#makes me really happy that ppl enjoy my art and it bringing ppl a little joy <3 <3 <3
crow-person · 22 days
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save a horse ride a cowboy !!!!
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support-ponies · 2 months
MOD PAGE (mobile friendly)
🐶🐕MOD KIBA!!! ☕🍩
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Heyo!!! I am KIBA! You might know me more as Typhwosion! I am she/her but I don’t really care what pronouns ppl use for me. I made this blog to try and make peoples days a bit easier with cute and happy ponies~ I love doggies and coffee and plushies! My favorite ponies are Applejack and Maud and Trixie and I love RariJack💖 I hope I can make your life a bit brighter with my silly drawings~ My husband is Mod Dynamo! Here’s my carrd to all my other socials and here’s all the art i’ve made on this blog. ૮⍝• ᴥ •⍝ა 💖💛💙
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I’m Dynamo and I’m here to support the sweetest girl in the world with some Arty McArt™ and stuff. I like cats, video games, and cheese (not necessarily in that order.) My favorite pony is also Maud. If you like my art, get ready to not see much of it here if ya dare. (And here is all the art he’s made on this blog) ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
And here are all the collab art we’ve done together, Dynamo usually does the sketches for these and I ink and color them.
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Howdy everypony! I’m one of the new mods, you can call me Mori!
I use He/Him and I’m transmasc + bisexual andddd my favorite ponies of the mane 6 are Fluttershy and Pinkie, though my heart truly lies with Luna. You know how it goes. My sona is named Astral Beryl and I’m hoping to become a geologist and/or voice actor, but for now I draw ponies because… Well I really love to! I hope they can help brighten your day!
Also as a note my art style is going to be… Wildly inconsistent and I apologize beforehand if certain pieces aren’t as nice as others. Such is the way of art and wanting to try new things like drawing more consistently.
o/ Stay hydrated party ponies! Hope to see you around!
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Hello everypony! I’m Pixel, also known as @fruitypieq :3
I use he/they/lun/luna and my ponysona, Night Peak, uses she/he/they. My favorite ponies are Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance, and of course Sunset Shimmer too!
I am not sure what else to put here but I’m very excited to be here, its nice to meet all of you! I’m excited to start drawing your requests and I hope I can help make your day even a little better!
If you enjoy my art you can find more of it on my main blog, or on my art blog, @fruitypieq-art! Have a wonderful day everypony!
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Hiya! I’m Mod Willow! I use any pronouns and so does my ponysona, Cece! I’m intersex, intergender, transmascfem and lesbian. I am currently trying to get into school to become a therapist but art is one of my biggest passions! I love helping and inspiring people so I hope my art can do that for you all <3
I love all the ponies but my very favorite is Princess Luna, and my favorite out of the Mane Six is probably Fluttershy. I’ve been in the fandom for about 12 years and I’m very happy to be contributing to it in any way I can!
Have a lovely day and stay mindful!
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Hi everypony, I’m mod applejack! I’m a 22 year old mlp superfan who has a special passion for G1 although all gens have a place in my heart. I love to cook, read, and draw for others. My other special interest besides mlp is beekeeping; I’m actually a certified beekeeper myself! I’m so happy to become a part of this amazing blog and support those who need it<3
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Hi all! I’m a new mod here! I go by Fae or Faeling, and my pronouns are she/her. I’m a 30 years young autistic artist who has a love for helping bring positivity to others! ✨
I currently haven’t made my ponysona so it’s still in delvelopment but when it’s done I’ll be sure to edit and add it in this post!
My favourite generation is Gen4 and my favourite MLP is Fluttershy! I love how gentle she is and her love for animals, it matches my personality so well!💕
I am happy to be here, I have a love for drawing positive art, as I do the same on my own social media’s art accounts but not just MLP characters, all sorts of different cartoon and anime characters with positive quotes!
I’ve always wanted to help others in some way and doing things like this has always made my heart feel like I’m doing something good in the world, you all deserve encouraging and positive words to get through your days! 💕
If you end up liking my art, you can always find me at @faelingmagic on tumblr or all my other socials at http://linktr.ee/faelingmagic
I look forward to drawing for you all!
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
ik your requests are closed but if you have time n feel up to it, could you write a fic, blurb or even just head canons about how Frank would celebrate you and your birthday? Hes seems like the “anything you want is yours” kinda guy, even if it’s getting coffee then spending the day at home he would still make it special. Its my birthday haha and i dont want a big celebration just a low key day doing little things i love with the ppl i love. Omg this is sappy hahah but yeah if you have the time, thank you!! And I totally understand if you dont ❤️❤️
-Max 💥
my fic requests are currently closed, but i'd be more than happy to whip you up a little birthday treat! i'm gonna go with a headcannon if that's okay bc I have a lot of thoughts about frankie & birthdays I don't think I can properly translate into a blurb right now so please find my rambling below the cut :)
frank castle & your birthday
frankie strikes me as someone that is a hopeless romantic at heart, and I feel like his love language is physical touch but also acts of service. I think we've seen that he pays a huge attention to detail, so he might not go like all out for your birthday, especially if he knows you prefer something small and intimate, but he would definitely make sure it felt special
he would probably start by taking you to your favorite coffee shop, getting you a little birthday breakfast treat with your coffee, and it would probably be the one time he doesn't criticize your drink order (he definitely thinks plain black coffee is real coffee) or comment on how much espresso you added to it (i'm on that pedro pascal shit myself, & I know the only time frankie wouldn't give me shit about it is my birthday bc he's legally required to be extra nice that day)
"you're gonna be hoppin' around like the goddamn energizer bunny with all that. it's your day though. get what you want, sweetheart."
he would insist that you sit down at one of the cute little tables so you can enjoy your coffee and little breakfast together, while you try to get hints from him about what he has planned (he'd resist as long as he could but it's really hard for him to say no to you)
I could see him taking you to do something that you had been begging him to do for awhile. something he kept putting off, or there wasn't time, or he acted like he didn't wanna go, but really he was just saving it for your special day. maybe a trip to an art museum, the aquarium, some botanical gardens, or the zoo even
or maybe a romantic stroll through central park. he'd bring a blanket and your favorite book, let you cuddle up in his lap as he read to you, play with your hair and point out all the cute dogs you saw to each other
even though he'd already gotten your birthday gifts weeks ago, he'd take you to your favorite store and let you pick out anything you wanted
"what? i'm not allowed to spoil my girl on her birthday? if that's a crime, it sure ain't the worst one i've ever committed."
as far as the evening, I see it going two ways: frankie either makes a reservation at your favorite restaurant and invites your closest friends and family to keep it intimate, or he surprises you with a special dinner he cooked himself (your favorite meal) along with a homemade birthday cake (it might not be the prettiest, but it would be delicious) because we know frankie can throw down in the kitchen
if you went out for dinner, he would insist on giving you your gifts & card at home because they're special and sentimental and he's shy when it comes to things like that, and he likes it better when those moments just consist of the two of you
if you had dinner at home, he would roll his eyes when you begged him to sing you happy birthday, but he would oblige because he can't tell you no
"alright, fine. but you're patchin' up your own ears when they start bleedin'. you know I can't sing for shit."
he would ask you several times throughout the day if you were having a good birthday, because he wants to make sure that you are because he thinks you deserve nothing less than as close to perfection as he can provide
he'd also continuously tell you how pretty he thought you were and how much he loved you and how lucky he felt to get to spend your special day with you
I could see him putting your favorite song on and asking you to slow dance with him in the living room to it, drawing out every single minute of your birthday all the way up to 11:59 and making sure you spent every second of it feeling loved and special
"today's one of my favorite days. know why? cause it was the day you were brought into this world, and I think that deserves a goddamn celebration. happy birthday, sweetheart. I love you."
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fangirltothefullest · 10 months
this is long:
you said your father's profession was/is to be a clown. i want to tell you i have a huge respect for him. i don't know the person he is, so i'll just be speaking in regards of his career.
one of the most heart-warming moments in my life was thanks to a clown. i always get so excited when i see one in town, but i never approach them because i'm embarrassed of my childish behavior.
one day i was feeling so bad, had multiple meltdowns before that day. i went to town and i gasped loudly, started bouncing and giggling in excitement when i saw a clown making sword balloons. i tried to keep walking but he called me and came to me SO excited! he started talking about how it was his joy and motivation to see my type of reaction. it was his bday that day and he was working, he wanted to GIFT me two balloons (a cute puppy and flower) and i had to pay him because like, i couldn't not pay him even if they were gifts.
he told me my smile and excitement was adorable to see, that it was because of people like me that he was still working after 30+ years of being a clown. i almost cried because he made my day so much better and he told me i made his day better too <3
he made me realize that me being childish is not something to be embarrassed about, that my genuine smile and excitement can bring happiness to others. i kept the balloons for as long as i could, safe in a shelf.
this little story is to thank your father for the work he did/does. there literally isnt a career that is so sweet and kind (besides ppl helping animals), i shall continue to approach clowns in town. the one time i went to a local circus was the best time ever, the clowns were hilarious and super nice ppl to hang out with before the show. ppl who do circus are literally so friendly and hardworking like???
i hold huge appreciation for clowns! keep up that amazing art and no clown shall be disrespected on my watch!!! >:(
My father is no longer clowning but he loved it when he did! He went to clown college cor it and he travelled to many different countries! I know how to balloon animals because of him!
He took care of tigers and elephants and had a routine where they would announce a terrible beast was about to arrive and everyone should be careful and then his trained ducks would come out!
He has since become a teacher but he performs .agic trucks for the kiddos and I grew up with him coming to my classrooms to do magic tricks.
I find no profession more joyous, needed and honorable than that of a Clown. A true clown has a code to work by too- no clown shall deliberately scare someone. If they do ita not really clowning. The whole point is to make people laugh and if kids don't want to approach or are scared, the clown stays distanced so the kid can enjoy the show or the magic but they don't have to get close.
I understand people being nervous about the makeup, I understand being nervous around someone in costume (I'm that way with mascot suits, though furauits ironically don't bother me).
But all those scary clown movies ruined clowning for so many people who see even a happy friendly real professional clown and get scared or worse, angry at the performer, when all they want to do is make people laugh!
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walkiingcandle · 2 years
Hello there! Can u do an Otis, bubba, Thomas, baby, Vincent, and Bo headcannon on how they'd react to a Halloween obsessed partner? Like, decorating first day of September, making a bunch of sweets, refusing to wear summer clothes while it's still baking outside, (basically me rn). (Also I don't remember if u said any1 from the chucky franchise in ppl u write but if u can add tiffany thay would be cool)
I am currently decorating my bedroom for Halloween LMFOAHR but I'm the same way😭
ANYWAYS,,,, here's your Headcannons :)! I hope you enjoy <3!
Slashers X Halloween Obssesed! Reader
🎃(Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Tiffany Valentine!)🕯
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Otis Driftwood 🍂
Otis and you have a mutual love for the spooky season!
He frequently finds you in the kitchen, Halloween themed utensils and apron making some sort of spooky theme treat !
he enjoys the Frankenstein rice Krispy treats :)
He won't help you make the halloween decor but he will help put them up!!
He makes you spooky theme art!
The first time he seen you wearing fall clothes in the Texas heat, he ignored it, it is your choice after all
that's until you have a heatstroke
he cares a little more, fearing for that to happen again.
you and him will makes costumes together :)
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Baby Firefly 🍁
Another one who would be a amazing Halloween partner :)
Unlike Otis she would help you make decorations and sweet treats!
she enjoys replicas of the Pillsbury Halloween cookies !!
you two would make spooky decor out of old toys and hang then around the house!! both inside and out :)
now for the outfits,,
she would be concerned but wouldn't wanna make you feel bad so she would hold off, maybe keeping water and something to cool down with on hand:) (like a wet wash cloth!)
defo more concerned than otis
the moment you have a hear stroke? she will try and convince you to wear something lighter :)<3
11/10 love her fr
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Bubba Sawyer 🎃
sweet boy
I feel the Sawyers didn't go above and beyond for holidays, kinda the bare minimum
so when you came along?
and you loved Halloween?
bubba may not understand at first but he supports it! till it gets really spooky :(
he will help you make decor out of bones and anything else! :)
he will also help you place them somewhere where you may not be able to reach yourself!!!
he l o v e s helping you bake treats
his favorite is blood brain pie (food dyed red apple pie:))
he gets very very concerned with how you dress in the heat!
will try to pursue you into something cooler so you do not pass out during chores or through the day!
10/10 love him sm
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Thomas Hewitt 🔪
Another supportive slasher!!
he would l o v e coming back and seeing you Making something on the kitchen or crafting a new decoration!
The family may not let you go all out in the rest of the house tho :( a few nick nacks are okay!
Thomas would love if you went all out in your shared bedroom :)
he is happy if you're happy
loves sewing you little pumpkins or ghosts
loves making you things in general
in his free time he helps you bake
his favorite would probably be zombies breath (blue drink w dry ice in it) <3
he loves watching old Halloween films with you
would be extremely concerned with your attire in the texas heat
water and cool rag on hand 24/!
12/10 I love love love love love him<3333
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Vincent Sinclair 🕯
He isn't a huge Halloween fan, he enjoys the more calms holidays ! (valentines, Easter, ect.)
but he loves that you enjoy it so much :)
definitely helps you with decorations as much as he can, not knowing how many they had lying around
I doubt the sinclairs had decorated much anyway :(
he'd make you spooky themed wax figures, paintings, drawings, ect!
he loves when you bring him down your newest batch of spooky treats!
his favorite is probs cookies as well :) keeping it simple!
Ambrose I believe chills off around fall so your attire don't really concern him!
he wears the same thing like sigh
if it doesn't
he may get worried
even though he wears that sweater 24/7 around hot ass wax🙄
9/10 -1 bc he has no room to talk abt attire during hot weather (love him tho mwah<3)
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Bo Sinclair 🕸
he doesn't really like Halloween as much as you do
it's kinda like "okay? cool?" kinda mood with it
would not help you make decor or sweets
would eat the sweets tho and hang the decor (if you asked nicely)
his favorite sweet is probably booberry pie !!
he enjoys when you make him something and bring it down to the station
he will watch any spooky film they have on vcr with you! nice beer, you cuddled up to him, a film playing? sounds nice to bo
he won't really care about your attire he wear long sleeves all the time so it don't matter to him
7/10 for not making treats and decor:(
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Tiffany Valentine 🕷
she loves Halloween and you can't tell me different.
will make sweets and help decorate the trailer with you :) even tho the place is basically decorated for Halloween all year round!
she loves seeing you make some sort of new spooky dish or beverage
her favorite is probs witches brew (drink)
she would take you Halloween costume shopping and watch movies with you !
she dont really care about the fall clothes !
it seems to get fall weather where she is based so she thinks it is a good thing!
11/10 love Tiffany sm omg mwah <3
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I'm sorry if these weren't what you wanted :( I tried my best but I hope you enjoyed and thank you for sending this in 💗 have a good spooky season!!!🪰
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blushedfemme · 5 months
Hi, fresh new anon here.
I just want to say I like a lot (most of) your posts and I enjoy reading everyone's asks too.
I nervous/embarrassed to even say so so I don't know why I am, but I'm in the 30's and I feel like I need urban dictionary open over half the time to understand all the different terminology and types of butches.
I thought it was just butch. Turns out it's like Pokémon and there's a dozen types 😅.
When I was figuring myself out (and I don't even think I have tbh), living where I do and with the information available to me, there was just butch and femme. If you were femme it was lipstick and that was all the terms I knew.
I've been in the community for half my life but there's so many terms I don't know or where I fit. Just makes me feel a little dumb I guess. I sort of put myself in the butch box but I never really felt quite there. Certainly not femme. Just not, I don't know, not strong enough or handy enough or whatever it is that "butch" was supposed to be when I was exposed. I'm like, butch lite? Like, I can hang up a picture on the wall for you and put together IKEA furniture but I can't go build you a whole new dresser with all my tools in the garage or whatever. Like I never unlocked the full subscription or something 🤣. And I don't know if there's terms for that or if girls like that. I'm just only 'sort of good' at all the things I think a butch should be really good at in my head. Jack of all trades master on none deal.
I don't have muscles like all these pictures I keep seeing and I'm a little bit rounder than I'd like. Got the chivalry part down though cuz that just feels like basic human decency.
I don't know. I like seeing all the positivity and love here. Maybe you've got some advice or some useful links or info or something to help a not-quite-butch out?
(The main point, besides, is I still enjoy it here and you are pretty awesome. (And also just pretty😳))
Sorry for the book 😅
okay i’ve been sitting on this ask a moment bc i want to give you the answer you deserve 🥺💞💓
firstly, i am so honored that you enjoy my blog and find it a positive and loving space!! i have SO much love for millennial butches, i mean i’m on the cusp of millennial and gen-Z myself but anyway. butches who are in their 30s and early 40s, i feel a special kinship and appreciation for you. social media queer spaces are super different from irl queer spaces, and the landscape shifts so fast i have a hard time keeping up, too. it’s absolutely okay to feel overwhelmed by the sudden proliferation of identity terms and to not be sure where you fit! even younger ppl who are less online feel the same way.
as for the other part of your ask… i could sit here and recycle the rote platitudes you see in positivity posts, that butches don’t have to be muscular, butches don’t have to be thin, butches don’t have to be able-bodied and capable of building a fucking house or whatever with their bare hands, in order to be butch. all very true! but you’ve probably heard them before and to me they fall a little flat.
so here’s what i’ll tell you instead: when i think of butches, i think of softness. 99% the butches i’ve met irl are not thin and muscular and hyper-masc. the fact that these images STILL dominate art and imagination around butches confounds me. when i daydream up a butch in my head and rotate them in the mind (as i often do) they’ve got a soft round middle, and a soft face, and soft, warm hands. they’re not chopping up wood or building me a table, they’re bringing me a cup of tea and checking in on me, they’re telling me about their latest LEGO build, they’re reading out loud to me from their favorite book. they’re chivalrous and goofy and kind. they wear button-downs with silly patterns and logo tees and hoodies and sweats. i’ve seen people call themselves a “soft butch” and if that resonates then that’s wonderful, call yourself what makes you happy, but to me butchness is soft. it may have a hard shell sometimes, out of necessity and out of pride, but underneath butch is always so beautifully, achingly soft. and it’s not about being super ‘handy’ or whatever, though that’s nice and all, that’s not what defines butch to me. i think if you feel butch, then you are, and if you love femmes and other butches, and you know in your heart that the butch role suits you, then that’s all you need in order to be butch. ❤️
i wish i had some links off the top of my head for some good genuine inclusive butch positivity, i know it’s out there. if you’d like to, please send another ask with a few specifics of what you’re looking for (essays? articles? books? videos?) and i will gather what i can!
thank you for sending this ask 🥰 my biggest goal with this blog (besides being horny) is to make butches feel welcome and safe and seen, and i’m so glad you’re here 💖💗💕
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leixo-demo · 11 months
ive been following your art for a while now on here & then on ig & it brings so much joy to my heart, ik a lot of people have already said the same thing but it really makes my day to see new art from you (splatoon or anything else) your style is just wonderful & your take on every character is so good <3 if questions are okay, who is ceviche? i feel like you’ve already said who she is somewhere so i have a little bit of an idea.. but i think she looks really cool, do you have a story for her?
Thanks pal! it makes me happy that ppl enjoy what I do
Yeah so, ceviche is kinda my old cringy oc fanchild of Diss-pair.
She a kind and calm gal that enjoys crafting and skate boarding with her papa (ikkan), she's an inktoling but I rather refer to her as "hybrid", they aren't impossible just uncommon since in real life octopus and squid are completely different species. She has more aspects to Warabi, being fully octoling expect for two tentacles (she has 10 limbs in total, 8 arms and 2 tentacles)
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She speaks somewhat fluent Patagonian language because her dad and her uncle (Ichiya) taught her during the years despite that her first language is Haikara inkling and has no idea of octarian unlike her dad.
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They currently left Diss-pair project aside, Warabi still works as a sound producer/Dj and Ikkan is more absorbed into his personal poems and writing lyrics for songs
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willowser · 1 year
Hey hey Willow heyyyy ✨ I'll apologize in advance for coming with silly tots only!
But you know when you admire someone and you like the way they think and everytime they say something you're like !!!!!!!! YES EXACTLY!!! and you giggle at silly lil things they've said or how they've said them cause it makes you feel so pffttt 💓 and you live up in your silly lil head like ah yes I'd love to be their friend, and all that?
I know you know where I'm going lol but yeah that's how I think of you because I apreciate you and what you do so!! much!! and it's insane? I mean cause I'm just an internet peep (lol) and we dont know each other and that's wild to my silly lil head!!!
Art and love for it can do so much I'm sighing big sighs.
I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for sharing what you do and the way you do it and and and for being so kind as you do it. And yeah also I'll go to war, bake a cake and even do the laundry for you.
Also sorry I'm being so INTENSE!!! And basically writing a love letter under candle lights lmao I just never do this talking to ppl I think are cool kinda thing lol
I hope you have a great day/night forever and ever. Mwah!
oh, my heart and my soul — you are so correct !! art and the love for it !! how it connects across this great big world, across time-zones and reservations and insecurities and blooms fully in the great volume of our joy !!! you mean so much to me. you really, truly do.
you know, it's not just about our fanfiction, our blorbos and our 2d men and even our little stories; it's about the community and the love it brings ! especially in the wake of my little upset LOL my heart is so full at those of you that came out of the wood works to be there for me — those of you that have ALWAYS been there for me, on my worst days. i'm just an internet peep too ! just a guy on my puter !! and yet here we are ! how far we've come ! the love we have !
this little space is just such a haven of joy for me, and, again, it's not even necessarily about the writing itself or bakugou, especially not about the notes or refrogs or any of that; i say this all the time and it probably sounds childish and silly, but i really view this little corner here, with all of you, as our little space to sit together and hold hands and take turns talking about the things we like, what excites us, what nestles into our hearts and lives there, what pains us — all of it ! i feel so connected to all of you ! and as someone that was shamed and made to be embarrassed of fanfiction when i was younger and growing up — i'm so happy we've all managed to find each other here !
i want this to be a safe space where our creativity can flow together ! i want us all to be included, i want us all to be appreciated, i want us all to be heard, and it means so much to me that yall have done that for me as well ! day in and day out. rain or shine. this is our clubhouse ! and negativity isn't allowed in ! there's no place for it, i won't acknowledge it, i enjoy living my life trying to be as kind as i can, and i want to spread all of it to you, as best i can !
i sound so unhinged !!! LOL !! i am writing furiously in the candle light in my return letter to you, so quickly that ink is getting everywhere and that my handwriting is illegible akhfakhfa but i am always so grateful, to all of you ! and whenever i get such heartfelt messages like this — from those of you that have said before that you don't usually reach out, that this is the first time you're sending messages — i'm so honored that you would trust me with that ! that you deem me worthy of your vulnerability !! i have just so much love in my heart for all of you he he and thank you for being here with me 🥺
and thank you to YOU especially, dear. your message will live inside my lil brain forever. you are my friend. we do know each other, in ways that transcend identity and physical presence ! we are baking the cake together. we are folding the still-warm laundry side by side 🥺
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weenwrites · 7 months
hello!! is it okay if i ask for a romantic matchup from transformers prime? im a big fan of ur blog!! C:
so a bit about me, im a she/her and an INFP-t like literally everyone else on the internet but thats ok. im optimistic and sensitive and i always try my best to be kind, polite and friendly to everyone. im a bit moody and sometimes shy but nowadays i try to do whatever i want regardless of what people might think of me. im creative and curious and i like having fun!!! my friends often describe me as weird but in a good kind of way, as if im some strange whimsical creature 👽 im super artsy and express my weird style proudly, both in the way i dress and how i present myself. i know u said physical appearance doesn't matter but ive had a buzz cut for around half a year now and it kinda became a part of my personality lol
hobbieees. oh i have many :D overall i enjoy anything creative that requires using my hands, but i mostly spend my days drawing, playing instruments, sewing or studying. i also really like the outdoors and often explore new local and even far away places just for the fun of it. i constantly try and experiment with new things and activities. because it's just fun
i love nature, art, animals, bugs. oh im a huge bug lover. the weirder the bug the better. i like learning new things, i like space, horror movies, sweets, music, fruit, flowers, funky earrings. i like a lot of things. on the other hand there's not much things i dislike, except for the usual like.... idk bad people? violence? drama? but yeah everyone dislikes that. however specific things that i don't like include getting yelled at, being babied/underestimated and ppl who are way too pessimistic.... i don't dislike the people, just the view. it can be so exhausting to deal with🙁🙁
i express my love mostly through words and actions! i like making my friends feel good by complimenting them or giving them gifts like small trinkets and stuff😈 but sometimes i put a bit more thought into my gifts and craft small cards, drawings, bracelets or plushies for them
i like everyone but im not sure how to describe my type. aside from the usual criteria like being kind and caring towards me there's not much that i am looking for specifically. i don't need someone eccentric such as myself i just want someone who likes my weirdness and who looks at me like 😍😍 oh yeahhhh THAT'S my little gremlin
OK SORRY THIS IS SO LONG describing oneself for a matchup feels like opening up to a therapist. anyway thankyou so much for reading this all ily 🙏💞💞 here's a flower for u!!! 🌻
✎ A/N: Aa! Thank you!! I don't mind that it was long, if anything it helped me write some more stuff! Also your forgot to include your sexuality, but I hope you enjoy the match up! The rest is under the cut since it's pretty long ˆˆ
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He's rather enthusiastic to have a partner he cares for so much, but if you've told him or if he's noticed that you'd prefer for him to turn down the hype a little, he'll definitely try to be a little more "chill" about it. He's rather inexperienced, but he's always eager to do his best in any situation, and when it comes to you he tries to bring his A-game and do his best to make you feel happy and loved.
He would absolutely love to learn about new things with you! Despite how he may seem, he's actually pretty knowledgable (when it comes to cybertronian artifacts and history, of course) and a fast learner. That isn't to mention that as a new-comer to Earth, he intends to learn as much as he can about the planet, not only because he thinks it'd be good to better understand the species he's trying to protect, but also out of genuine interest himself.
So if there are any interesting facts about the planet that you'd like to share with him, or books you'd be willing to lend him, you'll be his go-to source for everything there is to know about earth and humans. (A brief callback to one of my other things, this of course means that he'll be calling you whenever he has a question about something, but the more he does it, the more it seems like he isn't actually curious about what he's calling to ask you about, but rather he's instead doing it to hide the fact he really just wants to talk to you.)
And of course in exchange for everything you tell him about Earth, he's going to return the favor (as long as you ask him something he actually knows about)... But with your interest in space, he'd be able to tell you a lot of things about the stars and cosmos, all of which he learned about in the academy and from Alpha Trion while he was a guard at Iacon. Or he could tell you about cybertronian history, or cybertronian customs that he thinks you'd find interesting or funny.
But aside from that, he'd strive to impress you in whatever way possible, but unfortunately that's a bit... Difficult for him, since the first things that come to mind include feats of strength and shows of his fighting capabilities, but due to your dislike of violence, he decides to opt for other means instead. He quite literally searches up "ways to impress your crush" online and tries out the ones he thinks you'd like the most, like showing off his smarts, or showing that he's really interested in whatever's on your mind.
He's also the type of S/O who'd definitely try out stuff that their partner's into, so he's willing to try out a whole bunch of your hobbies if it means the two of you get to hang out together. I'd like to imagine he's particularly fond of listening to you play music, and perhaps he even hums along when he grows more familiar with the tune.
He'd definitely try to help you come out of your shell and he actively encourages you to live life whatever way makes you happy and live life with no regrets. He's also pretty quick to recognize most of his mistakes and make up for them accordingly. He also always emphasizes that he promises to learn from them (and he does for your sake).
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He's actually pretty chill and easy-going as a partner. He doesn't usually do any showy romantic expressions of love (unless you like them), but that doesn't mean he takes the relationship lightly. He particularly enjoys just spending as much time with you as he can in your day-to-day lives. You don't have to do anything special like go on dates, he's just perfectly content hanging out with you and doing whatever you can together.
And contrary to how he looks as a "big brutish tough guy", he's actually very gentle and chill when it comes to you. He enjoys joking around and maybe the two of you even have a few inside jokes that you laugh about from time to time.
He's pretty fond of the great outdoors too! And though patrolling may still be tedious work, the scenery makes it all the more worthwhile. Not to mention that it isn't as boring whenever you offer to tag along for the ride. There are other times where the two of you go on foot, and he'll let you sit up on his shoulders to let you get a good view of the area. Or if there are any neat trees you'd want a closer look at, he'll make sure to lift you up there carefully and let you pick a leaf or a flower out of them.
Whenever the two of you patrol sparsely populated areas with lots of wildlife, he'll occasionally point out animals here and there, and he'll sorta make a game out it.
"Oh hey look! Dog! One point."
"That's not a dog..."
"What do you mean it's not—oh, wait, it's a horse, right? The horns make it a horse."
"Horns on a horse would make it a unicorn. That was a moose."
"That's what a moose looks like?"
"Yeah??? What did you think a moose looked like?????"
Of course he isn't any good at naming the animals he sees, but he thinks that it's neat that you get to tell him what those animals are, or what that plant is, or what that other neat thing is that he saw on the road.
And I feel like he isn't that squeamish or disgusted by bugs, and I think he'd find beetles or any kind of resilient or strong bug super cool despite their miniature stature.
Animals aside, Knockout once recommended that Breakdown should take you out to the theater, saying that it was a romantic thing that humans do. So you can expect drive-in theater movie nights to be a frequent thing from time to time. He'll let you sit in his cab and he parks somewhere with a good view of the screen. He claims that he doesn't find horror movies all that scary, and actually nitpicks at the actual details themselves, but from time to time you'll notice the subtle way his frame begin to shake and his tires twist during some particularly scary scenes... Tease him about it if you will, but not once will he ever admit to being afraid.
And also if you're ever interested in learning self-defense, he definitely would step up and offer to teach you how to punch people in the face. "You never know when it'll come in handy" is what he says to justify it.
He's not usually someone who gets hyped over gifts. That doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like them, it's just that he's never received many gifts before, so he doesn't truly understand the hype around them. But once you come around and give him gifts, he gets around to understanding the appeal. He gets happy and a little excited whenever you bring him something, and he also tries to get you gifts to return the favor! But given his situation as a giant robot, he can't exactly do that for you, but what the two of you could do is check out old junkyards to see if there's anything neat to take.
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ogamagirl · 1 year
Himalayan pink salt + truffle salt!
himalayan pink salt - tell us about one of your favorite moments between you and your f/o!
-aaaah racking my brain for things I haven't talked about on here yet - tbh my favorite moments with him tend to be when we're just hanging out at home together watching stuff or talking or just being in each other's presence but that's not very exciting to talk about xD but I really enjoy the memory of our anniversary in Japan in 2015 TuT I had off work for New Year's so we had the whole day to ourselves and we went into the city to go shopping/wander around and it was just nice to hang out with each other! He indulged me by dutifully coming with me to all the nerd shops I wanted to go to x3 and for dinner we went to Cafe Gusto - which is a chain family restaurant so honestly not very exciting BUT we had fond memories of it from studying abroad so we wanted to go again haha. Their fries are rlly good - when you order they bring you a little cup of half ketchup and half mayo to dip em in. I only like ketchup but Soul was pretty happy with the combo, he mixed them together to dip his fries in. Idk, it's not maybe "exciting", but I remember just being so happy that day, so I look back on it fondly TuT
Truffle salt - the best gift your f/o has ever gotten you
-perhaps surprising no one, it's my scythe pendant haha. It was the present he got me for our 1st year anniversary so I could "always have a piece of me with you" 💖 (since it's not just A scythe pendant, it's a pendant of specifically his scythe form - I think most ppl know that but since I usually simplify it in my art, wanted to make that clear!) That original pendant actually fell apart after like 8 years cause I wear it every single day, so he got me a replacement, of course! But I still have the original tucked away 💕
Thank you Phoeeeee 💖💖💖
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abimee · 1 year
i hope that this is not too weird to say! but i saw your post about the way people treat your ffxiv ocs & it made me so sad, because i remembered seeing them on my dash like a LONG time ago, and i didn't even know what ffxiv was, but I clicked through your tag for tock out of curiosity because i enjoyed her design and personality so much.
and then a year later, my friend told me that they were playing the game and i remembered your tock art and game screenshots & thought about how cool it all looked, so i told them i'd give it a try too! six months later, i'm still having a great time & i'm really excited to get to the later expansions so i can Understand more of your ffxiv posts!
anyways this is to say that i really enjoy your oc art, i think they're really fun! and they have brought me so much joy, both directly (your art!) and indirectly (getting me into this game). thank you for sharing your art and characters!
waaaa not weird at all anon :,( it brings me a lot of joy to hear that i was even but a speck of a reason why you joined your friend to play XIV cause it really is a game that helped me get closer to my own friends and have a lot of fun during awful times, so hearing youre enjoying yourself 6 months in and not even finished with the game makes me very happy!! i was just like that, spending 3 months in ARR alone goofing around, it almost brings a nostalgic sense back to me sobbing emojiiii
i know when ppl say that theyre not trying to be rude but it always stuck with me what it implied when they say ''i missed your old ocs!" instead of ''excited to see art of X again!", cause i would like to think ive put a lot of time and effort into showing how much i love my XIV ocs and how much i want others to enjoy them too in my art, so finding out people arent really enjoying them and just wanna see my old stuff always makes me a little sad but also.... its simply not happening cause im too sucked into playing XIV and gposing my little daughter around to think about my other ocs aaaaaa😭
and meeting other people who play this game and learning about their WOLS too!! finding out people enjoy MY wols! its such an amazing feeling that overwhelms that sadness i get when people dont like my current OC content and keeps me chugging along cause i want people to see my creations! so im really happy to hear this again thank you anon!!! i hope you continue to have a lovely time in the game and if you ever wanna share your WOL id love to see them!!!!!!!!
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
This fandom is starting to really dispirit me. Before, there were the jc/jgy stans and wx antis that we had to run from in order to enjoy any fanwork, be it meta, fic, art... but when you found ppl who disliked them or were really fans of the work, you were set. Like finding a little oasis to enjoy the work as the author intended, it was a small space, but it was there. Now suddenly there is this wave of victimizing wwx to an extreme? I don't understand the point in making him such a poor baby who was scared of everyone. He was a victim in the novel, but he never was this woe-is-me uWu. He fought and endured and surpassed the trauma and abuse, and I'm not saying that it's wrong to bring attention to the things he went through because ppl deliberately ignore it in order to prop they fave or pretend the story is something it's not, but. I don't know how to explain the way they're trying to make him into this pitiful thing, that should be bitter and hateful against everyone. It genuinely looks like what jc/jgy stans do.
There is such bitterness and condescending self-righteousness in these takes, idk. The latest wave of it brought so much Lan hate, and even ppl who claim to be wx/wwx stans are starting in even on lwj, comparing him to yzy/jc and claiming he was abusive and wwx was rightfully scared of him, afraid of being hurt because he justifiably subconsciously equated him with his abusers, and he did everything he could to keep his distance due to fear of being physically attacked and killed. It's such a wild thing, but it seems like wwx stans feel a sort of validation into ripping onto other characters, into making wwx the only good one and that lwj should grovel and be grateful, and it feels like the only ones they don't drag are the wen, but, in a very dehumanizing way? like they consider them just an accessory or part of him, just another thing to use as a weapon against other characters and I feel like the only reason they don't rip them too is that they're dead and thus easily idealized non-entities to project on (and wn is treated like he is wwx little puppy who will defend him no matter what, as wwx deserves). That's the feeling I'm getting, these people are projecting hard on wwx and changing him with excuses of reading and interpreting the novel. I don't think they even realise that, though, especially the wen thing.
sorry for the huge incoherent rant, it's just really draining the enjoyment for me, it feels like nowhere is safe to enjoy it anymore, ppl who used to delight in the novel now are just another flavour of jc stans, changing the story and wwx to fit their victim narrative, and it's so fucking sad.
(The ask mentioned here earlier)
YES. ALL OF THIS. Every line of this.
I talked about it here, but I had to cut out so many other blogs (& ppl) bc even when they had decent opinions on jc, jgy etc. they started veering into ~make WWX a victim~ territory. Even the Lans are bad >:0, LQR is evil, LXC is terrible, he never wanted LWJ to have friends! He told LWJ to talk to WWX because he was trying to keep them apart! 🤪 He looks down on LWJ! LWJ is bad too! for not cutting his fam out for WWX (even though WWX never wanted this) and going off to live a happy farmer life w WWX...Which is hilarious as only the most absurd takes can be, bc WWX wasn't even able to do a day's worth of farming in HIS DREAM. He just wants to live his life w LWJ, he didn't suddenly develop a passion for horticulture.
And your description of how they portray the Wens finally,beautifully put into words what I could't put my finger on.
I wanted to post THIS ask too before I answered this, bc it illustrates what's being talked about.
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jostenneil · 4 years
I would like some shoujo recs! I haven't read any in a longtime. I don't mind if they have love triangles or love quadrangles as long as the dynamics are good.
i’m sorry for getting to this late! and i hope it’s okay to rec some josei as well, the only difference between shoujo and josei strictly speaking is the age demographic, otherwise both traditionally cater towards women (not that other ppl can’t read these obv!) 
princess tutu (anime) - this is one of the greatest pieces of shoujo i’ve ever been exposed to. it centers on a rly clever and cathartic adaptation of the swan lake mythos, and what’s most interesting about it is its focus on storytelling. the primary tag line of the show is “may those who accept their fate be granted happiness. may those who defy their fate be granted glory”. it’s all about the characters making choices and realizing their own ability to write the story that follows, rather than remaining shackled to the insidious story penned by the primary villain, drosselmeyer. the relationships are complex and dark but also rly healing in the long run, and the ballet aesthetics are exquisite! 
kanata kara (manga) - this isekai manga centers on noriko, a girl suddenly dropped into an alternate world where she’s referred to as “the awakening”, fated to awaken the monstrous sky demon. everyone in this world is bent on getting “the awakening” first to use it to their own benefit, but noriko is actually found by the sky demon, a boy named izark, and they start to travel together through various countries while on the run. the rly charming point of kanata kara is that noriko doesn’t magically know the language of the world, she has to learn it entirely from scratch. she’s also someone who works rly hard to be useful and a source of solid support for izark and the friends she makes, and i think that coupled with the narrative message of each person having their part to play in the betterment of the world is rly inspiring to read about 
akagami no shirayukihime (anime/manga) - shirayuki is a girl with rly vibrant red hair, and the prince of her country wants her as his concubine bc of it, so she decides to run away to the neighboring country. there she meets the country’s second prince, zen, along with his friends at the palace, and she makes a new living for herself as a palace pharmacist. it’s a rly sweet manga that i appreciate for delving into the behind the scenes part of court politics, particularly bc we tend to think that fantasies imply battles, but that’s not necessarily the end all, be all of relations between countries. there’s also a wonderful focus on shirayuki’s work as a pharmacist, and how her knowledge of plants and medicinal herbs helps her support zen as he works to become a prince more involved with his people 
legend of basara (manga) - this series focuses on a post apocalyptic japan ruled by an oppressive emperor. a child of prophecy is fated to be born into a village and save the country, and when twins are born, the villagers assume the brother is the fated savior. when they grow up, however, one of the emperor’s sons, the red king, kills the brother, and so his sister, sarasa, has to pretend she’s the one who died so she can carry on the revolution as her brother, else all hope is lost. all of this is tied in with the fact that in her rare free time, sarasa happens to meet a boy named shuri, who is actually the red king! neither of them know each other’s real identities or that they’re the ones facing each other on the battlefield, so it makes for a rly angty romance, coupled in with excellent political commentary on privilege and oppression. shuri has one of the best antagonist to protagonist developments i’ve ever seen, and sarasa is a great example of a character vested with so much responsibility, who wants to bring her people to freedom but also be just a normal girl 
honey and clover (anime/manga) - this is one of my all time favorites! it follows some university students attending art school and their day-to-day life as they struggle to create, maintain relationships with each other, graduate, etc. i think chica umino’s works in general can be exemplified by her portrayal of every day life, and how it’s not so mundane and actually carries a lot of emotion. there’s so much catharsis present in this work for me bc it really reaches out to people who feel lost of purposeless or alone in their lives and feel like they have no reason to continue creating or moving forward. i think it also has a rly realistic portrayal of romance in the sense that its focus is on how characters grow through romance rather than whether they end up with a certain person. esp if you’re a college student, i think it’ll rly resonate with you 
kobato (manga) - this was serialized in a seinen magazine for some reason but i think most ppl agree it feels shoujo in delivery. it’s probably my personal favorite clamp work. the floral aesthetics and artwork of angels is absolutely gorgeous, and it features a rly endearing story about a girl, kobato, who must collect “healed hearts” in a bottle in order to return to a certain place. i can’t really reveal what i most enjoy about it without giving away serious spoilers, but there’s that classic clamp execution of the binding nature of contracts and weighing the things we want against the things we must do, which makes for some rly heartfelt, angsty progressions. mostly i just love seeing the narrative unfold kobato, as she starts off as is this seemingly naive girl who we come to realize is actually hurting deeply inside
lovely complex (anime) - this is a classic so if you’ve already heard of it i wouldn’t be surprised but nonetheless it’s probably my favorite in that area of early 00s shoujo romcoms. the story follows risa and otani, who are known as a comedic duo in their high school bc she’s unusually tall and he’s unusually short. there’s lots of gags and kidding around, but ultimately the story delves into how both of them subconsciously fall for each other despite treating each other like gag men at first. there’s comedic love triangles and plenty of miscommunication galore, but i think it takes these shoujo tropes and puts a rly refreshing twist on them that drives you crazy in a way that’s actually very entertaining. the infamous bear curry gag has practically been immortalized in shoujo fandom 
yumeiro patissiere (manga) - this is another one most people have probably heard of BUT, that’s usually bc of the anime. the manga is actually much shorter and different in some ways, and at the end of the day i think i prefer it, esp art wise as the charm in matsumoto’s art style is just impossible to replicate anywhere else. it follows a girl named ichigo, who has a very sensitive taste palate and is spontaneously selected to attend a patissieres academy, despite the fact that she can’t cook for shit! she’s placed in the a-level class alongside the academy’s three genius students, commonly called the “sweets princes”, and they befriend and gradually help her hone her skills until she’s at a level where she can compete with them on a team. all in all it’s a rly endearing story about perseverance, hard work, and the desire to make ppl happy with the food you make for them (kitchen princess is also a predecessor to this series that i think may even have heavily inspired it and i would recommend it, too! it’s just a little on the darker side in terms of dramatics) 
this is just the start of a list tbh but these are some of my all time favorites that came to mind! do let me know if you try out and enjoy any of them, i would love to hear about it ❤️
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tacosandtomcos · 3 years
I might be wrong and maybe I’m just overthinking but honestly? I’m upset because it seems like people forgot about Tom.
So many people were interested in svtfoe and Tom, they drew fan art of him, simped for him, analyzed his choices and actions in the show, shipped him with so many characters, made fan childs of him and others, wrote fanfics, made aus, cosplayed,
but every time I check if there are any new posts about him I find less and less posts. I was shocked to see that nearly no one was posting about Tom or tomtober. It’s been 2 years since the show ended but people just can’t abandon the characters they liked. Maybe they want to move on to other shows that are much more interesting than some show that ended a few years ago, but still I feel bad that few people still remember Tom. Personally it was Tom that made me first want to watch svtfoe and he has always been a comfort character to me for some reason.
I wanna thank you for making fanart of svtfoe, even though you mostly draw toh stuff, which I also like, you seem to never forget and abandon about the svtfoe characters, the aus, and the fanchilds you created. I know your love for Tom is really big so I was a little surprised that there was no 2021 tomtober template created by you. But anyways I’m looking forward to seeing your art and I shall use the template you created in 2019!! (Is that correct idk)
i don’t think anyone really forgot, i think after the finale ppl just needed a break from the show and therefore are taking one and i can’t say i blame them. This tends to happen when a show ends in this way.
i think the fans will be back, but only if the show gets any new news or reasons to bring them back, for now, i think ppl just wanted a break from the mess and that’s fine.
ppl still love and enjoy tom i promise you that, it’s less to do with him but the series he was in. Most ppl agree he was one of the best parts of it.
he is a comfort character to me too and i look forward to the day the series may get a second chance and give him time to shine more.
of course, i still love making it, i’m just branching out now these days so i don’t wipe myself out, still doing my ocs, my aus, and new toh stuff since people seem to really enjoy those as well! (Plus i wanna support the show getting new content since daron currently isn’t interested in any new star projects but dana IS interested in more toh ones so for now i’m happy to help push for that)
Hey, it wasn't an easy choice, but it wouldn't be much fun to do a month alone either, but i am participating in a star vs fankid prompt month if it helps you feel any better!
If next year is different, then maybe i’ll do it, but i need to know it’s worth the time before i go about it, but feel free to host  one yourself and make one, you can totally use my old lists!
more tom art is great by me!
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eirian · 2 years
art style ramblings
i think i mentioned that recently i got a portfolio review that basically said (in a nice way!) that my style is kind of outdated and would have been popular about 10 or 15 years ago but needs to be freshened up a little to stay ahead of today’s industry.  i really needed to hear this; ive been struggling w my style for a hot minute and i needed some kind of push to get me out of my stagnation period (as well as..push me to update my goddamn portfolio which was so old it had flies all over it)
anyway i bring this up bc i was thinking--my style brings not only me joy but a lot of other ppl as well!  a lot of people enjoy my cartoony art style for what it is and dont mind how “dated” it looks.  i know i need to freshen it up for the industry at the very least but i dont want to completely abandon it yknow? it makes me and others happy so why ditch it??
ive been playing around w a more exaggerated and silly style (youve seen it surely) but thats more of an extreme version of the normal style i wanna have!  im definitely going to move away from my style being “stephen silver but a little to the left” though.  i want it to look like i drew it for sure after all!!
i hope youll join me on my quest <3 thank u for the support thus far!
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Sen Çal Kapımı ep 48 asks
Okay, now that I got that out of my system, asks under the read more.
andhewonherheart asked: @andhewonherheart I love that Bolat is Aydan’s last name, not Alptekin’s. I know it’s a little of a retcon, but this way we don’t need to worry about Serkan and his family carrying that man’s name. And Aydan would be a woman that strongarms her husband into taking her last name.
I LOVED THIS!  I sat up straight when Kemal made the comment about Alptekin taking her name and cheered. Seriously. What a great turn of events. Serkan is so attached to his name, it’s nice that he didn’t have to have an identity crisis over that on top of everything else. And now it’s not weird for Eda and Kiraz to take his name after finding out Kemal is actually his father, which I wanted for them. I wanted them all to be tied together with a name, to have that feeling of belonging. Plus, as you say, it’s nice they don’t have the name of that man. 
I will say one thing, though... is it really a retcon?  Did they ever say Bolat was Alptekin’s given last name? I don’t think they did (but who knows with the iffy translations we all rely on). I do remember Aydan bragging on the lineage of the Bolats in a very early episode (maybe 2?) and at the time I thought it was odd that she was so proud of the lineage when she just married into it, especially because if memory serves she was sort of heckling Eda, who was marrying a Bolat.  Perhaps this was always intended, and we only feel like it’s a retcon because we’re programmed by a patriarchal society to assume a woman always take a man’s last name?
Anonymous asked: I don’t really like the idea of Serkan giving up Art Life. I understand the symbolism of him giving up his work for his family, but I would’ve preferred that he finds a balance, like he did with bringing Kiraz to work. I feel like that would’ve been a more rounded way of approaching his character, instead of swinging him in the other direction, now instead of having only work, he only has his family. When he could have both.
He will have both. Eventually. He’ll figure it out and get back to where he was. He is Serkan Bolat after all. You don’t expect him to sit idle for any length of time, do you?
As much as part of me was just torn up at him selling his stake in the company, I thought it was really beautiful.  Sure, balance is good, but this is a man who has ripped out Eda’s heart twice by telling her that work is more important than she is to him. This is a man who left ON HIS WEDDING DAY, who put work first ON HIS WEDDING DAY, who got on a plane ON HIS WEDDING DAY because he tried to balance (do both, go to Italy and get married in one day) and it ended up putting them both through hell and almost ruining both of their lives.
Picture how you would feel if the person you were marrying decided to fly to another country on your wedding day? 
So I disagree with you. I’m more than fine with Serkan Bolat unequivocally putting Eda first over his career and company. After everything they’ve been though, and her insecurities in that area, it was incredibly important and now she will never, ever doubt where his heart lies. It’s with her. She (and their family) is his top priority.
Besides, the show started with Serkan having destroyed Eda’s dream of studying to become a landscape architect in Italy, it’s quite poetic that he gave up something substantial so that she could realize a dream of working as a landscape architect on her dream project in Italy.
I’m pretty sure she’ll be more than happy to help rebuild their company. Together. 
Anonymous asked: i know you said in your previous ask round-up that as far as the actual proposal goes, nothing would top that speech in 27.. i was wondering how you felt about his speech this episode. sure, it wasn't actually the proposal, more like a "reception" toast, but for me i think it was my favorite speech, or at least top 3, serkan has said to/about eda.. just pure love about their journey together and a huge full circle moment with that video from the pilot episode.
YEEEEEESSSSSS. I so agree with this, and actually thought exactly this while watching.  It was a marvelous speech and while, as you say, it was presented as more of a toast, it was really more of a wedding vow.  
I loved it. And I’ve rewatched it multiple times and I plan to watch it many times more. As always Kerem and Hande were excellent in the scene. Eda and Serkan were in front of their friends and family, but they were so focused in on one another they might as well have been alone. The emotion was palpable. 
She is love. Dang, Serkan!  He’s mentioned love at first sight a couple of times, it was nice that in this moment he gave another nod to that.
Loved the call back to the video from the first episode, it worked really well, especially to remind us of how it all started and how she felt like he destroyed her dream. That segued into him mentioned them destroying each other’s dreams. As I said above, quite poetic, especially since he then put his money where his mouth was by the end of the episode and destroyed his dream to preserve hers. 
Well done, show. 
Anonymous asked: i have loved the tone of this season so much. none of the drama we have is super heavy, outside of the kiraz reveal which was given the angst and importance it should have bc of how it important it was. otherwise, we've had happy (now married!) edser coming back together and now facing trouble and issues as a couple! this was basically all i wanted for them since 28!
Yes, me too. I really enjoy the tone this season. As you say, it’s not super heavy, the melodrama is at a minimum, most things are light and fluffy and even heavy issues are played with a light hand. 
For me, I’ve really enjoyed this season and I’m super glad we got it.  I think COVID did us one favor by shutting down production when it did and forcing them to reevaluate what they were doing.  If they hadn’t I’m guessing the show would have continued in a very messy and directionless manner, with lots of melodrama and storylines that would have been traumatic to watch. 
Season 2 has direction and purpose and a plan and once we got past the horrified shock of the time jump and the secret daughter (which I grant you was no small feat) it’s pretty much been trauma free. 
Anonymous asked: After watching the episode, I'm lowkey disappointed. we did get Pretty Woman SCK-style. I was promised Serkan as a gigilo and Eda encouraging it!!!!! LOL, jokes aside, I'll never forget the outrage over that fragman over "harassment" or "prostitution" of all things when the actual dinner scene lasted 3 minutes, Eda was being at the hotel the whole time, and the scene where people thought she was encouraging him was about her project. Almost 50 eps and you would ppl would learn how fragmans work.
The fragman was insanely misleading, but lots of them are, so you would think they would have figured it out by now, but nope! A large swath of people really embarrassed themselves with their complete over reaction to something that turned out to be nothing like they thought. 
Thankfully Serkan was entirely in the dark about how dire the situation was and why Eda was pushing him to make nice with Deniz, and only humored Deniz very unwillingly and then completely cut ties with her.  I think the best part was the least shocking twist ever... that the Serkan staying in her room line was an actual joke on the show. Come on, kids, it was pretty obvious to anyone with a brain that Serkan would never actually consider staying with her, and certainly not just days after he got married. Preposterous!   
Having said that, I do agree with people who think that Deniz being obsessed with him to that degree is dumb. There is a thread of misogyny and internalized misogyny (depending on which writers) running through the writing of these female guest characters who come in and absolutely shed all dignity, sanity and common sense when it comes to Serkan. Selin, Balca, the actress and Deniz.  Good grief. However, I just don’t care enough to get pissy. If that’s what they’ve come up with to fuel the jealousy trope that apparently is a must for Turkish dizis without having Serkan ever have eyes for anyone but Eda, then so be it.  
The formula is more than obvious by now, so I’m not sure why some folks made asses of themselves jumping to other conclusions. 
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