blanchebees · 13 days
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Some ghoul on ghoul lovin
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noahl-art · 22 days
Mushy May - Day 11 : First Kiss
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Mountain was shocked to learn that the most beautiful ghoul he knew had never been kissed.. He volunteered right away to tenderly kiss Dewdrop off his feet 💋
Thanks @forlorn-crows for putting together Mushy May!!😘
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thelampisaflashlight · 3 months
Mountain, delirious from a lack of sleep: "Oughhh... I require... the small husband..." -making grabby hands at Dew before picking him up- "We go goodbye now..." Dew, being flung over Mountain's shoulder: "...I'm not THAT small..." Mountain, groggily: "...Comparatively small husband." Dew: "That's better."
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saintmisu · 7 months
dew’s constant mission is to be everyones problem
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(also mountaindew size diff bc y not)
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dwritesit · 8 months
silly dews view vs mountains view idk why i made this
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autumnblooms · 9 months
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All I can say is I have a weakness for neck kisses, and then @forlorn-crows gracious fic request spurred me on more, and here we are
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sphylor · 2 months
Mountain and Dew who both have a hard time conveying emotions through facial expressions (theyre autistic your honour <3) and so when they cuddle they both look like 😐😐 but theyre also both purring so much and anyone who knows them knows that theyre the happiest they can be fbdbbf
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dam1en-69 · 4 months
mountain was probably a flustered fuck before him and dewdrop even got together. everyone found it fucking hilarious. oh, and when he tried to flirt with dew and do what swiss taught him.
Dew : *He walks over to mountain, and sits besides him.*
Dew : “Seems like you sure are enjoying those muffin Lulu made.”
Dew : *Dewdrop smiles as he scoots his chair closer to him.*
Mountain : “I-Oh hey Dew, Well…”
Mountain : *He glances over to Swiss.*
Mountain : “Well- I bet you taste better.”
*Swiss and Dewdrop just burst out in laughter, laughing like maniacs. Poor mountain is just there all embarrassed now. Dews laughter quickly quiets down as he stares Mountain up and down.*
Dew : “Wanna find out, Big guy?”
Mountain : “Fuck yes..”
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miasmaghoul · 4 months
okay well now I’m thinking about big boy mountain riding dew. it’s different for both of them, to say the least, but dew really likes watching him on top, taking his little dick
"You alright down there, droplet?"
Dew nods, dazed, kneading away at Mountian's spread thighs. He never looks small, but the other ghoul seems enormous like this; knelt over him, straddling Dew's bony hips and working his ridiculous cock with absolutely no urgency. Dew can't stop staring at the flushed tip, the way Mountain drags the foreskin back and forth with each pass of his fist. Can't get over the way Mountain's heavy balls rest on his lower belly, hiding his own twitching length from view.
Mountain's next tug milks out a lovely bead of pre, one that leaks onto Dew's stomach, and Dew groans.
"'M good," he slurs, hands roaming up to sink into the slight softness of Mountain's hips. "'S just...you're so big."
Mountain huffs out a soft laugh, his free hand traveling from the where it's been toying with Dew's chest to cup his cheek instead. The little ghoul leans into the touch, tilting his head so he can graze sharp fangs over the heel of Mountain's hand. Mountain hums, caressing Dew's kiss-swollen lower lip with his thumb.
"You're drooling," he comments, obviously amused, swiping away a stray dribble. "That hungry for it, are you?"
Mountain pulls his hand back, licks that smear of saliva from his tongue, and Dew's toes curl.
"Didn't think you'd say yes," he wheezes, a confession that has his already warm cheeks going that much pinker. "Didn't...didn't think you'd look so fuckin' big."
Mountain really laughs then, a rich, booming sound that has Dew's stomach tensing. He licks his lips, rocking his hips as best he can with the way he's pinned. It makes the head of his aching cock nudge up against Mountain's thigh, and the sound Dew makes is one he should probably be more embarrassed about. He thinks he can't be blamed though - Mountain's had him stupid stiff for far too long now, ever since he agreed to Dew's breathless request for this particular act.
"That seems like an oversight on your part, little one," Mountain rumbles, leaning back on one hand and arching his back. Using the new angle to fuck his own fist with slow rolls of his hips that make Dew sweat. "Having second thoughts?"
"Fuck no."
Dew holds fast to Mountain's hips and ruts up again, the new angle letting his slippery little dick slide past the cleft of Mountain's thigh to bump against his sack. They both make a noise at that, and the lazy smile that splits Mountain's face makes Dew's eyelids flutter.
"Then tell me what you want," he coos, letting go of his cock and letting it rest on Dew's belly. Hot and heavy and wonderfully slick against his skin. Mountain reaches back and gets that hand on Dew's straining dick instead, wraps it up in long, rough fingers. "Let me hear you say it again."
Dew grits his teeth when Mountain gives him a single tight stroke, draws his knees up to plant his feet on the mattress. When he looks up at Mountain he finds mischief playing about his features, the flecks of gold in his emerald eyes sparkling, and Dew takes a shaky breath.
"Ride me," he hisses, nothing but a demand. "Lemme see you bounce on it."
Mountain purrs, low and tantalizing, and then he's shifting. Straightening up and spreading his knees that much further, opening himself up to rub Dew's tip against his slick hole. Dew scrunches his eyes shut, and Mountain tsks at him.
"Eyes open, Dew," he lilts, reaching down to give Dew’s tight sack a tickle that makes the little ghoul whimper.
Against his better judgement, Dew obeys. Cracks just one eye open to find Mountain smiling in a way that makes his mouth go dry. Watches him rise up onto his knees, watches his other hand drift down. Dew expects him to take his cock in hand again, to stoke himself while he sinks down onto the few inches Dew has to offer.
He does not expect Mountain to cup his own balls, to lift and hold them close to his body so Dew can finally see how red and wet his pretty little cock has gotten. The way Mountain's hole winks and glistens, ready to take every bit of him.
"Oh no," he whispers, and Mountain grins.
"You said you wanted to see."
He pops the head inside, and with a wounded howl Dew regrets not sliding on his cock ring the second Mountain said yes.
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forlorn-crows · 8 months
metal mouth
a lil pairing for @yesandpeeps's comic here about my beloved mountain getting braces. he's so fuckin cute i can't stand it
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1.3k of grumpy mountain under the cut:
"Now, caro, there is no need to be upset," Copia soothes. "They will help you, si? I do not want you to be in pain, my earth ghoul, that is no good for any of us."
Mountain shrugs, gaze downcast. “It just seems so . . . trivial.”
“Your health is not trivial; it is simply unfamiliar, or perhaps, er, too human?” Copia offers. 
The ghoul looks the man in his eyes, apprehensive. But he nods, agreeing. 
Braces. What a mortal thing to be burdened with as an ancient hellbeast. 
Mountain had started to complain about mouth pain a few months ago. His teeth, especially his fangs, had never been perfect. None of theirs were. Crooked teeth were not high on his list as far as complaints about appearance. Fitting oversized, monstrous bones into a mortal mouth certainly isn't a comfortable thing. 
But they all managed. Mountain managed. Until, that is, they started shifting, crowding in on each other and messing with his bite. The perfect space that his fangs fit into was suddenly too snug, the points of them clacking together if he chewed wrong or made a funny face at Swiss over his cymbals. His bottom incisors had begun to tip forward, threatening to give him an underbite. 
Suddenly, his teeth were just . . . wrong. And once they started becoming tender and sensitive to his favorite meals, Aether determined it was time for Copia to get involved, much to Mountain’s chagrin. 
“You know, I had braces as a child,” Copia muses now. “Quite bulky things. I could never pick out the right colors.” He chuckles a little, but stops when he catches the frown starting to form on Mountain’s face. He reaches up to pat him on the shoulder and scritch under his chin. “Not to worry, they will not look as bad as mine did, my ghoul.”
But they’ll still look bad, is what his brain translates Papa’s words to. 
Mountain’s already regretting complaining about it all.
The afternoon and evening after getting them placed is spent alone. Mountain is none too kindly reminded of the first time his horns shed, hours spent hiccuping through tears as he stared at his foreign reflection. 
They look . . . weird. They feel weird. Little bits of metal poking at his gums, his tongue, the inside of his mouth. His teeth look too small, too human for his liking. Mountain couldn’t fathom adding some unnatural color on top of it all, so he chose the translucent, slightly frosted elastic chain. It may yellow overtime, the orthodontist had said. Mountain had nodded, accepted this potential side effect, but he really didn’t care. 
He’s thankful to have an entire drum kit to hide behind. But his pack? Well, he can hide from them at least for the next twelve hours. 
Mountain steps away from the bathroom mirror with a sigh and goes back to uselessly pruning the ferns hanging over the windows. 
He rises the next day from a fitful sleep just as the sun peeks through the leaded panes. His mouth is screaming at him, gums sensitive and too much pressure everywhere. Lines of pain shoot up his jaw when he rubs across a nerve, and Mountain winces with a curse on his tongue.
Begrudgingly, he gets dressed for the day, despite the urge to crawl back into bed and sulk for as long as he can. But he can't very well do that with tour starting up again in a matter of weeks, so he pulls on some sweats and slumps to the kitchen. 
Tea. He needs tea. And probably a few hours alone with a quintessence ghoul.
No one’s in the common area when he arrives, and he silently thanks the devil below for a moment of solitude. The earth ghoul huffs a sigh through his nose and rifles through the teabags for something smooth and spiced. 
The warm scent of chai and orange zest hits his nose as Mountain waits for his cup to steep, smiling ever so slightly as the fragrant steam wafts over his face. It makes him feel better, even if just for a moment. 
Mountain cringes internally as he hears small feet padding down the corridor. He knows it’s Dew before he sees him, the little ghoul often rising with the sun most mornings. He tucks his face further into his mug, caging his forearms around his face.
The fire ghoul lets out a big yawn as he rounds the corner, stretching to brush the top of the short archway as he enters. Dew chirps when he sees the earth ghoul hunched over at the table. 
“Mornin’ Mount,” he mumbles. He inhales a lungful of air, sighing with a happy hum. “Hm, smells good. Mind if I join?”
Mountain shakes his head, mussed-up waves falling in front of his face. 
“Thanks,” Dew says. He makes his way over to the cabinets with a lilt in his step, humming some indiscriminate tune as he selects his favorite mug. Tired, but still too cheery for how early it is. It’s quiet between them for a few moments, save for the clinking of ceramic and Dew’s song. Mountain lowers his shoulders a little. 
And promptly raises them back up under his ears when Dew asks: “How’re the braces?” Mountain knows the fire ghoul is looking at him expectantly, ears perked. He doesn’t have to look to know his eyes are kind, rather than filled with malice or ill-intent. Dew wouldn’t make fun of him he knows, but he would love nothing more than to escape to the forest and bury his head in the dirt right now. 
“Fine,” he lies. “Kinda hurts,” he mumbles as an afterthought, doing his best to speak with the least amount of mouth movements. 
Dew tuts empathetically. He doesn’t speak again, but Mountain still feels his eyes on him. He chances a glance at him, which was really the wrong thing to do, considering the way Dew’s face perks up when he does. His arms are folded across his chest as he leans nonchalantly against the kitchen counter, hair and eyes glinting gold in the rising sunlight. 
Dew gives him a knowing grin and raises his eyebrows, attempting to prompt the earth ghoul into sharing his new set of braces. Mountain stares back, shy. But, against his will, there's a smile tugging at his lips, like he simply can't help it when Dew looks at him like that.
He smiles wider. "Come on big guy, will you show me?" Dew shuffles over to him at the table. "Please?"
Mountain bites the inside of his cheek, eyes steely. He shakes his head sheepishly, already pushing away from the table, chair legs scraping against the floor as he moves to make his escape. 
He doesn’t get very far. The fire ghoul steps in front of him, one hand grabbing Mountain’s sweater sleeve and the other reaching up towards his face. Dew waggles his fingers under his chin with a stupid giggle, bouncing on his toes as Mountain jerks his head away from his hand.
“Dew,” he warns, unable to escape his little fingers. “Swear t’ Satan, ‘f you don—”
“Ha!” the smaller ghoul exclaims, grabbing Mountain’s cheeks at last and squishing them together until the earth ghoul can’t help but bare his teeth, a grimace more than a grin. Mountain pulls at Dew’s wrist to try and dislodge him.
“Stooop,” he groans. Dew gives him a few squeezes before releasing him, opting to wrap both arms around Mountain’s middle instead and nuzzling against his chest in apology.
“But you look fine, Mount. Cute, even,” he laughs, looking up at him. 
“Do not,” Mountain responds, shaking his head. He rolls his eyes, sighing. He brushes a stray strand of hair out of Dew’s face, holding back a laugh when Dew purposely bats his lashes and nods solemnly back at him.
“You do. It’s different, yeah. But you’re still you,” he offers. 
“Thanks,” Mountain says in a small voice. 
Dew gives him one last squeeze before pulling away and sitting down at the table. He smiles and waves his earth ghoul back over. “Come on, finish your tea. I’m sure Aether’ll be up soon, and I’m sure he’ll need no convincing to help you with the pain.”
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noahl-art · 19 days
Mushy May - Day 14 : Silly Baby Talk
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Dew loves to indulge Mountain's needy cuddles 🥰
(consider this as formal apology for yesterday's angsty drawing 🥺)
Thanks @forlorn-crows for putting together Mushy May!! ✨
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thelampisaflashlight · 8 months
Mountain, sleepily walks to the kitchen at 2am only to find Dew clattering about: "Dewdrop, my heart, what are you doing?" Dew, squirting ketchup onto a bagel and then slapping a slice of cheese onto it, on the verge of tears: "...My best." Mountain: "Oh no-"
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ghcstcd · 1 year
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Been lots of requests for Mountain and Dewdrop
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dwritesit · 6 months
inspired by this post i hope its okay! its very short...
Summary: Mountain crying and begging to breed Dewdrop. yeah.
Tags: breeding, begging, crying, size kink..., dirty talk, trans dewdrop
Read below the cut or on AO3
Mountain feels like he might die. It's hot, he's drenched in sweat, his chest squeezed tight like a vice as he pants and sobs for air. The world is hazy, steamy, all he knows is that he wants something he can't have. At least not yet. 
“Please, please, Dewdrop,” He says again, unsure of how many times the words have left his mouth at this point. Dewdrop’s smirk in response makes Mountain's stomach flip and twist, and his cock he's been sliding against the little fire ghoul’s thigh for the last… however long… kicks and spurts more pre-cum over that rose gold skin. 
“What do you need, Mounty?” Dewdrop asks from his place below the large ghoul. He's trapped beneath him, both his wrists pressed tight against the mattress above his head in just one of the earth ghoul’s hands. A buzz tingles under Dew’s skin at the sight of Mountain above him; the large frame, the way his muscles from hours of outdoor labor ripple as he continues jerking his hips for friction. Mountain could take what he wants. With one movement, he could have Dew on his stomach, ass in the air, and pound into him with little to no effort, but here he is instead. Begging, whining, desperate for Dewdrop’s permission.
“Please, fuck, Dewy- firelily, I need to breed you. I need it, Ineedit Ineedit Ineedit,” Mountain sobs. Dewdrop looks down to that huge, angry, red cock against his thigh. It looks painful, like one more slide might make him pop and cover Dew’s stomach. But he's being so good, so obedient for his lover. 
“You need to breed me, pebble?” Dew asks, “You think you deserve to fill me up?” 
Mounty shakes his head, tears streaming down his face and dripping onto Dewdrop’s collar bones as he leans down to lap at the plethora of bruises and bite marks he'd left all over Dew’s neck and shoulders, “Been good, been a good boy,” He says.
“You've been so good for me, baby,” Dew agrees, biting his lip to hold back a moan as Mountain sucks yet another mark onto his neck, kitten licking at the skin as an apology, “Such a good boy for me.”
Mountain cries out at the praise, kissing up Dew’s neck until he's reached his lips and captures him in a heated kiss. Dew wastes no time in diving his tongue into Mountain’s mouth, tasting his lovely earth ghoul and pulling the sweetest moans out of his chest. 
“Can I please?” Mounty asks again, “It hurts, please, I need to be inside you. Need to cum inside you!” 
Dewdrop can't help but moan lewdly at the words. He needs it just as badly, his cunt has been aching ever since he smelled Mountain’s familiar heat from down the hall in his own room. He had followed that evergreen and floral scent expecting to be fucked within an inch of his life - the way Mountain’s heats usually turned to just instinct and raw need and lust. Instead he found the other ghoul writhing on his bed, already in tears as he jerked himself over the edge, begging as soon as he smelled Dewdrop enter the room. 
“Please, please, need to breed you. Let me breed you, baby,” Mountain continues the barrage of requests, whispering hoarse against Dewdrop’s neck as he keeps licking and sucking and biting, always missing the place where he's meant to mark the fire ghoul, “Need to see you full of me, I've been good, please.” 
“ Fuck, Mounty,” Dewdrop isn't sure how much longer he can keep holding off himself. He's already cum so many times, either from Mountain's greedy mouth, or his long thick fingers, but it's nothing compared to actually being filled by the other ghoul, “Fuck me.”
Mountain stops mid-lick up the side of Dewdrop’s face, even his hips freezing, cock twitching again over Dew’s skin.
Dew knows he's waiting for clearer permission, “You're such a good boy, Mounty. Fuck me, fill me, breed me.” 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Mountain gasped out as he pulled back slightly, hand still firm around Dewdrop’s wrists while he settled between those rose gold thighs. He only let go so he could push Dewdrop’s legs forward, encouraging the fire ghoul to hold them, to hold himself open for him. Dew is happy to oblige, barring his soaked cunt completely as his fingers dimple into the backs of his thighs. Mountain groans, sobs , again at the sight.
“Come on, Mounty, fuck me,” Dew’s voice is raspy and dripping with desperation as he stares up at his mate. 
Mountain finally lines himself up with Dewdrop’s hole, bowing forward as soon as the tip is against the entrance, claws gripping and tearing holes into the mattress, his forehead pressed against the fire ghoul’s as he tries to control his release. He needs to be inside. Needs to cum inside of Dewdrop’s heat. 
Slowly, he sinks inside, Dewdrop’s back arches off the bed at the delicious stretch - no matter how Mountain worked him open, how wet Dew became, the sweet burn was always there and he lived for it. Craved it.
“Dew, Dew ,” Mountain wails, finally seating himself fully inside of the fire ghoul, “Need more, please. Please take all of me!”
Dewdrop groans and presses sweet kisses on Mountain’s face, licks at his tears and traces their trails with his tongue. He already feels so full, there's no way there's anything else to take. It's enough to stop any sort of response in his throat, as he gasps around the sensation.
“Let me knot you, take my knot, spitfire,” Mountain returns Dewdrop’s kisses with kisses of his own. Wetter, sloppier, making Dew's face glisten with sweat and spit. 
“Always,” Dew gasps out, feeling the knot forming where they're pressed together. He's not sure he can take it but he will...
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iamthecomet · 7 months
Been thinking about throatfucking and mountaindew lately, where big guy stays buried and jacks himself whilst choking dew.
Maybe throw some Phaeon in there to help dew loosen up (I’m convinced quint ghouls can channel their magic through their dicks and no one can tell me otherwise)
(Also hello, love your fics!)
(hi, THANK YOU). Using this ask as Kinktober Day 23 - Face Fucking. So, thank you SO SO much for this DELICIOUS image. almost 1.2k of Mountain/Dew throat fucking. Ft. voyeur(ish) Aeon.
There are tears in Dew’s eyes. He’s trying to hide them by keeping his eyes closed, but Mountain can see them. The wetness stuck to those long pale lashes. He tightens his grip in Dew’s hair, presses himself a little deeper. Not that he really can. It’s the grind that matters. Dragging the head of his cock against Dew’s throat. He can’t go deeper–Dew has all of him. Lips pressed tight to Mountains’ pubic bone, drool dripping through his pubic hair and down to his balls. 
Dew makes a pathetic little noise. More a gurgle than anything else. Vibrations rolling up over Mountain’s cock. Mountain feels himself pulse and Dew winces. He breathes through his nose, strained but steady. 
From the other side of the room, Aeon watches. One leg thrown over the other. Leaning back in a chair, a beer from the mini-bar in his hand. He had his turn already. Spilling hot and thick down Dew’s throat under the guise of preparation. Quintessence flowing into Dew’s ever willing body, loosening muscles. Mountain’s pretty sure Dew could have taken him without it. Would have swallowed Mountain down without a second thought. 
But that would have been less fun than watching Aeon ease his dick down Dew’s throat. Purring to him about how good he was doing. Babying him through it while Aeon fucked his throat hard enough that Dew has to be sore. Dew glared at him the whole time, torn between palming at himself and pretending not to be into the treatment. 
There’s none of that bravado left in him now. His pants are unzipped, hand sliding up and down the wet length of his cock. Mountain watches the way his fingers tighten around the head, the little twist he gives at the end. Dew’s spilling pre like a water ghoul, dripping onto his fingers and onto the hotel floor. Mountain tries not to think about the stain it’ll leave. 
“Just like that, Dew. Stay just like that,” he purrs. Scratching his fingers against Dew’s scalp where he holds him tight. 
Dew’s eyes flutter open, he looks up at Mountain. His glamor is still up. Dew’s weird about it in hotel rooms sometimes, so the eyes that meet Mountain’s are blue. Copper in the very middle where Dew’s control is slipping just a little. Cracks of himself shining through. His pupils are blown wide. Eyes wet and ringed with tears. 
Mountain drags the thumb of his free hand under one of them. Catching wetness against it. Dew blinks back, tries to keep that wetness away. 
“He crying yet?” Aeon asks from across the room. Mountain glances over at him. Finds Aeon palming at himself. Already hard again. 
“Almost,” Mountain answers, then turns his attention back to Dew. Back to the wet heat of Dew’s throat. Dew shifts and everything constricts. Mountain bites back a loud groan. Fights the urge to just fuck into Dew’s throat with abandon. After Aeon’s show Mountain’s a little hesitant to really give it to the little ghoul beneath him. He doesn’t want to hurt Dew. But seven hells does he want to cum. 
Mountain slips his hand down, he curls his palm around Dew’s throat. Loose. But it doesn’t matter. Dew shudders as soon as he does it. Eyes starting to roll up. The threat of it enough to send another spurt of pre onto the low-pile carpet. 
Mountain grinds in a little again. He can feel himself beneath his palm. Hard as he ever gets. Shifting beneath Dew’s skin. He presses down a little and finds he can feel that too. The constriction his own hand creates. 
“Fuck,” Mountain holds Dew’s gaze as he gives a cursory thrust–small–but he feels it. Feels the pressure of his own hand. Feels the way Dew’s body gives to him on both sides. Bending to his will. The last dreges of  quintessence making everything more fluid. Dew’s relaxed, easy. No tension coiled in any of his muscles. Throat open and slick. Mountain squeezes a little harder and Dew moans. Muffled around Mountain’s cock. It ends in a gurgle as he presses down a little more. 
Mountain can’t take his eyes off of Dew. Over his hand on Dew’s throat–so big it engulfs him from Jaw to collarbone. Dew’s hand on his cock stutters, rhyhtm failing. 
Dew’s still dressed. Mountain realizes belatedly. Dick just hanging out of his jeans where he strokes it. Band-T stained with drool and Aeon’s cum.
Dew is crying now. Mouth stretched around Mountain’s cock, tears running down his cheeks, eyes glassy as he fucks up into his own fist and Mountain does the same. Fucking into Dew’s throat and by extension the pressure of his own hand. Squeezing and releasing when he needs it. 
“Fuck that’s hot,” Aeon mutters. Mountain hears the rasp of his zipper, then the sigh of relief as Aeon gets his hand on himself. “Why didn’t I think of that?” 
Mountain doesn’t have an answer. He can’t think about anything except how this feels. Tight and so hot and so wet. He barely has to pull out at all, just little rabbit quick thrusts into Dew’s throat, barely anything but it feels like everything. His toes curl in the carpet. 
Mountain squeezes a little tighter as he presses forward, constricting around the head of his cock. The pressure makes Dew’s eyes roll back in his head. He huffs out one sharp breath through his noise, hot against Mountain’s skin, and then Dew’s cumming. Painting his jeans, the carpet, his lithe fingers with sticky white ropes. 
Mountain outlasts him by seconds. Watching Dew’s body shudder, feeling the rhythmic clench of his throat, that’s all it takes before his orgasm is screaming up his spine. Veins going electric. He spills down Dew’s throat. Twitching and panting, a snarl ripped from his teeth as he pins Dew to his body. 
Mountain lets go as soon as the world starts to clear, and Dew rolls back. Sits down hard on the carpet. He wipes his mouth and survey’s the mess as Mountain turns to try to find some clothes and something to clean Dew up with. 
Aeon stands. Cock still hard, fingers wrapped tight around the base. He steps between Dew’s legs as Mountain is pulling sweatpants up over his hips. 
He’s going to tell Aeon that Dew’s had enough, but then Aeon smears the sticky tip of his cock over Dew’s swollen lips and Dew smirks at him. Eyes no longer watery or glassy. 
“Got one more in you, droplet?” Aeon asks, smacking the head of his cock against Dew’s cheek and leaving a slick smear. 
Dew flashes him his teeth. “I’ve got more in me than you do.” 
Mountain rolls his eyes and retreats to the bed. Heavy-limbed and satisfied. Content to watch the competition. He’s glad for the entertainment. Even if he already knows Dew’s going to win.
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nastylittleghouls · 6 months
"Nudes are so old school. Send me pictures of the high maintenance plants you are able to keep alive" - Mountain Ghoul
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