#merlin x arthur
xgermankittycatx · 3 days
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merlin and arthur co-parenting human aithusa (even though they would NEVER talk about it) my beloved
(...yes, I've been reading too many fanfics again, NOW TELL ME WHAT YOUR FAV MERTHUR FANFICS ARE >:])
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ok so i've been trying to read a bunch of 'arthur returns' fic and i belatedly realized that Merlin probably suffered from 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘦 ptsd and now im crying cuz i just visualized Merlin going through his ptsd like i did and now it just makes the fics 10× sadder
(spoiler: a lot of yapping)
like i can see Merlin watching Arthur sleep, checking if he's still breathing, checking his pulse and everything but then Arthur doesn't breath for 15 seconds and now Merlin's panicking, overthinking if he should nudge Arthur to stir him a bit to check if he's alive still then Arthur inhales and then Merlin breathes in sinc with Arthur. and then Arthur doesn't breath in what Merlin feels like a long minute (but in reality its probably just been less than 30 seconds) and decides to check his pulse to see if its still there but he's too impatient so he couldn't even wait 5 more seconds to find his pulse and just wakes Arthur up, this happens very often (every day) and Arthur's confused at first but when it keeps on happening he becomes irritated. he gets annoyed one night and was about to get mad but then he sees Merlin in the brink of tears looking straight at him, Arthur's hand is being held by Merlin like it's the only thing keeping him alive. Arthur tries to make Merlin sleep (he's seen the state Merlin was in and even a blind man can see that he wasn't healthy) but Merlin refuses to. Arthur decides to not sleep at all and stay up with Merlin.
they don't sleep the entire night and Arthur thinks this was just a one time thing but then he realizes that he's never seen Merlin sleep ever since he came back. he decides to stay awake and pretend to sleep until Merlin sleeps. when Arthur realizes that Merlin wasn't going to even lay down and 𝘵𝘳𝘺 to sleep he starts to get worried. hours past by and Merlin's fingers check for Arthur's pulse every now and then. Arthur's awake with Merlin the entire night and until dawn.
he still denies the thought that this was how Merlin spends his night ever since Arthur arrived but he still wanna check so he pretends to sleep that night again. the same thing happens again and Merlin doesn't sleep. when a few moments go by and Merlin doesn't check his pulse again Arthur thinks that Merlin finally slept out of exhaustion. but he could still feel Merlin's eyes on him so he decides to hold his breath for one minute.
not even 30 seconds go by and now he can feel Merlin's trembling hands on his wrists. Arthur still holds his breath and then Merlin tries to nudge his shoulder to stir him a little bit. Arthur 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 holds his breath until he feels Merlin nudging him a bit more aggressively than before. Arthur takes pity on him so tries to act as if he just got woken up. Merlin apologizes for waking him up. Arthur was about to insult him to make it seem natural but then he sees Merlin's teary eyes and he suddenly hugs Merlin. both he and Merlin are a little shocked by this but none of them move. Arthur 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘥𝘦s Merlin to sleep by telling him that he wont sleep until he does. Merlin's stubborn at first but the days of not being asleep finally catches up to him and he 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 sleeps. Arthur decides not to sleep until Merlin does and he does this every night since.
ok wow, that was a lot of monloguing, even for me. anyways see you later after I finished reading 'and like the cycle of the year, we begin again'
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hachinanakomatsu · 1 day
This meme is literally Merlin and Morgana Pendragon throughout Merlin
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Cleric Merlin: [tending to Arthur, concern on his face] What happened?
Templar Arthur: Sword training. A rookie mistake made by one of the younger trainees learning.
Cleric Merlin: [hands glowing gold, healing the wound on Arthur's right arm] That's strange...
Templar Arthur: How so?
Cleric Merlin: You got cut. By a sword.
Templar Arthur: [eyebrow raised] Yes Merlin a sword does cut as you can clearly see—
Cleric Merlin: No. Arthur. You shouldn't have been cut at all!
Templar Arthur: [smirk] I know I'm a great swordsman and can dodge fairly well but accidents—
Cleric Merlin: Clotpole! Except it wasn't an accident!
Templar Arthur: [confused] Merlin—
Cleric Merlin: [rolls eyes] Didn't you tell me years ago when we first started training together that beginners start off with wooden swords or weapons made to be blunt and enchanted to stay that way?
Templar Arthur: Yes, I did, what does that have to do—...[he stares at Merlin, realisation upon his visage] Someone's trying to kill me.
Cleric Merlin: [unimpressed gaze] You don't say.
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"All I want to do, is lie between your thighs."
"Arthur, you are drunk."
"Drunk because of your thighs, I love squeezing them."
"Hey! Enough, we're going home so you can sober off."
"I can sober between your—"
"Arthur!" – Arthur and Merlin
[Arthur couldn't help it, he loves petting Merlin's thighs. They make for a great cushion to lay his head on when he's tired or in the early mornings as he rubs himself against them.]
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Merlin: Just because something is not perfect does not make it is any less worthy of love.
Arthur: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Merlin: You’re father made you believe otherwise. He was wrong.
Arthur: You don’t know that-
Merlin: *his eyes glowing* Should you need any proof of the matter then look just here.
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I've been hunted by one little all consuming idea.
Basically I want the knights exposed to BAMF spy! Merlin, I was thinking something like this..
The knights are spying on someone on enemy territory. They are following this person across the border and being seen there could cause a war, but the thing they need from this person is very time sensitive, so they go, surprisingly without any major trouble; mostly because Merlin's been assuring a safe passage n the dark.
The thing is this person finds an inn, and they can't be sure of they're way because in a inn you can ask for a ride, or trade the very thing they are after, they are unsure that this person knows it's value so...
"It'll be easy..." Arthur assured while taking of his gauntlet "We'll take off the armor and pass for merchants or something" explained as he indicated Merlin to take of the rest of armor.
Merlin couldn't contain the snort that escaped him.
All of them looked at him.
"Sorry, sorry..."
"You have something to say Merlin?"
"It's just... I mean not offense sires, but you are way too posh for that to work, even your normal clothes is way to fine, not matter how much dirt you cover yourself with" explained takin another part of the armor.
"Aren't you forgetting something Merlin?" said Elyan amused.
"Yeah.. alright, not all of you come from nobility, but... well, let's say that he perks of being a knight change people enough" he tried not to be offensive, but the fact is that after being trained as knight all of them had a change in demeanor, the walked differently, they looked at the people with a superiority that only power gave. Even if it's the power to do good and protect, they had that kind of authority. "Believe me, if you walk in there and claim to be anything other than a knight, we'll be discovered, people in this kinds of places know how to detect threats" He explained helping Elyan after loosening Lancelot's armor.
"Then what do you suggest?" Asked Leon softly.
"Maybe we can twist a bit the truth... Gwaine is already a drunkard" Gwaine laughed at that "And all of you can be yourself, before being a knight, just not together" thought outloud, he could hear some agreement "And Arthur and Leon could be knights on a quest, just not say that you are Camelot's knights" offered looking at Leon.
They spoke about the details of their background stories and arranged their accommodation. They would enter at different times, and from different paths. Most of them could fake no having any kind of relationship with each other, but some, Merlin knew, would not be able, so they planned around it. In the end they would take four rooms, one for Leon and Arthur, one for Percival and Lancelot, one for Elyan, and one for Gwaine.
"And what about you?" Lancelot asked worried.
"It doesn't make sense for me to have enough coin for a room" he said like it was obvious. But he could see the surprise in every face surrounding him.
"You'll come with us then" othered Arthur.
"That won't make sense with the story..."
"Us then.." said Percival, surprising Merlin, before he could deny.
"No, I won't work, come with me Merlin" offered Elyan.
"Don't be ridiculous, Merlin is my best friend, he surely can come with me without arising suspicions" laughed Gwaine.
Merlin was a bit chocked up with surprise, he hoped his face wasn't too red, but he couldn't help it. It was rare that the knights showed this kind of affection towards him.
"Thank you for the offers" he said sincerely "but I think you are not understanding, all of you will be interpreted as thread, maybe Gwaine could pass but he won't be discreet, all of you attract a terrible amount of attention and someone who is trying to smuggle something won't want that... just trust me" even this he could see protest in their eyes they agreed.
Merlin entered last, all of them already had been accommodated at the inn. Once alone, he could let loose, the rain was just a nice touch.
He entered the inn drenched, and purposely tripped at the entrance. He approached the owner and begged for a simple job to pay the stay, he looked at him and offered a cot under the stairs for serving the tables.
Now he had the attention, everyone knew him as a bumbling idiot, desperate for cain and roof, most of them view Merlin as an easy target, and that was the point.
He served awkwardly and tripped a bit more, the owner threatened to make him sleep with the horses but that secured his image.
"Are you ok?" Lancelot asked when Merlin brought his drink, if it was another Merlin would be in risk of being discovered. "You're still wet"
"It's fine, it's not different from the usual" that turned his expression into a frown.
"Surely that..."
"BOY!" called the owner.
"Yeah! Coming"
The person the comes to the room and sits themselves in a far table, Merlin knows that they are aware of him so he put his plan. He crashes softy, almost making a mess, and thanks them profoundly, he picks up something valuable looking from the floor and give it back, earning the look of someone too naive, and the he blushes ashamed when they comment on his situation. He spills some bullshit on how his master left him on the road for packing the wrong coat, making himself pitiful. Then he would sputter an apology for speaking out of turn, and would go. Now that the bait was set it was just a matter of time.
Usually this kinds of people would try to smuggle shit using someone else, so if they get caught, they'll just put the blame in the other person. It was smuggler 101.
He was kind of losing hope until a bully on a table he purposely took the other wrong decided that Merlin was good enough punching bag. The punch to the gut let him without air for a full minute, he felt himself gaping like a fish out of the water. He had prepared himself for the punch, but had to make it believable, now he looked weak, which solidified the character. He could hear voices, but he was a bit unfocused.
"Hey, friend, are you ok?" it took everything in him not to smile victorious, it worked.
Basically this person invites Merlin to their room and tries to convince Merlin to travel with them. And at dawn they go, Merlin, with some help from the magic, gets them confused enough to turn back to the borders where the knights are waiting and arrest them properly.
Then they are all terribly silent, because there's so much to unpack here.
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karistiltskin · 7 hours
why was arthur thinking about merlin’s butt all the time.
“backside” this “backside” that, why don’t you just shut up and kiss the guy, you coward.
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tiredcowboyy · 7 hours
ill always be a sucker for post magic reveal conversations where merlins like ‘You dont hate my magic? I thought you’d live the rest of your life thinking magic was evil, what changed your mind?’
and arthur simply says something like you
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epic-sorcerer · 8 hours
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twdxtrevor · 19 hours
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This scene will never not wreck me, poor merlin has been through enough trauma . .
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you know it's a good fic if the magic reveal happens during a bandit attack
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hachinanakomatsu · 3 days
If a ship doesn’t have a disgusting level of codependency and obsession with each other then I simply do not want it
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candz13z · 21 hours
do you think merlin still did little chores every once in a while? like 'oh. his armor looks dirty' and instinctually goes to clean it up cuz 'I should probably do this before Arthur comes to nag-' 'Oh. right' then puts it back down as he remembers
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nightninjaboy · 2 days
In their last moments together, the king might have wondered why at that time he felt something in that boy but couldn't describe it, why did the sorcerer suppress all his powers and remained loyal, Why he wanted him always by his side, why his soul longed for the sorcerer all the time
But their destinies were written with the same pen and on the same page, two souls created by magic
And if the king dies, the sorcerer will take the sword that contains all the memories of his king to plant it in his heart, hoping to fill the emptiness of his soul till he meets him again.
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