#noelle holliday
dreemurrsightings · 2 months
It probably hit him pretty hard
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Their friendship is underrated like Noelle would totally be there for him emotionally
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nerdstify · 6 months
here, have this beautiful picture
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i got carried away
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they turnt her face into a robot one!!
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jamsandwichhfh · 9 months
Deltarune Ref Doodles!
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plink-dev · 1 year
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Alt noelle for the WIN!!!!!! i like making her scene and giving her clothes that look a bit funny together but still rule.
Also dear lord im trying to get back into drawing normally ITS SO DIFFICULT. THIS TOOK ME 3 AND A HALF HOURS I USED TO DO FULL ILLUSTRATIONS IN ROUGHLY AN HOUR. Whatever. Jeez. Whatever
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liliallowed · 5 months
bad influence cross over #2
au by @largefound-aus
and no I'm not calling him dilf cuz like... I don't.. I... [CONFUSED ABROSEXUAL simp NOISES]
these are just some sketches I made from a rough idea about the dynamic if the two met. (they both need therapy)
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the dad's are fighting. they're both self loathing and blame themself/each other for everything so you can imagine them mutually trauma dumping on each other and showing NO MERCY about their shared weaknesses.
also it's fun how bad influence dust wears a blue scarf Noelle knitted for him instead of papys scarf while the other dust is still wearing the red scarf. there's some unintentional symbolism there with red and blue... idk. I love it though! fun coincidence!
they hate each other THROUGH each other...
meanwhile they are distracted the children are just chatting.
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@cvhell feel free to hop in btw. I just did this for fun.
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the-arcade-rats · 2 years
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"maybe they weren't thinking about me at all."
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kittblush · 2 years
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This is a commission for Kiwwa Qween Y’know Spamelle? The Spamton looking Noelle fan character? Well this is the opposite (Spamton as Noelle) wich is named Norton This was very fun to draw :)
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teaerrors · 1 year
this is it complete!! I decided to only do half of the song :D
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rosepetalwings · 2 years
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Th3 D ,0llen Angel [NEO]
(click for full image quality)
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dreemurrsightings · 2 months
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Summer time Noelle during art history
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I don't were you guys live but here in Italy it's basically summer wtf why
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aybri · 8 months
first time drawing these two goobers, think it turned out actually pretty decent lmao
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nerdstify · 6 months
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twisted-lies · 1 year
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༊·˚ Christmas Noelle Holiday Headers :: Requested by Anonymous
♡ / ⇆ if saving | credit if using
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Noelle Holiday JoJo Reference!!!
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some noelle art I made...
yare yare daze...
below the cut- some close up pictures and reference photos
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---reference photos---
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the grilling noelle and the one with the box costume I used a reference image for but I can't currently fin d said images but I will update this post when I find them~
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phantatrix · 11 months
Second Chances- Chapter Two
[Spamton is determined to turn his luck around when threatened with eviction no matter what.]
(TW: Smoking)
It was only a matter of time before he would get kicked out of the Pandora Palace and he couldn’t waste a second. ‘Think think think! Come on, big shot! Don’t give up now!’
Spamton pulled out a cigarette from the pack and grabbed a lighter nearby. A sudden, sharp pain overcame him and he dropped the unlit cigarette. It felt like his body lost its form for a moment. 
‘Fuck my life.’
If he didn’t turn his luck around, his glitching was only going to get worse. Hands trembling, Spamton picked up the cigarette and lit it, his nerves calming slightly. He could almost hear Orange chastising him for picking up such a nasty habit after all this time. He laughed softly to himself. Part of him wished Orange were here to chastise him, at least the negative attention would be a welcome distraction from the threat of eviction looming over him.  
Pacing around the room, Spamton ran through possible solutions. He just needed one successful deal to prove that his sales weren’t going down the drain, that this wasn’t the end of Spamton G. Spamton. He was a big shot! He couldn’t lose this deal. He couldn’t lose at all! If he lost, what would that make him? He wasn’t a loser, not anymore. Not after the help of his benefactor and all they had done for him. Wherever the hell they were now. Returning to his old life as White would be a fate worse than death, if he even could return to that life. Winning it all meant losing all he had. And there was nothing waiting for him after all of this. And to think that he used to be ecstatic over having one customer! One! Now he had thousands! What a joke. 
Of course!
That’s who can save him.
That little reindeer Noelle. That angel can save him! 
Spamton, as inconspicuous as possible, left his room, greeting the fellow Swatchlings and Tasque Manager as if there were nothing wrong. Nothing wrong at all. He did his best suppressing the glitching until he was out of sight and it must’ve worked since none of the employees showed any sign of noticing something was off about him. 
It took some time for him to remember where he last saw her but when he did, he struck gold. He remembered that computer and his old hiding spot! After suppressing the glitching for too long, it hit him with a sharper pain and a more distorting, disorienting feeling than before. Spamton was running out of time, he could feel it. Once he was out of this mess, the stress glitches would cease and he’d continue life as he had previously. This bad chapter of his life would be brief and behind him soon enough. He hid just off to the side so no one in front of the computer would see him and he began his work immediately.
This email had to be absolutely perfect! This was his chance to be a big shot again and nothing would pull him away from it. ‘Just remember what the voice taught you, Spamton. Remember all the right words and it will all work out.’ 
As Spamton drafted email after email, something caught his eye. The Internet browser was open and tempting. If he knew just what she was searching for, maybe just maybe he could tailor some ads that would surely entice her and his career would be saved! 
One tiny peek couldn’t hurt, right? 
Carefully, he opened the browser and flipped through the searches. Zipping through them, he couldn’t process exactly what he was reading. All of this advertisement potential, all of this career-reviving potential! Spamton, too giddy for his own good, took a deep breath and flipped right back to the beginning to truly process what was in front of him.
‘Who the hell is Dess?’
Disappointment creeped at the edges of his mind when the solution to all his problems didn’t immediately come to him. Then, his heart dropped to his stomach when he realized just what he was reading. 
‘What am I doing?’
He couldn’t do this. Not to her. Not to this poor kid who wanted nothing more than to be reunited with her sister. One of the first things he learned as an Addison was to never let your emotions get in the way of a business deal.
He was never good at being an Addison anyway.
Spamton turned away from the browser and held out his arms from his body. Closing his eyes, he felt little sparks flicker in his hands. Focus, focus. After what could’ve been minutes or hours came his one true success, one that required no one else but himself to accomplish. He held the egg delicately close to his body and began searching for one last thing to finish up this beloved gift. 
He crawled around the desktop and aha! There it was! He pulled the zipper down on the Cat Petterz 2 game that she loved so much for some unknown reason. Checking his surroundings one last time, he slipped in the egg and closed the game. Maybe not his best work but it was certainly his most sincere. A couple of sudden glitches shook him off his balance and that was his cue to leave.
‘I hope you find peace, Noelle.’
Spamton left the somber scene in a daze, shreds of the email drafts littering the ground around him. His heart weighed him down like a ball and chain as he wandered down the labyrinthine alleyways of Cyber City. Maybe he should reach out to his fellow Addisons. Would they want to hear from him after all these years, after what he’s done to them?
No, that’d be too stupid. And if there’s one thing Spamton G. Spamton wasn’t, was stupid.
Spamton sat on the side of the road, head in his hands. 
It was time for him to reach out to his benefactor one last time.
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