atlanticsea · 2 days
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soldier/poet/king - patrick/tashi/art
based on that one quiz i made four years ago. if you're interested, you can click here to read all my thoughts on art being the most king to ever king, tashi being a poet with a strong soldier streak despite contradictory results, and patrick being a self-destructive soldier.
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sokkagatekeeper · 2 years
yes it is physically impossible for me to write a katara-centric piece without sokka being a large part of said piece and vice versa and IN MY DEFENSE. they were already codependant BEFORE i started writing them. sue me
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exclamaquest · 3 years
HI THEO which music streaming website or app do u like best for me it’s Spotify but sometimes I’ll post audio from tumblrs little audio thing directly from the SoundCloud source bc it plays the audio extra loud on my headphones and makes me dougie
HI NOUR THANK YOU i use youtube music because my father pays for it and it has sexc lyrics directly in the song thing. also you can play videos off of it which is cool! and i will have 2 try the tumblr audio at some point my headphones are Not that great and that is a GIGANTIC brain idea for loudness purposes
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atlanticsea · 15 days
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all is fair in love and war: or, where relationships and sportsmanship intersect.
citations: challengers (2024), wikipedia (various articles), friend at court 2022 handbook of rules and regulations, gq interview.
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atlanticsea · 1 year
seeing people say that ted shouldn't have left england because he has his "found family" there whereas he only has henry in kansas and that he's gonna be miserable is so wild to me. did we watch the same show. man was having breakdowns and panic attacks about being away from his kid he was NOT happy in england he was always going to go back to kansas 😭😭😭 "well henry could have moved to england" if you feel more empathy for a grown ass man who very much DID live in kansas for the first 40+ years of his life than for a kid who would have to leave his friends and family and start living in a different country with a completely different school system and who would either not see his mom regularly OR have the most insane split custody arrangement then i think you lack perspective about what is important for a child's stability 😭😭 like be for real
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atlanticsea · 1 year
LMFAO. anyways i'm so sorry to sam for being a victim of a hate crime and this storyline not being given the gravity it deserved, i'm so sorry to shandy for being brought in just to be an edwin 2.0 because it's apparently hilaaaarious when characters of colour become unreasonable and make poop jokes i guess, i'm so sorry to edwin who went from being an african man aware of the ridiculousness of his wealth and of the way he could help african players get recognition in their home countries to a man only interested in making white men richer (and a sidenote sorry to sam richardson who is a fantastic actor and deserved a lead actor nomination for his role in the afterparty), i'm so sorry to simi who was seemingly just brought in to make rebecca briefly jealous, i'm so sorry to sharon who was barely present, i'm so sorry to shannon who fully disappeared with one last little cameo where you couldn't even see her face, i'm so sorry to nate's family and lloyd in particular for not being centered in nate's growth because it was apparently better to bring in a manic pixie dream girl to literally force him to go back to richmond, and i'm so, SO sorry to nate who had so much potential and was played by a fantastic actor but did not get to have some of his biggest moments on screen and was forced to go back to richmond not even as a kitman, but as an assistant to the kitman, with none of his concerns ever being addressed, because he doesn't matter here: he's only present to further ted's good guy reputation. i'm so so sorry to every character of colour in this fucking show that got treated so horrendously and i'm so glad they're free now
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atlanticsea · 1 year
just learned that my uquiz "are you the soldier, the poet, or the king?" recently blew up on tiktok, leading to an influx of people taking it (864k and counting) and thus checking out my tumblr!! so hi if you're new, don't really expect anything in the same style from me (though i have other quizzes!), i made the quiz in 2020 and it was more a creative exercise for my friends than anything else :) i'm in a bit of a creative block right now and am trying to get back to regularly writing poetry. im happy to answer questions about it though!!
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atlanticsea · 10 months
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adaine abernant x novecento or, on the overwhelming nature of visions
find this piece in the DIMENSION 20 LITERATURE REVIEW zine, made as part of the 2023 d20 zine jam!! please check out the bundle, it's pay what you want for fifty (YEAH) whole zines and all the funds go to the support fund for the sag/wga strike
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atlanticsea · 14 days
british dub of challengers where instead of COME ONNNN tashi says GET INNNN
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atlanticsea · 1 year
reading through brendan hunt's reddit ama and seeing him completely dismiss jane as being abusive, seeing fans say that calling jane abusive is "being judgemental instead of curious" despite basically every scene she's in featuring textbook abusive behaviour, seeing fans argue that being concerned at how jamie is made to forgive his father when the fact that his father facilitated him being sexually assaulted at 14 was never addressed is "not understanding the show" because the show preaches forgiveness as the end all be all of everything (and isn't it so interesting that victims of abuse have to do all the work to recover and grow as people meanwhile abusers are just expected to be forgiven because "forgiveness is a gift u give yourself uwu 🥹🥹🥹")..... here's a sentence i couldn't imagine typing six months ago but ted lasso's understanding of trauma and mental health is limited to "panic attacks feel bad" and promotes actively harmful rhetoric about abuse and victimes of abuse, as well as toxic positivity lmao
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atlanticsea · 1 year
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i would do it again // if i could hold you for a minute
aka: something something the dress caramelinda wore when she married amethar was the one that had been made for her wedding to lazuli. something something she asked for her flowers to be blue. something something her heart was breaking but she'd still do it all over again.
[Image ID: Monochrome digital drawing of Caramelinda Rocks in blue and gray tones. She is wearing a wedding gown adorned with lace, ruffles and pearls with a huge blue jewel on her neck. Her hair is decorated with small blue flowers, as well as a crown holding up a veil that goes over her face. She is crying, and holding a big blue bouquet of flowers. In the background are the words "I'd tell them put me back in it!" in all caps in a bright blue colour. End ID.]
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atlanticsea · 2 months
wow phil's bloody handprint on dan's shirt is just like. haha. it's just like s. it's just. it's like sup. hahahaha. dan more like dean. winches
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atlanticsea · 1 year
thinking about how janine's relationship with her mother has always been about sacrifice... her sister left but She Stayed... her mother asks her for help and she cannot refuse... thinking about how it's very possible she grew up hearing about how her mother was sacrificing a lot for her so she shouldn't be selfish. about how thinking about herself was bad and hurt her mother. also thinking about janine putting aside her own needs and wants when with tariq, perhaps informed by her definition of selfishness as 1. Bad and 2. hurtful. very much thinking about how maurice telling her that was she did was selfish and that it did hurt him could have felt like an absolute confirmation of that definition.
in short, thinking about how janine's entire arc so far has been about learning what the difference is between looking out for yourself and setting up boundaries and selfishness is. and about how she's still figuring it out.
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atlanticsea · 2 months
i would pay actual money for dan and phil to play no more jockeys. i don't care that it's kinda clunky with two people and works better with 3+ i desperately need to hear what batshit categories they can come up with. please dan and phil. i will send you real physical currency
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atlanticsea · 10 months
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INTRODUCING, for the SECOND EDITION of CANDY COUTURE: the GILDED & GUILTY collection! This zine is so cool to participate in! You can see the whole 90+ page zine here, with a bunch of stunning art and my inspirations and thinking for this piece, and get the whole bundle (50 zines!!) here for whatever price you want, with all proceeds going to the entertainment community fund in support of the sag/wga strike!!
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atlanticsea · 22 days
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Some of my favourite shots of the aurora borealis, captured by the Chamrousse - La Croix webcam in the Alps (respectively taken at 00:10, 00:20, 00:40, 00:50 and 03:10.)
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