#last twilight series
jimmysea · 6 months
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Do you still think I feel pity for you?
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grapejuicegay · 6 months
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I haven't got a job. Why not? I think they only want clean people. They haven't taken that thing off yet? It's gone. But I guess some people still see it.
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25shadesoffebruary · 5 months
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One Palm Distance
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heretherebedork · 7 months
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I am pretty sure Day had six awakenings in this moment and he isn't ready to face a single one.
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uppoompat · 7 months
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Until the last light goes out, I will never never go of your hand.
LAST TWILIGHT (2023) Dir. Aof Noppharnach Chaiyahwimhon
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asiandramas-takeover · 4 months
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Someone made this (not me can’t find the source) & my god is it tough in bl land.
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ohshinytrinketsmine · 5 months
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Last Twilight, Ep 8
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tinycowboybro · 6 months
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ok still thinking about episode 6 and i just can’t get over that Mhok was CRYING during this interaction
there were so many other moments when it would have make sense to see Mhok cry; being told to leave the birthday party, realizing he liked Day at the bridge, seeing August kiss Day, but he didn’t because those moments all revolve around his own feelings
no, what made Mhok cry was that August hurt Day. It’s Day’s feelings that make Mhok cry, knowing that August was pitying Day and saying those hurtful things while Day was standing right there. He’s frustrated and hurt and he’s hurt for Day too.
Mhok is just so incredibly empathetic and it kills me that he thinks he’s not soft or tender because he is, he is so full of love that he cries for the boy he loves when the boy’s crush hurts him even though he was willing to step aside for him (initially at least., Mhok is only human and i’m glad he was ready to fight back for Day with the sunflower at the end bc i am an August hater first)
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dribs-and-drabbles · 7 months
Let's talk about... Mhok's Fart Proudly t-shirt
Let's be honest here, this IS a ridiculous shirt. But it is just so Director Aof to put one of his characters in such a ridiculous shirt during a poignant scene.
This is Baseball Mom 2.0
And I say that not only because it's ridiculous but because, just like Baseball Mom, it also has a deeper meaning connected to the narrative - as is Aof's style - and it's what I adore about his work, that he puts so much attention to detail into the characters' wardrobe.
But on to the shirt.
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If we can get past the loudness of the "FART PROUDLY" we can see the rest of the text reads approximately as thus:
I believe a fart is a healthy, natural thing - and is nothing to be embarrassed about. I have pledged myself to changing society's attitude towards farts by showing that I am not afraid to release my farts freely - wherever, whenever - and without shame.
And yes, it's about farts BUT the underlying messages here are the parts I have highlighted.
Throughout ep 2, Mhok tries to encourage Day to get out of his room, to "open his eyes" to things, to remind him the rest of his body still 'works' ("Your hands are available" / "You can still hear"), to try things before dismissing them. He learns that Day is scared of how he is perceived by others and tells Aon there's nothing to be embarrassed about. He asks Day why he cares what people think...all the while knowing to some capacity what it's like to to be judged on face-value. And Mhok is able to let that judgement roll off him, it seems he's able to meet his challenges without shame.
After Mhok gets fired, he uses this confidence to spend time in the market blindfolded. He's not afraid to feel uncomfortable and vulnerable in order to understand Day and what he's experiencing. He proudly endeavours to navigate through the space and to eat without his sight regardless of what others may think of him. He feels the fear, but does it anyway. He has no qualms about doing more than necessary - after all he could have just walked away and not thought about Day again. But, as the wardrobe choices tell us as well, the best never rest. And Mhok is one of the best.
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Day used to be "a guy with confidence", and Mhok is trying to give that back to him. The t-shirt also asks "Can I count on you, now, to stand behind me?" which, in the context of the farting, could be 'are you willing to endure my farts?' or 'will you join me in farting freely', but with Mhok and Day it's 'are you with me? Can you be brave enough to not be embarrassed? To say fuck it and live your life regardless of others?' and/or 'will you let me help and protect you?'.
Mhok cares a lot. Not about what others think of him - he had no hesitation to get naked and let people watch when Day asked ('do this and I'll forgive you' -> 'how brave are you? how brave can you be for me?') - but about Day and the other people in his life. And Day is also starting to care - he not only left his house to see Mhok but agreed to let a relative stranger take him to a very crowded and, having been shut in his room for a year, what must have been a very scary place. Which makes Day's t-shit in this scene equally fitting. "Capacity Intensive Care".
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It may be small now - their care and affection for each other - but it will soon grow, even if they don't see it yet. But they'll both be getting "more care, more often, right where [they] live".
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cornflowershade · 6 months
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𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙏𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 - 𝙀𝙥. 𝟮 | 𝙀𝙥. 𝟯 —𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢 𝘵𝘢𝘥 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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jimmysea · 5 months
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So you've seen everything you want to see? Not yet. There's still one last image.
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grapejuicegay · 6 months
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#happy feet insp. by @laowen (x)
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25shadesoffebruary · 4 months
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Day + Children
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heretherebedork · 5 months
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I made a choice, Day.
(In which Mhok is choosing his love for Day and his want for Day's independence and freedom over his job as Day's caretaker because he will never be able to be free to love Day the way he deserves if he is working for his mother, if he is caught up in the family dynamics. He must be able to love Day as himself, on his own, without that holding him trapped in painful patterns.)
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uppoompat · 6 months
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smitten level: 10000 🥰
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iguessitsjustme · 4 months
I want Mhok to truly ghost. Disappear. I want Porjai to call Night looking for Day and for Day to tell her what happened. I want her to show up and yell at Day and let all of her worried about Mhok come to the surface. I want her to say “the last time I couldn’t find him, his sister died. What if it’s him this time?” I want Mhok to go to Hawaii and send Porjai a post card so she knows he’s alright. And I want Day to spend the time skip becoming independent and capable and worried. So, so worried because Mhok is gone and he has no way to know anything. Day’s gone to his house to find it vacant. Eventually Porjai tells him she got the post card so she knows Mhok is okay but that’s it. Day has to live with his regret. That *he* put his blindness over Mhok’s feelings and pain and hurt. And now Mhok is gone.
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