#malleus headcanons
sorbetisfruity · 3 months
Yuu, getting ready to hang out with Malleus:
Yuu: Malleus! But you’re three hours early!!
Malleus: Haha! Oh..you know!
Malleus: I’m just obsessed with you.
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Sleeping with Malleus Draconia headcanons
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It's hard to tell if Malleus would spend more time sleeping with you or watching you sleep.
He does it a lot after you fall asleep.
Malleus finds it romantic.
If you woke up in the middle of your dream and saw Malleus staring at you, you might disagree a little.
However, that has not happened YET.
Malleus would like to sleep with you every night.
In the past, his nights have also been lonely and Malleus doesn't want to experience that again.
You can fall asleep without the Malleus, but you usually wake up with the Malleus.
You get used to it with time.
Malleus appreciates it…
It wasn't fun when you get scared and try to push him off the bed or throw something at him.
Malleus loves to hug you when you sleep.
He must be a big spoon and hold you in his arms.
Patting your head is also according to his habits.
waking up is not Malleus' strength.
He would just like to stay in bed with you.
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theroseredreaper · 6 months
Can I ask for headcanons of Malleus, Leona, and Vil with a reader who likes to steal their clothes to wear? Or maybe not even their full outfit just a piece or two? Whatever you feel comfortable with
Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day
Malleus, Leona & Vil With A Reader Who Likes To Steal Their Clothes
(A/N): I’m more than happy to fulfill your request, Cherry Blossom Anon! Sorry it took so long for me to get to it 😅 I’m not as familiar with Leona as I am Malleus and Vil, so I apologize I’m advance if his section seems a tad OOC. I hope you enjoy!
Reader is implied to be the player character/prefect, and the setting is implied to be NRC.
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Malleus Draconia
The first time he sees you wearing his clothes, he simply assumes that he must’ve accident left it behind the last time he visited you at Ramshackle and doesn’t pay it any mind. He finds it endearingly amusing, to see you in his clothes.
If you’re flustered when he catches you wearing or stealing his clothes to wear, he’ll most definitely tease you about it. He finds your reactions adorable and his teasing will be light hearted, but merciless.
The more he catches sight of you wearing some of his clothes – a uniform tie of his, his uniform blazer, once you even took his vest - the more he suspects that you might actually be stealing his clothes. His suspicions aren’t confirmed until he catches sight of you wearing one of his shirts.
He finds the whole of it endearing, though he can’t comprehend why you’d want to steal his clothes. Was this a human custom of friendship or courtship? He’d be more than happy to give you some of his clothes if you’d simply asked. (He did not find it amusing that Lilia laughed in his face when he asked him about it.)
He finds soon enough that he absolutely loves the sight of you in his clothes.
He tends to become clingier and more physically affectionate when he sees you wearing his clothes.
Leona Kingscholar
Doesn’t notice any of his clothes going missing. When he catches you wearing one of his perpetually unused uniform blazers, he assumes you picked it up from wherever he left it laying in his room. You had a tendency to complain that he hogged the blankets during naps, you taking one of his uniform blazers to wear to keep warm isn’t the biggest stretch of logic, in his opinion. Why would he assume you’d want to steal his clothes?
He notices when Ruggie complains that Leona’s laundry has been oddly missing a bunch of clothes, despite Ruggie keeping a tight maintenance of all of Leona’s things (he gets paid to look after him, after all, and he doesn’t do his job half-assed. There’s service fees he can charge extra.)
Unlike Malleus, he has just enough emotional intelligence to put two and two together that you probably take his clothes because it reminds you of him, and this means that he’s someone important to you. Cubs and pups do this all the time with their loved ones, after all. This knowledge leaves him incredibly smug the first few days after he realizes it, but he won’t say a word of it if you question his sudden good mood.
The sight of you wearing his clothes leaves him feeling fond. Not that he’d ever say that outright; the only way you’ll see him expressing this is through him being clingier and more physically affectionate than usual. He’s not the best at expressing his emotions, especially not verbally, but he’s trying to show his reciprocation of how you feel towards him in his own way.
Uses his naps as an excuse to cuddle with you if he sees you in his clothes.
He tells Ruggie not to mind the clothing thief, as he knows who it is personally. (Ruggie thinks the two of you are disgustingly sappy and cringingly cheesy. He wants no part of that, thanks.)
Vil Schoenheit
He notices as soon as the first article of clothing goes missing.
He has a system for his clothes and every outfit he wears, down to the color scheme and accessories he’ll be wearing for a day. Anyone who messes with his system risks facing his ire.
It doesn’t take him long to figure out that it was you took some of his clothes. He is torn between being greatly annoyed and fondly exasperated. What was he to do with you, honestly?/lh
If you wanted clothing advice, he’d be more than happy to give it to you. If you needed hand me downs because of Crowley’s poor guardianship, he had no qualms about whisking you away on a shopping spree. He’s quick to realize and understand, though, that you simply just enjoy taking and wearing his clothes because it reminds you of him every time you do so. How endearing can you be??
Rather than simply asking you to stop taking his clothes so it stops messing with his system, or offering to buy matching outfits, he comes up with completely logical and not at all convoluted solution to leave specific clothes that he intends for you to take from his wardrobe. If some of these things he sets up for you to steal turn out to be matching outfits that he got tailored for you, it’s merely a fortuitous coincidence.
He finds the sight of you in his clothes utterly adorable and lovable. He may even start getting into the habit of simply just gifting the clothes to you directly, though he’s aware that you’ll likely continue to pilfer clothes from him anyways.
He won’t become clingy or more physically affectionate when he sees you in his clothes, but he’ll most definitely be smug and preen about it. He has excellent taste in clothes and it’s only natural that you would look positively wonderful in whatever clothes of his that you decided to wear.
No one in his dorm had the audacity to try and steal from him before due to his position as dorm head with a fierce grasp on curses, so soon after he realizes you were stealing from him, he spells his wardrobe with anti-theft measures. (You are, of course, an exception.)
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(A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Since it wasn’t specified if you wished for this to be romantic or platonic, I attempted to leave it open ended, so that it could be up to reader interpretation. Thank you for the request!)
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mrsrookhunt · 11 months
Hot take if Malleus came to our world no one would even question it unless he was at an anime expo.
Malleus: Yuu, I thought you said there were only humans in your world?
Yuu: Yeah, why?
Malleus:... I thought I'd get more questions.
Yuu: oh yeah no that's like the top way to get canceled on the internet
BUT imagine he comes to your world using a portal that lands him in an anime convention and-
Stranger 1: Oh my god those look so realistic, can I touch them?
Stranger 2: Ayo how did you make those? Resin and acrylic? Dude those are sick.
Stranger 3: Ooh where'd you get those contacts?
Malleus: .....they LIKE ME ohsevensohsevensohsevens---
I'm such a whore for mixing both worlds lmfao but let's be honest Malleus would shrivel up and die in our world as soon as someone told him 'just use Google maps' when he asked a stranger for directions to your house.💀
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dreamofjoys · 11 months
THE MALLEUS LACTATION FIC! 🤯 💦 had me on my knees. I can just imagine him not keeping his hands to himself even if he’s not in the bedroom alone with you. Just squeezing milk out of your titties all day.
— c/w: 18+ headcannons, lactation kink, afab, groping
MALLEUS gives lots of excuses just to play with your tits. Offering to help you squeeze out your breast milk, claiming that he knows you are tired and that you just gave birth so resting should be your utmost priority.
You don’t realise how his large hands seems to be cupping your breast obscenely, groping onto them and toying with it in a circular motion. He loves it the most whenever he squeeze your tits with just a fickle of strength, and your milk starts leaking out like waterfall.
Of course, he fulfils his duties as a father and husband by diligently collecting your breast milk in a cup that was meant for the baby. Malleus plays off his act innocently but don’t you find it weird that he has been playing with your breast and tits for about 2 hours and a half now? The little him is poking hard in his pants too.
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malleusfucker · 2 years
malleus draconia relationship headcanons
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this is basically a part 2 of his kinks & hcs post but i am very much a whore for this man so i NEED. TO. WRITE SOME SHIT.
warnings: smut/nsfw, malleus being a loser virgin, it gets very smutty at the nsfw part so, oral (receiving + giving), unprotected sex, two dicks, implied corruption/humiliation kink, mentions of pregnancy/breeding, choking/biting, mal being lowkey sadistic, sleepy sex, holy shit there are alot of warnings i am sorry, reader is afab but no gender or pronouns are explicitly specified
words: 2.5k
this is some serious sappy shit but i can’t help it 😭😭 i am literally so in love with this man damn
~ right off the bat, malleus would definitely be the best boyfriend ever and no one can convince me otherwise (or at least one of the best out of the twst cast cuz there’s some uh questionable characters in that list *idia and leona i am directly looking at you*)
~ the way your relationship builds up with malleus is agonisingly slow. he’s very cautious about who he gets close to and is definitely not one to make any bold moves—especially if he doesn’t feel like you’re reciprocating the same feelings—but oh boy. once you do, that’s when he gets a bit more excited. 
~ it won’t take long before you pick up on the little things he suddenly starts doing for you. waiting for you after class, asking to visit the library with him after college hours, hell, even just waiting outside ramshackle dorm until you notice him just so he can spend time with you alone. his signs of affection are very straightforward because that’s what he likes them to be. he doesn’t want to confuse you or think that he might be giving false signals. though he might as well be holding up a sign saying “i love you” with the way his infatuation for you is so painfully obvious.
~ malleus is so new to all this stuff, so it’s down to you to show him the ropes. kiss him, hold his hand, hug him. he needs these acts of affection practically every hour of the day as that's what all the books he’s memorised word for word have drilled into his head. he’s completely clueless. but that’s what you’re here for - to help lead the way and show him just how special a relationship can be. 
~ and once you initiate things, a stupid smile will permanently be plastered over his face. not missing any opportunity to pick you up from your classes and walk you to your dorm—his love language is just being with you—not even having to touch you but still feeling his heart racing with him just being in your company. he can never get over that someone like you can accept everything about him, loving him for all that he is - ignoring all of the labels attached, and just showing you genuinely care for him as a person.
~ gifts will be a reoccurring thing that you will have to grow accustomed to, expressing his love for you by showering you with kind sentiments such as little presents and items. whether it's gems or tiny rare crystals, it'll always find its way to you - he particularly loves giving you things you can wear, like necklaces or bracelets, crafting them just for you so that every time you wear them, you're reminded of him.
~ but one thing you’re unfortunately going to have to get used to is sebek basically praying on your downfall every single moment he gets. he’s appalled that such a lowly human—one that’s not even capable of performing magic—is hanging around with malleus, let alone being intimate with him. you’re gonna get an earful any time you head over to diasomnia - with you and malleus having to rush straight to his room to avoid prying eyes from not only sebek but also the students too.
~ on the topic of prying eyes, people will be curious - more specifically, lilia. this little shit will tease you both all day every day. asking you very personal things so then he can have his “proud father” moment. cheering and applauding at even the sight of you two simply holding hands - he is embarrassing and it’s evident when you spot the faintest blush spreading across malleus’ cheeks as you walk around campus, muttering under his breath if you can both go somewhere “quieter” (aka as far away from lilia as possible).
~ these wandering eyes definitely don’t help with the fact that this man is extremely possessive. he wants you to have your freedom and experience your time at the college to the fullest but it doesn’t mean that his eye won’t start to twitch at the sight of you being “friendly” with your classmates. having experienced the happiness of being in a serious relationship for the first time, he never wants to let that sensation fade. he’s making up for lost time. being so alone for all the long years of his life will only make him needy, clinging to the thing he loves the most with such an iron grip that he's certain it can't possibly escape from him.
~ but once you do have your alone time, malleus is milking every second of it just pampering and giving you affection. nuzzling his face against your neck, he always loves trailing small wet kisses down your collarbone, mumbling sweet nothings in your ear as you feel yourself drift off with the way he’s lovingly holding you in his arms. when he wants to be, this man is the epitome of gentle. treating you as if you were carved out of glass as he softly caresses your skin, feeling your warmth against him as much as possible just so he can then later reminisce about how soft you feel.
~ did someone say big spoon? nope. not quite. despite how giant this man is, he enjoys taking the roles of being both the big and little spoon quite seriously. with his arms wrapped around you tightly, he’ll cling and cuddle you the entire night, the sensation of his embrace never leaving your side once and waking up with him still gently holding you. 
and expect to return the favour on your part. who said that this man won’t become pouty if you don’t snuggle up and spoon him? cuz he sure as hell will. you won’t ever realise it, but when you end up doing the cuddling - malleus literally ascends to heaven. this is so unfamiliar to him so having your warmth just envelope him for the night makes him act as if he was a baby, curling up and intertwining his fingers with yours as he holds your hand close to his chest.
~ if you’re not a morning person, then luckily for you, you’ll become one. not only will you wake up with malleus having his arms around you but no matter the time - he’ll be ready to awaken you with endless kisses, gently planting one on your forehead as you slowly open your eyes. since you and malleus rarely have any quality one-on-one time outside of the morning—he will always devote them to you. he’ll constantly be on you, getting you ready and dressed for the day, preparing you breakfast whilst taking careful note of what you like and dislike so that he can always improve. 
he does it all basically.
~ fortunately or unfortunately for you, pda is something malleus isn't too big of a fan of. he deems that anything intimate or romantic should only be shared between the two of you, alone. though he definitely won't deny your advances if you lightly kiss him on the cheek outside of class - he won't exactly encourage it either. a brief peck is all it takes to send him scurrying back into his shell since even being alone with you makes him nervous. though he wishes he could shout out to the world how much he loves you, even the most powerful mage in the college have their weak points sometimes, his eyes widening and cheeks heating up at the idea of you merely hugging him.
~ the first time you had sex with malleus - yeah, it was a straight up nightmare. his wide and extensive knowledge of everything apparently stops specifically at sex with the way he’s so clueless. it was to the point that you didn’t think it was even possible for this to be the same person. teach him and he’ll learn - that’s all that there is to it. these moments of blatant naivety fade pretty quick with malleus picking up on everything you tell him almost instantly. this man is so determined to pleasure you with everything that you’ve done for him, prioritising your needs above his 99% of the time so that he can feel like he’s finally giving back to you.
~ he manages to master everything so well in such a short span of time that it’s scary. not even being able to recall your own name by the time he’s done with you, and that time being hours. he spends so long pleasuring you, doing everything in the book so that every time you have sex together, it’s something new and not anything you’ve experience before. but merely just having sex with this man is anything but usual, it. is. overwhelming. even when he’s being gentle with you, you will still be crying with him hitting every spot so good that it makes you think that you may have genuinely gone insane.
~ malleus doesn't see it as just having sex, but rather as one of the few opportunities he has to demonstrate his love for you, and thus he loves making the experience go as long as possible. he wants you to feel it, and feel it; you definitely do. your legs will be shaking so viciously just from his tongue being in between your legs, fearing for how much your body can physically take before he finally decides to fuck you.
~ and once he does, run. RUN AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE cuz this man won’t let you rest, not even once. his immense stamina soon becomes apparent after the first round, his breath still being as even as it was to begin with, the only difference being - his hunger. increasing so much each time you cum, it becomes practically impossible for him to stop fucking the daylights out of you and breaking the bed every. single. time.
~ speaking of bed breaking - you’re fortunate that malleus has the power to fix and put things back together because if he didn’t, it’d be pretty embarrassing having to ask for a new bed every week. it happens 90% of the time with the way he’s so fucking intense, thrusting and driving into you so deep you swore you saw the roof crumbling at one point. he’s so passionate in devoting all his love to you that he can’t help taking it a bit overboard, though what 5 rounds are to you feels like child's play to him. that just being a small portion of how he really feels, if he wanted to, he’d probably spend days just fucking and filling you up non-stop.
~ although being someone so polite and well-mannered, all that decorum is left right at the door. make out sessions will become heated with his fangs wandering and hunting for the best place to dig into, marking your skin so much that he’s confident he claimed you as his own. malleus just loves seeing how much his touches can affect you, the imprint of his fingers still lingering on your neck from when he was gently squeezing it with your eyes rolling back as he repeatedly pounded you with his cocks.
~ for someone as loving and gentle as he is, it feels wrong with how sadistic malleus’ intentions sometimes seem to be. he won’t hesitate to suddenly shove your face into the mattress, brutally stripping you of any remaining innocence as he quietly praises how good you are to him. malleus really brings a whole new meaning to the term “mind-fuck”, drilling into both your body and your mind that he can only make you feel like this and that no one can pleasure you to the extent that he does.
~ he’ll forever love the sight of you pathetically crawling up to him, fumbling with his belt as you desperately try to get his dicks out of his pants, only for you to choke any time you want to suck him off. when you attempt to give him a blowjob, he surprisingly prefers just watching the sight of you get yourself off whilst trying to take him into your mouth more than the actual feeling of it. best believe if you become that horny to try this, he’ll rarely spare you a glance; instead, he’ll just continue reading his book until he finally looks down and sees you hopelessly lapping up all of his cum like a starving animal.
~ malleus would never humiliate you. more so, he just likes messing you up so much that you end up doing it yourself. getting so drunk on his words and body that you can’t resist but beg for him to fuck you full of his semen, being so limp and frail you’ll have to rely on him carrying you everywhere you go - which he’ll definitely be delighted to do, the sensation of your feeble grip on him as he guides you gently to bed never fails to make him smile.
~ of course, sex and foreplay come with his inescapable thirst for wanting to breed you. whether you can have kids or not, it doesn’t matter to him - he’ll pin your legs up to your chest and fuck into you so hard, relentlessly pumping his seed into you to the extreme that you start to believe that he might actually just miraculously bless you with his offspring. here is when his collected and calm facade starts to slip; he is so genuinely terrified of losing what he has with you, and if reminding you of who your boyfriend is is what it takes to keep you from leaving, then he will be more than willing to do it constantly.
~ sleepy sex will be a thing, so get used to it. or rather, you’re the sleepy one in the situation. god forbid you have a wet dream because he’s going to POUNCE. he always thinks of these instances as your mind subconsciously pleading for him to fuck you—and while that might actually be the case—he was gonna do it regardless. carefully pulling your delicate body towards him to avoid waking you before slowly slipping himself inside you. he can’t get enough of the way you writhe beneath him so helplessly, your eyelids fluttering as you involuntarily start to moan and whimper. when i say this man won’t let you rest, I MEAN IT. even in your sleep, he won’t give you any peace. gently thrusting into you when you begin to feel yourself start to awaken, his giant form looming over you in the darkness with your mewls growing louder by the second.
~ but overall this man is a sweetheart when it comes to sex (most of the time), only behaving in such a frantic way to display how much you mean to him, which is a lot. sex is definitely a big thing for malleus because it’s really one of the only ways he thinks a couple can truly express their love to each other. despite being a complete menace one day with all the marking and bruising he gives you - he'll always turn around and love you tenderly the next.
the malleus brainrot is REAL and its here to stay good lord im not called malleusfucker for nothing 
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mobbu-min · 2 years
☆ Pretty Boy ☆
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summary: in which, you're asked who you thought was the prettiest boy and not even a second later you respond with his name. unknowingly leaving him a flustered mess.
a/n: long time no see guys! but here's a little thing I worked on. school literally been beating my ass fr
characters: every housewarden
!tw! insecurities, grammar mistakes im too lazy to fix
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Riddle Rosehearts <3
⋆ Riddle's face erupts in a spectrum of red. He’s far too shocked to do anything other than stare agape at the wall.
⋆ Prettiest boy? Him?
⋆ Surely you must be joking. But, you sounded so convinced. You said so fast and bluntly, that surely it's not a joke. That you mean it, right? Right?
⋆ Either way, this boy does not know how to act. He’s going through all stages of denial and acceptance. He’s planning and unplanning how this could turn out for the both of you. He’s anxiously biting at his lip, picking at the loose threads of his blazer. Trying desperately hard to get back on track. Silently cursing(not really) you out for getting him off his game.
⋆ A part of him, a side he keeps hidden, deeply wishes that you meant it with all your heart. Because, he thinks you're very pretty too.
“Prefect, perhaps if you are not busy this coming weekend, you and I could get together.- What will we do? Well I planned a little stroll through the gardens, just you and I of course, and then after, we’ll get dinner- excuse me?…A-a date?! Am I asking you out on a date!?……..Well, if you’d be up to it, then yes. Yes I am.”
Leona Kingscholar <3
⋆ Leona knows he’s good looking. Annoyingly so.
⋆ But to hear you say he was the prettiest boy in all of NCR? Oh boy, his ego is twice its original size. (ha! take that vil!)
⋆ And no, he’s not smiling like a lovesick school girl because of you. Hell to the no. He just saw Malleus fall on his face, actually….SToP LoOKiNG At HiM!
⋆ Does he take your response as truth? Yes. Is he going to bring it up to you and embarrass you just for kicks and giggles? Absolutely, yes. Will he ever confess? ……probably, but first, call him pretty again.
“Pretty? Hmm, I’d prefer attractive, or down right smokin hot. But y’know, I don’t mind pretty if it’s coming from you. Hmmm? Don’t tell me my little herbivore is shy now? C’mon move those hands and let me see your pretty face.”
Azul Ashengrotto <3
⋆ This has to be one of Jade and Floyd’s pranks, right?
⋆ It was in fact not a prank, judging by the two background characters he’s never seen before.
⋆ Okay, it is confirmed that it is indeed not a prank. What now? Well obvi, stage two, embarrassment and quickly approaching stage three, denial!
⋆ Skipping those two stages, because for goodness sake Azul! Get a hang of yourself, man!
⋆ He quickly tries to think of a plan, a contract perhaps. Wait no, last time he tried that, you threatened to hide his cane and glasses. There has to be another way to…to…to….well, he’ll think of that later.
⋆ For right now, Azul is practically glowing in his seat.
“I couldn’t help but overhear, but tonight Monstro Lounge is having an event. Of course, you’re not forced to come, but I’d like to show a better side of me-I mean, my business! If you’ll allow it, that is.”
Kalim Al-Asim <3
⋆ Pretty! You just called him the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen! 
⋆ Kalim is over the moon, Jamil has to go and get him down, and practically bursting at the seams. It takes him everything not to glomp you into a bone crushing hug right then and there.
⋆ But he wants to be slow with how he approaches you. Wants to take his time and plan a nice quiet-Yeah like that actually going to happen! Kalim throws a large ass party, nobody knows what it's for besides Jamil, and of course you're the guest-of-honor!
⋆ All of your favorites are there! Everything you could ever hope for lovingly set out and planned for you. 
⋆ Kalim hopes this will express his feelings for you and show how happy your comment made him. If not, expect to be dragged in the middle of the party off to a magic carpet ride through the night sky.
⋆ You may be marveling at the pretty sky and stars, but Kalim’s eyes will never leave your pretty face.
“Wasn’t that fun! Let’s do it again! -What? You’re tired? Well that’s no good! Come on, let's have a sleepover. I promise you’ll have the best sleep of your life!- But first, mwah! A pre-good night kiss! Don’t worry there's plenty of more where that came from!”
Vil Schoenheit <3
⋆ Smug, if there was one word to describe Vil, it would be smug. 
⋆ Of course, you’d answer with his name! He is the fairest of them all! You were state fact! Nothing but the truth!
⋆ So, why does his knees feel so weak? Why does his face feel warm? And most importantly, why does his heart feel like he just ran a marathon? 
⋆ Well never mind that, Vil will not let your little praise get to his head and mess up his whole routine. And yet, as he readies himself for bed, Vil can’t help but linger on your words. Linger on the way your eyes softened and head shyly turned to hide in your shoulder. 
⋆ And then those feelings return and Vil can’t do anything to stop them. Like acne it infests his heart and turns it to a bloody red. However, unlike acne, Vil doesn’t want to get rid of it..
"My sweet potato, if you ever feel down, feel free to come to me for assistance. I would love to show you some latest skin and hair products for you to try. And I would be more than happy to demonstrate it for you. Hmm? Ace said that your skin has been looking like Riddle’s face? How rude of that unripe spudling, like he looks any better! Ahem, I mean, perhaps you’d like to take up the offer now then? I’ll be making smoothies.”
Idia Shroud <3
⋆ …pretty….you just called him pretty….system overloading…system crashed…pew…pew…pew…pew…sjdpsjsjlaoap
⋆ There's not a single response from Idia for like five minutes. People think he's a literal statue, birds even start building nests on him for crying out loud! It's that bad.
⋆ But once he gets his system loading properly, oh boy, he let's out the loudest, most high pitched, scream, you think he's getting murder(or seeing someone in the first time in months) He's a whole ass volcano fr.
⋆ He doesn't get it. He really really doesn't and now he thinks you're weird, like really fuckin weird. 
⋆ Because he's not pretty. Vils pretty, Mega super dragon boss is pretty, that blue hair normie you hang out with, he's pretty, hell even you, yourself, is pretty! But Idia?
⋆ Yeah, he's scheduling you an eye appointment asap.
⋆ Idia doesn't get you and he never will, at least not yet. He doesn't get what you see in him, why you thought he was the prettiest boy you've ever seen, but for some reason that night, when Ortho was charging and it was just him alone, he could finally look at himself in the mirror and not be repulsed with who looked back at him.
⋆ For once, he finally saw himself as Idia, the prettiest boy in your eyes.
‘A-are you available tonight? Eh? W-w-why?!....oh, ummm, there’s a new game that's coming out and I…I wanted to know if you wanted to be my player 2!’
Malleus Draconia <3
⋆ Hmm, how strange of you. You never cease to surprise him.
⋆ Malleus is used to being called a gallery of different names. He’s heard it all. Pretty being a rare one in the collection. He’s much more used to being called handsome, but pretty? Well, Malleus could get used to that. Especially if it's coming from you. 
⋆ Malleus is the one to confront you right after. Thank you for your kind words, ignoring the way his stomach fluttered and cheeks flushed, and promptly disappearing. He’s not sure what exactly to do with this...feeling. It's the first for him, so he finds himself thinking he might have gotten ill. Perhaps, your kindness is truly infectious, like Sebek says. 
⋆ However, do not fret! Papi Lilia is on his way to do whatever he does best!
⋆ Malleus is surprised, yet he isn’t in denial or flustered, he’s actually at ease. Relaxed really. Because he can finally put a name to this feeling that infects his heart every time you're around. He knows why his heart felt like it was on fire and why his knees felt weak. 
⋆ Because you have infected him, you've been cursed with a disease called love. A disease Malleus doesn’t mind living with as long as he stays the prettiest boy in your eyes. 
"You’re quite lovely yourself, my dear Child of Man. Stunning really. You put the stars to shame, the wonders of the Universe to shame, the most stunning jewels are nothing compared to the twinkling of your eyes. My dear, you say I’m pretty, however I believe you're down right gorgeous."
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ravenpunkofficial · 1 month
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✨He's Slaying✨
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loverofazul · 9 months
𝑯𝒖𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 Pt.7
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-Diasomnia Dorm-
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Malleus could feel his heart warming up at the soft touches you were giving him. His skin warmed up at the touches easily, never feeling such affection from someone before.
"You truly are a mystery, Human" The dragon mumbled against your forehead, arms circling around your waist.
With a hum, you easily placed a kiss against the males neck. "You are the same, My Dear"
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Lilia couldn't help but giggle as you placed little kisses against his neck. Your lips ticked his skin with each kiss you peppered on him. With another giggle, the tiny male brought his lips to your forhead--placing his own kiss there.
"Love you sooooo much, My little Fruit!" He cooed, burryng his nose into your hair.
Giggling at his tickles as he ran his fingers down your sides, you cooed back. "Love you soooo much as well, My Bat King!"
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Silver could barely keep his eyes open as he lay on your stomach. A yawn left his mouth once more, his hands clutching onto the fabric of your clothes. They were soft and comfortable, a good pillow with your warmth.
"Love.....you" He mumbled, eyes fluttering close, his mind finally succumbing to sleep.
Running your hands through his hair, you mumbled back. "Love you as well, My Sleeping Beauty"
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Sebek couldnt help the stiffness in his muscles as he laid rigid. Your head was rested on his chest, your hands gripping onto his biceps. His body heating up as he felt your fingers rubbing against his skin.
Letting out a shaky breath, the male tensely wrapped his arms around your form. "I.....I love you-you...."
"Love you too Darling, thanks for doing this with me" You mumbled sleepily, snuggling further into his chest.
Gulping, the male answered shakily once more. "Of-Of course"
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storiesofsung · 11 days
MALLEYUU HC 🐲🦐(artist!yuu)
“Queen’s Gallery”
I hc that artist!Yuu loves to paint beautiful subjects for her portraits (Malleus)
When she and Mal finally become an old married couple she decides to paint a l l of his royal portraits she doesn’t want any old painter taking up hours of her husbands time
In fact when the day does come she painted a portrait of her family (malleus getting a little upset when she not in it lmao)
Years and years pass and slowly her human life fades and all that’s left is her portraits. Malleus pouting that his precious wife is not in their family paintings, however their children point out that their mother’s memory continues to live. She lives through the memory of her art and the beautiful faces of her smiling family.
Bro when I learn how to draw properly I kinda wanna draw it 💔
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sorbetisfruity · 1 year
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Malleus: *throwing rocks at your window*
You: *opens window* Malleus, what are you doing?
Malleus: I wanted to talk to you, Child of Man!
You: Why didn’t you just use your phone?
Malleus: Oh..
Malleus: *throws his phone at your window*
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Mc tells Malleus about their world's New Year traditions. Maybe they also say how much they miss their own family/these traditions. Which would give Malleus an idea~
Malleus would invite Mc on a date on New Year's Day. On this date, he would have tried to do the traditions described by MC.
That would be cute. And when the year turns, you and Malleus would watch the fireworks together. Such a golden moment~
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xiaomainlmao · 1 year
Twst Dormleaders with a reader who fights very elegantly
Riddle Roshearts
He's amazed
Looks at you and your form very carefully and tries his best to appreciate even the tiny details
He knows that with his physical abilities, he most likely won't be able to do the same, but still asks you if you can teach him a trick or two
Gets the theory behind how it's done pretty quickly and due to his already strict nature, his posture is pretty good too
Can do some tricks to an extent, but gets tired very easily and needs constant breaks
If you praise him for getting something right, he'll internally scream "YES!" with the happiest Riddle face you could ever see
At the end, he'll thank you very sincerely and asks if he can assist you with something like studies in return
Leona Kingscholar
...are you trying to show-off?
Not very amused about it, in fact he compares you to Vil due to your elegance
Tbh i don't think he would care too much about how someone does their thing, as long as the job is completed
Wouldn't voice it, but he thinks you look really nice because your form is pretty clean
If he does voice it, he'll be very smug about it, calling you a "pretty but terrifying doll" and all, because unless you are really really close, he just wouldn't want to genuinely praise someone (or Ruggie's going to use it against him)
May want to fight you if he's in the mood, just to see "whether those pretty punches and kicks are actually worth flaunting"
Still, at the end he pats your back and says "that was a pretty good kick" and leaves before receiving a response
Azul Ashengrotto
"oh my..."
Yea he stares, very shocked and intrigued
If you ever ask him for a favour, he'll ask you to very patiently teach him a couple tricks
Isn't the fastest learner when it comes to physical activities, but it's alright
When you're teaching or showing him something, he's going to genuinely praise you by letting go of that businessman attitude of his (don't be fooled though, the businessman in him will return after your sessions are over)
He'll be letting his guard down for these sessions so please be patient with him, and don't tease him because he gets embarrassed easily
He does manage to learn some things, but it takes him some time
Thanks you for being patient with him and tells you to come over to Mostro Lounge whenever you require any sort of assistance
Will not openly admit it, but he makes less demanding deals with you, thanks to the soft spot he developed for you over your little sessions
Has those wide, shiny Kalim eyes when he sees your form for the first time
Praises you so much and doesn't stop until you're all red-faced and stuttering due to embarrassment
I feel like he's the type of person to use a lot of symbolism, so he will probably compare you and your fighting form to all sorts of things- from actual people to the stars in the sky
May ask you to teach him a thing or two, and depending on how easy or difficult it is, he may even be able to do a couple tricks
Adds it to the list of things he can praise you about, so whenever you feel bad or insecure about yourself, he's rambling about how much he loves the way you fight
Very, very, very supportive- he'll likely find out if there's anyone in his connections that can help you get even better
Just be a little careful if he's introducing you to someone, because he definitely will ramble about everything your good at, including how good you look and how strong you feel when you fight using those cool tricks where you look almost like you're dancing and—
Vil Schoenheit
Observes you and your style intently
Just like Riddle, he'll try to appreciate the tiniest of details in the way you fight
...and also to point out any posture errors since he's Vil "always being a perfectionist because nothing should be below his standards" Schoenheit
From the Beans Day event, we know he fights pretty elegantly too
So he'd be very happy to practice with you, whether it be doing warm-ups together or actually sparring
Helps you with any trick you find difficult, or corrects you if your posture is not up to the mark
Expects you to be strict with him as well, he can make use of some criticism (and he really appreciates it if you find a genuine, note-worthy flaw in his form, because he's not egoistic about having been taught by professionals)
Over all, I think he can appreciate your fighting style (with proper criticism included) the best since he also has a similar form, and spotting the little details is easy for him
Idia Shroud
Who or what are you? Yun Jin from genshin impact?? Nilou from genshin impact???
No wait you are rather strong, so perhaps Eula? (even though she's been promoted to npc as of version 3.7) Hell Shenhe or even male characters like Albedo or Ayato can be said to have elegant fighting forms.
In short, he just thinks you are like a well-developed, well-animated character from a video game meant to get high sales.
This man hates going out, so he most likely saw you fight either during p.e. that Ortho forced him to attend, or because he was lucky enough to be out and witness it
Will actually voice out his thoughts in disbelief, speaking rather quickly about how if you were a game character, everyone would spend on the game for you
Gets embarrassed right after though and starts fumbling over his words after he is done with his out-burst.
If he feels comfortable enough around you, will try to practice with you, pretending as though you are both imitating some cool game characters
(even if all the fighting skills and poses he practices will go down the drain if someone else were to witness it in an actual fight)
Malleus Draconia
Has probably visited the knights while they were practicing, but has never seen them even try to fight as elegantly as you can
Is very intrigued
He probably won't want to fight you though, unlike the others, unless you suggest it
It's not because he thinks you're weak or anything, he thinks you are very strong and capable (and beautiful while fighting)
He just doesn't want to hurt you or scare you away, since he's aware of his own strength
But if you're very keen on sparring with him, he'll indulge you
Is very attentive to your needs- if he feels like you need a rest, he'll tell you outright, if he notices that one of the forms could potentially harm you, will ask you to reconsider using it
He really admires you and won't be afraid to voice his fascination towards you and everything you do
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revasserium · 1 year
malleus; 818 words; fluff... btwn ch5 and 6 bc i can't stop thinking about malleus turning up to vdc cause mc invited him during one of his midnight walks
“hey! horns!”
“hm? are you still referring to me by that name, child of man?”
the night is dark and thick around you as you flash malleus a smile, leaning on your opened windowsill. at the lilt of your head, malleus pauses, going still as he watches you — so young, so naïve, so… unrelenting.
“what, you don’t like it?”
the prince is a thing of thorn and edge and cool, flickering green flame. still, something like amusement warms his chest as he turns, slow and then slower, his curiosity blossoming inside him like hunger, sharp and sweet. he wets his lips, whets his indelible curiosity against his better judgement and lets the curiosity win. briefly, he wonders if the sayings are true — that it might be a thing of murder, that it might hold so much power.
he takes three long steps towards your window. like this, he almost has to look up to meet your eyes.
“i don’t mind it.”
you laugh, the sound soft and feather-light in the velveteen night. it reminds him of the firefly lights — tiny and effervescent as they are, glittering still against the ever-encroaching darkness, mindless of their own futility.
“so… were you ever gonna tell me you were — what, the crown prince of briar valley?” and here, he finds you laughing again, as if this were some joking matter, as if his position weren’t pressed into the brittle of his bones, sewn into the rigid line of his shoulders, laced into the poison of his smile.
you slump down, resting your cheek against one of your folded arms.
“where is that, even?”
malleus allows himself something akin to laughter as well, letting the sound bubble through him. before he met you, he would’ve thought it felt like poison — roiling in the cauldron of his stomach, bitter and dangerous. but now, he thinks it might feel something like singing, the sound pouring from him, spilling out of him sweet tea or song.
“nowhere of consequence to you, child of man.”
“hm… so, it’s a secret, then?”
he finds himself oddly entranced by the teasing sweep of your lips, by the way your eyes are just a shade too bright. in them, he finds the crescent moon — he finds himself too, but not as he’s always pictured himself. to you, he’s just another student, tall and imposing and strange, but up until now, you’ve had no reason to think otherwise of him. and still, and still…
“not in the slightest.”
“so, show me.”
“would you like to see it, one day? i suppose it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.”
you brighten, impossibly. and malleus, not for the first time, finds himself held still by your excitement, by your unwavering trust. by your unassuming nature. has anyone ever looked upon him with such pure, wonderous hope? with not a hint of expectation or hesitation, not a thread of fear or trepidation?
no. he doesn’t think they have.
and yet, here you are, plain as the swinging, silver moon, cut across the star-strewn sky.
“i’d love to!”
“then i suppose you have to stay here long enough.”
“hm?” you cock your head at him and he find himself smiling.
“well, if you were to find your way back to that other world of yours… i might never get to show you briar valley.”
but to his surprise, you simply shrug, waving a hand through the air as if shooing off butterflies.
“oh, i’m not too worried about that. aren’t you like, the most powerful mage ever?”
malleus chuckles, fighting the urge to press a finger to his own lips, to swallow back the sound.
“one of, yes.”
you shrug again, propping your chin on the heel of your hand as your eyes travel up the length of his horns, and then back down again.
“then i’m sure you’ll find a way to bring me back for a tour of your hometown. it’ll be easy!”
malleus nods thoughtfully, watching as you cast your eyes up towards the cloudless sky. you point at the stars, exclaiming about some constellation or other, and he follows your gaze, leaning back against the cool brick of of the wall next to your opened window, letting your voice wash over him like water from a babbling brook.
yes, he thinks, he really would like to show you briar valley one day — be it tomorrow, or the day after. or, perhaps, years from now. still, it’s an invitation extended, and he’s not one to go back on his word.
and yes, he muses, if you were one day to find your way back home, he would find a way to bring you back, even if it took him the rest of his life to do it.
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dreamofjoys · 2 years
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟑 ‒ 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 , 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚
scenario: it has always been malleus's fantasies to fuck you raw in his half dragon form. now that he is in a rut, isn't it the perfect timing to fulfill his wish?
tw: unprotected sex, rough sex, double penetration (mal has 2 cocks), overstimulation, breeding
back to kinktober's 2022 masterlist
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"hnngh- mal! ah- right there please!" you moaned, relishing the way malleus is plunging on one of his cocks into your tiny hole. malleus had you laying on your stomach with one hand holding you down by your neck while the other pulls on your leg, making sure that they are spread apart so that he could fuck you properly.
each time malleus fucks himself into you, his other cock rubs onto your clit aggressively. the extra stimulation had you rolling your eyes, your sweet mouth repeatedly calls out to malleus, telling him how good you feel when he fucks you like this. malleus groans, loving the way you call out to him. do you love this particular spot that he is aiming right now? because he absolutely love that high pitch voice that you are making right now.
his black wings covers your entire body, making sure that this sinful sight of you is only reserve for his eyes. wrapping his tail around your other leg, he makes sure to spread your legs even further - as if you aren't already breaking into half - and increases his pace.
it wasn't long before your pussy clamps down onto his cock, hard, before orgasming and spilling your essence all over his cock. he continues to fuck you through your high, prolonging your orgasm even more. you grip onto the bedsheets tightly, letting out a silent scream as you attempt to lift yourself up to get away from his plunging cock. the pleasure was good yes, but you needed to rest awhile from all the stimulation. however, malleus does not care. his firm hold on your neck doesn't allow any room for you to move. you could only mewl under him and take whatever that he gives you.
with his cock still inside, he releases his grip on your legs as he flips you over, letting you face him. it is then you only realized how animalistic he looks. some parts of his arms, body and face were covered in black scales. his nails had turned into black coloured claws. his fangs are prodding on his lips while his green slitted eyes glowing brightly in the dark. his entire figure sparkles a little from the thin coat of sweat covering his body. since he has caged you with his wings, all you could see was malleus staring at you lustfully.
he positioned you in a way that your knees are pressed on your chest - but still displaying your breast in clear view - and your ankles beside your head.
"whatever i do, stay like this and always show your pretty pussy to me."
you felt something prodding at your already opened up hole, and you understood what malleus meant. he is going to shove another of his cock inside you. it's the first time he is fucking you with both of his cocks.
malleus rubs on your clit aggressively, distracting you from the pain as he attempts to sink his other cock inside you.
you started squirming, a little doubtful that it's gonna work. have you seen how big malleus is? taking both of his cocks is almost impossible.
malleus growls at your resistance. he leans forward, using his arm to press onto the back of your knees to keep you still while his tail wraps around your body.
with each inch cruelly sinking into you, you started crying, telling malleus that you can't take it.
"it hurts! too big!"
"you can do it, my love."
when he finally bottoms out, he starts moving his hips, fucking you with both of his cocks. your poor little hole was stretched so wide to accommodate malleus inside you. it was painful, but it felt so good that you started screaming his name. you gripped onto his horns tightly, feeling both of your bodies jolting upwards whenever he snaps his hips forward to meet yours.
"im- im com-coming again!"
"me too, love"
with that, both of you came together, painting each other with your essence. malleus's cocks pulses inside you, releasing his royal seed inside you. perhaps it's because he is a dragon, with both of his cocks coming, it was so much that it started leaking out of your hole.
malleus tsked, scooping up his cum and pushing it back inside you; as if you aren't already stretched wide and full. he slowly thrust his cum back inside you, wanting all of them to be embedded deep inside you.
while he was doing that, your mind had already gone blank. malleus had officially fucked you dumb on his cocks. his stamina is insanely crazy, and it very much seems like he can go for another round.
"my love, can you feel how deep my cocks are? can your hear how wet your cunt sounds and how im sliding both of my cocks at ease inside you? this cunt is mine, it's made to fit me inside. hm? why are you looking at me like that? you are my mate, of course it will fit."
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malleusfucker · 1 year
private study session
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i have a shit ton of uni work but is writing smut of this man more important i think so
i live and breathe for asshole malleus y’all don’t even understand that man is a smug bastard
synopsis: your grades have been plummeting. bad. so much so that if you don’t improve, you might have to end up retaking the yearーwhich you definitely don’t want. no matter how hard you study and revise by yourself, nothing seems to stick. that was until you built up the courage to ask your close friend, malleus, if he could tutor you.
warnings: smut/nsfw, degrading, choking, lowkey hate sex, overstimulation, unprotected sex, mating press, reader is afab but no gender or pronouns are explicitly specified
word count: 2.8k
“oh-ho? and what makes you believe that my time will not be wasted?"
“it won’t, i swear! …please, malleus, just this once. i might have to retake the year if i don’t improve.” you shifted your feet nervously, continuing your embarrassing attempt at trying to convince the dragon fae to lend you just a slither of his intelligence. you weren’t one to beg, but at this pointーyou had to. of course, being the only non-magic student to have miraculously enrolled into NRC, it was a given your grades would be subparーbut not to this extent.
"and we certainly don't want that, do we?"
malleus's tone was condescending, apparently relishing the sight of you pleading for his help in front of him. his lips curved into a grin, and he cocked his head to one side. “i mean… that would be unfortunate if you needed to repeat the year. i do enjoy the lessons i have with you, child of man.”
your eyes widened as if he were finally giving in to your wish, like a puppy seeing a treat for the first time. “then? then…!? will you help me, malleus?”
malleus seemed thoughtfully contemplative for a few seconds. you were sure you saw a glimpse of something in his eyes for a single second. something menacing.
“fine. i’ll accept your request, child of man. you’re quite the lucky one, you know? not everyone can say that they’ve had me as their personal tutor.”
personal tutor, huh? it didn’t sound bad when he put it like that.
it was 6 p.m. malleus agreed to assist you back at your own dormーwhich surprised you slightly, but you didn’t mind. if anything, it only meant that evening was about to be spent without any disturbances.
it became clear that malleus was going to spend hours tutoring you like he stated he would. you sat pitifully looking at the pages in front of you as he poured information into your ears that amounted to little more than background noise. he was in the seat next to you. his body, though, was stiff. with one leg over the other and his arms crossed, it felt like being lectured about how dumb you are. 
maybe this wasn’t a good idea.
but it was probably too late to back out of it now.
“are you ignoring me, child of man?”
as you heard his fingers snap at you, you quickly brought your eyes back into focus to see a face brimming with frustration and irritation.
“were you even paying attention to a single word i said?”
malleus was furious. with a tone laced with something much more than frustration, you knew you messed up big. the words that came out of his mouth only made the hairs on your arms prick up, feeling your mouth get dry as he leaned in close to your face, seeing the rage in his expression ever more clearly.
he was close. too close. you were so uneasy that you were certain he would smite you on the spot if you said something stupid.
“yes..! i swear i was malleus!”
you felt his stare burn right through you, feeling as though he’d bite off your head any second. all that you could hope was that if you said “yes” enough, maybe he’d let you off easier.
that wasn’t the case.
“am i boring you? is a human’s time for daydreaming more important than mine?”
you started to shake in your seat, your heart in your throat.
“you have a lot of nerve, child of man. taking my generosity for granted, really, you are bold.”
he drew even nearer until his face was almost brushing yours. all you could do was tremble and pray that he wouldn't actually murder you at this very moment. suddenly feeling paralysed, you couldn't even gather the energy to defend yourself.
he pressed a finger on your foreheadーhardーwatching you practically unravel in front of him.
“what will it take, child of manーfor you to listen? how can we make the time left today not utterly pointless?”
he remained far too close to your face for your liking. whilst your body was about to give way any second, you couldn’t help but feel your face heat up for some strange reason. you’ve never seen malleus so close up before, it was almost an honour. you wanted to shake these stupid, borderline dangerous thoughts away, but you almost felt in awe at the anger he was expressing to youーas bad as that was.
“hoh? got nothing to say? heh, it’s almost as if you’re trying to anger me. you’re certainly the first to do such a thing, child of man.”
he moved his finger from off your forehead to your jaw, resting it under your chin as he slowly tilted your head up to look at him. you gave him a glazed-over look. it was as if every single thought in your head suddenly turned off, rendering you speechless and still. feeling his finger touch underneath your chin, you couldn’t help but sweat, your face becoming more flushed by the second.
“hmm, your face is heating up. am i embarrassing you, child of man?”
malleus was. 
but even with all that embarrassment that was thoroughly washing through your entire body, you could sense a faint sensation of excitement starting to bubble. were you the masochistic type? did you actually enjoy getting humiliated by him? perhaps not, but seeing him get so riled up over youーhis face inches away from your ownーhey, maybe dying at the hands of someone like him wouldn’t be…too bad.
though, in the end, you could never hide things from malleus. if he couldn't detect your excitement from your face, something else revealed it for you. the slits in his eyes thinned, he glared at you. he could smell, ever so slightly, a hint of your arousal.
“...my. do you have a death wish?”
as soon as those words left his lipsーyou blinkedーsuddenly finding yourself having been thrown onto your desk, your back slamming onto the hardwood.
you gasped as you abruptly came out of your trance and felt him securely hold your legs as he towered over you. malleus wasted no time in entertaining those lewd thoughts your body was so clearly showingーwith a simple snap of his fingers, your clothes vanished and fell beside you. to say you were shocked to see this sudden change in him would be an understatement. you couldn’t tell what he was thinking, with how fast everything was moving, you could say he was eager butーwith that expression…
it looked as if your mere presence disgusted him.
malleus slid his hand up over your neck, wrapping his long fingers around it before slowly squeezing as he spoke.
“heh. child of man, give me one good reason why i shouldn’t kill you right here.”
your body was shaken to its core. that voiceーthat sentence alone made you feel faint. you pathetically flailed your arms around, weakly trying to release the grip he was slowly tightening on your neck. the pressure around your throat distracted you from how vulnerable you looked under him right now. naked and shiveringーmalleus started to grin and leaned close to you, gently planting a kiss on your forehead. it was strange. the kiss felt so soft on you, yet the pain you felt merely inches away couldn’t have been more different.
he laid tiny wet kisses down your forehead and jaw before snatching his other hand and slipping it between your legs, gently teasing your wet folds. something about the contrast between his touch and his kisses made you melt; you felt yourself slump lower and lower onto the desk as you embarrassedly leaked all over it. “...malleus- i’m- i’m sorry-” you wheeze, still trying to release the vicious hold he had on your neck.
his face stayed close to you, and he suddenly licked a long stripe up your neck and jaw. the sudden sensation made you twitch, moaning slightly at how warm and wet his forked tongue felt against your bare flesh.
“it’s all too late to apologise now.”
“tutoring you was an utter waste of time. now, i’d much rather try something else.”
before you could even attempt to reply, he let his hand from your neck free. you gaspedーsuddenly feeling your naked, trembling body be dragged to the edge of the desk. your mind was racing so much that you failed to hear the sound of his belt suddenly slamming against the ground. you stared off at the ceiling, your lip quivering. the whole thing seemed like a dream, albeit a strange one. your rational mind refused to accept the reality of the situationーbut your body...had never felt so hot before. it felt unbearable; you needed to be relieved. and luckily, malleus was there, leaning over with his gaze searing through you evermore.
he forcefully propped your shaking legs up against his waist with one hand, immediately snatching your face to make you look at him. however, for a moment, it looked as if he had forgotten what had led you two to be in such a predicament and simply loomed over you, staring at you. his gaze almost switched to a softer one, feeling the urge to gently caress your cheek. though that was quickly discarded, and immediately that familiar look of disgust soon reappeared on his face.
malleus moved his hips closer to yoursーfinally feeling his hard erection brush against your twitching core; you wincedーwishing you could throw your arms around him and bring him even closer to you.
malleus, however, was not in the mood to be so courteous to you and certainly didn't want to take up any more time than had already been lost.
without any preparation, you suddenly felt malleus drive one of his cocks into you. you screamed out, feeling him sliding and bottoming out of you with just one thrust. swiftly, with three of his fingers then violently thrust into your mouth, you gagged and choked, tears beginning to spill down your cheeks, 
“bite down. good students know not to be noisy.”
you tried to pathetically choke out to malleus that it was too muchーyour body shook and convulsed from the agonising splitting pain of his long, hard cock bullying its way into you, poking and prodding at your cervix. you sank your nails into the desk, biting down hard on his fingers as he pushed and slammed his hips into you, your cries for help becoming louder by the second. within minutes of him thrusting into you, you felt pressure rapidly build in your stomach, causing you to clench and squeeze against him. 
“oh? what’s this? don’t tell me you’re going to cum already?”
you wailed, but his insulting remarks just made you feel worse about your own increasing arousal. still choking on his fingers, you nodded frantically when you then felt sharp cramping throughout your body as if you were about to cum. he swiftly slipped his fingers out while he was still thrusting into you just so he could hear your pitiful cries. 
you felt your body shudder against the desk as a wave of scorching hot pleasure swept over you, pouring and seeping down onto the hardwood under you. you tried to catch your breath, gagging and choking as you already felt so sore and painful from just one orgasm. but it was obvious that malleus wasn't through with you just yet. it was, if anything, just the start.
he gave you time to calm down, your breath slowly easing as you shut your eyes, thinking this torture had reached its end. 
of course, malleus would not let you off that lightly. his rage persisted and seeing you believe that this punishment was over just made him more spiteful.
he leaned in, his breath hot, “i’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself. now put your arms around me.” his tone was once again mocking, but this time it felt more serious, like everything you did would simply enrage him more.
he suddenly forced you into a mating press, your legs wedged up against your chest as you struggled to wrap your trembling arms around his head. you cried out and started to think that your body wouldn’t be able to handle thisーthat he might actually break you.
as he started to softly drive into you, drawing more weak and muffled groans from your lips, your hands connected to the base of his horns, clutching and scraping your nails across them. he started off slow, almost giving a relaxing quality to his thrusts as he softly kissed your forehead and smiled sweetly against your face, much to your surprise. your body relaxed as a result of his sudden shift in attitude, enjoying the fleeting moments of him lovingly moving his hips against yours, which were only going to abruptly come to an end.
your eyes were closed, not being able to see the horrific smile malleus suddenly had across his face. you assumed that the strange sadistic side of him had long since vanished, as evident by your voice becoming moans of pure pleasure rather than of pain. regardless of his disposition, he enjoyed seeing you this way. seeing how you moaned so quietly and softly only made the urge to completely ruin you that much stronger.
“are you enjoying this?”
you slowly opened your eyes, malleus still gently pushing into you as you lazily nodded, whimpering as the pleasure inside you continued to become greater. “mmm…malleus. it feels so good…don’t stop.” 
“heh. so you think you can tell me what to do? your disrespect truly knows no bounds.”
your growing sense of pleasure abruptly gave way to a dreadful fear as he pushed your legs higher onto your chest and over his shoulders, making it clear that he was absolutely certain you couldn't get away. not understanding what he meant, your lip began to quiver, only for him to rid you of your confusion by suddenly thrusting into you aggressively. you screamed out, tears soon welling in your eyes again as he gave you no time to acclimate to the sudden pace. he licked his lips, savouring the view of you struggling and wailing underneath him as he gradually began to envelop your neck with his fingers. he hovered his face close to yours, sticking his long, forked tongue out before sloppily kissing your lips, still continuing his ruthless pace. you groaned under him, feeling yourself beginning to choke from both his tongue and his fingers, which were slowly beginning to squeeze your throat once again.
it was all far too muchーyour vision starting to blur, and all of your senses drowning and bleeding into one another as he kept pounding his thick cock into you, causing you to harshly grip and pull his hair. 
he immediately drew his face back and tutted at you, but seeing the way your eyes began to roll into the back of your head only made him want to quicken his paceーif it was even possible. 
“haha…perfect. so perfect…”
the words coming out of his mouth didn’t make sense. he was praising you yet abusing you with every thrust and squeeze of your body, not even giving you a chance to cry out as your head slowly began to feel faint. all of the pain and pleasure made you lose your mind, feeling your orgasm approaching rapidly as he started to lick and nip at your ears. 
he throbbed and twitched inside of you and felt his own climax begin to rise, eventually making the decision to be generous enough and remove his vice-like grasp from around your neck. you gasped and cried out, finally able to breathe and mewling as a result of his cruel touch. 
“malleus...ーpleaseーit’s too…ーmuch... ’m gonna-” he smiled at your pleas, pressing your legs harder against your chest, allowing him to thrust even deeper into you.
“heh, are you going to cum? haha…then do it. cum for me.”
it seemed as if he had put you under a spell with how immediate and intense your orgasm was, your walls clenching down on his throbbing cock with tears dripping down your chin. you felt the sensation of hot, burning pleasure wrack through your body once again, not even hearing your own screams from how strong it was.
malleus didn't even allow you to come down from your high. instead, he kept pushing to reach his own climax, feeling his body start to shudder and throb as he kissed you. “i’m…close…you’ll allow me to cum inside of you, won’t you? i know you will.” 
you didn’t even care anymoreーyour legs continued to shake and tremble as you feebly nodded with your eyelids flickering. it seemed like malleus would fulfil his word, for a few seconds later, he let out a moan as he unleashed and pumped copious loads of white cum into you, causing you to whimper as you felt him completely fill you up.
his breathing evened almost immediately. wiping the sweat from off your face, he delicately slid his cock out from inside of you to admire his work, gazing at the way your body jerked with his cum spilling and gushing out of your abused hole.
“heh. maybe tutoring you every week won’t be so bad after all.”
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