#mlb recreation
ninadove · 11 months
You’ve heard of the Love Square, now get ready for
The Cousin Square
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what-the-phoenix · 11 months
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Say what you want about Marinetti being chosen to be ladybug because she helped Fu at the crosswalk. I will forever believe that tiki just saw the creative potential in this girl and went MINE.
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paracosmicat · 11 months
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tizzymcwizzy · 11 months
gonna be bare ass honest that i was fully expecting everything to get resolved this finale,, but by the like, 20 minute mark i whispered "we're not gonna get a reveal, we're not gonna get a reveal, huh"
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eddo-tensei · 6 months
"Make sure that Adrien never knows about the villain that I was, but instead, that he remembers the times I tried to be a good fathe-"
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bugawitzzz · 11 months
adrien going from “YOUR SON MUST FUCKING HATE YOU” to “oh how i wish i could be like him someday! :)” is easily the worst character arc to ever be
but hopefully there’s no way this isn’t just setting up a plot for s6 for adrien and the rest of paris to find out the truth and have there be an angst arc
but again it is… miraculous ladybug… so
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ayana-banafrit · 11 months
I waited 8 FUCKING YEARS….
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papyrusgayfont · 11 months
* I’m trying to understand what Thomas has been saying about the wish, and I think I’ve got it now:
* Gabriel’s wish was to transfer Nathalie’s sickness to himself, since he was about to die anyway, and that way Nathalie could live and take care of Adrien like Emilie wanted
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* so that’s why Nathalie is alive at the end, and the mystery woman is indeed Amelie, not Emilie (no matter what the leaks say)
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* I still despise Gabriel with all my heart and soul, but uh thanks for saving Nathalie i guess
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celestiall0tus · 11 months
Redemption is a noble idea, but...
not everyone is capable of redemption. It is a sad, but honest truth. I'm not saying this to be a negative nancy, but I work with people who are down on their luck, at odds with the law, and I see this. I see people given a chance to better themselves, to get a fresh start on life, but they don't always take those chances and opportunities. Some are just genuinely in denial while you have those that know they have a problem but can't find the strength to stand back up again. After all, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Now, I know in media we get an escape and something we wouldn't normally in life. A fulfillment that can only be found there because of how shit life is. However, not everyone is worthy of redemption, especially a fast redemption.
I'm going to rip this old bandaid off. The Diamonds didn't deserve a redemption. Yes, Diamonds. Yellow, Blue, and White (I'll get to Pink in a whole different post as her story wasn't about redemption) The Diamonds were evil tyrant dictators that committed atrocities across the universe in their conquest. Immediately, Yellow and White aren't exactly deserving of a redemption. Now, Blue had redeeming qualities. She cared more for Pink than the others, mourned her, kept her memory alive, and actively sided with Steven first, but there's one big thing that really taints it for me. The gaslighting and abuse that Blue participated in towards Pink. I don't care what your opinion of Pink is, but the fact is that she was a victim of abuse. She was locked away, told she was "loved" and constantly treated as less than a Diamond. I have no doubt that Blue truly loved Pink, but the way she participated in the abuse and how it was quickly wrapped up will never sit right with me. Especially in the end when Pink is damned while the other Diamonds are redeemed.
To my Miraculous fans, we recently saw this. Gabriel, the worst of the worst, given redemption. This one is a little... muddy. So, he was granted redemption, but he granted it to himself. Mari tried, but was stabbed in the back. That I appreciate. He was able to use the wish to get what he wanted. He didn't need Mari to keep a promise or anything like that when Gimmi gave him exactly what he wanted, at the cost of himself. So, it's really muddy. No, he didn't deserve a redemption, but he won. He got what he wanted in the end. If he lost, but was offered redemption, that would be one thing. However, he actually won. He got his wish and rewrote reality to what he wanted. Again, it is extremely muddy and unclear. I do hope that in season 6 we get some answers. However, even I know that is too much to wish for.
On top of that for my Miraculous fans, I'll briefly touch on the big ones being Felix and Chloe. One who was given a redemption while the other who was started to give redemption, but then given a damnation.
Felix is a mixed bag. He definitely was a little shit at the start and it was genuinely jarring to see him again in Emotion wanting to help Adrien when he actively tormented Adrien. He was a good candidate for redemption, however, it needed time. As it stands, Felix's redemption was so jarring and quick. And, this could be just me, but is a little tied to Kagami. He really changed when Kagami was introduced into his life, and it's cute. But I'm so tired of this. I'm so tired of a romantic interest being the reason a person changes. I get love can change people, but I'm so fucking sick of it. I do wish we could have seen more of Felix's shift rather than drops of vague intrigue.
Now the sore spot: Chloe. Allow me to say this, I will be using the correct terminology for this when addressing her arc. It is my duty as a writer to address this as professionally as possible. If any of my phrasing or terms upset you, grow a pair.
Chloe, like Felix, was a perfect candidate for redemption. What made her redemption far more compelling is that we had time to digest it. It wasn't just dropped on our heads like Felix. We got to see the horrible mother that Audrey was (bitch was straight savage), the trauma that she endured because of Audrey's abandonment. It doesn't justify what she did, but it gives context. On top of that, you can buy her actions as a coping mechanism as she tries to act just like her mother. This does lead her to doing horrible things, that which is pretty bad, but it doesn't make her completely irredeemable. What ultimately led her to a damnation arc was Ladybug. I'll just say it, Ladybug was hypocrite. She told Chloe no more Queen Bee, but then acted rashly and gave Kagami the dragon again, despite Kagami revealing herself. It is no wonder that Chloe would turn to Hawkmoth in her most vulnerable moment.
Speaking of, there is a reason villains attack during a person's weakest. Chloe was a die hard Ladybug fan. She was utterly devoted because Ladybug was her hero. However, her hero tore her down and destroyed her, much like her own mother. This brings her to a vulnerable point. It's a lot like the original Disney's Ariel when Ursula goes after her. It is directly after Triton destroys the grotto and Ariel is shattered. The moment that they are at their weakest. And yet, both Ariel and Chloe are blamed for their actions without analyzing the events that lead them to it. Ariel had everything she loved destroyed by someone she loved dearly. Chloe had her devotion and hope shattered by a person she idolized. And yet people wonder why they did the things they did.
Chloe was someone that was on the right track to redemption, but was damned by her idol. I honestly think it is poetic, but wished there was acknowledgement. The damnation could have worked more if Ladybug acknowledged her own faults and tried to actively right them to put Chloe back on track for redemption. You want them to be seen as grown up by season 5, Astruc, add these moments. Ladybug blaming Chloe was not right by any means. Ladybug is at fault. She was the final straw that destroyed Chloe's redemption arc and pushed her towards damnation.
That is all for this post. I have one more to address a little later, but first need to collect my thoughts on. Stayed tuned for that one
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kaalki-cinnamon · 11 months
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ninadove · 10 months
So I was dating Marinette but it didn’t work out and at the time I believed it was because of Adrien. But then we all hung out as friends and I was like "damn I understand why you would fall for him he’s pretty cute". Shortly after I discovered Marinette was Ladybug and that was the real reason we couldn’t be together. But now that I knew I figured we could try again. Except one Second Chance later I also found out Adrien was Chat Noir and I thought "oh there it is they’re soumates my two crushes are meant for each other so I guess there’s nothing left for me to do except for dying alone". Despite my best efforts I kept thinking about them and how cute they both looked in their superhero suits. What made it a thousand times worse was that they would still come to me for therapy and complain about each other. But I hit an entirely new low when I got turned into a CD trying to protect them from Monarch. I got better of course but then I had to mail myself to the other end of the world in case someone else wanted to turn me into a CD. Before I left Marinette gave me such a romantic look and Adrien gave me an even more romantic look just to really really drive the point that I’m doomed by the romantic narrative home. So then I spent the next few months learning kung fu to punch my feelings out because airport security wouldn’t let me bring my guitar and when I came back we all went back to being this huge team and working together again. Long story short I still have feelings for both but they’re dating each other now. So I guess there’s nothing I can do about it.
Anyways you’ve been in the exact same situation with the exact same two people. So I guess my question is: how do I move on?
Do not worry, Marinette’s friend Luka. I know exactly what you should do.
When is the next ball you’re forced to attend taking place?
Kagami I live on a boat my mother is a pirate
🎶 [ End credits ] 🎶
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what-the-phoenix · 11 months
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Who cares about Gabriel I just want more baby Adrien and Emilie content
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paracosmicat · 11 months
Oh we are absolutely seeing that golden statue get cataclysmed next season
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miraculouslybobatea · 11 months
Bug Noir!
Ikik im late to the train but in my defense this has been in my gallery for weeks (I’ve just been very overwhelmed academically lately and haven’t had the time).
But she’s finally finished!! I tried to do some new stuff with how I made this so I hope you like it 👉👈
I spent hella time on her braids
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Also here’s a version without shading, because when I started shading the vibe I was initially going for took a hard left darker- so here’s what could’ve been
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Yeah- this was tiring I’m going to sleep now
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vavandeveresfan · 8 months
Me realizing Adrien killed his father and he never knew it.
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Me realizing the writers choose this as the finale of a 5 year arc.
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abittersweetraisin · 7 months
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Didn’t Astruc said, back after the episode was released, that that was Emilie?
Am I remembering it wrong? Did he change his mind? Or is this account wrong?
Then… Gabriel would had chosen to save Nathalie. Was that the wish? “I can’t make up my mind, check my heart and save the woman I love the most”?
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