#lauren mallard
egobraindeath 2 days
馃Ψi am the mother of cruelty馃Ψ
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mother lauren WIP idk if i鈥檒l finish
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bulkhummus 17 days
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call. me. motherrrrrrr
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thingsaday 17 days
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this last Welcome To Night Vale Episode was the most Welcome To Night Valey in a while
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crabjest 1 month
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Welcome to Night Vale has been living in my head for basically my entire life (elementary school. Explodes.) anyways I relapsed for the 50th time, heres what the major freaks look like in my brain
Also episode 51 doodle because what the fuck. And Cecil on my microbiology
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vintagecandy 3 months
Can we get a drawing of lauren doing some Strex Girlbossing?
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Another ask also wanted to see her in "casual clothes" but I totally remembered it as "pajamas" for some reason lol, though-- I feel Lauren's most comfortable outfit is at best a blouse and khakis until she finally sleeps, so this kind of tracks.
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smilingsynernist 3 months
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This time, I tried a retro style C:
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kerink 11 months
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girl moment
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lytorika 7 months
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"I'm only allowed to tell people happy news, and if I told you what the smiling god really thinks of you, you'd become sad and the smiling god does not like it when you're sad-"
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leconcombrerit 7 months
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I sketched more fits, no one can stop me I'm having too much fun with that. The theme would be girlbossing your way to semi-godhood or something.
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frosted-co0kies 4 days
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wtnv x deltarune crossover :3
that radio desk table is horrendously inaccurate but i didnt wanna look it up & draw it properly ,,,,,,,my b
cecil said mother lauren had "long" eyes so i immediately thought of analog horror eyes. ive always wanted to liquify tool
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alexalmonds 2 months
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I deleted all of my old post, cause of fear (ai shit that was happening)
Here all my favorite ones
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egobraindeath 6 days
馃寘 the original office siren 馃寘
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bulkhummus 7 months
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mother lauren
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ok but episode 43 "Visitor" is like. actually kinda scary
Not in a "omg that creature was sooo creepy" kinda way maybe, but Strexcorp literally. Left a violently programmed artifical creature in his booth. With the intention of scaring him into obedience
Like. They maimed his cat to try to get him to stop being so into having rights. That was clearly sending a message that they were willing to hurt his loved ones. And doesn't Lauren start asking about Janice and Carlos a few episodes later?
Jesus, that must've been terrifying. Can you imagine having your employer almost kill your cat and then start threatening your niece and boyfriend?
No wonder they were able to break Kevin so thoroughly. It's honestly surprising Cecil managed to avoid that
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juneofbones 18 days
Cecil's genuine fear at his voice being taken really hit me. Cecil's voice is his weapon, his only weapon, really, and while it's been coopted before, it's never happened quite like this. It doesn't even seem like he recognizes Lauren, not really. Not when it's just him in his mind. It's freaky, and this episode was really effective in setting up crazy suspense for this whole arc.
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Night Vale Obscure Ship Tournament
Welcome one and all to the Night Vale Obscure Ship Tournament! This is to determine once and for all what is the best obscure Night Vale ship. This tournament brings together canon pairings from the supplementary media (like the books), fandom crack ships, rarepairs, and could-have-beens. Some of these ships have large fanbases on Tumblr, but are more lacking on other platforms. Some of these ships will genuinely make you question who in the world is interested in that. And all of these ships are up for your vote, starting tomorrow!
Official Bracket:
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On the left we have:
Nilanjanet (Nilanjana Sikdar/Janet Lubelle) vs Kasvin (Kasper Rhodes/Kevin)
Cecearl (Cecil Gerswhin Palmer/Earl Harland) vs Charlos (Carlos Robles/Charles)
Josh/Monty vs Danielauren (Daniel/Lauren Mallard)
Kascil (Kasper Rhodes/Cecil Gerswhin Palmer) vs Blake/Larry Leroy
On the right we have:
Mallardinal (Lauren Mallard/Dana Cardinal) vs Pawn Sherrif (Jackie Fierro/Sherrif Sam)
Toxic Science (Blake Jones/Janet Lubelle) vs Pizzacat (Silas the Thief/Big Rico Goldblum)
Radio Scientology (Cecil Palmer/Kevin/Carlos Robles/Charles) vs Women's Wrong's (The Faceless Old Woman/The Woman From Italy)
Laurbelle (Lauren Mallard/Janet Lubelle) vs Kasplake (Kasper Rhodes/Blake Jones)
Vote correctly, or never see your loved ones again.
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