#just a small thing
pinkeoni · 8 months
Man s2 has some really on-the-nose metaphors for assault, doesn't it?
Will's body is quite literally invaded by the Mind Flayer, orally, an experience that Will tearfully describes as feeling everywhere.
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So it's no wonder that the thing that ends up allowing Will to break free momentarily, is consent.
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Mike recounts a moment where he gave Will the agency to choose. He didn't force Will to be his friend. He gave Will the option. "Do you want to be my friend?" and the answer was "Yes."
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radishearts · 2 years
For as long as his name shall live,
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Technoblade never dies.
There are so many words to say, but most of all thank you for everything. Thank you for the community you created and inspired, thank you for your streams, your stories, your laugh. And ever persistent humour that truly shows the courage you had through it all. Thank you for your creativity, which inspired so many others like me, your voice that you used for so much good and for all the friendships and people I’ve met through this community. Thank you for sharing yourself with the world.
May your legacy live on and may you Rest In Peace ❤️
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disastrous-table · 6 months
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Just a tiny sneak peak on what I’m winging at rn. Just to help me get back into writing again and because I was inspired!!
Note: since this isn’t very planned out there will most likely have plot holes and might not make much sense. That might also be because I’ve been in such a burnout with writing for almost half a year or more.
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goodfish-bowl · 1 year
The Thermos
Kwan stared at Danny in confused horror from across the classroom. He watched as Danny cracked open a can Mountain Dew and poured it into what was definitely a Fenton Thermos. The entire can went inside, and Kwan watched as a strange vapor that couldn’t be explained as carbonation seeped out from the rim of the container before Danny snatched it up and chugged what had to be at least half of its contents before slamming the lid down on it. He placed it gently on the corner of his desk as if he hadn’t just attacked it like a dying man. A shiver forced itself down Kwan’s spine.
“You know, Dash, sometimes I wonder how Fenton is still alive,” He commented, more to himself than Dash.
Dash huffed, “If he was going to kick to bucket, he would’ve done it by now. Between his wack job parents, the ghosts, and the toxic sludge punch he keeps in that thermos, Fenton is just something else.”
Kwan hummed in agreement. “What did he put in there earlier?”
“Two different Red Bulls.”
Kwan shivered, “Pretty sure that whatever is in that thermos is the only thing keeping him alive.”
“Sounds about right. Still doesn’t stop the looser from passing out in the middle of class.”
Kwan sighed. He could practically see Danny drooping onto his desk already. Class hadn’t even started yet. Sam smacked him with her notebook right upside the head and Danny startled back awake, flailing and falling from his desk, crashing into the ground with a loud bang. Mr. Lancer walked in.
“Mr. Fenton, while you’re inspection of the ground is greatly appreciated and on topic, I do believe it’s time for class.”
There was a round of laughter as Danny pulled himself off the ground. Kwan noticed him favor his right leg, far too much for it to have just been from his fall from his desk.
“Sorry, Mr. Lancer,” Danny apologized timidly as he fixed his desk and slid back into it, shooting and irritated glare at Sam who just stuck out her tongue in response.
“And with that, we’re going to be reviewing ‘The Fall of Icarus’ before we jump into our analysis of the Iliad,” Mr. Lancer continued.
Kwan pulled out his book and flipped to the page. “Yeah, it’s definitely what’s in the thermos,” he muttered.
Focused on their books and covered by the sound of pages, no one caught Danny pulling out two vials of viscous green liquid, open them up with a soft ‘pop’, and add them to the Thermos, taking another large gulp, before giving the thermos a small swirl to mix the contents. He pulled out his own tattered mess of a book and focused the best he could for the duration of the class, passing out by the half-way mark.
Kwan watched as Danny rushed out of the class as soon as the bell rang, Dash close on his tail over a failed Bio test. No limp whatsoever. Kwan huffed to himself, he must’ve imagined it.
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rubikor · 2 years
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wandering samurai
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cultofdixon · 1 year
The Stars Above
Daryl Dixon • They/Them Pronouns • “Remember when we were just. Trying to survive the dead?” “Mhm” “Never did I think we’d ever have a moment of peace…until now” • Smol Angst/SFW
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No more Commonwealth.
No more Saviors.
No more cannibals.
No more Governor.
No more threat…besides what they live with.
Y/N found themselves at one of the picnic tables in Alexandria looking up at the stars in the sky. Listening to an old Queen’s cassette that Judith gifted them once she learned Y/N had a walkman, and what a walkman was.
For the first time since…maybe the old world, they weren’t anxious. Weren’t worried. Just simply living in the moment listening to their music and keeping their attention to the non-polluted sky remembering when it was rare to see so many stars at night.
Y/N flinched to the hand that suddenly found purchase on their shoulder. Only to realize it was Daryl and he only touched them suddenly because of their headphones.
“It’s cold out”
“I know…but at least it’s not raining”
“Mm” Daryl shot them a smile before joining them at the table looking up to the sky with them. “Yknow the constellations?”
“Mmm…Nah. I had a friend in the old world who studied astronomy and I would go with her on night hikes to a spot with her telescope. Check out the stars and listen to her go on and on about the constellations. But I didn’t listen. I just like looking at them”
“Same. At least yea know what’s north”
“Yeah a certain hunter taught me how to find my way back using the stars during our prison era” Y/N elbows Daryl playfully as they offered an earbud for said hunter who happily took it. “You ever think about it?”
“About what?”
“The start of it all…where you were…who you needed to find…how you were going to survive it all…” They brought their attention to their hands holding their walkman. “Remember when we were just…trying to survive the dead?”
“Mhm…” Daryl kept his attention close on them making sure they were okay by how they talked. But that worry passed when Y/N rest their head on his shoulder resulting in him resting his on top of their head.
“Never did I think we’d ever have a moment of peace…” Y/N sighs bringing themselves closer as Daryl instinctively brought his arm around their shoulders. “Until now…”
The two sat there enjoying the night sky, listening to music, and being comfortable in the other’s embrace. Daryl thought back to that night he first fell in love with them…and knew he wouldn’t change it for anything else..
“You should take it easy instead of heading back out there. Let me go in your stead”
“Nah ain’t gonna let yea do that”
“Or what? I’ll get mistaken by a walker by a certain blonde? Or not like what I find by myself?” Y/N got up in Daryl’s face when he wasn’t in the mood for their attitude. “I’ve got an idea of where to look and I just need yea to take it easy.”
“You ain’t my boss”
“You’re right. I ain’t” Y/N suddenly knocked Daryl off his feet by hooking their leg behind his and pushing him back. “But I sure as hell can take care of myself”
Daryl was too flabbergasted to have a comeback to their words. But he’d be lying if he wasn’t impressed by what they did. He slowly sat up expecting Y/N to had walked on but was given a bottle of painkillers that they keep from everybody else. Because of the migraines they’d get sometimes.
“Take it easy, and I won’t go out until you’re better”
And with that, Daryl had a bit of a spark light itself when watching Y/N walk away. Not knowing their spark for him happened way back in the quarry.
“Wanna head inside?”
“Nah. I’m liking this” Daryl kept them close for a little while longer letting them get comfortable.
Enjoying the night…
Enjoying the music…
Enjoying their company…
He couldn’t have asked for anything more.
“Hey Dar?”
“Thanks for loving me”
Daryl smiles instantly when hearing that, but who couldn’t love them? He presses a kiss to the top of their head hearing them hum happily.
“Just sayin’, I got hella lucky with a partner like you”
“Really?” Y/N brought their attention onto him watching him smile.
“Really. Yea made life worth living again, and I’m just happy you stuck with me through it all”
“Gonna take a whole lot to keep me from yea, Daryl.” Y/N smiles bringing their lips against his enjoying the sweetness he had along with the smokey taste on his lips. Daryl brought his hand to rest on their cheek continuing the kiss and keeping them there for a while.
Y/N joined Rick on the trip to the Hilltop to check on Maggie and get their mind off certain things. They were last to come through the gates as Maggie instantly embraced them upon their arrival which triggered a confused thought. But when they parted, Maggie instantly drew their attention to where her eyes locked onto.
Daryl parts from Rick taking a deep breath still feeling it all after escaping the Sanctuary. He looks over to find Y/N frozen in their place before hesitantly approaching the man as he closed the distance. Neither of them touching the other but the second Y/N rest their hands on his shoulders. A force in them lunged them forward wrapping their arms protectively around Daryl as he did the same gripping onto their shirt and hiding his face in their neck to muffle his sobs.
The two haven’t said a word since they reunited, and Rick let Y/N stick with Daryl and Maggie. Knowing they would protect themselves and the two with their life.
But as the night rolled in and Y/N brought themselves to sit with Daryl at the steps to the trailer they’re temporarily staying in. Daryl wrapped his arm around their shoulders pulling them close and without another thought, Y/N started to sob pulling themselves closer as he gripped onto them.
“I’ll fucking kill that man for taking you from me”
Daryl fully brought them into his embrace and onto his lap keeping them close as they curled up into him.
The two were getting tired but didn’t want to go inside and found themselves laying in the grass looking up at the night sky.
Daryl held Y/N’s hand as neither said another word, or even had music on. Just listening to the wildlife and crickets through the night. He only let go of their hand when Y/N brought themselves close once again. This time because of the cold and needing his warmth that he was more than happy to share with cuddling his partner.
“I love you Daryl Dixon”
“I love you to the moon and back, Y/N Dixon”
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rosie-kairi · 8 months
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Player's room
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lustrous-dawn · 9 months
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Hey. It's your neighborhood writer.
I'm sure none of you expected idle thoughts from today but here I am, rambling a tad. As my day creeps to its arrival, I find myself... actually anticipating it.
Some folks don't care, its just another day but for me, I find I am eager to greet the day as another milestone.
I have set forth and accomplished a lot this year. I have achieved the true independence I sought for the better part of 6 years now, I have a home that I am trying to make suit me and I am happy for it.
And 2023 has been a highly creative year that I have been elated to experience. Just hearing folks saying a light has returned to my eyes, that spark has meant a lot to me but it tells me... I was in a darker period before. And its true. And it has left its scars on me.
The healing process is a slow one but it is one I hope to see to its conclusion.
But truly coming back to the fandom has ignited something in me. It has truly been a delight to see the creative process of my peers shine. aha I'm older than most folks but my words are still well meant regardless.
And my medium... Being welcomed. I always worried that writing would be a blockage to interacting with folks.
"No one wants to read."
"It's lackluster."
But honestly a lot of folks have proven me wrong this year and I am grateful. I met and connected with some good folks this time and I don't regret it. You all inspire me a bit and I appreciate every moment of it.
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yamikittycat · 1 year
Merry Christmas y’all I have a gift for you. Another spicy Thor thought.
Minors dni and if you don’t have an age in your bio you will be blocked
Can’t stress that enough. No one fucking reads it.
Imagine how pissed Heimdall gets at Thor because the god of thunder will think of all the ways that he would fuck you just out of nowhere. Heimdall hates it and thinks it’s absolutely disgusting because there will be times during a meal where where Thor would just imagine bending you over the long feasting table and making you scream and filling you with his cum.
Heimdall would storm out after trying to complain to the All-Father, but Thor doesn’t notice. He’s staring off in the distance, his cup hiding a sly smile. If you meet his eyes, you’ll know it’ll be a while before you are able to get anything done.
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himebushou · 1 year
I think one way to address the emotional impact issue of Ep. 11 would have been to set Episode 10 (edit: I didn't clarify which episode I meant earlier!) in November — even if it was just late November. That way, Miri would have spent a bit more time away from the daddies, which would have made their reunion more significant.
I don't think it would have affected the themes of the episode; some schools start preparing for Christmas ridiculously early, so I could have bought into the idea of Giraffe Class practising Silent Night from a month to six weeks before their actual performance.
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arcxnumvitae · 1 month
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He stood alone in his room at a dresser, the jewelry box atop it open before him. Long fingers ran over the polished metal of his father's ring as he stared at it in silence.
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pigeon-wishes · 6 months
Trying out the new procreate software!
It deffo could use some work, but they have promised updates so *shrug*
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fanaddicted2000 · 1 year
Ketterdam didn't have many sunny days. Most of the time, the sky was dark and heavy with the despair of its own people, who were left to crawl through the dirty darkness of the streets. But sometimes Inej would catch a glimpse of the light above and she would climb. She would climb buildings, towers, roofs, and reach for the sky. She felt like light - real and pure sunlight - was right at the tip of her fingers, daring her to catch it, waiting to be caught. It felt like a challenge, like an invitation. In the end it was a surprise. 
She was feeding the crows at Kaz's window, waiting to update him on her latest finds, when a ray of sunlight broke free from the clouds and danced to her. It was gentle, bright, and everything she had missed. She closed her eyes and subtly tilted her face to savor it fully. She smiled blindly at the sun and felt its warmth answer her. She didn't hear the door, but she recognized Kaz's footsteps on the floor. Her eyes still closed, she waited for the usual What business, Wraith, but it didn't come. Intrigued, Inej turned to look at him and found him still at the door, frozen in mid-step, his gaze on her. She had never fully appreciated the depth of his eyes until light swirled in them - but already he blinked it away and took off his gloves. 
Hello, Inej, he said as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn’t look... younger -one might even dare to say gentler. Perhaps he had also missed the sun. 
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zaachknight · 5 months
zach hates having his photo taken and avoids it whenever possible
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thekittyfox2999 · 6 months
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i finished it
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ensnchekov-a · 1 year
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Exasperated, Pavel throws his hands up, unaware that he's nearly about to smack the person next to him as he huffs, "ни в день, ни в ночь — он ни во что не верит!"
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