#kym answers things
stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
honestly maybe it's just me but buck is literally repeating the same steps as with natalia and taylor as with tommy. they meet, he has a crush, go on a date, it's awful and the date leaves, they then come back, then try for real. Like it sounds like even though Buck is off the hamster wheel in regards to his sexuality he very much is still on the hamster wheel when it comes to repetitive mistakes when it comes to his relationships.
Hey Nonnie
I woudn't say that at all. Yes of course there are some similarities - there always will be - between Buck dating Tommy and the Buck who dated Taylor or Natalia. But the reality is they are worlds apart.
For starters Tommy didn't leave because the date was awful, he left to give Buck some space to do a bit more figuring out - he said so himself that his what he was doing. He chose to leave the ball in Bucks court, understanding this was a big new thing for him and that it wouldn't be right to continue anything until Buck was ready. Buck then contacted him when he was and they met up and decided mutually to give things ago.
This is very different to both Taylor and Natalia - both of whom left after something big had happened in Bucks life (Eddie being shot and Kameron popping up out of seemingly nowhere) and then they were the ones to come back - to chase after Buck.
Look we can have whole conversations about the chasing being chased aspect of things but the long and short of it is That both Taylor and (to a lesser extent) Natalia, Ali and Abby chased Buck in one way or another and when it suited them. Tommy has never chased Buck - he shot his shot, sure, made his interest known, but he hasn't once chased Buck. Buck has always mistaken things for him doing the chasing (he is an very unreliable narrator) becuse he gets invested fast and so pursues things. His mistake is moving to fast - falling to quickly for people.
This is the major fundamental difference with Tommy, who is older and wiser and settled with who he is and what he wants. He also has the understanding of being queer and coming out later in life - of discovering that part of yourself that has been hidden and the fact it might take Buck a minute to figure out things.
The other big thing for me is the level of honest Buck is being here - this isn't something we've seen before in this way. He has been completely up front with Tommy when it has been important for him to be so (I would argue he did do the same for Natalia but that he was more forced into it by circumstance). That coffee they had was a very very clear example of that, he sat down, appologised and laid his cards out on the table. He's told the two most important people in his life that he's bi and interested in Tommy and yes maybe going to a wedding is a bit fast, but he also knows most of the people there so he's not walking in to a big unknown in t hat respect and he has a lot of goodwill with the firefam at this moment after flying them to the curise ship so they could rescue Athena and Bobby.
In all honesty I'm far more circumspect about Natalias behaviour as well - far more than a large portion of fandom was towards her. Did I like her as a character or for Buck, No I didn't, but she also didn't do all that much wrong in my eyes, her wanting to take a minute when presented with all that Bucks life is, to think things through before jumping into something is perfectly acceptable and healthy behaviour. The reality is that she was more interested in Bucks death than she was in his life and thats probably what brought her back - that itching need to know more about his death and what it was like.
But she came into his life when he was in a rough place mentally and it was never going to go well for that reason alone. All of Bucks girlfriends have that in common - they met him on the job and then come inot his life when he is having some form of internal crisis. Abby when he had just lost his first person on the job - making him emotionally vulnerable. Ali when he's accepted his relationship with Abby wasn't going anywhere a new guy had just started at work (yes they were getting on by this point but it is still new and an unknown) and his sister had just come back into his life after having had no contact for several years - and he knows she's in a fragile place. Taylor messes hm around but when she comes back into his life and wants to date him - Eddie has just been shot and he's looking after Christopher - he's massively emotionally compromised. None of these are good times to start a romantic relationship.
That isn't the case with Tommy - Bucks actually in a pretty decent place - yes the whole discovering he's queer could be argued as making him emotionally compromised, but he's being given the grace to do things at his own pace - in a healthy way - Tommy is letting Buck dictate the pace they go at.
We also have to remember that we are in a tv show - every single character who isn't a main (or to a certain extent a recurring) is there to act as a storytelling vehicle for one of the mains - their character traits are always going to be those which help get a main character from A to B, to move the story along and to make sure our mains learn something about themselves and their fellow mains along the way.
Abby was about getting Buck from being a bit of a clueless player into a long term (ish) relationship - about growing him out of his jock ways and getting him (and us) to recognise that he isn't a player that he wants real love and a long term relationship. Ali was about him getting over his first big disappointment - about getting hm to move on and about getting him his own place to exist. Taylor was about learning what love didn't look like, about how to treat others and showing him what he wasn't looking for and teaching him not to compromise on his morals. Natalia was all about Buck reconciling himself with his death and rebirth and as soon as he had done that, she was gone.
Tommy is about Buck discovering his queer identity, having a safe space to explore that and about getting him ready for Eddie - its why Tommy is soooo similar to Eddie - Buck will come out of this relationship (whatever form it takes) understanding who he is, and recognising what he wants is what he already almost has - Eddie.
Tommy is also about helping manoeuvre Eddie into questioning himself - another reason why he is so similar to Eddie - Eddie needed to see a gay version of himself - and with Buck to actually start thinking about himself and who he is and what he wants.
So all this to say that Nonnie - Buck has very much got off that hamster wheel and he is very much not making the same mistakes over again. I'm very excited to see how it continues to play out and I'm overjoyed with how the show is handling telling this story.
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theladyyavilee · 1 year
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Sending you tea to make you feel better and chase the lurgy away 😘💜😘💜😘💜😘💜😘💜
ngl this made me tear up a little, you are THE SWEETEST KYM, thank youuuu <3 (also yes, I DID have to google lurgy xDD I love learning new british words xDDD <3)
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rpvlix · 1 year
Kym for reasons idk
Falling out of the sky meme
It's just one thing after another.
She could have caught herself, perhaps, if she'd been conscious. But alas, no such luck, and she crashes all the way down to Earth, landing on some poor soul.
Idemer doesn't sit too high above Earth, but certainly far enough that she took some damage upon entering the atmosphere. 'A bit singed' would be an understatement.
But, if she were going to land on any living thing, perhaps it's best that thing be Atieno. Surely there aren't too many other beings that would survive a flaming, 6,000lb woman hurtling into them at terminal velocity... Atieno can survive that, right? Well, this will be a very awkward situation for her to wake up to, regardless.
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ferrstappen · 6 months
could you be more obvious? l MV1
a/n: thissss is based on a request I got and ofc I added the Verstappen twins <3 this is messy I’m sorry but I’m on a writing mood
summary: you show up pregnant for the first race of 2024, just six months after Max won his 3rd WDC.
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Max being crowned world champion for the third time was something that made your skin buzz with excitement, a knot form in your throat seeing everything he’s achieved and the pride and satisfaction of knowing that every single person on the team had his back, was definitely one of the best sights.
But for Luca and Mila Verstappen, their papa being champion again time wasn’t exactly a big deal… they knew it was important because there were lots of fireworks and special tshirts, but they were born watching Max a champion, they only knew him as such.
what, like it’s a big deal?
They didn’t say it, but you knew that’s what was on their mind.
That was the reason why both Max and you decided to not bring the twins to Qatar, especially with the high temperatures and Luca’s history of getting sick during Grand Prix weekends, they were more than happy to stay with auntie Vic while you got ready to celebrate your husband.
And God, did you celebrate him.
Without the twins, the gin and tonics kept coming, the sloppy make out session on the VIP area of the club as if you were teenagers again, his front pressed against your back as he tried to impress you with his best moves, only to earn a couple of drunken giggles and peck on the lips.
Things were starting to quiet down, lots of people had already left to their hotel room, but you and Max were on a world of your own, with you sitting on top of him, but the moment you started feeling his lips ghosting against your neck, his hands moving from your waist to squeeze your hip.
and you knew it was time to go.
Bahrain, 2024
Max didn’t remember being so excited for race day. Yes, he was anxious for the new season, but the highlight of his day was seeing you getting ready, a loose blouse and white jeans accentuating the noticeable belly of six months of pregnancy, which was a complete surprise to everyone.
You entered the paddock through the main entrance, with photographers everywhere and Kym Ilman greeting your family, because the scene was worth more than a couple thousand likes on Instagram: you were holding Mila’s hand who in return was holding Luca’s, while Max walked with his arm protectively around your belly.
The twins weren’t exactly thrilled about the idea of having a baby brother or sister, a fact they made clear by asking every day if there was any chance to stop the baby from coming home eventually, telling you and Max that they were more than okay having the cats. Sadly, they were the only ones
“No! No! No! Is that why you went MIA on social media? Oh my God look at this bump! Congratulations you two,” Lily let go of Alex’s hand to give you a tight hug as Alex congratulated Max with a couple of pats on the back.
The scene repeated itself with most drivers on the grid, who didn’t ask how far along you were, but were able to deduce the situation. Until…
“How far along are you?” Charles asked you as he held Luca on his arms, letting him mess with his hair.
You blushed and Max’s chest puffed as if he has been waiting for the question. “I’m a couple of days away from the six months mark,”
Charles looked as if he was doing a very specific and difficult math problem as his girlfriend, Alexandra, stares at him with a faint blush on her cheeks, probably since she has always been more reserved around you because she was younger, but she was impatiently waiting for her boyfriend to catch on the situation.
“This is a 2023 season baby?” Charles asked.
“Looks like it,” Max answered with a smug smile on his face, but in reality it was an excited grin which reached his blue eyes.
“No…” Charles jaw dropped and had to put Luca on the floor.
“No what?” Max counter asked, even if he knew the answer. This time he started drawing mindless shapes on the clothes over your swollen stomach.
“Max… is this your championship child?” Charles whispered, shocked.
“What can I say? Winning on and off the track!”
And Charles almost passed out as both you and Max laughed, beaming while interlacing your fingers over your belly, knowing cameras wouldn’t catch you there.
user1: Max knocked y/n up the night of the third championship change my mind
user2: Max Verstappen pulled a k-mag and I respect that
user3: do we know the birthday of the verstappen twins? Asking for a friend
user4: y/n and max will have a full kindergarten if they have a kid every time he wins the championship💀
user5: are we really surprised after those videos leaked of max squeezing her ass while they were celebrating the 3rd wdc
user6: if the maths are mathing this baby will be born around the Monaco gp. GODS PLAN
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useramor · 1 year
it shouldn't surprise me that ppl are being deliberately obtuse about all this, but i just have to say: we need to stop trying to apply real world standards to fiction. nothing that happens in a story is by accident, it happens based on the writer's choices, and based on the established rules of the fictional universe. couch = relationship has been a recurring theme of s6, whether you like it or not. also, buck didn't HAVE to go to eddie's to get peace and quiet. he could've easily gotten it in his loft, by putting up that note on his door and pretending he wasn't home. he could've refused to answer the door. they could've given us that conversation with maddie and then shown him going to the loft and finally falling asleep. but they didn't. they made the deliberate choice for eddie's house to be where buck could find comfort. that doesn't happen on accident.
YES ALL OF THIS! in real life, maybe the t-shirt is just blue, but in fiction? when absolutely anything and everything can be/is intentional? it's not "reaching" to find meaning in the fact that the blue is aquamarine and not cerulean, and i'm sure many of the people who write INCREDIBLE constume metas (kym, @stagefoureddiediaz i'm looking at you) would be happy to tell us the difference and why it matters. because, y'know, it does matter.
we know that couch = relationship. canonically, it is literally mentioned in the show, but not only that, oliver stark keeps pointing it out, making sure we know the couch is not only a metaphor but an important one.
and yes! he could've gotten peace and quiet in his loft, he could've even gone to a bar to be by himself, he could've done other things other than collapse on eddie's couch the second he got to his home (aka buck's safe space).
and as @poughkeepsies mentioned in this post, the fact that buck went to eddie's house is telling, too, because he wasn't in the coma dream, so eddie, no matter the time of day, is grounding for buck. he grounds him, he tethers him, he's his safe space. it's right there, and pretty blatantly obvious in the canon, too.
but ultimately, yeah, like you said, nonnie. we have to stop applying real life rules to fiction! it is intentional. and the choices they are making are deliberate. you can either choose to see them or pretend like you're surprised when buck and eddie get together.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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caityrayeraye · 11 months
💚 what are the things that you do when your sad to make yourself feel better? answer and send it to as many of your mutuals and followers as you want to💚
Cute animal photos/videos
Pictures/videos of my favorite celebrities
Talking to my sisters or friends
Being alone for a while
Anything that I find remotely funny
Reading fanfics
Just reading in general
@ferryportlandingmayor @m0thisonfire @kym-truestory @ladyelissarose @darkestmoon-98 @rainyhoundanimemusic @fuckyeah5sostakemehome @witchcraftandgeekness @ladybirdmacbeth
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charleslebatman · 1 year
So I think we need a summary of why the situation around Alexa is so weird and makes people suspicious. (Inspired by Steppy’s Lazy anon)
Cha&Cha break up early December, everything is fine and peachy
The rumours about Charles following this new girl start (my questions: who sent the rumours to gossip accounts? because why tf would people care about some rando girl Charles followed - he follows random people all the time - and why is this one different to the rest? My answer to both: i think she did start the rumours herself) - the girl’s account is private, but not her art account
Hate account about Alexa claiming she’s a prostitute (gets deleted after a while)
People are speculating whether she was with him in AbuDhabi based on the picture she posted on her TikTok (I think it was TikTok correct me if I’m wrong)
Charles’s training in Italy: people are speculating there’s a girl next to him at the hockey game
More rumours, and suddenly she is adding things into her bio on TikTok/other social media (flags and so on) - is she reading the gossip pages?
January: the Nahmias show on Paris fashion week - people are speculating if they are there together, no proof only later Nahmias behind the scenes video where she is
Not really a timed: multiple pics of Alexa are suddenly public, people have opinions over the heavy use of filters and photoshopping, one of Charles’s friends is celebrating birthday, people are speculating Alexa is there as well
February/ March: a photo of them from behind, but no faces are visible, it could also be Charlotte (later proven it was Alexa) (side note: me and my friends have more chemistry walking next to each other)
February/April: people claiming they saw them together, multiple bad videos of Charles driving his car with a person next to him, no face visible
March: creep Kym claiming he did an interview with wag that wishes to remain private: people are speculating if it’s Alexa or Yuki’s gf
April: she posted on her art account the red painting called “Waiting” - people think it’s her hinting (my opinion: definitely was hinting, this post she archived and then made public again the days before Monaco GP, not suspicious at all)
April/May: people are sending anonymous asks to gossip pages that Charles will launch Alexa on the Monaco GP, which doesn’t make sense to anyone with brain but alas it does happen (how did they know, because no one would be as stupid as to guess this? My opinion: miss A was maybe bit too active on gossip pages again)
Monaco GP: the day before the real hell (for ferrari fans) begun, there’s suddenly a fan video of Charles walking from a boat with Alexa behind him. Later he posts a picture with her hand, after that, it seems like she’s everywhere
Old pictures starts resurfacing, proving she is heavily editing her pictures
Pictures and videos from the paddock are appearing, people have different opinions whether she’s dressed appropriately/behaves nicely - lots of contradictory anonymous messages on gossip pages
Fanpages for Alexa start appearing out of nowhere, full with never seen before pictures and videos (yet people still claim she is shy and private)
Alexa starts following Andrea Ferrari and some other people, not Charles’s closest friends or family, she is ignored by the Leclercs in general (even Charles)
Forbes France video interview with Charles where he says he’s “en couple” meaning he’s taken
Post race APM Monaco party, Charles behaves like he doesn’t have Alexa following him, her wearing the same dress as to the race makes people go eeewww (really that’s kinda nasty) while Charles appears to be dressed in sweatpants and sweatshirt. She gets pretty much ignored and talked over by Marta and Charles, but not without a direct look into a conveniently placed nearby fan’s camera
Alexa is more active on her social media in the week between race weekends, posts TikToks that are directly replying to things people were saying on gossip pages the days before (the auction house jewellery)
Doesn’t appear in Barcelona
Few moments after ferrari post that Charles is done with the testing, she posts a story on her art account titled Milano, later she posts a video of a nature taken from a moving car (HINTING?)
Not spotted the first day while Charles is on the sim in the factory, then gets spotted in a car the next day (what was she even doing in there, while Charles worked? Holding his water bottle?)
Since Monaco Gp people were criticising Charles’ behaviour to her, claiming he’s very cold to her (I mean, I can see where they are coming from)
Today she appeared at the 24h LeMans, walking at least three metres behind Charles (in yet another not really practical for paddock visit dress), once again behind Joris (the babysitter)
Not mentioned: the is she from rich family discourse, what is she studying discourse and so on, for that, visit instagram gossip pages I guess
So besties, thoughts (and prayers for Charles)? Sorry if I missed anything, can’t remember it all hah.
Final opinion: she definitely went in for the famous person perks and ran into an imaginary wall of Charles wanting to be private and has to resort to hinting from her art page.
My advice: godspeed to Charles with whatever he got himself into with this girl and maybe try booking a therapist appointment and not a gf appointment next time (inevitably) 😂
With love, 🦁 (I want to have cool emoji okay?)
Bestie, 🦁 admit it you wrote all this like that.
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I'm more inclined to call you mastermind anon, for retracing the whole timeline so much it's a mess and nobody was understanding anything. 💀
It’s that we’re going to call me lazy admin now, so much I’ve lost my english and I want to answer to all of this in french. 😭
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
He had Kelly on his close friends so I guess he had the other wags there too 😭 // Before giving you all the information, I want to say that other F1 photographers can’t stand him. Most of us don’t like the way he works, it’s very invasive towards the drivers and very dishonest to other photographers. In case you’re wondering how I know this, I’ve been an F1 photographer for a few years so I know a lot about what’s going on around the paddock. You’re free to take this as you wish, I’m only here to share my thoughts. This is going to be long, my apologies.
You’d be surprised when I say not many of the wags are on his close friends. Only Kelly, Caterina and Charlotte have made it there because they were the only ones who really interacted with him regularly. Kelly is still there, but Caterina and Charlotte aren’t there anymore because they have run their course as F1 wags. When Cate was still dating Pierre she would let Kym know she was going to be there almost a week before without Pierre’s knowledge. She would also tell him when they were on their way to the track. Occasionally he would give her fashion advice on what to wear to stand out more than other wags. He would call her “My dear Caterina”.
Charlotte did something like that too but only when she needed more attention. Whenever she needed to deny rumors she would call him and tell him where and when to photograph her. The bicycle entrance was a PR stunt from her part, according to Kym himself.
Kelly is his new Cate and Egle will soon be it. This is why we see more pictures of her than any other wag. She lets him know she’ll be there days prior to the start of the race weekend and lets him know when they’re on their way to the track. During Monza she was not going to be at the track initially because she had some issues according to Kym, but he convinced her on going and she did so. I think she was sick or something happened because she didn’t seem happy at all on the paddock.
Egle let him know she was going to be on the paddock too and he was really excited about it. That’s why she made a grand entrance with that awful outfit. The wags that are constantly photographed don’t pay him a crazy amount of money, but they do give him something for the “Paddock Photoshoots” as he calls them.
Carmen is photographer often too, but according to what I’ve heard she doesn’t pay him at all. He likes her because fans like her. Now, many wags and ex wags don’t like him at all. Katerina had contact with him for a while but cut it off after. He didn’t share the reasons, so my initial thought would be she got tired of him being annoying.
Dilara, Luisa, Tiffany and Justine asked him directly to stop photographing them. Lando asked for some privacy too but Kym didn’t care.
Dilara was very good friends with Caterina and was often photographed with her but she didn’t really like having Kym following her around. She asked him to stop photographing her, but of course he didn’t listen. This same thing happened to Luisa, Justine, and Tiffany. This is why Justine would often get to the paddock from the back entrance. That is all I can share for now. I hope this helps clear out some things that are being talked about!
Note to Steppy: This blog is more popular than you think and most people that I’ve discussed the blog enjoy it a lot! People saying wags and others don’t care about this blog are wrong and know nothing about the paddock life, you made me and others download Tumblr again 😂 In case you want to know some of the drivers know about the blog, but you’re the number one entertainment source for some of the mechanics and photographers.
Keep up the good work, hopefully I can be back with something useful soon. If you have any questions I’ll try to answer them 💛
— Lens anon 📸 (I’ll call myself this if you don’t mind)
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yandere-monoma · 9 months
I have a KYM fanart WIP I started before ch4, and I was using my own appearance headcanons in it. My strilondes are Black and non-albino, and in ch4 it’s a point that Rose and Dirk are naturally blonde (iirc it was already mentioned previously? But wasn’t a big point). What would you like me to do about it? Also yeah, humans aren’t known to have purple eyes either lol so they *could* technically be Black, non-albino, and naturally blonde
Also while typing this I realized a grave error I was making. For some reason I’ve always imagined Rose Strider to have purple hair (currently all my Roses have purple hair if the setting allows it; main beta Rose is currently pale lavender though, all the others more dark purple; not much thought, it just happened). But if she isn’t naturally blonde, she should have *bleached* hair. My Dave literally starts out with bleached hair and grows out his natural black hair on the meteor (not as in “natural=good, unnatural=bad”, as in “bleached is Dirk, Dave is not Dirk”).
And now I’m thinking about the “she should just be Dirk” from the note to the first chapter and thinking about making a new Rose Strider design (I did one aaaall the way back in 2017, iirc very close to me just getting into HS, and I still use it. Props to the 2017 me though for realizing very clearly that Rose would still have the triangle shades in 2009!!!), and just, incorporating so much Dirk into it. And thinking through her life and incorporating so much Dirk into it.
And now I’m thinking, for Dave it was fundamental to break out of the Dirkness instilled onto him, what will all that be for Rose, who is *actually much closer to Dirk*?
Oh oh and, since I’m here, I’ll put the things I’ve wanted to write in the ao3 comment here too, as much as it’ll work. I’m *so* fucking emotional over KYM. I found it accidentally (was looking for porn lol) and it has full force pulled me out of my Intermission hyperfixation I was miserable in and reactivated my investment into the Kids. AND THE STYLE. *Cal*. The commands. Screaming screaming screaming screaming.
Oh and. Question. Why is there no Gamzee’s color but both Dirk and Hal with Cal?
I do not think Rose Strider is entirely Dirk though, and I think Dirk raised by Bro would have been different from her too, including afab Dirk. Now I’m interested to think about that….
And the ch4 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I love Rose Strider. I love Rose Strider. I love Rose Strider. I love Rose Strider.
And I love Dave Egbert.
I also remember thinking a lot about SBURB and carapacians wrt the comment I’ve originally planned to write? But now I don’t think those thoughts are actually all that relevant and now I just want to sit and wait and read.
@_@ WHOA WHAT A SWEET ASK thank you!!!! mind blown seein this baby in my inbox today HAHA
god this got long i rly love rambling and i leap at any chance to do it about KYM so HAHHDFJKG
first of all KYM FANART!?!?!?!!! CRIES ACTUAL BLOOD OH THANK YOU 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
as for an answer to your question, hmm!!! i'm honestly honored to receive anything so i don't have many answers to that!! especially because my actual race hcs for the strilondes are.... incredibly fluid and they just appear to me as what's fun in that moment HAHADFJG sometimes they're white, sometimes they're mixed and/or white-passing, sometimes they're black, sometimes they're black and albino. i dont think their hair colors are an indication of their race at all, rather it's more just another cue to whatever mutations they received during the cloning process, like, no matter what color their skin comes out as, rose always tends to have white-ish hair while dirk is blond-ish to me.
so ig do whatever you'd like with that info!! it's hard to pick one option with that because i like them all HAHAFJG
(god i do love a lavender-haired rose though 😭 every rose fanart design i see is my favorite idk how people can just decide on one... thankfully for me tho im a writer and thus can just sort of vaguely dance away from ever having to choose LOL)
will say though, YEAH, the way she dresses is very dirk. her hair is styled exactly like dirk's, too. what she wears specifically, though, definitely depends, because.... well, cuz the thing with 'rose is dirk' is that, as you've pointed out (and as i'll go on about later), there's a difference between being dirk and being RAISED by dirk. especially a dirk who is bro. so it is just as likely that rose is wearing an outfit reminiscent to alpha dirk as it is that she's wearing a smaller version of bro's outfit as it is that she's just wearing jeans and a black t-shirt with some generically edgy bullshit on it. bro isn't as adamant to controlling his children's fashion tastes as some of his other things, the question is more... would rose be interested in branching out like that? or would she care more about copying him?
there's also a running joke with my friends that rose strider actually just dresses in playboy outfits all the time because bro is a porn-rotted pervert with a hentai addiction. so sometimes i just imagine her with shades, gelled hair and a sailor fuku. lmfao.
thinking about it, i think it'd be cute if rose had a shirt with just a black circle on it. or some of design based on the ouroboros, hmhmhm... decisions decisions thoughts thoughts...
And now I’m thinking, for Dave it was fundamental to break out of the Dirkness instilled onto him, what will all that be for Rose, who is *actually much closer to Dirk*?
it's fun watching everyone go insane going down the same mental paths i did whilst creating killswitch HAHAHJDFG... INDEED YES!!!!!!! you are absolutely right to say this... what does it mean for rose to go through the dave journey of breaking out of his brother's influence?
so what i'll say is this: KYM functions as a 'pre-canon' fic describing rose strider's backstory. if/when i get to continue on with the killswitch au, i will actually try and write down more of the details of their actual sburb session, where rose does get to go through a lot more of dave's actual plot points. dave starts off idolizing his brother before separation from him leads him to process his emotions about how he was raised. the same will happen for rose when she's in the game 🥰💖
I’m *so* fucking emotional over KYM. I found it accidentally (was looking for porn lol) and it has full force pulled me out of my Intermission hyperfixation I was miserable in and reactivated my investment into the Kids. AND THE STYLE. *Cal*. The commands. Screaming screaming screaming screaming.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUU!!!! that means so much to me 😭 lmfao trying to find porn and accidentally getting obliterated is one of my fave things to experience on ao3. welcome back to loving our darling kids >:3 <3 and thank you for sharing your thoughts and your love!!! it makes it that much easier and that much more exciting to work on updates knowing i have people like you to write for 🥰💖💖💖 if you do get a chance to comment i cant wait to read them~ just the thought is super appreciated wah!
Why is there no Gamzee’s color but both Dirk and Hal with Cal?
a lot of it is just a coincidence from that particular chapter that gamzee's influence isn't seen as much! my approach to lil cal is that he is an imperfect blend of every component he's made up of, and all of those components are souls constantly fighting for control. however, because of the nature of their personalities, some are able to be more in control than others.
'control' can also mean different things: it could mean that they get to control lil cal's dialogue (most of his dialogue is very reminiscent of caliborn), while others get to control what lil cal will focus on in the narrative (lil cal goin on about bro's RIPPLING BICEPS and PECS and how MAAAANLY he is was a reference both to caliborn's alpha male bullshit and also arquius/equius)
only one half of gamzee was sucked into lil cal which i think has done very weird things to how he's been integrated. in some way, this has put his ability to influence lil cal at a big disadvantage, especially when he's up against such huge personalities like caliborn or dirk/hal. i don't think he's as easy to spot and i think considering the nature of gamzee's personality, he's not exactly running to 'speak' or grab for control. he's just chilling. but his influence is there!!! especially when it comes to type of violence bro is encouraged to enact
sometimes the violence that bro enacts is because of caliborn but more times than not it is actually because of gamzee. gamzee intensifies bro's capacity to love and the way that twists into extreme excessive violence. caliborn's violence is aggressive, necessary, quick and blunt, which gamzee's is more random, more encompassing and, most importantly, WAAAAY more sexual. gamzee is the reason why bro is so willing to take and utilize drugs despite the way that contradicts alpha dirk's resistence to them and the reason he is still more than capable of expressing affection towards rose. bro obsessively obsessively Obsessively adores his little sister and this is all because of gamzee's yandere ass and we will see more of that in chapters to come >:3
.... anyway, to actually answer that question: there was no gamzee color there in ch4 because gamzee did not choose (or have the ability) to speak there
I do not think Rose Strider is entirely Dirk though, and I think Dirk raised by Bro would have been different from her too, including afab Dirk. Now I’m interested to think about that….
true!!! she's not >:3 such is the fun of nature vs nurture. rose can never actually be dirk because she's rose. she can also never be dirk because she was not raised in the middle of an ocean or raised in fuckin 80s era texas.
but also she IS dirk because she says she is dirk and because bro/dirk says she is dirk and because she is a dirk who was raised by a dirk (except she's not a dirk raised by a dirk, she's a rose raised by a dirk).
rose strider does not WANT to be rose, she does not want to be her own person (dirk does not want her to be her own person), she can't handle being her own person, she wants to be her brother. she wants to replace her identity with his. that is not psychologically possible which is half of why she's as fucked up as she is HAHA. rose is not a perfect clone of dirk. even clones would develop their own personality. twins can have identical dna and will still have their own personalities. it all depends on the circumstances of their experiences, theres so much that can define what makes up a person and that's really what i'm trying to explore with rose. just a whole bunch of identity fuckery hajfhgdjg
also AFAB DIRK W/ BRO IS DEFINITELY VERY INTERESTING because i think the difference between dirk and the beta strilondes is that when faced with their parental issues, dave assimilates and rose plays along. dave didnt try and resist his training. rose, when under the mindset that her mother wanted to engage in psychological warfare with her, didnt roll her eyes and ignore it and she didnt do a thing to shut it down. she engaged in battle!! she retaliated with her own mind games!! she took her passive aggression and returned it, which is why, to me, rose would take everything bro threw at her and try and return it tenfold.
but dirk hrmrmrmrmmm.... seems more naturally rebellious? and when faced with his own bullshit he argues against it, even while he's lowkey folding under the pressure. i think, in my interpretation of a brodirk plotline, i would use haldirk as an inspiration. constant bickering and arguing and trying to either grab for the upperhand or deflect whatever blows he receives, all while slowly but surely going fucking INSANE under the surface until it EXPLODES.
and like, listen, i feel bad for any strider child of bro's HJKDFGSDFG but i think dirk would hurt me so much cuz he wouldnt rly allow himself to have an outlet (which is relatable to me so uGHGHGH i FEEL ITTT).... i think out of all the strider kids he'd have the worst time with physical self-harm to cope and ugh the worst dysphoria too because of the ways bro would torture him about it (and he would get some of the worst bro torture imo too because at least dave is passive enough to not warrant punishment yknow and at least rose is strongwilled enough to brute force her way through much of the insults she gets. i imagine dirk would be rly weak to bro's verbal abuse and that on top of the physical and sexual shit UGH POOR DIRK POOR ALL OF THEM HONESTLY)
BUT YEAH IM GLAD YOU LOVE ROSE STRIDER AND DAVE EGBERT THEY ARE MY DARLINGS MY ANGELS MY CHILDREN MY PRIDE!!!!!! i would still love to read your sburb/carapacians thoughts tho if you're ever inclined to share them 🥰 but YEAH
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dangerously-human · 2 years
So. . .
"I Hate My Autistic Son" - Know Your Meme
Came across this article while browsing KYM at six in the morning. Apparently this became a bit of an audio meme on tiktok for a while.
The quote comes from a reddit confession posted back in 2014; luckily they left a link so I was able to find it pretty quickly.
If it's okay, I mean, if it doesn't make you too uncomfortable, can you please look at this? (You can just read the post & the first few replies, you don't need to go through the entire thread.) Please let it be known that I'm *not* bringing this to your attention to spread hate to anyone or start a fight. I just find this thing a bit interesting and would really like to hear an opinion on this perspective not only from a Christian, but from a Christian who actually has this condition and knows what it's like to live with it, as opposed to just being someone who has to live with someone who has it. (I really hope this makes my intentions more clear.)
Once again, it is completely up to you if want to talk about this. If the subject is too touchy for you then do not feel pressured to answer this ask, and.. sorry for bringing it up. You can just ignore it.
Putting a MASSIVE trigger warning for ableism on this post, pals.
I'm happy to talk about this, but I'm not sure what you're looking for, and it's difficult to ask or have a back-and-forth conversation about it because you asked on anon. (For what it's worth, I'm a little uncomfortable with people trying to have an intense conversation on anon.) The first thing I have to say in response is that a non-autistic child is not trapped in an autistic child; that's just not how it works, and while I guess I understand why that thought might be comforting to a family member, it's a lie anyway. What we know about autism so far is that it's mostly genetic, so your autistic child was autistic from the time they were conceived. Autism isn't something separate that "happens to" a person; it's an in-built part of who they are.
Now. There are some parts of autism that are disabling, and parts that suck for individual people. I would give up my sensory issues in a heartbeat. I know some people would like very much to not have the social communication difficulties they do. Some of these things are inherent traits of autism; some (most) are disabling because the world around us does not accommodate for or understand us well (the social model of disability). That said, it is fair for parents or siblings to struggle. They should have a space to process without judgment, but also have supportive people around then who can help them develop a more loving attitude toward their kid and develop coping strategies that work for their family. You can grieve your expectations while recognizing that's not the child you have, it's one you constructed in your imagination, and there's nothing wrong with them for not meeting those expectations. You are not owed a "healthy" or "easy" child (nor, in fact, are you owed a child at all, but that's a different post). Children are complete and individual people, every bit as much as adults. Our society has such a messed up, egocentric, product-oriented, convenience mindset about having children, and a huge part of that is the attempted divorce of sex from babies, but again, that's a rant for another post. If you are not willing to raise a disabled child, do not have a child - in that way, props to the one commenter - but vomit at the person talking about "adopt an older one who's proven functional," because EWW, but also anyone can become disabled at any time.
I know that some aspects of my disabilities will be gone when I have my heavenly body. But some probably will remain, because they're not all bad. If I'm guessing, I think I'll understand people better in heaven, but I'll still communicate differently than the majority; I'll happy stim but won't bite myself because I won't be so overwhelmingly anxious; and so on. The way I look at it, at least right now (my perspective may change over time), is that God made me autistic but he did not make me disabled (looking at disability in the social model sense). I have some more in-depth thoughts about the way he has used autism to highlight his power and spiritual gifting in my life, but I'm not sure I'm ready to share all of that in this context.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 month
ugh this is horrible news tommy is still around, hope to god he's gone in the finale. v
Maybe in your world Nonnie, but not in mine and I'm not entirely sure why you felt the need to come and complain about it on my blog, but here we are!
It makes perfect Narrative sense for Tommy to still be around in the back end of the season, and even possibly into the start of season 8. The show is telling a story of Bucks bisexuality, so why woould they get rid of Tommy so quickly? To do so would do a disservice to that story - a massive disservice. I'm guessing you're hating on this relationship becasue you see it getting in the way of Buddie, rather than viewing it as a vital step on the route to Buddie.
Lets put it into simple terms - Buck figures out he's bi and then begins to explore that newly discovered aspect of himself. The show has also taken the time to move Buck from someone who didn't really do relationships (of the long term variety), into someone who is looking for love and looking for forever. But in amongst all of that, he hasn't really had a healthy long term relationship, the closest he had to that was with Ali and that one didn't last especially long and she wasn't around for most of it
Buck isn't ready for an endgame queer relationship right now - he is still to immature from a relationship perspective - especially a queer relationship perspective. If Eddie was available and he and Buck got together - as they are as characters right now, they wouldn't last - they're not in a position to do so successfully. And this isn't me suggesting that they need to have figured everything out before they get together - to have fully healed etc, because thats neither realistic or something I would want to see - what it means is that they both need to get to a point where they are in a healthy enough place to put in the work together, understand each others flaws, and their own flaws and proactively work towards overcoming those things together and as of right now, neither of them are - they are getting their and moving rapidly in the right direction, but Buck needs to learn a bit more, and in many ways learn how to be with a man, before he will be ready to start anything with Eddie.
The growth we're getting to watch Buck go through right now - in the aftermath of the lightening strike, his reckoning with his mortality etc and the fact he's now off the hamster wheel and moving forward - in a healthy and faster way than we've ever seen from him, speaks volumes.
Tommy is also a far better developed love interest than any other love interest we've seen Buck (or indeed Eddie) with (Abby excepted but she was a main, so had her own purpose on the show)- I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling like I know Tommy more after 3 episodes plus what we got from the begins episodes he was in, than I managed to ascertain about Taylor or Ana or Nataila etc!
Not to mention, him figuring out he's in Love with Eddie as part of this process is going to be fun to watch. The show has made no bones about re-enforcing at every. Single. Opportunity how close, how entwined and how important Buck and Eddie are to one another - the show has quite literally been prioritising that over anything else Buck and Eddie related - Buck was there front and centre - placed very much on an equal footing with Shannon and even Eddie himself in 7x01, and then Eddie was the centre of Bucks bi arc in 7x04 and in his coming out in 7x05. They are literally moving chess pieces into place to tell an amazing story of queer love in later life and creating an epic slow burn for the ages.
And finally, Eddie is, as far as we know at this point in time, still in a relationship with Marisol - why shouldn't Buck get to explore who he is and what he want's within a relationship rather than sitting pining on the sidelines - that isn't healthy in any way shape or form. Eddie still has stuff to figure out about himself.
Even Tim and Oliver have stated in interviews that this is about a happy and joyful queer experience of figuring out bisexuality and therefore within that is giving the narrative a romcom vibe. But they have also stated that Tommy isn't going to be around for that long - that he is very much a narrative device.
It is worth pointing out that timelines on various aspects of the narrative may have been shifted because of the season 8 renewal - but that is only going to help tell the story because now it doesn't have to be rushed. I'm still fully expecting some form of feeling realisation from one of them by the end of the season (my money is on Buck), setting up for season 8 and Buddie going canon either 8a finale or early into 8b.
You have every right to dislike Tommy if thats you jam - have at it, but don't come to my blog and expect me to agree with you. I'm not a multi shipper by any means - I'm a one ship kind of gal and I will be a Buddie shipper until the end of time, but within that, I am here for amazing storytelling and amazing queer storytelling - the like of which I've not had the privilege to watch on my screen before - especially one that hits so close to home. Its a really important story to tell and I'd rather it not be rushed.
And if you had to pick - I'm pretty sure you'd rather have Tommy around for a bit longer that Marisol!!!!
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theladyyavilee · 2 years
You want love - you got it - for you I’m…
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HOW do you even find gifs this cursed??? HELLO??????? 😭🤣🤣
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rpvlix · 1 year
🕯 Kym, Solinas
Send 🕯 for my muse to talk about someone from their past
"He was a different person before the incident. The damage sustained cannot be repaired, but may heal on its own eventually. It's inconvenient. We did not speak this frequently then... But I cannot say that the new Ekentros is preferable. I know that the brother we lost would act reasonably. Responsibly."
"She was a kind thing, I suppose one would have to be to do... what had to be done. It was unfortunate that the first words I spoke to her, besides my immense gratitude at my curse being broken, were words of rejection. It would have been rude, I thought, to continue under false pretenses. A kiss can be meaningless, of course, but that did not seem to be the case from her perspective. Perhaps a situation I handled poorly, as I have not heard from her since..."
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The 2000s List
Update: Every Sunday
Last:       June 2, 2024
1, 2, 3, 4 - Plain White T’s
1973 - James Blunt
3 Words - Cheryl Cole feat. will.i.am
4 In The Morning - Gwen Stefani
4 Minutes - Madonna
A Night Like This - Caro Emerald
Absolutely Everybody - Vanessa Amorosi
Advertising Space - Robbie Williams
Again - Lenny Kravitz
Ain’t It Funny - Jennifer Lopez
Alejandro - Lady Gaga
All Good Things - Nelly Furtado
All Rise - Blue
All Summer Long - Kid Rock
All The Right Moves - One Republic
All This Time (Pick-Me-Up Song) - Maria Mena
All You Wanted - Michelle Branch
Allez Ola Olé - Jessy Matador
Almost Here - Bryan McFadden, Delta Goodrem
Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy
Amazing - Seal
America - Razorlight
American Boy - Estelle, Kanye West
Angel - Shaggy feat. Rayvon
Angels (Love Is The Answer) - Morandi
Another Chance - Roger Sanchez
Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake) - Gareth Gates
Apologize - Timbaland, One Republic
Around The World (La La La La La) - A Touch Of Class
Ayo Technoligy - Milow
Back To Black - Amy Winehouse
Back To The 80's - Aqua
Bad Boys - Alexandra Burke, Flo Rida
Bad Day - Daniel Powter
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Bag It Up - Geri Halliwell
Be With You - Atomic Kitten
Beautiful - Christina Aguilera
Beautiful Lie - Jennifer Paige feat. Nick Carter
Because I Got High - Afroman
Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson
Because Of You - Ne-Yo
Behind Blue Eyes - Limp Bizkit
Bella Stella - Highland
Big City Life - Mattafix
Black Coffee - All Saints
Bodies - Robbie Williams
Boten Anna - Basshunter
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Break My Stride - Blue Lagoon
Break Your Heart - Taio Cruz, Ludacris
Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
Breaking The Habit - Linkin Park
Breath - Blu Cantrell
Breathe Your Name - Sixpence Non The Richer
Breathless- The Corrs
Bring Me To Life - Evanesence
Bubblin' - Blue, L.A.D.É
Bulletproof - La Roux
Buttons - The Pussycat Dolls
By The Way - Red Hot Chili Peppers
By Your Side - Sade
Bye Bye Bye - *NSYNC
California - Phantom Planet
Call On Me - Eric Prydz
Can’t Fight The Moonlight - LeAnn Rimes
Can’t Get You Out Of My Head - Kylie Minogue
Can't Stop Loving You - Phil Collins
Cartoon Heroes - Aqua
Catch - Kosheen
Caught In The Middle - A1
Ch!pz In Black (Who You Gonna Call) - Ch!pz
Chariot - Gavin DeGraw
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
China In Her Eyes - Modern Talking
Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz
Clocks - Coldplay
Come Along - Titiyo
Complicated - Avril Lavigne
Comptine D'un Autre Ete - Yann Tiersen
Cool - Gwen Stefani
(Crack It) Something Going On - Bomfunk MC’s 
Crank It Up - Ashley Tisdale
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
Crazy In Love - Beyoncé feat. JAY-Z
Cry - Kym Marsh
Cry For You - September
Crying In The Discotheque - Alcazar
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dwtsfun · 5 days
I've been following your Tumblr for a long time and I just have to thank you for the incredible content you bring about the show.
I agree with pretty much everything you think about the show, and I think you'd be an amazing EP to keep the show engaging and family-friendly (in the sense of keeping familiar faces around).
So I would like to ask you some questions:
The first is how you would set up the hosting duo and judging panel if you could do whatever you wanted;
The second is what you would do if you could choose 12 professionals for the next season, being realistic with the current situation;
The third question is about your ideal season, I know you like 12 or 13 couples and 10 or 11 weeks (preferring 10), so I would like to know how you would put together your ideal season (number of couples, number of weeks on air , how many couples would be eliminated per week and how many finalists would be in the final;
The fourth is if you think Barry is in Peta's Top 5 best partners, alongside Tommy and Donald;
Lastly, I know you consider the lack of brightness and "strength" to be a characteristic of Artem's partners and their choreography, and in seasons 30 and 31 you always thought that Melora and Heidi were overrated. I expected a lot from the first show and ended up being disappointed; I didn't know the second one. Artem has publicly said that his favorite partners are his wife Nikki, the legend Patti LaBelle (an icon and for me the biggest star to ever do the show) and Heidi, which really surprised me as I thought he would choose Lea Thompson or Nancy Kerrigan, or even Melora for being a little more performative.
So I'd like to know how you would rank Artem's partners: Lea, Patti, Nancy, Nikki, Melora, Heidi, and Charity.
Thank you so much for your work, I wish you all the best!
I can really tell that you have been following my blog for quite some time just from this message alone. Thanks for staying with me and reading for so long. And I'm so glad that you think I'd be a good EP for the show. That is such a huge compliment! Now to answer your questions.
#1 I can see the hosting thing go a lot of different ways so let me start with the judges table. I think it should be a table of 4 and Julianne needs to be brought down from the Sky Box and put as the HEAD judge on that table. Derek, Bruno and CAI can all stay. Alfonso can stay as host. I would like to see someone like Kym, Marie Osmond, throw it back to Drew Lachey or bring back Samantha Harris (if she's willing).
#2 Pros- So I'll give 6 men, 6 women and 2 reserves (man and woman): Men: Brandon, Keo, Alan, Pasha, Ezra, Val (though I think he's ready to hang it up) Women: Daniella, Witney, Britt, Koko, Emma, Rylee Reserves: Louis, Peta (for those 13 and 14 couple casts) This is what I can realistically see happening.
#3 12-13 couples is ideal. I don't care which if we have a strong cast on all fronts. It should be 10 weeks and the last episode should be the week of the last Thursday in November at the latest (US Thanksgiving). No one would get eliminated in week 1. Week 2 is the first elim. With 12 couples, there doesn't need to be a double if you have a 4 couple finale, which I would be okay with. With 13, there does need to be one singular double. I would prefer to have that early on. Either the first or second elimination would be a double. No judges' save.
#4 I do think Barry is a top 5 Peta partner. It's him, Tommy, Donald, Nyle and either James or Brant (I'm leaning toward James).
#5 You're definitely right about my feelings for Artem and his partners. He's like Tony, but Tony was a much better teacher imo and at least produced a handful of memorable dances with his partners. I like this question though, it's forcing me to remember Artem's partners lol. Okay here we go from my favorite to least favorite:
1 Patti- she forced him to teach out of his comfort zone (I also agree that she along with Gladys, Donny, Marie and maybe Chaka Khan are the biggest stars to ever do the show. Not most current, but biggest) 2 Nikki- similar to Patti, she forced him out of his comfort zone 3 Lea- she worked best with his style cuz she didn't fade as much as the others 4 Charity- he actually shifted how he taught her toward the end 5 Nancy- they were fine but I always wonder how Nancy would've done with Derek 6 Melora- she's only here because she was a better dancer than Heidi 7 Heidi- a literal nonevent and was way overhyped
Again, thanks so much for reading. I had to take some time to think about all of these, so thanks once again. I love engaging questions like this from everyone. They are so much fun and take my mind off of the disaster that is my life lol
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
Tommy being all "you still owe me that beer" but then asking buck out and picking him up and paying at the restaurant 🥹 what a king
Hey Nonnie
What a king indeed.
Also very clever of him to make sure of a second date - because Buck still owes him a beer 😂😂😂
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