#lookism chapter 498
julysrainn · 19 days
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"Call me a good boy."
Said Jake kim, putting your hand on his hair.
His hair is majestic, he had recently got it cut. You styled it for him. Its silky smooth and soft!
Nothing's hotter than a man who takes care of himself, you think to yourself.
His head is on your thighs, you can feel his breathing on your thighs.
You play with his hair, for a long time chatting with him.
There's a loud sound of thunder, and the lights go out.
"Its okay, I'm here. Dont you get scared now." The tall and dark figure with the sexiest voice, gets up from your thighs.
He pulls you into a hug, he's taller than you. Your head thuds, with his soft chest. You've always been scared of the dark since childhood.
It starts raining, the only light is coming from the cackling fireplace beside your bed. There are two mugs of hot chocolate on the table.
You hear his heartbeat going crazy. Even after all these years...
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garden1a · 1 month
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This chapter has to be the most intense shit ever. I had to STAND UP and do two laps around my room because WHAT THE FUCK.
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yelshin · 1 month
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yukuoo · 1 month
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sscarletvenus · 1 month
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my honest reaction to lookism chapter 498
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julysrainn · 16 days
There goes your alarm, you were working late last night. Jake was at home. Asleep when you returned. You remember going straight to bed, you didnt even bother changing.
You and Jake have been living together for 5 months now.
You cannot believe you're engaged to this, greenest flag of guy.
But last night, you were upset. Upset because he didn't wait for you. He ate and slept alone. Jake has always been a real good cook. He cooks often. He likes to call it cooking dates with you. You remember you cannot blame him, cause you told him to eat and sleep. When you returned, he was lying on the bed with an Agatha Christie novel in his hands. The guy has been learning English for you...
You took the book from his hands and set it aside on the bedside table and put the covers on him so he wouldnt feel cold.
"He looks like a snack while sleeping" you murmur to yourself.
You sit up, look beside you, Jake isnt there. He has a morning routine. He goes to run in the morning, lifts weights, takes baths.
If you're lucky you get to see him right after his shower, in nothing but his Towel.
"Sigh, he must have gone for his workout..."
Clunk Clunk Clunk
You hear that sound as you freshen up. Its coming from the kitchen.
You grab the lamp on the bedside table, just as a protection weapon against the intruder.
Peeking from the kitchen door, you see the beautifully carved back of Jake, its got those sexy tattooes.
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Jake's making his protien shake.
Somehow he senses you behind him.
"Huh? You you're awake? Hey, whats that in your hands?"
He asks.
You blush, "No- nothing" you hide the lamp behind your back.
"Aahahaha!" He laughs as he steps towards you.
He's wearing an apron in the front saying "Korea's Wheatcake" the one that you gifted him.
He grabs your face, pins you on the wall and kisses you.
Your heart beats hundred miles an hour, your body gets warm.
Damn it! You think to yourself, again he blew me off the ground.
"You're gonna need more than a lamp to bring me down."
"Uh huh" you reply looking at his soft baby face.
"Eat up, I cooked for you, your favourite pancakes." He says.
"It must've been a long night yesterday. Lemme spoil you a bit."
That disappointment you were having last night melts away into warm comfort...
You realise how lucky you're.
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julysrainn · 7 days
Jake kim x reader
Gym date
"You look really pretty today, could you give me your number?"
Ugh, here we go again. You have been turning him down almost everyday now, yet here he is again.
"How many times do I have to say no?" You say angrily.
He lunges his hand towards you, you instantly move back and slap him. As a reflex action. Jake has taught you self defence tricks. You never thought you would be using them.
You get up from your leg press machine and go towards Jake.
"Hey, hey listen!" Says the man behind you, following you.
He's not much tall. Muscular build and not that good looking.
Jake is working on his back today. His huge, sexy, v tapered back, with those sexy tattooes.
You touch his shoulder to divert his attention.
"Yes, my little cupcake?" He says in english, smirking. His english has been getting better.
"That man is flirting with me. I told him no so many times, then he tried to grab my hand." You say pointing towards him.
Jake drops the weights, abruptly. They make a thudding sound.
You're startled.
"How long has this been happening? Why didnt you tell me?" He says in a soft but in his deep sexy voice.
That deep voice turns you on. All the time. Its irresistable. This whole man is. You just want to melt in his arms. His huge hands, his tattooed forarms. This man is it.
He looks at you. He gets up and walks to the guy who's been flirting with you. Jake so taller than him. They talk for a few seconds and they both together go outside.
You sit and wonder where they went. Today was your gym date, with Jake.
A few minutes later Jake comes back alone, you had feared this. That was why you didnt tell him before.
Jake comes to you. You see a tiny fleck of blood on his cheek.
"What did you do?" You ask him anxiously.
Jake pulls you into a hug. A warm tight hug. You and your worries just melt right there.
"You're strong. You slapped him. That hurt him bad actually. You are totally my type. I knew I was with the right one." He whispers in your ear.
"I-I" you try to speak, but your mind isnt working. Jake's scent. You can smell it. You have mad desire to bite him.
He puts his hand on your back and other under your thighs and lifts you up.
"Jake what are you doing? There are people here." You ask embarrassed and totally red in the face.
"Taking you home, my lady." Jake says looking at you smiling.
You know whats coming, you just look away completely red in the face.
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