#kaisarion my beloved
copias-juicebox · 17 days
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"It’s the continence of bishops With their choirboys en suite."
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hamishoanvin · 7 months
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— We are building our empire from an ashes of an old!
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witchh-image · 8 months
Y’all already know I actually had to paint him he’s just so shsgsjshsheveiehehe
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Current mood:
Kaisarion scream but it’s FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
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summercourtship · 4 months
HELLOOOO?? BALDUR’S GATE 3?? YES I LOVE THAT GAME!!!! i relate to you a lot bcs I ALSO didn’t know if i romanced Astarion or Shadowheart, they are both so (🥰😩🔝♥️) you know what I mean??!!!! I ended up going for the sassy vampire tho, i have no regrets 🫡🫡🫡
I’m quite enjoying it so far! It’s funny bc my sister + our friend group have recently decided to start D&D so it’s weirdly relevant haha. But yeah, I was having a hard time deciding but for this play through I chose Astarion lol
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inquisitorius-sin-bin · 8 months
5, 11, 23, 34
Thank you for asking!
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
I love music but am the absolute worst at making playlists. It's more like a song or two here and there that reminds me of a piece. I made a feeble attempt at a Ride or Die playlist just now but it makes basically no cohesion.
I will say the plot of Ride or Die is more or less hinted at heavily in the song Kaisarion by Ghost (which is also, obviously, the name of Dralla's dactillion). It's about environmental destruction and loss of autonomy from an oppressive outside force.
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And of course, what happens to Dralla in the end is... fairly explicitly written in the song.
Then Ghost treated me again, putting out another song (I See No Evil) that quite literally repeats our most beloved Pau'an's name (from this work).
I Tsi-no evil, eh?
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And I've mentioned before that I can so perfectly hear the Plainsmen throat singing similar to music from The Hu.
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I got really lucky when I was searching for plausible ships for the Pyrefalcons to use in Fly or Fall. I needed a formidible fighting/cargo vessel that could plausibly be on Utapau around this time period, that the former Grand Inquisitor would know a bit about piloting, and it needed to be able to handle a crew of at least 5 with bunks and sonics and whatnot.
Then I found this gem:
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Okay, so even if these Gozantis were blown up, the Separatists at least had them in circulation over Utapau at some point, and it's feasible Wandering Star could have stolen one for their own purposes. The Grand Inquisitor was repeatedly shown on Admiral Konstantine's Gozanti during Rebels. He might have known enough about flying one to get by, and the plausible layouts I've found were definitely suitable for the work.
Also I once did some research for a dogfight I wrote between a Porax-38 Starfighter and the TIE Prototype Advanced v1. And honestly, the speeds these vessels are capable of in-atmosphere are insane. Marshall did some math, and realistically we never see these ships moving at speed because the TIE would get to maximum speed from a standstill in 0.01093 seconds. That's within 2.4 meters of forward travel. 20 consecutive TIE's could reach their top speed before a human could even react to the first one, and in that time it would have travelled over 2 football fields. Yet the Porax is listed as being 60X faster???
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I see now why Porax fighters were mostly piloted by droids.
Which, of course, had interesting implications in the chapter. Given a certain Wandering Star character's predilections towards droids...
23. how do you deal with writers block?
Normally I make writing a habit and try to get through at least a few sentences every time I open the document, regardless of how I'm feeling. But I'm going to be really honest here. As far as I'm aware, not a single person is up to date with my works. I have received absolutely 0 feedback for the last 7 chapters I have written. Numbers like this are extremely discouraging for something a pour my entire heart and soul into.
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And as a result, I haven't written more than a paragraph or two in weeks. I'm strongly considering stopping completely, which is why I try to do things like this to drum it up in myself to continue again.
34. how do you name characters and places?
Some of them come to me from dreams and whatnot. But for most of them, I like to use some kind of system. In Ride or Die, for example, we know Plainsmen are named after their fathers from whom they receive their marks, and borrow characters and syllables from other significant people to their parents' lives. I took a different approach with the dactillion, giving them latin-derived names because they are self-named, and the red robes of Pau'an and their armor shapes remind me of Roman aesthetics.
For places... much like names, I try to think of cultural influences and match phonetic sounds to other places on planet. But I never use name generators. I just come up with something with the right sound and mouthfeel for the character.
Like Reegale, it's like a hick accent mispronouncing "Regal". Which, given his history, is appropriate. It fits the sounds of other Pau'an names, but matches his story as the failed bastard son of a powerful gangster who is more of a common thug than his father. He has this warped sense of morality that makes him almost "gentlemanly" among his fellow gang members. But he's deeply too flawed and rash to really be a noble.
So yeah! Thanks again for asking! Here's hoping I can find the strength to keep writing through the tough times.
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rawkghoulsupreme · 8 months
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I had a thought at work while listening to CMLS and decided that it would be far easier to write it than draw it. So here's my first lil' Ghost fanfic!
Centered around the final Re-Imperatour show.
Warnings: Anti-Christ theory at play. SFW
Wordcount: 566
Call Me
The energy in the arena was electric - as though the clouds hanging above everyone’s heads in anticipation of what would become of their beloved Papa could combust into a lightning storm at any moment. Even as the lights began to glisten behind the white curtain, something that had become the usual for this tour, felt different.
But nothing was. The curtain dropped and Kaisarion rang out to the pleasant screams of fans. Copia pranced out, glittering in silvering gold jacket and sang his soul out. Then Rats. Then Faith. Spillways, Cirice, Absolution, Ritual… It was all the same. Much to the dismay and happiness to the crowd who sang and wobbled along anyways. Then came time for Call Me Little Sunshine and out came Copia in his dazzling papal robes with jewels that sparkled more radiantly than the stars in the sky.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“You will never walk alone. You can always reach me. You will never ever walk alone. Even when you’re dead and gone-”
The arena went black and the lack of music was swiftly filled in by shouts and screams.
This was it.
Were they dragging him off stage now? Were the Ghouls and Ghoulettes tearing him to pieces? Was it awfully timed electrical malfunction? The longer the dark silence went on, the less it seemed like the audience would get any closer to an answer. The shouting and outcries began to die down and a low murmur passed over the crowd. Nearly five minutes had passed now and not a peep had been made on stage or a light turned back on. Maybe it really was something wrong on the arena’s end. Just before people started to get up or leave to get some answers - the answer found them.
Call. Me.
The screams returned briefly. The voice - it was his. Copia was alive… for the moment. But it sounded different. Distant. But booming all the same as it rang out through the venue. A few moments more passed.
Call. Me.
It sounded like a demand. Or was it pleading? Each word was emphasized by a single beat. Now, the crowd was starting to get it. Several voices rang out. “Papa!” or “Copia!” shouted out. But the voices were few.
Call! Me!
His voice rang out again, louder as the crowd’s excitement grew.
Call! Me!
The voice of thousands rang out, competing with the booming of Copia’s very own voice.
This time, he replied to them faster, sounding closer somehow than ever before.
Call! Me!
Suddenly, the lights flashed back on and the music made way in a startling cacophony of familiar instruments. Standing there, center stage behind the microphone stand was their beloved Papa.
Wasn’t it?
Copia remained in the robes he had started out the song in - but he wasn’t the same. His mitre had been cast to the side, laying on the ground a few feet away as if thrown haphazardly. In it’s place were two curved horns, spontaneously grown from his forehead while his hair had grown to his shoulders and was nearly silver all the way through. He slapped his hands together then opened his arms wide.
“You can always reach me! All you gotta do is call me…”
He wasn’t going anywhere. Not as long as they needed him; not as long as a single one of them felt alone. Now, they’ll know what to do.
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goldnnavy · 2 years
1, 7, 23 👀👀
Thank you for the ask @leftenantjopson !! <3
1. Who is your favourite historical person?
Since this changes on the regular I'll say as of late that would have to go our beloved Fitzjimbles (James Fitzjames). He was so loveably chaotic and every time I read about his adventures prior to 1845 I come to love him even more.
7. Historical dressing, uniform, or costume?
All three if possible, but given my finances most will not be happening any time soon. :(
23. What’s your favourite historical song or song containing historical references?
Northwest Passage, hands down, but specifically the cover by Unleash The Archers. But second to that would be two Ghost songs, Kaisarion and Respite On The Spitalfields (about Hypatia and Jack the Ripper, respectively).
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aftonfamilyvalues · 6 months
Kaisarion and spillways were my most listened to songs last year. Might repeat again but zenith will be a serious competitor
official zenith release my beloved
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elegantwizardtree · 1 year
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#and trying to comprehend hearing imperium and kaisarion for the first time while trying to make out what was happening on stage and seeing
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velocidaixxtor · 2 years
i just listened to Impera for the first time
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oursinfulshame · 2 years
I always wondered what’s being chanted in Kaisarion. Turns out they’re chanting,“Hypatia!” A quick, lazy google search later, it turns out that Hypatia means “High” or “Supreme” and is of Greek origin. 
It says, “It was popularized by the Egyptian philosopher and mathematician, Hypatia of Alexandria.” According to Wikipedia, she was known as a great teacher and wise counselor. She was beloved by both pagans and Christians. 
Unforunately, she was murdered. Straight from Wikipedia: 
“According to Socrates Scholasticus, during the Christian season of Lent in March 415, a mob of Christians under the leadership of a lector named Peter, raided Hypatia's carriage as she was travelling home. They dragged her into a building known as the Kaisarion, a former pagan temple and center of the Roman imperial cult in Alexandria that had been converted into a Christian church.”
Curiouser, and curiouser... I’ll have to read up on her a bit more when I have the chance. 
Just my little ramble. If anyone would like to add on to this, please do. 
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wherewolf · 2 years
tagged by 4 amazing ppl @halloweenkills @poltercat @pauldanoboytoy @cannibalpuppy tyyyy beloveds we’re all kissing rn 🥰🥰
time: 1:55 pm
relationship status: engaged @satanay 😘
fav color: forest green
fav food: popcorn and i eat it so normal
song stuck in my head: kaisarion — ghost
last thing i googled: “werewolves not swearwolves gif”
dream trip: i’d like to go back to alaska someday
something i want right now: another bagel
no pressure tag: @abigail @gothfiles @urbanlegends @dahliasgrave @irradiations @heartshapedwound @residualhaunting
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Kaisirion and Spillways!
For Kaisarion my fav is Copia always and forever my beloved <3 <3 <3
And for Spillways, my least favourite is Papa "Grandpa Piss" Nihil... but he does rock that sax... love you old man
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