#nausea prompt
sicktember · 1 year
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Official Sicktember 2023 Prompt List!
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[text version of the prompt list below the cut]
1. Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
2. Quest for a Cure
3. "What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?"
4. Hiding an Illness
5. Preventative Measures (Not Taken)
6. Sick and Injured
7. “You’re a Jerk When You’re Sick”
8. Persistent Fever
9. White Coat Syndrome
10. “The only place we’re going is to the pharmacy”
11. Beginner’s Guide to Faking Sick
12. Old Wives Tale
13. Anxious Stomach
14. ‘‘I shouldn’t be worried about you, but for some reason I am’’
15. Sick in an Inconvenient Place
16. Consulting the Internet/Web MD
17. Magical Remedy/Healing Potion
18. “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
19. Curled Up With a Pet
20. Cramping Pain
21. "But if you stay, you'll get sick too"
22. Terms of Endearment/Nicknames
23. Coughing Fit
24. “Did you just sneeze?”
25. Confused/Disoriented
26. Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis
27. Uncooperative Patient
28. “I should have stayed home”
29. Side Effects/Adverse Reaction
30. Patient 0
“I Could Really Use a Hug Right About Now”
Fuzzy Socks
Pounding Headache
Forehead Kisses
“I’m so sorry”
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt#128 part 2
Jason had finally made it too a safe house, his eyes blurred everything together and he was having a hard time breathing. His soulmate seemed close to death when they switched and Jason began to worry about making it a little. Thankfully the safe house was close to where his soulmate had been wandering. He was getting a scolding when Jason was finally in his own body he decided. He thankfully remembered the combination for the lock and sat down on the couch after locking the doors behind him. 
His head was pounding and he wanted to do nothing more than lay here on the couch but the sooner he got in contact with Bruce and the rest of them the sooner he could find himself in his own body again. He took closer attention to the one he was inhabiting at the moment and noticed a few things about it. For one he was wearing a shiny silver belt that had some bright green, the kind that seemed a little too close to the green of the pit or his eyes when he got angry. He moved to touch it but when his skin made contact he violently got shocked. Now Jason had gotten electrocuted before, but this was on a whole new level. 
This utterly confused him, why was his soulmate wearing something that would cause him this level of pain? He couldn’t have been wearing it on purpose, maybe he was forced to wear it? The more he thought about it the more pissed off he got. If someone was forcing his soulmate to wear something that caused this level of pain to torture him made Jason nauseous. He took a few breaths to calm himself before he thought about what his next steps should be.
First he was going to check and see what supplies this safe house had, it was one of Bats so there was probably a spare communicator somewhere he could use. He carefully got back up from the couch afraid to touch the damn belt again and began looking. He found some first aid and a communicator right where he thought it’d be and he put it in his ear and spoke,
“Hey, Jason here, finally got to a safe house, buddy when you get here you’ve got some explaining to do”
Danny could feel how tense the car was as Batman drove. He’d  be totally excited to be riding in the Batmobile but dreaded the conversations he was about to have with everyone here, everyone being Batman, his soulmate, and all of the people that could apparently hear everything through the helmet he was wearing. Danny was afraid to take it off at this point seeing as Batman had been almost silent the whole way. 
Danny had a few moments to actually think about things. The most pressing being his soulmate was in his half almost fully dead body. He knew he was wearing ratty clothes and a specter deflector last. They made him wear it at the facility and he really hoped his soulmate hadn’t tried to touch it. 
Another thing that had bothered him is the body he was currently in. It felt off, not half dead like his own but something similar. He could feel the ectoplasm flowing through his veins but it was much less than what he had. Jason was more alive than Danny was especially at the moment. 
He’d panic a bit more about not knowing the state his soulmate and body were except his helmet crackled back to life,
“Hey, Jason here, finally got to a safe house, buddy when you get here you’ve got some explaining to do”
It felt weird hearing his own voice in the tone of a stranger and he felt it was probably the same for him.
“Jason I’m in the car with your soulmate, let me know your position,” Batman said his voice crackled in his ears. Danny wasn’t sure what to say, he was worried about his soulmate but he sounded really pissed. Probably because Danny took his chance to kill the Joker, he assumed his soulmate intended to kill him anyways since the safety was off.
Danny kept silent throughout the rest of the trip after Jason told them his location. He was honestly a little terrified, he wouldn’t doubt that his soulmate knew Batman with the way they were talking to each other so he went through what he knew about the bats. He went through all of the bats he knew and came to the conclusion that his soulmate must have been Red Hood which meant he was in Red Hoods body at the moment and that thought didn’t help comfort him at all. 
That also meant that Red Hood was his soulmate and that terrified him even more. He’d heard stories, mostly from Sam who kept an eye on everything Gotham related seeing as it was her favorite city. Danny missed his friends, they had seen him get kidnapped by the GIW and tried their best to free him but it wasn’t any use.
Danny spent months in the facility and if it wasn’t for the GIWs own incompetence he’d still be there. They had done some terrible things to him during his captivity. They were in the middle of moving him back to his cell when the lights went out. They hadn’t thought to install a back up generator so the ghost shield had temporarily gone down. He was able to fight them back and escape somehow but the belt he was forced to wear made it impossible for him to use his powers. 
He had been on the run for about a week when the switch happened. 
He tensed a little as Batman parked the car. 
Master Post:
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puppetmaster13u · 13 days
Prompt 311
Alien biology is weird. Liminal biology? Even weirder. 
Ecto? Very much a wellspring for creation despite its association with death. Or rather undeath, but that’s a debate that many a realms denizen has tried to find the answer of. Usually there weren’t many liminals- ecto contaminated, yes, but enough to form Cores? No, only a few throughout history. Until the age of Heroes and Villains came about. But that’s a story for another time. 
See ectoplasm builds up over time in the human body, and even more so for those that have formed cores who create their own. And it’s not like it’s well studied, what with most not even being aware of the changes or the fact they aren’t fully human anymore. 
Why is this important? Well, what happens if two liminals (accidentally or not) mix their ecto together? Well, that depends on intentions, even if it’s just an impulsive thought at the time. Which in turns means that accidents? Yeah, accidents might’ve happened. Oops….
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danafeelingsick · 10 months
having soft thoughts of a sickie feeling guilty about puking up all the food caretaker made for them with so much love and care:
sickie having to maintain appearances, even as their poor stomach revolts agaisnt the heavy meal sitting inside it
sickie who can't help but grimace at the sight/smell/texture of the food, which makes caretaker think they might've messed it up
sickie clutching/hugging their middle as they try their hardest not to puke, thinking of the smile caretaker had on as they watched them eat, thinking they finally were starting to recover
sickie who has a hand clasped over their mouth, holding it tight to keep the food in no matter what, even to the protests of caretaker who's trying to tell them to just let it out, don't try to hold it
sickie who ends up losing the barely digested food over the blankets, sobbing apologies to a caretaker who's more worried about their well-being than anything else
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pixelatedraindrops · 6 months
One thing to keep in mind about me...
If I ever have a favorite character:
They WILL end up like this
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in my head
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 year
Hey Red! I was wondering if you had any dialouge prompts for a rude caretaker with a sick whumpee? Preferably a whumpee who's nauseous/throwing up?
"Sip this slowly. Hey, what did I just say?!"
"I bet you're a lot of fun on rollercoasters."
"Aw, geez, look what a mess you're making!"
"I told you not to eat so fast. Did you listen? Nope!"
"We're going to run out of paper towels at this rate."
"With that gag reflex, I'm surprised you can ever eat."
"What, you think I magically have barf bags on hand?"
"I hope you don't expect me to be the one to clean that up."
"Think your delicate stomach can handle some itty bitty crackers?"
"I'm not just gonna sit here listening to you retch; I'll be outside. Let me know when you're done."
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feelingpoorly · 17 days
Ok so I can’t take credit for this one because my minx of an SO randomly dropped this on me and left me all flustered but:
Caretaker realising their partner isn’t feeling well when they kiss them and taste Pepto…
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serickswrites · 8 months
"But Now This Room Is Spinning"
Warnings: falling from a great height, head injury, blood, nausea, vomitting
Caretaker's stomach dropped as they watched Whumpee slide through the mud closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. They couldn't breathe as they watched Whumpee grapple with Whumper at the edge. And their heart stopped as they watched both Whumper and Whumpee tumble over the edge.
"NO!" They shouted as they darted forward, praying their worst fear hadn't been realized. Caretaker's mouth went dry as they peered over the cliff's edge. Whumper had very clearly taken the brunt of the fall, their broken body visible beneath Whumpee, though Whumpee lay still and unmoving as well.
"Hang on, hang on, I'm coming. I'm coming." Caretaker scrambled up through the mud, racing down the side of the hill, away from the cliff face. They had to get to Whumpee. Had to be sure.
Caretaker breathed a sigh of relief as they reached the bottom of the cliff and could see Whumpee's chest rise and fall. Whumpee was alive. "Whumpee!" Caretaker called as they carefully picked their way over through the rocks to where Whumpee lay across Whumper.
Whumpee groaned in response.
"Whumpee, say something. Anything!" Caretaker urged as they knelt down next to Whumpee.
"Any-any-anythingggg," Whumpee said through gritted teeth. Their brow was furrowed with pain and Caretaker could see blood dripping down their temple.
"If you're making jokes, I know you're fine enough to walk out of here," Caretaker said as they took Whumpee's arm. "Let's get you up so I can have a better look at you."
Whumpee grimaced as the opened their eyes. "B-B-Bright here-ere-ere."
Caretaker leaned over Whumpee more, blocking the weak autumn sunlight. "Better?"
Whumpee nodded and swallowed. Their face was ashen and they looked like they were turning green.
"Let's get you up and get your head between your knees, you look a little faint."
Whumpee cracked open their eyes once more. "Mkay."
Caretaker pulled Whumpee to sitting, bracing their arm across Whumpee's back. "Better?"
Whumpee's face paled further as they rested their head against Caretaker. "N-N-N-No," their voice barely above a whisper. They screwed their eyes shut once more.
"Are you dizzy?"
"Mhmmmmm," Whumpee hummed.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" The sinking sensation returned to Caretaker's gut as they tried to get Whumpee to engage.
"G-G-Gonnnnnnna hu-hu-hurllll," Whumpee suddenly jolted forward as they vomitted across the rocks. Caretaker rubbed soothing circles across Whumpee's back as Whumpee emptied the content of their stomach and then some.
"It's ok. It's ok," Caretaker murmured as Whumpee sputtered and coughed.
Whumpee weakly tried to wipe their mouth, their hand shaking too much to do much. Caretaker fished around in their pocket for a tissue, dabbing Whumpee's mouth carefully.
"Hurtsssss," Whumpee moaned.
"I know. Let's get you out of here." Caretaker didn't wait for Whumpee's response. Between the dizziness, bleeding, and vomitting, Caretaker knew that Whumpee's head injury had to be bad. Really bad. And that Whumpee needed help. Now.
Whumpee groaned again as Caretaker scooped them up. "Ssssssstopppppp," they whispered.
"Just hold on a little longer. Let's get to the car and then I'll put you down," Caretaker replied as they began to walk quickly in the direction of their car. "How does that sound?"
Whumpee didn't reply.
"Whumpee?" Caretaker couldn't keep the edge of panic out of their voice as Whumpee became a dead weight in their arms. "Hold on, Whumpee. Hold on." And Caretaker began to run.
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Right now I'm really feeling the vibes of like... Messy, somewhat dirty little fast food place where the college students usually grab quick meals from, because it's cheap and affordable and convenient, especially when the character is rushing between classes and study sessions.
Only on their already hectic day, whatever they ate there made them sick, like violently vomiting, unable to keep anything down, type sick.
No Earthquake we're not doing this to Cyno, torment some other characters for a change.
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bugbytez13 · 5 months
i was freaking out about this to @spiral-abuse a few days ago but i decided to post it because it’s something i’ve been thinking about so much
tw for emeto and just general stomach issues/illness
sanji, being the chef of the straw hats and having all his trauma with starvation, obviously hates when anyone goes hungry. this is canon, we all know this (if you’ve watched/read one piece anyways haha) so i think it would be actual hell if one of his crew mates got so sick they couldn’t keep anything down
for this i’ll use zoro because. i’ve been really autistic about him for years and i love him so much. i think this also works because given the nature of him and sanjis relationship, where neither are very open about how they care about each other, it would just be fun to write 🤷 ill also say that perhaps this is before chopper joined the crew, just to add more angst
zoro is strong, really strong!! i think at this point the only time the crew has seen him in a spot of genuine vulnerability was when he lost to mihawk, and even then he shook that off pretty quick. so when he’s so sick he can’t keep anything down, everyone is already in a panic.
no one has much medical experience, i assume that nami sanji and usopp would do the majority of taking care of him since he can’t really do it himself (luffy would… try… but i don’t think he would do much other than moral support haha)
everyone is nervous but sanji is FREAKED. everything he has tried to give zoro — water, broth, medicine, tea — has come back up within minutes. the crew tries anything to get his nausea down but nothing seems to work
nausea and hunger are in a death battle for zoro, because even if he wanted to eat it still wouldn’t stay down. with how miserable he feels and the fever wracking his brain, he breaks down in front of sanji finally, who can’t understand what he’s saying because all that zoro is saying is feverish mumblings about how miserable he is
sanji feels so shitty, definitely taking some blame and feeling horribly guilty. it’s so awkward because 1: when have he and zoro ever been vulnerable with each other and 2: when has zoro ever broken down like this??
might add more onto this later? just thinking about sick zoro and bumbling caretaker sanji hehehehe
also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me asks about one piece. anything, any character. i’m insane about one piece.
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sickficideas · 1 year
sickfic dialogue #15
"I didn't even have anything to drink last night." / "I'm not hungover."
character A has spent all early hours of the morning throwing up, and up until now, character B has been teasing A under the assumption that A is hungover from last night's party - they realize character A must have some sort of stomach virus, and that they have a whole other problem to deal with.
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danafeelingsick · 1 year
imagine a sickie going through a lengthy explanation about some topic, just as the nausea sets in. you notice how their voice sounds a bit shaky, just slightly deeper, they seem to be slurring a bit. until they have to pause, and swallow. when they talk again, you can almost hear the lump in their throat.
what was that? you know, so you tell them to continue. sickie goes on, talking a bit slower so you can understand and they don't choke. it doesn't work, and they have to pause again, swallowing audibly this time.
their voice is thick with nausea when they talk again. and they trail off into an airy gasp, their mouth is open, their lips are puckered and you can tell they are trying not to gag. it fails, and you hear when their throat convulses and their tongue curls, it is a wet sound. a gurgle follows but it's short-lived as they swallow yet again.
what did you say? you ask, trying to sound clueless. sickie starts again, but is interrupted by another gag. this one is harsh and you hear just as they lose control of their voice, letting out a small whimper. they press a fist to their mouth, trying to suppress the next gag, but it forces it's way past him.
sickie, everything alright? you finally ask when they go completely silent. sickie tries to speak, gets half a word out, maybe even less than that before they retch into their fist. you hear the gurgle traveling up their throat, and you hear the violent rush of stomach contents into their hand, you even the splatter on the floor, and the thick slurry dripping.
then a moment of silence, before a small timid voice tells you the obvious: they just threw up all over themselves.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
48 w magnus n another crew member? (Platonically)
48. Using your body to shield them from attack.
((101 ways to say I Love You With Actions prompts - send some in!!))
Magnus woke up to the heavy smell of aloe vera in the Starblaster's medbay, which is to say: Magnus woke up in the Starblaster's second greenhouse room that occasionally had medical supplies in it. They tried to keep it clean for the sake of, y'know, injuries, but it was never really enforced unless someone had to stay in there for a while. Merle had moved the potted plants that were once on the medical bed onto the desk that was jammed in the corner. There were several bloody bandages around, which did not feel Magnus with confidence. And he was under a quilt.
It was multicolor, with faded pink, orange, red, and yellow fabric, with a deep blue on the edge. It had been patched up several times, but most of the seams were barely visible. If it had been Magnus's quilt, he would have thrown it out long ago. It had clearly been through some rough times. But it wasn't his. It was Taako's.
Okay. Okay, okay, okay. Last he remembered, he was rushing to fight a bear-demon thing during an expedition for the Light. Davenport had paired him and Taako together for the first time ever and the whole thing had been kinda awkward, to say the least.
The twins were still hesitant to be separated, which Magnus could get. But if he was being perfectly honest, he'd much rather be paired with Lup than with Taako. Taako was- he wasn't mean, per se, he was just… touchy. Lup tended to dull the blade that was Taako's outward personality, but without her there, Magnus didn't really know what Taako… did. How he existed or whatever. They had rarely ever been alone together, especially without Lup.
But Taako's back had been open to an attack from the bear demon, so Magnus had to step in. And then?
He, uhm, he didn't remember.
Magnus sat up. And then almost immediately regretted it as he was hit with a sudden wave of vertigo. He put his hand up on the wall, steadying himself. The quilt fell down to his lap and revealed a gnarly-looking scar that was already fading into a lighter color against his skin. Thank you, magic healing. And Merle, if he must. Still, he had to make sure Taako- make sure everyone was okay. He swung his legs over the side, taking a moment to breathe in deeply. His vision was slightly fuzzy.
As he sat back to readjust himself, the door to the medbay slid open.
It was Taako.
He looked- okay? Magnus had known Taako for a good five years now, but he had never quite seen Taako look so… the way he looked. He had his hair balled up in a messy bun atop his head and there were the beginnings of eyebags under his eyes. Don't get Magnus wrong- he still looked super cool. But he looked exhausted in a way Magnus had barely ever seen him be. Not to mention the state of his clothing- Blood, all the way down. Magnus sorely hoped it was his blood and not Taako's.
Taako obviously hadn't expected to see him sitting up, because he paused at the door.
"Uhm," Magnus said.
"'Sup," Taako said. He went to sit on the top of the desk, closing the door behind him as he did so. "You probably shouldn't be sitting up yet, homie."
"I was just, uhm- I was trying to- I mean, I wanted to see if you were okay."
"Peachy," Taako said, in a decidedly unpeachy tone of voice.
"Are you… sure?" Magnus said. "'Cause you sounded pretty unpeachy there-"
"Magnus," Taako said. "Lay the fuck down."
"Laying," Magnus said, laying back down. He stared up at the ceiling. Maybe one day the Hunger would smash through this room specifically and they could change the popcorn ceiling. When he glanced over at Taako, Taako was drumming his fingers along the desk, his lips in a thin line. His Thinking Face, as Magnus had privately dubbed it in cycle one.
"Okay," Taako said after a minute more. Magnus was glad he started talking because he had begun to get a little antsy. "So. Let me pitch you this situation: You're in the woods and you come across, I don't know, let's say a giant demon bear." Magnus was not liking where this was going. "And you're with your magic using bud. What would be a good step in this scenario to warn your pal and get you both out of danger?"
"Uhm," Magnus said again. "Tell… you?"
"Yeah, telling the person you're with would be a good fucking move, huh!" Taako said. "That'd be so smart! And yet, here we fucking are, Magnus- did you forget how to speak? Like, there's a thing in your throat that makes sounds! You could have been like, "aahhh, holy shit, watch out for the bear," and instead-"
"I didn't have time!"
"You absolutely had time!" Taako said. "But instead, I had to fight a fucking bear and get you back here! Can you not just-" Taako's hands were gripping the side of the desk so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. "Can't you think for once in your goddamn life? Like, I could keep saving you, but I do not wanna drag your body back to the ship again. What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"I was helping you!" Magnus said. "What, did you just wanna let yourself get attacked by the bear demon? Bemon? Dem-"
"Dear," Taako said. "That's not the point. The point is-"
"Then what is!?" Magnus said, sitting himself up again. He grimaced at the way his stomach shifted, but he fought the urge to lay back down all the same. "It's not like-"
"The point is that I care about you, you stupid fucking oaf!" Taako spat. He slammed his hands against the desk. "Do you think I wanted to watch your ass get mauled by a bear, dumbass? You gotta fucking- ugh. Just-" Taako gripped a handful of his pants leg, probably in an attempt to stop moving so much. Magnus had seen Davenport do the same many times. Suddenly, the uneasiness in his stomach wasn't just from the injury.
"You… care about me?" Magnus asked.
Taako let out a breathless little laugh, scrubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.
"Is that what you're taking away from this?" Taako said. "Seriously?"
"I mean, I got the other stuff, but- I, uh. You don't really, uhm. Act like you care? I guess?"
"Magnus," Taako said. "You- I make you food."
"Yeah, but that's like, you're job-"
"My job," Taako interrupted, "was to be a fucking arcanist on a two-month mission, doofus. I think at this point, no one cares about what our jobs are. But I- you seriously think I don't care?"
He sounded a little hurt at the accusation. Magnus hurried to backtrack.
"I mean, you care!" Magnus said. "But it's more like, a tolerating thing, I felt, than like, a friendship-"
"Magnus," Taako said again. He sighed, slumping down a little on the desk. "I make you food. I don't-" Taako seemed to hesitate. Slowly, slowly, Magnus lowered himself back into a lying down position, eyes back on the popcorn ceiling. His entire body ached. Taako sighed.
"I know your whole upbringing was like, rustic as shit, so I guess it doesn't really mean anything to you but- it's really fucking hard to get food if you don't have someone to depend on," Taako said. "I mean, Lup and I had each other, but like- you had someone to cook for you and to take care of you as a kid. If Lup or I couldn't find food, that was- that coulda been it, bud.
"I can't- maybe it's just a difference in taste, I guess, but a warm meal is the best fucking thing I can offer you. That's- that's all we had for a long time and if this fuckin- If the apocalypse parade is gonna be following us around, it might be hard to come by at some point. I- yeah. Yeah, I care about you. Duh. I'm not-" Taako's voice shook a little. He took another deep breath. "I'm not gonna let anyone go hungry if I can help it, yeah?"
"Oh," Magnus said. He glanced over at Taako, who was now picking at the seams of his sweater, utterly refusing to meet eye contact. "Yeah. That- that makes sense."
"Good," Taako said. "Great. Glad we got that, uh- figured out."
Magnus cleared his throat, shifting a little in the cot.
"So, uhm," Magnus said. "Is that your blood, or mine?"
"Who's to say."
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 year
Nauseated Whumpee thinking they might be able to avoid throwing up if they just stay really still and take deep breaths -- until one of their friends catches them from behind with a surprise hug around the middle 😅
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feelingpoorly · 18 days
What about a sickie who gets nauseous when they’re hungry…
They’ve felt kinda iffy and nauseous all day but have just assumed their blood sugar was low and they just needed to eat something to settle their stomach. So they keep eating little snacks and things to try and make themselves feel better, but it’s not working.
What they didn’t realise is that this time, they were not in fact hungry, but sick.
Their fever addled brain was too slow to catch on and now they’re nauseous and pukey with way more food inside them to bring up then they should have.
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belliesandburps · 1 month
For the prompts: LEONA.
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Burping in public
(grunts and hits his athletic chest) "Ugh...hate when they get stuck like that..."
"Mph...heartburn...(rubs his chest as a longer burp erupts out of him and leaves him huffing)...guhhh...pain in my ass..."
(casually picks his teeth) "Tch, hope you ain't expectin' an 'excuse me' or some crap..."
(licks his fangs) "Heh, still has a spicy aftertaste..."
"Ahhh...the hell're you lookin' at?"
"What? Never heard a burp before? Tch, prudish-ass herbivores..."
"Tch, see? THAT'S how it's done, you dumbasses. Now go do your stupidass burpin' contest somewhere else so I can nap or I'll eat every one'uh you..."
Post-Stuffing Burp
"Gruuuooohhhh, man...(caresses his bulging gut)...that felt good..."
"Ahhhh... (gives his big, churning belly a resounding SLAP)...how's THAT for a lion's roar?"
"Ohhh man...BWWWUUUUURRRRRP!!!! AAAAAAAUUUUURRRRRRAAAAAAAAPH!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh, FINALLY...(pats his belly heavily)...that one was stuck forever..."
"Guhhhh, that was a big one...mph, herbivore...c'mere'n rub your king's belly, or I'll swallow ya whole...and don't think I won't. I just made a TON'uh room after that monster..."
"Damn, I'm gonna burst...(rubs his big, burbling belly with both hands and lazily lets out another long, throaty burp)"
Nauseous Burps
"Urrrrgh...man, my belly's killin' me...(rubs his stomach firmly as a painful burp erupts out of him)"
"Mph...(clutches his stomach tightly and pushes a fist against his mouth)...that one didn't feel great..."
(rubbing his belly as it gurgles aggressively) "Ugh...feel like I'm gonna puke...uuuuUUUOOOoooorrrph...oOOoohhhhhh fuck..."
(grips his knees and hunches forward) "...Grruuuooohhh, I...(grimaces before letting out another thick belch, followed by a much wetter one right after that)...ffffffuuuuuuuck...there's so much more in my gut...(pats his belly firmly as it bubbles in response...knocking loose an even bigger burp that gurgles heavily at the end and makes him clutch his mouth nauseously)"
Kink-Tease Burps
"Ahhhhh...(blows his gas in your face)...heh, y'like that, Pervivore?"
"Heh, keep rubbin' and I'll give ya a REAL good one..."
"Tch, stupid herbivore'n your lame-ass fetish...you have any idea how much more fun this could be if you humans weren't so tame?"
(slowly rubs his bare stomach) "Mmmmm...lot more where that came from, Herbivore...give it a lil push...(guides your hand right above his bellybutton and presses your hand down against his warm belly...before expelling a HUGE belch right in your face)"
"Haaaahhhh...(sniffs the air and smirks)...heh, that monster got'cha all hot'n bothered, did it?"
"Heh, better get used to that smell, Herbivore...(pins you down and licks his lips)...cuz where yer goin'...it ain't gonna get much better.."
(palms his gut firmly) "Mph...that ain't all of it...(sucks in a deep breath, and immediately expels a large belch, then takes another short breath and burps aggressively again, before taking in several gulps of air, grabbing you by the chin, and expelling the biggest, longest belch he can muster RIGHT in your face for a good seven seconds straight) Ahhhhhhhhh...hehehe...yer welcome, ya lil freak..."
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