ilovejavierpena · 3 days
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pedrohub · 16 hours
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PEDRO PASCAL as Javier Peña in NARCOS 1x01: Descenso
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fortunethief · 19 hours
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This needed to be posted again.
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din-jarring · 2 days
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javier peña in every episode of narcos
1x03 the men of always
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nicolethered · 2 days
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Learn Spanish with Narcos
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resource-letter · 17 hours
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those-bar · 1 day
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gswizzsstuff · 14 hours
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I wanna bleach his mustache if u get me 👀
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softstarlite · 20 hours
Se nos rompió el amor
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Summary: You thought your love was strong and could conquer everything, I guess you were wrong...
Warnings: implied age gap, mentions of pregnancy, mention of symptoms of pregnancy, adorable father and daughter in law interactions, angst, awkwardness.
Rating: +18
Word count: 1.4k (sorry this one is short)
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Masterlist
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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It had been two months since you left Colombia and Javi behind; after a good long talk with Chucho the day after you landed on Laredo, you moved to the ranch´s guest room. Chucho hadn't been anything but kind and excited for the arrival of his grandkid. In these two months, you had already felt so close to him, he had hold your hair in the mornings while you suffered from morning sickness, you almost had to fight him so he would let you help around the ranch, on the mornings that you would wake up later, he would already left on the kitchen counter a coffee just like you like it, somehow still steaming like he had just done it.
You had decided to not contact Javi in these two months, but you knew that the change from one weekly phone call to now two or even three wasn't a coincidence, you even heard Chucho once talking with him on the kitchen phone, how he was telling Javi about your symptoms.
According to the local doctor´s calculations, you were on week 13 of your pregnancy. If it weren't for the morning sickness and the sometimes migraine, you wouldn't even remember that you are expecting.
It's around 6pm when you're preparing some dinner for both you and Chucho in the ranch´s kitchen, Chucho was staying until later working on the ranch chores since there had been an incident with one of the cows earlier on the day, you´re listening to a tango, Garufa by Malevaje, on your favorite spanish radio station while humming alongside it. You can remember your grandfather, your dad's dad, singing that tango all the time when you were little and then later about your dad teaching you the lyrics when you were a teen and your grandad had passed away.
The kitchen phone startles you when it starts to ring, you wipe your hands on the yellow apron you´re wearing and then walk across the kitchen to pick up the phone.
“Peña´s ranch” you say while keeping an eye on the bubbling sauce by the kitchen fires. You only hear an intake of air on the other side of the phone call but nothing more, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion “someone there?” the person on the other end clears their throat before saying your name, Javi´s voice being revealed to be the person calling.
“I was expecting pops…” before you have a chance to apologize and offer to go looking for Chucho, he asks “How are you? Pops said that the sickness was getting tough…”
“Umm… Yeah, yes” it's your turn to clear your throat “it's getting hard to cook anything without gagging lately” you let out an awkward chuckle.
“Mrs. Alvarez told me that when she had her sons, ginger worked great for her morning sickness” It surprises you that he even mentioned to the elderly woman, from the fruit stand that you both used to always buy from, about your pregnancy.
“Oh, I…I´ll try it” after a `good´ from him, an uncomfortable and awkward silence falls between you two “I got to go Javier, I have a sauce on the stove…” you break the silence making Javi regret not breaking it himself so he could keep you on the phone a little longer.
“Yeah, claro (sure), just tell pops to phone me when he can i guess” he curses himself as soon as he says it for not coming up with something that would make you stay on the call a bit longer. A small silence falls between you yet again before you hang the phone again on the wall.
Your hand goes to the swell on your stomach and you let out a sigh, you realize that a tear has escaped your eye when it hits your lips. You sniff and wipe your eyes, then you try to stabilize yourself with a deep breath to continue the dinner.
Later that night when Chucho and you are on the table eating the dinner that you had made, you put down your fork and swallow your bite of food.
“Javi called earlier…” you inform him while fidgeting with a crumb on the table. Chucho stops his fork mid air and puts it down as well.
“Oh… I'll call him after we are finished” he answers without giving it much more thought, to take tension from the situation. You decide to finally clear your doubts.
“Does he…does he ever ask about me or the baby?” you ask with nervous eating you.
This proves to be something that hits Chucho hard because he sits straight on his chair and takes a sip of his beer to clear his throat.
“No te confundas mija (Don't confuse yourself mija), Javier loves you and that baby more than anything, but you found a troubled man, corazón (heart)” he reaches across the kitchen table to hold your hand and give a squeeze “I'm not justifying him, will never do it, eso solo me haría un mal padre (that would only make me a bad father), but I know Javier is a man that carries a lot of trauma with him. He doesn't talk about it much, but he has done things done there that would make both of our stomachs turn, he needs for all of that to mean something, mija”
You weren't oblivious, after all you lived with Javier and you had seen what his job did to him personally. But you had never thought of it like that, of everything needing to have meaning to him. Javier had opened up to you about his trauma with mother, how he blamed himself everyday of her death, saying that no good son wold live her mother´s side when she gets diagnosed with a cancer, how him not being there was like another illness for her, how it made her only worse; you obviously told him that that was all in his head, that he was a loving son, you could see it and hear it when he would talk to Chucho over the phone, that his mother would´ve of never blame him for anything, that she understood Javier, bt Javier was convinced of his truth so all you could was hold him and comfort him.
“Si hay alguien en el mundo (if there´s someone in this world) that i'll always know, that' s my child, mija. You´ll understand it in not too long yourself” he gives your hand another squeeze, so your gaze that had fallen to you plate goes back to his own “And i know that my Javier loves my grandchild more than anything in his entire life, in a way he even feels that what he is doing is for the good of his child…”
That only brings tears to your eyes, you try to contain but you already know that Chcho can see them. Your hand is the one squeezing Chucho´s, you take off the napkin resting on your lap and put it on the table, then you separate your hand from his.
“I think i'm not hungry anymore, if you don't mind, I think i'll go and rest a bit” you say with a choking voice. trying to not burst into sobs in front of your child's abuelo.
Chucho immediately understands and nods “Of course, mija. No te preocupes por los trastes (Don't worry about the dishes)” he tells you with the try of a comforting smile.
You don't answer anything back and quickly make your way to your designated room.
Once the door of your room is closed and your back is pressed to it, a hand goes to your chest and you try to get the tears to go away. You want to blame them on your pregnancy hormones but you know that even you couldn't believe that.
Closing your eyes you can see yourself and Javi on the couch of your shared apartment in Colombia, sharing an ice cream tub due to the excruciating heat of summer while watching a soap opera and laughing together at how silly it was.
Your heart can't help but to hurt inside your ribcage, hurting because your happy memories with Javier now only bring tears to your eyes and sadness to your heart…
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bella in the background 🥺😭
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djo · 1 year
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PEDRO PASCAL as JAVIER PEÑA Narcos | 3.08: Convivir
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perotovar · 4 months
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NARCOS (2015-2017) 3.07 “Sin Salida” THE LAST OF US (2023-) 1.02 “Infected”
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pedropascal24-7 · 1 year
Pedro always has the wildest stories when it comes to finding out he has a new role
- Game of Thrones when there was miscommunication and HBO had hired him, but his agents didn’t know for sure, but he was already getting his head cast, getting costume fittings, and going to rehearsals. And he didn’t wanna ask if he had the part
-he only had a day or two to accept his role in Narcos
-he was in the bathroom when Matthew Vaughn called him about Golden Circle
-took an Ambien before he got the call that he got the role of Joel and then fell asleep and forgot he got the part
Like absolutely incredible stories
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ilovejavierpena · 2 months
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I’ve been working on color correction and updated the S2E3 scene. You can see it here.
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din-jarring · 2 days
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javier peña in every episode of narcos
2x05 the enemies of my enemy
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reedrchards · 3 months
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PEDRO PASCAL as JAVIER PEÑA Narcos - "The Sword of Simón Bolivar"
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