#noah sebastian x nick ruffilo
deathblacksmoke · 2 months
Dramamine—Part 9
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Nick Ruffilo
Series Summary: Cynical, brooding bartender Nick meets too-earnest, pretty boy singer Noah when The Rabbit's Foot starts hosting an open mic night.
CW: a little bit of angst and self-doubt, a little bit of backstory, self-serving pretty flowery apologies, and i made the boys kiss again
*Content warnings are updated by chapter*
Word Count: 1.7K
dividers by @cafekitsune 💐
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He’s about ready to own up to it when Autumn walks in, admit what he’s done and face the consequences. He’s pissed her off before and survived — he doesn’t doubt he can do it again.
She sidles up beside him at the register and he’s going to tell on himself when she says something that makes his eyes widen. “Nick texted you?”
His mind reels, wondering how she knows. When he glances over, he’s expecting anger in her expression, or at the very least annoyance. Instead he finds her smiling at him, expression soft.
“How did you know?” he inquires, wracking his brain for an explanation but coming up with nothing. His stomach turns when he envisions Autumn pounding on the door of Nick’s house, or barging into the bar, berating a stranger for something that shouldn’t be her problem. Autumn, as always, coming to his rescue when he can’t do it himself.
He feels sick.
“Do you remember my friend Jasmine?” Autumn offers, and there’s a beat when he questions the relevance of the question. He remembers her vaguely — she and Autumn were friends while Noah was living in Baltimore, a coworker from the university. They’d met once, when Noah came home for the weekend, but he didn’t stick around. It just didn’t feel like home anymore. He was happy that she had someone like Jasmine to fill the void he’d left when he vanished.
He distantly wonders why they don’t see each other anymore before his heart drops, remembering what happened to her. He sees her face, his mind traveling to the photo on the end table in Nick’s living room. Her pretty dark hair, her kind smile.
He doesn’t know how he didn’t connect it, and he feels painfully foolish. Not knowing what else to say, he nods.
“He’s a good guy, Noah,” Autumn utters, a sigh on the edge of her voice as if she hates to admit it. He knows that she’s right, and just recently he would have done anything for her to think so, but right now it makes him feel like he’s out of people on his side. He still needs her on his side. “He’s been through a hell of a lot, but he wants to fix this.”
He imagines how the conversation might go tonight. His mind conjures the image of an apology, at Autumn’s instruction, but yet another letdown. It isn’t the first time someone hasn’t wanted him, and he’s sure it won’t be the last. Already, he’s itching to disappear again. Asheville might be nice this time.
It already took everything in him to come back here. It took even more out of him to open his heart again, and he really thought he’d picked the right one this time — it felt right, didn’t it?
His mind shifts suddenly back to the last time something felt right, the overwhelming joy he’d felt, and rapidly to the look on Aiden’s face when Noah had the nerve to ask if he wanted to get married, to the bellowing laughter and the pity painted across his face that read oh, you poor thing. When he got home from work the next day, half of the apartment was emptied out. He didn’t see him again, but every inch of Richmond stunk of the 3 years of memories they made together.
He knows what it’s like to want to disappear. He knows how hard it is to come back. It isn’t the same, but he knows how it feels for your life to stop dead in its tracks.
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It’s a little past 8 already, anxiety bubbling up in his gut as he’s pacing back and forth across his living room. There’s a part of him hoping that Nick doesn’t show, leaving Noah to fill in the blanks on his own, fizzling out slowly and painfully but without a direct and detailed hit to his ego.
Autumn and the guys have gone out to give them privacy, and the thought of being left alone for even a moment after Nick shatters him all over again makes his chest ache. He doesn’t want them to be here to watch it happen, but he still wishes they’d stayed. He can’t be by himself.
His spiral is interrupted by three knocks in quick succession.
He’s nauseated, shaking with nerves, but he can’t deny that he misses Nick. He misses his face, his voice, the way his lips spread into a smile seemingly against his will. At least he’ll get to see him one last time before he disappears from Noah’s life for good, another black mark on his romantic history.
When he swings the door open with shaking hands, he finds himself unprepared for what he sees on the other side. Nick, looking more timid than Noah’s ever seen him, with a hastily put together bouquet of flowers and the most hopeful expression in his eyes.
It’s not at all what he expected.
“I’m sorry I’m a little late, I—” Nick starts, unsteady on his feet and jittery. Noah won’t let himself get his hopes up, but the urge to reach out and touch him is almost unbearable. This was a terrible idea. “I didn’t ask Aut what flowers you like, so…I hope you like hydrangeas.”
He envisions Nick at the shop, agonizing over which flowers to choose to let Noah down easy. He imagines him speaking with a kind stranger who passes by behind him, asking for advice, hurriedly placing together blue hydrangeas, baby’s breath, eucalyptus leaves, and hoping for the best as he rushes out. It’s a lot of effort to put into a heartbreak.
And Noah does love hydrangeas. An awfully pretty flower to sit in a vase on his coffee table to taunt him as he agonizes through his loss.
He guides Nick inside and tries not to let his mind drift backwards to their last encounter on this couch. It’s a struggle every time he’s in this room, not letting himself relive every moment, the floating feeling to the sinking, empty nothing.
They should have done this somewhere else. He’s not looking forward to adding another painful memory to the living room’s history, especially if he wants to stick around after this one.
Each second Nick spends fiddling with his hands instead of making eye contact and getting on with it drags. The bouquet sits sadly on the coffee table and he wonders if he should busy himself with putting them in a vase with water, a distraction from the impending whatever, but he doesn’t want to waste the water. He should probably throw them out.
“You can rip the band-aid off, Nick,” Noah starts, and he isn’t expecting the surprised and hurt expression that casts itself across Nick’s face. His eyes get so sad, concern obvious, and it’s only then that Noah wonders if this might be a different kind of visit altogether. Even through the overwhelming feeling of dread, he feels awfully soft for him. “It’s okay, Nicky, I’m listening.”
“I’m so sorry that I made you feel like I didn’t want you, or that you weren’t making me happy,” Nick starts, and Noah feels as the weight begins to lift off his shoulders, as the tightness in his chest loosens. Nick takes a few deep breaths, a sort of shaky breathing that Noah recognizes. He doesn’t want to let himself have hope, but he watches as the nerves he recognizes in Nick take a different shape than he’d expected. “I haven’t been that happy in a long time, Noah, and I didn’t think it was something that I deserved. It scared the shit out of me.”
It’s against Noah’s own will when the tears start falling. There’s a tiny but clawing part of him that still thinks this is bad—that these flowery, pretty apologies are just an elaborate setup for a letdown that makes Nick look good at the end of it all. When Nick reaches out to place a shaky hand hesitantly on Noah’s knee, still speaking but Noah can’t make out a single thing through all the whooshing in his ears, Noah feels hope for the first time. He forces himself to focus.
“I’m sorry, I’m listening,” Noah says, and the smile Noah loves shows itself for the first time this visit—a wide grin spreading across Nick’s face although his nerves are still so blatant. Nick reaches out to touch Noah’s face, and he almost wants to shy away but doesn’t. He lets Nick trace a thumb over his cheek, wipe away his tears, just in case this is the last time he can have this.
“I know I still have a lot to do to make it up to you, but you deserve to be really happy, and I want to be the one to make you happy,” Nick says, and there’s such sincerity in his tone that it’s unmistakable. There are tear tracks down his cheeks, too, and Noah knows he means it. “If you’ll let me give it a try. I may not be any good.”
It’s something they’ll have to talk about further. They’ll have to spend a lot of time working through it, and Noah will have to give him a lot of shit, but his focus narrows in on one thing. And that’s having him.
He scoots himself closer to Nick, watches him relax as Noah places a hand on his cheek. 
“I would never ask you to unlove her,” Noah says, to which Nick is quick to nod. “Just talk to me. Make a little room for me.”
“I promise I will,” Nick responds, placing a hand over Noah’s on his cheek and the poor thing is still shaking. Noah hasn’t felt so steady in a long time.
He pours his heart into the kiss they share, finding himself praying that they can keep this. That for once, he can get what he wants. He feels that hope grow just that little bit bigger when Nick’s lips move to his cheek, a sigh of relief pressed into the skin of Noah’s face.
“No boy has ever bought me flowers before,” Noah whispers, feeling Nick’s grin spread once more, pulling Noah ever closer.
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tags: @concretenoah . @circle-with-me . @darksigns-exe . @ladyveronikawrites . @agravemisstake . @monotoniscreaming . @cookiesupplier . @bngurngheart . @jiizzy . @screamsinsilver . @iknownothingpeople . @anameunmusical . @sitkowski . @baddestomens . @itsafullmoon . @collapsedglasshouses
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flowery-mess · 4 months
That face, that look... that's doing things to me.
Credits: powerschlumpfi on tiktok✨
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jojomiwbvb6 · 3 months
The Shower Scene, Pt. 4
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Taglist: @emzandthevoid @mentallynot-here @bloodymug @sprokat @princesspeach-00 @ghoulsquad @missduffsblog @yeehaw-my-guys @lma1986 @artificialbreezy
Author's Note: I apologize for taking so long to do this chapter! I have had a bit of writer's block and I have been busy doing a lot lately. This will be the finale to this series, I really hope you enjoy! Feel free to give me more ideas! I was thinking of writing some Sasuke or Itachi fics as well.
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, NSFW. Extremely long and descriptive smut, unprotected p-in-v (be safe about it, or use condoms please), overstimulation, degradation, praise, oral (female receiving), punishment, spanking, swearing, squirting, casual alcohol consumption
PSA: this is very obviously a work of fiction, and should in no way be taken seriously or literally. this piece of fiction uses real people in fictional and fantastical mindsets--and it is in no way a representation of the real person or who they are as a whole. Thank you for coming to our ted talk.
The humid wind hits your face, the city never motionless around you. You inhale the air, closing your eyes and letting your body relax. Your nerves are completely jumbled and overstimulated as your mind mulls over the past week so far.
The pictures of yourself flash through your head. Noah's words flooding your mind. You can't escape the anxiety it brought you, and the excitement of your actions.
You stared at your feet, black vans reflected against tan concrete as you stood against the bus. Twiddling your thumbs and exhaling heavily, you turn to Davis as he approaches you.
"Hey, kid! Some of the guys were just thinking of exploring the botanical gardens and the zoo and maybe going for some grub, wanna come?" He smiles at you, raising an eyebrow for an inviting answer.
"Shit, bro, I'm down." You agree and smile back. It was the first day off in over a week and you were grateful for it. You were looking forward to moments with Noah, but you also needed to get out and do something else for once.
As you and Davis caught up with the group, consisting of both you two, Ruffilo, Noah, Matt, and Jolly (the rest went off to do other things), you could hear their jesting and cackles even from a ways back.
"Morning guys!" You say, smiling and out of breath.
"Hey (Y/N)!" You were greeted by multiple of them.
Noah turned, walking backwards. "Hey, (Y/N)," he smirks lazily, waving his hand, drawing his eyes over you subtly and licking his lips.
You huff, catching his eyes and offering a suggestive smile. "Hi, Noah." He smiles back at you, and then turns back around to continue walking. You admire his long, toned frame as he took smooth strides forward.
All of you thoroughly enjoyed the relaxing and wondrous vibes of the gardens and the culture of the city. Having been walking and exploring for over 2 hours, you all decide to pause your activities for a bit of lunch.
"What should we eat? I'm starving, man," Ruffilo comments.
"Hmm. Haven't had Chipotle in a while," Davis replies.
"How about sushi?" Matt adds.
You're silent. Honestly, you're so hungry, you don't even care what you guys eat. Anything sounds good.
Noah steps up beside you. "Sushi sounds fuckin' fantastic," he agrees.
When the others aren't paying any attention, Noah leans into your ear quickly and quietly, "I'm hungry for something else, though."
You almost gasp when he leans away, giving a quick caress to your ass while the others are walking away. He casually smirks at you, continuing to walk in the direction of the Japanese sushi bar on the corner.
Your face felt hot, and you were fighting the frustrated blush that crept up your face. You were nearly hyperventilating and you couldn't help it. You took a deep breath of the next gust of Georgia wind that caressed your face, composing yourself and catching back up with the group.
"Fuck, this hits the spot dude." Matt comments, and you're nodding along with the rest of the guys.
"Hell yeah."
You're all sitting at the table, a whole boat of sushi in front of you and then some. Ruffilo is sipping on sake while all of you make small chit chat.
"Hey! Ruffilo! Let me try some of that," you say.
"Ever had sake?" Ruffilo says.
"No," you state, taking the small white cup from his hands.
"What!" You hear half of the table exclaim, with pleas of interest in you trying the drink.
You slowly take a sip. Instantly the taste of the Japanese alcohol hits your tongue and you're writhing. "Yuck! Oh! That's revolting!"
Cracks of laughter erupt from the table. Soon, you are laughing as well.
"That's enough of that," you joke.
After lunch, you all go shopping and walk around downtown. After several hours of being out and having free time the whole day, it was time to return to the hotel that was booked for the night. In the morning, you would quickly pack up and shuffle back onto the bus for Orlando, Florida.
Walking away from the bus with a suitcase in hand and backpack over your shoulder, you step into the hotel. You stop at the front desk to get your keycard from the receptionist.
"Room for (Y/L/N), please."
"Ahh," she pauses, typing on her keyboard. "We don't have a room here, I'm afraid..."
You frown. "All of these rooms should have been pre-booked," you state. Your mind frantically searches for a solution. You begin to list the several names of the other crew members and band members, but most were already in their rooms. You thought of one more name.
Oh, you thought. He didn't!
"There may be another name," you try. "Sebastian?"
The receptionist, looking mildly annoyed now, huffs and types in the name. You ignore her annoyance, watching patiently. A look of resolve crosses the receptionist's face. You feel hopeful.
He did.
"Hmm," she says. "It appears one more keycard is available for this room. Just sign this document and you may have your keycard."
You fill out the appropriate paperwork, signing on the line. The receptionist pulls the paper back to her and slides the keycard across the counter. You exchange your thanks.
"Room 207, 3rd floor." The woman tells you and turns away.
You don't waste anymore time. As you walk down the hall to the elevator, the smirk on your face grows 10 miles wide, confidence enveloping you.
You knew exactly why he'd done it, and frankly, you weren't about to protest. Your heart slams into your chest with every sound of your heels and the roll of the suitcase wheels on the carpet.
You take a deep breath as you step onto the elevator.
The silver numbers glint as you stand parked in front of the door. He was inside there already, waiting for you to come in. You exhale shakily as you grip the door handle, and you hesitate.
Closing your eyes, you begin to smirk. This is what you've been fiending after for several weeks. Taking another deep breath, you slide the keycard into the door.
The lock clicks and you twist the handle, allowing yourself into the room.
You analyze your surroundings. One lamp is on in the dimly lit room. A small walkway leading into a rather spacious double bed. There was a desk to the left, and a mini kitchen straight ahead. The bathroom immediately to the left. Without paying further attention, you walk to a bed and set your bag down on it.
You didn't seem to notice Noah, maybe he'd left the room for something. You shrug, bending over to open up your suitcase and lay it out.
Without you noticing, Noah slips out of the bathroom and leans against the wall, examining the rear view you're giving him.
"Well, well, already bending over? Princess, I haven't even taken off your clothes yet," Noah chuckles darkly.
You swear you jump 10 feet into the air, yelping loudly. If he hadn't scared you, his words would've gone straight to your core. "Noah Sebastian, for crying out loud!" You laugh and smack his shoulder. "Don't do that!" You both share a chuckle.
You can feel Noah decreasing the distance between you two and your laughter begins to fade. Noah's eyes flutter over you, landing on your eyes, your mouth, your breasts, feeling overwhelmed pleasantly.
You found yourself licking your lips. You begin to turn away.
Faster than the flick of a wrist, Noah's hand shoots up, gripping your jaw and squeezing your cheeks together. You are both silent, the tension shooting higher than ever.
You go to grab his hand and you are immediately caught by his other hand. He grips your wrist tightly, but not painfully. Noah's eyes change into dangerous slits and a playfully evil smirk takes over his features.
"The way that you have been torturing me has been driving me insane," Noah whispers into your ear. You want to collapse on the spot.
He begins walking you slowly backwards.
"You've been such a fucking brat, too, getting me hot for you at the worst times..." His hot breath fans your face, your own breath quickening in pace.
"The only thing I can think about is how I'm going to having you praying to me when I'm done ravaging you." You feel your hips hit the desk behind you.
"Noah..." you whisper.
He pulls at your face until you're eye to eye with him. He chuckled darkly.
"That's my fucking name," he growls into your ear. "And you're never going to forget it."
His hands leave your face and your wrist. Gripping your hips, he lifts you onto the desk and shoves you on it. He pulls you against his own hips, and his left hand rises to tangle in your hair.
Noah's cologne invades your senses, addicted to the scent. He tugs at the strands, inflicting a raspy moan from you. "How beautiful," Noah mumbles, helping himself to your inviting lips.
You both kiss as if life were going to end. His fingers flex against your clothed hips, pulling at your shirt and caressing you. Your tongues slipped against each other, nipping and suckling at each other's lips.
You wrapped your legs around Noah's hips, pulling him closer. Noah pulls away from your lips. Smirking, he pulls up your shirt with ease and tossed it away somewhere on the floor behind you.
"Such pretty, pretty tits..." he drawls, giant hands cupping them and he flicks a nipple. You gasp. Noah moves up your body, leaning over to envelope a taut nipple into his warm mouth. He flicks at it with the tip of his tongue and you moan quietly.
He pops off of you and smirks wickedly, and feigns a look of concern. "Is that just too much pleasure for you? Should I stop?"
"N-no! No, please, don't stop," You almost choke.
Noah stands. His bulge is prominent against his sweatpants and you almost drool. It seems so big and you can't focus on anything but the need you feel. Your core is hot and you squirm.
"Such a needy fucking slut." He pulls your body forward, running a hand oh-so-low but not enough.
You mewl as his fingers creep to your covered pussy and slowly tease the bud.
"Mmm.." you groan and Noah chuckles.
"Like that, babygirl?"
You nod.
"Too bad." Noah stops and you whine. "Enough of that. Strip,"
"Yes, sir."
Noah chuckles. "Such good manners for me. So desperate."
By now, you're a puddle of pleasure and you want it to swallow you whole. Noah sits on the edge of the bed as you peel your pants off your shaking legs. You remove your panties, tossing them aside.
"So pretty," he comments. "Come here and lay across my lap."
You obey, positioning yourself across his lap.
"Before we begin, is this something you're okay with me doing to you?"
"Absolutely," you confirm. "I can take it."
Noah hums in understanding. "Such arrogance. You will learn."
His hands begin to touch and caress the flesh of your behind, shaking the cheeks and watching them jiggle with satisfaction. He rubs in slow circles. His hand leaves your ass, forming a cup-shape, and crack.
The first spank stings, and you gasp out. His hand returns to rub the welt.
"Here's how this is going to go. You will get five spanks for our first time. This is your punishment for being such a slut," he rubs slowly. "If you fail to complete the spanking, I'll fuck your mouth. I won't stop if you choke or gag."
You whimper and nod your head.
"I'm glad you understand. If you succeed, princess, I'll have a taste of you for myself."
You mewl, squirming in his lap. "Now, now," he warned you. "Count for me." You nod frantically, wanting so desperately to please him. Although, you wouldn't complain if you failed the test.
The first two spanks were easy. His hand fell on tandem and you dutifully stated each number with each gasp and whimper he pulled from you. You really didn't think you could fail, how could you? Sure, it stung a little, but you could handle it.
As "three" fell from your lips, the usual soothing rub came to ease the sting.
"Everything okay, princess?"
"Yes, sir."
"May I proceed?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good girl," he whispered, making you squirm. He chuckled darkly. He pulled apart your cheeks, and leaned down. "Mmm, princess... so wet for me. Oh, I bet you're just aching. Let me help you..."
Noah dipped his fingers in between your legs. His fingers slid between the wet folds and you jolt. His other hand keeps you still and you're left victim to his merciless tease. He softly rubs into your wet heat and you're left mewling against his leg, head hanging.
Noah rubs the tip of his middle finger into your clit. "How's that?"
You nod frantically, unable to speak against his onslaught. At your response, he removes his fingers from your heat and resumes the next spank. The fourth spank is rougher and harder than the last.
"F-four!" You cry out, struggling to hold the composure that remained. "P-please, Noah, I--"
"Hush," he demanded. He caressed the welt, the red marks on your ass much to his liking. "One more for me, princess. You can do it."
Without any warning, Noah's fingers slip once again against your heat. Only this time, he doesn't relent. He teases and pinches your clit and you squirm, earning a dark chuckle from him.
Noah slides his fingers up to your entrance and sinks one finger inside of you and you moan.
"Noahhh, this isn't fair!"
"Be quiet, and don't you dare cum, or you lose," he threatens, and you obey with whimper after whimper as he pumps his finger in and out of you.
He adds another finger, and begins assaulting your clit with the other hand. You're an absolute mess against his lap, his fingers scissoring inside you and rutting against your g-spot. Bliss and pleasure overwhelms you, getting close to the brink as Noah's fingers continue to pump into you, faster and harder.
Your whimpers begin to form into cries, pleading for him to let you cum. Your eyes begin to roll back and you're trying to push back onto his fingers to get more from him.
"You like that baby?" He whispers in your ear. "Gonna cum?"
You nod, mouth agape. Noah smirks and removes his fingers entirely. You groan in frustration, and, as sly as he is, catches you off guard with the fifth and final spank.
Your brain almost can't comprehend the pleasure your body feels, the sting sending you into shock and you almost forget your task.
"F-f-five..." you stutter.
His large, long hands caress both cheeks of your ass and a kiss is planted onto the red welt on the swell of it.
"You're such a good, good girl, princess. I'm impressed. Good job," Noah praises you. "Lay down on your back for me."
You slowly get up and crawl onto the hotel bed mattress and lie down on the cushiony pillows.
"Spread your pretty legs, don't be shy."
You let your legs fall apart, spread against the sheets. Noah sucks in a breath and hums in satisfaction. He crawls up the bed to you, pulling his shirt off and tossing it aside as you had. Your eyes feast on the tattoos covering his body.
"God, princess, you're so fucking wet," you moan at his words and he dives in. Noah's tongue licks a wet stripe up your core from your entrance to your clit. You cry out, hands immediately finding his hair. Noah hums and you quiver, the vibrations stimulating you.
He licks into your folds with fervor, as if he hadn't eaten all day. His tongue dances and pokes at your entrance, pleasure spiking and you're squirming against his mouth. Noah laps at your clit, boldly taking the bud into his mouth and sucking at it. He then takes it into his mouth, swirling the sensitive area against his tongue, dancing in circles.
"Noah!!" you cry.
You arch your back, eyes rolling back as you grip his hair and pull, and he groans. Noah adjusts his position, shoving your legs up and he dives deeper into your pussy. He shoves his tongue up into it, swirling it and shaking his head like a rabid dog. You're practically crying out, thrusting against his face and leaving it a wet mess.
Offering you his fingers again, he dives against your clit once more, nipping at it and sucking it; this time, he aids his mouth with his fingers. Thrusting two digits in, his long fingers find your g-spot again. He mercilessly pokes at it, unrelenting with his tongue and fingertips. You're moaning and a mess and it's almost too much.
Your eyes see nothing but stars in the back of your head and you're moaning loudly. You cum and rut onto his mouth. "Fuck, fuck," you gasp.
Noah pops off of your pussy. "Tastes... so good..." he gasps. "I want more."
"I want you so bad, Noah," you whine. "I want you to fuck me."
"What a dirty mouth," he comments, stinking a finger in your mouth as he caresses your jaw. You wrap your lips around his finger and lock eyes with him. You suck and lock eyes with him. He smiles, and removes his finger.
Noah removes his pants and slides his boxers down his slim legs. The only thing you can do is lay there, mouth agape at the beautiful artwork before you. You bite your lip, you just can't wait.
He comes back to you, and you gasp in surprise when he forces your legs against your chest. Noah captures his lips in yours and lines his cock up with your entrance. He wastes no time in sinking in slowly. Due to your wetness, he slides in easily and sinks in as far as he's able. You're both gasping and long moans escape from your mouths and the intense heat between each other's legs.
He begins to move slowly, enjoying the teasing ways your walls grip his cock, threatening to take him deep.
"Fuck, baby... your pussy is just so fucking wet..." he mumbles. A low groan erupts from him, eliciting a moan from you.
His pace begins to quicken and he ruts in deeper. He just can't help himself when you give him the go-ahead by moaning louder.
Pretty soon, the room is filled with explicit sounds from the two of you. The sound of skin slapping fills the room and you're moaning. You're both mumbling the dirtiest phrases to each other, getting each other hotter and higher.
"Fuck" is the only word you chant as he thrusts into you like his life depends on it. He's fucking you hard and unforgiving.
"This pussy is mine," Noah growls into your ear, and you moan.
"Noah!!" You cry as his pace picks up, desperate and greedy. Skin slaps skin, near stinging, relentless. You can't help it when you cum, creating such a sinful sight for Noah as your wetness coats your legs and his cock.
He growls. "Fuck, I'm not done with you yet!" He pulls out and turns you over into doggy, pushing your stomach down and pulling your ass into the air.
He enters you again, finding his rhythm. Pulling you back against his hips in every thrust.
"Take me, take me, take me," you cry out.
Noah groans, picking up his pace. He twists his fingers into the strands of your hair, pulling your head back. He pounds into you, and at this angle the pleasure is overstimulating as his cock hits your spot over and over. He pulls you further back, forcing you to rise to your hands, the pace unforgiving and tears fall down your cheeks.
"Noah!" You cry once more.
Juices run down your legs as you cum one more time, but Noah doesn't seem to be done. You're worn out and fucked into bliss, drooling against the pillow. You can't think and your voice is hoarse.
He groans loudly, letting you know he's almost ready. You push back on his cock and he growls. Wrapping a hand around your throat and squeezing gently, he begins fucking in quick ruts. "Fuck, princess, (Y/N)!"
He pulls out of you, his cock glistening and pulsing as his cum shoots out in pearls against your stomach. You moan, but Noah isn't done.
His hand goes to your clit and he smirks. You cry out at the fast quick pace he uses on you, his fingers insert inside of you to smash against your g-spot in one final assault.
"Cum, (Y/N), one more for me," he insists. He doesn't stop, and quickens his pace.
"Noah, please!" You beg, too overstimulated and sensitive.
He doesn't listen, yet urges you towards an orgasm that feels like a tsunami coming for you.
It happens before you can stop yourself, your cum coming out in such a powerful wave that you squirt a little, making such a mess.
This absolutely pleases Noah and he smiles. "Perfect." He kisses your cheek. "You are wonderful." He praises.
You both lay there, panting and laughing, praising one another.
"I think so."
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poppy-in-the-woods · 2 months
My Ride or Die
Plot: Noah is your husband. Five years ago, he killed a man that was attacking you. The judge ruled that, since he shot him several times after he already had been stabbed by you, it was no longer self-defense. He got twenty years, and that was two and a half years ago. Today it’s his birthday, and you prepared something special for the conjugal visit.
Pairing: Noah x Female Reader
Word Count: 2904
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Tags: smut, oral sex (female and male receiving), rough sex, love bites, strong language, convict!Noah, mentions of violence.
Author's note: This is, as usual, unbeataed. I also wrote it directly in English to practice, and it has only been proofread by DeepL (I follow the rule that if the translation is grammatically correct, then everything is probably right). Let me know how I did, and hope you enjoy.
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It was Noah’s birthday, and, like the last two, he was locked away. He didn’t regret it one bit; what he did, he did it for you, the love of his life. It was odd that you didn’t visit him the previous week, since you’ve been pretty consistent with your weekly visits, but he knew you would never miss it if not for a good reason.
“Davis!” one of the prison guards called him.
Noah was watching TV with his friends, Nick, Folio and Jolly.
“What?” he asked, turning around to look at the man.
“Conjugal visit,” the guard said.
He got up, his friends wolf-whistling and patting his back.
“Lucky bastard!” said Jolly.
Noah followed the guard to the designated space, through several corridors and doors.
“Have fun with that pretty little thing of yours,” the guard said, with a gross tone.
Noah ignored him and entered the room. The door closed behind him with a loud clank, and the lock clicked in place. You got up the bed and ran to him, hugging him.
“Sorry I missed the last week, I got an unexpected change of schedule at work,” you said. He said nothing, but hold you in his arms, pushing you flush against his chest. “I should have called you, but I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, and you know I can’t keep a secret from you.”
“You prepared a birthday surprise for me?” he asked, smiling, pulling away just enough to look at your face. You nodded, smiling back at him. “Let’s see it, then.”
“Sit down and close your eyes,” you instructed him. “And don’t open them until I say you can.”
“But I like to watch you undress!” he complained, pouting.
“You're gonna have to go without it this time,” you replied.
“Okay,” he sighed, defeated, and sat on the bed, closing his eyes.
You undressed, putting your clothes on the chair that was in a corner. The whole room was pretty austere, just the bed, one nightstand and the chair, no rugs and no decoration. A door led to a small bathroom. You stood before him, resisting the urge to hug yourself.
“You can look now,” you instructed him.
The lingerie set you were wearing, in fiery red, was the most lace-y and risqué you owned, with lots of pieces and transparent panels. It also showed you new tattoo, his name, right between your breasts.
“Baby,” he panted, almost drooling at the sight.
“Do you like it?” you asked, turning around slowly so he could appreciate all of it.
“I fucking love it!” he said. You straddled his thighs. “I can’t wait to take it off, though.”
You chuckled, kissing him, grinding your hips against his crotch while his hands roamed your body to finally settle on your hips. He squeezed your barely clothed ass, pushing you against him; his cock was fully hard now.
He began undressing with your help, and let you push him down on the mattress once he was fully naked; pushing the fabric of the panties aside, you rubbed your pussy against his erection, coating him in your juices. He bit his lip, suppressing a moan.
“You feel so good, baby” he said. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”
 You kissed him, smiling, and got up to retrieve a condom from the nightstand. During your first conjugal visit, Noah had joked that you were fucking on tax-payer’s money, and you couldn’t help but remember every time.
He got up, resting on his elbows, to watch you roll the condom over his dick. Without wasting any time, you sat on his lap again, guiding him to your entrance, sinking slowly until he was fully inside. You both moaned at the same time.
“Have I told you this is the best pussy I’ve ever had?” he said.
“Just once or twice every time we fuck,” you laughed.
“Well, that way you won’t forget,” he said, gripping your hips with such force it might leave some bruises. You started moving, moaning into his ear. He kissed your neck. “I spend every day we’re apart daydreaming of us, fucking each other’s brains out.”
“Oh, yeah? Where?”
“Where are we in those scenarios of yours?” you clarified.
“Oh. Well, it varies… our home, the woods, the beach… this prison,” he admitted. “I imagine it’s empty and we fuck in every room and office that there is.”
“You do?”
“I once almost got in trouble because of it,” he laughed.
“You gotta tell me that… after we’ve finished this round,” you said.
“Agreed,” he said.
You picked up your pace, riding him like he was a wild stallion you wanted to tame, and it was not an exaggeration, because while he let you be on top, he refused to be a passive part, and moved his hips in time with yours, all while praising you and exploring your body with his hands and mouth.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum!” he said after more or less ten minutes, giving your butt another squeeze.
“Cum for me,” you encouraged him, gently tugging at the roots of his hair.
“But you haven’t…”
“It doesn’t matter,” you interrupted him. “It’s your birthday, you get to cum first, and I’m not gonna stop until your balls are empty. Be a good boy and give it to me!”
Noah came, loudly moaning your name. You kissed him, your hips stopping gradually. He laid back on the bed, breathing shallowly.
“Good God!” he exclaimed, pushing his hair out of his face. He turned his face to you. “How can you manage to fuck like that and still look so innocent right after?”
“It’s a gift,” you joked, lying beside him. “Tell me about that story you mentioned before, please.”
“Okay. So the other day, there was this guy, a newbie, that decided to pick on me at lunch. He kept trying to bust my balls (and not in a fun way), so I pushed him. He tried to punch me, but failed, and I punched him, you know, to show him who’s boss. That afternoon, the warden calls me into his office,” he began, resting on his side to look at you more comfortably. “He tells me ‘Davis, you gotta watch out that attitude or I will be obligated to put you in isolation, and you won’t be seeing your wife for a month.’”
“What a prick,” you commented.
“Right? The thing is, the moment he mentioned you, all I could think of was us, fucking on his desk,” Noah laughed. “I could picture you so vividly, butt-naked over his paperwork, legs curled around my hips, hands on my shoulders, head thrown back and mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure… I got a hard-on. Can you imagine?” he asked, you laughed. Yes, you could imagine it.
» I was so hard and he was still berating me, ‘Davis this’ and ‘Davis that’, and ‘watch out, lest some more years are added to your sentence!’. And then he realized I was not listening. He looked at me, really looked at me, you know? And I was totally spaced out, cock fully hard and gripping my own knees so hard my knuckles went white, trying to contain the urge to touch myself. Because in my mind, I had already made you come three times, and now you were riding me, just like you did now, your glorious tits bouncing on my face, and I swear I could have come with that thought alone. He had to ruin it, though, snapping me back to reality.
“What did he say?”
“He screamed my name, full volume. ‘Snap out of it, son, she’s not here and she won’t be for a long time if you don’t control yourself! I could send your sorry ass to isolation for this alone!’” Noah told you, doing his best impression of the warden. “So I apologized to him and he dismissed me. I went back to my cell, still half hard, and jerked off.”
“That’s kinda funny” you admitted.
“I missed you so much…!” he sighed, resting his forehead against yours. “I miss you every day, the touch of your skin, the sound of your laugh, and your smell… wish I could bottle it so I could get drunk on it!”
“I miss you too, my love. I hate that you have to be here, but I’m grateful that I can still see you,” you said, kissing him briefly, “and that we can still have these moments.”
“I hate that I am in here too, but I would do it again if I had to. Killing for you is always worthy,” he said, resting on his back again.
You moved to rest your head on his shoulder, hugging him and putting a leg between his. He had saved you and ended up there for you, the least you could do was support him through his sentence.
“You’re the best husband I could wish for!” you said, caressing his tattooed chest. “Think you’re ready for round two?”
“Fuck yeah I am!”
“Help me take this off,” you asked, touching the lace.
“Sure, baby!” he said, his nimble fingers working the clasps.
After a minute, you were as naked as he was. Looking at him, you knelt on the floor. He looked back at you a bit confused.
“I made you a promise before: until your balls are empty, and I fully intend to keep that promise,” you reminded him.
“Okay, but you still haven’t come,” he pointed out.
“I can touch myself while sucking you, if you want,” you suggested.
“Or you can sit on my face and we give oral to each other at the same time,” he countered.
“You’re sure about that?”
“Damn sure! C’mon, baby, you have a seat waiting for you here,” he encouraged you, laying down again.
“Okay, as you wish, it’s your birthday.”
“You’re damn right it is!”
Noah always had a talented tongue and he loved eating you out. It was kind of hard to concentrate on sucking him off while he was working his magic with your pussy, though. Then he added two fingers to the mix, massaging your G-spot the way he knew you liked it, and it was impossible to concentrate.
“Noah, my love, I can’t think if you keep doing that,” you warned him.
“Don’t worry, just ride my face and then you can kneel on the floor and finish sucking me,” he said.
“O-okay,” you panted in response. “But let me turn around.”
You changed positions so you could make eye contact with him. His free hand flew to one of your boobs, massaging it. You put our hand over his and arched your back, moaning. You had toys back at home, and you always thought of him while you masturbated, but nothing compared to the real deal. The orgasm shook you with such force it made you see white and tears rolled down your cheeks. You collapsed on the bed beside him.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked cupping your face with a worried expression, wiping away the tears with his thumbs.
“I don’t want to go home,” you said. “I want to stay with you, in here, forever.”
“I don’t want this to end either, but we’re having a good time, aren’t we?”
“The greatest time, that’s precisely why I don’t want it to end,” you said, pouting. “I’m gonna hug you so tight the guard will have to take me to the cell with you. I can sleep in your bed, I don’t mind,” you half-joked.
“I think Nick would mind if we don’t let him sleep,” he laughed. “And you know I can’t resist you when you’re so close.”
It was true. Luckily, you had a similar sex drive to him. You kissed him, desperately, blindly, and he kissed you back with equal fervor. For a couple of minutes, you lied there, closely embracing, trying to devour each other, all teeth and tongue and ragged breath, until you couldn’t take it. His lips moved to your neck while you took a gulp of air. His cock was still hard, heavy against your leg.
“How do you want me to take care of this?” you asked, caressing it.
“Let me fuck you hard,” he said.
For him, hard meant fast and rough, leaving bite marks all over your body, and it usually left you feeling a bit tender downstairs for a couple of days, the slight discomfort a sweet reminder of how much he loved you.
“Okay, let’s do it,” you agreed.
He began by marking your body, biting and sucking everywhere, claiming you as his.
“Fucking love this,” he said, pausing for a moment and gently brushing the tip of his nose to the black letters over your sternum.
“Glad you do,” you replied, fingers running through his hair.
“Pass me a condom, baby,” he asked.
You did, watching him fumble a bit with the foil package before he rolled it over his erection, mentally bracing for what was about to come. It wasn’t that you didn’t like it that way, but you still needed to prepare. He squirted one of the single-dose packages of lube over the rubber to make it easier on you.
Maybe your mother was right and you had a masochistic vein, you thought while he fucked you hard in several positions and you touched yourself.
“Harder!” you demanded.
“I don’t think you can take it harder, baby,” he said, panting.
“Please,” you begged.
“Okay, since you ask so nicely…” he said.
He pushed your face against the mattress, hand fisting the roots of your hair, your ass in the air, and he penetrated you again, making you whimper.
“You okay, baby?” he asked.
“Good. I love you, so, so much!” he exclaimed, pounding into you.
“I love you too!”
You were feeling the orgasm so close it was nearly within reach.
“Almost there, baby!” he warned you.
“Cum for me,” you commanded.
You reached your orgasm more or less at the same time as him, your walls contracting around him, and he screamed your name while he emptied his load in the condom. He collapsed on the bed beside you, panting. For a moment or two while you recovered, none of you moved or said anything. After that, you turned to look at him and hugged him.
“You almost rip my dick off,” he joked, smoothing your hair.
“Yeah, you milked me dry.”
“I told you, I made you a promise,” you smiled.
“My balls are empty,” he laughed.
“Good, because I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to have sex for two weeks, and then my period is due,” you informed him.
“Normal visits, then,” he said. “Can you bring me a pastrami sandwich from the deli I like?” he requested.
“You’re so good to me!” he sighed, kissing the top of your head.
“You’re certainly lucky that my libido is as high as yours and I like the same sex stuff you do,” you laughed.
“Yeah, I am lucky. But next time we’ll focus on you, okay?”
“Yeah, sure, you still have one more birthday wish, if that’s how you want to spend it, fine by me,” you said, kissing his clavicle. “I love when you give me lots of orgasms until I can’t take it anymore.”
“I certainly love doing that,” he chuckled, “and you’ve been such a good girl you deserve it.”
Not long after, you had to go. After one last kiss, the guard took Noah deep inside the prison while you left. His friends were still hanging out in the tv room.
“How’s the missus?” asked Folio.
“She’s okay. Her boss is still an asshole, but it’s no big deal,” he said, sitting on the chair.
“Saw her crossing the street. She was almost limping,” Jolly commented.
“We had a heated birthday lovemaking session,” Noah explained, with a smug expression.
“I bet, I thought I could hear her screaming your name a couple of times,” Nick laughed.
“Last week she got my name tattooed between her tits,” he told them. “I can’t wait ‘til it’s healed so I can lick it while we fuck.”
“Damn, that’s hot!” Folio sighed. “Wish I had a missus like yours.”
“We all wish we had a wife like Noah’s,” Jolly laughed.
Later that night, when Noah and Nick were alone in the cell, Nick dared to bring out a subject they usually didn’t talk about. He was the only one who knew Noah and you from before the prison, and the three of you had gone on a bender quite some times.
“You think if we tell the warden about that one wild night in Miami, he’ll let me go in with you the next conjugal visit?” he half joked.
“No way. Besides, that was years ago and we were drunk.”
“I know. Still, it was the best head.”
“She does give pretty killer blowjobs,” Noah admitted, smiling. Maybe you could give him one next time before he dedicated himself to you.
“Take care of her, man, or some free guy will snatch her up!”
“That could never happen. She’s my ride or die and I’m hers.”
While they were talking, you were writing a letter.
Dear Noah,
It’s only been a few hours since we last saw each other, but I already miss you...
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dreamofbetterthings · 1 month
No Regrets Noah Sebastian x Reader
Prompt: "The problem is, if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."
VIP: Noah Sebastian
Band: Ban Omens
Summary: There's no such thing as a "calm" Halloween night, especially when hidden feelings are involved.
Warnings: It's gonna be a little spicy, but not full-on smut. Still, this is 18+ due to descriptive language and some curse words scattered about, so minors, please DNI. 
Hello everybody! I'm sorry that I dropped off the face of the Earth. I have an abundance of things going on in my personal life and I am trying my hardest to get through it all. I know in the last post I said chapter 3 of It's Been A Long, Long Time was coming soon. That wasn't a lie. It is still in the process of being edited. I'm working on a new uploading schedule for you guys, and a page redesign as well so if everything pans out the way I'm hoping, it will be put into effect starting next week. In the meantime, I have a couple of stories I'm planning on getting out before Chapter 3 gets released. This turned out a lot longer than I thought it was going to be, but I had an idea and ran with it. I've never written for Bad Omens before, so let me know what you think. Enjoy!
This is a fictional story about real-life people. Nothing that is mentioned in the story below represents who said individuals are, or how they act in real life.
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Halloween night was always your favorite time to be around certain people, specifically the friends you called Motionless in White and Bad Omens. There was always something up their sleeve to turn the normal night into one that you weren't sure you wanted to remember in the morning. Luckily, tonight was the annual hangout at Chris' house this year, and you couldn't be more excited. Every year you all would get together at someone's house and pass out candy to the kids, then watch a couple of movies after the last stragglers came through. After that, came your favorite part of the night, Hide and Seek. It might seem childish, but watching a bunch of tipsy/drunk people try to stay quiet in a hiding spot was always hilarious.
 You were making another batch of popcorn when Chris walked into the kitchen. "Hey, we just put on The Lost Boys, just thought I'd let you know." You smile. "I'm not surprised. That's almost everybody's favorite." He laughs and grabs another bowl from the cabinet. "I know, that's why we put it on first, so nobody can complain about it later." The timer on the microwave went off signaling that the popcorn was finished, and you carefully took the bag out. You gave Chris the cooling-down bag and picked back up the one you set on the counter before he walked in. After emptying them and grabbing extra napkins, Chris brought the popcorn out to your friends who were talking through muffled and hushed whispers. Before you walked back into the room, he pulled you back for a second to whisper something in your ear. "I pulled the seeker for tonight. Unfortunately, it wasn't you. Maybe next year." You pout and then smile "Fuck, I'm never going to get picked." He laughs as you glanced around at everybody scattered in the room. 
Ryan sat with Justin on the loveseat. Folio was a drama queen and insisted he get his own seat. Nicholas, Vinny, and a few other of your friends, Florence, Nicole, Victoria, and Robert who were invited sat around the coffee table on the floor. Ricky, Jolly, and Noah were on the couch. Then, you and Chris got the two giant bean bags in the corner. The lights were changed to red and the TV just started the opening credits to The Lost Boys. You and Chris give the popcorn to Ricky and Nicholas respectively, everybody else having their own mostly full bowls, and grab your drinks before plopping back down on the bean bags. Folio rubs his hands together and smiles. "Now that our final two goofballs are here, who's ready to watch one of the best horror movies ever made?" Everybody gives some form of yes or a holler, and he immediately turns the volume up. As the movie plays, there is a small conversation here and there, and occasionally someone has to get up for a new drink, but you are relaxed and having fun. 
At about the halfway point of the movie, Noah gets up to get another drink from the fridge. On his way back, Jolly scares him, causing his wine to spill all over the floor and your sweatpants. "Jesus man!" The movie is paused and everyone's attention is on you guys. Jolly laughs and puts his hands up in defense. "Sorry dude, I had to scare you at least once today." He turns to look at you. "Didn't mean to ruin your sweatpants though, my bad." You wave him off. "It's no big deal, these were old anyway. You guys can keep the movie playing. I'm just gonna change into different pants real quick." You take a sip of your drink and get up from your spot to go upstairs. 
After finding your weekend bag, you huff as the extra sweatpants are nowhere to be found. Instead, you pull out a pair of spandex volleyball shorts and go to the bathroom. Noah hears the sink running upstairs as he's cleaning up the accidental mess he made by your spot. He throws the paper towels away and before he gets to the stairs, Chris quietly asks "You good?" He nods, telling the other singer he's going to make sure you're okay, and heads to your bathroom. He knocks a few times and after a couple of seconds, the sink cuts off and you open the door. You were expecting one of your girlfriends to be standing there, but instead, it's Noah. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I'm sorry about spilling on your sweats. I hope I didn't ruin them." Holding up the pants, you show him where the stain had previously been. "If these sweats can make it through one of your tours, they can certainly handle a little bit of wine. I just didn't want them to stain, since you drink the darker stuff." He chuckles and follows you back into the bedroom. 
You grab your shorts and get ready to put them on, but Noah points to your leg. "I didn't know you had a thigh tattoo." You glance at it and glance at him confused. "Really? I got it a while ago. I could've sworn I showed you when I got it done. Then again, I'm always in longer shorts, so it's not exactly easy to see." Setting them down, you turn to the side and pull part of your underwear band up, showing the last covered part of the tattoo. Looking up at Noah, you can see he's staring, but there's something else behind his eyes. Just not sure what it is though. You don't flinch when he reaches his hand out, but your skin gets goosebumps as his fingers ever so lightly trace over the ink on your leg. Everybody that came over tonight had seen each other in their undergarments or even completely nude before, whether by accident or on purpose. Hell, you've walked in on him changing plenty of times. 
So why did the room suddenly feel hot? 
It could be that you've had a crush on the man since you were kids. There wasn't anything not to like. His personality just made you want to be around him all the time. He's sweet and kind, and has a terrible sense of humor that only you two get. You could go on and on. He was just an all-around amazing person. You were so caught up in your thoughts, that you missed the hand that was snapping in front of your face. "Hello? Are you there?" Coming back to reality, you saw Noah looking down at you with curiosity. You quickly apologized and asked him to repeat what he said. "I said it looks amazing on you. The placement is perfect and it works great with the curves of your leg." You thank him and can't help but notice just how close he's standing to you. There's a tense silence for a couple of moments, and neither of you moves from your spot. You glanced at his eyes, then his lips, but immediately looked away. 
It felt like you were a school girl again, talking to the guy you've had a crush on for ages. You heard him mumble a "Fuck it" before he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. They were soft and tasted like wine, courtesy of the drink that led you here in the first place. You felt his hand move to rest against your cheek. His lips were gentle, almost as if he was savoring the moment, afraid it would never happen again. When the two of you finally pulled away for air, your eyes remained closed for a moment, before slowly opening them and meeting Noah's. The two of you looked at each other in pure awe before you let out a small "Woah" He laughed, and you looked down, feeling your cheeks become hot.
The thought of you being so flustered made him blush too. How was it possible for someone to be this cute? Your heart was pounding out of your chest, and you almost couldn't comprehend what just happened. "You know, for someone that always complained he was a terrible kisser, that was uh, really impressive." He could feel you now completely relaxed against him and he laughed a little, slightly embarrassed. "I'd say that I've had practice, but you already know my teddy bear in fifth grade doesn't count." The two of you laugh. Remembering his hand resting on your cheek, you look away and take a small step back. "I think we should get back to the movie. It's gotta be almost over by now, and I don't want them to yell at us for taking too long." He let out an uncomfortable laugh and muttered a "Yeah." 
You never noticed but Noah frowned slightly when you pulled away from him. He felt so comfortable being that close to you. As you turned to the door he realized something. He really liked you and didn't want this to be just a one-time thing, especially if it was going to make things weird between you afterward. He picks himself out of his thoughts just as you open the door. He walks across the room, taking your hand and silently closing the door. Standing there surprised, you ask him, "Are you okay?" It was now or never he told himself. "I'm sorry, I just..." He takes a breath before continuing. "I really want to kiss you again." You stand there just as surprised but decide to see just how far this could possibly go. "What's the problem then?" He lets go of your hand and brings his own up to hold your face. Pressing his forehead against yours, he whispers. 
"The problem is, if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop." 
He obviously likes you, right? But this is your best friend. You've known each other for years. If he did like you this much, he would've told you by now, right? You two have been affectionate towards each other before, but there's a line neither of you dared to cross. If you crossed it now, you would rather do it with no regrets. It was better than wondering what could have been. "What if I don't want you to stop?" Noah tilts your head so you're looking him in the eyes. 
"Then I won't." 
He pushes his lips against you again, this time with newfound hunger. His hands fall and grab at your waist while yours go around his neck. Your feet follow his backward and you hit the edge of the bed. He pulls you down to sit on his lap, completely forgetting your lack of pants while he pushes himself further back on the bed. His tongue runs across your bottom lip and you open your mouth allowing him in. Your hands gently tug at the now-cut-short hair on the back of his neck and he grabs at your hip hard enough to leave bruises before pulling you even closer to him. Shifting your weight a little, your lower half sits directly on his hardening cock and he groans into your mouth. He pulls his lips away only for them to move down your neck. You tug at his hair a little harder and he sucks at the tender skin that connects your neck and shoulder. A moan leaves your lips and you mindlessly grind down against him. There was nothing that could prepare you for how right this felt. Like you were seeing a whole different side of him, hidden from the outside world, and for your eyes only.
Noah moved to whisper in your ear. "Quiet baby, wouldn't want everybody to hear us, hmm?" You shake your head no, but it doesn't matter as he kisses you again. "Hey, are you guys-OH MY GOD!" The bedroom door opens to see a shocked Chris looking at the two of you. Noah pulls away from your mouth, and the two of you look like deer in headlights. "I'm going to go... quickly." Chris walks away, before coming back and closing the door. You and Noah make eye contact for a split second, before the two of you look away, slightly embarrassed that you were caught. "Maybe we should go back before someone comes in again." He clears his throat and nods. "Yeah, that's a good idea." Carefully getting off of him, you stand up and let him off the bed. You both straighten out your respective clothes, and you finally put on those shorts. 
"Are you alright?" He nods and you get ready to walk toward the door. Noah runs his fingers through his hair. "Um, Before we go, I just wanted to ask...You don't regret any of what just happened, right?" You immediately shake your head no, slightly frowning. Maybe this was all a big mistake. "Not at all. Why? Do you?" He smiles and also shakes his head no before taking your hand in his. "Nope. No regrets." A smile replaces the frown on your face. You ask "Are you ready for them to never let us live this down?" He laughs and glances at the door. "That doesn't sound like such a bad thing to me." Giving him a nod, he opens the door and the two of you walk back into the living room where the rest of your friend group is talking amongst themselves. When they hear you guys walk in, it gets silent. Noah lets go of your hand so you can sit down first, and then goes to his spot on the couch. 
Nobody said anything for the first couple of moments before Chris broke the silence. "You guys fucked in my spare bedroom..." Instantly you and Noah sat up and shook your heads. Your voice and his overlapped and both of you tried to tell your friends that technically nothing happened. Once the two of you were finished explaining, the room was silent for another couple of moments before anyone spoke. The silence was starting to make you uncomfortable, but before you could say or do anything, Ryan threw his hands up and yelled. "Fucking finally!" This breaks the tension in the room and everybody starts laughing and giving you and Noah happy looks. You even saw a couple of people passing money around. Those fuckers bet on you and Noah getting together. When the commotion has died down, another movie has started, and everybody turns their attention to the TV. As you focus your attention on the screen, your phone buzzes, and you pick it up. 
"I was thinking later we could finish what we started in the spare bedroom?"
You smile at your phone and quickly respond before setting it down.
"Well, we're still playing Hide and Seek after the movie. I'm once again not the seeker, lol. If it happens to be you, don't go easy on me. Depending on how the rest of the night plays out, you might get your wish ;)"
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Noah readjust himself in his seat. He sends back a text almost instantly, and goosebumps litter your skin again as you read his last text.
"Oh, I won't. I like the hunt."
Nope, no regrets.
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For The Last Time | One
“It had been months since you’d seen each other, five and three days to be exact (not that he was counting or anything), months since you had broken up with him. You said it was for the best, that your careers were more important but Noah didn’t think so.”
What I thought was going to be a lil angsty one shot has become a multiple part cry fest ahhh. Here’s part one <3
I'm posting this because it's in my drafts x
My ao3 is HERE
Also let me know if you want to be tagged in any upcoming posts :)
CW: post break up, angst, Noah has lots of feelings, “talking” about feelings, loads of swearing
(Dropping this because it was burning a hole in my drafts and I just wanted to get it out there)
18+ MDNI | Noah Sebastian x Reader
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“Thought I’d find you here.” Your voice reached Noah’s ears like a siren song and it was infuriating.
He turned slightly, watching you approach him in that dress, that fucking dress that hugged every single curve on your body so perfectly it made him feel crazy, feral. He had been trying his damned hardest to avoid you all night and of course you found him, cigarette between his tattooed fingers, on the balcony, moping.
“The party is wild in there.” You gestured to the balcony doors that were muffling the sound of chatter and loud music inside.
“Yeah, I just needed some quiet.” His voice was gruff when he spoke and it only made you roll your eyes.
It had been months since you’d seen each other, five and three days to be exact (not that he was counting or anything), months since you had broken up with him. You said it was for the best, that your careers were more important but Noah didn’t think so.
You see, Noah would have walked through fire, jumped in front of a bullet, he would have stolen the moon from the fucking sky if you asked him to but you didn’t feel the same and as much as it hurt to watch you walk away, he did because he loved you. Issue is, he just couldn’t get over you.
He had avoided you like the plague for months but it was getting progressively harder because you shared friends. Usually it was easy, he left when you showed up, he asked around to see if you were going to events so he could make excuses not to go. It was fine, he hated socialising at the best of times so it was no skin off his nose.
Then you showed up to the album release in that fucking dress and his heart just about dropped out of his ass. And the worst part? You had some six foot four Doberman energy gym rat on your arm. That’s when he found himself storming out to the balcony with a half drank bottle of Hennessy and a pack of cigarettes he had stolen off the kitchen island.
He didn’t dare look at you again, instead his eyes stayed trained on the twinkling lights of the city when you joined him at the railing, your warmth burning his skin like acid.
”How have you been?”
Well that was a loaded question. What was he meant to say? ‘Oh yeah, I’m fantastic, nice to see you, Y/N. Who’s the hunk?’ Nah. He would rather put his hand in a blender.
“Fine.” He wasn’t in the mood to talk to you. Instead he stubbed the cigarette out and took a long swig of the cognac, letting it burn down his throat in an attempt to quell the anger boiling in his blood.
He could feel you shift uncomfortably next to him and he had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. What did you have to feel uncomfortable about? You practically tore his heart out and curb stomped it. And to add a cherry on top of the shit icing, you decided his fucking album release party would be the best time to hard launch your new man.
Noah really, really wasn’t in the mood and he was practically begging the gods to make you just go inside and forget about it, enjoy your night and have fun but instead you reached out, took the bottle from his hands and took a huge swig.
“Shouldn’t you be with your date, Mick is it?” He finally grits through a clenched jaw.
You chuckle lightly. “It’s Mike, and he’s talking to Folio about fishing.”
Betrayer, of course he would be. Trust Folio to be rubbing shoulders with the enemy over fucking fishing poles.
Noah hums, running a hand through his recently cut short hair.
”It suits you, you know, short hair.” He turned to you fully with furrowed eyebrows. What was your game?
God you looked fucking beautiful, your hair was pulled back into a bun at the back of your neck, curled strands framing your face. Sharp wings of eyeliner made your eye colour stand out beautifully in the low light, along with those dark lashes and your lips were painted a shade of red that could only be described as unholy and fuck, he just wanted to feel them on his again.
”You think?” His voice was weak and he internally kicked himself for even looking at you because his knees felt weak and his stomach felt like it might explode.
You smiled that smile that he fell for all those years ago, reaching your hand out to brush a stray piece of hair from his eyes.
Yeah, he was well and truly fucked, done for, so fucking completely in love with you. He was never getting over you.
“Hey, we’re about to play the album.” Nicholas’ voice from the balcony door made you jump back away from Noah.
”See you inside, yeah?” He nodded at your words, watching you walk back inside to Mike, planting a soft kiss on the guy's cheek and Noah wanted to vomit.
Nicholas was staring at him with a smirk.
”Shut the fuck up.” Noah pointed at his best friend, grabbing the bottle of Hennessy before pushing his way inside.
Noah had been shifting uncomfortable in his seat, your narrowed eyes burning into him for almost an hour. You were clinging on to every fucking lyric he wrote and he knew he was in for it the moment you could get him alone again.
So as soon as the album had played through and chatter started up again, he was up on his feet, moving across the room before you could get to him.
”Hey, Noah isn’t it?” Oh for fuck’s sake. Mike held a hand out to him,
Noah hesitantly shook it with a smile that he was faking hard, gritting his teeth. “Yeah, nice to meet you…Mike?”
The taller man grinned. “Yeah, I’m Y/N’s boyfriend but I’m guessing you already know.”
Yeah, he fucking does know.
“It’s so sick that she knows you guys, I’ve listened to your last two albums and they go hard, man.”
Noah nodded, smiling, looking behind the guy to see you storming towards them with clenched fists.
“Look, Mike, I’m sorry to cut this short bu-“
“Hi babe, what are we talking about?” Fuck, you were now standing next to Mike, staring up at Noah with a false grin that screamed ‘I’m going to fucking kill you’.
”Oh, I was just telling Noah how much I fuck with the music babe.” Mike was completely unaware of the frustration bubbling in your bones, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
”That’s lovely.” You cooed, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Could you give Noah and I a second to talk, Folio is looking for you I think.”
Shit, shit, shit. There was no way he was getting out of it now. Mike leaned down to pull you into a kiss before strutting towards Folio and Noah just about wanted the ground to swallow him up right there and then.
”Downstairs, now.”
He had no choice but to follow you down the stairs like a lost dog, shuffling his feet as you stomped down the steps. As soon as you reached the outside, you turned to him with flailing arms.
”What the fuck is all that, Noah? You think that’s okay, airing our dirty laundry out like that?” You were seething, face turning beet red.
”It’s music, Y/N, not everything is about you.”
“Oh so ‘someone else’, ‘the death of peace of mind’ and what was the other one? ‘Bad decisions’? They’re not about me? Right…so the pretty much direct fucking quotes from our break up aren’t there? Sure.” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
”First of all, it’s ‘somebody else’. Second of all, why does it matter? You’ve clearly moved on. I mean fuck me right?” He laughed incredulously, running a hand through his hair. “You said that you didn’t want to be with me anymore because your career was taking up all of your time and energy and then you show up here with a new guy, smushing face with him in front of me and my brothers like nothing happened. We were together for six fucking years, Y/N!”
He took a deep breath, chest heaving. You stared up at him with glassy eyes full of fire but he was past caring by that point.
”So forgive me, darling, for pouring my heart into my music. Our break up is still a fresh wound. I genuinely thought that we were gonna be end game and yeah, I’m not fucking over it. Did you even listen to ‘Just Pretend’, huh?”
A tear fell from your lashes onto your cheekbone, your face softening and Noah couldn’t watch. He hated the bullshit, the anger, the sadness. He just wanted to wrap you up in his arms and go back to when everything was okay, back when you were still his. Fuck, it was too much.
”Look, I’m sorry for shouting. I just find it really hypocritical of you to be going off at me like that when you completely blindsided me tonight.”
You nodded your head quickly, wiping the tears away with the back of your hand. He was right, you had no place to be upset when you had hurt him, really fucking hurt him.
Noah could hear Jolly calling his name from inside and he sighed. “Maybe we can talk about all of this over coffee sometime next week. It’s a conversation we really need to have, cut the loose ends so both of us can move on, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Your voice was quiet as a mouse, eyes trained on your shoes.
He wanted to reach out, pull you into his chest and comfort you but it wasn’t the right time, he didn’t think it would ever be. You had someone else to hold you and he was upstairs waiting.
“Text me, my number is still the same.”
With a sad smile, he turned, making his way back inside.
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shittyassffblog · 8 months
Free Bird
Noah Sebastian x Reader
I felt horny as shit and couldn't stop myself so here is some smut with Noah <3
Warnings: P in v sex, use of Y/N, best friend!noah, oral sex
Pt 2 here
"And you can take your lame ass excuses and shove them up your ass! We're done! Goodbye!" You hung up and threw your phone on your bed, emitting a loud, frustrated and high pitched groan. You heard your PC ping on your desk and you glanced at it to see what was going on. It was Discord that alerted you that you had a message.
noah: wanna come on?
You stared at it, kind of angry that he didn't anticipate that you had just broken up with your boyfriend, but the rational part of you spoke louder and decided to just tell him you weren't in the mood.
you: naw, bad day. talk to u later tho <3
He was already typing so you sat in your chair and waited for his reply.
noah: at least call me and tell me what happened, maybe I can make your day better?
You bit your lip as you considered his offer. He was your best friend since you met at the Hot Topic you used to work at. He was just a tall, lanky emo buying A Day To Remember merch and you instantly had a connection with him. Since then, you started being friends and talking to each other every day. It's been 10 years now and you meant the world to each other. You had supported him through everything when it came to Bad Omens and you were so proud of how far he and the boys have come. So given how close you were you decided to just call him.
You put on your headset and glanced in the mirror beside your desk to see if it was noticeable that you'd been crying and decided that it wasn't. Not even five seconds passed after you pressed the "video call" button and he picked up.
"Hey sweets, what's up? Wanna talk about your bad day?" Noah asked and you sighed. You didn't even know where to start.
"Me and Chase broke up." You said shortly and Noah was silent for a while.
"Oh. Are you okay?" He asked in a low voice. Noah never liked your boyfriend and you knew that. You were half expecting him to clap in enjoyment.
"Not really. I was kind of expecting you to congratulate me." You said, still not looking at him.
"Why would I do that? You don't seem like this was a happy choice." He said.
"I broke up with him. But he cheated." You said and a tear fell down your cheek.
"God he's such a dick. But good for you that you left him. That doesn't mean that you're not allowed to be upset by it though." Noah said and you looked at him with tearful eyes. You were about to answer him when you heard a loud noise coming from him.
"Alright that's it, I'm coming over." He said, slamming his fist in his table.
"But it's 11 pm?" You said, almost as a question.
"Yeah well my best friend is sad over her shitty ex boyfriend, you don't think that warrants me coming over with pizza and booze? C'mon, what kind of a friend would I be? I'll be there soon. Love you!" He said and hung up before you could answer You sighed as the silence settled in your room and you looked around. You noticed Noahs hoodie hanging on your lamp and you decided to put it on. You walked into your bathroom to access the damage of your tears and found that it wasn't too bad. You wiped away a few stray tears with your sleeve and walked into your living room, seeing a few of your ex' stuff lying around. You grabbed a box from you last amazon shipment and filled it with everything you could find, including the stupid Five Finger Death Punch t-shirt he had given you, thinking you'd like it. As if. He didn't even know the bands you listened to.
Amid your rage cleaning, you heard the doorbell ring and you stopped as you dropped a shoe into the box. You looked at it and the memories of your past relationship came flooding back, as did your tears. You went to let Noah in and he immediately went to hug you.
"I'm so sorry you're going through this." He said and kissed the top of your head as the hood of his hoodie fell down. You cried into his chest and he rubbed his hand along your arm.
After a while he lead you to the couch and set down the pizza and beer bottle he had picked up for you on the coffee table.
"Wanna tell me what happened? How did you find out?" Noah asked, separating from you to wipe away your tears.
"She fucking DM'ed me. The girl he was with, her name was Emily or something. She had slept with him and then found him on Facebook to find that it said he was in a relationship and decided to tell me about it and apologised. Of course i don't blame her, she didn't know. But man, it just felt like a knife in my gut." You said, sniffing. Noah grabbed a napkin from the coffee table and handed it to you to help you blow your nose.
"Then did you call him?" Noah asked, taking the pizza out of the bag so you could use the bag as a trash can your your snotty paper.
"Yeah and I spent like 20 minutes yelling at him. He tried saying something like she was lying or something but she had sent me screenshots of him asking to pick her up or something." You finished and Noah sighed, pulling you in for another hug.
"He's isn't worth your tears c'mon. You're far too good of a catch to let a guy like that ruin you." Noah said and you smiled up at him. The doorbell rung again and you looked at Noah quizzically. He got up and opened the door for you. It was Chase. You felt your whole body stiffen.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Noah said, immediately tensing his body. Chase only laughed when he saw Noah, and then looked over at you.
"Really Y/N? Not even an hour later and you're already on to the next one? Knew I couldn't trust you, fucking bitch." He said and before you could answer, Noah had pushed Chase out the door.
"Yeah you don't get to make accusations you know nothing about. I think you should leave." Noah said, his words and tone calm but his body ready for whatever Chase could come up with.
"I knew there was more to this...thing, you and her call a friendship, so much for the bro code huh?" Chase said, trying to upset Noah.
"Don't think for a second I think of you as a bro. Not for one damn second. It is very easy to treat a woman right without expecting something in return and you couldn't even do that so leave." Noah said, pushing Chase once more. You couldn't do much but watch as everything happened. You were frozen.
"You're just gonna sit there looking stupid? What's wrong with you bitch, say something!" Chase yelled, charging forward towards you but was stopped in his tracks as Noah grabbed a handfull of his hair and dragged him outside. You ran to the door to see what was going on and Noah forced Chase down on the ground, got down on one knee and grabbed his throat.
"You leave her alone. Got it?" Chase nodded weakly and as soon as Noah let go and stood up, he ran as fast as he could. Noah walked quickly into the living room, grabbed the box of Chase's things and threw them after him.
"Don't think about coming back." He yelled and watched as Chase pathetically picked his stuff up from the ground. Noah walked back to you, taking a deep breath to calm down and grabbed your face.
"Are you okay? Did he always talk to you like that?" He asked calmly and you nodded.
"He has anger issues." You said meekly and Noah wrapped you in his arms.
"Let's devour that pizza now, shall we?" Noah asked and you smiled at him as you nodded.
"Didn't know you were that strong though." You said, trying to lighten the mood.
"I may or may not have been working out while I was on tour." He said flexing his arms playfully. You laughed as you sat down to enjoy the pizza.
A few days passed and you were doing surprisingly well. Noah was practicing for the next leg of the tour and you were setting up dating profiles. You decided that you needed a palate cleanser to get rid of the "chase cooties" as Noah called it when he suggested you try it. You were apprehensive at first but ultimately decided it was a good idea.
You were in your kitchen waiting for your leftovers to heat up in the microwave as you were swiping on tinder. No one really captured your eye except this one guy with a dragon tattooed on his neck. His name was Steven and he was not far from you. You decided to swipe on him, and not long after your microwave dinged so you locked your phone and went to eat it. As you sat by your counter and ate your food, a notification came up that Steven had matched with you. Not long after he sent you a message.
Steven: Hey, nice tats. Wanna grab a drink this week?
You stared at the message. No emojis. He had two pictures on his profile, but it linked to his instagram. You looked through and he seemed real enough so you said yes to the drink.
You planned to meet the following friday and you texted Noah to let him know where you'd be in case something happened.
Noah: go get em tiger! get ur dick wet!
You laughed at his message and sent a gif saying 'disgustang'.
Friday came and you were getting dressed for your date. You put on some dark red lipstick and a low cut top Chase never allowed you to wear and headed out the door. You felt very liberated that you could make your own choices again and happily waited for Steven a few blocks away from your apartment.
Not long after a black sports car Xoomed up to your and packed right in front of you. A very attractive man with a dragon on his neck emerged from the car.
"Y/N?" He asked and you nodded. He walked around the car and grabbed your hand to kiss it. "Pleasure to meet you, gorgeous." he said and you blushed.
"Likewise." You said and he smiled while opening the car door for you.
Not long after you arrived at the bar and he ordered you a drink and a beer for himself. You talked for a while and had a genuinely good conversation. You went to the bathroom and texted Noah an update and he sent a sports gif of a tiger mascot. You laughed and put your phone in your pocket, ready to get out the guy again.
When you came back, Steven started asking you some personal questions. At first you didn't think much of it, but the question got more and more sexual and you were feeling quite uncomfortable. When you answers got more and more short and cold he started berating you, asking why you were such a prude and generally being a dick to you.
"Do you think you just get free drinks and then that's it? No no, you gotta do something for me too sweetheart." He said and you picked up your phone, texting Noah to come get you.
"You don't seem like a very nice person." You said, finishing your drink and locking eyes with the bartender. He nodded at you, meaning he would keep an eye on you.
"I'm very nice, trust me, but only to nice girls, not gold diggers like you." He bit back and you put on your jacket. You didn't answer him, only stared at him.
"What you're just not gonna say anything?" He asked and you still didn't answer. The bartender came over.
"Hey so I think you should leave now." Said the bartender and Steve looked up at him like he was dumb.
"You can't kick me out, I didn't do anything." He said, rolling his eyes and looking back at you.
"Yes we can , we have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. So leave." He said back and you started to feel scared of what Steven would do.
"Let me speak to your manager." said Steven and the bartender agreed. Steven got up and went to the bar, and while he was arguing with the bar manager you slipped out, waiting for Noah. Just as you got outside, he pulled up and you got into the car,
"Hey sweets, how was it?" Noah teased and you rolled your eyes.
"Horrible, he was a giant dick." You said, grabbing the water bottle Noah brought for you. You took a giant gulp of it.
"What do you mean?" Noah asked as he drove you home.
"He was just horrible, I don't really wanna talk about it. " You said, and he nodded, respecting your privacy, You would talk about it when you wanted to.
"Don't let this one guy deter you from online dating though. It can be really fun you know." Noah said and you scoffed.
"Yeah for guys maybe." You said coldly and Noah glanced at you. He knew you didn't mean anything by it.
"Wanna elaborate?" He asked and you sighed.
"Well it's just, for guys it's fine, you can just order women to do what you want and if they don't want to it's on to the next one and then you put your dick in them and then that's that. For women it's like, if I reject this guy, will I be dead by the time the sun comes up?" You said huffing. Noah nodded in understanding.
"I mean I know that's a real fear that women have and that sucks a lot, but there must be a space where you can have fun too right?" He asked carefully. He didn't want to seem like he wasn't empathetic to your pain, but he still wanted to help you get over your ex.
"Yeah with a person you trust sure. But online dating is a rapists wet dream." you said. "And even then, sex isn't even worth that much."
Noah looked at you quizzically. "What do you mean?"
"Well, I just never felt that big climax that people talk about. I guess my orgasms aren't very intense when I have sex." You said and Noah looked questioningly at you while still keeping an eye on the road.
"Well what about when you're alone?" He asked and you looked at him. Might as well be honest now, you thought.
"Yeah then I feel great, but when I'm with someone it's like it's just there a little, then it gets kind of good but then they're done." You said shrugging your shoulders. Noah let out a noise you had never heard before.
"You never had anyone give you an orgasm?" Noah asked incredulously.
"Well I don't know. Maybe?" You said. "I've only ever been with Chase." You said. And Noahs eyes were bigger than you've ever seen them before. You were arriving at your house and he put the car in park.
"What about when he ate you out?" Noah asked, genuinely curious.
"Chase thought it was gross. Don't you?" You asked, turning your body a little. He looked at you like you were crazy.
"What?" You asked.
"I love eating pussy, it's my favourite passtime!" He said and you laughed.
"What do you mean? Does it even taste good?" You asked and he nodded wildly
"Yeah I mean it depends a lot but generally yeah I like the taste." Noah said.
"Well, Chase never liked it so we didn't do it." You said, crossing your legs. Noah chuckled a little.
"He really was a little bitch huh. You deserve someone who loves eating your pussy." He said, grabbing your leg, like he'd done many times before, but this time it was different. This time his hand shot electricity up your thigh, making you squirm a little in your seat.
"Would...Would you show me?" You asked and his grip on your thigh tightened. You glanced a little at him and you could see his jaw tightened.
"I uh..I don't know if that's a good idea Y/N." He said and you looked at him properly. He wouldn't meet your eyes, but his hand stayed where it was.
"C'mon Noah. I've clearly missed out on a lot. Show me." You asked, getting closer to him. You didn't know where all this confidence came from, or why you wanted your best friends mouth on you so bad, but you did. He turned to look at you, but his eyes were trained on your lips. He let out a shaky breath and let go of your leg. You leaned back, afraid you had upset him or made him uncomfortable, but he was taking off his seat belt.
"I'll show you. But just this once, I don't wanna ruin our friendship. And we don't mention it to anyone." He said and you grinned, unbuckling your own seat belt and got out of his car. You already felt yourself getting excited.
"Wow you are really horny huh?" Noah said as he locked the car, holding out his arm to wrap it around your shoulder as he walked you inside. You unlocked the door and led him to your bedroom.
As you closed the door, he sat himself on the bed. You sat beside him and a kind of awkward silence fell between you. You felt like you kind of sobered up by the reality of what you had asked your best friend to do.
"If this is gonna ruin our friendship we could just forget it or something." You said, not meeting Noah eye. He looked at you for a moment not answering.
"We could also just agree to not let it ruin our friendship. This is a one time thing, to show you what you should expect from guys that you date in the future, and to get to know each other better." Noah said, and you were surprised he seemed to have thought this through.
"That doesn't sound too bad." You said, looking down at your hands. He reached over and held one of them, squeezing it to make you look at him.
"I love you, Y/N. I want to keep being friends so this will just be two people having fun for a night and then never doing it again, right?" He asked with a sweet smile and you nodded. He smiled a little wider and before you knew it, he was leaning in, closing his eyes in the process.
"Woah what are you doing?" You said, pulling away. He opened his eyes and looked at you quizzically.
"Well I need to turn you on before we begin, only way I know how to do that is to kiss you first, is that okay?" He asked softly. When he said it, it makes sense. But no one ever did this with you. Cared for your pleasure like this. It was different.
"Y-yeah, that's umm...that's okay." You stuttered out, and he smiled again, this time moving closer to you and lightly grabbing your chin with his thumb og index finger. You let yourself relax and Noah do what he wanted to. He seemed to know best. When his lips touched yours it was light and soft, yet had passion. Like he wanted something you didn't know to give him, and it was his job to pull it from you. You kissed back, and before you knew it, his tongue was in your mouth. You had thought about kissing Noah before, but this was way different than what you had imagined. Good different, but different.
His hand on your chin fell to your neck, tracing down your arm and landed itself on your waist. He pulled, as if to get you to move closer. Already this was way better than what you had experienced before, Noah clearly knew what he was doing. You wondered where he had learned it, but decided to not ask. This was too nice.
A soft moan fell from his lips and you were brought back from your train of thought. His lips left yours and for a second you thought about whining, but when his lips attached to your jaw, right below your ear and then your neck, that whine quickly turned into a moan.
"Sensitive on your neck?" He asked and you let out a breathy sound that was supposed to be a laugh. He went right back to kissing your neck, teeth getting involved sometimes and the moans that were falling from your lips were fewer between.
"Can I take your shirt off?" Noah asked and you nodded. He smiled and grabbed the hem of your shirt, lifting it up over your head. "It's a shame though." He said, eyeing up your chest.
"What is?" You asked, kind og dazedly.
"Taking your shirt off. You looked really good in it. Why don't you ever dress like that for me?" He asked smirking while laying you down on your back, leaning over you.
"Well I don't make it a habit of sleeping with my best friend." You said smiling slightly.
"You should, he's enjoying it so far." He joked and you laughed while he kissed you between your breasts. "Can I take off your bra too?" He asked, looking up at you. His voice was low, which only made this all the more enticing. You nodded slowly, laying your head back to try and think of something else besides your best friend looking at your tits. You lifted your back little so he could fit his arm under it and unclasp your bra. He slowly guided the straps down your arms, a soft groan emitting from his lips.
"Goddamn, if I knew you were hiding these under your baggy hoodies we would have done this a long time ago." Noah said, and you laughed a little.
"Yeah cause when we met at 14 my tits were definitely this size, right." You joked, but your sentence ended with a gasp as his lips closed around one nipple while his hand massaged the other. He was soft about it all, like licking a soft serve ice cream. It caused you to mewl, which Chase could never have done to you. It was like Noah knew how to handle your body, without ever asking you.
"Kinda wanna think about your adult tits right now if you don't mind?" He said as he shifted to the other nipple. You chuckled at that and let him do his thing. He moved on to your stomach and when he reached the edge of your pant he stopped and looked up at you yet again asking, "Is this okay? can I take your pants off?" You nodded and lifted your ass, his slender, tattooed fingers grasping the edge of your pants and pulling them down, kissing just above the edge of your underwear.
"These too?" He asked and you laughed a little.
"You gonna ask every time you do something new?" You asked and he stopped what he was doing to look at you.
"Yes, how else do I know what I have consent for?" He asked.
"That is the hottest thing anyone has ever said to me ever." You said and he laughed.
"You gotta raise your standards babe." He said, going back to kissing the lower part of your stomach. "You gonna answer my question?" He asked, running his hands up and down your legs.
"I forgot what the question was." You said truthfully. He laughed as he rested his head again your hip.
"I asked if I could take off your underwear too." He said, and your heart started beating faster.
"Uh yeah. Yeah that's okay." You said. The seriousness of the situation was starting to settle in and you were kind of nervous. When he pulled off your underwear it would be crossing a line that has never been crossed before and it couldn't ever be uncrossed again. Noah could sense your hesitation so he stopped.
"If you wanna stop, tell me. It's no fun if you're not having fun." He said and you knew he meant it.
"No it's okay I'm just kind of nervous." You admitted and he came back up to your face.
"Hey. It's just me. It'll be okay." He said smiling and you smiled back, taking in a deep breath as he lowered his body again, kissing along your body as he did so. He grabbed the hem of your underwear and pulled them down. You were worried he would be repulsed by then smell of you, but when you looked down at him all you could see was hunger in his eyes. It made you feel better to know that he didn't care about the smell, so you tried to relax in his presence.
He kissed the inside of your thigh, grabbing them both and pushing up so you bend your knees. You felt very exposed, and you wished he would just get on with it.
"So pretty baby. Can't wait to taste you." He said and it made your stomach soar. Did he really not find it gross?
"You know, you don't have to do this either, like if it's too gross for you or something." You said, biting your lip. You wanted him to continue, but you understood if he didn't want to.
"I don't wanna stop. And nothing about this perfect pussy could be gross." He said, kissing up your other thigh. You took a deep breath and let him do as he pleased.
He kissed your pussy as if he was knocking for entrance, and spread your legs further. He then started at your clit, licking small, tentative licks as to not overwhelm you. When you sighed in pleasure he took that as a sign he could continue, and let his tongue wander down to your entrance and licked into you.
"Oh my god." You said, already it felt better than it has with anyone else. It seemed to urge Noah to go further, so he licked a big broad stripe up your pussy and you hummed.
"Oh Noah it feels so good." You said lowly and he smiled. A devilish smile, one that you felt was too cocky for his own good but you were struggling to care. He pleasured you with such patience, the tight feeling in your stomach building and building and you almost thought he was a magician, as fast as he was getting you worked up.
What you didn't expect was the finger that was circling your opening before entering you gently.
"Holy fuck, Noah." You said and he hummed a soft 'hmm?' as if asking what was the issue.
"Oh you make me feel so good Noah." You said and his finger slid into you further and further, stopping and then curling, reaching a spot inside you that made your whole body writhe. He was rubbing the spot, not letting one movement of his finger go without touching it.
"What the fuck Noah?" You asked, sitting half up as you grabbed his hair to keep yourself grounded. He detached himself from your pussy and smiled up at you.
"That feel good baby?" He asked, his eyelids hanging low on his eyes. You could do nothing but nod as the movements of his fingers didn't halt for even a second while he took at good look at you. He went back to your clit, this time sucking on it gently and making your hips buck up into his face. It only seemed to spur him on, as his movements sped up. You felt a familiar feeling coming and you tangled your fingers in Noah’s hair, pulling when he hit a particularly nice spot inside you.
“Noah, I’m so close.” You warned, and he sped up yet again, only he stopped sucking your clit and instead look at you through heavy eyelids, right into yours. You were a moaning mess, not being able to control it anymore as you came on his fingers, yelling his name out. He helped you through your orgasm and when you were panting for air he slowly pulled his finger out of you and made sure you saw him lick it clean. You couldn’t believe what just happened, your best friend just gave you the orgasm of your life.
“How in the hell did you do that?” You asked him, still not being able to catch your breath.
“Well practice makes perfect I guess” he said laughing. You laughed with him and he came up to lay beside you. A silence fell between you, but it wasn’t awkward. You were still coming down from your high and you noticed Noah shifting a little, seeming restless.
“You okay over there?” You asked and he looked at you with a little blush on his face.
“Well, I told you I love eating pussy” he said chuckling slightly as he readjusted himself in his shorts You considered your options. You could leave the room, pretend you had to pee and let him do his thing. Or…
“You want help with that?” You asked, turning to him. He looked at you, searching your eyes for any sort of insincerity, but he couldn’t find any. He nodded slowly and you smiled, reaching hesitantly over to kiss his lips. You tasted yourself on him, and you couldn’t imagine what Chase would have against the taste, it was not bad at all. You were taken by surprise when Noah wrapped his arms around you and pulled you on top of him, deepening the kiss.
“You are wearing far too many clothes.” You said between kisses and he hummed a sound of agreement. You pulled off his hoodie and went right back to kissing him, hungry for him in a way you never were for anyone else. He grabbed two handfuls of your ass, not caring if his grip left bruises on it, grinding you down onto the bulge in his shorts. It made you moan into his mouth, giving him an opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth. You grinded on him as your tongues pushed against each other, revelling in this new feeling with each other. It felt liberating, to not care where the line was or how far it was crossed.
"How do you wanna do this? Hm?" Noah asked, and you were confused by what he meant.
"What?" Was all you could muster out, being out of breath.
"Do you wanna have sex?" Noah asked directly this time and you thought about it for only a second before nodding wildly. He smiled at that and rolled you around, getting up from the bed to undress fully. You could not contain your stare, and you wanted to touch yourself so bad. He had clearly been working out on tour, his once lanky frame was replaced by the lean muscles of his arms, his legs were carved like a god and the tattoos definitely only made it better.
"Touch yourself for me." Noah said which brought you back to reality.
"What?" You asked, wondering if you had heard him correctly. He couldn't possibly mean that, right?
"If you're comfortable, then touch yourself for me. Want to see you pleasure yourself." He said as he pulled off his underwear. You didn't dare look, afraid it would make him uncomfortable so you looked at the ceiling as your hand travelled from your stomach down to your core. You ran your fingers along your clit in a circular motion and you felt the bed dip as he came to lay beside you.
"You're such a good girl Y/N. You really are. Look at you, doing exactly what I told you. Such a good girl." Noah whispered in your ear and it only made your fingers speed up.
"You have a condom sweetheart?" He asked and you pointed towards the nightstand you had by your bed. He turned around to grab one, and while we was distracted you took at look at his member and let out a moan you didn't mean to let out. He was big, bigger than Chase and you could barely imagine it would fit. You fingers stilled as your gaze was caught on his thick cock.
"What's wrong sweets?" Noah asked, rubbing his thumb along your thigh.
"Oh nothing uhh, nothing." You said, smiling at him. He could tell it wasn't nothing though.
"Hey, you can tell me, do you want to stop?" He asked, and you shook your head furiously.
"No! No no, I'm just, nervous I guess." You admitted, looking down. He turned to hug you and kissed your forehead.
"Nothing to be nervous about baby, it's just me." He said smiling.
"Will it fit though?" You asked sheepishly and his eyes shot to yours. You worried you had said something wrong.
"That is the hottest shit i've ever heard." He said, kissing your lips. You smiled into the kiss, your hands grabbing his face and letting the kiss overtake you. He rolled on top of you, slotting himself in between your legs, groping your body and worshipping the softness of your skin. He started grinding against your heat, pulling moans from your lips.
"God Noah, please do something." You whined and he smiled mischievously, kissing you one last time before sitting back on his knees and stroking his cock a few times before running it up and down your slit. This you knew how to do. This was familiar terretory. Or so you thought. He pushed into you slowly, relishing in the tightness of your pussy, and when he bottomed out, he let out a long groan, burying his face in your neck. You had never felt so cared for and filled to the brim with pleasure before. You were overwhelmed with emotion and felt tears spring to you eyes.
"You just tell me when I can move- hey are you okay?" Noah immediately changed demeanour when he saw your wet eyes.
"No yeah I'm good, really, I just...uhm I don't know why." You admitted and he smoothed down your hair to comfort you.
"Do you want to stop?" He asked and you shook your head, smiling at him.
"No it's okay, you can move. I promise I'm fine!" You assured him as he looked at you questioningly. He didn't seem convinced.
"I promise I'm fine Noah, I'm just a bit overwhelmed, no one ever took care of me like this before." You said, avoiding his eyes. He kissed your cheek.
"Okay, but you have to tell me if I have to stop okay? Can you promise that?" He asked, trying to catch your eyes. You nodded, and he smiled a comforting smile as he kissed your neck again.
"You can move." You said, and he pulled almost all the way out, only to slide right back in, in the same excruciatingly slow pace. You wrapped your legs around his lower back, boring your heels into him, desperate to have him fuck you senseless.
"Noah, please, c'mon." You plead and he chuckled.
"Tell me what you want baby." He murmured in your ear, his pace still as slow.
"Please fuck me Noah." You asked, looking him directly in the eyes. He looked back, and before long his hips picked up speed, pounding into you as you threw your head back in pleasure.
"Oh Noah!" You moaned, not caring how loud you were. If your neighbours heard, you'd hear about it in the morning. The sound of your moans only spurred Noah on, his thrusts relentless and his breath fast.
"Fuck Y/N. Fuck we're definitely doing this again." He said and you laughed breathlessly as you dug your nails into is back. He moved slightly and with that he started hitting a spot that felt incredible many times, over and over, eliciting screams from your throat.
"Holy fuck Noah, shit shit shit, fuck, oh fuck." You rambled and Noah kept up his thrusts, moving his hips back and forth. You could feel the feeling come back, the incredibly intense feeling in your core building and building, and before long your nails dragged along his back as you screamed out his name. Your pussy clenched around him and you couldn't hold back even if you tried. Your orgasm overflowed and wouldn't stop, you legs shaking as the intense waves of pleasure washed over you. Noah kept thrusting into you through your orgasm, and when you opened your eyes again he turned you around so he was under you.
"You okay?" He asked breathlessly and you nodded lazily.
"Yeah just...intense." You said smiling. "Did you..?" You asked.
"No not yet." He said smiling. "Are you okay to continue?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm okay." You said, moving your hips slowly. He grabbed your ass, holding onto you tight and lifting you a little and started pounding into you even more relentlessly. You could barely think straight as he used your pussy until he came into the condom, deep groan escaping his throat. His hips slowed down and he let you go, burying his now softening cock into you as he caught his breath.
"Holy shit Noah." You said out of breath ad he laughed.
"Was that okay?" He asked and you nodded, kissing him. You didn't know when would be the last time you got to kiss him like this again so you decided to enjoy as much as you could. He grabbed the base of the condom and told you to get off and you did. He removed the condom and wrapped it in some tissues you had on your nightstand, as well as wiping his dick. When he was done he looked over at you and smiled. You smiled back and you wrapped yourselves in each others arms, enjoying the bubble you two had created that no one could penetrate.
The morning after woke up alone, your clothes on the floor and a feeling of complete satisfaction, yet complete loneliness.
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artificialbreezy · 2 months
What are your thoughts on face sitting? 👀
oh baby i have THOUGHTS and im not sure who you care to hear about so you get them AAALLLL (Matt included 👀)
NSFW under the cut ◡̈
Noah is a munch right? we know this. but i definitely feel like he reserves face sitting for when he’s feeling desperate. for when he’s been away for months and all he can think about is your pussy and drowning in it, and what better way than to be under you? hands roaming up to grip your boobs, scratching down your stomach just to reach your hips and pinch at them a little to trigger you to really ride his tongue. he just wants to make you feel good. he just wants you to be a babbling mess. he doesn’t care if that ends with him creaming his pants either.
Nicholas i feel like will do it if you want too. it’s not his go to way of eating you out. Nicholas really likes having his way with you and that’s just not the ideal way to do it. but if that’s what you REALLY want to do, he’s not ever gonna say no. He’s still gonna have his way. He’ll get you real close to the edge a couple times, just too stop all actions and look up at you. “what bunny? i’m just doing what you asked.” all smug and when you just whine, he’d nip at your clit just to get your attention. then MAYBE he’d let you cum.
Jolly is a hit or miss guy when it comes to eating you out in general I feel like. so if he gets in a mood where he just has to taste you. he’ll pull you into any nearest room, lift your skirt up (or pull your pants down) and immediately attack your cunt like it’s the last thing he’ll ever taste. he doesn’t care how you’re set up, where you are. he’ll just do it. Now, he’d 100% anytime he could get your head hanging off the bed just so he can shove his cock down your throat. but that’s a thought for another time.
Folio will straight up do whatever you want. he aims to please you. no matter what you want. and if it ends up with you soaking his face? he is SOLD. but bare in mind, just because he’ll do what you want doesn’t mean it’s that simple. Folio’s a tease. he’ll kitten lick your clit until you’re crying for him to do more. and he loves when you cry for him, just pushes him more into it. he’d definitely be the one to overstimulate you to the point of no return too. when i said if you soaks his face, that’s his end goal. he wants to feel you for the next week.
Matt CRAVES your pussy. so one day when you very shyly bring up to the man that you wanna sit on his face, he’s laying down on his couch before your sentence is over. “Cmon pretty baby, your throne is waiting.” he’d be super gentle and soft with you at first too. hands on your thighs, squeezing every once in a while. but when he starts to pick up pace and your moans start getting louder that’s all it takes for him to get desperate. you’re riding his tongue, occasionally leaning forward enough to rub over his strained cock which truly just causes Matt to moan into your pussy like a whore when he does finally cum in his pants. he’s really just happy he got to taste you, he’s not even the slightest bit embarrassed either. because to him? you’re a Goddess.
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sorrowsofsilence · 2 months
Sinful Inflictions
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Pairing: Nicholas Ruffilo x Fem!reader (oneshot)
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: Smut 18+ (PnV, pls wrap it b4 u tap it, fem!fingering, male!receiving), mentions of religion, religious themes, and slight anti-religion.
“Are you ready to pray to me?” He asked, “Then get on your knees and bow.”
It's easy to ignore the eyes of God when you've always had a thing for the priest's son.
Tags: @sammyjoeee @cookiesupplier @th4t-em0-k1d @dsireland86 @whenthesummerdies @spicywhenspeaking @gretaswhore28 @veronicaphoenix @lma1986 @calleyx13 @somewhere-diamond @talialovesmiw @auratheopossumwitch @blackveilomens @skulliecadaver-blog @darkmxgician
(some tags are from older one-shots, so if you want on or off the tag list pls let me know! :3)
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You patted down the way-too-short floral skirt you dared to wear upon entering the church, dipping your head gently in greeting toward the priest as he stuck out his hand. Your lips reluctantly landed on his aging skin, hesitating for a moment.
“Good morning Father,” You said warmly, but behind your tone lingered distaste. He smiled as he greeted you back and your eyes shifted from his in aversion, before landing on the gentlemen ahead: His son.
Nicholas smiled at you, his gaze enticing as he dipped his fingers into the holy water, his middle and ring finger twirling in the pool for a moment too long. His hand trailed towards his chest, acknowledging the holy trinity in a cross as he stared, completely fixated.
A faint warmth tinted your nose as you followed, your fingers grazing along the water in doubt, following a fabricated praise. Nicholas’ eyes followed your every move before his eyebrow raised slightly. You gave him a polite nod as you walked past him, your shoulder brushing his chest lightly.
You sat down on one of the wooden pews, crossing your legs in anticipation. Would he sit next to you today?
You grew up with Nick, always attached at the hip. Your favourite day of the week was Sundays because you knew you’d get to spend time with the boy you’d been crushing on for years. As the two of you aged, neither had made any moves, despite the lasting tension always lingering between the two of you; until last week.
Last week Nick finally took a leap of faith, pushing you into the basement bathroom, and kissing you with complete desperation.
“I have been wanting to taste you for years.”
Smiling at his words you had pulled his body against yours, your hips rutting together. As you moaned against his lips Nick’s hands ran along your scalp before you then pulled away.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” You had said, “Not under the eyes of God.”
Nick had scoffed, rolling his eyes as his lips attached to your neck, nipping and grazing at the skin, “I know you don’t believe any of it. You only ever come because I have to.”
His lips had trailed back up towards your ear, his warm breath cascading against you, “Plus if there’s a God, it’s fucking me.”
The two of you haven’t spoken since the kiss, but you squeezed your legs together in fervour, unsure of what today would bring.
As if he knew you were thinking of him, Nicholas slid into the same pew as you, gliding across the wood with ease. His slacks were loose, contrasting with his tight grey button-up that had the sleeves rolled just above the nape of his elbow.
He leaned into your side and your heart quickened at the minimal touch, averting your eyes as his devilish smile transcribed sinful thoughts.
“You want to get out of here?”
You looked around slowly before keeping your eyes ahead, worried others would hear as the choir began to sing, “Is that such a good idea Nicholas?”
His name fell off your tongue in a sultry tone, something that made him shift in his seat as he sat back up, facing the front.
“I need you,” he whispered.
With a racing heart, you dared not look toward him as your face warmed, “How?”
“In every way that you’ll let me.”
The breath that lingered in your lungs hitched in your throat, suffocating your mind with reprehensible images. You crossed your legs, squeezing your thighs together in shame as you imagined Nicholas’ hands roaming your bare skin. You had dreamed a dozen times of his disgraceful fingers pulling an orgasm from you in the church basement, your tongue bowing to his need and taking his moans as if they were yours.
You knew how wrong it would be to sneak off and succumb to lust, especially under the holy eyes of God in a place of worship; but the rush of how sinful it was, made you all the more lascivious.
“Meet me by the storage closet in five,” He spoke softly, but excitement radiated off of him as he slid off the pew and turned back towards the entrance. You didn’t turn to watch him, but swallowed with furor and counted down, waiting the allotted time.
Years of desire that had been pushed away led to this moment, and as your chest heaved nervously you excused yourself from the service, refusing to look at the congregation as you walked up the carpeted floor, entering the door that held the staircase to the basement.
With shakey legs, you followed the stairs down and turned a corner before being tugged toward someone.
Nicholas smiled down at you, his eyes lidded in infatuation as he wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you close against him, the heat radiating off of his body while he began running a hand along your back.
“What do you mean in every way?” You pressed your head against his chest as you took in a deep breath.
“Don’t pretend to be so innocent,” his low chuckle vibrated as he pulled out a key from his pocket, and unwrapped his limbs from your own. Nick reached for the nob of the storage closet, unlocking it before pulling your wrist, and beckoning you inside.
He quickly locked it, tossing the key into his slacks before turning to face you, and pushing you back against the wall with his hands. You watched as he quickly licked his lips in anticipation, before gracing you with a sly smile.
“I can’t hold myself back anymore,” He said as he rested his forehead against yours. Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment as you tried not to smile, your hips swaying against his as your stomach churned. Your hands ran up his shirt before resting clasped at the back of his neck, holding him.
“Tell me you feel the same,” He breathed, and you nodded, opening your eyes to meet his smokey irises. You watched each other, waiting.
He pleaded silently for an answer, and without hesitating you placed your lips against his in desperation, pulling him closer toward you as he moaned into the kiss.
Nick’s hand began to roam underneath your skirt, grabbing at the skin before smiling into your caress, “You didn’t wear shorts, and you’re wearing a thong?”
You felt him stiffen below you, his slacks tightening against your exposed thigh.
“I guess I did,” You laughed softly, letting your hands run up his long dark hair, clawing delicately at his scalp.
He kissed you again, this time with more fervour and hunger, ready to devour your shameful soul. His tongue danced along your bottom lip in a lustful beat as he allowed himself to dip his fingers in your underwear.
Your body clenched in longing as you began to push into his hand, desperate for his fingers to graze your adorning skin. You craved Nick’s fingers, and you needed him to know.
“Please,” You begged into his mouth, “Touch me.”
He chuckled at your plea but obeyed, his tattooed fingers parting your desire as he ran them earnestly between your folds. Your abdomen twisted as his palm brushed your clit, before his fingers sunk through your arousal.
The fabric of your skirt rode up your thighs, exposing Nicholas’ immoral actions. He pulled away from your lips to watch, his mouth agape in thirst as he pumped his fingers in and out, curling them skillfully.
Your legs began to buckle and your brows furrowed in pleasure, a quiet whimper crawling from your throat as Nicholas then caught your eyes. A slutty smile splayed on his lips as he proudly fucked you with his fingers in a synthetic sacrament.
The sound of your heavy breathing took over the small, musty, room as your peak built in your stomach, ready to be released. It didn’t take long for you to come, and Nicholas praised you in divinity.
In a ritualistic fashion, he pulled his fingers from you, placing them toward your lips. As if a new ordinance he then nodded for you to suck, and you did, licking his fingers clean of your sin.
Nick groaned unholy words as he blessed himself with the remnants of your orgasm, before tugging at your top.
You began to unbutton your blouse, and he followed, undoing his collared shirt. You both threw the garments to the ground, and Nick reached behind you, unclasping your bra to expose your chest.
“Are you ready to pray to me?” He asked, taking a step back in admiration for your body, before grabbing your hand and placing it on his waistband. You nodded eagerly.
“Then get on your knees and bow.”
You lowered to the ground in submission as you pulled his slacks down his legs, staring at the outline of his erection between the thin layer of his boxers. You tugged the underwear down, wrapping your hand softly around Nick’s arousal.
His hand found the back of your head as he pulled you toward him early, and you hungrily took him in your mouth, allowing your tongue to explore his skin.
You worshiped his body, bobbing your head in a rhythmic pattern as your hand stroked what was left. Your eyes flicked upward, watching Nick’s gaze fixated on your actions, as if he was in disbelief this was really happening.
“Jesus Christ,” He whimpered, hips beginning to thrust into your mouth.
You closed your eyes as you consumed him, your body shaking with lust and greed as you sucked.
“Baptise me,” you begged, and Nick laughed, pushing your head further down himself, forcing you to gag against his cock.
“I want to feel you wrapped around me,” He moaned as you gargled, pushing away to cough. You sucked in a deep breath as he pulled you off the ground, turning your body so you faced the wall.
Nicholas lifted the back of your skirt, a deep grumble erupting from his throat as his eyes devoured you while he stroked himself.
“Bend over and spread your legs,” He commanded and you pushed your chest into the wall, arching your back as far as you could to expose your ass toward your saviour.
You felt Nick’s fingers graze through your folds again, pushing his fingers into you in preparation before aligning himself from behind. You pressed your hips back toward him in desperation, anticipating the feeling of him filling you.
Finally, Nick pushed between your arousal and you cried, your unholy sounds masked by the sound of preaching above. The music of the gospels veiled the disgrace as he pounded into you relentlessly.
His fingers dug into the skin of your hips in lust as he gave into your body, the feeling of your combined souls inflicting a new feeling of complete adoration and need. Your bodies curated an insatiable yearning; an appetite of passion unleashing.
One of Nick’s hands reached to grip your hair, tugging your head back in libidinous urgency, hormones taking over.
Skin slapped together and you moaned from Nick’s thrusts, his body giving you everything he could. You wanted this feeling to last forever and you reached behind, gripping onto his hand that adorned you.
“There is no need to repent, for I am your mercy,” He said, fucking you senselessly with complete greed.
You didn’t care if God’s eyes were watching; you were ready to worship a new man.
off to hell i go woops
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badnoahmens · 4 months
I Took Your Keys, It Was Me - Part 5
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Words: 5.3k
A/N: part 5 of this series is finally here. I’m considering this to be the last one so I really hope you enjoy 🖤🤍
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When you awoke, the pillow beneath your head had shifted, and Noah was no longer by your side. Sleepily, you look around. The sun was not long up, light shining in low beams of gold through the window.
When you write yourself fully, there was a small clattering in the kitchen. When you turn, you see Noah, lifting spoonfuls of a milky cereal into his mouth, some of which misses and plops back into the bowl. With a grin, he looks at you.
“Good morning sunshine,” he places the bowl on the counter, wiping a drip from his chin. The innocent nickname made your heart swell. “How did you sleep?”
He stood casually shirtless, leaning backward, his hips in line with the countertop. The tattoos that decorated all of his chest and stomach looked like they could be in a gallery. There were ones where the symbolism seemed obvious, but there were so many that sparked new questions.
You rub at one eye sleepily as a yawn escapes your lips, eyes eventually averting from ogling at his tattoos.
“Like a log, actually” you say tagged with a small laugh. Noah smiles in response and turns to place his bowl in the sink, then walks towards you swiftly. He leans down and lands a small kiss on your forehead, smoothing down some of your erratic hairs splayed everywhere with a gentle rub of his thumb.
“Would it be okay if I use your shower?” he asks politely.
“Of course, towels are just around the corner,” you gesture to the cupboard, and Noah soon disappears, the sound of water falling in the bathroom soon follows.
You take this opportunity to find your phone, which had been thoughtfully plugged in by Noah. You assume that you fell asleep long before he did. When you unlock it, you see a plethora of messages from your friend. Instead of replying to them all, you decided to just call her.
It took two rings, and then she was there.
“TELL ME EVERYTHING” she demanded. You couldn’t help but laugh at her brashness.
“He took me home, looked after me, and now he’s currently in my shower” you giggle. You felt like a school girl the way you were talking about Noah. It felt like the butterflies in your stomach were doubling by the second.
“And how are you feeling?” she then asked in a more serious tone.
“Better. I don’t think any of these injuries are that serious. Just a bit of a knock around and some intense bruises. I’ll be fine” you state calmly.
She hmphs in response.
“I’ll never forgive you for not telling me about Noah. But, regardless, tell me about EVERYTHING that has happened. How many dates? Have you kissed? Have you slep-”
“So many questions!” you interject, holding your hands up defensively even though she couldn't see you. You knew exactly where she was going with that.
“A few dates. I’ve met most of the band and crew, they are all so lovely. We made out last night, but it was too painful to take it any further. And that’s it. You’re up to date.”
“Take it further?” She pressed.
“You know exactly what I mean”
“No, I don’t. Please enlighten me”
“My chest and ribs were in too much pain so I had to pull back”
“Good on you for knowing when it was too much, but how did he react? Was he mad?”
The assumption made you wince a little, feeling like you needed to defend him.
“He was apologetic, actually. He was happy to stop. Didn’t want to hurt me.” Your tone was a little more serious now.
“Okay. So now what?” She asked. And that was a great question. Now what?
Now what, in terms of labels for you two, or now what, as in what’s the plan for today?
Your mind raced back to the conversation late last night, the one of Noah taking you to one of his shows.
“He’s driving me to their show tonight, and then driving me back. I think he’s worried I’ll hurt myself by overdoing it if I’m alone” you laugh at the absurdity. It wasn’t like you had lost any limbs or broken any bones.
“He sounds sweet” your friend coos.
“He is.” The sound of the water shutting off in the bathroom makes your heartbeat pick up the pace.
“I promise I’ll keep you up to date with anything else” you say, and then the two of you quickly say your goodbyes.
When Noah walks back into the room, you look up from your phone after going through all of your messages. His towel is hitched low on his hips, beads of hot water still clinging to his body. Steam trailed up into the air almost like a metaphor for how hot he looked at this moment.
His eyes were slightly bloodshot, dark irises looking straight into your soul, hair was slick and stuck down to his forehead, and you didn’t even dare let your eyes wander to the slight lump just beneath where the towel covered his body.
“I don’t exactly have a spare set of clothes, would it be okay if I used your machine to clean these ones?” The politeness was astounding, and the gentleness of which he asked made you become a little woozy.
“Yeah, of course, it’s down this way-“ you begin to stand, ignoring the fire inside of you when you flex your abdominal muscles. Noah noticed the slight wince and swiftly held his hand in your shoulder.
The strength of his grip was so controlled, nowhere near his full potential, but firm enough to know he wasn’t playing around.
“You need to stay seated and take it easy,” just as you begin to argue, he continues. “Doctors orders.”
You stare at him, hands grasping at the sofa’s fabric. Noah lifts an eyebrow at you, as though egging you on to continue, but you huff and fall back in defeat.
Noah grins, triumphantly at that, and then turns on his heels and around the corner again, the sound of the washing machine clunking to life echoes down the hallway after a few moments.
The following hours repeat much the same as that you have just experienced. Beginning a task, Noah firmly reminding you ‘doctor's orders,’ and then proceeding to act like a full time carer.
Lunch? Ordered and delivered.
Dishwasher? Unpacked and mostly out away correctly.
Rubbish? Taken out.
The only thing Noah couldn’t do for you was use the restroom on your behalf, even if he had tried to argue with you about it.
You shift and begin to stand, Noah immediately standing in front of you.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“I need to pee, Noah.” You say bluntly, struggling to find an angle that didn’t hurt to pull yourself up.
Noah, although disgruntled, offers you his hands and helps pull you to a stand. Instead of letting you go, he instead traps you in his arms.
“This isn’t helping” you state, but didn’t even dare try and get out of his embrace. He didn’t respond, instead, kept you in his arms for a moment longer. When he did release you, he couldn’t keep his eyes from you as you turned to walk away.
Your business in the bathroom didn’t take long, but when you walked back to the living room, Noah was standing, pacing slowly around the room, his phone held to his ear.
“I don’t know why this is an issue now? You were fine with it earlier?” He argued down the line. He looked like an unimpressed mother the way he stood with one hand on his hip, leaning on one leg more than the other.
He didn’t meet your gaze when you entered, so you assume it’s none of your business. Instead, you return to your seat on the lounge and focus as much as you can on the tv.
“Fine. I’ll make it work. I’ll be there” he huffed, as though in defeat, and then hung up.
“So turns out,” he fell back onto the sofa next to you, bouncing slightly as he landed, “that we need to be there earlier than expected.”
You nod in response.
He continued, “there’s some media who want to do an interview with the whole band. I guess I gotta be there for that”
“I guess you gotta be there for that” you echo playfully.
With Noah’s new schedule for the evening, it meant you had to leave much sooner than expected. Time passed quickly and soon enough you were both in the car and not far from your destination.
The car ride was pleasant, filled with easy conversations, some karaoke sing-a-longs, and even now and then some comfortable silence.
Upon arriving, there was some chaos occurring at the rear of the venue, but Noah didn't seem phased. He coolly parked the car, helped you out of the seat by offering a gentlemanly hand, and then walked towards the hustle and bustle, all the while still holding a firm grip on your hand, like he was scared you would trip and fall.
Through the doors was a labyrinth of endless hallways, ominous doors and flickering lights. Windows were few and far between, but you put that down to the ambient design of the live music venue.
Noah led you effortlessly, unravelling the puzzle of the hallways, gracefully slipping between small gatherings of people, until he came to his desired door.
Along the way, Noah explained that the interview process always felt so forced and unnatural to him. The questions were always premeditated, rehearsed, and disingenuous.
“It’s always the same thing. ‘How are you feeling about tonight’s show? When is new music coming out? Any collabs on the horizon?’. Always trying to get a scoop of drama or intel.” Noah seemed frustrated already, but it was with a steady breath, he twisted the handle and entered the room.
The lights were so bright they almost burned your retinas. Squinting as Noah led you into the room, your eyes adjusted to see a flurry of people. Cameras being set up, mics and more lighting being rigged. The rest of the band sat on a tan sofa. Folio, Ruffilo, Jolly, and then an empty space. Closest to the empty space sat an armchair of a matching colour. Sat there was a man dressed plainly, T-shirt and jeans, who was too engrossed in something on their phone to pay any attention to the room around them.
Folios leg bounced up and down rhythmically, like he was practising a kick drum pattern for the show tonight. Ruffilo and Jolly were in a quiet conversation, throwing a casual head nod to Noah as he entered the room.
Noah looked around, finding a chair off to the side with a pile of equipment and cables on it. He relocated said like to the floor, ignoring the disgruntled look of media, and offered you the seat.
“You’ll get a good view of the whole thing here” he said pointing over his shoulder and the interview set up, “but it shouldn’t take too long.”
He hesitated a moment, and let go of your hand as you sat. He offered you a sweet grin, then turned to take his place on the sofa.
You saw Jolly nudge his elbow into Noah’s side as he sat, the menagerie of people beginning to take their places and roll cameras.
Watching the professional personas take over was fascinating. The way the band effortlessly discusses their answers to the meagre at best questions made the whole process very entertaining. Whether they knew it or not, they took turns in giving their responses, and would nod and hum approvingly if each other's answers. There was a chemistry between them all, like an unspoken language, where they just got each other.
It was 10 or so minutes in, the bland pleasantries long gone, and now the harder hitting questions were being asked.
“What do these records look like compared to your previous works?”
“Any plans to leave your current label once the contract is done?”
“Will your relationships become a distraction from the production of your new music?”
The interviewer was hammering them. He was digging for the details. Looking for the next juicy scoop.
But, it was that last question that echoed in your head.
Noah leaned back in his seat, arm was now resting along the back of the sofa. He took his time, considering the words he would use, how he could dance around this question but still give a satisfactory answer.
Well, that’s what you thought. You expected him to avoid discussing his relationships, let alone you, at any cost. What even were the two of you? There had been no discussion of what you were, only that you had been spending a lot of time together. Surely he wouldn’t let the world know that.
“I'm not distracted. I'm perfectly capable of maintaining my relationship and still producing a kick-ass record. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we’re in the best place to actually live our lives currently.” Noah takes a moment, a fleeting glance in your direction, and then goes back to his answer.
“We’re lucky to have such good people surrounding us, if anything it’s going to help motivate us even more.”
It was for the most fleeting of moments, but Noah caught your gaze. His eyes flickered to yours almost like it was the reassurance you didn’t know you were looking for, that he was talking about you. You barely even noticed Jolly continuing on from Noah’s answer.
“We surround ourselves with good people, so only good things can come from that.” The rest of the band were nodding in agreement.
The man asking the interview questions, whose name you found out to be Tim, looked ecstatic. He had a hook into the personal lives of this otherwise mysterious band, and he wasn’t going to let go of it that easily.
“Noah, how do you think your audience will react to your new taken status?”
Noah rolled his eyes, removing his arm from the back of the lounge and leant forward on his knees. He held the microphone in one hand, the other waving too and fro to help emphasise his statements.
“Look, the thing I think people need to remember is that I’m a human that has a life. Shocking, I know. Yes, my music means a lot to me. Does that mean it’s the only thing in my life? No. People can think whatever they want, I can’t control that. What I can control, and what we will continue to do, is to put everything we’ve got into making music we enjoy.”
Beautifully, he had dodged the question.
Tim wasn’t happy.
“What does the rest of the band think?” He gestured his hand towards Folio.
“Doesn’t change our lives” he said with a shrug.
Tim grunted, then locked eyes with Ruffilo.
“It’s true. I think most people wouldn’t have even known if you didn’t bring it up in this interview” Rufilo stated calmly, throwing the drama back into Tim.
Clearly dissatisfied with this topic now, Tim moved into something else. The interview was quickly wrapped up mere minutes later. With the cameras now turned off, Tim, now out of the room, Folio, Jolly, Noah and Ruffilo all stood, stretching and heading for the door.
Noah glanced over his shoulder and waved you towards him, slinging his arm over your shoulder and leading you out of the room with him.
“That seemed like fun” you say to the group as they saunter towards the green room.
“One of the less painful ones recently,” Jolly responded.
“He didn’t want to let up with the relationship shit,” Ruffilo commented. You noticed the hint of annoyance on his voice, feeling a sense of guilt creep into the pit of your stomach.
“He’ll be happy with what he got,” Noah chimed in, guiding you into a new empty room of the venue.
You didn’t bring up anything else about the interview out of fear. Fear of adding unnecessary stress, of causing any more tension, and honestly you just didn’t want to be a problem.
You began to watch the flurry in front of you. It was like a well oiled machine the way they choreographed their warm ups. Taking turns for sound check, leaving for periods of time to set up gear, practising their instruments and vocals. This was second nature to them. That interview? Long gone from their worries, so you tried to do the same as best you could.
Noah was always in two places at once, looking like he was working on a thousand things, ticking them off from a mental checklist.
Checking, rechecking, and checking equipment a third time. He was meticulous. His eye for detail, from how the cables were taped down, the placement of the set lists, even observing the light show from various corners of the venue. Everything he did had a purpose, but the way he spoke wasn't demanding. Instead, his cool demeanour helped portray his vision, and the crew knew exactly how to translate that into their craft.
An hour has passed before you knew it, and the energy in the room shifted. More and more people started to filter through the rear of the venue, and soon enough what looked like the whole lineup for the evening's entertainment filled the greenroom.
You have been to plenty of shows before, seen many bands live, but this was a new experience for you. There was a strange sense of familiarity to it all as you walked onto the main floor, into a wide open space with the stage lit up, barred off only by a flimsy barricade.
It just looked so empty. The calm before the storm. The quiet echoes of voices started to grow louder as a small gathering of the crew entered into the room. You immediately felt out of place then, looking sheepishly to the floor and stepping in the opposite direction from where they were coming.
“Wait up!” A voice calls out, but you keep walking, thinking it was for someone else.
“Jeez, you walk quickly. Hang on Key Girl” you heard again, only then glancing over your shoulder. Miles half-jogged to you. “It’s good to see you again,” he said, then turned to look at the stage. “It’s pretty unreal, isn’t it”.
You admired the screens which rolled through different graphics, colours flooding onto the polished timber floors.
“I wanted to see it all from this point of view before everyone else came in,” you admit.
“So he’s got you watching from the side stage? Left or right?” Miles questioned. You didn’t exactly know what he was on about.
“I have no idea,” is your response, paired with a shaky, nervous laugh.
“He thinks his left side is his good side. If he says watch him from stage left, let me know” Miles comments with a wink.
Before you’re able to question him further on it, his name is called and he is gone, leaving you baffled.
“Doors open in 10!” Is loudly called from one end of the room, and immediately people are moving about. You see this as your sign to head back to the greenroom and prepare for the tsunami of people about to bust through those doors.
Lo and behold, the 10 minutes are up, and people are pouring into the once empty room. There is an excited chatter amongst everyone there as the place lights up from the beaming faces of the audience.
After straying from him for some time, Noah found you in a slight panic.
“Are you okay? Everything okay? Your injuries oka-“
“I’m okay. Good. Great even” you interject. Noah nods, your response not calming his jitters. It wasn’t you he was panicked about.
“What’s going on?” You ask, instinctively placing a hand to rest on his tattooed forearm. He was warm and you could feel his heartbeat pulsing quickly.
“Talk to me” you ordered, and Noah’s eyes met yours. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and lets out the air steadily.
“Remember the interview?” He asks, and it’s the first time since you were there that you thought of it. “I should have spoken to you first. I’m sorry. I didn’t think he would put it out so quickly. I shouldn’t have looked at the comments. I should have signed off.”
“What are you on about Noah?”
He looks sheepish then, avoiding your gaze and pulling your hand into his. He led you to a beaten up sofa in the corner of the greenroom. As you sat, the small crowd in there were murmuring, throwing quick glances in your direction.
Noah goes through something on his phone, bringing up links through different social apps, before offering it to you.
You take the phone, but instead of looking at the screen, you watch the way he buries his face in his hands. His long fingers tap anxiously as he leans forward onto his elbows.
“I’m sorry. I think I fucked up” he grumbles into his hands, barely audible. “Please don’t hate me.”
“Noah, you’re acting like you killed someone” you joke, but he doesn’t respond. So you look at the screen. You see a YouTube video loaded and a very familiar scene.
From what you saw mere hours ago, it was already uploaded into the digital world.
“I’m struggling to see what the issue is here” you bump your shoulder to his, and he finally sits upright. He takes the phone from his hand and swiftly fast forwards to the near end of the video, and passes it back.
The video played, the interview ended, and a new scene of Tim appeared on the phone. Perplexed, you turn the volume up.
“You heard it here first, Noah Sebastian is off the market” he said, speaking jovially to the camera. “Accompanied by his girlfriend this afternoon, Sebastian seems to be pretty confident that nothing will change, but I want to know what his fans think.”
What happened next made your heart drop - a photo of your side profile with a small smile on your face graced the phone screen. Noah groaned and put his face back into the palms of his hands as he leant back into the sofa.
The video continued to divulge information, from your name, hometown, even your age. Hearing it all spoken by this stranger online sounded alien, you needed to go back and watch it again.
You recognise the scene in the photo, the same room the interview took place in. You can just make out the back of a camera pointing in the opposite direction of you. Someone had sneakily taken your photograph while the interview was taking place. They were on to you before you even knew what was going on.
Watching it a third time, hearing your name clearly stated once again, made the severity of the situation clear. Your secret was out. People know your face now. Your friends and family didn’t even know this much yet. But most importantly, Noah’s girlfriend?
“I didn’t see them take that photo” Noah mumbles, still hiding behind his hands. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured. This fucker fucked that up. I’m so sorry.”
“Are you sorry that they got a bad angle of me?” You whisper, tugging at his arm in an attempt to release his face.
His arm drops and he looks at you quizzically.
“I don’t get it” he stares blankly, blinking as if to clear up your statement.
“I would have preferred to have better lighting” you joke, handing him back his phone. Everything inside you was panicking, screaming even to worry about this. But what was there to worry about?
People won’t like you for it, sure. But you’re not alone. Was it 100% true? You didn’t know, but that didn’t matter. What did matter was Noah and how he had got himself into a panicked state. He needed you to be calm, to help him be calm.
“Why aren’t you mad at me?”
The small gathering of people fell into a quiet, barely audible whisper. People sneakily peered in your direction, watching what unfolded between the two of you.
“Tim seems like an asshole, sure, but why would I be mad at you?”
“I just outed you to the world” Noah states matter-of-factly.
Failing to find the words, because although technically true, it wasn’t your fault, you offer him a shrug.
“And you’re not mad about it.” Noah concludes. The people in the room now being less obvious of their eavesdropping. You glance in their direction, and just like a cartoon they all scurry to appear busy. One even picked up a broom.
Your eyes are back to Noah’s looking significantly less panicked now. His state slowly became more himself.
“I’m more curious,” he admits.
“About what” he was quick with his answer.
You hesitate, but need answers.
“The girlfriend thing.”
He pauses, eyes darting between your pupils, waiting for you to look away. You don’t.
“Would you?”
“Would I what?” You press. A smile cracks on his face.
“You’re going to make me ask like we’re teenagers?”
“Damn right” you remark. His smile grows bigger.
“Would you be my girlfriend?”
“What did you mean earlier when you said ‘I should have signed off’?”
“What?” Noah stammers out. Clearly not the response he was waiting for.
“You said…,” you paused to clear your throat. “‘I shouldn’t have looked at the comments. I should have signed off.’” You look at him expectantly. His eyes widen and a light pink graces his cheeks. He begins to chew at his bottom lip and the panic starts to return.
“I… uh…” his hand raises and he rubs at the back of his neck as he looks at the wall opposite you. “Replied to some comments. Online.” He pulls a face that screams ‘I think I said something I shouldn't have’, but also one that seems smug and almost proud of himself.
“Youuuuuu didn’t.” you gasp. Knowing his history of snide comments online, things can get unhinged real quick. “What did you say?”
Noah stands and paces the room with his arms held behind his back. It looks like he is about to defend himself when people walk back into the room. The privacy of this conversation flew out the window.
Noah was taken by surprise by the sudden uprising of people in the room, standing still and watching more people walk briskly in his direction.
“Dude. Love that you’re sticking up for her. But come on.” Ruffilo states, emphasising his points with his hands. He meant no harm, but Noah was starting to get flustered.
“What else was I supposed to do?” Running his hands through his hair now, he checked the time on his phone. Folio came to his side, placing his hand on his shoulder.
“Fuck ‘em. It’s hardly the worst thing you’ve ever tweeted.” Folio seemed unfazed by this whole thing.
The comments continued to be thrown around about how they are going to handle the situation. You used the distraction to check it out for yourself. Trying your best to filter through the comments about you, you sought the Bad Omens page and saw recent replies to some comments.
Noah was defending you, putting people in their place after throwing out allegations, making memes of the photograph they used of you, and blatantly spreading rumours.
Noah, being the cool ‘I don’t use social media’ guy he is, instantly jumped into it.
There were only a handful, but the casualness of how he owned the word ‘girlfriend’ made you blush a little.
‘At least I have a girlfriend’ was one.
‘This is why we can’t have nice things’ was another.
‘Let me know when someone can finally stand your bullshit’ was the last.
Each response was calling people out, and his sassy replies were finally putting people in their place.
You scrolled through the thread reacting to his comments. And by some miracle, people were getting it. Their attitude began to change, albeit small.
Subtly as you can, you put your phone away and walk over to Noah, whine seemed to be putting up his walls as he argued with his crew.
“Look, what’s done is done!” Jolly spoke diplomatically, trying and failing to speak over the rising tide of voices.
They all looked exasperated and lost, clearly having no idea what to do. You went to Noah’s side and loosely wrapped an arm around his back, hitching a grip onto his waste. He instinctively hung an arm around your shoulders which he rubbed his thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose.
“You guys are really worked up over this, huh” you comment. Seeing their expressions falter to confusion confirmed your point.
“You’re strangely calm for being the epicentre of the storm,” Ruffilo laughed. It was the first time he cracked a smile since he walked in the room.
You offer a shrug in response. “Took the pressure off of me announcing it to the world.”
And for the first time, they all seemed to agree.
Noah pulls you closer to him, wrapping both his arms around your shoulders, and buried his head into your hair. You can feel light kisses being peppered into your head.
“Thank you” he murmurs loud enough for only you to hear.
“Is there always this much drama before you play a show?” You ask, and they chuckle.
You had succeeded and their guards were coming down. It didn’t take long before everyone was acting like themselves once again.
You couldn’t help but notice how Noah didn’t leave your side. Whether or not you thought it was because he still thought your injuries were worse than they really were, or that with this newfound relationship that he didn’t want to leave your side; you weren’t complaining.
Whether it be hovering his palm on the small of your back to help guide you through the hallways, offering to buy you a drink, shifting his weight and adjusting his posture any time you started to fidget by his side. It was all those small, thoughtful gestures that really made you see what kind of person he was like.
He cared for the small things, the things that would most usually go unnoticed. The straw he got for your drink, when he held the door open for you walking into any room, even the sweet glance thrown your way when he was across the room and you were mid-conversation with Jolly just to make sure your leg wasn’t bouncing with nerves again.
It just felt right.
Before you knew it, the time had come for the main act to start. Opening bands had been and gone, and the headliner was up next. The crowd sounded amped up, a thrill running through the air like electricity. The band had choreographed this, and had begun their walk down the runway. Red and white lights were beaming and twirling around the stage, the screens cycling through a cacophony of images and digital artefacts.
Just as Noah was about to walk on stage, clutching his ski mask in one hand, he looked at you with admiration. He grasped the sides of your face in his big hands and planted a kiss tenderly to your lips. You learnt into it, lingering in the fleeting moment of his warmth, almost making you feel lightheaded and swoony. When he pulled back, all too soon, he had a new sparkle in his eye.
“Watch me from stage left tonight” he ordered. Pressing a kiss on your forehead, he slipped the mask on and jogged to the stage, throwing you a wink before he fell into character for the night's entertainment.
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deathblacksmoke · 14 days
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Nick Ruffilo
Series Summary: Cynical, brooding bartender Nick meets too-earnest, pretty boy singer Noah when The Rabbit's Foot starts hosting an open mic night.
CW: fluffy boy things, a little hurt/comfort, a little crying
Word Count: 995
Author’s Note: i'm a little sad to be parting with these babies for now. endless thank yous to everyone who has read and enjoyed my little thing. thank you most especially to @darksigns-exe for the original idea and your unending support and @circle-with-me for putting up with all my babble <3
dividers by @cafekitsune 💐
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Sleep has escaped them tonight, the downpour pattering softly against the window. The television plays quietly, a docuseries that Noah had wanted to watch but they’ve both long forgotten. Their conversation has lulled, leaving a comfortable silence between the two of them.
Noah’s fingers run carefully through his hair as Nick finally feels himself drifting off to sleep. With his head resting on Noah’s tummy, he’s wrapped around him so tightly, not wanting a bit of space between them. He finds solace in the sound and feeling of his steady breathing.
He’s not used to his head being so quiet. None of the gnawing, the racing, the doubts, the fear, the agony. Suddenly, it’s all just quiet and Noah.
Noah’s ring gets caught in a tangle, whispering out a whoops, sorry, baby before fixing Nick’s hair and massaging his scalp. He’s almost purring when his mind shifts itself rapidly to red painted nails, pretty fingers, gumball machine rings—the way they used to lay together just like this on quiet nights, her fingers gentle through his hair.
With bated breath, he waits to feel the panic settle deep in the pit of his stomach. Instead, as the moments pass, the only thing he feels is right. He feels her tender touch in Noah’s and it feels like permission, like she’s telling him it’s okay to loosen his grip and hand himself over to someone else.
He smiles to himself, placing kisses to the soft skin of Noah’s belly, feeling him vibrate with ultra-ticklish chuckles. He readjusts, peering up to see Noah looking down at him with adoration, and he knows.
He never imagined he would let himself be happy again, but he carved out space for this boy around all of his things, little alcoves in his heart between traumas and he just fits. He fills all the previously empty spaces with things that Nick never imagined himself deserving. He’s never been so positive about something.
“I love you,” Nick says, feeling shockingly steady and sure as he allows himself to finally admit it. Noah’s smile is immediate, dazzling, always enough to make Nick swoon for him. A hand cups his cheek and he feels safer here with him than he has anywhere for a long time. “You knew that, right?”
“I was starting to suspect it,” Noah responds. Nick finds himself burrowing into him, suddenly shy. “It’s nice to be told.”
There’s a piece of him worried that Noah doesn’t feel it, that he put him through too much, ruined his chances at Noah ever fully settling into this little thing they have.
He can’t lose Noah again. He knows what they have is a real, big, scary, wonderful thing and he’s terrified his admission will be enough to finally scare him away.
“You don’t have to say it back,” Nick adds meekly, hiding his face in Noah’s tummy. He hadn’t noticed tears falling until his face is being tilted up, Noah’s thumb gently wiping them away. Looking up at him, all of the worries wash away. Every worry he’s ever had is lost to Noah’s gaze. “I just wanted you to know.”
“Oh, honey. Come up here for me, please,” Noah says, tucking Nick’s hair gently behind his ear. He feels so small. Nick sits up, crawling as close to Noah as he can. He feels warm everywhere Noah’s lips touch him—his cheeks, his forehead, his lips, his neck. There’s still a vague disquiet when Noah opens his mouth that’s immediately soothed when he speaks. “I love you so much, Nicky. I’ve loved you this whole time.”
He feels his heart threatening to thud out of his chest when he remembers that Noah knows everything. Noah knows every sordid little detail of Nick’s life and it hasn’t scared him away. He loves him anyway.
He watches as his own hand is taken in Noah’s, from its original spot in the curve of Noah’s clavicle. Noah is so steady as he traces his fingers along Nick’s mutilated hands, sure in the kisses he presses along his knuckles.
Noah sees him, sees everything, and still chooses to stay. He doesn’t complain or show discomfort as he makes himself smaller to fit himself into the spaces that Nick has made for him—
He’s been so patient, carving out space for Jasmine in their relationship instead of asking for more for himself. He’s been so accommodating to Nick’s every last need. He’s made Nick and his comfort a priority, done it so effortlessly that it was impossible to see him struggling.
“You’re my priority now, okay?” Nick says, noticing for the first time since he got them the way that his hands no longer tremble when touches are placed to the scars that mar him. Not when it’s Noah. Noah has turned his life into something so wonderful, and he doesn’t want Noah to make himself small for him anymore. “I’m sorry it took me so long to get there.”
Nick has never felt smaller as he’s pulled fully into Noah’s embrace, never safer as Noah wraps himself around him, a hand on the back of his head as Nick buries his face in Noah’s neck.
There’s no embarrassment left in him as he sobs into his skin, disgusting sniffling sounds muffled into the juncture of his neck and shoulder. There’s no reason for him to be embarrassed, he finds, not when he’s here. Not when a gentle kiss is being placed to the top of his head and Noah’s arms are running up and down his back, soothing him with such practiced care.
He didn’t have to unlove her to love him, just like Noah said. And he loves him so much. He would have done anything in the world to be able to keep him.
“It’s all right, Nicky. I knew you’d get there,” Noah says, calming any remaining nerves and doubts that Nick had left. “I was happy to wait for you in the meantime.”
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tagging: @circle-with-me @darksigns-exe @concretenoah @ladyveronikawrites @baddestomens
@cookiesupplier @somebodyels3 @sitkowski @collapsedglasshouses
@agravemisstake @bngurngheart @monotoniscreaming @screamsinsilver @jiizzy
@anameunmusical @itsafullmoon @iknownothingpeople
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flowery-mess · 4 months
Oh lord this is SO GOOD, the deluxe version is gonna blow my mind I swear
Source: @SPOOKD4Y on X
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jojomiwbvb6 · 4 months
The Shower Scene, Part 2
Part 1 / Part 3
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Warnings: NSFW, MDNI. swearing, sexual tendencies
Almost a week went by. Working non-stop for the past 6 days, you stand in the crisp air of St. Louis, Missouri and take a long swig of your water. Load-out commences in a half hour.
The crew are dancing on their toes while you all wait in the dressing room for the rest of the Bad Omens set. You chew your lip.
In the entire time since Denver, neither you nor Noah had said a single word that anything had happened. The next day, you two glanced at each other, departed the hotel to the bus, and pretended like everything was normal.
Yet you felt the strange energy and tension he was hiding, and he hid it well. The past week, you have said nothing at all about it, yet, the memory of the way he watched you hungrily and patiently was burned into your brain.
It was enough to want to do it again. But you were afraid to do anything again.
Sometimes, during hangouts on the bus with the boys, you'd find him side-eyeing you. He would smile, as if it were toward one of Jolly's jokes, and turn away from you.
Fresh from Dethrone and the crowds energy, the guys run into the room, sweaty and whooping.
"Great job guys. Great show, as usual," you smile.
"Thank you, (Y/N)," Folio says.
"Yeah thank you, (Y/N)." Noah smiles at you.
"As always, Noah." You offer back.
His eyes flash a knowing look at you before instantly returning to normal.
You leave the room to load-out.
Stepping on the bus, everyone sighs and parts ways, to their respective bunks and to the TV in the living area.
It's 12 o'clock by the time we hit the road. Various members head off to bed. I stay on the couch, watching Ruffilo and Folio fight to the death on a video game that Ruffilo seems to be losing at.
"You both fuckin suck!" Noah shuffled out of the bunk area to the bathroom, jesting at his friends.
"Fuck you!"
"Go away, Sebastian!"
Noah smirks and laughs, stepping in and closing the door to it.
You giggle, but you feel yourself getting tired. You stand up. "Alright guys. I think I'm gonna head to my bunk. Night,"
"Night, (Y/N)."
"Night, dude. Oh I think you should let Davis cuddle. He seems lonely." Nicholas commented.
You laugh. "Fuck off, Ruffilo!"
Hearing the boys chuckle, you turn to head to the bunks. They resume their focus on the game in the dark.
As you begin walking towards the bunk area, the bathroom door opens. Noah stands there, looking at you. You look back at him.
"Yes, what?" You ask, your breathing picking up. He glared at you for a moment, and peaking his head out to check for his friends, he smirks at you as he sees no one looking at us.
He grabs your arm and yanks you into this tiny bus bathroom. He quietly shuts and locks the door.
In a quiet growl, Noah sinks his fingers deep into the strands of your hair. He pulls on it, earning a gasp of need from you. He gets close to your face, whispering, "What you did to me was so dirty, (Y/N). You think you can treat me like that? What a dirty fucking girl you are. Do you think I should show you who the fuck is in charge here? Should I punish you right here?"
Every growl from his mouth had you dripping, making the desire in your stomach red hot.
Noah continued on. "As punishment, princess, I'm not gonna give you what I know you fucking want."
You mewl at his words. He takes his free hand, and runs it down the line of your neck. "I bet you would be so beautiful if I fucked you," he looks into your eyes, getting close to your lips. "If you ever pull that again, I'll fuck this pretty mouth, too."
Your desire soaks your panties and you're squirming with want. "Noah, please,"
He grins at you. "You need me, baby? Huh?" You nod furiously. "Uh-huh!" You gasp.
"You want me to touch your pussy?"
"Fuck, yes," you whisper.
Both of you are trying so hard to be quiet. His hands rub at your thighs. The hand that was in your hair and moves down to grip your throat. You almost feel his breath against your lips. He was so close. He dips down and indulges in leaving hot, wet marks on your neck.
Noah's fingers are so close to right where you want them to be. He bites your neck and squeezes roughly with his hand. Your eyes roll back, and without a thought, you buck your hand up, wanting him to stop teasing.
Immediately he pulls his hands away from you and shoves you against the sink. His hands on either side of you, he pins you against the cold veneer. He tangles his hand back into your hair and gets close again.
You're so turned on, you could fuck him in this bathroom for hours.
"Too fucking bad. Bad girls don't get to feel good." He smirks, his hot breath fanning your face. He pulls on your hair and you whine. Desire fills both of your eyes.
He glances at your lips, looking plump and swollen as you gasp in his arms. He leans down, kissing you hungrily and you kiss back. He pulls away.
"Just to show you what you asked for," he finally allows one caress straight to your core. He slides his hand from front to back, giving your aching core a sharp slap for good punishment's sake, making you jump and squirm. "You just wait, princess. You'll cum for me again."
He leaves the bathroom, leaving you in a panting, wet mess against the sink.
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4rtificialfolio · 1 month
Baby Doll - Dom folio x F!reader (short)
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Genre: smut, fluff at the end
Warnings: 18+ Dominant Nick, Sub reader, use of spread bar and handcuffs, Wand, Edging, blindfold, face & vaginal slapping, orgasm denial, orgasm countdown
I couldn’t get dominant Folio out of my head so enjoy :)
nsfw under the cut, not proof read
master list
“No no, stay still baby doll. Only good girls get to cum, you can be a good girl can’t you?”
“But Nick-“ you whine in frustration as he holds the wand to your swollen bud. He’s been teasing you relentlessly all day; wearing your favourite tee of his that hugs his biceps just a little too tight, walking around the house shirtless glistening with sweat after drum practice, purposefully “forgetting” his towel resulting in him walking into your bedroom naked with a smug look on his face, rubbing and squeezing your thigh as you watch tv. All day he’s been pushing and pushing you to the edge so, you thought, why not have a little fun yourself? In hindsight that was a mistake, a happy mistake but a mistake nonetheless. It wasn’t you “accidentally” dropping ice cream on your t-shirt and stripping it off in front of him that made him break, or you putting on a very thin, white crop top with no bra afterward. No, it was the eye roll you gave when he called you a smart arse for correcting his sentence. That stupid eye roll is how you got yourself in this situation; your hands handcuffed to the spread bar that’s keeping your legs open, pussy dripping on full display for him, blindfolded and begging him to let you cum. He’s not always dominant, Nick can be so sweet and caring during sex. He loves to worship you, praise you, and give you all the pleasure even if it means sacrificing his release, but now and then, if you push him far enough, he’ll break.
“c’mon pretty baby use your words, tell me what you want” A sharp sting travels through you as he spanks your dripping cunt with his tatted hand.
“Please let me cum, I’ll be good i promise” you wriggle your hips in a desperate attempt to gain any sort of friction and relief.
“oh but you haven’t been a good girl, have you doll? think you can show me how good you can be” frantically, you nod your head, desperate to show him you can behave. He removes your blindfold and tosses it aside so he can look you in the eyes as he reapplies the wand to your clit.
“I’m gonna count to 10 then you can cum, but don’t you dare cum before or you won’t get to cum for a week. Think you can do that for me doll?” God this is torture and he’s loving every minute of it, seeing his pretty baby so fucked out and desperate for him.
The countdown feels like its going on forever, every slight movement you make sends you closer and closer to the edge. You’re in such a daze that you’re struggling to focus, barely able to hear him counting. All you can think about is the pleasure pulsing through you. Just the feeling of your nipples brushing ever so slightly against your arms, sending a tingling feeling through your chest, makes you fling your head back into the pillow; but Nick isn’t happy with that, he wants to see you pleading with your eyes as you struggle to hold on.
Giving your cheek a quick slap, he grabs your jaw to make you look at him.
“Nuh uh, eyes on me baby, that’s it”
To make matters worse, he pushes two fingers inside you, dragging them in and out at a relentless pace making you whine louder and louder.
“7..8..9 oh you’re doing so well, nearly there beautiful”
You’re right at the edge, arching your back trying so hard to hold off until he reaches 10, but he won’t say it yet. He wants to see his baby shake just a little longer.
“hmm Nick-“
“You’ve done so well baby, you ready to cum for me?” You swear you’ve never nodded so fast in your life.
“10. that’s it, good girl cum on my fingers”
Pleasure pulses through your body as you finally reach your climax, You scream Nick’s name as your vision goes cloudy and your legs begin to shake. Nick removes his fingers, watching you clench around nothing as he unbinds your wrists and ankles.
“you did so good baby, so good” He pulls a blanket over you and holds you as your body starts to calm down, giving you kisses all over your face as he gently strokes your hair. This is your favourite side of nick, of course dominant nick is beyond hot, sexy, fun and thrilling but, this Nick? Sweet Nick who would do anything for his baby girl, who loves just to hold you in his arms, drawing circles on your back as you’re nuzzled into his chest, watching as you swiftly drift off to sleep. That’s your favourite Nick, but any Nick will do for you.
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v0rewhxre · 4 months
Punished Part 2
The very highly anticipated part 2 to my punished blurb I wrote randomly last week! Thank you all so much for the support and love! I was not expecting this story to take off!
Also the first two paragraphs are from part 1 if they seem familiar!
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18+ MDNI
CW: [f masturbation, m masturbation, slight throat grasping, p in v unprotected sex, restraint play, blindfolds, sensory play, oral f receiving, edging, pull out method, slightly dom Noah, slightly dom reader, slightly mean Noah, mentions of sex toys, mentions of squirting]
He waited a moment before moving his gaze to me. The expression on his face was cocky, there was no remorse in those eyes from the incident he just pulled. He simply grabbed a t-shirt and wiped himself off, getting up to go about his day.
Before he stepped outside the bedroom door, he turned and said, "If you touch yourself, I will do that again later. If you use your vibrator I will do that every day for the rest of the week, then you'll miss me," He said before walking away leaving me in practically a puddle of my own mess and tears.
*Later that day*
The soft hum of my vibrator was the only sound in our large airy bedroom. There was a slick sweat that coated my entire body. My hips were moving in rhythm, coming off the bed so I could get the most pressure on my clit. Noah had left the house for the afternoon to work on some fancy drum engineering stuff with Matt and Folio. This provided the perfect opportunity to finally get the release I needed.
The entire day sucked. Noah was extremely arrogant and moody all day. I knew this could only mean he was having a hard time with a new song. Although he had done a lot of work in therapy, these mood swings still came out. I didn't mind the mood swings occasionally, usually they led to really hot sex with Noah. Not today I guess...
The pleasure building throughout my pelvis started to become more intense at the thoughts of Noah throwing me around bed. I focused on this one particular time where Noah fucked me so hard I squirted all over him, making a huge mess. We ended up laughing about it for weeks afterwards. To this day I swear I actually peed, but he reassured me that was not the case.
Finally, my orgasm was right on the cusp. I continued the same swirl pattern on my clit allowing myself to go over the edge. I moaned so loudly; all the tension from earlier pouring out of me in waves of ecstasy. Fuck Noah and his stupid fucking rule, if I want to cum I will.
After my orgasm finished I set my vibrator back in the nightstand drawer, remade the bed, and took a quick shower. There would be no evidence for Noah to find.
When Noah came home, he was still a little off but seemed a lot happier. They must have cooked up something real good in the studio. I had no doubt Matt and Folio wrote some insane drum parts for the next album.
"What did you get up to today?" Noah asked quizzically, raising one eyebrow. It took all my energy to keep my cheeks from heating when he asked. I felt bad about lying but I could not deal with watching Noah get off once again without me.
"I just spent the day watching shows, and I did a bit of cleaning," I said casually. It wasn't a lie at all, I had cleaned the house and watched a few episodes of Attack On Titan.
"Interesting," Noah said slowly.
"Interesting indeed," I mimicked his tone.
With that Noah got off the couch and proceeded down the hallway towards our bedroom. I raced to follow his long strides, almost running into him as he stopped at my nightstand right inside the door.
"Are you sure you just cleaned and watched shows?" Noah asked as he opened the drawer to inspect the many toys I had.
"Yes I am sure," I said quietly.
"Try again... this time, don't lie," Noah said as he selected the very vibrator I had used earlier.
I had made one fatal error, I did not clean it off.
"Noah I..." but I was cut off by the a loud sniff. I watched as Noah ran his nose up the entire length of the vibrator, inhaling the now dried arousal I had produced earlier.
"You think I wouldn't recognize the smell of your pussy, y/n?" Noah said placing the vibrator down in the drawer. He turned slowly towards me, his height and muscular frame becoming menacing as the light faded away with the setting sun.
"What did I tell you earlier?" he said taking a step towards me, firmly grasping my throat with his hand. He wasn't cutting off my airway, he knew that was one thing that really scared me, but he knew his grasp could control anything I did.
"Noah, please. I can't watch you jerk off again. It drove me insane. Please, I'll do anything... please just please," I said stifling the sob that was coming up my throat.
"Tskk, y/n that wasn't part of the deal now was it love?" Noah said.
He kept one hand wrapped around my throat while he used the other to slowly pull down his pants. My eyes widened as I watched his cock spring free, already half hard just from the thought of me masturbating. A win is a win I suppose.
I looked up at Noah's eyes, they were pitch black in the dark room. He smirked at me as he leaned down and spit in his hand. My pussy almost flooded the entire room. The fucker knew how much I loved spit. His hand now started slowly moving up and down his cock, the only sound in the room was his saliva smacking as he rubbed.
His eyes rolled back slightly as he let his head hang, he seemed to have been waiting for another release all day. The mere thought he tortured me turned him on. God, I fucking hated him.
"Noah, I will literally get on my knees and beg right now. I cannot do this again," I said urgently as I noticed his pace quickened by the sound of his hand moving back and forth.
His hand let up slightly on my throat, I wasn't sure if it was from my pleads or because he was so turned on he was already falling apart. I used this opportunity to slip from his grasp, jumping into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, legs around his waist.
Noah stumbled slightly backwards but maintained his balance as I literally attacked him. My mouth was on his before he could protest, our lips colliding with such force I was concerned I knocked a tooth out. I kissed him so deeply, forcing my tongue into his mouth to explore every inch. His tongue battled mine, trying to push mine away with no prevail. His arms snaked around me, resting just above my ass. I had him.
I ground my hips against his cock, the angle allowing me to rub my pussy up his length. I moved at an agonizing pace which earned a few frustrated huffs from Noah's mouth into mine.
Next thing I knew my back was against the bedroom wall, Noah now matching my hip thrusts with his own. His precum leaked all over my body, coating me in a sticky mess. Oh my god was I turned on.
I pulled away slightly, grabbing Noah's ear lob between my teeth. I whispered in a low sensual voice, "Fuck me like the naughty girl I am, Noah".
His cock slammed into me. Hard. I don't even know how it happened, I didn't remember him lining himself with my pussy.
The dark room now filled with the sounds of our skin slapping, us moaning, and my back pounding against the wall. He thrusted so hard I could barely even think, reaching the deepest part of my core.
I let my head fall back, smiling to myself as I knew I had won. Or had I?
Noah moved us to the bed, laying me in the mass of pillows that we had. We were often a little freaky in the bedroom. We had restraints already attached to the posts of our bed, awaiting to be used when Noah and I wanted.
Noah's cock left me while he moved to tie me to the bed. The Velcro cuffs were comfortable around my wrists and ankles. What I wasn't expecting was the sleep mask Noah placed around my head and over my eyes.
I couldn't move and I could not see, a dangerous game to play with a man who loved control.
My senses heightened as the anticipation did, I could feel the bed move but I had no idea where Noah was.
One finger. One finger trailed slowly from my ankle all the way up to my chin. He moved his finger as light as a feather, a trail of goosebumps following in its wake. My clit was practically screaming to be touched as another finger moved over my body, then three fingers fanned their way up. All purposely missing the one place I wanted to be touched. He didn't even give me a nipple touch.
One little kiss. One little soft kiss full of love was placed on my hip. Then another soft kiss on the other hip. One on my stomach. One on my right forearm, then the left. A soft kiss placed on my chin, forehead, right cheek, left. Then Noah softly brushed over my lips with his, a kiss that sent electricity throughout my body as it had the very first time he kissed me.
"I love you, Noah," I whispered out into the room, unsure where he was.
"I love you more," He replied as his finger lightly brushed over my pussy. He didn't apply enough pressure to breakthrough my folds, which was frustrating. My back arched slightly, seeking out his finger again. Instead I was met with hot breath, and one very wet tongue. Noah licked me this time, again he did so very lightly.
He pulled away, lifting one leg with him and placing it over his shoulder. He moved the other on his shoulder. Based on the position I was in, he must have been bent low on the bed or the restraints were let out enough to accommodate.
Teeth. I felt teeth next taking a small bite of my left inner thigh. It was only inches away from my pussy. He took another bite on my right inner thigh. Then he moved back to the other, inching slightly towards my center. Another, then another, then another, then... oh my god!!!
Noah took a small bite and pulled my clit with his teeth. It was hard enough to evoke shock throughout my entire body. It hurt, yet was quite satisfying. I felt my pussy clench around nothing, desperately wanting to be filled again by Noah's cock.
Noah released my clit, then brought his tongue back into the equation by spreading my folds open. His tongue was met with his lips, as he began licking and sucking my entire being. Now my hips began to move again, desperately seeking a release that I needed once again. Noah now moved lower, tongue fucking my pussy expertly by hooking it just inside. He pulled away only to spit on me, acting like his glorious meal was filth. Jesus, I couldn't take this any longer.
My moans began to get louder and louder, and so did the sounds coming from my pussy. The pleasure was now dimly burned in my lower belly, I could feel my toes begin to curl in the restraints.
"Noah, please.... I need to feel you inside... please," I whined desperately.
My legs were off his shoulders, my butt was back on the bed again.
Cock. I felt the head of his cock slowly moving up and down between my folds, doing slow circles around my clit before going back down. He slightly pressed in, just breaking through my entrance before moving back upwards. I moved my hips towards Noah's cock, moving against him to create more friction. He pulled away.
A few moments later he was back, moving slowly up and down again.
"Do you want it?" he cockily said as if he didn't already know the answer. I could hear his stupid smile from where my head rested. As if to prove his point, he put the entire tip in and thrusted only the tip which drove me insane. He pulled out asking again, by emphasizing every word he said, "Y/n, do... you... want.... it?"
"Do you want it?" I threw back, lifting my hips towards where I believed he was sitting. I giggled slightly, knowing I was being a brat and that I drove him crazy.
He chuckled back, "You really are such a naughty girl aren't you? Luckily you have such a pretty pussy".
His cock entered me again, but this time he went in all the way. I had no time to adjust to him before he was slamming into me once again. His arms were wrapped under my thighs, lifting me to the perfect angle. This time I knew he was just as needy as I was, his cock throbbed.
Noah grunted as he picked up the pace even more, his new workout regiment allowed him to have more stamina than ever. He was able to thrust harder and faster for longer. My moans once again filled the room in sync with his. I could hear the sound of our skin slapping against one another. He squeezed my thighs with his hands to keep from loosing grip, we both were coated in sweat now.
"Noah...." I warned, he knew I was close. My pussy was pulsing and throbbing, my orgasm was built up to the max.
"I know," he breathed back.
Suddenly, he was over me completely and his lips were grazing my ear. His moans filled my ears, sending me into a sensory overload as I plunged over. My orgasm came fast, I screamed out Noah's name which I knew probably hurt his ear. He road me through my orgasm for a few seconds before he pulled out. His cum sprayed all over my stomach and lower boobs. I felt each string as it landed on me. I had wished I could see it, but just feeling him release on me was enough. This was a punishment after all.
Once we both were done, Noah plopped on top of me creating even more of a mess for us to clean up.
"You do a great job at making rules and an even better job with your punishments," I laughed into the top of his head, rubbing it in that his punishment was indeed not sufficient for the crime.
"Yeah, yeah," he moaned into the crook of my neck.
I smiled to myself as Noah dozed off, until I realized he fell asleep on me and I couldn't move.
I suppose an impending uti was punishment indeed...
I hope you all enjoyed! I little different than I intended to write it but this just came to me and I think it works :)
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Synopsis: The European leg of the Concrete Forever tour marks one year since Tyler Garrett joined the Bad Omens media team. A lot can change over the course of a year. New experiences, new friendships, and new discoveries emerge.
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x OC
NOTE: Part Two is coming soon! Had to update and edit part one!
Cross-posted on AO3 (thatchickwiththecamera)
Based on an idea I got from seeing this video.
Tag List: @sundamariis, @fastjelly-fish, @lilylovesdew, @narcissisticbehavior81
Tonight was night five of the European leg of the 2024 Concrete Forever tour and the end of January had marked one year since I had first joined the Bad Omens media crew. With the band's increase in popularity Bryan, the band's photographer and media director, decided it was time to expand the team going into Shiprocked so he could focus more carefully on planning and curating the media content produced and published for the band. 
So Bryan reached out to a friend in the music industry and asked if they knew of any photographers/videographers with a solid portfolio who were looking for a more permanent media production gig. That friend connected him to me and as they say, the rest is history. 
“Tyler! Did you finish up the edits for tonight's social post?” Bryan’s voice carried from the front of the crew bus to the back lounge where I sat backing up files to my external harddrive. 
“Yeah! They’re already in the dropbox!” I responded before ejecting my drive from my macbook and throwing them both back onto my bunk. 
I clipped my crew credentials with “CONCRETE FOREVER TOUR” and “TYLER GARRETT - MEDIA CREW” printed across the top and bottom through the belt loop of my jeans and slipped on my crew sweatshirt before walking toward the front of the bus. Bryan and Alana were standing over the main table and counter area double checking the batteries and the assortment of cameras we would be mounting in various parts of the stage for tonight's show along with our individual gear that would be on our person and laid out backstage for us to use throughout the show. 
The air once we stepped into the venue was buzzing with energy. I don’t know what it was about this leg of the tour, but it was like a switch was flipped. Ever since the first date in January opening for Bring Me The Horizon back in Cardiff there was this high that enveloped the entire group and it looked like no one would be coming down anytime soon. 
This energy was especially present in the band's lead singer, Noah. The usually stoic and serious persona he portrayed on stage was now replaced with one that roamed around the various levels of the stage doing jumping jacks, pushups, dances, and little vocal trills. 
After the first two shows, his antics even caused Poppy, our opener for this part of the tour, to completely abandon portraying her A.I. character like was originally planned for their performances of V.A.N.  Instead, she joined in Noah’s antics and even introduced the world to this little handshake that they had originally created during rehearsals leading up to the tour. 
Life in between gigs had been lively as well since the start of the new year. After each show when everything was packed up and the load outs were completed, the band and crew for both Bad Omens and BMTH would venture to one of the local pubs and celebrate with a few beers and carbonated beverages before loading up on the buses and venturing off to the next city. 
Until joining the Bad Omens crew, I would usually keep to myself in between shows while touring - choosing to prioritize edits, catalog files, and update my individual socials when not trying to finish a book on my Kindle or finish a show on a random streaming service. 
The first few months of touring after Shiprocked changed all of that and a few of the crew and band made it their mission to pull me out of the confines of my comfort zone and my regular routine. Over the course of the past year, Bryan has pushed me to learn and develop my photo and video skills far past where I ever thought they would go. Matt started teaching me front of the house controls, he now hounds me with daily racoon memes, and I in turn buy him random Dr. Pepper merch. Steven taught me all about the finer side of wristwatches, NBA basketball, and the intricacies of running merch. Alana quickly became one of my best friends and has balanced her assistant tour manager duties well alongside keeping me sane as the only other female member of the media team and crew. 
Folio decided that I absolutely had to learn how to fish when one of our venues had a lake nearby, even making me kiss the smallmouth bass that I caught before he threw it back in citing that it was tradition with your first fish. He also dared me to smoke my first joint, which caused me to hack up a lung because I somehow inhaled wrong. Nicholas helped me design a few tattoo ideas before inking my forearm and starting what will eventually become a full sleeve up my right arm. Jolly taught me a bunch of guitar riffs and how to cuss in Swedish (which I do entirely too often now), and Noah surprised me with the hidden talent of being a pool shark and we ended up becoming quick friends to the point where he is now my partner in crime hustling people out of their money when the crew goes out to bars. I also learned that while he hates it when people try to scare and prank him, he loves to scare and prank others. 
Which is why, as expected, throughout three out of the first four shows of the European leg, Noah made it his mission to try and scare me at least once per show mainly during the song transitions when I would try to quickly get from one side of the stage to the next during the blackouts. In Berlin, it was during the transition after “Nowhere to Go” when I was coming down from the second level of the stage after retrieving the camera that was filming Folio play. Luckily I had handed the camera and its tripod down to Alana behind the platform before descending the steps in time for Noah to jump out at the bottom already wearing his ski mask for V.A.N. 
I jumped, skipping a step on the way down, and felt a set of arms grab me and hold me back up before I could fall too far forward. I remember yelling ‘fucking hell’ in swedish and looking up to see Noah with a shit eating grin peaking through the mask and hearing Jolly laugh at my use of the words. I grabbed his mask and yanked on it so it was crooked on his face before I ran behind the platform to the other side of the stage where I had left my camera gear. I heard him let out a laugh and a few cuss words of his own as he struggled to fix the mask and climb the steps up to his spot on the platform before Poppy started singing. 
Night one in Cologne, I was mainly in the photo pit for the majority of the show, while Bryan and Alana were the ones roaming the stage. I kept a gear bag tucked behind one of the few big boxes we had on either side of the stage. In it, I had my spare batteries, my water bottle, and the 360 camera on an extension pole. The plan for this show was to focus on crowd shots and footage along with regular low-angle stage shots. While I got amazing shots of the guys performing and some hilarious shots of a fan crowd surfing in an inflatable shark suit. Noah lost any possible opportunity offered for pranking during the show. 
On night two in Cologne, he made up for the missed opportunity. During the transition between “Artifical Suicide” and “Like A Villan,” I quickly ran to the media team roadcase set up behind the guitar stage case and tech area to get a quick drink of water and change out a lens. As I was kneeling down in front of the case and had just finished switching the lenses, I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders. Luckily all the equipment was out of my hands because the sudden motion made me jump and fall back on my heels, causing me to bump into something, well someone, behind me. I let out a string of curse words, this time in English, and tilted my head back to see Noah, now without his mask, trying to hold back a laugh as he smiled down at me. I let out an annoyed sign and rolled my eyes. He gave my shoulder a squeeze before disappearing back out onto the stage right as the song began. 
In Munich, he chose the “Miracle” break as his time to strike. Only this time he stepped up his game. While I was switching out gear and changing my settings from photo to video, I set everything on a storage case under the second level platform and stood up to stretch a bit since this break was the more lengthy of the two. After I finished trying rid my shoulders of the tension that had built up from holding a camera in front of my face for a hour, I felt an arm wrap across the front of my collarbones and pulled me back into them while the person's other hand took one of the band's athletic water bottles and sprayed it down the rear collar of my crew hoodie. I squirmed and let out a loud gasp as the shock of the icey cold water briefly hit the back of my neck before I managed to wriggle away. I turned and as expected was greeted by a sweaty Noah smiling down at me trying to hold back laughter. 
“You little shit!” I shouted before quickly grabbing the water bottle from his hand and pointed it at him spraying him with the same icy cold water. 
He started swatting at the spray, laughing as his long thin fingers did nothing to block the liquid. He reached out and grabbed my wrist and I quickly tried to switch the bottle to my other hand but he was too quick, capturing that wrist as well before I could aim the bottle at his face again. I laughed and tried to pull away but he pulled me toward him and pinned my wrists against his chest trying to render the “weapon” he introduced inoperable. 
The laughter between us suddenly died off. The height difference between my 5’1” and his 6’3'' became very clear and his chin practically touched his chest as he gazed down at me. We stood there for what felt like an eternity, brown eyes connected with blue. He loosened his grip on my wrists slightly but neither of us made any attempt to move.  
The arena suddenly felt very warm and I don’t think I could blame it on the array pyrotechnics used during the show. I don’t know what to call this sudden shift in the air between us, but all I know is it caused something to flutter in my stomach and that scared the hell out of me. So I did the first thing I could think of, I diffused an intense moment with humor. I squeezed the water bottle that was still in my hand and the last remnants of water from the bottle hit Noah’s chin and neck. The shock of the cold liquid caused him to step back and release my wrists. I immediately missed the contact, but I needed to get away from this situation. 
“Shit that really is cold!” He laughed, turning to grab one of the black towels we had on hand backstage and started to dry off the water. 
When he turned to offer me the towel I had already retrieved my camera and fled to the other side of the stage wondering what the fuck had just happened. 
During the day off between Munich and Zurich, I kept myself busy editing, organizing, and uploading photo content to the media team drive and to my own socials. I had gained a considerable amount of followers since joining the Bad Omens team and while I enjoyed seeing the reaction and appreciation the guys' fans had when I posted new content, I was also starting to see some of the reasons why the guys like to take social media breaks as often as they do. 
Editing was one of my favorite parts of being a photographer and with us starting this European leg off with four back-to-back shows, I hadn’t had time to pause and really work my magic. So that is what I designated as my mission for this day off. I also may have used it as an excuse to avoid leaving the crew bus and chance any more contact with Noah. I was still trying to figure out if that flutter in my stomach was real or if it was just part of the adrenaline from a high energy concert and my body being attacked with ice cold water. 
Tonight, we were in Zurich and I was running around the stage at various times throughout the set while Bryan was down in the photo pit trying out some new ideas he had photos wise and finally having his turn with the 360 camera during a show.
During “What do you want from me?” I was standing in the wings to stage left filming Noah when he suddenly walked over to me in the middle of the second verse, grabbed my left wrist from where it held the side of my camera and pulled me out onto the stage. I keep filming as he releases my wrist and quickly slips his hand in mine while he continues to walk backward onto the stage. Once we were in the middle of the stage he started to spin in a circle with our connected hands extended in the middle. We spun around a few times before he started to jump while we were spinning causing his hair to bounce up and down on his head which I shakily captured on camera. The randomness of it all led to fits of laughter and caused Noah to mess up the last two lines of the verse. 
As the verse came to an end I expected him to let go and yell, “JUMP JUMP” like he usually does during the brief blackout. Instead, as the light goes out, I am yanked forward and feel a hand and the cool metal of a microphone against the side of my face, and a set of lips briefly collide with mine. I barely had time to process what happened before it ended, the lips were gone, the lights came back up, and Noah jumped onto the riser at the front of the stage to sing the rest of the song. I still held my camera up and panned to follow him trying to hide any reaction my face might show behind a veil of concentration. 
For the remainder of the show, I tried to avoid making any and all eye contact with Noah, who in turn tried his damndest to get me to look at him and gauge my reaction to what he did. He did it in a way that wasn’t too noticeable to the crowd by acting like he's playing up to the camera. My brain tried to process what had happened and what the hell it possibly meant over the course of the remaining ten songs in the set. 
Noah kissed me. 
On stage. 
In the middle of a show. 
Did one of the guys see? 
Oh Shit! Did anyone in the audience see?
The usual jump scare from the previous shows never came and my self-sabotaging brain was trying to solve the question of what everything meant. Kissing me to see my reaction instead of scaring me like usual? Was this real or was it just another prank?
Author's Note: I have never really written fanfiction before, especially for a band. So feedback is welcome! Part Two is coming soon!
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