#muse: woo
sparklytimebun · 23 days
For the dating meme woo with deadpool
"I suppose? Ive never really thought about it. I guess it depends on if he will say Mr.Fluffikins is a demon too. And if Vincent approves of him."
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gcmblingdice · 7 months
Changbin was feeling low but didn't want to bother the others. He looked at his phone as he stayed in the dorm, hoodie up like he was hiding in it and sighed.
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Woo hums as he enters the dorm, eyes showing his tiredness, but he hadnt heard from his Binnie so he opens the door to the other's room. He sees then curled up and instead of saying anything moves to them, before he wraps his whole body around them and pulls them in close.
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sunflower-dancing · 1 year
Joonwoo has the patience of a saint. As the head of the accounting department and soon to be CEO of the company found Woo spending a great deal of his day in meetings: Going over budgets, going over sales, and working with of course other departments to allocate resources. Why does he take on so much? Simple: It’s no secret that his father has been... off kilter you could say. Although he out right denies, but everyone can see it. The slow decline of his mental state beginning its quickening descent and no one seems to know when or how it will happen, but they do know one thing: 
Joonwoo is ruthless and as cold as his father and Vincent, the VP, is equally cruel, yet they could all agree when Joonwoo finally stepped up to take over a majority of work the quality of their work improved. They were paid more, and sales had gone up. Research had begun to reach break throughs and their buisness, for all to see, was flourishing now.  Still as the soon to be CEO sips his coffee he knows something else must be done. One more tie that needs to be severed fully: 
The drug ring. Yes, the front of their business, legit as it is, was indeed just that: A front for something much less pure of intentions. He doesn’t know how long his family, specifically his father’s family, had had their hands in such seedy operations, but he knows it will fall to him to either disband it, or take over and prove he is not to messed with. 
Then only sole reason he has yet to place the nail in the proverbial coffin.  “Mr. Kim, you have a visitor,” A soft voice announces over the intercom. Curious, hazy golden eyes flash before a gentle brown is seen.  He had a visitor?? A soft rumbling purr was noted in the quiet room, curled by the witch’s feet and an orange tabby on the desk. 
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moonlightsdream · 7 months
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Daily Dose of Sunshine 정신병동에도 아침이 와요 (2023) | ep.06. ep.11
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simphic · 1 year
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Must be 7'0 to ride this ride..
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coppercrow · 2 months
The problem with writing fanfiction is that you end up with amazing ideas for future fics in a series, but it's so long before you get to actually write those ideas. This particularly applies to the Wooing Guide series atm, where I have several Radioapple ideas I'm just ravenous to write. These ideas include:
Black Market meat smuggling
The great Duck vs Long Furby competition
The Preening Fic
The Furby idea is absolutely the fault of the @madanimalscientist and I cannot wait to write it.
I also am susceptible to influence, so if you have a Radioapple concept you're craving I may be convinced to write it at some point.
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ride-a-dromedary · 9 months
Halsin's biggest muscle is his heart, and that's the only thing that matters
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ladyanidala · 2 days
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Hey y'all, personal announcement, but I got engaged!! I'm over the moon happy about it too, it's great XD
What does this mean for fics, you ask? I'm glad you did!
I'm planning on finishing the Jesse fic ASAP. That takes number one priority. I don't have a deadline, but it will be finished. From there, I'll be alternating between the LadyAnidala 150 celebration prompts and Summer of Bad Batch challenges. I even have the next idea for my beloved crack fic in my head, so that'll get written too!
As for when everything will be out?? Yeah, that's gonna depend on planning and everything 😂 I'm definitely going to slow down the closer I get to the wedding (which I'm hoping will be in either January or February, but nothing's set yet!), but this is my first time being engaged, so we'll see what timelines look like.
Thank y'all for coming along on the journey! So happy to have y'all here! ❤️
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dakt37 · 1 year
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Quack quack more Kingdom Ducks AU quack quack
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chounaifu · 6 months
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❝ Yeah that'll work. ❞
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sparklytimebun · 2 days
Seriously trying to do a woo/venom plot. Venom is shy
"You uh...thank you. Um who are you?" He asks, nudging the hissing cat away. Shush mr.fluffikins.
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gcmblingdice · 1 year
"Im here I'm here" Chan shouted as he hurried inside, panting heavily before collapsing to his knees out of breath. "What happened?"
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"KARINE IS IN LABOR??" woo is panicked and did the only thing he knew to do: call Chan while he waited in the lobby while Karine was being checked out.
"Sorry Im just so worried. This isnt the first time we had a scare byt she was really hurting and i need you to be herr because Im so worried and I cant control my emotions, Chris."
And he really did try, but he was hovering a few cm off the ground.
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sunflower-dancing · 1 year
*he scoops them up, holding them cloae before jumping high up into the air.* look my love. Look at this beautiful grand sight. All of it is your's to own, for you are royalty of the highest caliber. All that is in this universe is yours, love.
All mine, *he whispers, eyes taking in the skyline of Seoul from high above.* All ours, you mean
*he kisses them then, giggling and so happy.*
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moonlightsdream · 6 months
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@kdramaspace  2023 YEAR IN REVIEW | How Fates Intertwine Jung Da Eun x Dong Go Yoon — Daily Dose of Sunshine | dir. Lee Jae Gyoo
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stillsolo · 22 days
MUSE: han ‘jonash e.’ solo although i normally like to separate my headcanons by verses (modern/sw), i think i’ll just go with sw for consistency this time.
more often than not, the smell of burnt exhaust fumes and the distinct, somewhat pungent aroma of engine oil clings to han like a second skin.  if he’s been elbows-deep in some serious repairs or upgrades for the ’falcon, there’s the lingering tang of sweat mingling in.  han is a very practical man, loads more rugged than he is refined, so he isn’t big on fancy or fragrant scents.  when he’s scrubbed clean and free of grease and sweat, he smells of fresh linen or the no-nonsense scent of utilitarian detergent.  if his clothes have gone through the sonic, he’s devoid of any scent altogether. on the rare occasion han bothers with any fragrance, it’s likely a simple cologne—nothing too overpowering or difficult to come by.  i can easily see him stumbling upon a cologne in his late teens and sticking with that same scent over the years.  something subtle, like sweet corellian / kashyyykian sandalwood, sounds about right.
han’s hands are rough and weathered, thickened by layers of calluses and scar tissue.  his nails are dense, mostly blunted by frequent clipping, though sometimes sharpened by chipped corners and, depending on if he’s been working on repairs, darkened by engine grease stains. 
han spends the majority of his time traveling through space.  because the ’falcon isn’t a luxury starship—though i’m sure han would fight me on that—food comes in only so many options.  han is the type of guy to enjoy hearty meals, mainly traditional corellian cuisine, the sort of stuff dewlanna would make for him before she died.  however, the space-fairing life doesn’t provide such a thing, not unless you have some kinda ultra-expensive, fancy food synth / replicator—which he doesn’t lol.  he hates the taste of artificial crap, so he keeps ample stock of your standard pre-packaged and dehydrated food rations onboard the ’falcon.  it’s nothing fancy, just portioned rations designed to provide the necessary nutrients for a human and wookiee to survive, as well as some extras for emergencies.
he isn’t terrible, nor is he a natural-born singer.  han probably never sings unless encouraged while drunk as hell, or it’s for his children.  since this is a boring answer imo, i’ll briefly mention the au in which he grew up with two sisters instead, because it features a snippet about singing i wrote in 2016 that still stands: as a child, han grew up in an incredibly traditional corellian household and learned to play the drums.  during family gatherings, they would sing old corellian legends.  han was ushered up to sing often.
i’ve had to elaborate on han’s past pretty much every time i’ve plotted with someone new this year, so i’m just gonna skim over his background real quick.  don’t worry, it’s relevant to the question!
born on corellia, han solo’s early years were marked by abandonment, hardship, and virtually no recollection of how he survived.  garrus shrike, a pirate and certified shitty bastard, scooped han up off the streets and raised him to be a pickpocket, skilled con artist, and professional swoop racer etc.  throughout his childhood and well into his teens, han was emotionally manipulated, physically / emotionally abused, and nearly beaten to death by shrike on multiple occasions. in such dire circumstances, solo had to master social engineering very early on, not only to aid in shrike’s shitty schemes to scam people of credits, but also as a means to survive.  he learned how to talk sweet and take hits on the chin without flinching.  doesn’t mean he’s tolerant of when it happens, but it goes to show he’s a better sport than you would think.  to be frank, if not rather depressing, han’s ability to control himself and his emotions, including his ‘nervous tics’, hinges on both his age and the era in which you encounter him, as these factors shape the extent of his trauma. TLDR ANSWER: while not explicitly labeled as nervous tics, han’s repertoire of behaviors in tense situations falls within a distinct pattern: the flippant wave of a dismissive hand, a frantic scrubbing at his face to evade eye contact, a sudden urge to get up and pace the room, or strained laughter that punctuates an awkward silence.  rare is the accidental stammer, but it’s a good sign he’s really slipped into a dither.  the abrupt shift to dark looks, marked by crooked grins, could be a fight-or-flight response. eventually, it devolves: his jaw clenches, his chin juts forward in defiance; his fingers twitch near the grip of his blaster, and he resorts to issuing unexpected ultimatums to steer the situation back in his favor—or to circumvent it altogether.
this might seem strange, but with han, nervous tics often twine with anger.  at least, that’s the impression many might get at first glance. given his entire upbringing and the years he spent under the tyrannical thumb of an emotionally and physically abusive parental figure, han has a serious problem with authority and control. for him, the boundary between nervousness and anger is razor-thin. losing control is akin to pulling the rug out from under him.  whether triggered by positive or negative stimuli, han doesn’t handle that well, not even as an adult, as losing control equates to vulnerability, and in the harsh world han has come to know, that’s what gets you killed.  love and violence are instinctive reactions to vulnerability, and for han, violence often wins out. that is until someone lovely comes by to soften his heart, of course. p:
decked out in your usual spacer’s gear, but with han’s personal touch! han prefers at least two layers crafted from thin yet durable materials, ensuring versatility in varying weather conditions while remaining lightweight and flexible, should he ever need to book a hasty retreat ( trial and error, trial and error ).  although han didn’t exactly enjoy his time as an imperial lieutenant, he is deeply prideful of his achievements and corellian heritage, which is why you won’t ever see him running with trousers that don’t feature a corellian blood-stripe running up the sides.  a gunbelt is also a necessity; he never sets foot off the ’falcon without one strapped to his waist, blaster and all.  and last but certainly not least, a sturdy pair of boots!
bit of a broad question, ain’t it? don’t even know where to begin.  han is a multifaceted person.  he has layers—like an onion.  distinguishing between platonic and romantic affection is a task in itself, and han isn’t one to readily display any form of affection. generally speaking, han is a prickly thing.  he’s got a huge soft side, and he’s actually quite compassionate and understanding, but showing that side of himself must be done on his own terms, or he’d sooner eat his whole hand than allow others to see that.  yes, he’s quite the self-sabotaging little gremlin.  he is your definition of awkwardly affectionate until he’s learned to lower his guard, which has its own set of hurdles…
bold of you to assume han sleeps at all. han is a man of perpetual motion, his thoughts racing ahead to the next task even as he tackles the present one.  whether it’s contemplating the aftermath of his current endeavor, anticipating chewie’s return with a vital component, or planning out his next ship upgrade, han’s life as a smuggler has kept him on the go.  in a galaxy like star wars, danger lurks around every corner, especially in his chosen profession.   old habits die hard. when he sleeps, it’s anywhere and with one eye open.  he might say it casually, but it’s an ingrained rule he lives by: sleep with one eye open.  one eye open, ’n a loaded blaster at your side.
omg lmao have you met this man? han’s great at hollerin’ from the top of his lungs, lemme tell ya.  when han’s got something to say, he’ll make sure every man, woman, enby / alien in the building hears him loud and clear lmao but in all seriousness, it depends.  is there an imperative need for him to keep his volume under control? is he engaged in a contentious exchange? or does someone else want him to keep his voice down? y’know, he might just start yelling if it’s the latter. 
tagged by: @kingofthewebxxx thank you for thinking of me!! xo
tagging: @techniiciian, @sgterso @misfittcd ( luke! ), @alootus, @debelltio, @tapalslegacy @vibraea @devoutgun @duelfated (luke!), and you if you wanna do this! thanks for reading this hot mess!!
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hellpride · 2 months
Also Lucifer
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