#knuckles the echidna x reader
arahdow · 25 days
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Pairing. Sonic x reader, Shadow x reader, Silver x reader, Knuckles x reader
Content. fem!reader. fluff, tiny silly argument in shadow’s, cuddling, overall soft stuff.
Word count. 1.6 k
A/N. writing sonic was the hardest thing i’ve ever done aH idk why!! i’ll make sure to write him more often to get used to his personality aH anywaaay, again, not beta read, i’m really sacrificing my sleep hours for this one sjdjs hope y’all like it!!
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making you run and accidentally crashing with him.
“Come on! You’re being too slow!” Sonic screamed as he kept on running, his feet moving way too fast for her liking. 
Just a few days ago, the blue hedgehog encouraged his partner to go out for a run together, and she knew he was an athletic man, but this? This was torture.
“Sonic… Wait… I can’t” her feet were moving so slow compared to his, especially when she wasn’t used to running this much. 
“One foot in front of the other! Come on!” Sonic said laughing, as he ran backwards, looking at the girl. She huffed with annoyance, the hedgehog still winning even when running like that!
After a while, the blue animal ran faster and almost disappeared from her sight. The girl took a deep breath and started running faster. Somehow, the fear of getting lost in the forest making her move, helping with adrenaline. Suddenly her body was moving faster than before. Way faster! 
Her body, sadly, started to grow tired quickly because of the energy she was using. Her lower limbs suddenly getting wobbly, but somehow kept running. Out of instinct, she thought.
That was until she realized she was about to crash into a stone wall at the end of the road, it was getting dangerously close!
The girl stretched her arms to cushion the blow. A violent ‘Hey!’ was all she could hear as she crashed, not on a stone wall, but rather a soft body. Sonic’s body to be clear.
He used his own body to soften the crash, but something was wrong.
“Ouch! Wha-”
She looked down and saw one of Sonic’s blue quills stuck on her shoulder. “Damn… Ouch.” 
The animal was sprawled upon her, but quickly recovered to take a look at his injured girlfriend. “Oh, I’m sorry darling,” he said with a sheepish smile, helping her stand up, careful not to mess with the quill. “but it’s kinda your fault to run that fast, thought you were about to destroy time and spac- Ouch! Why are you hitting me!” He said with a pained laugh.
“You’re an asshole! Help me get this out!” She complained, annoyed that the man was making fun of her.
“Aw, don’t be all grumpy, I promise not to make you run again.” He said, pushing her slightly to take her to the infirmary. “Hey, maybe next time you can try Shadow’s air shoe-”
“Don’t even finish that thought.”
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silly old couple argument
“Move.” The girl didn’t reply, her gaze focused on the tv. “Get up.”
“Git ip.” she mocked.
The black hedgehog grumbled, sitting really close to her, almost on her.
“This is my side of the couch, you know that.” He said as he crossed his arms. “I don’t like this channel.”
“You don’t like anything, Shadow.” She complained, not giving him the remote.
They’ve been living together for a year, two years being a couple, and they still bickered like an old couple. It became something usual between them, and it got even worse when speaking of the sofa. There was only this purple sofa in the living room, both her and Shadow liked it, but there was just something about the spot on the far left that was perfect. For both of them.
So if they were together in the house, it was usual for them to fight over the sofa spot, like they were doing now.
“I’m feeling hot, you need to get off of me!”
“I’m not on you, you’re the one occupying my place!”
“Shadow!” she pushed the hedgehog with her shoulder, as he pressed even harder on her.
With a huff, she turned and put her hands on him to push him again, when a quill suddenly pinched her hand. 
“Ow!” She exclaimed, looking at the dark quill stuck on her. “You can have your stupid place on the couch!” the girl said as she stuck her tongue and got up to the kitchen, looking for some tweezers to take the quill out.
Not many long after, the man got into the kitchen, following her, taking her arm in his hand. “Hey-”
“I’m sorry.” He said, looking intently at the sensitive red spot on her hand. Pressing his lips, he brought her hand under the faucet to clean the wound. “It wasn’t my intention to hurt you. Please forgive me.” 
The girl snorted. “It’s alright though, I was just messing with you, but you were seriously pressed, huh? Pressed enough to hurt me.” She said with a fake tone of hurt on her voice.
Shadow rolled his eyes. “You’re not gonna let this down, are you?”
She gasped and whined, putting on a pouty face, “Ow! It hurts! Please! Why are you so mean to me?”
“Alright alright, you can have the couch for today.” He sighed, shaking his head with humor.
The girl smiled, her face expression going back to normal. Turning happily, the girl kissed his cheek before running to the couch. “Love you, Shads!” 
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cuddling after a long day but uh oh…
After a tiring day outside, he wanted nothing more than to be at home, eat the food his girl made for him and spend time with her. It was a simple plan, and the cherry on top? Cuddling with her on bed, his face pressed on her stomach as she threaded his quills.
It was a usual occurrence, both of them lying down in silence, sometimes him laying on her lap, sometimes her on his, but they spent most of their time cheek to cheek.
“Silver…” She whispered, afraid of disturbing him. But he didn’t reply, instead, a soft snore broke his silence.
The girl giggled a bit as she kept on caressing his face and quills. It was times like this where she found herself falling once again for her hedgehog lover. She was actually reading a book on her other hand, so her attention was mostly directed to it.
Being immersed on the story, she got really focused on the sentences, suddenly drifting off from her task on her other hand. She unconsciously made her limb move in erratic ways, as she tried to keep on doing both things at the same time.
That was until she felt a slight sting on her hand. Jolting, she yelped as she retreated her hand from his body. The movement was so sudden, Silver opened his sleepy eyes, sensing something wrong.
Leaning back enough so he could see his partner in the eye, he found instead a look of slight pain as she held her hand in front of her face, a silverish quill stuck on her palm.
“Oh chaos, dear, your hand!” He expressed, incorporating as he held her hand for a bit. Using his telekinesis, he brought the aid kit to bed. Doing a careful procedure, he took the quill out from her hand, making her hiss at the feeling.
“I’m sorry…” He said.
“Don’t be, it was my fault, I was completely distracted by the story.” She replied, looking at the book beside her.
Silver took a look, as he kept patching her hand. “Hey! That’s the book I recommended the other day!” 
“It is! And it’s so good! I really loved it when the protagonist saved the kids from the falling building.” 
“That was my favorite part too!” He said. Both of them laughed and kept on talking about the book. He was really happy to have her in his life.
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It’s shedding season! And your roomie-bf is in the house!
Cleaning after an echidna warrior was difficult, especially when he kept bringing his dirty shoes inside her home, her food taken, and her bed occupied. But she honestly loved Knuckles company, so she carried on with it.
It was starting to get a whole lot colder outside, as the temperature began to cool down. It was that time of the year where the island became a little snowglobe, so the echidna spent more time at her partner’s home than anywhere else.
Today she needed to do the laundry, piles of dirty clothes started to form, and even though Knuckles tried to convince her to stop using clothes like him, that still wasn’t on her plans, at least not on a short term.
Sighing, she started to walk towards the laundry room, a pile of white clothes on her arms, making seeing the floor almost impossible. Knuckles was sleeping in her room, so she let him. She’ll make him fold the clothes afterwards either way. Sure, she’d let him crash whenever he needed it, but it came with a price.
Opening the door of the room, the girl stepped inside. But she wasn't ready to feel an electric pain coursing from the bottom of her feet to her core. A scared scream left her throat as the pile of clothes fell from her hands. Tripping, the girl fell on her butt with a thud. Not a second later, the echidna was already punching the laundry’s room door, breaking it. His breathing agitated as he saw his significant other on the floor.
“What happened?” He asked, worried that someone might have come into her home. 
The girl crawled, starting to search in between the clothes as she stumbled upon a red quill. Taking it in between her fingers, she showed it to the animal, furrowed eyebrows on her face.
Knuckles saw the quill with curious eyes. “You stepped on a quill of mine?” 
She threw the quill at him, half annoyed. “Of course I did! Don’t go around shedding your stuff please. Look! Now my foot hurts because of it.” She said as she looked at her now destroyed door. “And that too!” The mammal listened to her words, and before she could complain for anything else, he got closer to take the girl in his arms, an easy task for him, and brought her to the sofa. Laying her down, he put a gloved hand on his own chest.
“I’ll take care of the laundry to compensate for it.” He oathed, the girl surprised for his serious face, snorting in the process.
“That’d be nice.” She said, as she looked at her foot, not swollen or anything. “I could help you though-”
“No, you stay there.” He demanded as he strided to the laundry room.
A moment later, he came back stomping to the living room again. 
“Uhm… How does the machine that washes clothes works?”
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simp999 · 1 month
Lazy Day.
Knuckles The Echidna (movie/tv series) x reader
Sypnosis: Imagine being the first person to help knuckles finally truly relax.
Series: Knuckles (tv series)/ The Sonic Movies
Wc: 1.1k
Themes: Fluff, comfort, can be seen as platonic or romantic.
Note: Takes place in episode 1 of the Knuckles series
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“That’s it, I’m gonna be late for work. You two,” Mrs. Wakowski gestures towards Sonic and Tails, “keep away from Knuckles.” 
“Roger that!” Sonic salutes dramatically, and Tails follows suit,
“Noted, Mrs. Wakowski,”
Mrs. Wakowski manages to phone another friend to give her a ride to work, still fuming, while Sonic shrugs and figures he’ll spend time with Tails. They leave the house to go for a walk- it was a beautiful day after all. Sonic picks up baseball gloves and a ball on the way out of the house, and Tails swishes his tails in excitement when he spots the objects, setting foot out of the house.
A few minutes later you walk in through the doors, a few bags in hand. 
“Hellooo!” You call out.
With no response, you raise a brow. Usually, the trio greets you. You then remember Mrs. Wakosky having work, but that still doesn’t explain the other three. You shrug it off, unloading the groceries on the countertop. You wash a bowl of grapes, walking around with them on the search for your favorite echidna. 
You first check out the workout room, but he’s nowhere to be found. Then, the couch where you’re expecting to find Sonic and tails, but still nothing. Eventually you make it to the attic where Knuckles resides, a grape being tossed into your mouth.
He grunts in response, not bothering to turn his head towards you. You tilt your head at him, raising a brow. Then you finally ask him what’s on your mind;
“Knux, what are you doing on the floor?”
“I have been grounded.”
You think for a moment, then chuckle.
“Hun, that doesn’t mean you have to lie on the ground. I expected you to be the type to still train or work out while grounded,”
“I cannot go to the workout area,”
“Are you making up excuses? You? Surely you can still do pushups-and sit-ups,” you teased. 
He swiftly sits up, exclaiming; “You are a genius!” 
You giggle as he sets off to start doing pushups, doing them at an ungodly speed. You always were impressed by his strength, praising him often. Although he claimed that your praises meant nothing, you couldn’t help but notice the way he smiled and sped up whatever exercise he was doing at the time.
You watched him for a little while longer, eating your grapes before getting an idea. You stood next you him and he paused his now one-handed pushups, looking up at you, 
“What do you want?” You knew he didn’t mean to sound rude, so you smiled and replied, “I was just thinking- what if I sat on your back as an extra challenge?”
You’ve done it before, he was the one to ask you to do it last time. 
“Excellent idea! Though, that is no challenge for me.” 
He got back into pushup position, and you quietly sat on his upper back, attempting to balance. Once he counted 10 more pushups, your hand hovered in front of his mouth, grape in hand. He froze for a second, analyzing it, before taking a bite and humming. From then on, you offered him a grape for every 10 pushups. It seemed like a good way to keep him going, as he seemed to speed up.
Once the bowl of grapes was finished, you encouraged him to take a break. It wasn’t easy of course, but you got him to hold off on pushups until you came back with a bowl of other fruit- peaches, apple slices, and mangoes. You came back only to find him doing sit-ups. You sighed and he told you between soft grunts- “I am not doing pushups, like you asked.”
“Well- yes, but the whole point was to give you a small break. How about let’s pause for a little and spend some time together instead?”
He squinted at you, glancing over at your soft smile- one he couldn’t resist. You grabbed a few pillows and blankets from around the house while you got Knuckles to pick a movie that he’d be interested in. When you came back, he hadn’t chosen one, claiming that he only wanted to watch something you would enjoy. Very sweet and all, but you wanted to make sure he didn’t just get up and start working out halfway through the movie. So, you picked three movies of varying genres, and he picked the action one out of them- the one you already assumed he’d like most.
As it played in the background, you asked him what had gotten him grounded. 
“The blue hedgehog wants me to ‘relax,’” he answered with air quotes.
You nod, humming, focusing on the movie. After you’d gotten all snuggled up in the blankets and pillows, he sat a few feet away from you.
“You don’t have to be a stranger, y’know. Come on, sit closer,” You muttered in a low voice, not wanting to talk over the movie too much. He contemplated for a moment, sitting much closer to you now. You offer him an apple slice, holding it to his lips. 
It doesn’t take long before he’s asking you about the movie and why people are doing certain regular human things, you enjoying his short excited comments. He punches the air and kicks his feet when he’s excited over a scene in the movie, too adorable. 
Eventually, he gets tired out and you feel a weight on your shoulder. You smile at the scene before you- you’ve never seen him so calm and peaceful. You’ve seen him happy, you loved playing games with him and the boys, but this was different. Seeing him sleeping was something unusual, as he rarely slept around others. ‘This must mean he feels completely comfortable,’ you thought with a content expression.
You lean back, putting the plate of snacks aside, and his head falls to your chest. As it rises and falls, he snuggles into you in his sleep. You begin to gently pet his fur, taking a moment to press a soft kiss to it. He wraps his arms further around you, tugging you impossibly closer, then loosening his grip. 
It doesn’t take long for you to follow him into dreamland, soft snores emitting from you. Your hand still on his quills, head resting on the pillow behind you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Hours later, Sonic, Tails, and Mrs. Wakowski come back home only to find knuckles relaxing in your hold.
“Huh, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. He does always seem to calm down around them.”
“I knew they had a thing for eachother!”
“Sonic! Shh, let them rest,”
Tails quietly closes the door, letting the two of you relax in eachother’s arms.
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bimboothefool · 6 months
Knuckles x a reader that's a ultimate lifeform like Shadow but is shy and only fights when needed?
𝐊𝐧𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚 𝐱 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝔄𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯’𝔰 𝔏𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯: Hell yes Anon! Honestly it’s an uber cute idea! Thanks for the request and without further delay enjoy!
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- Honestly Knuckles at first was a bit intrigued by you. “Another ultimate lifeform…” He says to himself unsure if another ultimate lifeform can be easily made just like that.
- He will ask Tails and you about how you came to be as long as you’re comfortable sharing that information with him.
- When danger arises he tells you to stay back, but is blown away when you fight alongside him. Kicking the stuffing out of the enemy forces.
- The two of you together are practically a powerhouse couple. A true force to be reckoned with.
- Knuckles would be a liar if he said he isn’t shocked everytime you fight. He just lets the fact slip his mind given how timid and gentle you are with him, the little critters and Chao’s.
- He enjoys spending his days with you as you two explore the depths of Angel Island together. Ending the day with you in his arms even if it wasn’t remotely exciting he still loves spending time with you regardless.
- Overall he’s happy that you love a guy like him and fighting alongside him and guarding the island with him makes this lonely island feel more lively. Though Sonic definitely teases him for being uber soft around you.
- Which results in him being held back by you as Sonic just laughs and teases playfully about your dynamic.
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Thanks for reading! If you enjoy my stuff please feel free to check out my other stories from other fandoms, along with reblogging and commenting on it! If you like my art and wanna commission me head over to my kofi!
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randomanimaticse · 4 months
SHATTERED - Sonic Prime x reader
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Chapter 1 | INCEPTION I
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
As an explosion went off in a mountain in the distance, Sonic ran through green hill collecting some rings, hurrying to the mountain, where his friends are fighting robotnik, he ran past big and froggy making him spin around.
Sonic went back and stopped Big from spinning, "Sorry, Big! Sorry, Froggy! Can't chat-- gotta go help our friends!" Sonic said running in place and ran off.
"No problem, Sonic!" Big said as froggy croaked.
"Home is where your friends are, as they say" It cuts to a memory of Sonic and his friends having a picnic, "And that's green hill!" Then of Sonic watching Amy admire a palm tree. "Where the best beaches," then of Tails flying next to a coconut. "Palm trees," Then of big holding a bunch of chili dogs making Sonic happy "And chili dogs, are just the tip of the iceberg!"
Then it cuts to Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Malachite flying on the Tornado. "We've saved this place a million times, from this doofus." Then to Robotnik turning around to face the camera doing his evil laugh.
It cuts to shadow destroying a rock seemingly looking for something. "And then there's Shadow, it's complicated. More on him later."
Then to Sonic and his friend looking into the distance. "The fact is, we never lose. 'Cause when you've got a crew like mine," Sonic says as he runs up the mountain. "There's nothing that can stop you!"
"You're late!"
The team of mobians glared at the speedy blue hedgehog at his tardiness, said blue hedgehog shrugging his shoulders sheepishly with a grin and short chuckle.
Dr. Eggman spun away from the shiny crystal embedded into the rock at the annoying voice of his enemy, the surrounding Badniks also following his gaze.
"Eggman!" Sonic smirked.
"Just in time to watch me claim the Paradox Prism and transform your disgustingly green world into something more... me." his hands lifted up to his side in an evil stance, staring at the mobian team, or sonic more specifically, through the glass prism, letting out his infamous cackle.
Dropping from the entrance of the cave, Sonic landed with a bored expression, his hand cupping his mouth as he gave an overly faked...
The mobian team dropped behind him as they all, Sonic included, settled into a fighting position.
"Yep, I yawned you, egghead!"
At the mockery, Eggman growled in a fit of rage, ordering his Badniks to attack the team with a pointed finger.
Both sides got into action, the mobian team easily overpowering and defeating each of Eggman's robots as they came their way.
Sonic destroyed a few bots before spin dashing at a Caterkiller, resulting in the worm bashing him away, the hedgehog losing a few rings and soaring back through the air with a "Whoa!"
A furry orange fox with two tails, using them to helicopter through the air, quickly caught him by his wrists, staring down at Sonic with a frown, clearly still upset at his delayed entrance.
"Yo, Tails!"
Sonic replied with a grin, swinging his legs back as Tails launched him forward in the air, spin attacking at two Buzz Bombers and speeding beside a red echidna with large, spiky gloves, the echidna eyeing the hedgehog with a scowl.
"Knuckles!" Sonic cheered, kicking away a Badnik, the echidna rolling his eyes and turning away from him, "You okay, buddy?"
"Nothing flusters me, Sonic," Knuckles grabbed a Buzz Bomber as it flew into him, throwing it into another incoming Badnik without so much as a sweat, both he and Sonic watching as both robots exploded.
"Except when you're late."
Sonic only shook his head with a hand on his hip at Knuckles as he ran off, not noticing the same Caterkiller from before coming up behind him, quickly getting saved by a flying white bat as she came up behind him and kicked the worm away.
"Oh, thanks Rouge!" he waved at her.
"Don't mention it... literally."
From another end of the cave, a pink hedgehog drove her hammer into a Burrobot, shoving it off as the head landed elsewhere, hopping from the ledge to the head, smiling as a flock of Flickies flew out from inside the bot.
"Amy!" Sonic leaned against the head with a smirk as he greeted her.
"Sonic! Where have you been?"
"You know, the usual... got a little side tracked."
Amy playfully rolled her eyes at his response as Sonic spins up a wall and destroys a few Buzz Bombers, striking one in the direction of a (F/C) lynx of the incoming badnik, slashing the robot in half with their claws.
"Malachite!" he ran in their direction, throwing a loose arm over their shoulders and pulling their faces close.
They huffed out at the sudden half embrace, their enhanced hearing is never well enough to catch when the speedy hedgehog comes their way, letting a small smile pass.
"Sonic," they countered, "What is this? A role call?"
"What? Can't call out my friends' names mid-battle?" he poked at them, standing back to back with them as a swarm of Badniks surrounded them.
Sonic punched and kicked at them while Malachite cut and slit through them, the bots exploding. 
"Get that rock out of the ground!" 
Dr. Eggman furiously shouted out, the Burrobots retreating from fighting to the rock that held the paradox prism in place, drilling at it as fast as they could despite the electric shocks that would knock them back, really getting nothing done regardless.
"Want something done..." Eggman grumbled, climbing up into his mech, "Do it yourself."
"Sonic, we don't know what the prism is capable of!" Tails warned his hedgehog friend as he rolled his way, beating the Badniks, "Be careful."
Sonic rolled his eyes and darted off, Tails groaning at his carelessness.
"If Eggman wants it, it can't be good!"
"Yup, got it." Sonic replied casually as he ran Eggman's way.
The villain controlled his giant robot from inside, its claws taking hold of the prism and pulling up, Eggman letting out another of his evil laughs.
"Sonic, seriously!"
"Step away from the rock, Eggman."
"Huh, not this time, you fool!"
Narrowing his eyes, anger and the desperate need to defeat the villain overcoming his senses more than anything, Sonic sped up faster towards the prism as Eggman began pulling it out of its rock, rolling up in a ball.
"Sonic, wait!" Tails called out.
"Sonic, no!"
The groups cries fell on deaf ears as Sonic collided with the prism, the force of the breaking pushing them all back, flying in the air.
"One day I'll destroy that hedgehog, and the world will be a brighter place for it, lit by neon."
"As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman!"
"The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth."
"I don't need the details, just tell me who to smash."
"You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done!"
"Don't worry, I've always got your back!"
"Hey I may be the one who can bring everyone together, but there's only one one hedgehog they'll follow into battle."
"Heh heh! I don't need an army when I got a friend like you, Sonic!"
"Listen to your friends, you might need it one day."
"I will rule the world, and no rodents are going to stop me!"
"We'd follow you anywhere, Sonic."
"Nothing could break our friendship, Sonic."
Sonic stands up and groans "That's a sonic boom of a headache." He starts walking forward "Wh-Where am I? Huh?" There was a truck coming straight for him. "Aah!" He yelled before getting hit in the face by the truck.
As he climbed on top of the truck he looked around confused, "Uh" when he heard something behind of him, he turned around to see what it was, it was presumably a train and he ducked before he got hit in the face again. "Close one."
The truck shook and Sonic fell off of it onto a conveyor belt, he got up looking around still confused, but then he fell off of the conveyor belt before he could say anything. Before Sonic could get up again, he got swept up by a broom machine before getting thrown to the side.
"Why can't I remember how I got here?" Sonic said as he got back on his feet. "Think, Sonic, think, whoa what is up with my shoes?" He said examining them "Huh, I haven't seen anything like this since I ate truck stop chili dogs."
"Tails? Amy? Malachite? Heck, I'll even take Knuckles at this point" He said walking towards a mobian on one of the conveyor belts. "Uh, pardon me, what do you call this place?" He asked the mobian who was ignoring him. "Are you ignoring me? You're ignoring me. Why are you ignoring me? Why is everyone ignoring me?" He asked flailing his arms around.
"Can anybody give me a straight answer around here? And you're busy staring at nothing. Okay"
Sonic covered his ears because of a loud blaring sound "Welcome to New Yoke City. You're welcome. Never heard of it. Must be far from home."
"Where are the mountains, the beaches, the palm trees?" He looked to the side and saw a familiar purple cat. "Big! Froggy!" Sonic said as he hugged big. "Whoa, uh."
"Am I glad to see familiar faces! I thought I was losing my rings, if you know what I mean." He said while big was looking around for any robots. "What is going on here? Are you wearing pants?"
"Unidentified citizen. Alert! Alert!" A robotic voice said.
"Big! Don't go!"
"You are in violation of city ordinance 27 B/6"
"Sorry, I don't speak robot."
"By the authority of the Chaos Council, stand down or be disassembled."
"Chaos Council, sounds important. Give me directions, and I'll take it from there." Sonic said as he tried to run. "Wha-? Whoaa!" He exclaimed unable to control his running.
Sonic turned to an alley pressed up against the wall, trying to take sharp turns, "Whoa! what is up with my shoes?" He said before crashing into a wall. "Ugh! I'm not used to all these walls, and where are my rings?" He said checking for his rings, before almost getting hit by laser bullets.
He dodged the lasers that were being shot at him and spin dashed the robots "Robots without flickies? Now that's new." Sonic said before dodging more laser bullets and speeding away.
Running into the streets almost hitting a truck and then another truck, and then another and it was coming straight for him, but he ducked underneath it. "This is not working. I gotta get off the ground!" He said wall jumping onto a train.
Still trying to dodge the laser bullets while on the train, he notices a building being contructed and gets an idea. Sonic threw himself over to where the building was being constructed and slid through the building. Stopping on the edge trying to dodge the bullets. When the floor was close enough, he jumped off the ledge. Destroying the robots that were chasing him.
He landed on his feet panting not knowing he was being watched. "Smog, concrete, evil robots, it's like everything I hate in one place!" Sonic said looking around "Where am I?"
"Oh, no!" He gasps, looking at something familiar and speeding to the right. "Please be wrong. Please be wrong!" He stammered running up a building into the sky turning to look at the place he was in.
Sonic looked right, "the Loop-de-Loop." Then left "Hedgehog's Pass." Then right again, "and that should be Tails' lab! Aw, tails, what happened?"
Tails is in the Tornado, turning to where the fight is. "Come on Egghead, show me what you got!" Sonic shouted.
Dr. Robotnik laughs "That's the spirit, rodent -- the spirit of a loser!"
"Takes one to know one. Ha!"
"Why do I feel like Eggman's keeping us off the main stage?" Amy asked.
"Eggman's got us fighting the badniks so he can have Sonic all to him self." Knuckles replied.
"Come on! Let's crash his show!" Malachite responded, cutting and slicing through the robots.
"One scrambled egg, coming up!" Sonic said spin dashing the robot.
"Hmm I don't like this, Dr. Eggman's too smart not to realize how terribly positioned he is." Tails said looking at his gadget "It's like he's --" tails sharply gasps. "He's not in there."
"Quaking in your tiny shoes at the might of my Eggcrusher? It's understandable I'm rather astounding."
"In your dreams! You bring it, I break it, Eggman. That's the game, and I'm still the undefeated numero uno." Sonic said doing a lot of poses.
"Then put your quills where your mouth is, unless you're scared!"
Tails shot some laser bullets at the robot "It's a trap, Sonic! It's a trap!"
"I don't see a trap, though I guess by definition I wouldn't see a trap if there was one."
Dr. Robotnik laughs
"Something funny egghead?"
"You are! Watching you try to think with that two-cent brain of yours is hilarious!"
"Sonic! You gotta listen! It's a trap!" Tails yelled.
"You're as stupid as your mutant, two-tail fox friend is ugly"
"Oh, you're really asking for it." Sonic barked
"Yes.. I am!" Robotnik marveled.
"You can mess with me, Eggman, but no one messes with my best friend." Sonic said running towards the robot.
"Sonic, no!" Tails yelled.
Sonic spin dashed the robot making a huge explosion once it hit the ground. Some mobians fall back due to the pressure. Big drops his fishing rod and catches froggy. The mountain cracks and reveals more cracked rock.
"Whoa! Didn't know I had that in me. That's what you get for messing with my friends, Egghead" Sonic said as he looked in the robot, but Robotnik wasn't there. "Huh? where's Eggman? He must have ejected. Well, looks like we win again. Tails! He's not even in here. Lame right?" He exclaimed to his two-tailed fox friend.
"Too chicken to face in us in person. Whatevs! Couldn't have done it without ya, buddy!" Sonic yelled, watching tails fly away in his plane. "Huh."
"Whoa, Tails looks upset" Knuckles stated.
"And tails never gets upset." Amy said with worry.
Malachite nodded in agreement
Robotnik laughs evilly from far away "It worked! Without the power of that blue buffoon, we would've had to dig for months! Thank you for the earthquake Sonic, and thank me for my plan, which went off spectacularly!"
"And it worked too!" Cubot added.
"Of course it worked I just said that!" Robotnik yelled. "Ugh, let's go papa wants his prism" He ordered, throwing his walkie-talkie to Orbot. As he walked away Orbot and Cubot fist bumped.
Sonic ran over to tails' lab putting in the code '1992' before opening and walking the lab. "Yo! How's my genius friend?" He asked tails. "Hey Sonic," Tails sighed. "I brought you some comics." Sonic stated. "Thanks Sonic you can put them over there"
Sonic chuckles, "How about a little break from the big brain stuff?"
"I can't. Something's not right. I gotta figure out what Eggman is up to."
Sonic frowns and walks over to Tails, and turns his chair around to face him. "Sorry, Tails. I didn't mean to upset you. In fact, I've never seen you so upset. I just kinda got into the moment and.."
"Sonic, it's cool. Really. But thanks. I appreciate it." There was a moment of silence before Tails started speaking again. "Don't you think that Eggman wasn't in the Eggcrusher?"
"Uh, not really. I mean, he is a total chicken. But I did find a hunk of junk in the cockpit where his big butt shoulda been."
"Hunk of junk, huh? Wonder if that was all part of the trap? Tell me you didn't toss it in the barge of badnik parts."
"Uh." Sonic speeds away and comes back with it in his hands "Junk speedy delivery! You smash it, we dash it" Sonic beamed "Whoa, lemme see that! It wasn't a trap, it was a trick. You've never created a blast that destructive. I think that this device was some sort of speed amplifier. Long story short, he used your speed against you!" Tails explained.
"The fox is on to something."
"Rouge?" Both Sonic and Tails asked.
"How did you get in here?" Sonic inquired.
"He played you for a fool, Blue." She remarked
"Pfft! Please!" Sonic replied putting a hand on his hip.
"What would he need a massive explosion in that area for?"
"Well.. I have a hunch" Rouge said as she spread her wings and jumped down off of the ledge she was sitting on to fly. "You see, I've been searching for years for a super rare and shiny gem called the paradox prism." She explained flying towards tails' tool board stopping a few inches away from it.
"Paradox Prism?" Sonic ask
"Legend speaks of an untold power, and it's buried deep within the Green Hill bedrock. My guess is that he used your power against you to try to find it." She replied.
"Fascinating. But what I really want to know is, how did you get in here?" Sonic inquired.
Rouge looked at him in disbelief. "You left the door open." She said pointing to a wide open garage door. Gather your crew and meet me at the top of the Loop-de-Loop. Let's find out what Eggman is up to."
At the top of the mountain, Robotnik was there "At last. The Paradox Prism! So close. It was only a rumor for so long, and now inches from my grasp. Countless times I have tried to modernize this hunk of earth only to be defied by that simpleton Sonic." Robotnik hissed
"Now, it's finally going to happen. And it's all the sweeter because the blue baboon handed me this prize.." He clapped his hands "without realizing it. So, thank you, Sonic. For now I stand at the summit of--"
"Of the mountain." Orbot interrupted.
"..of a new age! The age of--"
"Pretty lights?" Cubot asked interrupting Robotnik.
"..the age of the Eggman Empire!"
"Ooh, fancy!" Both Orbot and Cubot said.
"And now.." Robotnik screamed as he fell into the entrance he made. "Why didn't you idiots tell me how big that first step was?" He shouted before getting back in his robot.
"Sorry, boss" Orbot replied.
Robotnik began to walk down the path. "Where is it? I know you're in here somewhere." He said as his flashlight made the prism shine bright and reflect throughout the cave. He chuckled when he saw it, but then it turned into wicked laughter.
"I think Rouge is right. Eggman picked that spot for a reason. Why else would he hide a power amplifier in his own Eggcrusher?" Tails spoke.
"So, we start at the scene of the crime." Knuckles stated
"Exactly. Lets go investigate and see if anything might lead us to this Paradox Prism you guys are talking about" Amy added.
"Paradox Prism. Right. That's what Eggman was after. How?" Sonic asked falling on his face. "No, no, no. I didn't leave Green Hill. This is Green Hill. He did it. I don't know how he did it, but he did it. Eggman won."
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
This took a long time, oh my gosh. But the first chapter is out! (Finally)
I like calling Robotnik by his actual last name for some reason, don't ask me why.
I had to rewrite from the part where Sonic asks "Paradox Prism?" To when Knuckles said "So, we start at the scene of the crime." That was such a hassle.
Also since this chapter is done, I will now focus more on requests, and the next chapter will take a while since i'm only 17 minutes into the episode.
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 months
found ur acc yesterday and when i saw ur post for requests i RAN /pos
anyways! can i please request a knuckles x gn reader where knuxs is lowkey crushing hard on them, but reader is just oblivious to his feelings. i think itd be super funny HSHSDH thank you!!
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𝐍𝐨 𝐖𝐚𝐲!
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Note || Knuckles: note to self, be absolutely blunt and clear next time.
WC || 734
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Normally he isn’t one for romance, as he himself is unusually oblivious to such things. But overtime, he improved, got better with it. So much as to know that he had feelings for you, Knuckles didn’t know whether to be happy or just plain irritated that every time he made an attempt to talk to you and confirm his feelings for you: you were dense as bricks.
Not at all did you understand what he was trying to say, and that was what caught him off guard the most. Even other times the two of you were interrupted by Sonic, Rouge, or even some other force of nature. Which he beats himself up alot for everytime he builds up the courage to admit his feelings to you, clear as day. So he stopped trying to make the attempt to do so, fine with the idea of admiring you from afar. 
As much as he hated it, but it was obstinate and clear. Knuckles probably weren't meant for you, and you weren’t meant for him.
“Hey Knux!” You said, holding up what appeared to be pink and edible, balled into a round sphere. “These are so good you gotta try one!”
Knuckles flinched, red burning at his cheeks when you had gotten close to him. Once he cools down, he responds, “Mmh,” He sighs, crossing his arms. “What is that?” He asked, clearly confused what that edible in your hand was. You waved it again, then took another bite as you let out a content sigh. 
“It's mochi! Super yummy stuff.” You said after you downed your bite, you held out a second one – which was colored in purple. “C’mon, I got a grape-flavored one for ya.” You grin with an air of your usual bright personality. Knuckles couldn’t help but merely let out a chuckle, but he loved grapes, he took the bait. Not so much the bait, but you wanted him to try one. Taking a bite, his eyes shone with a brightness you only ever rarely see once in a while. 
“Told ya!”
He is so in-love with you it hurts, but he doesn’t mind it at all. So long as he can keep seeing you often then not without fail. Knuckles is completely enamored with every aspect of yourself, your personality most of all and your tenacity to keep going forward and braving danger regardless of whether or not you were scared. 
Knuckles has a tendency to pick you up and hug you real hard–well not so hard–he never usually wants to let you go. But he respects your boundaries, but to his surprise, you ask him to keep hugging you as you mentioned that you practically were really cold. 
You always seemed to see right through his tough facade half the time, other times you couldn’t which he breathed a sigh of relief about. Knuckles really didn’t expect you to care that much for him, which leads him to questioning whether or not you actually do have feelings for him as he has feelings for you. Your behavior a lot of the time  had concerned him or otherwise coerced him into a place of thinking if you did reciprocate his feelings which he had tried very hard to hide. 
It was Sonic who had seen the obvious romantic tension between the two of you to which he finally decided to give your relationship a little nudge, telling you Knuckles has feelings for you. 
“Yeah uh, he likes, likes you.” He says, slurring out the word to properly enunciate the weight in his words. Sonic watched as your face fell into a place of thinking, clearly very hard to process what he had meant about Knuckles. Your face after a few minutes finally began to light up in recognition, seeing what it was now. Now you finally understood why he behaved so weirdly these past few months. 
“He has feelings… for me?” You say, almost hesitant to realize this was actually true. Sonic nods, eyes widening with a hint of happiness that you actually know the truth, he couldn’t stand watching the two of you beat around the bush like that. More over with Knuckles, cause Sonic was fully aware of the fact of how you can be – oblivious – denser than most mobians here on Mobius itself. 
“TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!” Sonic shouts, elated that it truly set in for you.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 year
Movie!Knuckles reaction to having a crush on you
(Movie!Knuckles x reader)
This was written during my movie!knuckles obsession phase ~ J/Blaze
Notes: I just realised that I’ve got the first half of the fic and not the rest so if it looks different to what you remembered that’s why
Pronouns: they/them
Warning: ⚠️spoilers for Knuckles backstory in the movie + slight spoilers for Sonic Movie 2⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Knuckles + Sonic + Tails + Maddie + Tom + mentions of Dr Robotnik/Eggman
Proof Read: ❌
Credits: Icon by bellcastillo118 on Pinterest + Banner by solita🎧. on Pinterest
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- if you’ve watched the second movie it’s known that knuckles lost his tribe at a very young age and was lonely for most of his life so when he first met you during the period of the second movie I’d imagine it would taken him a while to trust you, mostly because of robotnik betraying him combined with what happened to his tribe. He didn’t want to go through something like that again so he isolated himself from you
- Eventually after some help from people like Sonic, Tails, Tom and Maddie he eventually decided to give you a chance and chat with you. After spending some time with you he eventually found out that you were much better than he thought you were going to be and eventually decided to become your friend
- Can we all agree that this man will do his absolute best to make sure you are safe and happy. It’s like having a personal bodyguard with you. Remember that meme that's like ‘excuse me they asked for no pickles!” Just imagine that but with you and knuckles:
+ “How dare you leave pickles in their burger even when they said they didn’t want any!”
+ “Knuckles it’s fine I’ll still eat the burger” you smiled trying to convince him not to fight the employees
+ “They need to make you a new burger [NAME] since they clearly don’t know how to make one” knuckles put his hands on your shoulders while trying to justify beating up the employees
- it took all the strength and patience just to convince knuckles to not punch the employees
- Knuckles would literally sacrifice himself or possibly someone else just to keep you happy, as long as you're happy he’s happy
- Now onto the crush part of this!
- As much as I love him he’s very clueless when it comes to stuff like this, he does stuff that others will think is him expressing romantic feelings while he might see it as nothing but a friendly gesture or maybe as a fighting technique
- Eventually it comes to a point where sonic has to tell him about having crushes and how he is clearly showing signs of him having a crush but of course knuckles denies this because he is a ‘warrior’ and he just sees you as ‘just a friend’ like sure knuckles ‘just a friend’
- After a lot of convincing from sonic that yes you do like them knuckles and that it’s alright to have these feelings he asks sonic what he should do sonic just tells him to ‘just be honest and tell them’ to which knuckles surprisingly goes along with trusting sonic and went up to you
- When he does come to ask you out well attempt to at least it can be slightly awkward at first since you have no goddamn idea on what he is trying to do until it hits you
+ “um knuckles?”
+ “Yes [NAME]!” Knuckles said now alerted
+ “Are you trying to confess to me” you said confused
+ “Yes?” He also said confused then a wave of embarrassment just hits him like a truck
- That’s when knuckles went defensive mode and immediately started to blame sonic afraid you were immediately disgusted like ‘blame sonic he was the one who told me to do it’
- That’s when you brought him into a hug stopping his rambling and returned your feelings. As soon as you brought him into a hug knuckles felt some sort of calm flowing through his body. He couldn’t help but notice that his heart was beating a bit faster and he felt his face heat up. "Is this what love was?” Knuckles thought to himself. That’s when he finally melted into your touch and accepted that yes he was in love.
- Alright let’s get on with it. Knuckles is definitely both protective and clingy without him realising it. Of course he understands if you can do something by yourself he’ll let you do it but he can’t help it especially since what happened between him and eggman he just doesn’t anything bad happening to you.
- Carrying on from the previous statement this man definitely takes loyalty to another level. He’ll pretty much do anything for you no matter if he’s already doing something or not, it doesn’t matter if he’s already in the middle of a task if he hears that you are in trouble he drops everything and immediately tends to your needs.
- His behaviour change is definitely noticeable. I mean come on how could you not. Everyone knows how soft knuckles is for you. Tom and Maddie weren’t really paying much attention to it. They're just happy for both you and knuckles. Tails does notice a change; he doesn't want to bring up the fact in case he’ll get it wrong from him. Sonic on the other hand will tease the hell out of him no matter how many times knuckles tells him to quit it sonic still finds a way to tease him.
- Speaking of Maddie and Tom, knuckles definitely asks for some advice considering you know they are dating. Despite the slight teasing from Tom and Maddie telling him to stop, they do give him genuine advice about how to make sure you're happy.
- Overall although a bit clueless he’s definitely the best
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kirisimalove · 7 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Period Comfort
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pairing : ̗̀➛sonic the hedgehog x fem!reader, amy rose x fem!reader, platonic! tails x fem!reader, knuckles x fem! reader, shadow the hedgehog x fem! reader, rouge the bat x fem! reader
summary ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ how they comfort you on your period
warnings ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊   fluff, heavy cursing, shadow being a scary cat to comfort you, protective behavior, sugar mommy rouge
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “I know the pain.” This woman already spoils your ass a lot. Seeing you down on your month just makes her want to go into sugar mommy mode. She’ll give you sass on how you should not be sad. So she doesn’t let it slide and you both go on a shopping spree. More like robbing. She didn’t pay for shit. Rouge is a kind of woman who will spoil you to death. She doesn't give a rat's ass. Rogue one time came up to you and was like, “Darling, you ran out,” and pulled out feminine products that you are comfortable in one thing different: it's expensive. She does get busy but will always check on you to see if you're okay after seeing you had cramps one day. She may not admit it but she is worried about you. In her eyes you matter more than her work. You’re lucky to have her as a soulmate. She is gonna give you the most cuddles. She will take you to a fancy dinner as well. This girl just loves you so much. She will cuddle you with heating pads. When you get moody with her she will put you in your place. I mean she is mommy and she doesn't take disrespect. “You should know better.”
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “A What?!” Let's be real fangirls. Your man doesn't know what he’s doing. To be honest he is going to freak out when he sees stained blood on your pants. It doesn't matter if you are friends or not. He doesn't know shit. The only experience he had was with Maria. That’s been 50 years (it is not even confirmed Maria had a period). Even then, he didn’t know what to do. I feel like he will let you cuddle to him for heat and he will just stay silent. He wouldn’t necessarily spoil you but he will bring you some comfort in the things you like. Maybe your favorite snacks or some shit. At least he’s trying. It’s not much but as long as you are getting comfort he is calm. You will have to teach him how to give you affection though. I don’t think he’s affectionate as much but he will try for you. He wants to make you happy. That’s all he cares about. He does not want you to be sad. It makes him uncomfortable. He will probably ask Amy or Rouge for advice about the subject and come out traumatized that you bleed out of your vagina every month but glad it doesn’t hurt just the periods. He will probably steal Rouge’s feminine products and blame it on someone else. He gets a little scared when your mood swings hit. “Please do not yell.” He says one time when you were screaming at him over something stupid.
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “That’s normal?!” When he first found out about this it was the blood stain. I mean who wouldn’t notice? He freaks out and would probably just run through the house like a maniac until you do something about it. He runs up to you and makes sure you are alive. You are confused as fuck. You will have to tell him what a period is. He doesn’t know much about girls. Thinks youre dying when you have cramps. He will be dramatic when you get moody with him. Will be a big baby and cry about it. He will not leave your ass alone. It's annoying. He treats you normal even after learning you bleed out of your vagina every month. I mean you said you were fine. His dumb ass took it literally. You are not fine. You are cramping! Normal or not. He will constantly run to Tails for advice (How the hell does an 8 year old know about the female body?) and then he will tell you he made the ideas. It is honestly so cocky but he wants to impress you. I feel like he will just cling to you and it will piss you off. He will most definitely give you the most comfort but it's annoying. He doesn’t know what space is (I feel like every boy doesn’t know what a period is) or what a period is. I mean it makes sense. But he is a sweetheart but dramatic. You most definitely pushed this mf off the bed. “Hey hitting is-...ow!” You throw random objects at him.
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “Aww man, do you need help?” Bro probably knows more than me. The 8 year old is a fucking genius. I headcanon him to be like a dork like Donnie from tmnt. Same vibes. Anyways, he is your best friend and wants you to be healthy. Will spam you until you take care of yourself. He will give you so much comfort. You too are platonic besties! He will force you to drink a lot of water and eat a lot of healthy snacks. Does not take no for an answer. He will probably give you baby eyes because he wants to convince you. I mean you are a monster if you say no. How dare you! He will probably inform you on different facts so you know what’s happening with your body. You listen to an 8 year old? Cool. He will most definitely help you track your period if your memory is bad or you just need constant reminders. One time it was one day before your period and he sees signs and pulls out his calendar on you. “Your menstrual cycle starts tomorrow!”
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “Oh dear!” She is such a sweetheart. She will bake you some of your favorite treats! She loves you so much and is so sad seeing you hurt so much. She cries when you get upset with her. She is really sensitive but understands you. She will give you the best cuddles and pull up your favorite game for you both to play. She will let you win if it’s a competitive game. She feels so bad that you hurt so much. One day this sweet bean brings you flowers and your favorite candies and sees you hurt she exclaims. “Oh my!”  She gives you kisses all over your cheeks and lips. She does not leave you in pain. She will do anything for you to stop hurting. She will not accept you being sad. You are her love. She loves you too much for you to be sad like this. If you have an emergency and run out of pads she will dash to a local pharmacy and give you everything you need and a plushie.
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “What’s that?” You will have to explain in so much detail. He will not know what you mean. He will think you are dying and try to stop the bleeding. You tell him before he pulls off your pants to see the blood. He still doesn’t know what it is. He hears you. He will need time to process. Ask you a bunch of questions. He will probably ask Rouge or Amy for advice (sorry Cream and Blaze you don’t matter). He trusts them to know since they are women. Rouge will tease him so much but will help. Amy being the sweetheart she is, will bake something for you. He comes back with pads/tampons/menstrual cups (whatever you are comfortable in) with Amy’s fresh baked cookies. He also has a smile on his face. He is so sweet. I feel like he will get offended with the sudden mood swings. “Hey watch the attitude!” Something along those lines. He doesn’t like you being an asshole to him. He will comfort you. A few kisses, hugs, and cuddles. Not unless you want something else. He wants nothing more but for you to be happy. He values that. He wants you okay. You are his.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
HOLY MOLY!! An actually active person who writes Sonic x readers??? Could i make a request?? :OO
I'd love to see a scenario w/ sonic, shadow, knuckles and silver where their s/o sacrifices themselves to save them! I'll let you decide if reader lives or dies, i love a good angst fic!! Hope your day/night is swell!
Sonic feels to blame for your situation, even after you finally get better he’s distraught still, even if he keeps that to himself. He acts like he’s fine and as carefree as before cause he doesn’t want to scare you, he doesn’t want you to know how much you nearly dying really changed him and how he does things, but a part of you deep down knows he’s not completely honest with you when he says he’s not always worried about you. In that moment, when you nearly died, you’d never seen him look so terrified. It was like he watched his entire world crumble, and he was crying, at your mercy, begging you to continue to live. That he’s sorry he wasn’t fast enough, he should’ve been. It’s all he is, and he couldn’t even be fast enough to protect you.
Shadow is familiar with grief, but did not want to experience it again. Especially when you and Maria are the most important people in his life, to lose the only other one, it broke him inside. The mere thought of it kept him up at night, and when he nearly lost you, it was the first time you saw him cry and it was the first time you saw him mad, genuinely angry with you. “You better live!” would be the gist of what he was screaming, and even when you’re healing it’s “Don’t you ever do that shit again” he even becomes extremely protective after that point, it’s clear what happened traumatized him even more than he already was.
Knuckles keeps himself together, which is shocking. It’s so unlike him, to keep his cool. Maybe he’s doing it for the both of you, because deep down you both know if he doesn’t he will fall apart at the seams. But after he deals with you and makes sure you’re okay, he completely loses it. Yelling at you for doing something so insane just to protect him. He’d rather be dead than lose you too. He becomes a lot more protective after that, to the point it’s a bit overbearing but it shows he cares a lot. You scared him, this is the price you pay.
Silver hates the idea of losing another person in his life, somebody as important as you. In the moment he thinks about how you don’t deserve this, you’re so kind and sweet, so self sacrificing and dammit in this moment he wishes you weren’t such a selfless person. He promises he will get you out of this alive, he is sure of it. He’s confident he will, so why is he so scared? Even after you get better, he doesn’t come to terms with the new trauma he’s now experienced, but it’s clear in the way he’s always clinging to you and now gets separation anxiety.
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sequinsonic · 2 years
sonic characters as your class seatmates!
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pairing: sonic male character x fem!reader
genre: fluff! | high school!au | headcanons
warning(s): none:>
word count: 368
note: ik this is a whole "sonic x reader" hc (?) but you can choose to views these as then being your platonic friend or being interest in you:> i think i may do some of these more often? kinda like reactions and such:> enjoy!!
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SONIC his desk is meant for carving and sleeping on it, nothing more. you guys sit all the way in the back (come on, this is sonic we're talking about) so he's your eating-during-class buddy. you know him well enough to know he pays little to no attention in class and somehow gets better grades than you? you've also lost count of how many times he's asked you to ditch class with him.
KNUCKLES doesn't pay attention unless it's something he's actually interested in, not to mention he doesn't know what's going on during a lesson most of the time anyways. he relies on you a lot as well. it's gotten to the point that for the sake of him and his grades, you just let him study your notes before tests. also wants to slam his desk everytime the teacher says "the bell doesn't dismiss you, i do".
TAILS the smartest kid in class, but you should know that. always turns his assignments on time and has never been absent. he's always willing to share his notes with you when the teacher is going to fast or you just happen to miss a day. the teacher already knows that y'all have to sit next to each other because otherwise you'll never get your work done.
SHADOW refused to make any interaction with anyone at first, but you grew on him over time. has this whole "i go to school to study, not make friends" attitude. enjoys drinking coffee with you every morning at your desks, so y'all bond over that. it's no secret he's a smartass, so if a topic is too hard for you, he'll lean over and whisper the answer in your ear, which makes you flustered everytime.
SILVER never have you met someone so organized but a mess at the same time lol. he is known for having the prettiest handwriting his journals are so well put together and is generally organized in that sense. drops his utensils all the time tho, and you're always the one to find and hand them back to him. it started happening so often that you figured he may just be doing it to get closer to you.
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undonerhapsodize · 2 years
Domestic Burdens
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Sonic the Hedgehog Movie!Knuckles the Echidna x g/n!reader TW: cursing, implies violence, injury, blood, bruised limbs, much angst, comfort and fluff, happy ending, SPOILERS FOR THE SONIC MOVIES Word Count: 10.4K
Summary: You never thought you would find yourself living in the same house as a walking, talking echidna. Yet, as you adjust to this new life, secrets begin to unravel, for better, or for worse.
Side note: I write sonic the hedgehog fanfiction because I am mentally ill, I am not mentally ill because I write sonic the hedgehog fanfiction.
I cannot believe this is actually one of my better works of fiction.
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Living with Knuckles was an… interesting experience to say the least. “Jarring” is the word you would probably use to describe it, along with “pleasant”. 
Never in your life had you ever encountered something like him. And with Knuckles being a echidna and all, that fact was pretty unsurprising. 
When you first met the guy, it took a lot of self control and convincing from Tom to not go and bash your head against the nearest hard surface. The hedgehog was one thing, he was a one-off. Tails was another, he was kind, kinda cute, and helpful so he got a pass. But another one? And he's big and scary? AND he can beat the shit outta you? Needless to say, you went home and took an ibuprofen.
Jokes aside, he was off-putting at the beginning. To you, at least. While Sonic felt comfortable in forgiving the harm the warrior had caused almost instantaneously, you weren’t so easy-going. Not that you had held any kind of long lasting hatred for what Knuckles had done, but rather it was simply a matter of time and understanding. And understand you did, with the help of Sonic, Tails, and even the echidna himself. It turned out that hearing it straight from the horse's mouth was an effective way of realizing the complexity of the situation Eggman had put the lot of them in, especially Knuckles.
And with that, and the promise of friendship between the hedgehog and the echidna, suspicions of Knuckles’ character disappeared just as fast as they arrived. You didn’t plan on holding his mistakes above his head (like it would do anything remotely close to helping relations heal), for his own past transgressions are just as permanent to him as they are to Sonic and Tails, and everyone else for that matter. Knuckles was a kind being, and you knew that now. Losing his way in his endeavor to protect the Master Emerald doesn’t change that.
Your friendship with him had started out of circumstance. After the fiasco with Eggman, the gang needed to find a place to safely keep the weapon. Tom and Maddie’s place was quickly rooted out as a station. Their home was too close to the city to house it properly. There would be too many strangers getting within reach of it every single day. An accident was bound to happen with that lack of security. There was also the issue with Eggman himself, if he were to ever return. The doctor knew of Tom, but didn’t technically know you. Yes, you were indeed present for much of the chaos, but you all had a feeling Eggman didn’t pay much attention to a random stranger whilst piloting a giant robot.
Lucky enough, you had your own home outside of city limits. It was much like a farmhouse, except for the farm. Wide open space, way out in the country, and no neighbors within sight. It was almost too perfect. Feeling generous and knowing there were limited options, you offered up your humble abode for Knuckles and his emerald to stay. He thought about your proposal for a while before ultimately accepting, saying something along the lines of “I accept your offer, comrade. Let us shake on this alliance.” 
You didn’t understand why Sonic had zipped up to you two, frantically trying to stop him from grasping your hand. Knuckles’ handshake was fine? Like yeah his hand (paw? foot??) is big, but it's not like it would crush yours or anything.
And with that, Knuckles became your new housemate, and you became the substitute Guardian of the Master Emerald.
At first, it was a bit… awkward. It wasn’t hard to tell that the warrior felt out of place, to at least some degree. He spent most of the time in his own designated area of the basement, quietly keeping to himself and no doubt watching the Emerald. He came out to get food, or use the bathroom, or perhaps borrow a book from the shelf in the living room. He did talk some, but not enough to you would like. Sometimes you would act more extroverted than you really were, going out of your way to ask the echidna some questions about Angel Island and his preferences on certain things. He always gave short, curt answers that went straight to the point. If you didn’t know better, you could think he’d be pissed at you for asking anything at all. If you had to pick a favorite, once you asked him what his favorite fruit was, only to get a bizarrely serious response. As Knuckles padded back into the basement, he stopped briefly, contemplating his answer for a second or two before glancing back at you.
“I enjoy grapes.”
He walked away right after.
Not letting Knuckles’ lack of social skills inhibit your progress, you still pursued. And steadily, you gained progress. First came simple things, like what the echidna liked to eat, or what he would do to pass time while watching the Master Emerald. Then, conversations started to happen, usually about what Sonic, Tom and the gang were up to. Sometimes you spoke about how work had gone for you, though in the beginning you usually held back on talking too much about that, since Knuckles never seemed to be listening. Later on, you were given a pleasant surprise. 
One time, as you stood at the kitchen’s stovetop cooking up something for you and Knuckles, who sat quietly on a barstool at the kitchen island. You had started to feel as if you were rambling on about this one incident that happened with your coworkers. With no response from the red mammal, you assumed your story was starting to become a bother. So you stopped about halfway through it, instead deciding to focus on the pan in front of you. He’s a battle-hardened warrior, why would he ever want to listen to some silly story about spilled coffee? Going back to the food, you were content to quiet down, despite that annoying feeling in your chest.
“Why did you stop?”
The question surprised you. It was abrupt, coming from behind. Turning, you look toward the echidna, who now had his eyes on you. The softer, smaller quills on his brow were furrowed in genuine confusion. Fumbling for your words a bit, you reply back just as confused. “S-sorry, I didn’t know you were listening.”
“I was.” Knuckles countered, tone lowered in his earnesty. He titled his head back down to the kitchen counter from once it came, folding his arms across the hard surface comfortably. “Continue. I was enjoying your tale.”
At that, you grin, going back to the stove to finish cooking you and the echidna’s dinner whilst you recount the events from this morning at the office.
Knuckles soon became a key person in your life. He was not one for words, but you soon learned not many were needed with him. Most often then not, he understood the silence was a natural part of company. A thing others could learn from him, including yourself. He even gave advice on the simple things that troubled you. His straightforward way of communicating never failed to speak the obvious when truths were hard to say out loud. Though your friendship with him had just started, you trusted him. And just maybe, he trusted you. He was always there, figuratively AND literally.
Though you planned on changing that last part.
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It wasn’t often where you would descend to the basement into Knuckles’ domain. You never wanted to intrude upon his space, his privacy and security were important to you. Though once in a while, you would have to enter to ask a question or two.
He didn’t have a door, only a long set of stairs leading to the bottom floor. He could definitely hear you coming as you stepped down, down. The stairs weren’t exactly the quietest thing. As you peaked around the corner, you knocked firmly on the wood of the wall, just in case he was preoccupied and hadn’t heard you. You greet him all the same, knowing to announce yourself when he is on guard duty. “Hey Knux?”
There you saw the echidna, laying on an older model of a coach you had given him, head propped up on a cushion while reading a book. The master emerald laid on the other end of said coach. He moved the novel away from his snout so it wasn’t obscuring his vision of you, responding to the nickname you had given him like it was own with a simple “What is it?”
Given the greenlight, you asked your question “Where'd you put all the total paper?”
He seemed confused. It was an emotion that occurred to him often when dealing with things like this. He thought for a split second before asking his own question back. “From… when I helped you in storing the supplies?”
You nodded, assuring him he was right. “Yeah when we put the groceries away a few days ago.”
Knuckles looked deep in thought as he tried recalling the event, eyes in a blank stare seeing nothing at all as he dug up the answer. It would be fitting for a buffering effect to appear above his head at this moment.
He looked over, slowly turning his head as he drawled out his sentence. “I think… I recall… placing the package inside… the garment washing station?” It came out more as a question than anything else, holding little confidence. 
You blinked, still perplexed. You spoke to yourself quietly, not directly talking to Knuckles anymore. “The laundry room? Huh.” You paused, scratching the back of your head. “I already checked it. Guess I’ll look again.”
“Have I put it in the wrong location?” Though it was just a few words, you could detect a small amount of apprehension in his voice.
You wave him off casually, wanting to ease any guilty feelings that may be developing. “Nono you’re fine. That’s where I told you to put them. I’ll just have to take another look.”
He stared at your figure for a minute before nodding, picking up his book once more and getting comfortable. “Well, if that is all, then I shall return to reading.”
You chuckled quietly at the formality. Turning to go back up the stairs, you caught a glimpse of the wall of the basement. It was barren, completely. That’s weird. You look more, craning your head to gaze more at your surroundings. As you start to properly take in the atmosphere of the basement, it dawns on you. You’ve never fully realized it before, given you haven’t had the opportunity to until now.
Knuckles’ space was lonely. Extremely lonely looking.
There were the essentials, coach, table, bed, even a box tv, but not a whole bunch else. The space lacked any kind of personality or decoration. Almost like a default Sims room. There was nothing there to define it as Knuckles’ own space, completely empty of anything he could call his own. It bothered you.
“Is there something else that needs asking?”
The echidna looks to you, the same inquiring expression as before. Had he even glanced away in the first place, you didn’t know.
You kept your mouth shut as you mentally ran through your options, not wanting to say anything rude. You scolded yourself. Should’ve known better. Knuckles came from a completely different world. Did you think he brought anything with him? He owns nothing. The only exception being his own damn shoes. 
You feel you’re at a loss when suddenly, a lightbulb pops in your head. Oh.
You face Knuckles, finally answering. “Hey…” You start, a little nervy for his reaction. “What do you think about going to the store with me?”
He pauses, and looks at you as if you’ve grown another head. “The store?”
You nod.
Without missing a beat, Knuckles was once again, confused.  He sat his book down on the coach, sitting up upright. “Why?”
You shrug. “Thought you’d just want to go outside a little. You haven’t done that since you got here.” While it wasn’t lying, it wasn’t telling the truth either.
Knuckles shook his head. “No.” He declined. “I cannot. I am forbidden from leaving the emerald unattended.”
Humming, your feet shifted positions, angling you so you were leaning against the wall. “Aw come on.” You say, halfway between a whine and an exclamation of annoyance. But even still, Knuckles held his ground, a stern frown set on his face. “No. I must turn down your offer.”
You sigh, shoulders slumping.
The echidna notices. “I am sorry.” He turns back to the book that had been resting face down on the coach. “Now… if you’ll excuse me, I will return to the fox’s book…”
Your mouth dropped in the shape of an ‘O’, an idea hitting you at the mention of your mutual friend. “Wait.” You exclaim, regaining Knuckles’ attention. “What if Tails can watch it?”
He starts, brain slowing a little at the discovery of this new information. “...If the fox can act as guardian while I am away?” Repeating the sentence out loud to affirm it, looking to you to see if he had heard it right. You nod, practically on the edge of your seat, waiting for him to carry out his sentence. 
“Well,” He starts. “The fox can be trusted,” Knuckles looks deep in thought as he ponders this new option. “I suppose if the hedgehog does not interfere with Tails’ focus then, I guess it is possible.”
That’s all you needed to hear. “It would just be for a matter of hours. Shopping doesn’t take a whole day.”
Knuckles rubs his chin. He contemplates the idea of Tails taking over his position a bit more before he ultimately accepts, not having much reason to say no. “If so,” He makes eye contact with you, purple irises peering into your own a little intense for the circumstance. Yet, Knuckles is Knuckles, and he is determined. He speaks with that same formality he often does, “Then I do accept your offer, Y/N of house L/N.”
Oh yeah, forgot about that.
“It’s just Y/N Knux. I’ve told you that.”
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It took about a week to organize you and Knuckles’ little shopping trip. Between your work schedule and Tails’ own experiments, it was somewhat difficult to arrange for him to come over. Yet, you were stubborn, and with some convincing for Knuckles, and reassurances for Tails, you got the fox over for your house. He didn’t need to do much, just keep an eye on the Master Emerald while you all were away. All it took was a quick tour of the house, showing him where the food and utensils were, a quick goodbye and you and the echidna were off.
Knuckles had asked before where you two would be shopping and what you would be shopping for. You did your best to wave him off, telling him what kind of stores you would be going to, but not so much your intention. As vague as it was, he chose not to question any further.
You took Knuckles to a variety of shops, Home Goods, Target, Home Depot. All shared one feature. Decor. Through the limited time you had spent with him, you had learned some things about his world. As confined as your knowledge was, you know it DID NOT look like the plain basement he was currently living in. And though he’d never said otherwise, it wasn’t hard to believe that the echidna could be a little homesick. You would be if you were in his position. You planned on making his home more like a home. Nothing less.
And so, you did. First, you tried looking for larger things. That way you could build a foundation, and work your way up with smaller items. This way, you could also fill up the otherwise empty space. You figured some blankets to make an overhang type thing and the hammock you found in clearance would do nicely.
“These would look really nice in your room, Knux. Whadya think?” You paused, catching yourself, a stutter falling from your lips. “I-I mean if you want to? You don’t have to- of course.”
Knuckles looked up at you. He blinked, eyes widening a slight fraction. You two were the only ones in the aisle.
“So.” He said slowly.  “This was your plan?” 
“Uh” You eloquently spoke. “Yea?” Reflexively averting your eyes from the echidna, you sweat dropped, waiting for Knuckles to react. How could you face him when he was gazing at you like that?
Though what you assumed was a look of offense, was actually of wonder, and even something of another nature.
Knuckles inhaled, turning toward the bundled up hammock on the rack, picking it up with a gloved hand. The silence was suspenseful. It usually happened this way: Knuckles doing much of his thinking in his own head while you stressed out internally. It would be funny if you didn’t constantly get the short end of the stick.
“Do you pity me?”
You were caught off-guard, head whipping back to the echidna. What? Why would he say that? “I- uh, no?”
He kept his gaze on the hammock as he spoke, each syllable low as he concentrated on saying them correctly. “Is pity the reason you choose to do things like this?
Mouth agape, you truly were lost. To say you had trouble finding words was an understatement. Did he- feel bad? That was the last thing you wanted him to feel.
You take your time choosing your next words, for they could either make or break this moment. “I- listen Knux, look at me? Please?” And so he did, standing a little slouched in comparison to his regular, straight posture. The lavender purple of his eyes had a guarded melancholy to them you had never seen before. Both changes spur you on to reassure your friend while also shake you where you stand. The range was astounding.
You cleared your throat. “N-No, not out of pity per say…” You trailed off, struggling to find the right words as Knuckles stood patiently, quietly, never once taking his eyes off you. “I just- the other day when I asked you about the toilet paper? Yeah I uh, I realized how unwelcoming and- plain your space looked and I just felt bad because you didn’t have a single thing a-and I wanted you to feel a home- I know it's probably really hard being launched into a whole new world with nothing but some shoes and I just-”
Knuckles reached out and grasped your hand, gripping it gently appit firmly. It pulled you out of your spiraling ramble. “Slow down.” He urged. “You’re not in a race Y/N, house of-”
“Ok, ok” You laugh a little, giggling at the return of the silly title and wrangling with the fact he had grabbed you in the first place.
You take a breath, inhaling deeply before starting again. “I just- want you to feel comfortable. And, I thought this was a way to do it.”
At that, Knuckles’ features relax, and he looks away, thinking. “I- You are a very kind human.” He concludes, dropping your hand to take a set back from you. “But,” He says, a hint of reluctance in his voice. “I cannot accept this.” He moves to put the hammock back, reaching up to set it back on the shelf. 
“Wha- hey! Wait, why?” You half shout, catching his hand and stopping his movement. Though he could easily muscle past you, he chooses to stop with you. “Because,” He defends. “I do not need it.”
You huff. “Well I know that, Winter Soldier.” You go to gently pry the hammock out of Knuckles’ hand. Again, he lets you, though not without a face that screams ‘what are you doing’. “But I want you to have it.”
The warrior detests. “I don’t-”
“Knuckles, bud.” You tenderly cut him off, smiling with a benevolence that you hope conveys your honesty. “I want to do this for you.” You lean forward to pronunciate your sentence, catching eyes with the echidna that widens more and more as you continue to speak. “I don’t mind buying this, or anything else for you.” You shake the item in your hand for emphasis. “Will you let me?”
Knuckles freezes momentarily. You swear you see a hint of pink on what you would consider his cheeks as he somewhat suddenly turns his head away, wrestling with himself and with your proclamation.
“I-” He’s stuck, and he has to give himself a mental kick in the rear to get him going again. “I guess… I would like the hanging blanket.”
You let out a sigh, relieved you both are on the same page. “Awesome.”
After getting most of the larger decorations, you then focus your attention on smaller things. What those smaller things would be is now up to Knuckles, who has grown more open to the whole ordeal as the hours passed. A large variety of things were considered, such as candles and fairy lights, even some abstract art pieces that would be fit for a garden. Though the things that were favored above all, and the things that you kept catching the echidna staring at, were the plants. His eyes would linger on the greenery, especially on some of the more exotic ones. Those didn’t take much convincing to let you buy, the warrior only giving a few words in approval: “This one will do…” “...Possibly this one as well.” It wasn’t hard to tell that Knuckles felt weird doing plant shopping of all things, he’s never done anything like it before. And because of that, you did everything with your power to talk to him, to make this as casual and as pleasant as an experience can be. Normalizing domesticity in one of the most powerful fighters in the galaxy may sound difficult on the surface, but as you two approached the end of your short adventure (store worker looking as flabbergasted at your friend as a person could), you found no trouble at all leading Knuckles to check out at the last shop with your abundance of wildlife greenery, and onto this new kind of life you’ll be sharing with the echidna from now on.
It didn’t take long to set all the decor up back at home. With Knuckles’ help, you all made quick work of it. The hammock came first, finding a secure way to hang the thing was a little tricky, but once you broke out the power tools, installing it went by with a breeze. Same case for the fort. You looked up some ideas on pinterest, but you quickly learned that there is actually some strange red mammal in the house who can make a really rad blanket fort by memory. You’ll have to ask him for advice sometime. As for the plants, the one space was filled right up, the emptiness being replaced with a vibrancy that definitely made you feel welcomed. As for Knux, well, he was happy. You knew it. Even as he tried to keep a straight face as he walked around admiring the hanging plants, which branches gracefully cascaded over the rim of their pots. 
“While nothing could ever replace my home,” Knuckles said remorsefully as he adjusted a small potted fern, angling it in the most eye-catching way, “This does make the space feel… different.” He trailed off, looking down as he thought of a history and sentiment not unknown to you.
“A good kind of different?” You ask with a hint of a coy tone.
Knuckles looks at you, your playfulness gone completely over his head. Instead, his face is pleasant, approving in some way. “I think so…” He remarks, words sounding confident to your ears. Though his expression changes to something more reluctant as the next thought pops into his head, slipping out his mouth before he can stop it. “You did not have to provide this…”
It takes a good amount of effort to steel yourself from rolling your eyes in the back of your head. You ‘tsk’ in frustration. “Knux, I know. But I chose to. Understand?”
He nods, though hesitant to fully accept the finer feelings, “Yes... It is a lot like the echidna’s honor code in battle.” Seeing your perplexed face at his random reference, he elaborates. “Even though my tribe held proud independent warriors, we helped our comrades at our own discretion. Whether they wanted the aid or not.”
At that, you made a sound of realization. “Ohhh okay, okay. I get it.” You smile down at your friend, who had seemed satisfied in how his room now appeared. It brought you great joy to see the typically stone-faced tank with a softer, more relaxed look. It gave you the confidence to ask one more borderline teasing question, “See, some things aren’t so different, now are they?”
Once again, the intention passes Knuckles by. “No,” he notes, too preoccupied with his own brain to give back any more of an answer. “No they are not.”
You take no notice, grinning in genuine joy for Knuckles. “Good.”
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It's during the most unsuspecting moments in which the most unexpected events take place. Shouldn’t you know that by now?
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What the fuck. I should go to the ER. No that’s a stupid idea. What the fuck are they gonna do, put ice on it? I can do that. What the fuck. Well I’ll probably need something more than ice. Ibuprofen? Maybe. A shot? Yeah. What the fuck. Why? Why did they do that? I don’t understand. To me? Why to me? I’m sorry. What the fuck. I’m tired. I wanna go to bed. What if I wait till the morning? Can I sleep like this? I can try. Probably not. What the fuck. Should I call my friends? No they’re probably busy. I can take care of it. What the fuck. Was it really that special? Was it worth that much trouble? I should’ve been more careful. How old was it? I’m sorry. What the fuck. That bitch. What a fucking piece of shit. I’m sorry. What the fuck.
The calculating rationality that most healthy-minded people would have in these situations was lost to you. Sometimes you thought of it as a gift from god himself: the ability to see things in such simplicity that the problem itself never even posed an ounce of a threat. Never in your life have you had that. Though, never in your life have you ever been healthy-minded, so the math kinda works out in a weird, twisted way.
The hole in your chest remained through it all. Never once subsiding in its outrage. It held every emotion possible as it freely expressed them all, only confined to your heart. Unwavering in every roar, it made such a ruckus. If only it felt just as exposed as you did, then maybe it would shut up. Maybe it would silence itself, just as you were now. Instead, you would have to deal with its burden, as well as the aching that started from your forearm, leading up to the triceps of your shoulder.
It was still daytime. The sun had not yet set, though it was about to. The sky’s vast shades of pinks, purples and blues lit up the darkening landscape of the range, the green and the brown of the earth ever so slowly growing into one cool shade of black. The air was as crisp as ever. It felt mocking in how pure it was, untouched by the will of others beyond its reach. It was the only thing pushing you to walk up your own porch’s stairs, for every bone in your body absolutely refuted the idea of entering your home in the condition that you were in. And only because of one thing. One, small thing.
Your melancholy seemed to express itself through the stomp of your shoes on the old wood. Bump bump bump. It was quiet, not wanting to be heard. Though it was, as there were no sounds to go with it besides the giggling of your keys and the distant sounds of crickets coming to life. Though the adrenalin had since worn off, the nerves had not yet seized. You’ve only got through half the battle. And who to say it had even begun in the first place?
The key was a little difficult to find with one hand. With a shaky arm, you plucked it from the batch, loudly shaking it to rid it of its neighbors. It was slotted in with a good push. You didn't have much trouble turning it. It was with a weighted heart you entered the house, stepping one foot, and then the other past the threshold, the door letting out a loud creak to welcome you home. You didn’t appreciate it. Just as quickly as you were cleared, you gripped the edge roughly, firmly shutting the door back up, locking it, therefore silencing it, for the night.
The house was just as quiet. The thunk of the shut door echoed through the house, disturbing the void. You found yourself unwilling to move forward. The feeling in your heart didn’t want you to. It weighed you down to the floor, outright sticking the soles of your feet to the carpet of the doormat. If it wasn’t for the consistency of your arm’s pain, it was possible you would’ve been standing there all night. It keeps you motivated, reminding you of its presence with every throb. 
You toe’d your shoes off where you stood, setting the keys down softly onto the table beside it. Eyeing the kitchen sink that was visible from the door, you padded towards it quietly, evading any spots prone to creek. One by the TV, another by the dividing wall, another by the knife drawer. You subconsciously counted them whilst listening to your quiet feet step one, after the other, after the other.
You nudged the water on with your elbow, the liquid coming out the tab in an easy trickle. Putting your hand under the stream, you felt the water for its temperature. You found it was tolerably lukewarm. That should be fine. Muscling the appendage up from its hanging position below the counter, you bent your arm at the elbow, angling your forearm to get the brunt of the water’s force. You winced when it made contact. It wasn’t pleasant at all. As soothing as it should feel, the area was still sensitive, even to the gentle stream. You watched uneasily as the sink was turned a maroon, the red coloring the once clear liquid. From there, you started to gently rinse off the wound, trying to wash away the blood that had since dried and scabbed over. It was a tedious and aggravating task. The blood was stubborn. You had to really scrub to get it to leave, irritating both you and your skin. You started using some of your fingernails when you became impatient, ignoring the pain that came with it. Anxiety started to bubble within you the longer you stood there, the old clock in the living room doing nothing to ease your nerves as it boldly ticked away. Tick tick tick. You swear this was sabotage. Karma has come to get you. If only this would go faster, then maybe you wouldn’t be out in the open so-
“You’ve returned early.”
Whatever you ate from lunch that day immediately tripled in weight, making your stomach drop at the sound of his voice. You stopped rubbing at your arm, freezing the movement entirely. Your posture went rigid, though you tried masking it with a shift in your stance. You refused to turn around to face him. You couldn’t. Not now, not here. You wouldn't risk it. You didn’t trust your poker face at this moment, which was too caught up in showing you trying to figure out a response that remained calm.
You let out a humorless chuckle. It was so unnatural and disingenuous it made you cringe. Not dissimilar to nails on a chalkboard. “Ha ha yeah, we uh- finished up pretty quickly.” You say this while still facing the sink. Though you were no actor, you felt comfortable resuming your washing, this time slowing down with slower, more deliberate strokes as to appear with a facade of calmness.
“I suppose that is good.” Knuckles shrugs as he says, “Based on what you said before you departed.” He begins to walk closer and off to the right, edging his way to your side, unaware of the person on the edge of a mental breakdown right in front of him. Hearing his footsteps grow nearer, you shift your weight to ensure your back is to the echidna, even as he tries to change that. It almost makes you forget what he had just said, not expecting the remark. “Oh- uh, right.” You say, feigning an agreeing attitude.
You recall the event. You loosely remember telling Knuckles you were heading out. When he asked you why, you didn’t want to lie to him. Poor guy has already had enough of that happen to him. So you told him the truth, adapt a vague version of it. “Just something I promised I’d help someone do. Ha ha… I mean, I don’t really want to, but I’d better.” He watched you leave, silently questioned your weird act as you begrudgingly gathered your things. Yet he knew the importance of promises, he himself taking them very seriously. So he let you go without much fuss, despite the twinge of suspicion in the back of his mind.
He seemed to be satisfied with the closed proximity. About 5 feet away from what you could tell just from your hearing. The sound of the water running still remained in the air, serving as the white noise to this one-sided conversation. You couldn’t even imagine how sore your jaw would be after this from how hard you’ve been clenched it. The emptiness laughed at you as the seconds ticked by. What you wouldn’t give to just seal it away, to just find some semblance of peace, to just be and exist normal in this moment without having to breathe fucking manually just to appear fine.
“How did it go?” Knuckles asked, taking up the mantle as the conversation starter. You would have room to think ‘hey he’s not so bad at it’ if you weren’t a little busy. Yet as it all things go, busy turns into anxiety, anxiety turns into panic, and panic turns into bad. Fucking. Choices.
Now why did you say that? 
You could feel your face flare up with heat. Out of fear or anger, you couldn’t know. The only thing you did know, was the suffocating sound of silence that followed. It was so loud. You stopped your scrubbing a little bit ago.
“What are you doing?”
You hear the question, but not really. It’s odd coming from the warrior, you think. Though you don’t really think as you have to figure out something, and fast.
“U-uh, dishes.”
You spit it out before you really have a chance to think about it. You’re proud for a half-second at your white lie, but the celebration is short-lived when your insides move in sickening ways for the second time while in the conversation.
“I’ve already done them. There are none.”
The silence finds some way to be worse than before. It’s brutal. Never ending its assault on your hammering heart, and never yielding to the vulnerability of your mind. Oh my god could you please just-
“Is there something-“
“What is on your arm?”
The dread is immense. The impending doom of that singular question is incredible. All senses are blocked from you like a deer in headlights, unable to make out the true meaning of the ask. The hole in your chest becomes invigorated in its bloodlust, your own panic spurring it on to mobilize it while also paralyzing you.
“It’s nothing.”
“I don’t think it is.” You miss the way he says it. It’s calming, concerned. His eyes are careful. A completely opposite force to you. But it all completely passes you by in the current state you are in.
He takes a set forward, just one. You recoil, just enough for the echidna to notice. He doesn’t take another one as he continues to speak clearly, yet deeply and seriously. It doesn’t help ease you much at all.
“Let me see.” It's more of a demand than a request. It makes you shrink back, lip curled down in displeasure. You knew he meant no harm, but it doesn’t stop the back of your mind from taking it in a negative connotation.
“No! It-It's fine!” You grasp your injured arm, still futilely trying to keep it out of sight from Knuckles. Your heart beats away in your chest, boiling like a pot of hot water about to spill over. You’re scared, you realize that now. Of what, you haven’t got to that part yet.
He takes another step, undeterred by your protests, which spur him on further. “No, it is not.” He reaches a hand up, open and waiting to grasp yours.
“I’m fine. Knux, really.” You stress, your voice becomes wobbly as do you. “It’s o-ok, just-“
“No.” The echidna says, the tone he uses sounds final, yet soothingly firm. It makes you stop your panic, just a little. Every word that comes next feels like magic, doing almost supernatural things to your head to make you hear them, to really hear them, for what they are. Each is punctuated with a softness unlike anything your friend had ever used before.
“Y/N, let me see your arm.”
You stop. Taking a deep breath in, you take your time to let it back out. It allows you to see things the way they actually are. There, Knuckles stands. Arm raised, palm open. His stance is mostly relaxed, though if you look closer, a hint of anxiety is there. His eyes were kind, sympathetic, the crease of his eye wrinkled with a stress you’ve never seen from him. In battle it was a harder line, strengthened with anger and determination. Here it was nothing like that. It was fragile, gentle, and even looked painful to wear for long.
Moved by the look, you evaluate yourself as you were. As defensive as you are now, in hindsight, what were you defending against?
Slowly, you ease up. You wordlessly turn to face him, and without much thought, you lower your arm down and away from your body, and towards Knuckles’ awaiting hand. He takes it, tenderly turning it over to look at what he had seen a glimpse of before.
He freezes. His eyes widen, jaw literally dropping at what he’s seeing. Yet, he doesn’t say a thing. He’s just as frozen as you were a minute ago. Like a statue he just stands there, not moving an inch as all thoughts and movement cease. It makes you sweat, not doing much to quell your aching heart.
He doesn’t make eye contact, keeping his eyes trained on the sight of your arm before him. The quills on the back of his head and around his face start to raise, puffing out his features to make them appear larger. It seems as if he has a hard time saying it himself, as he grits out the question. Finally, he speaks. His eyes narrow, brow furrowing downward at his own word.
Though it was only one word, it didn’t fail in striking trepidation through your heart. You’re silent as the question hangs in the air, awaiting an answer that you never planned on giving.
But Knuckles still wants it, so he asks again.
“It was them… Wasn’t it?”
His voice lowers as he utters the phrase, even as he tries to keep an even tone. His anger builds as the seconds of silence tick by, seconds that do not deny the question. His mouth contorts at the ongrowing outrage, curling down into a snarl. Even he, who knows the repercussions of not keeping your anger under control, cannot stop the blooming, burning feeling so deep in his gut that it makes everything he’s ever said about remaining calm sound like a lie.
And without a response from you, there's nothing to stop the echidna’s rage.
Suddenly, and without warning, Knuckles drops your arm, which you pull back to you to hold. Then, he just… walks away, wasting no time at all as he makes determined strides to the front door. He’s mumbling words as he goes. If you listen closely, you could hear the more punctuated ones, such as ‘coward’, or ‘unworthy’.
“H-hey!” You stutter out, tripping over your own feet as you try going after Knuckles. “What are you doing?”
“Going to go deal with the problem.” He grumbles, making the situation sound oh-so simple. He’s halfway to the exit at this point.
“Hey wait!” You try again, “Where are you going?? I didn’t tell you where I went.” You take more steps to the door, not covering near enough ground to catch up with him.
“I’ll find them.” Knuckles flat out growls, getting increasingly agitated by the second. His fists tighten into intimating weapons of pure strength, just itching to get one good hit in.
An image plays over and over in his head. You, face pale at his discovery of your bleeding arm, the very real fear that showed in your body language. It angered him. Greatly.
He’s about to reach for the door handle before your feet catch up with your thoughts, legs propelling you forward. Your head spins at the possibility of Knuckles facing those responsible. That is the literal opposite of what you wanted. The thought of it alone is what gets you going faster.
“Don’t!” You shout, grabbing his shoulder to stop him from going any further. “Please don’t.”
“And why not?!” He yells right back, whipping himself around to fully face you. He sheered as he spoke, a grumble to his voice that made him appear more frightening than what he truly was. He used a booming voice that conveyed all of his frustrations pretty clearly. “They need to pay.”
“I-I know- just,” You take a minute to rub your hand down your face, already at your stress limit. 
Knuckles interrupts, unable to contain himself at what seems to him is your level of complacency. “It is inexcusable!!” He roars, refusing to back down. “I will not stand for it.” He tried once more to leave, turning away from you. You stop him again, overcome with your own anxiety. You feel the incessant need to fiddle with your hands as you put your foot down.
“I KNOW!” Your scream catches both you and Knuckles off-guard. The house becomes eerily quiet with the lack of noise, the sounds of the pipes and utilities on the edges of their seats as they watch on. You were never one to get aggressive to those you cared for, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And yes, you were, in fact, desperate. Your abdomen cramps, making it harder and harder to sooth the situation like you normally could if you weren’t so caught up in your own head. Your breaths are heavy, holding the weight of everything you have done and said up until this point. You’re sure your lungs are willfully unprepared to take up the burden of what you plan on saying next.
You soon discover you’re right.
“I know-w” you pant, shoulders crumpling in on the rest of your body. “Just pl-please, please dontgo, I donwanna-” It suddenly gets harder to speak, your throat constricting around itself, preventing the words from escaping you. Even it doesn’t want you to sound weak. “I-I’m sorry…” 
At this point, you’re at the end of your rope. You were frightened. Of what Knuckles could do, what they could do, what you would do… it all ran through your mind at a million miles an hour. You haven't even begun to rationalize with yourself the event that got you in this mess in the first place, and it was starting to catch up to you. You simply did not have the mental capacity to process all that it happened. And it showed on your face, lines of worry etched into what used to be smooth features. And suddenly you seem much, much older, The sheer pressure adding decades of age, your bones turning frail, matching the vulnerability of your headspace. Your eyes lowered to the ground, head drooping, ashamed of what you feel and afraid of what you've become because of it.
And Knuckles finally sees it all.
The echidna’s own worry lines grow at the realization, his own chest tightening at the sight of you. It’s a strange thing to him, a feeling he had trouble recognizing at first, seemingly forgotten from his younger days with his father. It confused him, and he didn’t exactly have anything to compare it to. How was the battle-hardened echidna supposed to know what it was? Yet with the help of his new family providing guidance and remaining patient, he was eventually able to figure it out, though only roughly. What he did discover, however, is that it often came with his anger.
He was worried. So, so worried. 
And that scared him.
He didn’t like feeling worried, not one bit. He detested the idea of him being worried the moment he comprehended he was. Knuckles the Echidna, worried? How ridiculous. It was a weak emotion, he thought at first. It would slow him down, make him vulnerable, and even, worst comes to worst, allow for him to get taken advantage of again. That’s what he told himself, at least.
When he saw your arm, he felt his worry come at full force. It struck through his heart, piercing it with a sharp, clean cut. What he left out of his explanation for his dislike of worry, was the deeper meaning that had apparently escaped all he knew, even his closest friends.
It was the fact that his worry reminded him of everything he had failed to do. Every promise he broke, every vow he made to nobody but himself yet did not hold true. And even then, as he realized the how and the who to the backstory of your injuries, he failed again, once more not delivering on a promise he made to himself: to protect his protector. And oh, did it anger him. It angered him so much. To fail at such an extent, it was downright shameful.
It was easy for the madness to take hold, he often let it. And he did. He let his anger control him when he found your blood exposed to the elements, your skin inflicted with a bruise the size of a baseball. It coursed through his veins at an insane rate, setting his mind into overdrive, acting as a catalyst to every negative image that crossed his mind. A spark ignited within him, the flame erupting within his chest, the flame of revenge. “How dare they? How could they? You?! Of all people to attack? How weak, how pathetic. How dishonorable.”
And in that instance, he remembered his promise, and sought it out to hold it true, by whatever means necessary. It would be easy for him. Light work even, and he would definitely get immense satisfaction in absolutely pummeling your enemies. You wouldn’t even have to lift a finger.
Though easy does not mean right. And as much as he would find gratification in solving this problem for you, your health took precedence over everything. Even this. He knew that, it just took him a minute to fully remember. Your eyes sure helped, pleading, watery, bloodshot from stress, it all came together in a heartbroken concoction, like a liquid potion ready to persuade its victim of anything. And he had fallen for it, though willingly. It wasn’t hard, you were you after all.
He takes a deep breath to settle that smoldering fire within him. “Okay.” He speaks within a new tenderness that does wonders to calm your racing heart. “I won’t go anywhere, nor do anything.”
He grasps your arm carefully, beginning to lead you to the couch nearby. “Come,” he says “let's sit you down. Your wound needs treatment.”
You nod absentmindedly, not exactly understanding, but doing so nonetheless. You follow him one step at a time as you take your seat, Knuckles leading you down all the while. His touch isn’t something many would expect from the tough echidna. It was gentle, delicate, like a soothing balm to cover the sores on your soul. “Stay.” He spoke in a whisper, “I will return with the box of aid.”
“First aid?” You joke weakly, voice cracking with the effort.
Knuckles is either unaware of the gag, or chooses not to react. “Yes, that.”
Without another word, he quickly dashes away, returning just as fast with the kit in hand.
It took some mumbled guidance from you for the echidna to understand what to do. Though that was understandable, since the guy has never had to use the first aid kit before. 
He was uncharacteristically careful in how he treated your wound. Every time the pads of his fingers brushed against your skin, it was gentle, almost feather-like. Especially around the mangled tissue of your injury. Here, Knuckles’ touch was that of a ghost. There, but not really. Its presence was felt, surely, though not nearly enough for your senses to pick it up as something harmful. You could confidently say the warrior had not caused you any excess pain. Which was already monumentally better than you.
It was quiet as he worked. It was somewhere between a comfortable and uncomfortable silence. It was hard to tell which. So many things remained questioned, so many things remain unsaid. What could you say? What good will an explanation do? Well, some obviously. You of course knew that. It was still hard though, to say the truth. Even if you’ve known it for years.
As rough as you were, the wound was clean of any dried blood or debris. Knuckles knew as well, and went straight to wrapping it up. Placing a sterile absorbent pad on the bruise he secured it with some medical tape, which he probably used an excessive amount of. But you chose not to say anything. He also examined your bruise on your forearm, though decided there wasn’t much to be done about that. However, it didn’t stop him from putting a bandaid on the area. Again, you let it slide.
Knuckles quickly gathered up the supplies he had gotten from the kit, putting them back in the box haphazardly. I’ll fix it later, you thought to yourself.
The warrior chose to sit by your side about a foot apart from you. Not too close, not too far. He held his tongue for a minute, eyes kept trained on the floor beneath the both of you. Perhaps waiting for you to speak first, perhaps muddling over the same thing you were. It was not easy for anyone to read the echidna’s mind, not unless Knuckles himself said his thoughts aloud.
Which he often did.
“How come you didn’t tell me of this?” He spoke the question in a whisper, matching the delicate atmosphere with the tone of his voice. He looked to face you, eyes missing their usual luster of purple. You hated to be the cause of such a loss.
You had to think for a second. You yourself didn’t know the answer to such an ask, even though you would be the one person who would. You fidgeted with your fingers, picking at the skin of them as your mind twisted and turned. It took several more moments before you could come up with a conceivable answer, one at least an outsider could begin to understand.
“I… I didn’t know what to do.” You started. Knuckles sat to your right, as patient as ever, gloved hands propped up on the coach, which straightened his posture to attention. 
You continue as best you could, “I guess- I mean, I think I wanted to handle it?” It comes out in the question, not sure of yourself in the slightest.
“Why?” Knuckles butts in, quick to question the decision. His brows furrowed in confusion, genuinely not understanding.
“Why?” You say back, parrot-like. “Uh-h…” You had to think to yourself again. It’s astonishing how so much over thinking can go right down the drain when you need your excessive ideas the most. “Because uhh, I mean it’s my thing isn’t it?”
The echidna’s face doesn’t change, still frozen in trying to figure out what you mean, and it shows on his face. So you try again. “It’s… my responsibility.”
A deep frown spreads across Knuckles’ face, painting his features in a disapproving way. “Your responsibility?” He repeats. You nod meekly, taking hold of your injured arm to cradle it, still not knowing what to do with your hands.
Closing his eyes, Knuckles huffs out a breath. He stands, pushing himself off the coach in a smooth motion. Your heart jumps at the thought of him walking away and leaving you there alone, but the muscle soon calms to see him turn to face you, coming to stand before you. There you two are level. It's truly one of the only scenarios in which the both of you can see eye to eye, when the warrior can peer right into your eyes without having to look up or down. Just maybe, he chose this on purpose.
Knuckles reach down to your lap, oh so gingerly taking your arm into his hands to hold, looking at the bandaged injury whilst he says his piece, the smoothness of his voice just barely echoing through the home. “My father was a kind soul” he breathes out, “yet he had a habit of keeping the burdens that weighed on him all to himself.”
Your eyes grew wide at the mention of Knuckles’ kin. He’s talked about them before, though this is definitely the most personal it's ever gotten. 
“You remind me of him in this way” He looks up to you, eyes with a hazy focus, thumb brushing against the cotton of your bandage softly. “A protector that refuses to be protected.”
The silence is deafening as the two of you contemplate what has just been said. You more so. You’re shocked to say the least. The sentiment of Knuckles comparing you to his own father, someone he loves and respects extensively is… overwhelming. The weight of it seems to help ease your nervousness. 
“What role do you think I play in this tribe?” Knuckles asks, titling his head down to try to make eye contact with you. It kind of works, coaxing your own up to face him as well.
“Uh” You stumble, “A guardian?”
Knuckles does the echidna equivalent of a ‘uh huh’. “Yes. I am a guardian.” He continues, “What of the hedgehog and his fox friend?”
You look up to the ceiling, it now appears much more appealing as you think of a response. “Well they’re kind of protectors too.”
Knuckles nods, asking one more time “And Maddie and Tom?”
You’re on a roll, now feeling more comfortable looking Knuckles in the eyes. “Them too.”
“Right.” He says, satisfied. “In our tribe, we all have the role of guardian. And so, we all protect. Especially each other.”
Now you see where this is going. “Knux, I’m not sure if I-”
He interrupts. “Whatever you are about to say- it is wrong.”
“Knux I-”
“No. Wrong.”
“But I-”
You give up, giving in to the echidna’s game. You swear you can see a twinge of a smile start to creep onto his face.
“But if I may,” He adds, voice suddenly becoming dimmer as he breaks eye contact to look back at your arm. “I do think there is one difference among us.”
“In what?”
Knuckles takes a breath, seemingly randomly getting anxious. You can’t fathom why. “As a guardian, I am meant to treat all I protect equally.” You nod, agreeing but not getting the point. “Though I do not.”
He slid his hands down to grip your own, head lifting to let his eyes peer into yours unwaveringly. They look to be dripping with his usual determination, along with something else you couldn’t place. Something kinder, something sweeter. “Though each of us were guardians,” he pauses, thinking for a moment “you have had a different duty ever since the EggMan’s defeat.”
You blink, trying to follow as best you can. Knuckles continues, “Your duty is dangerous. Fragile as humans are, I was surprised when you took up the task. It requires constant vigilance, not many could keep it up for long.”
His hands tighten around yours, squeezing momentarily before easing up. Perhaps a reminder for himself. The urge to squeeze back comes and goes. “I have since then grown a respect for you unmatched by any other. Both because of that, and because of your character.”
His pause invokes a special importance, pulling you in. It was captivating, doing its job in changing the atmosphere only slightly. “You are precious to me, as I have grown to know you. More so than the other members of our tribe.”
Your eyes widen, not expecting such a declaration. You have to keep your mouth from opening in shock.
Unperturbed, the warrior continues. The fiercest of his eyes growing with every passing moment. His grip becomes impossibly more gentle, every callous he ever had suddenly disappearing. “Though my focus does lie with the master emerald, it is you that keeps my attention and company Y/N, not any gem or jewel.”
“I don’t know why you would think that.” You blurred out, too caught off guard to think to hold back.
Knuckles takes it in stride, once again taking a breath, wanting to speak as clearly as possible. The effort from keeping his cool shows on his face, a little scrunched with the strain. He leans in to emphasize his next words, yearning to have you understand him. “I do.”
The staticky fog in your mind doesn’t seem so intense anymore. 
“You have commendable bravery, and a personality unlike any other. Attributes I now hold dear.” Knuckles returns your hands to your lap, taking the opportunity to straighten the fabric of your shirt, which has since been crooked. The neckline is quickly fixed back into its usual spot with a quick tug upward, letting it fall back into position naturally. He now spoke with a more annoyed tone than before. It would’ve alarmed you about 5 minutes ago, though now you’ve calmed, and know the warrior doesn’t point such frustrations to you, but to the third party in question. “Which is why it pains me to see you overwhelmed in this way. Especially by those who are meant to be closest.”
You worry your palms, growing tired at the lack of things you can actually answer. “I’m sorry” You whisper, “I should’ve told you.”
“It’s alright” Knuckles whispers back, in a way that differs from your own. A way that makes your thoughts coherent. That actually helps you understand that he's telling the truth. “I don’t know much of troubles such as this… but I do know they can be complex to you.”
He rolls his shoulders, instinctively resetting his posture. “But to me?” He shrugs, “Not so much.”
That earns a watery chuckle from you. 
The air feels tired, almost rung out of all energy it had. It’s breathable now, and it lets you digest everything, lets the both of you take a moment to grasp with the gravity of the situation. Lets Knuckles figure out what to say next.
“I want you to make a promise.” He speaks, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a huff.
“What kind?”
“My kind.” He responds.
You sit up straight, a little confused. Knuckles takes it as a signal to proceed.
“I want you to promise to ask for my aid if something like this were to happen again.”
You furrow your brow. “Knux, I don’t think I can-”
“Let me restate that.” He rehashes, cutting you off. “I want you to promise to try to ask for my help.”
You bite your lip, looking off to the side in contemplation. Could you? Realistically. It surely was a difficult question to answer, especially with every little negative thought poking into your brain to tell you no. If this question had been asked before, you probably would have said yes just in passing. It would be easy to say yes, just to get the question over with. But now, as you hold the spotlight, you can't lie. Not to him, not right now. It's neither the time nor place. And you don’t think it ever will be. 
But as you look at Knuckles now and into his stupidly sweet lavender gaze of his, your true answer starts to become more and more real. Him and that worried look of his does wonders in helping to encourage you to make that leap, to take that chance that you never knew you would be taking. It's so strange, you think, he could do anything, as mountainous as destroying death robots, or as simple as baking a cake with you on a Sunday morning, and it would all still come together into the nice little package of ‘good’ he had to offer. Nothing changed with him, even now, as that same sense of good comes in clutch to hull you away from your enemies and take on the burden instead of you. An honor like that is impossible to find, and irreplaceable once tossed away. You better remember that Y/N.
And that's when your answer becomes clear. Something so profound and special, so kind and gentle, will never be forgotten or taken for granted if you have any say in it. And it will never shake, nor ever waiver. You have a promise to uphold, and you intend to keep it. As a protector, as the protected, and as a roommate.
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arahdow · 17 days
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Pairing. Sonic x reader, Shadow x reader, Silver x reader, Knuckles x reader
Content. fem!reader. the way they would unclasp a bra. suggestiveness, nsfw. silver’s the shortest but the freakiest hehe. kinda ooc characters. MDNI
Word count. 1.5 k
A/N. I suddenly had the urge to write about this while talking with a friend abt how there’s men who can unclasp a bra with one hand but there are others who really struggle hehe so yeah!! i had quite the time of my life writing this sjdjs and the playlist filled with sex songs really inspired me, so, here!!
+ I was quite surprised with silver’s!!!! my hands moved on its own ! and the one with shadow, i actually got inspired from a fanart i saw on pinterest 🥵 so yeah, i did my research JDJDJSJ
++ I also wrote this while being REALLY sick so forgive me if there’s something poor written :( not beta read !!
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He gets really excited, and actually knows how to do it but because he’s impatient he can’t find it in himself to take his time
Both of them came back from a mission on green hill. The truth was that Sonic had actually gone to another place for a week now, this was the first time they saw each other after a week, and spending their first moments fighting wasn’t her cup of tea.
But now they were coming home.
Panting into each other’s mouths, his body guiding her to the edge of their bed. His hands were everywhere at the same time, his heartbeat was quick as he kept kissing her. Without parting, she got on her knees on the bed, Sonic quickly followed her. 
They both were now kissing on their knees, her hands roaming around his back, playing carefully with his quills, then coming up to cup his face, caressing his cheeks. 
The blue hedgehog took the girl from her waist and pulled her close, until she was almost sitting on his lap, both her knees on the sides of his thighs. Taking her top off of her in such a hurried way, she thought he was about to rip the piece of cloth from her body. The man was so excited, impatient. Parting from her lips for a moment, his hand roamed on her back, finding the clasp of her bra quickly. 
Giving her a smirk with hooded eyes, he started moving the clasp around, back and forth, pulling, pushing. Nothing. The girl came back from her dazed state and noticed that Sonic was actually having a hard time taking the undergarment off of her. 
Waiting for a bit, looking at his concentrated eyes, she started to giggle a bit. 
“Need assistance, love?” She asked, her hand going to her own back to end the blue hedgehog’s suffering.
But Sonic had none of that. He slapped her hand away and groaned. “I can do it! I’ve taken it off of you other times, why can’t… I… Now?” He struggled, his voice getting desperate.
She let him keep on trying until she couldn't wait any more. Sliding her own hand towards the clasp, she undid the bra easily. Sonic murmured a low “mhm”, as he continued on kissing her chest, stomach, sliding down. He looked at her with hooded eyes, his face pressed against her thigh as he admired the view.
“Gorgeous.” He winked, brushing his lips on her skin as he started doing hickeys on her thighs. If there was something Sonic quite enjoyed, it was teasing. And it showed.
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VERY SKILLED. Doesn’t exactly know why he knows how to do it, but he’s cocky about it, nonetheless.
Shadow had just gotten home from beating the shit out of Sonic. It was a hobby at this point, not even something necessary. He came through the door stretching his arms over his head as he walked into the kitchen. 
His significant other was making dinner, thank chaos because he was actually getting very hungry from the previous activities. Smiling at him, the girl looked up from the stove, as she turned it off.
“My love! How was hunting Sonic?” She asked jokingly, as Shadow got close to her, carrying her to sit on the counter, his gloved hand taking her face using his thumb and index finger to hold her chin.
“I still have lots of energy, mhm.” He replied huskily on her ear, as he kissed her cheek, then her jaw and last her neck. “Are you going to do something about it?” 
After a few more words from him and a couple of kisses down her clavicle, the room got quite hot, and it wasn’t for her cooking. 
“Mhm, Shadow… The food.” The girl tried to complain.
“Shh, I'm having quite the feast here, doll.” He replied simply, his mouth still latched on her skin.
In seconds, Shadow put his hand in front of her. She knew exactly what he wanted. Using her teeth, she chewed the tip of his white glove, taking it off slowly. His breath hitched for a second.
Because that was a rule when being intimate: No clothes between both of them. Including his gloves.
As his hands returned on her body, he touched her naked back. She quickly felt his fingers looking for the clasp of her bra. She was about to offer to take it off herself, when he found it, the thing gave in rather quickly, making her gasp.
Shadow looked at her in the eye, his eyes scanned her flustered expression and smiled cockily. Sliding the straps off her shoulders, slowly, teasingly. She could actually feel his heartbeat as her hands pressed against his chest. The hand that wasn’t sliding the strap was caressing her thigh. His lips pressed as he stared at her chest. 
A glint showed on his red irises. Oh man. 
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Not very skilled with his fingers BUT he uses psychokinesis ofc
The girl knew she wasn’t playing fair, but she wanted to push as many buttons as she could. Actually buying those pheromones she saw on the internet, and this could go either too good or nothing could happen. She didn’t believe there were any bad consequences for her actions.
Until now.
Well, it wasn’t that bad…
But the way Silver’s face was actually smashed on her neck, licking, biting, kissing and more made her brain turn into a non thinkable goo. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself, grabbing, caressing her skin, like he wanted to combine both their bodies. 
Not only that, but he was rutting against her leg, desperate whining noises coming from his throat. The girl was losing it too, but it was obvious his body was actually on fire. His cheeks blushed a pretty red, and he actually managed to drool all over her sternum.
Her hand threaded on his quills, sliding down until she could feel his chest fur. Doing an experimental tug, the man nearly came on the spot. A breathless moan left his lips as he continued panting over her, his hands positioned on either side of her head. 
The girl kissed him hungrily, getting excited by the whole situation. 
“Love…” She tried speaking but Silver grunted, taking his girlfriend with one arm under her back, making her sit in front of him. His pupils were blown and his breathing was accelerated. He had no time to think about that damn clasp, so he snapped one of his fingers, the cyan aura forming on his hand and then, the girl felt the bra fall off her chest.
Using his psychokinesis to do such a thing turned her on, she wondered what else he could do with such power.
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He just rips it off
It was common knowledge that Knuckles wasn’t the most patient or delicate guy, especially when it came to having intimate moments like this one. Rouge threw a little party for her birthday, everyone was invited and, being the showy bat she was, it was quite a formal party. So the girl decided she was about to go wild with her dress.
The piece she wore was a deep green, sleeveless dress. The neck of the dress was high, the thing hugging her curves. it looked rather simple until you looked at the back of it, a slit running all down the low back. It was gorgeous, and she felt untouchable with such a piece.
Amy actually helped her choose the dress, and she also recommended using a specific type of bra so it wouldn’t be noticeable. The straps turned and twisted, it was something difficult to put on, but she didn’t mind, as long as she looked good in the dress.
And now it was time for the reveal. Knuckles actually wanted to wear something nice, so he dressed up (she helped him choose his outfit. He also asked to help her with hers but she declined saying she had a surprise for him). 
Walking out of the room, the girl walked confidently towards her boyfriend sitting on the sofa, his legs spread and his elbows were positioned on his thighs, making him lean forwards. Too caught up in his mind, he didn’t notice until the girl was beside him. She cleared her throat and that did the trick.
His eyes flew open as he got up from the sofa, walking towards his partner. 
“My… You look gorgeous.” He said, kissing her cheek, that’s when he positioned a hand on her back noticing the slit. He swallowed, nervously. “Say, doll, what if we arrive a few minutes late?”
He asked, his hands starting to roam, sitting on her butt. The girl smiled, patting his chest. “Rouge will kill us if we arrive late.”
Knuckles hissed, finding a button that undid her whole dress. “I think we’d survive.” Were his last words before he carried the girl to bed.
Kissing and palming all over her, the man took a look at her bra and without a second notice, he ripped it off from her. She let out a surprised gasp. 
“Now how am I going to use the dress, Knux!” She exclaimed, feeling him grin, his breath caressing her chest. 
“Use it without that bra, it would look better, doll.”
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yanderegrizzsworld · 1 year
Hi! Is it alright if I request a yandere Knuckles x cuddly touch-starved reader?
I am crushing hard and lowkey desire hugs. Sorry to bother you and I hope you have a fantastic day!
Yandere Knuckles the Echidna: At Home in his Arms (Romantic Drabble)
Your muscles ached from even the slightest movements & your eyes began to feel sore every time you rubbed them. You were certain that the stinging sensation in your feet were from frequently pacing back & forth & about your home, checking & re-checking to see if nothing was out of place. Lifting your arm proved to be a challenge you weren't surprised at, feeling like tiny needles stabbing all the way to your fingers repeatedly with no sign of slowing down.
Once the piercing sensation faded away, you'd hope for relaxation to wash over you, yet the slight trembling of your hands reminds you of your restlessness. You honestly didn't have the energy to get up nor the desire to relive the pain you felt throughout your body moments prior. You didn't put any form of a fight when you felt your eyelids begin to close, hoping that some sleep will mend the aching & that you'll feel as good as new when you wake up.
Knock Knock Knock
You wince at the momentary eye burn from them shooting wide open at the sound, turning your head slightly to observe the door as if it'll bust open at any moment. After a few more knocks, you tardily get off the couch & hobbled towards the main entrance, each step was like walking a a floor covered with sharpened knives, you were almost certain you were going to collapse before unlocking the door. A small smile formed for a brief moment when you felt the frigid smoothness of the doorknob, a cough escaped your lips before opening the door.
"Hello! Hope I wasn't interrupting anything important now" Gleaming crimson greets you as a spiked white glove comes to view, you ignore the stinging in your arm to shake the echidna's hand. The feeling of contact eases some of the aching you feel, "Hey Knuckles, don't worry, you weren't interrupting anything" Stepping aside from the door, the echidna steps through the door, passing right by you.
"You came at a...great time, actually" Figuring what to say was much more difficult than you'd imagine with the aching all over your body as you close the door. Knuckles glances around your home as if stepping in the for the first time, the sight never failed to make you smile. "C'mon, why don't you sit on the couch while I make you something to eat".
The echidna nods his head with an audible gruff, making his way to the living room as you begin to pace towards the kitchen. The light from the windows provoke a wince from you everytime you seek to look outside & the light from the kitchen didn't assist you in any way. Ignoring the headache forming & the aches from your muscles was anything but a walk in a park, yet you continuesly ignored & buried it down for your guest, wanting to deal with it after he left rather than annoying him with your issue.
It was practically a miracle you didn't drop nor spill anything when strolling up to Knuckles, putting the food down infront of him. Though they widen a bit, you can see the sparkles in his eyes, especially when he looks up at you with a huge grin. "It looks really good! Though of course I never expected anything less from you" His sweet words almost made you forget of the throbbing pain in your legs, "Thank you Knuckles, now eat up".
Knuckles hums in appreciation after a couple of bites, the smile on his face never once leaving. When you both make eye contact, Knuckles takes a hold your wrist, your eyes widen briefly but you don't allow your face to change of expression. "Do you need something?" You prop your arms to lift yourself up, though feeling his gloved hand tighten a bit, you don't move anymore than that. "Are...Are you feeling well?"
His question catches you off guard, you blink slowly, as if carefully thinking of what to say. You'd expect the fabric of the glove, rubbing against your wrist from the slightest movement, would do nothing but irritate like a rash, yet instead the contact seems to bring solace, wrapping around you like a blanket of calmness, feeling like all your troubles have washed away. "I...I'm alright! I promise" You nearly forgot to gave an answer to his question from the peace you feel at the contact, you hope that he didn't notice the delay on your part of the conversation, "You sure? I don't wish to be rude, especially in your own home but..." He gazes at your face, observing to see any change to indicate if he should continue further with his speech. "You seem tired, my friend, like you haven't rested for days"
The cold air hits your wrist when he let's go, while saddened at the loss, you choose not to let it show itself towards your friend. "...Do I?" Questions flooded your brain rapidly like a virus, no other words could form nor rise from your throat no matter how much you wished. Knuckles scoots closer to you, you were certain his cherry fur was enticing you with it's softness, it's warmness.
You don't recall anything for a moment, all you could process was now suddenly hugging the echidna, the heat from his cheeks radiating on your arms as you feel the fur nuzzling under your fingers from the tiniest movement. When attempting to move away, upon realizing what you were doing, you feel his arms begin to raise & his spiked, gloved hands enclose around you tightly. "If you wanted a hug" The thoughts running through your mind barely allow you to hear what he's saying, only when he tightens his arms around you enough to have you inhale air do you listen to his voice.
"You could've just asked!" He let out a hearty laugh, his tone was nothing but genuine, evident by the fact that his grip on you hasn't faltered.
Tints of vegetarion & moisture invade your nose, nothing you wouldn't expect if spending most, if not all, of your time in a jungle-like island. Whatever tension or ache you felt from before have seemingly dissapeared like smoke in the wind, being in his arms was like lying in a large body of water, the calm stillness bringing your mind to peace & the tiny ripples that appear from time to time further pulling you into the world of placidity. Unlike before, where letting your eyelids close was filled with unkown restlessness, now the warmness from him practically lulls you to slumber, of which you're more than happy to allow, to invite, to welcome.
The level of security you felt was unparalleled & a part of you felt grateful that he caught on to your fermentation, grateful to feel the softness of his fur & quills.
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randomanimaticse · 4 months
SHATTERED - Sonic Prime x reader
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moondust-writes · 2 years
『knuckles the echidna x gn!reader』 desc; knuckles has been ignoring his health for the master emerald and angel island as a whole, it seems status; requested ╰┈➤ 'knuckles with someone whos mother-like kind of'
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Angel Island was typically peaceful, with little to nothing going on if Doctor Eggman and anyone else who sought the Master Emerald were nowhere near. So much so, that you found yourself visiting the Echidna who lived there often, though your worry grew with each instance you've seen where he's appeared worn out - as though he hadn't slept on the off chance someone may come by to swipe the item keeping the island afloat out from under his nose.
To say it worried you, would have been a severe understatement. Usually, he'd only entertain this habit after someone tried to take the emerald for a few days, then continue his habit of falling asleep on the job whilst laying by the gem.
When you've confronted him about it, he's simply argued that he had other things on the island to watch over, and that he'd rest when the work load was lessened.
Now, you're sure that he did not intend to lie, to go back on his word. Despite how it may seem with the amount of times you've caught him taking a nap, he took his job to heart. Every time the island began to fall, every time he needed assistance...he tried to hide it, but it wore down on him. So, you let him be. Trusted he would rest when needed.
In hindsight, that was probably a mistake made with good intentions. But you don't regret it either; forcing your help then could have caused issues.
"Knuckles." That brings you to now, standing at the steps of the Master Emerald, arms crossed as you tapped your foot impatiently as the echidna in question approached the stairs from doing who knows what elsewhere. "Oh uh, [name] didn't expect to see you here," he cut himself off from speaking momentarily, recognizing the expression and body language from a mile away - even in his tired state.
Frustration prickled at your brows when he spoke again. "What are you doing here?" You had to take a moment to take a deep breath, holding the bridge of your nose as you let out a sigh, akin to one a disappointed guardian would. "What am I - I'm here to make sure you're taking care of yourself! You've been working non-stop for days Knux!"
There was a pleading, worried tone in your voice that sparked a flame of guilt in Knuckles' heart, confliction tore through him. Yes, he knew he should rest, but he had work to do! He had to take care of the island, and the life that inhabited it! Not to mention the Master Emerald to tend to.
"I know I have - but I have work to do!" He argued back, not maliciously, though he knew he wouldn't win this one as you stepped forward to pick him up into your arms - an action that was only possible due to his current state of awareness.
"What you have to do, is rest! The emerald can wait -" With an offended huff, he was ready to argue against such a preposterous claim, but it seemed you weren't done. " - you can't do your best when you're exhausted! You're going to take a break. No arguments."
The tone in your voice, held no room for argument, and the pointed look when he did anything but resign to his fate of rest only further set in stone that one way or another, he would be doing as instructed.
And as he lay by the Master Emerald in your arms, head on your shoulder, he found himself unable to fight the temptation to sleep any longer.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 year
Movie!Knuckles discovering echidna!reader after losing his tribe
(Movie!Knuckles x Echidna!Reader)
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Love the idea thanks for the request 😊👍
Not going to lie I literally just woke up like a few minutes ago at the time writing this part so excuse the mistakes ~ J/Blaze
Also happy new year everyone hopefully it won’t be as crazy as last year.
Notes: I actually managed to save the request for this post and the next two so yeah
Pronouns: they/them
Warning: ⚠️spoilers for knuckles background story in sonic movie 2⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Knuckles + Mentions of Knuckles tribe
Proof Read: ❌
Credit: Banner by freakmia_ on Pinterest + Icon by BlueEyedJinSoul375 on Pinterest
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- Every day is just the same for knuckles ever since losing his tribe it’s been a endless cycle of nothing but walking through forest looking for things in order to survive another day. He’s gotten used to this feeling of being alone even though he sometimes wishes that one day he’ll wake up and realise that it was all a dream.
- Although he is thankful for his father for preventing him from going with him and his other members which also prevented his possible demise he also wishes that he was able to travel back and do the same for him but no matter how long he can think of all the possible things that can prevent the incident he knows deep down that he can’t do anything about it
- However today was the day that the endless cycle knuckles has been going through will be broken. At first it started the same waking up, making himself something to eat etc. After a while he decided to take a break and have a walk through the forest to clear his mind. He likes walking through forests if he wanted to find a way to calm his nerves he likes to walk through the forest.
- That’s when the peace was broken he heard something or someone else walking through the forest that wasn’t him. His body suddenly alerted at the noise “who’s there?” Knuckles shouted preparing for a fight “don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you” a voice came from the other side of a bush “come out from the bush then coward” knuckles once again shouted not believing what the voice was saying. That’s when the thing came out and it was…another echidna?
- The sight of another echidna froze knuckles, ‘this can’t be?’ He thought to himself after all these years of being alone he finally found another of his kind. “Are you alright?” The other echidna questioned afraid that they have done something wrong. Knuckles couldn’t help but move closer, he didn’t want to believe it but his eyes weren’t lying there was another echidna. He felt a tear exit from his eye “what’s the matter? Your crying?” That’s when knuckles brought the mysterious echidna into a hug “have we met before?” The echidna stammered out at the surprise hug. “I’m sorry, it’s just that it’s been a few years since I’ve seen another echidna” knuckles loosened the hug “oh I’m sorry I didn’t realise” the other echidna express sadness “what’s your name?” They asked “oh apologies I’m knuckles” knuckles introduced himself “I’m [NAME] nice to meet you knuckles” you smiled at knuckles
- “What’s gotten you out here [NAME]?” Knuckles asked you “oh I was bored so I decided to have a walk through this forest” “do you have a tribe as well?”Knuckles asked wanting to learn more about you “no not really I’m more of an independent person if you get what I mean” “well if you don’t mind do you want to work together or along the lines of that if you don’t mind” that sounds fun I’d love to” you agreed to knuckles terms to which knuckles gave you a slight smile. After all this time his dream finally came true and there is no way in hell he’ll let it get ruined
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pomegranate-pen · 2 years
Part 2 of Boom! Shadow and Knuckles with baker and coquette aesthetic reader!
part 1
Boom! Shadow the hedgehog part 2:
When does he realize he loves you? Well, it all happened when you were suddenly attacked by a villain. Some guy named T.W. Barker teaming up with Eggman to capture you and force you into a business with no freedom or rest in it.
With fear and worry plaguing his mind from your disappearance, during his time trying to rescue you he finds himself questioning the relationship he has with you.
At the end of it all, when you're finally rescued and hug him as thanks, he becomes speechless. Gently hugging you back and eyes widening at his reaction.
Why is his heart beating so fast? Why does he feel so relieved by seeing you unscathed? Why does he feel so joyful?
Oh…oh no.
Oh shit.
Give him some more time, because he’ll have to come to terms with his feelings for you and might stop visiting you for a while. Trying to make some distance to think for a while, albeit missing your presence dearly.
In the end, before closing the shop he appears before you. A pearl necklace in his hand and a bouquet of pink and red roses in another. For the first time, you see a dust of pink cover up his cheeks.
“do you..have time for a date?...”
As a boyfriend, Shadow is mostly the same. Though he is a bit more protective than usual. He teaches you self-defense and makes up a few traps around your bakery so you could activate them whenever you’re in danger.
Most dates are in your bakery or house. He hangs around your house more than he does in the forest. To the point where you have a spare pillow and blankets in your bed just for his arrival.
There are times when you both sit down at the edge of a cliff and stargaze as a date. Telling stories and jokes while holding hands throughout the whole thing. Sweets you made especially for this trip are neatly placed on the picnic blanket.
He’s much softer when your both alone. Not being much afraid of showing vulnerability.
He’s way nicer to you than anyone else on the Island. Complimenting and praising you when you’re both alone and seeing you in the same status as he is.
He tends to keep you away from the Sonic gang. Especially their leader. Saying that they’re the ‘most pathetic creatures on earth’ and how they ‘don’t deserve your kindness’.
Melts when you give him any sort of affection. Not keen on PDA in social places but a complete sucker for it when you’re both alone.
Can and often will kiss your hands after you are done baking just to see you blush madly and look away. He thinks it's really cute despite your lighthearted annoyance towards that action.
Loves your taste in fashion and thinks it suits you perfectly. He often gets you pink objects and crystals as gifts. In special cases, like your anniversary or birthday, he gets pearl-themed jewelry.
He loves you deeply, and you deeply love him back.
Boom! Knuckles The Echidna
The first time you two met was not pleasant.
You found a bunch of construction workers huddled up around your bakery, while confronting them, they show you a paper about the mayor accepting a new building at this location.
You were mad. Enraged even. You didn’t spend hours of your time filling up paperwork just to have the mayor quickly accept this offer with a mere stamp. Especially since he didn’t even speak with you about it!
So marching down the place with a look that could terrify one with even a small glance, you barged into the mayor’s office.
Only to find the red echidna from Team Sonic sitting on his chair instead.
With a bit of time wasted on taking a number and waiting in line. You made him approve a new law of it being illegal to destroy your bakery. Only to have that law completely ignored by others an hour later. Shoving new forms in your face about the echidna approving their construction here.
It seems that you have seen him at his worse. Because right after your encounter with him and a few hours of chaos around the village, the next morning a flower that seemed to be picked up from a forest nearby was placed neatly on your counter. A letter saying ‘I’m sorry-Knuckles’ right next to it
Talking to neighbors made you realize that Knuckles had done this in every shop and doorstep. Feeling a bit guilty for causing such a ruckus. You felt yourself smile a bit. That is so cute and sweet.
The next time you saw him was a week after the event. He was curious about your sweets. Saying that he heard from a friend that your baking is good.
Over time, he visited your bakery more and at some point become a regular. With him being a regular now, chit-chats and small conversations were always made throughout the weeks.
He would usually come around after his training. Rather than going back to eat at Meh Burger he now goes to your bakery for a sweet treat instead.
At times you find him glancing around the place, commenting about how he likes your style and how it reminds him of one of his friends a bit. As some time passed by, he found himself glancing at pink roses and pearled jewelry and getting reminded of you.
He’s the one to first realize he’s into you. With that realization, he acts slightly different around you. Acting like a ‘cool’ and ‘chill’ manly guy to get your attention. Only to get clumsy and mess up every line he says.
“You look very nice today.”
“Thank you Knuckles.”
“Not that I care though.” He proudly huffs.
“wait no what I mean is-“
It takes some advice from his friends, but he finally gives up on the flirting and acts like himself again.
You were always aware of him flirting or not, but Knuckles on the other hand never seems to get your flirting.
He’s SO dense to it. To the point where he even sees your most flirty and romantic coded comments as a funny joke.to his friends, it was frustrating to see you fail to get his attention and him to get yours. So with a bit of planning, they made you both get tricked into a date and in the end made you two confess.
He’s so sweet. Like extremely sweet. He can be dense and a bit of a troublemaker at times. But you never really minded it. He’s a himbo. But he’s your himbo.
Helps you with carrying new boxes of ingredients just like Shadow does. But unlike Shadow, he has fun taking orders.
Dating him means being a known target for Eggman. He might not use you to his advantage much, but there are times when he just kidnaps you just because he’s out of ideas.
This becomes so common that Knuckles started teaching you self-defense.
It becomes a sort of bonding time for you two. First, you both train in his backyard then go to your bakery to rest and restore all the energy you lost.
Another thing that gets added to your life with dating Knuckles is becoming friends with his team and them becoming regulars at your bakery.
It's come to the point where they prefer going to your bakery more than Meh Burger.
The number one fan of your baking skills and your taste tester. Always praises every treat and loves everything that you make. Even if it doesn’t help since you want full honest criticism of it, it still feels really nice to have your boyfriend praise you like that.
Overall, a very sweet relationship.
hope you enjoyed! if you want to request, please read the rules first in here!
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