#lav's ficlets
maxcuntstappen · 14 days
for a prompt,
max as the f1 world champion. charles is the heir to the monaco throne. [lorenzo is king currently]
max and charles love each other. max wins the monaco gp for charles. monaco goes crazy.
"Max," Charles tries to sound stern, he really does. But he doesn't think it comes across too well with how he cannot stop giggling.
It's not his fault really.
It's his boyfriend's.
His boyfriend who has him pressed against a wall of his motorhome, relentlessly kissing at Charles' cheeks.
"Maxxxx," Charles tries again, "You need to go."
A 'uh-huh' is the only indicator of Max having even heard him.
Max redirects his attack of pecks to Charles' neck and it makes Charles squirm.
"Max, that tickles!" he exclaims, trying to wiggle his way out from under his boyfriend's grasp.
Max chuckles, finally moving his mouth away from Charles' body, to look him in the eye, "I know," he grins.
It makes Charles' heart jump, how happy Max looks, how pretty.
Time seems to stop as Charles cradles Max's face in his palm, relishing in how Max turns his face to nuzzle into it.
Blue eyes twinkling, lips perpetually pulled upward, cheeks pink and puffed up. Max is a beauty.
Charles opens his mouth to tell him so when a firm knock interrupts him.
"Prince Charles," one of his guards calls out, "Nous devons partir maintenant. Prince Lorenzo et Prince Arthur attendent."
Charles sighs, wishing he could stay with Max longer.
Max seems to be wishing for the same, if his drawn out groan is anything to go by.
Yet, Max doesn't move away. He only snuggles into Charles harder, head buried into the crook of Charles' neck.
Charles laughs, running his fingers through Max's hair, "Come on, mon amour. Time to go."
Max huffs, "No."
Charles rolls his eyes, fondness seeping through his pores, and gently tugs at Max's hair.
Max pulls his head away with an exaggerated moan, "Ouch," frown lines covering his pretty face.
Charles pecks Max's nose and all of them disappear in a second.
"I'll see you after, okay?" Charles says, squeezing the nape of Max's neck.
"Yeah," Max says, a small smile on his lips, "Yeah, okay."
Max steps back and Charles walks to the door.
"Wait!" Max exclaims, making Charles jump.
He turns around.
"What about my good luck kiss?" Max asks, the corner of his mouth twitching as he pouts, clearly trying to suppress the smile trying to break through.
"You don't need a good luck kiss, mon amour. You're Max Verstappen," Charles reminds him.
Even after all this time, ever after multiple world championships, countless podiums and several records broken, Max still lights up when Charles compliments him.
He hopes he never stops.
"Charles, but what if you don't kiss me and the race goes badly? Do you really want that on your conscience?"
Charles scoffs, "Okay but what if I do kiss you and then the race doesn't go well? Will it be my fault then?"
"Of course not, schatje. Then it'll mean that your kiss protected me from anything worse happening," Max replies, like it's the most obvious information in the world.
Charles' heart throbs with adoration. He takes a quick two steps and grabs Max's face in his hand, pressing a firm, soft kiss to Max's lips.
When Charles pulls away, Max looks dazed.
Charles gets it. He feels it, the overwhelming rush he gets when he cannot believe this is his life.
"Good luck, mon amour," Charles smiles, dropping his hands, and walking backwards to the door, "See you on the podium, okay?"
Max simply nods, seeming to still be too lost for words.
That's okay. Charles knows what he would've said anyways.
"And the winner of the 2024 Monaco Grand Prix... Max Verstappen!"
The roaring in Charles' ears nearly blocks out the raucous applause of the Red Bull team. But Charles hears them still, faintly. Acknowledges them, thanks them for loving Max and appreciating him and taking care of him.
His cheeks ache because of how hard he is smiling.
And yet, when Max steps up on the top step, quickly turning around to catch Charles' eye, his grin somehow widens.
Charles winks at him, his hands not pausing their applause, and Max laughs, softly shaking his head, before facing the crowd.
Charles' eyes are glued to Max's back as the Dutch and Austrian anthems play. It's a beautiful back, all broad, strong shoulders, tapering down into a small waist.
The only thing that could make Max look any better is if he was wearing red, Charles thinks to himself.
Well, all in due time.
Soon, he's being indicated to step up to award the second place trophy.
Charles looks straight ahead as he walks to the platform, not risking turning into an ooey-gooey mess for a glance of Max's face.
Lando stands tall and proud on the podium, his face split into a grin.
Charles hands Lando his trophy and Lando holds out a hand for Charles to shake.
It makes Charles roll his eyes. There's no need to pretend that Charles doesn't see Lando every other weekend, that he hasn't seen Lando sloshed out of his mind and passed out on the floor of Max's jet, that he doesn't send Lando memes constantly and bitches about it if he doesn't give an adequate reply.
Charles grasps his hand and pulls Lando into a hug.
Lando yelps, and gosh, Charles so hopes that there is some camera somewhere that has recorded the noise.
"Good job, mate," Charles says, arms tight around Lando.
"Thanks, mate," Lando replies, and Charles can hear the smile in his voice.
Charles beelines back to his original spot, next to his brother, standing behind the podium finishers.
As Lorenzo awards Max with his trophy, Charles has to suppress the urge to shout and scream and hoot.
All he can do is clap a bit more aggressively than he did for the others.
It doesn't miss his notice how Arthur does the same.
It's soon after that Charles and his brothers, along with the other dignitaries, are being hurried off of the stage in an attempt to keep them safe from the champagne flying in the air.
Charles has just stepped into the protection of the wings when he's being pushed back out to the stage again.
"Va!" Arthur urges, literally shooing Charles away with his hand.
"Ne fais rien de trop stupide!" Lorenzo warns, but he's grinning wide too.
God, Charles loves his family.
It's Lando that spots him first.
The very next second, Charles is drenched head to toe.
But it's worth it to have Max's giggle in his ear as he hugs him tight tight tight.
His race suit under Charles' hands feels sticky and cold and like home.
"Mon Dieu, Max, tu es incroyable. So incredible. I love you. I'm proud of you," Charles rambles, trying to make the most of the couple of moments he'll get to speak to Max before he's swallowed up by his team and media duties.
Max pulls away, smiling at him, all crinkle eyed, "Thank you for your good luck kiss, schatje," he gives him a quick soft peck before gently pressing the trophy into his arms, "This one is for you," and then Charles is swallowed up in Max's embrace again, the roars of the crowd ringing in his ear, nowhere as loud as the beat of his own heart.
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greenieflor · 1 year
Demisexual!Steve is everything to me so have some of whatever this is
Steve didn’t really get the appeal of sex. He never had. It was fine in middle school, he would laugh at the stupid jokes Tommy H made and parrot back some version of his own, not quite understanding what he was saying. That didn’t matter, though; it made people laugh and clap him on the back. Then they got to high school. Tommy and Carol had been together “long enough to ask her, dontcha think?” Steve didn’t quite know what Tommy was going to ask her, but figured it didn’t hurt to agree. Now, Steve wasn’t stupid, he knew what sex was. At least, in the abstract. When he had asked his parents at age nine where babies come from, all he got was an “ask your mother” and a “oh you’ll find out when you’re older.” His health class sputtered through a quick, and frankly kinda gross, biological explanation and that was it. So yes, Steve knew what sex was, he just didn’t get the appeal. He figured one day, when he was married he would have sex- he did want six kids after all. But outside of some future marriage, Steve really couldn’t be bothered to care about sex. 
As high school progressed, Steve went on more and more dates. He enjoyed flirting and was pretty damn good at it. He learned to be good at other things, too. How to unhook a bra in one move, where to kiss a girl’s neck to make her go wild, even learned how to like having sex. But despite the growing number of notches in his bedpost (and his growing reputation as a bit of a slut) Steve Harrington still didn’t get it. Until he met Nancy Wheeler. With Nancy, it was different. It took them a little longer to fall into bed together, Steve was surprised at how much he wanted it with her. He had never actively wanted to sleep with someone like this, and it had never taken so long for it to happen. When they did sleep together, Steve finally understood. He got what people meant when they talked about sex. Up until this point he had enjoyed it, sure, it felt good and was kinda fun, but he hadn’t felt the desire, the emotional release that came with sex. After the dust had settled from Nancy breaking up with him, Steve figured he had cracked the code. He started taking more time with the girls he went out with, waiting until the third or fourth date to take them to bed. It just wasn’t the same though. He felt like he was back at square one, just going through the motions, except now he knew how good it could be. He knew how great it could feel and he just didn’t understand why he couldn’t get that back. He graduated, got the job at Scoops Ahoy, and soon after meeting Robin thought that maybe, just maybe, he had found it again. That feeling of wanting. But it wasn’t quite the same. There wasn’t that same heat when he looked at Robin. After their conversation on the bathroom floor he knew why. He loved her, maybe more than he’d ever loved anyone, but it wasn’t the same as when he loved Nancy. As we have already established, Steve wasn’t stupid. He just didn’t care too much about school. But after Robin came out, he ended up reflecting heavily on who he was in high school. The things he laughed at, the slurs he had thrown just to fit in. So, on a day off, he drove down to Indy to go to their library, already knowing that the Hawkins library would have jackshit on queerness. He was nervous about asking for help, he never really paid attention when Nancy would tell him how the cataloguing system worked at the library, but he recognized the pink triangle pin one of the librarians had from something Robin had shown him a few weeks before. He finds what he’s looking for deep in the stacks and takes a few books to a small table tucked away in the corner and starts reading. And reading. Steve devours the books he pulled, barely noticing the growing headache or setting sun until that same librarian comes over to tell him they are closing in twenty minutes and “did you find what you were searching for?” “Yeah. Yeah I think I did.” Steve waits. He thinks. Looks back on his past relationships and wonders. He talks to Robin, but neither of them have the right words. Summer was over, his kids were in school and suddenly all they could talk about was this Eddie guy they played D&D with. Steve, despite his growing jealousy, has to admit he respects the guy a bit. Anyone who looks out for his kids is good in his book. And then spring break happens. A month later, Eddie is finally released from the hospital and Steve insists on taking him back to his house- his parents left a long time ago and made it very clear they had no plans to return. Steve checks Eddie’s stitches every day and the two start to grow closer. Love never sneaks up on Steve, it hits him all at once. Eddie had been living with him for a week when he was finally up to DMing a short game and seeing all the kids again. The house was filled with noise and laughter for the first time in years and Steve thought he couldn’t be happier. The night came to a close and the kids started heading home and suddenly it was just Eddie and Steve, sitting side by side on the couch with the debris of the night spread around them. Eddie collapsed into Steve’s side, letting out a sigh and a “god I love those kids but they are so damn loud.” And that’s when it hits him. He loves Eddie. Has for a while now, probably. And that is what was missing from all those attempted dates in high school. That’s what he had with Nancy that made it so different. What made it hurt that much more to lose. But he still didn’t have the right words. So he smiled, brushed a lock of Eddie’s hair behind his ear, and pulled him into his side. They could find the words together.
Update: wrote some ace!eddie!
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lavender-clown · 6 months
Random brain barf of a scene post movie in the Shades of Purple au
“You’ve got to stop doing this to me kiddo…” he said as he held his son’s still hand.
Too often lately he feels like he’s been in this exact situation, worrying himself sick over Donnie and his “adventures”. First with that “Shredder” beast when he had agreed to help his unknowing brothers with their battle and again several months later when the beast had come back. Each time was agonizing but somehow this was the worst.
He understood why Donnie was doing these things and he was proud of his little boy but he was just that.
His little boy.
His little boy that was now laying before him with the longest list of injuries yet. What he wouldn’t do to go back to bandaging skinned knees and paper cuts instead of oozing wounds on his poor shell.
Running his hand over Donnie’s knuckles he looks up as Kendra and Jason sit on Donnie’s other side. His daughter’s face is painted in a deep scowl, one he knows is just a mask to push back her tears, as tightly clenched fists rest on her lap. His other son is much more somber, anxiety and concern clearly displayed on his face for all to see, matching the one his mother could be seen wearing, yet seeing as he could do nothing about it he had no choice but to sit and wait for something to happen. They had been like this since they were all reunited after that invasion, both coping with the latest turn of events in their own ways.
Donnie had been in and out of consciousness for days now, partially due to all the drugs he was currently on but also because of the injuries themselves that he had sustained.
And to think, Donnie had actually gotten off somewhat easy compared to his twin. Even so, they were still worried about the possibility of brain damage— and didn’t that thought alone terrify him. Whatever diagnosis they did received would likely change their lives drastically.
It wasn’t fair.
One thing was for sure however. When all four of these kids are on the road to recovery you better believe they will be having a talk about everything.
He’s not going through this a fourth time…
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princescar · 27 days
I feel like with each fic, my titles get better.
Like, CODE LAVENDER. Reference to Raincode and the symbolism of Kyoko's hair. Not much happening there.
#DC143C. Weird jump, but it's connected to code lav, since it's what Mukuro's been doing the whole fic. The name is literally Code Crimson. Theres more to this but rn it's a secret.
Then we go to The Part You Played. Focalors reference since she is what inspired the fic, and also the fact the story is about the part Ryoko played in the tragedy. (Also a secret 3rd thing).
Then its My Grand Performance! Very straightforward. It's Ryo getting ready for his own execution. It's his last performance as the Ultimate Drag queen. It's a ficlet, so it gets a rather straightforward name.
Ryo's fic SERIES, however.
Paint Your White Walls Red. It's a reference to the saying "Paint the Town red", meaning "to go on a reckless debauch, to be wildly extravagant" and if that doesn't describe Drag Culture, I don't know what does. It's a reference to blood and Ryo's red hair and eyes. It's a reference to how he painted the world in despair.
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Hey Bouncey, I woke up this morning with the world’s worst cold so I would really appreciate some good fluff (or whatever you feel like rn, I love all your work and I’m not picky) 💕💖 either way I hope you’re having a good day/evening!!
Heya, Lavender! Sorry about the cold :( I can definitely crank out some fluff for you, boo. Feel better 💖
Jaskier groaned and buried his face in the soft, cool skin of Geralt’s bare chest; the Witcher frowned. The bard’s forehead and cheeks were burning hot and fever-bright. His blue eyes were glassy, half-glazed over with something other than sleep. 
“Do you feel alright?” he asked.
“Now that you mention it -” Jaskier paused to cough “- perhaps I feel a bit chilled.”
“You’re sick.”
“No!” the bard struggled to sit up, fighting valiantly against both Geralt and the blankets. “I’ll be fine! I can leave with you today!”
“Are you... Are you worried that I’m going to leave without you if you fall ill?” 
Jaskier’s forehead knocked against Geralt’s breastbone with a dull thud. “Perhaps.” 
The Witcher wrapped his arms around the bard and pulled him close again, tucking the younger man’s sweaty forehead against the side of his neck. Their temperature difference was even more stark when Jaskier was sick like this.
“I won’t leave your side, my little lark. Someone has to bring you broth and hum to you at night until you’re better.”
“You would do those things for me?” the bard rasped, throat store and voice tired. 
“Of course, Julek.”
The sweet nickname was said with such adoration and sincerity that Jaskier nearly dropped immediately back to sleep. The scents of relief and contentment filled the air, swirling around the sticky-sweet smell of illness that clung against the bard’s clammy skin. 
“I’m going to get a cold compress from the kitchen, alright? I’m coming back here as soon as I have it. I swear it.”
“I trust you,” the bard half-whispered. Whatever virus or mild poison had chosen Jaskier has its target would soon run its course; “See you soon.”
When Geralt returned to their room, Jaskier was fast asleep. He mopped him clean and tucked himself beneath the covers. He wrapped his body around the bard’s and settled in. 
It would be a long few days, but making Jaskier feel better was always worth the patience.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
WIP Game: Bridgerton Edition
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. Also I’m taking mine from my Bridgerton fic folder so I’m adding in my completed works too!
Thank you to @hptriviachamp and @livingonfanficseyra for the tags! I love this concept and cannot wait for yall to send me asks!! I’m adapting the format from Trivia who got it from @jake-amy 
Ongoing WIPs: 
10 Things I Hate About You - Kathony AU based on the 1999 film Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Francesca & The Stirlings (A Band AU - loosely based on Daisy Jones) [Unpublished but with snippets posted soon so it goes here]
One Shots with a Possible Sequel 
Tamil Lessons 101 with Kate Sharma | Now On AO3 Part 2 is Anthony learning Tamil more and potentially proposing in Tamil but fails miserably. But he improves by the time they get to their wedding and he delivers his vows perfectly - loosely inspired by this scene in Jane The Virgin 
Beckett Begins | Now On AO3 Part 2 is Theo (who is trans and Ben’s ex in my ficlet) takes NB!Sophie aka Beck binder shopping where they bond and have a laugh over dating Benedict.
Newton The Emotional Support Crow | Now On AO3 Kathony Pregnancies Headcanons
Written:  English Love Affair - Set during their S2 visit, Colin and Marina start an affair with Phillip’s agreement and then come up for a scheme with Philip to get a divorce so they can be together. 
This Town - Johncesca Song fic based off the Niall Horan song of the same name set after his death so PEAK angst 
Prompts:  Introducing Lord & Lady Bridgerton - Kathony hosts their first family dinner after their wedding
Last Christmas - Another sweet but angsty Johncesca AU fic but I won’t spoil the premise if you haven’t watched the movie but yeah it’s based off the Emilia Clarke & Henry Golding movie. 
No Plot just Sienna & Kate being besties and roasting the fuck out of Anthony  Untitled but John lives and Johncesca is alive and well so Michael has to move on and meets Sophie before Benedict and they fall in love. No mistress funny business cos Michael doesn’t care for titles and does whatever he wants. 
Co-Writing with Lav @sweetestviscount
Bridgertons v Featherington - A court room drama where Penelope as LW is in her full villian era with no HEA and the Bridgertons sue her for everything she’s done to them. Marina is married to Colin in this hence she’s also a Bridgerton and is the primary person hurt in this class action.  Phantom of the Opera AU - Colin is Christine, Marina is Raoul and Penelope is the Phantom 
To Lady Paige, With Love [Eloise x FemOC! Paige Crane] (Paused)
Part 1 - Prologue: Take Me To The Lakes  Part 2 - Chapter 1: Right Where You Left Me 
Unpublished & Abandoned: Love Story - Kathony Arranged Marriage AU based off this tiktok and I even made a fancast for it
Did not realise how many fics/ideas I have til this post lmao. Feel free to ask me about any of them!! Though the abandoned ones I won’t be continuing at all - maybe To Lady Paige but that’s a l o n g time away. 
I do not know 15 writers in the fandom and three of my friends have already done this lmao so I’m just tagging @newtonsheffield cos I need to know how many WIPs you’re juggling lmao every day its a new AU Molls hshshsh and whoever sees this and wants to do this, consider yourself tagged!!
Come Talk WIP/Fics To Me Masterlist
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theangrycomet · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Randy’s body looks dead when he’s schloomped into the Nomicon. If either mom found him like that there would be a MAJOR freak out session. Rudy in particular, with a combination of her natural protectiveness and lack of medicinal knowledge. Calling Sara doesn’t really help though when her wife can’t understand a thing she says.
 It’s honestly a miracle (or the fact that Randy as a general rule is good about being discrete and in a private location when entering the Nomicon)
Attached Ficlet below Cut for Context
@lav-chr-not-found thx for the ask.
When Rudy comes Home Early...
“Hey!” Rudy called out through the house, tossing her truck keys into a little pinch pot that served as the key bowl as she hung her hard hat up with her coat. “I’m home!”
Music could be heard from the upstairs, a blend of Rock and EDM that pulsed faintly through the wall.
Ah, Randy was home from school and surprisingly not at the Game Hole. Hm. Weird. Probably playing video games with his textbooks collecting dust where they weren’t holding up his book shelf. Tragically, it seemed her son had picked up her habits when it came to the whole academic thing.
Walking up the stairs, her hands drummed out the rhythm of the song into the railings as she called out. 
“Hiya honey, how ‘zat essay a coming?” She rolled her eyes, grimy knuckles knocking gently as she reached the door. 
“Randy? What’s going on in there?” Waiting for a response, she raised an eyebrow. “Randy?
Nothing but the music. 
“Alright, I’m coming in.” Opening the door, her heart stopped. 
Just beside his rung ladder on his stomach, Randy lay prone on the floor, his hand holding a pen loosely to his math book. Still as a corpse, his eyes were blank and glazed, the life stripped from them. His mouth was agape with drool dribbling out of it.
“RANDY!” Dropping beside him, she shook him, fingers clenching on his grey hoodie as she grew more frantic. 
“I’m having the Best Damn Night” Sung her phone.
Fingers releasing their death grip, she slipped her phone between her ear and her shoulder before returning to her shaking. “Hey honey I got-”
“HOWDOICHECKAPULSE?” she blurted before laying down and putting her ear to Randy’s back. What was the normal pulse rate? Was this rate normal? It seemed slow. It was definitely slow. Was your pulse supposed to 
“I- what?” Sara sounded befuddled on the line; Rudy could practically hear her blinking. 
“Rudy! Slow down, breath. I can hardly understand you,” Soothing and calm, Rudy did take a breath, as she stood up, sliding down the stair railing. Getting the keys, she continued to ramble on the phone. 
“Something’s wrong with Randy, he’s out cold on his floor and I couldn’t get any response out of him- I shook him- oh god I shook him, that’s bad isn’t it?” Nails scratching at the shaved parts of her head, she heard a door open and froze.
“Hey mom, what’s up?” 
Whipping around, she saw Randy sliding down the stair railing just as she taught him, an easy smile on his face. Landing at the base of the stairs without so much as a sound from his sneakers, he raised a brow. 
“Uh, mom?”
A primal sound escaped her as her phone went flying. 
“Woah!” Stepping back up a step, startled, he raised his hands. His palm was inky from note taking, the same hue as his eyes. Wide with concern, they flicked around the room for danger. 
“What! What is it? What’s going -oof!” Crushing his lungs in a hug, he stumbled further back into the staircase, scrambling for a hold on the railing as his mom slammed into him. 
The breath taking hug didn’t last more than a second before she was gesturing frantically at him. 
“You were- I was- were you faking that?!” She yelled. 
Randy blinked helplessly at his mother, utterly bewildered. 
“Faking what?” he asked slowly. 
“You were on the ground unconscious not two minutes ago! I thought you were dead!” 
“Oh.” Clarity bloomed across his features as his eyes flicked to the ceiling, as though that might provide an explanation. “Um, I fell off the bed and hit my head?”
He said as though it were a question.
“Hit your head- you’re getting a head scan thingy-” Holding her face in her hand, her keys rattled widely as she flipped her other hand round and round, looking for the word. “The brain picture thingy- you know what I mean!”
“Woah, Ma,” Randy dashed between her and the door, waving at her to stop before gesturing to himself. “I’m fine.”
“You were and are NOT fine.” She pointed accusationally at him before grabbing his hand and dragging him outside. “And you will be getting an exam.”
“For what?” Following her in order to not dislocate his shoulder, it was relatively easy given her short stature and his long legs. Honestly, it didn’t seem to matter what they fed him; he just kept shooting up like a beanstalk. 
“For a reason as to why you were out cold.”
Digital rings and chirps emitted from Randy’s phone as he swiped it open. 
“Hi Mom. Yeah I’m fine.” he said calmly, digging his heels into the driveway to get her to stop. “Mhm. Yeah, she’s here.”
Nodding solemnly, he leaned confidentially towards her. “It’s for you.”
“He is NOT fine.” Rudy bristled as she gestured for Randy to go into the car. Sighing dramatically, he dragged his feet as he meandered to the passenger side door. 
The Nomicon really had to work on it’s timing.
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wickedbeeao3 · 2 years
Masterpost - Navigation
Updated: March 10, 2023
#worldbuilding notes - general headcanons and worldbuilding for fic proper.
Twisted Wonderland
worry not ma'am, just your regular series just a senpai trying to keep a kouhai alive, nothing to see here sir [AO3] | tag] - WIP, hiatus, 112k words - two isekai-ed people that die because their world has no magic but do not stay dead. Yuu Goldstein (Goldie) fulfills the role of the player, and Charlotte, who has been in this world for longer, is Ramshackle's prefect. Idea inspired by @twsty-lav RE-zero Yuu AU. Currently on Savanaclaw Arc
so, about that sleepover... [AO3] - Complete, 10k words - Goldie & gang discover that for all that ghosts haunt Ramshackle, that is the least they should be afraid of.
Sorvete? Ijs? [Ice Cream] [AO3] - Complete, 26k words - Two lonely people become friends because the other speaks (with them) (a language they know). Covers Malleus's first year at NRC, through his pov. Chap 3 is the anomaly: a light-hearted one-day comedic adventure, switching POVs between Malleus, Lilia and Charlotte.
Charlotte James, Yuu Goldstein & both
Charlie James & RSA students theory on him
NRC Staff OC's
What is happening on the fic backstage? -> SPOILERS
Genshin Impact
windblume is the currency - WIP on the works. Runa is the hope of a fallen heretical nation, the godless kingdom of Khaenri'ah; Aether is an otherworld traveller tired of gods' bullshit who is trying to get his powers to get his sister back. They travel through Teyvat, land of theocracies, byt may be luck yet to start their journey in the land of the sleeping archon.
Ikemen Series
[title in works] - IKEPRI. Leyla hopes the fairies never take her brother. But when she sees one in that bloodstained day, she knows what she must do. (Fantasy)
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cartooness · 3 years
Mystery March Day 10: Mistake (Her Name?)
Alright my dudes: I know. Tis I, Cartooness, posting a ficlet of sorts. Which I never do lmao.
Warning this portrays Mystery in a negative light so if that’s not ya jam, go ahead and skip.
SO @nemesis-is-my-middle-name and I were chatting and this is what came out of it XD
In my AU (that’s where my Lavender Grey character comes from lol), since I first made it I thought “omg what if Mystery was like. ‘Afraid’ or just weary of her because of how powerful she is” but now that The Future is out, I’m all “holy fucking shit what if Mystery is almost *jealous* of her because the gang doesn’t want him around her”. They say it’s for her sake (but it’s also for their sake) because they don’t want her to be scared.
He’s both [weary and jealous of Lavender], he’s all “okay. This girl comes LITERALLY out of nowhere and I’m glad they’re giving her a place to stay, she is a child. But this is a very powerful child, one that overwhelmingly outranks me in that field. Why aren’t they afraid of her? Why is it ME that they’re keeping her away from?” 
I guess he knows what he’s done in the past was shitty, but he doesn’t know why this random ass kid owns their heart now when he’s the one who was there first. Ya know, like an asshole.
I wanna say that he makes her cry because he just lets all the negativity loose and he’s caught mid rant by ARTHUR.
So. Mystery has basically been fending for himself for a little while, no big deal. Except he can't stop thinking about that damned girl. What has she done for them? How has she won them all over so easily? Only Lewis was the type to be soft for children, but Arthur? VIVI? Being parental figures? The world has gone mad.
He saw them time to time in that mansion of Lewis's, and they all looked so happy without him. Vivi hadn't seemed to be going on missions anymore, which was beyond shocking. Why not, that child is so powerful any threats would back off if they had a single brain cell.
Not to mention Shiromori was now on the girl's side; he spotted her occasionally checking up on her and putting small blooms in her hair, typically while she slept. It made the child look more innocent than she actually was in his eyes. He remembered when he was the one getting flower gifts and such when Shiromori was on his side. And with a protector like her, the child was practically untouchable.
Mystery flirted with the idea of that girl getting hurt and them coming back to him for help. But he didn't let himself ponder too long, that would be cruel. But he couldn't help but think about it.
What *would* happen if harm came her way?
Would they mourn her if such a fate could happen?
Would they come crying back to him?
Or would they blame him for a tragedy he didn't cause. They just *loved* to blame him.
He couldn't stop himself anymore. He trotted his way to that stupid little happy home and sniffed out what room belonged to the girl, the unmistakable scent of raw power and flowers filling the air. He peered into her window, in his dog form, and lo and behold she was there. He yanked the window open and sat on her bed, not caring about getting that sickeningly "cute" comforter dirty with his mud covered paws.
"Oh! It's you, Mystery. Can... I help you?" She was a bit puzzled as to what he needed her for, she thought he was fine being on his own.
Actually my dear, you can.
Get out of their lives. You don't deserve anything they've given you.
Her pupils shrunk, taken aback from his remark. "Did I do something wrong? I don't-"
Don't play stupid with me, girl. You are the reason I'm not allowed to be with them anymore, that I've been scorned to never return. You just barged your way into their lives, into MY life and took everything I've worked so hard for away. They're so worried about their 'little princess' that they don’t realize how damn DANGEROUS you are!
Don't they feel that power you possess? Aren't they afraid of you? 
She looked like he ripped her gut out, her eyes welling with tears, irises ever so slightly tinting blue with sadness.
Don't you DARE cry, he growled, you won't get a drop of pity out of me.
"Mystery”, she started, sniffling as she tried to speak, “please tell me-" 
She was sobbing now, eyes visibly baby blue and tears running down her face.
"Mystery if you don't leave right now I SWEAR I will chop every God forsaken tail of yours off."
A-Arthur I-
"Why the fuck are you here? What made you think you were welcome?" His fatherly instinct had kicked in as soon he heard noise from his child’s room and ran over in an instant.
"Lav, baby, go to the bathroom” he started with a kiss to her nose, “so you can go wash your face. I have some business to finish", directing his gaze towards the intruder.
I'm here to open your eyes, Arthur. What has she accomplished while I was gone? What’s been going on with you... five? It seems her army grows every day.
"That is PATHETIC, Mystery."
What is? I'm just stating-
"I don't give a shit about your opinion, you broke into a child's room and you're YELLING AT HER because what, you're fucking....”
He pondered why Mystery was here spreading grief. They did tell him to piss off so that Lav wouldn’t be in danger, and honestly they didn’t need to be so stressed with him in the house all the time either. It’s not a good idea to welcome back a recently possessed kitsune into their home when they were all recovering from the trauma he inflicted. Old and new...
New... is he... 
“Are you,,, jealous of her?" he asked, tone on the verge of shock.
Good lord, this boy.
Arthur, I am here because I care and I worry about you, Lewis, and Vivi. And it concerns me that you've thrown all my help away for some MUTT that doesn't belong-
"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Arthur shouted, trembling and trying not to scream so he wouldn’t scare Lav a few doors down. 
I will NOT, I'm not done yet-
The look of pain and anger was so clear on his face, and Mystery shut his mouth instantly.
His voice was cracking, he wasn’t the type to do all... this. Just how much had this girl influenced them?
Arthur, please-
As if on cue, Lavender returned from the bathroom. "Mr. Arthur, am I in trouble?” She asked, big brown eyes looking up at him. “Mystery kept telling me that I did something wrong by being here and it didn't make sense to me."
"What exactly did he tell you, love?" he asked, eyebrows slightly softening just for her.
She looked almost scared to answer; she was aware the kitsune could be merciless, and didn’t want to be attacked in the mansion Lewis had worked so hard on. Mystery was so angry at her and she didn’t understand why. 
"Well... he told me that I ruined his life because I guess I took his place or something. He said I'm dangerous because I'm more powerful than him, and.. he said mean things about me in general.”
Arthur’s metal hand flew up, ready to attack. 
“Mr. Arthur! W-what are you doing?-"
And Arthur hit Mystery as hard as he could.
There was an excruciating scream of pain, one that caused Lewis and Vivi to abandon the groceries they were bringing in to see all the commotion.
Lewis rushed over, trying to calm his boyfriend down. "Arthur, mi amor, what- MYSTERY?! How did HE get here?!”
S h i t.
Vivi felt her heart drop to her feet at the mention of her ‘dog’s’ name. "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE? I THOUGHT WE KICKED HIM OUT!" she exclaimed, her stomach filling with dread.
Lewis, Vivi, if you just let me EXPLAIN-
Arthur almost made a hole in the wall with the pound of his fist. "So this little FUCKER broke into Lav's room to yell at her because she lives with us and he wasn't invited. I come over to see who's in her room yelling at her, and she's crying uncontrollably while he keeps going at her, spewing a bunch of BULLSHIT, and he thinks he can explain himself and why he's in the right."
"....what?" said Lewis and Vivi, shocked by Mystery's audacity.
Lav started to cry again, thinking she would be punished for this, and Lewis quickly pulled her into his embrace. "Mi florecita preciosa, you did nothing wrong-"
REALLY LEWIS? Mystery growled, feeling patronized, especially as Lewis tightened his grip. SHE'S NOT A BABY-
"Shut your snout right now", snapped Vivi. "Get the fuck out of our house and you BETTER not come back. You have ONE chance to apologize to her and that's it."
Can I come back if I do?
"YOU DON'T DESERVE TO COME BACK" growled Arthur, his flesh hand placed gently on Lav's head and his metal one pointing at Mystery, Lewis glaring so hard it could kill.
Nobody was on his side, and the look on the girl’s face almost made him feel bad. 
Very well then. I'll be on my way and hope that your ignorance won’t become your downfall.
"Hey Mystery, one more thing", Lewis started. "If you ever come back with bad intentions, we will kill you ourselves. I swear on anything and everything that you will not come here with a DROP of malice towards her. Do I make myself clear? And don’t you dare try and act smart, we are giving you a LOT of mercy when you don't deserve it."
...then I bid farewell. What is her name?
"My name is Lavender Grey."
Thank you. Goodbye, Miss Lavender Grey.
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frumpologist · 4 years
Tagged by: @ladykenz347
Tagging: @quintalon @wordsmithmusings265 @breathofthephoenix @persephonestone
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
Accidentally Catfished
Ancient Rome AU
Arthurian Legend AU
OF Soulmates
The Quest
Fixed Point
Golden FTG Sequel
Stand Here With You
Thinking Out Loud
Fenrir Lav Obliviate
NottPott Fest
After Midnight
Harmony Unused Ficlet
Jamione Macrophallus Fic
Jeddy Thing
Shadow of Time
Victory March
What’s Your Fantasy?
A Dramione Ficlet
Dramione Hypochondria Fic
Harmony BrightsideDC
Memoirs of Daniel Reboot
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maxcuntstappen · 3 months
wanted to post some comfort lestappen after yesterday and generally to kind of cleanse the energy of the tumblr dash over the last couple of days.
enjoy <3
“Baby,” Max says, “Come on.”
It doesn’t change anything. Charles stays lying on his front, his face buried in his pillow.
He looks so small like this. So tiny. It makes Max want to protect him, to kiss his forehead and hold him close and keep him there for as long as they live.
“Charlie,” Max whispers, fingers reaching out to comb through Charles’ soft, brown locks, “Talk to me please.” 
Charles replies, but the words reach Max all garbled, the sound swallowed up by the intruding pillow.
But still. It’s progress.
Max lies down on his side next to Charles, throwing an arm over his waist. He kisses Charles’ cheek. Once, twice. Three more times.
And finally, like the sun breaking through grey clouds, Charles’ head turns towards him. Just a little bit. Only a single beautiful green eye looking at Max. 
“Hi,” Max smiles, his hand caressing Charles’ cheek, “It’s nice to see your lovely face.”
And despite everything, Charles smiles. It makes Max feel like he’s won a goddamn trophy. 
“Do we not want to talk about what’s wrong?” 
Charles shakes his head.
Max hums.
It’s not ideal. Charles is the kind of person who always feels better once he talks his emotions out. But if he doesn’t want to, Max will not force him. 
“Is there something else we can do, that I can do which would help?”
Charles’ bottom lip sticks out, a cute little pout that makes Max’s chest ache.
“I don’t know,” Charles whispers, his voice rough and heavy, “I don’t know what to do, what will help.”
Max nods, running through his mental directory of things and activities that he knows Charles enjoys.
“I think,” Charles begins, biting his lip.
“Yes?” Max urges, running his fingers down the length of Charles’ spine, smiling gently at the shiver that follows.
“I think I just want to be sad for a bit,” Charles says, his eyes so careful, so observant, undoubtedly evaluating all of Max’s expressions, “I just want to be sad and watch some tv and that’s all.” 
Max doesn’t know what to think. Or say. 
It’s not something Charles has done before, as far as Max is aware of. Charles either talks about it or works out about it or writes some music about it. He’s never just… been with it. That’s more of Max’s thing.
“Is that okay?” Charles asks cautiously.
“Of course it’s okay, schatje,” Max says, moving closer to kiss Charles’ nose, “Of course.” 
The corners of Charles’ mouth turn up a little, making the corners of Max’s mouth turn up a whole lot. 
“Do you want to be alone? I could give you some space, go sim race for a while or play with the cats.”
Charles frowns, shaking his head, “No. Stay.” 
“Okay,” Max smiles, “Do you have something particular you want to watch?” 
“No, not really. I just don’t want to think.”
“Okay,” Max nods, “Okay. Come on then, come here”
Max sits up, leaning against the headboard, holding his arms open.
Charles is quick to move, settling into Max’s side, breathing a sigh of relief.
“I’m going to pick the third movie that’s on our watchlist, okay?” Max asks, feeling Charles nod against him, his hair tickling the inside of Max’s arm.
Max doesn’t think he’s even heard of the movie. It’s animated and about a goose and a fish and why the hell is this on their watchlist.
Doesn’t matter. He picks it anyway.
It’s quiet as they watch the film. Something Max is not used to. 
Charles is a chronic talker. Even during movies. Seriously. The man has an opinion about each scene and he will make it known. 
He is really fucking lucky that Max doesn’t care much about films and would rather be listening to Charles’ voice anyways.
Yeah, it’s odd, feeling Charles next to him, matching his own breathing to his and not knowing any of the things going on in his head.
But it’s okay. It’s what Charles needs. And that’s all that matters.
Charles snorts suddenly, scaring the shit out of Max, “I don’t get it. How can a goose and a fish be friends? Like how can a goose hear what the fish is saying underwater?”
Max has to force down a cackle to be able to reply. It makes his voice sound all strange and high-pitched.
“That’s the part you decide to question and not the fact that they of course can talk?”
Charles rolls his eyes, giving Max’s arm a hard smack, “You know what I mean, you asshole.”
Max doesn’t. He really, really doesn’t. 
But Charles has already moved onto sharing his next thought and he sounds lighter and he’s moving his hands around as he talks and so when he asks Max if he thinks it’s stupid that the main character goose has a ‘cooler haircut’ than the other geese, all Max does is nod and say, “So fucking stupid, schatje. It’s so stupid.”
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greenieflor · 1 year
@shapeofaperson mentioned wanting ace!eddie on my demisexual!steve post, so here we are! enjoy this mess of fluff and projection <3 update: now on ao3!
Eddie had always liked the roof of the trailer. He and Wayne had pulled a little couch and a chair outside a while ago, a nice spot to sit and smoke after Eddie got home and before Wayne went off to work. But the roof let Eddie stretch out and see the stars. He felt closer to them up there, like the little bit of elevation put them within his reach. As he climbed up, Eddie traced his eyes across the constellations, looking for Orion to situate himself. It had been a while since it was a clear enough night for him to properly see the stars, and even though Hawkins was a small town the light pollution obscured some of his favorite stars from when he was a kid and Wayne first showed him the constellations.
Eddie makes it to the roof and squats down, reaching out a hand for Steve to pull himself up with. The two sit side by side, legs hanging off the side and arms stretched out behind them for support. Eddie produces a joint from his vest pocket with a flourish and an eye waggle, causing Steve to burst out in laughter.
The two settle back into comfortable silence, passing the joint between them. As Eddie’s head starts to get a little floaty he starts pointing out constellations to Steve, tracing the invisible lines with the joint between his fingers. He looks over to Steve, his hazel green eyes glinting in the dark. They stay like that for a moment, eyes locked on each other, Eddie’s outstretched hand still pointing at the tail of scorpio. Steve’s eyebrow quirks up and a small smile stretches across his face. “You just gonna let that burn down?” He says, voice barely above a whisper so as to not break the little bubble they created together.
“Oh, I…” Eddie starts, but before he can pull his hand down he feels Steve’s fingers wrap around his wrist and his skin lights up at the touch. Steve bring’s Eddie’s hand down, angling it just right so he can lean forward and wrap his lips around the end of the joint. Despite what is likely an incredibly erotic image, Eddie can’t seem to look away from Steve’s eyes. Honey brown mixing with soft green, growing red and glassy as the night wears on.
“I am so gone,” Steve half laughs as he exhales, smoke billowing out into the starlight. He gives Eddie’s wrist a light squeeze before releasing it and settling back onto his elbows. “Ask me anything,” he sighs, “anything at all.”
Eddie tears his gaze away from Steve’s face as they make eye contact again, bringing the roach up to his mouth to take the final hit. Eddie’s head is swimming, and only partially from the weed. He tries to think of something, anything to ask other than the one question burning at the tip of his tongue. Some joke or stupid quip to lighten the mood, cut through some of the tension he suddenly felt building up in his chest. Steve was looking at him. He could feel those too-perfect eyes on his face, no heat or pressure to it, almost as if Steve was looking at him just to appreciate his form. Eddie flicks the roach off the roof with a shaky sigh and before he can stop himself he’s asking, “what’s it like?” He waits a beat, turning to see the slightly confused look growing on Steve’s face. “Uh, sex. I mean. What’s…sex like?”
Eddie watches the realization hit Steve. The way his eyes widen, his mouth opens into a soft “oh”. If you had told Eddie five months ago that he would be laying on his roof, smoking out Steve Harrington, the whore of Hawkins High, and asking him about sex he would have laughed in your face and sent you to sober up. But the two had grown closer than he ever thought they would. Between Nancy and Robin helping him to finally graduate and practically co-parenting Dustin and, by extension, the rest of the party, Eddie and Steve had spent a surprising amount of time together and, perhaps more surprisingly, Eddie truly enjoyed it. He wouldn’t trade these nights smoking with Steve for just about anything. Maybe that’s why he asks. Maybe he thinks it’ll lead to something else so he can finally just get it over with. He’ll never be certain, and even if he is he will never tell.
“Honestly?” Steve starts, pushing himself up to sit facing Eddie. “It’s kinda boring most of the time. You’ve really never…” he trails off, but there’s no judgment in his voice, no hint of coming shame. Eddie pulls himself up to match Steve, their knees brushing. He keeps his eyes locked on his fingers, watching the way his rings glint as he spins them around and around. Eddie shakes his head, taking a beat to breathe before looking back up at those eyes. Even in the dark they have a warmth Eddie has yet to find anywhere else. “Not a huge selection for me in Hawkins,” he tries for a joke and self deprecating laugh. “Plus I never really… yanno. Wanted to or whatever.”
Steve nods, smiling to himself as if he does know exactly what Eddie is talking about. “I uh, I only really did it cause it felt like I was supposed to. For a while at least. I’m fine, never did anything I was uncomfortable with,” he adds quickly, seeing Eddie’s expression grow concerned. “But yeah, I never really got the appeal. Just sorta seemed like something to check off the list. Well, except with Nance, but that was… different. For a lot of reasons.”
Eddie was staring. He didn’t even try to hide it at this point. “I.. that’s uh…” he stammered, not quite sure what he wanted to say.
Steve smiled, still that same soft, knowing smile. “I can send you a few things to read, if you want. But… if you’re worried about being broken or, or wrong because you don’t want sex,” he paused, eyes searching Eddie’s for permission to keep going. “You’re not. I can promise you that.” Steve reached out, hand falling to rest on Eddie’s knee and giving it a gentle squeeze before a shit eating grin broke across his face. “I mean you’re still weird, you’ve got that whole bone collection thing that I’ll never understand-“
Eddie cuts him off with a laugh, tilting his head and blinking back the tears threatening to spill over.
“But with this? You’re no weirder than me Eds.” Steve gave his knee another squeeze before moving back towards the ladder. "C'mon, my ass hurts and it's getting cold out here. Let's go back inside."
Eddie smiled, not quite able to believe the man in front of him, but not willing to give up a single second with him.
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lavender-clown · 7 months
Master post
Shades of Purple AU
SOP Poster
SOP Ficlet
SOP Post Movie Drabble
SOP headcanons 1 | SOP headcanons 2 | SOP headcanons 3 | SOP headcanons 4 |
The Dragon on 5th Avenue
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen |
Love and War AU
Don’t You Dare
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
You’re Back
Chapter One | Chapter Two
Will You?
Found You
You Promised
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Without You
Fool’s Gold AU
The Breadwinners/au synopsis | Donnie and Casey Jr illustration | Shelldon doodle page
Brains and Brawn fics
The Big Brother Club
Where We Belong
Lav’s TMNT Iteration
Au Synopsis | Donatello Hamato character sheet | Raphael Hamato character sheet | Leonardo Hamato character sheet | Michelangelo Hamato character sheet
A Father’s Daughter | Brains and Brawn
Comics: Mutation
Commission Info
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vulpesmellifera · 4 years
Fanfic End of Year questions—all of them! 😊
You got it!!!
favorite fic you wrote this year:
Sun-Bleached, or Haunted
A lot of people seem to really love Haunted (Johnlock Spooky Post-Canon). Sun-Bleached (Mystrade based on a song prompt) didn’t get a lot of hits, but I love that little fic. 
least favorite fic you wrote this year:
Probably [Deleted] or the #MystradeStoryTime tales, but the tales weren’t fics so much as stream-of-consciousness tweets. I don’t dislike [Deleted] (Sherstrade w/ a Rescue); I just feel as though I was cheating a bit on my first love, which is Mystrade.
favorite line/scene you wrote this year:
Oooo, either the pivotal scene between Mycroft & his mother in Shaping the Negative, or the creepy crib scene with John in Haunted. There were so many scenes I loved in both of those fics, tbh. 
As for favorite line, probably this one from Haunted:  John’s reminded of a night, long ago, when he’d been ensnared in Sherlock’s thrall, and then surprised by the man’s remark on a clear, star-studded sky. Sherlock’s chin tilted to the heavens, like some tall, rare and beautiful bird against the London gloaming.
Oh but then there’s some choice lines in Sun-Bleached too!
total number of words you wrote this year:
As of today, 12/27/2019, it’s 442,839 words. :-O
most popular fic this year:
The Tenth Muse (Mystrade w/ Magical Realism) has the most hits out of my multichapter fics, while Marry Me (Mystrade ficlet w/ a little angst w/ HEA) is the oneshot with the most hits. 
In terms of hits to kudos, Haunted is the most popular multichapter fic, and The Stars Upon Your Back (Johnlock Angst w/ a Happy Ending) is the most popular oneshot.
least popular fic this year:
Pillow Fights, a Mystrade ficlet which I only posted last week, so maybe that’s not fair, but it is what it is now. In the multichapter category is Shaping the Negative (which people tell me they love to reread, and can’t give kudos more than once, so let’s go with that as the reason 😄).
There are more questions to answer! But I’m going to answer them later! Thanks for asking, Lav!
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babblingfishes · 6 years
Another FroodPad Update
(I’m sending an email instead of tagging people about this one because the majority of you guys have changed urls.)
For anyone who used the original FroodPad (PiratenPad) teamsite for fic writing, the host is taking down the site next month.
As before with the Mozilla alternative, I have backups of most of the text.
Here’s what I do not have:
Backups of locked pads
Chat logs
Authors / authorship colors
Time slider histories
If you want any of those, you’ll need to grab them yourself asap! If you’ve forgotten a password, the quickest way to grab my attention is to let me know via the tumblr messager (or my Discord, if you have it) and I can help you.
As for the actual text of the pads, I have these saved! I can send them to you whenever you like. Under the cut is a VERY lengthy list of the pad titles I have backups of. I can also do a text search if you need.
!!HEY GUYS -- WRITER PROFILES *Goat scream* 2SPOOKY 2c Stories 365 days of Rabbit No! A Very Frood Pad Christmas An attempt to organize chaos And the Band Plays On Annie got her gun Ask Walter Kids BADLY SINNING BRAINTHUNDERING Best Ship Around Broken little pieces CC 4 editing Care Cat!Steve. Don't ask. Cat's sehr whichtig grad portfolio stuff Catori's Little Pad ^^ Cheeroko: ES Drabbles And Possible Story Cheeroko: Elder Scrolls Brainstorming Cheeroko: Fanficing Fanfics since ... Today? Cheeroko: Has Started Yet Another AU Cheeroko: Rabbit Appreciation Pad (Aka, SPG Pad) Cheeroko: Walter Manor Cheeroko: What Should I call this? [{Original Fic}] Cheeroko: You Know What? I'm Just Going To Use This Pad For My Gender Stuff Christmas List Come keep French Company! Please? Configuration (new-new CC and biocore planning) Counter Nonsense Crazy Community Fanfiction Crazy Community Fanfiction II Crazy SPG Collab Thing 2.0 DANGER 5 SOLVE THE GREATEST CRIME OF ALL Derelict (spoilers yo) Derelict 23 and other stuff Derelict Chapter 20 Derelict Chapter 24 Derelict Chapter 25 Derelict Chapter 25 for real this time Derelict Dragon Dreads Derelict Take 73 Derpy-Nuns Don't come here unless Fish is whining at you Don't look Dr. Babblefish's Quest to Only Become Moderately More Insane Dragon Lurve Elephants and Nachos Everyone Writing Everything FRANKENPAPPY Fantastic Mister Vox Fish Does Terrible Things Fish Fanfictions Salgexicon Now Fish and Serif attempt a role play thing. Fish and its monospaced text Fish has an F in evil Fish is Sailing a Ship Fish is a terrible person. Fish is just rambling Fish writes things about other fandoms Fish's Awkward Nonfandom Headcanons Fish's Lupin Drabbles Fish's Magical Tragical Guide to Not Writing Mary Sues Fish's OC Boat Fish's Originalish Pad Fish's Plots and Characters French Rambles French Writes Stony French is a Poet Froodpad Rules and Instructions Further proof we're all insane Futureverse G-Mans and Watering Cans GW2 Cav stuff Ghost! Ghostfacers! Hangout pad Happy Little Family Happy Little Family Notes Here ye go, Redacted Heyo, Achgfd Homestead-Ch.1 How to be nice in RP I blame everyone but me I figure at this rate I should just make a Weird SPG Dreams pad I have no idea what im working on I never tire, I serve I- I- I- LOVE ROBBIE DARREN IT IS A SMUT POWERED BLANKET MY GOOT SAR Ice Cream and Knit Bow Ties Imma figure this thing out by posting prompt responses Improb In Which Pappy Dies In Which Reed Becomes a Robot In Which Steve Drops Bass In Which There is an Abandoned Lab In which robots become metaphors for Autism Spectrum stuff Laying Down The Law Here MATURE REPLY MBG Tumblr Planning   MERRY HOLIDAYMAS YOU WEIRDOS! MWFGOH Notes MY FRIEND MATT WHERE YOU AT May B. we Feta get outta here May B. we Feta get outta here pt2 Muppet Baby Giraffe Fics Myth fanfiction maybe??? NOBODY PANIC (MICHAEL GOT THE D) Neoma's Writes Not Actually a Funeral Not!Derelict Nuns could use help writing a comedy piece for English Nuns does a research paper on GAY GODS Nuns fools around with a hero's journey Nuns hunts for the Holy Grail (and a good essay grade) OC ADVENTURE!! OFF Musingses OOPS Oedipus Script Old Money On the wings of steam One of the Fanmily Original stuff is harder than we anticipated PSILENCE WILL FALL Pappy Pad 2 Pappy Rabbit Old (Still needed though!) Pen & Kari's Pad of Fairytale Badassery Philosophy Notes Pokemanz SPG Post-Derelict Headcanons Princey and Leeland's Walter People Pad Princey definitely isn't using this pad for homework anymore Princey is the best right Leilani right Princey tries Original Stuff Princey wanted to write OC stuff too Princey's self-indulgent stuff Princeyfic (An Accident of the Smallest Kind final chapter) Princeyfic: An Accident of the Smallest Kind Princeyfic: Basically nothing but a mermaid OC Princeyfic: Canoe Catastrophe Pronz Psi does homework and other stuff Psi does homework occasionally Psi gets his shit together Psi is in pain. Also class. Psi jacks Cat's characters Psi plans the Derelict!Verse RP blog early because he's bored Psi reads Marsupial Psi takes out dysphoria on The Spine Psi tries for "canon" SPG Psi writes Cabin Pressure stuff Psi writes a thing about an author Psi's Headcanon Psi's Kazooland OCs??? Psi's class notes Psi's class notes and HatchWorth stuff Psilent's Hatchworth Feels Psilent's Pscribblings Psilent's Pstuff Psunny's Muppet Babby Stuff Public pad 2: 2 public 2 pad Pun and Psi Make a Porno Punny: Ask Index Punny: Broken little pieces Punny: Crack Fic ideas Punny: Ficlets Punny: HLF Th teen years Punny: Happy Little Family Punny: Justice Giraffes Punny: Major fics Punny: Rainbow! The Spine Punny: Trying to figure out how the hell Super spg works RABBIT NO RABBIT NO 2: electric boogaloo Rabbit writes fanfic Relish's Ramblings Reverse Pre Mid Life Crisis 3000 Rex and Captain. Rover! SICK ROBOTS. (Princey and Leeland) SIMNANIGANS SO I may have discovered aquabats and it may have given me some muse SPG/Avengers cross over collab-fic SS kills a lot of young women SS: Aftertheendverse SS: Aggressively writes happy fanfiction SS: Amnesia Home Pad SS: Amnesia Revisions SS: Amnesia!Spine Headcanoning SS: Ancient Mariner SS: Angsty Poetry xP SS: Annie/V SS: Dragon!Steve SS: Genderbends because of reasons SS: Just our positronic electronic harmonic SS: Michael wants the D(erelict!Steve's dick) SS: Michael wants the D(erelict!Steve) #2 SS: More Spine/OC junk SS: Okay actually writing Amnesia now SS: Poems by Peter VI SS: Possible Natalia 'Verse SS: Private Party SS: Ratchet and pumpkin SS: Spine/OC SS: Spine/OC #2 SS: Spine/OC #3 SS: The Only Constant SS: The Way Home SS: hoamwork Satyr Adventure script Secret Santa (Sign-ups closed, Santas have been assigned!) Serif needs to kill something apparently Serif's Dump Pad Serif's Dump Pad 2 Seth only starts things and never finishes them Sewing Stitches SisterofaFish's Pad So much craft poisoning Something Wicked This Way Comes Space-Opera Spoons' Stuff Goes Here Stalking Information Steve has Joined Your Party! THIS IS WHERE THE PARTIES AT TIME TO SCARE THE BABIES Tango's Reason Why The Case of the Quest of the Missing Coffee The Mythos Mythos The Rake This is a public pad because Fish is bored This is utter crap Thunder Charge Title! Too Many Thoughts Untitled 180 Untitled 217 Untitled 314 Untitled 322 Untitled 323 Untitled 324 Verse Fable...or something like that WE GON WRITE FLUFF WE LAV U HRUP WRITER PROFILES We write Mirrormask fics now. Mirrormask is cool. Well look what the cat dragged back in World Building You know what, ignore Nuns a surprise in every pad and no one was ever happy the end awkward monsters/spg campfire song song cat used to write hannafic class notes copper conduction 3: REVELATIONS copper conduction p. 4 death lullaby ye everybody look down fear and loathing in san diego half-baked hatchworth stuff hesitantly works on new chapter how rabbit got his groove back 2 i leik ur silileh lteile hat incdrop - frisk incwrites it's sort of like hellraiser except not lemarchand's fic oh heck there's a plot one time ruffy wrote angst original sexy awesomeness possibly part of Two Birds One Stone possibly not psi is the batman psi's original story (caution may contain robots) ((totally contains robots)) psi's presentation that's due in six hours ruffy's writing a thing schoolwork and such (go away) shit so many fics so little time so much writers block sometimes i doubt your commitment to sparkle motion the end. the fucking crying game the future doesn't love you the wit and wisdom of spg woo lets write pirates woo
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hillnerd-art · 6 years
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character meme! Got a request from @tinawantscookies for Lavender Brown.
Got anonymous requests for Sirius, Rose, Dominique, and the Scamander Twins
First Impression
Impression now
Favorite moment
Idea for a story
Unpopular opinion
Favorite relationship
Favorite headcanon
answers under the cut
First impression after my first read of PoA he was my fave character. This book was the one that got me hooked on HP. His Count of Monte Cristo-like story, the angst, how charming he was. I just loved him. My best friend and I wrote two long fics together back in high school where he was at the center of most of the hijinks.
Impression now I still have a deep-seated love for him, but he sort of fell further down the fave list a bit during book 5. His death shook me, and I literally threw the book across the room back in 2003 from the shock of it. So my obsession sort of fell off a bit, as there wasn’t much to explore with him. I still love him, and he still up there for characters I love. I’ve drawn him a lot over the years, and even written fics over the years too. He remains an interesting, and tragic, figure in the series. His death was just so so unnecessary and heartbreaking. I don’t think I’ll ever really get over it.
Favorite moment Probably when he tells Harry about being his godson and that he’d like Harry to live with him. Such a sweet moment.
Idea for a story I’ve written one. I’d like more stories exploring the infamous werewolf prank on Snape, more stories about him rebelling against his parents, more about his relationship with his brother, more of how he and James became besties.
Unpopular opinion I don’t think he and Remus were together romantically after the prank on Snape. I think that it broke their trust - they remained friends, but I can see that being something they could never recover from fully. Thus Sirius thought Remus would be the traitor later on, since they weren’t as close anymore. I don’t think they got back together after he was back either. They’d become too different from each other - and though they were so grateful to have the other back, it could never be like it was when they were young boys caught up in their own cleverness without anything that had ever gone wrong in their relationship.
Favorite relationship Sirius and Harry, or him and James. So pure. Him and Remus is so sad to me so much of the time. :( I love it though. I also like seeing him buddying with Tonks.
Favorite headcanon Sirius discovering muggle culture and throwing himself into it- band t-shirts, motorcycle and all.
First impression  She reminded me of the girls I was not friends of in school. I had nothing against them, but we had nothing in common. They’d write in that girly middleschool handwriting with hearts on the i’s, giggle about boys, never seemed to care about politics, history, or nerdy stuff in general.
Impression now  She’s a sweet, strong woman who really stuck by her beliefs and friends. Her involvement in the DA didn’t make an impression on me the first go around, but the more I think on her, and see her turned into a monster in fics, the more I want to defend her. I get that people want to hate on her for keeping Ron from Hermione- but she didn’t. She liked Ron, so she went for him and made it clear she did. Good on her! Hermione could have learned a thing or two from her. :)
Favorite moment   He rnaming her rabbit binky and being so attached to it is so sweet. Lav is so adorable.
Idea for a story  I like to think she survived the battle of hogwarts (feebly stirring) but has some pretty awful scars- and has to work on accepting herself with some scars/deformity- not because she was shallow- but because it’s hard for anyone to work through that- and I think Lav is the sort to be an inspiration to others because of her work and future advocacy for survivors like herself.
Unpopular opinion  Lavender is a sweet girl and I think she deserved better than the relationship she had with Ron. Poor thing should have been treated better and did nothing wrong at all.
Favorite relationship  Her and Parvati’s friendship.
Favorite headcanon  ties into idea for a story, i guess.
First impression  Rose is a chip off the ol’ Hermione block- described as having brains, and already in her new school robes like a nerd. :P I immedaitely shipped her with Scorpius
Impression now  Um I love her and am obsessed with drawing her, as I love drawing curly hair and red hair. :D So I picture her as being this firecracker who is basically a hyped up combo of her parents- like Hermione she is very smart and a total bibliophile with giant hair, like her dad she curses up a storm, eats like the world is running out of food, and is red headed, blue eyed, freckled and tall. She is fiercely competitive, a bit overdramatic, and is quick to put her foot in her mouth because she has no filter. Despite all this, she means well, is highly curious, and is the defender of the downtrodden.
Favorite moment  She and Albus looking solemn when Ron says he’ll disinherit them. ;)
Idea for a story  You mean besides the one I’m writing? :D I love Rose and Scorpius friendship stories, and ones of her and her parents bonding over things.
Unpopular opinion  I’m not sure what would be an unpopular opinion of her? I hated what they did with her in Curse Child.
Favorite relationship  Her and Scorpius, and her and Ron.
Favorite headcanon  She is a daddy’s girl, through and through, and thinks he can do no wrong.
First impression  Well, she’s not in the books- so at first she was a non-entity to me and it was hard for me to imagine who she was as a person.
Impression now  It took a while for me to get a bead on her, but now I like her quite a lot. I see Dom as being a bit of a tom-boy who marches to her own drum. She’s not the rebellious kid who yells and tries to get attention- she’s the kind who just quietly does as she pleases and if they don’t like it- eff ‘em. She’s very implacable and hard to shock/get a reaction from. She’s the kind who legit wills herself into not being ticklish. I see her as hanging out mostly with boys, and enjoying quidditch. She was the first Weasley to be sorted into a house other than Gryffindor, and was happy to be different, where most kids might be upset or unsure. I headcanon her as Ravenclaw- and she loves lording it over James when she steals the quaffle from him in a match.
Favorite moment  n/a
Idea for a story  I’d like any story that explores more of the dynamics at Bill and Fleur Weasley’s house. They’re always from Victoire’s perspective, so it would be nice to see something from her or Louis’s perspective.
Unpopular opinion  I see her as queer. Not sure if that’s unpopular or not, but I don’t see much of her in fandom in general.
Favorite relationship  Hmm… I guess her and James makes me laugh the most, as I see her being one of the only people able to actually get him rattled. Her, Teddy and Fred are the only ones. Lily only when she’s about to tattle on him.
Favorite headcanon  She cuts her hair short at school one time because she was tired of it, and felt it just wasn’t working for her. She does an awful job of it, and expects it will piss her mum off- but is surprised when all she gets is a ‘You were so right to cut your hair, you look so much better with it short. but tsk tsk let’s fix your layers. If you’re going to cut your hair, do it right. Here, let me show you!’
First impression  When I learned Luna and Rolf had twins, I immediately thought of this kid I knew whose dad was a percussionist who loved to travel the world and collect non-western instruments. The kids was always wearing his wavy hair to his shoulders, putting on daishikis and woven vests from Peru, and generally looked like the son of a hippie traveller. Immediately, I had a mental picture of these kids.
Impression now  So, now I have very firm headcanons for them, and am a fan of Lysander and am shipping him with Lily. I’ve even written a ficlet. :P So I picture Lysander as someone who travels the world and wants to do a lot of good. He is a Mediwizard who was studying to become a full Healer- but in the meantime has been traveling the world and using his mediwizard abilities to help less fortunate people in third world countries/impoverished areas. He decided to abandon becoming a healer for a time, because there is a lot more oversight for healers when they enter countries- vs mediwizards can sort of go in under the radar and help heal people without oversight. He likes to help muggles- and think it’s basically immoral how wizards could cure most common muggle ailments, but don’t.
His brother Lorcan is more an adventurer who loves mountain climbing, hiking etc. He occasionally does help with villages and such, but usually just clues Lysander into ‘oh I came across this kid with a messed up foot in this village’ then Sander is on it.
Favorite moment n/a
Idea for a story - Got one going already! :D I’d like some more stories about his work in villages and such.
Unpopular opinion  Lysander is brown eyed and blonde haired, while Lorcan is black haired and blue eyed. Neither are super into animals once they’re older.
Favorite relationship  His and Lily’s, now. :)
Favorite headcanon  I think I covered most of it. bUT MAN, I can’t believe I’ve only posted the twins once. I know I’ve sketched them before, but I guess I never posted it :P  
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