#nepo babies
mysharona1987 · 1 year
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proudzionist · 14 days
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odinsblog · 4 months
Large swaths of the public believe the Trump myth. Across three surveys of eligible voters from 2016 to 2018, we found that as many as half of all Americans do not know that he was born into a very wealthy family. And while Americans are divided along party lines in their assessment of Trump’s performance as president, misperceptions regarding his financial background are found among Democrats and Republicans.
The narrative of Trump as self-made is simply false. Throughout his life, the president has downplayed the role his father, real estate developer Fred Trump, played in his success, claiming it was “limited to a small loan of $1 million.” That isn’t true, of course: A comprehensive New York Times investigation last year estimated that over the course of his lifetime, the younger Trump received more than $413 million in today’s dollars from his father. While this exact figure was not known before the Times’ report, it was a matter of record that by the mid-1980s, Trump had been loaned at least $14 million by his father, was loaned at least $3.5 million more in 1990, had borrowed several more million against his inheritance in the 1990s after many of his ventures failed, and had benefited enormously from his father’s political connections and co-signing on loans early in his career as a builder.
—The Myth of Donald Trump’s Meritocracy
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tomorrowusa · 1 month
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Self-made billionaires are self-generated illusions. Donald Trump is a prime example.
Trump is a nepo baby who got into college and obtained a military deferment through graft and ended up with a huge bundle from Daddy Fred. He squandered his wealth on projects which showed poor judgement.
It was TV producer Mark Burnett who rescued Trump by making him the star of The Apprentice. More importantly, Trump's part in the series and offshoot gave tens of millions of viewers the false impression that he was actually a savvy genius businessman rather than a loser who declared bankruptcy six times in real life.
Enormous wealth isn't an indicator of virtue or genius. More often than not it is a sign that you are a good con (wo)man or that you were very good at choosing your parents.
Poor people who idolize the filthy rich often end up as victims in scams which only make the rich richer. *cough* Trump University *cough*
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thehalfwaypost · 4 months
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ghostradiodylan · 6 months
Starting a new post for @verloutte and my Nepo Baby Miles discourse because we do not need to keep seeing the entire post about Susan’s honkers to talk about it lmfao
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And that’s totally valid tbh, I felt like kind of a dork feeling the need to defend someone with that much privilege! But I also can’t help really liking the guy and what he brings to roles (there’s no way I’d be this deep in The Quarry fandom without his performance as Dylan, let’s be real) and I think we can be aware of structural issues in entertainment/society as a whole and still enjoy actors and the art they make, assuming that just being privileged is their most problematic aspect.
Doesn’t hurt that Miles also seems to be personally aware of those structural issues and he has a lot of extremely correct takes that he gives freely, to the point that people rage quit his Quarry stream over him being too “woke.” 🤭 I also want to take time to appreciate that he’s still mad at Woody Allen because seriously fuck Woody Allen.
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Anyway, in conclusion, I over-reply and over-analyze because that is what my brain does and tumblr makes it hard to do that in a casual, conversational way so… yeah. Definitely not mad at anyone who thinks Miles is a nepo baby! He does fit the most basic definition. But he’s probably my favorite one.
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notallsandmen · 1 year
Can we just agree that The Endless are all nepo babies
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Hello Jesse stan mutual, what are your thoughts on Jesse and Rick's relationship?
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Know I haven't finished JSA (2007), but I find them SO endearing and I'm trying to put my finger on it. They absolutely and completely adore each other and it makes me wanna scream. I really dunno because they just can't get their hands off each other ever but somehow it's super cute. They seem to have a very mature and loving relationship, but Jesse would hate it to be called "perfect" because "fuck perfection" in the healthiest sense kinda makes them them. They're such a TEAM; always trying and learning together, and inspiring each other. They bring out the best in each other but I also love that their relationship doesn't define them as individuals.
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King and Queen of PDA, of course but it's so always ADORABLE somehow!! OMFG!
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Kinda girl boss/male wife energy too.
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Gotta say though, it always annoys me that, although they're both canonically 5'9", Rick is sometimes drawn A LOT bigger than Jesse.
I LOVE Jesse but I'm no JSA expert (yet) so please share what you love about them if you'd like!
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reniadeb · 1 year
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favescandis · 1 year
NEW - #Sundance 2023: Alexander Skarsgard, Cleopatra Coleman, Mia Goth and "Infinity Pool" director Brandon Cronenberg spoke to @sharonwaxman at TheWrap's Interview Studio. Skarsgard spoke about the "Nepo Baby" term and the insecurities he's faced as son of Stellan Skarsgard.
via thewrap on Twitter (Jan. 21, 2023)
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The kicker: only the winner of the poll makes it, the rest stay in the trailer park
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fushigurosboy · 6 months
I hope when people hear me say “I hate nepo babies” they know I do not and will never mean Jack Quaid that’s my man and I love him sm
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vivi-ydm · 1 year
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One of my fav magazine covers of this year
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thebrokenbottleboy · 1 year
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A map of British media 'nepo babies'/connections.
There's a zoomable/downloadable PDF version here
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michaelasnothere · 10 months
At home, Regulus is almost an entirely different person. At school, he walks through the halls as though he owns them, kids move out of the way wherever he may go, an air of mystery and intimidation surrounding the son of one of the biggest empires in New York City.
But at home.
Regulus tip-toes through the large penthouse like a mouse, head down and quiet in submission. Speaking only when spoken to outside of the confines of his or Sirius’ rooms. His stutter comes back when they’re at home, his vocal cords tired from suppressing it in public. Especially around paparazzi. His mother has spent many the lecture telling him to just stop, and that he must be doing this on purpose, how “no son of mine has an impediment.”
The media knows Regulus as a boy of few words, but he needn’t worry, Sirius does enough talking for the both of them, almost always answering the questions paparazzi throw at them when they go out. Both Sirius and Regulus have been trained in media etiquette by their parents, knowing exactly how to answer any questions. Especially when it came to their parents, their parents business, their home life, and the occasional black eye. They had to memorize each response, but after a while, they had to add a little variety, the monotonous identical answers starting to raise some questions on social media. People starting questioning… things. Some “conspiracies” started popping up.
The Black Dynasty: Friend or Foe?
The Black Brothers: A Cry For Help?
When that headline came out, Orion and Walburga rained hellfire on the boys, who swore and begged they hadn’t said a thing.
Someone had to pay, though.
Once more variation in their answers was required, Regulus let Sirius talk for both of them. Sirius has always been a natural public speaker, Regulus the complete opposite. Much to his parents’ disapproval.
“A proper man of society is well spoken and articulate, Regulus. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously with that ridiculous stutter? It’s embarrassing.”
Regulus avoids talking to cameras like the plague.
I might be writing something
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draconikia · 3 months
an eye roll as he sips his champagne, for such dislike of him and the accident of his birth - she certainly does seem to find reasons to approach him. a wide berth usually given to aelin, not out of dislike, but for her own discomfort. while he may be the black sheep of his corrupt family, he is not unaware that the lineage he bears makes many uncomfortable.
the piercing eyes and dark hair that so perfectly mirror his fathers, the only thing he inherits from his mother is the higher cheekbones and wider jaw. his father more hawkish in his appearance, drawn and hollowed out. dorian often thinks to himself that had he not given his soul away he'd look better, but he keeps that thought to himself. usually. chaol's heard it ceaselessly.
' you do realise you could have stayed across the room. don't you? '
his voice a teasing drawl as he watches her from the corner of his eye, kaltain rompier angling towards him, her dark gaze hungry as he avoids meeting that glance only by spinning to face aelin. the glass he's held so delicately is drained and sit on a passing tray.
' dance with me? i'll owe you -- for life. '
his mother had chosen kaltain as an appropriate bride, but there was not one part of dorian, no matter his womanising reputation that craved to fulfill those desires for his mother, or kaltain.
❛ oh great, it's you again. ❜// dorian && aelin // modern au // @littlequeens
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