#mini quilt
carlinstitches · 1 month
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Part of a mini quilt I'm excited about
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rthwrms · 2 months
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did u know this past monday was the full worm moon? well now u just might!!!
not really sure if i'm done with this guy yet, but i figured id post anyway!!
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fungusqueen · 7 months
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My mini quilt stickers are finally listed in my online shop! They're 1/18th scale of a quilt I completed two years ago! The background is transparent so it can float seamlessly onto whatever you stick it on.
The original quilt is a labor of love, made from mixing a base of three primary color fiber-reactive dyes and hand dyeing raw cotton fabric to achieve a unique rainbow palette. The dyed fabric is then held in a hexagon shape and sewn using a hand-sewing technique called English Paper Piecing. This artistic vision was inspired by color-mixing from my formal painting background as a multi-disciplinary artist.
Link to my online shop here!
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ehwesson · 10 months
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another free style quilting session today. This was inspired by the idea of "what if all your Raggedy Ann dolls are actually t4t lesbians and hold hands and love deeply when you aren't looking?"
Kofi | Other Links
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wholesome-sharks · 10 months
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Mini quilt with chevron blocks and shark patches. Machine and hand-stitched. By moi.
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bluedesignwall · 7 months
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I turned my quilting practice patch into a mini quilt. I feel a wall rearrangement coming on. Maybe tomorrow.
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The mystery continues…here is Kirsten’s meet dress and the mini quilt. And a close up:
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So it seemed like the prints were close but not quite the same.
Here’s the meet dress tag for reference:
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But then I pulled down Kirsten’s quilt and check it out:
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A close up:
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Different dye lot but same print!
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Kirsten and Sari are cozied up to continue pondering the mystery 🧐
What do you think fellow sleuths?
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thestanceyg · 1 year
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It might not look so at first glance, but this week is also about spreadsheets. In a meeting, someone showed me a lovely spreadsheet with many (1000+) cells that were color coded. And then I learned they did it all by hand - not with conditionals. So this mini quilt is also done completely by hand. And, honestly, I super love this one too.
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sarahvansloten · 1 year
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Just nauseated, thank you (2023), painted/found fabric and thread, 6 x 5.5 in.
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honeyandhyacinths · 11 months
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custom sorority jacket pt. 1: carpenter’s star to be featured on back
note: it’s theoretically possible to use this as a tutorial, hence writing style, but no guarantees of my math or clarity. tutorial disclaimer: read everything before beginning. yardage requirements assume continuous 42" wide.
fabrics: Bliss from Moda, designed by 3 Sisters
project: traditional carpenter’s star in two colors + background
other logistics+supplies: block measures 16” finished, border will eventually added to fit to back of denim jacket. background color: quarter yard exact, third yard safe w/no border, more depending on border. two star colors: quarter yard each. 2.5 inch square ruler with marked 45º, or other small ruler if you're a masochist (masochism directly correlates to ruler disproportion). fabric marking method. sewing machine, thread, yada upon yada.
step 1: cut two 3" strips from each star fabric; subcut sixteen 3" squares of each fabric. cut two 3" strips and one 2.5" strip from background fabric; subcut sixteen 2.5" squares and sixteen 3" squares. save the remaining background fabric for a border.
step 2 (tldr, half square triangles [hst]): hst's are made two-at-a-time; you could theoretically do eight-at-a-time but i haven't done that math. use chalk, air/heat erase pens, or plain old graphite pencil to mark a line diagonally down the wrong side of all sixteen 3" background squares and eight of the lighter star color. match the following, right sides together: eight background + color A, eight background + color B, eight color A+color B. sew a quarter-inch away from the line you marked on both sides. repeat for all matched squares. cut down the line you marked. press toward the more opaque side.
step 3: trim the hst's to 2.5" square. with the aforementioned ruler, this is easy. line up the marked diagonal on the ruler with the diagonal of the hst, trim two sides, flip and repeat. otherwise, use the diagonal on a cutting mat, or just use any other ruler and try to keep the diagonal as centered as possible. non-crisp corners tend to only be noticeable upon close inspection by other quilters.
step 4: lay out the star. all of it, using the 2.5" background squares where appropriate. check it once, check it twice. sew either rows or columns together and press to one side, alternating directions between rows. now we nest seams. instead of matching the ends, match each seam. if pressed correctly, it should be easy to place one seam right on top of the other, and pin along the seam. start in the center and work outwards. nested seams fit much more accurately with each other, while matching the ends of the row may misalign an entire row. this is more visible at a glance. press whichever way is least bulky.
quilt or use block as desired!
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carlinstitches · 29 days
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"Kindergarten Geometry"
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gamenagifts · 11 months
Finished up some lap quilts I had for me and my fiance, missing the binding on mine but I love how they came out. c:
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fungusqueen · 5 months
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The piecing process of English Paper Piecing. I like to remove the center paper pieces once the hexagons are surrounded by seams on all 6 sides. This makes it more flexible to work with as the quilt grows in size as I attach more hexagons
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texturgefuehl · 2 years
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I got this super cute set for quilting a tiny quilt!! I love it so so much and the flag gives me great pleasure, hehe 🏳️‍🌈
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This is my progress on day one and I must say: it’s really fun to do and relaxing!
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My first mug rug, ready just in time for tea
(Si l'on apprend vraiment de ses erreurs j'ai plus appris cette après-midi que dans les six derniers mois...😥😯😲😣)
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bluedesignwall · 2 years
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In sewing room news, I plucked a UFO from my bin and finished it last night. I need to do more of this. My UFO bin is not full but I would be happier if it was empty so I plan on chipping away at it over the coming months. This wee quilt was made from a very old block I made up years ago. It adorned a cushion I used on a rocking chair for many years. The chair broke and the pillow cover ended up in my UFO bin as I wanted to make it into this mini wall quilt. It finally got done last night.
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