#mungoe writes
missmungoe · 1 month
Just here and hoping to fill that bounty for Ben Beckman, Laid or Alive (please, I'm begging)
(The wanted poster hangs, framed, next to Luffy's behind the counter of Shanks and Makino's bar. An updated version can be procured from the proprietors upon request.)
"Did he issue it on himself?" Shanks asked. "I still have so many questions. Also, since there's no mention of a reward, is he supposed to be the reward? That's...annoyingly clever."
"Are you jealous you didn't think to do this back when you were young and untethered?" Makino asked, bumping her hip against his where she'd joined him behind the counter, observing their wall of wanted posters. Pride of place was awarded to the young Pirate King's, surrounded by a cheerful assortment, including Yasopp's first, long out of print but still the source of several outlandish stories.
"First of all, 'back when you were young'? I'm unarmed, and that's a killing blow." The patient fold of her lips delicately parried the pun, although his beaming expression made it hard, as Shanks continued, "But no, I've had enough bounties issued on me in my lifetime; this would have been over the top, even for me. Why?" That grin was a fitting substitute for the blade he'd left in their quarters. "Want to cash it in? I might be retired, but this ass is still working."
This time, the fold of her lips didn't succeed in holding back her snorting laugh, before the rest rolled out of her, to the delight of her adversary and the bemused smiles of their patrons, their heads turning towards the bar at the sound.
They stood together for a gentle beat as it died down, her head leaning on his arm where he leaned against the counter, observing their wall of wanted posters.
Then Shanks asked her, with a nod to the one of their first mate (age seventeen, hair still black, shame not included) where it hung next to the Pirate King's,
"So does keeping it up here make us pimps?"
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gaylittlewizardcat · 8 months
If you want to please motivate your answer in the notes :]
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daydreamingfoxglove · 25 days
@microficmay day 9, prompt: agony, words: 85, ship: drarry, rating: G
_ _ _ 
Harry apparated into St Mungo's, feet bare and cloak hanging off his shoulders. His heart felt ice-cold, a brittle frozen thing at risk of crumbling at the slightest pressure.  
"Draco. Where is Draco Malfoy." His words caught, dread gnawing at his throat. 
He was ushered along a side corridor, the throng of people parting as Harry's hair sizzled with wild magic. 
They came to a stop in an observation chamber adjacent Draco's hospital room, a large one-way mirror between him and his pale, unmoving husband. 
_ _ _
Part nine of May Microfics forming a nonlinear narrative.
Other parts on AO3
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mishwanders · 1 year
You know you’re really obsessed with a piece of media when you can pick it out in all of the media it’s influenced
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sophieeeikli · 1 year
"What is a ghost? Is it a figure; an apparition moored by grief and trauma, unable to move on from a battlefield or house? Or is it a feeling within us, a nonlinear emotion that arises within us upon interaction with an environment. My suggestion of a definition is this- a ghost is the concentrated substance of a person who is no longer there. A ghost is the continuation of someone or something who has ceased to exist on the physical plane."
Ghosts Are Real: Poets And Their Voices by Sophie E. Eikli
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birlwrites · 6 months
no thoughts head empty only 7th years poppy pomfrey and minerva mcgonagall holding hands while they study for newts
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louisegluckpdf · 6 months
the one horror thing that always scares me most is the lingering freaky face shot. i don't mean a jumpscare where BOO suddenly there's a witch screaming into the camera! i mean a slow shot not intended to startle that creeps up on you so that by the time it's zoomed in on the scary thing it's too late to look away
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adelstitel · 1 year
halfway through reading young mungo and all I have to say is what the fuck
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juniperhillpatient · 2 months
I can never make it as a professional writer because I logically know editing is often supposed to mean deleting parts but it always inevitably ends with me adding parts instead like i just can’t help myself if I see a part that could be expanded on or a detail that would add to the story or get an idea for an insightful flashback well it simply must happen 😭
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missmungoe · 6 months
🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹
(pls i am in desperate desperate need. just a crumb. or maybe an excerpt)
From Salt Vows (or, the fic where Makino gets arrested):
She peered past the bounty hunters blocking her. And she’d heard Shanks describe him, and had seen his picture on Cross Guild’s official poster, and yet seeing him in the flesh, Makino wasn’t sure what she’d expected.
She saw his gaze shifting from Smoker to where she was standing behind the bounty hunters, but before he could catch sight of her, someone came running into the tent, screaming, “CHAIRMAN BUGGY!!”
“Chairman?” Crocodile asked, with a pitch that made Buggy flinch. Mihawk's look seemed in agreement.
Bypassing their unamused stares, Buggy cleared his throat, and straightening a bit, “What is it?” he asked the messenger. He was flanked by a group, all of them wearing the same expressions of disbelief, and Makino was about to wonder what had happened when he thrust a newspaper at Buggy.
“Red-Hair launched an assault on the navy’s headquarters!”
Dead silence filled the tent, as every pair of eyes within zeroed in on the newspaper in Buggy's hands, although it took a second for the words to hit her, and then another for Makino to understand what the messenger was actually saying.
Looking up at Smoker saw that even he hadn't seen that coming, before Buggy blurted, “He what?!”
“They said he walked right up to the gates!”
"His haki took out the whole garrison!"
"Even the former Fleet Admiral couldn't stop him!"
“What was that about being on equal footing with Red-Hair?” Crocodile asked Buggy, who looked like he’d ceased functioning, his eyes glued to the newspaper in his hands, but Makino couldn't see the front page from where she was standing.
“Speaking of Red-Hair,” the leader of the bounty hunters said, with a glance in her direction, as the ones blocking her stepped out of the way, drawing every pair of eyes in the tent towards her. “We brought something we thought might be of interest to you.”
She saw Mihawk and Crocodile look up, and then Buggy, who still looked distracted by the newspaper, a fleeting glance noting the navy uniform she was wearing, before pausing on her face.
There was a full beat where they all stared at her.
Then Buggy lifted a finger to point at her, his voice ringing out shrilly through the tent,
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ebenelephant · 5 months
so i watched the play of a little life before i read the book - because a friend read the book, thought i'd like it, and either way we like going to the cinema together - but i just got it for christmas from my dad and i was looking through the user submitted content warnings on storygraph and it's just like... fucking hell, man. i don't know if i can read this. i saw it staged, with uncomfortably realistic special effects and phenomenal acting, but to read that? 700 pages of that?
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daydreamingfoxglove · 29 days
@microficmay day 5, prompt: dreams and reality, words: 148, ship: drarry, rating: general audience
_ _ _
Harry dreamed of pink-dusted dawn and yellow lilies, de-thorned rose vines intertwined with reaching fingers. A shadow befell him, and he looked up to find a bone-white dragon, its outspread wings a reprieve from the bright morning sun. He'd only ever known serene dreams whilst sleeping in Draco's arms, his very own corporeal Patronus, setting ablaze the coldest, darkest parts of his soul.
When Harry woke an hour later, dream a distant memory, he was shocked to find an actual Patronus floating above his bare chest. Draco's dragon stood to attention, eyes unwavering as he stared Harry down.
As he opened his mouth, Draco's voice filtered through the room, muted and strained. "St Mungo's," was all it said. Harry's heart stopped for a beat before it tried to tear through his ribs.
He grabbed his nearest cloak, and disapparated straight into St Mungo's welcome atrium, anti-apparition wards be damned, Draco's name on his lips.
_ _ _
All other parts:
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ohsuchaspring · 2 years
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the most beautiful and painful book i’ve ever read. broke my heart into a thousand pieces. 5/5 ★’s.
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abyssaldyke · 1 year
Spent all day yesterday gearing up to see skinamarink, looking up jumpscares and then sat down in a packed theater for the most mid horror movie experience possible
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narukoibito · 2 years
i have to know about st. mungos… this seems angsty ;) should i be scared or excited
Thank you for the ask, @gardenroses1!
This is my Healer!Ginny story, where Ginny is a Healer on the 4th floor of St. Mungos. Her first patient is someone named Harry Evans. (This is a Harry never to Hogwarts story.) It would definitely be angsty!
I have shared a beginning snippet before that really sets the whole tone of the story. It's my favorite snippet of what I've written.
That being said, I am really grappling with how "present" Harry is (his soul either being trapped in limbo or damaged because of the final battle). I need to rethink this story and how much or how little he's there because, well, this would go into really unpleasant territory for a romance in my opinion depending on how much or how little agency he has. Plus, then I considered the fact that her being his Healer also leads to...another imbalance of power. Ugh, so those ethical issues have snagged my brain and made me have to rethink what this story is really about and what happens. Sorry if that's...uncomfortable to say? But that's why this story has been on hold until I can pretty much completely rethink it.
But! I do have another snippet to share if you're interested (noting of course that this can all be scrapped):
“Can Harry Evans join in the others? In Ward 49?”
Her supervisor looks up at Ginny before returning to her latest notes to Harry’s chart.
“Why would he do that?”
“Would it be a problem?”
Her supervisor sets the chart aside with a sigh. “Do you really think that they’ll all have a conversation? Discuss the latest politics?”
Ginny bristles at his patronizing voice. “We all need to be around others. We are all social beings. Why shouldn’t that be the same for all our patients?”
“I believe I already shared with you that Harry Evans is a special case. He’s been doing fine in his private room for some time now.”
“Would he pose a threat to others?” Ginny asks, knowing they both know the answer. “Is there a reason he can’t be in the presence of people?”
“He’s a sweet boy,” her supervisor smiles. Ginny resents the pity in his eyes. “There are people, his next of kin, who prefer him where he is. It makes them feel better to know he’s safe.”
“He’s safe in the hospital. He should be allowed outside, even, to get a change of scenery. Harry’s — ” she hesitates “— lonely.”
“Lonely?” He shakes his head. “It’s understandable to grow attached to those under your care, but Harry isn’t lonely. In his current state, he’s incapable of feeling and processing the way that we are.”
“We don’t know that,” Ginny protests.
“His mental state hasn’t changed for several years. He hasn’t spoken in that time.”
“He’s not a vegetable,” she snaps.
“Miss Weasley,” he says in a hard voice.
“I’m sorry. In my professional opinion, from the few weeks I’ve spent with Harry, he seems to do better when he is treated…normally,” she finishes lamely.
Feel free to send me asks on any of my WIPs!
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character profile - Deckard Molton {angel of trauma}
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G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Name: Deckard Travis Molton Nickname: Dec Gender: Male Birthplace: London, England Birthdate: September 13, 1979 Current Residence: London, England Employer: St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries Occupation: Healer on the First Floor: Creature-Induced Injuries Blood: Pureblood
A P P E A R A N C E Height: 6' 4 Hair: Dirty blonde, varies between being on the long or short side Eyes: Blue-grey Dominant Hand: Left Other: The St. Mungo's logo tattooed on the inside of his left forearm; often possesses a decent beard; needs glasses for reading
Playby: Chris Hemsworth
B I O G R A P H I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N Deckard Molton has always been intrigued by aspects of the medical field. Ever since he was a kid, blood and gore never bothered him much. He was always interested in everything from minor scrapes and bruises to when the neighbor's daughter fell from her broom and broke her leg. He once came across a kitten that had had its leg torn off by a wolf, and it was his first real test at putting his medical instincts into practice. Miraculously, Dec was able to stop the bleeding and help put the kitten on the mend. Turkey lived with the Molton family for the next fifteen years.
Deckard is one of four children and is the second oldest after his brother and before his three sisters: Nathan, Ginger, Candace, and Jolie. After receiving his acceptance letter, Dec was placed into Gryffindor House. While Dec is fairly intelligent, his confidence and blatant attitude made him a definite choice for the house. While he was looking into pursuing medicine as a career (with much encouragement from his family, who was rather overwhelmed by his eagerness at times), he was fascinated by the magical aspect that could be added to it as well. His professors made sure that he was ready by showing him the most gory of images imaginable, and Dec was easily able to look past it all and determine a course of action. Naturally, with much practice and plenty of exams, Dec went on to work his way up to becoming one of the healers at St. Mungo's after graduating from Hogwarts. His current floor is the first with his main practice being with those patients admitted with severe creature-induced injuries.
In his free time (especially when he's not on call), Dec enjoys spending time with his young nieces and nephew. Their favorite pastimes together is baking, wrestling, and falling asleep on the couch.
C O N N E C T I O N S Parents: Grace Molton (mother), Levi Molton (father) Siblings: Nathan Molton (oldest brother, born 1978, Gryffindor), Ginger Molton (younger sister, born 1984, Gryffindor), Candace Molton (younger sister, born 1986, Ravenclaw), Jolie Molton (younger sister, born 1987, Ravenclaw) Romance: Raven Brown (ex-girlfriend, 1997-1998), Marceline Dufresne (summer of 2000) Tension: Raven Brown (she broke up with him…) Notables: His brother Nathan has two daughters and a son who Dec babysits from time to time
O T H E R T H I N G S Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Gryffindor House Wand: Cedarwood, fourteen and a half inches, phoenix feather Patronus: Capuchin Monkey Sexuality: Bisexual Spoken Languages: English Likes: Blood, gore, taking care of people, experiencing unique cases, thunderstorms and rain, coffee, documentaries Dislikes: Losing a patient Song: Give Me a Sign - Breaking Benjamin
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