#knb headcanons
teamatsumu · 10 months
how GoM react to you wearing their jersey to a game
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You knew he wouldn't show up to the game, as per usual. But this time would be different.
This time, while you stood over his lazy, napping form on the school roof, you had promised him that if he showed up, there would be a surprise waiting for him.
That caught his attention, as you knew it would. He was skeptical on the inside though. What could possibly be good enough to make him stay for a whole game, start to finish?
He did not expect to hear you scream his name from the stands during warm ups, breath hitching when he caught sight of you in his jersey.
You had put it on over your sweater, grinning wide as you pointed at the number and mouthed ‘surprise’. It made aomine blink and gulp.
You had worn his clothes before, but never his jersey. He felt his skin tingle in a foreign feeling of possessiveness. That was his number on your chest.
Aomine turned around and walked to the coach. “Put me in at the beginning of the game.”
His teammates gawked at him. Aomine? Willing to play? No, not just willing. Eager. This was unprecedented.
You however, were giggling in the stands, knowing exactly what his motivation to play today was.
Kise’s fans often showed up in his jersey number for games, giggling and squealing in the stands and saying his name to get his attention during warm ups. But you, you were different.
For one, you were dating. For another, you weren’t just wearing a jersey with his number on it. You were wearing his personal jersey. Tailored to him and swimming over your small frame.
You grinned when he noticed the jersey on you before the game in the hallway. He bit his lip and hid a smile.
“You wore it for me?” He tilted his head, trying to hold back from cooing all over you. You looked so cute.
“Yeah. To support you. I see all your fans do it.” You shrugged like it was no big deal. It was a big deal though, at least to Kise.
He stepped forward and smacked a sloppy kiss on your cheek, made you squeal and wipe it off in mock disgust. It didn’t bother Kise though. He was on cloud nine just looking at you wearing his clothes.
His brain short circuits when he sees you.
Next, a million thoughts hit him all at once.
First of all, how did you even get your hands on his jersey? And how had he not noticed a missing jersey from his closet?
(You were sneaky and crafty usually, so it wasn’t too surprising)
Second of all, how did orange look so good on you?
“What is the meaning of this?” He scowls at you, making you giggle and skip closer to him. Midorima fought to keep a straight face. You were glowing.
“I know you have your lucky object with you,” you eyed the humongous hourglass figurine in his hand. “But I thought it would be nice to have a little extra luck.”
He felt his lips twitch, the muscles of his shoulders relax. He hadn’t realized he was about to walk out to court while being so stiff.
He pouted at you and looked away when he caught your teasing gaze, looking away with heated cheeks. “Thanks for the luck.”
You giggled again and planted a kiss on his jaw, turning around to the hall which lead to the stands.
“See you after the game, Shin.” You called back. Midorima allowed his lips to tilt upwards as he watched you leave.
I’m gonna say it, he doesn’t think it’s too big a deal.
Not the jersey itself, but he is more affected by the fact that you’re wearing his clothes at all. Because they are huge on you.
You’re swimming in it, dwarfed by the sheer amount of fabric. If he didn’t like the look so much, he would laugh.
But he loved it. Loved seeing you in the stands, perking up and grinning at him whenever he looked up at you and met your eyes.
The white and purple looked great on you, made you stand out in the crowd and put you in the center of his vision. What a view to have during the game.
Him putting in more effort on the court was all because it made you cheer for him and stand taller. He could give less of a shit about the actual game or the end result.
Rest assured, he will be subtly hinting at you to wear more of his clothes, jersey or otherwise.
Akashi’s actions make it abundantly clear that he is very territorial of you.
You are his. No one else has rights to you the way he does.
Now imagine him seeing you at a game, which he knows is also being attended by his peers, underclassmen, opponents and other acquaintances, knowing you are in his jersey.
His number on your chest and back, his school colors enveloping your frame.
Everyone would know you were his. And that sense of power made him feel things.
His piercing gaze finds you in the stands, the uptick of his lips and the satisfied look on his face was enough for you to squirm. Oh he liked what he saw.
He gives you a harsh kiss in the hall when the game ends, and an approving once over that fills you with glee.
With zero words, Akashi has ensured that you would show up to all his games from now on with his jersey on your back.
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nsfw knb part 1: (Akashi, Midorima, Murasakibara, Aomine)
Thank you for the request, the other half kuroko, kagami, kise (the kkk?!?) will be up in a few days. knb was my first sports anime that I fell in love with. Takao supremacy.
He is very dominant in bed and gets off on a sense of control.  It does matter to him if you are feeling good though, and Akashi checks in regularly to make sure you’re still on board. 
Both personalities like bondage. Seeing you all helpless and needy is a major turn on for him.  Akashi usually keeps a tight lid on his alter ego, but it does slip out in the bedroom sometimes. 
Heterochromic Akashi greedily claims you as his prize, methodically stripping you of your dignity. 
Akashi secretly likes exhibition, but will never let anyone actually see either of you vulnerable.  
He insisted on binding you for a generation of miracles reunion.  The rope harness under your clothes dug into you, as you tried to look as normal as possible.  Suddenly you were aware of everyone’s gazes and praying they wouldn’t hear the soft vibration coming from under your clothes.  “Be a good girl.” he whispers, turning the vibrations a degree higher.  It’s likely no one suspects a thing, but it still feels like everyone can see right through you.  Akashi carries on as usual, but the hungry looks he gives you feel like he’s lighting a beacon for everyone to see.
Midorima is repressed as all hell and tries to control himself and be proper, but as soon as he slides in you he can’t stop himself from pounding into you relentlessly.  
Is not one to curse in his day to day life, but has a dirty mouth and spews profanity in the bedroom.
He holds a strong conviction that you are meant to be his, and will never let you go.
Eye contact is a thing for him, he likes to stare at you and the expressions you make.
While daydreaming, the idea of pictures popped in his head, but he was too embarrassed to bring it up and he hasn't worked up the courage yet.
“You’re tight,” he hisses, as he slides all the way in.  His fingers are leaving indents in your thighs as he pulls you up instinctively, forgetting everything except the urge to go deeper, to be inside of you. 
“Fuck! S-stop clenching like that…  feels too good” 
motherfucker can't keep his hands to himself.  I think that as he grows older and matures his love of big boobs dies down to just a love of all boobs.  He still likes them big of course, but he learns to appreciate all sizes of boobs. 
Will lay his head on your chest to nap, making you unable to do much besides scroll on your phone.  Withholding sex is a great way to motivate him, but when he finally has you after being pent up he’s 10x more aggressive.  
Oddly though Aomine is more on the vanilla side of things. He likes rough sex but has no notable kinks. It would be more accurate to say that the only real sexual need he has is a soft and squeezable body.
"Baby... please lemme fuck you I can't take it anymore my cock is about to bust out of my pants!" He's already got one hand down his pants, the other undoing his belt.
"For the last time, no! We both need to finish our work! We can have sex afterwards." Unfinished emails and documents sit in front of you, as you literally push your horny boyfriend off of you.
lazy mf doesnt want to do shit but he’s fucking enormous.  His favorite pastime is eating you out over and over until you’re properly ready to take his cock.  It's not a problem for him because he loves to eat you out if he’s in the mood. 
The oral fixation is real.
He is easy to rile up and prone to childish jealousy, feeling the need to stake his claim on you at the slightest hint of competition.  Of course nobody in their right mind would pick a fight with him, but he still perceives anyone you talk to as a threat.  He doesn't want to share your attention with anyone.
If you want sex, you gotta get him in the mood. If he wants sex he's picking you up and hauling you to the nearest room with a lock on the door. You've been unceremoniously kidnapped several times already.
It's always a little scary when your boyfriend is in a foul mood. The inkling of fear turns both of you on though.
"I told you, he wasn’t flirting with me!  He wasn’t even talking to me!"
"He was looking at you. I could tell he wanted to fuck you." His voice is lower than usual, eyes narrowing to a glare. He inches closer, tying up his hair as he goes.
"Atsushi, I can take care of myself." A nervous wobble creeps into your voice though, and he backs you into a wall. His frame fills your line of sight, as he looms over you.
"No. My job is to take care of you."
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kleftiko · 9 months
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cw: mature themes, fem!reader, pregnancy
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♡ ‘say less’ and takes off you’re clothes, kissing you dizzy and not letting you think about anything but him
— aomine, murasakibara, takao, kise
♡ looks at you with love in his eyes and promises to give you everything you want and more if you’re just patient (spoiler! you’re not)
— akashi, kiyoshi, kuroko
♡ screeches. he still thinks he’s a 25-year-old teenager—HE should be taken care of. but then imagines you pregnant and a flip switches and he’s on top of you
— kagami, kise, midorima, murasakibara
♡ is begging YOU for a baby cause he has the harshest baby fever and can’t help the fact he wants little yous running around
— akashi, kuroko, kiyoshi
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♡ immediately goes on his phone, completely silent and leaving you confused, until careless whisper starts playing on the stereo
— kuroko (completely serious too), kise, takao, aomine
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thefandomthings · 5 months
❝𝐀𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬❞
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Aomine Daiki x f!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Suggestive (It's Aomine, duh), fluff
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: I need more knb fics, pls. This is my first time writing for Knb, so I hope it's okay
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 It will take a lot for Aomine to get into a relationship after his last one, he’ll never admit it but he’s afraid of getting hurt. (Again)
 So consider yourself lucky my dear.
 Daiki is a person who loves something or someone quietly.
 He’ll never really say he loves you out loud unless you haven’t seen each other in a long time or if you/him are having a bad day.
 His love language is physical affection and quality time. He’ll always be touching you with an arm around your shoulders or holding your hand or his hand on your tit.
 Speaking of boobs, well all know he’s obsessed with them. He’ll constantly try and catch you changing, or put his head under your shirt while cuddling just to be near the girls, as he calls them.
 Daiki is also extremely protective over you. He wants to keep you safe all the time. He’s lazy af, but whenever you want to go out just to run and errand he’ll be on his feet ready to go. My man will deck someone for looking at you wrong even in the slightest way.
 He calls you Idiot, dummy, and moron if you do something stupid or dumb. He does it out of love cause he doesn’t want you to get hurt.
 Aomine only uses your first name if you two are having an argument, or having an important conversation. Other than that your are usually called Babe or Baby.
 Your nicknames for him are Bubby/Bubba, Dai, Baby, and Kiki to annoy him.
 You two go on arcade dates at least once a month. Or you two go and kick it at the hoops downtown. Aomine plays a lot of street ball and knows a lot of guys down there.
 If you don’t know how to play basketball, he’ll gladly teach you how.
 If you already know how, you play 1 v 1 all the time, Aomine always ends up winning. But he will help you improve your skills.
 Teases the crap out of you any chance he gets. Loves seeing your flustered face.
 Aomine is totally the type to whisper dirty things in your ear while out in public. Not to mention he will just randomly grope your chest or butt whenever he feels like it.
 He’s also the type to rest his arm on your head not matter your height. He will also mess up your hair and use your head as a joystick whenever you sit between his legs.
 Daiki is a pervert at heart, whenever you are wearing a skirt and come to see him while he sleeps on the rooftop he’ll sneak a peak underneath.
 I feel like he’s a boob and thigh guy all the way. He will happily die between your glorious thighs and tits.
 Randomly leaves bite marks anywhere he wants. Adores when you have hickeys on your neck, fills his ego to the brim watching people comment on the purple bruise on your neck.
 Fucking loves when your wear his extra jersey to his games. It’s the motivation he needs to get going. Will completely crush his opponents just to watch you cheer for him.
 Pouts when you don’t give him his morning kisses or if you get up during your 2hr cuddle sessions when he wakes up.
 I 100% believe he is half Hispanic. He definitely knows Spanish and will call you names like Puta or Pendeja.
 If his mom here’s him call you that just know he’s getting a tongue lashing and the chonclas getting thrown at his head.
 He gets his accuracy from his Mom.
 It takes awhile for his mom to like you, she doesn’t want anyone hurting her baby boy.
 After awhile, she’ll treat you as her own daughter, and even teach you Spanish.
 Bonus if you already know Spanish, that’s a +1 with his mom.
 His dad liked you instantly, you were a lot different then his old girlfriend and welcomed you with open arms.
 Daiki has his dad’s ego, it’s like looking at the same person anytime they compete with each other, which is almost always anything they do.
 Aomine will totally be at any of your games/meets if you play sports. Even if he is late, he’ll be there cheering you on.
 Get’s jealous easily, especially if you talk to Kagami. If looks could kill, Kagami would be dead.
 Will have you against the door of his room, or pinned to the bed whenever he gets jealous. He makes sure you know that you are his and only his.
 His room is a disaster, clothes, old school papers, blankets etc.
 He try’s to clean his room up a bit before you come over. It’s adorable, it usually doesn’t look to much different just the floor was clean cause he moved everything to the corner of his room and covered it with a blanket.
 Loves to get you small gifts. He saves up for months to get you a beautiful promise ring. And what made it even better, you got him a promise bracelet that he wears absolutely everywhere.
 He makes sure to take it off before a game or when does anything that could break it.
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lamnwar · 3 months
Hey me again, lmao
Could you do Kiyoshi + Gom as husbands, If so thank youuu xxxx
Hi there, love! 💕 love love love this request!! I spend all my time daydreaming abt being married to these boys LMAO it's embarassing 😭 alsooo ik I took long before getting to your request but I wanted to finish all the big os requests first before working on hcs bc it's more heafty so sorry for my shitty habit of taking too long for simple stuff :((
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Context: what I imagine married life to be with these characters. 🥰
Pairing: GOM + Kiyoshi x gn! Reader (gender not specified)
Warnings: mainly fluff and crack, can get a bit suggestive in Aomine's (of course it's always him 😭) so mdni!
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Rich, handsome and a gentleman!!! Literally the Holy Grail of husbands
The kind to spoil his pretty spouse out of love
Takes you out on a date at some fancy restaurant at least once a week
He's also very independent!! Now, I think he's the kind to hire people to help around the house but that doesn't stop him from doing chores
He'll always help you doing stuff for the house if you need
He has amazing taste!! Take him furniture shopping and you'll end up with on of those houses you see in AD
Brings up the subject of you dropping your work so you can stay home while he's the breadwinner
He's a bit traditional in that sense because he really doesn't want you to work if it's unecessary, you know?
I mean he's crazy rich so does that even make sense to make you work?? (Unless you absolutely want to)
Wakes you up every morning with a kiss!
He always had the proudest smile when he introduces you to people as his spouse <3
This man takes marriage very seriously, listen
He most likely did a deep analysis of your birthchart before deciding that you are the right one for him
Naturally, as your husband, he gotta get you your lucky item of the day everyday
You don't even believe in that stuff but it's his love language, I guess
Not much one to go on dates unless you want to, then he'll be up for it
He's more one to enjoy time with you at home
Something like having a nice diner and cuddling while you read
The kind to love going grocery shopping with you
Every once in a while, he'll buy a fancy bottle of wine just to share it with you
A very supportive husband!! Every project you have in mind, he's already done the research to find the most efficient way for you to accomplish your plans
Not a PDA guy but he'll happily hold your hand when you're at gatherings together
May not be very vocal about his love for you but you better believe that he talks proudly of his spouse to every one he knows
He is OBSESSED with you
Man never left the honeymoon phase, he's so crazy about you
Takes you to his fancy modelling events and shows you off to every one he meets
He also buys you lots of clothes and acessories
Dare you say something is cute, he's already inside the shop buying it for you
Tries his best as chores but it's not really his thing
Will help as much as he can, though!
Breakfast in bed kind of guy hihi
And it happens a lot because let's be real, that man isn't the kind to let you sleep at night
Like I said earlier, he's never left the honeymoon phase so... yeah
Wants to be the kind of husband that gives you his credit card and tell you to do what you want with it but you have to decline
It's ok though, he'll fine plenty of other ways to spoil you
You have that cute habit every week of taking baths together
The kind to miss a day of work to take care of you when you're sick!
Daiki never thought he'd ever get married, but then he met you
Not the best at being a husband but he really tries!
Like he makes an effort of not being too lazy and messy
Leaves the chores to you mainly, but will give a hand
Like if you're cleaning around and need to put stuff on the top shelf, he'll do it for you
Not the best cook so he lets you make food while he does the dishes
I'm trying to delay the obvious but that man never stops being horny for you
Literally sits and daydream of fucking you on every surface of your home
Gets so riled up at the sight of that ring on your finger, he can't believe your all his
The kind to follow you everywhere you go, even if it's for some stupid errand
Takes you out to the beach or for a picnic as soon as the sun is shining outside
Buys you clothes he thinks you'd look good in and surprisingly, he's got amazing taste
Loves when you refer to him as "husband" in conversation!!
So casual about being married, most likely because to him that doesn't change a thing about the way he feels about you
Likes that now he gets to have you with him all the time
Cooks for you! Buys you snacks! Takes you out on restaurant dates!
Sharing is caring so he only ever shares his snack with you
I can see him being into matching outfits (if you can find any that fits both him and you)
A bit lazy so he doesn't help around that much unless you tell him to
And even that, he'd do some chores before getting distracted
But listen, it's ok though because he makes up for it in over ways
He's very caring, only because you're his spouse
Cuddles in bed, at all time! He just feels clingy sometimes
He smiles softly when he plays with your hand and sees the ring on your finger
He likes to sit you on his lap often
Basically being a husband doesn't differ much from how he was as a boyfriend
Very casual about calling you his spouse all the time, even in front of others
Kiyoshi Teppei was born to be a husband!!
Because he grew up with his grandparents, he's got the habit of taking care of a household and the people living in it
So he naturally took in most of the chores and he's good at it!
Doesn't want you to get tired either so he'll do most things
Pays attention to all the little things so you're always comfortable
He also likes going for a run/the gym with you and he's so encouraging!
Has the stupidiest smile on his face everytime he looks at you
He holds his grandparents as a reference so he really hopes you'll both grow old together, still madly in love
Don't get that man started on building a family, he just gets too excited at the idea of being a parent!
He'd be a great one too, but the final decision is up to you. Either way, he's just happy being with you.
I don't know what else to say because he's just made to be a husband, yk?
Yeah, probably the best person to marry <3 (I'm very biased)
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summer-nights19 · 8 months
Hi! I was wondering how would GOM + Takao react to their s/o having mood swings during their period like one moment their s/o is normal and the next they are angry because their ice cream isn't cold enough to eat and it's melting and they put it in freezer and when they try to eat the ice cream again it's too cold to eat and their gums hurt. Sorry if it's confusing..
Hi anon ! No worries, I think I understood the assignment (hopefully), and I symparthise with you deeply. Period mood swings are the worst :< These kinda ended up being general period comfort hcs, hope that's ok too ! Anyway, here's some comfort with the boys <33
GoM + Takao x afab reader on their period
When he sees how annoyed you get over your ice cream being half melted, he's a little taken aback. If you guys haven't been together for very long, he'd probably tell you to calm down or be confused. However, if it's been some time, he'll figure it out quickly enough.
Will put the ice cream back in the freezer for you and bring you some hot cocoa and a hot water bottle to help you feel more relaxed and to make the cramps more bearable.
When you take the ice cream out of the freezer again and hurt your gums, he probably tries to comfort you, although he isn't good with words
Instead, he brings you some other snack, like fruits or cake, and lets you snuggle with him.
Initially, he tries to get you to do a light work out with him to make the pain better, even if you aren't particularly athletic
Will definitely massage your uterus area and shoulders to help you relax, as well as stroke and kiss you all over (he's really good at it too)
Might make a joke about how orgasms are the best way to relieve period pains, but if you're in a truly terrible mood, he'll hold his tongue.
Still teases you, though he'll stop and apologize if you seem genuinely upset
Will make sure anyone who gives you grief or makes your mood swings worse regrets it really quickly
doesn't have pads in the bathroom for you but will happily go out to the store and get you anything you need
Still takes baths with you and will wash your hair and massage you in the bathtub- doesn't really give a fuck about the blood
"What size pussy do you have, babe ?"
When he sees how quickly your mood changes as a result of the ice cream being half melted, he figures it out pretty much right away.
He'll hug you and run his hands down your back, while reassuring you that it's not that serious, and that you can always eat something else. Puts the ice cream back in the freezer and comes up with skincare, makeup, candles, magazines... all the essentials for a self care night ! (If you ask nicely, he'l even let you do his makeup- he secretly loves it)
Lets you choose what show to watch and chats with you about anything and everything as you have your self care night with the show in the background
When you get the ice cream from the freezer again and your gums start to hurt, he'll kiss you better
Also strikes me as the kinda guy who would keep pads/tampons in his bathroom for you
This man can pretty much sense when you're on your period, it's actually kinda unsettling
Anyway, as soon as he realizes you're having a bad day with your mood swings, he'll start treating you like royalty (even more so than normal)
Suggests that you eat something else and comes back with some warm noodles
He gives you massages all over- thighs, back, shoulders... all while reassuring you that you'll figure everything out, that it just seems like a massive deal now
Promises you that you can take one of his eyes if he ends up being wrong (yea this man is really something else)
Will bring you candles/flowers and just snuggle with you quietly as you rest
Happily listens to you vent if you feel the need to
Will be happy to help with any schoolwork you have due
Will personally see to it that anyone who tries bother you is too scared to talk to you ever again.
Like Kise, he also keeps pads in the bathroom for you
Doesn't realize you're on your period until your cramps and mood swings get really bad
He's not particularly good at comforting you when you're in a bad mood, but he'll carry you upstairs to his bed and snuggle with you. He'll even get out of bed to get you a hot water bottle and some hot chocolate
Gives you one of his hoodies to sleep in. It's way too big for you and he thinks you look adorable in it
Stays and snuggles with you until you feel better (you end up falling asleep with your head on his chest and your limbs intertwined)
When you wake up, he'll bring some snacks from his personal stock and share them with you
Is too lazy to go to the store to buy you pads/tampons, so he'll just call Himuro and ask him to do it
Like Akashi and Aomine, he won't take kindly to people upsetting you, especially when you're on your period.
He's oblivious- he understands you're in a bad mood, and wants to help, but you have to spell it out for him before he realizes that you're on your period.
He's a little shy and awkward, partially because he isn't sure about what he should do, but he very much wants to make it better
Definitely asks Kagami and the Seirin guys for advice and they all look at him like wtf
Will listen to you rant for hours on end, and will be more than happy to comfort you and give you advice
Anything you ask him to do, he does- buy pads, make you dinner, put a specific programme on the TV... he's doing it as soon as you say the word
Also very happy to massage your shoulders and uterus, even tough he isn't really sure about how to do it
Will be very careful about how he talks to you and conducts himself- he doesn't accidentally want to make it worse
Literally your number one fan if you start to doubt yourself, he's so sweet
"You always look stunning, Y/N,"
Won't snuggle with you unless you ask for it because he doesn't want to invade your personal space too much (he's such a gentleman)
God help you
He's really really awkward about it
Figures it out relatively quickly from your mood swings but pretends he doesn't because he has no clue how to act
Like Kuroko, he's really careful about how he behaves around you because he wants to avoid pissing you off
Will try to be patient and listen to you rant nonsensically- if he knows you're having a bad day, he'll do his best to comfort you, although he's mostly the kinda guy who tries to find rational solutions to problems instead of telling you what you want to hear
Reads your zodiac chart every day and gives you advice based off of it. Also brings you a lucky item of your own if you're really feeling down (at least he tried)
However, if someone tries to mess with you, his energy completely changes and he'll make sure they don't do it again
Will buy you pads/tampons, though he'll be really awkward about it
At first he just thought you were in a bad mood, then he suddenly realised that you were probably on your period
Teases you a lot less to avoid hurting your feelings
Like Aomine, he'll probably make a joke about how orgasms are the best way to cure period cramps, but he'll shut up if you tell him to
Comforts you for hours on end wen you're down - he couldn't live with himself if he knew you were sad and he wasn't there to support you
Laughter is a medically proven medicine
Will tell you jokes and funny stories to take your mind off of the mental (and physical) pain
Also spams you with memes and tiktoks
Very happy to take it easy and just cuddle in bed while watching shitty TV
Will go to the store and buy you pads/tampons without an ounce of hesitation
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thewritetofreespeech · 8 months
Could I request the GoM with a girlfriend that apologizes a lot?
GoM Boys + s/o who apologies a lot
Akashi doesn’t really understand it.
His father taught him that apologies are for the weak, and a person of his station should never apologize; a lesson that Emperor!Akashi took to heart.
Once he’s back to his old self, and meeting s/o, he apologies a little more. Their “weakness” rubbing off on him.
He does wish they would stand up for themselves a little more than just immediately apologize.
He finds it pretty annoying.
Aomine rarely apologizes for anything. When you’re talented, you don’t have to. So he doesn’t get why they apologize so much.
He also realizes that, because of this, they are apologizing for him a lot. Which makes him feel bad that they have to stick up for him.
Aomine tries to get them on team ‘fuck ‘em all’ but they just can’t seem to do it. So he’ll stand up when they shouldn’t apologize for them.
Kise thinks it’s absolutely adorable.
They get so flustered and a bit red in the face, that Kise can’t help but think they’re so cute.
He does realize that the over apologizing may be a part of a lack of confidence, so he tires to help and fix that with lots of praise & words of encouragement.
He does hope though, that even when they are more confident in themselves, they always apologize that way.
Pretty similar to his s/o, just not as frequently.
Kuroko is very soft spoken and quick to apologize when needed. The key word being ‘when needed’.
He does get a little annoyed that s/o apologizes seemingly for everything as people take advantage and make it seem like it was their fault. Which he doesn’t like.
Doesn’t really try to fix their behavior, but does comment now & then that it really should have been the other person who apologized.
It gets on his nerves a little, but it is what it is and he’s not going to make a fuss about it.
Midorima is a big advocate for taking responsibility for your actions. And part of that is apologizing when you are wrong; he’s the quickest out of any GoM to apologize.
However, it does go overboard with s/o to the point that it’s not taking responsibility but just heaping it on. He doesn’t feel it’s sincere at that point.
He doesn’t do anything about it, or make a comment, but when they get on one of their apology reels he does tend to leave the area for a bit.
He honestly doesn’t notice that much.
Unless it involves basketball, snacks, or his comfort games, Murasakibara doesn’t pick up on a lot of stuff. He does wonder sometimes why they apologized to the chair for running into it.
Gets annoyed though when they apologize for him in certain situations. He’s not a child. He can apologize if he wants (he won’t but they don’t know that).
Maybe it’s a little awkward because Murasakibara has always been so big that people apologize to him, because his size is so intimidating, that it’s odd being the one to apologize sincerely.
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asunflowerana · 1 year
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𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭, 𝐡𝐢𝐦?
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summary: their sister got a new boyfriend, and unfortunately for them, they already know the guy.
with: teiko team and Kagami.
n: remastered prompt, thought I could reuse and have fun with it again hehe. Also, this is a brother x boyfriend type of hdc, let me know if you guys liked it. hope you all enjoy it! ps: I totally wouldn't like to get btw kagami and daiki 🥴.
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⊛ akashi seijuro x midorima shintaro
Seijuro’s actually pleased by the surprise. He knows pretty much about his former teammate so, he won't have problems trusting him to take care of you and treat you well, as you deserve.
Not only he found it pleasing, but also amusing. It's not every day that your sister decides to date such a confident, stubborn guy, which makes things a bit more interesting for him as the big brother.
“Midorima-kun. What a nice surprise.” The red-haired cordially extends his hand to the new family's addition, wearing a subtle smirk while gazing at him with his piercing, red pupils. Midorima isn't a fool to trust these eyes. “I'm feeling we’ll have a good time together, don’t you?
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⊛ aomine daiki x kagami taiga
“You've got to be kidding...” It’s the first thing Daiki grumbles, looking at your new, moron boyfriend. As if it isn't good enough to deal with him at the championships, now he'll have to in his personal life too? With his sister? Alright, where are the cameras? 'Cause he isn't having any fun with this joke.
let's face it, Aomine will make Taiga's life very difficult from now on: they’ll probably bicker and growl at each other every time. But if he's being honest, he’s actually relieved that your boyfriend is someone as upstanding and honorable as Taiga; he wouldn’t want you to date someone who doesn't treat you well. Even though he’s an imbecile, he's also kinda... trusty. But he won't ever say that out loud.
“Okay, fine... I can accept this." He points at you both, discontent but not wanting you sad for not having his support. "but you better leave me out of the sappy romance of yours. Too much to sleep at night."
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⊛ midorima shintaro x kise ryota
Midorima's already someone difficult to win, especially for a guy who wants to date his sister. So regardless of their past, with Kise it won't be any different; in fact, it'll be worse, due to Kise’s cocky and too much charming personality, unpleasant to the green-haired boy.
but as a person, Kise isn’t so bad. Is he an overwhelming, smug, and sometimes stupid guy? yes. But he can't deny he also has a good heart. For your happiness, he'll make an effort, but the blonde better be prepared for what comes for him.
“You really have a bad taste in men.” He bluntly tells you, getting on Kise's nerves, to his delight. Before any of you can protest, he continues. “But he’s not as dumb as the others, so I can deal with him. For now.”
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⊛ kise ryota x murasakibara atsushi
“You're kidding, right?” Kise can't help but cackle, bewildered by the news. Not even in his wildest dream did he see something like that happening. You, his baby sister, dating this giant child? It's too much to actually be real. “Murasakibara-chi, you spend all your money on candy, how will you buy my sister something nice?”
He honestly doesn’t understand what you saw in Murasaki. The guy is lazy, gets easily bored, and probably has more cavities in his teeth than fingers. He is a whiny, giant baby, how can he be attractive?
It'll take a while, but Kise'll slowly notice Atsushi's qualities as a boyfriend. Definitely, he isn't the ideal guy he was planning for you, but you're his world, and that's what matters in the end for Kise.
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⊛ murasakibara atsushi x akashi seijuro
Atsushi's fine with the news, he actually noticed the way you and Akashi slowly grew close to each other. He has a lot of respect for him, confident that he’s the best person to take care of his sister and give her a good future. If it were up to him, you might even marry sooner than planned.
“Seijuro-kun, my sister's new boyfriend?” He rewinds, asking no one in specific. Akashi offers him a nod, with a small smile on his face while holding your hand. The purple-haired boy scratches his chin, unfazed but internally pleased. “Well, I think this is good news.”
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⊛ kagami taiga x aomine daiki
“Please tell me this is a joke.” Kagami practically begs you, hating the teasing smirk Daiki wears on his face, bothering his future brother-in-law. You shake your head, and Kagami loses his freaking mind. “Of so many people in the world, why him? Like, there's our neighbor Koshi a-and that nice guy from the cafe. Heck, you could even date a werewolf, for good's sake, just not him! What is so attractive about him? No, actually, I don’t want to know. I need to keep the rest of my sanity intact.”
As you can notice, Kagami was quite affected by your new relationship. And with Aomine nagging him constantly, it got even harder for him not to just jump in Daiki's throat. But with time, the two will learn how to deal with each other, especially since Aomine’s clearly making you happy. He can be a moron, but at least he’s doing his job right.
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reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated. 💕
© asunflowerana 2023 — all rights reserved.
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sei-chann04 · 3 months
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midn1ghtdreamer · 10 months
Kuroko’s Basketball boys x Pregnant Reader
These are head canons on how Aomine, Kagami, and Kise would be during your pregnancy.
He’s not shocked at all. He claims that he knew you would be pregnant after one night in particular.
He doesn’t seem like he would want a baby, but behind closed doors you could tell how excited he was. His love for you and the baby did not stop his complaints whenever you asked him for weird cravings at night. Despite all of his complaints he would make sure you had everything you needed. No matter how difficult it is to get it. He even asks Murasakibara to help find the rare foods.
He starts making competitions with everyone else about whose kid would be better at basketball. Kagami was his main target.
“My baby’s going to kick your kids ass on the court.”
“Oh yeah, well see about that, Aomine.”
He very shocked. You two hadn’t touched the topic of kids yet. That didn’t stop his excitement though. As soon as you told him he grabbed you and spun you around, reassuring you that he was ecstatic about the baby.
The news couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Kagami’s basketball was taking off, leaving zero concerns about money. He was concerned about you though. He wouldn’t be able to stay with you, especially when his team went on tournaments. You had to convince him that you would be ok so he would go to his games.
He couldn’t wait to share the news with everyone either. Alex was one of the first people to find out about your pregnancy. She even volunteered to watch over you while Kagami was away. Kagami was worried about you to say the least
Remember when I said Aomine would challenge everyone else’s kid? Yeah, well Kagami made a bet with Aomine that his baby would win a basketball game. He didn’t;t tell you about his little bet either you found out about it years later.
He was outside teaching your son different moves to use and out of nowhere he says, “You can keep all the money if you win this game.”
You gave him an earful about it later and all he had to said was, “It was a good motivator for him.” You couldn’t deny it either. Your son did everything he could to make sure he beat Aomine’s daughter during that game.
And yes Aomine’s pride was hurt when his baby girl lost, but he didn’t hold it against her. She was his sweet little girl after all.
Literally will not shut up about it. He tells anyone and everyone he can, even when your standing next to him obviously pregnant. As in added bonus he walks around with a picture of your ultrasound in his wallet, showing it off at every opportunity. He just can’t stop himself and you don’t have the heart to stop him either. You both waited so long for this baby.
Anytime your around a large group of people, Kise goes into security mode. He won’t leave your side for anything. You want to talk to your friends, he’s there with you. Getting a drink, he’s there too. The probability of you going anywhere without him is .0001% out of 100.
He will also become your personal servant. You could be in the nesting stage of your pregnancy, feeling the intense urge to clean, and he wouldn’t let you lift a finger. Dishes? Clean. Laundry. Done. When he can’t handle all of the chores he calls in his mom. She makes sure everything is in order before and while your in labor. Making sure that you brought your baby home to a clean house.
If you thought that Kise would stop talking about your child after birth, you would be dead wrong. A newborn picture of your baby in a pink onesie would replace the ultrasound that he carried. He was a proud father and he was going to let everyone know it.
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mcverse · 1 year
Hey don’t know if your doing KNB anymore but-
Could you do HC’s on all the boys playing with readers hair? Like reader is having troubles sleeping or something and the boys just play with their hair?
✧ Type: HC
✧ Warnings: Hurt to comfort sorta, fluff everywhere, maybe ooc but it’s love man, slight crackhead energy if your squint, curses, not proof read/spelled checked
✧ Side Bar: You said or something so I did something ✨ joke aside I had so much fun with this if you can’t tell. Thanks for the req! this is actually safe for someone 17+ despite the warning for the rest of the blog
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Credit: atamanrr on tt
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— Akashi
College finals are coming around fast. And you were stressing out.
You weren’t like your brilliant boyfriend, who always guarantee he’ll come out on top every time.
You procrastinate, you mess up, and you forgot. The polar opposite of your King, it still puzzles you to this day why he wants you.
But disregarding all that, you still tried to study to make up for it and it helped a bit that he offered his aid. What a sweet man ugh.
Sort of. Not really.
While he looks completely in his element as he practice quiz himself, GETTING EVER ANSWER CORRECT, you were over it as you sat across from him.
Your lips were borderline bruised as you abused it throughout the session, running your fingers frustratingly through your hair as you feel stumped over a word problem.
Akashi notices, of course he does. He’s an observant person and an attentive boyfriend. It was clear that you needed a break but he knew how stubborn you could be.
So he sets his pen down, getting up to come around to where you are—all of which you don’t notice until he’s pulling you up and dragging you towards the crouch.
“Seijuro?” You question him when he casually drops on the cushions with a deep sigh, dragging you with him. He doesn’t say anything as he wraps his arms around your lower back and use his free hand to rake his fingers through your hair, albeit much less aggressive than you had, “Sei.” You try again, this time getting a reply.
“You need a break.” He says, never ceasing his movements. If anything he pulls you closer, so your flush against his body, your head on his chest, “No buts. It’ll still be there when you get back.” He adds when he sees you about to protest.
You hate when he’s right. Always at the worst times too. More than he’ll ever know, especially when he gets what he was aiming for easily. Your supposed to be independent.
Instead his stupid warmth was pulling you in, the light scraping of his nails that occasionally graze your scalp slowly putting you into a small trance.
You mumble a quick, barely audible, “Thank you,” as you drift into your first nap of the day. It’s a good thing when you miss the curve of his lips as he glance down at your peaceful expression, otherwise you’ll try and tease him endlessly.
“Anything for you, my empress/prince.”
— Aomine
This was hard for him. No it wasn’t because he can’t show affection. Aomine is actually very affection to his lady, maybe too much that it’s borderline manhandling. You don’t complain.
It’s hard for him because he really hates to see you beat yourself up, comparing yourself in the mirror to his magazines.
Sometimes he wish he never kept them, not liking how insecure you got. He knows they can’t compare to you and you know it too… you just can’t help yourself most days.
He feels guilty each time you tell him that it was okay to keep things like that since you were real and they weren’t. He didn’t deserve such understanding after causing your tears indirectly.
And so every time, Aomine waste zero time in wrapping his arms around you, crowding you so your face was buried in his chest.
“I know,” you whine, eyes wet with weightless tears and nose beginning to drip, but it was the least of both your worries, “I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. They’re so pretty!” you squeeze around his waist, the very same you can barely reach around.
Aomine listens. He listens and watches every choke cry, every fragile wail, every doe and tearful eyed glance up at his face.
He didn’t bother to explain again that it wasn’t about them being pretty because he knew it would make it worst. He was smart enough to realize that.
It didn’t break his heart any less though. He’s not sure how many more these sessions he can take without getting rid of the whole stash.
Because nothing was really worth seeing you like this.
Aomine sighs through his nose, pushing your head back against his chest after you glance up at him one more time, running his fingers through your hair to smooth you; a method that always worked. He was anxious, despite his calming demeanor—you can hear it in his heart.
The same beat that lore you to close your eyes, clinging on to the man that brings up such insecurities unintentionally. When your shoulders slump, he picks up with your head now rested on his shoulder. He still doesn’t stop his movements in your hair as he takes you to the shared bedroom.
“It’s alright, baby,” he’ll mumble as he lays beside you with his arm under your head for support. His hands still wringing themselves in your hair, but occasionally drift to your caress your cheek as he watches you sleep, “I won’t make you feel like this again.”
He kept true to his word. Threw the whole stash away after waking up from the nap.
As much as he cared for those magazines, he cares about you more. He’d be damned if he let a fake thing mess up a good one.
— Kagami
You have been dating Kagami for a while, almost a year. So it was safe to say he has seen you in all the craziest states you can conjure up.
To name a few: days where you’re too lazy to wear makeup (makeup is genderless) , a few random hormonal pimples, fresh out the shower with your hair sticking to your head like the ring antagonist.
He’s seen it all.
He’s also dealt with your mini tantrums or mood changes that sometime went along with them. That’s what a partner is supposed to do. Take the good and the ugly, not one or the other.
This time was no different, you were getting ready to go out to the shopping center but ever since you woke up, your hair has not been cooperative.
This only led Kagami to assume you were frustrated, especially based on the loud huffs and weird growls you’ve been letting out.
He could hear your down the hall as he’s making a sandwich, cursing as you wrestle with your hair. It’s when you let out a loud ‘“Fucking stupid ass hair be submissive” did he enter your room.
“Babe, are you almost done?” He asks, even though he can see you aren’t, which earns a glare briefly sent his way before you focus back on your hair.
“Do I look done, babe?” You mock back.
There’s the attitude he loves.
Kagami didn’t get it. This was probably the most tame your hair has every looked but your fussing over one off section.
If anything… He’s putting down his sandwich and dusting his hands off with purpose.
“What are you doing?” You shout, watching a he stalks up behind you to rack his fingers through your hair. On a normal day this would be soothing, but he wasn’t doing it to help.
“Taiga, this looks fucking worst!” You whine, slapping his hand away as you stare, mouth agape at the mess he help create.
He simply grins, “I like it.”
“Please tell me that was the clean hand…”
He thinks you look hotter with messy hair. His favorite time of the day was morning because he got to see you first thing, hair wildly misplaced.
— Kise
It was supposed to be a leisure day. A simple day where you can stay inside to finally finish this new Netflix show called “sanctuary”, while not be judged for eating half a cake. Alone.
But then your fantasy is disrupted because your reminded your boyfriend was Kise, and he was never not clingy.
He shows up unannounced, as he always does with his “I miss you so much baby” type shit.
You were a little annoyed, just a little. Your day was all planned out, so it’s to be expected. Just as it was expected to know it won’t go that way due to Kise.
Reluctantly, you let him in because he was a little too upbeat and bright, compared to the darkness and coolness that your apartment gave.
There wasn’t really a different with Kise being there.
Except no personal space and him eating more of your cake then you, which might be a shocker but Kise only ever let’s loose with you.
You were his safe space, and he liked to return the favor, regardless of how little.
Kise was sitting up right on the sofa, while you were laying your head on Kise lap, both of you equally engrossed in the show, and still semi hungry after the cake was gone but too lazy to get up for something else.
You got startled when he subconsciously starts petting your head. Did he think your were a pet or something? But your thoughts were eased away when his petting turns into wringing his fingers through your hair, scratching pleasantly at your scalp from time to time.
There were moments he’ll twirl it around his finger like a little school girl being nervous around her crush. You thought it was really cute, so you had to voice it.
“You’re so cute, Ryo.” you blurt randomly. He still his movements, blinking before looking down at your with flushed cheeks,
“I didn’t do anything.” he says, resuming his movements.
“Even when you’re not doing anything, you’re crazy cute.”
“[Name] -cchi!”
— Kuroko
It was fall, how beautiful the colors change. It was a perfect temperature—in Japan. America was a whole different story, let’s not get into that though.
Anyway, it’s date night with Kuroko. Every Friday, like clockwork, unless something came up. Thankfully, it didn’t!
You both just got done eating at this new place you saw and of course, Kuroko had no complaints but didn’t finish his food.
Luckily, you guys got to take it to go without any extra charge. Now your both just casual strolling down the streets, hand and hand.
But then Kuroko was pulling you in a random direction, that you soon found out was a park.
“Testu?” you call to him, peering at him curiously. He only looks back at your for a second, and the warmth from his eyes was enough for you not to question any further.
He’s a really sweet boyfriend, ugh.
At some point during the walk, you saw a pretty tree that still somehow has a lot of leave on it and the colors were too gorgeous to pass up a photo.
Instead of taking a photo of just the tree, you told Kuroko to take a picture of you with it.
So there you were standing under the tree, posing awkwardly as people walk by and wait for your boyfriend to take the picture.
But he takes forever. He has the phone up, the app’s open but he just pauses as your pouting.
“Testu! Take the picture,” you whine, body going tense as you struggle to hold the pose. When it looks like he’s going to take the photo, he lowers the phone and walks over to you. That only confuses you more, “What are you doing?”
He’s reaching up to your face as you stare at him skeptically, but he skips your face and goes right to your hair, where he runs his finger through it, “You have something in your hair. It’ll ruin the photo.”
How considerate is he? A+++
You thank him, obviously, when he gets it out. And you thought that’s was the end of it, that he’ll finally take your picture.
No, Kuroko is still wringing his hand through your hair.
He’s smiling softly to himself, completely forgetting about the task at hand. It takes you clearing your throat to bring him back to earth. Even then, his hand doesn’t leave your hair. He just waits patiently for you to speak.
“The photo, Tetsuya?” you remind him, with a tilt of your head.
His mouth forms a “o” and he finally removes his hand, “Sorry. Your hairs really soft today.” He then walks back to where he was before, pointing the phone at you as if what he said didn’t make you red in the face.
— Murasakibara
The clock read 2 am when your staring up at the ceiling.
You were exhausted but your mind refused to let your rest.
The lie would be a big one if you said you didn’t know why. Despite your good day with nothing eventual happening, your brain found ways to nitpick always.
It was 2:54 when you decided you’ll have a late night snack, maybe watch some tv to lull you to sleep.
But it was 20 minutes later when your walking into the living room to see Murasakibara already on the couch and not in the bedroom where you left him.
Murasakibara isn’t a light sleeper, but he knows when something’s different despite being sleep. When he doesn’t feel you hugging his side, he lazily gets up to find you.
He finds you in the kitchen, making yourself a half pb&j sandwich. He immediately knows it’s one of those nights where you can’t sleep just from that.
Instead of letting his presence known, he goes to the couch and waits for you, already knowing if he did bother you that you’ll try and get him back to bed and leave again.
It’s almost comical seeing his big frame spread across a couch just a few inches too short for him.
“Atsu, you should be in bed.” You remind him, walking over to him. He looks up at your drowsily, a pout already playing at his lips.
“Hope you got enough for me too.” He ignores your statement, opening up the blanket you originally got to get comfy on the couch alone, “I’m hungry.”
You get confused at whether he was actually referring to food or you, after all, this situation happens often and the outcomes are unpredictable since it’s him.
Murasakibara sees your hesitation and grows impatient, instead reaching out to pull you to him and force you in the blanket himself.
“The food, Atsu!” Your protests fell on death ears, with you trying to keep it from getting trapped within the covers.
He opens his mouth and pulling you closer to him. One of his hands pushes your head to his chest and now he’s running his fingers through your hair as if to shush you from saying more, “Feed me.”
Your trying to pull away, but don’t prevail, “There isn’t enough for you, you giant!”
“Then I’ll just have to eat you.”
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kleftiko · 1 year
Hi! Idk if your request is opened or not but if it is, I'd like to request a headcanon for Knb if that's alright?
My request is : How would GOM + Kagami react when their s/o walk in on them taking a shower naked and just casually invite themselves taking a shower with the boys?
cw: this is fluff, but language and nudity [ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP]
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in a strange turn of events, you end up startling your boyfriend. the bathroom door is slightly open, the sound of running water and slight humming floats through the apartment. you decide that you should probably get clean too as you step into the steamy room. tetsuya doesn’t hear you undressing, or stepping into the shower. it’s only when your cold hands wrap around his waist that he shrieks and spins around—nearly slipping—eyes wide and startled for a split second until he realizes it’s you. then his expression falls into his signature calm smile.
“hi, sweetheart.”
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you go in the bathroom to pee, and as soon as you make a noise, taiga peers around the curtain with a judgemental look.
“what are you doing?” he asks, shampoo comically in his hair.
you blink. “using the bathroom.”
he sends you a stink eye before closing the curtains and going back to what he was doing. you know he likes his alone time in the shower, but the apartment only had one bathroom, and you like to annoy him (with love). so when you strip down and attempt to join him in the shower you need to wrestle the curtain away from him because he’s using it to cover himself lol.
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he likes when you sit in the bathroom while he showers. you can tell him about your day and he can poke his head out for you to feed him a little snack. it’s not often that you shower with him because the logistics of the shower head and the height difference was always a hassle. until you renovated your shower to a ceiling head, now when he’s finished his himemaru, you can just join him under the water and he can pull you close and prevent you from moving cause “you’re so cute and cuddly, y/n-chin.”
and you stay like that until your body feels like two different temperatures.
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you enter the bathroom.
“fuck, daiki, it stinks in here.”
“i had to shit, you’re the one that interrupted my shower.”
despite that, you strip down and pull the curtain dramatically to announce that you intend to join him. and this motherfucker is under the water, head tilted back to rinse out his shampoo, eyes looking down at you with a smirk as he says, “just can’t get enough of me, huh?”
so turn the water to cold so he shrieks :)
bonus fem!reader: soapy tits are his weakness. if you ever want anything from him, hop in the shower and ask lol his eyes don’t leave your chest but he’s nodding along to whatever you’re saying. you could ask for a yacht and he’d agree
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doesn’t want to shower without you tbh. he’s usually inviting you to join him, but not in a sexual way. he’s one of those people who blasts music while in the bathroom and likes to perform concerts, so he needs his back up singer. he’ll shampoo his hair into spikes and start screaming punk, it’s your responsibility to play air guitar and ad lib. on the rare occasions that he’s showering by himself and you decide to join him halfway through, his smile is wide, and his introduction goes, “ladies and gentlemen, my backup guitarists!”
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literally love him. if you open the bathroom door while he’s showering he assumes something is wrong.
“darling? are you alright?” his soft voice just makes you melt, but you assure him that you just want to join him. and he is delighted! in fact, he proposes a bath after you two wash up. he loves having you between his legs, back against his chest while you’re surrounded by bubbles. he’s one of those people that loves non sexual intimacy, so if you turn around and give him a bubble beard, he’ll just watch you with hearts in his eyes.
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locks the door so you can’t get in. if you’re persistent—knocking, calling his name, etc.—he’ll step out of the shower, towel around his waist, and open the door with an annoyed scowl. you just smile sweetly and hop under the running water. he’s muttering under his breathe at how much of a handful you are, but he’s washing your body carefully and making sure soap doesn’t get in your eyes <3
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Himuro Tatsuya, Hanamiya Makoto, and Aomine Daiki Dating Headcannons
Hello, there Anon. This is for the Dating Headcannons after you ask the Jealous Headcannons! I hope you like the final result and I'm sorry if there might be some OOC characters.
Gender: Neutral Warning: None except a few profanities
Himuro Tatsuya - Yōsen Academy High School
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Can be affectionate but not too much in public. He prefers holding your hand or just a simple kiss on the forehead but once you two are back. He would love to give you a cuddle and give you tiny pecks.
He also likes a human version of a backpack, you forget to bring something? He already has the stuff inside of the pocket of his pants. (For example, you forgot to bring your lotion? It's already in his pocket and ready to give it to you).
A gentleman, he does not believe in fifty-fifty. He would pay for the meals and the drinks if you two decide to go to the restaurant or to the cafe together.
Very caring, if you are sick or injured. He already prepared the bandages and the antiseptic to clean your wounds or a painkiller or any other medicine if you are sick that day.
Tons of woman are going to be jealous of you and would be glaring dagger back at you because you have a hot boyfriend who cares about you and they wishes that they have a boyfriend like him.
A good listener, he would listen to you every rent even if you are making fun of someone or even if he doesn't really understand the topic (but he tries to give the best answer).
(Imma say this-) Senpai in the street but hentai in the sheet. His innocent looks always fool you because he acts like he hasn't just said something that made you red and would put on an innocent smile when someone is speaking to him.
Rarely gets mad at you because he knows he's the type who's angry, he would say hurtful things so it's better to give some space for him when he is in a bad mood.
Always had his poker face on so it was going to be hard to decipher his emotion so you had to learn. When he's angry, he usually has a more stern tone but when he is normal, he would use a softer tone around you.
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On a sunny afternoon, the sun goes down after it is in the highest spot in the sky and burns everyone with its heat. In the hall of the Yōsen school, a person with (H/C) hair colour with (H/L) hair length, (E/C) eye colour, and (S/C) skin colour standing near the locker of the school.
(Y/N) glances around as your eyes look for the certain prince charming. The two of you had been busy with all of the homework and the projects that were given by the lecturer and (Y/N) along with the prince charming had missed each other so much that they decided to hang out after his basketball practice.
Sighing in boredom, (Y/N)'s eyes would keep shifting between the hallway of the school and then the screen on her/his/their phone. "(Y/N)-san?" You hear a familiar sound calling your name. Glancing up, the stunning gave an apologetic smile to you for making you wait. "Were you waiting for me? I'm really sorry for making you wait. Coach Masako told us to clean up after our practice," Himuto said. "It's okay, at least you were just a little bit late. Not bailing out on our date," (Y/N) smiles and closes her/his/their eyes.
His fingers gently intertwined between your fingers and gently pulling you closer to him. Your cheeks change from the (S/C) and turn into a red hue, his little gesture is adorable. "I'm not sure if you had your lunch or not but if you have. I know a great place that sells tasty sweets," the shooting guard of Yōsen said. "Oh, don't worry. I already ate. Where are you going to bring me?" You ask. "It's a surprise," he places his finger on your lips, teasing you as he put on his innocent smile.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Just like a gentleman, the captain of Yōsen player pushes the glass door open to let you get inside. The ambience of the pastry shop was comforting, the floor was made out of Mahogany wood planks and the wall had a picture of a Victorian old city along with an old phonograph placed next to the cupboard that was full of beautiful decorated mugs.
(Y/N) is amazed by the sight of the pastry, its warm and inviting display creating a cozy atmosphere. Entranced by the delicious array before them, Himuro gently takes (Y/N)'s hands. "You should see the sweets this pastry has. I think they have your favourite dessert," Himuro told you. (Y/N) nods in agreement, captivated by the words of the pasty has your favourite dessert, and follows Himuro to the cashier.
At the cashier, (Y/N) gazes at the dessert menu, their/her/his eyes lighting up with joy upon finding the name of the treat you desires. Sensing (Y/N)'s excitement, Himuro glances at the cashier. "Excuse me, ma'am. I would like a plate of (Favorite Dessert) and pretzels. How much would it be?" Himuro asks the old woman in front of him. "Alright, that will be ¥858.00," The cashier confirms the couple.
Before (Y/N) could retrieve her/his/their wallet, Himuro swiftly took out his phone and activated the camera to scan the barcode for payment. A surprised (Y/N) watches as Himuro pays for the desserts, a gesture that catches them/him/her off guard.
You had intended to split the cost, willing to share the expense and not burden your boyfriend. "Himuro-san, it's okay. I can pay for myself," you told him, feeling a sense of guilt for not wanting to burden him with the entire expense. Himuro gazes at (Y/N) with a gentle smile, shaking his head as he reassures, "It's okay, (Y/N)-san. Besides, I asked you to hang out with me, so it is only fair that I pay for our date,"
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Hanamiya Makoto
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Aren't affectionate unless he wants to brag you in front of his teammate. He wants to rub in everyone's faces that he has a hot S/O and the rest are still single.
A tease and also a sadist, he likes to degrade you and makes fun of you but he won't hurt you that bad since you are his S/O. Also, won't apologize unless he saw you cry and he would begrudgingly apologize for hurting you.
If you don't like Dark jokes and creepy jokes. I'm sorry but he won't be good for you because the only thing that can make him laugh genuinely and think it's funny are dark and creepy jokes.
Be careful how you act, he is observant so if you lie. He already knew that you were lying to him and he would investigate the truth without you knowing it.
Do you want him to be less asshole to you? The answer is simple, bribe him with dark chocolate (Not always working, this only works if you want him to teach you when you two study). He loves them.
Actually, if you know how to banter around and aren't sensitive. You would most likely see him actually joking around with you, he can be pretty funny but he only shows it to certain people.
It's canon that he likes idiotic s/o because he could manipulate them BUT that's how are you not gonna survive dating him. YOU HAVE TO outsmart him because he would purposely put you in a situation you do not want to.
Surprisingly, he's not all that mean to his S/O. Since you are his soft spot, he would be willing to share his chocolate with you. He has never let ANYONE touch his chocolate.
He likes to tease you in public. He would whisper lots of dirty things in your ear until you were red from embarrassment and then smile innocently before shrugging when someone asked why are you red.
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It was not usually for Hanamiya to initiate outings, especially considering his usual busy schedule with basketball activities. However, two days ago, to (Y/N)'s surprise, Hanamiya unexpectedly asked you to go on a date through text messages instead of face-to-face.
Hanamiya's invitation to go out at six o'clock in the afternoon, right after the club activity, struck (Y/N) as strange. Knowing Hanamiya's usual demeanour and that he wasn't one to make spontaneous requests, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel that there might be some underlying plan or surprise involved. This could be a good thing or a bad thing for (Y/N).
This unusual request raised suspicions for (Y/N), but being Hanamiya's boyfriend/girlfriend/romantic partner. (Y/N) chose to dismiss any concerns. As (Y/N) got ready in their bedroom, carefully selected what would you wear later once you two met. It was quite cold outside so it would be a bad idea to wear something short or you would freeze to death.
Having chosen the perfect attire, (Y/N) lays the long-sleeve turtleneck sweater and the pants down on the bed, and hangs the jacket neatly on a hook. With everything in place, (Y/N) heads to the bathroom to take a refreshing shower, she/they/he could not wait for the upcoming date. The sound of running water fills the air as (Y/N) readies themselves for the evening ahead.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Standing outside the cinema, (Y/N) anxiously waits, scanning the surroundings for the distinctive figure of the guy with bushy eyebrows. Glancing at the time on their phone, a twinge of concern arises, fearing that Hanamiya might bail on you.
Suddenly, a familiar male voice calls out (Y/N)'s name from a distance. Looking up, they/she/he spots Hanamiya strutting towards them, hands casually tucked into his pockets. A mixture of relief and curiosity washes over (Y/N) after knowing Hanamiya won't bail on the date. "Oh, you came...I thought you were not going to come," Hanamiya mutters to himself. "Let's go inside, I already booked the ticket and the seat online, we can just buy the popcorn," Hanamiya steps inside.
It would typically be a sweet gesture for a boyfriend to have already booked the cinema seats online, sparing both partners the hassle of waiting in line. However, considering Hanamiya's unpredictable nature, (Y/N) can't help but purse her/his/their lips together, silently cursing under her/his/their breath. "Hanamiya-san, what movie ticket did you buy for us?" you asked him.
The certain Kirisaki Daiichi captain just responds with a smirk across his face. "You'll find out soon," the male taunted you. With a subtle yet possessive gesture, he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to the scanning area which is next to the cashier. The red light from the computer reads the barcode on Hanamiya's phone and the sound of the paper getting printed out could be heard from the printing machine.
As the printing machine churns out the ticket, Hanamiya snatches it, and (Y/N) takes a glimpse, only for their/her/his eyes to widen in surprise. Having heard from friends that it's one of the scariest movies, a mix of shock and fear washes over (Y/N). "I hope you're not that scared, (Y/N)~" Hanamiya stuck his tongue out as you glances up at him, his playful tone adding a hint of mischief to the unexpected choice of movie.
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Aomine Daiki
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A big tease and loved to annoy the hell out of you, he also loved to make you embarrassed either when he was using pick-up lines on you or when he was touching you either casually or sexually.
Arcade dates! Going to show off when you two play basketball games together and brags to you that he has a higher score than you and the reason why he is the 'ace'.
But if you don't like Arcade, he would love to just bring you around those Japanese festivals and try some street foods (and If you two get older. He would bring you to those extreme places like bungee jumping since he has enough money to travel).
No shame at all, if you can cook or bake delicious food. He would shamelessly steal it from you and if you try to take it back. He would raise his hands up so you could not reach them at all while smiling like a devil.
Have you ever wondered how it feels like to raise a cat as big as a human? Well, he's the perfect answer. He just acts like a damn cat because sometimes he doesn't want to be cuddled and then he would be all over you, demanding to be cuddled.
He acts as if he is a chill boyfriend but nope. he is protective of you, and he would glare at anyone who dares to touch you and if anyone is being creepy? THEY ARE GOING TO END UP LIKE HAIZAKI GOT PUNCHED BUT WORSE.
Caring but doesn't know how to show it so he acts like a damn Tsundere. For instance, if you are sick from overworking. He would buy those horrible ramen from the convenience store and call you an idiot for getting sick.
Kind of a terrible boyfriend (for the first time) because he would say insensitive things. Especially if you two fight, not only he is moody but he would say hurtful stuff, give you the silent treatment, and be very easily angered.
But also can be a cute boyfriend, he will always be proud of you. Even if it was a small achievement, he would even brag about it to his teammate (and Wakamatsu gonna scream 'SHUT UP!')
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Aomine stands in front of another basketball player, blocking the rival team from getting close to Touou's basketball ring. In a swift move, Aomine executes as his hands slap the ball against the ball from the player's hand before sprinting towards the opposing team's basketball hoop.
As the Ace of the Touou basketball team floats in the air, he launches the ball into the air, and the satisfying swish resonates through the court as it smoothly glides through the hoop. The blaring sounds of the alarm signal the victory for Touou School.
Amidst the cheers and applause from the spectators celebrating Touou's victory, the ace player's attention remains fixated on a particular individual with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. Aomine's gaze scans the crowd, hoping to catch (Y/N)'s reaction to his impressive play.
As his eyes lock onto (Y/N)'s form, a genuine sense of happiness lights up Aomine's expression. A triumphant smirk graces his face, knowing that he has left (Y/N) in awe of his skills on the court, and their admiration is the most rewarding response he could hope for as (Y/N)'s eyes gleamed in the light, shouting his name. "AOMINE!!! YOU DID IT!!!" she clapped her hands and cupped her mouth with the hands facing outwards
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
After the intense game, (Y/N) hurriedly makes their/her/his way down from the bench and waits eagerly in the hallway. As the door swings open, revealing Aomine in his uniform, having discarded the sweaty jersey, (Y/N)'s face lights up. Without hesitation, (Y/N) joyfully leaps into Aomine's arms, exclaiming, "I'm proud of you!!"
Aomine, caught off guard by the sudden embrace, can't help but return the sentiment with his arms wrapped around your waist before you can hit the floor and hold you in the air. "Woah there tiger, don't just go jumping on me," He held (Y/N) closer, his smirk deepened as he held you closer.
Aomine's teasing prompts a faint blush on (Y/N)'s cheeks, though they/she/he quickly rolls their/her/his eyes in response. With a touch of sass, (Y/N) retorts, "You wish," before smoothly getting down from his arms. Eager to shift the focus to celebrating the victory, (Y/N) enthusiastically suggests, "Let's go out somewhere to celebrate your victory." "Ehh, I don't really care about this stuff. Maybe we can go maji burger?"Aomine suggests, expressing his craving for a burger.
(Y/N) looks at him with a hint of unamusement. "Really? You want fast food?" you remark, raising an eyebrow. Aomine sighs, contemplating for a moment, before a smirk graces his face. "Alright, I know a place where we can eat some Okonomiyaki. How about that?" mentioning there's an okonomiyaki place near the gymnasium and it's quite popular.
"Sure, we can eat okonomiyaki together," you agree, a smile playing on your lips as Aomine takes one of your hands. Together, the two of you walk away, hand in hand, ready to go to celebrate his victory. Despite it was not a fancy place, it would still leave a memory of the two of you having a simple date.
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rireraa · 4 months
midorima's kisses
[all characters aged up!]
midorima's kisses would always be gentle
he isn't someone who is touchy all day, but that doesn't mean he holds back with kisses. there are his soft good night kisses and good morning kisses on forehead and nose.
more tensional ones in the shower after you had suddenly appeared next to him. And sometimes he joins you, saying you take too long, but he just wants to wash your hair and your neck, actually your whole body (he would never admit it).
his first kiss, oh lord, our boy wouldn't know what to do. where should he put his hands? he wanted them everywhere, on your cheeks and neck and waist, but didn't know how you would react.
→ all flushed and cheeks red he would need to tear himself back before he does something unintentionally, reducing the space between you, putting your hair back to see all of your face, tasting you a second time.
normally he avoids make out sessions just because his feelings are like a rollercoaster. but with a little bit of pushing and maybe some alcohol you can't stop him anymore.
→ here he doesn't need to think about every decision, placement of his hands and if he can use his tongue, he just does and reads your reaction afterwards.
→ man just wants more and more once he has started and can't help but lift you up and carry you to the bedroom.
→ during breaks between your kisses he places his head against yours and looks deeply into your eyes, trying to catch his breath before reuniting your lips again
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summer-nights19 · 3 months
Hey there! I'm really curious about what GoM would be like with a s/o who swears a lot. Like as foul language being a cultural feature
Hi !! As an Italian, I really relate to this lmaoo
This was soo fun to write
GoM x foul mouthed reader
No warnings, but kinda suggestive for Akashi
- "You sure talk a lot of shit for someone with such pretty lips "
- Always talks dirty to you in this kind of ways
- he's the same to be honest, so you guys are perfectly matched
- Honestly, whenever you're talking/laughing together it's half cuss words
- You definitely influence each other for the worse, as you'd swear even more when you're together
- You have no kinda filter when you're around each other because you feel genuinely comfortable talking authentically
- I could see him being curious and asking questions about how it's a cultural difference and what other cultural differences there are between you guys
- You teach him cuss words in your first language so you can cuss secretly together in public settings. Sometimes uses them on his teammates and thinks their confused reaction is hilarious
-Secretly finds it adorable
- He's the same, so as long as you don't shout when you cuss, he has absolutely no problem with it
- Won't really tease you about it or comment on it like lost if the others will - just kinda sees it as part of who you are
- Like with Aomine, you two have no filter around each other and cuss even more when together, especially if you're venting or talking shit about someone.
- You tried teaching him cuss words in your first language but he couldn't be fucked to learn them
- He's a bit surprised at first but he honestly finds it funny after a while
- While I don't think he'd swear that much, he still does on occasion and has no problem with it
- Will definitely tease you about it light heartedly. Makes the same kind of comments Aomine does to flirt jokingly
- Gets very good at guessing your mood based on how much you're cussing/what cuss words you're using
- Cusses slightly more when he's around you
- I could kinda see him making you use a swear jar (idk why 💀)
- Was a kinda surprised when he first heard how much you cussed, but he didn't really have a problem with it, despite not really cussing himself
- Just kinda accepts it as part of your personality, ad he also understands it's parly down to cultural difference
- Although he hid it at first, he sometimes finds it kind if funny, particularly when you catch people completely off guard.
- Like Kise, he'd learn to read your mood based off of how much you're cussing and the words you're saying.
- Really wasn't fond of it at first - he likes manners and a certain standard of etiquette though he gets it's partially due to cultural differences
- Always told you to watch your mouth at first, but he gets increasingly used to it over time. Now, he (mostly) lets it slide
- You teased him for being uptight at first, but you quickly understood that you'd bitten off more than you could chew (you'll still occasionally do it)
- Loves to punish you for your bad language if you two are alone. Sometimes, you cuss deliberately around him due to this.
- Also prefers refined speech and manners. At first, your cussing greatly bothered him
- Frequently lectured you/told you to watch your mouth initially, and got even more annoyed when you completely ignored him
-After you started dating, he grew to (kind of) tolerate it. After all, he loves you and that includes the parts that aren't perfect
- Understands it's due to cultural differences but it still feels so uncalled for to him
- You tried to cuss slightly less around him, with very limited success, but he still appreciated the effort deep down
- You often tease him for his uptight ways, and when he does slip ip and cuss, you don't let him hear the end if it
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seijaka · 1 year
Hi! Could i request knb boys preferences to tits, ass, or thighs? Like which characters likes what? If that makes sense lol
i hope this is what you were asking for... i'm not super happy with this but i think this is still okay
feat. MOST KNB CHARACTERS warnings. NSFW content, biting, marking, mentions of reader receiving oral, not proofread
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their eyes always trail to your TITS, whether you're wearing a shirt that's a little too small or a top that shows a little bit of cleavage. the sight of your chest causes their mouth to water, burying their faces into it. taking one into their mouth while groping the other with their free hand. pinching and pulling on your nipples with their fingers, and swirling around them with their tongue. sucking dark marks into the skin and leaving small bite marks scattered around your chest.
AOMINE (duh), kasamatsu, KISE, wakamatsu, hyuga, KOGANEI, furihata, sakurai, MORIYAMA, hayama, yamazaki, KUROKO, riko
they can never keep their hands away from your ASS, either their hand is in the back pocket of your jeans, or one of their hands slowly moving up your skirt, groping and squeezing at the fat of your ass. coming up behind you for a seemingly innocent hug only to press their hard-on against you and whisper dirty things into your ear. enjoying the way your skin reacts whenever he slaps his hand against it, and becoming addicted to the small yelps of surprise you let out. you large red hand-shaped marks being left on your skin after a rough night,
HANAMIYA, teppei, mitobe, TAKAO, nebuya, MURASAKIBARA, nash, kensuke, KAGAMI, jason, nijimura
they love your THIGHS so much, always pawing at them, gripping onto one while you sit together, as a way of showing to others that you're theirs. resting their head down onto them, either to take a nap or just because they love the feeling of your plush skin. the feeling of you gripping their hair while their head lives in the space between your thighs, dreaming that one day you would crush them with the soft skin you wrapped around their head. sucking and biting your pretty thighs, enjoying the mewls escaping your mouth.
HARA, midorima, izuki, IMAYOSHI, himuro, chihiro, AKASHI, furuhashi, ARAKI, MIYAJI (kiyoshi), alexandra
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