#logius (ship)
emmettland · 1 month
Bad People | Milk Boy AU
Taglist: @skittles-the-whumpee
CW: test subject whumpee, mobster caretaker, recovery
It was Logan’s first time holding a gun. He had seen people at the lab with them, security guards who always kept one strapped to their side. He had seen them be fired off in the movies that Cassius let him watch. He had heard one go off just before Derek found him huddled in the alley. 
Now, Derek was standing behind him, showing him how to use a gun. All solid heat pressed up against Logan’s back, firm muscle where his arms brushed against Logan’s shoulders.
The gun was small; Derek wanted something with less ‘recoil’. Derek’s hands were big over his one hand, warm and certain. It would be a bit tricky shooting with only one hand, Derek told him, but not impossible. They would make it work until he could get Logan a suitable prosthetic.
It was distracting, Derek this close. Logan wanted to relax into the warmth, just like a hot bath. He wanted to turn around and breathe Derek in, noting how different he smelled from Cassius. Derek smelled of lavender and safety. Logan sometimes wondered if all monsters smelled that way.
“Focus,” Derek reminded him, giving his hand a light squeeze. “It’s important that you learn how to do this right. You’ll need to shoot bad people sometimes.” 
Logan’s attention went back to the target board.
“Aim for the center dot. Right…there.”
Derek moved his hand slightly to the left. Logan lasered in on the center dot, paying attention to nothing else. He would hit it. Not just because Derek told him to, but because he wanted to. He wanted to do this right.
“Go ahead.”
Logan pressed down on the trigger. The noise was muffled by the thing that Derek put on him to cover his ears; he couldn't remember the word right now. He felt the recoil that Derek described, making his body jerk back as the shock wave ripped through his arm. Derek’s body was right behind him to absorb most of it, his arm wrapping around Logan’s waist to keep him steady on his feet.
The bullet hit the ring around the center dot, a few inches askew.
“Nicely done,” Derek said, a smile in his tone.
Logan took off the thing covering his ears to speak without raising his voice. Seeing that he wanted to talk, Derek did the same.
Logan asked, “How do I know who the bad people are?”
“They will try to hurt me and people I care about,” Derek said. 
Logan processed this. It made sense to him. Someone would have to be bad if they wanted to hurt someone good like Derek. 
“People you care about,” he repeated. “Your family?” 
The Bornachis were good too. They made Logan feel included, though he couldn’t bring himself to call them his family. They were so much better than the people he called his family, and it hurt to think about.
Derek smiled at his question. “Yes. Including you.” 
It shouldn’t have surprised Logan. Derek must have cared about him, otherwise he wouldn’t be treating him so well.
But then again, Cassius also treated him well…or so he thought. It was still so confusing. A part of him worried that the same thing would happen with Derek and Logan would have to run away again. 
But another part of him – it was still so weird, having conflicting emotions, separate pieces of thoughts and feelings instead of one single mantra of smile, obey, be a good boy – believed that Derek was different. Better. He was a monster, for one thing, and monsters like Derek were good. Not every monster was good, he knew that now, but Derek was. Derek cared about him.
Such a simple truth, but it made Logan smile until his cheeks hurt.
He had to make sure he understood though. “Someone is bad if they try to hurt me?” 
“Yes,” Derek said, no hesitation. 
Logan paused.
“My family from the lab? Cassius?” 
“Yes. All of them are bad people, Logan.” 
He sounded certain. Angry too, but Logan was getting better at being able to tell when someone was angry at him or angry at someone else while talking to him.
Logan hesitated to ask his last question. 
“What if you try to hurt me?” 
Derek looked at him. The anger softened into something sad. Missing. That wasn’t the right word, but it seemed like Derek was missing something and was sad that he couldn’t find it. Logan understood how that felt.
“I might hurt you without meaning to, Logan. Just like how you might hurt me without meaning to. That doesn’t make us bad.” 
Logan nodded to show he was listening.
“But if I ever tried to hurt you? On purpose? Yes. That would make me very bad.” 
His hand was still covering Logan’s hand. Logan looked down at it, at the gun being held by both of them, before looking back up at Derek.
Something felt tight in Logan’s throat. 
“I want.” He struggled to get the words out. “I want you to tell me. If you want to hurt me. Maybe we can – we can talk about it first before I shoot you. You like talking.” 
Derek was smiling again. For a moment, Logan thought he had found the thing he was missing, and that was why he looked so happy. 
“Yes,” Derek said. It was a promise. “We’ll talk about it first.”
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my writing x my whump x milk boy au x ko-fi
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emmettworld · 2 months
Warning: The following ask includes mentions of noncon and 🥚preg.
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The full piece can be found here.
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i can't say this is A LOT of eggs bc i was gonna draw him at the end with a much bigger belly, but i just wasn't liking how it was turning out. hope you still enjoy, and ty for the request! <3
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emmettsin · 2 months
Your Reward
Summary: David makes sure Logan takes his 'reward'. Cassius gets the most out of it. (AKA: Nine pages of smutty whump for that Evil Church AU thing I was talking about on here. Completely unedited, so I don't agonize over it and keep changing things!)
Content warnings in the document.
Click here to read.
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emmettland · 1 month
Milk Boy AU post lab whump thoughts
CW: dehumanization, carewhumper exploiting whumpee, dehumanized whumpee further dehumanized by society, mobster caretaker, immoral caretaker, immoral whumpee, test subject whumpee, forced institutionalization, forced corrective surgery
after nineteen years of being in operation, the milk lab is finally put under investigation, determined to be extremely unethical and in violation of multiple laws, and is shut down. David is one of the many employees to be imprisoned, facing a life sentence for the atrocities that he took part in.
which leaves Logan, the lab's loyal milk boy, with nothing.
the government attempts to put Logan in a mental hospital, but nobody knows how to deal with something like this. half of them aren't even sure if Logan is a person, since he looks like...that.
against his will (though it's really just his conditioning), Logan is forced to undergo corrective surgery that removes the extra pair of breasts and milk-producing glands in his organs. aside from some surgery scars, he looks...normal. like every other human.
but he feels nothing like one. nineteen years of being a test subject, of having only one purpose, and Logan has no idea how to be a person. and now that he can no longer fulfil his purpose, why is he even still alive? does his 'family' plan on rescuing him from these awful people telling him how fucked up he is? is this all just a test?
the other residents are freaked out by him, don't know how to treat him. the staff feels sorry for him, but at a loss of how to help. Logan becomes increasingly volatile and violent, to a point where he needs to be kept restrained and sedated for most of the time. most of the staff deems him beyond help, wondering if it would be more merciful to just end him.
Dr. Cassius Helven is called in. as an expert on severe trauma and abnormal psychology, Cassius is granted by the government to take Logan home with him and conduct his treatment there. unlike the mental hospital, Cassius coaxes Logan in with familiarity; treating him like a pet, giving him a schedule, letting Logan fall into a routine without having to interact with others or 'be a person'.
Cassius makes a huge amount of progress with Logan. he teaches Logan basic reading and writing, important life skills, things that will help foster his independence. he encourages Logan's curiosity, lets him explore the world and realize that it's so, so much more than the lab he called home. he helps Logan want to become a person.
because Logan is Cassius' success story.
the fame and fortune that Cassius amasses is extraordinary, and why wouldn't it be? Logan is an entirely unique case study, given what he went through. whereas others failed with him, Cassius succeeded, making an excellent reputation for himself and his career. it thrust Logan into the spotlight as well -- not as the genius who figured out how to treat a former test subject, but as the pitiful test subject. even when Logan wants to be a person now, society refuses to see him as such. he'll always just be the milk boy. the 'human cow'. the freak.
Logan wants to move out of Cassius' home, wants to get away from the media. but how can he? Cassius has done so much for him, and he reminds Logan of that whenever he wants to say no to him, for anything. it's a new form of cruelty for Logan; learning how to say no, and then not being able to.
inevitably, public opinion splits. now there are people saying that Logan should be freed, not kept as a case study, as a spectacle. and there's a significant number of people with significant connections who are backing the Liberate Logan movement.
Cassius tries moving homes, tries keeping Logan hidden, but it's his own teachings that do him in. while showing Logan how to use electronics, Logan discovered he has a passion for them, and had been studying them intensely. he finds a way to bypass the controls Cassius put on his computer and get onto the internet, where he reveals the address of Cassius' new home.
the protesters move in. they stand outside during the day with their signs and chants, getting plenty of media coverage and annoying Cassius. but at night, things escalate. someone throws a brick at one of the windows. a mob breaks out. a whole swarm of people with their own reasons, all uniting under one cause. stop Cassius.
Logan escapes in the chaos. Cassius suffers a few minor injuries, but nothing more. it's the protesters that get brutalized the most.
Logan has nowhere to go. for all that he's learned, he has no idea how to live on his own, still struggles to take care of himself. everything is hard, and painful, and overwhelming. his bare feet hurt on the sidewalk. he shivers from the cold. he misses Cassius' bed.
he ends up curled up in an alley, drifting off from exhaustion, when a gunshot startles him. Logan isn't quite sure what the sound is. but when a man comes walking down the alley, blood splattered on his face and clothes, Logan recognizes the blood. it's obviously not coming from the man, it's someone else's.
but of course, being raised how he was, violence and murder don't phase Logan one bit. as the man soon realizes when he sees Logan there, staring up at him curiously. he recognizes Logan from the press; impossible not to when he's the media's favorite topic.
it's unprofessional and dangerous to leave witnesses. but Derek really doesn't want to kill the poor thing. he asks Logan if he's lost and Logan says no, he doesn't want to be with Cassius anymore. Derek asks if he has anywhere to go. Logan says no; he was hoping to find an unpopulated area, somewhere with no humans. he's starting to realize that his 'family' was right; he's not human at all. Logan doesn't think he likes humans very much.
Derek agrees. he also doesn't like humans very much, and reassures Logan that he isn't one. Logan is confused, asks what Derek is then.
"A monster," Derek says with a smile. "Or so I've been told."
monster. that's a new word for Logan. he's heard people call Cassius one, but Cassius insists that they're lying. that's good. he wouldn't trust Derek if Cassius was a monster too.
"I don't know if I'm a monster," Logan says. "They call me a freak."
"Hmm. That's a different type of monster."
"Oh. What type are you?"
and really, this seems like the best solution to Derek. no witnesses. the young man clearly doesn't know right from wrong, and if Derek takes him in and hides him from the media, nobody will be able to question him. hell, he could fake Logan's death just to make sure nobody goes looking for him.
so it makes all the sense in the world to ask:
"Would you like to find out?"
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emmettland · 1 month
Gold and Green AU | Repost #3
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Context: Goldens are known for their superior strength. To compensate for his inferior Green strength, Logan built a strength modulator that allows him to exert much more force; it's the cuff on his wrist. Cassius is a little suspicious, only because he thinks a Golden shouldn't be able to overpower him with one hand.
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Context: Dirk spends so much time with Logan because he's the one who helped Logan learn to act as a Golden...and now they're friends, of course.
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Context: David did indeed! It was after Derek rejected Logan, and that's how Cassius found out.
All art is from 2023.
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my art x my whump x gold and green au x ko-fi
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emmettsin · 2 months
art request #2 - reuploaded!
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the door is locked for Logan and his buggy friend. Logan is having scrambled eggs. he does not enjoy them.
comment with the 🚀 emoji if you would like to see! a screenshot of the original ask will be included.
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emmettland · 1 month
Gold and Green AU | Repost #10
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Ask Prompt: What if Cassius Blessed Logan? (2023)
CW: explicit NSFW, noncon, dubcon, no prep, no lube, abusive power dynamics
“I’ve never had a Green run off on me before,” Cassius said. His tone was light, as if it were just a joke between them now, but the cold metal around Logan’s wrists was heavy – a precaution, and a punishment. 
Logan’s hands twitched above his head. He turned his head, unable to meet the Golden’s eyes – his Golden’s eyes. He had to accept that.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, knowing there was no excuse for his actions. 
He panicked. He forgot his place, his purpose. He was mislead by a soothing voice from the past, telling him that he didn’t have to do this. He wanted warm golden eyes, not the pale gold that Cassius had. He didn’t want Cassius, and he didn’t want to be Blessed by him. 
But he wasn’t allowed to say any of that.
Cassius stroked his cheek. “I suppose it’s to be expected. You were already rejected once, so you must have thought I would reject you as well.” 
That’s not it, Logan thought. He held his tongue. 
“But your father was right, Logan. There is nothing wrong with you.” 
Then why don’t I want this? 
Cassius’ lips curved. “I’m quite grateful to be your first,” he said, lowering his head to leave feather-light kisses. They started at his collarbone, moved down to his sternum, to his chest – and then Cassius looked up at him under snowy eyelashes, smirking. “And I intend to be your only.” 
Logan wanted to protest. But the kisses turned into a tongue, and that tongue brushed over a rosy bud, and it felt strangely good. Logan gasped at the feeling, and again when Cassius pinched the other one, playing with his body in ways that the Green wasn’t even allowed to think about. 
Your Golden will decide your pleasure, his lessons said. It’s forbidden for Greens to ever pleasure themselves. You do not deserve pleasure unless your Golden says so.
Cassius must think he deserves it. Because one hand was crawling down Logan’s side, eliciting shivers, and the other was creeping between his thighs, thumbing the slit of his member. Logan inhaled sharply at the feeling, and the feeling spread when Cassius’ hand wrapped around it, sliding up and down. 
He bit back a moan. Cassius squeezed and said, “I would prefer if you didn’t stay quiet.” 
I would prefer if you did, Logan thought. It was easier to enjoy the physical sensations without the Golden speaking, reminding him of his situation. Of his damned purpose. 
But he couldn’t really tell a Golden to shut up. 
He closed his eyes and tried not to think about it. He didn’t stifle his sounds, or try to be modest about his pleasure. Having that part of him touched felt really good, and for the first time in his life, he was able to harden without that torturous ring on, forbidding it. 
His pleasure wasn’t forbidden here. It was expected, and that was really the only good thing about it, knowing that he would get to blossom for the first time. Even if it was with Cassius and not the Golden who still stuck in his troublesome fantasies– 
“Gods,” Cassius breathed, cutting off that thought.
Logan hesitantly opened his eyes, but he felt the Golden’s desire before he saw it, pressing into the inside of his thigh. He squirmed at the feeling, and at Cassius’ next words.
“I will take my time with you later, little floret. You’re too irresistible not to be inside now.” He squeezed the now leaking tip, getting another moan from the Green. “And adorably sensitive,” Cassius added with a grin. 
He pulled Logan up by his arms as he sat back, so the Green knelt over his lap as his manacled wrists were placed behind the Golden’s head. Logan’s eyes went wide as Cassius’ words finally registered.
“I-I’m not prepared yet,” he blurted.
“I know,” Cassius said, reaching down. Logan let out an embarrassing squeak when he felt his hole being spread with two hands. “It’ll just be the head for now.” 
Before he could protest that too, Cassius was pushing his hips down, and there was the unpleasant sensation of something entering him. Logan squeezed his eyes shut, clenching without realizing, which got a breathy moan out of the Golden. 
“Relax,” Cassius urged, stroking his lower back. “It will hurt less if you let it happen.” 
It wasn’t the pain that bothered him. Or even how dry it was, with only precum to wet the way. It was – everything else. Feeling his inner walls stretched farther than they’re used to, combined with the effort to not tighten around the intrusion. Feeling too open, too exposed, and too helpless on the Golden’s lap, trapped by the metal cuffs. Logan considered asking if they could be taken off, since he couldn’t really run anywhere now, but panic was gripping his throat, making it impossible to speak and hard to breathe. 
“See? It’s nothing to be scared of,” Cassius said, either oblivious to his fear or just choosing to ignore it. Logan’s breath hitched as he was pushed down more, stretched open farther, penetrated deeper– 
“Cassius,” he whimpered, hoping he would stop.
But this wasn’t the Golden who rejected him – who cared enough about his feelings to reject him. These eyes weren’t nearly as warm, and this smile was just a polished trophy. A reward for something he couldn’t refuse. 
“You can handle it,” Cassius told him, and for a moment, Logan’s training convinced him it was true, because his Golden said it.
But that moment didn’t last long, and Cassius split him open more, sinking deeper and deeper until there was no space left to fill. Logan didn’t want to handle it. He wanted to escape it. 
Cassius let out a satisfied hiss. “Gods. You’re doing great, Logan. So good for me.”
Right, Logan thought bitterly. Good for you.
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my writing x emmettsin x gold and green au x ko-fi
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emmettland · 1 month
Gold and Green AU | Repost #14
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The Machine (2023)
CW: explicit NSFW, noncon, brainwashing, conditioning, repetition, manipulation, abusive power dynamics, restraints, bulging, gaping, fuck machines, spitroasting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, electrocution, nipple clamps, sensory deprivation, blindfolds, begging, crying
Logan was used to the harsh punishments that Greens received when they disobeyed. There was no mercy spared for a disobedient Green, whether they intended to be or not.
But after spending so long disguised as a Golden, he had forgotten what it was like to be punished for every little mistake, anything that could be taken as an act of rebellion. He had gotten so used to being on top that he had forgotten what it was like to be on his knees, forced to be absolutely still until a Gold said he could move, scared to move too quickly or too slowly or not gracefully enough or too gracefully when given permission.
Logan had forgotten how to live in fear, and now that Cassius knew what he really was, the Golden was determined to teach him again.
Really, Logan knew he was being generous. There had been so many missteps before this, so many times that Logan had forgotten himself and what was required of him. He made eye contact without permission, he forgot to use formal address, he hesitated before obeying an order, he lost an earring -- all transgressions that Cassius was silently counting against him, like grains of sand dropping in an hourglass. Falling faster towards Logan's fate.
Today, he had the audacity to yawn when Cassius was speaking to him. It was such a natural reflex, and one that Logan took pleasure in as a Golden, free to yawn whenever he pleased without it being taken as an insult -- only the Greens in his company were affected, fearing that it meant he was bored of them. But for it to be the other way around, where a Green was bored of their Golden? That wasn't just disobedience.
It was disrespect.
"I won't do it again," Logan said, his neck burning from the ring of light squeezing it. It's what forced him to follow Cassius into his Reformation School, down the darkened corridors where nobody could see them. His legs moved against his will and burned in agony if Logan tried to stop them. "Please, my Golden, I promise!"
He was saying everything a Golden would want to hear, but Cassius acted as if he didn't hear him at all.
He brought Logan into a room filled with machinery, devices that Logan didn't recognize. But his mind tortured him with ideas and his stomach rolled as he was led to a machine that had a flat table. Cassius wordlessly gestured for him to lay down on it, and Logan was too afraid to refuse, wincing as the cold metal touched his back.
Everything happened in a series of clinical motions, done without any flair or mocking. Logan's legs were spread and lifted, his ankles placed into metal clasps on each side of the table, and as far as his legs could go. His initial vague unease sharpened into a much more tangible fear as he realized what that was for.
Logan couldn't see it at first, but he heard the mechanical whrrr of something rising from beneath the table, and then saw a thin black cylinder with a rounded tip being aimed between his legs. Cassius cupped the tip with his hand and gave it a few pumps for a clear fluid to come leaking out -- lubrication, obviously, because he didn't want his dear Green to be unusable afterwards.
Then the same shape lowered itself from the top of the machine, stopping right above his lips. That one was pumped too, and a few sticky droplets fell on Logan's chin and neck. Immediately, the smell of them stung his nostrils and gave him the urge to cough; it was bound to be unbearable once it was down his throat.
Logan tried not to whimper. He felt so exposed, so humiliated in this position, and he dreaded what was coming. He had never had to deal with this kind of punishment as a Green. This was new to him, and it was nervewracking, not knowing what would happen or what he had to do to make it stop or when it would stop.
"Cassius, please--"
The ring of light around his neck opened and disappeared. His arm was bent as his hand was cuffed near his head, his arm stub staying on the table. There were small buds pushed inside of his ears, and somehow, that worried Logan more than the objects about to be forced into him. He didn't know what the earbuds were for. They were clearly not noise cancelling, as he could still hear the machine start buzzing as it was turned on. But he was denied sight as Cassius tied a thick black blindfold around his head and over his eyes, letting his mind's eye fill in what was happening combined with what he was hearing and feeling. It made things even more overwhelming.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything by it!"
He gasped in pain when something cold and hard pinched both of his nipples, probably metal clamps as well. They didn't ease up and the pressure hurt, enough for him to squirm in his restraints. Worse than that, he felt two more clamps pinch at the sensitive skin around his hole and pull, keeping him wide open despite his muscles twitching and tensing.
Before Logan could try begging again, he heard Cassius' voice directly in his ears, coming out of the earbuds.
"What is your purpose, little Green?"
His purpose? As a Green? Logan knew this one, it had been instilled in him ever since he was old enough to understand words.
But before he could answer, he felt something cold and hard -- the metal phallus pressing against his spread hole and slowly pushing inside, the stretch made easier with the slick lubricant. It still caught him off guard, and every muscle in his body was clenched with fear; it hurt going in and the breath was forced out of Logan's lungs.
"You didn't answer fast enough. What is your purpose, little Green?"
The pain and discomfort scattered his thoughts. His purpose, he knew it, it was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't form the words, even though he remembered them. He opened his mouth, and the object thrusted into him, making him lose his answer with a startled cry.
"You didn't answer fast enough. What is your purpose, little Green?"
It had to be a recording. Which meant it was used to reform other Greens. The thought made Logan sick.
This time, the phallus pulled all the way out of his hole with a wet pop before slamming back in. Logan shrieked, his back arching off the table, legs trembling in their restraints as the phallus repeated the motion, sliding all the way out before thrusting back in. His body wanted to clench around the intrusion, stop it from entering him again, but the clamps held firm and prevented any resistance.
"Do not stutter. What is your purpose, little Green?"
Logan felt horribly helpless. "To serve the--"
He yelped when a surge of electricity zapped his nipples, clouding his thoughts with pain again. The phallus was slowly making its way deeper, drawing Logan's attention to just how long it was. It wasn't soft or fleshy like a real cock; the lubricant couldn't change the fact it was metal, hard and unyielding.
"Incorrect wording. What is your purpose, little Green?"
Incorrect wording?! Logan made a sound out of frustration, and immediately shrieked again when his nipples were zapped at the same time the object punched his insides.
"You have disrespected your Golden. What do you say, little Green?"
"I-I'm s--"
Another zap, another yelp.
"Do not stutter. What do you say, little G--"
"I'm sorry!"
The zap was much sharper this time, and now that he was more stretched than before, the phallus started speeding up, thrusting into him with hard, pointed blows. It felt like an assault, but he would have preferred being smacked or kicked to this kind of torture.
"Do not interrupt your Golden. Try again."
"I'm sorry," Logan choked out.
"You are forgiven, but you still haven't given me an answer. What is your purpose, little Green?"
Logan tried thinking of what it was. Cassius had said the wording was incorrect, but what did that mean? He had to think of something else, but whenever he tried to think, he got zapped and the phallus thrust with more force and Logan couldn't think. "S-Stop," he pleaded, already knowing it was wrong. "I-I can't think!"
This time, the zap was powerful enough to make him scream, tears now rolling down his cheeks as his nipples burned and his chest ached and inside of him hurt.
"You do not need to think when you know the answer, little Green. Try again."
"I-I live to--"
"Do not stutter. What is your purpose, little Green?"
"To serve my Golden!"
Logan nearly screamed in frustration that time. "Y-You just want to hurt me! I don't have any other ans--"
The shock delivered for that, for speaking out against his Golden, made Logan's vision turn white for a blinding, agonizing moment.
When the pain fizzled away, he felt the phallus slow inside him, burying itself in slow, deep thrusts. It was getting wetter, and stretching him out more, and it wasn't hurting nearly as bad as his chest did now from the electrocution.
Cassius didn't need to say it. "I'm sorry," Logan sobbed, hating how easily he was breaking. He had tricked everyone into thinking he was a strong, proud Golden, and that included himself. But here Cassius was, proving him wrong. Reminding him of the truth. That he was just a weak, pathetic, shameful Green who only existed to serve his Golden. That's all he was good for and that's why he was getting fucked by a metal phallus instead of his Golden's cock -- he didn't deserve it.
As if sensing the shift in his thoughts, the phallus stopped and started to vibrate slightly, a welcome reprieve from the thrusting. He felt a hand in his hair, just touching it without stroking or grabbing, while Cassius' voice popped up in his ears again.
"And who is your Golden?"
"You," Logan said instantly, in a burst of breath. "Cassius Helven."
There was a tense pause and Logan winced, expecting to be shocked again. But to his surprise and relief, the phallus only vibrated more as it slightly changed angles, curving up and nudging his prostate. He moaned at the feeling, disorientated by the abrupt switch from pain to pleasure when the phallus started rubbing, making his toes curl.
"Correct. Your purpose is to serve me. Say it, little Green."
Whatever was left of Logan's pride still had him hesitating. He couldn't help wondering what would happen if he didn't obey. If he could just ride this out, wait until Cassius got impatient and tried something else, because he surely couldn't do this forever --
Another zap. Smaller, but enough to jolt Logan out of his thoughts.
"Do not hesitate. Say what your purpose is, little Green."
Logan just blurted it out, shoving those thoughts away. "My purpose is to serve you, my Golden."
"Correct. Good boy."
He was rewarded with gentle thrusting, the vibrations tingling inside him pleasantly as the phallus rubbed against his prostate. Logan shivered, trying to enjoy it while he could. He was just starting to harden when the phallus suddenly pulled out. Logan whined uncertainly, but he didn't dare speak without permission.
A moment later, he winced as the clamps pulled his hole open even wider, to the point of gaping. Something wetter and softer and much wider started sliding into him. Logan forgot how to breathe as he felt it sink into him, inch by never-ending inch, until it was splitting him open. He was caught between wet gasps and tiny whimpers, any coherent thoughts drowned out by how full he was.
It didn't stop there. Logan barely had time to adjust before the huge phallus was moving, almost instantly brushing against the sensitive bundle of nerves hidden deep inside. He shrieked when it suddenly lurched forward, creating an irregular rhythm of pauses and thrusts that Logan couldn't handle.
"Cassius," he cried out, and was zapped for speaking out of turn. It made him clench tighter, and he couldn't clench around something so big. He was forced to just -- just let it fuck him, whether as reward or punishment, he didn't know, he didn't care. He was half-hard now and could feel the massive phallus poking his abdomen, moving under his skin. It was just that big and that deep.
He barely registered Cassius speaking again.
"Do you like how this feels, little Green?"
He shouldn't lie to his Golden, right? "Yes," Logan wheezed, even though he wasn't totally sure, it was overwhelming and he could barely think -- but he wasn't meant to think, was he? Greens didn't exist to think, only serve, and he was meant to serve Cassius.
The big phallus sped up, fucking him faster.
Logan started panting, little gasps and moans punched out of him as the pace increased and the force increased. He arched off the table, crying, screaming himself hoarse at how good it felt, how unbearable it was, how much he wanted it to stop and keep going.
"Do you like it better than my cock?"
Was this still a recording?
"I-I don't--" Logan yelped as he was zapped, just a tiny bit compared to the others, but his nipples were raw and sensitive just to the air now. A soundless scream tore out of him when the thrusting became pounding -- mercilessly, relentless, forcing him to orgasm and not even letting him enjoy it as it kept fucking him, painful now that he was oversensitive. But he didn't dare say stop again.
"You do know, little Green. Would you like anything better than your Golden's cock inside you?"
It was scripted to make the answer obvious. Logan heaved, trying to catch his breath, and was barely able to squeeze out the words. "No, my Golden."
"Correct. So, tell me what you want. You have my permission."
"I want a break," Logan said dumbly, defaulting to honesty. But this didn't have the desired effect, as he suddenly felt wet metal press against his lips, ready to abuse his throat now too.
"Have I said you deserve a break?"
"No, my Golden!"
"Correct. Open your mouth, little Green."
Logan obeyed mindlessly, knowing what was coming. His lips were stretched apart by the hard metal entering his mouth, sliding all the way to the back of his throat. Whatever was leaking from its tip and pooling on his tongue smelled repugnant. That, combined with how deep it was, made Logan cough around it, swallowing down the urge to gag. He was zapped for this involuntary reflex, and again when the phallus started thrusting in and out, making his body spasm.
"Control yourself, little Green. You will not be coughing if I allow you to suck on my cock."
His eyes stung with tears, his nose stung with the smell, and his throat was already feeling raw as the phallus kept going. But the Green forced himself not to cough, forced himself to take it gracefully, because this was his purpose. To serve Cassius. How could he serve Cassius if he couldn't even handle this? He had to prove himself worthy. He had to be useful.
After a while, the hand in his hair started stroking, and Logan reveled in the small comfort. Until the oversized phallus in his hole started fucking into him again, and a shriek lodged itself in his throat. He couldn't stop his body from spasming again, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as both of his holes were fucked raw, with just a little lubrication to ease the way.
Gods. Please let it stop soon. Please. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
"Let's try again, little Green. What is it you want?"
The phallus in his mouth withdrew with a wet sound. Logan had to suppress another coughing fit to answer with a hoarse voice -- and in a moment of shocking clarity, the answer seemed quite clear.
"I want your cock, my Golden."
There was a hum of approval in his ears, and Logan desperately hoped he had said the right thing. All he wanted to do was please his Golden, to please Cassius, to earn the privilege of being fucked by Cassius instead of this disgraceful machine.
"Do you deserve it now?"
"No," he blurted out, reminding himself not to hesitate, not to think. Only to please. He was still overstimulated, still being fucked, but he forced his voice to stay steady, speaking between low moans and gulps of air.
"But I want to! I'll do -- anything to -- a-ahhh -- deserve it. Please -- nghhh -- please tell me how, my Golden!"
He instinctively flinched again, expecting to be zapped for -- for he didn't know what, it could have been anything that displeased his Golden and he could only apologize until Cassius forgave him.
Suddenly, the thrusting stopped. Logan whimpered, his nerves buzzing, his senses threatening to go numb, every muscle in his body aching from being squeezed. He felt the phallus pull out, his breath hitching at how loose it left him, and then saw it for himself when the blindfold was removed. After blinking tears out of his eyes, he saw himself too, in the reflection of a mirror posed above him.
Gods, he was a mess. His cheeks burned at the shameful display, eyed widening when he saw his gaping hole, swollen red and leaking some of the lubricant. His mouth was hanging open with his tongue out as he panted and drooled, too exhausted to even keep it shut. His nipples were freed of the clamps, making him wince at how sensitive the pert buds were now. He didn't see where Cassius was standing, so all he could stare at was the large phallus still poised above his hole, ready to be thrust back in. Logan hoped it wouldn't be.
Without warning, the table was angled down and Logan felt himself drop, the clamps moving with his legs to keep them spread above him. His vision spun for a dizzying moment, and then his mouth was being opened again -- but it wasn't metal, it was skin, and Logan felt more than grateful when Cassius started thrusting his hard cock in and out, forcing Logan to deepthroat him. He made sure not to cough, though he couldn't help the choked off shriek when the phallus plunged back into him, hitting his prostate on the first try.
"Show me how much you love your Golden," Cassius said, and it wasn't in Logan's earbuds now. He could hear the voice above his head, hear the harsh breaths and low moans. "Use your mouth to please me --yes, that's it," he hissed as Logan swallowed around him, right when it was just the head inside. "Good boy. Let me hear you."
Logan wasn't sure how he could do that, so he just whined around the cock in his mouth, assuming he did well when Cassius groaned and sped up. It was then that the phallus stopped thrusting and stayed pressed up against his prostate -- which was confusing for all of two seconds, when the tip started moving in a circle, drilling into him while giving short, hard thrusts that had Logan spasming and choking on his Golden's cock.
Everything became a blur of motion, heat, and pressure. He felt himself cum again, drops of it hitting his chin and cheeks, but just as before, he had no time to revel in it as the machine kept going. He thought he might die, or at the very least pass out, trapped and unable to move as the phallus fucked his hole and his Golden fucked his mouth.
His face was wet with tears and cum. His legs wouldn't stop shaking. He didn't know how much longer he could stay conscious, and it felt like his head was getting lighter, his thoughts further away -- and then finally, he felt the cock in his throat twitch and cum filled his mouth, slipping down his throat and leaking past his lips. Some of it splattered on his face as his Golden pulled out with a satisfied sigh.
The sound itself could have made Logan weep with joy, if he wasn't already sobbing pitifully.
Though his mouth was empty once more, he was still stuffed with the large phallus, now pleasantly buzzing instead of thrusting. Logan tried to see where his Golden was, if he was turning the machine off or unclasping the cuffs around his ankles and wrist. But he wasn't. Logan only heard the sound of a zipper and another content sound before Cassius whispered in his ear.
"Do you deserve me now, little Green?"
"Yes," Logan croaked. Cassius didn't like it when he said he didn't know, and he wasn't supposed to think. But he had done what his Golden asked. He had shown obedience, discipline, and devotion. Isn't that all it took? Wasn't he worthy now?
Cassius hum of disappointment said otherwise, and Logan's heart dropped through his chest when he simply said, "Wrong answer."
He heard footsteps on the tile floor walking away from him. But the machine was still going, and he was still trapped on the table, and there was no one else but Cassius. Which meant those were Cassius' footsteps. Cassius was leaving.
Panic shot through him. "I'm sorry, my Golden! Please -- please give me another chance. Please don't leave," he begged, even though he knew it was improper, and there was no answer. "Please, Cassius!"
He heard a metal door slide open and closed, followed by the lights turning off and plunging him into pitch black. With no Golden there to punish him now, Logan let out a furious, desperate scream that clattered off the walls and hurt his own ears.
It had been exactly a week now. Cassius hadn't checked on his Green in person, but he had been monitoring Logan closely on the screens, capturing him at every angle. He had shamelessly pleasured himself some nights while watching them, controlling the machine remotely.
Keeping it on the entire time would have made Logan numb from the overstimulation, so he was given breaks in-between. Just enough time to recover before he was brutally fucked again, always with Cassius in his ears, asking him the same question.
What is your purpose, little Green?
Repetition was an effective tool for Reformation when paired with other methods, like overstimulation. He had pounded it into Logan, quite literally, until the rebellious Green remembered his purpose. But it wasn't until Logan got the final question right that Cassius ended his punishment.
Do you deserve me, little Green?
Logan had tried switching from yes to no, but Cassius knew he didn't truly mean it. He needed to erase any doubt in Logan's mind and any lingering sense of pride that tricked him into thinking he was worthy of any Golden after what he had done.
"No," Logan cried out, in tears again. "No, I don't! I never will!"
This time, Cassius could tell he meant it. He could tell that Logan had stopped trying to escape his punishment and had accepted it, because that is what he deserved.
Cassius smiled and turned off the machine.
Logan was an absolute wreck when he got there. His legs dropped instantly when they were released, and Logan didn't even have the energy to pull them together, instead letting them flop over each side of the table. His arm just fell at his side. There was no sigh of relief because he knew this might not be the end. But he at least looked grateful to see Cassius, to finally see his Golden's face instead of just hearing his voice.
He didn't dare say a word without permission. Cassius was proud.
The Golden manhandled the Green until he was standing upright facing the table. Of course, he had to grab Logan's waist to keep him standing, since there was no way he could stand on his own trembling legs.
Cassius bent him over, pleased to find no resistance, and admired the sight of his Green's thoroughly abused hole before shoving his own cock in there.
Gods, he had held off on touching himself this time and it was worth it, moaning at the wet heat welcoming him in.
Logan was still a bit loose from the large phallus keeping him stretched out, but he must have realized this, because he clenched around his Golden's cock with obvious effort, just for his pleasure. Cassius grinned and seated himself all the way in, enjoying the tiny gasps and whimpers it got him.
"Good boy," he purred, and started fucking his Green.
It was perfect. No resistance, no complaints, just Logan's irresistible body and beautiful noises, all for his Golden. Cassius gave him permission to speak, wanting to hear what would come out of his mouth now that he remembered his place, and was spurred on even more when Logan started thanking him.
"Thank you, my Golden," he gasped out, repeating it with his forehead pressed to the table. "Thank you, thank you, thank you--"
Cassius thrust harder. "You can say my name, little lily."
"C-Cassius! I'm sorry -- thank you, Cassius -- ngh! Thank you!"
It was exactly what Cassius wanted to hear. He knew he wouldn't last long, not just with the Green's change in attitude, but because he had been forced to simply watch for a whole week. Patience was no longer applicable.
But that was fine; he gave a few more solid thrusts before emptying himself out into his Green, paying no attention to the smaller man's neglected cock.
Once he had pulled out, he let Logan go and stepped back as he fell to the floor, knees hitting the hard tile and head thumping into the bottom of the table. It was quite amusing, watching him crumple with his swollen ass in the air. His poor little Green had no energy left to move a single muscle.
Taking pity on him, Cassius hoisted Logan up in his arms and brought him to a cleaning bay, showering off the bodily fluids and sticky sweat that had accumulated on Logan's skin. Logan was completely pliant and quiet, his eyelashes only fluttering when Cassius started speaking to him.
"Would you like a nap, little lily? You can answer honestly."
Logan struggled to answer, but Cassius wouldn't fault him for it this time. He was too cute when exhausted out of his -- well, he probably didn't have much of a mind left after getting fucked for a week.
"Yes, my Golden," Logan said, making sure not to mumble. Cassius smiled and kissed his sore lips, pleased when Logan immediately opened up for his tongue. He was sure that, if he denied Logan a nap, there would be no complaining this time. Just obedient acceptance.
But the Golden wasn't that cruel, so he took his Green back to his bedroom and tucked him under the covers for a bit of rest.
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my writing x emmettsin x gold and green au x ko-fi
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emmettland · 1 month
Gold and Green AU | Repost #6
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Cassius and Logan's First Meeting (2023)
CW: abusive power dynamics
When a Green is Gifted to a Golden, they are usually sent to the Golden’s bed chamber to service them; it’s rare for a Golden to actually meet the Green before accepting them as a Gift.
But since Logan was rejected by a Golden once, it made sense. Something had to be wrong with him for a Golden to turn him down, so Cassius was just playing it safe. He wanted to judge for himself if Logan was truly defective, or if Derek had just been cruel.
They met at Glisten at the Helven palace, under the tall arches of the colosseum. After formal introductions, Cassius offered to escort him around the palace, and delved into his love for performances. It was a love Logan did not share, so he simply nodded along while the silica blooms caught more of his attention. Their smooth petals lit up blue when he touched them, and a soft song rose from their glowing center. 
Perhaps the Golden realized the Green wasn’t interested, because Cassius smiled and leaned over to watch him play with it.
“Remarkable, are they not? The singing ones are my favorite.”
“Silica,” Logan says. “That’s the stone inside them that creates the songs, so they’re called silica blooms.” He brushes his fingertips over the center and the song raises in pitch with the touch, dropping back down when his fingers leave. “They love being touched, and they sing higher when excited–” 
“I don’t recall asking,” Cassius says, amused.
Logan flushes and bows his head. “Sorry, Golden.” 
Cassius chuckles. “No need. I must admit, a Green who talks just as much as we do is rather refreshing.” He reaches over to touch the silica bloom. But instead of a gentle caress, his finger presses down, and the song becomes frantically high-pitched.
Logan gasps and moves his hand without thinking. “You’re hurting them! You can’t press down that hard. You have to be gentle. Like this.” 
He demonstrates by gently stroking the center again, and the song becomes calmer, happier. A rare smile graces the Green’s face, oblivious to the Golden watching him in unexpected awe.
“Gentle,” Cassius repeats.
But instead of touching the silica bloom again, he reaches out to touch Logan’s face, gently stroking his cheek.
“Like this?” 
Logan flushes deeper. “I…suppose.” 
He wasn’t quite sure what to make of Cassius. He was about what you would expect for a Golden, except that he was not angered by Logan’s disrespect and did not punish him for stepping out of line. He seemed rather amused by it. Logan wondered if the Golden just saw him as a novelty, or a challenge. 
Silence sat between them. Logan preferred it to the idle chatter, but of course, Cassius broke it eventually. “What are some of your passions, Logan?” 
Logan hesitated. This was often a dangerous question that could lessen his appeal, and he needed to be appealing. Or else he would be Reformed. 
Cassius smirked. “Please don’t hold back. I’m quite curious.” 
“I…enjoy making mechins,” Logan said, avoiding the Golden’s eyes. The patterns in the stone floor were much safer to look at. “And stones fascinate me.” 
“As I can tell. But you actually create mechins?” Cassius sounded surprised, and fairly impressed. “I didn’t know David’s son dirtied his hands with such work.” 
“I clean them afterwards,” Logan said, annoyed.
Just when he thought Cassius would reprimand him, the Golden laughed. But this was not a soft, composed sound coming from dignified lips. It was loud, and abrupt, and had a slight warble to it. Logan was caught off guard by how genuine it was, and how out of place it was with Cassius’ presentation. 
“My dear floret,” Cassius said, when he stopped laughing. “I can see why Derek rejected you now.” 
Logan’s stomach sank. “I’m sorry–” 
He shrank back when Cassius leaned forward, expecting to be hurt. But instead of a hand to the face, there were lips on his – his first kiss.
Logan’s eyes went wide, unsure of what to do. But when a tongue pressed against his lips, it only seemed logical to part them, and to let the Golden deepen the kiss as he pleased. 
It wasn’t a bad first kiss. 
And when it turned into a second, it…really wasn’t bad. 
Logan was stunned. Flattered. Honored. Is this the kind of power Greens felt when they were Gifted? Cassius was kissing him slow and deep, tasting him, savoring him. It was a gratifying feeling, and Logan found himself responding, becoming tangled in the roots of desire. 
But then the Golden pulled away, a satisfied smile on his lips. 
“He felt threatened by you,” Cassius said, and it took Logan a moment to process what he meant. “But I feel the opposite, my Green. I feel even more compelled by your unique nature.” 
My Green. Had he decided to accept Logan as a Gift then? 
Logan was still a bit breathless. He didn’t know if Cassius was right about that, but he wasn’t allowed to argue. “I’m glad,” he said bluntly.
The kiss was good. He would like to do more kissing. And if Cassius agreed to Bless him…that was good too, right? That’s exactly what David wanted. To save his reputation after Derek’s stinging rejection and keep his son out of Reformation School. 
Logan managed a small smile. “So…you will accept Father’s Gift?” 
Cassius smiled too. A tender, hungry thing, growing something deep inside of the Golden that Logan could not see. “Yes. I accept you as my Gift, Logan.” 
That’s good, Logan told himself, succumbing to the next kiss.
This was good.
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my writing x my whump x gold and green au x ko-fi
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emmettland · 1 month
Gold and Green AU | Repost #17
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Ask Prompt: Cassius as Mavik's whumpee. (2023)
CW: abusive power dynamics, whumper turned whumpee
Mavik did not like their things being stolen.
It happened while the Elos ring was facing another ring who was hosting the tournament. Mavik decided not to bring Malusfa because he had the strength of a Golden, and they wanted to see how some of their actual Greens would fare against their opponents. Quite well! The Duel was won, and the crowd was filled with gasps of horror and outrage as the Gold was put to death -- since they refused to join Mavik's harem of Golds instead.
When they returned to their ring, Malusfa was gone.
Teddy's True Green, Dirk Warfson, explained what happened. He walked into Mavik's meeting room with his head held high, knowing that he was regarded highly in a place like this. He told Mavik, rather smugly, that it was Cassius Helven who gave Malusfa his memories back, all so he could out Logan Garder as a Green pretending to be a Golden.
This immediately caught Mavik's interest. They once had Derek, a Golden pretending to be a Green, and of course Malusfa was Reformed to believe he was a Green. But the other way around?
That was curious.
"Let me guess," Mavik said, a smile growing. "You outed Logan in exchange for your forbidden lover."
"Correct," Dirk said, no shame at all. "And now both Logan and Derek are suffering at the hands of the Golden who tricked you."
Tricked you. It was obvious bait, but Mavik wasn't sure if they would take it yet. "And why should I care about them? I could just take Malusfa back for myself."
"Oh, that's not happening." Dirk bared his teeth in a grin. "But I don't expect you to care about them. I'm simply telling you who took your best fighter. To me, that seems like legal grounds to challenge another Golden--"
"I am not a Golden," Mavik corrected him.
"--fine. To challenge a Golden to a duel. You've shown off your skills in the ring before, Elos. We all know you could beat him."
This was true. Dirk could have been a little more subtle about it, but he was obviously trying to appeal to Mavik's ego to get Cassius or killed. Or worse, brought into Mavik's harem.
But luckily for him, Mavik was a little ticked off that Cassius stole Malusfa from them. They had only met Cassius once or twice in person, and they could tell he would make for an entertaining show once that Golden pride was beaten down. It seemed to be a fun idea, and that was Mavik's reason for taking the bait.
"Alright," they said, grinning. "Let's go put a Golden in his place."
Mavik Elos won.
That -- that freak of nature, both a Gold and a Green, actually beat Cassius in a duel. And now, for the first time in his life, Cassius was the loser. His life was forfeit. Everything that he had worked for was gone. Everything that he had done to make Logan his True Green, and punish Derek for trying to steal him away -- all worthless.
Unless he lived.
Unless he did the unthinkable and joined Mavik's ring.
Unless he sacrificed his dignity for however long it took to escape Mavik and get his revenge, once and for all.
There were shouts of disapproval, mocking and insulting him, as he surrendered to Mavik. As he forced himself to kneel with his head down, his whole body resisting the submissive gesture, making his cheeks flush with shame. Mavik commanded him to get up, and though he wanted to ignore the command, he made himself comply.
"Another victory for the Elos ring," Mavik cheered, a sentiment only celebrated by the other members of the Elos ring, Greens in the stands with their pet Golds. It was horrific.
But even worse, Cassius caught the eye of his Logan standing next to that damned True Green, who looked absolutely smug at Cassius' defeat. Logan looked like he was in disbelief. Like a nightmare was finally coming to an end. He did not look smug, or vindictive, or anything that would suggest he relished in Cassius' torment.
But he looked grateful. Overwhelming grateful. Relieved to be free of his Golden, and Cassius had no doubt that the first thing he would do would be finding where Derek was being held captive and freeing him as well. To be with the Golden he chose.
That, more than anything, tore Cassius apart.
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my writing x my whump x gold and green au x ko-fi
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emmettland · 2 months
Rival pirate captains Logan and Derek and then navy admiral Cassius hunting the bounties on their heads. But once they're captured, perhaps he decides he wants to keep Logan for himself.
Logan finally gets the advantage over Derek and is so smug to have his rival at his mercy, only for Cassius to take both of them prisoner and take Logan as his personal prisoner.
and Derek's like wait can he do that?? is that legal?? i'm not letting him do that wtf
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emmettland · 1 month
Gold and Green AU | Repost #15
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Ask Prompt: How did Cassius find out Logan was pretending to be a Golden? (2023)
CW: abusive power dynamics, betrayal
"You will tell me the truth. I did not slay five Golds for nothing."
The power of the truth serum that he had injected the True Green with was a lie, designed by Golds to fool Greens into thinking that they were being compelled to be honest. In reality, the drug only made them more susceptible to believing what they were told.
But it clearly wasn't working on Dirk, whose smile was smug when he said, "Oh, only five? My dear Golden slain ten and one Golden. I suppose you got it at a discount."
Cassius smiled. True Greens were indeed respected more than Greens, but this level of disrespect would have gotten Dirk in trouble if he wasn't Teddy Warfson's True Green. Even so, Cassius could have verbally reprimanded him, but he didn't.
If threats were not going to work, bribery would.
"You don't like your Golden," Cassius said.
"Does any Green?"
"You would rather be with that Golden we Reformed at Teddy's request. Malusfa, right? He thinks he's a Green now."
"I am aware," Dirk said dryly.
"And he cannot even look at you without being in pain."
"Is there a point to this, Cassius?"
"I can change that," Cassius said, and caught the glimmer of hope that Dirk masked instantly. "I can reverse his Reformation, so you do not cause him pain and he no longer thinks he's a Green."
"You can, but that doesn't mean you will."
"I will have it done before you give me answers," Cassius said, "as long as you answer one question first. I'm well aware that my accusations cannot go without proof."
Dirk narrowed his eyes. He was suspicious, but not enough to turn down such a generous offer. All he had to do was betray his friend, and the love of his life, the father of his daughter, would be his again.
Some may have placed more loyalty in the friendship. Some may have deluded themselves into thinking that they could protect their friend and get what they wanted themselves, without the help of a Golden who needed something from them.
Dirk was not one of these fools. He had lived a hard life, much harder than the Green who now had all of the privileges and freedoms of being a Golden. He was older, crueler, and knew that if their positions would reversed, Logan Garder would do the exact same as him.
"I accept your deal," Dirk said. "To answer your question, yes. Logan Garder is actually a Green, and I will tell you how to expose his secret once my Malu is returned to me, in the condition you promised."
Cassius has a feeling he underestimated how much Dirk knew about the situation. He teases him. "I can find proof on my own, I'm sure. I just wanted to hear it from--"
"No, you didn't, and no, you can't." Dirk smiles, as if he was the only winner of their game. "Because I'm the one who trained him, and I'm the one who knows how he's been hiding it. You wouldn't pass up on the chance to humiliate him first."
Well, the True Green was right.
He was going to put Logan Garder to shame.
It was bound to be another glorious fight, featuring Logan going up against a Golden at least four times his size and five times his weight. People loved to see such a small Golden win against much bigger opponents; there was something exotic, almost taboo about it.
Before the fight to the death began, Cassius approached Logan in the corridors leading up to the arena. After some small talk, he told Logan that he would be cheering him on as always and looked forward to seeing his miraculous victory.
Emphasis on miraculous.
Now that his end of the deal was done, Dirk had told Cassius what he needed to know. It was really so simple, and yet it was no surprise how it never happened by accident. Goldens never touched each other in any sort of intimate manner unless they were related, and of course David had no idea that this Golden was actually his son.
But all Cassius had to do was take Logan's hand. He was clearly caught off guard and looked wary. "Cassius, what--"
"I just want to say," Cassius said, meeting his eyes, "how much respect I have for you, Logan. People doubted your power as a Golden, and yet you've proven them wrong over and over again."
The flattery worked. Logan grinned, distracted by his ego, and was in the middle of responding when Cassius quickly slid his fingers down, where the metal cuff covered Logan's wrist, and circled his thumb around a button in the center.
After what happened the last time, we needed a safety mechanism that could open the cuff. But it had to be subtle, or else it could be activated by accident. I suggested an intimate gesture, which would deter any Golds from trying it, and a specific one that would be impossible to guess.
The cuff clicked open, and Logan's grin dropped.
Cassius was faster. He snatched it away before Logan could grab it, and viciously smiled at the dawning look of horror on the Green's freckle-painted face. Just then, the drums started beating to signal the start of the fight, and Cassius shoved Logan out of the corridor, waving with the cuff as he stumbled into the arena.
"If she starts winning," Cassius said sweetly, "just be a good little Green and beg for your Golden to help you."
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my writing x my whump x gold and green au x ko-fi
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emmettsin · 2 months
we're talking about the Evil Church AU on my main (i'm a sucker for religious whump i can't help it) and i'm kinda. kinda thinking about some Logan on altar action. with David involved. and Cassius' angelic form...if u know what i mean...
thinking about Logan kneeling above the altar where there's a tall cross sticking out from the center, thick and either made of metal or stone, with David standing there, telling him it's time for his penance.
sometimes Logan will just get it over with, other times he begs Father not to make him do this again -- but of course he must do it to be forgiven for his sins, for their sins, as David reminds him.
so he reluctantly hitches up his nun dress, already bare underneath (except for the black thigh-highs, those stay on), and fingers himself open with Father watching, flushed and ashamed. sometimes David will do it for him if he's taking too long or if he loses his resolve; if he doesn't choose forgiveness, David chooses for him.
but either by David's hand or his own, he's stretched out, enough to straddle the cross and slowly lower himself onto it. it can't go all the way in, not at first, because the horizontal part is way too wide and rests between the inside of his thighs once he goes as far as he can. and it hurts. the stone, the metal, it's unpleasant, it's cold, and it feels disgusting to do with a symbol of God...
...but then the cross becomes this shining white light (aka Cassius is getting in on the action, in his angelic form) and changes shape, allowing Logan to take all of it in. and it's glorious. it feels so good, any qualms Logan had just turn to dust, and all he can think about is the light penetrating him, filling him up completely. gasping and whimpering as he rolls his hips and raises himself up and down, not chasing forgiveness, just chasing release. that sweet, addicting high that comes once he does (and once Cassius does).
but once the high is gone, everything comes hurtling back. the shame. the guilt. the disgust with himself. "that is forgiveness," Father tells him. "being forgiven does not mean absolved of guilt."
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emmettland · 1 month
Evil Church AU: Story Map
Spoilers ahead!
This is copy and pasted from the Milanote version.
The Premise:
Logan suffers and dies every night to absolve the churchgoers of their sins.
The Core Conflict:
Cassius wants Logan to be completely loyal to him, but Derek wants Logan to be happy and free.
The Stakes:
If he doesn't perform the ritual every night, the churchgoers will go to Hell, and that includes David. Logan wants David to go to Heaven to reunite with Lilian.
The Resolution:
David kills Logan to become the new savior. Mari stops Cassius from binding Logan's soul to himself and binds it to Derek instead. The world ends with David in Hell and Logan getting to see Lilian in Heaven one time.
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emmettland · 1 month
how do your ocs react to their exs bothering them?
depends on the oc and the situation! i think, for example, Teddy bothering Dirk over schedule changes to visiting Eshana would be less alarming than Cassius escaping prison to show up at Logan's door with flowers.
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emmettland · 1 month
Gold and Green AU | Repost #19
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Ask Prompt: Logan being branded. (2023)
CW: abusive power dynamics, branding
It was an honor to be branded by a Golden. Logan received his first brand from his father when he graduated from Greenie to Green, officially becoming a member of the Helterson Ring.
Only a Golden's highest Golds were allowed to spectate in the ceremony. It took place in the baths, where herbs were burned in a chalice right next to Logan. When inhaled, the smoke helped numb his nerves to the agonizing pain that would be follow.
But it was an honor to be in pain for his Golden.
He emerged from the baths after being washed down by two of his father's Golds, purified with sweet smelling soaps. They escorted him to the center of the bathing chamber where an elaborately decorated towel was laid flat, waiting for him to lay on it. It would have been disgraceful to show any hesitation, so Logan kept his head down for his hair to hide his face as he knelt down and lay flat on his stomach.
His father, of course, was the one who branded him. Logan felt the surge of heat behind him as the branding rod was raised. If he just looked behind him, he would see David holding it in both hands while the two Golds knelt on either side of his son. Cold hands pressed down on his shoulder blades and gripped his hips as the heat descended upon him, his breath hitching as he tried to keep still.
It was an honor, he told himself again, as he felt the shape of David's symbol melt into him. As the heat burned past the numbness, he stifled a pained cry into the towel and his body jerked without permission, making the hands press and grip harder.
There was no comfort offered. All he could do was bite the towel to muffle his sobs as the brand was finally lifted away from him. Nothing could touch it while it healed, no matter how desperately he wanted something cold on his back. But he was allowed a cold washcloth on his legs and neck as a small reprieve, a slight mercy that made him shudder and mindlessly thank his Golden.
It was different when Cassius branded him.
The brand was placed on his front, between his collar bones, where everyone could see who he belonged to now. There was no one there to witness it except Cassius, who had Logan restrained in one of his horrid machines and pressed the rod down firmly with a smile, giving his new True Green nothing to numb the pain.
It was an honor to scream for his Golden.
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my writing x my whump x gold and green au x ko-fi
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