#nam joon x oc
muniimyg · 5 months
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you’re still so pretty
strangers to friends, friends into lovers, and then.. strangers again?
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med student nam joon + med student oc
high school sweethearts to exes to ???
fluff !! slight angst
note: cute little one shot in my drafts… idrk whats going on but it’s giving meet cute vibes!!! enj!
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @ellesalazar
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One thing people never talk about is the loneliness that comes hand-in-hand with being ambitious. 
You lose friends, opportunities, and even love. 
Feeling the need to prove the world and others wrong—getting so lost in your strength that you’ve become weak—it’s not a life everyone can live. The exchange of your success came at the cost of having your loved ones as collateral damage. 
Kim Nam Joon was exactly that for you. 
Though you two didn’t end on a sour note, the memories and possibilities of you and him leaves a bittersweet taste in your tongue. Thinking of him, speaking of him, and missing him comes in waves. Yet, with each memory, you gladly drown. 
Others argue that you bloomed late while your parents like to defend you and say you’re too good to settle for anyone less. Your parents, however, kept their mouths shut whenever it came to Nam Joon. 
They liked him. 
He was practically accepted and assumed to be the one you marry… It’s silly, isn’t it? For parents to see stars in their daughter’s eyes at such a young age and understand why. 
From what you can remember, he was a quiet nerd who helped others but was also good at identifying when he was being used. There was a difference. He held your bookbag, dropped you off at class, and always sat with you and your friends at lunch. His friends would tease him about how whipped he was for you and your parents would often bicker about how young you two were to be that inseparable. 
So when it ended—because nothing at the age of 17 really lasts—he didn’t know if it was over or if it was truly over. Partly because you didn’t sound cold when you asked for space and the distance that grew between you two had given you both time to accept the inevitable. Still, when it happened it felt utterly confusing. For weeks, he couldn’t help but wonder if you’d changed your mind before the summer ended and went on to your separate ways… In case you changed your mind—if a single ounce of you wanted to give the long-distance a fucking try—he had a plan. 
The plan.
Calls are to occur every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights. Calling every night might get tiring, but it’s okay if the calls increase due to missing each other. 
Good morning texts every day. 
Visiting each other should be done through turn-taking. He’ll go to you first. 
Fly home every big holiday. 
Shit like that. 
He wondered if you would change your mind before he[‘d have to force himself to get over you. Then, he wondered if you would even think about changing your mind at all. Until suddenly, he realizes that you never even asked.
You probably never even thought about him. 
You two broke up the summer before University. You both told everyone that your dream schools were at opposite ends of the world. Knowing you both could make it; it was hard for others to disagree. However, Nam Joon began to feel a bit of resentment as the breakup became more and more real. Deciding that long-distance would complicate your study and work schedules was a practical decision—but it was not his. 
It was yours. 
He’s almost certain that the decision was made out of 80% of logic, 5% out of love, and 15% out of insecurity.
You’ve never failed anything in your life. Perhaps, love is no exception. 
As the seasons changed, time flew and the breakup felt like a summernight dream. It slowly became a topic that only popped up once in a while, and when it did, you spoke of it like how it felt. It felt kind and sweet. Like the aftertaste of strawberry milk candies and craving for more, like the way you finish a good book where the characters don’t die and nothing feels tragic, but a part of you wishes you hadn’t reached the end. That, if you could, you would reread the pages as if you never knew a thing. You spoke of your puppy love like how love felt; love felt like him. 
The peace you’ve made with your feelings for him suddenly begins to panic as a familiar tall and dimple smile greets you. Cheesy to say, but too difficult to deny—all the memories of him begin to flood your mind as he approaches. 
With his heart on his sleeve, he stands before you. 
“Long time no see, ___.” 
His smile is the same. 
The way his lips curve perfectly reminds you of how they felt against your neck. He had that habit—smiling into a kiss that is. His hair is shaved, earning a good laugh from you. You’ve never seen him so… Manly?
“Kim Nam Joon,” you gush. “Wow, it’s been a while.”
Offering your hand, he stares at it and chuckles. His shoulders are much broader now, so his body language is much more noticeable. It suits him. 
“Too formal, ___.” Nam Joon laughs, taking your hand and bringing it to his lips. Gently, he places a kiss on your knuckles and squeezes them. To others, this may be forward… To you, it’s just right. He always greeted you like this. A part of your heart is relieved he hasn’t changed that much. “But, yeah... It has been a while. 6 years to be exact!”
“You kept count?” Your eyebrows knit together, teasingly. He gives you a playful irritated look, causing your heart to melt a little. 
“You know what I mean… I just—I didn’t know you were back in Korea. You don’t use social media so it’s a little hard to hear anything about you.” 
To his dismay, it was difficult to get any news from you. Nam Joon would be lying if he said he hadn’t been asking around about you or if he hadn’t stayed up once in a while attempting to find your name on social media. Your closest friends moved on with their lives and careers; no one had time to reminisce on old high school sweethearts. 
Except him. 
“I finished my degree and then came back here for this med program. That was my plan, remember? It was always the plan. Nothing has changed,” you confess. “I thought you’d be way further into med school than me. You always talked about getting it done as fast as possible.”
He shrugs. “I took a gap… For like, 2 years and then failed 1 course… Twice.”
In complete shock, you gasp. “Kim Nam Joon… Failed? Twice at that?”
“It was a tough class! I fucking hate Psychology. Why do we even need it in pre-med? Like—”
You burst into tears. Tears of joy. Laughter, really. 
“Y-you failed… P-psych? The easiest fucking course in the universe?”
Nam Joon shoots you a glare. 
“My prof was crazy.”
“So are you for failing a fucking psych class!”
Nam Joon lets you have your moment. You continue to laugh, having a difficult time believing in his claim. As you continue to make fun, he makes himself comfortable, taking a seat next to you. 
“Are we done? Can we please move on?” Nam Joon groans in embarrassment. 
Composing yourself, you give in to his wish. “Some things never change, huh? You still make me laugh.”
His eyes soften. “You’re mean for using my failure as your source of joy.”
Then, you laugh again. You hit his shoulder, unable to contain your fun. Then, your eyes widen as your hand makes contact with his body.
Unhinged, you tell him, “Holy shit. You’re huge!”
Nam Joon’s eyes widen and he almost chokes on air. 
You turn red. 
“Y-you know what I mean!” You shove him playfully. It makes no difference. You barely moved him. 
Nam Joon then begins to empty his bag. Taking out his laptop, he explains himself. “Ahhh. I met a few friends who are absolute gym rats. If I’m not studying, I’m at the gym with them.”
Teasingly, you gasp again. “Ohhh? So I have no insane drinking party stories to hear from you?” 
Shaking his head with a smug smile, he answers you. “No.. There are definitely some insane drinking party stories for you to hear… Maybe after class? We could grab a cup of coffee and catch up.” He suggests. He isn’t sure what had gotten into him to be so rash, but he missed you. Seeing you again, his body automatically made its way to you.
You nod, feeling a little warm. “Sure! I’ve missed you.” 
 His heart skips a beat. 
He missed you too.
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The coffee hangout goes well. 
You catch Nam Joon up with everything you’ve been up to. All the friends and people you’ve met abroad and how you finally learned how to ride a bike at the ripe age of twenty. He teases you for learning so late and you nag him about getting his driver’s license. To which, he said he acquired… Just a month ago. 
At that moment, he feels like nothing has changed even though so much has. 
You were braver. 
A lot more confident with your words and posture and Nam Joon was calmer and oddly a little funnier than you remember. Maybe you missed his quirky jokes and random “fun facts.” Whatever it was, it caused you to exchange numbers and constantly be texting back and forth. 
Suddenly, two months go by, and he’s back to being your best friend. 
You feel like you’re 17 again. Your days with him are filled with late-night study dates and bike rides around his favorite spots on campus. Honestly, you wouldn’t have it any other way. For the first time in a while, you finally felt like you were home.
Finally, he had persuaded you to join him and his friends at the gym. Your AirPods are in and you’re running on the treadmill as Jungkook, Seokjin, and Nam Joon crowd around the weights. Nam Joon is spotting Jungkook. As he lifts the heavyweights, Jungkook strikes the conversation first. 
“Are you two getting back together?” 
“You and ___,” Jungkook grunts as he finishes his rep. “Everyone is assuming so and I want to be the first one with confirmation... Makes me feel special.”
Nam Joon rolls his eyes and turns to check on you. With longing eyes, he assures his friends: “we’re just friends.”
Seokjin pokes his head in and laughs. “Shut up. Being funny is my thing.”
“Seriously!” Nam Joon urges. “Sure, we talk about the past and all but.. Not about us—nothing about us. And.. And I don’t think she wants to? It’s weird…  And it’s okay. I rather it is like this than to make things awkward and not have her around anymore.” 
Jungkook drops the weights and sighs. 
“Ahh! Exactly my point!” 
He and Seokjin share a look and bump shoulders with Nam Joon. They’re completely aware of how their friend was looking at the girl he had loved once and can’t help but feel like something about this situation felt unfinished. 
“This is fate, you know?” Jungkook insists. “You two were in love and then it wasn’t the right time so you guys broke up. You guys were young back then… It was practical. But, she’s back and you still love her. It’s the right time. Now, this is the part where you try again.”  
Nam Joon can’t help but feel like an idiot.
“Fuck off, Kook,” Nam Joon orders. “It’s over. I’m lucky to even just be her friend again. Besides, she probably has a boyfriend.”
Seokjin squints at Nam Joon in disbelief. “... Well, have you even asked her if she’s seeing someone?”
All three boys look dumbfounded. 
No one knows what to say. 
Would it be weird to ask such a thing? Of course, Nam Joon was curious, but a part of him kind of figured that talking about your current relationship status wouldn’t be the best icebreaker for you two.
“Look man, it doesn’t matter. You’re her ex. Her first boyfriend ever! You have rights.” Jungkook encourages. He picks up his water bottle and begins to chug. 
Seokjin hits Jungkook’s stomach mid-gulp. “Rights? Kook, I think that’s for people who have kids and are having difficulty co-parenting—”
“He has rights!” Jungkook defends sternly. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he pats Nam Joon on the back. “Just ask her if she’s seeing someone… If not, ask her out. Try again.”
“What makes you think I want to try again?” Nam Joon scuffs and his two friends roll their eyes. 
Jungkook and Seokjin share a look. 
“You have been missing her your entire life. She’s back. A few giggles here and there and you ditch us for two months straight… Only to reach out and invite her to our gym to work out with us! No shade, but this is bro time!” Jungkook cries. “Also, you talk about it all the time when you’re 7 shots in. You haven’t had a girlfriend… Since her, right? Just hook-ups and a few flings… But no one is like her and that’s probably why.” Then, Jungkook hits Nam Joon’s head and sighs. 
“No one is her.”
The three turn their attention to you. Two guys approach you and begin a conversation. Nam Joon observes and it causes Jungkook and Seokjin to chuckle. 
“Time is ticking my friend. Tik tok, tik tok…” Jungkook makes an effort to let out a devious laugh. Nam Joon’s eyes begin to glow green and it satisfies his two friends. “Nice guys finish last… Ex boyfriends finish first!”
Jungkook leans towards Seokjin and whispers: “Looks like someone will be pulling ex-boyfriend card soon.” 
With that, Seokjin and Jungkook switch. Seokjin lifts the weights and Jungkook helps to spot him. Nam Joon should look away, but he can’t. His eyes are glued to the way you’re laughing at the two boys who are trying too hard to impress you. 
Mid lift, Seokjin teases Jungkook. 
“You used the term “bro time,” right? You’re such a fucking loser, Kook.”
Nam Joon felt different though. 
He felt like the fucking loser.
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Nam Joon doesn’t call or text you as often as he did before. 
Since that gym session, he had begun to act a little distant. Like he was trying to set boundaries or something. It felt odd that his actions felt familiar. You felt a little ache in your heart and your head hurt. 
The past few weeks have not been easy for Nam Joon as well. He felt like an absolute dick for ignoring your warmth. He tried to excuse it by saying that he was too busy with his assignments and studying. So badly does he want to pull away from you; but it felt draining. He wanted to be near you and the fear of you not wanting him back was definitely taking a toll on him. 
It was confusing though. 
In the middle of the night, he’d come over once to give back your textbooks in exchange for a few of his hoodies. It didn’t feel real seeing him at midnight. Some nights, he’d come over a little damp from the midnight rain. As you let him into your place, all you can think to yourself is: damn. I think I’m still in love with this man. 
So, yes. 
It’s been a rough couple of weeks. With each passing day, his presence made you nervous. If his coming over at midnight wasn’t bad enough—it was the 9am’s with him that was worse. It was more about how close you two sat next to each other and how intimate these labs were. With each little moment of fingertips brushing, bumping into each other and him steadying you with his hands on your waist, and the little nose scrunch exchanges—the butterflies in your stomach flutter like crazy.
Maybe you did fail once in your life.
You failed to be honest. You failed to fight for him. You failed to be someone to him that stays.
Nam Joon wasn’t having much fun either. 
You’ve always been so pretty to him. He especially loved whenever you two had study dates because he could watch you furrow your eyebrows, reread the same sentences, and mumble formulas and concepts to yourself over and over again. If he was lucky, he’d look up at the right time and catch you sighing from frustration. Your puffy cheeks and sleepy eyes made his heart soft and confused. To him, it was enchanting to see you so invested. 
Kind of like right now. 
As you look into the microscope, he can’t help but feel nervous. He wants to reach out and move your hair to the side. It’s bothering you and he can tell. He wants to do it, but he hesitates. 
It would be too much, right? He would be crossing the line—especially since you’re the one that broke things off with him.
His thoughts pause as you pull away and blink at him. 
“Oh, shit! I have an interview at a clinic nearby so I can’t stay to help clean up after this. I’m sorry. I should’ve told you before we began—“
“___, it’s okay. Go do your thing. I hope you get it.”
Warmly, you smile at him. 
“Thanks, baby—Nam Joon,” you correct yourself, throwing your head back and laughing nervously. In exchange, he stares at you blankly. You clear your throat, trying your best to move past this. “Sorry! For a second, I thought you were my boyfriend again.”
He brushes it off and tells you it’s okay. Again, you go back to looking into the microscope. Focusing on adjusting the lens and pulling away every so often to make notes. 
“Me too,” he says softly. 
Then, you feel it.
He tucks your hair behind your ears. You pretend like his touch didn’t send electric shocks throughout your body and ignore it. Your cheeks instantly flush a rosy pink and spill your secret. 
Nam Joon chuckles, completely in awe of you.
You’re still so pretty to him.
You’re still his.
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xoteajays · 1 year
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ji-ah moon [ all of us are dead ]
moon ji-ah had enough problems at hyosan high as a welfare kid living with her older twin siblings. she’s at least managed to escape most bullying by hiding away in classrooms and the library and the music room, and luckily getting seated right next to the barely-acknowledged class prez, nam-ra.
then, all at once, her simple life goes to hell when a girl gets kidnapped by her science teacher and an actual zombie apocalypse starts at her own damned school. it would be bad  ...  if she could at all take it seriously. it doesn’t seem real to her, she survives by the skin of teeth only because ms park drags her into the broadcasting room.
now she’s stuck trying to survive with both her crushes and having to deal with gwi-nam’s obsession with her that only got worse once he became one of these weird ‘hambies’.
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angelkissedface · 4 years
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my 5 GLAMOuR boys in outfits worn by members of my 5 favourite kpop groups!
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youarejesting · 4 years
Femme: 46
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Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, GDragon x Bigbang, Erik Nam, Hyuna x Dawn, Black Pink x Female oc, TXT x robot oc, Got7 x Female oc Rating: Mature Length: 3.3k Warnings: impreg kink, preg kink, three some, orgy, scent kink, masturbation, public masturbation? (in a bathroom stall), oral (F & M receiving), orgasm denial, butt plug, vibrating couples cock rings, leisurely blow job, voyeurism , exhibitionism, mishap with water breaking, Yoongi music producer & baby inducer, cock cages, little bit of dirty talk, little bit of Dom/Sub but nothing serious, Jungkook cries but like because he wants to cum. Big dick joon Announcement: WE ARE BACK!!! NEW CHAPTER! Smut Beta: @taetaewonderland​ Beta: I was dumb and posted before it was finished bing read. I am face palming.
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Recap: Your Femme Diaries Channel had been such a success you started a reality TV show from home. Yoongi helps Kyungju deal with girl troubles after a girl stole his milk at school. Hoseok takes Huimang to visit his parents which gives you time to yourself. Taking the Van for a drive you get pulled over for speeding when you vomit on the officer’s shoes, you are taken into the police station suspected of being drunk. Namjoon who was at the station working on a case notices you in the cell and comes to your rescue. You find out you are having a girl and Namjoon is excited. Yoongi avoids you not wanting to be the one to induce the labor again, they all place bets on whether he will or not. 
For your honeymoon, Yoongi gets his payback. Kim Mirae is born. Kyungju finishes first grade. The BTS & BigBang families go on tour. Eric and TXT go to university and the GOT7 boys finally are accepted for a Femme. The Frozen Spoon has two stores with more planned. The BlackPink girls got their Degree’s three of them joining the Femme project, one of which found matches immediately, and the fourth applied for their own Femme.
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You were sitting on the front porch resting the tour had gone so well you were working on so many little things a Femme diaries book, that could be translated into every language so woman and men from every country had a sort of manual. There was an app where you could access everything and search topics and be lead to your videos or forums if it was topics you hadn’t covered in videos. 
 The boys were working really hard in their jobs Namjoon as his work was case based spent the most time at home beside Yoongi who worked from home and rarely left his studio. 
The boys had grown up a little each nearing their mid thirties as were you and they aged like a fine wine. Seokjin had experimented with different beards over the two years after the tour. 
Kyungju was eight years old and a music producer like his father, he looked so much like him but he smiled more which warmed his father's heart. Jeongsan was now seven years old and was in love with music as well not exactly the producing process but the listening he had a few troubles like issues with certain smells but also auditory trouble he hated when it got quiet. He learnt how to play Basketball from Yoongi and was on a team though his team was yet to play a real match.
Jae hwan and Jae Eun were two rascals, at age four they both got up to mischief and knew how to play their parents like puppets well all of them except Yoongi. He wasn’t fooled by no one. They were surprisingly humble despite the luxury brands their father bought them. They actually preferred the cheaper brands that had their favorite cartoon characters on them much to their fathers dismay. They hated getting their photos taken as they wanted to be like their older brother Kyungju.
Huimang hit three and three quarters running. He was constantly nagging his older brothers and Jae Eun to play with him. He was happy to do anything, listen to music with Kyungju, Basketball with Jeongsan. He liked to play in the backyard with the twins when they would play fair, that is the two were a unit and used it against the others. But he was also happy with his younger sister watching cartoons.
Mirae was three years old just getting out of her terrible twos and a testament to the break you deserved after having six kids. She was a messy child, and loved to dig up the flowers in your garden much to your dismay. She had a love for fruit and when her daddy jimin would dance with her in his arms around the lounge room. There was so much happening you were happy if you didn’t have any more children. 
That was until one day you heard Seokjin confess that he wanted to have a chance to be a dad. He didn’t know you had heard him and you pondered on these thoughts on the back porch in the morning sun. He had been drunk when he spoke these words and you knew he wouldn’t say something like that out of the blue without thinking it over thoroughly. He was getting older and the oldest out of the family dynamic and you frowned.
You would be happy to make his dream come true but this was a family and you thought it would be best to bring it up with everyone to get their opinions. You knew Yoongi was against having any more children he was already run ragged by the half dozen you had already.
You walked across the house passing Namjoon watching his Ryan from the cartoon Kakao with Mirae and Huimang. Kissing each of their heads as you passed frowning when you got to Mirae. “Baby you have Jam in your hair” Namjoon turned and laughed assuring you he would have them bathed and dressed before their day nap. You sighed, everyone was at work but you had asked for the day off as you wanted to process your thoughts.
You reached the in-home studio and rang the small doorbell and the door opened to show a tired Yoongi, he was growing a small amount of stubble on his chin. Which made him look more mature and made you heart swell at the thought of all your years together. 
“Is something wrong, Kitten?” He raised an eyebrow letting you into his studio. Bringing your hand up to his cheek and pressing a kiss to his lips. He hummed his voice seemed impossibly low as if as he aged it got richer. He sat with you on the couch and you bit your lip and sighed.
“I wanted to ask you something?” You said softly running your hand over his chest massaging the muscles across his chest. It was actually a tip you heard from Hoseok, that chest massages were great for proud creatures like cats and the two of you loved to give him these little chest massages because they made him feel at ease.
“Mmm… What do you want to ask?” He hummed, laying his head in your lap letting your hands wander over his clothed chest and work the muscles under your thumbs.
“Seokjin was drunk the other day and he said something that stuck with me”
“What did he say this time?” He opened his eyes checking you weren’t upset by something the eldest had said while in a drunken stupor. “I can hit him for you?”
“No, It wasn’t bad. It is just, he is getting old and he wants what all of you boys got, I am sure Jimin feels the same way. He wants to be a dad” You whispered and felt the tension increase in Yoongi’s chest.
“Tell him he can have Kyungju” Yoongi sighed
“Don’t you dare even joke that you want to give away your son, Yoongi” You breathed and he sighed “You love him so much all of you love your children just as you love the other children. I know you would turn the world upside down for any of those babies”
“But they all are toilet trained now and you want to start again!” he whined
“Look Yoongi, I am not going to do it unless everyone is on board, so I am not telling you we are having another, I am asking you if you will let Jimin and Jin have their own flesh and blood children they will love like you love your son” You sighed “Please just tell me you will  consider this for Jin and Jimin”
“Fine I will think about it” He sighed seemingly softer.” He laid there and hummed “I do miss you all swollen he turned to your stomach which was soft. You were thankful to Jungkook for helping you remove the baby weight but there was a certain softness that wouldn’t go away. 
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Yoongi sighed sitting at the dinner table about one week later looking around at the big family he had that made his heart warm and looked at you as you Jeongsan cut his food. “Okay, I think I could be happy with two more” He smiled softly.
“Well why didn’t you say so” Seokjin grinned and placed some of his food from his own plate onto Yoongi’s. Making Yoongi sigh happily, Why had he ever thought to deny this man from having his own child.
Jimin was currently grinning at the two youngest making them giggle as he made funny noises with Jungkook trying to get the two to eat their veggies. Yoongi let his hand fall onto Jimin’s Thigh and gave it a squeeze in approval, Jimin wasn’t phased but seemed content with the physical affection.
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You asked each of them individually and they agreed Namjoon seemed the most excited. So leading Seokjin and Jimin to the shower you were ready to break the news to them. As the words escaped your mouth the two started cheering, hugging you with everything they had. They paused looking at one another and Seokjin said “May the best man win”
Jimin who was in front of you pressed you against Seokjin, pushing the two of you backward until his hyung hit the wall. Seokjin pinned between you and the wall and you pinned between Seokjin and Jimin the former groaned, his growing erection pressing against your back.
Nipping at your bottom lip, Jimin’s tongue found its way into your mouth. He pulled away from the kiss to look you in the eye and you noticed the acquiescent look within them. You raised an eyebrow at Jimin wondering why he looked like he was giving Mirae his ice cream when she dropped hers. 
Jimin was selfless and it wasn’t hard to figure out what it meant. Grabbing his face in your hands you kissed him trying to show him how much you loved him. The kiss was wet from the warm water raining over the three of you. Your lips slipped from his and slid down to his jaw along the length of his neck and you kissed his chest over the strong beat of his heart.
Lifting you to wrap your legs around him, Jimin reached behind you to secure Seokjin’s cock in his hand, giving it a few pumps, before positioning his hyung at your entrance.
“There is no competition Hyung. You have waited the longest. I want you to have a baby first” Jimin smiled over your shoulder and lowered you until you were stuffed full. Jimin pressed his smooth chest against yours pressing his lips to Seokjin’s over your shoulder. “I will help you get a baby Hyung”
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It wasn't instant. You had spent six months trying before you made an appointment at the fertility clinic and they did a few quick initial tests and the first test was a simple pregnancy test just to check and it came back positive which made your head spin. You made an appointment to follow up and make sure everything was going okay as the time progressed.
You didn’t want to let anyone know just yet as you always wanted to make sure that you had passed the dangerous time frame. So you spent your time relaxing and working, Seokjin was under the impression that in three months you were going to get artificially inseminated but you hadn’t told him that you were already pregnant.
It was the Hotel Christmas party and you all went along and Jimin seemed to notice you switching your alcoholic drinks for water and juice. The way you shifted in your seat rubbing your back and taking slow breaths when they placed a particularly smelly dinner. “Hey Princess can you help me with my jacket there is a thread that is digging into my neck and I want to get some fresh air”
You nodded thankful for his keen eyes, the table turned to see you leave some of them grinning thinking you two had run off to canoodle in the bathroom. The bathroom was a god sent, the clean scent of soap was what you needed to get rid of the rancid fish smell from the dinner. Jimin rubbed your back and grinned at you from the mirror.
“You are pregnant aren’t you princess?” You noticed the strange look in his eyes, his pupils dilated and lips wet from his eager tongue. He shifted on his feet and your eyes fell to the tent in his dress pants. Eyes flickering back to his where he was smirking and he stepped forward, hands slipping around your waist palms sliding affectionately over your soft tummy and up to your currently swollen breasts. “They are tender, aren’t they?”
“Yes” You whined as he massaged and played with them sadistically loving to see you whine and cry out. He didn’t want to hurt you but he liked to push you close to the border of pleasure or pain. He had taken a few steps over the line with your consent and it was some of the best pleasure you had ever experienced. 
He took your hand pulling you into a stall where he closed the toilet seat and sat down lifting your dress over his head. His forehead gently pressed against your stomach, his nose pressed to your heated core. He unfastened his belt and you heard the clatter of the buckle and the pull of the zip and he was busy pumping himself in his hand fiercely, his hot breath hitting your rapidly soaking your panties.
“You are so sexy full of hyungs baby” He breathed, you were holding the walls of the stall, his hand pressed to the small of your back so he could press himself closer to you. You felt the vibrations of his moan through his nose; his mouth fell open as he cried out against you.
He cleaned himself up and gingerly exited from under your dress his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. You grinned kissing him happily.
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It seemed Jimin’s pregnancy kink was insatiable. He liked the way your scent changed when you were pregnant. Jungkook also noticed and approached you one afternoon. Between Jimin and Jungkook you were kept busy, truly appreciating when they would do things for you like; massaging your feet or massaging you in general while they helped each other with their own desires.
Hoseok noticed next as usual, Kyungju called you out after him which surprised you but it seemed your son knew your cues of pregnancy as he had watched you with all his younger siblings. “You were given the all clear Seokjin was ready driving you in the van to the fertility clinic nervous, but when you were given the ultrasound and he saw the baby he got quiet”
“You are pregnant” He seemed sad you didn’t understand what the issue was until he asked the doctor.
“Have you done the paternity test with our DNA samples.
“Yes, You are Kim Seokjin, correct?” Seokjin nodded and he smiled “You are the father congratulations”
“When I came in for the initial appointment I was pregnant with a baby and you were the only one I was with, the other boys were abstaining” You breathed as his hand fell on top your belly rubbing the tiny bump. “I wanted to wait until the baby wasn’t in the danger stage. I would have hated telling you and then losing the baby. You would have been so upset my love”
You saw the way his lips were contorting in a weird purse that he did when he was trying to hold back his laughter but as the watery look in his eyes overflowed into a river of tears and he couldn’t hold back the cry as he hugged you telling you he loved you. It was after his five minute break down that he sniffed and playfully asked.
“Am I still handsome when I cry Darling?”
“The most handsome, my love” You chuckled kissing his red tipped nose and he laughed.
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You went to see the TXT boy’s they had just finished their degrees and you were going to surprise them at their graduation ceremony. They were all going into their fields together and finally applied for a Femme, After being rejected over five times they were approached by Femme bot, Femme industries was the umbrella company and their bots were to provide companion ship for those who are eligible for a Femme.
The boys were hesitant and decided to wait because they didn’t know how to feel about a robot being their destined partner.
You were four months pregnant and going on tour accompanied by the TXT boys who had worked on their own careers. They had taken courses in university that enhanced the quality of their content on social media platforms. 
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You were filming the tour as you were doing a movie about your lives where you recreated some scenes. So here you were in a pod once more on set in a hospital gown. You recreated the scenes and grinned and you then had a replica of your apartment, everyone was trying to recreate the nervousness you had felt when you were all so young. It was cute seeing everyone all dressed in their old style clothes and their hair and beards cut and trimmed until they looked like their old selves and you were given a wig and a little bit of makeup as well. 
Between recreated scenes were scenes from your videos that you had made all those years ago and also some behind the scenes interviews where you all sat on a couch and explained what you had thought and felt at the time. It was absolutely adorable talking about how little and shy they were and hearing them talk about you as well.
It was when everyone was packing up for the night, Taehyung grabbed
your hand and dragged you from the dressing room and through the sets until he arrived at the first set and opened the pod and you threw your head back and laughed realizing what he wanted to do.
He pressed his large palm to your mouth and shushed you. With a growl he commanded you to get into the pod and he climbed in with you. It was tight, there was no room for movement so he was quick to lower you onto his thick dick before laying you against him and closing the lid behind you.
You were laying against him as he kissed you slowly and he was barely able to move his hips pressed against your A-spot. He was able to just gently rub the head of his cock against it repeatedly causing you static-like pleasure to buzz through your tummy and thighs.
He was moaning in your ear about how sexy you were. His hand wedges between you, his thumb rubbing your clit, loving how you twitched and tightened around him. The pod started to get sweaty and you were feeling absolutely euphoric as he stimulated the deepest parts of you.
After some serious grinding deep inside you he came, bursting like a water balloon painting your walls he made you cum hard and you cried out against his chest your orgasm was powerful. 
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You were six months now and the filming was over but you were going straight into another tour. You were happy as the tour began. You announced you were pregnant and the older of your children joined you on some of your stages and had a few funny words. Huimang and Jeongsan did a little dance performance and the crowd were cooing at how cute they were. 
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By the time you were settled back home after the tour, you were back to managing the Frozen Spoon. Your body remembered pregnancy well as you seemed to have had every symptom in the book. Perhaps you were stronger now with all the work you had been doing over the years with Jungkook.
Because you made it to full term and were now a few days over. That is how they found you dancing in the living room trying to get things moving. “I want this baby to come out, I am hot and my stomach is huge. If it grows anymore I am going to bust at the seems”
“Let’s try Yoongi,” Hoseok grinned, walking you to the in-home studio and they barged in, Hoseok’s hands on your shoulders waddling you through the doorway until you were in the middle of the room. 
“No, No, No!” He said falling out of his chair and backing up on his bottom across the floor until he hit the wall. “Get her out of here, I have precious equipment”
“Come on, Yoongi, I am overdue and I want freedom” You rubbed your belly “I am so fat and I want to have the baby soon and inducing labour is the most painful thing in the world”
“You wouldn’t know you have never been induced” He sighed waving his hands around “Alright back out of the studio slowly and I will help you. Just for god sakes not in here”
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You were laying in the huge lounge propped up against Hoseok’s chest and he laughed at Yoongi’s mock reluctance. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Jimin said, licking his lips and taking small steps forward. 
“Sit” Yoongi commanded him and he lowered himself onto his knees, you hummed at the interaction between the two. He looks at you with a sense of hesitancy and leans in to give you a slow kiss. 
You grab him by the hair and tried to coax his confidence out, it eventually works and he is ravishing your mouth. His tongue and teeth abusing your soft petal pink lips. He pulled back and got to work removing you overalls. It seemed you couldn’t stand having anything around your hips or waist so you had practically lived in long baggy overalls for the past month or two. 
Jimin was hard watching Yoongi caress your belly and thighs, they all sat watching anticipating. Hoseok held your hands in his intertwining your fingers and holding them out from your body. 
Taehyung and Jungkook who had been sitting on Seokjin and Namjoon respectively started to squirm in their laps. Grinding their asses against their Hyungs looking for relief. The two older males finding themselves gently caressing their younger counterparts over their pants. 
Jimin turned hearing the tenor moans and cries behind him and the soft sweet sound you were making, he was conflicted of where he should look whilst simultaneously feeling left out. 
He ran around to your other side so he only had to look in one direction to see everyone but that didn’t help him feel untouched. 
Yoongi and Hoseok’s eyes were wandering similarly. They would travel along the expanse of your body then on towards Jimin who was rocking his hips against the air, his pants straining more with each passing second. They would then flicker their gaze to the rest of the maknae line who were turning so soft. Yoongi leaned down between your legs, his eyes connecting to Jimin’s and giving him a gummy grin. He didn’t dare look away from Jimin, Because he knew how much the young man loved his eye contact in the bedroom. Jimin was such a sensual creature he didn’t need to be touched to feel and experience pleasure. Sometimes he got off just by watching.
So Yoongi held his gaze and with every swipe of his tongue Jimin would keen for him and the room would grow heavier with the weight of Jimin’s sexual desires. Hoseok took your joined hands and placed them against Jimin’s crouch causing him to thrust his hips forward into your conjoined hands and let out an aching cry. 
When Jimin looked away and down at his crotch, Yoongi stopped making you whine and Jimin looked up at you to see what he had missed. You were looking down at Yoongi and Jimin’s eyes followed yours until they locked onto Yoongi’s once more and the pale producer got back to work.
You were ready to come but nothing with Yoongi came easy. He kept getting you right to the edge but never letting you over completely. Hoseok had removed Jimin from his pants and was using your tangled hands to provide him with the necessary friction. 
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Jungkook was effectively distracted by Namjoon’s big hand wrapped around his cock. A Thick butt plug nestled between his cheeks. “You like this Baby boy? You like it when your hyung takes care of you?” 
“Ah yes” he said, receiving a firm squeeze, his head spinning at the tight feeling. He seemed to realize his mistake “Yes sir”
“Look how much you are leaking, what would everyone say if they knew how much this turned you on?” He said harshly, running the flat of his palm against the head of Jungkook’s penis, the boy cried and squirmed harder against Namjoon’s length.
“You can’t come unless I say you can?” He said and continued pumping him furiously squeezing the head and watching Jungkook press his knees together and cry and shake trying to prevent himself from cumming.
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Taehyung was in a whole other level of torture, instead of having to hold back a powerful orgasm he was trying to spur it on. Seokjin was leisurely stroking Taehyung with one hand while his other hand was between their bodies slowly caressing his own cock. Taehyung didn’t care for the older males' delayed gratification methods and was practically rutting in his hand. “Hyung” he moaned desperately.
“No this is about my pregnant wife not you”
“Our pregnant wife” Namjoon corrected. Seokjin rolled his eyes, feeling Taehyung’s hand brush past his trying to touch himself. Using his free hand Seokjin grabbed Taehyung by his hair and pulled his head back to speak directly into his ear. 
“Who is older, me or you?”
“Who is in charge, me or you?”
“You are in charge you grandpa” Taehyung huffed “I am sick of slow, I didn’t know you had gotten that old that you couldn’t even Jerk me off properly hyung. You should be careful you must be getting frail.”
Seokjin pushed Taehyung over the arm of the chair and pulled his lounge pants down to expose his ass, where he firmly spanked him telling him that he would not be disrespected like that. Taehyung moaned happy he had riled him up expecting him now to try and prove a point and get him off quickly. But the plan backfired. 
“Get on your knees facing me,” Seokjin commanded and he quickly scrambled to the floor, “spread them and put your hands on my thighs.”
Taehyung spread his knees apart feeling the tightness in his muscle that wasn’t particularly flexible.
“Well go ahead” Seokjin lazily looked down at him, Taehyung took the older gentleman’s thick member into his mouth and began bobbing his head furiously hoping to send him over the edge quickly. A firm hand in his hair stopped this quickly and guided him slowly back and forth sliding him across his tongue. Taehyung was leisurely caressing the underside of Seokjin’s Penis with his tongue.
Looking up at him to see his eyes were on you, he was nervous about the idea of the baby coming today. Taehyung relaxed his throat and let the hot appendage in his mouth slide further back until the thick head brushed the walls of his throat where he swallowed a little uncomfortably at the thickness. Seokjin’s hips thrust forward on reflex, making Taehyung moan.
Taehyung continued this slowly, deepthroating Seokjin’s cock until he suddenly spilled his seed into Taehyung’s throat. He pulled back to swallow the sticky substance that had started to gush out of Seokjin but as he pulled back he continued cumming hard in Taehyung’s mouth. Filling it with hot white liquid. When Taehyung looked up he saw Namjoon with his free hand firmly squeezing the back of Seokjin’s neck encouraging him to cum.
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Jungkook was begging Namjoon to let him cum, he was sticky and making the most illicit wet sounds in Namjoon’s hand. Namjoon part way through watching Taehyung suck off the oldest in the family, removing himself from his pants he was wearing a cock ring that had his dick looking fierce and deliciously thick. He had taken a matching cock ring from his pocket and placed it around Jungkook’s sensitive cock. Watching him whine as he situated it in place. Namjoon had stopped for about thirty seconds at a time to let Jungkook recollect himself. He didn’t want him to come too soon and end his fun.
Jungkook was not silent at all; he was the loudest in the room, begging and crying in response to Namjoon’s questions and ministrations. Taking the youngest in his hand once more he smirked leaning into his ear. “You think I don’t notice the way you watch me Kookie, the way you blatantly look at my package when you think I am not looking. What do you want to do, huh? You want to sit on my cock? Or perhaps you want to suck it. Do you want me to fill you up, I have been saving it all for you”
“Please I want to cum?” Jungkook cried fat tears falling onto his thighs and Namjoon  sighed carefully removing the butt plug and lifting the boy onto his hard length. Jungkook lowered himself whimpering and clenching around Namjoon’s swollen erection.
Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s thin waist and rocked the younger boy against him. The blood that filled Jungkook’s painfully stiff member had it bouncing against his lower stomach 
Namjoon hadn’t told the poor maknae that the cock rings were actually a part of a set designed for couples and had a remote that when you turned the dial they began to vibrate at different settings. So without warning Namjoon turned it on, setting it to a rapid pulse and matching the rhythm with his hips.
Jungkook is no longer coherent, emitting high pitched cries and cumming hard over his chest and thighs, tears pouring down his face as his body writhed in pleasure. Namjoon followed soon after spilling inside the young man.
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Yoongi must have taken pity on you letting you come. He watched you hesitantly waiting for your waters to break and when it didn’t he raised an eyebrow. “It seems it didn't work” He smiled his hand reaching out and gently holding your swollen midsection. He felt your stomach muscles tighten under his palm as he caressed the exposed flesh.
You were sure this was a contraction and you knew it took a while between the initial contractions and active labor, something you had learnt from your previous pregnancies and birthing experience. 
What you didn’t expect was for you to cramp up again and a warm sensation between your legs. “Oh my god, her waters actually just broke” Hoseok said excitedly, he was ready to see the new baby.
All other activities ceased and everyone got down to business, who was going to pick the kids up from school, who was going to the hospital. Where the bags are what they needed to pack, thought everything was mostly already packed. Once the plan was complete you and the boys raced around to grab your things. Not before Hoseok grabbed Jimin and Taehyung both who hadn’t had a single orgasm and secured a cock cage to each of them with a grin.
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
No Words, pt 8
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Pairing: Taehyung x Jeongguk x Mention of OC [ft.  Namjoon x OC]
Type: Series
Rating:  18+ 
Genre: Idol, Poly, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]
Warning: Dirty. A smidge of MxM interaction [I mean they should just do it, but they said not yet. So I’m not even in charge of this story anymore.], Sleepy Namjoon voice while he holds his girl, did I mention tired, groggy Namjoon voice?, Plotting. Best Friend threats [you know when you threaten the bf/romantic interest to take care of your bestie, or you die? Yeah, that.]
A/N - Don’t you hate getting wrecked by your own story? STG. Kim Namjoon. I might start dropping the spin-off soon? Cause the other Kim is ready to speak his piece. As always, thank you for loving this hot mess.
Words:  2195
Taehyung couldn’t help but smirk as the Maknae paced a hole into the wooden floorboards. Leaned back on both hands, that slight tilt to his head - that look wasn’t lost on Jeongguk. He knew it’s power well enough. Taehyung scoffed as he leaned back on his elbows. “Well, Gguk-ah?” A brow arched as he waited in that thick silence.
There was a muscle in Gguk’s jaw that seemed to throb with his pulse. His tongue prodding out the space of his cheek. A finger lifted toward the Visual as he approached. “Are you sure, Taehyung? Are you sure about this? About Her? You remember what happened, right?” He crossed his arms, watching that smug look melt away from Taehyung’s face.
It was replaced with something else, something…darker. Something that had Taehyung springing up from his comfy recline on the sofa. “Are you sure, Gguk-ah? Because I know what I want. I was sure two years ago, and I’m sure as hell sure now. I’m not letting her escape. Not this time.” Long spindly fingers clawed the air in front of Jeongguk’s face. “You know she feels the same way, Jeongguk.” He spoke between clenched teeth. “You knew it before, and you realized it at the Christmas party last year.” Taehyung’s mouth turned downward as Jeongguk sighed.
“It’s always been us, Tae.” The formalities dropped in this close private space between them. Jeongguk ran his fingers through the fluffy fringe of his hair. “What am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to do?” The other hand reached and tugged as he spun on his heel. Tae watched him, the frown deepened.
Taehyung sat on the edge of the couch as the maknae paced. “You need to find out for yourself, Jeongguk. I can’t make this decision for you. But, it’s obvious that you need to say and do something, Gguk-ah.” His lips pressed into a thin line as Jeongguk turned to face him.
“I love you.” The massive push of air through the maknae’s flared nostrils rattled the air. They met each other with lust blown pupils.
“I know.” Tae’s deep rumble cut through the tension. “I love you, too. But I also love her.”
There was something akin to a breeze that past between them as Jeongguk closed the distance. His hands wrapped around the back of Taehyung’s neck as their foreheads touched. Tae placed a hand on Gguk’s chest, right above the thundering beat of his heart.
The Visual smirked softly, “And you might love her, too.”
“What are we going to do?” Jeongguk’s lips brushed against Taehyung’s forehead, a soft sigh escaping. His eyes fluttered closed as he allowed himself to put all the puzzle pieces together.
Puzzle pieces? Right. It was always when you were just about finished - that one piece still went missing. So you gave up or chose to start a new puzzle. The boys all managed to keep their relationships, outside or with each other, secret. They were supportive of each other over heartbreaks - just like any friend would do. They were professional enough that private dalliances never affected their work ethic. They worked hard to get where they were, and they wouldn’t jeopardize that.
Sometimes you needed more, and some understood that - without judgment.
And that is what Jeongguk feared the most. “Love exists in as many forms as there are people.” He spoke quietly against the elder’s skin. Tae arched a brow as he tilted his head upward. Their noses brushed as he awaited an explanation.
“I..” Gguk looked sheepish as he scratched the back of his neck. “I might have mentioned, discreetly, about this..to Ki-Nam.” Tae groaned, his head rolling back as his eyes shut. “Now, hold on a second. I didn’t tell him who or what. I just asked a question, that’s all.”
“And that question was?” Tae’s fingers lingered at the pinched section of the maknae’s hip.
“Can you be in love with two people at the same time?” The younger muttered quietly. “And he said, that love exists in as many forms as people do. So, the combination that works for me might not work for others.” Tae’s brow ticked upward, shocked at such a mature - and logical explanation. “But, he said that I would know that combination - and that if I’m not careful? I..it could go away.”
Taehyung looked like a deer in headlights as that maturity came spilling out of Jeongguk. His gaze softened when those long fingers slid against the younger’s jaw. “Look at you, being an adult.” Gguk scowled, nipping at those invading fingers.
Taehyung was quick to remove them. The bunny bites could be…painful.
“So?” Gguk ruffled his hair again with a deep inhale. “I suppose we should plan something then, yes?” Turning to Taehyung, who was smiling wide - his wheels already turning.
“You need to get her alone, Gguk-ah. You have to let her know your intentions. You have to let her know that you’re serious.” Tae’s eyes darkened as he thought back to the karaoke room over a month ago. “I feel it’s typical that she feels the need to protect herself. But, she’s scared..and she’s stubborn.” Jeongguk smirked at that.
“I think that’s what I like about her.” The Maknae chuckled softly. “She comes across coldly, but the moment we need something? She’s there to worry about us. She really is sort of like family now, isn’t she?” He pursed his lips in thought as Tae nodded in agreement.
“She is. We know they had a difficult time when they got here. We’re not stupid - even if she and Tasha tried to keep it under wraps.” Taehyung let his fingers play over his bottom lip. “We’ve heard the stories, but to have that asshole just…”
“Taehyung, don’t.” Jeongguk’s voice turned raspy and deep. He remembered the way she looked, trying to scramble from the table. They were lucky to catch her before she found a cab. They both inhaled deeply before gazing at each other again. Taehyung tilted his face up as Jeongguk stood between his legs.
“You trust me, right?” Tae’s voice was quiet and deep. Gguk nodded quietly. “Then trust yourself, Gguk-ah. I do. My feelings for you will never change, even as we do. You’ll always be special to me. But, you know I can’t ignore these things.” He offered a slight smile. Tae has always been the odd man out. Still doing things on the far side of the typical path. He saw the world differently, and he acted upon it. Jeongguk was along for the ride, and it has taken them both places they couldn’t have found living in fear. They couldn’t have seen them if they weren’t living at all.
That thick muscle ticked in Jeongguk’s jaw as he held Taehyung’s gaze. His shoulders finally sagged, his head dropping in defeat. There was an energy between the three of them, this much was true. He wanted that sensation again.
Taehyung quietly watched the maknae process his emotions. He knew that pressuring Gguk would result in resistance. He considered it a blessing; he made the discovery on his own. It would be a higher chance of success with them working as a team.
“We’re supposed to do a late Thanksgiving get together.” Jeongguk’s voice was raspy, deep, and serious. Taehyung’s brows ticked upward with a nod. “But it’s not just our staff.” The younger’s arms crossed the broad expanse of his chest.
Taehyung sucked an irritated breath through his teeth. “That’s right. There’s supposed to be mixed in with one of the stations, right?” The younger nodded as he flopped down into a crouch. “That means the other students that either returned or stayed will be in the same space.”
“But, of course, we’re there for appearance sake, and then we’re off to do our own thing.” Gguk waved a hand haphazardly. “Maybe I’ll join you for karaoke this time.” Jeongguk lips lifted in a sly smirk. Tae tilted his head; the realization caused his eyes to pop wide open.
“You..” Tae stuttered as Jeongguk stood up, stretching with a smile.
“Hyungie, it’s a good thing that place was noisy,” Gguk smirked before moving to put on the coffee.
Taehyung’s growl wasn’t missed as Jeongguk couldn’t help smiling over the dig. The Visual wore a sour look as Gguk gleefully started breakfast. He glanced down to his phone, his fingers ghosting over a message he received earlier in the evening.
       Tash-Tash: I can trust you, right, Tae-tae?
       Tae-Tae: Of course, Tash-tash! Why would you question that now?
Jeongguk sang some melody as he cracked eggs and turned on the stove.
     Tash-Tash: Because my best friend is a moron and I can’t stand it anymore.
       Tae-Tae: Whaaaatt are you talking about, woman?
Taehyung stared at the message again - his eyes narrowing.
   Tash-Tash: Tae, I’m gonna be straight with you. If you don’t do anything? She’s gonna bounce. I can’t keep bouncing with her. I’ve gotten my Visa handled. You know how I feel about Joon. I’m not going to blow this. That girl loves you, she’s scared, and she’s being stupid. I can tell you now…she’s already booking plane tickets.
   Tae-tae: Thank you, Tasha. Thank you for trusting me and for telling me. I promise I’ll fix it.
   Tash-Tash: Good, I’d like us to spend New Years together. Plus, I know you’re birthday is coming up. Get on it, Kim Taehyung, or I’ll come and put my foot in your ass! <3
At that time, Jeongguk managed to throw together a cheesy egg toast. Taehyung turned the phone toward him as he chewed. He watched the maknae’s eyes darken and lift to him. “Our girl likes to run, doesn’t she?”
Taehyung smiled as he picked up his portion. “Good thing, we love a good chase.”
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The blue light of the cellphone illuminated in the darkness of the room as she stared at the screen. A set of forest green eyes settled on the thin space in the curtain. She could see the world changing as something like Winter set over Hannam-dong.
Thick fingers dragged up her thigh and along the curve of her hip. “Jagiya.” The raspy voice thick with sleep ghosted a warm breath against the nape of her neck. She couldn’t help the smile threatening to split her face. The taller form tugged her from her perch on the edge of the bed. The phone lost to the piles of clothes already on the floor. A forearm across her abdomen held her captive with a groan. “Are you still talking to Taehyung-ah?” Namjoon didn’t bother to open his eyes, but she could tell he was definitely awake.
Tasha looked over her shoulder slightly, his face obscured by the pillow and her shoulders. “I did.” Her gaze moved to the window again. “He said he would fix it.” She chewed the meat of her bottom lip.
“Tasha.” There was a stern set to his tone. She knew that tone, and already her eyes were rolling, but she knew he was right. “I know he cares about her. Trust us. Trust him.” Her fingers slid along the veins protruding along his arm. “Trust me.” She turned to find his eyes open, dark and dazzling - full of conviction.
Tasha turned fully in his embrace, her fingers dancing along the passionate purple blossoms under his collarbone. He encircled her fingers with his hand, his lips easing along the worry lines of her forehead.
“I don’t understand how she tells me to go for it with you - but she denies herself.” An irritated huff as Namjoon chuckled sleepily.
“You weren’t that easy either, jagiya.” Tasha ducked her face into his shoulder at that.
“I didn’t expect to…” He watched her fight to say the words.
“Fall in love?” He finished.
“…with you.” She added.
“I was just one of those people. Didn’t even believe in true love.” Tasha’s eyes widened. Maybe it was the sleep-thick rasp of his voice? Perhaps it was the lyrics? “All of my wonder. You are the answer..”
They stared at each other in that heavy silence before Namjoon pulled her closer. His head resting atop hers as he drew lazy circles along her spine. She fell asleep against the steady thrum of his heart.
Namjoon watched the world flutter by outside his window. His gaze lowered to the steady rise and fall of her shoulders. He fell back into that steady rhythm of sleep with her in his arms. A luxury that was rare and welcome.
Namjoon held Tasha a little tighter that night.
                                 Taehyung-ah, don’t give up.
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darknytemare · 4 years
No Words, pt 8
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Pairing: Taehyung x Jeongguk x Mention of OC [ft.  Namjoon x OC]
Type: Series
Genre: Idol, Poly, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]
Warning: Dirty. A smidge of MxM interaction [I mean they should just do it, but they said not yet. So I’m not even in charge of this story anymore.], Sleepy Namjoon voice while he holds his girl, did I mention tired, groggy Namjoon voice?, Plotting. Best Friend threats [you know when you threaten the bf/romantic interest to take care of your bestie, or you die? Yeah, that.]
A/N - Don’t you hate getting wrecked by your own story? STG. Kim Namjoon. I might start dropping the spin-off soon? Cause the other Kim is ready to speak his piece. As always, thank you for loving this hot mess. 
Words:  2195
Taehyung couldn’t help but smirk as the Maknae paced a hole into the wooden floorboards. Leaned back on both hands, that slight tilt to his head - that look wasn’t lost on Jeongguk. He knew it’s power well enough. Taehyung scoffed as he leaned back on his elbows. “Well, Gguk-ah?” A brow arched as he waited in that thick silence.
There was a muscle in Gguk’s jaw that seemed to throb with his pulse. His tongue prodding out the space of his cheek. A finger lifted toward the Visual as he approached. “Are you sure, Taehyung? Are you sure about this? About Her? You remember what happened, right?” He crossed his arms, watching that smug look melt away from Taehyung’s face. 
It was replaced with something else, something...darker. Something that had Taehyung springing up from his comfy recline on the sofa. “Are you sure, Gguk-ah? Because I know what I want. I was sure two years ago, and I’m sure as hell sure now. I’m not letting her escape. Not this time.” Long spindly fingers clawed the air in front of Jeongguk’s face. “You know she feels the same way, Jeongguk.” He spoke between clenched teeth. “You knew it before, and you realized it at the Christmas party last year.” Taehyung’s mouth turned downward as Jeongguk sighed.
“It’s always been us, Tae.” The formalities dropped in this close private space between them. Jeongguk ran his fingers through the fluffy fringe of his hair. “What am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to do?” The other hand reached and tugged as he spun on his heel. Tae watched him, the frown deepened.
Taehyung sat on the edge of the couch as the maknae paced. “You need to find out for yourself, Jeongguk. I can’t make this decision for you. But, it’s obvious that you need to say and do something, Gguk-ah.” His lips pressed into a thin line as Jeongguk turned to face him. 
“I love you.” The massive push of air through the maknae’s flared nostrils rattled the air. They met each other with lust blown pupils.
“I know.” Tae’s deep rumble cut through the tension. “I love you, too. But I also love her.” 
There was something akin to a breeze that past between them as Jeongguk closed the distance. His hands wrapped around the back of Taehyung’s neck as their foreheads touched. Tae placed a hand on Gguk’s chest, right above the thundering beat of his heart.
The Visual smirked softly, “And you might love her, too.”
“What are we going to do?” Jeongguk’s lips brushed against Taehyung’s forehead, a soft sigh escaping. His eyes fluttered closed as he allowed himself to put all the puzzle pieces together. 
Puzzle pieces? Right. It was always when you were just about finished - that one piece still went missing. So you gave up or chose to start a new puzzle. The boys all managed to keep their relationships, outside or with each other, secret. They were supportive of each other over heartbreaks - just like any friend would do. They were professional enough that private dalliances never affected their work ethic. They worked hard to get where they were, and they wouldn’t jeopardize that. 
Sometimes you needed more, and some understood that - without judgment.
And that is what Jeongguk feared the most. “Love exists in as many forms as there are people.” He spoke quietly against the elder’s skin. Tae arched a brow as he tilted his head upward. Their noses brushed as he awaited an explanation.
“I..” Gguk looked sheepish as he scratched the back of his neck. “I might have mentioned, discreetly, about this..to Ki-Nam.” Tae groaned, his head rolling back as his eyes shut. “Now, hold on a second. I didn’t tell him who or what. I just asked a question, that’s all.”
“And that question was?” Tae’s fingers lingered at the pinched section of the maknae’s hip.
“Can you be in love with two people at the same time?” The younger muttered quietly. “And he said, that love exists in as many forms as people do. So, the combination that works for me might not work for others.” Tae’s brow ticked upward, shocked at such a mature - and logical explanation. “But, he said that I would know that combination - and that if I’m not careful? I..it could go away.” 
Taehyung looked like a deer in headlights as that maturity came spilling out of Jeongguk. His gaze softened when those long fingers slid against the younger’s jaw. “Look at you, being an adult.” Gguk scowled, nipping at those invading fingers.
Taehyung was quick to remove them. The bunny bites could be...painful. 
“So?” Gguk ruffled his hair again with a deep inhale. “I suppose we should plan something then, yes?” Turning to Taehyung, who was smiling wide - his wheels already turning. 
“You need to get her alone, Gguk-ah. You have to let her know your intentions. You have to let her know that you’re serious.” Tae’s eyes darkened as he thought back to the karaoke room over a month ago. “I feel it’s typical that she feels the need to protect herself. But, she’s scared..and she’s stubborn.” Jeongguk smirked at that.
“I think that’s what I like about her.” The Maknae chuckled softly. “She comes across coldly, but the moment we need something? She’s there to worry about us. She really is sort of like family now, isn’t she?” He pursed his lips in thought as Tae nodded in agreement.
“She is. We know they had a difficult time when they got here. We’re not stupid - even if she and Tasha tried to keep it under wraps.” Taehyung let his fingers play over his bottom lip. “We’ve heard the stories, but to have that asshole just…”
“Taehyung, don’t.” Jeongguk’s voice turned raspy and deep. He remembered the way she looked, trying to scramble from the table. They were lucky to catch her before she found a cab. They both inhaled deeply before gazing at each other again. Taehyung tilted his face up as Jeongguk stood between his legs.
“You trust me, right?” Tae’s voice was quiet and deep. Gguk nodded quietly. “Then trust yourself, Gguk-ah. I do. My feelings for you will never change, even as we do. You’ll always be special to me. But, you know I can’t ignore these things.” He offered a slight smile. Tae has always been the odd man out. Still doing things on the far side of the typical path. He saw the world differently, and he acted upon it. Jeongguk was along for the ride, and it has taken them both places they couldn’t have found living in fear. They couldn’t have seen them if they weren’t living at all. 
That thick muscle ticked in Jeongguk’s jaw as he held Taehyung’s gaze. His shoulders finally sagged, his head dropping in defeat. There was an energy between the three of them, this much was true. He wanted that sensation again. 
Taehyung quietly watched the maknae process his emotions. He knew that pressuring Gguk would result in resistance. He considered it a blessing; he made the discovery on his own. It would be a higher chance of success with them working as a team. 
“We’re supposed to do a late Thanksgiving get together.” Jeongguk’s voice was raspy, deep, and serious. Taehyung’s brows ticked upward with a nod. “But it’s not just our staff.” The younger’s arms crossed the broad expanse of his chest.
Taehyung sucked an irritated breath through his teeth. “That’s right. There’s supposed to be mixed in with one of the stations, right?” The younger nodded as he flopped down into a crouch. “That means the other students that either returned or stayed will be in the same space.” 
“But, of course, we’re there for appearance sake, and then we’re off to do our own thing.” Gguk waved a hand haphazardly. “Maybe I’ll join you for karaoke this time.” Jeongguk lips lifted in a sly smirk. Tae tilted his head; the realization caused his eyes to pop wide open.
“You..” Tae stuttered as Jeongguk stood up, stretching with a smile. 
“Hyungie, it’s a good thing that place was noisy,” Gguk smirked before moving to put on the coffee.
Taehyung’s growl wasn’t missed as Jeongguk couldn’t help smiling over the dig. The Visual wore a sour look as Gguk gleefully started breakfast. He glanced down to his phone, his fingers ghosting over a message he received earlier in the evening.
        Tash-Tash: I can trust you, right, Tae-tae?
        Tae-Tae: Of course, Tash-tash! Why would you question that now?
Jeongguk sang some melody as he cracked eggs and turned on the stove. 
       Tash-Tash: Because my best friend is a moron and I can’t stand it anymore.
        Tae-Tae: Whaaaatt are you talking about, woman?
Taehyung stared at the message again - his eyes narrowing.
    Tash-Tash: Tae, I’m gonna be straight with you. If you don’t do anything? She’s gonna bounce. I can’t keep bouncing with her. I’ve gotten my Visa handled. You know how I feel about Joon. I’m not going to blow this. That girl loves you, she’s scared, and she’s being stupid. I can tell you now...she’s already booking plane tickets.
    Tae-tae: Thank you, Tasha. Thank you for trusting me and for telling me. I promise I’ll fix it.
    Tash-Tash: Good, I’d like us to spend New Years together. Plus, I know you’re birthday is coming up. Get on it, Kim Taehyung, or I’ll come and put my foot in your ass! <3
At that time, Jeongguk managed to throw together a cheesy egg toast. Taehyung turned the phone toward him as he chewed. He watched the maknae’s eyes darken and lift to him. “Our girl likes to run, doesn’t she?” 
Taehyung smiled as he picked up his portion. “Good thing, we love a good chase.”
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The blue light of the cellphone illuminated in the darkness of the room as she stared at the screen. A set of forest green eyes settled on the thin space in the curtain. She could see the world changing as something like Winter set over Hannam-dong. 
Thick fingers dragged up her thigh and along the curve of her hip. “Jagiya.” The raspy voice thick with sleep ghosted a warm breath against the nape of her neck. She couldn’t help the smile threatening to split her face. The taller form tugged her from her perch on the edge of the bed. The phone lost to the piles of clothes already on the floor. A forearm across her abdomen held her captive with a groan. “Are you still talking to Taehyung-ah?” Namjoon didn’t bother to open his eyes, but she could tell he was definitely awake. 
Tasha looked over her shoulder slightly, his face obscured by the pillow and her shoulders. “I did.” Her gaze moved to the window again. “He said he would fix it.” She chewed the meat of her bottom lip. 
“Tasha.” There was a stern set to his tone. She knew that tone, and already her eyes were rolling, but she knew he was right. “I know he cares about her. Trust us. Trust him.” Her fingers slid along the veins protruding along his arm. “Trust me.” She turned to find his eyes open, dark and dazzling - full of conviction.
Tasha turned fully in his embrace, her fingers dancing along the passionate purple blossoms under his collarbone. He encircled her fingers with his hand, his lips easing along the worry lines of her forehead.
“I don’t understand how she tells me to go for it with you - but she denies herself.” An irritated huff as Namjoon chuckled sleepily. 
“Tasha.” There was a stern set to his tone. She knew that tone, and already her eyes were rolling, but she knew he was right. “I know he cares about her. Trust us. Trust him.” Her fingers slid along the veins protruding along his arm. “Trust me.” She turned to find his eyes open, dark and dazzling - full of conviction.
Tasha turned fully in his embrace, her fingers dancing along the passionate purple blossoms under his collarbone. He encircled her fingers with his hand, his lips easing along the worry lines of her forehead.
“I don’t understand how she tells me to go for it with you - but she denies herself.” An irritated huff as Namjoon chuckled sleepily. 
“You weren’t that easy either, jagiya.” Tasha ducked her face into his shoulder at that.
“I didn’t expect to…” He watched her fight to say the words. 
“Fall in love?” He finished.
“...with you.” She added.
“I was just one of those people. Didn’t even believe in true love.” Tasha’s eyes widened. Maybe it was the sleep-thick rasp of his voice? Perhaps it was the lyrics? “All of my wonder. You are the answer..” 
They stared at each other in that heavy silence before Namjoon pulled her closer. His head resting atop hers as he drew lazy circles along her spine. She fell asleep against the steady thrum of his heart.
Namjoon watched the world flutter by outside his window. His gaze lowered to the steady rise and fall of her shoulders. He fell back into that steady rhythm of sleep with her in his arms. A luxury that was rare and welcome.
Namjoon held Tasha a little tighter that night.
                                  Taehyung-ah, don’t give up.
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kimsgoeun · 6 years
I have only 8 more days of work before my summer vacation, so under the cut is plots and fcs I wouldn’t mind having! Feel free to message me or like this post if you’re interested!
a ship based off of tristan dugray x rory gilmore (gilmore girls, can be m/f or f/f); rich, entitled douchebad against the small town, academic golden girl
a ship based off paris gellar x rory gilmore (gilmore girls)
i would like to do some harry potter ships or a mumu tbh (though i wouldn’t call myself experienced in playing some of these characters). some ships from it i’d want are the following pls and thanks (and can be changed to f/f cuz i die for f/f stuff; can be against OCs): cho chang x luna lovegood, nymphadora tonks x remus lupin, hermione granger x pansy parkinson, sybil trelawney x anyone, narcissa black x anyone, andromeda black x ted tonks, neville longbottom x luna lovegood, hermione granger x fleur delacour, hermione granger x fred weasley, draco malfoy x astoria greengrass, cho chang x ginny weasley, luna lovegood x ron weasley
f/f jim x pam from the office ship based off of this
f/f jess x rory from gilmore girls plot!!
i want to play jo wilson from grey’s anatomy against anyone tbh
kind of want to play killer frost!caitlin snow (the flash) against anyone pls and thanks
a cute friends to lovers plot~
any kind of supernatural plot (aliens, vampires, ghosts, mermaids, faeries, zombies, whatever)
any kind of horror plot!
“During a bank robbery you’re surprised when the criminals seem to recognize you and retreat in fear. Only later do you learn that your high school sweet-heart now runs a global crime syndicate and has you placed on a “No Harm” list. You decide to pay them a visit after all these years.”
(as f/f!!) someone give me “you’re my best friend’s innocent little sister and i’ve known you since you were in like 4th grade but somehow you got super fucking hot and you live next door and have a habit of dancing in front of your window in your underwear.”
“a plot with two people who work at a trashy psychic shop. one is a full-blown phony psychic who makes shit up for profit, and the other genuinely believes in their “gift” and in the world beyond the veil. (whether or not the “gift” is real depends on the thread.) shenanigans ensue.” 
a plot based on jennifer’s body
a plot based on the show killing eve!! or just an agent and a assassin who become obsessed with one another
“my big brother’s best friend is cuter than a button and he keeps ‘accidentally’ brushing his hand against mine and ‘accidentally’ stumbling into my room trying to look for the bathroom even though he’s been here a million times“
a princess x thief plot or princess x guard plot!! bonus points if it’s f/f!
My best friend is getting married and I’m her maid of honour so now I have to make a trip across the country alone because my lame boyfriend chose work over me but wait because my best friend isn’t okay with that so she has her brother come with me and hold on he looks nothing like that summer we spent together six years ago when we first kissed and spent all night laughing and talking and maybe I felt something for him and not to mention he left for college without saying anything after that to me so why is he acting like I did him wrong???
fc ships
amber heard x katie cassidy
ashley benson x troian bellisario
lucy liu x rosamund pike
margot robbie x phoebe tonkin
rachel mccadams x rachel weisz
amanda seyfried
camilla luddington
elizabeth gillies
jennifer morrison
ji chang-wook
jun ji-hyun
lee ji-eun (IU)
lee jong-suk
keira knightley
megan fox
nam joo-hyuk
rachel mcadams
rose byrne
rose mciver
sarah gadon
seo kang-joon
son na-eun
song ji-hyo
yoo in-na
alisha boe
alisha wainwright
chloe bridges
elliot knight
jennifer morrison
ji chang-wook
jodie comer
joel kinnaman
john krasinski
krysten ritter
lee jong-suk
nam joo-hyuk
rachel mcadams
rahul kohli
riz ahmed
song ji-eun
woo do-hwan
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xx-marinette · 7 years
50 Shades Of Complexity
Fic: Bts Fanfic Genre:not sure Character bases: my oc x namjoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Toki can you please help me I can't quite get this design right" Jung kook said as he frowned over viewing his painting. "Hmm maybe its because you're trying too hard to perfect it. Just clear your mind and let your hand lead. Also its because you aren't using the nesscary color to flow into it. Use that one." Toki said as she pointed to one of the colors near him and he smiled looking at her. "Thanks Toki! Hey do you know when ChimChim and Jin are coming back?" Before Toki could respond to JungKook's question V came rushing in picking her up and twirling her around causing her to laugh and blush."V!!" "How are you shorty" V asked setting her back down gently "I'm fine and shush about my height mister! Anyways Kookie I think they said they will be late cause their out with J-hope as well" Toki said as she went towards the couch to sit down while V went to the kitchen. "Well then I guess its just four of us for dinner right?" Toki asked "Unfortunately no. Jk and I are gonna go out and meet up with Yoongi to discuss some things but Rap monster should be here soon" Tae said which caused Toki to pout "We haven't had one dinner together for over 6 months. Its lonely sometimes" she said bringing her knees to her chest and hugging them. "Awe T I know just our schedules clash sometimes I promise before ethe end of the year we will have one dinner together ok?" Jungkook said giving a small smile to her which caused her to smile and nod. "Its time lets go"Tae said as he grabbed his jacket and kissed top of Toki's head and Jungkook followed in suit saying their goodbyes. As time started to go bye and Namjoon still wasn't home and Toki was soon falling fast asleep on the couch waiting for him. She was snuggled up in Suga's big hoodie that he had given her for her birthday 2 years ago. Her phone was cuddled against her cheek and as Namjoon tried to call her she didn't seem to respond due to how much she was tired from the long hours she spent days prior with no sleep. Namjoon came home around 12 o'clock midnight and non of the boys had return which was usual. He seen her asleep on the couch and smiled seeing how she finally got sleep after so long. He walked over to her and sighed seeing how she was wearing a hoodie and short shorts only. "Damn it Toks" he muttered under his breathe as he carefully lifted her to take her to her room so she could rest properly. Namjoon looked down at her fast seeing her slowly open her eyes to see who was holding her and she gave a small sleepy smile "joon joon your home" she said sleeply and he chuckled lightly at her. She called him joon joon or nams nams because she loved giving nicknames that only she can call people. "Sorry if I kept you up Toks I just had a meeting run late" he tried to lie but even a sleeping Toki smirked at his noticable lie. "Joon joon the smell of achol doesn't leave easily even if you chew 4 gums" Toki mumbled as she cuddled against his chest. "Sorry Toks" Namjoon blushed at his awful lie and the fact she cuddled into his chest increased his blush. "Come on let's take you to your room and get you covered." "Nams can I sleep with you" Toks asked as she yawned trying to stay awake "If it gets you to rest sure" he said blushing as he carried her to his room and laid her down on his bed as he put the covers over her as he took his shirt off and pants putting on sweats and crawling in next to her. Toki cuddled against him and smiled feeling his bare chest agasint her soft cheeks. "Joon joon you never not wear a shirt...especially in front of me" Toki said blushing as she tried to stay awake. "Shh sleep Toks" he said and kissed her head and with that she was fast asleep snuggled against his chest. ~~~~~~~~~~~ The next morning Toki awoke to an empty bed and sighed as she read the note Namjoon had left saying he left to work with the boys and that he apologizes for his behavior last night. "Its been so many years and he still doesn't see it... I think its time to give up on him" Toki said as she got up and left Nams room closing the door and heading to her room to change. As she finished and walked out she bumped into namjoon who just returned home."Woah Toks where do you think your going in that outfit" Namjoon asked with a hint of anger in his voice. "Out. Don't wait up." She said and walked passed him and she said her goodbyes to the other boys. Although she knew she regret her plans she still went out in the little high waist shorts with a shoulder less tight white lace shirt and some black high heels that should wouldn't wear unless she wanted to get her mind off things in a way she knew wouldn't help but did so any way. As Toki met up with her friend and hung out Namjoon was at home angry and waiting up for her to scold her as if she was a child. Namjoon was over protective of people already but when it came to Toki you shouldn't even breathe near her unless you want someone to turn you into nothing. "Namjoon she is a grown women you don't need to be like this" Jin said as he patted his shoulder."if it was a concern she'd call even if she was pissed off. Besides what did you tell her?" "Is this guy still oblivious" Hobi asked sighing along with Tae. "What I did nothing wrong. And why are you all giving me a scolding look" Namjoon asked and pouted "One day he will understand "Suga said smirking and went back to writing down things. Causing Rapmon to put his head phones on and listen to music as he waited. Meanwhile it was 10 o'clock already and Toki was dancing and grinding on people already having people think she was excessively intoxicated and that cause her friend to call Namjoon. When Namjoon arrived he was furious to find young Toki grinding against some random guy as his hands were on her waist and kissing her shoulder. Namjoon stormed over and pulled her way causing the guy to get angry and Toki to whine and groan. "You're coming home this is not okay" Namjoon scolded and Toki scoffed."This isn't acceptable but you doing this is. Ha pretty petty don't you believe Namjoon" Toki said although her words were slurred and you can tell she was something else. Namjoon knew he was in deep shit when she said his real name but that didn't stop him from throwing her over his shoulder and taking her home. "Put me down! This isn't fair. I was having fun!" She yelled and pounded on his back. "Having fun is when your relaxing and have no care with friends not when a guy is trying to fuck you for one night" Namjoon yelled and with that the walk home was silent but once they made it back she stormed into her room slamming the door. This was gonna be the epic battle that will surely spiral out of hand.
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muniimyg · 1 year
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01 // series m.list
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “f2f” // please DO NOT comment here or on the series . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks
taglist: @bloopkook @pb-n-juju @taetaecatboy @ellesalazar @joonsjuice
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muniimyg · 2 years
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after leaving oc heartbroken all these years, kim nam joon has the audacity to return and attempt to win her back. in his words, love is not over. 
unwilling to accept that their love is over, kim nam joon puts oc’s patience to the test as he puts his plans into motion. he’s more confident, determined, and ever so willing to grovel at oc’s feet for one more chance
navi | m. list | ask me ! | no tag list 
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childhood friend / secret ex-boyfriend nam joon ! + heartbroken / high maintenance ! oc 
slice of life 
exes to lovers / slight enemies 
rich / privileged life au
misunderstandings + pettiness + angst
cockiness / jock attitude vs princess / brat attitude 
jealousy, implied smut, and sexual tension 
dedicated to @joonsjuice​ because i promised this fic literal EONS ago </3
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 
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Nam Joon was prepared for this.
Mentally, he knew this was coming. He was destined to feel this kind of ache. It’s just.. He didn’t expect it to hurt this much.
“I can’t believe you actually hit me,” he groans, taking the ice pack offered by his friend. Nam Joon presses the ice pack to his cheek, wincing at the applied pressure. “That was practically a punch, you dick!” 
Seok Jin laughs, patting Nam Joon’s shoulders. Nam Joon shrugs off Seok Jin’s touch along with an annoyed eye roll.
“Hey, I only fulfilled a promise.”
It was true. 
This punch was a foreshadow even before Nam Joon had left nearly five years ago.
Seok Jin has always been a protective cousin. Everyone knows that Jin doesn’t take the mention of your name lightly. Truly, it was nothing personal. He loved you more, he prioritized you more; you meant a lot to him. He had taken the place of an older brother you never had since the beginning of time. Perhaps that was a perk of being an only child with a cousin that loved to raid your snack cabinet.
Even if he had been friends with Nam Joon since primary school, it had to be done. Even if the tears you cried were sobbed five years ago, the matter of fact is: Nam Joon made you cry.
This hit was the price he had to pay.
“Have you gone to see her yet?” Jin’s tone goes soft. Half of him knows its a touchy subject and the other half can’t help but interfere.
“No,” Nam Joon scoffs. “Maybe when the colour of this bruise kicks in, I’ll go see her.”
“I’m hoping she’ll feel bad for me and be nice.”
Seok Jin chuckles, in disbelief at how optimistic his friend is. 
Nam Joon had the tendency to believe in you in ways that made others feel puzzled. Perhaps it was because he didn’t stay long enough to experience your rage and often took you at face value. From what he remembers, you’ve always been persistent and bubbly.  Others perceived it as you being too naïve. Honestly? You were just too precious for the world and way too flawless for others to even stand a chance.
This is the part where he considers himself lucky. To have gotten to know you from such a young age—thanks to his mother and your late mother’s friendship—he had the privilege of being a part of your world from the very beginning. Therefore, he had always known the good side of living life with you. However, the perks of being your friend quickly felt overwhelming. 
As you’ve always been expressive, affectionate to everyone you liked and bluntly honest with those you did not, Nam Joon felt indifferent. Moreover, Nam Joon could not escape this and everyone fell into believing that you were finally faced with something you couldn’t have. 
To the world, he was older, smarter, and just a little out of reach. He was the boy next door and you.. You lived in a mansion with two nannies back to back. You could have and actually did have everything you’ve ever wanted. Yet, when it came to him, he often refused. Nam Joon stood prideful and consistent over his motto that he isn’t something you could add to your shopping list.
Instead, he insisted that if you wanted him; you’d have to love him.
That's exactly what you did. 
Needless to say, you always had a fighting spirit and it didn’t take much to wear Nam Joon down from his initial rejections. 
Truth be told, Nam Joon was a good reality check for you. Your father surely admired that from him. He liked the way Nam Joon humbled you in a way that also preserved and acknowledged your worth. Often bringing you out of your picture-perfect life and reminding you of such humane feelings. Restlessness, frustration, loneliness, joy, and love. He had known you since the beginning of time and has grown to understand the way you process and prevail. 
So, yes and so fucking what?
Nam Joon believed in you a little more than others. He had the right to. 
“She’s changed,” Seok Jin admits, slightly disappointing his aspiring friend. “After you left, it’s like she shut down or something... It’s harder to make her laugh. It’s harder to change her mind. It’s harder to love her.. And it’s your fault, you asshole,” he breathes. ”I can’t believe you dumped her.”
Nam Joon rolls his eyes in response. “I left for school. I left for my career.”
“Yet you’re back to work for her father.”
“Living abroad was good for my professional and personal growth.” 
“Is that what you said when ___’s dad interviewed you?”
“Maybe,” Nam Joon jokes. “I didn’t even go through an interview. He called me after his HR put my resume in the pile of the other candidates they were considering.”
“Is that what you’ll say to ___?” 
“Fuck off!” Nam Joon sneers. Almost immediately, the two share a hearty laugh. The air between them feels lighter somehow. Then, it falls into a calming silence. 
“Wait, does she even know you’re here?” Jin asks shocked.
Nam Joon scratches the back of his head, giving a guilty look. “Not exactly.. Her dad mentioned wanting it to be a surprise so I went along with it.”
“Her dad doesn’t know you’re her ex.”
“… Guilty as charged,” Nam Joon laughs. “I don’t plan on staying her ex for long so it’ll be fine.”
Confused and beginning to feel the need to protect, Seok Jin glares at Nam Joon. “Dude, I’m for real though.. It’s honestly safe to say that ___ hates your guts. Have you gone mad?” Seok Jin’s tone is concerning. Of course, he loves these two and wants them to end up together.. But he does not wish to be a part of the pain. It was messy when Nam Joon left, it would be such an odd act to clean up after all these years. “She was so broken, dude. I don’t think I can ever see her go through shit like that again.”
“Is that why you punched me extra hard?”
“It’s what you deserve.” Seok Jin insists. 
He was right. Nam Joon left so cowardly and is back without much odds in his favour. Would that stop him? Absolutely not. He had to try. 
For you, he’d try. 
“She didn’t text, you know?” There’s a softness in the way he delivers this information. An underlying tone of insecurity and disappointment almost. “I thought she’d at least text.. Like back when the break up was still new.”
“That’s because I changed your number on her phone,” Seok Jin confesses. Nam Joon looks at him with an expression that is near unreadable. He feels betrayed, to say the least.
“Why would you do that?” Nam Joon gulps. 
“If you were me, what would you have done?”
Nam Joon looks at Seok Jin sternly and it’s clear what he has implied. It disappoints Seok Jin. 
“What would you have done?” Seok Jin repeats, sounding a little more demanding. “Book a flight back and be with her? After all the fuss you two created? You wanted out, dude. Did you really expect me to keep her waiting for you?”
Seok Jin pauses for Nam Joon’s answer. Nam Joon stays still, only blinking and biting his tongue.
“Joon, I’m happy you’re back. Seriously so fucking happy you grew professionally and personally.. But when it comes to ___, why are you showing up like a dotting teenager? She’s a grown-up now too.”
“It’s not like that—”
“What is it like then? Judging from your pride, I guess all those years of you going the extra mile of insisting that her father shouldn’t be her fast pass to success goes down the drain for your hypocrisy.. Does that sound right to you?”
Nam Joon knows his friend is right. He can’t beat around the bush or sugarcoat any of his intentions. He was selfish for him to wish so, but he would be dishonest if he didn’t come to terms with how he wanted you to yearn for him. He wanted a bigger reaction from you. He wanted to work with something. In response, Nam Joon bows his head, completely aware that the lecture has not ended. In disbelief, Seok Jin’s blood begins to boil.
“You always complained about how she was too immature.. But you were the one that insisted on keeping your relationship a secret when she had no problem telling the world all about you. You were the one that left her out of the blue and now.. What I’m getting at is.. You wanted her to wait for you.. Just in case you wanted her again?” 
Seok Jin is a little off with his theory, but Nam Joon feels it’s better to avoid addressing what is meant for you to know and not for others. He settles with: “we were both young.” Nam Joon lifts his head with a defensive look. “I was young.” 
“And what? It’s supposed to be okay now that we’re older?”
Again, Nam Joon falls silent.
“You’ve always known she liked you. Since you told her she was pretty wearing her princess dress to your birthday—you had her. So, no, Nam Joon, you’re not stupid,” Seok Jin sighs. “You’re just selfish.”
Again, Nam Joon knows deep down Seok Jin is right but could he really blame himself? It wasn’t that he knew he had made a mistake—in all honesty, Nam Joon doesn’t regret what he did—but he definitely could have done things differently. There was probably a way to keep you around regardless of the distance he brought upon you two. There was probably a way to keep your relationship going—there was definitely a way to keep you. 
Leaving was definitely not his smartest move.
“Besides, I’m not trying to befriend her,” Nam Joon hands the ice pack back to Seok Jin before getting up from his seat. “Who said anything about being friends with her again? I was her friend almost all our lives. Dating her was better.”
A dramatic gasp escapes Seok Jin’s lips. “You fucker..”
Nam Joon shrugs. It was true. He could admit to being an ass, but he’d never give up. He doesn’t like to feel defeated even if the circumstances were set up by him. 
“Seriously, have you considered how selfish you are?” Seok Jin asks. He doesn’t sound mad anymore. Instead, he sounds genuinely curious. “I love you and want nothing but the best for you.. But I love ___ a lot more and want nothing but the best for her too. If you’re going to do what I think you’re going to do.. Could you let her walk away from you this time?”
“Have you no faith in me?” Nam Joon chuckles, attempting to divert the mood into something of a lighter sense.
“I have some faith in you,” Seok Jin admits, placing his hand on Nam Joon’s shoulder. He grips it for a second and grins. “Even so.. ___’s feelings towards you? That’s where my faith fractures. So, my advice? Know what you want and keep it that way. One slip up, one moment of uncertainty on your part.. All this goes to shit. I’ll support you if you can promise me you know what you want.” 
Nam Joon vows something that brings Seok Jin conflicting feelings. Admittedly so, Nam Joon also felt the same when he came to this conclusion. He was here to grant his own wish. He smiles weakly. 
“I want her back.”
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Jungkook had left you all alone and zoomed out of the lecture because he had a thing.
A thing that was important enough for him to scurry his way out and apologize for not being able to come over and hang out. To that, you grant him forgiveness under the condition that he buys you coffee for the rest of the week. He has no choice but to agree since you drink coffee more than you drink water. With Jungkook out of the way, you take your time to gather your things and get going. You pack your notes and laptop in your school purse and grab your left over iced coffee. 
Exiting the building, you feel your phone receive notifications. You pause, open your phone to check, and see it’s from your upcoming coffee boy. 
Jungkook (2) Missed Calls
Jungkook [2:37PM]: Girly, there’s some guy leaning against your car?? Wtf
Jungkook [2:38PM] Attached an image
Jungkook [2:28PM]: Yk this weirdo? Call the cops if U don’t. I’m running late, bestie! Gg
Zooming into the picture, you struggle to identify whose leaning against your car. The man's face isn’t in the photo, but something about his posture and figure felt familiar. You run a few names in your head, but conclude to just let yourself experience a surprise. You put your phone away and scan the parking lot for your car. Oddly enough, your noisy friend was right. There was a figure leaning against your car. As you approach, you notice his height and a worn-out baseball cap. 
Okay, a little creepy. 
Should you call the police?
Just as you contemplate, without warning, the man lifts his head and your eyes meet. 
And there it is. 
There’s a moment in everyone’s life where they feel the utmost surprise. No, you didn’t feel surprised as much as you felt nauseous. You could tell there were a lot of feelings beginning to arise. All felt warm and sickening like how when you’re throwing up and you can’t stop. It all feels stuck and sharp, but so relieving to have done. 
This sight.. This is a throw-up moment. 
The rush of shock and pure confusion overwhelms your body halts when he lifts his hand to wave. You must be dreaming. This must be some sick lucid dream.
He can’t be here. He hasn’t been here in so long.. What the hell is he doing here, leaning on your car as if he knew you? Better yet, as if you knew him?
The only thing that made sense.. The only thing that was clear between you two is that when it had ended, you didn’t know if it was over or if it was really over. 
Partly because he didn’t sound cold when he told you he had decided the end for you two. When it happened, it felt utterly heartbreaking to go through. Sometimes, people are so caught up with how the moment feels and forget to brace themselves for the days, weeks, months, and years of healing to come.. But not you. That’s exactly why you cried the moment he said what he said. You knew that it would hurt for a long time and this was just the beginning. 
For weeks, you couldn’t help but wonder if he had always known this is what he was going to do. For weeks, you wished he had told you earlier than he did so you could have found a way to detach from him before he left. For weeks, you had convinced yourself that you could have changed his mind if you were better when he was around. 
The weeks grew to months and months to years. Alone, you realized you’d have to force yourself to get over him. You wouldn’t do it if you had the choice. 
Five years have passed since then. 
Five years of so much growth, life, and clarity. 
Five years without each other. 
Then, it happens. In a blink of an eye, everything you’ve learned and unlearned about yourself vanishes. All the rage you turned into courage, all the despair you turned into hope, all the anger.. It just falls through your fingers like sand. 
One could imagine this: it’s a sight, truly. 
The way he’s leaning against your car with a look on his face that you felt the need to rub your eyes and convince yourself otherwise. 
It’s humorous. 
It’s devastating. 
It’s everything you wanted five years ago.
Kim Nam Joon, your first and only, greets you with a look of love.
You gather whatever confidence you have inside and stare at him blankly. He steps towards you, intending to hug you, and you take a step back. You feel uneasy and it shows. 
“Move,” you command, unlocking your car. 
He holds his stance. “Hello to you too, ___.” 
You offer him a half-assed smile. “Move.”
As stubborn as you are, he is too. 
After years of knowing you, he knew he had to be just as strong as you are. He ignores what you say and turns to your car. He looks at it like he’s assessing it. “A Tesla, huh? I thought you were more of a Mercedes Benz kind of girl.”
You don’t answer. Instead, your doors open and you throw your purse inside. He shifts, blocking you from getting in. You can’t help but feel dizzy with the way he’s being so shameless. 
How fucking dare he show up out of nowhere and act the way he’s acting? His confidence has always been your guilty pleasure. He knew that.
On the other hand, he wants to touch you. Should he? 
Oh, fuck it.
Nam Joon places his hand on your waist, tugging you to take a step closer to him. He’s taller than you—that hasn’t changed and neither has the way it made your heart race. His cap covers your face and you’re thankful because you can feel the way that other students leaving their departments are beginning to eye you two. You feel uneasy with the closeness. It feels comforting and you’re angry at that. You’re angry at how easy this must be for him. 
“Move.” You’re almost choking the four-letter word out. How is he still making you feel so small? So nervous. 
“Is that all you have to say to me, essa?” You cringe at the pet name you haven’t heard anyone call you since him. You push yourself away from him and place your stiletto on top of his sneakers. 
“Where’s your bike, Nam Joon?”
“You’ll be my ride home.”
“No, I won’t.”
“Then you can just ride me,” he smirks. “Again. You know? For old time's sake.”
“You’ve got some nerve,” you bite. “New shoes?”
He glares at you, suddenly remembering the way you throw a fit. Applying pressure, he turns his face and your pleasure is cut short. You quickly lift your foot off at the sight of the discolour around his eye. 
“Jin?” you question, fighting the urge to take off the stupid cap. You want to see his face clearly. The bruise looks a little fresh since the colour isn’t deep yet. 
Nam Joon offers you a cheeky smile. “Care for me?”
“I’m over you.” You answer a little too quickly. It amuses him and makes you feel embarrassed. 
“Never asked if you were.” 
“But, you know.. If you are over me, why do you look so concerned? Your face. You’re frowning. Look, your eyebrows are doing that thing again,” he pokes the crease made between your furrowed eyebrows. You lighten your eyes, hoping that it would take away the look he’s going on about. He’s always been the type to notice your meaningless habits. It irritates you that he remembers. 
One thing you’ve always been annoyed about is how people think they know you better than you know yourself. How is that even possible? It drives you mad. 
“Because you’re annoying,” you bash, giving him a devious smile. “I guess some things really don’t change.”
“Maybe,” he starts, quickly moving again to block your attempt to get inside your car. You fold your arms, unamused. Again, he smiles at you sweetly. “You still care.”
“You wish.”
“And if I did?” he reveals. “Would that be such a bad thing?”
The way he chases your eyes makes your stomach turn. How is it that after all this time, you’re still fighting the urge to fall for his words again? It’s like he never even left. Could you even be mad at your body for the way it’s sending electric shocks and waves of neediness? 
“Nam Joon, please get out of my way.” It almost sounds like you’re begging. You aren’t. You’re simply tired and this whole thing is just too overwhelming. 
“No,” he decides. “Cute manners though. Did you learn some while I was gone?” 
You scoff. “What? Did you lose your hearing in five years? Your ability to comprehend anything? What are you even doing here?”
“You know why.” 
The suggestion is absurd.
No, you don’t. 
You don’t want to know why and you don’t want to guess why. Not right now at least. Groaning in frustration, you take a deep breath. 
“Move,” you demand. “Move while I’m still being nice.”
“You know what would be nice?” Nam Joon chimes. “We haven’t got to talking. Let’s talk, ___. We always talk. I beg you, principessa,” he attempts.
For the nth time today, he has made your stomach swirl. This stupid pet name could be the cause of your death.
“What’s there to talk about?” you ask. “You’re a stranger, Mr. Kim.. A mere childhood friend—“
“I was your first kiss.”
“Whose to say?”
“Shall I remind you? Maybe you’ll remember better.”
He takes a step towards you and you instant put your hand on his chest. You feel his heart for a moment. It beats fast and you can’t help but feel close to him all of the sudden.
“Stop,” you beg rather weakly. “Fuck off, Nam Joon.”
“You aren’t even going to welcome me home?”
Alright, Nam Joon sounds stupid now. Home? Here? Certainly not. Home isn’t a place you abandon. 
With not much to say, you’re left with the only option. You tip your drink over and let it slowly pour over his new shoes. Yet, he doesn’t break eye contact with you. He doesn’t budge. As the coffee spills over his new shoes, he waits for the cup to empty before opening his mouth to speak.
You beat him to it. 
“Welcome home, Nam Joon.” 
“Thank you, ___. Good to be back.”
“Good for you. Now tell me something,” you smile at him sweetly. You shove the empty cup to his chest and wipe your wet fingertips on his shirt.
“Anything.” Nam Joon promises, letting you use him like a rag.
“When do you leave?”
268 notes · View notes
muniimyg · 1 year
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03 // series m.list
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “f2f” // please DO NOT comment here or on the series . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks
taglist: @bloopkook @pb-n-juju @taetaecatboy @ellesalazar​ @joonsjuice @firesighgirl @cursedcursives @whoa-jo @yoongukie-ff @jihopesjoint
38 notes · View notes
muniimyg · 8 months
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note to self: take baths alone from now on
in which nam joon takes any and every opportunity to see you naked
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pairing: boyfriend nam joon + oc 
(new) established relationship
non-idol au
fluff, crack, and smut
explicit langauge and behaviour ...
cockwarming & riding,, some titty grabbing & basic ass position changes
note: originally posted on @/meowachi ,, revised !!
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @prdshobi @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns
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The water is colder than you expected. 
Your body reacts with goosebumps to which you let out a shiver. Maybe you took too much time getting everything ready that you missed this bath water’s prime temperature… Guess you didn’t girl-math this right. 
Oh well. 
There’s always next time, right?
Thankfully, his bare body holding yours makes it easier to adjust. He nuzzles his chin on your shoulder and wraps his arms around your waist, not missing the chance to hold your breasts for a moment. You scold him as if it’s second nature and he leaves a trail of kisses up and down your neck as an apology. 
Then, you take this moment in. Honestly, setting up music was a good idea. Along with the scented candles, the bubbles in your bath, the bath lavender bath bomb, and the bath salts—all such amazing details. Everything would’ve been perfect if only Nam Joon wasn’t complaining every five seconds. 
“I hate baths.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing here.”
“The bath salts went up my ass—”
Finally, you shush him.
“Please,” he cries, “can we fuck?”
Rolling your eyes, you raise your hand and flick him with your fingers. He purses his lips and shuts his eyes in response. Nam Joon sighs, feeling defeated for the nth time tonight. Prior to this bath, he had suggested shower sex. To which, you argued you’d be too afraid to try since you’re as clumsy as they come… And he himself… Well, it was nice of him to ask.
It’s not like you didn’t want to have sex tonight… No, of course, you do. Your handsome and beefy boyfriend was naked, holding you.. Who wouldn’t be turned on? You just feel like being annoying. You want to push him as far as you can. You want to see how good he stays. How well self-disciplined he is. 
So, you sink into his body again, taking another deep breath in. 
Let’s try this again.
You want to relax. 
That’s all you want to do.
It doesn’t last. A few giggles escape your lips as he begins to place small kisses on your shoulder all the way to the sides of your face. 
“Nam Joon…” you attempt to sound annoyed.
In his low voice, he hums; “Yes, my love?”
“You’re not making me feel relaxed!” Suddenly, you squirm as he bites your shoulder playfully. “I want to—stop that! I just want to relax, Joonie! You said you wanted to join me. You insisted.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he murmurs, only half meaning his apology. No, he wasn’t sorry. He was a man, after all. What idiot would turn down being naked in a tub of water with you? Fucking losers, that’s who. 
He squishes your body closer to him. “So... is this what you do?” 
You nod.
“Is this all that you do? This is so boring. You don’t even have those ducks to play with or like a toy boat that moves—”
“Nam Joon,” you warn, groaning at how talkative he’s becoming. “You can leave. I wouldn’t mind watching you ass walk away right now.” 
He laughs in response, getting the hint. You want to relax. He wants to be with you. This was the middle ground.
“Sorry,” he means it this time. “I’m just bored.. Like, I pictured this to be more… Sexy? Aren’t you supposed to seduce me?” Nam Joon wiggles his eyebrows at you. To that, you offer him and confused look.
“Who knows? Maybe I’ve been seducing you this entire time..” you gaslight.
He lowers his gaze. “You’ve been ignoring me since the minute we settled in the tub.”
“Aren’t you turned on?”
You smile at him warmly, yet your tone is cold. “My love, if that’s the case… Then why do I feel your dick poking in between my legs right now?” 
He gulps.
“It’s hard.”
“I thought you said it’s boring.”
Nam Joon whines, “___, my dick is hard. I’m bored. Please sit on it.”
You gasp. 
Although, you can’t say you aren’t surprised. You’ve been together for less than a year yet he has never missed a chance to suggest such acts. Most days, you’d give in and it would be a good time. But today… You figure it would be much more fun to be a tease. This mood is sponsored by your incoming period. Regardless if it’s PMS or all your stress from work; it didn’t really matter. You just knew you weren't in the mood for super wet, slippery, hot sex in cold bath water. Imagine all the water that would be splashed on the floor! You’d be the one left to clean all of it up. Nam Joon would probably slip and hurt himself if you ordered him to do the cleaning duties.
“Okay,” you tease. “I’ll sit on your dick.”
He cheers. 
“But I won’t move.”
“W-what?” Nam Joon blinks. 
You shrug, pushing yourself up on his lap. When you find his length, you quickly guide it inside of you. No warning, not even a little rub in between. Nam Joon gulps the second he feels his cock inside of you. Unlike the water, you’re so warm. He hisses, feeling his dick begin to throb inside your tight walls. 
“M-mean,” he hisses. “You’re so mean.”
Ignoring him, you sink yourself even deeper. Now, he’s fully inside you and you’re completely sitting on him. You feel his tip and how far he is inside you.. It makes your body feel tingles and you honestly contemplate if you should just give in.
He feels so good. 
… And you hate to admit it but you overestimated yourself.
You’re having a hard time too. 
Yet, you stick it through. You have to! Rare are the moments you get where Nam Joon loses complete control.
“You asked me to sit on your dick. Sure, I’ll sit on your dick… But I’m not moving. I’m not going reverse cowgirl style. I’m not going doggy. I’m not fucking you.”
“So you’re just going to cockwarm me?” he asks, feeling betrayed. “But you love riding me!”
You glare at him. “No, I don’t. It’s tiring. It’s boring.” 
Nam Joon’s eyebrows furrow together. He tries his best to focus on your words and not how perfect you are inside of him. He’s stressed as fuck but he needs to prove to you that he can get through this… He has a feeling that winning you over will get him the reward he’s been after. 
“Then why do you do it?” 
This is news to him too. You always looked like you enjoyed riding him. Honestly, you probably ride him more than you two do in any other position. Also, why would he question it? You never really complained until now. It’s one of the things he liked so much about you.. It’s like, you just knew him. 
“You love it and I love you—”
Your eyes widen.
Did you really just say that? All this time, you were worried about slipping… Who knew it wasn’t about your body but rather your words? 
You two haven’t said it to each other yet. God, this is so fucking embarrassing. In this position too? In a fucking cold ass bath? It should’ve been more romantic! Plus, he should’ve said it first! You had it all planned out.. You were going to get it out of him before you could say it first. 
As you open your mouth to deny, take back, or spit out an excuse, his words make your world stop. 
“I love you too.”
Your breath hitches. “W-what?”
“Yeah,” he scratches the back of his neck. “I’ve been meaning to tell you.. For the past like… Six months but I couldn’t find the right moment. I figured one day, you’d just get it out of me yourself.” Nam Joon looks awfully shy to you right now. It makes your heart flutter. 
“I thought the same,” you confess. “I wanted you to say it first.”
“Okay,” Nam Joon chuckles, “Then I said it first.”
Your heart begins to pound louder and faster. God, was he always this good with words? In all honesty, Nam Joon has no problem being the first to yield or confess.. He just needed time. Right now, he knew it well. You’re the right person at the right time. He’s so grateful.
“I wanted it to be more romantic.”
Instantly, he dips his head and kisses you slowly. When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours. “A slow kiss. Romantic, right? Better?”
You shake your head. 
“You have to hold my hand when you say it,” you whine. “It only makes sense that way.”
“Then, you have to look at me,” he negotiates. “You can’t be looking the other way when I say it.”
You shift, pulling his dick out for a second. You adjust yourself, opening your legs and facing him. Now, your breasts were completely in front of him. He takes slow deep breaths as you put him inside you again. You wrap your arms around his neck and tilt your head. 
God, you’re so sexy.
With or without clothes, Nam Joon thinks you’re the sexiest human to ever exist. It wasn’t because your body was perfect; it was all because of the way you carried your confidence. It was that exact something he sensed and fell into an intense trance over. Moments like these play over and over in his head when he’s away from you. Moments where he feels so close to you. Physically, this was it. There is nothing more he could ask for. 
You: naked and on top of him. 
But more than that, what makes moments like these so special is the fact that he feels like he knows your soul. Bare, imperfect and so loving. It was sexy to have someone like you. It was something he had never experienced before with past loves. This was a first for him. A first real, sexy, and beautiful love. It was more than your body—it always has been. Regardless, who is he to not try? At the end of the day, he has needs. 
“Say it.” 
He laughs as he intertwines your fingers together. He raises them above the water to show you. Bringing your hands to his lips, he looks up at you and kisses your knuckles. 
“I love you, ___.”
You pout. 
He kisses your wrist and then pulls you closer to him. He kisses your breast, your collarbone, your shoulder, your cheeks, and the corner of your lip. “I’ve loved you for a while now. I’m sorry it took a cold bath to get it out of me.”
“Should’ve taken a bath together sooner.”
He laughs into your kiss. “Too bad the bath salts aren’t making me feel too sexy right now,” he confesses his uncomfortability. This is his last attempt. “Unless…”
“Spit it out,” you say, unamused.
“It’s just—”
“We’re not fucking in this bath of cold water, Joon. Give it up!” you laugh as you cup his cheeks together. You squish his lips with your thumb and index, making kissy faces at him. “No more fucking around.”
His suggestive eyes suddenly soften. “Fucking? ___, I wanted to make love… Since, you know.. I love you.”
Three times.
He said, “I love you,” three times now.
And perhaps, you’re not built for this hard-to-get lifestyle when the love of your life says such dreamy things. Of course, you’d give in. As they all say; the third time’s a charm. 
You burst into laughter, unable to hold yourself back. Desperately, you kiss him for what feels like forever, and as much as you resist; you end up riding him. 
The second you move yourself up and down, Nam Joon’s eyes widen and he smiles into the kiss. He can’t believe he won you over. 
“Fucking finally… Or should I say… Finally fucking?” Nam Joon chides, liking his word play more than he should.
Nerd alert.
You grunt, “s-shut up.” 
As you two continue to make out, you begin to move your hips as you slowly but surely begin to bounce on his hard cock. It feels so good to finally do this. As you move at a faster pace, the water begins to splash and for a second, you turn your head to make sure it isn’t going to flood the floor. But Nam Joon places his hand on your chin and the top of your neck, guiding you to look at him. 
“Don’t look away,” he hisses. “It’s just water. Focus on me.”
You nod, biting the inside of your cheeks. 
For stability, you place your hands on his chest. You feel his heart and how fast it’s racing. His skin has little goosebumps due to the cold water, but you can also see sweat from his forehead lightly layer on top of his perfect skin. His eyebrows are knitted together, as he gathers all his mental strength not to cum yet. At one point, you see his lips make an ‘o’. Why was he trying so hard to last? 
“Just cum,” you assure him. “It’s fine.”
He shakes his head, refusing to give in this early. “It’s your fucking boobs,” Nam Joon blames. “Mmhff—s-shit. What the hell. Fuck it.” 
Without warning, he places his hands on your waist and lifts you up. Nam Joon gently, yet firmly, turns you over. Your chin rests just over the rim of the tub, along with your arms. Your back is arched as he backs your ass up to his dick. He takes his fingers and plays with your clit for a bit. You moan, unable to fathom just how fucking sexy this all is. You feel yourself coming close. Before you know it, he sticks himself back in and begins to pump. Nam Joon pumps himself at a steady pace. At first, they were short and fast strokes that made the water spill over and you moan louder than usual. As you reach your peak and so does he; his strokes transition to long and deep ones. 
After a few more pumps, he lets himself go and cups your breasts with his hands. You don’t feel his cum inside of you as your walls still tingle, but you know it’s inside. Regardless of the water, you just know he creamed you messy as usual. 
As you two catch your breath, he kisses your neck once again. 
“For round two…” Nam Joon teases, “I’m thinking shower sex. Thoughts?”
“Haha,” you play along. “No.”
Nam Joon pouts, giving you puppy eyes. “... But I love you.” 
You can’t help but melt.
Oh, you’re so fucked.
You know for a fact he’ll be using this line for a while… And it’ll work. He’ll get you every time. But it’s okay! You love him too. You want him too. You need him too.
Besides, you’ll be charging him the water bill.
947 notes · View notes
muniimyg · 1 year
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09 // series m.list
taglist closed !
taglist: @bloopkook @pb-n-juju @taetaecatboy @ellesalazar @joonsjuice @firesighgirl @cursedcursives @whoa-jo @yoongukie-ff @jihopesjoint @mint--yoongs @xxxanimangxxx @floweryjeons
41 notes · View notes
muniimyg · 1 year
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08 // series m.list
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “f2f” // please DO NOT comment here or on the series . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks
taglist: @bloopkook @pb-n-juju @taetaecatboy @ellesalazar @joonsjuice @firesighgirl @cursedcursives @whoa-jo @yoongukie-ff @jihopesjoint @mint--yoongs @xxxanimangxxx @floweryjeons
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muniimyg · 2 years
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(f) fluff | (x) crack | (a) angst |🤍personal fave
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 — THE ART OF WAR // (a) (x) | series | exes / enemies to lovers au  
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 
— F2F // (a) (x) | mini smau | friends with benefits ft. hoseok
fully knowing you can’t pass the course without him, and him being self aware that he can’t go a few days without fucking you—nam joon agrees to be your tutor. it’s all fun and games until his best friend asks you out and you say; “yes”
— NICE GUYS FINISH LAST // (f) | one shot | exes to lovers
you’re still so pretty to him
— TO BE (yours) // (x)🤍| one shot | bodyguard au
oc has always had a crush on her bodyguard, nam joon. when her monthly family dinner goes to shit, she turns to him for comfort. tonight, it was different. tonight, he just might give her exactly what she wants
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— XOXO // (f)🤍| blurb | things untold; a collection of fleeting moments
; the one where oc wins 
— PARALUMAN // (f) (x) (a) | social media au (50/50) | friends with benefits to lovers / best friends to lovers | love triangle au
in love and afraid of losing oc, jungkook attempts to clean up his act to compete with his calm and collected roommate who has done nothing but break oc’s heart over and over again
— 25 // (a) | blurb | enlistment au
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— SWISH // (f) | one shot | friends to lovers | uni au 
 — YOUR UNIVERSE // (a) (x) (f)🤍| social media au (ongoing) | friends to lovers | uni au
regretting rejecting oc, min yoongi goes through a circus load of gestures and tasks in attempt to be loved again
— ALONE TOGETHER // (a) (f) | one shot | best friends to ???
yoongi spends too much time convincing you to not be anyone’s second choice all the while he remains yours
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— I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU NOT // (f) | blurb | pieces of peace; a series of therapy sessions
; oc and her brother’s best friend, hobi, share a pint of ice cream and their feelings
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— TAINTED // (f) (x) (a) | social media au (20/20) | est. relationship | college au
after going public with their relationship, everyone is amused as jimin isn’t exactly what they had in mind for a girl that is practically an angel. perhaps a dance with the devil is what it takes for both worlds to fall into place. 
— HAPPILY EVER AFTER // (a) | blurb | things untold; a collection of fleeting moments 
# 3 ! the one where oc is the villain 
— NONSENSE // (f) (x) (a)🤍| social media au (20/20) | enemies with benefits | uni au  
jimin and oc know each others secrets. they’re virgins and make a deal to lose it to one another. after that, they keep hooking up and everyone can’t believe their eyes when they catch glimpses of the two getting along
— JUST FRIENDS // (a) |  blurb | friends to situationship
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— NO GIVE BACKS // (f) | one-shot | friends to lovers | college au
an accidental kiss between you and a friend causes a discovery of unacknowledged feelings and it all simply makes you want to cry.
— PLEASE LOVE ME // (x) (a)🤍| social media au (30+/30) | friends with benefits to lovers | fuckboy au
these days, taehyung realizes he spends most of his time in between your legs and lost in his thoughts — trying to convince himself that he’d rather your body than half of your heart
— THE MORNING AFTER // (a) | blurb | piece of peace; a series of therapy sessions
#  3 ! oc has broken up with taehyung and he struggles to understand the breakup
— LIKE YOU CARE // (x) (f) | one shot | situationship au
sometimes, you wish he would just confess
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— CASUAL // (f) (x) (a) | social media au (25+/25) | idiots to lovers | college au
while everyone on campus has their eyes on bangtan’s frat boys, the boys have their eyes set on yn. she’s a mini fashionista, has a small boba addiction, and is completely unaware of just how much these boys love her. 
— LEFT ON READ // (x) | social media au (30/30) | enemies to lovers | hospital au
as surgeons, who has time for friends or love? at all costs, jungkook is determined to prove otherwise. 
— SO IT BEGINS // (f) (a) | drabble series | things untold; a collection of fleeting moments
# 1 ! the one where it’s all about what oc wants🤍
# 2 ! the one where it’s all about what jungkook wants 
— SO IT ENDS //  (a) | alternate universe blurb | things untold; a collection of fleeting moments
# 4 ! the one where oc is jungkook’s first love but he is not hers 
— PARALUMAN // (f) (x) (a) | social media au (50/50) | friends with benefits to lovers / best friends to lovers | love triangle au
in love and afraid of losing oc, jungkook attempts to clean up his act to compete with his calm and collected roommate who has done nothing but break oc’s heart over and over again
— SAUDADE // (a) (x) | one shot | exes to ??
once found, now lost; it’s a love that lingers and struggles to find closure
— CLOSE TO YOU // (f) (x) (a)🤍| social media (10/10+) | friends with benefits to lovers
in which oc and jungkook sleep together and he can’t get over it
— ALL AT ONCE // (f)🤍| drabble series | friends to lovers
jungkook confesses and you're in denial
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— requests are CLOSED !
— consider sending an ask / interaction for more updates and consistent activity ! anon is off
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