#lake guardians
quikyu · 10 months
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The Protecteurs of Wawa. Or the Lake Guardians. Either is fine
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insecateur · 1 month
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reposting these team galactic professor rowans from 2016 for @bedruil 👁️ evil old man whomst i should draw again someday
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lampette · 8 months
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Recent page from my Pokemon fancomic, Shadow of the Sun. I was very proud of how this turned out that I figured I’d share as its own piece. This depicts the Divine Wheel, which is believed to be the form of the universe in the world of SOTS. Arceus, the All-Mother, is the creator—son Dialga the turner of the wheel—daughter Palkia the preserver—and child Giratina, who will end the world when the time comes and return everything to the Unknowable, where everything begins and ends. The 18 spokes represent the elemental types, which all Pokemon cycle through as they reincarnate.
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
What do Azelf Mesprit and Uxie think about twig. Formerly being a human?
Uxie wouldn’t have much to say on the matter— he’d be intrigued by Twig’s origins and her slowly recovering memories, but he’s a reserved soul who prefers to ponder things in solitude, save for the presences of his siblings. He might mention his theories about the differences between his domain of wisdom and the little control he has over memories, wondering why he can’t restore dormant memories despite being able to erase them.
Mesprit would be very enthusiastic about the emotional aspect of Twig’s transformation into a charmander. She might be a bit intense about offering her sympathy, but if she and Twig were to have some time to bond and Twig would become comfortable enough to be emotionally vulnerable instead of just describing traumatic events without any emotional engagement as she recites them, Mesprit would be able to tell Twig some important things that’d trigger some deep catharsis for her. If this happened, Twig’s 100% not gonna come out of the conversation without having cried enough to fill a small swimming pool and feeling lighter than before she heard Mesprit tell her (in language that resonates with her) that what happened to her was messed up and that she should be super angry at what happened to her.
Azelf, like Uxie, is more quiet than his sister, and isn’t much of a talker. However, he’d have a deep admiration for Twig and her determination to protect her loved ones no matter what it takes. He’d probably warn her about the dangers of misplaced willpower and tell her to mind what she stakes her motivation on, that shame is no true source of will no matter how it tries to convince people it is.
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sol-lar-bink · 7 months
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Since when did he become a baby-sitter?
Some silly doodles with a new style I wanted to try out. This all came to mind after I bought this lil cutie vvv
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The Tinkatink is from an old post if you remember (: Petilil was a fun extra
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reddiamond505 · 8 months
the lake guardians
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they're underrated tbh
+i find the fact that azelf can explode hilarious, thats why its my fav
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is this anything, i dont know maybe not
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clouded-chaos · 26 days
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Sorry I’ve been gone! Been dealing with artist block.
These Latios and Latias came to me in a dream, so I made more changed Legendaries!
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jugofthebug · 1 month
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Fakemon dump, secondary Legendaries edition all of my fakemon can be found here 1- Ormaxim: Ghost/Dragon, A former human general of an ancient civilisation of Gado. He was killed by Ragnoroma, and then reincarnated into a Pokemon to learn a lesson. His human soul is trapped within the lantern, and will finally be unlocked when he changes his heart; finally putting him to rest. 2- Glaesius: Ice, A lost member of the Legendary Beasts. He embodies the freezing chill of ice, along with its cold nature. It is reclusive and cold, just like its ice. He keeps the colder regions cold, fighting against global warming. A corrupt company captured Glaesius, and brought him to Gado. 3- Dentikion: Fighting/Ground, A lost member of the Swords of Justice. He seems to be closely related to Terrakion, sharing his protective nature of smaller, innocent Pokemon. He fought with him, Virizion, and Cobalion to protect the pokemon of Unova from humans. He was captured and taken away from his group by a corrupt Gadonian company. 4- Umaflis: Pyshic, A Pokemon that has hidden itself away from the world. Being the creator of the Lake Trio, it was targeted by Team Galactic before they settled for Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf instead. It is the embodiment of Knowledge, Emotion, and Willpower, its power faltering after gifting its creations those powers. She was captured by a corrupt company set in Gado and taken away from Sinnoh.
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frowny-clowny · 3 months
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Hey @the-exhausted-xexandaler you have pretty cool dreams. I spelt it differently so that its faerie/fairy name elements are more apparent.
From this post I found
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pooka167 · 2 years
PLA Dad Ingo and Uncle Emmet AU part 2
so here's part 2! I have such PLA brainrot its unbelievable...I blame my weakness for found family, especially the accidental child acquisition variety XD You can read part 1 here! I have also decided that Akari is not Dawn. I'm also aware I should probably name this au but I honestly cannot think of anything.
Back in Hisui Akari throws herself into the pokedex research, helping Volo along the way by capturing the likes of Heatran, Regigigas, Cresselia and receiving their plates as well. It's slow going but Akari is determined to get it done.
Those around her such as Rei and Laventon worry she is overworking herself in order to distract herself from Warden Ingo's absence. Akari denies this when asked but deep down she knows they're right. However she still refuses to listen to their urging to take it easy.
Akari rarely rests, running herself into the ground over the weeks to get closer to completing her goal. Volo who in the poor girls mind is one of the few people she can trust plays the perfect confidant, subtly manipulating Akari so that her attention shifts less on finding pokemon and more so on finding the plates. Two months after Ingo's departure there's only two plates left to find the ghost plate and the fist plate.
Of course Akari doesn't know Volo has had the ghost plate all along, the man in question is very pleased with their fast progress and thinks to himself perhaps he should have gotten rid of Ingo himself earlier if it meant Akari would listen so easily to him. Not that there's much to be done now Warden Ingo is gone and isn't going to be a problem anymore (That's what he thinks)
In fact the only way Akari properly rests these days is when Lady Sneasler finds her if she's in the highlands (Sneasler finds her every time). The noble will find Akari put her in her basket and carry her to her den and promptly depsoit her amongst her newest kits who excited to see one of their babysitters shower her with affection and then fall asleep on her. This leaves Akari with no choice but to stay there so as not to disturb them. She knows Sneasler is trying to look out for her in Ingo's stead so she can't be too upset when the noble tricks her into resting.
Due to Ingo's absence Akari not wanting to potentially cause tensions between Jublife and the Clans Akari is forced to return to Jublife more often. She knows she could still use Ingo's tent but finds herself unable to stay there because she misses him so much. She does however take one of his spare tunics and keeps it in her house in Jublife.
Sometimes when the whispers get too much or after she's forced into a meeting with Kammado (Rei, Cyllene and Laventon refuse to let her be alone with him, Akari is very grateful) she'll hug it close. As much as Akari misses him she can't regret sending him back to his brother.
Its two weeks later Akari finally works up the courage to face Kammado at Volo's urging. The crafty merchant gently tells her that she needs to face her fear so she can prove to herself Kammado can't pull a stunt like he did again. Akari while not entirely convinced agrees if only becomes Volo has always been kind to her and the fact he promises to stay nearby just in case.
Volo smirks to himself as he watches Akari face and defeat Kammado and subsequently receive the fist plate, it really has been too easy to manipulate the girl while she's missing the Warden. He tells Akari to meet him at the Temple of Sinnoh and she agrees saying she'll meet him there in two days time. Not knowing his true intentions and just how much danger she is in.
Meanwhile back in the present Emmet and Ingo after a hasty call to Elesa about Ingo's return and a request for her to ask Skyla when the next flight to Sinnoh will be the two begin to prepare for their Journey.
This of course means not 10 minutes after his call Elesa is at their door and sweeping the two of them into a hug before yelling at Ingo for disappearing and worrying them all for so long. Emmet leaves Ingo to explain himself to their best friend and sister and continues to prepare for going to Sinnoh.
Elesa at first wants to come with them but the twins gently remind her that Nimbasa city cannot be left without all of them for long and they do not know how long they will be gone for. Elesa reluctantly agrees on the condition the twins keep her updated as much as possible. They agree and spend a few days with Elesa as they make arrangements for the battle subway and such. Elesa agrees to take care of the pokemon they're not bringing and also agrees to manage the press while they're both away.
The two make their way to Mistralton City to meet Skyla. The gym leader is ready to go on their arrival and the twins waste no time. During the flight they learn all they can about Sinnoh's legendary pokemon and agree the best place to start is with the legendary lake trio after Ingo reveals that an item called the red chain was made from items received during trials with Lake guardians to help tame Dialga and Palkia. The two however are unable to find anything about the Temple of Sinnoh but agree to check out Spear Pillar on Mt Coronet due to the location.
It's through their research they learn about the story of creation and how Arceus and the world came to be. Based off what little Akari told him about her 'mission' and coupled with the presence of her Arc-phone in the past Ingo concludes that Arceus is most likely responsible for Akari ending up in Hisui. Though Ingo is still unsure of how exactly he ended up in Hisui. Emmet on the other is downright gleeful that they are potentially going to fight a god(he deserves to work through all his emotions due to past and current events and beating a god would be very good catharsis for him).
Once landing in Jublife the two get to work making their way to Lake Verity first. They stop to rest in Sandgem town and this is where Ingo and Emmet meet Lucas on their way to the pokemon centre. Ingo is struck by how much Lucas resembles Rei and while at the pokecentre the two end up striking up conversation with him. When they find out he is helping out professor Rowan the two ask if he knows anything about Mespirit, Azelf and Uxie. Lucas is happy to help them when they explain they are simply researching Legendary pokemon and their interest has brought them to Sinnoh. Of course it helps that the twins in turn tell Lucas the tale of Reshiram and Zekrom, who is enthralled and thanks them profusely.
After talking with Lucas and resting for the night the two make their way to the lake and to Ingo's surprise find Mespirit waiting for them. The two stick close to each other while Ingo explains why they are here. Mespirit is the being of emotion and questions Emmet on his feelings during is brothers absence and reappearance. Emmet answers freely and Ingo feels awful for putting his brother through all that with his unscheduled departure but it's Mespirits final question that catches them both off guard, because they thougt the answer was obvious.
Mespirit asks Emmet why he seems to care so much for a girl he's never met. To the twins who before Ingos abrupt disappearance had always been together its a very innocuous question. Emmet simply responds "I am Emmet, my brother is verrrry important to me, of course I would align my tracks and care for someone he does" Ingo is touched nonetheless that his brother already cares greatly for Akari. They do not receive a piece to make the red chain but they do leave with Mespirit's approval. That has to count for something. The brothers don't let a small change in tracks derail them. They press on.
The two head to Lake Valor next in search of Azelf and this time its Ingo who is put to the test. Azelf is brutal in its endeavor to test Ingo's will, Ingo however is unyielding nothing is stopping him from getting back to his daughter and bringing her home, mission assigned to her by Arceus or not. She was a child his child, Akari was coming home with them no matter what. He pours all his frustration at the situation that he and Akari were forced in into passing Azelf's trial and it pays off. He passes the trial with Emmet applauding him and that only leaves one guardian left Uxie. Again they do not receive Azelf's piece for the red chain but leave with its blessing.
So they begin to travel to Lake Acuity intent on facing the final guardian before the try to track down Dialga or Palkia. At this point they've been in Sinnoh for around a month. Emmet can see the toll this taking on his brother, can see the urgency in his brother's actions as he rushes through safety checks and does his best to comfort him. Emmet has never been great at talking that had always been Ingo but he does know how to put his brother at ease. So for most of their journey he goes into detail about his strategies to beat Arceus into the ground, cheerfully citing that since his wonderful Electross has the levitate ability (I know abilities aren't a thing in legends but this my au and I say they will) and therefore has no weaknesses for Arceus to exploit unless the damn thing has mold-breaker. It has the intended effect and soon he and Ingo are bickering good-naturedly about type matchups and strategies as they travel.
Ingo knows what his brother is doing and is very thankful for it. It makes their long trek up the snowy path to Lake Acuity pass by quicker, though when they rest for the evening there are some nights where Ingo lays awake worrying. Is Akari resting enough, are the villagers leaving her alone, is she eating properly? A million worries zip through his mind like a runaway train. There's a sinking feeling in his gut that tells him she needs his help and Ingo would be dammed if he didn't get to her in time.
When they finally arrive at Lake Acuity they've been in Sinnoh for just under two months and meeting with Uxie confirms Ingo's worst fears. Uxie is the guardian of the mind and is able to communicate with Ingo and Emmet with it taking less of a toll on him. Uxie has no trial for them instead the pokemon explains why they have not received the items from its counterparts.
"The rulers of time and space will come when you call for them at the top of spear pillar, the lost one is in need of you. Their are powerful forces at play. The creator and the banished each have their own agenda. The lost one has been betrayed once more."
The guardian's words alone are enough to send Ingo into a deadly rage, the conductor spits out countless threats about Kammado and Beni, promising hell if they'd dared harm is child once more.
This leaves Emmet to be calm collected twin for once (he isn't sure he likes it). His own anger accumulating inside but Emmet shoves it down, Ingo and his niece both needed him to keep a level head, there would be a time to work out his own anger just not now. While Ingo is busy going feral, Emmet decides to ask the million dollar question of who exactly has betrayed the niece he has yet to meet. Uxie's reply is simply "The merchant" it tells them.
Ingo goes still and feels mouth go dry. His mind playing back to the times Volo appeared to ask questions about both his and Akari's experience beyond the rift. His weird fixation on the rift and the events surrounding it in general. How he was always around to conveniently help when it was needed. His vested interest and need of Akari even after the rift was shut. It makes Ingo's blood boil to the point his pokeballs are shaking as his pokemon respond to his volatile emotions as he snarls. "Volo you bastard"
Emmet is worried for a moment his brother may fully lose it then and there taken aback by his cursing, but after a few moments Ingo takes in a shaky breath and releases it. Then in voice contorted with a carefully controlled fury he looks his brother in the eye and says. "All aboard Emmet we make our tracks for Mt. Coronet and nothing will derail us from our destination."
Emmet can do nothing, would do nothing else but follow his brother as Ingo whirls around to make for the exit of the cavern, his black coat billowing behind him. This Volo character won't know what hit them when the two of them show up. Emmet doubted there'd be much of a person left if Akari was hurt when they got there by the time Ingo and himself were done with them.
The journey to Spear Pillar is a blur to Ingo, his barely concealed rage is simmering just beneath the surface held together only by the thought of getting to Akari on time and Emmet's reassuring presence at his side. He is grateful to find both Dialga and Palkia waiting for them within what is now Spear Pillar. They are both stamping at the ground seemingly agitated in response to Ingo and Emmet's own emotions and summoned by their urgency. Without needing to ask the two legendary beasts roar and power surges through the temple. A portal appears as wind whips around them and neither twin hesitates to step in.
"Hang on Akari we're coming"
Phew, man I thought my last post was long...this one is even longer I feel. There's definitely going to be another part to this. I originally planned to end this with them arriving and like an epic line by Emmet. I'm still including the line in the next part but if I got to that point here it'd be a mile long. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this!
Part 3 can now be found here!
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cyanophen · 1 month
since I did Miraidon and koraidon
[im going to put up another poll with the other trios/duos/quartets dw]
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cynderblaze · 9 months
Lake Guardians combined with Sonic characters!
Blaze Uxie, Tikal Mesprit, and Espio Azelf!
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tarynstunes · 2 years
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
If someone defeated the lake guardians would they get all three of thier abilites?
It would be neat to say yes to this and imagine a scenario where someone had the power to manipulate the both the wisdom, emotions, and willpower of mortals in unison, but I think the answer is no.
I’m not 100% decided on this, but I’m thinking that in order for a Legend to die, a mortal must deal the fatal blow, or at least be in very close proximity when they pass— a mortal must be present to receive the Legend’s immortality in exchange for their death. So if you were to kill one member of the Lake Guardian trio, you would become immortal upon that first battle’s conclusion— and therefore would be unable to provide the mortality necessary to kill the rest of the trio and absorb their powers.
So yeah. People in my PMD worldbuilding like to think that mortals can’t kill Legends, but it’s really Legends who can’t— at least not without a volunteer mortal around to house their victim’s released divinity.
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strawberiimocha · 4 months
cyrus represents the 3 lake guardians
yes, even mesprit, the being of emotion. shocker i know.
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