#lore drop
possumteeeth · 8 months
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Lambpaw, like every other healer apprentice before him, traveled to the Moonshell to be granted StarClan's approval. When he stared at his reflection in the massive, iridescent shell, he couldn't help but feel anxiety gnawing at him. His mentor, Salmonfleck, gently urged him on. Lambpaw touched his nose to the salty water within the shell.
He awoke in a place that nothing could have prepared him for. Gone were the lush forests and starry skies that Salmonfleck had told him of. Everything was dull and lifeless. The air was so still he could hear the blood in his veins. Fog shrouded the forest like a blanket. A single star hung in the grey sky, giving off cold light. Worst of all... there were no StarClan cats to be seen--
--until the fog began taking shape.
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nana-mizu-shiki · 3 months
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worms-for-brains · 16 days
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Part one - Ghost
Ghost was originally a mortal that lived many many centuries ago, being a colonizer that had been accepted into a small kingdom that resided in the jungle.
He was unfortunately slit in the throat, tied up and left for dead in a burial tomb when the villagers believed he had betrayed them to his former colonizer buddies.
His soul was devoured by the old death god, however he made a pact that bound him to be the new deity (the old one was well… old.)
Now Ghost presides over the duties of Death. Taking sacrifices and collecting souls for all eternity.
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tv3headz · 4 months
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The timing of this lore drop makes me giggle
bonus doodle
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why do i try so hard to make the characters in my fic fall in love in ways that seems natural and real when popular published books can just be like "i saw him from across the room and new i had to meet him. we swapped names in the rudest way possible. he never spoke to me kindly or showed in any way that he was a decent human being. he had only ever made me cry and been abusive and i want to marry him. im so in love"
like i am fighting for my life to make the crush in a fanfic make sense and doing that for no money when i would be writing batshit insane obsession/abusive/no-one-ever-says-sorry novels for at least one money
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caligatinsole · 4 months
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Old folks here might remember back in July of last year I was hoping the BRB wouldn't initially be aggressive towards P. Oh! What a fool I was, so ignorant of the soulslike world!
Anyway, I'm keeping this idea for my headcanon. Dump ahead.
The Black Rabbits don't seem to be aggressive towards the puppet the first time they meet and they decide to work together for equal gain. However, one thing leads to another and P is framed guilty of something (murder of a brother? Did he really do it? Was he there at the wrong time? Who knows). P escapes, unsuccessful to reason with them, so now he's hunted down like a rabbit and must be careful to not cross the enemies path. In the end, he'll discover all of them were killed, likely by the alchemists themselves, stalkers or by Simon.
P.S. I love (and hate <3) this game but I fall behind with its lore. I'm glad I was able to find the BRB info written on the internet and I'm surprised I didn't twist their characters/story too much. However, my own headcanon does change the game-story a bit (for example, I like to think P spends quite some time with the siblings and his main quests also differ from the original, both in lengths and goal). However, I haven't delved too deep into it yet. Still a huge wip I'm not sure will be completed.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 3 months
Welp, I did promise a lore drop in exchange for the win...
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@tmntaucompetition @littlemissartemisia
GG, Hues of Mystic Neon!
Prev || Next || No Fun in Fungus Intermission
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I want to know more about the hiding the cat thing, how’s you manage that?
okay so in december of 2018 me and my cousin, who had moved in with me earlier that year, heard a knock on our door about two minutes after a house guest had left. On the other side is said house guest, who eagerly informs us that there is a VERY sweet and friendly kitten roaming around out in the parking lot
To quickly set the scene here: it is 45°F out and the sun is going down. We are in pajamas. Neither of us are even wearing shoes
Both of us, avid cat lovers, charge down the stairs to pet this cat, who is indeed very friendly and INCREDIBLY sweet, trotting right up to us and purring up a storm. My cousin looks at me. I look at him. "Absolutely not," I tell him, because our apartment has a strict $300 pet deposit policy and neither of us have that kind of pocket money lying around.
"But TJ," my cousin says, in a voice i have come to recognize as a precursor to the world's most obvious yet effective attempts at emotional manipulation, "it's cold outside. And the highway is right there. Wouldn't you feel so terrible if you woke up tomorrow and–"
"OH MY GODS," I say, very loudly, "GO. JUST TAKE HIM INSIDE, GO GO GO."
My cousin scoops the kitten up (who doesnt protest even a little), runs up all three flights of stairs so fast he fucking blurs, and now we have a cat. in our apartment. and no pet deposit.
Ofc we did make the obligatory attempt at finding his original owner. He was far too sweet and friendly to be a proper stray, and while he was very thin he still had soft fur and wasnt super scruffy. We very quietly asked around, put up some carefully worded signs in the neighborhood, checked in with the local shelters-- nada. Nothing. Not a single peep about this cat. And after a full week of bonding, both of us were 100% set on keeping him.
Honestly, hiding him from our apartment wasnt anything spectacular. We're indoor-only owners, and our friends pitched in to help us get him neutered, get his shots, and essential supplies. We had two inspections during the 3 month period we saved up for a pet deposit, and both times we just hid his stuff in our cabinets, put him in his cat carrier, and took him to someone else's house for the day. Once we had the money we needed and could actually spare it, we went to our leasing office and informed them we wanted to adopt a cat.
"Oh thank god," I distinctly remember hearing the woman who handed me the appropriate paperwork say. "We're so grateful you went through the proper channels for this. Nobody ever does that, and it's such a hassle for us. What's your new cat's name?"
"Oh, of course," I replied, with what i think was frankly admirable composure. "I'm always happy to be helpful. And we've decided to name him Anarchy."
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jack-o-phantom · 2 years
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Let it sink in and breath.
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ask-dimension71542 · 9 days
Looking for a response from Lord Eclipse AND Servant Sun.
What does "Maintenance" mean? Why is Sun so afraid of it? (From what i've seen.
-From, The Rebels(the GATOs)
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I’ll assume you lot knew what everything was like before I reset this universe and built it from scratch, so I’ll spare you several details. The “maintenance” is how I keep Sun in line. Sometimes he’ll get too independent and rebellious so I have to go in and fix it. The pain just helps to hammer in the lesson. And if those things don’t work, I can always send him to the bloodmoons to play with. Their favorite game is “rip apart and put back together”
It’s very painful…….i don’t like talking about it…….. - ☀️
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aussiepineapple1st · 1 year
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Some cute kisses.
*In Arin Hanson's voice* GIMMIE A KIIIIISS
🏷️: @phoenix666stuff @maehemthemisfit @growingupnrealizing @starcrossedreaders
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arrowheadedbitch · 3 months
"Do you think we're friends/together in every universe?"
No, because my dad probably died in that underwater cave when my mom was pregnant with my older brother in most of them.
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ask-dadpleasant · 1 month
dadpleasant sibling(s) reveal 😈😈
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thebramblewood · 9 months
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Lilith and Caleb Vatore's lineage can be traced to Tartosa, from where their forebears emigrated in the early 1800s to establish Willow Creek's first and finest vineyard and winery. The future heirs to the Vatore Family Vineyard (and fortune) were born scarcely two years apart on the cusp of the 20th century. Although lauded and adored by polite society, they quietly resisted cultural norms by declining to pursue courtship well into their young adulthood. Before either could marry, both siblings disappeared under mysterious circumstances, leaving the fate of the family's accumulated wealth (which grew exponentially during Prohibition when underground operations continued alongside the legitimate production of medicinal spirits) to be hotly contested by long-time employees and distant relations alike. More than three decades later, two curious individuals came forward claiming to be their children. Apparently, the missing Vatores (long presumed dead) had assumed new identities, started families, and gone on to lead private yet unexceptional lives. No one could make sense of why the siblings left their inheritance behind, but the strong family resemblance was difficult to deny. Some even thought the resemblance too strong, but the conspiracy theories that arose from these suspicions were simply too preposterous to consider. The new Vatores promptly sold their ancestral estate and business, instead choosing to purchase a neglected Victorian manor in Forgotten Hollow, a strangely secluded and perpetually gloomy village where reported sightings of the same pair (having purportedly not aged a day) continue. Perhaps the old rumors hold some truth after all. Did they discover the fountain of youth, become initiated into a cult of immortality, or unknowingly stumble upon the dark knowledge of vampirism? Or are the Vatore genes simply so powerful that they persist through generations? The truth may never be known. (But some may say certain conclusions can be drawn from the spate of unsolved murders in the area that seemingly only started upon their arrival.)
- Introduction to Tangled Vines: A Complete Investigation of the Vatore Disappearances
Ran these through ArcaneGAN to make them look more like paintings, and I'm a bit obsessed with the results. Originals for comparison below. Special thanks to @sims4thehoes and @smok3inm1rrors for giving me the vineyard idea!
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bundleofboys · 8 months
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New boy: Nox
If you're interested in knowing more about this hot guy, $5 patrons just got a huge Club AU lore dump about him and his relationship with Casio 😺
(featured art by @paranaturalzack ♥️)
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kit-williams · 30 days
Black Templars with Bonds
So a quick note is that I kind of headcanon that Black Templars with weak bonds tend to try and break them by getting as far as they can from their human till the bond "snaps". ALSO dates from WHEN Roland is from are not canon for Yandere Space Marine AU.
Unfortunately for Cedric @sleepyfan-blog's boy he's meeting two bonded Black Templars with both intense bonds.
Arnault is originally the Bodice Ripper Author from this story
Brother Roland is originally from Yandere Space Marine AU.
@egrets-not-regrets @liar-anubiass-blog @barn-anon @bleedingichorhearts @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
They had managed to find some Black Templars willing to come meet their "baby" brother. Neither Roland nor Arnault had heard of Primaris marines as they were from M41 and M40 respectively. However, they were told their battle brother was suffering and until they could get in contact with the "feral" ""warband"" of Black Templars he was completely alone. The Chaplain decided that it was best for his mental wellbeing to have at least some of his brothers meet him... even if they had more intense bonds then most marines.
Roland arrived first at the base. His eyes flick over Cedric in that typical appraising manner, he was out of armor wearing civilian looking clothing with a white shirt with large black cross over the center and black pants. He hummed at the end of his appraisal and passed him a large loaf of sourdough. "Its bread. It's good. It's made fresh by my human." Roland bit back the fact that it's made with love but he didn't want to overwhelm the young battle brother.
Though it didn't take Arnault long to appear and Roland sighed as while Roland kept his hair short Arnault let his white hair grow a little longer. As the incident involving the Black Templars he originally with made him a social pariah with any other Black Templars in the area but he was still a son of Dorn at the end of the day given the sword strapped to his hip but his clothes were a bit more fitted and nicer than what Roland wore. When his eyes met Cedrics he could see that cold calculation and appraisal flick into them as he judged the Primaris. "So you're the young battle brother that was dropped into the world in nothing but his night clothes." Arnault pointed out what he was told.
"Yes sir." Cedric said, causing Roland to scoff as he gave Arnault the side eye.
"He's polite." Arnault says.
"Yes, far more than you probably deserve." Roland said.
Arnault laughed as they switched to the local language and Cedric watched as Roland punched Arnault in the arm before they resumed in Gothic. Roland's arms folded over his chest and Arnault standing there, "You really are wound up tight." Roland points out as he had expected Cedric to start eating the bread as it smelt good.
The nervous look returned to Cedric's eyes and the two older black templars looked at him worried.
"Um, so what's your favorite food?" Arnault tried to break the ice.
"Nutrient paste?" Cedric replied confused as Roland just groaned.
"Have you been allowed out?" He asks.
"No sir. I've been confined on base since attacking a... patient." He hisses.
"Right Unbonded." They both said in unison.
"Well little," Arnault looked up at Cedric with a smirk, "battle brother you've got Brother Roland and myself Brother Arnault in the area to help keep you company. Now lets go enjoy the Brot that Bruder Roland brought." Arnault slips into that familiar Black Templar accent.
When they noticed him walking behind them the two forced Cedric to walk beside them as they were unwilling to talk behind themselves to a proper brother.
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