#padme x sabe
prequelsnet · 16 days
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if you are to leave, your highness, it must be now.
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sulietsexual · 8 months
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Padmé & Sabé [Star Wars Episode I] Requested by @iammyownsaviour
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starwarsyuri · 5 months
sabedala / moon song - phoebe bridgers
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starwarsshipsbracket · 7 months
Round 1 - Bracket #12
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izelascendant · 4 months
Dear god, Sabé's love and devotion to Padmé is heartbreaking. My fragile sapphic heart breaks upon thinking about their relationship.
“ Having fallen in love with Amidala, Sabé's love and loyalty towards her friend led her to place Amidala's needs above those of any other beings, including her own, although she knew Amidala could not reciprocate. Although she once advised Amidala to return romantic love to someone who understood her, she was certain Amidala would never return her feelings and assumed her friend would choose something larger than a person to love, such as a planet or species, which left her shocked to discover she had married Anakin Skywalker. She preferred being Amidala's second to being first to anyone else, although this made it difficult to maintain relationships with lovers who could not understand that they would never be more important to her than Amidala. “
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lunalitva · 2 months
Omg I’m reading the Queen’s Shadow. Spoiler warning ⚠️
When Padme sent Sabe to Tatooine to free slaves. They were looking for Anakin’s mother 🥺🫢
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alexversenaberrie · 1 year
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A moment of peace during the battle...
#star wars paintings    |  SW Paintings
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aimmyarrowshigh · 5 months
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JAMuary: 100 Drabbles Based on Songs (2024)
015. no body, no crime - Padmé Naberrie Amidala/Sabé | Tsabin, Sabé | Tsabin & Tonra
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trulynamelessworld · 11 days
Padmé x Sabé: The Senator and Her Bodyguard
Tsabin is taller than her now. It's something that Padmé routinely forgets, pushed to the back of her mind after so many years of being the same height. Even now, four years after Tsabin had stopped taking growth inhibitors, the four inches catches her by surprise.
Due to her height, many of her handmaidens had to take the inhibitors. Now as an adult she worries about the ethics of the situation, young girls being made taller or shorter so they could die for her. Not to mention the other procedures such as eye colour alteration. Thankfully Tsabin's eyes were already brown, though when the contacts were surgically removed Padmé spent hours mapping the flecks of green and yellow in those enchanting irises she had been shielded from.
In a way it's good that Tsabin was Sabé for all those years, because otherwise she would have fallen in love with her much sooner.
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roguegona · 3 months
Finally getting around to posting my small Padme/Sabe fic.
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rollinginmoondust · 1 year
Reflecting her Light
Day 2 : Sun and Moon of @starwarssapphicweek with Padmé and Sabé
Every moon should know they won’t be able to have their sun. You can wish for it to not be that way the moon, but the sun is always not going to notice the moon. Their light shines brightly, and the moon can only reflect it.
Sabé should know that her queen will never want her. But, it’s hard to shove down every feeling. 
Read On AO3
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starwarsyuri · 2 months
sabedala / good luck, babe! - chappell roan
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celenequinn · 1 year
My gift to @majorshiraharu ! Happy Life Day and that you @starwarsfandomfests for organizing!  
Fic: Sabé & Padmé, wives and co-parents spend Life Day eve with their two kids, Luke & Leia. Reminding themselves to take it slow and enjoy their chosen family.
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izelascendant · 4 months
My hands are yours, as long as you need them.
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Padmé x Sabé
words: 1,157
summary: My take on Padmé and Sabé’s last night together.
tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Unrequited Love, Feelings, Heartbreak, Reminiscing, Planet Naboo, Naboo Royal Handmaidens
author’s note: I’m addicted to causing myself pain by indulging in the sadness of the Naboo handmaidens, especially Sabé.
Sabé had mastered the art of facing confrontation without fear. As she aged, it became a more manageable task, but confronting the woman she loved profoundly about her clandestine marriage still stirred an internal turmoil. It wasn't just an affair; it was a marriage. She had always presumed that Padmé would choose a love encompassing something grander than an individual, perhaps a planet or a species. Consequently, the revelation that Padmé had married Anakin Skywalker left her utterly astonished.
However, in that moment, she recognized the importance of not dwelling on such thoughts. The chance to spend one last night with the love of her life was too precious to be overshadowed by considerations of another man. Padmé's smile radiated the purest form of joy she could ever know. Despite the passage of years, she found delight in exchanging playful banter with her beloved Queen of Naboo.
“Neurotransmitter Affection. That was a hell of a concert.” Padmé smiled as she recalled the adventures she shared with the handmaidens during their youth.
“Part of me feels like I was foolish to accept Harli’s invite.” Sabé replied, turning her head over to fully face her. “So risky, yet so fun.” She smiled back.
Unable to resist, she found herself contemplating how Padmé's beauty had only flourished over the years. It was impossible to suppress her feelings for her. Padmé chuckled softly, shifting onto her side on the expansive mattress, returning her gaze with equal intensity.
“Poor Saché.” she said, shaking her head playfully throughout the entire conversation. “I felt so bad about having left her behind.”
“Panaka was always far too paranoid.” Sabé let out a small chuckle of her own. “In a good way, I suppose.”
Padmé nodded in agreement. After a brief interval of companionable silence, she leaned forward on the bed, resting her head on her former handmaiden’s shoulder. Looking at Sabé, it was hard to believe they had been friends for so long. “Can you believe how quickly time has passed?” She blinked slowly. “It feels like just yesterday we were on the streets of Theed.”
Sabé fell silent for a moment, her emotions laid bare by the waves of nostalgia washing over her. If she could, she would have attempted to maintain a positive facade, but the realization that their friendship might be over dominated her thoughts. The truth loomed large – everything had changed, and that included Padmé. She was now married, steering the course of things in a different direction. They discussed it openly and reached an understanding that Sabé would no longer fulfill the role of her handmaiden. However, the lingering emotions persisted.
“Padmé,” She whispered, savoring the taste of her name on her lips.
“Yes?” Padmé replied, her interest piqued by her companion’s sudden change of tone. Looking at the other woman, it was easy to detect the hints of sadness that tainted her expression. That was hardly surprising considering the circumstances. Though Padmé could never reveal the true reasons for her departure, she could at least attempt to alleviate her handmaiden’s sorrows.
She placed a hand upon Sabé's cheek, rubbing it in a reassuring motion. “What is it?”
Sabé felt herself unraveling at this simple gesture, her eyes welling up with tears. "Don't, please," she murmured, delicately pushing away Padmé's hand from her face. It was as if she was already grieving the impending loss of their friendship, or the potential it could have had. Yet, she chided herself for entertaining thoughts of anything more between them, feeling foolish for even considering such possibilities.
Understanding the reasoning behind Sabé's sudden withdrawal, Padmé refrained from interfering. Her handmaid was obviously caught in an emotional deluge, and even if she weren't, any attempts to console her would most likely be futile. Instead, Padmé turned toward her companion, hoping her presence would prove comforting. She placed a hand on Sabé's back, gently caressing it in a reassuring gesture. The two of them sat quietly together in the dimly lit bed for a long moment, a palpable silence engulfing the room.
"What I’ve learned is that I'd rather be second to you than first to anyone else." Sabé brushed away her tears, mustering a composed tone despite the turmoil within.
“Sabé,” Padmé said softly, her tone tinged with remorse. Her heart went out to the other woman, torn by the conflicting desires of her mind and her heart. They could never possess one another the way she wanted to. She swallowed back her emotions, hoping Sabé wouldn’t perceive her inner struggle. “I never meant to hurt you.”
She shook her head in response, offering a faint smile, attempting to reassure Padmé. "I don't want you to worry about me," she said, sitting up and briefly averting her gaze. "It probably comes as no surprise that I still feel the same about you as I did when we were young." She chuckled, the sound carrying a hint of self-deprecation.
Padmé remained silent, her gaze fixed on Sabé's expressive face. She couldn’t help but feel conflicted by her own emotions and desires. She hated the fact that her marriage to Anakin was causing her handmaiden so much anguish. Even though Sabé had accepted their current situation, it was evident that it wasn’t sitting well with her. Padmé hoped that time would eventually ease her sorrows, allowing her friend to move on. “I’m glad you still feel the same way. I will always care for you, regardless of what happens.”
Sabé gazed into her eyes, the depth of her affection still evident. "I will always put you first," she declared, tilting her head slightly. "Regardless of what happens," she echoed Padmé's words. It was a promise she was committed to keeping for the rest of her life.
After all,
It made all too much sense. Why Padmé had disappeared on Naboo. Why the schedule had changed and why the staff had such a new routine. This is why Padmé's evenings were free. This was why her handmaidens slept on the floor below instead of the penthouse suite as they used to. She hadn't done it for herself, not to make a separation between her career and her personal space. She had done it for him.
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korechthonia · 5 days
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just 2 gals chilling in a hot tub no feet apart because they're gay
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alexversenaberrie · 1 year
Padmé and Sabé Amidala were always together and their bond could last forever, but everything changed when a new ruler of Naboo had to be chosen. Both believed to be the true Queen of Naboo and the war began. Who would win? And if any of sisters would survive?
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