markiemelon · 1 month
hiii, can you do something with jaemin? like a college friends to lovers?
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genre. fluff, crack 🍞
pairings. jaemin x gn!reader
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falling asleep at your friend!jaemin’s place wasn’t your intention.. yet, there you were, knocked out on the couch. you eventually woke up, disoriented and sore, while the smell of burnt toast polluted the air. on the other side of the open room, jaemin stood behind the kitchen counter, preoccupied with scraping char off the bread slices. he perked his head up once he heard you rustling around. “oh. you’re up.”
“what time is it?” you yawned, reaching for your phone, only to find it cold and dead.
“it’s like 10 or something—” his tone was casual, and it threw you off.
“jaemin!” you jumped to your feet. “i had a class at 9!” you continued, “i told you to wake me up if i ever fell asleep here again!” you ran to the bathroom, looking for the toothbrush jaemin got you last time.
his expression became one of shame, like a child being scolded by his mother. “i know, but you just looked so peaceful…”
this isn’t the first time this has happened. more often than not, jaemin invites you to hang out after class.. so you usually find yourself leaving with him to walk to his apartment… you just can’t get enough of him.
once you get there, you hope for a productive afternoon, maybe crank out some assignments. but instead, you end up talking to him all night. you’ll eventually glance at the ungodly hour on the clock, and think, "just 5 more minutes. i'll get going in 5 minutes." 5 minutes turns into 5 hours... and next thing you know, the sun is up, you've slept through all your alarms, and you're grabbing your things to rush out.
“i need to go home-” you pat your hands around the couch, looking for your purse, tossing around the blankets and pillows jaemin put on you while you were asleep.
“wait.” he interjected. “when’s your next class?”
“at 1… but i still have to go home and get dressed...” you sighed, slumping onto the stool at the kitchen island.
“you still have plenty of time to eat breakfast...” jaemin said, nudging over a plate of toast that was grilled to the point of no return.
“jaemin…” you laughed. “im not eating that.” you eyed the dish, and a chill went down your spine. “i’ll just have some cereal.” you helped yourself to his cabinets in a search for a more edible alternative.
sitting across from jaemin at the table, you crunched on your cereal while he picked at his burnt toast… his pride wouldn’t let him throw it out. “so do you wanna come over again later?” he waited for you to chew your food before you replied.
“jaemin, be for real.” you set down your spoon. “i can’t keep coming over on weekdays. i lose track of time and fall asleep.. i can’t keep doing that.”
“why not?” he said, mouth full. “why can’t you fall asleep here?”
“i don’t have my stuff here! no skincare, no clothes…” you counted a finger for each point you listed. “and by the time i wake up, im late, and i still have to go home and get ready...”
“well then.. why not just bring stuff to stay the night.” he cleared his throat. “pack your clothes and skincare and whatever… plus, you already have a toothbrush here.”
“do you want me to stay or something?” you took a sip of juice, eyes peeking over the cup.
“i just like having you around...” he picked at the toast some more, but had yet to actually taste it.
you thought for a moment. “yeah sure.” you shrugged, ignoring the way he just made your heart flutter.
“wait really?” he looked up from his plate.
“i mean… i guess it’s not a problem as long as i bring stuff to stay.” you said, getting up from your seat to go wash your bowl in the sink. jaemin followed right behind you and draped his arms over your shoulders, pulling your back into his chest. “then can you bring stuff to stay longer than 1 night?”
jaemin has always been a pretty affectionate friend, so you didn’t think much of the hug… “maybe i could stay until the weekend..”
“just until the weekend?” he squeezed you a little tighter.
but was he always this clingy?
“na jaemin, when did you get so clingy?”
“well these days, i…” he stopped himself.
“these days, you...?” you hummed, tugging on his arms that were still embracing you, urging for him to finish his sentence. you began swaying side to side ever so slightly. “let’s just stay like this for a minute.” he cooed, catching on to your rhythm, rocking in the silence. he really gave the best hugs. after a moment, he disrupted the stillness of the room. “move in with me.”
hearing him say that so bluntly made your heart drop. flustered, you turned around to face him, his arms now resting on your back. “all of a sudden?” you laughed.
“mm.” he nodded his head to agree, looking at you so endearingly. he gradually inched his face closer to yours, and you didn’t mind.
“yeah?” he answered, just inches away.
“are you trying to kiss me right now?” you teased, as your gaze wandered from his eyes to his lips.
“are you gonna let me?” he teased back. you couldn’t hold back your smile, and he basically took that as confirmation.
he didn’t have to lean in much more before his lips were touching yours. your eyes fluttered as his hands gently met your cheeks, even tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“what are we doing?” you whispered in between breaths.
“just enjoy it.” he reassured you.
and for some reason, his words really put you at ease. in that moment, you couldn’t help but enjoy it. you reconnected your lips, and let yourself fall more in love with your best friend than you already were.
his smile forced him out of the kiss. “so does this mean we can have breakfast together every morning?”
you scoffed at his remark. “maybe if you learn how to cook first…”
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@lovesuhng thanks so much for the request!!!! such a cute idea. hope you like it!!! (reqs always open)
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myrockstaryuta · 5 months
K-Pop Recap 2023
Thanks for tagging me :) @talksaxy
Groups you started stanning?: definitely (G)I-DLE, SHINee, NMIXX, IVE, and Kep1er
New ult bias?: Yuta is definitely still my ult bias but Taemin is a new fav idol for sure I literally love him
Idol(s) who got the most of your simping?: Yuta, Mark Lee, Taeyong, Yuto, and Joshua
Most streamed groups?: NCT 127, NCT U, NCT DREAM, aespa, IVE, NCT DOJAEHUNG
Most streamed soloist?: Taeyong, Jaehyun, and Mark Lee, Key, and Taemin
Top K-pop songs of this year (Opinion or streaming, you choose):
- Ay-yo: NCT 127
- Skyscraper: NCT 127
- Stamp on it: GOT The Beat
- Fact Check: NCT 127
- Baggy Jeans: NCT 12
- Bouncy: ATEEZ
-Crazy Form: ATEEZ
- Rover: KAI
- Drama: aespa
- Ruby: Taeyong
- Roller Coaster: NMIXX
Top debut this year?: NCT DOJAEJUNG and KISS OF LIFE
Choreographies you leaned?: antifragile, eleven, ay-yo, queencard, baggy jeans, drama
Albums/ merchandise you bought?: NCT (all units), aespa, seventeen, and twice
New k-pop mutuals you’ve made?: I started writing on here in 2023 so all my mutuals :)
I’ll tag: @justsomekpopstuff @markiemelon @hyunsuksswife (absolutely no pressure tho!)
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jaehunnyy · 2 years
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Well, since it's now officially autumn, I felt like making a post about what this summer has brought to me, since it was quite a special and different one. In one word, this summer brought:
I have started writing this summer, and this gave me a lot of joy, new experiences and lots of new friends, who make me happy everytime. I am really glad that I've gotten to meet all of you, and I am really grateful to all my followers, too. You really make my days shine! #Chip's road to 100 haha thank you let's go!!
Special thankies to all my lovely moots, who are here for me everytime and whom i love lots: @sungbeam, @daegall, @flowerboykun, @lovelyjaem, @i-luvsang, @lunarxsun, @addictedtothesummernights, @cinnajun, @yedammi, @doodlewon, @justalildumpling, @jishyucks, @koishua, @bluisheye93, @markiemelon. You guys are amazing, thank you, and i wish all of you a beautiful autumn!
THANK YOU ALL! 🥰🥰 Let's keep on making beautiful memories ✨️
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markiemelon · 2 months
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fluff ─ ੈ♡˳ no warnings! ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
idol!jaehyun x gn!reader
this one’s for all my delulus out there!
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{6:33pm} ♡‧₊˚ ↴
it wasn’t his job that made him ordinary, it wasn’t his talent, and it certainly wasn’t his looks.. but it was the little things he did, like wanting to go to the convenience store with you at 2am even after a long day of photoshoots and promotions.
it’s starting to get colder, and leaves are turning brown again. just like it was when you met him. this time of year makes you remember the first time you crossed paths.
you were working at a cafe, your first day, first job. he, of all people, walked in. you felt your heart stop and start again. of course you knew who he was, but you didn’t dare say anything. you kindly welcomed him, holding back the urge to ask for a picture or an autograph.. you were too shy to do anything like that.
you’ll never forget his order. it still hasn’t changed. you called it out. “extra hot caramel macchiato, two pumps hazelnut, extra whipped cream.”
he was off to the side of the counter, jotting something down on piece of paper. his head perked up at your call, and he smiled.
he payed in cash, and managed to slip something in with it. a little folded up sticky note wedged in between the bills. you wouldn’t have noticed it if it hadn’t slipped out and fallen onto the floor. “oh, did something fall out of—”
“don’t worry. that’s for you.” he interjected, taking the change you held out for him in your hand. “well thanks. have a nice day.” he nodded on his way out.
after watching him exit in awe, you picked up the note. a string of digits was written across it in really poor handwriting. it read ‘text me?’ but it actually looked more like ‘taxi man’
but you couldn’t focus for the rest of the day. seeing him in person was enough to shake you up, but for him to hit on you? you got a least 4 orders wrong after that.
when you finally got home, you were hesitant to type the number into your phone. did he really mean to give it to you? that’s dangerous… for all he knows, you could be a sasaeng.
you ignored any doubts and just did it anyway. you had no idea what to say. not wanting to freak him out or act like a crazy fan, you went with something simple.
hi are you the guy from earlier? caramel macchiato?
shortly after you sent it, you got a response.
yeah that’s me
you stared at your screen expressionless, trying to process what was going on. and then another text came through.
sorry that note was so sloppy. actually i was worried you wouldn’t be able to read it
im jaehyun by the way. could i get your name?
all you could do was laugh. it was unbelievable.
surprisingly, you slept pretty well that night. but you woke up a little disappointed, thinking you’d just woken from the best dream ever. you picked up your phone to check the time only to see a message from a number that had yet to be saved as a contact.
you working today?
you took a second to notice the messages above it, where you exchanged names. your heart fluttered, but then it dropped. it was already noon and jaehyun’s text is what reminded you that you had a shift at 1:15. your thumbs slammed against your keyboard to respond.
yes i totally forgot
you pulled yourself together in like 10 minutes. hair kinda messy, eye bags on fleek, you head out. you were in such a hurry, it didnt occur to you to check if he responded.
nice. i’ll see you there
but you left him on delivered.
you made it just on time. you reached for the door handle but someone else beat you to it. a familiar voice spoke. “here, i can get that.”
you weren’t expecting to see jaehyun right beside you, and you obviously weren’t used to seeing his face up close and personal. “oh it’s you-” your hands instinctively covered your mouth in surprise. “what are you doing here?” you avoided looking directly at him as you made your way inside.
he followed behind you. “i have a day off.. and i was craving coffee.” you rubbed your cold hands together. “is that so?” heading to the back to put your things down, you tried hard not to show how nervous you were.
you came back out with an apron, and you made sure to fix your hair up a bit. jaehyun was standing on the other side of the counter like he was ready to place an order, so you had to think of him as any regular customer. “what can i get for you today, sir?”
“can i get a… date with you?”
at that point, it had started to sink in. that you actually had a shot with this guy.
“sir, that’s.. not on the menu.” you teased with a sudden confidence, looking him in the eye.
yes, this was jeong jaehyun. but at the end of the day, he was still a man. and like any man, you wouldn’t let him pull you so easily.
“it’s not?” he answered, his gaze lingering on you so naturally. “hmm…” with a quick scan of the menu, he continued. “a caramel macchiato is fine, then.”
one thing led to another, and the untouchable superstar jaehyun you couldn’t believe was real, was now the annoying jaehyun who refused to leave your home.
the unreachable jaehyun who travels the world, performing at sold out stadiums, is still the jaehyun who sleeps through his alarms, and sings in the shower…
now you know he’s not unreachable or untouchable, but it was still hard for you to understand how such a special person… could really be so ordinary.
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thank you for reading 🌱 reqs always open
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markiemelon · 3 months
double take
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genre . fluff
pairings . mark x gn!reader
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2:34 pm ─ ੈ♡˳
outside the mall, you stood waiting for your ride. and walking out of the mall, a boy was passing by. he caught your attention, so you stared. you didn’t do it very discretely, because he noticed, gave you a friendly smile, and continued walking.
you watched him walk off, but you looked away when you noticed him turning his head back to make a double take at you.
he quickly turned his head away once he noticed yours was turning back to look at him. It went on like this for a moment.
it excited you. were you his type? or did you have something on your face?
now he was turning around, making his way over to where you were standing.
he looked confident while approaching you, but he was a mess as soon as he opened his mouth. “uhh hi can i get your number? if you don't want to that's totally fine- i just-"
you smiled and held your hand out, as if saying ‘yes, give me your phone, i'll put it in.’
but he didn't really get it. he almost had it, but not quite. instead, he responded to your gesture with a high five. “so is that a yes?” it was like his smile stretched from one ear to the other.
you just went along with it. you didn’t have the heart to say otherwise.
“um. yes.”
“oh cool.” he nodded. “here, you can type it in.” he handed you his phone, but you couldn’t help but laugh. he was cute. awkward, but cute.
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thx for reading 🌱 reqs always open
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markiemelon · 3 months
chewing gum
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genre fluff ! no warnings
pairings jisung x gn!reader
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— 1:23 pm ˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚
you’d had your eye on this cute boy in your class for a while now.
park jisung was the boy that everyone had an eye for. he was good looking, smart, funny, sweet, and he always shared his gum.
“jisung, can i have some gum” somebody asked, then another, and another.
you didn’t really see the appeal of jisung’s gum, but you were curious to understand. you approached the crowd of people surrounding the popular boy’s desk, and your heart skipped a beat at the sight of the class celebrity. after a minute of staring, you built up the courage to say something. “can…” you stuttered. “i have a piece of gum?”
your sudden interruption took the attention away from jisung and heads turned to face you.
jisung raised his eyebrows at your request. “sorry. im all out.” he regretted to tell you.
your face was pink with embarrassment and you slowly backed yourself away from the table, so the group just went back to talking. “so jisung. do you like anybody?”
“yeah, i do, actually.” he responded.
hearing that, you figured you should just give up on him now before you try too hard and get hurt.
the next morning you walked into class and you couldn’t believe what was sitting on your desk. it was a stick of jisung’s gum. you gently lifted it up and unfolded it, and there was something written on it.
the inside of the wrapper read:
yn, sorry i didnt have any gum for you yesterday… i hope this makes up for it.
- jisung
you couldn’t stop smiling. you looked around the room to spot jisung, and you found him already smiling at you from his desk.
for the rest of the day, you couldn’t look at jisung without feeling shy.
the next morning you walked into class to see yet another shiny wrapper on top of your desk.
you immediately went to open it up, and you found another message inside:
will you go out with me?
no = ignore this
yes = blow a bubble
- jisung ♡
as much as your heart was fluttering, you started to panic. you’ve never been able to blow bubbles with your gum, and it seems like jisung was expecting a response soon. he was eying you from his desk on the other side of the room, you even made eye contact with him. you just smiled awkwardly, tucked the wrapper into your bag and popped the gum into your mouth.
the gum was flavorless at this point, but you still had to blow that bubble. at the end of the day, you hadn’t figured it out yet, but jisung approached you.
“hi yn.”
“sorry if I made you uncomf-”
“how do i blow a bubble?”
he smiled.
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thank you for reading 🫧 reqs always open
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markiemelon · 3 months
hiiiii~~ can i request a scenario where nerd!mark and athlete!reader are on a study date and mark finds reader so cute when they don't understand the material? also bonus points if the reader is shy and doesn't want to ask for help cus they're embarrassed
Thank you!! ur writings make me so happy
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genre fluff ﹋֪֢ ♡︩ · no warnings!
pairings nerd!mark x athlete!reader
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4:18pm — ♡
“yn,” your math teacher addressed you, “im worried that your training is interfering with your studies.”
that wasn’t the first time you’d heard that, and yet, you still couldn’t think of a good excuse to tell. “look, yn, i’ve made it easier for you by arranging some study sessions with a classmate of yours.”
you actually felt kinda relieved to hear that. surely, some extra studying couldn’t hurt.
“in fact,” he continued, “he’s right here.” he gestured to a familiar boy walking into the room.
it was mark. you knew mark, but you never crossed paths much, considering how different your priorities were…you were all about training, and mark was all about studying…
“so i have to spend the rest of my afternoon with this nerd?” you accidentally said aloud.
“now, yn, we still have to be professional during after-school hours.” your teacher demanded.
mark just chuckled and smiled at you. his round glasses and ruffled hair added a gentlemanly charm to him that made you swoon a little.
“i’ll be off now, but feel free to stay in the classroom.” your teacher said, shuffling together some lose papers. “mark, just lock up the door as usual, i trust you as our class president.”
you widened your eyes. “he’s class president?”
“you didn’t know?” mark raised an eyebrow.
“i’ll leave you guys to it then.” your teacher nodded before he exited the room.
you approached mark. “if it makes you feel any better, i didn’t even know our vice principal until last week… so um, don’t take it personally.”
with that pathetic attempt at explaining yourself, mark sensed you were nervous. he walked up to you, his arms crossed and head nodding ever so slightly. “alright.” he said with a grin. “i won’t.” he looked at you for a second longer before pulling a chair out from the desk. he insisted that you sit, and he sat beside you.
and so the studying began… you handed mark a crumpled up page from the deepest, darkest depths of your backpack, and he looked confused “do you… want me to throw this away for you?”
“no!” you snatched it back. “that’s my calculus homework!”
“oh shoot!” he couldn’t hold in his cackle. “I’m sorry— yn im sorry.” he said it with the biggest smile on his face, weak from the laughter.
“whatever. just tell me how to solve this. or save us both some time and just tell me the answers.” you slumped in your chair.
he scanned the page briefly. “yeah, so it’s simple, really..” mark inched the graph paper closer to your side of the table.
he pointed at some numbers and rambled, of course, you couldn’t keep up. so you did the next best thing, which was letting your mind drift off to somewhere else..
“actually, he’s kinda cute..” you admitted to yourself while observing his side profile.
“it must be the glasses. he looks good with glasses.” now you were noticing things you hadn’t payed any attention to before.
“why is he so close to me…” your heart skipped a beat at the realization.
suddenly, mark’s voice became clear at the mention of your name.
“yn… focus” he cooed, not even looking up from the paper. he must have felt you staring, but oddly, you didn’t look away from him.
mark stopped his writing, but he kept his pen to the paper, holding it still as he turned to face you.
almost immediately, your confident demeanor crumbled, and now, head lowered, you depended on mark’s answer to break the silence.
“solve this one. it’s what i just showed you.” he rolled his pen to you.
“oh. okay.” you hesitantly took hold of the pencil, and did your best to pretend like you understood, but mark obviously wasn’t buying it. after writing some gibberish, you gave up.
“um, mark?”
“im a little embarrassed to ask… but.. can you explain it again?”
he didn’t look surprised. he looked at you endearingly. “as expected..” he chuckled, weighing his head side to side to stretch out his neck. his gaze shifted to the clock on the wall behind you. “you know, we should probably head out now.”
“already?” you looked back to see the time for yourself. he didn’t say anything for a second, he just nodded and flashed a gentle smile. “you get too distracted.” he nudged your shoulder. your cheeks burned a little when he did that. “well you’re too distracting.” you nudged him back.
mark grabbed his shoulder where you touched as if he were injured by your strength. “i’m so distracting yet you couldn’t focus on a single thing i said?” he teased you. you didn’t have a witty comeback, so you just stayed silent and stuffed some things wherever they could fit in your bag.
at that point, it was clear to both of you that the next few study sessions you had lined up, would be far more exciting…
a couple weeks of studying with mark went by, and the flirting made its way into your classes. he was getting bolder in his advances. it started with some subtle compliments but now he’s been giving you these corny winks from a across the room, and he makes it really obvious what he’s doing.
once mark started sitting next to you, hell broke loose. one time, the teacher asked the class to solve something, and you miraculously managed to figure it out before mark did. it still backfired tremendously…
“oh my gosh, i got it!” you whispered to mark. “it’s 29!”
he smiled at you for a second, before raising his hand, while simultaneously blurting out, “29! it’s 29!”
your teacher looked pleased. “that was quick, mark. as always, you never disappoint me with your calculating abilities.”
mark threw is head back laughing as quietly as he could, and you kicked his leg underneath the table.. as hard as you could.
later, you would find yourself sitting with mark, side by side, staring down at your math textbook.
“okay, tell me the answer to number 4.”
you didn’t even try to hide the fact that you had no idea what was going on. “i don’t know it.”
mark paused and laughed out of disbelief. “yn, it’s a good thing you wanna be an athlete and not a mathematician.”
what he said was true, but it annoyed you regardless, so you snapped back.
“and it’s a good thing you’re cute, ‘cause that’s the only reason i haven’t killed you yet.”
“psh,” he laughed in an exhale. “are you into me or something?” he kept his eyes fixed on the paper in front of him.
you giggled, “i think that’s the first time i’ve actually known the answer to a question you’ve asked me.” you smirked to yourself, feeling proud of your smooth talking.
when he didn’t respond, you continued.
“yknow.. mark, for being top of the class, i thought you’d have a bit more common sense.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he didn’t even bother looking at you.
“yes, mark, i’m into you.”
he still avoided looking your way, but he couldn’t hold back his smile. you stayed staring at your cute math tutor, and you could tell it was making him shy. “yn. focus.” he tapped his pencil on the table.
you tried to pout. “but the math isn’t cute...”
he tapped his pencil more aggressively.
you didn’t try to fight back. you started jotting some things down desperately trying to figure out the equation, until he tapped his pencil again. “yn. i need you to focus.”
annoyed, you jerked your head to face him. “i am focused. im literally doing the math-” your eyes traced his features.
“no, i mean on this.”
“on what?”
he smiled and tapped his pencil to his cheek.
“i need you to focus on me.”
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this ended up being longer than intended... but thank you thank you so much for requesting, im so happy to hear that you like my writingggggggggff!!!!! also sorry this took so long, im kinda backed up on requests LOL.
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markiemelon · 2 months
snow devil
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genre fluff, crack, no warnings
pairings gn!reader x riku
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11:11am—♡‧₊˚ ↴
“riku i swear if you throw tha—” bam. snowball right to your head.
he stood there, entertained… with his stupid smile… and his stupid face that you loved so much.
“stay there.” you said firmly, running your fingers through your dampened hair, shaking off a little powder that hadn’t yet melted.
you gave him a chance to reconsider his actions, but when he showed no signs of remorse, you settled for revenge. your sudden jolt forward made him flinch, and when he least expected it, you ran full speed ahead, tailing behind him as he stumbled through the snow.
“yn! yn! im sorry!” he exclaimed in a series of laughter and pleas. “i said im sorry!” he looked over his shoulder and saw you catching up. “you’re not sorry enough!” your tone was threatening. when he saw you cup your hands into the snow, he accepted his fate.
the sensation of the snow against his cheek made him shiver, so he buried his face into the collar of his coat in an attempt to warm up. “it’s cold!” he whined, waddling up to you and even trying to get inside your coat too.
he dropped his dramatic act when he got an idea. “hey we should make snow angels!” he jumped behind you to hug your back, craning his neck over your shoulder so you could see him. “don’t i look like an angel?” he teased, fluttering his eyes. “…don’t i?”
“riku, you are literally the embodiment of satan himself.”
dismissing your insult, he lowered to the ground and allowed himself to sink into the white, swiping his arms and legs side to side. shortly after, he was dusting his jeans off and taking a stand next to you.
“look.” he grinned, proudly observing his not-so-hard work. you pointed at his creation in horror. “ahh i think it has horns!” his smile quickly faded. “shut up, yn.”
thanks for reading. requests always open!
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markiemelon · 1 year
my everything
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fluff ☁︎
hyuck x gn!reader
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— {3:35am}🔭 *࿐ ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
“yn are you still awake?”
too tired to think, you don’t respond.
“ynnnnnnn why do you always fall asleep on calls?” haechan whined
you let haechan fall under the impression that you’re sound asleep.
“well you looked really pretty today at school.” he continued. “is it obsessive to like everything about you? is it obsessive to love the way your name rolls off my tongue? yn. yn. yn. yn. see??? it’s so nice… i wish you could see what you’re doing to me. yn… you’re like… you’re like my everything.”
so many butterflies filled your stomach.
“i love you, haechan.” you mumbled into your pillow.
you heard the sound of haechan’s hand slapping his mouth.
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hii I’m always taking requests btw!!!!
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markiemelon · 6 months
hii! i just found out about your blog! i wanted to request something but i also wanted to compliment your work! you have the writing style that pulls me in so that i really read the story word for word (most of the time i just skim through the entire fic to just get to the ending lol) so thank you for existing and writing these stories. they feel like a big hug! keep up the good work, i will definetly read your work in the future and catch up on your other work that i havent gotten to yet!
as for my request haha, i was wondering if you could write for jeno? im a sucker for soft jeno, but i cant really find anything that isnt wayyy too cringey. tbh soft jeno is very rare i feel like *sobs*
like, jeno is a really cold boyfriend who doesnt really show his affection, and even when he does, he doesnt admit it. for example, when he prepares a gift for you, he puts it in a place where a lot of people can access, so that you dont know that its him. haha and then when you ask him abt it, he pretends he has no idea what ur talking abt.
the only time that jeno is soft and cuddly is when ur abt to sleep or when hes sleepy.
can u js write abt jeno being exceptionally cuddly one day in bed, and the reader is really surprised?
also maybe jeno confesses abt sweet things hes done for reader in the past?
if ur not interested, please ignore! i know i wrote a lot haha, sorry.
@dungiewungie you are the sweetest. im so flattered. thank you for reading my stories!!!! thank youuu!!! so much!!!!! ♡ ♡ ♡
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☆ genre. flufffff + no warnings
☆ pairings. jeno x gn!reader
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{11:55 pm ~ ♡}
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you and jeno didn’t live together, but somehow he always found a way back to your place. he loved staying with you. he loved the way that the pillows smelled of your shampoo and how your perfume lingered on the silky sheets…
side by side, you and jeno lied in your bed, heads sunken into your pillows.
“yn, why do you have so many pillows? we can barely fit on this bed.”
he was right, you did have way too many pillows, but you liked piling them up and burring yourself to feel cozy.
he tried to throw some off to the side of the bed but you wouldn’t let him. “noo. i need all of them.”
jeno rolled his eyes and pretended to act annoyed. he shuffled around a bit to get comfortable despite drowning in the fluffiness around him. the two of you lied in silence for a moment.
“talk to me.” he said.
“talk to you?” you answered.
“yeah. it helps me sleep.” his voice was quiet.
your lips stretched past your teeth as you thought of all the things you could talk to jeno about. you figured now would be the perfect time to confront him about something since he couldn’t really go anywhere...
“remember that time you got jealous when my secret admirer sent me flowers?”
“yeah… “ he said shyly. “also..i gave you those flowers.” he confessed, a bit hesitantly. “that was before we started dating so i was kind of embarrassed.” jeno rubbed the nape of his neck.
he avoided looking at you; he was just too flustered to.
hearing that made your cheeks light up. “jenooooooo!” you wanted to give him the biggest hug, but you knew he hated your cuteness aggression. so you just told him how adorable he was, and went back to drifting off to sleep…
“yn. come here.”
your head perked up as you gladly placed yourself the closest you could to jeno while still lying side-by-side.
“no” he said, “here.”
jeno put his arm around your back, and pulled your head to rest on top of his chest. “i meant here.”
you didn’t say anything, you just giggled to yourself as you thought about how funny it was that out of all the pillows you had to choose from, he was the softest one.
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thank you thank youuu for requesting! i haven’t had much time to write so I’m sorry this took soooo long. i really hope you like it ♡
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markiemelon · 6 months
hi!! ive actually been reading your work for a long time but i never had the courage to actually request..
i was wondering if you could write for jisung! im a sucker for his deep voice *sobs* so could you write some something with jisung's deep voice? like him teasing you in the morning or reader comforting him when hes crying or smth idk HAHA
i really love your writings and i wanted to say thank you for comforting me when im down.
ilysm anon :’) im so happy that you requested such a cute idea! thank you for your sweet message ♡
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genre fluff . no warnings!
parings jisung x gn!reader
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“jisung.” you cooed “jiiiiisuuuung.” you were determined to get your boyfriend!jisung up early today.
he looked so peaceful. “hmmm” he hummed lowly.
“jisung wake up.”
he lifted his head slightly off the pillow and looked at you with half-open eyelids. ��good morning yn.” he said softly.
you swooned over his deep voice. you felt shy all of a sudden and covered your face with your hands.
“what’s wrong?” jisung reached for your hands, but you shook him away.
“nothing is wrong. you just..”
jisung raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to finish your sentence.
“you just make nervous.” you said quietly.
jisung smiled. “i make you nervous? how?”
“your voice.”
“my voice?” jisung continued to tease you.
“ynnnnn.” jisung said in an especially deep voice.
“stop jisung you’re doing this on purpose.”
he wrapped his lanky arms around your back and hugged you tightly, looking down at you in his arms. “you try. try to talk as deep as i do.”
you laughed at his request. “okay..”
you tilted your head down and mustered up all the strength you had in your throat, nearly straining your vocal chords, but barely a whisper came out.
jisung threw his head back laughing. he adored you.
you couldn’t help but notice how his adam’s apple moved when he laughed. curiously, you took a closer look and tapped it. “how do you do that?” you said.
flustered, he put his hand on his neck, where you had just touched. “you’re very cute, yn.”
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♡ hope you enjoyed.
- 🍉
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markiemelon · 3 months
can u please do more jisung ?? 😞🩵🩵 i love ur work
tangerine love
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genre fluff ! no warnings
^_−☆ 🍊
pairings gn!reader x jisung
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2:34pm ─ ੈ♡˳
“jisungggg, are you ready?” you peeped your head into your best friend’s room to see him scrambling around in a panic.
“i can’t find it!”
“what is it?”
“your present. i just had it last night and now i can’t find it.”
“oh.” you sighed in relief. “it’s no big deal, ji, let’s just hurry and go.”
it was your friendiversary, so for fun, you two usually just went to the park where you met as kids. normally you didn’t get each other gifts, but this year, jisung insisted.
you brushed off his concerns. “im gonna leave you here!” you threatened as you made your way to sit in the passenger’s seat of jisung’s car.
jisung hopped in and sulked. “i couldn’t find it… do you at least have the tangerines?” he looked over to you.
in your lap was a basket of freshly picked tangerines from the tree in his backyard. you planted it when you were younger, since you two have always shared a love for the fruit.
you got to the park and laid out a blanket on the grass. you set the basket down and signaled jisung to try them. “are they sweet?” his eyes lit up as he tore into the peel. “I don’t know. I haven’t tried them yet.”
he popped a slice into his mouth and immediately his eyes became squinted and his nose scrunched up. “eugh it’s so sour.”
“seriously? that’s too bad. I guess they aren’t ripe enough yet…” you picked one up and tossed it right back into the basket.
“oh right.” you remembered. “your gift.” you reached into the pocket of your sweater that was lying alongside the picnic blanket. you pulled out a little white box with orange ribbon around it tied in a bow.
jisung’s eyes widened. “wait. that box-”
before you could even hand it to him, he snatched it from you.
you rolled your eyes at his impatience. “geez, you could at least say thank you.”
inside the box was the exact thing jisung had lost. a little tangerine keychain charm. “where did you get this?”
you rubbed your neck nervously. “oh, well it’s a funny story. see, i actually forgot about the present thing, but this morning when I was walking to your house, i found it on the sidewalk around the corner. isn’t that weird? it was like a sign from the universe.”
jisung looked at you in disbelief and started laughing out of nowhere.
“what?” you laughed along. “sorry, i seriously forgot.. but it’s cute, isn’t it? put it on your bag! i’ll take it if you don’t want it…”
“yn.” jisung smiled. “this is for you. he handed it back to you. “i bought it on my way home last night so it must have fallen out of my pocket then. i just can’t believe you found it…”
“wait, really?” you clapped your hands in a fit of laughter. “you’re too cute, jisung.” you threw yourself onto the boy sitting beside you, now his head is resting on the cushioned blanket, and you’re lying across him. his arms instinctively wrapped around your back to hug you into his chest.
“don’t call me cute.” he said in his low voice. you can’t control your cuteness aggression when it comes to jisung, so you pinched his cheeks and pretended to bite him.
once you sat up, jisung followed your movements. he positioned himself behind you, so he could rest his chin on your shoulder, and hug you.
from the looks of it, you’re a couple.
“yn” jisung broke the silence. “look at the way we’re sitting right now. we might as well be a couple.”
“sure.” you shrugged in response.
“im just joking.” he hugged you tighter.
“no, really. we should try it. see what happens.” you leaned your head against jisung’s, still resting on your shoulder.
“seriously?” he laughed.
“yeah,” you hummed, “but what are we gonna do with all these tangerines?”
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hi anon, so glad you requested! sorry it took forever. thank you for reading ♡ ps im too lazy to proofread this properly LOL
- 🍉
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markiemelon · 1 year
chubby bunny
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fluff . no warnings!
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sitting on the couch with your boyfriend!jaemin. you think it’s funny to smush his cheeks together because he hates it.
"say chubby bunny" you giggled.
"chubby bunny” he attempted to say.
his face turned bright pink when he saw the way your eyes lit up when you laughed, he sighed and pulled you in closer to lay your head into his neck.
"i love you y/n.”
you know jaemin loves you. he makes it very clear, but normally it's through gestures or acts of kindness, not usually saying it deliberately. and you had no problem with that. you loved this about jaemin. you could tell he truly meant it when he did say it.
"i love you.." jaemin buries his face into your shoulder. "..so, so much."
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pls request things!
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markiemelon · 1 year
miss you already
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fluffff ☁︎ no warnings!
you and your childhood bff!jaehyun have flights to catch after being back in your hometown together.
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“jae call me when you get there.”
“and text me before you get on the plane.”
“and answer when I call.”
“and don’t forget to charge your phon-”
“shhhhhh” jaehyun interrupts your frantic blabbering and leans over to match your height.
“ill call you as soon as I get there.” he assures you softly through his smile, eyes level to yours.
there you stood, face to face.
“why do you always leave” you couldn’t fight the lump in your throat anymore.
“pfffft yn don’t cry” jaehyun nudged your shoulder then pulled you up against his chest.“you’ve always been such a cry baby ever since we were kids.” jaehyun mocked you.
you could feel your tears soak through his thin t shirt.
“please don’t leave jae” you wrap your arms around his neck, on your tippy toes to reach, your head resting on his neck, his chin placed on your head.
you hug your best friend a little tighter. “we won’t see each other for months” your voice breaks.
*last call for boarding in gate ##*
“that’s my flight” jaehyun tilted his head to speak more directly into your ear while patting a rhythm on your back.
you step back to release your grasp on him, staring at the floor, rubbing your eyes, and sniffling your nose.
“byyye ynnn” jaehyun says playfully while ruffling your hair.
you couldn’t bring yourself to answer, but you looked at him, which only made you cry more.
jaehyun only giggled and waved as he slowly got further away from you and closer to his gate.
he was still in your sight, but you decided to text him.
i miss you already
you can see jaehyun as he sees the notification come in on his phone. he looks back at you and seems to admire you for a brief moment.
all the sudden you see him shove his way out of the line and start walking back over to you, kind of laughing to himself.
he approached you, looking like he knew exactly what he was going to do.
giving you no time to react, jaehyun went straight in to kiss you. you could feel how warm his cheeks were, admiring this flustered side of your best friend that you had never seen before.
“still miss me?” jaehyun giggled after pulling away from your lips.
it was a shock, but it’s not like you’ve never imagined kissing him before… still, you stared in confusion with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
embarrassed, you pushed him away.
“go away you’re gonna miss your flight!!”
“oh so now you want me to go?” jaehyun teased.
you were a blushing mess.
“i love you yn”
“mm” you avoided looking at him.
“you know you wanna say it” he grabbed your arm.
you shyly leaned against jaehyun with your head down and mumbled some words.
“love you too, jae.”
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hiiii im always taking requests!!!!!
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markiemelon · 1 year
mint choco
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genre. pure fluff ! no warnings
pairings. bff!xiaojun x fem implied! reader ♡
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—{3:11pm}♡‧₊˚ ↴
“stop leaving the toilet seat up when i come over.” you stormed into the living room. “no wonder you can’t get a girlfriend…”
“yeah, says the person who hasn’t even had a first kiss yet.” he teased you.
you were quick to snap back. “well if you hadn’t insisted on tagging along on that blind date-”
you were interrupted. “i didn’t even do anything!! it was like i wasn’t even there!” he rolled his eyes.
your face turned expressionless. “xiaojun.” you blinked a couple of times. “you literally put your hand over my mouth right as he leaned in to kiss me.”
he cleared his throat awkwardly. “yeah, well… i didn’t like that guy…”
“whatever.” you dismissed the conversation.
you looked over to the boy sitting comfortably on the couch, enjoying his mint chocolate ice cream. this was a regular thing to see when you went to xiaojun’s house, but you found it to be absolutely disgusting, nonetheless.
“how can you eat that…” you took a seat next to him.
extremely offended, he raised his eyebrows while he turned his head carefully to face you, being dramatic as ever. “what did you just say to me?”
you made a sloppy gesture pointing to the dish of the green mess.
“and what about it?!” he yelled in response to your silent comment. he slammed his bowl onto the coffee table in front of him and didn’t hesitate to jump up from the couch.
you looked up at the boy who towered over you. as intimidating as he tried to seem, you couldn’t take him seriously at all. you swallowed to keep your smile from showing. “you monster!” you instigated. “it tastes like toothpaste!!”
“no.” he took a moment to breathe. “toothpaste. tastes. like. MINT.”
and that was xiaojun’s last straw.
“okay, yn. you brought this upon yourself.” he swiftly reached for his precious bowl of now half-melted mint chocolate ice cream, taking a big spoon full of it, and taking it right up to your mouth.
you squealed at the feeling of the minty mush hitting your lips. the spoon stopped against you teeth, the only thing keeping the vial flavor from reaching your tastebuds.
nearly gagging, you tried to run and wash it off, but you were held back by xiaojun locking you into his arms.
“i have to wash this off!!!” you, and your threatened tastebuds cried.
“okay, ill get it off. calm down.” he tried to sound annoyed.
relieved, you waited for xiaojun to hand you the napkin on the table. you were completely caught off guard by the feeling of xiaojun’s lips connecting with yours.
your first kiss. this is exactly what you’ve wanted. but this is not exactly how you wanted it. your head was rushing, competing with your pounding heart. you never thought you would be kissing your best friend, and not be completely hating it, but there you were. you had no idea you could think and feel so many things at once. it was soft. it was sweet. it was cold…it was minty.
xiaojun pulled away from you, his grin only growing wider and wider as your cheeks got warmer and warmer.
he admired your priceless expression. “…i cant let perfectly good mint choco go to waste…”
“what was that for?!” you blushed and wiped your mouth with the back of your palm. “you said you would get it off!!!”
“and i did!!!” he said, completely shamelessly.
“you’re disgusting!” you scoffed to distract from your pounding chest.
“but not as disgusting as mint choco, hm?” xiaojun teased.
he didn’t take his eyes off of yours while he took his time to bring his palm up to your cheek. you couldn’t believe you were seeing this side of xiaojun.
being best friends with xiaojun, you’ve had your fair share of flirting and confusing butterflies. he got you flustered all the time, but he certainly never took it this far.
but right as you hoped for this to be a romantic moment, you would find that it’s just too good to be true.
still cradling your cheek, he grazed your lips with his thumb; that’s when your fantasy shattered. he just spread ice cream all over your lips again.
“ew! get it off! get it off!” you broke the stillness in the atmosphere.
xiaojun smiled. “fine.”
this time, you anticipated his touch. he leaned in to kiss you gently one more time… and suddenly, mint choco wasn’t so bad.
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this was hard to write because i love mint choco (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
hope you enjoyed xx
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markiemelon · 11 months
hi!!! I wanna request a fic with either mark, haechan or renjun hehehe with them and the reader reenacting latter's favorite film scenes jshsjsbsj. I will really appreciate it! I REALLY LOOOOOVE YOUR WRITINGS! YOU ROCK! <333
favorite movie
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{it turned out a little differently than the initial request…but i think you’ll like it}
pairings haechan x fem implied!reader
you and your childhood best friend!haechan have been inseparable since preschool, no matter how much you wanted to be separated from him. You hoped that by the time you reached college you would have escaped him, but he followed you there too.
you were taking a cinematography class, and of course, he was there as well. you had just been assigned a project where a group would choose a movie scene to reenact and film. of course, you and haechan were partners. the two of you got to work at his place.
“ynnnnnn” a high-pitched whine shook you awake. “yn you can sleep later. we have to choose a scene.”
you lifted your head off of the cold kitchen table.
“hyuck you watch tons of dramas…let’s just do your favorite movie or something…”
suddenly, a light when off in haechan’s eyes. “perfect.”
he flashed a devious smile and you didn’t dare to ask what he was thinking.
he pulled his laptop from his bag and pulled up a video. “let’s do this one.”
on his laptop was a clip, where the male lead was leaning against the wall with his his arm up above the female lead’s head.
you weren’t surprised at what haechan had suggested; he’s always been a flirt.
you playfully nudged his shoulder. “donghyuck be for real.”
“pleaaaaaaasssseeeeeee can we please do this one?” he stomped his feet underneath the table. “it’ll be funny. plus, the professor said whoever chooses romance films gets extra credit.”
and for some reason… you believed him.
“mhmm” he smiled.
“i hate you.” you grabbed the camera from the table and set it up on the tripod. “im only doing this for the sake of my grade.”
“this is a good spot over here.” haechan led you over to a wall in his living room.
you watched the video a few times to take notes of how the scene played out. “so you’re supposed to pin me to the wall, and then you say “look at me”, umm then i look at you.” you paused the video, and pressed record on the camera. “okay. take 1.”
haechan approached you confidently, a little too comfortable. he reached his hand up to the side of your face, and leaned forward, inching closer towards you. “look at me.” he said. you couldn’t look at him. not when you could feel your face burning red. you stepped away from haechan’s gaze for a moment. “i forgot my line.” you said, still looking away. “you’re not even supposed to say anything yet.” haechan giggled. “is your heart fluttering already?” he teased you. “let’s just try again.” he pulled your shoulder to turn you around. “oh my gosh.” he covered his mouth to hold his laugh. “yn your face is so red!” he clapped his hands together. “i was just joking about your heart fluttering-”
you pushed him away. “im just a really good actor.”
“wowwww actor yn. can i get your autograph??” he gasped.
you just ignored him. “take 2” you adjusted the camera.
haechan approached you again. “look at me.” he said. this time, you did look at him. he smiled. you were waiting for him to continue with the scene, but he just stared at you. you noticed him getting closer, his head tilting ever so slightly to the side as his face came to yours. you wanted to seem annoyed but you didn’t bother trying; you were so distracted by him. you had never really looked at him so intently before. “haechan.” you whispered, stopping him, but not pushing him away. “you know, there’s no kiss in this scene.”
he had that suspicious smile pasted across his face, like a kid stealing candy. “i know.” he continued where he left off. soon enough, his lips and your lips were glued.
normally when haechan got even remotely close to your face, your reflexes would shove him, but oddly, you didn’t feel like that anymore.
you kissed him. you kissed your best friend and you didn’t mind at all.
“yn.” he broke away from the kiss. “what do you think about me?”
you came to a sudden realization that you did have feelings for your best friend, and you saw no point in lying to him. “i think i like-” you started.
“that’s what i thought.” haechan tilted your head up a little before kissing you again. he pulled your head in to his chest. “i’ve been waiting for this moment since 5th grade.” he hugged you tighter.
you were still a little shocked at what just happened, but you couldn’t help but enjoy the warmth of haechan’s embrace, and what a good feeling it was to be loved by him.
“wait,” you muttered. “is that thing still recording?” you inspected the camera. haechan laughed. “well i guess now i’ve got a new favorite movie.”
you ended up submitting that very video, and to your surprise, you did get extra credit.
the end.
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