant. Not that I knew what that was until I was like 17. When I told my parents hey it's not normal for dairy to make you feel like that, they just said but milk is supposed to do that.
A mainland Chinese friend also said oh yeah my parents think milk is healthy because it makes you 'expel' all the bad stuff in your body.
So is this milk is a delicious cleansing tonic belief common among Chinese people?
Psh I've never heard anything about milk as a cleansing power lol. My parents didn't even really eat straight up dairy before immigrating to the U.S, and you'll find that dairy products have not really become more widespread in China until recently. Something like 90% of East Asians develop lactose intolerance in adulthood (that's what happened to me; I became lactose intolerant in my teenage years after like two years of not really eating dairy).
My parents are also lactose intolerant but neither of them were under the impression that dairy was a colon cleanser or anything lol. It was more like "oh milk is healthy for you.... but watch out!", like in a "yah brazil nuts are tasty but if you eat a lot, all your hair will fall out and you might die" type thing. After I figured out what lactose intolerance was, I forcibly switched my mom over to lactose free milk and make her take lactaid for heavy creams. I think even a lot of Americans don't really know that dairy is not ~just supposed to~ make you bloat and vomit or get diarrhea or something (the same can be said about a lot of other food sensitivities like toward fructans, allium, gluten etc).
Anyway, to ramble a little more, in my experience, back just a couple of years ago, even sliced cheese was pretty hard to find at a Chinese store, and it was like a tiny expensive little pack in the foreign foods section at a big supermarket. Chinese people generally eat fermented dairy products like suannai (yogurt drink), or soy/grain milks. My parent's generation (1950s ish) didn't have dairy growing up and a lot of my older relatives think it's nasty/rank/sour and is the reason white people smell weird. The people I've seen nowadays seem more aware of lactose intolerance (i.e, "this is an adverse side effect" vs "that's just what happens") and the correlation between consuming a lot of dairy and sitting on the toilet for like an hour lol. I don't think it's really thought of as healthy BECAUSE it makes you empty your bowels. It's the bone health myth that Big Dairy pedals.
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
Fake prince hob au but with a twist: he becomes the real prince. Like maybe he's the king's secret firstborn son born out of wedlock, or the nurse switched the babies as revenge for being mistreated by nobles. When the ruse is up Dream simply has the prince sign away all his rights(is it even possible legally in rl? whatever I know the bare minimum about royalty) and has Hob declared the true heir to the throne so now he has the enemy prince as his pet, but for real this time
Also loling at dream really not knowing the difference between an underfed peasant soldier and a rich prince who has the best of everything growing up. Too entranced by the hoboobies I bet
I do really enjoy this au a lot. Just the idea of Dream initially not realising that Hob is a fake. And then discovering that he is actually the real thing. Everyone’s getting whiplash! But Hob doesn’t really care, because as long as he stays are Dream’s pet, life is a whole lot sweeter than before.
It’s one of the royal ministers, Lucienne, who suggests that Dream should consider marrying Hob, to cement his claim over his newly conquered realm. It doesn’t have to be a marriage of equals - Hob could be more of a concubine, and Dream could find another King or Queen to have as his official spouse and co-ruler. Marrying the man who ought to have been the heir to the throne will truly show Dream’s power. He thinks that it’s an excellent idea. Hob does too, although he tries to hide his eagerness. If Dream marries him then he’ll at least have some kind of official position! He won’t have to go back to be a half starved soldier dying in a field somewhere. Anything will be better than that.
And so Hob, fake (or not quite so fake) prince, marries the new King of the land. He’s still Dream’s pet, kneeling at his feet wrapped in golden chains, but now it’s official. And Dream seems equally pleased - he spends the whole wedding feast playing with Hob’s nipples and sucking marks into the softness of his tits. He has no intention of finding any other spouse, not when he has such a beautiful specimen to enjoy. Hob is looking more like a prince with every day that passes, more golden and beautiful and shapely. With any luck, Dream will fall totally in love with those Hoboobies, and Hob will have the best of everything for the rest of his life. Especially the best fucking - he’s totally spoiled now, and he can’t live without Dream’s cock!
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yourgaydads · 10 months
This is a cracky idea but: what if the Corinthian is a group project between Dream and Desire before their relationship turned hostile? Physically Coco and Desire look alike, and Coco has that whole 'lust and desire to live' thing. Endless custody battle, creator alienation, any kind of petty family drama x1000 between two older than dirt beings who should really know better
maybe more cracky if this was someone's terrible idea for a get-along shirt. remembering how things went with alianora (and, well, all the times desire's fucked with his "love" life), morpheus is all, "i'm gonna make a weird dude who won't expect to be loved forever but will expect to be hurt and/or ignored and take it tyvm." desire pumps so much desire in him without even looking that the corinthian's humping morpheus's leg the second he's brought to life. they bicker so much over changes to make after beta testing that neither notices that he's run away from home.
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conradrasputin · 1 year
Have you read or watched shadow and bone? Paddy Gibson was in the second season(which was a horrid unwatchable mess). Thoughts on an au with Conrad in that verse?
SO, I'm only vaguely aware of S & B and its lore; It's not in my high priority, but I do want to see it because some stuff looks nice. Lot of hot people (to me). Now this might be where we divide a bit, because I'm shooting my bottom ray at these ones specifically:
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I think the ask was based on this pic:
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and there's nothing intricate atm, I just think they should trapped and oiled up, rubbing chest on chest until a bunch of bears and dads rail them side to side so their chests keep rubbing while they softly kiss each other.
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along with the other intended bottoms pictured above
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milliesfishes · 2 days
billy blurb mystery box (2) fem reader x billy the kid prompts from @panickingstudent2
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giving billy a shave:
He'd been stressed lately. You knew it, he knew it. Even though he was still kind, still caring, it soured the mood in the house. Billy was coming home late every night, collapsing into bed next to you without even taking off his work clothes.
You'd do your best to help him relax, smoothing your hands over his chest and giving him gentle kisses, but it was no use. He'd merely give you a loving motion on your back and close his eyes, the tension in his body palpable.
One weekend, you looked up from where you were reading at the kitchen table as he came in, smiling brightly. "Billy-oh-!"
He'd collapsed to his knees next to you, burying his face in your stomach and wrapping his arms around your middle. His hat was knocked off his head behind him, and he didn't bother to pick it up.
"Billy?" you smiled, your fingers lightly roving over his curls. "Everything okay?"
"Mhm," he said into your tummy. Billy nosed against it, and you thought you felt him press a kiss there. "'S jus' safe here."
"Oh, love," you cooed, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "Just relax. It's okay."
Billy lowered his head to lie in your lap, his arms still around you. You felt him slump, as if he'd been holding himself up for a while.
"You've been working so hard lately," you muttered, fingers still trailing through your hair. "So stressed."
He nodded, then looked up at you. The look in his eyes was tired. You ran your hand over his face, feeling the prickly stubble on his cheeks. It was rougher than usual.
Humming quietly, you asked, "How long has it been since you shaved?"
Billy chuckled lightly, taking your hand on his face in his, kissing it lightly. "Been awhile I reckon. Haven't had the time."
You nodded, your other hand coming to the side of his face as you considered. "Would you let me? Bet it'll make you feel better, being a little cleaned up."
He smiled tiredly, taking your hands and pressing a kiss to them, looking at you adoringly. "Sure, sweetheart."
You smiled excitedly, standing and switching him places, sitting him down on your chair and skipping off to get his razor.
When you returned, he was perked up a bit, sitting back with his legs spread lazily. You lathered the soap onto the little cloth you'd brought in, and then sat on his lap, your legs on either side of his. Since there were no arms on the chair, Billy held your legs so they wouldn't slip off.
You carefully patted his face concentratedly, then picked up the blade, shifting on his lap so you had a better vantage point. Smiling softly, you tilted his head so you could start, moving the blade with the grain.
"Leave a little bit, yeah?" he requested, squeezing your legs. "Need to stay a lil' rugged."
Laughing lightly, you moved his head slightly to the side to get another section. "Of course," you smiled, catching his eye briefly. "But just so you know, I think you're handsome in any state."
"Thanks darlin'," he grinned, waiting to kiss you until you put the blade down.
Your hands moved to his newly smoothed cheeks, and you leaned in to kiss him again, softly. "Feel better?" you mumbled against his lips.
"Better," he confirmed, one hand moving to your waist.
He forgot he had been holding you up, and one of your legs slipped to the floor, surprising you and breaking your kiss off with a "Mmph!"
"Oops, sorry baby," he chuckled, looking down at your leg. "Here-" Billy stood up, helping you do the same. Then, he lifted you up by your thighs, wrapping your legs around his midsection.
You nestled comfortably against him, the edge of his gun belt pressing up into your bottom. Billy had one arm under you, supporting you there, and the other around your waist. "There you are. Now..." he leaned forward, capturing your lips in a hungrier kiss this time, the little stubble he had left rubbing against your skin.
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billy helps you get dressed:
You tugged the corset up, positioning it against your chest so it was level. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you frowned, trying to figure out the logistics of tying it while still keeping it where it needed to be. Every morning you did this, and yet it was the same amount of difficulty every time.
Billy wandered in, leaning against the doorway and grinning. "Now how're you gonna manage that one, sweet?"
You threw him a helpless look. "Good question."
"Let me help ya," he smiled, sauntering over and picking up the laces. "Ready?"
Nodding, you held up the front of the corset with both hands. He gently pulled and tightened it. You could see him biting his lip in concentration through the mirror, the brim of his hat shading his eyes as he looked down at what he was doing. You almost liked the feeling of him helping you put clothes on more than him tearing them off. Almost.
He tied the knot easily, setting his big hands on the curve of your waist afterward. "Better?"
"Much better, thank you," you smiled, leaning back into him. You nodded at your dress that was draped over the chair by the mirror. "Now I have to put that on."
"Mm, have to?" Billy muttered; his arms fully twined around your waist now, cheek pressed against yours as he looked at you in the mirror. "I dunno...think ya look pretty just like this..."
"Billy," you smiled, leaning in his arms and reaching for your dress. He dutifully helped you slide it over your head, fastening the little buttons in the back for you. Billy kissed the back of your shoulder when he was done, spinning you around to look at him.
"Pretty...m' pretty girl," he said, wrapping his arms around your waist again, lifting you off your feet just a bit to kiss you lightly. "Can't wait for ya to be just as pretty wearin' nothin' at all later tonight..."
You squealed in delight, kissing him with your arms around his neck in a way that practically, as he would claim later, forced him not to let you leave the bedroom for another hour.
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billy loves your new dress:
Formal events weren't something Billy necessarily loved to attend, but sometimes it couldn't be helped, so he'd put on a smile and his nicest shirt and bear it. Of course, the happy addition of you in his life helped matters greatly, as you were very involved in what passed for a social season here in town.
Your family was wealthy, and you'd been raised to attend things like this, parties where manners triumphed truth. In fact, he'd met you at one of these events, captivated by your charm and sweet manner just like everyone else.
Even though you'd been together for months, this would be the first one he'd attend with you on his arm, and he was a bit nervous about it, about you being seen like this with him. The outlaw and the sweetest girl in town.
Billy waited anxiously on the porch, pacing slightly. He saw you as soon as you turned the corner, and his face split into a grin, instantly feeling giddy.
You were as pretty as he'd ever seen you, in a stunning pale blue dress he'd never seen before. It accentuated your waist, and was cut low in the neck, so he could faintly see the tops of your breasts. But what really got him was the necklace you were wearing- a simple chain with a silver heart. It was the one he had gotten you. The one he'd felt so bad about it being simple, but you'd thrown your arms around him as if he'd given you jewels.
His smile didn't leave his face as you ran up to him, jumping right into his open arms. "Billy!"
"Hey beautiful," he greeted, catching his darling in his arms and hugging you tightly. You squealed as he spun you around once before setting you back on your feet.
"I missed you today," you said, your arms still around his middle as you looked up at him, chin on his chest.
"Missed ya too, darlin'," he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Then he pulled back a bit to look over you. "This a new dress?"
You nodded, bouncing a little on your heels. "Brand new. Like what they're wearing in New York."
"Well, I don't know anything 'bout that, but you look pretty as a peach sweetheart," he smiled, holding your hands out so he could look fully at you. "Goddamn. My girl's a knockout."
That made you smile wider, and you leaned up for a kiss. Billy obliged happily, pulling back slightly after a moment. "Don't suppose we can skip this 'n just keep kissin' out here?"
You laughed, taking his hand and pulling him up the porch steps. "Come on, handsome. You didn't get all cleaned up for nothing."
"I got all cleaned up to see my girl," he emphasized, catching you in another brief kiss outside the door.
Putting one hand on the door handle, you gave him a look. "We don't have to be in for too long, I promise."
"Yeah?" he muttered in a mischievous way, pulling at your hand so you were leaning back against his chest. "How long we talkin'?"
"Not long," you promised, leaning up to kiss his cheek and then opening the door, dragging him inside.
He'd been worried about how the two of you would look together, but it was for nothing. Nobody batted an eye at the two of you, and he was glad for it. He could keep an arm around your waist the whole night. And that's exactly what he did.
Billy did not stop touching you at all that evening, keeping one or more arms around your waist and making you lean back into his chest. For the first time, he felt truly comfortable at a party. Your presence kept him satiated for more than three hours. He was content just standing beside you and holding you while you talked to everyone, working your charm.
But after that period of time, he grew rather impatient, squeezing his arms around your waist and leaning down to whisper, "Can I talk to you outside for a second, baby?"
You thought something was wrong, and so you nodded, excusing yourself from the conversation you'd been in the midst of.
Once you got outside you turned to him. "What's the ma-oh!"
Billy's lips found yours immediately, hungrily moving against them. His right hand wound around your waist, pulling you nice and close while his left found its way to your hair, tangling into it.
You smiled into the kiss, breathlessly murmuring, "You couldn't wait a few more minutes?"
"Not with you in that dress, baby," his lips chased yours as he spoke. "Uh uh, m' girl looks too pretty f' me to keep m' hands off f' much longer."
You kissed him softly, letting him press you to the porch railing. Your back arched against it, but he propped an elbow up so his hand was supporting you. Billy's lips parted against yours, the brim of his hat poking your forehead. "Oh baby..." he kissed you again, relishing in your sighs.
He parted his lips from yours with a pop and leaned his forehead against yours. "Anyone else you need to talk to tonight?"
You shook your head.
Billy grinned. "Good." He hoisted you into his arms and swept you away, many kisses afoot.
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stromuprisahat · 2 months
do you have any favorite pro Darkling- pro Darklina blogs?
I'm not sure how many remain active in this fandom. Some of my favourites are deactivated or they moved on to other fandoms (Good for them!). From the top of my head some Sasha fans, that should still be (occasionally) posting (some are Darklinas, some not):
Feel free to add (yourself), I'm pretty sure I forgot someone. I'll reblog.
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Tumblr seemed to have nuked my fucking account so fuck me I guess.... I had thousands of fucking followers and so much precious interaction and content and unfinished drafts I feel so fucking sad I wanna dig a hole and bury myself... but until then paging the besties: @panickingstudent @panickingstudent2 @conradrasputin @zappedbyzabka spread me like wildfire to the homies
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
Dreamling howl's moving castle au. I feel like Dream's star-lined coat is a lot like howl's except in reverse. But Hob's warm tanned skin will look so good in a fancy white shirt with puffy sleeves a ruffled collar and lots and lots of lace 🤤
Its such a cute au for them!!! Obviously if we're in Ghibli Canon, the whole thing with Howl going through the door to fight in the war and its all absolutely hideous and dreadful,,, its so Dream coded. Taking on a monstrous bird form, afraid that he'll be stuck in the form of Nightmare forever and won't be able to do back...
(In the original novel I believe Howl just. Goes through the door to go back to Wales where he plays rugby and gets bullied by his sister. Which also feels quite Dream coded in a way, so... I just feel that this au was meant for him.)
I also love Hob as Sophie. Give my man a cute straw hat!!!! And grey hair!!!! Let him be a little grumpy and put angsty slimey Dream in a bath!!!! The costume and story and everything is so dreamling, I really love it.
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
Screenshots of a convo with my friend lol. This but make it dreamling
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Lmao I kinda like the idea of Dream as a vaguely vengeful, nasty water spirit perpetually trying to drown people. And then Hob comes alone and just. Refuses to be dragged down. Literally or metaphorically.
He swims in Dream’s river, he goes fishing, he walks along the bank whistling happily. Dream will pop up and attack him with his gloomy vibes and Hob is just like "no thank you, I don't want to drown today. I just saw a duck :)))" leaving Dream utterly frustrated.
They become entangled, meeting day after day for years. Dream always tries to persuade Hob into submerging himself in a watery doom, Hob always politely declines. It's more of a token thing at this point. They're friends.
When the day comes, when Hob is at his lowest, when he finally craves the relief that Dream could give him... Dream refuses. He won't take Hob - he'll spit him right back out again. This makes Hob smile, and he quietly thanks Dream for that. He promises that he'll never ask Dream to take him again.
You can see them down by the river. An oozing, murky figure, half drowned corpse and half mud itself. And Hob too, a perfectly ordinary person. Holding the hand of the river spirit and watching the world going by.
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
You know how girls will disappear for months and give a bunch of hokey as the reason when they're actually having a baby
Dream knocked up hob but they're not married so to avoid scandal hob has to go away to have his baby, and it would be discreetly adopted by Dream's parents
But Dream decides he's had enough of the respectable life, because what has it ever brought him but Orpheus and being trapped in a dead marriage? He and Calliope have their own lovers on the side after they agreed their marriage wasn't working, of course, but it wasn't enough. Marriages among high society was for alliances and money and breeding a good heir to carry on the family name, and everyone politely pretends not to notice. So he rescues Hob from the hellpit mother and baby home he was trapped in, and they run off together.
Calliope is also sick of society's shit and runs off with Death. The whole scandal is the talk of tabloids for months
YES. Death & Calliope rights also 😌😌 Orpheus has 2 mums and 2 dads now!!!
Hob is approximately half an hour from running away from the absolutely awful "home" where he's forced to clean and do laundry all day. He's definitely not cool with having his baby taken away from him, either - he just needs a minute to plan out an escape. He really didn't expect Dream to come and rescue him - Dream is rich and posh and powerful, whereas Hob is just the lower class slut he decided to have a fling with (according to the local gossipers).
But Dream turns up in his fancy car, marches into the home, grabs Hob and is just like "I will be leaving with the mother of my child now, thank you very much." And of course nobody can stop him! He takes Hob home to be doted on, where Orpheus immediately falls in love with Hob (+ the idea of a little brother/sister), Death and Calliope bring flowers (and give advice on managing life with Dream.....)
The scandal is absolutely STEAMY. And Hob gets a full page spread with his new baby when the little one comes along. Nothing more scandalous than a man actually going ahead and marrying his side piece, right?
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
That recent throuple ask got me thinking: immortal throuple but hob doesn't KNOW he's in the throuple
Like he's always constantly around Dream and Calliope, angsting over how he can have neither of them
And then comes the wedding, because these 'two' would get married in like 5 months. Hob feels very grateful they involved him in every stage of the wedding planning.
Then the invitation comes out. And it's listed as the wedding of Messrs Hob and Dream and Ms Calliope
Hob freaks out obviously. Dream and Calliope thought he was freaking out about the font. No, it's because he's been the victim of a cruel prank. And then they're absolutely flabbergasted that Hob thought he's not part of the relationship. They just thought Hob wasn't naturally physically affectionate, and he's saving sex for after the wedding.
This is so fucking funny
I'm just imagining how it goes down. Because. Hob doesn't GET a wedding invitation (because it's his wedding, he just doesn't know that) and he's confused and hurting and panicking because he's basically planned the whole thing but apparently they don't want him there??? And then he gets call from Jo who did get an invitation and she's like "dude why didn't you mention that YOU'RE the one getting married????"
And suddenly his life starts to make more sense.
I can just imagine him showing up at Calliope's place where Dream is also staying because he doesn't want to live at his family's home anymore. And they both open the door to Hob who is like "WHAT. THE FUCK. ALSO. WHAT MADE YOU THINK I'D WANT TO WAIT UNTIL MARRIAGE TO HAVE SEX?????"
They're all very very very stupid. But it's a beautiful wedding <3
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Hairy omega hob who faced changing beauty standards
For several centuries there is this 'not like other girls' thing for a woman to become noteworthy. Medieval women who became nuns were praised for rising above their sex, and Queen Elizabeth was proud of having the heart or stomach of a man, I forgot
Like maybe Hob even though he could carry babies resembled betas and alphas, and his body was accepted for centuries. Putting masculinity on a pedestal etc
But then comes the Victorian era with the angel in the home idea. Delicate fine-boned beauties, and that standard lasts into the modern day
And Hob is so far from that ideal it's not even funny. He knows he's an idiot for being upset he's not considered attractive anymore, the beauty standards of the past were based on terrible ideas, but dang does he miss alphas eyeing him appreciatively instead of looking past him
Ngl I'm always obsessed with omega Hob. Especially if he's subverting social norms <3
Because ok yeah, he was used to being considered sexy. He was strong and hearty and alphas would constantly come on to him, knowing that he'd make a good mate and would be able to bear lots of children. His trim waist and thick biceps and the hint of a good-sized chest meant that he never had to look far for someone to share a heat with. Although sometimes he'd choose to present as a beta, for hundreds of years until the 1800s he would frequently present as an omega too. It wasn't ever a problem.
And then things began to change, and instead of desirable, Hob became an oddity of an omega. Too tall, too muscular, too loud. Yes he could bear healthy litters of babies, but no alpha would trust him to be around children! He might set a bad example. Hob quickly decided that it was better to pretend to be a beta.
The modern day is a little better than it used to be. When he meets with Dream again, Hob is presenting as an omega for the first time in nearly 200 years. He's missed it so much, just being himself and having his natural scent. He's grown used to people giving him odd looks and he knows that he isn't what anyone would choose in an omega.
And then Dream looks at him in the way alphas used to, way back in the day. Like he's something delicious and lovely and worthy of attention. Hob feels his underwear growing wet and sticky, a reaction to the simple act of being desired. By the end of his meeting with Dream he's flushed and rubbing his thighs together. He hasn't felt like this in centuries.
Meanwhile, Dream is inhaling Hob’s perfect omega scent... the most delicious thing he's smelt in more than a hundred years. He's cursing himself for not noticing sooner, just how wonderful his friend smells when he's being himself.
When finally, finally Dream crowds him up against the door of his flat, Hob has to ask "Are you sure? You know I'm not pretty or sweet or submissive. I'll bite back, Dream. I can't help it."
And by way of an answer, Dream picks him up (doesn't matter that Hob is solid and packed with muscles and fat and strong bones). And doesn't put him down again until his knot is safely settled in Hob’s perfect hole.
He fucking hopes that Hob bites back.
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Ok re Hob+food
Can we talk about the sheer abundance of the modern era compared to 1389
Like pepper! In Hob’s day kings would, and had, gone to war over his spice rack: jars of peppercorn, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon
an average supermarket has more fruit and veg and meat than an average peasant has seen outside of feast days. and the variety too, even out of season fruit. grown in glasshouses because thats a thing now
(this brings up Hob feeling alienated from the modern world because he can’t rely on the fruit in season and the nature around him as a natural calendar)
because I’m me, Hob having periods of disordered eating because everything tastes so different, or he keeps finishing everything on his plate even tho he’s full because he doesn’t want to waste food, or Hob getting that weird squirmy feeling at the supermarket knowing how much would be thrown away and he has to walk out before having a panic attack. basically portion control and survivor’s guilt issues. because why does Hob get to have all the world’s wonders right at the corner shop while his family never had enough to feel full?
This is a great point! Although Hob has had a long time to adapt to the changes that have come throughout his lifetime, I think that deep down, a bit of his mind is always still connected to the 14th century. When things get bad, no matter what the circumstances - a breakup, a bad period at work, just bad news in general - I feel like the food issue would become more prominent. He returns to this baseline of food insecurity, he only wants to eat really specific things and when he tries to make them they never taste right because of how much ingredients have changed. He either struggles to eat at all, or he panics and eats everything in his fridge in one go. These periods never last very long, but they are a part of his life now.
Of course there's another side to all of this, which is just... absolute wonder and joy. The 21st century is full of flavours and textures he never could have imagined. Food from other cultures, ingredients that were once rare now available so cheaply. Just think about vanilla! Once it was worth more than Hob’s life. Now it's a byword for boring and average. Isn't that incredible?
Hob would never pretend that it's easy to navigate his issues with food, but nor would he ever want to forget about how amazing it is to see the shelves stocked with colour and variety. He feels very lucky. And he's going to live his life to the fullest in honour of the people who never got that opportunity.
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Kinda a weird thing to notice but you realize modern media or at least the ones I got to see don't show people sweat stains. No pervy reason(not that there's anything wrong with that) but everything is so perfect and airbrushed now v old stuff. Like even in those days you got makeup steroids whatever but at least you get something as banal and human as seeing someone actually glisten with sweat and get it soaking through their clothes instead of an artfully misted dewy skinned ab shot of someone working out
That got me thinking of Hob and how his taste might be like. This boy went through all kinds of beauty standards, maybe he struggles to find modern people attractive. Beautiful, certainly, but in the way a doll is beautiful. not in the way flesh and blood is beautiful. Everything's uncanny valley to a medieval peasant. Complexion too flawless, hair too shiny, features too symmetrical, odours too clean, limbs too hairless.
Conversely other people find Dream uncanny valley while Hob doesn't. Mostly. Smtg smtg everyone is beautiful but no one is horny? But Hob sees Dream and just. His hair looks a little greasy like what people had before shampoo. His clothes, Hob knows that textile, it's something old that's long been replaced by another easily mechanized weave. His boots and belt looked like what a 19th century leatherworker would make. And he's more used to Dream's brand of Endless uncanny valley than the modern world's.
Hob looks at Dream and sees his life.
MMMM yes interesting. I feel like the irony is because Hob doesn't age, HE'S always getting asked if he's had work done, what skincare does he use, etc. In reality he's looking around wondering when everyone got so YOUNG and PRETTY. In the old days people aged and weathered and sadly just fuckin died, you know? And if they used makeup it was quite likely to be some kind of awful deadly chemical. Hob is honestly just still adjusting to the way people can modify themselves to their own tastes these days. He'll get used to it eventually! But by the time he does, time and humanity will have moved onto the next thing!
So yeah, he does love that Dream is a lil greasy. A lil sticky. Seeing him is like putting on a favourite old shirt and finally feeling comfortable again. And it's actually all quite sexy to Hob? Like, he had his sexual awakening in the 14th century, so deep down the things that he likes and his libido all kind of links back to that time and place. The fact that Dream smells a bit like smoke and sheep's wool? That turns Hob on. He's like a horny teenager all over again when he looks down and sees that Dream is wearing boots just like he, his brothers and his da used to wear.
Dream just gets him going like no 21st century porn star can. Hob would rather fuck his weird gremlin man than literally anyone on earth.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Make this dreamling
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Like one of them's a writer but the self inserts are not the obvious/expected. And the other is the interviewer with a massive crush who is over the moon as he assumed the other has a preferred dynamic he isn't into but now he has a chance
I'm loving the idea of Hob who's got this popular series with a very popular MLM ship. He's definitely building up to making the couple canon, definitely not queerbaiting, and he enjoys the speculation from his fans. As far as everyone knows he's straight, and he's looking forward to surprising everyone with the eventual gay romance.
One of his fans is Dream, who has a very strong reputation as a critic. He's not afraid to give Hob a proper grilling about his intentions for his characters. He also basically accuses Hob of projecting himself onto the main character (the twink) - he's surprised when Hob smirks and says actually, he's way more like the other guy (the bear). And he drops a few hints about the future romance, how he intends to bring them together. Dream finds himself blushing as Hob chats on about how the main character (dark hair, blue eyes, lean and hella twinky) is basically his ideal man - it's the first time he's ever hinted that he might be LGBT! And the main character looks just like Dream!
Imagine Dream’s utter joy and complete horniness when he reads the next edition of the series, complete with romantic scenes and spicy smut! He basically gets the image of gorgeous, talented Hob fucking a guy who looks just like Dream! Not only that but Hob sent him a signed copy!!!!
Next time they meet Dream intends to leave a glowing review.
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