#nikolai is a hourse too?
ssaraexposs · 16 days
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They're so tiny and fluffy please 🙏 😭
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criimsiin · 7 years
I was tagged by @happy-cherry Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better NAME: Vincent  NICKNAME: Crim mainly lol I don’t have any irl nicknames ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces HEIGHT: uhhhh... 5 foot something? I really have no idea lmao ETHNICITY: Jepanese and Russian  ORIENTATION: Pan FAVOURITE FRUIT: Strawberries! Or watermelon  FAVOURITE SEASON: Fall/Autumn I love all the colors and it’s not too hot. Winter is a close second. FAVOURITE BOOK: The Grisha Trilogy (Shadow and Bone, Seige and Storm, and Ruin and Rising) all done by Leigh Bardugo! I also like her dulogy that came afterwards Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. (It’s really hard to pick a fav as I love to read lol) FAVOURITE FLOWERS: Calla Lily   FAVOURITE SCENT: After a rain storm (like idk the wet rocks and earth smell good), cut grass, the lake (not too often but sometimes it smells good), and lastly the really weird one damp basement (I remember siting at the top of the staires at my grandmothers hourse when I was younger just smelling the basement so weird lol) FAVOURITE COLOUR: Aqua blue, turquoise, red, gray FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Wolves and foxes FAVOURITE BEVERAGE: Any sort of juice (mainly watermelon or peach) I also like soda (I don’t drink it as much as juice though) AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: uh... it depends on how I feel really. If I’m feeling down I will stay up all night watching funny YouTube videos and if I’m dead tired I’ll go to bed really early. So on bad days like 4-5 hours and on good days like 8-9 hours. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: Oh boy... Todoroki Shoto (Boku no Hero Acaemia), Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tail),  Ling Yao (fmab), Keith (Voltron Legendary Defender), Kaz Bekker (Six of Crows & Crooked Kingdom), Nikolai Lantsov (Grish Trilogy), Alucard Emery (The Greater Shades of Magic trilogy) and many many others lol NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: Normally two, one if it’s too hot, three if it’s freezing. BLOG CREATED: 2013 I do believe  NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 130 and I love each and every one! Tagging: If you see this and want to do it go ahead! 
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