mushiewrites · 4 months
Something Nice
hiiiiii! so it's been a while since I was able to finish a wip, and I'm super excited I was able to finish this one! this was started back in October, but I got some inspiration to finish it randomly this morning and...yeah, here it is :D it was supposed to be a drabble originally, but I got kind of carried away. oops. anyway, I hope u all enjoy! :3
(lee!Sapnap / ler!Dream : 2.4K words)
this fic contains feet nibbles
“I’m going to do something nice for you.” The voice came from Sapnap’s doorway, making him turn his head quickly towards the sound and finding Dream smirking back at him. Sapnap swallowed thickly, immediately recognizing the mischievous look. 
“Oh no,” Sapnap started, turning his body in Dream’s direction as he walked fully into the room, making his way over to the bed where Sapnap was laying, his ankles crossed and phone in his hand. “That look. It’s making me nervous.” 
“Don’t be nervous, why would you be nervous?” Dream’s voice was sweet and gentle, but the smirk showed the opposite; it continued to spread further across his cheeks as he sat down on the edge of the bed, the material of his sweatpants just grazing the top of one of Sapnap’s socks. 
“Well, I don’t know! You have that smirk on your face! …The one you always do whenever you’re about to do something batshit crazy.” Sapnap locked his phone and let it fall against the bed next to him as he pushed himself up onto his elbows, looking at Dream and letting out a flustered huff when the blonde tilted his head to the side in fake confusion, still smiling brightly. 
Sapnap jumped when Dream twisted more towards his body, turning his attention to Sapnap’s feet and clamping a hand down over his ankles. Sapnap gasped when he felt the grip tighten and a second later he was sitting up, his legs yanked from Dream’s grasp and pulled up to his chest. The brunette covered the tops of his feet with his hands, shaking his head quickly and staring at Dream with wide eyes as nervous giggles began to spill out of him.
“Hand over your toes.” 
The next few seconds were a complete blur - strong hands wrapped around Sapnap’s ankle and suddenly his leg was pulled away from his body, sending him flying back against the blankets before he could regain his sense of balance. He scrambled to adjust himself, pushing his body up off of the bed to sit straight again, to fight back, but Dream pushed him back against the covers harshly. He let out a whine through his laughter, bringing his hands up and covering his face when he felt the blush beginning to color his cheeks with bright red warmth. 
The two sat in silence for a few seconds before Sapnap finally forced himself to look at Dream, slowly moving his hands from in front of his eyes and letting them settle against his cheeks instead. He inhaled sharply, throwing himself into a coughing fit when he saw the older boy leaning down, his lips inches away from his own foot with a devilish smirk spreading wide across his face. Sapnap yanked at his foot, whining through his coughs when it didn’t budge an inch.
“Nohoho! No! Dream, don’t!” Sapnap cried through his panicked giggles, using his other foot to push at Dream’s hands as hard as he could. Dream simply grabbed the stray ankle, pulling it towards himself and wedging it between his elbow to keep it in place. The blonde chuckled at Sapnap’s frantic frenzy, shaking his head and using one of his pointer fingers to flick at his big toe. 
“Don’t what, Sap? I’m not even doing anything yet and you’re screaming!” Dream grabbed the top of Sapnap’s sock and pulled up gently, slowly uncovering the foot and giggling when Sapnap’s giggles grew higher in pitch as he continued to protest.
“Because I know what you’re gonna do!” Sapnap whined, bringing his hands up to cover his eyes once more as his toes curled against the cool air. He heard mischievous snickering coming from the end of the bed, making his head spin at the thought of what Dream was about to do.
“I don’t think you do, sweetheart.” 
Sapnap opened his mouth, prepared to protest and sass back at Dream when a scream tore from his throat instead. He flung his hands down against the blankets, shooting forward into a sitting position as Dream nibbled on his pinky toe. Sapnap squealed when the blonde let one of his canines lightly graze the pad of it, reaching forward to yank at Dream’s curls to get him to stop. Dream pulled back briefly to dodge the flailing hands, raising an eyebrow at the younger boy in disbelief. 
“Do you really wanna be doing that right now?” He questioned, his smirk growing when Sapnap shook his head from side to side with enough speed to send his black bear hat flying. He turned to grab for it when he felt another push against his chest, throwing him down against the sheets once again as Dream leaned back in for a second round of nibbles - this time on his fourth toe. 
“NAHAHA PLEASE! DREHEHEAM!” Sapnap screamed through his laughter, pulling at both ankles and bringing his hands up to grab at his own curls. But Dream ignored his pleas, even going so far as to pull back for a moment, taking in a deep breath despite Sapnap’s protesting, just to land a devastating raspberry on the arch of his foot. It sent Sapnap into a round of hysterics, feeling tears well up in the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. Dream looked up, watching Sapnap laugh himself silly before leaning down to blow another raspberry, this time closer to his heel. Another scream tore through the air as Sapnap convulsed, unable to control his reactions.
“Jesus, Sapnap, you can’t handle raspberries anywhere, can you?” He teased as he watched Sapnap continue to squeal, planting another raspberry on the arch of his foot but shaking his head this time to make sure his beard scraped at the sensitive skin. Sapnap threw his head back at the action, no longer able to fight and thrash with how badly it tickled. 
“Plehehease Dream!” Sapnap begged, whining when he felt Dream’s teeth scrape against his middle toe instead. A low chuckle came from the blonde as he moved to nibble both the third and second toe, sending Sapnap into a flurry of loud squeals and laughter. Dream surged forward suddenly, placing a cruel raspberry on Sapnap’s ankle to make him shriek. 
“I always forget how ticklish you are here,” Dream commented, using his pointer finger to trace circles around the bone of Sapnap’s ankle. The smaller boy winced at the feeling, falling into high pitched laughter as he wiggled his foot to try and break free. 
“Nohoho, please!” Sapnap whined, making Dream giggle and stop the ticklish action. Dream leaned back down towards the wiggling foot as Sapnap watched in horror, unable to stop him. 
“Poor thing.” Dream pretended to be sympathetic, throwing a sad pout and the biggest puppy dog eyes at Sapnap as they made eye contact. The brunette shook his head, pleading with his eyes through his nervous giggles, but Dream continued his plan regardless. He leaned in slowly, giving Sapnap time to shriek before his teeth connected with the boy’s big toe, sending him into hysterics. 
“FUHUCK! NOHOHO, plehehease!” Sapnap was wailing, feeling every nibble along the pad and stem of his toe. He attempted to curl it, trying to prevent Dream from biting the most sensitive parts, but it was no use. The blonde had him trapped, forcing him to endure the most ruthless tickling he had ever felt. 
Dream pulled back for a moment, allowing Sapnap to take in a sharp breath, only to have it knocked out of him a second later when the nibbling migrated to the arch of his foot. The ticklish shockwaves spread up his leg, making it convulse against the sheets at an alarming speed as if he were being electrocuted. He felt nibbles at the heel of his foot, making him squeal through his laughter. Sapnap wiggled his foot again, feeling his toes press against Dream’s beard and immediately pulling them back to rid them of the ticklish feeling. Dream smirked at that and moved himself up slightly, letting his beard rub against the sole of his foot once more. Sapnap squeezed his eyes shut, praying to anything and everything that Dream stops before he tickles him to death. But much to his dismay, the nibbles began again; this time on the ball of his foot. 
Sapnap went silent as his hips jerked up off the bed, exploding into raspy laughter as he crashed back down into the blankets. His hands twisted into the sheets, switching from pulling them up to slamming his fists against them. It was the worst tickling yet, and Dream showed no signs of stopping as he continued to nibble on one of the most ticklish spots on Sapnap’s body. He was in ticklish agony. A high pitched scream ripped from his throat, making Dream pause at the force of it. 
“Woah, Sap, you okay?” Dream asked with slight concern in his voice. Sapnap was still laughing with his eyes twisted shut, shaking his head from side to side as he attempted to catch his breath. 
“It tihickles!” He replied deliriously. Dream chuckled as he rolled his eyes, releasing the other foot he had been holding captive with his arm. He used both hands and began rubbing at the twitchy foot, now pink with little nibble marks scattered across the skin. 
“I know, it tickles so bad, huh?” Dream teased, making the younger boy whine through his residual giggles as he nodded his head. He allowed Sapnap to continue letting his giggles out, still rubbing the tickle-abused foot with enough pressure to finally relieve it of the ghost tickles. When the laughter finally stopped, Dream immediately missed it. He glanced up at the boy on the bed, his chest still heaving as he tried to regulate his breathing. Despite this, Dream decided he needed to do one more thing. 
He leaned down slowly and placed a quick kiss to the center of his foot, causing Sapnap to jerk his leg back with a cackle. Dream still had the foot in his grasp, so he continued to plant kisses all over the soft skin. He kissed down Sapnap’s arch, leaving a few along his heel before making his way up the outer edge, making Sapnap wiggle his toes as he continued to giggle. Dream giggled along with him, kissing across the pad of his foot and over the ball of it. His toes curled at this, once again resting against Dream’s beard and making him squeal before he pulled his foot away as far as he could. This only caught Dream’s attention, and he placed two kisses on the pads of every one of his toes. Sapnap was in near hysterics again, his laughter very quickly turning squeaky, and Dream could tell he was finally at his limit.
“Okay, okay, I’m done, sweetheart.” Dream spoke quietly, sitting up and rubbing the ghost tickles away. Sapnap whined, flexing his toes before curling them, letting himself relax into the gentle massage he was getting. Dream watched as Sapnap took in a huge breath of air, seeing his chest rise and then deflate as he slowly released it. 
“Fuck.” Sapnap swore through his giggles a few moments later, when he finally got his breathing regulated again. Dream smiled as the smaller boy cracked open an eye, glaring at Dream in fake annoyance before the giggles took over. The blonde rolled his eyes, standing up from the bed and scooping Sapnap up in his arms bridal style. 
“Wh- Dream! Put me down!” Sapnap giggled wildly as Dream bounced him a few times in his arms, kicking his legs out and almost making Dream drop him. 
“Hold on, you little idiot! I’m just moving the blankets, relax.” Dream replied with a chuckle, using one hand to reach down and fold the messy blankets down to reveal the sheets underneath them. He gently tossed Sapnap down onto the bed before climbing into it, grabbing the blankets and pulling them up to cover both himself and Sapnap. 
“You were mean.” Sapnap commented as he curled up close into Dream’s side, tucking his head against Dream’s neck and giggling when the elder let out a tiny squeak in response. 
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, I just had to!” Dream giggled as Sapnap rubbed his beard into the crook of his neck in retaliation, bringing his shoulder up and accidentally knocking Sapnap from his cozy spot. 
“You just had to?” Sapnap questioned with a growl, leaning up on his elbow and looking down at Dream with his eyebrows raised. Dream nodded as he continued giggling, and Sapnap quickly wiggled a finger into the boy’s tummy to make him squeal. His hand was quickly snatched up and brought to Dream’s lips, feeling a quick peck against his knuckles that made him blush and return to his place under the blonde’s chin. 
“Yes, I had to, you little menace.” Dream rolled his eyes as he felt Sapnap relax against him. He wrapped an arm around Sapnap’s back while Dream’s other hand found its home in his hair, smiling when Sapnap let out a contented sigh. 
“Whatever you say.” Sapnap replied, letting himself melt into the comfort of the fingers carding gently through his hair. He closed his eyes and let out a big yawn before wrapping an arm around Dream’s torso, getting himself comfortable. 
“Whatever I say, huh?” Dream questioned, receiving a little hum in agreement. He smirked, placing a kiss on the top of Sapnap’s head before going back to playing with his hair, allowing his own eyes to close as he felt the sleepy atmosphere take over the room. 
“Well in that case, we’re doing the other foot when we wake up.” 
He felt Sapnap tense at that, causing Dream to giggle quietly as he pulled the smaller boy closer to him. Dream squeezed him tight to his chest; mostly because he wanted the cuddles, but also for another, more sinister reason- so that Sapnap wouldn’t be able to escape his tickly fate.
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sleepy--anon · 5 months
So did we all just collectively ignore this???
@mushiewrites @awkwardtickleetoo @wishitweresummer @fluffallamaful
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covenofwives · 6 months
Halloween Mansion
Dream, George and Sapnap are invited to a fun Halloween event by their siblings DreamXD, GeorgeHD and Sapnap4K. They get to play hide and seek in a scary haunted mansion. But they definitely don't want to be caught.
Tah-Dah :D Happy (very late) Halloween! This fic was started a way back in September and I stupidly thought I could finish it for Halloween. Nope :) But it's done now and while I had to change and alter some stuff, I am super proud of it.
Warning that this is a real long fic so please take breaks if you need to and read in spurts if that's better for you. I want you to enjoy it to the fullest.
When the three Gods, GeorgeHD, Sapnap4K and DreamXD, said they had a special event planned for their siblings, there was equal parts curiosity and worry. The Gods had been saying for while they wanted a “play date” as it were with all of them. It was exciting to see the Gods so happy about the upcoming event but at the same time there was a fact looming over them that didn’t sit right with the Dream Team.
The day for candy and mischief was fast approaching. The longer the Gods were silent on the event, the more the Dream Team worried.
“It’s obviously a prank.” George reasoned. “HD tells me it will be ready soon. 4K is getting giddier every day. It’s a Halloween prank.”
The three had a rare free day together and spent the time hanging out. They were exploring through a forest and took a break in the afternoon. Naturally talk went to the upcoming event.
“It could be nothing.” Dream suggested, almost hopefully. “Get us all excited for the promise of something and then it’s just nothing.”
“Nah, 4K would actually cry if that was it.” Sapnap dismissed that idea. “He hates those pranks.”
“And they call it an ‘event’.” George pointed out. “So, whatever it is, it’s something big. Something that counts as an event to them.”
“What could be considered an event to a God?” Dream asked.
The three tried to bounce around more ideas, but they couldn’t reach an agreement, and without confirmation it would all just be guessing. None of the Gods were letting it slip what it was, so all they Dream Team could do was wait.
Painfully wait.
Finally they got news. Each of them received an invitation one morning, just showing up in their homes, with coordinates on it. It came a week before Halloween, and the invitation was decorated with cute pumpkins and bats. Definitely a Halloween event.
The three of them met up and after making sure it was the same invitation for all, went to the coordinates together. Unsurprisingly, the three God were there, ready to meet them.
“Finally finally finally!” 4K chanted happily. He jumped up from his spot on the log the three were sat at. “It took you so long!”
“You could have teleported us here.” Sapnap grumbled. “It took us all day!”
The three had headed out as soon as they were ready, which was just before noon, and by the time they reached the spot the sun was setting. It was closer to Kinoko Kingdom than anywhere else but none of them had ever been here. It was mostly a windswept biome, with steep hills and open fields. The three came to a forest line where the three Gods were waiting. With a very suspicious cobblestone wall behind them.
“We wanted you to get in the spirit.” XD said happily. He kept his arms down to his side but his hands were flexing and trying their best to keep still.
“What spirit? Tired?” Dream asked rhetorically, yet HD still responded.
“Exactly,” he started and his voice went low. “You’ve been walking aaaaaaall day and it’s starting to get dark. You just want to lay down and rest but it’s not safe out here. Then you see it…”
 With a grin, and snap of his fingers, the cobblestone wall behind the Gods crumbled and fell away to reveal the forest behind.
The first thing obvious about the forest was that it was manually made. The trees were a mix of oak and dark oak, stretching up far to block out the sun’s light. Their branches were twisting unnaturally and their leaves were a rotting grey. The trunks of the trees had menacing faces carved into the wood, some that were only revealed when the light hit them a certain way. There was a worn out winding path through the trees leading up to dark crumbling gates, and behind that a massive mansion.
It was the full definition of a haunted mansion. The outside was decorated like an old timely building. It’s walls were an old white, almost grey with the decay look, and black roofs. The lights of the mansion were on, glowing an eerie orange, finishing the perfect picture of a haunted mansion deep in the woods.
The siblings were stunned, taking in every detail. It was Dream who spoke first. “When?! When did you even do all this?!”
“We’ve had the past few weeks to get this fixed up.” 4K boasted with a wide grin, his arms around both the other Gods.
“We are also Gods, this is not hard for us.” HD shrugged. “Most of the time was spent on designing the thing and designing the inside.”
“The inside!” George said excitedly. “Can we see inside?!”
“You will soon.” HD nodded. “But we have to explain the rules first.”
The grin over 4K’s face widened, and even HD seemed to be holding back his own smile. The Nether God took his arms from the other two, letting them space out before HD carried on explaining. “This is your event. You’ll get to explore the haunted house we’ve made.”
“Buuuut,” XD added. “You’ve only got 20 minutes to explore and then find yourself a hiding spot. Cause after 20 minutes, we’re coming in to find you.”
“Find us?” Sapnap blinked as though confused. Then it clicked. “Oh! Like hide and seek right?”
“Yes! Exactly like hide and seek!” 4K excitedly nodded. He was practically bouncing on his feet. “We’ll give you time to look around you know, and admire our work. But then you’ve gotta find a spot to hide.”
“There are a few hiding spots in the house.” XD gestured back up to the mansion. “Some we’ve made secret. Secret doors, hideaways and crawl spaces.”
“But you’ll know all the hiding spots!” George quickly pointed out. “You three made them.”
“I mean…yeah” HD shrugged, chuckling a little with their admittance. “Honestly George, we’re going to find you eventually. There’s no time limit on how long we have. You just don’t want to be the first one caught.”
“Or the first one to tap out.” XD added.
The phrase ‘tap out’ sent a worry through all three of the siblings. One they knew the other was feeling. They gave a quick glance to each other before Dream brought up the courage to ask. “Tap out from what?”
“I mean, do we reeeeeally need to spell it out?” 4K grinned. “I think you know.”
As though to make a show and really get his point across, 4K lifted his hands in show and made wiggling motions with his fingers. If it was just hinted at before, it was very much laid out plainly now to different reactions. George’s face turned red under his mushroom blush with a nervous laugh. Sapnap flat out shouted while his face turned red.
“N-No! We didn’t agree to that!”
“Where is your Halloween spirit, Sap.” 4K lowered his arms and pouted. “You used to love Halloween when you were little. You’d ask for ‘tickle or treats’ all the time when you were little! You’d-”
“Stop!” Sapnap jump forward then, trying hard to cover 4K’s mouth a shut him up. It didn’t work exactly but 4K just laughed and struggled with his brother.
“It’s our Halloween present for you three.” XD explained with a smile. “We wanted to make something fun for you and get you into the season.”
“Wh-Whahat part of the Halloween season involves ti…th-that?!” Dream stuttered with his words, which was clearly noticed by the Gods.
Though XD smiled he didn’t point out it, and just answered. “Is it not in the spirit to run from monsters, and get soooo worked up over the thought of being caught?”
“Monsters catch you to eat you. They don’t catch to tickle usually.” George pointed out, glancing between the group and the mansion looming up ahead.
“The Halloween spirit is for fun tricks. Nothing gruesome or really harming.” XD said.
“If it makes you feel better George, you could think of us as tickle monsters.” HD smiled with his own amusement. “Those monsters wouldn’t hurt you.”
“Really?” George asked while watching over 4K and Sapnap’s scuffle.
The ‘fight’ between the two was very much over with Sapnap held up over 4K’s shoulder. Sapnap still fought as much as he could from his position, though it was hardly effecting his older brother. “If they didn’t ban me from tickling you I’d be wrecking you right now.” 4K growled playfully.
“Let me down and I will show you wrecking!” Sapnap growled back.
“Enough! Put him down, 4K.” HD called and despite an over dramatic huff, 4K obliged. Sapnap immediately scurried back to Dream and George’s side once he was free, glaring to his brother who just grinned back. “We are wasting precious time.” HD added.
“Yes yes of course.” 4K nodded enthusiastically. “We got to get to the game!”
Each of the Dream Team glanced up to the mansion again before looking to one another. They spoke without words, using their eyes only before looking back up to their brothers.
“What are the rules?” Dream asked.
The Gods smiled, 4K having to hold himself back from jumping for joy.
“You get 20 minutes to hide.” HD repeated. “It has to be somewhere in the mansion, it can’t be in the woods. Afterwards we’ll come find you. When we catch you, you’ll be tickled. When you safeword, the tickling stops and you lose.”
“If we see you, but we can’t grab you, you have a chance to run.” 4K grinned. “I mean, it won’t do you much good but you can run.”
“What if you can’t find us?” Sapnap asked almost hopefully.
“Oh we’ll find you.” 4K assured him. “We know every part of this mansion. We’ll find you.”
“Even if it does take us a while,” HD quickly added. “It doesn’t matter how long it takes us to find you. It matters how long you last the tickling. The one who taps out first loses.”
“And what happens to them?” Dream asked.
“That’s for later.” XD waved that off. “Now, is there any rules any of you want to add?”
The three looked at one another again. “N-No-No nibbling on my stomach.” Dream finally spoke.
“Oh true. He’ll die right away if we do that.” XD spoke so easily which made Dream’s face turn red.
“My wraps on my arms stay on.” George added in.
“Okay. That’s fair.” HD agreed then looked to Sapnap. “Anything for you?”
“Nah. You’re not even gonna catch me.” Sapnap boasted.
“Oh, really.” HD’s eyebrows shot up and a grin spread on his lips. “I hope I find you.”
Sapnap just grinned back, but Dream watched the way his legs twitched and he shuffled on his feet. It looked like he was readying himself, but Dream knew it was to let out his nerves.
“Yous ready then?” 4K asked with a wide grin. He was almost as jumpy as his brother, but he had a hunter glint in his eyes.
The siblings agreed, each growing more excited.
“Alright. 20 minutes. Your time starts as soon as you step towards the mansion.” HD said.
“Wha-! it should start when we’re in the mansion!” George whined.
“Walking on the mansion path still counts.” XD grinned. “So you three had better run there quickly.”
Dream tried to look to George and Sapnap, and organise a time to run together, but when he looked around George had already sprinted off, running up the path.
“What th-GEORGE!” Dream shouted.
“You’ve fucked it for us!” Sapnap shouted after but ran right after the brunette.
“Sapnap!” Dream shouted.
“Time’s started Dream! Better get moving~” XD called out.
Dream opened his mouth to argue but quickly shut it. He realised he was wasting time and quickly ran up after George and Sap who were near half way through the woods.
“They move fast when they’re timed.” 4K giggled and settled back down to sit on the log he was on before.
“Hopefully they’re fast enough.” HD said.
The three burst into the mansion doors together. Sapnap and Dream quickly caught up with George and without even waiting threw open the large white doors.
The front hall of the mansion was a wide open grand space. There were doorways on either side of the room and beside each of them a large stairway that curved up to the second floor. Between the stairs was a large archway leading to a further hall. The floorboards were an old grey with a large red rug, leading down to the long corridor.
It looked like there was a library room on the right and some sort of living room on the left with a fireplace. Dream only had a quick glance of it before his attention was drawn to the stairs, as George ran up them frantically.
“George! We’ve got 20 minutes!” Dream called up.
“It’ll take us 20 minutes to find a hiding spot! This place is huge!” George called back as he ran through the halls. The sounds of his footsteps faded further and further until they disappeared.
There was some truth in George’s words. They couldn’t really explore much of the house and take in all the details with a time limit looming over them.
“He’ll just get lost. That’s his strategy!” Sapnap said while peeking around the corner to the library. “One of these bookshelves definitely open.”
Dream looked into the room too. It would make sense for a haunted house to have secret doorways, but none of the bookshelves looked different from the others. All were built into the walls and stretched up the high ceiling. It was tempting to find it, but Dream didn’t want to waste time with one room.
“Let’s look around together.” Dream suggested. “And this way if we find a spot we want, at least the other person knows not to go for it.”
Sapnap agreed and the two carried on. They gave a quick look into the living room with the fireplace and immediately noticed the fire was fake and the back of the fireplace opened up. The two crawled through to a hidden kitchen. The middle of the room taken up by a large hob stove, but there was no other doors out so they retreated.
The hallway through the archway only had two doors at the end of the hall. On the right lead to a dark study with only candles of green flame for light and the door on the left was to an observatory. The wall to the back garden was all glass and would have probably been a nice room to relax in during the day. At night through it looked out to the dark forest with many glowing eyes looking to the large window. Dream wondered how many of the eyes were fake effects the Gods put on, and how many were real animals checking out the place.
“Okay. There is so obviously more hidden rooms down this hallway.” Sapnap commented as they walked back to the front hall. “Look how big this space is, and we know the kitchen is there,” he tapped the wall to elaborate. “So we know they’re absolutely hiding secret rooms.”
“I’m more worried about trick rooms.” Dream thought out loud. It had been a though plaguing him since he stepped foot in the mansion.
“Trick rooms?” Sapnap asked with his head tilted.
“Well they’re Gods with unbelievable powers. They could easily make a sort of…illusion. Or teleportation we don’t realise. Open one door and it’s a bathroom, then close and open it again and it could be another hallway.”
Sapnap blinked in thought, his eyes suddenly wide. “I didn’t even think of that!” He mumbled. “Well maybe that will make it harder for them to find us.”
“I doubt it.”
They had reached the stairs and quickly climbed up them. While exploring downstairs they heard running footsteps of George upstairs, frantically trying to find a hiding spot but neither could see him.
The upstairs had a lot more space than Dream was expecting which lead him to believe he was right that some illusion was at work. He tried keeping a map of the floor plan in his head but this large hallway already didn’t make sense. The stairs lead to a long hallway forward and then it split into three separate directions with a cross section.
“GEORGE!” Sapnap shouted out. “Where are you?!”
The silence that followed was eerie and unsettling. Dream and Sapnap gave a look before Dream shouted out as well. Still no answer.
“It’s a big place, he’s not going to hear us.” Dream  gave out the excuse, though it didn’t exactly sit right with him. They agreed that was the reason, but kept an eye out as they continued down the halls.
The hallways each held a few doors which they randomly opened to search. Dream came upon a large grand ballroom, with a piano playing itself in the corner, and strange dancing lights all around the ceiling. Next was a half elegant games room. One side the room was in tact and the other was a rotten, house of horror mess.
Sapnap near enough screamed when he found a room full of skeletons. Dream ran to his side ready to help but as he got there the screams died and he looked to see that the skeletons were unmoving. They were sat around a study, displayed in different activities, but they weren’t mobs and made no attempt to move.
Dream sighed in relief, letting his heart calm down while he shot Sapnap a grin. “Dude, really?” He chuckled. “A few skeletons and you scream?”
“I thought they were coming at me, okay!?” Sapnap huffed. His cheeks flushed to his mistake and he kept one eye on the skeletons even while he scoffed how stupid it was.
The urge to tease his friend faded when he was reminded of the time limit. Sapnap closed the door and Dream kept quiet when he swore he could have seen the skeleton at the desk move it’s head ever so slightly just to get a last look at Dream before the door closed.
“How long has it been?” Dream’s head worked to keep himself in the moment and off the creepy atmosphere. The grand paintings of unknown nobles that lined the hallways all had eyes following the two. That was standard house of horror, but out the corner of Dream’s eye he swore he saw some of the paintings change and move and their expressions grew more wicked and horrid.
“I don’t know I lost count when he came up here.” Sapnap admitted. “It was five minutes I think we were looking around downstairs. Maybe.”
Okay, that made sense in Dream’s head. He made a rough guess of how much time past and followed from there. To keep himself safe he assumed they had ten minutes left. Ten minutes until this house became a real house of horror.
“Look! An attic!” Sapnap elbowed against Dream’s arm, drawing him from his thoughts before jogging ahead.
Dream couldn’t see it at first until he followed after and saw the thin drawstring hanging from the ceiling. Sapnap had already jumped and grabbed the string to pull it down.
The house made a horrid groan as the attic hatch was slowly pulled down but it was nothing compared to the scream that followed after it.
Dream and Sapnap both jumped, Sapnap losing grip on the string, but it already fell. The stairs unfolded and clattered on the ground, offering a way up but Dream and Sapnap were still shaken from the scream. But it was a scream both of them knew too well.
“George?!” Dream called up.
There was the sound of footsteps approaching before George’s head popped out over the small opening to the attic. His brunette hair was covered in cobwebs and dust.
“You idiot! I thought you were them!” George called down, his voice high pitched with anticipation, but Dream could see the sigh of relief through his body.
“We were shouting on you, idiot.” Sapnap said as he took a step up the attic stairs.
“AH! NO!” George suddenly shouted and steps forward to block the hatch way up. “No! This is my hiding spot!”
“What?!” Sapnap looked up. “Let us up and see! You can’t just call a spot!”
“I just did, idiot! Find your own spot!”
“No! Fuck off!”
Sapnap tried to charge up the stairs as George tried to block the way in. Dream quickly followed after, stopping a scuffle before it could begin and one of them hurt themselves falling down the stairs.
“We’re not taking your spot, George, we’re just exploring the house. Just let us up to see what’s there.”
George glared at the two like they were lying to him before he finally moved out of the way. “If you even try, I’ll push you both out.”
George backed away from the entrance and Sapnap quickly scurried up. Dream followed up after, surveying the room slowly as he did.
The place looked like what was expected of an attic in a haunted mansion. It was a rather long attic thought the slanted walls of the roof around it mad it seem smaller. The walls were a mix of the dark grey wood and old wallpaper which was ripped and peeling at some parts. There were old rusting clothes railings holding old timely clothes, piles of chest and boxes, mirrors and vanity chests covered in old sheets and old chairs all strewn about the place.
The space was a perfect for hiding and Dream was kicking himself for letting it go so easily. He was talking himself more out of it the longer he stared. It would be harder to evade the seekers in the attic with only one way out, and if they closed the hatch behind them it would be game over.
“I’m going to hide in one of these.” George lead them over to the pile of chests. “The big one! I’m going to slip in with the small box on top so it looks undisturbed.”
“You’ll move the cobwebs, idiot.” Sapnap quickly pointed out. “They’ll notice.
“No! No! Watch!” George excitedly went over beside the chests. Dream thought it was cute how George was so protective over his hiding spot, yet was so eager to show it off.
The chests were completely covered over in thick cobwebs though Dream hadn’t seen any spiders around the house. He grabbed a handful of the cobwebs and tore them away, enough that a few boxes were revealed before he stood back. Dream and Sapnap watched, giving glancing looks to each other before it started.
The cobwebs began to grow back. Slowly they formed their webs and entwined with one another until they grew back completely and recovered the chests.
“See! They’d never know! I’ll be perfectly hidden.” George grinned with a sense of pride. “By the time they come to look for me, the webs will be back up and they won’t know which chest to get. They’ll give up.”
“Very brave to assume they’ll just give up.” Dream said. “They might leave but they’ll come back.”
George scoffed to the very idea of it, and threw off the cobwebs, which Dream took notice had slowly dissolved. They completely disappeared before they even hit the floor.
“When are they coming anyway?” George asked.
Dream was just wondering that as he spotted the small circular window at the front of the room. He went over to it and tried to get a look out. It faced out to the front of the house and the forest before that. Then, right at the edge, Dream could see the Gods still sitting.
Even before Dream could spot the Gods, he knew something was wrong. When Sapnap and Dream found the attic hatch it should have been at the far back of the house but this window was right at the front. The attic space wasn’t big enough to reach there.
“This mansion doesn’t make sense.” Dream turned back to the two.
“Well it’s a haunted mansion,” George said with a shrug. “It’s got some trick rooms.”
“No, I mean the layout. The attic hatch is at the far back of the cross hallway so it should be at the back of the house. But the window is right at the front of the house.” Dream worked through the map in his head, already knowing it wasn’t making sense.
“What? No!” George shook his head. “The attic is right at the start of the hall.”
Dream gave a look to Sapnap, confirming with a look that wasn’t right. “No. The attic is right after the cross section in the hallway?”
George raised an eyebrow. “What cross section? The hallway upstairs is straight.”
It was already obvious but it was good having confirmation that the house was definitely making illusions. That changed Dream’s plan of trying to keep outrunning the Gods. Any doorway could lead him right into their arms.
Sapnap argued with George over it as Dream looked back out the window. He could barely see the Gods beyond the forest as the sun was fully set by now. But he could see them just enough to make out the fact that Gods were moving. They stood up altogether and then started making their way to the mansion.
“They’re coming!” Dream backed off from the window. Adrenaline coursing through him, drawing in his breath as he turned to Sapnap and George. “They’re coming here!”
“What do you mean they’re coming here?!” Sapnap gasped. “It’s not been 20 minutes!”
“It clearly has!”
Even with the coursing panic and shouting between the three, they were all smiling.
“Get out! OUT!” George quickly pushed the two back to the hatch again. “This is my spot! Out!”
“G-Geohorge!” Dream chuckled while trying not to fall down the stairs.
“We don’t have a spot to hide!” Sapnap tried to excuse as he put up the most fight to keep in the attic. Still even with his strength, George got a good jab onto his sides and he was tumbling down the stairs and into Dream.
“That’s not my problem!” George shouted.
The attic stairs were pulled up as soon as their foot was off the stairs. Dream and Sapnap untangled themselves, just managing to stand up when they heard the front door open.
“Dream Teeeeeam~ Come out and plaaaaaay~”
It was 4K’s voice, eerily echoing throughout the house and bouncing off the walls. It felt like it hit Dream’s bones. Chilling him completely and soon he was running off after Sapnap who had bolted the moment he heard the voice.
“Split up!” Dream heard himself yelling.
“Good luck, brother!” Sapnap shouted after him before he ducked down the left hand split of the hallway. Dream went down the right.
The upstairs had changed since Dream and Sapnap went into the attic and came back out. Dream immediately noticed it. Instead of the attic laying just ahead of the cross pathways, it was now in the middle of a straight hall that lead to a T-shaped corridor.
The map Dream had trying to make for himself was thrown out of his head as he scurried down the corridor. The left wall was lined with tall windows, letting in the light of the moonlight which worked in Dream’s favour as the mansion lights suddenly shut off.
Dream heard the distant screams of George which he hoped was just from the lights going out and not because he was caught. While giving a mental good luck to George, Dream carried on.
On the right side was a line of five doors, with no indication to what sort of room they lead into. Dream stopped in front of one door when he heard footsteps quickly run up the stairs. He had no time to think anymore and picked a door, running through and slamming it shut behind him.
If he had been hoping for some room, luck was not on his side. It was another hallway. A long hallway with many doors on both sides.
“What the fuck…” Dream whispered under his breath before taking careful steps forward. Lights were still on in this hallway, though it was dim candlelights flickering.
There was no time to take in any more detail as Dream remembered there was a God chasing him. If he was quick about it he could duck into another room and there was no way they’d know which.
Just trying to pick randomly, Dream walked up to the third door on the left, opened it and stepped through. He came out to the same hallway, but out of the first door on the right.
“Wh-What?” Dream looked up and down the hall. He quickly turned back, going back through the door he came out and instead came out the door opposite himself.
“What in the Scooby Doo fuck is this?!”
Dream tried to leave out the door that lead him into the hallway but it instead brought him out to the door on his left. Dream was stuck.
He ran through a few more doors, trying to make some sense of what door would take him out what, but it was all random chance. He tried walking through the door but keeping the door behind him open and it didn’t work. It seemed like each doorway brought him out to a new version of the hallway, untouched but just as confusing.
A part of Dream worried he was really stuck but he shook that off. This was a haunted mansion made by his brother and his friend’s brothers. It was all for fun, they’d never leave him in here. Though it honestly didn’t help his situation.
Dream went through a few more doors before the hallway finally changed. He came out the of the doorway leading into the hall, but then at the opposite end of the hall there was a turn. Dream didn’t question any more. It was new and got him out of this hallway so he quickly followed it.
Unsurprising but just as confusing, the turn lead into another hallway. There was about ten feet of actual hallway, and then it turned into a moving hallway. A tunnel that spun around and around with flashing arcade lights embedded into the ever spinning walls.
Dream had known these kinds of hallways were called vortex tunnels. He’d heard of them at carnival fun house rides but had never seen them. Even looking at it now was making him dizzy and making his eyes unfocused.
There was another door down at the end of the spinning hall, but the way forward wasn’t easy. Though Dream knew in his head he could get through it he was debating if it was worth it when he heard the click of a door opening, and a voice called out behind him.
“Who’s gotten caught in the trick hallway?”
It was GeorgeHD’s voice, chuckling with amusement and a tinge of a growl behind his voice.
There was no more time for debating, Dream just quickly leapt into the tunnel.
It wasn’t spinning too fast, at least not as fast as Dream thought. The flashing spinning lights were making it look faster but when he was up and actually watching it, he could easily follow the movement. He quickly stepped onto the shifting tunnel, moving in step with each turn he took. It meant he had to go slow, but at least he was moving.
He came to just about halfway through the hallway when he heard the footsteps quickly behind him. Dream looked over his shoulder to see HD standing at the end of the hallway. His eyes caught Dream’s and he beamed with a huge grin.
“Well hello, little champion.”
Nerves and anxiety welled in Dream’s chest, and came up in a mix of a squeak and hysterical giggles. He just about managed to let out a few no’s until he realised he had stopped moving.
Like a Looney Tunes moment, as soon as Dream realised his legs hadn’t moved the tunnel still did and he lost his balance. His hand tried to steady on the tunnel’s side, but it was no use when that moved too and Dream found himself on the floor of the ever spinning hallway.
“Well that was a mistake, wasn’t it?”
Dream turned on his side quickly, trying to look over his shoulder to get his eyes on HD before the tunnel spun him again. They still stood at the end of the tunnel, looming over Dream. They seemed excited when Dream looked at them, easily stepping out into the tunnel. They didn’t have to step carefully like Dream did. The spinning didn’t even bother HD as he stepped out. He didn’t fall or lose his balance in the slightest. As the tunnel span, HD moved with it with his feet firmly on the tunnel’s surface. They took another step, only this time it was while they were upside down.
“W-Wahait! WAHAHAIT!”
Dream tried sputtering his pleas, but it was hard to keep his eyes on HD and to keep readjust himself to the tunnels spin. He had managed to get the same motion going with his arms as he had with his legs, but one of his hands slipped and he was rolling again.
“You’re so silly, Dreamie! You’re stumbling all over the place.”
“NOhoho! Ihihi’m nohot! I-Ihit’s thihis tunnel!”
He tried to right himself again, but it was practically no use. He was confused and dizzy and overwhelmed with the giggles as HD made his way closer and closer. Walking because he knew he didn’t have to run.
When the God was just a few steps away, Dream made a last ditch attempt to escape. He was about halfway to the end of the tunnel, he could reach it so easily, he knew he could!
The tunnel made another spin and Dream moved with it. He rolled onto his back and let the tunnel roll him, getting him onto his hands and knees and he pushed himself forward. He cleared a good distance and managed to get his legs working to work with the tunnel’s spin again. The end was in sight!
“No you don’t!”
The back of Dream’s cloak was grabbed and he was yanked. Pulled up and up into waiting arms that wrapped around his chest and held him in close.
“NO! NO! Thahat’s noHOT FAHAIR!”
“I snatched up a little champion!” HD’s voice was gleefully pressed against Dream’s ear. “I got XD’s cute little brother!”
The lights kept spinning with the tunnel, disorienting Dream. It didn’t help with HD moving him around. He was released from HD’s arms and laid onto the floor. Or…what was the floor for now. Dream was on his back with HD straddling over his legs. The God had no worry for the tunnel’s spinning, but when Dream realised his position, he panicked.
“W-Wait! Wait! Please!” Dream pleaded. “I’ll fall!”
HD’s response was a scoff, and didn’t stop him from yanking up Dream’s top to just above his ribs. “Like I would let something like gravity get in the way of tickling you.”
The tunnel came to another spin and Dream tried pleading again but to no avail. All he could do was brace himself, preparing for the drop. But it never came. Dream scrunched his eyes shut but risked a peek out. He wasn’t falling, but the tunnel was still moving. Dream could feel his clothes trying to fall. His hair fell over his face and he looked up to see the hallway he walked in through was on the roof. Dream was upside down, but he was perfectly stuck to the wall.
"Now enough of that silliness.” HD’s voice snapped Dream back into the moment and drew his eyes back to him. Just in time to see the swarm of ethereal hands appear out from behind the God. “It’s time to get you tickled.”
Dream screech fell on deaf ears, and turned into a squeal of over anticipated laughter. He shrieked and screamed as the hands descended upon him one after the other. The first ones grabbed at his sides, kneading him up and down, then his ribs were vibrated over and finally his stomach was prodded, skittered and tickled. His arms flailed, trying to bat away at the hands but he could never hit them. To be fair he couldn’t really see where he was hitting as his eyes squeezed shut again with is laughter.
“STOHOHOHOP! HEHEHEHEDEHEHEHEHE!” Dream gasped as hands stuck into his armpits. Thumbs drilled into his pits and fingers scribbled along the back of his ribs.
“Its such a shame your tummy is off limits to nibbling, because I would have absolutely nibbled you up.”
“H-HEhehehHEHEDEHEHEHEHE!” Dream squealed as his face burned red.
“I had hoped I’d find the little spitfire. He was so cocky and I was so looking forward to tearing him apart. But tickling you is just as rewarding.” HD carried on like Dream wasn’t even talking. Like he wasn’t even there.
Though in all honesty, Dream could only hear ever other word the God was saying. He couldn’t hear much over his laughing and he couldn’t focus himself enough with the spinning lights and the world just constantly turning. While Dream might not have been falling, his body still felt every spin and the sensation of being upside down.
“P-Plehehease! H-HeheDehe…” Dream’s laughter faded down, turning more into pants of breath and giggles. HD’s tickling ethereal hands had stopped and faded off. “I-Ihihi’m dihizzihihiy!”
“Are you dizzy, little champion?” HD’s voice went softer, but it was overly so. “Why ever for?”
“The ro-hohom is spihinnihihing!”
“Well don’t focus on that, you silly. You should be focusing on these tickles you’re getting!”
“HEHEheheheDEHEhehehe!” Dream’s face burned brighter. He brought his arms up to hide his face. While still hiding his face he tried to reach down for his mask, but his hand was snatched up.
“Uh uh. None of that now.” HD moved Dream arm back up to his face with the other. “If you wanna hide it’s gotta be in your arms, mister.”
“No! Nono! Thahat’s nohot fair!” Dream whined behind his arm. He peeked out over the top, trying to see where HD’s next attack was coming from, but the God had his eyes down, focused onto something else. Dream at first thought he was looking at his mask, but then he felt a poke against his hip and Dream squealed.
“I’ve always seen you in this outfit. During your challenges and manhunts. You always show off your hips and sides. Why is that?” HD wondered aloud.
“Wh-Wahat!” It wasn’t the question Dream expected. And it was hard to think of a response when his mind was hazy from the spinning and the ghostly tickles still coursing through his body.
“You’re on the run, from hunters,” HD started as they put their two fingers on Dream’s hip, just above the waistline of his combat trousers. “And you wear a body suit that shows off your sides and hips when you should be covered as much as possible.” Their fingers started walking slowly up Dream’s hip. “Your sensitive little sides and hips are so exposed. I had to assume you wanted them to be noticed.”
“No! Nohohoho! I dohohon’t! Ihihi dohohon’t!” Dream tittered and tried to bat HD’s hands away though it was no use. The God’s arm was unmoving and even when Dream tried to grab at his hand, HD carried on like nothing.
“You want people to notice your hips.” HD announced like he came to the conclusion, and a wide grin spread on his lips. “Which is perfect for me, cause I want to nibble those hips.”
“NO! NO!” Dream screamed. He struggled with renewed vigour, kicking his legs and trying to push his HD’s hands away. “N-Nohoho! You-You cahahan’t! I cahan’t behe n-n-nihihibbled!”
“Your tummy can’t be nibbled.” HD corrected with his grin spreading wider. “Your hip and sides are fair game.”
Dream was moved again, though this time it was his own fault. He felt HD weight lift from him and he immediately tried to turn over on his side to scurry away. His escape attempt was less than a second long before HD was back on his legs, only now Dream was on his side.
“Wait! NO! Stop stop stop!” Dream pleaded desperately. He tried pushing his hand over HD’s shoulder which stopped the God but Dream had a feeling that was from HD’s choice. “Dohon’t! Please don’t!”
“If you want me to stop, you know what to say.” HD reminded him. “Until theeeeen~”
The God opened his mouth wide, showing his full set of sharp teeth and eager grin. Dream only managed to scream for a second, before he fell into hysterical laughter and jumbled, unintelligible babbles in a plead for mercy.
“Good luck, brother!” Sapnap shouted after Dream as the two had split up. Dream had taken the right side of the hallway and Sapnap ran down the left and quickly burst in through the first door he came across.
It was a bedroom Sapnap had burst into. It was old, dusty and the air was thick but it wasn’t messy. A large bed pushed against the wall on the right of the room with a chest at the end of the bed and a vanity table close beside it. There was a large wardrobe which Sapnap had considered hiding in but then something beside it caught his eye.
It was a wooden panel, half way lifted up revealing a small lift inside. A dumbwaiter!
Sapnap hissed out a quick ‘yes’ as he ran over to the wall. He pushed up the wooden panel and took a look inside. It was a simple dumbwaiter but it was big enough for Sapnap to get in and it had a simple rope pull at the side so he could work his way down.
The thought crossed his mind that it might be dangerous, but he was fuelled by adrenaline and the hope his brother wouldn’t allow him to get hurt. He climbed in quickly as he could, trying to listen out for any approaching footsteps but he wouldn’t risk it anymore; shutting the door and working the rope to pull himself down. Eventually it came to a stop and Sapnap reached for the handle of the door out before suddenly pulling his hand back.
What if they’re out there waiting?! He thought to himself. He tried to listen out to the unknown room, pressing his ear to the wood before slowly lifting the panel. Thankfully, the room was empty. Now Sapnap just had to figure out where he was.
It was a dining room Sapnap spilled into. There was a large table stretching from one end of the room to the other and chairs all lined up. It seemed like a completely normal room, except Sapnap quickly noticed there were no doors, but there was a suspiciously large bust of an old guy next to an empty part of the wall and with just a minute of searching, Sapnap found a button in the statue’s eye which slid open the wall beside it out to the hall.
The hall was empty which was another weight off Sapnap’s mind. He gave a quick peek out both ways and there was no sign of anyone. Sapnap was safe, but the feeling only lasted a moment.
Safe for now, Sapnap still needed to find a hiding spot and the layout of the mansion changing seemed intent to thwart him. He had planned to find an easy hiding spot and while the God overlooked him, take the time to run and duck out of sight. That idea was no use when the building seemed to change.
But Sapnap couldn’t wallow for long as he caught sight of the open wall that was the secret doorway. The walls were thick but the space between them was hollow. Easily large enough for him to slip through.
An idea struck in Sapnap’s head and before he had the chance to think it over, Sapnap quickly slipped in between the walls. As though realising his idea, the secret door to the dining room closed behind him.
There were no lights between the walls of course so it was near pitch black. There were some speckles of light coming in through tiny holes in the walls, but Sapnap’s eyes were easily adjusted to the dark. Sapnap could just about fit in the walls, his shoulders touching either side, but that was more than enough space for him to move comfortably.
“They’ll never look in the walls.” Sapnap almost giggled to himself.
It was a good plan but now the only place Sapnap could move to was forward. It wasn’t good not knowing where he was going but if he stayed still for too long he’d get bored and give himself away. So he moved.
It was impossible to know where he was moving to but he came to a lot of turns in the hallway and followed them around. He tried to peek out through the tiny holes in the walls, making out certain rooms he was passing by but nothing interesting. The worrying thing was that he hadn’t heard any of the God’s roaming around.
It was good he was avoiding them, but Sapnap hated not knowing where they were. He definitely preferred being the hunter in these situations.
Eventually, after wading through the cobwebs and dust that was absolutely settling in his lungs, Sapnap realised the space in the walls was getting thinner. It wasn’t like he had much of a choice but it was getting more worrying the further he went the harder it became to move. Eventually Sapnap was forced to walk sideways to progress forward.
It seemed like the tunnels opened up a bit more after a few steps and while they did it wasn’t enough room for Sapnap to turn. He was stuck in a less than ideal position that was impossible to run from. Luckily, he shouldn’t really have to. There was no way they’d think to look for him in the walls. Sapnap was perfectly safe.
“Who’s hiding in the waaaaaaalls~”
A cold sweat ran down the back of Sapnap’s neck and he froze mid-step. It was XD’s voice that crawled up through the halls. Sapnap could have sworn on his fiancé’s lives that he didn’t hear anyone walk by, but then suddenly he heard the slow footsteps of the God which sounded right beside him.
Of course, Sapnap remembered. XD can float. An important fact he had so carelessly forgotten about in his giddiness.
“Which of our little brothers has become a little mouse? Squeaking around in the walls…”
There was a few well placed taps on the wall that Sapnap had to bite his lips down to not make a noise from. None were directly on him, but the were close to send his mind in a panic.
I need to go back as quiet as I can. He resolved, but the plan was foiled before he could even  attempt to move.
The passageway ahead of Sapnap suddenly closed up. The narrow tunnel between the walls filled with what looked like cement and in the blink of an eye it hardened.
“No! Wha-!” Sapnap yelped before he could catch himself. He quickly tried to walk back the way he came, but as soon as he turned the walls ahead opened.
It wasn’t like the hidden door from before, swinging open, this time it was the front wall melting away into the room wherever XD was, and then XD leaned in. His arms braced against the opposite wall, blocking Sapnap from even trying to escape, and he leaned in with a curious smile before seeing Sapnap and it grew into a wide grin.
“Ohohoho! Little Sapnap!” XD giggled with delight. “I honestly thought it would be Dream to fall for the trap!”
“No! S-Stop!” Sapnap squealed and struggled back. The walls were too close to move far, and his shoulder touched onto the concrete blocking him in.
“I didn’t think you’d go for the walls,” XD spoke so casually. “I thought you’d be a runner for sure. But you’re just a little mouse.”
“Shut it!”
“A trapped little mouse.” XD made a step forward and Sapnap screamed.
“Stay away!”
“Our little mouse is stuck!” XD said gleefully.
“I’m not!” Sapnap snapped his teeth. He pressed himself as far as he could to the concrete and out of XD’s reach. Though nothing was out of his reach.
I can sneak under him and run. Sapnap quickly thought. His eyes scanned looking for a way out but XD spoke again.
“But you are…”
The walls tightened around Sapnap’s body just ever so slightly. It didn’t hurt him, but Sapnap still yelped. He pushed against the wall and wiggled, trying to get any room but it was no use.
“NO! That’s not fair!” Sapnap pleaded. “You can’t just do that!”
“I don’t recall that being in the rules.” XD hummed thoughtfully. One hand tapped on his chin, the other was reaching out towards Sapnap. “I believe the rules we were given was not to nibble on Dream’s tummy and not to touch George’s wraps.”
“S-SssstooOOOOP!” Sapnap shrieked.
“And you were offered to make a rule but you very bravely refused. Actually you boasted you didn’t need one.”
“I dohon’t-! I-I-!” Sapnap crumbled the closer XD’s hand got to him. “GEHET A-AHAw-awahay!”
“I’m helping you, little mouse. You’re stuck.”
“I dohon’t wahan’t your he-EEEEEEEP!”
The hand reaching out for Sapnap suddenly dropped down and grabbed around his ankles. The walls loosened ever so slightly as XD pulled and Sapnap was yanked down. He screamed but as he hit the ground it was soft, like falling onto a bed. His mind was in a mix of confusion; panic from the hand around his ankle and puzzled over the unusually soft landing. In his confusion he didn’t think to try and escape, and the walls squeezed close into him again, trapping him once more.
“Oh you fell!” XD spoke innocently, but his face was still grinning.
“Y-You-You pulled mehee!”
“I’m just trying to pull you out of the wall!” The hand clamped around Sapnap’s ankle pulled him just a little bit more, stretching out his leg and placing his foot in XD’s lap.
Sapnap tried to kick his legs away, but even his other leg was snatched up and held up and out of the way.
“Wait! Wait wait wait wait!” Sapnap’s voice melted from accusing to pleading. “Plehease! Please! Lehet me gohohoho!”
“I’m trying to, little mouse, but I need to pull you out.” XD’s hands were even trying to pull. Now while two sets of his hands held Sapnap’s ankles, his other hands began untying Sapnap’s shoes.
“This will help you wiggle out of there!” Sapnap’s shoes were off and tossed to the side.
“Juhust mohohove thehe wahahalls!”
“Nope!” Was all XD said before his nails touched onto Sapnap’s soles.
The tickling was instant, with no light flutter build ups or any real warning. XD’s claws raked up and down Sapnap’s soles before he tickled just lightly over his toes and then ran the pads of his index fingers up and down Sapnap’s arches.
Sapnap screamed with his laughter. Half was screaming for mercy, the other half was just random words and nonsense from his panicked, fried brain. He beat his fists against the walls, the floor, anywhere he could reach to get out the overwhelming feeling running through his nerves. Sap’s feet weren’t even that badly ticklish, but the tickling combined with being unable to move made him overly sensitive.
“You got to wriggle more than that little mouse.” XD spoke when Sapnap’s laughter calmed down. He had stopped tickling, but kept his nails on and poised to Sapnap’s soles, like a warning.
“I’m...Ihi’m nohohot aha m-mohousssse…” Sapnap managed to pant out.
“You scurry around in the walls, and get stuck in tight spaces. That is very mouse-like.”
“Mihice don’t get stuhu-AAAA!”
Sapnap was pulled once again, coming a bit more out of the wall before they closed in again. This time XD had access to his legs and he immediately got to work. Kneading and squeezing up and down Sapnap’s thighs. Skittering on the back of his knees. Sapnap got a little more kick in his legs but that didn’t help him at all. XD’s hands could hold him down and tickle him.
“Little mouse is almost out~” XD voice carried in an almost song. “I’m almost at his riiiibs~”
“NOHOHO! Nonohohoho! Noho yohohou’re nohohot!” Sapnap tried to claw and crawl further into the wall but anytime he got just a little give he was pulled back, only now his stomach was pulled out of the wall and exposed to XD’s waiting hands. The hoodie and top underneath was quickly yanked up and out of the way, free for XD’s skittering fingers.
“STOHOhohOoHOP! Pleheheheahease!”
“The little mouse needs to say his safeword if he wants it to stoooop~”
“NaAHAhaAhaAHA! Nnn-”
XD’s skittering claws rounded to Sapnap’s back, which was less tickly but still made him squirm. When the God’s hands started travelling up on his back though his voice got high and he squeaked out his pleas.
“PLEHEHEASE! Ple-Plehease! Please! N-Nohohoho mohohore! M-Mehehercy!”
“If you want it to stop you just gotta say the word.” XD shrugged. They lessened their tickling, allowing Sapnap a small break and a moment to talk. They kept his nails poised over Sapnap’s skin twitching just ever so slightly but not outright tickling him.
“N-Nohoho! No! I wohon’t!” Sapnap turned just ever so slightly to look at XD. Sometime between the tickling and walls moving, he had taken his mask off, keeping the criss-crossed wraps over his eyes but letting his wide smile show. “I’ll… L-Listen! Listen! I’ll-I’ll tehell you whehere Geohorge is hiding!”
XD made an over exaggerated gasp, his claws tightening just ever so slightly on Sapnap’s back. “You! You’d sell out your friends to save yourself!”
“Yehes!” Sapnap squeaked. “YES! Absolutely! You love tihihickling Geoohorge ahanywahay!”
“I love tickling anyone I find!” The End God sat himself up straight, squaring his shoulders like he was ruffled. “That includes...little,” he gave a poke into Sapnap’s sides, “sneaky,” another poke, “mice,” another poke, “who sell out their friends just to scurry away again.”
“Nohohohohonononoooo…” Sapnap’s giggles faltered and turned more into desperate pleas. “Dohohon’t!”
“And little sneaky mice who sell out their friends need to be extra punished.” XD grinned as he spoke, putting emphasis on his teeth clicking together and showing off his wide array of fangs.
There were taunting Sapnap. They were showing him what was going to happen. What he was going to be tickled with.
The will to live kicked into Sapnap’s limbs, surging him with energy. He kicked his legs hard enough he almost got out of XD’s hands, but even when one of his legs did get free he still couldn’t pull himself out of the wall. His leg was snatched up right away and he was pulled further out of the wall.
“WAHAIT! WAIT! DON’T-Dohon’t you dare…!” The warning would have been better taken if Sapnap’s voice didn’t get high and squeaky. And the person he was trying to threaten wasn’t a God.
Sapnap’s arms were free but were still just as useless. XD held them down pretty easily, and then his top was yanked almost up and over his head and the fangs were on the back of his ribs.
The fangs moved just ever so slightly but it was enough to fry Sapnap’s brain to the brink of insanity. He screamed and laughed and blurted out Prime knows what before the tickling was over and he was left panting on the ground.
By the time Sapnap felt somewhat conscious again, he felt XD’s hand pat on his side.
“You tapped out.” The God said it almost proudly.
Sapnap groaned into the ground before bringing up his arms to cover his face. His top and hoodie had been set right, though ghostly tickles still ran through his nerves and giggled in his words.
“Dihid I tahahap out f-fihirst?”
“Don’t know yet.” XD shrugged. “We will find that out when the others are done. Now come on.” He pat on Sapnap’s side again before standing up. “Let’s get you outside. Fresh air will do you good.”
Sapnap groaned in protest but it wasn’t really up to him. His body was like jelly and out of his control. He was brought up into XD’s arms as the God turned and began walking down the hall and out the front door.
The cold night air hit his face and the sound of distant owls hooting rang in his ears. It was a peaceful night. Enough that it settled Sapnap right to sleep for a quick nap.
George pulled the attic door up, slamming it shut for extra measure, making sure Dream and Sapnap knew they weren’t welcome. He felt a little mean, worrying they wouldn’t get a spot, but in a competition he wasn’t going to lose because of them.
He began pulling off the cobwebs right away, too frenzied to realise the thick veil of cobwebs had grown in denser. He just about got the boxes uncovered, but as he went to open his box to hide in, the cobwebs already started regrowing and covering the box again.
“What?! No!” George huffed and pulled the cobwebs off again. They grew back, and this time George could see the webs growing back in thicker. “You stupid-! Fine!”
Abandoning the task of pulling off the cobwebs, George instead pulled open the box he was going to hide in. He had to open it carefully, so as not to have the smaller box on top fall off, but George was too jittery with the prospect of being caught and frustrated from the cobwebs he threw off the box lid too fast.
The smaller box tumbled off and got caught in the cobwebs. It wasn’t such a bother but it made it obvious the box below, that George wanted in, had been disturbed.
“No! Just-Fuck!”
George was getting frustrated, not thinking clearly. He slammed the box close and tried to quickly reach for the dropped box, but his arm just brushed along the cobwebs as he reached over and that was enough to get caught.
The webs, now so thick they couldn’t be seen through, ensnared George’s arm. The webs stuck onto the cloth around his arms and even as George tried to pull back in a panic, the webs held him tight.
“NO! Nonononono!” George’s voice rose higher and higher the more panic set in. He knew he had a limited time before one of the Gods would eventually find this attic and each second fighting with this web was wasted. But George made the mistake of trying to pull away at the webs again, and that just got his other hand stuck too.
George shrieked in frustration, pulling at the webs to no avail and kicking at them to only get his leg caught. He knew struggling was making it worse. He just needed to calm down and think his way out of this. But when he took a breath and tried to calm down, the attic door open. And there was no calm anymore.
“Well, well, well…” The rumbling voice of the Nether God purred. George swung his head around as much as he could to see Sapnap4K slowly making his way up the attic stairs. He looked at George with wild, excited eyes. Like a hungry predator who just found his prey. “It’s the little prince who got caught in the webs.”
“NO!” George shrieked in time to the attic door slamming shut. 4K rose up to stand at his full height, almost reaching the attic’s ceiling with his horns. “WAIT! This isn’t FAIR!”
“Oh what’s not fair?” 4K’s head tilted. His voice mimicked concern but his eyes were still wild and his grin was taunting.
“I just…” It was a trap, George absolutely knew it was a trap, but the chance to plead for some kind of mercy he was not going to let pass. “I was trying to hide and this…web just caught me!”
George tried pulling at the web to make his point, but also trying in vein to pull it away. 4K nodded along sympathetically but his expression was amusement. Of course he was finding this funny.
“And th-that’s not fair!”
“You were given just as much time as the others to hide.” 4K mused, bringing a hand up to his chin to look thoughtful.
“Yes! Y-yes but this web just started going crazy! I had a good hiding spot, you would have never found me!”
“Really?” A flash of something sparkled through 4K’s eyes. A challenge perhaps. “Well then tell you what. I’ll give you ten seconds to get out of the web. If you can get out of the web in ten seconds, I’ll give you another 10 minutes to find a hiding spot. Sound fair?”
It wasn’t fair, and George screamed as such. “The time was twenty minutes! They got twenty minutes!”
“You did too.” 4K quickly pointed out. “And the web caught you. Really you shouldn’t be given any more time but I’m feeling merciful. Ten seconds to get out for ten minutes. Take it or leave it.”
George opened his mouth to shout unfairness again, but he quickly closed it and looked to the webs again. Those webs he had torn away so easily before, he could do it again. He could get away. He looked back to 4K and nodded.
4K’s grin widened. “Ten… Nine… Eight…”
George’s heart raced and he turned back to the cobwebs. His arms were stuck, but there was a weaker point right where his left arm was and he tried to focus on it, pulling at his arm with all his might.
“Seven… Six… Five…”
The countdown was making George nervous. It was making him giggle out the squirming nerves in his stomach and losing focus. That was the reason he was breaking free, he decided. He was giggling too much so no matter how hard he pulled he wasn’t breaking free.
“Four… Three…”
4K’s voice sounded closer and George could hear the thump of his boots approaching. “W-WAHAHait! NO! You-You can’t come near me!” George yelped, making one harsh pull against his arm which actually got a bit of it free. “Wait! I’m doing it!”
A shadow towered over George, blocking out the light and while he might have got just a bit of his arm free it was nowhere near enough. Not when he felt 4K’s breath over the top of his head.
Warm darkness engulfed George’s vision. He was easily pulled up and away from the webs holding onto him so tightly before. He thrashed and tried to scream, pulling himself up so his vision wasn’t blocked by 4K’s stupidly thick arms.
“Let! Me! GO!” George kicked his legs and beat his fists into any part of 4K  he could get, but it was a useless struggle.
The Nether God just laughed, pulling George further from the pile of boxes and the webs that fixed themselves up again. Further from freedom. “The little prince caught in a spider’s web~”
“ShuHUT UHUP!” George’s face burned red. He felt 4K finally stop and then sit down. George was planted on his lap but he wasn’t even allowed a second to get his barrings as fingers dug into his sides and began tickling.
“You’ve been caught in the spider’s web, Georgie. And I’m the big bad spider.”
“Nohoho yohou’re nohohot! STOHOHOP!”
The fingers over George’s side switched from kneading in to skittering. The fingers scurried over George’s side, down his back and then over his stomach and chest. While George managed to keep his laughter down to giggles, holding back as much as he could, he couldn’t help but throw his head back and burst with laughter at the never ending onslaught. No matter where George’s hand went to try and stop 4K’s, the hands tickling would quickly flit to a new spot.
“Plehehease! StoHOHohOP!”
“Now you’ve been caught, Georgie. And you know what happens when you’re caught in the spider’s web?”
“It means you get gobbled up!”
The attic turned on it’s side as George was lifted up. The arms he was trying to bat away he was now grasping onto for dear life. The fangs just brushed along George’s side and it was enough to make him scream.
Every limb kicked and hit for freedom, though it was like hitting a rock. George’s top had been pulled so the fangs brushed over his skin, nibbling up and down his sides.
George’s brain was in a constant battle. Trying his hardest to escape the arms holding him, but also knowing without those arms he’d fall.
“FOHOHOUR KAHAHAY!” George managed to scream out between the laughter.
“Now I’m not allowed to nibble Dreamie’s tummy. So you’ll just have to take his too.” 4K mumbled against George’s back. He kept deliberately close so his fangs and beard brushed against the brunette’s skin.
George didn’t even have time to process the words, he was too busy trying to kick himself out of 4K’s arms. It was only when he was turned around and the fangs touched on his stomach did he really hear the words. But it was too late.
George didn’t hear the scream, but he knew he must have because his throat felt sore and hoarse. He was now laid over 4K’s lap instead of hanging in mid air, and 4K’s hands were rubbing in soothingly over George’s stomach rather than tickling.
“It’s over, it’s over.” 4K’s voice was warm, and deeper than his teasing tone. “You called your safeword, it’s over.”
George groaned in frustration, though it was cut short from the burn on his throat. “That’s so not fair…” He whispered. “I don’t even remember doing it…”
While that was true, George knew he must have. 4K wouldn’t lie and during his panic of being tickled, George would have screamed anything for it to stop. Of course he’d never admit that though.
“You still called it, buddy, so it’s counts.” 4K said as he pat George on the back. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”
The weightless feeling swooped George up and into 4K’s arms. He gave a small whine of protest but had no energy to even pretend fight. Instead he just lay his head over 4K’s shoulder as the God carried him down the attic stairs and through the hallways to the front door.
The cold air was bracing, yet comforting on George’s face. The pleasant feeling was the last thing George felt before he fell into a soft nap.
George snored almost like his brother which Sapnap4K found extremely cute. The brunette lay in 4K’s arms, curling into his side and giving of the softest snores every few breaths. It was a gentle sound that passed the time while 4K waited. The sky lost the last of the sunset colours when 4K saw someone approach from the mansion.
DreamXD came down the path, with Sapnap asleep in his arms. The blonde God caught sight of 4K, relief sighing his shoulders when he saw it was George in his arms and not Dream.
If 4K was disappointed to see Sapnap had tapped out he hid it behind his wide smile and chuckled to XD. “I could see your sigh of relief a mile away.”
XD gave a sheepish smile, shrugging softly to not disturb Sapnap too much. “I was just relieved seeing you were okay.”
“Uh-huh…” 4K grinned as XD approached. He sat on the log beside 4K and rearranged Sapnap to sit on his lap. “Just because Dream isn’t here doesn’t mean he ain’t the first one out. HD just might not have found him yet.”
The smile dropped from XD then which 4K laughed at. “Dream’s tough! He’s probably still holding out.”
“Sure. Even though his whole thing is about running and not being caught.” 4K pointed out, and giggled as XD’s expression grew more worried. “Better hope Dream’s holding out.”
“He is!” XD assured the other God, but he couldn’t deny he was worrying. Dream was naturally slippery and usually got out of any situation, but XD was choosing to believe his brother was holding out. One thing about Dream was he was competitive and stubbornly so. He’d last.
A few minutes passed, though neither God was keeping count. They spoke softly with one another, making sure not to wake the sleeping siblings. 4K had taken Sapnap into his other arm, which Sapnap seemed to prefer as he snuggled into his brother’s side. Just when XD was starting to get concerned and offer to go in and look for them, he saw them.
HD made his way down the path with Dream on his back. XD thought his brother was asleep, but the closer they got, he could see Dream wasn’t sleeping. Or…maybe he wasn’t. Dream’s eyes were half open but they looked dazed and distant. His mouth was moving slightly which made XD think he was talking, but the only sound he was making were little giggles.
“That took a while.” 4K chuckled with delight when he saw Dream’s giggling face. “Take a while to find him?”
“No, actually. I found him right away.” HD said, almost sounding surprised. “He lasted the full time.”
Both XD and 4K blinked. “What do you mean?” XD asked.
“He never tapped out. Not once. Not even when I was nibbling his hips and the hands were all over him. He lasted for the time we agreed.”
“The full ten minutes?!” 4K yelped, but quickly quietened as he remembered the sleeping boys in his arms. “He lasted?”
“Yeah.” HD readjusted Dream on his back. “He’s a little bit tickle drunk right now.”
Ah. That explained it. Dream’s dazed and giggly look was from him holding off but frying his brain a little. XD came forward, taking his brother off HD’s back and carrying him in his arms. Dream giggled again but settled. When he was closer, XD could see Dream was between sleep and awake, barely holding on. XD just purred a little and Dream’s eyes fell shut with a soft giggle.
HD took his own brother back, holding him close as 4K stood up. “So… Who lost?”
The three God stood in a somewhat circle with one another. “Obviously, Dream wins.” HD shrugged.
XD controlled his expression but he beamed with pride on the inside. “Sapnap lasted for five and a half minutes.” He reported.
“And little Georgie lasted half that. About 3 minutes.” 4K reported with a wide grin and a wild look to HD. “So that means…”
“What?! There’s no way George lost!” HD bristled, his hair running wild with shoothing stars. “You got him worked up before it!”
“We agreed teasing could be allowed!” 4K quickly defended himself. “It’s not my fault he got himself stuck in the spiders webs. Besides, can you say you didn’t work up Dream? Get him anticipated?”
“Well…fine. Maybe.” HD grumbled. “I caught Dream in the spinning halls. He was already dizzy.”
“Sapnap fell for the space in the walls.” XD added in. “He was trapped when I got him.”
“Hmm, not the place I thought he’d go.” 4K hummed thoughtfully. “But then it’s decided. George tapped out first and lost. Which means you lose Starlight~”
“Oh shut up.” HD snapped, but a blush crossed his cheeks. Even XD, while excited, felt a pang of sympathy for the Overworld God. 4K’s teasing words ran over his skin, making XD feel like he was being teased himself. “We can’t deal with that now. We have to get these three to bed.”
“But soon though~” 4K giggled. “You can’t hide behind them for long~”
“Shush! Let’s get home.”
Dream woke up cocooned in warmth and groggy from the deep sleep. His skin felt tingly and giggles bubbled in his tummy, making him feel soft and squirmy. He tried to stretch and found he wasn’t alone. George was pushed up against his chest, hugging around his waist and behind him Sapnap lay lounged out.
It took a few blinks before Dream realised they were in George’s cottage. The three were laid on the floor of the main room, with blankets and pillows placed under them and another blanket on top of them. Dream tried to look around, and saw XD was behind him, pulling another blanket up.
“Go back to sleep.” XD spoke, their voice just a whisper. “You must be tired.”
“Mmm’not…” Dream tried to speak but his mouth felt like it was full of cotton and his throat scratchy. Exhaustion also swept through him as soon as the words left and his eyes drooped.
“Sure…” XD chuckled and tucked another blanket under Dream’s chin.
“What happened…?” Dream sighed. He remembered running through the spinning tunnel and being caught by HD. He was tickled but details of it were sketchy and came in spurts. It all went fuzzy after the fangs touched on his hips.
“You won.” XD smiled proudly. “You lasted the longest. George tapped out first.”
A surge of pride swelled in Dream’s chest, but he was too tired to really celebrate. “What does that mean? Is there a forfeit?”
“That will be later.” XD waved off, but he had a knowing smile. “You need sleep.”
“Don’t I get something?” Dream asked while fighting off a yawn as XD’s hand pat through his hair. “I won.”
XD hummed thoughtfully. “I’ll think of something for you.” He finally said. “But for now. Sleep.”
Dream opened his mouth to speak again, but XD settled behind him. His chest pressed against Dream’s back and he started purring. Then it was a losing battle with sleep. His muscles relaxed and his eyes closed again, his lids too heavy to open. Dream fell asleep surrounded by love, and dreamt of bliss.
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fluffallamaful · 7 months
their laughs :((((( i’ve never heard sapnap this squeaky 🥺 and george’s head throwing back with his laugh and his legs curling? 😭 the face covering as welll aggggghhhhh
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wishitweresummer · 5 months
Now Let Me Explain (Dream x GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)
(This is from my series Glass House!!!)
Word count: 2654
I believe this is the last part!!! This was me stepping out of my usual and writing a true lee, but I don’t have any more ideas for the concept. But I love the little world I created. A little world where Dream and Sapnap tickle George, he loves it, and George is one of us. I hope you enjoyed <3
Warning: Tickle tools and feet tickles.
George’s eyes flicked quickly between his phone and Sapnap.
“Hm…”, he murmured, watching the other boy stretch and roll on his back lazily, also on his phone. He got a hum back in question. “Just thinking.”. His eyes trailed over the words on his phone screen again. He was logged in on his @gigglygogy404 account and scrolling through a thread all about Sapnap. At first, he had felt a little spark of jealousy that it wasn’t about him. Now, he found himself with the same questions as the fans. Why didn’t he know Sapnap’s worst spot? “You’re one of my best friends.”, he spoke suddenly. Sapnap slowly looked over.
“…you’re one of my best friends too, Georgie.”, he spoke carefully, ungrounded by the unusual sweetness. George smiled and tilted his head. “Is everything okay?”.
“Yeah! Just wanted to ask some questions.”.
Sapnap locked his phone and sat up on his elbows, giving George his full attention.
“Where’s your most ticklish spot?”.
“Oh! You want tickles!”, Sapnap exclaimed, relieved. He reached for George’s side, who squealed and smacked his hand away.
“No! Idiot. I’m asking you a question! I just really don’t know. It’s important to me.”, he said through giggles.
“It’s important to you.”, Sapnap deadpanned, an edge of amusement in his voice.
“Yeah, you wouldn’t understand. In my community it’s an important thing to know about everyone. Dream’s is his tummy. And I don’t know yours.”.
The younger beamed and sat up completely, excited. George always held back a lot of this little interest he had. He looked down and sent a quick text to summon Dream. Then, he cleared his throat.
“Well. If it’s important to you then fine. I think it’s my thighs, right?”. George grinned and nodded happily, typing away at his phone.
“That makes sense!”. Sapnap could only smile fondly and shake his head, watching George. “Your thighs are so ticklish!”.
“Are you like, writing that down?”.
“There’s a little debate going on in the tickle community about you and I’m adding my secret intel.”. There was that word again; community.
Dream popped his head in.
“Hi guys! Can I join the cuddle party?”, he asked with a grin, taking in the two spread out on George’s bed.
“Yeah, get in here. George is telling me about his community.”. Dream made quick work of crawling up the bed and pulling a squirmy George back into his chest.
“Awww! Are you being talkative today?”, he asked, lips against the back of his sensitive neck. George burst into giggles.
“I don’t know! What do you guys want to know?”.
“This threads all about Sapnap. They are debating about what your worst spot is, obviously. Do you want to see some art I have saved of you?”, George smiled shyly.
“Of me? Sure.”.
Dream released George and the boy rolled onto his stomach and propped himself up on his elbows before directing their attention to his phone. He opened his Photo app and selected an album labeled only with a fire and feather emoji. Sapnap tittered a little.
“This one’s my favorite.”. George selected one to make bigger. It was line art, completely colorless. George’s character was hugging Sapnap’s character from behind and nuzzling into his neck. It was a little lovey, with hearts floating above Sapnap’s head. And Sapnap was in a fit of giggles, George tickling him with the nuzzles.
“That’s cute.”, Sapnap murmured, a little embarrassed.
“Sapnap…”, Dream coo’ed. The younger ducked his forehead down onto George’s shoulder and giggled. George beamed.
“And look, this is you and Dream tickle fighting.”. He swiped over to a more colorful and cartoon-y art. Dream and Sapnap’s characters were both red-faced and laughing, both tickling each other’s sides at the same time. “Isn’t that cute?”, he asked, looking back and forth at both of them.
“Very.”. George giggled and nodded.
“Is it a little embarrassing to see this?”.
“Yeah a little, but it’s fun. I love seeing fanart. I’m really excited you’re sharing this Georgie!” George squirmed, excited. Dream and Sapnap grinned at each other over his back.
“Want to see Dream stuff? There’s a ton of Dream tickle art.”.
“Really?”, Dream scooched in closer.
George nodded and clicked over to an album labeled with a broccoli and a feather emoji.
“You’re an idiot.”, Dream said, poking George in the side to make him squeak.
“It makes sense!”, he giggled, writhing from the poke. He scrolled slowly through fanart. Dream’s character being tickled to pieces by George and Sapnap’s. But also, DreamXD, magic hands, and other characters they didn’t recognize.
George locked his phone and smirked at Dream.
“The fans want to see you get tickled so bad.”, he wiggled back into Sapnap until the younger wrapped his arms around him, then reached out and tickled Dream’s stomach.
“Hey!”, he laughed, smacking the hand away. He reached for George’s stomach, but his hand was smacked away by Sapnap’s.
“No! He’s letting me cuddle!”. All three of them giggled stupidly. George melted into the hold happily.
“Did you know Sapnap’s worst spot is his thighs?”, he asked. Dream grinned and nodded.
George smiled and tilted his head up a little, directing his question back at Sapnap.
“Do you like being tickled?”.
“No, definitely not.”, Sapnap answered quickly. George looked over to Dream.
“What about you?”. Dream shook his head ‘no’ quickly.
“I’m going to tickle you both anyway.”. Sapnap laughed and squeezed him from behind.
“We know.”, Sapnap said, amusement rich in his voice.
“…because sometimes I get into ler moods.”, he said carefully.
“What’s that?”, Dream asked.
“Think of it like…ticklelee and tickleler. So, being tickled or tickling someone else. That makes sense, right? So lee and ler. If I’m in a ler mood then I feel like tickling somebody else.”, George spoke his words slowly and carefully, like he was trying to avoid using specific words. A blush crawled up his neck as he spoke and he squirmed back into the hold. Sapnap snuggled him in closer.
“I get it. Sometimes you’re a little tickle monster. I’ve noticed that.”, he spoke into George’s hair. Dream nodded excitedly.
“So sometimes I really really want to tickle you guys. That’s why. So…yeah!”, he smiled, apparently satisfied with his jumbled wording. The other two nodded, happy. “Can I tickle one of you now?”.
Dream decided to go first. Neither had actually been tickled for more than a short burst before. George was not making it easy.
Sapnap laid on his side with a smirk, watching the scene. George was perched on top of Dream trying to get him to keep his arms up.
“C’mon, it’s not going to be that bad!”.
“Chill out! You’re scaring me!!”, Dream said through a flurry of flustered giggles.
“I’m not even doing anything yet!”. George shot his hands down and pinched at Dream’s hips, who squealed and grabbed his wrists to pull away.
“That tickles!”, he cried.
They all laughed as Dream failed to let himself be tickled at all. As soon as he released George’s hands, they would dive back in to tickle him. In less than a second, Dream was squealing and either blocking the hands or grabbing them again.
“Stop! Please!”.
“I haven’t even tickled you!”, George laughed as he sat back a little. Dream flopped his arms over his red face and gasped for air between his flustered giggles.
“Oh my god George. I don’t know how you can stand that!.”. George’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.
“What? I can’t!”, he squeaked out. Dream and Sapnap laughed. “Sapnap, grab his arms.”.
In a flash, Sapnap has Dream’s wrists held tight. Before anything could even happen, Dream was giggling hysterically.
“No please no!!”, he begged. George laughed and shook two clawed hands into Dream’s tummy, making him squeal loudly. He struggled for a few seconds, but then threw his head back into the pillow and laughed wildly. He squirmed and bucked, gasping through his laughter. Sapnap and George giggled excitedly at his reaction.
“Aw, Dream! So ticklish!!”.
“Please!”, he squeaked.
It was clear Dream couldn’t really handle it, turning red as his laughter got more and more frantic. After a few more seconds, George stopped.
“That was crazy…”, Dream giggled.
As Dream recovered, George eyed down Sapnap. The older crawled off of him and moved closer to Sapnap.
“Remember when I tried using the massage gun on you and you wouldn’t let me?”. Sapnap laughed.
“Yeah! I had to safeword! Then Dream wrecked you.”.
“No, you used my safeword! Ugh, shut up.”, George giggled and tried to ruffle Sapnap’s hair, only getting his hand smacked away.
“Yeah, ‘cause it felt crazy! What? You want to try again?”, Sapnap asked. Dream popped up behind George and leaned into the conversation.
“I’ve been a little curious about one of your tools too, like after seeing your reaction to it.”, Dream added.
“Oh? Which one?”, George turned.
“The hairbrush. Like, on your. You know.”, Dream bit his tongue through his smile, suddenly embarrassed. His cheeks flamed as he took in the others’ excited looks.
“You couldn’t even handle my hands!!”, George yelled excitedly, pouncing him down on the bed. They all laughed as the two wrestled.
Dream let George win, giggling as the smaller boy threw his hands up in victory from atop him.
“I could use some tools on you guys! You wanna see what they are like right?”.
“Like…”, both boys fumbled with their sentences at the same time and went silent.
“It’s okay to be curious.”, George said, softer this time. It was definitely fun to scare them, but it would be more fun if they actually let him use the tools on them. “You get safewords.”.
Slowly, they both agreed.
“Oh god I’m going to freak out…”, Dream murmured before shoving his face into the pillow he was hugging. He was on his stomach with his arms wrapped around a big pillow while George was perched on his back facing his feet.
“You got this Dream!”, Sapnap cheered teasingly. George was hovering the hairbrush over Dream’s bare sole. He was holding just one of his ankles as well as he could.
Suddenly, he scrubbed the hairbrush against the sole for about a second and a half. There was a muffled scream. In an instant, he was bucked off to the side and straight into Sapnap. Everybody laughed.
“Dream!! You threw me!!”.
“That was crazy!! What the fuck?!”, Dream said through his giggles. He rolled over and grabbed his own foot, rubbing at the ticklish tingles left behind.
“I barely even did it!”.
“George, you can’t do that again. I don’t know how I didn’t kick you!”.
“What! But, Dream!!”, George whined, untangling himself from Sapnap. George dove for Dream and they wrestled, full of giggles. “You won’t hurt me! I’ll be careful!!”.
“No way!!”.
“I’ll hold him.”, Sapnap added, smirking. The two looked over to find him with the hairbrush, waving it in the air. He gestured it at Dream. “I can make sure you don’t hurt him. Dream only whined.
It took a while to get Dream into position again. He was much squirmier now that he knew what the dreaded hairbrush would feel like.
“I’m nervous!”, he squeaked out as he felt Sapnap get a good hold on his legs.
“Breathe Dream, you can do this!”, Sapnap coo’ed. It was far too teasy to be sincere.
“I’ll go for five seconds, okay? You can handle that, right?”, George asked.
“I-um. Okay. Five seconds. Yeah, I can try that.”, he stuttered, barely holding his nervous giggles at bay.
The hairbrush was pressed back into his sensitive sole and scrubbed, forcing a scream out of him before he even knew what he was doing.
“5…4…”, George started. It tickled. Dream hugged the pillow and thrashed against the hold on his lower half, but it was no use. He screamed with laughter, helpless. It was bad. It was so so bad. Surely he wouldn’t survive th-
“Dream we are done!”, Sapnap’s voice was in his ear. He hadn’t registered that he was free.
“Wow, you’re so ticklish Dream!!”, George giggled happily. He rolled over and flopped weakly onto his back, still a little lost in the breathless giggles. “Now you know what it feels like! Do you like it?”.
“That was really intense.”, Dream shook his head. He calmed his giggles, but the smile was harder to shake. George was just so happy. George crawled over and ruffled his sweaty curls.
“It like, clears out your mind. All you can focus on is how much it tickles.”, George supplied shyly, smiling.
Dream grinned up at George, understanding a little more. Before he could speak though, George was snatched back into a bear hug from Sapnap.
“Oh Georgie!!”, he dragged out the name happily as he forcibly hugged the struggling boy to his chest. “You just like being made all silly!! No thoughts in your head!!! Just…tickle tickle tickle!”, he suddenly attacked George’s sides with tickles. The boy screeched as he squirmed in the hold.
“No!!!”, he cried out through his laughter.
Dream watched them fight, feeling lighter. It wasn’t the tickling, though. It was getting to understand George a little better. After all these years, there’s still more to learn about each other. He grinned as George squealed, unable to get away from Sapnap’s mischievous fingers.
It took a bit for the three to calm down for Sapnap’s turn. While Dream seemed sapped of energy, Sapnap was bouncing off the wall.
“I’m scared!”, he declared. All three of them giggled.. “Gogy went crazy when we did this to him. You can’t do it for long!!”.
“Only five seconds!”, George assured.
“Oh my god!”, Sapnap squealed out in fear. Dream hugged him back into his chest and laid down more, leaving George to perch on his calves. “This is so scary!”.
George grinned that Cheshire Cat smile, all teeth and bite. With Sapnap, there was less sweetness and more playfulness. Dream worried George wouldn’t stop, so he had promised Sapnap he would count as well.
The massage gun was turned on, making Sapnap squeak. His thigh trembled as George brought the vibrating head closer and closer. When contact was made, Sapnap threw his head back against Dream in a silent scream. He bucked uselessly up into George’s weight and his leg twitched back and forth. The tickling was absolutely maddening, pulling a yelp from his chest before the five seconds was up. A hysterical sounding laughter boomed out of him at the four second mark, and kept going after George had already stopped.
“Please please please!!!”, he babbled through his laughter. The ghosts of vibrations shook through his legs still, driving him crazy. It was a while before he stopped laughing. The boys cuddled him until he calmed down. “That was nuts, George.”, he mumbled. The wobbly smile on his face was precious, making George nuzzle into his neck in fondness. “How do you stand that?”.
“I can’t stand it, Sappy. It’s torture.”, he replied quietly.
A sneaky blush crawled up George’s neck and cheeks. It was a little embarrassing; being known. The two already tortured him on a regular basis, and now they have a better idea of just what exactly they are putting him through. The shocking feeling of being tickled that they knew he craved. They knew now just how intense some of the sensations he endured were. He kept his face in Sapnap’s neck and they all relaxed together.
It was silly, his embarrassment. They had all been through so much. Still, when he came up and found Dream nailing him with a knowing smirk, he shoved his face right back into his hiding spot. But, a smile broke through. Excitement iced his veins.
Feelings are complicated and George could never find the words to explain himself. Yet here he was, known.
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aninklingof · 7 months
Not a Big Deal
Welcome to part 2 of the tickle monster au! 😁 Part 1 here <3
Lee! Sapnap yay ❤️
Warnings: swearing ✨platonic✨
Fanart of the fic at the end!
It wasn’t just a dream. It couldn’t possibly be, because half a week later Dream continued to be tormented by the monster under his bed every night. At 12 AM on the dot Dream would be woken up by velvety tendrils teasing his poor hypersensitive body, the shadowy being to whom they belonged taunting him while staring down at him with its bright purple glare.
Dream would be forced to endure the tickly torture until the being decided it was full. Sometimes it would only tickle the blonde for an hour, sometimes three. However it never seemed to stay past 4 AM.
Dream was starting to visibly deteriorate from having his sleep interrupted nightly. Sapnap and George began to notice how quiet the taller was, how he seemed more sluggish, and of course the massive purple bags under his eyes.
When the blonde did talk to his two roommates the conversation would always inevitably devolve into Dream swearing up and down that the monster was real and George arguing back that it was simply not possible. The change in dynamic was making Sapnap anxious.
Sapnap wanted to believe it was all merely a recurring night terror, Dream was still only getting worse. Whenever Sapnap or George would even brush past the bigger man he would flinch away with a heartbreaking whimper, like his nerves were shot from whatever he experienced every night.
It was Wednesday after nearly a week that Dream snapped, shouting loudly at George while they had been bickering:
“If you don’t believe me then why don’t you see for yourself?! Spent a night in my bed, you’ll believe me then!!” Dream then stormed off to his room fuming, leaving his half-eaten bowl of cereal forgotten on the table.
George scoffed and muttered something about how Dream was being dramatic and began scrolling on his phone but Sapnap stared down the hall after the older, turning over the words in his head.
The brunette spent all day thinking over what Dream had said until he finally made up his mind. Approaching the blonde’s bedroom door, he knocked softly on the wood.
“Come in.”
He turned the door handle and opened the door to see Dream staring at his monitor blankly, seemingly editing a video. “Hey Dream.”
“Hi Sap.” He croaked.
Sapnap sat on the edge of Dream’s bed, quickly crossing his legs on the mattress when the thought of the possible monster living under it itched at the back of his brain. After hesitating a moment, he finally spoke.
“I thought about what you’d said this morning,” he started, staring at his hands while he fidgeted nervously.
“Yeah? What about it?” Dream prompted, spinning around to face Sapnap.
“We can… we can swap beds tonight. I’m— I’m worried about you, and if you’re this serious about this… monster… then I’ll spend the night in your room.”
Dream looked like he was about to cry. He quickly leaped out of his chair and hugged Sapnap around the neck, startling the younger man. He blinked and gingerly wrapped his arms around the blonde.
“It’s okay Dream, it’s alright.. it’s not that big of a deal.”
At least that’s what Sapnap hoped.
Sapnap opened his eyes to the dimly lit ceiling of Dream’s room. He blinked blearily and turned his head to read the clock on the bedside table: 12:00 AM.
“Well what do we have here?” A deep voice purred, startling Sapnap into full awareness.
The brunette lifted his head off the pillow to look down the foot of the bed, only to see a looming shadowy blob towering above him.
“Wh-What the f-fuck???” Sapnap stuttered.
“You’re not Dream. Perhaps one of his housemates?” The creature pondered, it’s big catlike eyes never blinking as they glared hungrily at the man in the bed.
“N-No, this— this isn’t real,” Sapnap’s voice shook as he began to realize that Dream wasn’t lying— and also that he was stuck to the bed.
“Oh it’s very real,” the being purred. “In fact, allow me to show how real I am.”
Many long shadowy tentacles unfurled from the creature and crept towards Sapnap’s vulnerable body. Sapnap simply struggled and watched in terror, cursing himself for choosing to sleep shirtless.
At the first stroke against the brunette’s body, he knew he was going to die. The velvety texture of the tentacles against his bare skin sent shockwaves of tickles through his whole body, and it was intense.
“Wahahahahait!!! Wahahahait plehehehease!!!” He cackled, squirming left and right as dozens of tendrils explored his upper body. “Wehehehe cahahahan tahahahalk ahahahabout thihihihis!!”
“I’m afraid there’s nothing to talk about. Laugh for me, tickle toy~”
Unbearable tickling invaded Sapnap’s underarms and threw the poor man into hysterics. “WHAHAHAHA WAHAHAIT NOHOHOHO!!! GEHEHEHET OHOHOHOUTTA THEHEHEHERE!! FUHUHUHUCK!!”
Tears pricked the corners of Sapnap’s eyes, it was so much. Tentacles tickled his armpits, ribs and eventually his thighs ruthlessly. His chest ached with how hard he was laughing— how hadn’t he woken up Dream and George yet?
“You’re quite ticklish, and I thought Dream was sensitive!” The creature teased, his low rumbling voice worsening the electric tingles that flooded his system.
The next morning Dream awoke feeling relieved. He hadn’t been tormented in the middle of the night, and it was refreshing to get a full uninterrupted night of sleep.
He left Sapnap’s room and headed to the kitchen, but as he walked past his door it opened and out walked a disheveled and exhausted-looking Sapnap.
The brunette looked up at Dream with bloodshot eyes, taking a long time to seemingly process the man in front of him, before finally he spoke.
“We need a fucking exorcist or some shit.”
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sapnapstummy · 7 months
Hi everyone! I decided to post a small tickle scene from my georgenap fic livewire as its own stand alone drabble :]
Please enjoy almost 800 words of george and sapnap tickling each other and being in love <3
“Let’s do something. I’m bored.” George whines, flopping down on Sapnap’s bed. 
Sapanp shifts his legs, making more room for George and creating more space between them. He hums agreeingly, but his eyes never leave his work laptop. He’s trying to fix an audio error for one of his videos, but it doesn’t seem like something that he can fix from his side. His brows furrow as he flips to a different recording, hoping he can splice them together. 
A hand grabs his ankle, startling him, “What the fuck, George! You scared the shit outta me!” He tries to jerk his leg away, but George’s grip tightens. 
“You’re ignoring me. Don’t ignore me. I’m bored,” George’s voice turns into a whisper, lips brushing the hair on Sapnap’s leg, “and that makes me dangerous.” He turns quickly, blowing a raspberry in the crook of his knee and dancing his fingers up the back of his calf.
Sapnap howls with laughter. George lets him twist and turn in his hold, but never fully lets go. “Stop, George. Actually stop, you’re gonna break my laptop.”
George releases his leg, and Sapnap sighs in relief. It’s short lived as George moves the laptop away and places it on the nightstand. Quickly, before he can protest, Sapnap’s arms are pinned by George’s knees. Cold hands run up and down his arms, exposed by the short sleeves of his shirt. Sapnap wiggles, trying with all his might to keep his giggles inside. 
As he squirms under George’s touch, his shirt rides up. Sapnap watches George’s eyes flick down to the sliver of revealed tummy. He stops abruptly, yanking his arms attempting to free them from under George’s knees. 
“Look what we have here. A delicious Sapnap. Waiting so patiently for me!” George folds practically in half to nose at his stomach. The sound of George’s inhale makes him tense with anticipation, and the feeling of George’s lips on his bare skin makes fire shoot through his veins. 
Despite anticipating the raspberry, Sapnap can’t keep his laughter contained. It spills out of him and he can’t stop. “Please! George, oh my god!” He doesn’t even care how ridiculous he sounds. He thrashes and jerks his limbs, but George remains steady. 
When George pulls away, face flushed, he giggles. Then his giggles turn into manic cackles until he’s gasping for air. His chest collides with Sapnap’s as he flops down, totally breathless. 
Sapnap uses his moment of weakness to slide out from underneath and switch their positions. He sits on George’s thighs, flattening George’s legs out across the bed. Immediately, his hands squeeze at George’s side. He grins in victory as George writhes below him. George’s hands squeeze Sapnap’s shirt in tightly balled fists. As George tires, he pulls Sapnap closer. 
“Sap-Sapnap, pleas-se. I can’t-” 
As a final move, Sapnap presses his face into George’s neck, giving him the wettest raspberry he can. George cackles beneath him, loud and wholeheartedly. George weakly pushes him away, battling between ending the tickle fight or protecting his vulnerable sides. 
He pulls away from George’s neck to catch his breath, but George hooks his arms around the back of Sapnap’s head, tugging him back down. His thighs shake and his arms come down to the side to stop him from ragdolling on George. 
“Ugh, lay on me already. Stop being an idiot.” George gives his head another tug, while Sapnap hesitantly lets his body rest on George’s. “There we go. It’s like a weighted blanket, but like epic ‘cause you’re warm.” 
“Was this your plan all along? To distract me from my very important work and turn me into your own personal weighted blanket?” Sapnap can feel every breath that George makes. The push and pull of George’s chest and the vibrations when he talks makes his heart beat faster. He hopes George doesn’t notice. 
George, still tickle-high, laughs breathlessly in his ear with a quiet squeak. “You’re an idiot.” Sapnap can hear the smile in George’s voice and he looks up at him. George’s skin is flushed and his eyes sparkle happily. 
“Your idiot,” he sighs as he tucks his face into George’s neck. Gently, he lets his beard brush lightly against George’s skin just to feel him squirm a little bit more. He feels George shift, then cool fingers touch the back of his neck, brushes softly through his curls. 
“Yeah,” George breathes and Sapnap knows without seeing that George is looking at him with as much love as he possibly can. “You’re mine” 
Sapnap presses a kiss to George’s neck before letting his eyes slip shut and matching their breaths, and they fall asleep happy and warm in each other's arms with smiles on their faces.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed, consider checking out livewire :] I wrote it for the dtk ace week collab, it's 17k words of ace sapnap and it's my baby. It features this scene until the dash where it takes a little bit of a different turn! And stay tuned for some future fics!!
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awkwardtickleetoo · 9 months
Warden’s Revenge
WARDEN 2 IS FINALLY HERE!! very VERY long awaited sequel to this fic here, from over a year ago <33 whoopsies <33 i guess taking a year to write sequels is my specialty or something 🤷‍♂️
i wanna give a huuuuge shoutout to @mushiewrites and @wishitweresummer for helping so much with this!! thank you summer for giving me hcs on bad because i didn’t have much in mind for him, that was a major help!! and thank you mushie for being there for literally everything just like you always are, and for discussing hcs about both bad and sap with me to use for this <3 very very grateful for the help from both of you guys
lee!badboyhalo, lee!sapnap, ler!warden, feat. george and dream, 3.9k words
hope everyone enjoys!!
After the… interesting chain of events that had transpired during their first meeting with the Warden, all four members of the group agreed that they definitely needed more practice with the new mob before the next official manhunt. The group in question, of course, being Dream, George, Sapnap, and BadBoyHalo.
They spent some time gathering information on the creature they’d encountered, finding some pretty fascinating things in the process. It was completely blind, relying solely on its senses of smell and touch, as well as any vibrations let off by surrounding players or the frequencies from the sensors that were scattered absolutely everywhere around the cave the creature resided in. It had a melee attack as well, using its long arms to swing and swipe at any threats and dealing more damage than any mob any of them had ever dealt with before, but its preferred form of attack was the shock wave that had taken both Dream and George by storm on that day. They found that the only way to block that shock wave was with a very specific potion of resistance, which none of them deemed worthy enough to stock up on when it had so few other uses and the shock was so avoidable if they played their cards right.
All in all, the creature was very easy to evade, but simultaneously extremely easy to attract if a player wasn’t quite careful enough.
Or, in this case, if a player was setting the creature's sensors off on purpose as revenge on other members of their party.
The group had gone through several different practice attempts at taking on the Warden, wanting to try out every strategy and combination of moves they could think of to make sure they were truly confident in their ability to take the creature on in a real challenge. They tried stealth, they tried breaking off into pairs or trios or any combination of their number, they tried attacking the creature head on to see the melee attacks in action and test how close they could get to killing it on that situation– although the last option did have a few near-casualties, so they tended to veer away from that approach– but each plan had one underlying goal.
Don’t get hit by the shock wave. No matter what.
And this goal was reached successfully almost every single time. There were a few close calls, as they expected there to be— there were times where they heard the shockwave echo through the cave just barely after making it out, times where the vines were barely inches from catching one of their wrists or ankles (usually George, who would freak out over the sensation every single time). There was one specifically scary time where Sapnap had tripped over one of the vines that had slithered across the floor and George had to run back to catch them, ending up with both of them almost being caught in the vibrations. Luckily, they’d still managed to make it out unscathed, apart from Sapnap’s bruised knee and George’s exaggerated grumpiness at having to “put himself in danger to save you, idiot” as he so eloquently put it, but the most important thing to all of them was that they felt confident in their new set of skills.
They decided to take two more days to practice, to really hone in on their strategies, before scheduling a rematch manhunt with Jimmy for the end of that week.
And that day, the second to last day of practice, is precisely when Dream and George decided to put their revenge plan into action. They were determined to subject Sapnap and Bad to the same fate that both of them had been so cruelly subjected to the previous time.
The practice started off relatively simple– take off running, collect resources, craft weapons and armor, mentally map out any strategies, so on and so forth– and seemed to be just a normal day of manhunt practice. Around forty five minutes in, however, is when the hunters finally caught up to Dream and saw him at the opening of a cave.
This could only mean one thing, and before they’d even hit the one hour mark, all four of them had made it down to the entrance of the Warden’s lair, the three hunters stealthily following behind Dream as he tiptoed in. They each took small steps forward as the other man came closer to the middle of the room, assuming it was safe to watch him from the same distance as each other time, right at the cusp of the dropoff of the cave floor.
“Are we ready to go?” Sapnap whispered, staring sharply forward into the room. “Do we have everything we need?”
“I think so,” Bad replied, whispering as well, squeezing his hand around the hilt of the half broken axe he held. He seemed to debate on switching it out, before smiling softly and turning the weapon in his hands, deciding it would do just fine. “We each have weapons, I think we’re all full on hunger and HP, we have armor… I have a really good feeling about this one, guys,” He said positively, extending his smile to the other two next to him, and both of them looked back at him and smiled softly as well.
“Hm…” George turned his head back first, leaning over Bad’s shoulder to see into the cave, letting his hand gently rest on Sapnap’s arm to keep himself steady. He shifted his eyes a few times; between sensors, up to the stalactites on the ceiling, across the walls, moving his head side to side along with his intense scanning of his surroundings. Sapnap and Bad simply assumed he was searching for the Warden, as George had a tendency to prefer knowing exactly where his enemy was when he was about to strike it, but George knew what he was actually searching for. Seconds later, he seemed to find it.
He locked eyes with Dream, who had turned to face them just subtly enough that it wouldn’t be obvious but that George would know to bring his gaze over. They held eye contact, and the cue was given. A quick nod of his head, and a swipe on the tip of his nose with his index finger.
It was time. Dream was ready. George would push forward.
“Hey, can I go in last this time?” He asked softly, leaning back and grabbing his bow out of its holder. “We’ve been trying out all different orders but I, uh… wanna practice shooting at it a bit from the back. My aim has been kinda trash the last few practice rounds and I think it might help.”
“Yeah, of course!” Bad assured quickly, an understanding nod and smile following it, “Practice is practice, right, Gogy? No better time than now. Okay, uh, Sap, why don’t you go first, then? I’ll cover your back and stay between you two, you stay on Dream, George stays on the Warden. Good?”
“Sounds good,” Sapnap replied, gripping his newly crafted axe between his fists and waiting for the opportunity to strike.
“Call it, Sap,” Bad whispered, and Sapnap nodded, counting down from three and whispering a giddy ‘now!’ as they scrambled in.
Immediately, there was chaos.
“Oh, Dream!” Sapnap yelled when Dream’s head flew over to look at them. Both boys sprung into action, drawing their weapons and aiming them towards each other.
As the other two fought, Bad and George watched carefully from a distance, and Bad turned around just in time to see George ready his bow and fire an arrow at the Warden before turning back around to keep an eye on Sapnap and Dream. The arrow hit, striking the monstrous creature right in the shoulder, and it immediately whipped around towards them. George’s eyes widened as he watched the creature take three booming steps towards them, and it seemed that no one else was noticing it’s movements.
“Bad,” George spoke softly, still keeping his eyes on the Warden. He saw a sensor out of the corner of his eye, watching as it started to glow and vibrate slightly. He got no response. “Bad?” He said again, slightly louder this time, turning his head towards Bad but keeping his eyes still. Again, nothing, and he flicked his eyes to follow the direction of his head and saw Bad holding onto his axe like he was ready to jump in at any moment, completely distracted from the creature they were fighting. The sounds from the sensors were louder now. It was time. “BAD!” He yelled, catching not only Bad’s attention, but Dream and Sapnap’s as well. The fight paused, with their weapons colliding between them and scraping against each other, and suddenly all eyes were on George. “Bad– guys, look!” George said, as frantic as he could muster, pointing at the Warden who was very obviously preparing to send out the shockwave.
“Oh shit,” Sapnap muttered, realizing they were all pretty much perfectly in the middle of its range, and they did not have a lot of time to get out of it. He dropped his weapon, making Dream’s slip out of his hand as well, both of them clattering to the ground and echoing through the cave, only making it more apparent where they were. “Fuck–“ He let out, and he was cut off when there was a sudden arm around his shoulders and another whipping him around, and suddenly his back was against Dream’s chest. “FUCK–“ He yelled again, before clamping his lips shut, trying to be quieter so the Warden wouldn’t focus on him.
“Shhhh,” Dream whispered, and slowly stepped backwards with Sapnap in his grip, towards the wall of the cave and away from the Warden’s line of sight, narrowly avoiding one of the vines that had begun creeping up on the floor between their feet. Sapnap let Dream pull him away, gently holding onto Dream’s wrist to stay close to him, watching Bad and George to make sure they were safe as well.
George had lowered his bow, still glancing between Bad and the Warden, before he gently tapped Bad’s arm with the tip of the weapon. Bad looked over at him, and George began walking backwards in the opposite direction, motioning for Bad to follow. They took a few steps back, hoping desperately to make it out as they watched the Warden take a massive, powerful breath in. Everything seemed fine…
Until Bad tripped on one of the vines, which then wrapped itself around his ankle and kept him tethered to the ground, right in the center of the cave, right as it had done to George the first time.
Or, more accurately… George had tripped him first. If the rest just kind of fell into place, that wasn’t George’s fault, was it?
“BAD, NO–“ Sapnap yelled, but Dream used his free hand to slap it over his mouth, tightening his grip on his shoulders as he squirmed nervously in his grip. “MM– HM?!”
“Shut the fuck up,” Dream whispered in his ear, making him groan and pull at Dream’s wrists, but he held strong. “You don’t want it to come over here too, do you? You have to be quiet,” He explained, earning a whine and a roll of Sapnap’s eyes, but a nod nonetheless.
“NO!” Bad also yelled, before biting down on his bottom lip to keep quiet, looking up at the warden as he pulled at the vine around his leg uselessly.
Then, as if the scene moved in slow motion, all four heads turned to the creature as it let out the bone chilling, ear piercing shriek they were all very familiar with and very much dreading. And, without any shadow of a doubt, it was headed straight for BadBoyHalo.
“Oh, god,” Dream mumbled, and Sapnap made a small noise of sympathy behind Dream’s hand, and they both watched Bad’s sudden reaction as the wave hit him.
“AH–“ He squealed, slamming his hands over his ears to block out the noise before immediately curling in on himself as soon as it became quieter. “Oh, nohoho!”
“Bad?” George called out, taking a tentative step closer to the boy on the cave floor. “Are you okay?”
“NOHO, Geohohorge, I’m nohohot okahahay!” Bad giggled out, yanking at his trapped ankle once more, able to finally pull it out of where the vine was previously wrapped around it. The tingling moved up his torso and down his legs, reaching his knees and making him tense his legs, curling them up towards his chest even further. “Ah–! Nohoho!” He continued laughing through his protests, shaking his head wildly as he wrapped his arms around his stomach. The tingles spread over to his hips, circling around his hip bones, shooting down the backs of his thighs, swirling the backs of his knees. He kicked his legs out, scraping the heels of his shoes against the floor and trying to shake the unbearable ticklish feeling from his legs, but it didn’t budge at all. He curled his hands around his hips, squeezing tightly, trying to press hard enough to dispel the tickles there as well, but once again, they didn’t budge. In fact, pressing in with his fingers only made the sensation grow more fierce, tingling in the spots his fingers pressed into and feeling like a continuous squeezing into the most deeply sensitive areas around his hips, making him scream out in another round of helpless laughter. “OH GOHOHOHOSH–“
“Bad!” Sapnap yelled, yanking Dream’s hand away from his mouth, pushing forward against his hold to try and break free from it. He was successful enough to make it up to Bad, standing the same safe distance from him as George but on the opposite side. Dream quickly followed behind, pressing himself against Sapnap’s back and holding onto him gently, fingers gripping both of his shoulders firmly. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“NOHOHO, yohohohou m-muhuffihinhehead!” Bad scolded through his laughter, squealing and arching his back as the sensation spread to his tummy. “Ihihit juhust tihihickles!”
“I just wanted to be sure!” Sapnap defended, shrugging his shoulders, smiling when Dream’s arm came to wrap back around him.
“Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on…” George interrupted, holding his hand out in front of him as if waiting for a cue. Seconds later, all four boys heard another set of booming footsteps, and they watched in horror as the Warden turned back to them once again, opening its terrifying mouth. “Oh, Sapnap…” George teased as he stepped back again, out of the Warden’s shock range once again.
“Wh-what?” Sapnap muttered nervously, tightening his fists by his sides, ready to break out of Dream’s grasp again if he needed.
“Oh, no, Sap… I think the Warden is looking for a second target…” Dream whispered in Sapnap’s ear, holding tighter as he began squirming
“Oh fuck, no, nononono–“ He tried to take a step backwards, then forwards, then to either side, but Dream just held him more firmly in place. “NO! No, no, Dream, please–“ Sapnap whined, gasping when he heard the creature suck in a breath, grabbing Dream’s wrists and pulling as hard as he could. “DREAM, come on, let go, you have to let go, you HAVE TO–“
“Let go? Alright!” Dream said, letting go at the very last second and pushing Sapnap forward as he ran backwards toward the wall again. Sapnap squealed as he was pushed, losing his balance and falling onto his knees barely a few feet away from Bad, who was still giggling and kicking from the residual tingles.
Then, just as dreadful and horrifying as the first screech, another mind blowing shriek emitted from the Warden, and Sapnap didn’t even need to question who it was heading for before the overwhelming tickling spread through every nerve ending in his entire body.
“NOHOHOHO, FUHUCK–“ Sapnap yelled, wrapping his arms around himself, grabbing onto his opposite shoulders and holding tightly as he scrunched up his face to try and hide his reactions.
Unfortunately for him, this did not go over well with Dream and George, who were back over by the two of them in seconds.
“Aww, Sappy, what’s wrong?” Dream asked, his tone obviously condescending, and Sapnap would’ve taken him out at the knees if he wasn’t preoccupied. He groaned instead, making both boys chuckle, and George took another step closer to Bad, now close enough that his leg was resting right against Bad’s shoulder.
“C’mon, Sapnap, don’t fight it. We’ve both been through it before, we know how excruciating this feels. Why can’t you be more like Bad, huh?” He said, gesturing to the boy who was still curled up and laughing beside him, much softer now, as the tickles had migrated to his neck, and the base of his tail and horns– all spots which melted him almost instantly. “He’s having the time of his life over here, just look at his tail swaying! He loves it!”
“Oh gohohohosh, Geohorge, plehehehease–“ Bad whined, covering his face in embarrassment at being called out, but his tail didn’t stop swaying and he didn’t stop melting into the leftover tickles. “Ihihit tihihickles so bahahahad, Gohogy– hehe– plehehease, plehease mahahake ihit stohohohop!” He leaned into George, his forehead colliding with George's thigh as he wrapped his arms around his leg for comfort, hugging tightly. George chuckled, shaking his head and rolling his eyes, but he let his hand drop to Bad’s hood and lightly rub the crown of his head with his thumb, soothing him through the end of the attack.
“It’s almost over, Bad, you can stick it out, we promise,” Dream reassured, making Bad nod softly against George’s leg and squeeze him tighter. He chuckled slightly, before leaning down to speak to Sapnap again. “As for you, my baby boy…”
“Fuhuck ohoff!” Sapnap pushed out through gritted teeth, shaking his head.
“As for you, the fun has only just started.”
“Shuhuhut uhuhup!” Sapnap whined, unable to bite back his laughter any longer. The tingles spread down his legs, sparking sporadically over his thighs and the jutting bones of his ankles inside his boots, before spreading more prominently up his torso.
Right under his arms.
“Oh– GOHOHOHOD, NOHOHO!” Sapnap protested, his voice rising in pitch and laughter growing more frantic. He gripped his shoulders even tighter, pinching his elbows in towards his sides, curling forward and trying anything he could think of to rid himself of the maddening tickling sensation in his armpits.
“What’s wrong, buddy?”
“Ihihihit wohohon’t STOHOHOP!” Sapnap whined, desperately shaking his head. “Mahahahake ihihit stohohop!”
“Aww, Sap, I’m sorry,” Dream sympathized,genuinely understanding how torturous it was to feel a tickling sensation that was literally impossible to stop. “The only way to make it stop is to ride it out.”
“F-fuhuhuhuck…” Sapnap whimpered, his laughter calming down for a few seconds before a new round began again. Only this time, it was caused by Dream reaching down and grabbing his elbows– pretty harshly, if Sapnap said so himself– and began forcing Sapnap’s arms away from his sides and up in the air. “NAHAHAHA– nohohoho, noho! No, nonono, NOHOHO, DREHEHEHEAM–“ Sapnap complained, pulling at his arms as hard as he could manage, but between being weakened from fighting, as well as from laughing so hard, it didn’t work very well.
“Relax, Sap!” Dream scolded, standing up straighter to pull Sapnap up with him, making the younger boy squeal and arch his back. He shook his head frantically, his eyes squeezed shut and nose scrunched, squirming wildly through desperate laughter. The more Dream pulled his arms up, and the longer he held them there, the stronger the tingles grew under his skin. The sensation was vicious, swirling in undetermined shapes and swirls in the hollows of his underarms, up and down his top ribs, over his chest and up to his neck, and then settling despicably back under his arms.
It was torture. He wasn’t sure how any of the other three even made it out alive.
“STOHOHOP, PLEHEHEHEASE!” Sapnap pleaded, losing any remaining strength he had to pull at his arms and only lightly shifting them now to see if he could loosen Dream’s strong grip. “FUHUHUCK– STOHOP!”
“You know I can’t do that, Sap. It’s not anyone here that’s tickling you. You just gotta suck it up and wait it out, it’s almost over.”
“Shuhuhut uhuhup!” His cheeks burned, and he had no doubts that he was bright red, wanting nothing more than to hide his face somehow, but Dream simply would not let him go. “DREHEHEAM, gehehehet ohohoff mehehehe!” He whined through his laughter. The sensation was filling slightly, and the burn in his chest from laughing so hard was calming, but the feeling was still unbearable, ticklish enough that it kept his squeaky giggles up.
“Hmm… maybe if you surrender and say I win.”
“Yohohohohou wihihihin! Yohou wihihin, you wihin, juhuhust– plehehehease!” Sapnap nodded along with his words, immediately pressing his arms to his sides and wrapping them around himself when Dream loosened his grip and let go. He stayed like that, curled up and hugging himself and hiding as much as he could manage, as the tickling started to fade away. He breathed heavily, residual giggles and squeaks making their way out every so often as he calmed down. He let out a whine after a few minutes of this, falling onto his side before rolling onto his back and throwing his arms over his face in embarrassment.
“Aww, Sap,” Dream cooed, slowly sitting down next to the boy, crossing his legs. “Is someone a little flustered?”
“Shuhut the fuck up,” Sapnap replied, dropping one hand next to his head while the other rubbed at his eyes, resting his palm over them after. “That was soho awfuhul.”
“Aww,” Dream cooed again. He gently took Sapnap’s hand and pulled it back, revealing his flushed face and sleepy, slightly teary eyes. He placed a gentle kiss on the back of Sapnap’s knuckles, before shifting over to pull Sapnap’s head into his lap, gently carding his fingers through his messy hair to help him relax. “I know, angel, it’s pretty bad, isn’t it?”
“Sooo bad.”
“Mhm, poor thing. But you’re okay now, right? And so is Bad, aren’t you, Bad?”
“Hm?” The older boy perked up at the mention of his name, lifting his head up from George’s shoulder– Dream gathered that George had sat down and let him rest there while he was distracted with Sapnap, slightly embarrassed that he was too preoccupied to notice that– and smiling at Dream kindly. “Yeah, I’m great,” Bad confirmed, placing his head back against George and letting him continue to rub gently at the base of his horns like he’d been doing to soothe him the entire time.
“Good. See? You’ll be okay, Sapnap,” Dream reassured, earning a hum and a smile from the youngest laying in his lap. “How about we all go back to the house and relax, okay? We still have another day of practice before the real manhunt. Plus, I think you both deserve a nap after that.”
“God, yes, please, I am exhausted,” George replied, smiling giddily at Dream when he scoffed at him.
“I meant the two that were just tickled into oblivion, idiot,” He replied, earning a soft giggle from Bad and an immediate whiny protest from Sapnap. “C’mon. Let’s head up,” Dream said with a chuckle, gently patting Sapnap’s cheek before helping him to stand up.
He let the smaller boy cling to him as they walked, making sure George and Bad were following, as they all made their way out of the cave and back to their base to unwind and prepare for the next day.
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ticklee-vee · 1 year
Lee!Sapnap | ler!Dream & George
Sapnap is overwhelmed with everything that’s been happening recently, dream and George decide they are going to help.
Tw : i don’t think there’s any, feet tickles?
Sapnap sighed heavily, roughly running his hands through his hair pulling it slightly as he leaned back in his chair. “Ugh, why can’t i get this right?!” Whisper yelling as he scowled at the screen. “I do this for a living and i can’t even edit correctly” he had been editing his new video, one of his editors was sick and this video had to be up by tonight, so he took it upon himself to edit it. Failing, but he’s trying. A little to hard.
After a moment of composing himself, he sat back up and started editing again. Sighing every time he couldn’t master the new editing technique on the first try, his body screaming at him to take a break but refusing to do so.
George was laying on the bed in dreams room, whilst dream was in his computer practicing for an upcoming event. “I haven’t seen sapnap in a while, he usually comes in here and relaxes with us or helps me annoy you” dream rolled his eyes at the fond memories of those two annoying him. “Yeah, why don’t you go look for him- leave me alone for a bit?”
George looked up at dream unimpressed, “you’re just trying to get rid of me aren’t you?”
Dream smirked, “maybe, maybe not” going back to his practicing.
George rolled his eyes, getting up and poking dreams side on the way out. “When I find him we’re gonna annoy you!” Yelling the last word as he left dreams room so he could hear.
Dream blushed, shaking his head and once again going back to practicing this time with no interruptions.
George was walking around the house, passing certain things on the way that he’s never seen before. He really needs to explore this house some more.
Sapnap was crying, anger bubbling in his chest as he just accidentally deleted all of this progress he had done in the past 20 minutes. Small hiccups coming from as he struggled to breath, pushing himself back in his chair to ground himself.
George made it to sapnaps room, walking up to the door and gently knocking on it. He listened closely hearing tiny hiccups coming from the younger boys room. He called sapnaps name out, concerned for him.
“Sapnap, are you in there? Is everything okay?” He gently turned the door handle, waiting for any signs he’s not welcome inside. Hearing none so he walked in, seeing a heartbreaking scene. Sapnap was curled up in his chair, hands roughly tugging at his hair as tears and hiccups fell from his mouth.
Sapnap was mumbling something, to quiet for him to make out a whole sentence but with what he could hear he pieced what happened together. Sapnap had been editing and by looking at the screen with not a lot to show, something must’ve happened either his computer shut down or he forgot to save.
“Hey sappy, it’s okay sweetie. Can I come closer?” George made his voice soft, crouching down.
Sapnap looked over, his eyes filled with tears making everything blurry. “G-George- yeah.. m’s-sorry.” His voiced hushed and crunchy due to crying.
George smiled softly and came over to sapnap, taking one of his hands in his own and gently stroking his thumb over sapnaps knuckles. “It’s okay, can you tell me whah happened dear?” George wasn’t the best at helping with emotions but he was definitely going to try, one of his best friends was upset and needed it.
Sapnap nodded, giving a brief explanation of what happened having to take a few breaks due to crying to much.
George softened his voice, hushing sapnap quietly hugging him rubbing his back in a comforting manner. “Come on, it’s okay. Wanna go to dreams room?” He felt sapnap nod in the crook of his neck.
He pulled sapnap up wrapping an arm around his waist as they walked to dreams room. “Dream?” George whispered his name unable to open the door as he was supporting a very upset sapnap who had his head on his shoulder and leaning his weight on George.
Dream looked concerned and walked over. “Hey sappy, are you okay? What happened buddy?” Taking him in his arms, lifting him up and walking over to the bed with him.
Sapnap shoved his face in his neck, small hiccups still coming from him as he tried to calm down. “I.. I was editing a-and I accidentally” bursting out into another round of angry tears before he could finish his sentence.
Dream was sat on the edge of the bed with him, gently rocking him back and forth. “Come on, you can do it sweetie, what happened Hm?” Gently scratching at his hair. George was sat next to them gently rubbing at sapnaps thighs in a comforting manner.
After a while they eventually got it out of sapnap and why he was so upset. “Good job, it’s never easy editing huh. Wanna lay down?” Dream asked, placing a small kiss on the top of his head as they rocked.
Sapnap nodded in the crook of his neck sniffling as he did, wiping his nose on dreams neck without thinking. “Did you just wipe your little nose on me? You’re so gross” standing up and bouncing him a little, squeezing his sides a few times. George laughed at sapnap offering playful teades too “Gross little one.” Sapnap giggled slightly, shifting closer to dream.
Dream laid in bed, shuffling sapnap up as he placed his head on his stomach, listening and following dreams breathing to calm down. George came back in the room with some tea, “here you go sappy, do you want it now?” Sapnap opened his eyes not realising he had left the room. “Didn’t realise you left..” taking a breath in between his words. “M’ okay , have it later when it cooled down.” George smiled, placing his drink on the bed side table and running his hands through his hair.
“Okay baby” laying down next to the two on the left side, “you feel better?” Rubbing his back as he laid his head on dreams shoulder.
Sapnap shrugged, sniffling once again. “Hmmm, do you need cheering up?” A small smirk appearing on his face as he looked at dream.
“Will it work?” Looking up at George with hopeful eyes. “Oh I think so, is it okay if dream helps?” Dream placed his hands on his side’s gently stroking up and down, occasionally using his nails to really tickle along his sides.
“Ohono nohono” sapnap giggled shoving his head in dreams stomachs as he shook his head.
“Oh no? Are you not exited for the tickles?” Dream asked swiping his fingers up and down his sides. George smirked, going to sit at the end of the bed. “Are you alright with this sapnap?”
“Uhuhm yehehahahah” he giggled, still hiding his head in dreams stomach.
“Awh, come out sappy. We wanna see you pretty face and hear your little cute giggles” taking his finger and gently pushing at sapnap as face so he had access to scratch gently under his chin, enough for it to tickle.
“Eheheh gyahaha, stahahap” scrunching his nose as he laughed, squirming but not enough to get out of dreams tickly hold.
“Turn over then pretty boy~!” George teased, gently stroking at his calves and ankles as he knew light tickles there were bad for him.
“Fahahaha okay! Okahahay” he turned over, a light blush to his face as he stared at the other two. “Hihihi”
“Awh hiii~ sweet boy” George cooed, teasing as he came up to gently pinch at his cheeks squishing them.
Sapnap blushed trying to squirm out of his hold, giggling. “Stahahap you weheirdo” hands landing on George wrist but not even attempting to push them away.
“Sapnap, are you okay with us doing this? Do you remember what you have to say if you want it to stop or you need a break?” Gently taking his wrists and holding them up, rubbing his thumbs over the thin skin were it connects to his palms.
Sapnap blushed at the gently contact. “Yes, red if I want it to stop and break if I need a brehake” as nervous giggles came out at the last word as he felt George straddle his ankles.
“Okay, we’re going to tickle you now” George said as he began to gently run his fingers up and down sapnaps socked feet, occasionally switching patterns to keep sapnap on edge.
Dream began to trail his fingers down all the way down from sapnaps wrists to his armpits, gently swirling in the hollows of them.
“Eheheh nahahaha” scrunching his nose as he giggled, eyes closing and opening to help with they ticklish sensations he was feeling.
George was now poking all over his foot, leaving one alone. He began scribbling his fingers over his right foot, smirking as he watched his toes curl and uncurl to try and stop the tickles. “Ooh sapnap~! Your little feet are so tickly honey, even one little swipe and you’re a giggling squirming mess.” Taking two fingers on each hand running them up and down his foot in different directions. He tickled his toes, gently scratching at each of them sometimes taking them one by one and wiggling them to tease him.
Dream was swirling one finger of each hand in both armpits, sometimes scratching at the sides with his nails. He tickled just under his armpits at his back, close to the back bone scratching and spidering all along the ticklish bones sometimes dipping down to the very bottom of back to feel him arch his back and coming round to the front to tickle his stomach, vibrating his fingers along his mid section circling his belly button teasing him as he threatened to dip it in, he did, gently scratching at the bottom of it.
Through all of this sapnap was a laughing squirming mess, trying to curl up but pushed back down my dream, he especially listened when dream threatened to tie him up if he kept curling up.
“EHAHAHha NOHOHOoh OH NOHOHO IT- ihihiIt TIHIHIhivklehessSAHAHA!!” His arms almost coming down, dreams threat ringing in his mind as he raised them back up still laughing just as hard, if not harder. He knew dream would and he knew that both of them would jump at the chance to torture him together. They’ve done it before and they would definitely do it again.
George started pulling his socks off, he knew as he felt tickly fingers all around his arches and balls of feet.
“EEEH NAHAHAH OHHOHO GEHOHREGE” arms coming down to protect himself.
“Ooh sapnap~” he whisper in his ear. “Your arms came down sweetie, do you have anything to say for yourself?”
Sapnap blushed at his tone, immediately raising his arms up again, this time instead of going right back to tickling him dream just took them, gently stretching them up some more and placing his arms to rest on sapnaps. “Yes! I do, I’m sorry dream! It tickled so bad. I did the best I could!! I swear, please!”
“Hmmm” dream pretend to think about it, taking his finger and swiping it up sapnaps chin, watching him as he scrunched his nose.
“I think that you took them very well, so we shall not torture you today. But maybe another time~ Would you like that sugar?” He spidered down sapnaps arm until he reached his arms pits, sapnap squealed, laughing but never putting his arms down he didn’t want to risk it.
“Eee! Yehehes” he smiled, as dream pulled him up laying him on his sides. Gently stroking at his back. “Good job, you took them so well!”
George came and laid next to the two, rubbing at sapnaps back as dream switched to caress his hair.
“Thahank youhu for this..” completely forgetting about his editing problem.
This is so bad, I’m falling asleep but I’ve put it of for so long. I know I mentioned something about tea but I can’t remember and I’m to tired to look back at it 💀
Enjoy !! I have another in drafts, hopefully out soon.
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emmadoodlewrites · 1 year
Prompts 14 and 23 with Lee! Sapnap and Ler! Dream? Wittle Sappy needs soft tummy ticklesssssssss🥰
Soft tummy tickles for Sapnap coming right up 🥰🥰🥰
From this post
"I thought you had said you weren't ticklish!" Dream exclaimed overtop Sapnap's adorable titters. The two had been cuddling under a tree near their cottage after a bit of sparring for manhunt training. Sapnap was lying in Dream's lap between the older man's legs, his back rested perfectly against Dream's chest. It had been nice a serene, at least until Dream had begun to fidget with the fabric of the blaze hybrid's shirt overtop his tummy, making the young man accidentally let loose a giggle. It was all downhill from there.
"Dreheheheheam! Plehehehehse hehehehe-" Sapnap didn't exactly put up much of a struggle. He was still so tired from sparring, only managing to squirm just barely in Dream's hold.
"I'll only stop when you told me why you lied about being ticklish! How could you keep something like this from me?" Dream's fingers found their way underneath the thin shirt Sapnap was wearing, nails now teasingly raking round and round his navel in a jellyfish like technique; Sapnap squealed and threw his head back against Dream's shoulder.
"Behehehcause! It's tohohohoo embahaharassing!" Sapnap hid his reddening cheeks into his shoulder while his friend only continued to tickle and coo. The two of them stayed in that position for hours. The nap the two shared was the most refreshing one they'd ever had.
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rxsahgrce · 1 year
Some Really cute concepts I came up with
This is only dsmp :)
Wilbur and Tommy
Tommy and Wilbur having a "fight" but it always ends in Tommy being absolutely wrecked
"Tommy, did you take my water?!" Wilbur shouted from across the kitchen so Tommy would hear him
"No!" Tommy shouted back, which was clearly a lie. He took Wilbur's water so he could have his sandwich without getting thirsty.
Wilbur rolled his eyes and walked upstairs, Tommy was clearly lying and he knew it.
"Tommy! That was like the only bottle of water I could have while streaming!" Wilbur shouted
"Well you shouldn't of left it out, you dumb fuck!" Tommy said, which caused Wilbur to begin to walk towards him.
"Oh, come here you little-" Wilbur was saying, but cut himself off as he started squeezing Tommy's sides, making the boy birtst into bright cackles.
Sapnap and Karl
Sapnap ignoring Karl as a joke but it ends in him getting tickled.
"Sapnap?" Karl asked, walking through the house to see Sapnap sat on the couch.
He walked over to him, sitting next to him and resting his head on his shoulder.
Sapnap didn't look away from his phone, instead paying more attention to it if that were possible.
Karl scrunched his face in confusion as Sapnap didn't hug back or lean into it, or anything.
"Sapnap?" He asked.
After getting no response he rolled his eyes. He knew what Sapnap was doing and exactly how to get him out of it.
He suddenly digged into his sides after a few seconds immediately getting a response and an apology when he tried to work his way up to Sapnap's armpits.
Quackity and Wilbur
Quackity annoying Wilbur, after getting no response he tickles him instead.
Quackity walked over to where Wilbur was standing, due to the height difference, Quackity wasn't able to annoy Wilbur in the way he wanted to but he could easily start elbowing Wilbur in the ribs.
"Fuck off, Quackity!"
Quackity tried dragging Wilbur by his hands, pushing him, elbowing him more and after getting no response he finally decided to just attack Wilbur's stomach with his fingers, earning a scream full of panicked and unexpected laughter and the taller man leaning over.
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mushiewrites · 11 months
Losing the Battle, Winning the War
hello hello! I had a special request from the menace herself, @wishitweresummer, asking me to write Sapnap and George wrecking the hell out of each other. And who am I to say no to that? Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!
Sapnap + George are wrestling when Sapnap makes an interesting discovery. After enduring some harsh cruelty from him, George makes a new discovery of his own
(switch!George / switch!Sapnap : 4K words)
“Give up, Snapmap!” George seethed through his teeth, attempting to maneuver the younger boy into a headlock and letting out a screech when their positions were suddenly flipped. 
“Fuck that! No way, pretty boy, you’re going down.” Sapnap fought back, managing to throw an arm around the back of George’s neck and pull him down to waist level instead. 
He tightened his grip around the older boy, letting out an evil laugh that bellowed throughout the living room. George let out another yell in frustration, clawing at Sapnap’s arm and wiggling to try and worm his way to freedom. He stomped his foot like a toddler when he realized his efforts were futile, a long whine following the action that made Sapnap burst into another round of giggles. George used the heel of his foot to step on one of Sapnap’s, leaning all of his weight on it and pressing down as hard as he could. The younger boy yelped, ramming his hip into George to throw him off balance and laughing triumphantly when it worked.
“Let GO of me! This- this isn’t fair!” George thrashed harder in Sapnap’s arms, grunting and groaning when nothing he did seemed to loosen the grip he had on him. In his flailing, he managed to grip onto the sensitive skin of Sapnap’s tricep, pinching and squeezing as hard as he could to make him let go. Sapnap screamed out at this, loosening his grip for a moment before shoving his fingers between the bones of George’s ribcage and vibrating them in, making him howl. The headlock kept him folded over, unable to truly protect himself from the intense tickles he was receiving. He swore he was dying.
“NOHOHO! Sahahapnap! Stop!” The begging started immediately as Sapnap’s fingers found his most sensitive rib, pinching and playing with it like it was his new favorite toy. After a few seconds of this, George turned to putty in his hold, letting himself fall into a deadweight and sending both of them to the floor in a heap of giggles.“Gehehet away!” George squealed as he turned onto his tummy to crawl away, only just getting on his hands and knees when Sapnap pushed against his back, sending him crashing to the floor again. 
“Oh Georgie! There’s nowhere to run, huh?” Sapnap teased menacingly as he climbed onto George’s thighs, straddling the older boy and positioning his hands over the back of George’s ribs, right where he knew got the best reaction. He gave a test squeeze with his thumbs in the middle of his back, on either side of George’s spine, chuckling to himself when the brunette gasped. Sapnap squeezed again, this time keeping his fingers pressed down and giggling as George kicked his feet rapidly against the ground. 
“Nnh…g-get off of mehe, Sapnap!” George commanded, struggling to keep his laughter in and jolting when Sapnap began to rub his thumbs back and forth at a horribly slow pace. He let his forehead fall against the ground, whining as he pressed his lips together and shook his head. Sapnap squeezed once again and George squealed, pushing up on his palms and stretching his arms out until his torso was arched forward, now off the ground. 
“What, now you don’t wanna fight anymore cause you’re losing?” Sapnap asked through his giggles, moving his hands to pinch at George’s sides and giggling harder when the elder fell back against the ground, his arms pressed tightly to his sides. The squeezing only increased in speed, finally breaking the dam causing George to cry out. Boisterous giggles were bouncing off the walls of the living room as George writhed against the carpet, Sapnap’s fingers never letting go or relenting. 
“Shuhut up!” George reached his hands back to try and grab at Sapnap’s hands, only to scream out when his hands jumped to the sensitive area around the tops of his ribcage. His hands retreated as he pressed his arms back against his sides, letting out a frustrated groan as Sapnap moved his hands back to tickle at the soft skin there. George reached back again, successfully gripping one of Sapnap’s wrists and pulling to try and get it away from his side. Sapnap allowed his wrist to be pulled to give George a false sense of hope, only to dig back under his arms, making George lose his grip. 
“Stohop! I hahahate you!” Another attempt at grabbing Sapnap lead him back to the same outcome - getting the life tickled out of his sides. He gave up on trying to stop the tickles, focusing now on trying to block his sides with his arms as he cackled into the carpet. 
Sapnap positioned his thumbs back over George’s back ribs as his fingers continued to skitter against his sides, making George screech and buck his hips up off the ground. The force of the Brit’s squirming sent Sapnap falling sideways against the ground, giving George the chance to escape. He jumped to his feet as fast as he could, making a move to run out of the room towards the steps, only to be tackled back down onto the floor by his legs. George’s knees hit the ground first and immediately he attempted to crawl forward. Sapnap quickly got to his knees as well, reaching forward and wrapping his arms around George’s middle before he could get far, yanking him back until George was practically on his lap. His cheeks turned a deep red at the closeness of the two as he squirmed pathetically in Sapnap’s grasp, pulling and scratching at the arms that were holding him. 
George barked out a laugh as he was yanked back onto Sapnap’s thighs, not expecting to be manhandled so roughly but loving it regardless. The strong arms adjusted themselves to wrap around George’s own, crossing over his chest to keep his back pressed against Sapnap without much of a choice. He felt a stream of air being blown onto the back of his neck, quickly bringing his shoulders up and tilting his head back slightly to try and get rid of the tingly feeling. He whined, making Sapnap giggle and squeeze him a little tighter. 
“This isn’t even fair! I- I can’t move!” George complained, trying to throw himself forward to try and break out of the hold but finding it useless. He felt Sapnap shrug behind him and he rolled his eyes at the action. Another stream of air was blown, this time behind his right ear, heightening his senses and making him burst into giggles. Sapnap moved between ears for a few minutes, giggling along with George as he made the older boy bring the opposite shoulders up and down, unable to stop himself from trying to block the tickling.  
“Stohop, idiot!” George whined through his giggles. Sapnap chuckled at his demand, shaking his head even though the brunette couldn’t see him. He blew a stream of air over the back of George’s neck again, making him squeak and raise both shoulders to try and stop the chills from spreading down his spine. It was too late for that, though, and he squirmed violently to the side as he felt the tingling sensation spread down through his back. 
“Stop doing this? Okay, I can do something else, no problem!” Sapnap replied happily, sending further chills down George’s back as he giggled nervously. Before he could prepare himself for what Sapnap was planning, he heard a quick intake of air, followed by the feeling of soft lips pressed against the base of his neck, right below his hairline, accompanied by the rough facial hair that was Sap’s beard and mustache. Not even a second later, a huge raspberry was blown onto the sensitive skin, causing him to let out a high pitched shriek before falling into wild cackles. Another squeal was torn from him when immediately after the first raspberry, another was placed in the same spot, this one lasting longer than the previous. 
“FUHUHUCK! NOHOHO, ST-STOHOHOP!” Sapnap pulled back at the pleads, falling into a fit of giggles himself at how loud George was laughing. The Brit was trembling, shaking his head quickly back and forth and leaning it back to try and prevent any further raspberries. George had never experienced raspberries on this particular spot, Sapnap quickly found out, and so he had no idea how incredibly ticklish it would feel. 
“Geez, Georgie, it’s like I’m killing you!” The younger boy laughed, adjusting his arms quickly to squeeze George’s torso tighter, trying his best to keep the wriggly body in his lap in one spot. George continued to laugh, squealing when he felt teeth connect with the muscle along the dip between his neck and shoulder. He leaned his head as much to the side as he could, but with Sapnap’s head there as a buffer, he was forced to endure the nibbles. When George straightened his head out once more, the skin along the back of his neck now open and vulnerable, Sapnap struck, quickly planting another huge raspberry, this time a bit further down. 
“NO NOHOHOHO! NOT AGAIN!” He wailed as he drummed his legs against the ground, pushing up on his heels and trying to launch himself backwards to knock both of them over with the aim of escaping. Sapnap kept his lips against George’s neck as he giggled at the intense reaction once again, brushing his beard slowly against the warm skin and making the elder scream out with a kick. His hands curled into fists, gripping onto the fabric of Sapnap’s basketball shorts and squeezing, trying to expel the ticklish energy he was experiencing but finding no relief in the action. 
“Does Dream know about this spot? This is pure gold!” Sapnap asked, the giddiness noticeable in his tone of voice. George shook his head uselessly, not being given any time to respond before Sapnap dove back in, landing two raspberries in quick succession and pulling back again, making George laugh hysterically. “Listen to you! You sound like a little hyena or something!” 
“Nohoho, I- I didn’t even knohohow!” The elder whined through his giggles as Sapnap gave him a much needed break, finally able to get a full breath in. 
“I didn’t even know, Sap! It weally, weally tickles!” Sapnap mocked George, talking like a toddler to mess with him and making him groan. “Pwease tell my boyfwen Dweam!” 
“NAAH! SHUHUT UP!” George let out a scream, shaking his head quickly at the flustering baby talk and trying to drown it out with his own voice. His face was heating up with every stupid pronunciation and it only made him want to get away and hide even more. 
“Shut up! I’m too tickwish to tease, Sappy! Pwease stop!” Sapnap continued to mock the elder before latching his mouth back onto the back of George’s neck, this time slightly to the right before blowing another raspberry. The brunette fell into hysterics, trying to push himself forward and away from Sapnap’s tickling but whining when the smaller boy followed, blowing raspberry after raspberry, moving around to different spots on the back of his neck and keeping George tight against his chest. Sapnap wiggled his hands until he successfully had them wedged under George’s arms, poking and prodding and spidering into his armpits to make George scream.
“P-PLEHEHEASE SAP, COME OHON!” George cried out through his laughter, pulling at his arms and trying to wiggle them free. He heard Sapnap giggle behind him and he continued to plant raspberries, occasionally shaking his head back and forth as he did to rub his beard against George’s neck. 
It was only when Sapnap’s lips moved slightly to the right and up, directly under his hairline and slightly towards his ear, that it tickled enough for George to get a sudden burst of adrenaline. He managed to move his arms behind him enough to squeeze into the squishy spots above Sapnap’s hip bones, making the younger shriek as he shoved George forward, trying to scramble out from underneath of George to get away. The taller boy spun around quickly, still breathing heavily through his giggles as he pounced on top of Sapnap, knocking him onto his back and straddling his thighs quickly. George grabbed his wrists, pressing them harshly into the carpet below them. Sapnap’s eyes were wide with fear, his cheeks turning bright red as he began to plead through nervous giggles.
“Okay, okahay, George? George! We can…we cahahan talk about this, right buddy?” Sapnap attempted to give him a pathetic pout, hoping he would take pity on him. George gave him a soft smile, squeezing his wrists once to comfort him, and Sapnap let out a sigh of relief. George was going to spare him, he was sure of it!
…Until Sapnap felt his wrists being maneuvered under George’s knees, quickly securing them in place and leaving George’s hands completely free to tickle to his heart's content. 
“I don’t really feel like talking.” George stated nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders once before attaching his hands back onto the very ticklish spot above Sapnap’s hips, squeezing and digging in and giggling when Sapnap let out a wail. 
Sapnap attempted to buck his hips up, trying his hardest to throw George off balance and knock him down, but the older boy was clearly on a mission to tickle him to tears, and he stayed planted on his thighs. George’s thumbs were drilling into the newly discovered spot, smirking as he watched Sapnap go ballistic underneath him.
“Sappy, Sappy, Sappy. What did I just find?” George teased, giggling when he received a loud growl in response. Sapnap clenched his jaw and threw his head back, eyes squeezed closed as he tried his hardest to hold in his laughter. George noticed this and immediately made him regret it, pressing in harder and drawing circles with his thumbs, scraping along the tops of his hip bones on the downstrokes. Sapnap squealed at this, pulling at his arms as he began to cackle outwardly once more, shaking his head and causing his curls to fly around wildly. 
“Get off of mehehe!” Sapnap screeched, tugging at his hands and kicking his feet against the ground. George giggled and shook his head in return, now using all ten of his fingers to scribble over the ticklish area. A sliver of pale skin caught his eye and suddenly his hands were under Sapnap’s shirt, wiggling and tickling and scratching at the bare skin. The younger boy was quickly thrown into hysterics, causing his laughter to jump an octave, coming out raspy and high pitched as his face turned an even deeper shade of red. 
“Such a giggly little thing.” George commented to no one in particular, ignoring Sapnap’s pleas in favor of focusing all his attention on the harsh tickling he was delivering. He made sure to press his fingers in as he spidered them, noticing how Sapnap’s body jolted with every swipe. George let his pointer fingers migrate towards the sides of Sap’s tummy, making him squeak through his laughter. 
“I’m nohot!” Sapnap argued back as George let his fingers roam over Sapnap’s tummy, gliding his hands up and down the boy’s ribs and letting them dig between each rib. He arched off the carpet as George attacked the muscles there, making him cackle as he crashed back down onto the floor, almost knocking the wind out of himself with the force. 
Sapnap let out a laugh that was close to how Dream’s wheeze used to sound while he fought to get his breath back, finally getting in a full inhale while George pulled his fingers back briefly. His eyes flew open when a second later, George’s hands were sliding under his arms, tickling with precision in the center where he knew Sapnap was most sensitive. The younger boy screamed out in a panic, kicking his legs violently before allowing them to curl up, pounding them against George’s lower back with the goal of knocking him off balance so that Sapnap could make his escape. 
“Geez, you’re gonna kill him, George!” Sapnap’s head turned quickly towards the doorway of the living room, blushing when he saw Dream leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a huge smile plastered on his face. He pulled at his arms, wanting nothing more than to cover his face and whining when he realized he still couldn’t break free. 
“Nah, this is nothing. Here, watch this!” George giggled, shrugging his shoulders and removing his hands from under Sapnap’s arms, only to return back to squeezing at the soft spots above his hip bones and making him scream. “Dream, did you know about this?” 
Sapnap squeezed his eyes shut as George tormented the area once again, this time using more pressure with quicker movements, driving him mad with laughter. He brought his knees up again, alternating between hitting George’s back with them and slamming his feet against the ground. He shook his head and balled his hands into fists under George’s knees, all his strength and hope of escape disappearing quickly the more he was tickled. 
“What?! No! How did you even find that?” Dream’s eyes widened as he walked closer to the two boys, standing over Sapnap and watching as George took him apart with a few well placed scribbles and squeezes. Sapnap could feel both of their eyes on him but refused to open his own to stare back, feeling the embarrassment exploding within him and not wanting to risk getting even more flustered than he already was. 
“This little idiot tried to challenge me, and look at him now! He’s so fucked! Just laughing his head off like the wittle baby he is while I tickle him!” Sapnap cringed when George used the baby voice again, making his nose scrunch up as he turned his head away from the two, attempting to hide his face against his shoulder and the floor. 
“I ahaham not! Fuhuhck off, George!” He complained through his laughter, his blush blooming wildly when he heard the two laughing above him. George rolled his eyes at the denial, squeezing into the spot with even more pressure and causing Sapnap’s laughter to jump up an octave. 
“I’m winning! I’m literally winning!” George exclaimed through his own laughter, looking up at Dream and giggling more when the blonde nodded his head in agreement. “Dream, look at this idiot. What a loser!” 
“Sap, you’re really going through it, huh, baby?” Dream kneeled down beside the two boy’s, reaching an arm forward to run a hand through the tangled mess that were Sapnap’s curls in an attempt to help soothe him. He wanted nothing more than to deny it, to shake his head and tell them no, but he was too lost in the feeling of Dream’s hand gently scratching at his scalp, melting him even as the torturous tickles continued. 
“He is! He really is. What an idiot, trying to fight me. He should know by now, right, Dream?” George looked to Dream again for approval, making Dream laugh at how excited he was to be destroying their best friend so easily. He nodded in response, turning his attention back to Sapnap, noticing the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes at the intensity of his laughter. 
“He should! He absolutely should,” Dream spoke, continuing to nod as he used his thumb to wipe the tears from Sapnap’s eyes. “But I do think he’s at his limit, and you should probably let him go.”
“But Dream-” 
“Look at him, George! He’s about to cry! Our poor boy is way too ticklish for this.” Dream insisted, a slight hint of playfulness in his voice as he gently gripped onto George’s wrists, making a move to pull them away from Sapnap’s body. George huffed in fake annoyance, rolling his eyes once more as he finally allowed his hands to be moved. 
“Fiiiiine, I guess he’s had enough.” George whined, climbing off of Sapnap’s lap and kneeling on the opposite side from Dream. He watched as Dream ran his hands over the bright red skin of his lower tummy and hips, palms pressed flat as he rubbed the ghost tickles away. Sapnap’s eyes were still squeezed shut, his hands now covering his face as he continued to laugh the rest of his giggles away, melting into Dream’s touch and appreciating the kind gesture. After a few minutes he was finally able to calm down, moving his hands from his face to push himself into a sitting position, crossing his legs in front of him and shooting George a death glare. 
“Oh come on, Sapnap. You can’t just do what you did to me and expect to get away with it.” George commented, reaching a hand forward to poke twice at his cheek. Sapnap shook his head and batted the hand away quickly, growling in response. 
“Whatever, you suck.” Sapnap replied, voice raspy and tired as he scooted himself towards Dream, letting out a contented sigh when the older boy wrapped him up in his arms and hugged him to his chest. 
“Wait…what did he do to you, George?” Dream’s attention was now on George, and Sapnap could feel his smirk forming from where he had buried his face against the blonde’s neck. 
“...W-What?” George stammered out at the question, not expecting for Dream to turn it around on him after what he just walked in on. 
“What did he do, George? What did he do that was so bad it made you wreck him like that?” 
Sapnap lifted his head from Dream’s neck, looking towards George and bursting into giggles when he saw how wide the older boy’s eyes were and how red his cheeks had become. He raised his eyebrows as he waited for George to answer Dream, giggling harder when he kept opening and closing his mouth as he tried to get his brain to cooperate. 
“I can tell you, Dream!” Sapnap exclaimed happily, unwrapping himself from Dream’s arms and sitting up on his knees. 
“NO! No, that’s- that’s not necessary!” George fought back, shaking his head quickly and looking between the two of them with pleading eyes. Dream giggled along with Sapnap, enjoying how quickly the tables had turned on the elder. 
“Actually, I can just show you,” Sapnap flashed George a sinister grin that made his stomach flip, nervous giggles suddenly pouring out of him as he held his arms out to keep the distance between them. “Dream? Do you mind?” 
“Not at all!” 
“NOHO!” George made a move to stand up, pushing himself off the ground for a second before his shins were grabbed by strong arms, sending him crashing back against the carpet, facedown on his stomach. He couldn’t help but groan at the memory of this happening earlier with Sapnap, making him blush harder as he found himself in the same situation now. He screamed when he felt himself being pushed down, one of Dream’s hands pressed between his shoulder blades keeping him in place. Sapnap was suddenly in his line of vision, the smirk still spread across his face as he leaned down. 
“Poor kitten,” Sapnap pouted, making George yell out in frustration at the nickname. “Looks like someone’s not winning anymore, huh?” 
George whined before burying his face against the carpet, refusing to look at Sapnap any longer and biting back a giggle when he felt a finger swipe across the back of his neck. He heard the two laugh at the way his body squirmed at the action, groaning when it was repeated two more times. Soon, the giggles were flowing steadily, more fingertips tracing at the back of his neck without mercy. 
“Okay Dream, hold him steady. This is where it gets really bad for him.” He heard Sapnap warn Dream. 
“No- noho please! Please noho- NOHOHO!” George thrashed as much as he could beneath them, kicking his legs and pounding his fists against the ground as panicked laughter continued to spill out into the room. Despite the protests from George, the raspberries continued, sending him into hysterics almost immediately. His laughter bounced off the walls of the living room as the two boy’s lovingly took him apart, showing him exactly who the real winner was.
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sleepy--anon · 8 months
Day 10: Ghost
Reserved by @fluffallamaful
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
You can still reserve unmarked days
Please check my writing list before you request
Little short
Sapnap loved his dads, obviously he went to them about different things but he loved them both so much. Skeppy was deemed the fun dad, the one he went to for games and energetic company. Bad was much softer, little more strict, he went to Bad for advice, when he was hurt, or just wanted some comfort or relaxed company. Sapnap usually destressed with Bad, just being around him made him feel better. After a particularly hard day Sapnap would trudge his way into the house, find his dad and just sit, Bad always caught on quickly. Today was no different, he had a stress filled day at Kinoko and didn't really want to go home, so he went to his dads' mansion. He found him in the kitchen, not really saying anything, just sitting on the couch.
"Oh! Sapnap, I didn't hear you come in! What are you doing here?" He just shrugged, curling up on the sofa, making himself as small as possible.
"Oh buddy! What's the matter? What happened?" Bad, once again, noticed immediately. He speed walked over and sat down next to him, wrapping him in a big warm hug. He gently rocked them back and forth, humming You Are My Sunshine, petting through his hair. Sapnap listened to his heartbeat, instantly feeling so much better, he let out a small sigh of satisfaction to let Bad know that was, in fact, what he needed. Bad pressed a sweet kiss to his forehead, rubbing his back.
"Rough day Bug?" Sapnap nodded from his comfortable place tucked in his chest, flinching slightly when he felt his claws trace the backs of his ribs.
"I am barely touching you~" He turned his face into his chest in embarrassment, twitching slightly but never actually moving away or pushing his hands. He giggled frantically, feeling his claws sliding lightly over his sides, tummy, and ears.
"You loved this as a baby, somethings never change huh cutie~" Bad cooed softly, praising him with little compliments and comparisons to when he was little, boosting his mood significantly. Even when he stopped he kept giggling, still feeling the claws on his skin.
"I'm not even tickling you anymore Munchkin~ it must be a ghost~ a little ghosty must tickling you now~" Sapnap’s nose scrunched up, smile bright, curling into his father.
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covenofwives · 1 year
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Everyone pls thank @fluffallamaful for this.
She had the most adorable headcanon for the piglet Cauliflower that she loves snuffling into baby Sap's tummy for the noises he makes, in which case she then popcorn jumps around and squeals in happiness and then does it again. Sapnap4K of course helps hold the little Sapnap down so Cauliflower has easier access.
And then when they reunite once again, Cauliflower immediately goes back to her old ways and of course Sapnap4K is there to help again. Cauliflower and Sapnap have years of tummy tickles to catch up on!
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fluffallamaful · 8 months
please come watch sapnap fall into the cutest defeated giggles in existence with me 💞 (ft. power tripped ler gogy)
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wishitweresummer · 9 months
Tickle-Tac-Toe (Dream x GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)
Word count: 3481
((This is part of Sap’s Tickle Games!!))
Warnings: Intense foot tickles!! And restraints! I feel like I’m not the best judge of this…but I think this might be one of my more intense fics. Only read if you’re comfortable! <33
This was inspired by this post!
Sapnap was pissed and it was seriously funny. George just couldn’t stop giggling.
“I hate you guys!! What is wrong with you!!”, he yelled, face red and eyes wide. George leaned his body weight into Dream and giggled harder.
“We are just going to play a little game.”, Dream smiled and brushed his fingers down Sapnap’s bare feet. They twitched on top of the pillow they were perched on. Sapnap averted his gaze at the wording, huffing loudly.
“But, not my feet…”, Sapnap whined and dropped his head back against the couch.
Sapnap had been walking around the house for a bit looking for either of his friends today. He looked in their rooms and called their names to find nothing. They had been waiting in the living room to ambush him with ropes. Now, he writhed in a flustering mix of anger and fear.
He never let anyone near his feet because of how devastatingly ticklish they were. But here he was; ankles tied together and perched up on a pillow on the coffee table. His wrists twisted helplessly against each other in their own ropes tied behind his back. He dropped his head back against the couch he was sat on. Oh, he was so fucked.
George’s evil little giggles started to calm and he held up a pen. Sapnap’s toes curled up at the sight.
“No…”, he whimpered. Dream flashed a grin and held up his own pen.
“If George wins, we free you. If I win, we continue. Ready?”.
“No!”, Sapnap shouted. His mind fuddled in confusion at what ‘win’ would even mean in that context.
Sapnap’s scream pierced the air suddenly as Dream grabbed his ankle and the tip of a pen started drawing a line down the ball of his foot. Four torturous lines.
“Please please please!!!”, he begged frantically, desperate laughter pouring from him. By the end, he was already in tears.
“How is he going to survive this?”, George laughed.
“You gotta calm down buddy. If you distract George how is he going to win?”, Dream grinned in amusement. Sapnap was starting to slide down the couch.
“I can’t take this, please.”, he whined through his giggles. He looked wrecked already. “What are you doing?”.
“Tic-Tac-Toe.”, George said and grabbed the ankle again. “I’m X.”. Sapnap cried out and tried to pull away, to no avail. George carefully drew a shaky X right in the middle of the Tic-Tac-Toe board on Sapnap’s ticklish foot. The younger screeched with laughter the entire time. “Tickle-Tac-Toe.”, he mumbled in amusement. His word association was barely audible over Sapnap’s noise.
“Fuck you guys!!!”. Dream’s hand took George’s place and he started drawing a little circle in the middle left spot on the board. Sapnap snorted loudly before flopping back against the couch, laughing hysterically. George grabbed the ankle fast, eager to start his turn before Sapnap could recover. A shaky X was drawn in the top middle of the board and then traced over and over as Sapnap screamed with laughter. His face was beet-red as he slid fully down the couch and landed on his side, squirming frantically. He was trapped though, nowhere to go. His wrists were tied firmly behind his back. His feet turned on their sides due to his new position, but it didn’t phase Dream.
“Hmmm. Where should I go?”, he teased.
Sapnap gasped for air dramatically, but wasn’t able to recover before Dream was drawing a circle in the bottom middle spot. Desperate laughter ripped from his throat. Sapnap turned his head into the couch and muffled it in embarrassment, but George giggled.
“Oh no Stinknap, it’s not looking good!”, he said through his giggles. Dream grinned evilly as he traced the little circle a few more times and earned himself another snort.
“Ticklish little piggy.”, he murmured in amusement. Sapnap whined at the nickname. George grabbed the ankle and started drawing an X into the bottom right of the board, practically sealing the impending tie. Sapnap squirmed against the couch, laughter becoming squeaky. He hadn’t stopped since the third move and wasn’t sure how he would survive.
“How are you not done!!!”, he yelled. The other two laughed. George passed Dream back the foot.
“Don’t distract George, he’s doing a really bad job because of you!”. Sapnap jolted and shrieked when Dream’s pen touched down in the top left spot and started making a circle.
“Stop!!!”, he screamed. He threw his head back and cackled loudly.
“Oh no, where should I go Stinknap?”, George asked with a drawn out teasing tone.
“How are there even still spots?”, he whined through his laughter. It truly felt like they had been tickling him for ten rounds of the game, but they were only halfway through one.
“Bottom left? Okay, I can do that.”, he laughed. He grabbed the ankle again and started drawing the X quickly and darkening it with multiple layers. Sapnap squealed and squeezed his eyes shut. The helpless laughter overtook him. He went limp under the ticklish torture.
Sapnap lost himself in the laughter. He couldn’t protest anymore, just laugh and hope the other two took mercy on him. What a stupid game. They were so stupid. These dumb little tickle games made everything so much worse. He felt like a helpless little boy. Dream took his foot and drew an O into the top right and George took it back to draw an X into the middle right. All the poor thing could do was writhe in ticklish anguish as the hysterical laughter poured out of him. He wasn’t used to having his feet tickled, and fuck was it rough. Every touch was so surprising and he truly felt he was losing his mind. How many turns could you even take in Tic-Tac-Toe??? Surely he would die before they were done.
“It’s a tie!”, the two yelled in sync. Oh, they were done. Sapnap just could not stop giggling. The ghost tickles from the pens was still shooting up his legs and driving him crazy,
“Please…”, he whined through his giggles.
Dream and George smiled in amusement and looked at each other.
“We broke him.”, George flashed his teeth in a grin. No sympathy could be found here.
“George sucks at this. It’s your turn Sap.”. Sapnap could only whimper, brain too melted to even comprehend the words. George spidered his fingers up the sole to startle a squeal from him.
“Don’t!”, he cried. George laughed.
“Dream is talking to you!”.
“You’re going to pick George’s moves. If you win, we will let you go.”.
“No…”, he whined.
Dream grabbed ahold of the foot again and started drawing the new Tic-Tac-Toe board, this time in the middle of his sole. Sapnap’s entire body jerked and he squirmed against the couch. Loud frantic laughter filled the room.
“Nono please fuck no Dream no!!!!”, he begged. Dream mercilessly traced the board over and over again as Sapnap lost his mind. “Quit it!!!”, he shrieked, catching onto the game.
Dream eventually finished the board and immediately started drawing an O in the middle. Sapnap wailed with laughter, not getting a chance to calm down from the creation of the game board.
The two sat there with smirks as they watched him giggle loudly into the couch.
“Where should I go?”, George asked. He held up the pen and Sapnap flinched, giggling harder.
“Nowhere!”. George shook his head in disappointment and grabbed the squirmy foot.
“Name a position.”, he said with a playful firmness and stuck the pen between two of Sapnap’s toes. The boy jumped and screeched.
“Get out!”, he cried. George pulled it out fast and stuck it between a different pair of toes, drawing frantic squeaky laughter from him,
“Left middle left middle!!!”, he yelled. Dream laughed and nudged George.
“Okay!”, he said cheerily and started drawing an X in that spot. Sapnap shook with hysterical giggles. He sounded delirious.
“I can’t do this.”, he whined.
“I’m gonna kick your ass.”, Dream said as he grabbed the foot and started drawing an O at the top middle. Sapnap’s whining spiked up into squealing. Dream just kept tracing the circle over and over again and the laughter sped up.
“You got to pick another spot Stinknap.”, George added helpfully. The poor thing looked gone.
“I don’t know!!!”, he said through his laughter. He sounded defeated. George huffed in amusement and knocked Dream’s pen away and grabbed the foot. He started drawing ticklish little squiggles all over his heel, making Sapnap snort and burst into cackles.
“Dream went top middle, where are you going?”.
“Stop stop stop!!!”, he begged. George only smirked and continued, focusing in on spots that seemed to turn Sapnap’s laughter squeaky.
“Pick a spot bud.”, Dream urged softly, eyes on George’s ticklish designs. The foot was slowly turning into an inky mess and he knew the worse it got the worse Sapnap would get it in the end. The boy snorted loudly, making the other two laugh.
“Bottom middle!”, he finally cried out. George grinned wolfishly and started drawing an X in the desired spot. Sapnap flopped helplessly against the couch.
‘What did I do to deserve this level of torment?’, he thought dramatically. The tickles hadn’t stopped since almost the second they started.
“Please…”, he pleaded desperately. It fell on deaf ears.
“Bad move.”, Dream said simply, grabbing the foot and starting to draw an O in the bottom right. “You have to think Sapnap!”. A squeal flew from his lips.
“I can’t!!”. The other two laughed and the foot was passed back to George.
“What’s the move Sappy?”.
“Middle!”, he said through his giggles.
“No, that isn’t available!”, George laughed and attacked the sole with skittering nails. Sapnap screamed and bucked off the couch, nearly tearing the ankle free from his grip. “You have to pick an empty spot!”.
“Stop!!”, he screamed. Tears rolled freely down his red cheeks as George continued. “George!!!”. But, the older only smirked and continued the tickling up towards the ball of his foot. Sapnap wailed, completely lost to the tickles.
“You suck at this.”, he teased.
“Sapnap, if you just focus you can win!”, Dream said with play-encouragement. A piercing scream sounded when George reached the scrunched up toes and forced his way in.
“Top left!!!”, he peeped out. His laughter was raspy and desperate. It wasn’t lost on him how impossible this was stacked against him.
“There we go!”, George started drawing an X in the spot and Sapnap squeaked with laughter. “Sap, you’re getting it!”.
“You’re both…dead to me!”, he barely got out. Dream grabbed the foot back and started to quickly draw an O in the bottom left spot.
“Oh no!! What are you going to do!!”. Sapnap smushed his face into the couch and screamed into the cushion, drawing laughter from the others.
“Top right!”, he yelled as George took back the foot.
“He’s learning! If only he was better at the game.”, George tsk’ed as he started drawing the X into the spot. Sapnap’s laughter sounded funny, muffled into the couch like that. Dream grabbed back the foot and drew an O into the middle right spot, tracing it until Sapnap let loose another scream of ticklish anguish.
“Another tie!”, Dream said.
Dream released the foot and Sapnap just laid there in a limp pile of giggles. His face was painted with a rosy blush and streaked with tears; so so weak to these games. He cursed the day the two had learned how much of a flustered mess tickle games made him.
“Are we done?”, he asked weakly, a dumb wobbly smile on his face.
“Hmm…there isn’t any space for another tic-tac-toe board.”, George said as he grabbed the ink-covered foot and looked it over. “Unless…”. Sapnap yelped and tried to tug away the foot unsuccessfully.
“Hey!!”, he cried. A screech ripped from his throat as he jerked back into the couch. “George, no!!!”, he screamed. Uncontrollable laughter poured from his lips as he squirmed against the couch. Dream chuckled and watched as George sketched the world’s messiest and smallest tic-tac-toe board on the pad of Sapnap’s big toe.
“Ugh, it’s too messed up!”, George said with an evil smile. “Quit squirming Sappy!”. He held the foot firmer and started rubbing the tip of the pen against the pad of his second toe. Sapnap shrieked with laughter.
“Jesus…”, Dream murmured as he watched. The marks George was making were very clearly not an actual board, but just an excuse to tickle Sapnap’s ticklish toes.
“Ugh!! You’re moving too much!!”, George said with a big evil grin. Sapnap squealed and flopped against the couch as the tip of the pen attacked the next toe pad.
“Fuck!!!”, he screamed. Oh, that tickled horribly. Sapnap slid down the couch again and shook with uncontrollable laughter. The touch was in such a small area that it was insane how affected he felt. His foot twitched desperately at the feeling, but there was no escaping George’s evil pen. “Fuck you George!!!”. Dream laughed.
The pen danced down the stem of Sapnap’s toe in punishment, making him snort and cackle into the couch cushion.
“Stop!!! Please!!”, he begged. George only grinned, moving to the fourth toe. Sapnap wailed with laughter. George’s dark eyes watched his squirming form in merciless amusement. “I’m dying!!!”.
“He’s too squirmy!”, he whined, playing it up. He poked the tip of his pen a few times at the pad of Sapnap’s pinkie toe, sending Sapnap into a panicked giggle fit.
“Nonono please!! I can’t handle that one!!!”. George grinned at him wolfishly. “Dream, don’t let him!!”.
“Wh-. What am I supposed to do!?”.
“I don’t know just pl-“, Sapnap cut off with a squeal. An embarrassing desperate laughter overtook him, filled to the brim with snorts and cries. George held the foot in place as he scribbled onto the tiny pad of Sapnap’s pinkie toe. He struggled and bucked to no avail.
“This is your punishment for being so bad at tickle-tac-toe!! You need more practice!!”.
The pinkie toe torture didn’t last for too much longer. Sapnap genuinely seemed like he might explode so eventually Dream tugged George’s devious hands away with a chuckle.
“We can’t kill him just yet Georgie, we still have to clean him up.”. Sapnap just smooshed his face into the couch cushion and sighed in relief. Then, he jerked back into a sitting position.
“Wait, what?!”.
Sapnap screamed in terror while Dream tried to keep him in the tub. That loud screechy terrified laugh echoed against the tiles.
“We should have left him tied up!!”.
“You guys are crazy!!!”.
“We have to clean you!!”, George giggled as he shoved Sapnap back down in the tub. Dream flipped on the water and all three of them screamed as ice cold water rained down on them. “Idiot!!”.
Dream, George, and Sapnap all giggled hysterically as Dream flipped the stopper the right way and got the bath faucet to turn on.
“It was an accident!”, he wheezed. He grabbed Sapnap’s foot and tugged him onto his back in the tub, making him screech.
“Dream!”, he yelped. His clothes were entirely soaked now. George laughed and knocked his hands away from the edge of the tub. Sapnap tried to huff in frustration, but couldn’t stop giggling at the ridiculousness of the situation.
His giggles came to a dead stop as he saw Dream grab a bright green loofah.
“Hey, no.”, Sapnap mumbled nervously, slipping as he tried to crawl backwards.
“Yes!”, George yelled really close to Sapnap’s ear to make him jump.
“We need to get your foot cleaned up!”, Dream grabbed his ankle and shoved his foot under the warm water.
“No, you can’t do this!! I’ll die!!”, he cried, the panicked giggles already pouring out and bouncing across the tiles. Dream put bodywash onto the loofah and rubbed it in.
George leaned in and wrapped his arms around Sapnap’s chest, squeezing his arms to his sides before he reached out and smacked Dream.
“Don’t!!!”, he thrashed against the tub, but Dream held on to the ankle tight. Sapnap jolted and threw his head back with a screech as Dream started scrubbing at the bottom of his sole. “No!!”, he screamed. Frantically desperate laughter tore from him and he broke free of George’s hold, grabbing Dream’s arm and yanking him.
Sapnap laughed hysterically as the two tried to wrangle his limbs.
“No please!! I can’t!! I can’t!!!”, he wailed with laughter, completely unable to calm down. Dream clumsily plopped down behind Sapnap, splashing water everywhere as the younger fought for his life. George leaned over the side of the tub and held down the squirming legs to keep him from getting up. “Fuck!!”, he cried as Dream wrapped around him, pinning him back to his chest. George picked up the ankle again, sending Sapnap right back into his frenzy. “George, please!!!”. Dream threw his leg over Sapnap’s to keep him from kicking George’s lights out. “Why?!”, he screeched. The second the dreaded loofah touched back down on his ticklish sole he was floored back into Dream’s big chest. Chaotic raspy laughter filled the bathroom as Sapnap completely fell into hysterics. George mercilessly scrubbed at the ink covering the sole. No pleas were able to escape as Sapnap bucked and squirmed and thrashed and just lost his mind. George giggled in glee at the sight. Dream just grunted and used all his strength to keep the younger hugged to his chest.
“This is going to take awhile…”, George said amusedly as he rubbed the loofah over Sapnap’s toes. The boy bucked and wailed with laughter.
“It’s not coming off?”.
“A bit! I’ll just keep scrubbing.”. Sapnap shook his head ‘no’, but his eyes were squeezed shut and his face was twisted, lost in the feeling. He crumbled more into Dream’s hold, slowly losing his fight as the tickling took over his mind. He felt like a child, so helpless and small. The laughter bubbling out of him and making him weak.
They had really marked the foot up well. Dark ink was smudged and runny across every toe and down his sole. George moved the foot back under the stream of water and barked out a laugh at just how much was still there.
“Poor Sappynappy. What did we do to you?”, he coo’ed playfully. The boy in question could only whine through his laughter. It was starting to cut out from the length of the tickle torture he was enduring.
“Can he even take anymore?”.
“I mean, we can’t just leave his foot like this, right?”.
“I..I’ll…let me do it…myself…”, Sapnap struggled out, unable to quit laughing.
“Well where’s the fun in that?”, Dream murmured directly into Sapnap’s ear, making him squeak and jump.
Sapnap’s head flopped back against Dream’s shoulder and a soft raspy laugh bubbled out of him. George was just hovering the loofah over the ink-covered foot now, wanting to get a gauge on the boy’s state before continuing.
He looked…giddy. George grinned. Whenever they played these little tickle games with Sapnap he would turn into an oversized kid. George was a little obsessed with it.
“Awww Sappy? Does it tickle tickle tickle?”, he asked in a baby voice as he suddenly scrubbed quickly at the sole for a few seconds. Sapnap squealed and thrashed. Dream grinned over at George. At some point George had switched from the usual ‘Stinknap’ nickname to the softer ‘Sappy’ and he found it amusing.
While Sapnap was whining on about how he couldn’t take it, he sure wasn’t dropping any safewords. He giggled loopily, knocking his head back into Dream again. George grinned and spidered his fingertips quickly up the sole, drawing more squeals from the boy.
“Why?!”, he cried.
“You’re being cute.”, George accused. Dream laughed and hugged Sapnap more to his chest.
The night took on a softer vibe with Sapnap’s childlike laughter washing over the other two. George scrubbed at the sole intermittently to send the boy into bursts of chaotic laughter. It didn’t work as well at cleaning, but the silly technique was driving Sapnap up the wall.
In the end, a lot of ink was still left behind. Mercy was given anyway. They all dried off with towels. Dream hoisted a giggling Sapnap over his shoulder and George trailed behind them as they headed to the younger’s bedroom.
“Can we all cuddle? He’s all floppy and sweet.”, George said, poking at Dream’s back.
“Cuddles…”, Sapnap mumbled out happily, completely limp in Dream’s hold.
These silly tickle games held some strange power over Sapnap, transporting him into a simpler time.
He found himself warm and happy between the two people he loved most.
“I love you guys.”, he said, giving in to his feelings. George and Dream smooshed in closer and wrapped him up in all the cuddles he wanted.
“Yeah yeah…you too idiot.”.
“We love you Sapnap.”.
(Art by @kazenomegaminowanpisu )
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