#kofi request
kaereth · 3 months
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Harpy!Luz and Mermaid!Amity being cute and lovey for a kofi request 💞
[Image description: digital art of Luz and Amity from The Owl House, where Luz is a harpy with brown feathers and Amity is a mermaid with purple scales. Amity's sitting on the ground, laughing as Luz puts her hands on her shoulders from behind, and leans over to kiss her on her forehead. Luz's wings are arching up in the air. End description. Description by anistarrose]
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nartothelar · 5 months
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kofi request for @alubearsworld: motivational submas!
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lazer-t · 1 month
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Mononykus olecranus for a $15 Ko-fi supporter
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somewillwin · 7 months
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Kofi request by @spaceprincessleia of Leia wishing Hera good luck ♥️
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nessiemccormick · 8 months
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@baratrongirl requested Apollo’s reaction to Klavier’s new poster! I feel he’d think how fake it is compared to the real one jsjdf
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wing-locked · 11 months
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☕️ Cyberverse Dead End
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kare-valgon · 3 months
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Kofi sketch for Aisling_
She requested my rescued kittens, who so far have been Ivy, Nico, Rocky and Freckle
They are not in their canon ages btw, these are the ages in which their namesakes were rescued, Nico was 4 weeks when found, Ivy was a bit over and month, Freckle was a year and and Rocky was about a year and a half.
Thank you so much for the support!
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nexysworld · 11 months
Trying Again
Read on AO3 🖤 Make a Request 🖤 Masterlist
A Ko-fi commission for the beautiful @elfven-blog. It was my first time writing Kratos!
Summary: Set post Ragnarok - After seeing you treat an ailing Atreus, Kratos realizes that he wants to try being a father again.
Pairing: Kratos x FemWife!Reader
Tags: NSFW, Smut, P in V sex, overstimulation, baby making, mentions of blood, no use of Y/N, MDNI.
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The second the sun hit mid-sky you knew something was off, your husband was nothing if not routine and even on the odd occasion something did happen to cause Kratos to be late, it was never for long. 
Nervousness bubbled in the pit of your stomach as you pondered where they could be and what had happened. Since the ending of Ragnarok peaceful times had washed over the land, outside of the small rebellions initiated by Odin’s lingering supporters – those didn’t have you much concerned though, small fries compared to those that fell to Kratos in memories past. Even still, something in your gut was gnawing at you, screaming something was wrong. Trying to avoid the thought, you busied yourself with tasks around the cabin. Cleaning, prepping meat, cooking, sharpening weapons, anything you could to keep your mind off of things. ‘Kratos is strong. You’re over thinking things.’ You repeated inwardly. 
Soon night had fallen, and still no sign of Kratos, not able to take it anymore, you began to dress, hooking a sword into your belt. “Aye Lass, what’re you doing? Ye can’t be thinkin’ about going after him, you’re no fighter.” Mimir piped up from his spot on the table side. “I know but what if something is wrong? Kratos is no healer, he’s never out like this Mimir. I can’t just stay here and do nothing.” “You know Kratos wouldn’t approve of this, he would want you to wait.” “But he wouldn’t wait. He wouldn’t hesitate if he thought something was wrong.”
“I know yer worrying, but I think it would be best if –”
The argument was cut short by a loud pounding on the door to the cabin, it was so hard the walls around you began shaking, dust pouring down from the ceiling. For a brief moment you thought the whole cabin might come down – you froze in place not sure if you should investigate or not. Not a moment of silence later before the pouding began again, this time you opted to step forward cracking the door open. A huge man you didn’t recognize stood before you, blood caked to his head and face. “Are you the wife of Kratos?” 
You nodded nervously. You could sense there was no malice in his voice, only concern, but it wasn’t enough to abate your growing fears. “Did something happen to him?” The man did not answer your question, reaching forward in a swift movement to wrap an arm around your back pulling you outside with him. “We must go,” was all he said before the runic tattoos along his arms began to glow with an iridescent blue. The world around you faded to black and it felt like falling through a waterfall made of wind. It only lasted for a few moments before your feet found purchase, light re-entering your eyes causing blurry vision. “What the hell?” You asked, rubbing at them until the ache disappeared and your vision was cleared again. Taking in your surroundings you didn’t recognize the location at all, it didn’t feel like Midgard or any of the other realms you’d had the experiences of visiting. The smell was too fresh and the symbols carved along the stony mountain pathways were not Nordic. “Come, wife of Kratos.” The man said, grabbing you by the arm and walking, not waiting for you to respond. “Where are we?” You asked, attempting to tug your arm back, but not succeeding. “It matters not.” Was the only flat response you received. “Where is my husband?” You demanded this time. “I am taking you to him.” “Is he ok?” “You will see for yourself.” Frustration at the man’s short responses had your inner temper threatening to boil over, but you kept yourself inline not knowing what was going on. It would have been almost ironic that he spoke like Kratos if it weren’t for how annoying it was coming from someone other than your husband. The walk felt like it lasted eternity as the two of you made your way down the stony pathway, desperately hoping to find your husband in one piece. 
 Your prayers were answered when you saw him there hunched over someone, a closer look and you realized it was Atreus. “By the gods!” You shouted running the rest of the distance over to them and kneeling down over your step son. “What happened to him? Are you ok?” The boy – now nearly a man – was unconscious, breathing rapidly. “I am fine, but Atreus has been injured. I do not know by what means. He returned to me from his search for the giants, asking for assistance. We made it out here and then he collapsed.”
You gave him a confused look. “That doesn’t sound right. You’ve been gone all day and well into the evening, surely you must’ve been doing something else in all that time.” “Time passes at different speeds in different realms.” Kratos reminded you. “Oh….right.” You replied, as you worked Atreus’ armor off of his body to better assess the situation. It was clear whatever was ailing him was definitely magical in nature but there was no immediate injury or runes that you could see. Bringing your hand to your chin in thought, you wracked your brain further. “Can you help him?” Kratos’ voice interrupted your thoughts. 
“I think so, I just have to figure out the magic behind it.” Closing your eyes you took a deep breath in before pressing your fingers to the runes on your own arm, causing them to light up. “Opinbera!” You commanded, magic fluttering out from your fingertips encasing the boy, it sparked for a few moments before it dissipated entirely. “Shit!” “What is it?” Kratos asked, you knew him well enough to understand the hint of worry in his voice. “The caster of whatever magic this is was smart enough to counter against revealing magic.”
“Maybe Freya can help.” “Perhaps, but I don’t think we’d get there in time at this rate, going through any kind of portal magic may make things worse …. let me think a moment longer. I’m sure I can figure it out.” Tapping your fingers against the ground you tried again, flipping through the magic knowledge in your head. Healing was your specialty, you knew you could do it. 
A few more moments passed and it finally hit you, you have seen Johtun magic like this before. Immediately, you activated the runes on your arm again. “Elskhuga eitur!” The magic encased Atreus and pulsed different colors, blue, purple, red, until finally black before dissipating into a puff of smoke. 
The teen immediately sat up and coughed into his hand, lavender flower petals coming up with the spittle. “I was right.” You said with a soft smile rubbing his back. “Tell me, what woman did you spurn so badly that she did this to you?” “I….oh well…” Atreus bowed his head sheepishly as he caught his breath, a pink flush coming to his cheeks. “What is going on?” Kratos asked, annoyed. 
“The magic used on him is called ‘Lover’s Poison’, while anyone can use it, it was Jotuhn magically typically used when a man was….let's say unfaithful.” You let out a soft giggle at the thought. Kratos didn’t find it nearly as amusing. “Atreus, what is the meaning of this? You said you needed assistance with locating a giant.” “B-because I did.” He let out a groan flopping back onto the ground rubbing his temples. “Just…give me a second to explain.” “It has already been a second.” “Kratos, my love, give him a moment to rest, alright?” You encourage your husband, moving to sit next to him, rubbing loving circles into his back. While he didn’t reply, you could feel the muscles under your fingers relax a little, a good start. Atreus sat back up, and adjusted to sit cross cross in front of you and his father. He rubbed the back of his head and let out an awkward laugh, his cheeks still covered in an embarrassed flush. “So…..Angroboda was kind of upset with me, but I didn’t know she did that. I really did need help finding the giant since she left, I just didn’t expect to pass out.” You pondered his words before replying. “That’s a pretty big reaction to just being upset, Atreus. What exactly did you do?” “We got into a fight and I uh…I thought we were broken up. On my last trip back to Midgard, I saw Thrud and we may have….look this is kind of awkward to talk about.” “I did not know you were…romantically involved with either of them.” Kratos said flatly. You on the other hand laughed again. “Did she ever say you two were broken up?” “Well no….not exactly….” “Oh my dear boy. Well, I guess that would do it. Hel hath no fury like a woman scorned.” You sighed and put your hand on his shoulder. “Listen, lets get back home so you can rest and eat a good meal. We can talk more about your love life more then, alright?” You leaned in to whisper. “Without your father, I promise.” Kratos obviously heard the comment and let out a groan, you opted to ignore it to carry on. “Now that that's settled….who is the big guy who brought me here? He was also covered in blood.” “Oh that's Brot.” Atreus stated. “He’s a giant I found during my journey. He’s not hurt, just….poor hygiene after hunting.” “I see…” You replied not questioning it further. A chortle left the large man who’d been leaning against a rock the whole time. “Well Brot, you’re more than welcome to join us as well if you’d like.” “No thanks, family dinners are not my style.” He replied with a shrug. Atreus stood up, dusting himself off a bit. “Here, I can take us back home. Brot taught me that portal spell.” “Atreus, you shouldn’t push yourself.” You warned, but he had already activated it, putting a hand on each of your shoulders. The free falling feeling was back before you were in the snow outside of the cabin. 
Two transportations in one day had you wobbling a bit, Kratos helped you from the ground with ease so you could stand right, using him for support. “Are you alright?” “Yes, I’ll be alright.” To prove your point you let go of his arm and made your way inside by yourself, Kratos and your step son following behind. “By the Gods, you’re all finally back!” Mimir said, smiling. “I was gettin’ worried once the man up and took our Lassy too. And well if it isn’t Atreus, or I suppose Loki now, too!” “Hey Mimir, glad to be back.” Atreus said, propping a chair in front of the head.
Dinner passed uneventfully, everyone catching up. Atreus chose to spend the night out with the wolves in lieu of the cabin along with Mimir, leaving you and Kratos alone. You couldn’t explain it but you could almost hear Kratos thinking despite his silence. You rolled over to face him, bringing a hand up to his cheek, feeling the rough skin and wiry hair. “My love, I know you’re not sleeping. Tell me what’s on your mind.” His eyes opened, and he returned the gesture bringing his own large calloused hand to your face. “You.” He answered plainly. “Me? But I am right here, why would you need to think about me instead of resting?” The two of you stayed like that for a while, neither moving. Kratos did not immediately answer your question. It wasn’t until the fire had finally died out, and moonlight was the only thing illuminating your face did he finally explain further. “You are very good with Atreus. Today before he fell ill, he said to me he thinks of you as a mother.”
“Oh, well I’m very glad to hear it. I love him as if he were my own.”
There was no verbal reply but you could vaguely see Kratos nod in the dull light. “I fear that I have not properly taken you into consideration.” “What does that mean?” “This cabin has many reminders of Faye, carved into the very wood, the trees around us. Does that…bother you? Freya had mentioned that for many women it may spark ill feelings.” “No. Of course not. Faye is no longer with us, but she was important to you, and without her I wouldn’t have Atreus or this version of my husband – I thank her for that.” There was a soft grunt in response. “Is that all that was on your mind?” You questioned. “No.” He answered honestly. “Then, what else is on your mind?” “I have been pondering it for a while. The thought of becoming a father again.” “Oh.” The words stunned you, Kratos had always maintained that he did not want more children now that Atreus was nearly fully grown. “What made you reconsider?” “You.” Kratos adjusted himself so he could roll towards you more, leaning in just enough to see the light hit his face, the sincerity in his eyes. “Every time I see you with Atreus it reminds me of what a family could be like. It reminds me of my time back in Greece, but the good moments with Calliope and her mother. I wish for that again, now that there may finally be peace.” “Kratos, to be clear, are you saying you want to have a child with me?” “Yes.”
You responded by leaning forward to press your lips to his. “Ok.” You said softly against them. “Put a baby in me then.” You had meant the words to be sweet and agreeable but, feeling his cock pressed against your thigh as it jumped showed you it had a far more powerful effect on him. 
He returned your kiss fervently, wiry hair rough against your skin, as his large hands roamed down your body before sliding their way up your shirt to palm at your breasts. Moaning into his mouth you squirmed a little scooting closer into his touch. For being such a gruff and battle-worn god,  he was quite tender and attentive in bed – though silent. He moved his kisses down your jaw and to your neck before tearing the night shirt off of you like it was merely paper. The reminder of his strength caused more heat to pool into your core, thighs pressed together in an attempt to ease some of the building tension. He pulled away, beginning to remove the remnants of his own leather armor and under garments. Your hand flicked, lighting some candles around the room with your magic. He raised an eyebrow at you. “I want to watch.” You said softly, raking your eyes along his muscled and scarred body. He replied by continuing his movements, removing the rest of his own garments, sending them to the floor with a dull clattering noise. When his hands came back to you, he spread your thighs apart with ease, tearing your small clothes off as well, leaving you bare before him. He placed a hand on your stomach where your womb was, giving it a soft rub. “I did not receive the chance to fully participate in the experience with my last two wives. I shall not allow the experience this time to go to waste.” He moved his hand down from your stomach, slipping a finger between your soft and wet fold before running it up and down your slit, taking an extra moment to circle your clit every time he reached it. A moan left your mouth and your back arched slightly as one of his fingers found their way into your wet hole, his thumb continuing to work your pearl of sensitive nerves. “K-Kratos…” His name left your mouth like a chant as heat and slick built further and further between your legs. 
Another finger was added as he worked them apart to ease your hole open to be ready for his much larger cock. Your eyes were half lidded with pleasure already, you dared your eyes to travel downward to see his now fully hardened erection against the abs on his stomach. The memory of being stretched out on it, coupled with his never relenting fingers finally pushed you over the edge. Your legs trembled as his name flew from your mouth like a prayer, wetness soaking the bed beneath you. 
“Do you think you are ready?” He asked, giving his cock a few pumps with his hand, smearing the growing precum along himself while he gives you a moment to recover and answer. “Mhm.” You said with a small nod, pulling your legs apart a little further as an invitation for him. 
He leaned forward, using his hand to guide the fat swollen tip to your entrance. “W-wait.” You stopped him for a moment. “Sorry, I almost forgot.” You brought your hand to the rune on your stomach, tapping it before it glowed and disappeared. “Can’t put a baby in me with a dispel charm on my womb.”
He grunted in response, and once you laid back he eased himself into you at an agonizingly slow pace. No matter how many times you’ve laid with him before, each time felt like the first with the stinging stretch of the God’s cock opening you up inch by inch, until he could not go any farther. Balls deep, he waited again a nearly silent grunt leaving him as your walls fluttered around him. Your tightness sometimes had him fighting off the Ghost of Sparta in the back of his mind, remembering all the whore-plundering he had done when he was younger. You certainly didn’t help the urges he had to fuck into you like a wild beast – but luckily for you this Kratos loved his wife and wanted to make sure she felt good as well. When you brought your hands up to his shoulder, the quiet signal that it was okay to move, he did so slowly at first with shallow thrusts before building up speed. “F-fuck…” You mumbled out, feeling each time the weeping head would kiss your cervix. Something about knowing this was raw, knowing he was actively trying to fuck a baby into you had you more heated than expected. The tension was already building back up again at a fast rate, whining and moaning with each piston of his hips. The way his pelvis and thick hair would rub against your clit with each thrust, coupled with the way he rubbed all the right spots inside of you had you going wild, clawing at his back, whimpering his name. You were met with loud grunts above you, and you swore if you listened close enough what could almost amount to a stifled moan. So close to finishing again, you were desperate for pleasure, bucking back up into his thrusts, before he suddenly stopped all movement. “Roll over.” It was a command, not a question. He didn’t even give you the opportunity before he was grabbing you and flipping you onto your stomach before lifting your waist up, giving him better access to your hole. He thrust in to the hilt in one go, mounting you much deeper than before, and earning a pleasured scream from you before it died out into whimpers. Your head was fuzzy and hazy with this new angle, nothing but pleasure coursing through your body. He wrapped one arm around you so he could rub at your clit again while he did even thrusts into your hole. The next orgasm crashed down on you causing your legs to shake. He stopped thrust but left his cock buried inside of you as he continued rubbing your now overly sensitive bud, riling up a third overstimulated orgasm. “I can’t…I can’t…” You whined squirming in his grasp. “You can. You will.” He said continuing until he felt your walls clamp around him again. Incoherent words sputtered out of your mouth until you were simply drooling on the furs beneath you, brain wiped and body exhausted. “Good girl.” He said, patting your lower back softly, before renewing his grip on your hips. Now that he had you how he wanted you, he returned to his own pleasure, bucking into you at a much rougher pace, making sure each thrust ended deep inside of you. He flattened his hand on your stomach to intensify the feeling of his bulge as he continued in this new position. It wasn’t long before he was spilling his seed inside of you, of course making sure it was right at the entrance of your womb. 
He adjusted you both so his cock remained inside of you as you lay together, not wanting to allow a single drop of his essence to spill from you. His cock was not softened yet and he would have been more than ready for round two, but he knew you well enough – the warm feeling of being fucked out, filled, and exhausted had you more than ready for sleep.
As the two of you lay there, he rubbed your back, shoulders, and arms with his free hand until he was sure you were nearly unconscious. Once asleep, or at least on the cusp of it, he pulled you close against himself, running his hand down to your stomach again, rubbing soft circles there to self sooth. He pictured what you would look like in a few months swollen with his child. He wondered if it would be another girl and if she would remind him of Calliope, or perhaps another boy like Atreus. He thought of what he would do differently this time around, what he would do the same. All his thoughts began to meld together until the God himself was finally asleep too, holding you close to him.  He would never express it out loud, but Kratos was actually feeling excited.
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Like my work and want to offer support? Consider leaving a tip or dropping by my Ko-fi. It's never a requirement though, all my work and requests are free! Ko-Fi rules and FAQ found here.
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areggos-art-dump · 9 months
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requests starting off great- thanks @dev-solovey
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magician-hero · 9 months
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commission for craftsune miku
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partuulla · 10 months
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Kofi requests!
Support me on Kofi for a chance to make a BUBO request <3
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kaereth · 1 year
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A kofi gave me free reign to redraw a scene from TOH and I've been thinking about this since we found out King's dad has been watching and loving him this whole time - I'm 100% sure he said hi back 🥺
(bgs are edited from the show)
[Image Description: Six drawings. The first three are a redraw of a scene from The Owl House. King sits on a ship and looks out at the body of the Titan. He raises an arm and says “Um… hi.” The next three drawing show the Titan watching the scene on a cube in the In-Between Realm. He tenderly replies, “Hi.” The piece has a watermark that reads “kaereth. Do not repost.” End Description. Description by quailfence.]
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nartothelar · 6 months
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kofi request for @scarletrosii: silver fox deku!
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zirkkun · 1 month
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hullo i am gonna do some quick kofi requests for (nearly) anything and everything because i am in desperate need for some cash atm
send me any of your favorite blorbos over on my kofi and i'll draw them! any donation (until May 6th) at all will get a doodle, about the size as the one in this preview image ✨
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nessiemccormick · 8 months
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@vivi-ntvg requested a klapollo hug with Klavier being the one behind 🩷 thank you!! ✨
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wing-locked · 1 year
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☕️ .
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