#korra x reader
taintedpearls · 3 days
datting korra headcanons ♡♡ I love your page its so pretty \(^^)/
ཐི⋆༊·˚ཋྀ dating korra headcannons
daily click — palestine mp
note: fluff + reg text under cut – tysm anon! ur too sweet. i'm sorry it took so long and it's quite rushed :(
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love language is physical touch and words of affirmation.
thoroughly enjoys pda, it soothes her whenever in a crowd. wether it's holding your hand or keeping a grip on your waist, she's keeping a grip on you to keep her grounded.
zero shame. whatsoever. she knows she's attractive so she's constantly making flirty jokes and comments that get you flustered and nervous
but you're also really fucking hot, so you use it to your advantage. getting up close to her, returning flirty comments, swaying your hips more than you usually would and now she's the one with rosy cheeks.
whenever she has a hard day of being the start (which lets be honest, is most days) all she wants to do is lay in your arms while you speak to her softly.
adores kissing you! she doesn't really have a preference when kissing tbh. this girl could have a surprisingly good day being the avatar and would rush home just to kiss you aggressively as if someone really pissed her off.
loves cuddling. once again, even in public! she's a very affectionate person and you will more often times than not find the girl sneaking up behind you and wrapping her hands around your waist with a head on your shoulder, hot breath going down your neck. doesn't matter if your in the middle of an important conversation!
there are these little moments whenever she's had a particularly busy week and hasn't been able to see you much that she'll just relish in seeing your face and being able to hold you, hugs last forever with this girl.
you two have this sort of balance to each other. shes hot headed and often speaks her mind but you're calmer and think about what you want to say before saying it.
if you argue she's massive on communication. with the limited time you two can see eachother, she wants to savour the time you do have. so if you're upset at her, she's forcing you to talk to her.
but on more stressful days if she's upset at you... she's harsh and doesn't think about what she's saying. she doesn't mean it, but her words come off mean. she needs time to cool down before you let her come to you.
that being said she can definitely come off as possessive and pushy... and she is!
well she's possessive at least, she just comes off as pushy.
she's not a "oh my god she's gonna leave me for someone else so i have to keep my eye on her at all times possessive" she's more of a "i'm literally the fucking avatar and i'm trying to make sure she's safe" type of possessive
for example, if you get hurt she's pissed. super pissed. blinded by pure rage that you got hurt, at both you and whatever caused it.
"how could you be so reckless! so stupid? i swear you don't think before marching into a fight-!"
"can you please stop? my head hurts"
and then she's rushing to your side, asking if you're okay and taking care of you like she didn't say anything she just did.
constantly worried about whatever you're getting yourself into when you aren't around her.
if she's injured, you just sigh disappointedly while patching her up. she tries to make a stupid joke like "i really outdid myself this time huh?" but you stay silent. you don't want to lash out.
to make it up to you she tries to make you something
key word: tries.
she's an awful cook.
tried to make you two breakfast one time and it looked like she had gotten into a fight with flour.
that being said you're usually the one to cook, even if you aren't much better than her.
game nights go crazy! she's hiding about 247 uno cards under the table.
whenever she works out, she'll always invite you to come with her. wether or not you're working out yourself or sitting down and reading a book beside her, you just like being around her.
always organising little dates around town for the two of you.
going out at night to the markets and mucking around while finding little trinkets for each other.
yeah this girl knew she loved you when you bought a little ceramic polar bear for naga.
watching her early days of doing pro bending matches and SCREAMING her name so loudly she thinks the whole stadium can hear you.
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mikasadirtyscarf · 6 months
Turns out I do have a type
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melzula · 3 months
hi! i don’t know if you take requests for Korra, but if you could do a short blurb with her flirting (with a girl) please?
a/n: i am now realizing i have never actually written for korra before which is crazy to me so ty for requesting this!
summary: Korra works her charm in hopes of scoring a date with you
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Despite being a good friend of the Avatar, you seem to be the only one oblivious to her feelings for you. Korra isn’t exactly the greatest at being subtle, so it’s a wonder to your friends you haven’t figured it out yet. It’s almost painful to watch, actually, as your group of friends observe her attempt at flirting.
“Hey, y/n, didn’t see you there,” Korra notes casually despite being the one to approach you first. “Whatcha up to?”
“Just catching up on some reading,” you say with a polite smile. “Tenzin let me look through the Air Temple library. I figured it would help pass the time while I’m staying here.”
“Reading, huh? I usually pass the time by training. You know, Avatar stuff,” she shrugs nonchalantly before making sure to flex her muscles. “I’m getting pretty good at this air bending thing.”
“Really? Because Jinora told me you got your butt kicked by Meelo at airball yesterday,” you note with a teasing smile. Korra’s confident demeanor immediately deflates at your words, and she’s left sheepishly tugging at the collar of her shirt.
“I was just going easy on them,” she quickly corrects you. “Didn’t want to go too hard on the kids.”
“Of course,” you laugh, and the sound is music to her ears.
“Listen, if you’re not too busy reading, I was thinking maybe you and I could grab a bite to eat? I-If that’s okay with you.”
“I’d love to!” You agree with an eager nod. “Bolin was just telling me about this great water tribe spot in town. I’ll go ask him if he wants to come with!”
“Oh, but I-”
You’re already gone in search of Bolin before she can protest, and Korra is left to stand there in defeat. She thought getting dates would be easy considering she is the Avatar, but it seems to you she’s just Korra.
“You know it’s going to take a lot more than just flexing your muscles to get y/n to go out with you, right?” Mako interjects from beside her with an amused smirk on his face. Korra only scowls in response.
“Don’t you have somewhere else to be!” She accuses harshly before stomping off. Mako can only shake his head in response.
He could make things much easier for her by telling Korra that you also have a crush on her, but who is he to interfere?
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hazashiovo · 3 months
hii i was wondering if it was possible if you could do a korra x earthbender fem reader who is lin’s daughter?? thank you so much!! 🫶🫶
Ooo ,yes ofc <3
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The best view
"Stop staring." You words cut the thick silence in the room.
"I'm sorry,I just never expected Beifong to have a kid." She crosses her arms, looking you up and down. You scoff anoyed at her rude staring. "So? It doesn't mean I'm a painting so you can stare at me." You roll your eyes."Like mother like daughter." She mumbles,loud enough for you to hear her.
"I could never be like my mother." Her eyes follow you figure as you walk towards her. The girl then continues,"How come you're not in uniform?"her gaze eyes you up and down. "I'm not a police officer." You speak, making eye contact with her. "I just thought that if she had a kid, she would want you to work with her or something." She tilts her head looking at you. "She did,It was me who didn't want to."you slump down on the couch.
"I saw you bend,and I think you're pretty strong." Her body remains standing. "My bending is not the problem." You leave out a small smile at her compliment.
"Then what is it?" Before you could say anything, Lin enters the room. "Chief," your gaze follows Lin's.
"I have a matter to discuss with the two of you." Lin's gaze moves from you to the girl.
"I mean,that's the whole point why you got me here.* The dark haired girl shrugs,sitting down on the couch.
"(Name) ,I want to introduce you to Korra,the avatar." You look at the girl with furrowed brows. "She's...the avatar?" You tilt your head,how could she be the avatar? She looks fine or whatever,but you imagined her to be something... different?
"Of course I'm the avatar! Who else would it be?" She chuckles at your confused expression,Lin continues. "Yes,and you will show her around Republic city,and make sure nothing happens to her." Lin commands, staying strong in her uniform, a fierce look on her face (like usual dare I say).
Your brows remain furrowed, "Why would you trust me with this task?" Your arms now crossed, suspicious of her trust in you.
"The two of you are close to age,and since you're my daughter,I trust you make sure nothing happens to Korra." Her words take you by surprise,you nod, smiling you nod. "Nothing will happen to the Avatar in my presence,I promise." You feel so proud,she finally has something important for you to do.
"I don't need protection,I'm the avatar? remember?" Korra crosses her arms.
"And I'm the Chief in this town ,and if you want to walk freely in my town you will do so with my daughters protection." Lin narrows her eyes at Korra.
"I am more than capable of taking care of myself!" Her defiant nature amuses you.
"if you wish to remain in Republic City you will obey my rules. End of story." Your mother slams her hand on the table, clearly done with the girl's comments.
"Fine! Whatever." Korra ends up leaving the room, allowing you and your mother to be alone.
"This girl..." She sighs,sitting down on the couch facing the one you're on.
"Working with her will be a challenge." You joke, earning another sigh from your mother.
"You're a big girl,I know you're capable or I would have assigned you for her." You smile at her (sort of?) compliment.
"I'll do my best." Earns a nod from Lin.
You warmed up to her rather quickly,and the other way around. Turns out she's a pleasant company to be around.
For the next few weeks you spend time with Korra,even getting to know her better, sharing a few things about yourself.
Besides the fact that she's a little cocky (a little more) Korra is a great person to be around.
"So tell me! how was it being raised by Beifong? Is she always like that? Did she want you to take after her?" You smile at her curiosity, "Sometimes, but as a child she never implied I become a soldier,like her" the memories bringing a nice warmth in your chest.
"My mother would sometimes take me outside of Republic City, we would hike for hours to get to the most breath taking view I could see as a child." Korra watches your expression, she must admit,you're very pretty.She finds herself staring at you quite often,but she can't figure out why you're so captivating.
Once you lock eyes with her she forgets anything she wanted to say before,just staring at your face.
"Republic city is boring,I know a place you would like." You smile,taking her hand in yours, passing by many streets.
She looks at you confused as you tell her to hold on.
The earth beneath your feet started rising up,until you decided it was enough.
You started walking deeper and higher to a place only you knew.
"Where are we going (Name)?" She speaks between chuckles.
"You'll see,just trust me." You look back at her ,winking.
Her face is slightly warm to touch,Korra follows after you,passing by trees and going higher up a hill.
If she wasn't so busy watching your body instead of the place you were leading her too she would have noticed the view already.
"Were here!" Your voice brings her back,gaze moving away from your body ,now focusing on her surroundings.
Hands still entangled you stop , letting go of her hand. Her eyes fall on her now empty hand, slightly disappointed.
"Korra,look." She follows your voice, gaze falling on the breath taking view in front of her.
Your hand takes hers,leading her next to you on the grass.
"It's beautiful,isn't it?" She looks at you, analyzing your face ,reading its expressions like it's an open book for her to learn from.
"It is." Your eyes meet,locked on each other. Your hands entangled on the grass, the looks shared between the two of you speak like no words ever could.
She leans in,one hand now cups your cheek,her skin is so soft..
"Korra I..." You struggle to find the right words,mind clouded by the thought of her and only her. Fortunately there is no need for words,not now.
Her eyes scan your face for any kind of resistance,any kind of hesitance,but there's none in sight.
Her lips crash into yours in a soft ,loving kiss.
Korra's hands are cuping your cheek, while yours are around her waist. Fingers gently rubbing the material on her skin.
The kiss lasts a few seconds,but it feels like time stopped.
You move away from Korra's lips, smiling while looking at her bright blue eyes.
"I just kissed Beifong's daughter." You laugh softly at her words,placing a strand of hair behind her ear.
"The avatar kissed me." You grin,noticing her proud smile.
"And I'd do it again."
Took me a little to search for a plot ,but here it is. Hope you like it ;).
Depending on the attention this fic is getting,maybe I will make a part two.
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wandasfifthwife · 2 months
so soaked
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korra x fem!reader
tw: 18+ MDNI, top!korra, bottom!reader, fingering (r receiving), water strap (r receiving), strap described to be her “dick” once, pure filth (im so sorry), established relationship, not proofread
a/n: this is for all of the korra fans who still love her even after like 11 years lmao :)
Korra’s most likely to come up with a stupid idea and be completely serious about putting it into action. Most times she’ll pull it off too. You know this about her, but seeing it come to life in a romantic lighting was new, different.
She had no shame showing her affection for you in public. She fully enjoyed your reactions, pulling more out of you any chance she could. Her friends could be surrounding you and she’d cheekily make comments about her attraction towards you, or about how you looked, or better yet she’d act on impulse.
That’s how she was now, in her mood to boost herself in front of others and to get a rise out of you. She came up with another one of her stupid claims, blurting every impulsive thought.
“I can do more than just fight with the elements.”
Her claim brought on one question, how. Mako and Bolin made claims, most of them were either about mundane tasks or criminal acts.
You sat near them, watching the interaction with a smile. You made eye contact with Korra when the light bulb went off in her mind. You brushed it off, moving on and taking it as a joke. That’s when it started.
A few days have passed since then and you found yourself between her body and a wall. She snuck you back to her room, shutting the door and wasting no time to pull you into a kiss. Her room was dark save for the small window in the corner allowing the moonlight, the room’s only source of light.
You struggled to see her but Korra on the other hand had no issue finding you. Her hands pulling you closer into her, a sound escaping you when she started trailing kisses down your neck.
“Feeling good already?”
You shut her up by pulling her close again, lips falling onto hers messily; Her smug grin apparent through the ones you shared. She moved back, bringing your body into hers as she falls onto the bed.
“Strip,” she leans back, eyeing your body. The hesitation written in your body language has her sitting up, cupping your face.
“You’re beautiful. I promise you,” she leans back again, “now strip.”
You make quick work of it, pulling at your clothes until nothing remained. A laugh sounded from you when she flipped you down on the bed, under her.
“Can I try something,” she asks, distracting you by pressing a kiss to your chest and spreading your legs further apart. You nodded, pressing your face into the sheets.
“Could I practice my bending on you?”
You took it as a joke, laughing softly until you met her gaze. Her pupils were blown, hair framing her face. She was serious.
“Korra, what?”
“Well I’m quite literally the avatar, it’s important—“
“What,” you push her hair back, running your fingers through it, “what were you thinking?”
Her grin grows, “I’ll make it worth your time.”
She fails to answer your question. Her body moves off the bed, grabbing you to drag you down the bed until your bottom half hung off. Her lips found yours, kissing you into the bed while her nails trailed up your thighs, drawing goosebumps.
“I mean it, you’re really pretty.”
She pushes her finger, eyes staying on your face to watch for any indication of pain. All she finds is your body curling into hers, soft sounds filling the space between you.
“Keep your eyes open, look at me.”
You try but it grows futile when you feel a second finger pressing beside her first.
She pushes her fingers in further, the tip pressing against the spot that has your hips jerking in her hold. You reach a hand down to hold her fingers there, enjoying the way your mind begins to grow fuzzy.
“Fuck—more, please!”
She pushes a third finger by her two, stretching you out further. Her fingers avoid touching your clit, rubbing under and beside but denying you the touch that would send you over the top.
It was sudden the way she pulls her fingers out, leaving you spacey and dissatisfied. You lay panting on the bed, facing the ceiling. Though you’re not watching her, you can hear her movements.
“Spread your legs wider,” she emphasizes her words with a light tap to your left leg. Certainly you don’t look now, feeling embarrassed about being so exposed as if her fingers weren’t inside you a second ago.
What was pressing into you was a bit cold, causing you to shiver. The next thing you notice was how it filled you completely, stretching you out.
“Oh shit—you feel so good wrapped around me.”
You whine into her neck, using your legs to push her further into you. The way she snapped her hips into you made you feel euphoric. You were too blissed out to notice the way water spilt into the ground, or how it mixed with your slick and covered the inside of your thighs.
“You like it that much, huh?”
You moan your response, wrapping your arms tighter around her neck. Korra had a hand wrapped around your waist; another hand sat by your head, laid upright to bend the water around her waist.
She splits you open, putting pressure against every inch of your walls. The way it angled to hit every sensitive corner. She was just as affected as you were, whines of her own turning you on even more. She curses under her breath, angling her wrist so she can adjust the way it’s moving inside you.
“Like how good I’m fucking you? My dick better than any one you’ve had before?”
“Yes, yes—ah!”
It doesn’t have a set form, changing with however and whatever your cunt demands. The second she motions for another string of water, bringing it to almost suck at your clit, you’re overwhelmed.
“Korra—Korra, ah!”
“Shh breathe,” she brushes your cheek with a shaky hand, “don’t hold back. I want to hear how good I’m making you feel.”
Everything was too much. Her low voice, the fluid stretch of your cunt, and how she was stimulating it all. The way she pressed into you, pushing against that muscle as the other pulls against your clit was too good.
You cry out her name, back arching as you come. She follows behind, whispering your name almost incoherently into your ear.
“You okay,” she asks, laying her panting self on yours. You giggle breathlessly, pushing at her until she’s forced to stand. The bed felt more comfortable the further you crawled back towards the center of the bed. It was then you realized what was just inside you as it returns to a fluid liquid state, being directed back into a nearby jar.
“What about it.”
“Korra, you fucked me with water?”
“Judging by your reaction I’d say I did well.”
@wandamaximoffsbadgirl @billiesofficialstrapsucker @cupc4keu
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ssokkasmoon · 2 months
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Physical touch - Zuko is still learning to openly express emotion, but physical touch comes naturally to him as it means of connection. Expect casual affection like hand holding, cuddling with you on the couch, and lingering hugs whenever you're together. Making love is also his way of showing all the feelings he still struggles to put into words.
Acts of Service- Aang happily handles household chores you don't like so you have less things to care about. He remembers the small things that make your life easier like cooking your favorite meal ,Little pampering back rubs when you're stressed are his love language. His support is unfailing, he'll help you with anything, no request is too small or big.
Physical Touch- Sokka is always finding excuses to be near you, with an arm around your waist or holding your hand. Casual physical intimacy is how he shows his love. Cuddling and lazy morning kisses in bed are some of his favorite ways to bond with you. He gives the best hugs warm, comforting and making you feel completely cared.
physical touch and Words of Affirmation - Korra regularly expresses how much she cares through compliments, words of encouragement, and expressing what she admires about you. She's generous with affectionate nicknames that make your heart melt. She also likes to be as close to you as possible, so physical intimacy is very important to her, resting her hand on your waist,holding hands, cuddling,she enjoys each if it's with you.
Words of Affirmation- Iroh makes sure to tell you how beautiful, intelligent, and talented he thinks you are every day. Compliments come easily to him. After passionate moments together, he whispers words of adoration and care into your skin. Iroh writes you little cute letters expressing his feelings when he can't see you.
physical touch - Mako is surprisingly very affectionate.He enjoys wrapping you in his arms, holding your hand, gentle caresses, kissing your lips/forehead, playing with your hair. Cuddling and intimacy are big for him. Physical touch helps him feel connected.
Acts of Service and physical touch- Bolin secretly enjoys doing thoughtful things to take the load off your shoulders. He'll tackle household chores without being asked or cook your favorite meal. Small gestures to showhe cares. He is naturally affectionate. He loves holding hands, giving you full-body hugs, stealing sweet kisses whenever possible, and finds simple pleasures in little acts like brushing your hair or massaging your shoulders after a long day. Physical intimacy between you is a must.
physical touch -Tahno is very physically affectionate, especially after becoming intimate. He loves holding hands, casual touches, kissing, cuddling, and of course more passionate embraces. Public PDA doesn't scare him,Physical touch is how he feels most connected and shows his deepest affection.
Quality Time - Katara is a fantastic listener and gives you her full attention when you're together. Date nights in are romantic - just curled up together talking for hours means the world. She loves learning about your interests. the time you spend together is always meaningful.
Receiving Gifts - Gifts from Her always feel personal ,something she saw that made her think of you. She pays attention to little things you mention in passing just so she can surprise you later.
Quality time - He tries to spend as much time with you as possible, Jet is an excellent listener and loves engaging in meaningful conversation. One on one dates, walks together, dancing, hanging out without distractions are quality time he cherishes.
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© 2024 ssokkasmoon
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yandere-avatar · 4 months
Jealous Korra head canons pls? 👀
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Now Korra isn't one to jump to conclusions without any evidence [Yes she is]. Which is why she hated this feeling of growing disgust in her chest. She liked Asami, sure, but not when she was so close to you; Whispering in your ear, sharing secrets and laughs.
Korra knew she was great, I mean, she's the bloody Avatar, but Asami is really pretty. What if you decided you didn’t like her anymore and that Asami was better?
She lets her anxiety get to her head and she’ll glare at you and Asami. Asami notices and points it out. You’re confused when you turn around and see your girlfriend giving you the death glare. You tell Asami you’ll be right back and you go over to Korra to ask what’s wrong.
She’s very passive aggressive towards you. “Oh nothing! I’m just fine. Why don’t you go back over there and talk to Ms. Perfect,” She air quotes ‘Ms. Perfect’ which just confuses you, because Asami’s far from perfect and you’re confused why Korra’s acting this way. You try asking what’s wrong but Korra denies it
“Oh, is Asami great? She’s a great edition to the group”
Korra glares wondering why you said that
Korra does not like Asami
In fact, she goes out of her way to make Asami’s life hell, because she feels threatened
Asami is still really nice to Korra, because Korra’s the avatar
”Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend/partner” Korra threatens, “Or I’ll make sure you never walk again”
Asami is taken aback and tries reassuring Korra that she is not trying to get with you
Korra doesn’t believe it, because who WOULDN’T want to be with you? In fact, she’d be MORE offended if Asami didn’t have a small crush on you, because who did she think she was? Better than you?
At the end of the day, Korra’s not good with her jealousy and it’s a very ugly emotion on her
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Korra corners Y/N…
Korra: hey there. I’m gonna grab you by the hair and ride you like a polar bear tonight
Asami: Korra! Tonight’s my night with Y/N
Korra: but I just got done training! You know how that gets me!
Y/N: having to choose between two amazing women, what has my life come to?
The two women pause and smile at Y/N…
Asami: or…we can just share
Korra: I like the sound of that
Y/N: I’m not getting any sleep tonight
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victorianbatman · 3 months
ATLA/LOK incorrect quotes
F, M & GN reader | every scenario without the readers gender being specified is Gender Neutral.
Bolin, on the phone with Mako: Mako, I need you to come pick me up.
Mako: Why?
Bolin: Y/n is busy passive-aggressively doing the dishes they asked me to do 6 hours ago.
Bolin: This house is not safe anymore.
Mako: Hey, whats for dinner?
Bolin: I cant tell you, its a soup-rise.
Mako: Is it soup?
Y/n: We soup-ose is could be.
Mako: Enough with the soup puns you two.
Bolin: Aww, you never soup-port our jokes.
[Five minutes later]
Mako: It was fucking tacos.
Mako: The stars look really pretty tonight.
Y/n: Yeah, they do.
Mako: You know who else looks pretty tonight?
Y/n: Asami.
Mako, at the same time: Korra.
Y/n: What?
Mako: What?
Toph: Do you do anything other than whine like a little bitch?
Y/n: Sometimes I whine like a BIG bitch.
Mako, not looking up from his book: What did she(Kuvira) do now?
Mako: At you?
Y/n: No, at her dumb friends, but she looks like an angel.
Mako: Go away, Y/n.
Y/n: Shut up, I watched you pine after Korra while in a relationship with Asami.
Mako: Go on.
Korra: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute.
Lin: That’s not how you make cookies.
Bolin: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?
Y/n&Bolin: DO IT!
Lin: NO-
Korra: I’m small, but knowing.
Tall!Y/n: You dont be knowing what the top of a shelf looks like though.
Korra: …
Tall!Y/n: …
Korra: Bitch.
Bolin and Mako watching Y/n from a distance chase a squirrel.
Bolin: Thats the person I see myself married to in the future.
Bolin: Thoughts?
Mako: …
Bolin: …
Mako: ..and prayers, bro.
Y/n: My autistic friend(book 1 zuko) is my favourite person on the planet. I asked if he would still be friends with me if I got a mullet and without looking up he said “we are not friends” like ok bestie.
Korra: Theres only one thing worse than losing.
[Tips over paper saying ‘losing Y/n’]
Y/n: Me.
Korra: No-
Y/n: Are you sure you’re ok?
Zuko, crying: Yeah, it’s just these onions, man.
Y/n: …
Zuko: …
Y/n: Those are potatoes.
[Asami, puts on chapstick]
Y/n: What flavour is that?
Asami: oh its [chapstick flavour].
Y/n: Lemme taste.
Asami: Sure.
[hands chapstick]
Y/n, kisses Asami
Y/n: Shit it does actually taste like [Chapstick flavour].
[Asami blushing like crazy]
Y/n: Aang, why do good people die young?
Aang: When you are in a garden full of flowers, which one do you pick?
Y/n: The ugly ones.
Aang: Exactly- wait wait what, why?
Y/n: Because ugly bitches dont belong in my garden.
Toph: Hi, im your doctor today, I’ll be drawing your blood as soon as I’m done with my capri sun.
[Misses the hole four times before finally getting the straw in]
[Y/n, sweats profusely]
Sokka: I have the sharpest memory, name one time I forgot something.
Y/n: You forgot me and Suki back in the fire nation 3 weeks ago.
Sokka: I did that on purpose, try again.
Y/n: Listen to me, love is a scam.
Bolin: You’re making a valentines card for Mako right now.
Y/n, points glue gun at him: You’re on thin fuckin ice.
Zuko: Whats with the napkin on the glass door?
Y/n: Aang keeps walking into the glass door, so I thought this might help.
Aang: Oh cool, a floating napkin!
[Walks into glass door]
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pastel-peach-writes · 7 months
Hello!! I love your Korra X readers so I’m just gonna ask if you could do a Korra x Fem!reader (or GN up to you!) with the cliche plot of Reader being injured and not telling anyone until later? Hope you are doing well!!
YURR lets go. I initially wrote this as a fem!reader, but I didn't even use the reader's pronouns in this so, gender neutral reader it is!
Kiss It Better | Korra x Beifong!Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: With your girlfriend saving the world all the time, you take it as your job to not worry her with your own problems. If you needed help with something, you'd figure it out or get someone else's help. What happens when your "selflessness" nearly costs you an arm?
╰┈➤ WARNING: Injured!Reader, Suggestive Mentions, Cursing, Not Proofread, Beifong!Reader
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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It was a simple fracture. You were training with Bolin and a cluster of Earth hit you too hard in the arm. Bolin apologized and even offered to take you to the infirmary, but you rejected him.
One, you were a Beifong; you don't get hurt. Two, if you go to the infirmary, chances are you'll get a cast or some sort of sling. That'll worry your girlfriend, the Avatar, and with all the duties she had to attend to, your fractured arm was the least of her worries.
"Oh, fuck," you hissed, leaning back into your plush sofa. Typically, the plush cushions and fuzzy fabric would comfort you. The cushions would allow your muscles to relax and for your body to find comfort in the warm snuggles of your girlfriend's blanket. But now, the cushions only make your body hurt worse.
There was no support in the cushions. The plushiness was too plushy and the warm comfort typically found within the blanket was annoying.
"I'm home!" Korra announced. The woman kicked off her boots, put up her short hair, and plopped beside you on the couch.
You groaned, holding your bicep.
Korra tilted her head, raising a brow. "Hey, you okay? Was I too loud or something?"
Time slowed as you forced a laugh out of your chest. If you laughed too hard, your arm would ache. If you didn't laugh enough, Korra would assume something was wrong.
Nothing was wrong. At least, to her knowledge.
"Oh, sorry!" you smiled at her, "I was actually practicing this new joke Mako taught me. I was supposed to make this sound, but I guess I haven't mastered it yet."
"Oh... haha," Korra forced out of her. "No more taking joke suggestions from Mako. He doesn't have a funny bone in his body." The Avatar nestled her head on your chest. She hummed, snuggling into the warmth of your body.
"Right," you chewed on your lip. "I don't know what I was thinking."
"One, hit! Two, hit! Three--!"
"Okay!" you howled. You and Bolin have been training for three hours straight now. Something must've inspired Bolin because he's been sending over disks, boulders, and other forms of Earth toward you like there was no tomorrow. While he was losing pounds by sweating alone, your arm was screaming at you.
"Please stop moving me!" "I'm hurt!" "Why do you hate us?!"
You wished you could listen to your body. You really did. But you read somewhere that certain fractures can heal on their own with the proper rest and care.
You thought you could take it easy in training today, but obviously, Bolin had other plans.
"Oh," Bolin smiled, peeling himself away from his boxed stance. "Did I go too far? Sorry. Opal said something last night about guys working out and how she loved watching me train sometimes, so I wanted to work extra hard this practice so I wouldn't feel bad for showing off."
Your chest heaved up and down as the boy spoke. The fire in your arm was excruciating and it was spreading to your shoulders.
You trudged along the training center, going to a lousy bench where your water bottle and workout towel lay. "No, no," you told Bolin, "it's okay. I just need a break. That's all."
Lowering yourself onto the bench, your muscles and all the meat on your body felt like falling off the bone like you were a tenderly cooked piece of chicken. Your thighs ached and shook, like after an endless night with Korra. You took your towel and slung it over your good arm. You carefully opened your water bottle to take a sip.
Bolin followed after, mindlessly yapping about Opal and how pretty she was. Once he sat himself next to you and drank from his water, his eyes bulged out of his head, and water sprayed from his mouth.,
You whipped your head toward him, perplexed. "Oh, my Spirits! What was that?"
"What happened to your arm?" the boy exclaimed. He pointed at the swollen and bruised skin. Your rotator cuff was a deep purple with blue specs. He couldn't see it, but the bruising gave a pulsing sensation.
You scoffed and went for another sip of water. "Nothing. Just bumped into a pole."
"What kind of pole hit you like that?" he exclaimed again, now out of his seat. His green eyes were now filled with fear; his body trembled with worry.
You tried to shrug, but since your hurt arm was alarmingly tough and sore, only your good arm moved. "I don't know," you mumbled. "It was a while ago, I think. I can't really remember."
"Well, you have to at least let a nurse or someone qualified check you out! This looks bad, Beifong. No pole could've done this."
"Bolin," you rose to your feet. "I'm fine. Don't make me say it again." You didn't let Bolin get another word in as you gathered your things. "And Bolin, don't mention this to anyone."
Bolin can't keep a secret and honestly, it's your fault for telling him to keep one. You're his friend and Bolin doesn't believe in keeping his friends in danger. You need medical attention, even if you are too stubborn to admit it.
Immediately after practice, he ran to Mako who ran to Asami who told Korra.
When she first heard the news, Korra had mixed emotions. She was vexed because she didn't notice your pain and you didn't tell her, yet worried about the extremity of your injury. Could your arm fall off? What if the injury was actually worse underneath?
The Krew discussed your injury and how to intervene in your careless ways of living. There was a plan where they tricked you into going to the hospital, another where they took you out to dinner and would finesse you into spilling your guts, and then there's the plan they actually went through; the plan that made the most sense.
Korra was to go home with a smile on her face, cuddle and kiss on you for a while, and then ease into the conversation of training and injuries.
Mako thought the subtle conversation topic would force you to talk about your injury without actually forcing you.
Well, it's been two fucking hours of medical talk and Korra wasn't getting anywhere.
The two of you were cuddling on your bed, legs entangled with each other and her arms around your waist. She had her head on your good arm and from the corner of her eye, she could see the black and blue bruising that was growing to your neck.
Your pajamas acted as a pathetic way to hide it.
Korra was done playing the nice game. She had Asami in her head telling her to play the nice game and to ease into it. (She also had Mako claiming that Korra was unable to play the "nice-and-ease-into-it" game, but what Mako doesn't know won't kill him).
"Bolin told me," Korra spoke, her eyes fixated on the wall in front of you two.
You hummed, keeping your eyes closed. The ache and burn on your arm weren't as bad anymore. You also read somewhere that heat would inflame the injury more so after a quick lukewarm shower, you iced. You iced and replaced the ice for hours until Korra came home.
You were missing that ice right about now.
"Told you what?"
"That you have a disgusting bruise on your shoulder." Okay, so Bolin didn't describe it as disgusting, but what you don't know won't kill you either.
You snickered. "I ran into a pole, okay? It's not the big of a deal."
"Then why are you lying to me?" Korra pulled herself off of your chest. With delicate fingers, the Avater peeled the soft fabric off your shoulders.
The subtle movement of the fabric made you wince and the natural instinct was to push Korra away, so, you did. You pushed on her stomach to move her away from you. "Korra, don't."
"Oh, what are you gonna do?" she scoffed. Korra sat on her knees, shoulders squared to you and arms crossed over her chest. "Threaten me? You saw how that worked out with Bolin, nice move by the way." Korra's words were stern and leaning towards the angry side of things. Her nose scrunched while her nostrils flared. She was also gripping her arms so hard, her grip made marks.
"I didn't threaten him," you claimed.
"So, what would you call it? Being a bad friend? Telling him to keep your health a secret knowing damn well it's on the line?"
"My health is not on the line!" You've sat up from the bed now. Your bad arm rested on a mound of pillows and your good arm held it for support. "It's a tiny injury, sprain if you wanna go that far."
"That's rich," Korra scoffed. She shook her head, getting off the bed. "You can barely talk to me without the corner of your mouthing ticking from the pain. I can barely put my hands on your shirt and you can barely sit on the couch without groaning in pain."
You suddenly found interest in the ceiling. You took note of the texture and the color. You would find any new fact you could about this ceiling if it meant you could avoid Korra's burning gaze and her rising anger.
This is why you didn't want to tell her in the first place. She's worried about everyone else and for once, you wanted to be someone she doesn't have to worry about. But now she's here, yelling at you because she cares. Because you didn't tell her.
"I didn't want you to worry about me too," you mumbled. Your gaze dropped to the comforter. "You have so much on your plate, I wanted to ease the load. You shouldn't be stressed about me, you're the Avatar. You have more people to worry about."
Watching you struggle to look her in the eye, Korra sat herself on the bed. She put a soft hand on the mound of your knee, using her thumb to soothe the skin. "Hey," she spoke. "I am your girlfriend first and the Avatar second. I will always worry about you. You deserved to be worried about and cared for."
You swallowed thickly. The back of your throat scratched like you had a cold yet your mouth was eager to say something back. Your brain couldn't think of any words to say.
"Your struggles and problems aren't inferior to me. I want you to come to me with your troubles, not because I'm the Avatar, but because I'm your girlfriend. It's my job to care for you, to heal you when you're sick, and to pick you up when you're down. Master of the Elements or not, that's my job and it's yours too," she sighed. "So, please, for the first time, tell me what's wrong and what I can do to help you."
The moment your eyes locked with hers, a flood broke through you. You wept as you told her what was wrong with your arm and how long you've tried to sustain this injury, four days.
Korra could kick herself over and over again for not noticing how much pain you were in, but you were a good pretender. In some way, she had Bolin and Opal to thank. Without Bolin's sudden desire to train extra hard, you wouldn't be forced to stop pretending.
But instead of wallowing in self-pity and throwing a really weird party for the couple in her head, she comforted you. She pulled you to her chest and held you as tightly as she could without hurting you further.
The two of you stayed like that, you in her arms, for a while. You didn't take notice of the time spent in the position. You two focused on each other's breathing and warmth.
And finally, for the first time in a long time, you let Korra take care of you.
WC: 2,071
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cuntinies · 29 days
summary: korra always has her way so when reader tries to be sneaky, korra can't help but have her fun
warnings: established relationship,restraint kink, cursing, fingering (r! receiving), little slap, use of words "cunt, pussy, mound", spitting, slight degradation, praise, some after care.
a/n: im high and this is my first fic/ oneshot so expect errors. i wrote this entirely for myself so you dont have to like it, just dont be mean
"please just this once korra!" you breathlessly laugh. muffled snickers are heard above you, one hand gripping your arm, the other gripping your thigh. making your failed attempt at trying to kick away from her.
every time korra wants to play games, she has to win. if it's go fish, she has already won 3 times now. mario kart? forget it, she's yelling in your face like a prepubescent boy who is playing with his friends by saying "LET'S GOOOOOO".
korra does not let up and she makes sure you know that. though, this time you initiated it. walking out of your shared room, you see the back of korra's head sitting on the couch. the opened window causing the sun to pool inside the shared apartment, lighting up the side of her face.
''she's probably reading,' you thought to yourself as a sly smirk crept up on your face, seeing how her head was tilted downwards. you wanted to surprise her, to hear her scream like she always does to you when you have your back turned towards her, minding your sweet business. you continue to take a few steps toward her before you leap forward, tumbling and bringing the girl down with you.
“you little shit-” korra spits out, laughter hinting in her voice, immediately shifting to her knees before she flips you onto your back leading to where you are now. her book, wide open. crumpled pages right under her right knee as she fights you off.
“please! you never let me-” you get cut off as she’s already flipping you onto your tummy. strong thighs cage your own, her hands bringing your arms behind you, pining them onto your back. your left cheek smushed onto the carpet floor. the woman above breathing rapidly, staring down at your defeat.
“now, why would you think that would've worked?” she pants, tilting her head in amusement to peek at your adorable squished face. all you can do is focus on how her hips are grounded onto you. you can't help but shift your hips as if your body is reacting to this familiar feeling.
“it's my turn to win now,” you grumbled, trying to annunciate the words as your face was being mushed into the ground. korra tightens her grip on your arms, pressing her upper body down onto your back, lips going towards your right ear.
"so why aren't you trying to get me off?" she whispers so softly that your whole body shudders. she traced the shell of your ear with her lips. she couldn't help but smile as she felt your hips below hers grinding back into her hips.
"stop being dirty you-" you get those words out before you feel her body shift upwards. she uses her other arm now to pull your lower body half up, getting you in an arch and a nice view of how your shorts are scrunched up between the space where your thigh and crotch meet.
"im being dirty? you started rubbing your ass on me! did that seriously turn you on?" korra teases, playing with the elastic band on your shorts. she picks it up and snaps it back in place. "how much do you want to bet that you're wet right now?"
you aren't going to bet because you are wet. as soon as she gripped your arms in one hand behind your back, your body submitted. you groaned, trying to shuffle away from her fingers teasing you. she rubs her hand right over your left ass cheek, before pulling your shorts down. the soft material pooling at your mid-thigh, feeling the chilled air on your exposed slit. you gasp, inhaling sharply as you feel her middle and ring finger collecting the slick between your folds.
"fuck.." she says softly under her breath, rubbing the slick between her fingers. you’re just whining and squirming, trying to chase back at the feeling of her fingers on your cunt.
"korra.." a small whine escapes your now swollen lips, caused by you trying to hide your arousal as if it wasn't clear between your thighs. you hear her amused chuckle, her hand going back to dipping into your wetness. she rubs her fingers soothingly, making sure to put enough pressure when she reaches your clit.
"hmm, babe? what were you gonna say?" she asks, making eye contact with your sweet watering eyes. she can't help but flash you a little smile as she continues to rub at your clit. you on the other hand are trying to keep your eyes open, threatening to roll them back as she applies delicious pressure on your cunt.
"mm korra please.." tilting your head a bit more so you can get a good look at how sexy she looks above you. her hair that fell out of her ponytail perfectly framing her face, a flushed pink decorates her cheeks, and you see how her eyes are drooping with desire. before you can even register what's going to happen, you barely see her hand moving maybe 5 inches away from your pussy, swiftly spanking your mound. a shudder erupts from your body, causing a gasp to a moan leaving your mouth.
"use your words, tell me what you want baby." she quickly cups your cunt as a way to apologize and soothe your pussy from the previous slap. her voice is like music to your ears, a hot sensation in your tummy. your head already feeling fuzzy, trying to think of your response.
" fill me.. with mfmm.. your fingers, please korra," whining, going back to nibbling your bottom lip. korra groans, rubbing your puffy clit before she starts to fill you up with her index finger.
"goood girl. you're gonna let me fuck you, yeah?" she asks, a smile in her voice. you nod as your eyes flutter close, leaving your mouth agape so your whines and moans can be heard. korra continues to have that grip on your arms as she fucks you with her finger, going from slow to fast, to hooking and unhooking her finger to open you up for another. as she almost takes her index finger out of you, she slips her middle finger alongside her index.
"ahh! fuck yes korra," you moan out, shifting your legs as she adds a second finger into your sopping wet cunt. you can't help but get embarrassed as wet creamy sounds are filled into the living room. you hear the woman above you softly gasping as she cant rip her eyes away from your messy cunt, watching her fingers plunge in and out of you. your walls fluttering around her fingers, allowing yourself to feel complete mush. korra continues to fuck your pussy, her face coming towards your cunt. you feel a warm liquid sliding down your folds as it meets with her fingers, mixing with your arousal. you gasp as you realize what it is, immediately feeling your walls clench under korras fingers.
"fuck, are you gonna come baby? yeah? you dirty little minx, like when i spit in this pussy huh?" she says as her lips are right next to your ear. she nibbles on your lobe, smirking as she scissors her fingers inside you. you choke up. you feel the band in your stomach about to snap and you just want to feel korras lips on yours. you pry open your eyes and pout your lips, "yes korra mhm.. kiss me please im gonna cum."
korra swears under her breath, immediately connecting her lips to yours. speeding her fingers up as she feels your walls tighten around her fingers. the girl moans in your mouth with you, letting you take whatever you need as you feel your orgasm starting to wash over you. all you can do is let out these high-pitched moans, korra nodding her head, signaling that you can come. her eyebrows furrowed, her wet muscle moving against yours in your mouth. she starts feeling your body give one last shudder before collapsing, letting the orgasm wash over you. she catches your body almost immediately as she feels you letting go, taking her fingers out and rubbing quick circles onto your swollen clit. you gasp so cutely that she just watches this orgasm taking over you and your senses. lil splashes of your slick hit the soft ground as she continues to help you ride out your orgasm. your body starts to pick a regular breathing pattern. korra lets go of your arms as they drop to your sides. your body feels completely blissed out, your mind blank as all you can do is just feel the soft rug under your bare half.
"i did not know you liked me restraining you like that," she laughed softly, kissing your cheek as she slowed her pace. you groan, moving away from her fingers as you feel it getting too much.
"oh shut upppp," you grumble, can't help but smile as you feel your body floating in its post-orgasm state. korra reaches down and takes a little bite of your shoulder.
"dont be embarrassed, it's cute." she says, giving a kiss to the little bite mark on your shoulder. rubbing your back, korra lets you lay as long as you need to recover from an intense orgasm, which will always be her favorite part.
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heartilywrites · 2 months
korra cuddles?? i just KNOW this girl cannot keep her hands off
OH, you couldn't be more right, she loves physical contact. okay, let's go!!
♡ — The way you love ; Korra
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resume: where Korra seem to love having her hands on you.
content warning: fluff ; established relationship ; a shorter os ; comfort ; no use of y/n ; I think this count as headcanons too ?? idk, I'll let u decide that
wc: 1.1k
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“ I just can't leave you alone, can we get even closer.ᐣ
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If Korra was a bit handsy while you two were just friends, once the relationship was official: she was all on you.
The southerner was not farther than 3 steps from you at any time. Hanging out? She was beside you with her arm resting on your shoulders, going on a mission? She needed to have her hand intertwined with yours while walking, training? She was the one attacking, Korra practiced one–on–one fights with you as an excuse to be on top of you or vice-versa. The only time she couldn't be in contact with you was while fighting, but sometimes she was able to manage an defense attack where she would have you near and you'll help her.
It was safe to say that Korra's love language was physical touch.
In her words: she liked feeling your touch, it made her feel safe and grounded.
That exact moment was an excellent example; after a pretty rough training on defense tactics, you threw yourself on the ground to catch up your breath.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I think I still have earth you threw at me in my mouth.” you said to the avatar, she giggled funnily.
She made her way to you, kneeling beside your body first before laying at your side while hugging you by the waist, she rested her head in your chest.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I may have boosted myself a little bit.” Korra responded back at you. You felt sticky with sweat all over your body, but she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she even snuggled more with you, having one leg tangled with yours while closing her eyes to rest for a moment.
Your nearest hand made its way to your girlfriend's hair, leaving caresses while you also closed your eyes. Your heart was still pounding in your chest after such intense training and you knew Korra could hear it at that time. And she loved it, hearing your heartbeat and your breathing made her feel at home, as if in the world there was only the two of you.
At one point, she felt your breathing become slower while your hand stood in one place. You've fallen asleep on the floor with your girlfriend in your arms, she smiled big, but didn't move, she wanted to stayed with you for a bit more time before Tenzin made his way to you both and burst the bubble surrounding you.
But if you were honest, she wasn't the only one in the relationship who loved physical touch. You also loved how she would hug you without you asking for it, her arms made you feel like nothing bad would happen ever again while snuggling into her to feel the heat she emanated.
Such at nights like those where the whole group was hanging out in the city.
The moon was at the top of the sky shining beautifully, soaking all five of you in her light. Sitting at a bench, Mako and Asami where so immersed in a conversation with Bolin playing alongside Pabu on their other side and you were trembling a little bit while talking to Korra standing next to the railing that separated you from the water.
She saw you shake a bit and laugh shortly. “Come here, babe.” she said opening her arms, you didn't say anything and took the last step to let the girl hug you completely. Her warmth made you stop shaking, allowing you to sigh relief. “You look cute when you're shaking, haven't I told you that already?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Shut up.” you whispered on her neck once your head found rest on her shoulder.
And your friends where already used to having you two hugging all the time. When Korra and you started your friendship, it was usual to see you have contact with the avatar. Maybe having one of her hands between yours or seating so close to her your shoulders would be brushing each other, so they didn't flinch at the small gestures you had with each other.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What about going to the beach?” you said to everyone. Korra made you sit on her lap while her arms were hugging your waist and her chin rested on your shoulder. “Us, Tenzin's kids, Kai and Opal... Maybe Wu?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I could work on my tan.” Mako said with fun, agreeing to your idea. Asami nodded to him like saying 'me too'.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh! Yes! We can make a sandcastle competition.” Bolin exclaimed so happily to the scenario he was making on his head.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I will totally beat you.” Korra showed off, Asami laughed.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I want to see that!” the earthbender defend himself, smiling big, clearly both of them so decided to win.
But Korra's favorite time of the day had to be at night, at either your room or hers. In the silence of the night, it was finally only both of you, talking about trivialities, if you were separated for the day both of you would tell the other how it went or just stayed in silence in the bed.
Neither of those where the activities happening in your apartment.
After putting on your pijama you were quick to grab the book on your side of the bed and open it. Korra was getting herself ready still when you were finishing the chapter you left off.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “My turn to have your attention.” you heard the brunette's voice on her side of the bed, with caution she took the book from your hands and marked the page you were in before leaving it back on the nightstand.
You let her take the book away, looking at her with fun. Once free, her hands made their way to your waist, pulling you as close as humanly possible to her.
One of her hands sneaked into you shirt, making you jump a little bit at the change of temperature, getting use to her warmth a second later.
Without saying a word her lips met yours in a soft kiss, there wasn't really any second intention on her gesture other than feeling your fuzzy sweet lips on hers. Her free hand also found its way to make contact with your skin; without any problem she guided your body to hers, making you sit on her lap all without breaking the kiss.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Can't keep your hands to yourself, huh?” your voice murmured on her lips when you felt how her hands move once again, but now to you thighs that were on each side of her body.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Not if I wanted to, you're too perfect.” she said back, moving her head a bit desperate to feel your lips on hers again.
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hazashiovo · 3 months
Helloooo!! Can I request mako and bolín (seperate) being protective of their (s/o), thank you a lot<33
Ofc u can!
A/n: mako and Bolin have the most requests so far,I'm really glad tbh that people are submitting requests,keep em coming.i also added in Korra and Kuvira ,since this seems like a perfect imagine for them.
Genre: Fluff
Mako x reader, Bolin x reader, Kuvira x reader,Korra x reader (all separate)
Overprotective Lovers
Warnings: none.
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Starting off with Mako,he's the kind of guy that doesn't take well to someone talking to you in some kind of mean way in front of him, especially if you're more a more naive person.
Even if you take care of yourself, he's still there making sure you're away from harms way.
If you ever get hurt or kidnapped,it's over for whoever did it, it's not like he's usually a calm person,but take away his favorite person and you got yourself a big problem to deal with.
Even when you're not exactly in danger, he's there. It's sweet really,but it can also be annoying when overdone.
You like being protected by him,but not all the time, he didn't like it when you talked to Korra, claiming since she's the avatar she would draw unnecessary attention over you and put you in complicated situations.
Of course you explain to him that you're a big girl and that you can watch over yourself,but he just can't understand it. {Sigh}.
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Korra? Well she had her ups and downs. But she learned ,ok? Once you two got together ,this feeling that's she allways had grew stronger,her urge to protect you.
Of course she would blame it on the fact that she's the avatar,but really it was her being protective of you.
Even before dating her ,you knew this would draw a lot of attention to yourself, and potential enemies of the avatar would want to harm you. But that didn't stop you,after all you're free to love whoever you want even if it endangers you.
When Korra faced Amon she used to be Terrified something bad would happen to you, even her dreams would be hunted by dark images. She would see Amon preparing to take away your bending,but each time she would wake up before anything happened,in cold sweat,with you by her side.
If you're a light sleeper,you would assure her nothing happened to you,and that you're okay.
Even after she defeated Amon, more villains appeared,making Korra constantly worry about you. But one thing is sure, that she would always be there to protect you,and in case anything happens,to save you.
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This boy is the most carefree of them all. He doesn't really have to worry that you would be kidnapped or hurt most of the time,but if it ever happens, either someone hurt you or something went wrong in the mission?
He's full boyfriend mode on. He wouldn't be like Korra or Mako, first thing he would do is bring you to safety, revenge not being his thing.
If you're okay ,that's what matters to him. But now if you're especially targeted by someone? He's not as chill as before. Especially since he recently learned how to lava bend, which makes him a pretty strong bender, definitely not the kind you would want to piss off by chasing around his girlfriend,nu uh.
Bolin knew it was a mistake to introduce you to his boss, Varrick.
That man would make flirty jokes with you,which always made Bolin roll his eyes and mock him quietly.
So what if he's smart and rich? You wouldn't like a prick like him.
Whenever Varrick got too close, your boy would be there to put distance between the two of you. It's not that he's jealous,but he knows how his boss is.
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Yeah no. I doubt anyone would even try to threaten you while she's around.
After all the power and respect she gained, expect people to fear you just because you're with her. So mostly Kuvira doesn't have to worry that anyone is gonna try anything.
After all she made quite a name for herself.
Even so, being The Great Uniter's s/o came with it's disadvantages.
For example,if someone really wanted to hurt her,they would target you. You're her soft spot,and she knows it.
Yes,you have your personal guards picked by Kuvira herself. Just because she doesn't expect you to be attacked it doesn't mean she won't be prepared for it.
You're hers,and the world knows it.
A/n : I really enjoyed writing this,I might make another part with different characters :)
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wandasfifthwife · 2 months
not a masochist but I want her to throw me into (preferably through) a wall :)
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^^not mine
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amphibiahawks321 · 5 months
M!Reader : Yawn Hi guys
Bolin : Hey dude! Woah what's wrong with you?
M!Reader : Ugh I couldn't sleep at all last night
Bolin : Hmmmm..... You know, They say if you can't sleep it's because someone's thinking of you!
M!Reader : PFFFF! I appreciate the kind words dude but Who'd be thinking of me at 3 am?
Korra [Blushing] : Yeah! That's ridiculous!
[Last night]
Korra : ......
[Korra's thoughts 💭]
Y/N : Cool scarf Korra!
Y/N : Hi Korra!
Y/N : You with short hair look awesome!
Y/N : Rock paper scissors for the last piece!
Y/N : Let's sneak out!
Y/N : DIBS! bolin : oh no you don't!
Y/N : ....Korra Did you just breathe out Fire? ........COOL!
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rougecreator1 · 2 months
korra fluff 🥹🥹 i love my girl so much😔
Dining with the Rich
|| Avatar Korra x fem!reader
|| Warnings: none, just pure fluff
|| Summary: Korra finds reader hanging out by the park river and offers to take her on a nice date, it's been a while since they had the chance to.
Requests open!
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It was a peaceful day in Republic City.
You'd been enjoying your morning, laying by the park river and looking towards the sky with your arms folded behind your head. Feeling relaxed and at peace for the first time in a while. Being the Avatar's girlfriend meant you were always caught up in some chaos or drama that didn't originally involve you... but you somehow get dragged into anyway.
That's when you hear the sound of a familiar voice calling your name, propping yourself up on your elbows you turn your head and see Avatar Korra. Giving you that classic smile of hers you've come to love. A soft blush forms on your cheeks and you smile back as she waves at you, joining you by the river and sitting down beside you. Planting a soft kiss to your lips.
"Hey, you." She rests her hand on your knee," What're you doing out here? I've been looking for you all morning."
You lean your head on her shoulder, resting against her side and taking in her warmth.
"Enjoying the weather. You said you've been looking for you?" You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that. Was your peace really going to be interrupted by more Avatar duties again?
"Yeah, I've been thinking... it's been a while since we went on a proper date, unless you count fighting villains as a date?" Korra jokes, you roll your eyes and suppress a laugh.
"Absolutely not."
"Didn't think so." Korra gives you a playful nudge, which manages to get that laugh out of you. She smiles," Asami mentioned a nice restaurant that opened up recently and offered to get us a reservation. If you're interested."
"Oh, definitely. I'm not missing out on free rich people food." You smile back and Korra laughs this time, draping her arm around your shoulders and pulling you in close to her side.
"How about tonight, then?" She looks at you and you nod.
A few hours later, you were getting ready for your date. In absolute state of panic trying to make sure you presented yourself perfectly.
Jinora walked past your door (you have a room in the Air Temple) then stopped and back tracked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"Why are you so freaked out?" She asks, you jump and turn to look at her. Having been startled by her sudden appearance.
"I have a date with Korra tonight and I need to look perfect. Asami got us a reservation at some fancy rich restaurant." You explain, your hands making frantic gestures.
Jinora stifles a laugh and walks into your room, arms folded across her chest as she tilts her head at you.
"Korra's not going to care what you wear. I mean, have you seen the way she dresses?" Jinora reminds you, you glance at yourself in your body mirror. Looking over your features.
You'd thrown together a quick outfit. A nice black velvet sleeveless t (which showed a bit of cleavage). Paired with velvet black dress pants. It was the nicest thing you owned and you had saved an embarrassing amount of money just to get it.
"I know but the place is like- super fancy-" You stutter out, rethinking your choice as you bite down on your thumb nail.
Jinora rolls her eyes.
"If you aren't going to listen to my advice you're hopeless." She leaves you to fend for yourself, not wanting to deal with you if you won't even listen to her advice.
After another hour of fussing, you finally decide you were at least presentable. Taking a breath, you stepped out of your room and headed down the hall. Why was this all still scary? You and Korra have been on a number of dates. This one shouldn't be any different.
But it was.
Because you'd be dining with rich people. God, you just realized you didn't even know proper table manners. Like, yeah you knew how to behave yourself at a table but not rich people level.
Though you quickly relaxed remembering Korra was in the same boat as you. Even if she was the Avatar, her manners... could use a little work.
You made it to the first level of the Temple, Korra standing by the front door and waiting for you. Styled similarly to how she was during the last scene of the finale episode.
I couldn't find any decent pictures.
She noticed you and smiled, taking in your appearance with a soft blush on her cheeks.
"You look... wow. Now I feel underdressed." She looks down at her own outfit and you can't help but laugh, smiling and taking her hand in yours.
"You look perfect." You assure her, a blush on your cheeks matching the one on Korra's.
Korra gives you a soft kiss, though you don't let her pull away and instead continue it for a moment. Your lips moving against each others in soft, rhythmic motions before your lips finally part. Separated by a mere inch or so as you looked into each other's eyes.
Your hand squeezed hers and she leads you out of the Temple, heading to your date spot.
The rest of the night flows smoothly. The two of you enjoying your meals, having conversation after conversation. Talking about anything and everything from latest bending techniques to latest interests. The hours tick by and you haven't even realized how long it's been. Just enjoying have a night off to be with each other.
It was nice focusing on your relationship rather than the world.
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