nellucnhoj · 5 months
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dreamboat willie
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jesncin · 6 months
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Constantine stops by in Denver whenever magical demon shenanigans are afoot. His visits are very emotionally confusing for Ma'al.
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petribread · 7 months
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nhoj ,epoh on si ereht
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whowouldwininafite · 11 days
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givemeabreakimbig28 · 10 months
guess who woke up this morning to @mayonnaisethepotato litteraly lying on top of me talking about how john green name backwards is neerg nhoj which sounds like "neerg nog" and how oodies are "oo die's" and are gonna take over the world by suffocation everyone with hugs.
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janedoewrites · 4 months
It occurs to me I can submit an ask over what else I've been wondering and that if it's not spoilers it may even be answered. I loved the incorporation of trials, poor Nhoj and the night elf just stuck re-traumatising themselves with reminders of horrific violence, in their variety and was aggrieved by the loss of 2. So:
Before Rabbit ate the happiness and love elf tasks what would they have been? Did you always plan to have them eaten and never decide? Is there a particular reason they got the short straw?
The last question is possibly they had less narrative focus mostly, the happiness elf particularly, but it's because of authorial choices and deliberate writing why it's possibly fair game to inquire about.
The Heart of the World by me.
And sure, submit anything you like! Even spoilers, depending, I might answer if it's spoilers for the single book thus far, just not anything that will spoil things ahead.
With that said.
You nailed it, there weren't any. They were always slated to be eaten, I never had to come up with anything, for which there was much rejoicing on my end, and the why is... well, that actually is something of a spoiler. It's not so clear yet as of book 1 but there are things Rabbit does and doesn't eat and there is something of a pattern to them.
So, hold that thought basically.
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If you spell their names backwards, the LB members sound like IKEA furniture
Tsrud Derf Dnalrob Sew Srevir Mas Otto Nhoj Lahtel JD
Find these pieces and more in the "TIKZIB PMIL" collection.
Full assembly required. Results May Vary (😏)
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john-bracket · 1 year
I like your fucking style buddy
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octobrushwizard · 6 months
guy named john who transitions into another guy named nhoj
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rozieramati · 1 year
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'So Close' Collection S/S '21 by NHOJ
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nellucnhoj · 11 months
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once upon a time
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thedanemen · 2 years
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“HUMANIA - pets & animals” is a collection of 25 of the best cartoonists working on the web today. Each one presents their three favorite strips about pets....or animals! There are only 72 hours left to get this great book!! https://igg.me/at/humania Featuring: dinosandcomics, litterbox comics, lollibeepop, xibang, sanesparza, acstuart, it’s weinye, NHOJ comics, siberian lizard, the kao, comicada, yeevz, average adventures of an average girl, stormy gail, kotopopi, jenns comics, yaplaws, jakey boi, pierre mortel, rory blank, brad t jonas, louloureed, pleumier, the littlest friends, and maddie tacobus
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jesncin · 7 months
Ma'al probably still has Nhoj Enitnatsnoc in his contacts
He wasn't John Constantine when he met him, it doesn't count
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Ma'al still has Constantine's band shirt (he stole it) because he's struggling with "the worst person ever just showed me a great time"
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coolnewjbsaus · 2 years
Wait, I think Photoshop Flowey might be a reference to the Icon of Sin from Doom 2 (as well as its counterparts in Plutonia and TNT Evilution).
Both of them:
Are larger than their respective games' other enemies and bosses, and are depicted using a different technique (Flowey uses a bizarre mish-mash of various real-world images rather than a simple black-and-white pixel-art sprite, while the Icon of Sin is a set of three static hand-drawn wall-textures as opposed to a rotoscoped stop-motion sprite).
Use different mechanics than the rest of the game (Flowey can't be directly fought until the end of his fight, while the Icon is the only enemy that has a specific weak-point, requiring players to use a lift and time their rockets* in order to hit it in the brain through a convoluted method involving intangible walls and a unique, hidden enemy; speaking of which....).
Contain developer cameos that match the game's normal style (I've heard the black-and-white faces on Flowey's screen are Toby, and it's a well-known fact that the enemy inside the Icon's brain is a picture of coder and game/level-designer John Romero's head on a stick).
Attack in interesting ways (Flowey winds back time to get do-overs on missed attacks and has more dynamic and harder-to-dodge projectiles than most enemies, while the Icon shoots large, slow-moving projectiles that spawn enemies on contact and can "telefrag" the player).
Both have a prelude section, followed by the proper confrontation, the start of which is heralded by a distorted sound clip (Flowey's monologue and nightmarish laughter, the Icon's weapon-room and infamous "!oremoR nhoJ ,em llik tsum uoy emag eht niw oT")
Explode on defeat.
*this doesn't apply in modern source-ports that add vertical mouselook, since you can just shoot straight at it.
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exprmtn · 2 years
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Collection 'So Close' S/S '21 by NHOJ
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bronzecats · 2 months
Kid's first names backwards
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