#naruto requests
venerawrites · 1 month
Hi! I feel so blessed to have found your blog, your fluff is top tier 🫶🏻 Can I please request fluff for Kakashi x fem!reader where they take their son (who looks exactly like Kakashi) to meet Team 7 and they're all enamoured by baby Kakashi and how happy he is with wife reader? I feel like it'd be so cute~ I hope that's an alright request. Thank you so much! 😘
author's note: this is such a cute request and it has been sitting in my drafts for a while, since I have been waiting to be in the right mood for it! It was such a pleasure to write it and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Thank you for requesting! <3
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If there was anything Konoha did best, it was celebrating.
Compared to many of the other villages, the Leaf had some form of a festival almost every month. The first Sakura trees have blossomed? Celebration. The war is won? Celebration. The Hokage has a birthday? Celebration. 6 months without any outside threats? Celebration.
For the outsiders these constant festivities were both bizzare and a bit foolish. They could only imagine how much money were spend from the yearly budget, yet somehow the village blossomed economically. The other Kages tried to ask Lady Tsunade more than once in the past how exactly do they manage to do that, but they could never get anything more than a smug smile from her.
You, unlike your husband, loved a good party. During events like this everything felt different - the people were happier, the streets were busier, even the air felt more fresh! You have been waiting for the Spring festival for a while now - not only because you loved trying all the delicious street food, but also because this year you were taking your baby with you.
Being only a few months old, your son was an exact copy of Kakashi. His hair, his eyes, his nose, his lips, even the way he pouted was absolutely the same as your partner. There were times when you sat next to his crib, looking at him for hours, trying to find at least one thing in his appearance that he may took after you. While there were none, you found solace in the fact that he showed at least some traits of your personality - the main one being obsessed with Kakashi, of course.
As you watched your husband gently rocking your child in his arms and whispering sweet words to him, you couldn't stop the smile from spreading wide on your lips. Kakashi hasn't noticed your presence by the door yet, too busy booping your baby's nose and listening to his happy laughter.
He was definitely the favourite parent.
"I can't believe I carried him for nine months and I am still the second best in his eyes", you finally said, making Kakashi whip his head in the direction of your voice. He smiled sheepishly at you, his one free arm extending for you to take.
"You know that is not true, my dove", he tried to reassure you, his attention moving back to the bundle of joy who kept twitching in his grip, "No one can replace mommy! Isn’t that right, little man?"
Almost if understanding his words, the baby turned toward you, reaching one of his small hands toward your face. You immediately melted at the gesture, before carefully grabbing it in yours and lying numerous small kisses on his little fingers.
“Do we really have to go?”, your husband groaned, looking at you pleadingly. If it was up to him the three of you would stay in your house, enjoying a cosy evening just playing and goofing around the living room. With his new role as a Hokage, your time together was limited anyway and he liked to grab any chance he got to spend a few hours with you at home.
“You were the one that promised Naruto you would finally let him see the baby”, you cocked one of your eyebrows and Kakashi immediately shut his mouth, knowing he cannot argue further.
Even since you told Team 7 that you are pregnant, Naruto has shown an enormous enthusiasm about welcoming the baby. He self proclaimed himself “the best uncle to ever exist” and has bought dozen of plush toys and clothes before you even found what the gender is. Both you and Kakashi found this amusing, yet cute, promising him that he would be one of the first people to see your son once he is born.
However, things didn't go as planned and since he was on a mission outside Konoha for the last three months and a half, Naruto was now one of the last people to meet your child. Sakura has asked you countless of times during this period to let her and Sasuke come to your house, but feeling it was unfair to Naruto, you refused every single time.
Now that the blonde was back, however, all three were eagerly waiting to meet the young Hatake.
Kakashi gently passed you the baby, while he went to the corridor to grab the baby carrier wrap he liked to use. One thing about your husband was that he absolutely refused to use a pram.
"It is safer for them to be close to me", he often said, not even hiding his overprotectiveness. Despite your baby already being the village's favourite, he only allowed people to watch him, but never touch him or hold him. It was almost like your son was some kind of a rare jewel, which was so delicate, it had to be admired from a far. And while you found Kakashi's behaviour funny, he was being very serious about it, going as far as to glare and hiss a warning at Guy and Genma every time they tried to pinch your baby's chubby cheeks.
Once the little one was safely wrapped against your partner, you both made your way toward the village centre, where you could already hear music sounding. The streets were flooded with both adults and children, who were all eager to try some foreign food and watch special performances. Every year there were entertainers coming from different lands, performing traditional songs and dances from their cultures. While you knew you couldn't stay for all of them, since you had to put your child to bed quite early, you were excited to see at least some.
You felt one of Kakashi's arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer to him, while he shielded your son's body with the other one. While there were none real threats or risk for any of you, the amount of people made the man anxious. You were just about to grab his hand and try to make him relax, when Naruto's loud voice sounded from somewhere in front of you.
"Kakashi-sensei! Y/N! Over here!", he waved his hands energetically in the air, while both Sasuke and Sakura looked away embarrassed from his behaviour. Your smiled at the blonde, waving back, while your husband couldn't do anything else than let out a sigh.
Once you were a few meters away, the Uzumaki ran toward you, his whole face lighting up once his eyes met those of your son. He pushed past you, without even paying any attention to you, before leaning his head close to the baby's.
" Kakashi! That's your twin, dattebayo!", he shouted and moved his finger between his sensei and your son. Kakashi flicked his hand away, glaring harshly at his student. You sniffled a laugh, before you felt Sakura's hand on your shoulder. Turning around, you offered a smile to both her and Sasuke.
"Don't touch, step back and only watch from a distance", Kakashi instructed, his eyes narrowing at Naruto. The blonde, however, didn't acknowledge his words in any way, instead turning toward you.
"Can I hold him?", he asked, his blue eyes sparkling.
"No!", Kakashi immediately answered for you and you rolled your eyes at your husband, before moving toward the males.
"Of course you can!", before your husband can protest, you gave him a stare and he reluctantly picked up your son from the carrier wrap. He held him in his hands for a few more seconds, eyeing Naruto with suspicion.
"Be very, very, VERY careful!", he said, while passing the wriggling baby to the boy's stretched out arms, "And make sure to support his head! No, not like that... Naruto, I swear to Kami-"
You cut off the white haired male's rambling by wrapping your arm around his waist and placing your head against his shoulder. The Uzumaki was doing just fine, but Kakashi being Kakashi started to panic just at sight of someone else holding your little treasure.
The baby seemed to like the blonde, as he giggled, stretching his small hand toward his face. Sakura, who has been patiently waiting for her sensei to relax a bit, immediately rushed to her teammate's side, uncapable of controlling herself longer. She wriggled her forefinger in front of the child's face, her heart melting once he caught it.
"Hello, little one! I am auntie Sakura!", the baby grinned at her with its toothless smile and she let out an "aww" sound, before turning to you and your husband, "Kakashi-sensei, he really is your exact copy! Y/N, are you sure that's your child?"
You laughed at her joke, before shrugging your shoulders and pressing yourself closer to Kakashi.
"Trust me, I ask myself that every single day!"
Finally tearing your gaze away from Naruto and Sakura, you looked over to Sasuke, who remained frozen in his place. His eyes were focused on the little baby and there was a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, but unlike his teammates he maintained a safe distance. Feeling someone was watching him, he turned his head in your direction, his cheeks going bright red once he realized you caught him staring.
"Sasuke", you smiled at him and everyone's attention went to the Uchiha, "Do you want to hold him too?"
The dark haired male gulped, his eyes widening. He nervously scratched his shoulder, his gaze going down to his feet.
"I...", he became silent, stealing one more glance at the baby. You found it almost amusing how he was a fearsome ninja that could take dozen of enemies at the same time, yet he felt scared to hold a tiny human.
Looking over at Naruto, you nodded your head, signalling him to pass your son to Sasuke. The blonde let out a huff, dragging his feet toward his teammate.
"Be careful! And hold the head!", he warned the Uchiha, who rolled his eyes in response.
"I know how to hold a baby, dobe! I am not stupid!"
"Language!", Kakashi warned next to you and you looked up at him, only for him to shake his head. It must've been hard dealing with these two for so many years, yet you knew your husband wouldn't had it any other way.
At this moment, surrounded by so much love and happiness, you felt like you finally had everything you wanted in life - an amazing husband, a healthy child and enormous support by anyone around you. If you could choose to re-live only one moment of your life, it would be this.
"You okay, my dove?", Kakashi whispered and you nodded your head, laying a small kiss on his covered chin.
"Never been better."
Unbeknown to you, all of Team 7 smiled at both of you, admiring how happy their sensei was. After decades of suffering and loss, Kakashi took the leap of faith and opened his heart to you. While he was unsure in the beginning if he was ready to be with someone and have a family, looking back he was glad he did.
Pulling down his mask, he laid a soft kiss on your forehead, before nuzzling his nose against it.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
cc artwork: Pietro Smurra
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ayyyez · 1 year
Could I ask for Itachi, Madara and Tobirama with a reader that wants a big family? Like REALLY big. Like 5 or 7 little ones😂 Asking our boys 'wanna make a baby?' all the time haha🤣 Love you!
A/N: omg this made me laugh lmao just bc I imagined my own response being 'absolutely not.' 😂(to someone asking me that question not the request) hahah but dw it's not necessarily theirs. I can do this for you 😂 ily <3
TAGS: family headcanons, reader wants baby, big family, fluff, Itachi's has more suggestive content, Madara being a little shit, Tobirama being soft
CHARACTERS: Itachi Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Tobirama Senju
Depends on which Itachi we are talking about. If it's canon Itachi who is dying and you ask him for a baby or family then he's like absolutely not. He can't leave you on your own with a child and he also doesn't have the time left to give you a big family.
So lets just pretend that doesn't happen. Itachi doesn't get ill and he doesn't die.
You two have been together for years at this point (I feel Itachi needs a few years in this to be able to jump into such a commitment. He can see himself being with you forever at this point)
The two of you of you are sitting outside on the veranda, drinking tea, legs hanging off the side. The warm, summer breeze is blowing through creating a sense of ease. This is when you first think to broach the topic. To ease him into the idea.
'Hey Itachi, I've a question.' You ask, turning to see him bring his cup to his lips.
'Mm?' He asks, absentmindedly taking a long sip of tea, eyes still looking toward the scenery in front of him.
'Do you want to have kids, with me?'
Itachi chokes on his tea, spluttering a little as he brings his cup down. The recovery his quick and smooth as he turns to you quickly, eyes wide. 'What?' He asks, more questioning if he'd heard you correctly than what you had said.
'Kids.' You repeat. 'Is it something you'd consider ever doing—ehrm well having rather—with me that is.' You smile, scratching your cheek at the attempt to smoothen out your sentence.
'Oh.' He says blinking, animately. 'Oh.' He repeats like he's not quite sure what to make of the question.
'I've put you on the spot.' You shake your head.
'No.' He assures then shakes his head into a nod. 'Well, yes but no.' Itachi cringes at himself. 'I mean, it's something I—oh gosh.' He runs his hand over his face. 'Sorry.'
You observe him noticing his face his rather flushed? And you realise you've never quite seen him so flustered before. You had flustered him! Flustered Itachi Uchiha!
'It's alright. It's not something I need an answer to right away, just something I wanted us to consider.'
'I want to consider it!' He says quickly, a little too quickly. He bites his lip, groaning to himself and takes a deep breath. 'I really do.'
The next time it's brought up is during a heated make out.
Itachi's hands are on your waist pulling you toward him. Your hands are in his hair, tugging him further into the kiss.
Your body is on fire as is your want. Your need for him to be closer to you. His lips move from yours to your cheek. Peppering kisses down your jaw and down your neck.
You moan, pushing you body flush against his. You swear it pulls a growl from him. Especially since your fingers are buried so deeply into the roots of his hair, tugging.
'Mmm Itachi.' You say, high on the moment. 'I want more.'
'Yeah?' He says, lips moving across your chest. 'Tell me what you want.'
'I want you to touch me and ah—'
He bites down on the sensitive skin of your chest just above your nipple. He sucks down then pulls off. 'What else?' He asks.
'I want you inside me.'
'Mmm.' He hums, continuing to bury himself down the flesh of your abdomen. Kissing and sucking to his hearts content.
'And I want you to cum inside and make a baby with me.'
Itachi freezes against your stomach.
Your eyes snap open.
You totally let your want run away with you on that on.
'Yeah? You want a baby?'
'Mhmm.' You say, daring to meet his gaze. 'I do if you do.'
When you see his dark brown eyes looking back at you, pupils fully blown with want that you know he's no longer afraid. He wants this too.
'I do.' He says pushing a kiss to your skin.
'Yeah?' You say, trying to crush the emotions welling up inside you.
'How many kids you want me to give you?' He asks, slowly kissing down, down, down.
'Ah— I want a big family.' You say, biting back the moans. 'Maybe 5. Maybe 7.'
Itachi presses his face against your core. 'You're trying to kill me.' He groans. 'We better get to work.'
Okay this little shit (affectionate) is probably the easiest to convince in theory but he's also a pain in the butt about it lol
Madara is the biggest simp when it comes to you so he's willing to do what you want and honestly if the two of you are having kids by conceiving together then he's like yay that means we get to do it aye aye (wiggles those eyebrows) punch him honestly.
The thing is when you first tell him he's also of two minds about it. He wants to hurry up and have lots of sex and babies with you because Madara also wants a big family. Big fams are what the Uchiha do.
HOWEVER he's also a bit selfish? Wants to wait a bit and keep you all to himself for a few years more. Wants to have your undivided attention and not have to share you with his children yet. He knows it has to happen one day and is happy to let it happen. He's just... not sure he wants it to yet!
There's still so much couple one on one things he wants to do! So he makes a deal that while the two of you are trying (if you don't want to wait) the two of you have to do a bunch of couple things together.
It's honestly win win because you get to do a lot of relaxing things like trips to the hotsprings. Date nights. Just lots of time with him spoiling you and him being absolutely obsessed with you.
Now the whole conversation itself when you did ask him to have a baby with you was a whole thing lol. It's probably pillowtalk because that's where all your deep and important convos with Madara happen.
The two of you are lying in the bed, sheets draped haphazardly over the two of you. Your bodies are facing each other, limbs are wrapped around and lost beneath the sheet.
Your hand finds his face gently stroking his flushed cheek. His finds refuge in the small of your back, pulling you even closer.
'Hey.' You say.
'Oh hello.' He says all smug. 'I didn't see you there.'
You playfully (gently) smack his cheek.
'You were pretty sure of my presence a few minutes ago.'
'Ah, yes, yes, now it's coming back to me.' He grins. 'Perhaps we ought to go again just to be sure the memory doesn't fade.'
You pinch his cheek.
'Ow, ow stop hurting the love of your life in such a manner.'
'I can think of worse things I could pinch, believe me.'
'Okay okay I concede!' He nuzzles his forehead against yours. 'I'm listening.'
'Good, I wanted to run something by you.'
'Oh? So serious. This I have to hear.' His tone maybe playful but he gives you his full attention. He always does.
'What would you say to having a baby?'
He takes a deep breath. 'Wow.' He exhales. 'I guess it depends who with because that can really be a dealbreaker.' He starts laughing.
You smack him but can't help let slip a smile.
'Ugh, why are you making this so difficult! I meant you having a baby with me! Us! Together!' You huff, pouting a little.
'I know, I know I'm just keeping such a serious conversation more joyful.' He says, wrapping his arms around you. 'I had to take advantage of your phrasing. I'm sorry.'
You huff again. 'Look if you don't want to just—' You move to roll around in his arms but he stops you.
'Oh no, no, no. Nobody runs away from Madara Uchiha. Not even you!' He grabs you and turns you back to him.
You try to keep a scowl plastered on your face but it's hard when his smile is so damn genuine.
'Of course I want to have children with you! I think about having tens of children with you! It's all I can do but stop cumming inside without protection.'
This makes you snort. 'This is not a romantic or charming conversation at all.'
'Oh, please I exude charm, baby.' He kisses your nose. 'Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. I want it too.'
'I want to have your children. Lots of children.'
Madara hums. 'The more the better, right?' He kisses your lips. 'How about we just enjoy ourselves a bit longer first. Just us?'
You roll your eyes. 'Fine.'
This man is the hardest one to convince of the bunch. I personally don't see him really having kids and if he does it's on the lower number rather than having the bigger family.
It's got to do with the time period he's in, just coming out of the warring era and seeing so many children die and the self sacrifice he makes to dedicate himself to the village. Even though they technically have some peace in their era it does not last long.
He's not around a lot at home in the first place and feels guilty if he has to leave it to you or others to raise his children so it's going to be a big decision to have kids.
That being said if it's something you really want he's not going to say no because deep in his heart, having kids is something he would like to have. Having someone he created with you that is (for a time) untouched by war and without that burden? A dream.
It takes some years of convincing to do it though. It's not a one time conversation. It's several conversations over the years. Negotiations and understandings. He needs to make sure you understand he can't always be there. Even if he wants to be.
Tobirama will also want to be able to train them to protect themselves whether they become shinobi or not. He won't be able to sleep at night not knowing they have some sort of protection.
The thing that helps ease Tobirama into it as well is Mito and Hashirama. Their kids and seeing how they fair help sway his opinion. You helping out Mito and seeing how you are with children helps enourmously too.
Him seeing you with children always did something to his heart, tugging at those heartstrings. You just always softened? around children. You were a natural caretaker.
Tobirama couldn't bear being the one to keep you from that.
Conversations during the evenings after dinner. You take the plates over to the sink then join him over at the kotatsu.
'Have you given any thought to our conversation?' You ask, taking a seat behind him with your arms on his shoulders.
'Which convseration are you referring to?' He asks.
You begin working his shoulders, massging them gently at first, working out the tension he's worked up in the day.
He grunts but pushes back into your touch.
'You know,' you whisper against his ear, 'that conversation.' You run your lips over the shell of his ear then down his neck.
He shivers a little and you see his eyes close.
'Oh, that conversation.' He says, softly.
He hasn't dismissed it right out. That's progress.
You keep working his shoulders and alternate between kissing his neck and cheek.
Tobirama relaxes and becomes undone beneath you. He melts entirely at your touch until he merely falls back against you.
Your hands come around him, resting on top of his arms. Fingertips gently tracing his cool exposed skin.
There's a comfortable silence, one you can hear him gathering his thoughts.
'I want to give you what you want.' He says, breaking the silence.
'But, I just need a little more time.'
A small smile finds your lips. 'Okay.' You press a kiss to his temple. 'I only want this if you do too.'
Tobirama grunts. As if to say he could ever be made to do something he doesn't want to ever.
The conversation is broached a few times after that but it isn't long until it's agreed upon. And the two of you begin trying to a baby.
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tojiluv · 1 month
☆ . . . . . . 𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐒 [masterlist]
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→ unveiling love ─ uchiha men [coming soon]
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© 𝐭𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐯 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
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twilightlover2007 · 25 days
Venerawrites wrote the first part here: https://www.tumblr.com/venerawrites/746125754713112576/hey-could-you-write-some-gaara-angst-he-and-his?source=share
How many months had it been? How many months since the sun no longer felt warm upon his skin. 2? 6? 9? He had lost count.
Even as Kazekage Gaara knew he had a responsibility to his people. He couldn't allow his own pain to limit him in their protection.
Naruto had attempted to reach out after hearing about his fiancee. Gaara hadn't responded. He was lost. The light he'd taken for granted was gone. He hadn't heard his fiancées laugh in how long now. How long had they been fighting before the mission?
Now and again he would sit by her bedside and hold her hand. He would pray that she would wake. Her injuries were some of the most severe seen on a surviving ninja in some time. The doctors told him that her mind was still active, which was a good sign. Why wouldn't she wake then?
Was she so angry at him that she wouldn't allow herself to wake? He couldn't do anything but watch her chest rise and fall. Her muscles had weakened over the time of disuse and he felt as if she was withering away before his very eyes.
He deserved this punishment. But she didn't. She deserved to be able to live her life not hooked up to tubes. To enjoy the changing seasons and enjoy the nature surrounding them.
Silent tears fell down his face as he cradled her hand in his own. He give anything to see her beautiful eyes open for him.
"Please. Please come back to me." Before he met her Gaara didn't think he'd ever find someone who could see every part of him and still love him. But she had.
Resting his forehead against her hand he once again silently prayed. He was so lost in his own thoughts he almost missed the slight twitch of her hand.
The doctors warned him that her body would have random spasms but this...something felt different. He felt it again and heard the beeping on the machine picking up. It hadn't done that before.
Looking up Gaara almost hit the floor when he saw her eyelids fluttering. He could only pray he wasn't sleeping. That what he was seeing was real. He spoke her name so softly as if he was afraid she would shatter if he spoke too loudly.
A deep breath.
More movement shuddering through her body as if shaking off the sleep that had encased her body for so long.
The moment her eyes opened Gaara hit the floor beside her bed.
She blinked once, then twice.
She seemed to find her focus and shifted her gaze to the man beside her bed.
When she whispered his name Gaara swore he felt everything at once.
And every emotion in between.
He made a vow then and there that nothing would come between them again. He wouldn't survive if he lost her again.
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ourquicksilvered · 2 years
Imagine Being Naruto’s Caretaker pt 2
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You’d have be the one who actually teaches him about girls… and tell him to ignore whatever Jiraya says about them
Him still trying to set you up with Kakashi. And the crazy thing is you’re actually starting to fall for the Copy Ninja
You trying to get him to ask out Hinata
Listening to him when he opens up about missing or worrying about Sasuke
Consoling him when he needs it and making him hot tea
Letting him have his boys nights where Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji and Lee come to play games and eat snacks while you go out with the girls or occasionally get drinks with Kakashi
Still not caring too much for how Sakura treats Naruto but never being in between their friendship
Being Naruto’s “hot older sister” which makes it embarrassing for him sometimes when you’re around his peers cos he hates hearing how hot they think you are. You’re basically his sister for crying out loud!
Of course you’re oblivious to this fact. Even though Kakashi and Naruto have both tried to tell you.
Him always giving you souvenirs from his missions when he can
Him doing everything in his power to make you smile if you’re sad or in a sour mood
Being his #1 best friend
When the 3rd Hokage (finally) dies, you tell Naruto the truth about knowing his parents
Telling him memories you have with his mother and how much Naruto is just like her but with his dad’s hair
Finally admitting to him that you feel guilty about not disobeying Hurizen and taking him in sooner. But he hugs you and tells you it’s not your fault and that he’s glad he has you now
Fussing at him whenever he uses the sexy jutsu
Jiraya THIRSTING over you and him pissing you off so bad, you almost break his rib. He’s no longer allowed to come in the house.
Kakashi and Iruka taking turns to show Naruto tough love with Naruto because let’s just face it, you’re really soft on him.
Tags: @shestillbelievess @sharingangirl @justmyownreality @moonchildddaeng @mrsbakashi
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cherrypiesakurokun · 3 months
//I'm taking requests for one-shots and imagines for Naurto and Naruto Shippuden now. do what u want w that knowledge.
Canoncrossover. Currently best at Jjk, black butler(bcs why df not) and The walking dead.
comment on what i should write. Any character from Naruto is welcome
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miris-secret-files · 5 months
brother kakashi sounds hot
I'll Always Be There For You || brother!Kakashi Hatake x sister!reader
A/n : Okay I would have preferred a more precise request lol because I struggled to get my mind on only on thing so I tried to get as much stuff as I possibly could
Warnings : Dark content, incest, grooming, morning wood, grinding, exhibitionism if you squint, breeding kink, pregnancy, mention of Uchihas and Hyugas' incest, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 743
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brother!Kakashi who is 10 years your senior and who had to take care of you when you were younger
brother!Kakashi who saw your body in its most humble state before he even had time to develop these kinds of unholy thoughts
brother!Kakashi who has always slept with you in his bed and as you've grown and your body has changed, he's subtly gotten closer to you. Waking up with his erection pressing behind you is a regular occurrence
brother!Kakashi who also managed to make showering together and scrubbing each other’s body a regular occurrence
brother!Kakashi who trains you to be sure you can handle yourself, but it always ends up in naked wrestling and him grinding against you
brother!Kakashi who knows everyone you speak to and make sure everyone boys and girls know you’re both very close
brother!Kakashi who is aware that a lot of elders of the village, and probably Uchihas, Hyugas, and other great clans are aware of the nature of your relationship
brother!Kakashi who kisses you on the lips as he has you on his lap while he is speaking with Itachi because he knows the Uchiha doesn’t care about this and surely does the same
brother!Kakashi who even if he tells you he’d be fine if you found yourself a partner, starts to feel more and more territorial with you
brother!Kakashi who insists on you putting a bit of his Cologne behind your ear and on your wrists, so the people around you will smell a man’s perfume on you and they won't dare approach you to try to make out with you
brother!Kakashi who once was jealous because you told him a boy told you you were pretty and spent the whole night worshiping your body to make sure you only remember his praising
brother!Kakashi who when he leaves for a mission fills you with his seed and asks you to wear cum filled panties for a few hours after he left so that he would still be with you a little bit more “Hey Babygirl wouldn’t you mind keeping my cum with you a little longer ?”
brother!Kakashi who of course had to teach you everything he knows about sex, starting with reading the Icha Icha. He is so proud of the woman who’ve become and how well you take his cock “It’s as if you were made to fit on him” he’d whisper in your ear as he thrusts once again
brother!Kakashi who obviously has you cockwarming him when he is reading, filling papers, writing reports
brother!Kakashi who has his fingers threading in your hair as you suckle on his cock while he’s chilling in a park at midnight during summer. He’s taught you well and now you can take it all without gagging
brother!Kakashi who takes you on vacation in countries so far away from the Land of Fire that he can hold hands with you on a daily basis outside, do as much pda and get an hotel room with only one bed ( hehehe )
brother!Kakashi who as time passes can’t imagine his life without you
brother!Kakashi who now starts to think that to be happy he needs you to wear his name, but not as his sister anymore but as his lover and wife. He has connexion in the village things should go as he planned
brother!Kakashi who smirks when he looks at the family record book and sees “Hatake Kakashi married to Y/n Hatake”
brother!Kakashi who now wants to fill this record book with new names aka some offspring. He wants to breed you but he is scared things might not go as expected
brother!Kakashi who speaks to you about either him impregnating another woman or you getting it from another man he’d choose - surely an Uchiha - but you look at him with teary eyes and grab his hand telling him you want his child not anyone else’s
brother!Kakashi who fucks you for full days and nights to make sure his seed has taken root in you
brother!Kakashi who is even more protective now that you’re pregnant with his child. It’s an Uchiha doctor who follows the pregnancy because well they know everything about incest
brother!Kakashi who decides to leave the Land of Fire for good a little before your stomach starts to swell with your growing baby, because he doesn’t you or them to be bothered by anyone
brother!Kakashi who is so kinky he keeps pumping you full of cum even though this new house is full of life, he just craves the sight of your pregnant body. Divine !
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ziegenkind094 · 1 year
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hm. yeah.
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m-oshun · 1 year
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new sixfanarts challenge where it takes months to do one drawing then you just give up
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10sokii · 9 months
omg hiii! i love your art ❤️ if you’re open to doing so, could you do a fem!sasuke in shippuden era?
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ask and you shall receive
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kopawz · 2 years
I have asked multiple people to draw this and it's become my goal for every artist to have this ask hiding in their inbox. Like a plague, virus even. I might even requested it already, I don't remember. But, can you draw...... The famous orange cat Garfield hanging out with Sasuke from Naruto.
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i think i would have remembered being asked to draw sasuke and garfield interacting; i haven't seen any naruto, this is how it goes, right?
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venerawrites · 2 months
thank you for feeding my Naruto brainrot 😫🫶🏻 for the prompt request: for your fav Naruto boys or girls, what are the non-negotiables (things they need to have) and the dealbreakers (will not tolerate) when they're in a relationship with their partner?
author's note: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, so I'm really sorry for the delay. I really liked that prompt and I do hope I did it justice. I have so many favs it was hard to pick, but ultimately I decided to pick Naruto, Neji, Sasuke and Shikamaru.
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➦ Non-negotiables
Calm and rational mind - as someone who is a ball full of energy and very easily influenced by his emotions, Naruto needs a partner who is stable and able to keep calm and collected under pressure. He has enough fire and passion within him for both him and his partner, so he would need a polar opposite in order to keep him balanced. He also lacks the ability to look at situations realistically, so a more rational partner would definitely help him do that.
Affectionate - this doesn't mean he wants someone who is clinging to his arm 24/7, but rather someone who is not afraid to show affection to him either in public or private. A partner that laces their fingers with his when they notice his knee shaking nervously or embraces them in a hug after a long stressful day, is what Naruto needs after being alone for so many years.
➦ Dealbreakers
Lack of ambitions or drive - Naruto has always been full of dreams and hope. He constantly seeks to grow, not only in his power but also as a person. If he is with a partner who lacks any ambition in life, he is bound to feel stagnate at some point and that is probably his biggest nightmare. He needs someone to calm and balance his hyperactive personality, but he won't be with someone who makes his whole life dull.
No sense of humour - this may not be a dealbreaker for many people, but for Naruto it certainly is. He has always been a goofball and loves a good joke, so I can't even imagine him being with someone, who won't at least crack a smile at his attempts to cheer them up. He doesn't want to be with someone who is overly pessimistic and negative.
➦ Non-negotiables
A strong moral compass - probably the least tolerant and forgiving of all of the guys on the list, Neji needs a partner that has strong morals and values. There are certain things that are completely unjustifiable in his eyes, like betraying the people you love or killing innocent people. No matter their background or religious/political view, their partner needs to have strong principles that they follow, regardless of external pressure. For him, this is also fundamental for raising your children right.
Commitment - Neji's ideal partner would need to be someone who will commit fully to him and their family (once they have one). I always imagined him with a civilian or someone who is an ex-ninja, because he knows it is not possible to juggle both an active ninja lifestyle and taking care of the house. Even he, at some point, would start doing fewer and fewer missions, spending time and training his children instead. He would absolutely expect the same from their partner.
➦ Dealbreakers
Not wanting family/children - Neji is a very traditional guy and as such, he does want to one day have a family and be a father. He would respect his partner's decision if they decide this is not the life for them, but that would ultimately lead to the end of their relationship. This is one thing he would not change his mind about, so he has to be with someone who is on the same page.
Lack of respect - in a way connected to the dealbreaker above, he won't be with someone who doesn't respect him, his family, or his values. Due to the way he was raised, he would naturally assume the role of provider and protector - his partner better be the more submissive half, the one who nurtures, rather than fights. If they cannot respect that dynamic, they better find a more open-minded partner than Neji.
➦ Non-negotiables
Confidence and courage - having quite a lot of issues himself, he needs a partner who has the confidence and the courage to stand up to him. Sasuke has the tendency to do whatever he thinks is right, without really taking into consideration how that affects others. He really needs someone who will be honest about their feelings and opinions, without fearing that they will somehow offend him. He will probably huff and puff, but he secretly appreciates it when their partner has the guts to put their foot down.
Bluntness - maybe connected in a way to what I typed above, but Sasuke needs someone who speaks bluntly to him. He is also the type of person to share his thoughts openly, so he expects the same from his partner. Additionally, he is not good at getting hints, so it's better for his lover to just say straightforwardly what is bothering them, rather than tip-toe around it.
➦ Dealbreakers
Lying - Sasuke cannot tolerate liars. He has been lied to quite a lot during his life and he suffers from major trust issues. If he catches his partner even in a lie, even about something insignificant, that would be the end of the relationship. If they lie about small, they will inevitably lie about something bigger as well. Sasuke had enough with people like that.
Clinginess - that man had enough of people clinging to him. Sasuke values his personal space and alone time and he won't like a partner, that is constantly on his back and wants to spend all their time together. Like everyone, he would need some moments of loving and he would subtly hint at their partner when they need attention/love, but he would somehow have to initiate it first.
➦ Non-negotiables
Empathy - an ideal partner would be able to see other people's sides, and consider their feelings and motives. Shikamaru prides himself on being open-minded and good at reading people, so he expects his partner to be the same. He forgot a date or something minor because of how stressed he is at work? He wants his partner to be able to put themselves in his shoes and maybe cut him a little bit of slack.
Likes challenges/puzzles - as someone who is so smart, Shikamaru needs intellectual challenges to keep boredom away and also stimulate his brain. His partner either has to be brave enough to challenge him on topics they do not agree on or actively seek and help him with puzzling tasks, that he can't deal alone with. Either way, their partner has to be able to think outside the box and be able to counter Shikamaru's arguments.
➦ Dealbreakers
Anger issues - now I know that may be controversial, since in the anime he is with Temari, who can be pretty fiery... but personally I feel he is not the one to really tolerate someone who gets worked up easily, shouts, and throws tantrums. Life is too short to deal with someone who can't control their temper and he constantly feels like he has to walk on eggshells around them.
Pretending to be dumb - Shikamaru is naturally attracted to intelligence. Does it feel nice to be outsmarted or corrected by their own partner sometimes? Well, no, not really. But he definitely prefers that, rather than having a partner that pretends to be dumb, just so they can appear cute or for other people to like them better.
cc artwork: Houston Sharp
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ayyyez · 1 year
Okay okay, I finally have an idea! Kakashi's love languages: can be fluff, can be smut, or just a mix. The request is either: what are Kakashi's love languages and how does he show them, or the five times Kakashi showed you his love language through:
words of affirmation
acts of service
quality time
physical touch
...and that time he received those languages back! Hahahaha enjoy😂💕 Thank you bby 😘
A/N: Heeeey Topsy 💕 ohhhhh okay okay this is interesting I like this idea so for sure I can do this for you lovely. Aha thank you 💕 I did a mix of both fluff and smut!
TAGS: love languages, fluff, smut, under the cut is smut, it got real sappy sweet and deep in some parts, this is very long lmao
CHARACTERS: Kakashi Hatake
When Kakashi is younger he is short and harsh. The only words akin to praise you'll get out of him is something along the lines of 'I guess that was tolerable.' in terms of you holding your own as a shinobi or 'I guess your presence is tolerable.' if you aren't a shinobi.
That's glowing praise from him back then.
As he grows older his words are softer, more meaningfully affirming.
'Good job.' Finds his lips more and more. He finds it doesn't feel so uncomfortable anymore—praising you.
He thanks you for things often too. Kakashi knows all to well that simple appreciation for things can come to late. He always wants to make sure you know he's thankful for you.
My god is he thankful for you.
There's also the more teasing natured strung together moments.
'Yes just like that.' The words are thick and sweet like honey on his tongue. 'You're so good, mmm, feels so good.'
Kakashi spreads his fingers through your hair as you take more of his cock deeper into your mouth.
'All for me.' He doesn't mean to pull your hair so hard but the love he has for you spurs on a wave of possessiveness he didn't know he had. 'All mine.'
It's moments like these, when he's so vulnerable that he finds he can't shut up and the words just spill out.
'You look so good ah—' he grunts and hunches forward, 'so good taking me like this.'
You look up at him through heavy lashes, moaning a little with his cock still in your mouth. The vibrations cause him to shudder and if it weren't for the mouthful you'd be smirking.
Another deep throat and vibrating moan and Kakashi is cumming, words of praise falling from his lips the entire time.
From you the words of affirmation are a must.
Kakashi thrives on them even if he doesn't realise it as first. He can just get so down on himself that it can really bring him to life at times even if he doesn't alway believe it. He needs to hear it.
The first time you told him you love him he doesn't believe it.
The two of you are at your apartment. It's somewhere he can leave because you know sometimes it gets a bit much for him and he needs space.
You're standing in the kitchen together laughing about something and you feel it. You want to say it even if he doesn't quite feel that way yet. You want him to know.
'I love you.'
There's a pregnant pause.
The laughters stopped and you can hear a pin drop the tension is palpable.
Kakashi is frozen like a statue. The one visable eye is wide and you can see the fear behind it. But you had expected this, you knew him after all, it has been this way the entire relationship.
You always took one step at a time, forward and holding your hand out to him to let him know it's safe to follow.
'It's alright.' You say, soft smile across your lips. 'I just wanted to tell you because it's how I feel. I'm not expecting anything.'
His shoulders relax a little and he takes a deep breath.
He takes a minute.
'Sorry.' He finally says. 'I shouldn't need to process that. But—'
'It's okay.'
He sighs, looking toward the balcony door.
'You can go.' You assure. 'I'll be here when you're ready.'
'Sorry.' Is all he says before he disappears into the village.
Later that night when you're tucked in bed you're jolted awake with Kakashi hovering over you, sitting on the edge of the mattress.
'Is everything alr—'
'Thank you.' He quickly says before adding. 'For being so good with me even though I'm so...' He groans and collapses on top of you.
You chuckle and stroke his hair.
Kakashi pushes himself up and stares down at you intently.
'I love you too.' He says with such confidence it overwhelms you. 'I knew it the second you said it, I don't know why I couldn't just say it then but I'm saying it now so—'
You grab him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him.
Kakashi is the kind of person who makes sure you're eating healthy and balanced meals. Will cook for you when he's home. Since he learnt at a young age (cries the angst!) he's had a lot of experience doing it and it makes him happy to cook for more than one person.
Will learn your favourite recipes and foods and incorporate them into his cooking routines.
Teaches you how to cook if you don't know. Is willing to swap recipes and skills if you do know. Likes sharing this with you along with the reasons behind why he had to learn to cook for himself. It takes time for him to share this though.
If he's busy doing missions or Hokage things he doesn't always get time to clean much but when he does get time he likes to surprise you by doing the house cleaning chores.
Will also spoil you every now and again with surprise trips to the hotsprings to give you some time to relax and unwind.
Kakashi is the kind of guy to just do things unprompted anyway. Things like cleaning, cooking, taking out the trash.
VERY BIG on service in the bedroom too. A very big communicator there. Will look for cues to make sure you're getting pleasure but also asks like 'You like that?' and 'Tell me what you want?'
Tell him to go down on you and he will. Sometimes will deadass just do it if you look like you could use the release (with your consent of course). He's the kind of lover who can get you off and be fine leaving it there.
One time he came back from a mission and he went down on you and made you cum three times with his mouth and hands. He ended up cumming in his pants with a little bit of friction from his hand because he was so turned on just watching and tending to you.
With you it's doing little things to help him out when you can.
Getting a lunch to him when he is Hokage whether its homemade or bought because it gets him to stop work and eat BUT it's also a chance to spend quality time together.
Tidying up his clothes and pack after he's just come back from a mission and feels dead to the world.
Helping him wash either in the bath or shower. It's just something to unwind but also if he's exhausted it genuinely does help him clean without the effort.
Doing the laundry for him so it's one thing less to do. It just piles up so quickly.
Cooking extra food on the days you cook breakfast even though he said he would cook dinner just in case he is too tired or comes home too late. That way there's something to eat in the fridge and he doesn't feel guilty. You just know him.
When he's had a long week and you don't have plans tomorrow and he's in the mood? Just pining him down and showing him a good time. Really taking your time and kissing each spot. Slowly dragging out that hand job. Edging him a little. Turning it into a blowjob. Giving him the best orgasm of his life. Then the best sex of his life. And another amazing time with both of you cumming hard.
Kakashi doesn't give gifts often. At least not grand or regular gifts often.
There's the odd lunch here and there in the early days or food item in general. It's always under guise of making sure you're eating healthy too. Which is half true. He did just want to give something to you too.
Honestly he would probably get a bunch of fish half off or something and think it's a great gift to give you some BECAUSE WHAT A STEAL? How could he not share this with you? lmao he's a dork okay he's not some suave guy, I'm sorry.
Probably gifts practical things too. Like tea sets or rice cookers. You don't have a rice cooker? He's getting you one lmao.
If he did get you something though it would be something hand crafted like a braded strap or something that could go around your wrist like a bracelet or neck like a necklace. Something that fit your taste.
Kakashi is also not the best at receiving gifts that aren't of a practical nature because he feels he doesn't deserve them and feels that they ought to be for occassions anyway. Generally prefers inexpensive gifts for himself.
If you give him things of a similar nature of what he's given you then he'll be really happy. Appreciates it a lot.
Gifting him food things is the way into his heart. Home cooked meals really get his heart racing. The first time you gifted him food he thought he was going to overheat he was blushing so hard.
Enjoys a good bottle of sake now and then too.
There was one birthday of his where you spoiled him with food and a trip to the hotsprings. Then when you came home you gave him one last gift which was you. Lets just say he died and went to heaven that night.
Kakashi really likes quality time with you as long as you don't expect quantity time since he is quite busy. When it's just the two of you though he's all about you.
He really relies on spending time with you to ground him.
Quality time with you means he gets to unwind, relax and just be himself without anything else getting in the way. It's when he's the happiest. It's the thing he looks forward to the most.
It doesn't matter what the two of you are doing as long as you're together. He does make a habit of making sure to at least treat you out every now and again. He'd hate for you to feel like you're always stuck at home with him all the time. He braces the village night life and lunch dates for you.
It's how the two of you combined love for food and each other together. Date times out at food places every now and again become a hit. Trying different dishes. Judging whether or not Kakashi can replicate them.
Sometimes it is just spending time at home and taking the time to cook together, bathe together and have some pillow talk together.
Long, slow make outs on the couch while Kakashi tells you about his day. He'll kiss your neck then tell you about what Shikamaru said about some reports. You'll pull his hair, snort and say something back. The ultimate multitasking team.
You make sure to visit him in the Hokage office on days you know he won't make it back home until late. Sometimes you'll just stay there for awhile and help out.
You call yourself his unofficial assistant.
'Where does this document go?' You ask sitting on his desk.
'Hmm?' Kakashi takes a moment, reading the rest of his scroll before looking up. 'Oh those can go on that pile there for Shikamaru when he comes back.'
You sort the document, along with the others of the same category into the pile mentioned.
'When is he coming back?'
Kakashi doesn't look up. 'Hopefully not for awhile. I fear he's going to bring even more documents if he does.'
An idea pops into your head as you swing your legs over to his side of the desk. It doesn't go unnoticed by him. His brow raising as he continues to read through the scroll in his hand.
'Since we're all alone...' You begin, trailing off suggestively.
Kakashi looks up at you uncertain. 'Yes?'
'Perhaps we could...help you relax a little?'
'Oh?' Kakashi places the scroll down and sits back. 'And how are we going to do that?
He looks at you already amused.
You slide down from the desk and place your hands on his shoulders. Inching closer, your thighs shuffling either side of his as you come to stand over him.
'Mmm, I have a few ideas.'
You sit down onto his lap causing him to gasp on impact.
Before he can get a word out your lips are on his. In seconds his hands are on your waist. Instead of pulling you off he's pulling you closer and kissing you harder.
Probably Kakashi's main love language. A lot of the times words just fail him and he's just seeking out your touch and needs to show you his love through physical means.
Kisses your temple after pulling you by the waist. Kisses your forehead with his hands resting just above your hips. Dragging his lips down your neck when he can't get enough of your scent, he just needs to keep them against your skin.
Then there's those mornings when he wakes up pressed against your back. His nose is in your hair nuzzling and brushing down your back. He presses kisses across your shoulder. His hands find that dip in your waist.
He wonders if your body was sculpted just for him. That all these grooves and contours were specifically put here for him to touch and feel and knead.
Taking your skin between his fingers he grinds against your backside, breathing hot air against your ear.
The pads of his fingers push down and splay out as they move across your stomach and pull you further against him. He can hear you moan as your hand joins his, your body pushing back rutting in time.
Mornings are bliss when you two can just get lost in the touch.
The rest of the world is an afterthought.
Then there's the more innocent touches that mean everything.
Your hand cupping Kakashi's cheek. Your thumb tenderly brushing against the apple of it, gently letting him know that you're there. That you love him.
The way your hand finds his so effortlessly. Whether it's at home on the couch while you read or down the busy streets of Konoha while your browse for produce. It's simple but full of love. It says 'You're mine and I'm yours.'
The way you kiss his lips then bite the bottom one in a frenzy of lust on he knows. The way you taste his blood between his teeth.
Kakashi doesn't mind though. His heart beats for you. His blood is yours too.
As is the way you run your fingers through his hair after a long day. The way you wrap your arms around his core when he walks through the door. Or the way you pinch his cheeks after being salty about something.
Kakashi finds he always craves your touch. Your warmth. Your love. Your arms, your lips and your touch are home.
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tojiluv · 4 months
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© 𝐭𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐯 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
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shirii · 20 days
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this meme but naruhina version 💜🧡
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rorronoa · 5 months
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Kakashi Hatake requested by @joy-girl
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