#life on mars
lesbiandardevil · 9 hours
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wait happy pride to them rahhhh💥💥💥💥💥 sapphics 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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cameron-s-gaskins · 2 months
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It's 1980. The night before a big rain storm. The night before Sam's car skids into the canal. ...Except Sam opens a fob watch. A fan comic.
Chapter 2 will take place in 2007, after the 'death' of Harold Saxon.
So, this is just a fun little project I decided to do in my spare time :) It's not Ashes to Ashes complaisant, I'll admit that way way way back when Ashes first started airing, I was pretty salty about the explanation that Sam died in a car accident. I know how that show ended, and what they decided to go with, but I'm still just ignoring it all together. I guess this could be a 'fix it,' I'm not sure. Just suspend your disbelief. I'm going to estimate that chapter 2 will take about two months to finish, depending on my real life work load, but the script is already written.
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bekyocas · 6 months
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My two favorite aliens ❤️
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hezzabeth · 6 months
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"For the last time, that poem isn't romantic! It's insulting," Revati yelled over her shoulder as she began to pedal.
The layout of Olde Landon had been deliberately designed to keep tourists inside for as long as possible. There was only one way to access the front gates, and that involved defeating the Queen of Hearts' hedge maze. When the park was still open, tourists would be forced to spend at least an hour in the maze, stumbling upon tiny toy shops and food stands around every corner. The same thing occurred when they left, resulting in a very rich park and bankrupt guests. Now the maze was overgrown and easy enough to navigate.
Revati pedaled past the cart that once sold her heart-shaped sunglasses. Then she turned left, almost crashing into the wall of roses. The wall of roses stared back at her, their red blooms heavy and suspicious. Thanks to Bridgadeiro, she knew they were probably secretly insulting her.
The next turn consisted of an old stardust popcorn stand. Revati skidded to a stop and inspected the inside tray, where a few ancient kernels lay. Carefully, she picked up several of them and placed them in her jacket pocket. As far as she could tell, the kernels were seeds. Someone was shifting around the corner, causing the branches to shake.
"Aurora, is that you? Did you go ahead of me?" Revati yelled.
"While conferring in the labyrinth where false preachers reeked of death, the monster began to growl," a voice called from around the corner. An unfamiliar, flat female voice. Raiders. Raiders were, of course, an occupational hazard in any post-apocalyptic settlement. Normally, they never made it further than the broken glass pit at the park's gates. Sometimes Dityaa would bring one in, insisting they were "lovely," which always led to awkward dinners.
Revati slowly walked around the maze corner. There was a screeching metallic sound, and the weapon fell from Revati's hand. An android was slumped over on the ground. Once it would have been golden, but now it was rusty and covered in mud. Someone had ripped its legs off, leaving nothing but wires and tubes spitting bright blue fluid. Instead of a torso, there was a black empty hole with a concave door swinging on its bent hinges.
"And in the forgotten twists, footsteps quicken, hearts beat, and teeth are bared," the android chirped, its voice still distorted and far away. The android's face was a beautiful mask. Still-carved eyes. Unmoving sweet lips.
Revati powered up her solar gun and slowly walked forward, aiming it at the android. The android's metal eyes scraped in their sockets, turning towards her.
“Is that you? My darling Perdita?” The android’s voice whispered, the lips unmoving. The whispering voice had a posh lilt to its accent. Revati refused to answer. It was best to never engage with AI.
“Perdita, I clawed my way in! They know about you; the spider knows,” the android whispered before collapsing completely.
Revati slowly walked forward, still holding her weapon. With one foot, she kicked the android. It didn’t move. Its power had definitely died.
“Spider? Is that some sort of gang?” Revati whispered to herself. Gangs were always given stupid names.
“The spider is us; the spider is legion,” a flat robotic voice called out, and Revati spun around.
Queen Victoria was standing behind her, scorch marks all over her dress. A faint blue glow was erupting from beneath the skin of Queen Victoria’s chest.
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sci-fi-gifs · 4 months
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John Simm as Sam Tyler LIFE ON MARS (2006-2007) - Episode #1.02
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brookbee · 10 months
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David Bowie — Life on Mars (4K Remaster)
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spaushed · 2 months
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sammy boy RAHHH!!!!
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I don't understand how people watch life on mars, see sam tyler die bc of listening to david bowie, centering the whole story around a david bowie song, giving sam a boyfriend best friend VERY STRAIGHT AND MACHO BOSS whose name is based on a david bowie song, making sam a canon david bowie fan and STILL not see how that boy is the most bisexual to ever bisexual
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detestedmuppet · 10 months
me when an english tv ahow from tbe early 2000s has john simm acting his ass off and being vaguely (not even vaguely sometimes) gay w his narrative foil and they influence each other so inextricably and fundamentally and john simm’s characters “death” (?) fucks the other up so much and the shows involve time travel to some degree and theyre antagonistic to each other but deep down care for each other so much and theres a “betrayal” w a gun being pointed at the other but it turns out alr in thw end and john simms character has hallucinations that arwnt rly hallucinations and —
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psychidelias · 4 months
"He's so me"
I say about the most depressed, repressed and stressed bastard ever.
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nthdoctor · 5 months
part 2 of life on mars x the onion (?) bcs I think I’m hilarious
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lesbiandardevil · 3 months
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little ocs doodle because i <3 sapphics and theyre my favorite bisexual/lesbian couple duh
print + tips jar
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cameron-s-gaskins · 2 months
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Decided to make a Life on Mars/Doctor Who crossover comic, about Sam being the Master, that no one asked for and is about 15 years too late 😂
Chapter 1 is almost done, I’ll hopefully have it posted here and on AO3 in the next week. Thinking of naming it “Sam Tyler Doesn’t Exist.” First chapter will stand alone, but I’ve written a script for a second chapter already. Mostly ignores Ashes to Ashes, and anything after series 4 of Doctor Who.
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sneakertin · 5 months
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some life on mars/ashes to ashes memes i made while being possessed by sam tyler
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hezzabeth · 5 months
By the year 3856 animals are a myth. Insects however are incredibly common. Due to the colonization of the solar system there are also many mutant off breeds. The Phoeben Scorpion is native to the terraformed moon known as Phoebe. Over the centuries it has invaded our moons and satellites. The Phoeben Scorpion has a colorful candy like appearance.They are considered to be a delicious and popular snack food.
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"Don't you want to watch the next log and find out how it ends?" Brigadeiro asked.
"It probably ends the way all fairytales do, with the Duke taking one look at Dityaa and falling madly in love! Just like everyone else," Revati said, pressing the side of her bangle, causing it to turn off.
"Not everyone falls in love with your sister at first sight, I didn't," Brigadeiro said, shooting Revati a sly, knowing look.
It was the same knowing look that he had given her on a bridge at sunrise, in a tent during winter, and once under fireworks. A warm, dark-eyed look that would have made a weaker person tremble at the knees.
"That's because you imprinted on me the second I saved your life, like Phoeben scorpions," Revati shot back.
"Phoeben scorpions?" Brigadeiro had to ask.
"You know, the scorpions on the Phoebe satellite, the ones that imprint on their mates and then end up starving to death," Revati said.
"Are those the fried ones they sell in coffee shops with the cupcakes?" Brigadeiro asked with a small grimace.
"Yep, the more sick with love they are, the sweeter they taste," Revati said, shutting her eyes and savoring the taste of the scorpions.
Brigadeiro held up his hand for a moment and quickly licked it.
"Well, look at that, I taste just like sugar," Brigadeiro winked, and Revati rolled her eyes.
"You really are ridiculous," she replied, and he took her hand, holding it up to his lips.
"And I bet you taste like dark chocolate... not quite as sweet as me," he said before his lips grazed her knuckles. Revati felt herself glance upwards into those familiar eyes, and Revati blushed.
Nine minutes past midnight. Brigadeiro's room was filled with pale blue moonlight. Revati was twenty-one years old.
She had, of course, fooled around on the road before. A few times in her tent, sometimes in the middle of a forest. On one memorable occasion, one thousand feet above Mars' surface with the aid of hover boots.
Never in a bed, however. Never with a person who actually fell asleep next to her afterwards. Brigadeiro was a decent sleep companion; he didn't snore and he stayed on his side of the bed. Revati had to admit his back curved down in a way that she rather liked. Still, it was nine past midnight. Revati got off the bed and walked towards the window. The garden's shadows reminded her of her father's inky blue hair. The tables and chairs outside had long ago been abandoned. Someone was darting across the lawn, trying their best to stay in the darkest shadows. The person was heading towards the kitchen house. In Revati's experience, people with nothing to hide didn't even notice shadows. Revati tiptoed to her backpack and grabbed her trusty pants. Sliding into them, she felt the way she always did, like a warrior heading out to meet her destiny.
Everything was quiet and still. The front door of the kitchen house was flung wide open, something that would never happen in Olde Landon.
Pecan was actually asleep on the path next to the door, cuddling a giant inflatable apple. Revati crept lightly inside, her feet barely touching the floor, her weight being carried in her hips. Something was making a faint shifting sound in the rose room.
Revati reached into her left pants pocket, pulling out the tiny container of mushroom tent spores. Carefully and ever so gently, she crept into the rose room. Someone was stooping over Dityaa, and as far as Revati was concerned, that was all she needed to know. Revati undid the top of the container and blew the spores towards the figure.
Within seconds, the fungus blossomed and twisted, wrapping itself around the figure who was now gasping in horror. The rose room suddenly filled with light, and the figure fell to the ground like a caterpillar, half stuck in a cocoon. It was Paulette.
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alexjcrowley · 11 months
Leave it to ME to check out "this show people have been talking about" and the people were 15 accounts on Tumblr, 2 deactivated, 5 of them made a post about it three years ago and now I have a new hyperfixation nobody wants to listen to
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