#otp: kindred spirits
Anyway Zuko and Aang have always had a lot of queer subtext such as metaphorically turning to face each other while laying down to sleep (two halves of the same bed) that requires a shirtless Zuko to turn his back on his nation's flag + added bonus of Zuko missing a love song because he and Aang were too busy saving each other
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Zuko not denying the relationship allegations but asserting to June that he doesn't want the girl, he wants Aang
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"I want the Avatar" not just his honour + "He's mine". The fact that Aang likewise represents Zuko's hope of going home only provides more layers
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Aang asking girls / Katara and Zuko to dance with him
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Being ship teased in Ember Island Players
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Dreaming about each other (keep in mind that Aang has never seen Zuko shirtless, he's dreaming of him that way Just Because)
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You were my purpose, my drive, and still my destiny ("If you keep an open mind and open heart, I promise you will find your own destiny someday" + "You know I have good in me").
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Learning from the original bending masters together, being enemies separated by time and war, standing in a whirlwind of rainbow fire together, and building a city together. like Okay
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and we all know the Roku/Sozin parallels but how about more Katara/Aang parallels
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nessa007 · 1 year
the fact that they play the score for “wild uncharted waters” when ariel/eric are reunited and finally kiss
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hotgirljosie · 1 year
where's my hurt/comfort fic ????
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gif courtesy of @prudeau
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
I think he was born to be my friend.
Anthony Trollope, from Phineas Finn
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strangefellows · 2 years
OH YEAH and now I get to update my Master OC Komadori’s relationship chart with Castoria and Oberon! 
Cutting for LB6 spoilers:
Castoria: Immediately latched onto her because Mash was missing, but also because Castoria was very much like her in personality, and of course because they were so very kindred spirits. Komadori, while coping a bit better than canon Guda, is still a bit of a mess at this point, so she could identify pretty well with her, and really wanted to support her and help her any way she could. By the end of it she saw Castoria as a little sister of sorts, and misses her a great deal. Though in my verse, because of what Komadori unknowingly is -- a homunculi terminal for Alaya -- Artoria Avalon is able to send a piece of herself through to Chaldea to be a Servant; I guess it’s similar to the game, though it’s a bit hard to tell with the official translations of the post LB6 dialogue still a ways off, but the Castoria in Chaldea definitely remembers the Lostbelt and everything and is pretty much officially part of Komadori’s Inner Circle with Mash, Cu, Robin, Emiya, and Gil. 
Oberon: Oops, she fell for him. She was fond of his polite but irreverent attitude, his good cheer, and how helpful he was, but what really got to her is how he understood the feelings about her mission she was struggling with without telling anyone, and how he was able to say the things she wished someone would say to her. She also sympathized with his futile quest for Titania. As time wore on, she got a bit suspicious of his motives and behavior, but put it out of her mind when it seemed like Morgan had killed him. Though on the other had, she...wasn’t sure he was dead. The whole thing hadn’t felt right. Ironically, she’d thought it felt too sudden, like a hurried plot twist that was quickly written into the plot rather than something naturally part of the story. So at the end, she realized the truth right before he showed up, and...maybe it was silly, but his revealing of his true self drew her to him more. She saw how miserable he was, and saw through his lies, and she really wanted to save him. She ran to try and catch him before he fell, but couldn’t make it in time, and that sucked! But she tried to summon him after, and he showed up-- Artoria Avalon had heard her calling from Avalon, and pulled him from the Abyss (something she could do because he was still a part of Albion) so she could shove him at Komadori. He and Gil are grouchy cats eyeing each other warily, if civilly, but otherwise he gets on decently with Komadori’s other People. He’s not sure what to do with Komadori having a thing for him, given he’s unsure of this whole ‘love’ thing, but being loved is nice. It’s why he’d looked for Titania, after all. And he is, admittedly, fond of this batshit crazy Master.
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dangermousie · 6 months
I love Shisan so so so much. He really is a good friend to both of them.
He knows that the thing with Baby Marquis has been bugging her so:
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And he takes care of her:
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Or this:
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Side note - the way both of the OTP are so considerate of each other kills me!
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The thing with Shisan is he's incredibly nihilistic and accepting he will die violently and young, but he's somehow genuinely, optimistically healthy about it. I don't know how to describe it.
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Also, out of the whole convo, this is what stuck with me the most:
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It really is the theme of the story - you can be strong but you still need love and care.
And I love that there is not even a hint of him fancying Ruyi. He likes her as a battle comrade and as someone who makes NYZ happy. They are friends and kindred spirits. There is no romance. And it's glorious.
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javomelancholie · 2 months
Important note: Lumine's haters are not welcome here. If you dislike her and think that albelumi is somehow inferior and don't deserve love/attention, DNI with me.
I don't have the energy nor wish to deal with Lumine's haters (as if she isn't receiving enough hate from the people who created her).
No need to come at me and defending your netorare interests in gacha game or your basic rights to mischaracterize Albedo because you only care about your own interpretation of a character (just say that you hate Lumine and go).
The only thing I am convincing once again is that both Albedo and Lumine definitely deserve a better fandom or even better - their own otome game.
Playing since 2021 and the only pairing I like with Albedo is albelumi. That started after he joined my party and I saw his teapot lines. "Shadows amidst snowstorms" event from version 2.3 cemented these two into my genshin OTP. Although I got interested in Albedo when I was playing his story quest. I felt like I just met my soulmate. The way he's been hinting at the similarities between him and Lumine and that he is seeing in her a kindred spirit…the way he wanted for her to understand him and accept him for who he really is…He is craving for intimacy so much.
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(such a frank confession! Soulmate!)
The way such a reclusive person like him quickly moved from research to friendship in his story quest. The way he enjoyed spending time with Lumine and looking forward to meet with her again.
The way Lumine answered to his question if he can solicit her help again in the future:
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Sure, even if you just want some company, find me anytime.
He turned out to be so much more and better then what most ppl were thinking about him and I love it!
The fact that Lumine is the only person Albedo has been honest with.
He genuinely trusts and admires her as a person - has since the very beginning, enough to open up to her and that is really important.
"it's just a ship" maybe to YOU I absorbed it into my soul.
I don't give a damn about other Albedo's (and Lumine's) ships.
In this game and in every possible AU I am shipping these two and only these two.
One of the strongest points of albelumi is that Lumine is bringing the better change to Albedo. It`s no wonder that in "Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" event from version 2.3 Albedo compared himself to a rose and called Lumine his gardener. A rose signifies change and blossoming of the human soul. After meeting Lumine his soul begin to open up to her and the world. And he is also becoming more soft. He is willing to make more friends now and helping everyone.
I adore how he is opening up his mischievous side only to her (because he feels the most comfortable with Lumine).
From "Festering Desire sword" story to Inazuma and the best event in "The Golden Apple Archipelago" from ver. 1.6 - how great their bond is together with Klee.
It`s infinite.
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9haharharley1 · 5 months
For the new post I'm really interested in your stuff for Vlad for 002. I love seeing stuff about this stinky man/hj
How I feel about this character:
I love him (no one should be surprised)! More specifically, I remember watching the show back in the day and thinking, "Wow, he's really fuckin creepy, I'm getting Slade vibes." By the end of Bitter Reunions he had unironocally become my favorite character and I'd get excited any time a Vlad episode came on. I almost always wind up loving the villains more than the MC. He's creepy, he's scary, he's pathetic, and sad, and scared, and everything in between! How can I not love him?
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Almost exclusively Danny, but also a little bit of Jack, and with Valerie and Danny in a polyship.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Jack Fenton! Vlad will never escape Jack's unconditional love and friendship.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I'm just gonna quietly admit here that I hate hate hate the babygirl thing people do with characters, and that extends to my villains, but especially Vlad. To each their own and all that, but it annoys me to no end.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this:
I wish Danny had actually become legitimately scared of Vlad at some point. I know it's a kids' show, and I know that Danny is supposed to be the snappy hero who triumphs every episode, but one of the reasons I like The Ultimate Enemy episode so much is because Danny technically fails. Had Clockwork not had a soft spot for him, Danny wpuld have lost everything in that episode and only "wins" on a technicality. Up til then, he develops a legit fear of his future self, and we see more of this in the GN.
Vlad is someone who has had nothing but time to hone his skills, and Danny struggles to fight him multiple times throughout the show, and it can be inferred that Vlad is going easy on him, especially when Kindred Spirits rolls around and he punches through solid concrete trying to capture Danny. "Funny, ha-ha Vlad isn't here today" - that is a horrifying line. Danny would have failed in this episode, too, if not for Danielle having a change of heart when Vlad reveals his true colors, and I would have loved for this to be the time when Danny actually starts to realize that, "oh wait! Vlad's scary as fuck, and I still have a long way to go to reach his level!"
But once again, snappy/quippy kids show, hero's gotta win.
my OTP:
Pompous Pep, aka Vlad/Danny
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
I don't know how much of a headcanon it is, especially since we get hints of it in canon and now in the GN, but Vlad is possessive af. Of items, of people - once he's claimed them, they're his, and he won't let them go for any reason, and he lives in constant fear of losing them. Maybe it's a result of losing his best friends after the portal incident. Maybe it has something to do with being half-ghost, but this man has a constant undercurrent of fear lying just below the surface, and when threatened, he responds with anger, claws and fangs bared to the world, ready to lash out and blame everyone for everything but never himself.
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jessaerys · 8 months
Opinions on DirkRose?
so when i was 16-18 in high school i was briefly in this very tightknit three person online friend group with me + this extremely popular homestuck artist at the time + their best friend that i quickly developed a crush on. and this online friend roleplayed dirk at the same time i was roleplaying rose (a rose from the same timeline as whom is probably the most famous dave strider roleplayer in the history of homestuck rp. but that nuclear fallout is a story for another day) in the wild wild west that was the 2012 homestuck rp landscape on tumblr (aka the multiple timelines theory)(at some point my rose was involved with, like, a marius pontmercy. yes from les mis. and also a genderbent rose in an ambiguous almost selfcest situationship.)
anyway so i asked her if she wanted to ship our rp characters which was very "baby's first time asking for what they want" of me, and she said yes, and dirk and rose wrote each other a couple of inter-dimensional letters that were quite beautiful and poignant at least in my memory. the vibe was "very traumatized young adults find an equally jaded and verbose kindred spirit and they tentatively show each other the vulnerable side that they can't show anyone else through the safe distance of penpalship" so of course the rp brain chemicals were INTENSE (by the way the three of us were in a slightly larger skype group chat with a couple of other tumblr friends, whom ocassionally would make "you and alex should date lol!" jokes. my fragile teenage psyche was convinced it was going to happen)
but anyway the writing was super slow and i knew that this friend was much more into dirkjake (and VERY hung up on our other friend/her best friend) but whenever i could hold her attention she seemed to be interested in our writing
her dirk had a poetry sideblog (i want to say cringe in retrospect but honestly. at the time i thought it was some elevated literary use of the medium. and it probably was) and i would check it CONSTANTLY trying to decipher if anything new dirk posted was about my rose, but the posts were too vague for solid conclusions
anyway long story short for what was probably somewhere between months and a year (can't recall) i lived in that rp brain chemical addiction thrill-of-the-chase hell state surviving on kernels of character interactions and fantasies about dirk and rose, like i'm talking emotional-support OTP levels of emotional investment. the daily emotional rollercoaster was insane. it would make or break my day depending on what vague poetry dirk strider posted
until ONE DAY.... I FOUND OUT.... she had been rping dirkjake with our OTHER friend/her best friend for a while AND JUST DIDN'T TELL ME. BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T WANT TO UPSET ME. I WAS HEARTBROKEN (these weren't multishipping type blogs. you had one character timeline and by god you stuck to it)
i legitimately do not recall what i did re: the dirk ordeal, but i do remember that at some point (the timeline in relation to the rp drama is long lost to the sands of time) i confessed and she rejected me and i felt soooo led on which was probably a product of this friend being so conflict averse. i was in a crying or close-to-tears state for about a day and a half which i recall very vividly because at the time it was by FAR the biggest social heartbreak of my life. a solid 36 hours of "i'm going to feel like this FOREVER and my heart will never HEAL" teenage angst. i remember it so viscerally lol. especially because my parents straight up didn't notice. but that's an entirely different can of baggage
anyway eventually i met my then-girlfriend and the three person friend group drifted apart. much later i found out they had felt soooo betrayed but what was i supposed to do. third wheel them as the least important person in the group forever??? i think at some point the three of us hung out together for an afternoon when we happened to be in the same city but it must have been completely unremarkable because i don't remember any of it.
anyway what was the question again. yeah dirkrose is fine
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Thinking about how Zuko aligns Aang with Azula ("You're like my sister. Everything always came easy to her") and then in his first real chance to bond with Aang, the kid is flunking firebending hard and is actively scared of it, requiring Zuko to give him some nice encouragement ("You can do it. You're a talented kid")
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nessa007 · 1 year
thinking about how when ariel got her voice back she will tell eric all the things she collected that belonged to the above world and how much it meant to her to find someone like him who loves to collect things too and is just as curious about the rest of the world as she is and now they get to go off exploring and collecting things together and teaching each other even more about the above world and the ocean 😭😭😭😭
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mytalemyworld · 2 years
My Thoughts on Cheng Shaoshang & Ling Buyi (First 24 Episodes )(*contains spoiler*)
So if a Byronic hero and a female Harry Potter were a couple...
Well that seems to be a crazy fanfiction idea but this is real.
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So the female lead, Cheng Shaoshang (Niaoniao), had been left behind by her parents who had to go to a military expedition, and thus she had been brought up by abusive family members. Since she had nobody but herself to depend on, she learnt only one thing. How to survive. When finally her parents came back to home after 15 years she thought her life would be different, but then her mother started giving her a hard time under the disguise of parental education and she no longer believes that there will be someone who really cares about and protects her. Her only aim is to escape her mother's clutches and strict manners and be free enough to do what she wishes. Which leads her to make very heartbreaking choices.
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And the male lead, General Ling Buyi (Zhisheng), has a tragic backstory. His mother's family had been massacred because of a treacherous act in the army, his mother went insane to the point where she no longer knows her own son, his father who thought his son and his wife also died in the massacre, got married with his cousin and didn't divorce her even after he found out his son and his wife were alive. So basically he loathes his father too much that he even goes against him in front of the strangers (I must remind you this is Confucian society) and turned into a war machine even though he used to have hemaphobia when he was a kid. This tells you enough what kind of person whom he turned into. He seeks justice -but more like revenge- and tries to find the mastermind behind the massacre.
She learns how to be cunning and street smart, he learns how to be ruthless and cold as ice.
Ling Buyi fell for first and then harder. He was in this for the long haul however he lost his chance. Because he is too late to confess his feelings. Also she doesn't know him and finds fim a little scary. She clearly states that she doesn't want to live in a violent and suffocating environment, has no desire to carry more responsibilites so being a militarist's wife is not even a desirable choice. And he knows this. So that's why he is out of the picture. But is he really?
The thing is although she wants to stay away from responsibilites and harshness because of the way she was brought up, the same reason causes her to listen to the voice of conscience. She can not tolerate any injustice or bullying. Also since she has strong survival skills, she is excellent at making the right choices under fatal circumstances. She is born to lead and yet to see this simple truth.
So this is deifinitely not a smooth sailing. They are kindred spirits but she needs to realise this by herself: what she really wants, with whom she will walk on the road she chooses, who she is. As for him, he already knows what he wants but I think we’ll see how much he needs someone to fight for him as well.
I am gonna write “My Top Ten OTP Scenes” below.
10) The way he understood her plot and helped her.
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They are match made in heaven.
9) Third time’s a charm! Their third meeting was one of the most memorable scenes for me!
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You know he is not a gentleman when it comes to other ladies, he has like no-shit-given attitude, he doesn't follow etiquettes or some social norms, HOWEVER after she had lied in front of everyone by saying that he admired her but she never reciprocated his feelings, and came to face to face the man whom she talked about confidently a few seconds ago while trying to make a dramatic exit, the only thing he did was to smile (which is a rare sight) without correcting her lie.
He’s the heartless general to everyone else, but completely whipped and adoring around her. 
I am going weak at my knees.
8) Being confidants 
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He doesn't find her annoying or see her as a person who should be disciplined, on the contrary he acts like they are peers, he entrusts her with finding a secret map, shows her respect.
Of course he teases her a lot but in the manner of a lover. Cute.
7) Cliche but who cares.
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I mean I've seen worse slow burn romances than this, I have a tough skin when it comes to angst, but this doesn't change the fact that his agony goes deep.
He accepts harsh reality but never stops loving her which brings them to this point: He asks for the emperor to give her a praising (very well deserved btw) so people will show some respect to her and then reads the imperial edict at her engagement banquet. 
Peak level angst.
Well, selfless love is something like this I guess.
Later she trips and he holds her...*Katy Perry E.T.  starts playing in my mind*
Meanwhile everybody at the banquet: *le-scandale*.
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Everbody just knows. Or feels something is going on.
6) The execution scene and later all the dialogues in his carriage
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The man has strong spidey-senses or more like Shaoshang needs me senses maybe? 
Even if it’s a little controversial to see Lady He has enough strength to behead someone, I’ll overlook realities.
5) His going feral after finding out she got ambushed.
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I will never get over this.
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Damn. You can clearly see that they are just so compatible.
She is smart, determined and doesn’t give a shit about what is ominous or not. Even after the surrenders try to scare her she doesn’t waver. She has strong beliefs about justice. To her, justice isn’t something to be sacrificed for some traditions, you must act immediately even at the cost of breaking some taboos.
That’s why he admires her and knows he found his lifepartner.  
3) His farewell 
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The whole scene is so heartbreaking but you know what hits me hard? After watching the peaceful scenery in front of him he says “I just remembered that I never earnestly listened to you playing the flute since we know each other.”. 
This is a perfect way of telling how late he is to be with her. Even though I dislike her mother, she is right about one deduction, he is always on his duty, busy going after the betrayers, solving the cunning plans made by some traitors and he missed his chance to be with her under some normal and peaceful conditions. 
When she hopefully says she can play it for him later, it's just another hit. After the mission which seems to be fatal. If they have a chance. Which he thinks they will never meet again.
2) The public love declaration
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CSS: General Ling. The wife you get in the future will be a lot better than me. I am stubborn since young. I won't be educated and won't listen to you. Will you still marry someone like me? LBY: Of course. I never knew how wonderful I am to you. Similarly I am sure you don't know that in my eyes, Cheng Shaoshang is the best lady in the capital. Everyone says to marry a gentle and virtuous lady. Madam Cheng is fierce in battle and doesn't lose to men on the battlefield. But off the battlefield, you're also in love with General Cheng. It's clear to see that every couple is different and not as everyone says. Shaoshang might not be an obedient lady in everyone's eyes. But to me, she is the whole capital and the whole world's best lady. Indeed. She is pure and decisive. She dares to love and hate. She is the only one who can walk alongside me in this world. I will only marry her in my life.
1) Her removing arrow from his chest
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I think this is way too intense not because of the process, just because of his whole demeanor and starings...also man has to sort out his priorities because-
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Yeah buddy you are just about to lose your arm or worse your life and your only concern is if there is someone special in her life or her hands hurt. It's just freaking too much. Maybe the first question is to make her relaxed but come on he really asks what he is curious about. The first part of her answer makes him upset even. I can’t with him.
This is the main dish then the dessert is served.
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CSS: *Casually talking about the mastermind behind the ambush like a strategist* LBY: *Proud husband look* His men: *gasp*
She is like "oh god i didn't hold my tongue again and now they will think i am not normal" but she has no idea, doesn’t she?
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
He had gone to Lady Laura Standish for sympathy, and she had given it to him in full measure. She understood him and his aspirations if no one else did so on the face of the earth. She rejoiced in his triumph, and was not too hard to tell him that she looked forward to his success.
Anthony Trollope, from Phineas Finn
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starsuncounted · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @bywayofmemory!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 82.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 128,198.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently, LOTR, Silmarillion, Narnia, and Timeless. I'd like to get back to writing Turn fics, though. I have a couple ideas for oneshots that have been rattling around in my brain.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
winter-touched, frost-bitten (Spinning Silver, T, Miryem/the Staryk Lord, 1.1k): A missing scene in which Miryem strikes a new bargain with the Staryk Lord.
As the Hare Flees Before the Wolf (Silmarillion, T, Eöl & Celegorm, 1.8k): Curufin is not the only son of Fëanor Eöl meets upon the plains of Himlad. Or, Eöl meets Celegorm while pursuing Aredhel and Maeglin, and things go very badly for him.
Here at Journey's End (LOTR, G, Frodo & Legolas, 1.6k): They stay for those they love.
West, West Away (LOTR, G, Sam & Thranduil, 3.6k): Sam meets an unlikely kindred spirit on the journey West.
and I will love with urgency, but not with haste (Silmarillion, T, Andreth/Aegnor, 3.1k): A summer evening spent in a glade near the shores of the Aeluin.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yep! It may take me a while, but I always do. The only exceptions are for cryptic comments that I don't understand and have no idea what to reply with.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Lol. Lmao, even. At least half of my fics are nothing but angst. So...*spins wheel* Let's go with darkness lies on the foaming waves between us (LOTR, G, Arwen & Celebrían & Elwing, 1k), in which Arwen shares the news of her choice with her mother.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I do actually have a couple fics that would qualify for this (shocking, I know), but I have a special place in my heart for And There Make a Garden (LOTR, G, Éowyn, <1k). Éowyn finally being happy and content is everything to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not since I returned to fandom in 2020 and started posting on AO3 (unless some of those aforementioned cryptic comments are badly worded hate). But I did get the occasional hateful comment back when I posted on FFN.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Occasionally and it's very vanilla.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Never written one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I must be loyal to my thirteen-year-old self and say Faramir/Éowyn, my forever OTP.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I really would like to finish And Every Winter Turn to Spring (Turn, Anna/Hewlett), but I don't think I can rekindle the same enthusiasm I had for it during the height of my Turn fixation in 2020/2021. That, and I'm sure that if I were to pick it up again, I'd want to tear it apart and fix it up because it was one of the first fics I started writing after a years-long break from fic writing, and I'm certain I'd be embarrassed by parts of it now. And doing heavy editing like that feels overwhelming right now.
16. What are your writing strengths? Usually characterization and description, but I've been having trouble with my descriptions lately, and in a very strange twist, dialogue has—for the first time ever—been easier for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plots. You will be getting no 100k+ longfics from me. Sorry. Oneshots or bust.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I only use other languages when writing Tolkien fic and do so sparingly and always with translations in the author notes. All phrases are yoinked from RealElvish.net because I can't be assed to put Elvish sentences together myself. Sorry JRRT.
19. First fandom you wrote for? LOTR. A couple of ancient fics that have never and will never see the light of day.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? It changes by the day, but I am very fond of On These Hither Shores (LOTR, G, Frodo & Boromir, 3.2k). It took a while to come together, but I'm so happy with how it turned out and that I finally achieved my goal of writing Frodo and Boromir getting to know each other before everything went to hell in a handbasket.
Tagging @tortoisesshells @boltlightning @aloveforjaneausten @dreamingthroughthenoise if you'd like to do this!
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princesssarisa · 9 months
Character Ask: Maid Marian (Disney)
Favorite thing about them: Her blend of sweetness, elegance and romanticism with playfulness and adventurousness. She's both a quintessential "lady fair" for a hero of legend to love and a true kindred spirit to Robin Hood.
Least favorite thing about them: I wish her role were bigger, and while it's perfectly fine that she's not much of a fighter, I wish she were slightly more involved in the action than just throwing one pie in a guard's face.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I like pink and lavender.
*I get along well with children.
*I admire people who defy oppressors and help the poor.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a king's niece.
*I'm not British.
*I'm not an anthropomorphic fox.
Favorite line: When Robin proposes marriage mid-battle:
"Oh, darling, I thought you'd never ask me! But you could have chose a more romantic setting!"
brOTP: Lady Kluck.
OTP: Robin Hood.
nOTP: Prince John, Sir Hiss, or the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Random headcanon: I'll take this one from TV Tropes: She's the niece of Berengaria of Navarre, King Richard's wife, making her Richard's niece by marriage. This explains why she's a vixen instead of a lioness, and why neither she nor Prince John behave as if they're related to each other.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have one.
Song I associate with them:
Favorite picture of them:
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marleysfinest · 1 year
ay yo gimme a reiner breakdown right quick
*cracks knuckles* u got it bae
reiner braun
how I feel about this character
I feel everything about This Character. he is my moon my sun my stars. there is no other like him and never will be. it is unhealthy how intensely I need to wash his hair and do gua sha on him. he is my husband for all eternity.
all the people I ship romantically with this character
ME. also jokes aside of course jean. the only person who I'd give him up to is jean bc they're made for each other. bert for the sweetness and the image of how chaotically they sleep (as in snooze) together.
my non-romantic OTP for this character
definitely mikasa. they don't interact often enough but I genuinely believe they would be best friends. gym buddies for life and able to find kindred spirits in one another for having dumb boyfriends who cause fights.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon.
the softie in me would've loved to have seen him find happiness and someone to love and not sniff that fuckin letter like a SIMP. I wish we'd have seen him with his kid bc it would've truly ended me.
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