#oc: marish
wolfsbaneandthistle · 16 days
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The crew of the exploratory ship, The Little Bird. The captain, Diaf, hired this crew to traverse the stars, learning more about both the worlds around them… and themselves.
Think sci-fi adventure but the characters all have the vibes of a bunch of scientists stuck in Antarctica.
Hán and Cereza are the only humans onboard, the majority of the crew being aliens. This is a trend that continues for the galaxy at large for entirely non-suspicious totally not plot-related reasons.
I’m still working on worldbuilding for a lot of these guys but a couple of the tags I made for them have a decent amount of stuff. I made this bc I finally got around to finalizing the design for most of the characters! There are… a few that I will probably rehash again, but there shouldn’t be any major changes. The old version of this post went outdated when I updated the designs, so this is pretty much just a redo of that with the rest of the crew.
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karu-ck · 1 year
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Fatesona (4/5)
Continuing uploading my mutuals wonderful OCs :D
Pulchrit - @/dearestamille (Twitter)
Moire - @/MarasSecond (Twitter)
Karin - @kantan-kt
Papillion - @miki-7heaven
Marish - @rewinden
Ari - @/arikentsia (Twitter)
Haku - @xianha
Yves - @heyneon
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lenkharos · 2 years
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There's a small fridge outside the lab filled to the brim with gogurt because Marish will literally scratch grooves into the floor if you try to drag them out and this is a good enough middle-ground. For now. Anyways, just wait till Marish finds out that the disease is named after Rey <3
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A colored sketch of a battle-worn Marish (OC).
No clue what they're fighting.
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ayangdon · 2 months
I think I'm supposed to also make a pin here...
General Info 🌹
❀ My name is Aya but I'm mostly known as Carmen by my friends so feel free to call me either!
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❀ I go by any pronouns! But if you have a hard time with varying, using he/him is okay!
❀ I am southeast asian (eng/idn, studying spanish!)
❀ My current interests are Project Moon, classic literatures, and my OCs! My favorite classic is currently Wuthering Heights and I'm working to make a separate blog for my OCs! (a.k.a webcomic I'm planning)
❀ So uhh, this is supposed to be a general account but I mostly post projmoon and classic lits arts, although I'm not too active in rambling/talking on here. If you'd like to see rambles and wips, I have a private twitter account for it! (@.wildlotusz, preferably mutuals but anyone can dare to request!)
❀ I also post/share actively on my public twitter account (@.harinaga_), instagram (@.ayangdonnn), and toyhouse (harinaga)!
Do Not Interact 🌹
❀ Basic dni criteria, lgbtphobes, racists, zionist, ai art user, proshipper, etc.
❀ Not that you can't interact but I won't be mutuals with anyone below 15 and above 26! (Exceptions are if we have been friends/moots for long)
❀ DNI if you always get into discourses to spread more problems 24/7
❀ I draw yumeship arts so get off if you're against oc x canon / yumeship (respectfully). As a heads up, I romantically selfship with Don Quixote and Ishmael (Limbus Company) so if you're uncomfortable with "doubles", do not interact please! Prioritize your comfort! <3
(speaking of which, I don't mind seeing other Don Quixote/Ishmael yume, I LOVE seeing it!)
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[more info regarding yumeships here vv]
❀ I post my Limbus Company self insert + OCs and I'm a yumejoshi so I MIGHT share selfshipping art!
★ My LCB self insert is Marcel (she/her, arospec lesbian) Like what I said, she's based off myself irl but not quite exactly as we don't share the same name, identity, and some general info... 😅
★ I selfship with Don Quixote and (sometimes) Ishmael! Although, they're not in a relationship at all! Still romantic though... Marcel and Ishmael is only one sided on Marcel's side! She just really admired her!!
★ Their ship names are MarQuix / 🎠🐦‍⬛, MarIsh / ⛪🐦‍⬛, or MarIshDon / 🎠⛪🐦‍⬛
★ Intros are still pending oops but uhmm... Drops these MarQuix...
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Matvey of Mariah, the Royal Archmage
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caterjunes · 4 years
i waa thinking about a post i saw on twitter about self-indulgently creating lotr ocs in the year of our lord 2020 and uhhh of course that means i have to do it now. inspired also by this
meet ermina withywand-took, tinkerer and new postmaster-general of the Four Farthings, and the first to introduce expedited bicycle delivery along selected postal routes!
at first, the backlash was considerable - heaven knows hobbits are famously averse to novelty and *shudder* innovation. and going that fast? why it's an affront to nature! are your two feet not good enough? this is even worse than riding horses or going on boats! reminds me of some dwarvish contraption, or (this only ever in whispers from the older, even more conservative types) like something sharkey's folks might've dreamed up. you'd expect it from a took, though, they never leave well enough alone.
however, when the word got out that peregrin bolger (grandson of the late fredegar, named for the hero of the battle of bywater, along with a half-dozen of his generation) received a particularly interesting bit of gossip from the marish and was able to return a response within the same day (not the next day, mind you, never mind what those fools down in michel delving say), well. that changed things! voices that had been clamouring for her removal as postmaster were suddenly demanding an expansion of the bicycle service, and ermina had to hire on an assistant to serve as a mechanic just to keep up with the increasing use and wear her prototype bicycles were seeing.
of course it hardly goes without saying that the use of bicycles never really took off in the shire save for in the postal service. hobbits' desire for constancy and a slow, simple life can only truly be overcome by their love for some juicy gossip
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Character Creation Tag
I was tagged by @nobodywritesstuff. Here we go!
This for Alexis!
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering? (Name, appearance, backstory etc.)
I remember the first thing I decided about her is that she’s an engineer. She’s really clever and good at math. 
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
I designed her to be stand out; to be the smartest amongst the best and brightest her world had to offer. 
3. How did you choose their name?
She actually has two names: One is her Marish name: Alexis Whitlocke. Her mother and high society friends call her this. The other is the Bitanian Name: Bai Zhihao. 
Both Names actually mean something similar to White Warrior!  I wanted her to seem like a regal, strong protector. 
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they lived in played the most influential parts?
I think the duality of her birth cultures really developed who she is. She’s not quite sure how to make peace with both halves of herself. 
5. Is there any significance behind their hair colour?
No, it’s just so black that it looks blue in some light.
6. Is there any significance behind their eye colour?
No. Just brown. 
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
That drive to keep going, to not give up. 
9. Are they based off you in some way?
No. She’s based on an old friend. 
10. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
I always thought of her as ace and aromantic. 
11. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits etc.)
I think capturing her spirit. She’s got the strength of a raging fire and she’s still an enigma. 
12. How past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
In the battle of the Daemon Keep, her zeppelin was destroyed and she lost a hand and her back was severely scarred, restricting her movement. 
13. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
Not to turn her into disability porn and keep her from being too cold and distant. 
14. What is something about your OC that can make you laugh?
She cannot clean to save her life, but she’s kind of a neat freak and it’s hilarious. 
15. What is something about your OC that can make you cry?
Her mother doesn’t listen and her stepfather is an ass. She feels like she has to hide everything she finds amazing or she’ll be rejected. 
16. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
There’s plenty I regret not adding. She was supposed to have a twin sister, which could have been really cool. 
17. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
That she speaks troll. 
18. What is your favourite fact about your OC?
She designed three zeppelins and all of them have unique weapon and steering systems for different maneuvers in aerial combat. 
I’m tagging @pinespittinink @three-seas-writes @whatwouldyoudoforher @raevenlywrites @taohuawrites
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wolfsbaneandthistle · 11 days
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A chance to rant about one of my sillies? Thank you so much, @junipershouse, there's no better way to kick my ass into actually writing what I need to. :D
Marish is a deep-space organism from the same solar system as Diaf! At least, she's from the same system as Diaf. There's no telling where more of her species may be, since she herself has never seen one. She was found after Umblan set up the planet's wormhole, when Enith started sending out exploration teams. Ostensibly, she decided to join the Little Bird in order to learn more about the planetary folk, and be studied in turn. Really she just joined because she's good friends with Diaf and wanted to spend more time together.
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Marish's anatomy is really weird and mostly unknown- one of the early missions of the Little Bird is to get to a MRI station big enough to image her.
What is known is that she's super reliant on heat. She has some kind of energy storage that she can literally crack to produce heat and energy, but when these stores die out she has to find a source of outside heat in order to melt and refresh her stores. (She uses a reaction similar to reusable handwarmers, like this video explains, but no-one in universe has this figured out yet.)
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She also produces gas that she uses to move around in space, and has heat pits to tell where she's going. She doesn't have any eyes, and her ability to hear was probably random luck, but she can use her threads to touch and hold things!
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karu-ck · 3 years
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I drew this for the Christmas on 2020. It's always so fun to draw as many fatesonas I can and put them in a drawing =w=
(It takes me almost a year to upload this, but I'm doing it x'D)
From left to right:
Mai - @happywonderfuldays
Haku - @xianha
Karin - @kantan-kt
Sheryl - @sakudrew
Marish - @rewinden
Em - @emyasmina
Major - mine
Alex - mine
Yuki - @miki-7heaven
Mary - @rose-garden-sonas
Vivi - @ronyavalentine
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rewinden · 7 years
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Loic Fleuret
The only son of the noble family Fleuret Class: Paladin Country: Nohr
I made a new fatesona! Or more like fates OC? He’s nowhere close to my personality after all xD *throws the complicated jerk to the fatesona community*
More info about him under the cut!
Personality - Gentleman - Flirts a lot (yikes) - Always in good mood ACTUALLY A TWO-FACED JERK - Sometimes cold-blooded and cynical - Extremely rude to people he hates/dislikes - but the truth is... - Not used to be genuinely nice and happy - Upholds a positive facade - Never gloomy nor sad until he stops “acting” - Avoids everyone he gets too close with, especially nice people - “I’m not as nice as you think I am” - Also afraid of people seeing the ‘real’ him
Skills - Excels swordsmanship - Horse riding - Playing violin and piano - fLIRTING - Blackmailing and manipulation - Gathering information
Likes - Cute people (mainly girls) or honest and straightforward people - Maids/Shrine Maidens - Homemade food/meals - Chocolate - Horses - Reading books - Library and nature
Dislikes - Golddiggers - Nobles - Training and running (he doesn’t like to sweat) - Bugs and dirt - Faceless - Himself
To give a (not short *sweats*) summary of his backstory, Loic Fleuret was taught to be ruthless, cold-hearted and unsympathetic by his parents ever since he was a little child. They wanted him to be the perfect heir of the Fleuret family and kept warning him about the fickle nobles he would constantly meet. Those nobles often sent him gifts or their children to befriend him, only to try to use him for their own benefits. Because of that, Loic had to close his heart to everyone, even to his own cruel parents.
When Loic grew older, he learned to cope with the toxic community of nobles by gaining the upper hand. He started to use all kind of methods to turn the table against his enemies. Blackmailing, tricking, lying and even wooing the women. It eventually became a common thing for him.
However, Loic knew he would never be happy by living like that. He decided to enlist to the army in hope of starting anew. Unfortunately, the Fleuret family is well known in Nohr and was therefore easily recognized. The higher ups decided to give him a high position out of obligation, despite his protests.
Loic is now living as a paladin while bearing his family name. He tries to be the person he wishes to be, but has problems of separating his ‘fake’ and ‘real’ selves. His bad habit of flirting shamelessly is still with him and that often disgusts himself. It’s also not easy to change when your name and family keep trying to drag you back to your hollow past.
Will Loic Fleuret ever find the peace he seek to be himself, or forever roam in his family’s dark shadow? That is for you to decided.
Fatesonas included: Mai @happywonderfuldays and Lia @fatedchosenone Loic knows that they are extremely kind and wonderful, and therefore avoids them as much as possible. Watching from the distance is enough~!
Karen @the-creative-vault Loic have read about wolfskins, kitsunes and dragons, but never seen this kind of beast shapeshifter! He is intrigued and wants to learn more about it, or possible more of Karen? Karin @kantan-kt Loic likes maids lol. He knows about her late night practices, but keeps it secret for her sake. Em @emyasmina FORGET ABOUT LEO AND BE HIS RETAINER //SHOT He admires Em’s swordsmanship and spies his trainings to learn more. Brandon @sakudrew Another dude he considered to make him as his retainer, but refrained He finds Brandon really interesting and wants to gather more information about his past, but with no luck so far. Ronya/Vivi @ronyascribbles and Floran @oreowarrior HIS HATRED FOR NOBLES IS STRONG, but he can’t seem to find out who it is in the army. Some of them look so familiar?
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“Matvey has a cruel heart to go with his cruel face. He is weak, vulnerable, and always demanding love –– and he is cruel to those who have no use to him or are a threat to his comfort.”
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