#midoriya fluff
celesteleoves · 1 month
hello! could you please do an izuku fluff one shot where he loves to sleep with reader in her dorm? i use she/her pronouns but gender neutral would be fine aswell if you’d prefer💓
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IZUKU MIDORIYA x fem!reader.
summary: what the request said!
warnings: reader and izuku have known each other since middle school, izuku being traumatized 😔, set before the second war!fluff otherwise i believe! kinda angsty for a minute.
a/n: guys… i miss him. he’s so sweet pls don’t hurt him anymore horikoshi. also ily anon ty for requesting this omg. pls send more 🤍
it wasn’t uncommon for your boyfriend to randomly show up at your dorm. normally, he would arrive approximately ten minutes after texting you that he was going to try to take a nap.
but, you knew your boyfriend and you knew he would arrive with his hair tussled and eyes wide and disappointed – from not being able to sleep on his own. you were used to izuku knocking on your dorm room at random hours, you’ve even grown accustomed to this routine.
currently, you’re sat by your door. playing with your matching all might keychain that izuku got you for your birthday when you were young.
knock, smack! knock.
you smiled at the noise, you made that knocking pattern up after one time while trying to knock on your door barely awake, izuku fell asleep and smacked his head off of your door.
you stood up, rushing to your door. a soft smile already on your face.
“hi. i-” izuku tried to defend himself, yet again, he forgets that you are used to this.
“you couldn’t sleep, i know.” you softly nodded and motioned for him to come in.
he smiled crookedly as he rubbed the back of his head, trudging toward your bed and flopping on it.
it was late, around 9 pm, the moonlight replacing the suns glare.
you stood by the door for a minute, admiring your boyfriend.
he laid with one of his hands behind his head lazily, the other hand playing with your all might keychain. he looked so cute. his lips were turned upwards at the sight of the keychain.
the moonlight made his freckles pop, his dark-green hair looking more abnormally fluffier than usual.
you moved towards your boyfriend, plopping down beside him and lifting the covers over you two.
“i think i look better in the dark.” izuku mumbled quietly as he noticed your staring, he turned to look at you.
you grinned, “you always look good, izu.” you softly whispered as he became flustered. the boy curled up against you as he moved to rest his head on your chest.
tuffs of hair tickled your chin, causing you to giggle slightly as you played with his shirt. he wore a shirt that you gifted him at the start of the year, to celebrate him getting into U.A. with you.
“what happened to napping in your own room today?” you teased, not noticing your boyfriend moving his hand so it was closer to yours.
“i had a nightmare.”
your teasing smile dropped, you should’ve known. izuku’s been having terrors constantly after the first war. it was miracle when you and your classmates had even convinced him to come back to U.A. and rest.
“sorry, they just don’t happen when i’m with you.” he said quietly after noticing your silence, his words slightly muffled into your chest as you kissed his head.
“i’m glad they don’t.” you looked down, noticing his hand beside yours, he has been awkwardly fiddling with the sheets this whole time. he was scared to hold your hand. he didn’t want to hurt you.
you softly sighed, interlocking your fingers with his. you knew he felt safe when people held his hands. izuku began drifting into a slumber, the feeling of you holding his hand comforting him.
“i love you.”
you looked down at him, expecting him to reply only to see his eyes shut, mouth opened slightly as he slept. you felt your own eyes close as you basked in the feeling of holding your lover.
izuku midoriya is one of the strongest people on earth right now but when he’s with you, he’s just your izuku. just a kid who deserves a break from society and a well rested sleep.
a/n: my baby. THIS WAS A LITTLE OFF TRACK and very short, i’m sorry anon i got a little carried away 😔😔 i hope you enjoyed this! 🫶
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tired-teacher-blog · 4 months
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Husband Izuku who still gets misty eyed whenever he revisits your wedding photo album because he just cannot believe that you're actually his.
Husband Izuku who secretly dreamt of a life together with you ever since your first date, but he would never admit to it.
Husband Izuku who has your bright smiley face as his phone wallpaper and takes every opportunity presented to show you off to whoever is unfortunate enough to be subjected to him twittering on for hours at times about his beautiful wife, you.
Husband Izuku who showers you with gifts, with or without an occasion, and who anticipates your reaction eagerly with a goofy smile and a glint in his eye.
Husband Izuku who never fails to mention you during interviews, mouthing a shy greeting and a quiet "I love you" your way because he knows you'd be watching.
Husband Izuku who often cooks for you despite him being terrible at it, but he's stubborn and determined to learn from his mistakes because his goal is to prepare something worthy of your taste, and you love him for even trying.
Husband Izuku who dreams of having kids with you but never pushes the subject because he respects your body, and knows that you're the only one who can decide if and when to do it.
Husband Izuku who is mostly careful with your body, so sweet and attentive with his gentle touches and soft kisses as he covers every speck of you while moving slowly and deeply into your heat.
Husband Izuku who -despite his innocent demeanor- can actually sometimes be a beast during your intimate times together, pounding you into the mattress or any flat surface he can get you on, and watching as your eyes roll back and mouth falls open when you start fluttering around him as shockwaves of pleasure ripple through you.
Husband Izuku who obviously loves filling you up with his pearly seeds everytime he's allowed, and fantasizes about the day he'll finally get you pregnant.
Husband Izuku who almost chokes up when you place his hand on your belly and murmur into his ear that he is to be a father.
Husband Izuku who effortlessly memorizes every pregnancy book written, and you find it astounding that he knows about the subject more than you do.
Husband Izuku who accompanies you to every single doctor's appointment even if he has loads of work stacked up and waiting, he just gets someone to fill in for him so he wouldn't miss being with you during your checkups.
Husband Izuku who spoils you with massages because he's confident in his skills to alleviate your sore muscles and just about any discomfort you might have.
Husband Izuku who relishes watching your belly grow gradually and adores the extra weight you've put on, he simply cannot take his eyes off of you and is mesmerized by your glow.
Husband Izuku who loves kissing your baby bump and talking nerdily to your unborn child about anything and everything, until he falls asleep with his head on your lap and his hand resting on your tummy.
Husband Izuku who stands by you in the delivery room, holding your hand and encouraging you with loving words all the way through the process.
Husband Izuku who is unable to stop the stream of tears rolling down his cheeks when holding your baby for the first time.
Husband Izuku who kisses you deeply and thanks you for the greatest gift he has ever gotten, calling you his hero for being so strong and brave until the end.
Husband Izuku whose phone gallery is now filled with pictures and videos of you and the baby, drawing strength from seeing your faces whenever things get inevitably tough for the pro hero.
Husband Izuku who watches over your little family like a hawk, and whose life mission is to give you the happiness you deserve in return for what you've given him.
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haikyuubby · 11 months
hot spring with the mha boys
❀ - featuring: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari
female reader
reader and said characters are in a mixed hot spring!
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• he’s so nervous
• keeps a respectful distance
• you might catch him staring ngl 💀
• once he realizes that you caught him he apologizes
• but after you assure him that it’s okay he calms down
• tries to make conversation but ends up getting nervous
• after a while, he gets comfortable and acts normal
• he’ll prolly say something like “You look really pretty, y/n.”
• when y’all get out he says “That was nice, y/n. Let’s do that again sometime.” with a smile.
• also very nervous
• but tries to not show it
• when u catch him staring at you he denies it and splashes you 😭
• yk how whenever you’re in the pool with someone and they just DONT STOP SPLASHING YOU
• water gets all in ur eyes and mouth n shi
• and then you’re unable to catch your breath
• yea that typa shit happens with him
• even though splashing is frowned upon in hot springs 🤥
• but eventually he calms down a bit
• he tries to not look at you when you talk to him, because he doesn’t wanna get flustered
• eventually though he gets comfortable and starts teasing you
• especially after he caught u eye fucking him
• “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” he says
• he’s such a shit lmao
• if y’all are comfortable enough w one another, he’s def initiate a make out sesh
• that’s only if you guys have the area or yourselves though
• overall, you’ll have a pretty fun experience
• most tame out of everyone
• probably won’t get touchy-feely with you
• he’ll hold ur hand though
• doesn’t want to talk much
• he just wants to relax
• if you catch him staring at you, he’ll just simply say “Sorry. You look beautiful right now.” (😍)
• you two def make plans to do this again
• he’s just really excited tbh
• also another one to just relax
• makes LOTS of conversation
• mainly to hide his nervousness but moving on
• compliments you
• idk he just seems like the type to just chill yk 😭
• overall, you had a pretty good experience
• stares at your boobs 100%
• gives you lots of compliments
• has his hands all over you tbh
• you might have to tell him to chill out a bit bc yk… he needs to have some decorum 😭
• keeps conversation the whole time
• he makes the experience really fun tbh
• y’all would def go again sometime
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gglitch1dd · 23 days
Letters to and from a Soldier
Part of the "Well... aren't you a pretty doll?" Series.
Army Soldier Midoriya Izuku x Secretary Reader
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Context: War has separated you and your husband but your hearts forever stay with one another.
Note: Set in the 1940s/1950s
[PART 4] [Well… aren’t you a pretty doll- Masterlist]
To my loving wife,
I pray that you are well. It has been too long since I have seen your face and I think about you of every second of my waking state and for every moment that I close my eyes. Although my heart longs for you, this is no place for you nor any sane man. The front is just as bad as we thought it would be, but we’ve got a tough group of men here.
Sargent has me staying close to him, for strategy is a game of the mind and not of strength, however I wish I could be out there with my brothers in arms. I do know however, that you would much rather have me stay away from conflict, which is the only good settlement I have in my heart.
I am so glad that you said you were well in your last letter. Funny enough, some days I can go an entire two weeks without receiving a letter from you, only to receiver eight letters in bulk a day later. I worried for you. I know it was not long that we were married and living together, and now we are so far apart. I wish for you to be safe, my love. Stay close with your girls and look out for one another.
I am glad Enji is keeping you busy so you don’t have to worry about me too much. You’re a smart woman, doll. I know you can handle whatever that man has in store.
Now I know I ramble off too much. Sargent says I write too many letters and sending off a letter per day is a waste of paper but I can’t help it. Writing to you is the only time my thoughts reach a point of sanity and relief.
Doll, I love you more than words can say and miss you more than the air I breathe.
Fighting hard for you,
Your husband, Midoriya Izuku
To my darling husband,
Not a single day goes by that I don’t think of you. I know you tell me not to worry, but Izuku, I just can’t help it. It’s hard being so far away from you, knowing where you are and the nightmares you face everyday. I worry that you aren’t getting enough sleep nor enough energy to carry you through. Take care of yourself please, my love. If I can’t be there to take care of you, I need you to do so in my place.
It’s nearly your birthday. I hope my letter came with my little present. It isn’t much but I hope you like it. Its’a handkerchief that I embroidered just for you. I hope it serves you some sort of purpose, I had your mother give me some string to allow me to put it all together for you. She sends her love as well. She’s decided to stay with me and Mina till you all get back, which is much of a relief to me.
I surely have no idea how Mina can do it, but she’s holding on strong. Can you believe she is already six months on? The baby is starting to move and Mina believes it’s a girl. Your mother is giving her a lot of advice and I’m learning everything I can from her. She’s just wonderful for us here. We’re helping some of the other mothers that are here so that they can be strong too. It’s hard now that all of you men are gone, there’s so much to be done and so little of us left to do it but we are holding on strong. We’re making sure your uniforms get to you and so does everything you need.
Mr Todoroki is leaving tomorrow to head to the front to where you are. I convinced him to give you my letters and gift (for the price of some biscuits, which I sincerely hope you get a taste of).
They hit the power stations three nights ago. It’s been dark ever since so I’m writing by candle light at the moment. Our bed doesn’t feel like it should without you here, but I’ll keep it warm for you.
Faithfully waiting,
Your loving wife, Midoriya Y/N
To my loving wife,
I apologise for my lack of letters that you might not be receiving. We’ve been moved to another part of the country so there was not much time to sit down and write to you, nor to get my letters sent properly. It’s been a tough few days out here. Some of the men are sick with typhoid fever, but luckily we’ve had a rather calm few days. The nurses here are working hard for all of us. Especially for poor Kacchan. He managed to save some of us from a landmine, however it seems as though his hearing has been significantly impaired. I stay by his side every moment I can.
I keep your handkerchief in my breast pocket everyday and look at it as I think of you. I pray that you are well and that you are safe. Sometimes I wonder what monsters created war and why they themselves do not fight in it. However, I am just a soldier, I am just a man, and thus is my duty to defend my country and defend you.
You saved me, my love. I wasn’t able to write to you the past two weeks as I was in recovery too. I got shot at (don’t worry, I am doing well, all limbs attached and all). The bullet just managed to hit the locket instead of me. However, now I am stuck with a rather impressive scar but a broken locket.
Love, I have some reason to believe that you should get Mina, Okaasan and the girls and head out of town to Okinawa. If there is one place I know is safe, it is there. Don’t ask why, don’t hesitate either. I pray you receive this letter before it happens.
Eijiro can’t write at the moment, he injured his hand while trying to hold up some rubble to help some injured soldiers escape, but he sends his love to Mina and the little one inside her. I send my love too.
Please, once you get this, get out of town as fast as you can.
Write me a letter when you’re out.
I hope to see you soon.
Your worried husband, Midoriya Izuku
To my loving wife,
I heard on the radio about the bomb.
Dear God, I pray you had escaped before then. It has been three weeks since I sent that letter and I still have yet to hear back from you. I can only pray that you are safe. There isn’t much paper left this side, but Sargent said that we’ll receive orders on what next we should do.
I can only imagine how horrifying it must be.
I’ve heard the nukes they use is powerful enough to that our enemies are playing God, however, I doubt God is as cruel.
Eijiro worries for you, Mina and the baby and so do I.
Please write back to me when you receive this.
Your worrying husband, Midoriya Izuku.
To my darling husband,
I apologise for not being able to write to you. The train down to the coast and the boat trip to Okinawa was one where I could not even sit down to think.
You are a blessing to my life, Izuku. We managed to make it out just in time. It was the night before when we got on the next train down to the coast when we had heard of the bombing near town. Your mother nearly fell in relief. We all managed to get out, thank goodness but I can only pray for the poor souls that didn’t. I think of you everyday and I wish I could accept you into my arms.
I heard we were surrendering. Is it true?
I wouldn’t be surprised, but after all the work you men did these past months, you all deserve to come home.
Tell Eijiro, he should be glad to know that he is now the proud father of a baby girl. She was born just a few days ago. Mina was as tough as can be and the baby is as healthy as a horse. She’s the cutest little thing with big ruby eyes and dark hair. She looks just like Eijiro too. She decided on one of the names Eijiro liked. Yuna. Kirishima Yuna.
Oh she’s the most beautiful little thing in the world Izuku.
I’ve written our new address at the bottom of the letter. The money I managed to save up from your paychecks and savings was more than enough and we still have some savings left too. We’ve got a good little apartment here next to Mina’s. They said it will just be temporary until treaties have been settled, so I wonder where we will go next. Despite everything, I rather do like looking at the sea. I’ve met a few army soldiers that say they’ve met you.
You don’t know how proud I am to be your wife.
I’ll be waiting for you.
Your faithful wife, Midoriya Y/N
To my darling husband,
I heard you’ll be coming back anyday now!! I sure hope that you’re on the next ship over! I can’t wait to see you! 
I’ll be waiting on the docks for you.
Your faithful wife, Midoriya Y/N
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midoriyas-wifey · 1 year
*kicks feet* big buff pro hero deku grinning down at you w adoring crescent-moon eyes as you huff and rant about a scathing article about the new symbol of peace. his big, scarred hand comes up to cup your cheek so delicately despite the raw strength hiding in every tendon and muscle, halting you mid-tirade. your eyes fly up in shock to meet his and oh-
his eyes are full of love as he leans down and presses his rough lips to your forehead in a gentle kiss “my sweet girl”, deku croons into your hairline, “always sticking up for me,” pulling back, he takes in the now flustered pout on your face. adorable.
you’re thinking of how to get revenge for his teasing, and dekus thinking of what wedding ring + stone combo would suit his pretty girl best.
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cupofmiko · 1 year
WHEN IT FEELS RIGHT - midoriya izuku x f!reader 
five times you fall for midoriya izuku.
genre: friends to lovers au, pro hero au | fluff, smut 
warnings: aged up characters, you are a U.A. general studies graduate, Deku is taller than you idc, Ochako is a good friend <3, minor violence, making out, dry humping, smut at the end! SMUT: car sex, izuku using “good girl” and “pretty girl” because i have a problem, some soft dom!deku, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie
word count: 9k 
a/n: 2023 traci has returned as an izuku simp. In the past year, i feel like i have turned over every stone and have read every izuku fic i could get my hands on - so i decided to add a stone of my own.
As soon as you answer the phone, the words are already prepared. “No.” 
On the other side, Uraraka laughs. “You don’t even know what I’m going to say!” 
“I saw your text!” you rebuff, but you’re smiling. “I know you know I got the job.” 
“Even more of a reason to celebrate!” she whines. “Not only did you graduate with honors but you got a job at Denki’s agency!”
You readjust the phone at your ear, drumming your fingers on the table. “Exactly, it’s Denki’s agency. He knew who I was before he hired me. Forget celebration, it’s borderline nepotism.” 
Uraraka makes a noise of protest. “We both know that Denki was only present at your final interview, and we both also know that the hiring manager had already made up her mind before Denki knew you were getting hired. Don’t undermine your accomplishments, I won’t let you!” 
Your friend’s fierce loyalty to reinforcing the truth makes you pause, because it’s true. Kaminari Denki was always more of a schoolmate rather than a friend, part of the Class 1A group of aspiring heroes that you knew of through your blossoming friendship with Uraraka Ochako. The pair of you met through a class project and have kept in touch ever since. You kept up with each other’s lives over the next many years: Uraraka breaking the top twenty hero rankings, and you breaking into the growing pains of attending university. Pair that with a few study abroad opportunities post-college, leading you to where you are now. Back in Japan, a few weeks away from starting at Chargebolt’s agency. 
And your best friends wants to celebrate. 
On the phone, Uraraka says your name softly, conveying her seriousness. “C’mon. It’ll be super lowkey, promise. I’ll host. No fancy restaurants, no loud music at the bar. Getting a new job is always a new and exciting opportunity. Let’s celebrate that with some friends!” 
You sigh. Uraraka always knows what to say. Call it her genuine nature or stubborn determination. “Fine, fine. Thank you, Ochako.” 
“You can thank me by showing up!” she responds cheerily. 
That conversation was a week ago, and you now stand in front of Uraraka’s home - a beautiful unassuming place of dark wood and brick exterior surrounded by bamboo. You knock on the door, waiting a moment before the door swings open. The easily recognizable Kirishima Eijiro flashes you a grin. “Hey, look who’s here!” 
Kirishima always makes you smile, even when you were kids. “Hi Eijiro, long time no see.” 
One-armed hug later, and you are stepping into the home. Despite the more secluded exterior of Uraraka’s house, the inside is brighter with beige paint and long windows immediately filling you with warmth. A small collection of shoes are already gathered near the entrance, and your own shoes join soon enough. 
Having been in Uraraka’s home many times, you easily navigate through the entry way into the living room where all the voices of guests loudly echo through the house. When you make yourself known, the attention shifts to you and the greetings start. 
All sorts of people, current friends and past classmates, come forward. Names you’ve heard in circulation from Uraraka and others come over to you for congratulations, but all people you were at least on a first-name basis with while at U.A. Most of them are your fellow general studies students, all of whom have jobs in the hero industry with a mutual connection to Uraraka. Lots are also from the hero course, who greet you cheerily despite how long it has been since you’ve seen each other. 
Face-to-face, at least. “You guys have no idea how much I’ve seen you all on the news, even when I was working abroad. It’s crazy how well all of you have been doing in the hero ranks,” you exclaim.
Ashido Mina sighs loudly. “Well, when you’re the generation responsible for rebuilding hero society, you just feel the eyes on you all the time. I think we’re just lucky things are working out the way they are, because that’s definitely helping the rankings.” 
From behind, Kaminari Denki puts an arm around you. “Well, at least you’ll be here to come along on the adventure.” 
You glance at him, grinning. “I should have you to thank for that then, boss.” 
Beside you, Bakugou Katsuki scoffs. “Idiot. Dunce Face here probably doesn’t know the difference between HR and PR. You got the job because you’re qualified and hardworking, aren’t you?” 
A compliment, from Bakugou of all people, warms you up a little with pride. He’s definitely leveled out since graduation. Still with that fiery temper of course. But he’s gentler. 
Not gentle enough though. Kaminari looks appalled at the insult. As the two of them spiral off into their own argument, you look around at all the hero course students who showed up. Actually, all the Class 1A heroes have shown up, with the exception of one. 
You tilt your head, eyes finding Uraraka. “Where’s Midoriya?” 
Bakugou overhears, turning away from Kaminari. The latter turns stony at being dismissed. “That Deku is an idiot. Took over patrol for one of his sidekicks, so he’ll be late.” 
Despite having not seen Midoriya Izuku in years, taking over patrol for a sidekick still somehow seems on brand for him. Too selfless, too thoughtful. 
The party is in full swing after the initial reunion conversations are made. Despite the intention of the party, you are glad that you are not the sole focus. Most people branch off into mini groups to have smaller conversations with one another, catching up or chit-chatting. You find yourself caught up in a conversation with Mina, Bakugou, Kirishimia, and Momo, mainly discussing abroad opportunities and sharing the experiences. 
About an hour into the party, there is a knock at the door. 
“I’ll get it!” you call, knowing that Uraraka is busy with Shouto replenishing the ice bucket. You reach the front door, opening it. There stands Midoroiya Izuku, but not the Izuku you remember. He’s taller, curly green hair, broad shoulders. He’s grown into his features. Oh dear, you think to yourself, he’s cuter than you remember. “M-Midoriya!” you exclaim, doing well to ignore the warning in your heart. 
He smiles, soft familiar eyes. He returns with your name, immediately going into it in a way you have almost forgotten. “I haven’t seen you in forever! How have you been? Congratulations on your job, Denki told us all about it after your final interview! He was so surprised to see you, as was I. Last I heard about you, Ochako said you were doing some internship abroad. Not that I don’t keep up to date about you! Er, nor do I try to ask too many questions about you to Ochako, that seems a little invasive. I’ve just been busy myself. Being a hero is great and everything! But with the cases we take on and traveling and working, it can get difficult…” 
Your eyes are wide. This part about Izuku is familiar; his ever-present ability to go on any tangent and ramble. Back in high school, you were definitely closer to Izuku compared to some other students from Class 1A. But, again, it all stemmed from your friendship with Uraraka. The last time you actually saw Izuku was two years after high school graduation. But that version of Izuku is so much different than the Izuku standing before you - packed with muscle, experience, and fame. 
“Midoriya, it’s good to see you too,” you return once he’s trailed off, seeing that as an opportune moment to jump in. “And no need to apologize. I’m sure it is challenging being the number one hero.” 
At that, he goes nervous, scratching the back of his neck. “W-Well, just want to follow All Might, you know? Help make sure society feels safe again.” 
“I’m glad to hear it,” you say. “Come on, I didn’t mean to keep you outside for so long.” 
Izuku laughs at that, stepping in and removing his shoes. He straightens up, looking at you. “How have you been?” 
As the pair of you go deeper into the house, you continue your conversation. The one consistent thing about Izuku is his friendly nature, his ability to keep up a discussion. Even as you lead him into the kitchen to say hello to his friends, his attention never leaves you. He says his quick hello’s, but always returns back to you to resume the conversation. 
Used to getting lost in the sea of a crowd, you feel warm with something beyond pride. It’s a softer feeling, a strange kind of affection building up inside of you. 
Eventually, after Izuku makes his rounds in the living room, he finds you opening up a ginger ale on the couch. “Mind if I join you?” 
You blink up at him, momentarily surprised that he’s still talking to you. Last you saw him, he was talking to Bakugou, which is where you assumed he would be for the rest of the night. “Of course!” 
He sits on the couch. “So when did you move back home?” 
You hum. “Last month. I feel like I had to hit the ground running by applying to as many jobs as possible when I landed. I am really lucky that Denki’s agency hired me. It’s in a pretty good neighborhood, so finding an apartment wasn’t too difficult.” 
“That’s good.” Izuku nods. “What made you want to move back? Was the abroad stuff not working out?”
You ponder. “Not that it wasn’t working out. The experience was great, but I think just getting…” 
“Homesick?” he offers. 
You nod, smiling. “Yeah. Ochako sent me a video of the cherry blossoms this past spring and I don’t know. That’s what did it for me.” 
He hums with agreement. His attention is not unlike how it was when you were kids. But it feels different. The confidence radiates off of him like steam, the years of knowledge navigating the pro hero world and climbing his way to the top being felt so clearly from the way he holds himself. And you feel that initial attraction similar to finding a stranger attractive pinging through you. It makes your smile just a little wider, your attention hold just a little longer, and your eyes linger. You wonder if he’s thinking something similar. 
People start making their leave towards midnight, citing early patrol hours or work as reasons to leave. It doesn’t matter, you enjoyed the party all the same. 
Since you still have some off-time before officially starting work next week, you offer to stay behind with Ochako to clean up. And if Izuku lingers by your side a bit too long before leaving, making you promise him to stay in touch; and if Uraraka gives you that look while you start tossing paper plates into the trash can - you miss it. 
You hear Chargebolt before you see him, as it always goes at the agency. His energetic personality captures him during all hours of the day, meaning that he can make conversation with nearly everyone at his agency as well as serve as that friendly, protective face to the people of the neighborhoods he patrols. 
You’re in the middle of writing up an email when you hear a knock at your cubicle. Denki stands just outside the perimeter of your desk, all dressed up in his hero outfit and clearly about ready to go on patrol. He greets you. 
“Chargebolt, is everything okay?” you ask, trying to be formal with his hero name. 
Denki grins sheepishly. “I’m actually asking you something un-hero related. Uraraka is making plans for mini-golf with the group after work. You in?” 
You straighten up slightly at the unexpected invitation. “Sure,” you say, smiling. “Do you know who’s going?” 
“Probably those who took the morning shifts for patrol. As far as I know it’ll be Uraraka, Asui, Jiro, Momo, Tenya, Kacchan, and Izuku. And me.” 
The mention of Izuku’s name makes you jolt slightly with heightened interest. “Sounds like a good crowd,” you manage, trying to sound as normal as possible. “I’m down.” 
“Cool, I’ll let Uraraka know,” he says, looking down at his phone for a moment before looking back up at you. “By the way,” he starts. “Something going on between you and Deku?” 
Your heart stammers at that. For a second, you worry your internalized secret has gotten out. That you suddenly like Izuku differently now after all these years. “What do you mean?” 
For someone whose entire personality hinges on silliness and an easy-going nature, Denki’s look is surprisingly clear. “Nothing specific. You guys were talking a lot at the party. And just now, Izuku said we should invite you. Was just wondering if there was something going on there. Or if something happened after the party.” 
“Um…” you stammer. “N-Nothing happened! We didn’t do anything after the party either! We’re just… friends.” 
Denki gives you another look, before he shrugs. “I was just curious. Anyways!” His thoughtful observation is replaced with his usual cheery smile. “I’m going out to patrol, but should be back in time for us to go to the mini golf place together. If you’re cool with that.” 
You give him a weak thumbs-up. “I am. See you soon then.” 
With some fingerguns, Chargebolt is off. 
The remaining day is a slow six hours of work. You answer some emails, write out some sentences for an upcoming newsletter your boss wants you to write. But you are finishing up sending over some drafts and photos to your department just as Chargebolt is strolling back into the office. 
He passes by your cubicle, knocking on it twice with his knuckles. “I’ll be ready in five minutes, that cool?” 
You click and clack a few more letters before hitting enter. “Yep, I’m almost done myself.” 
Denki nods. “Okay, let me change. Be right back!!!” he dashes down to his office, returning a few seconds later in his casual clothes. You’re just about finished packing up just as Denki returns. Together, the pair of you leave the office and make your way to the subway station. Your initial worries about Denki attracting attention are whisked away when you notice how easily he can blend into a crowd. 
You voice this thought to him as the pair of you board the train. 
“Sometimes, not attracting attention is just as important as attracting attention,” he says. 
It is a quick ten minute ride to the destination - a trendy neighborhood that is teetering with people despite the fact that it is a Thursday night. The mini golf is located on the first floor of the big mall, decked out with some cliche nighttime assortment of black lights and Kpop blasting through the speakers. 
You and Denki are the last to arrive at the mini golf experience, a place you notice is decidedly too empty for a relatively popular weeknight activity. 
You echo that sentiment to Denki, who only grins in response. “Uraraka rented the whole space out for us,” he explains. “Probably didn’t want to cause a commotion once the public realized how much pro-heroes would be here.” 
To further emphasize his observation, you notice a sign by the check-in desk. Reserved for a birthday party. We apologize for any inconvenience. 
With a nod to the worker, you and Denki step further into the venue. Before you is a mini golf course you could only describe as a very high tech, borderline boujee course. Each hole had different colors, RGB lights along the borders of each course. Each one has a different design, some playing with scale (you catch sight of a blown up air hockey course), some playing with altitude, and some playing with classic mini golf concepts (you, of course, see the windmill turning) up ahead.
Off to the side is the snack and resting area, tables scattered about with the heroes occupying one of them. 
“So who’s birthday is it?” Denki exclaims as a greeting, causing the other heroes to turn around and shout out their greetings. 
Your eyes find Izuku’s, who sends you a shy wave from next to Iida. You smile and wave back. 
The group starts shortly after. To remain faithful to the true rules of mini golf, as per Bakugo’s words, you all agree to tackle the mini golf courses by number. You all start at hole one and one by one, the different heroes take their turns swinging. The turns are Momo, Jiro, Asui, Uraraka, Bakugo, Denki, and Izuku. You had elected to go last, mostly to allow the peace and quiet as the others in your group move onto the next hole as soon as they score. 
You notice that Izuku, however, does not move onto the next hole with the others. He picks up his golf ball from the hole and makes his way back over to you. “This wasn’t a bad hole!” he exclaims, smiling. “You just need to aim a little to the right.” 
You tilt your head. “Aren’t you going to go to the next hole?” 
He shrugs, still smiling. “Who’ll cheer you on when you get the hole-in-one?” 
Although the question seems innocent, the thoughtful nature makes your heart speed up. How can this man be so considerate towards someone you could consider to be almost a stranger again? 
You swallow down the nerves. “I don’t know,” you answer meekly. “I’m pretty bad at this. Your confidence in me is definitely misplaced.” 
You do take his advice and angle yourself slightly to the right before putting the ball. You watch as it races down the course, right into the hole. 
Izuku grins, tucking the club underneath his arm to clap his hands. “Woooo! Looks like things are heating up over here, folks!” 
“Stop…” you whine, pouting as you turn warm with embarrassment as you approach him. “Well, I guess I had a pretty good coach.” 
He untucks the club from his arm, sending you a wink that jolts through you. “I knew I saw something in you, rookie.”
At his stare, your pout turns into a small private smile. It’s one that he returns, until Denki calls for the two of you. “Quit flirting lovebirds! You’re two holes behind!” 
Quickly, you and Izuku pull away. Although Izuku continues to stay by your side during the remainder of the course in order to chat, neither of you address Denki’s comment. Nor do you make any comments about coaching or rookies again. 
The rest of the evening goes by without a hitch. Unsurprisingly, Bakugo wins with the most hole-in-ones. 
The whole group ends mini golf to a cold, fall night. It’s past midnight at this point, and with that comes a chill that only happens during the late nights. You shiver, wrapping your coat tighter around you as the others start saying their goodbyes. 
On instinct, your gaze falls to Izuku. He meets your eye and flashes an easy smile. “Hey, it’s a bit late. Can I drive you home?”
A heartbeat in your throat. You try to play it off with a smile. “You have a car?” 
He grins. “Course I do. Sometimes it helps with keeping the privacy of having to drive a drunk friend home.” 
You laugh, taking a mental note to ask him about it later without the prying eyes of other heroes. “The ride is very sweet, Midoriya. I don’t want to take too much of your time though.” 
“I insist,” he says. 
So you nod to yourself first, and then to him. “Sure,” you breathe. 
From behind, someone clears their throat. Izuku blinks out of his trance. “Oh, Kacchan! Need a ride?” 
You turn your head to look at Bakugo, who is watching you both carefully. He scoffs. “No way, nerds. Would rather take the subway.” Without acknowledgement, he stalks away, leaving the two of you behind. 
Izuku, used to Kacchan’s dismissive behavior, doesn’t bat an eye. He just levels you with a stare, his green eyes soft. “Just the two of us then.” 
The two of us echoes in your mind as you follow Izuku to his car, the goodbyes and departing words of your friends feeling thousands of miles away. It’s cool. You’re cool. You and Izuku have been alone loads of times before back when you were at school; this shouldn’t be any different. This can’t be any different. Nothing, not even your own heart, could convince you otherwise. 
You look up from your plate of pasta, leveling Uraraka with a stare. “So?” 
Uraraka is stirring her lemon tea, exchanging a quick look with Kyoka Jiro before letting go of the straw. “I was patrolling with Deku the other day.” 
The mention of Izuku is curious, sure, but you ignore the louder thump in your chest. Truthfully, after the party and the mini golf, you elected to try and stomp away the attractive pull you felt towards him for the sake of your own sanity. After all, it has been so many years since you and Izuku last talked. The possibility of him feeling that spark with you was near zero. Having made peace (for the most part) with that realization, you respond to Uraraka’s observation. “Okay.” 
Uraraka is still watching you carefully. “I found out he may or may not have some interest in you.” 
Interest in you? You somehow choke on your own saliva, hutching over as you try to cough out your shock. Jiro’s hand is at your back, patting it. “You okay?” 
You drink half your cup of water in response. “How…” you manage, coughing a bit more. “How did you find out?” 
Uraraka smiles. “Deku has been my friend for years, I can tell. Also, he is not as subtle as he thinks he is. He was asking about you during patrol.” 
You tilt your head at that, mind and throat much clearer than it was five seconds ago. “He didn’t want to ask me anything himself?” 
She shrugs. “You guys haven’t spoken for years. I’m sure he didn’t want to come on too strong by asking some of the questions he was asking.” 
That makes you narrow your eyes. “Like what? What would he need to ask you about?” 
Her smile turns into a grin, one that curves around the fork. “Like if you were seeing anyone. And where exactly you stayed while you were working abroad.” 
You try to mentally deconstruct your pasta, suddenly all too aware of how hot your entire body feels. Hot with embarrassment? Hot with disbelief? Or hot with the knowledge that your own feelings weren’t completely one-sided? “T-Those would have been interesting questions to hear from him…” 
Uraraka is still looking at you. While that grin is still on her face, there is a touch of thoughtfulness in her eyes. “What do you think of Izuku?” 
Your brain feels like it is filled with butterflies, running a mile a minute. Your body feels like a fire has just been lit underneath with how warm everything seems to be getting. “He’s nice. A good listener, and an even better conversationalist. Sometimes I feel like big groups can drown out my voice, but he never made me feel like that. He was like that when we were kids, I remember, but I don’t know. It feels different now. I didn’t really think too much about this before, but he’s pretty cute now… I guess.” You tack on because you see Uraraka’s grin widen. 
“So, you like Izuku too?” 
If this were a cartoon, you imagine this is the part where a puff of smoke comes out of your head. You stammer, arms flailing about comically. “I-I mean, I wouldn’t put it like that… We’ve always been more acquaintances, so saying that I like him sounds a bit too strong. Not that I hate him, I do like him! Just…” 
“So there’s a new kind of spark and attraction, but you don’t want to jump the gun and say you do like him to avoid being too premature?” Uraraka cuts in gently, her previous teasing subsided. “I’m only teasing. I just wanted to try and warn you what was going on. I won’t tell Izuku anything, obviously. Girl code.” 
You leave Uraraka and Jirou feeling naturally unsettled, but almost relieved to have some part of your feelings validated. You weren’t the only one pondering, contemplating a ‘what-if’ scenario.
You’re about ready to put a pin in those feelings, perhaps until the next time someone brings up Izuku, until you hear your name being called. 
You turn, feeling a kind of rush wash over you. It’s the kind of feeling one gets from getting called out unexpectedly. It’s Izuku. You gap. “Midoriya!” you exclaim. You freeze slightly, realizing that he is on the clock right now. Might be better to call him properly. “I-I mean, Deku!” 
He smiles easily. “Hey, I thought it was you!” 
You smile back. “What are you doing here?” 
He tilts his head, confused, but then seems to realize something. “Oh, I’m patrolling here today. I know Jiro usually patrols here, but she mentioned needing to take the afternoon off.” 
His mention of Jiro makes you run hot. Uraraka and Jiro planned this?! 
“O-Oh,” you hum, trying to feign curiosity as opposed to giving away the fact that you know exactly where Jiro spent her afternoon. “That’s really nice of you.” 
“Ah, well of course!” Izuku manages, turning red at the compliment. “Any one of my friends would do the same for me.” A pause between the two of you. “C-Can I walk you to the station?” 
Despite the gossip exchanged with Uraraka and Jiro earlier in the day, you are still taken aback by his offer. You cannot stop the smile from forming on your lips. “The number one hero in Japan walking a mere civilian to the subway?” 
Izuku laughs, looking away briefly and running a hand through his hair. “You’re more than just a mere civilian. Let me walk you to the station.” 
You laugh with him. “Okay, Deku. I’ll allow it.” 
The walk to the station is short, but slow and peaceful. No area could feel more safer than with the number one Symbol of Peace walking the streets. As always, conversation with Izuku is easy. You talk about your first week at Chargebolt’s agency (“Everyone is very nice, and Denki is a good boss. Always on time with paperwork and giving us feedback on upcoming appearances and events!”), Izuku’s recent patrol with Ochako (“Really normal, nothing out of the ordinary happened!” he had managed, turning red), and any plans for the upcoming weekend (Izuku has patrol. You’re going furniture shopping to buy some quality of life goods for your new apartment.) 
Once you are outside the station, you turn to him. “Thank you for walking me, Symbol of Peace.” 
Izuku puts a hand on his chest. “I’m here for the people.” He seems to remember something, because he makes an alarmed expression. “Oh! Before you leave, I have something for you!” 
He digs into one of the many pockets of his hero suit, producing a small clear plastic envelope. “I was at this small little convention in the morning. I was going to give this to you the next time I saw you, since what were the odds of us running into each other here?” He hands over the envelope. 
You take it slowly. “You got me something? That’s so nice of you…” you trail off once you see what Izuku has gotten you. It’s a pin, intricate detailing and lines of silver tracing out a tree covered in cherry blossom petals. 
Ochako sent me a video of the cherry blossoms this past spring and I don’t know. That’s what did it for me.
He remembered. You look at him, heart bleeding with a strange fondness. “Deku, it’s beautiful.” 
“It’s nothing,” he brushes off. But he’s scratching the back of his neck again, gazing away, red cheeks. “Just saw it and thought of you. I hope it can always make you think of home, no matter if you decide to stay here or pursue another trip abroad.” 
“I love it,” you say firmly, already starting to open the clear envelope. Izuku hovers closely, wordlessly taking the plastic and leaving you with the pin. You remove the backing, clipping the pin into the strap of your bag so that it glimmers under the sunlight. “What do you think?” 
He smiles. “Pretty.” 
He’s just talking about the pin, you tell yourself. So you allow yourself to brighten, pretending like your conversation with Uraraka hadn’t happened. “Thanks!” You glance back at the station. “I should get going. Thank you again, Deku. I’ll cherish this.” 
You disappear into the station, scanning your card and easily navigating to the platform that’ll take you home. As you wake for the train to arrive, you look down at the new pin on your bag. You turn it gently between your fingers. Your heart feels as warm as the sun. 
You’re grabbing lunch at the convenience store when it happens. 
You’re browsing through some aisles, ready to grab a new flavor of instant ramen you’ve been excited about since hearing a coworker talk about it, as the glass doors of the store explode. Before you can react, your limbs freeze up and stick to the sides of your body. You gasp, unable to stop yourself from falling over in time to see a small group of villains enter the shop. 
Villain attacks aren’t exactly common nowadays, but they do pop up occasionally as you’ve heard on the news every once in a while. You just never thought you’d witness a robbery first-hand. You watch as the villains break off. One of them approaches the cashier, while the others start traversing the aisles to foods and snacks into duffle bags. You hear a few other store goers whimpering as the villains trek down their aisle. 
You don’t blame their nerves. Your own heart starts beating faster and louder as the steps and laugher grow closer. 
A few more steps and you see one of them at the end of the aisle. He sees you and laughs, possibly due to your immobile state. He assesses you before making his way over to you. 
And barely makes it two steps before a flurry of green lightning knocks him out of the way. 
You inhale sharply, eyes following the movement and feeling like relief wash over you like a wave when you see Deku pinning the man down. The villain scoffs, trying to wiggle his way out for a moment before he realizes who has caught him. 
“Holy fuck, it’s Deku!”
Across the way, Deku turns his head and meets your gaze. There is a flicker of something in his eyes, but it is immediately replaced with the warmth and safety of a number one hero. “I’m here now, is everything alright?” 
You try to nod, before remembering that you cannot move. “I-I can’t move,” you say. “I think it’s a quirk.” 
As the chaos amongst the villains rises, Deku takes advantage of the confusion to Blackwhip the rest of the group together. Although he maintains a mask of heroism and professionalism, he Blackwhips the rest of the villains with a noticeably heavy hand. 
It isn’t until the villains are handed over to the police, that the effects of the quirk go away, that you are checked up by a quirk doctor to ensure no long-term damage, that Deku can finally slip away long enough to see you. 
You straighten up from your position in the first-aid station as you see Deku approach. The closer he gets, the more that hero facade melts away. By the time he reaches you, he looks more like Izuku. Your Izuku. He is worried as he cups your cheeks, forcing you to look up at him. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you anywhere?” 
You shake your head, the weight of his hands on your cheeks a reassuring comfort. “I’m okay… Deku.” 
The use of his hero name brings him back to the reality of the situation - one where he is the hero, and you are the civilian. He brushes his thumb against your cheek, before pulling back. “Have you seen the quirk doctor yet?” 
You nod. “Yes. Everything is okay. It was weaker because the villain was using his quirk on all of us in the store.” You raise your arm, curling your fingers up and down. You grin up at him. “See? Good as new!” 
He stares down at your opened hand, seeming to weigh something in his head before he reaches over to lace your fingers together. The weight of his touch feels like sparks up your spine as you stare up at him. Even though you’re still next to the paramedics that were treating the light bruises you acquired from your fall, it feels like they could be in a different world. 
“Erm, Chargebolt asked me to drop off some paperwork since we’re working on a case together with a few other heroes. I felt my Danger Sense go off, but something about it was more urgent than usual. It only ever gets like that when…” he trails off, shaking his head, squeezing your hand once before letting go. “Anyways, I’m glad I got to you. And that you’re safe.” 
You nod, returning the smile. “Yes. Thank you for saving me, Deku.” 
He goes a little red. He opens his mouth to speak, but is interrupted by a call from the police, which turns him rather sheepish. “I shouldn’t be much longer with the police. Can you wait for me? Let me walk you home.” 
The urgency in his face lets you know that he doesn’t want to leave you out of his sight right now. Likewise, the thought of losing his protective gaze makes you feel exposed. At least, for now considering the afternoon you’ve experienced. “Sure,” you say, heart thudding. “I don’t mind waiting.” 
With one last little nod, he turns around and walks away. This leaves you alone with the two paramedics tasked with making sure you are okay. Both have been respectfully quiet during your conversation with Izuku, but are quick to investigate as soon as he leaves. 
“I didn’t know you were dating the number one hero,” one of them starts slowly, teasingly, as she cleans a wound on your cheek that she had already treated. 
You go warm. “I’m not,” you protest.
“Ooooh,” the first paramedic says disbelievingly. The silence is loud, as you suspect the two paramedics casting a glance between each other. “I see what’s going on.” 
“I’m not!” you insist louder, but something in you has a sinking feeling that they don’t believe you. 
Truthfully, you’re not sure you believe it yourself. 
izuku (9:15pm) - [hyper bunny jumping sticker] just finished up patrol! 
me (9:15pm) - wow, you’re actually getting out at a reasonable time!!!!! 
izuku (9:16pm) - i know!! luckily the most exciting thing today was trying to get a kitty out of a tree
me (9:16pm) - you really are a hero for the people 
izuku (9:16pm) - that’s what i’ve been saying this whole time! 
izuku (9:17pm) - what are you up to?
me (9:20pm) - sorry, still at the office :/ 
izuku (9:20pm) - ?????????
me (9:21pm) - i know, i know!!! but i promised denki i’d have this report finished by tomorrow. 
izuku (9:21pm) - denki made you stay late????? 
izuku (9:21pm) - brb gonna find him. i know where he lives 
me (9:22pm) - no!!!!! It’s okay!! he doesn’t know i’m still here. 
me (9:22pm) - i may or may not have told him I’d be out by 6. 
me (9:22pm) - [hyper bunny hiding behind a rock] 
izuku (9:22pm) - ……………….
izuku (9:23pm) - I’m coming over 
me (9:24pm) - what 
me (9:24pm) - izuku no 
izuku (9:24pm) - izuku yes 
izuku (9:24pm) - I’ll be there in 5 minutes 
You glare at your phone, a mix of anger yet fondness rushing through your blood. You look around at the empty Chargebolt agency now, internally wincing at yourself and complete inability to manage your time. You really thought collecting all that data and putting it together into a report would take a few extra hours. Not an entire night, like what is happening right now. You just wanted to make things perfect. 
Looking at the report now, it does look as good as you wanted. But was it worth staying behind that long? You’re not so sure. 
Your phone buzzes again. 
izuku (9:30pm) - i’m here 
On cue, there is a knock on the front door of the office. You slide back from your chair, navigate your way to the front, and find Izuku on the other side. He waves to you, purposefully ignoring your glare as he slides into the office. 
“Hi,” he greets. 
You continue to glare at him. “You should be asleep, not coming here just to babysit me!” you protest, pouting only when his grin grows bigger. “Besides, I’m almost done.” 
“How are you getting home?” he challenges. 
“With my legs! I’ll take the subway!” 
“Unacceptable,” he rejects. “Besides, you just said I was a hero for the people. You’re part of that people, so I have to be your hero too.” 
You huff. Damn him and his logic. “Fine,” you say, turning around and allowing him to follow you through the office. “I’m about done anyways. Let me just print everything and we can go.” 
“Yes ma’am,” he responds, smiling when you snort at him. 
Printing is simple. It’s just a five page report with graphics, statistics, and data; one that you leave on Denki’s desk with a post-it note, before you are packing up your desk. Your work laptop, your notebook with upcoming assignments and deadlines, your water bottle… Deku watches the process with his careful eyes. Eyes that flicker occasionally over to the entrance of the agency. 
You shoulder your backpack. “Okay, let’s get going.” 
So Deku leads you out of the building, where his car is parked right outside. There are still people out and about, after all it is only 9pm, but Deku doesn’t ease up on his watch as he opens the passenger door for you.
Izuku, whom you would consider more of a friend now after all the group hangouts you’ve shared together and the occasional one-on-one conversation from his offers to drive you home, asks you about your day as he drives you to your apartment. You explain that the craziness from a normal workday is why you were working so late on an additional assignment, and have to reassure him again that Denki had no idea you stayed as late as you had. 
Izuku talks about his patrol, leading into a conversation about TV shows the pair of you have been watching recently - ones that Izuku gets to watch on his day off. 
He is, and always has been, easy to talk to even in one-on-one settings. It feels like time rushes before he’s driving into your apartment complex. It is gated off from the rest of the city, only unlockable with a code he is familiar with. Once the gates open, he drives in. Normally, Izuku is good about dropping you off right at the front door. 
Sometimes, like this time, he drives in a little further so the pair of you can keep talking. He drives down the parking spaces, finding one in the far back corner away from lights and possible late-night walkers. He parks, settling down and facing you, laughing when you start laughing about an awkward situation that happened to you last week at the coffee shop. 
Your laughter starts to die down as you turn to face Izuku. “Thanks for driving me, Midoriya. You’re too nice to me.” 
He laughs, turning to look at you too, head against the headrest. “I like being nice to you.” 
The quiet has never felt so loud as your heart beats louder and louder; your eyes start taking him in. The glimmer from his center console screen reflects as blue in his eyes as he takes you in the same way you take in him. Heart in your throat, smiling slipping off your face, as you stare at him. There is an openness in his face not unlike the look he gave you after the villain attack, one of softness and something else. Something deeper. It's something that makes your heart pick up a little in your chest, afraid of the meaning but yearning all the same. 
Without thinking, you look at his mouth. Lips that look soft and warm, inviting you in. 
You don’t even realize you’re leaning in until Izuku’s face grows closer and closer. Until the ruffle of clothes show he’s shifting in his seat. Until you’re closing your eyes, and he is kissing you. 
Softly, suddenly, you inhale a breath, making a little squeak in the back of your throat. It’s a noise Izuku seems to take interest in, because he moves his mouth, pushing in further, and holding the back of your head. You try to match him, try to keep up with him despite your brain melting and your heart feeling as if it is about to spill out of your chest. Your hand lifts up, fingers lingering on his wrist to give yourself a piece of reality to hold onto. 
After he’s thoroughly traced your lips with his tongue, you separate. But Izuku doesn’t let you go too far, never lets you go too far, as he rests his forehead against yours. In the quiet of his car, the only sound is the sound of heavy breathing, of your mind reeling with what just happened. With just how much you like the man in front of you. 
“Are you okay?” Izuku whispers.
You swallow, opening your eyes and nodding. “More than okay,” you promise. 
A few seconds of quiet. “Do you want to keep going?” he asks. An open invitation to stay, or to leave. The latter seems like the most faraway choice at the moment. 
You press your lips together, wetting them. Izuku watches carefully. “Yes,” you answer. What entails keeping going, you have no idea. But the pressure in your stomach and the sirens in your mind singing for Izuku give a good idea of what you want. 
Izuku nods, a movement you feel more than see. He pulls back to look at you once more, but doesn’t stay away for too long. He answers by kissing you again, a light peck, before moving to the corner of your mouth, the edge of your jaw, down your neck. The hand at the back of your head tightens slightly, pulling at your hair as he tugs your head back to explore your neck. 
The light, tickling sensation floods your brain with cotton as you scramble. Your hands find his hair, wrapping around his neck and pulling at his shirt. More little noises form at the back of your throat, noises that whimper away as Izuku’s teeth gently mark at spots that make your thighs twitch. “M-Midoriya,” you whine. 
Izuku leaves a trail of kisses from your neck back to your mouth as he returns to you with more feverish intent than before. Tongue and teeth clash as you inch forward towards him. A few inches of center console space feel like thousands of miles. “Say my name,” he commands softly against your lips. 
“What?” you breathe out. “Midoriya?” 
He shakes his head, pecking you once, twice. “My name.” 
Oh. “Izuku…” you whisper.  
He pulls away suddenly. The sensation causes your eyes to flash open, taking in Pro Hero Deku, your Izuku, with his flushed skin and red lips and crazed eyes. He leans forward again with his whole body, gathering your waist in his arms. To him, you are but a feather as he easily maneuvers you from the passenger seat onto his lap, where your legs rest on either side of him. The hem of your skirt rides up with the gesture, the thin material of your panties doing little to the imagination. After an adjustment, you find that Izuku is hard, the imprint of his crotch right against your clit. 
The reaction is immediate. You jolt slightly, leaning more into Izuku, who wraps his arms around your back to keep you pressed against him. He noses your hairline. “Is this okay?” he whispers. 
His consistent checking in runs you hot as you lean back just enough to meet his gaze. “More than okay,” you reassure, ducking down enough to kiss him again. 
The pair of you continue like this for a little, his hands locked around your back as your fingers gently press against his chest. The intermingling of tongue and the loudness of your breath fill the empty space, until Izuku’s hands trace down your spine and settle down at the hem of your skirt. Slowly, he lifts it until the hem reaches your hips, where he stops to rest his hands at your bare skin. 
One back-and-forth movement of your hips against his crotch elicits a groan from him. You pull away with a sharp gasp, tilting your head back as Izuku continues guiding your movements across his dick. “Nnnn, Izuku!” you whine. “Feels so good…” 
Izuku hums, watching you hungrily. “Good girl, doing so well. Gonna take me so easily in this cute skirt.” 
You eye him half-lidded. “Really?” 
He smiles. “Really.” He leans forward, kissing at your collarbone, turning whatever words you were going to say next into cotton. He travels further downward this time, unbuttoning your blouse and tugging down your bra strap. His mouth captures a nipple, circling it with his tongue, the additional simulation making you cry out again as his other hand continues to guide you back-and-forth on top of his dick. 
You’re panting now, feeling absolutely soaked in your panties. Your giggle is a breathless whimper when he releases your nipple, only to return to it with a caress of his thumb. “That t-tickles.” 
Izuku looks up at you, thumb still circling your nipple, stars in his eyes. “You’re cute. Always so cute to me,” he hums. He removes his thumb, planting a gentle kiss where his thumb once was. You clench around nothing, moved by the sweet gesture. 
Slowly, the hand once at your nipple moves downward, grazing your hips and your stomach until he reaches the waistband of your panties and below, stopping to graze your clit gently through the fabric. You jolt, your brain running wild with a singular sensation: how much you want this man right now. 
“Fuck,” he groans. “So wet already…” he trails off, the comment mostly made for himself as he swiftly tugs your panties to one side and rubs your slit. The slipperiness of his touch shows you just how wet you have become. You’re almost embarrassed by the teenage-esque scenario of getting wet from something so simple, but Izuku’s groan quells your embarrassment. 
After a few rubs, he lines up his finger and sinks his index finger into your heat. The thickness of his finger runs you hot all over, another whimper leaving your lips as your hips rock gently against his hand. You lean forward, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Feels so good Izuku,” you whisper into his ear. His one finger is already much longer and thicker than your own, and the newness of the situation runs through your body like wildfire. 
“Yeah?” he whispers back, angling your hips outward just enough for him to slip in another finger. He groans. “Pretty girl, so wet and good for me…” 
A few more rocking movements before he removes his hand, bringing it up for the two of you to see. He separates his two fingers, watching as your essence glimmers under the streetlamp. Without a warning, he slips the fingers into his mouth. 
You squawk at that. “Izuku!” you gasp, feeling embarrassment run over you. 
He pulls his fingers out, laughing almost shyly. Unnerving, really, considering what the two of you have just been up to. “It’s good!”
Your own lips pull up slightly. Oh god, forget just liking this boy. The stuttering of your heart feels like it could be beyond that. “Oh my god Izuku.” 
“What?” he laughs again, wrapping both arms around you, bringing you chest to chest. “It’s you. Of course I’ll like it.” 
You pout, not sure whether you just hit him or kiss him. “You’re stupid.” 
“Sure, sure,” he says, gazing at you softly. He leans forward, and you meet him halfway. You kiss once, twice, thrice. His tongue slips into your mouth and you sigh. It’s easy, just as it has always been with Izuku. 
That ease is what drives your hands downward towards his pants, already unbelting his belt. 
He pulls away slightly, laughing against your lips. “You ready, pretty girl?” 
“Yes, yes please,” you whisper, pulling him out. He’s long, kind of thick too; you can tell just from touching him. 
Hands on your hips again, Izuku shifts you so that you are lined up with him. “Well, since you asked so nicely…” 
Slowly, he helps lower you down onto his dick, using his hand to perfectly line it up and push himself in. The push past the first ring of muscle makes your head spin, makes you breath heavy as you hold onto his hands for support. You tilt your head back, reminding yourself to breathe. 
Beneath you, Izuku isn’t faring much better. His heavy breathing mirrors yours as his hands grip your waist, likely grounding himself and telling himself not to go too fast. “Fuck,” he sighs. “So good. You’re so good. Fit me so well, fuck…” 
You can feel the flutters of your walls as Izuku pushes himself deeper and deeper. A thumb at your clit further relaxes you, allowing him to slip further and further in until you swear you feel him at your throat by the time your hips meet. Every little flutter causes Izuku’s hands to tighten. 
“Baby, baby- stop,” he grumbles, taking in deep breaths to calm himself. 
Yet, the use of the petname causes another flutter to your walls. You start to grind your hips into his. “Izuku,” you whimper, pawing at his chest. “Please… want you so bad…” 
His eyes open at lock onto yours. His hands loosen their hold, but not their control; he is slowing your movement down. “Really want you too,” he whispers bashfully, a little random given the fact that his dick is inside you right now. It makes you still, pulling back enough to look at him. To take in his soft glimmering eyes, gazing at you with a fondness that makes you warm for something beyond sex. Beyond friendship. Beyond this limbo you and Izuku have been caught in since that first reunion. “Really like you.” 
Your fingers curl around his shirt. “I really like you too.” 
His smiles, leaning over to kiss you one last time before his hands settle to start guiding you up and down. A whimper sounds from the back of your throat as your breathings start to pick up in time to his pace. Izuku adjusts his position to plant his feet on the floor, using that leverage to drive up into you with more speed. 
You cry out, “Oh, hhnng, yes, yes, Izu… Izuku…” The words keep getting caught in your throat as your fingers curl around his wrists. “Yes… yes…” In the haze of your movements, you are vaguely aware of your chest bouncing with the position. That is something Izuku takes full advantage of. He tugs down the other strap of your bra, causing the fabric to slip down your body. 
He leans forward to kiss, nip, lick, and breathe against the skin of your breast. Once both of his hands have settled on the curve of your ass, his thrusts become more precise and powerful. Vaguely, you are aware of the car shaking with the force of your movements. But all you can focus on is Izuku. His hands on your ass, his breath on your collarbone, the slapping of skin. 
“C’mon… c’mon pretty girl,” he urges, one hand moving to thumb at your clit. “Dripping for me. Want you to cum for me too…” 
You are wet. You can feel it through Izuku’s thrusts, and now with his thumb as it collects some leaving your slit in order to gently circle that bundle of nerves. 
“Aaah,” you whimper, tilting your head back, fingers digging into his shirt. The coil in your stomach is tightening, quickly edging itself to the surface. “Nnn, more…!” 
“C’mon, cum for me baby,” Izuku whispers, rubbing tighter circles on your clit, which is the final nail in the coffin. “That’s it… good girl…” 
His words become meaningless whispers in your mind as your body spasms with the force of your orgasm. Your knees try to close, try to escape Izuku’s hold, as your breath becomes shuttering gasps and moans. Izuku, however, never lets you go too far. His hold on you remains as he continues thrusting up into you. 
His growing groans ground you enough for you to fall into him, to whisper in his ear. “Izuku, please cum inside of me…” you manage weakly. 
His groans taper off as he gives you one last, determined thrust before spilling inside of you. He moans, pulling back and managing a few smaller thrusts to ride out of high. You whimper, taking it all, willing to do anything for him. 
You’re not sure how much time goes by before Izuku is speaking. “Wow.” 
You cannot help yourself. You start to laugh as you unlatch yourself from his neck. “Wow indeed.” 
You pull back enough to stare at him, only to find that Izuku is already looking. His eyes flicker across your face, likely accessing your condition. His hand comes up to cup your cheek, thumb across the skin. “Are you okay?” 
You grin. “I’m great.” 
He smiles. “Good.” Without warning, his hand lowers down to wrap around your throat. Not tightly, just a weight to guide you forward towards him. For the hand around your throat, his kiss is tender. You lean back. “Want to go again?” 
You’re not surprised. He’s still hard after all. Your answer is a movement of your hips, which startles him into a groan. But it’s worth seeing his head tilt back as a groan escapes his lips. “F-fuck, okay pretty girl. Then we’ll go back to my place, okay?” 
Your own answer is interrupted by the small thrusts he starts coaxing you into by his hands moving down to spread your cheeks. “O-okay,” you whimper. 
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"Damn! This guy's literally the most handsome man alive!"
Your loud gasp and snarky comment catches MIDORIYA's attention, causing him to look at you with curious eyes. Of course his love toward you makes him feel a little irritated, he's never thought of himself as someone with amazing looks and you fonding over other men isn't really helping; but now that you've caught him starring, he's got no other choice but to show interest in the matter.
"Who? Let me see"
When you smile and ask him to come have a look, he's both reluctant and eager to see this "most handsome guy of all time"; so he gets very confused as he sits next to you and looks at the screen, only to see himself starring back at him in the camera.
"Huh? That's not the-"
Then he's met with your cheeky grin.
"And he's mine"
Even god can't stop the blush spreading over his cheeks and his big smile.
"Babe stop!"
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doumadono · 9 months
OK hear me out? What is the MHA boys? Dabi, Hawks, Bakugo, Deku, or any other character with reader, who surprised them by dressing up as them for Halloween (since that spooky season is just around the corner😁) what do you think?
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A/N: What a delightful idea, dear anon! I believe it would indeed take them all by surprise!
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At first, Dabi would be completely caught off guard, staring them in disbelief.
"You know, you've got some guts, dressing up like me."
Dabi would likely keep a close eye on them throughout the night, intrigued by their dedication.
After the initial shock, he might smirk and sarcastically comment on how they managed to nail his signature look.
"Alright, your costume's not half bad. Maybe you're not completely useless."
Eventually, he'd admit that their costume was pretty cool, but he'd still maintain his aloof demeanor.
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Hawks would burst into laughter when he saw the reader dressed up as him, finding it absolutely hilarious.
"You really went all out! I love it."
Hawks might challenge them to a "pose-off," seeing who can mimic his heroic stances the best.
Hawks would generously offer a couple of his feathers to enhance their costume.
He might suggest taking flight together, giving them a taste of what it's like to soar through the night sky.
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Bakugo would likely explode in anger at first, thinking the reader was mocking him.
"You think you can outdo me, huh? We'll see about that!"
However, after a moment of intense ranting, he'd begrudgingly admit that their costume was pretty accurate.
"Fine, your costume is decent. Don't get used to compliments."
By the end of the night, he might grumble that their costume was "passable" but still secretly appreciate their effort.
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Deku would be overjoyed and genuinely flattered to see someone dressed up as him.
He'd likely approach them with a big smile, thanking them for choosing his costume.
"Wow, I can't believe you dressed up as me! It's amazing! I'm feeling honoured!"
Deku might even share some of his favorite hero stories and moments with them.
"When I was a kid, I always wanted to be All Might for Halloween," Deku'd open up.
By the end of the night, Deku would feel a deep connection with them and consider them a new friend.
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peachsukii · 4 months
now i'm thinking about Midoriya finding out he's gonna be a dad for the first time, too and how stupidly cute he'd be about it!! 💚🌟 { read bakugo's here!! }
- the first person he’s telling is kacchan, literally his soulmate/brother/best friend. he can barely keep it together enough over a surprise visit to his apartment with his partner that he just starts crying happily while his partner clarifies that they're expecting and they'd like for him to be a god-parent
- bakugo, uraraka, ida, todoroki and tsu would all be his kid's aunties and uncles (just imagine bakugo being uncle kacchan!!!)
- he’d be the kind of partner to overly excited and willing to do any and everything for his partner's comfort. they want ramen in the middle of the night? he's got his shoes on the second they ask. they need a new movie to watch? he's browsing through channels to set up a recording for them later, knowing they're bound to fall asleep before it's finished. they're achy and tired? he's got a hot bath ready for them every night with a cup of their favorite tea.
- him and his mom would be blubbering messes together, during and after the pregnancy. she'd be the best grandma in the world and melt every time he or his partner called her "Granny Inko"
- he'd text his partner while out on patrol every hour to check in or just to say "i love you" and "i miss you"
- he’d also pass down his old all might themed baby clothes to his own kid, just like bakugo, and cry tears of joy every time they run around with the all might onesie on 😭😭
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darkmajesty-xo · 1 year
soft awkward izuku fluff
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izuku doesn't do this.
he doesn't like nightclubs, finding them too loud and crowded. with his line of work he's constantly on edge, so it's seeming impossible for him to "let go" in an environment like this.
he doesnt like hard liquor, preferring to sip a beer, or two, throughout the night because he'd always been a lightweight and he'd hate to ruin someone else's night by having them babysit him. kacchan's complained about it more than once.
he doesn't like small talk, it's not one of his strong suits. he can be a bit oblivious to social cues and tends to ramble incessantly about quirks, and all might and topics much too personal for polite conversations with strangers. he always ends up stammering out apologies and turning beet red when he gets "the look".
izuku doesn't do this.
he really did not want to go out tonight.
he really did not want to put on this dress shirt.
he really did not want to wait at the bar.
he turns around to look at his friend group. they're all laughing and carrying on with models and bottle girls that are desperate for their attention. even kacchan seems to be having a good time, probably recounting his victories and relishing in the way the girls linger to his every word. it's just not like that for izuku, he's always felt so awkward.
izuku doesn't do this.
he isn't some cassonova, like shinsou or sero, that can have a girl leaving with them before they'd even exchanged pleasantries.
he isn't cool or funny, like kaminari or kirishima, that can laugh a girl right out of her panties.
he isn't mysterious like shoto or confident like kachaan, whose mere existence is enough to attract a harem.
izuku doesn't do this.
he isn't his friends.
he's just--
you're pretty, so so pretty; beautiful even. your smile is radiant; it leaves him breathless. your voice is angelic; like his own personal symphony. your eyes are kind; he could stare into them for hours. your body is amazing; you look so soft-- he wants to touch you in all the best, and worst, ways. your scent is hypnotic, it compliments you perfectly; he can't stop himself from leaning in-- it's like he's in a trance.
"wow, i can't believe i'm meeting my favorite hero! what can i get for you?"
he's your favorite hero? praise all might, he's blessed. to think that an angel like you had even considered his presence was astounding. if this was a different time, he'd worship at your feet with offerings of sacrifice and allegiance. you are the embodiment of all the beautiful things in the world that he'd sworn to protect. he doesn't even know your name but he's already named your three children and decided where you all would vacation in the summers.
izuku doesn't do this, because if he did he wouldn't have said that out loud and you wouldn't be giving him "the look". and fuck if he isn't mortified. can he not be a fucking nerd for once in his miserable existence ? maybe shinsou can brainwash him into forgetting how you flipped him off and called him a creep. his self deprecating mind can't handle that kind of torment on repeat.
izuku doesn't do this… and it seems like you can tell because why haven't belittled him ? why haven't you ran in the other direction? why aren't you giving him 'the look' anymore ? why are you smiling at him ?
"do i at least get to help plan the wedding? or was marriage not on the agenda?"
a joke.
that was a joke.
you were laughing with him, and not at him.
"of c-course you could help p-plan it but i think you should give me your number first".
he can thank the vestiges of OFA for that confident delivery because he was on the verge of passing out.
you whistled lowly, then bent down to grab two beers from under the bar.
"how about we start with names and see where the night takes us, huh? cheers".
izuku doesn't do this, but with the feeling of your fingers brushing his own as you hand him the drink lets him know that you're well worth it. he doesn't like his shirt, or this club but he likes you.
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softxsuki · 2 years
Random Boyfriend Texts with Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki (Separate)
Pairings: Bakugou x Gn!Reader, Midoriya x Gn!Reader, Todoroki x Gn!Reader
Warnings: minor swearing in Bakugou’s lol
Genre: Fluff
Post Type: texts
Summary: Just random text convos you would have with them is they were your boyfriend :)
[A/N: okay! Here is my trial post for text. I feel like my texting comes out super awkward. I’m sorry 🥹. I also wasn’t really sure what to write (I don’t usually text a lot, so yeah this was definitely a challenge, but that’s what this is all about! Challenging myself) Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! Feel free to leave any feedback on how I can improve or make it more accurate. The next time I do one of these will be if I get any requests for text (for any fandom I write for) bc I can’t come up with something on the spot like this again. Idk why it was so hard 😭.]
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posted: 9/10/2022
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celesteleoves · 1 year
theres one scenario i CANNOT get enough of and its everyones first time meeting the boys (baku, kiri, izuku, sero, denki etcc) gfs AHHH 🤭🤭🤭
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ೃ࿐ mha boys! x fem!reader
summary: what the request said!
warnings: mentions of aggressiveness (cough cough, katsuki)
a/n: YESYEYES!! i love this idea sm and in honour of me reaching 200 followers I thought this would be the best scenario to write abt!!
obviously, it was quite shocking finding out mean, gruff, and bulky katsuki bakugou had a girlfriend who seemed to get along with everyone! unlike a certain blonde, aggressive boy-here—
there were different reactions… izuku was quite shook when he met you, even expressing it.
“HOW ARE YOU DATING KACCHA-” cut off by katsukis explosions and your calming voice sent the crowd on a riot. when you spoke, katsuki listened.
matter of fact, he wouldn’t turn his attention to anything else besides you.
there were taunts from his classmates (cough cough the bakusquad) but it was all in good spirit of course!
it’s time someone tamed that beast!
contrast to katsuki, many were not that shocked that he had a girlfriend as izuku was very charming and intelligent even if he didn’t think so himself.
others simply nodded their heads when you walked in, understanding how well you and izuku worked together.
a few comments spurred out like, “DOES HE RAMBLE WITH YOU TOO?”, “so, is he really all mights secret love child?” and to which you responded happily and cheerful while your bashful boyfriend sat beside you.
you guys are quite cute, the class approves.
with eijirou’s manliness, again, many were not that shocked that he had managed to charm his way into your sweet selfs life.
just like bakugou, he received lots of teasing from his class mates. mina really exposed him though.
“hey– PSST, Y/N! did you know kirishima used to have black hair!” followed by kirishimas nervous fumbling and red cheeks, “ashido! 🫣”
you seemed strong, holding your head high the exact same way kirishima does. and so, class 1.A thinks you guys are a perfect match for each other.
when he introduced you to his class, everyone went silent. you were the sweetest bundle of joy and were a slight contrast to shotos personality himself.
one thing everyone noticed though, was when you talked. shotos lips would turn slightly upward and his cheeks would coat a light pink as you held eye contact with him and spoke fondly to him and his classmates.
yep, he was infatuated with you, he won’t even deny it either. but, shoto deserves happiness and some serenity in his life.
so, there wasn’t as much teasing! instead, everyone grew fond of you and shotos relationship. they approve!
“YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!” are the first words that come out of everyone’s mouths, jirou was genuinely shocked that he, who was almost ranked with mineta in weirdness, could get a girlfriend.
yet again, he had his ways of charming the lady’s and he managed to charm a very beautiful and kind lady! he’s lucky.
for him, EVERYBODY taunts him. bakugou literally COMES for his neck (no, like, literally)
“YOUR DUMBASS HAS A GIRLFRIEND? YOU?!” katsuki says that while he shakes denki around by the neck, which brings the girls to the topic of the drawbacks of his quirk.
“have you seen him after he uses his quirk?” jirou chuckles.
“ITS HILARIOUS!” mina adds in, cackling and slapping denki on the knee who is now, blushing and trying to defend himself.
“ILL ZAP YOU AND THEN YOULL SEE HOW IT FEELS–” you simply laugh, making him go quiet and turn to you.
he watches with admiration as you grin, smiling at everyone around you.
the girls mainly catch this moment of calmness from the electricity quirk boy, giggling and observing.
he needs some consoling and reassurance in his life, you can do that. so, they approve!
hope you enjoyed!
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tired-teacher-blog · 9 months
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Virgin Pro hero Deku who -despite being a little over thirty- is still clueless as to how he should speak or act around girls.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who is unable to maintain a steady relationship or even keep one going for over a couple of weeks because it never feels right.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who doesn't believe in casual hookups like one night stands, even with the countless admirers throwing themselves at his feet.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who's a hopeless romantic, spends most of his free time fantasizing about a perfect future with the perfect woman and building scenarios after scenarios of the happy life he dreams of having. Only, he can never assign a face to his perfect lady because he is yet to encounter her.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who wishes to one day have a kid of his own, a thought that often visits him but leaves a bitter aftertaste behind, as he is nowhere near it.
Virgin Pro hero Deku whose mind went completely blank for a millisecond before spiraling out of control the moment he saw you as he found himself inexplicably drawn to you, and his pathetic state only worsened since he didn't know how to properly approach you.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who spent weeks following you from afar, has finally found the face to his once faceless perfect woman.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who is a total klutz, was unaware of your eyes following him back, nor of the shy smile appearing on your face everytime you sensed him nearby.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who could not muster up the courage to talk to you, almost passed out the day you spoke to him for the first time.
Virgin Pro hero Deku whose palms became clammy and throat became dry— the moment you stood face to face with him, only nodded to your suggestion for a cup of coffee together as he did not trust his voice around you yet.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who soon came to realize that a mere glance from you is more lethal than the deadliest of villains he encounters daily.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who was certain you are the one for him the moment you laced your fingers with his and pulled him closer for a shy kiss goodnight as you both stood on your doorstep.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who kept smiling like a fool afterwards because the feeling of your lips against his own was addictive, he wanted more but was too shy to ask, regretting his cowardice the moment you walked into your house and closed the door behind you.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who rewinded that moment in his head all night long as he laid down in bed, still smiling while tracing his lips with his fingers and wishing you were there with him.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who couldn't believe his ears when the words "I love you" left your lips one evening, so casually, with a giggle following suit. He grabbed your hands and stared into your soul as he wordlessly anticipated to hear it again, and he did.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who stood nervously before you, eyes roaming your luscious curves while watching eagerly as your dress slid down your body and hit his bedroom's floor, fully exposing you to him.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who was lost at that moment between his burning desire for you, and an extreme embarrassment for the throbbing bulge he could not conceal behind his palms.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who dug deep inside his mind for any distraction that could keep him from cumming hard in his boxers as you dragged him to bed with you.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who moaned loudly against your neck while feeling the softness of your velvety walls for the first time in his life.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who refused to cum before guiding you to your own release, the hardest test he lived through as the overwhelming pleasure you both experienced was too much to resist, it was addictive and irresistible, keeping you both awake all night long as you explored ech other's bodies until you no longer could move a muscle, gasping for air and holding onto the other firmly, unfazed by the sticky mess connecting you together.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who's always been grateful you were his first, is now certain you'll be his last as he blissfully watched you walk down the aisle..
Divider by: @/cafekitsune
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dreamstate4you · 10 months
Study session with Izuku
Izuku x female reader.
697 words
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You were coming back from a physical exercise lesson with Aizawa. He had offered to give you extra lessons considering how you lacked in close combat.
On your way halfway up the stairs was Midoriya. He sat in the middle of the stairway almost like he had been waiting for you. His green hair plastered on his face as he fidgeted with his hands. He seemed more nervous then usual.
"Hey Izuku." You greeted him softly careful not to alarm him. Regardless of your soft tone ,Izuku roughly lifted his head up and looked at you.
"Oh, Y/n." He softly Chuckled "didn't expect to see you here." He was obviously lying.
"This is the girl side of the dorm." You said with a small smile noticing how his face instantly turned red with embrassment.
He quickly brought his hands up and started to wave them in a defensive manner. His mouth open yet the only sounds that were emitted were the sounds of his stutters.
"It's okay Izuku." You laughed light-heartedly at his nervous behaviour. "What are you doing this side of the dorm?" You kindly asked him.
"Umm." Izuku nervously looked down. "I wanted to ask if we could study for tomorrow's test... together." He slowly lifted his face to look up at you. He was instantly welcomed by your unease face that was shocked by what he said. "That's only if you want." He quickly added after see your face. His voice high pitch as his eyes widen after seeing your face.
"There's a test tomorrow!?" You whisper yelled not wanting to disturb your classmates who were studying in their dorm rooms. It suddenly hit you. There was indeed a test tomorrow that you completely forgot about because you were too preoccupied Training with Aizawa.
You swiftly grabbed Izuku's hand. Leading the way as you rushed into your dorm room. "Here." He extended his arms out at your command. you could place the textbooks and other necessary notes.
You left your room, izuku following closly after you. You both reached the common area and izuku gently place your books on the coffee table Infront of the TV.
It was just you two. You were too busy stressing over the test you forgot to study for you could not feel Izuku's gentle gaze.
He was mesmerised by you. Something about you just called out to him. From the most noticeable thing such as the colour of you hair to the way you scratch your elbow when you're nervous.
You soon lifted up your head. Izuku didn't look away. His eyes followed you, careful not to scare you. In normal circumstances he would look away ,but he just wanted to look at your beautiful face just a little bit longer.
He noticed the faint blush on your face before you quickly looked down. Trying to hide your beautiful face from him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked him, lightly biting the pen that was in your hand. Your eyes curious if he was still looking at you. You sneaked a peak and discovered that his eyes never once left you. "Stop! It's weird." You tried to whisper-yell at him as tired to hold back your smile.
"Sorry, you just look lovely tonight." Izuku whispered lowly. He quickly noticed how you reacted. The way your body stiffen and stop whatever you were doing.
"Umm not that you don't always look lovely, you look lovely everyday. Today is just a day that you look more lovely more that you usually look lovely. You alway look lovely don't mistake what I mean. You just look a bit extra lovely-"
"You think I look lovely?" You stopped him from his rumble. Looking up and seeing his pink cheeks filled with a bit of embarrassment for himself,but mostly nervousness.
"Yes." Izuku confessed. His eyes filled with adoration and his voice soft as if he was scared a single word would scare you.
You smiled at yourself. Looking down at your paper once again as you tried to hold back the smile that was expanding into a bigger smile.
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serosblunt · 10 months
If u can, could u do showering with dekusquad?
I sure can my lovely, thank you so much for the request! I don’t write much for the Dekusquad so hopefully I don’t disappoint you x
DekuSquad: Showering with Them (Pt. 1)
DekuSquad x (Gender-neutral) reader
Characters: Midoriya and Todoroki
Warnings: Mentions of nudity and hints at spicer scenes, mental health struggles; insecurity and depression are very lightly touched on.
Description: Same as my Bakusquad showering thoughts, just with Dekusquad! Part two will feature Iida, Uraraka and Tsuyu :)
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Izuku believes that relationships are first and fore-mostly built on respect, and this extends to every aspect of your lives together.
Even before you were dating, his level of respect for you knew no bounds, to the point that you had to finally make the first move and ask HIM out.
He was too worried that asking you out would somehow demean the relationship or you.
In the bathroom, and bedroom for that matter, Midoriya clearly displays this inhuman level of courtesy.
Even if the door is open, eagerly inviting him in, he always ensures he knocks before entering the room. Once he does make it into your shared ensuite, if you’re nude or in the process of undressing, he refuses to let his eyes drift from yours without express permission.
You’d honestly be amazed by the amount of self-control he possess, considering Izuku’s reckless tendencies.
As a child, Inko used to always put your green haired lover in the bathtub to wash up. This was a habit he carried through to his adult life, favouring the warm embrace of the water surrounding him from all sides.
But Izuku’s hero career took a toll on him. And as he still learnt to get a handle on his quirk, your boyfriend coming home with a cast was not an uncommon sight.
Trying to navigate waterproof coverings for the plaster, and often being left to wash himself one handed, usually forced you both into the shower.
He saw how carefully you handled him when he was like that. Despite the event becoming less and less common the stronger he became, he couldn’t help but to feel guilty every time you sighed a long breath you thought he couldn’t hear.
In Izuku’s eyes, you were at your most natural state in the bathroom, both mentally and physically. He saw your walls come down as you let the spray of your shower embrace you, washing away some of your worry and his guilt.
Hearing the soft hum of the falling water became quite meditative to him. He would often sit in the next room and listen to you singing softly, healing yourself.
Izuku was your hero, he would always have your back, but he also knew there were some things he had to let you do yourself.
Midoriya didn’t really have a skincare routine, at least for his face. He was too busy trying to torture himself into being the next All Might to have a five step routine. But his wounds and injuries did regularly need tending to with any number of creams, ointments and bandages.
Perhaps out of remorse, or more likely another way to demonstrate his undying affection for you, your boyfriend would often slather you in these same products for even the tiniest of injuries you received.
A paper cut?! Oh no! He has to find the antibacterial wash, healing balm and themed bandaids immediately!
He acts like you could lose a finger, but it’s okay. Good thing you think his concern is adorable.
It would be safe to say that your ensuite was the heart of your home- it kept beating, kept repeating the same pattern, and kept you both running for each other.
He was there for you to lean on and curl into to forget the world entirely. And you were there for him to collapse into, allowing him to remember his safe haven was still a safe place.
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Shoto strives to show you all five love languages each day, he could never be convinced that you don’t deserve the best of everything the world has to offer.
But try as he might, his love of gift giving quite often exceeds the other languages by some distance.
Although Shoto rejects his father, his money does come in handy when it comes to buying you all the expensive self-care products you add to your wish list, often accompanied by a longing sigh.
Little do you know.
What can he say? He loves to spoil you.
When it came to his own skincare routine, the young Todoroki was already quite rigid about this process before he met you. He had trialled product after product for years on end to aid the prolonged effects of his scar.
He had even toyed with the idea of cosmetic surgery at one point. Ultimately, you managed to convince him that his scar was something to display- a mark of his family’s impact on him, no matter how he may feel about them.
Similarly, you were very secure in the knowledge that if your boyfriend wanted your advice on the subject, he would absolutely ask for it. But in the meantime, you left him to his accumulated mix of products, knowing that if nothing else, it helped him come to terms with himself and the way things were.
Long-term Shoto chose to nurture the mark on his face, rather than to try and rid himself of it.
Now, you…
Shoto adores you entirely, with every fibre of his being. And in his mind, there is no better opportunity to worship you than in the bathroom.
He can’t help but to admire how far you’ve come and how comfortable you’ve grown to be in your skin- a journey you’ve both being on parallel to each other.
He glances around the room itself, inspired by how you’ve created the perfect sanctuary in a slice of the home you had both carved out for yourselves.
If you were ever confronted with this information, he knew you would adamantly deny it. Though he saw the growth.
He worships your beauty and the marks of your struggles and courage. He marvels at your history, his history, all bared out on your skin like a map back to the heart of the person he loved most.
Todoroki could admit that his ‘words of affirmation’ had been lacking lately. Perhaps he would present you with a bunch of your favourite flowers, and those words he so desperately wanted you to hear, carefully concealed in an envelope.
He would lead you to the shower, as was custom most nights. He would then gently kiss his reassurances and praise into every inch of your skin before he bundled you up in his arms, letting the world fade away as you became entangled beneath the mist.
In those moments, Shoto knew the meaning of heaven on earth.
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kayentokk · 10 months
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— Pairing; Izuku Midoriya x GN! Reader
— Synopsis; What’s wrong with me?
— Contains; angst to comfort, fluff 
— wc; 1062
— A/N; Idek where I pulled this from? Legit just sobbed, like what???
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He’s been like this all week, the normal soft toothy smile that always graced his freckled face was just not there. He’s hard on himself, but never this hard. You’ve never seen him this down. He’s always happy, or always cheering people up. That’s why it’s so off putting, you don’t know what to do in this situation because it’s never happened before. 
You can’t even fathom what you think it is. He’s been doing good at hero work, and everyone loves him. He creates as minimal damage as he can when he’s working, and other than the usual absurd comments about what he “could’ve done better” you haven’t found anything that could have caused him to act this way. It’s so bad, even Bakugo has laid off on his usual snappy behavior and the snarky comments. 
Whats weird though is how Izuku acts like everything’s fine, if you didn’t know him you’d think he was just a very chill person. He comes home, treats you the same, does the things he normally does at home, but it’s different. You even asked him what was wrong and he shook it off, with a not so reassuring smile, telling you “nothings wrong,” and that he’s “just tired.” 
Despite telling you that, even he knows he’s different. Honestly, he doesn’t even know what it is, something’s just wrong. He can tell everyone notices, but he just doesn’t know how to fix it. God, why can’t he just fix it? He doesn’t even know how to describe it, it’s like he’s just heavy. 
Even when he tries to smile or laugh, it’s not the same. He feels the corners of his lips lift, and his gums rubbing up his teeth, he hears the small chuckle his throat makes, but he can’t help to feel like it’s fabricated. 
With work it feels like he’s just going through assignment after assignment, doing them without a problem at all. If there wasn’t a problem though, then why did he feel this way?
You knew though, from your own past experience, that holding things in never helps. Eventually, it all just bubbles over and erupts like a volcano out of no where. That’s what you’ve been trying to avoid, you don’t want him to erupt because all he’ll do is feel bad about it later. It seems like that’s what it’s going to come down to though, because you can get anything out of him. You’ve tried everything, talking to him, comforting him, anything, and nothing worked. 
Today in particular though, Izuku felt he couldn’t do anything right. He already ran into multiple encounters today where people were upset due to the way he “handled” things, he was up to his neck in paperwork, and he was exhausted. None of this is out of the normal though, but he enjoyed it before. Minus the complaints, he loved his job but now it seems like a task or a chore. He didn’t know what to do anymore, he just wanted to go home, to you.  
When he arrived however, you were set on getting him to talk to you. As soon as he walked through the door you were waiting. The stone cold eyes and arch of your eyebrows gave you the look of determination. 
You marched up to him and immediately began trying to pry something, anything out of him. You began talking about holding things in, but he couldn’t even grasp what you were saying. He was watching your mouth and facial features move in slow motion. It was as if he was there watching himself listen to you talk, but he couldn’t actually hear you, and he wasn’t actually there. 
All he could think about was, you. The one person, one, he didn’t want to be upset with him. Was that too much to ask? 
 Apparently, it was. 
As soon as you finished the last word, seeing as he wasn’t responding, your heart dropped to your stomach. Looking into the battered, worn down, emerald eyes of the hero standing in front of you. You could see the water filling them as his body began shaking. 
You were taken back, and before you could get your arms around him, he collapsed. Into a sobbing mess on the floor. 
The volcano had erupted. 
He wailed unintelligible, broken cries of, “I’m sorry,” “have I done something to offend you too?” And the one that broke you the most, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
You crouch down to the ball he’s reduced himself to on the floor and hold him so tight in your arms, his knees weakened causing his body to go limp on yours. His head rests in the crook of your neck tears steady falling and dampening the shirt you have on, his shoulders shaking and stuttering up and down, and his breaths were shattered almost. 
You ran a soothing hand up and down his back whispering calming nothings of, “shhh,” and “it’s okay, let it out baby.”  
There on the floor of your entryway, in the calm boundaries of your arms Izuku feels, okay. It’s like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders, of what he doesn’t know, and he just lets go. Sobs and sobs until there’s nothing left to come out. 
When he’s done, he falls silent. His body still limp, until he lifts his arms and returns your embrace. It feels so warm, and so comforting. Something he hasn’t felt the past week. He quickly tightens his hold, and sniffles shifting his his face almost deeper into your neck, if that’s even possible. 
You just sit there, in the silence, enveloped into each other. Until he finally speaks, well tries to anyway. The wails he let out had cracked his voice, and made him rather parched.
“Let me get you some water baby,” you say in a hushed tone. So softly as to not break him, again. 
You try to get up, but he grabs onto you tighter. His fingers pull at the flimsy material of the shirt, and you relax back into his hold. 
“Don’t go,” he croaks desperately.
“I won’t, I won’t, promise.”
To you, it seemed, this was all you could offer him. This poor excuse for comfort, you thought, was all you were giving him. To him though, it was so much more. 
It was everything. 
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@\danowh0re for the divider
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