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not shifting related, but i wanted to draw and post this.
it’s my relationship with my neurotypical identity (mask)/neurotypical society, and then my relationship with my neurodivergent identity (audhd)/neurodivergent society.
the left/dark red one is the neurotypical identity/neurotypical society. the black one is me. and the rainbow one is my neurodivergent identity/neurodivergent society.
i feel like my neurotypical identity/neurotypical society is pulling me backwards, clinging onto me, trying to keep me neurotypical or convince me that i am neurotypical. and my neurodivergent identity/neurodivergent society is trying to pull me forwards, guiding me along, trying to free me from my mask and neurotypical society, and teach me to accept myself as truly neurodivergent.
and then there’s me in the middle, torn between self-doubt and acceptance. what if i am not neurodivergent the way i believe that i am? what if i am faking? what if i am neurotypical? i don’t quite fit there, though, and i don’t quite fit in with the neurodivergents. at least, that’s how i feel.
so, i’m being stretched out between the two, feeling colorless and out of place everywhere. which category do i fall into? which way to go? who do i go with?
i’m very torn most of the time, and this is how i feel. constantly out of place.
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tumbler-polls · 7 months
Let's check if Tumblr truly is a predominantly neurodivergent website.
Reblog for a bigger sample size + follow if you'd like to participate in more surveys :)
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ok. imma do this again because im so sick of this neurotypical label-centric world we live in and the inability that people have to understand individuality, masking, and nuance in presentation of disorders.
edit: this is not meant to exclude all the various neurodivergence diagnoses other than just adhd and autism- this poll was created first and foremost because i was curious about those two in particular, but also because there's not that many button options for the poll itself and if i added more than those variables the permutations would skyrocket
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animentality · 1 year
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adhdxxsdiary · 2 years
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Reblog if u vote :)
I’m curious to see how neurodivergent tumblr is
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nonbinarymlm · 29 days
Please feel free to elaborate on your responses in the comments/tags/replies! Also please reblog to get a bigger sample size
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geekysteven · 9 months
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[ID: Mastodon post by [email protected] "Autistic authors writing neurotypical characters: "They were the kind of person who read between the lines without even knowing the lines were there. A natural smile played on the face of their un-headphoned head, and they functioned executively down the stairs."]
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what i've learned thus far in my life is if a neurodivergent person has a personality they're annoying. but also if a neurodivergent person doesnt have a personality they're annoying. if a neurodivergent person acts how people want them to they're annoying. and if a neurodivergent person doesnt act how people want them to... they're annoying. basically, i've learned that as long as you're neurodivergent somebody will take issue with you, find you annoying, say you're too much or not enough.
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vani-lla-boi · 6 months
if being neurotypical was described like how people describe autism
fixated on specific words, body language, and tone over the actual message
take things that others do personally
process information and patterns slowly
empathetic only to their close ones
overly concerned with conforming to societal norms
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tumbler-polls · 7 months
There's been a lot of talk about the relationship between neurodiversity and gender identity, but what about neurodiversity and sexuality?
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
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feralboo-the-weirdo · 11 months
You know what is just mind boggling? Neurotypical people exist. Like there are people who can just DO things and not have depression, anxiety (in every form ever), RSD, sensory overloads, and not get overwhelmed. Like there are people who can work for eight hours every day and still do things after. People who can make phone calls with no struggle. Who aren't constantly bombarded by a cacophony of thoughts both good and bad when they do things. Who have anxiety but it isn't crippling. who can spend hours, WEEKS with people and not get tired or fear that everyone there hates you. People who have no idea what Depression or intense trauma feel like. People who hear instructions and do it right first go. People who can follow a conversation without zoning out, or having to mask.
Like. Do neurotypical people actually exist?
Because I can't even imagine what it would be like to be neurotypical. Or mentally healthy. Both sound alien and foren. But like. Obviously they exist because neurodivergent people wouldn't struggle so much if not for how the world was structured for Neurotypical people but I don't know if I've ever met a neurotypical.
idk. food for thought I guess.
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Maybe instead of complaining about the ADHD and ASD diagnosis rates, we need to make peace with the idea that “Neurodiversity” may actually, in fact, describe the majority of human beings because “Neurotypical” is a word that really only describes those who thrive in a capitalist society, which is very, very few individuals.
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imgoingtofucjincry · 8 months
Love when you can clearly tell an autism event was organised by a neurotypical person. Like my doctor's invited me to an autism drop in thing and I had to do an hour of fuckin research to find the contact details for who organised it because the only info they included about the event was the date, time and place. Like??? You didn't think to be more specific??? Give more details to the autistic people you're inviting?? Didn't even tell me what the fuckin thing was for Jesus Christ
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punk-pangolins · 6 months
i cant think of any more; what else if not these, you fucking aliens
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humblefryingpan · 3 days
So I was rewatching friends with my mum and the episode where Joey goes on a date with Phoebe's friend and gets mad at her for taking some of his food.
Me and my mum both think she's weird for taking his food on the first date (especially because she didn't ask and it was their first time meeting) but mum's boyfriend and his friends think Joey was overreacting and it's weird to have a problem with it.
Me and my mum are neurodivergent but her bf and his friends are neurotypical and idk if that's related
Which brings me to the question:
I already have a poll for this week but I'm curious so here's another :)
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