#jupiter in gemini
knotmycupofchai · 3 days
Themes: Good Luck; Gratitude; Blessing in Disguise; Manifestation; Emotions; Resistance to change; Being stubborn; Getting too comfortable
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tarotwithavi · 2 months
Jupiter and where you will meet your future spouse
Jupiter signifies husband in a woman's chart.
This is not certain as we have to consider other aspects too.
For entertainment purposes only
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Jupiter in Aries/1st house : They may be similar to you in some sense, may have the same upbringing. They may be atheletic, go gotter and active. They may come up to you, you may bump into them or you may meet them when you will be standing up for yourself and doing something for yourself. You can also meet them at a sports event, competitive events etc.
Jupiter in Taurus/ 2nd house : They can be highly stable and very calm and mature. They will be the shoulder you can lean on anytime. You guys can meet them in a restraunt, a really luxurious place or art galary. You can also meet them a financial institution like bank or something related to finance, art or culture.
Jupiter in Gemini/3rd house : They can be very chatty and intelligent. You can meet them through your siblings/friends or while on short trips. They can have a close relationship with their siblings. You can meet them when you will be engaged in activities such as public speaking, writng, local communities,coffee shop etc. They can also be your neighbour.
Jupiter in Cancer/ 4th house : One thing with this placement is that they will be like a parent to you. very caring and family oriented. You guys can meet them through maternal figure, either your mother or their mother. You can also meet them in a home enviroment. They can also be a homebody.
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Jupiter in Leo/5th house : They can be popular and attract a lot of attention. You can meet them through a celebration like a birthday party, wedding ceremony etc. You can also meet them in movie theater, concert, an event. You will most likely meet them in summertime or in daylight. They can be extroverted and they seem to have nice hair.
Jupiter in Virgo/6th house : They can be health consious or they take good care of themselves and the way they look. They will be helpful and will offer to help in evertything they can. You can meet them through work, in school, in gym or even in hospital. Acts of service can be their love language.
Jupiter in libra/7th house : They can be highly social and can have a bigger social circle. They can be a businessman, salesman or might be woking in marketing. There will be equal give and take in the relationship. You can also meet them in councelling sessions, collaborative events, art exibitions etc. You can also meet them through mutual friends.
Jupiter in Scorpio/8th house : You will meet them when you will be going through an intense transformation. You may also be going through some kind of loss. You can also meet them through reseach and investigation work. spiritual place, occult, nightclub, money and inheritance related matters etc. You can also meet them while getting therapy.
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Jupiter in Sagittarius/9th house : You can meet them in collage, educational institute, spiritual place or when you will be getting higher education. They will be highly educated and will act as a teacher or they will be teaching you a lot of things. You can also meet them in foreign lands or in long distance travel. They can be a teacher, professor, guide etc.
Jupiter in Capricorn/10th house : Okay so this placement can signify a arranged marriage or marriage of convinienve. You can meet them in an arranged setting. You can meet them through your father or they can be your boss. This placement also signifies an marriage that is considered ideal. In most cases the couple can work together or have a business together.
Jupiter in Aquarius/11th house : You can meet them through dating apps, social media, social event, charity event. You can also meet them through someone like an old friend. They can also be your best friend. Most people with this placement can get an unconvemtional spouse. They can have really unique personality or can be a rebel. You can meet them after 30.
Jupiter in Pisces/12th house : You can meet them in faraway lands. However this placement can create some kind of illusion, you may put them on a pedestal or you will meet a lot of people who you think are your fs. They can be into music or can be a musician. You may also get dreams about them. You can also meet them at a spritual place.
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ezukll · 5 months
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Jupiter in Aries is a very positive and uplifting placement. It's a placement that indicates ambition and positive growth. People with this placement tend to have a bold and passionate personality, and have a tendency to seek out new and exciting ventures. They often have an upbeat attitude and an optimistic outlook on life. They tend to have a strong urge to succeed and to reach their potential, and can see the big picture and have ambitious and inspiring ideas. They may have a lot of energy and motivation to take risks and take on challenges.
Jupiter in Taurus is a very lucky and positive placement. It's a placement that indicates financial abundance and success in material matters. People with this placement tend to have a strong sense of responsibility and practical thinking, and are very committed to working hard and creating long-term stability and security. They have the ability to invest and manage resources very effectively, and can have a natural intuition for good investments and good business prospects. This Jupiter placement can also bring a sense of optimism, joy, and abundance to the native.
Jupiter in Gemini is a very fortunate and expansive placement. It's a placement that indicates success and abundance in matters of communication and knowledge. People with this placement tend to have a very curious and inquisitive mind, and can absorb information very quickly and easily. They are often interested in a wide range of subjects and can be voracious readers. They often have an adventurous spirit and can be very skilled at conveying information and ideas. This placement can lend itself to having a strong desire to learn, understand, and explore new things.
Jupiter in Cancer is a very protective and nurturing placement. It's a placement that indicates a strong ability to protect and nurture those dear to you, but also a tendency to have a tendency to overly protect and worry about them. People with Jupiter in Cancer may have a very sensitive and compassionate nature, and tend to be very protective of those they love. They may be prone to overthinking, and can have a tendency to worry too much and to take on too much responsibility. They typically excel at providing emotional support and comfort, and can have a strong desire to be nurturing and taking care of others.
Jupiter in Leo is a very dynamic and creative placement. It's a placement that indicates a strong ability to bring joy, enthusiasm, and optimism to the native's life. People with Jupiter in Leo are typically very charismatic and cheerful, and have the ability to make other people feel uplifted and joyful. They have a strong sense of pride and can be very ambitious and motivated. They are often drawn to the spotlight and tend to seek out opportunities that allow them to shine. They can bring warmth and a playful spirit to others, and tend to be excellent at making them feel comfortable and energized.
Jupiter in Virgo is a placement that indicates a strong desire to be of service and to do good by others. People with Jupiter in Virgo tend to have a highly disciplined, diligent, and hard-working nature, and strive to help others with their efforts. They have a strong sense of responsibility, and tend to go above and beyond in their devotion to tasks and projects. They are often very observant and attentive to details, and can have a natural talent for spotting problems and helping solve them. They tend to have high standards and an eagerness to do their job perfectly.
Jupiter in Libra is a placement that indicates balance, cooperation, harmony, and a desire for fairness and justice. People with Jupiter in Libra tend to have a very balanced and accommodating personality, and tend to do their best to keep the peace between their relationships and with others around them. They often have a strong desire for peace and stability, and will go to great lengths to keep the balance and harmony in their lives. They can be very diplomatic and open-minded. They tend to seek out compromise and harmony in all of their dealings and relationships, and tend to be excellent communication brokers.
Jupiter in Scorpio is a deeply emotional and passionate placement. People with Jupiter in Scorpio tend to have a very deep and intense personality, and are often very driven and passionate about things they care about. they may have strong feelings and emotions that they hide away, and a powerful drive to discover the truth and to unearth hidden secrets and mysteries. They can be very dedicated and determined, and tend to dig deep to find the answers they are seeking. They can also have an intense desire for power and control, and can be very possessive and territorial over things that are important to them.
Jupiter in Sagittarius is a very fortunate placement that indicates an abundance and expansion of ideas, philosophy, experiences, and possibilities. People with Jupiter in Sagittarius tend to be very open-minded, adventurous, and expansive in their thinking, and they tend to seek out new experiences and opportunities. They are typically very open-hearted and hopeful, and they tend to hold a positive view of the world. They often have a strong sense of direction and purpose, and they can inspire other people with their optimism and enthusiasm. They tend to have a strong desire for exploring and discovering new things.
Jupiter in Capricorn is a very grounding and stabilizing placement. People with Jupiter in Capricorn tend to have a strong sense of responsibility, and a practical and grounded outlook on life. They strive to establish stability and security in their lives, and are often very hard-working and disciplined. They tend to have strong values and a strong moral compass, and they can be very dedicated to their work and their achievements. They can be ambitious and driven, and they can set very high standards of themselves and those around them.
Jupiter in Aquarius is a very innovative and forward-thinking placement. People with Jupiter in Aquarius tend to be very imaginative and creative, and have a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world. They tend to have a humanitarian mindset, and they can be very open-minded and inventive in their approach to life. They can be open to new ideas and be very visionary. They can have strong convictions and principles, and strive to bring about positive change. They can be passionate activists and can have a strong social conscience.
Jupiter in Pisces is a very spiritual and intuitive placement. People with Jupiter in Pisces tend to have a very artistic and expressive personality, and a deep sense of creativity and imagination. They can be very emotional and highly sensitive to the emotional states of others. They are often very compassionate and empathetic, and have a strong connection to the spiritual and the otherworldly. They can be very spiritual and in tune with their intuition and the deeper meaning of things. They can have a very strong desire to connect with and help others in spiritual and emotional ways.
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aldebaranlune · 7 days
♊ ♃ Jupiter in gemini for the rising signs ♃ ♊
Jupiter is in gemini! Everyone will possibly be presented with multiple blessings and you'll have to make a choice between several good things. Some of them may be:
♊ For the gemini rising, it can mean a glow up, better skin, cosmetic procedures, increase in self esteem.
♉ For the taurus rising, an increase in finance and better organizing bank accounts and projects.
♈ For the aries rising, maybe new friends, better communication overall and your siblings may be blessed too.
♓ For the pisces rising , peace at home, new home decor, moving houses or relocation, or just a better feeling about who you are at your core
♒ For the aquarius rising, new love, better dating life, children or creative pursuits.
♑ For the capricorn rising, new jobs, improvements in career and pay, and becoming your healthiest version.
♐ for the sagittarius rising, marriage, love, better relationships and partnerships, new important and positive people come into your life.
♏ For the scorpio rising, you can also get money from other people, open investment accounts, do shadow work with great results, start therapy.
♎ For the libra rising, it's going abroad, writing or publishing a book, improving relationships with religion, joining or graduating university, open your mind to new knowledge
♍ For the virgo rising, also career, being recognized at your job, career chances going smooth, people seeking you out for your expertise.
♌ For Leo rising, getting famous, increase in your follow count, better relationships with friends, joining prestigious organizations, deciding to go after your wildest dreams.
♋ For the cancer rising, good year for shadow work, consolidating the work you've done on yourself, better sleep and mental health, a sense of general improvement or relief can arise.
Other ways in which you might be feeling the shift of Jupiter in gemini (4 parts post)
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loveemagicpeace · 11 days
🏹Jupiter in Gemini🏹
Jupiter will move into gemini after 12 years.
Gemini is intellectual, expressive, questioning, dual, sociable, liberal. Gemini is a mutable sign and is adaptable. Gemini is the sign of communication and words. They always express themselves through words. They symbolize states of consciousness associated with intellectualization. Diseases associated with the sign of the baby are: asthma, bronchitis, inflammation of the chest and lungs. The bones associated with the sign of Gemini are the carpals and metacarpals, the humerus, the humerus, the scapula, the clavicle and the upper ribs.
Throughout history, the twin symbolizes Eros and Anteros. The two stars that exist in this sign are Castor and Pollux. There are supposed to be flames of fire around their heads and when this happens the storm on the sea dies down. The old Kop name for twins is supposed to be "Pri Mahi" - which means completely connected, united. Vows are associated with Gemini and Mercury.
The sign of Gemini is two-bodied and double. The twins do not hold hands, they are separate souls, they move from left to right. The sign of Gemini is difficult because of its dual nature. This is a multifaceted, changeable personality. Geminis are outspoken, arrogant, hyperactive. They are bright and good speakers. They like artificial gems. They can often be impatient with people because they are very quick-tempered and don't like things to go slowly. They are also very restless individuals and cannot stay in one room for long periods of time. They spend their whole lives searching for an ideal that they cannot see because it is right in front of them.
Best qualities: diversity, willingness to change. Cons: Lack of consistency across the board. They change quickly, as if they have two inner voices: one says do and the other says leave.
Jupiter represents optimism, wisdom, growth, learning, happiness, exploration, charity, compassion, inspiration, meaning, path and faith. It includes believers, rich people, employees, big banks, judges, fortune hunters. It is associated with the liver, bile. Jupiter rules blood, veins, arteries, thighs, hips.
Jupiter can bring the following things to the signs:
Aries Rising
You might become more involved in your community, or even take it upon yourself to learn something new for fun. It can bring more thinking, education in the mental field. You can travel short distances more. More interaction with siblings, relatives.If you are going to move somewhere, you can have better neighbors who are optimistic and friendly, even foreigners. You may accidentally meet some important people or people who will change your way of thinking. This house also represents the cause of the loss of property, the cause of moving away from home, long journeys of the spouse (the partner may travel somewhere).
Taurus rising
Many things can be related to finances, money (in general, property). Jupiter can give you great luck in money and comfort. You can live more luxuriously. You can find comfort in the smallest things. Much more enjoyment and great things. Maybe your inner feelings can start to change more.You can find yourself in areas that you weren't so familiar with before. Spend more time with family friends. Things can also be related to vocational education. Long journeys related to work. If you have a partner, there are also things related to the inheritance that you get from him. If you are going to travel long distances, it is good to take care of your health.
Gemini Rising
Jupiter will bring you a personality transformation. You may change your appearance and style - start looking at yourself and your body differently. You will be more open and direct and have strong opinions. It can also bring some insight about yourself (which you haven't figured out so far). Jupiter gives a deeper and more meaningful way of doing things. It can bring you certain types from your childhood and possibly dealing with it. Connects with the money of a friend and father (you can get money from them both). You can meet someone on a trip who you fall in love with and who awakens a different kind of love in you. You can also find a different love for yourself (in a deeper way).
Cancer Rising
During this time, you will delve more deeply into yourself and your subconscious, thinking more profound things. You will focus more on hidden things. You can meet someone who helped you through things (usually Jupiter brings mentors, teachers and people from whom we can learn). We can spend more time in institutions that are more isolating than hospitals, etc. If you are going through a difficult experience or illness, this is a sign that things will turn around for the better. Since this is also the house of the most difficult battles and tasks, you can fight with yourself a lot. Things that can also be related to secret enemies, residence in a foreign country, ways of release.You may have to let something go in order to move on.
Leo Rising
You will be more popular in society and among people. It is possible that you will meet more people and start socializing more with those who inspire you. You can start putting more on the dreams and goals you have, you can get a new interest in a new thing. You will be more dedicated to yourself and form your own opinion about society and maybe start participating more actively in it. You can buy more or give money more for personal interests. Your loved ones may be traveling for a long time. It can be the affective health of the uncle and aunt on the mother's side.
Virgo Rising
More luck based on your career. Lots of career opportunities and maybe a new path that will change your life. Also something bigger and new that you didn't expect to happen. More acquaintances, especially more interaction with older and authoritative people (more masculine energy). More connection with parents and father (father can help you more or give you money). You can meet more people who are destined to get to know them and get in touch with them. Jupiter can give you lucky coincidences with the people you need. Money can come from abroad and you can start earning abroad or get an opportunity there.
Libra Rising
You can decide to take a long plane trip or a spiritual journey that will give you a new perspective. You can decide on a higher education such as: philosophy, law, religion - or continue your studies / complete your studies. You can explore and investigate new things more than usual. You can think more about what you belong to and what belonging to someone means to you (what it means to you), you can also be more lucky in many things. You can gain a lot through spiritual experiences and psychic experiences. You can come to a greater awareness of yourself and what it means to you. You can take better care of your property and you can get back something you thought was lost a long time ago. There can also be connections with a parent of the opposite sex than yourself. You can do more sports or decide to be more dedicated to it and seek pleasure with one person.
Scorpio Rising
Jupiter will bring you an emotional transformation that will rebirth you and make you a better person. You can experience a deep connection with one person and have a deeper intimate relationship with them. Things can also be related to inheritance, you can get some property or something in you to your advantage. You can gain a lot from other people, especially money from other people is at stake here. Many opportunities and things can come through others. You can also get a lot of money from others and it is also good to invest money. You can gain a lot from a partnership or marriage. If you are involved in any lawsuits now, the outcome of them will be good.
Sagittarius Rising
Jupiter will bring you things related to others it mainly relates to the relationships you have with others (any). If you are already in a relationship, you can get married or get engaged (engagement usually happens under this aspect). You meet a lot of spiritual people who can help you and show you the way or someone who is more open, open-minded, you can get along better with friends. Jupiter represents marriage more, so this can be more in the foreground than the relationship itself (depending on the aspects). During this time, you can also attract someone who suits you more on a personal level. You can get to know your other side better and also notice what really suits you and what doesn’t. A friend with whom you are close can travel for a long time, or someone with whom you are closer.
Capricorn Rising
Jupiter can bring you more opportunities and new things related to your hobbies, entertainment and spending your free time. You can go into a more special relationship or fall in love with someone. You will want to express yourself in some way, and let the world see you. You can be more sociable and if single, meet new romantic partners. You could fall in love during this transit, but if there aren't any other grounding influences. it's most likely you'll just date a lot. You can also have someone who is not from your country or someone you meet on a trip. You can be more creative and do things related to creativity and you can also be more recognizable. A good time also for gambling or any related opportunities. Your passions for what you do will show more. Income can come from real estate and property. U can publish more things. This can also be a good period to have a child/get pregnant.
Aquarius Rising
Jupiter can bring you more joy. You can easily go more outside your comfort zone. You can focus on your routine or things related to you and your things. Artists of any kind are rewarded when they boldly fuel their creations with authenticity and freely express themselves. You will get prosperity and accomplishments with your ability to win over opponents. However, it can give expansion in loan and debt-related issues because of your ignorance. During this transit period, you will realize the value of the financial management.
Pisces Rising
you can go on a trip that will be longer and last longer. Your home can be somewhere else for a while and you might even find a place where you will feel the best. You can find a place that gives you a feeling of home and warmth. It can also mean finding a dream house or making wishes come true and also remodeling your home. You can feel better at home and have a better relationship with your parents (especially with mom). You can also better see things that ended and understand why they ended. Maybe you and your family can have some kind of family tradition about what you will do this time.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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catmarlowastrology · 3 months
Jupiter through the signs
🌹 Jupiter in Aries: This teaches us to be bold and take charge. It's about trusting our instincts and being confident leaders in our own lives.
🍃 Jupiter in Taurus: Here, we learn to appreciate the simple things and find security in material comforts. It's about slowing down and enjoying life's pleasures.
🌾 Jupiter in Gemini: Communication is key here. We learn through exchanging ideas and expanding our minds through learning and teaching.
🌸 Jupiter in Cancer: This placement teaches us about nurturing ourselves and our loved ones, creating a safe and loving home base.
🌷 Jupiter in Leo: It's all about self-expression and embracing our unique talents. We're encouraged to find joy and fulfillment through creativity and following our passions.
🌻 Jupiter in Virgo: Practicality is emphasized here. We learn to find meaning in the details and improve ourselves through hard work and daily practices.
💐 Jupiter in Libra: Partnerships and fairness are important lessons. We have to learn about collaboration and diplomacy.
🥀 Jupiter in Scorpio: This teaches us about transformation and facing our deepest truths. Growth comes from healing and embracing change.
🌼 Jupiter in Sagittarius: Exploration is key. We're encouraged to seek out new experiences and expand our horizons, both intellectually and spiritually.
🍁 Jupiter in Capricorn: Discipline and hard work are taught here. We learn to be responsible and committed to our long-term goals.
🍄 Jupiter in Aquarius: Teaches individuality and innovation. We're urged to embrace freedom and think outside the box.
🌺 Jupiter in Pisces: This teaches us about empathy and connection to all living things. Growth comes from compassion and embracing our spiritual side.
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cosmicpuzzle · 3 months
How to Choose your Man ♂
Check your Jupiter sign. Say Jupiter is in Aries. Then choose men who have Jupiter and mars conjunction or Jupiter in 1st house. Jupiter and Mars being opposite or being trine to each other will also work out.
Jupiter in Aries: Jupiter and Mars conjunct
Jupiter in Taurus /Libra: Jupiter and Venus conjunct
Jupiter in Gemini/Virgo: Jupiter and Mercury conjunct
Jupiter in Cancer: Jupiter and Moon conjunct
Jupiter in Leo: Jupiter and Sun conjunct
Jupiter in Scorpio: Jupiter and Pluto conjunct
Jupiter in Sagittarius: No planet but look for Jupiter in 9th house.
Jupiter in Capricorn: Jupiter and Saturn conjunct
Jupiter in Aquarius : Jupiter and Uranus conjunct
Jupiter in Pisces: Jupiter and Neptune conjunct.
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rainydetectiveglitter · 10 months
Jupiter's Blessings / Where Fortune Smiles According to Your Sign" ✨🌟
Jupiter's placement in your birth chart influences where you experience natural luck and expansion. Here's a journey through Jupiter's influence across the signs
♈ Aries: "Energetic Endeavors" 🚀🍀
♉ Taurus: "Material Abundance" 🌱💰
♊ Gemini: "Intellectual Adventures" 📚✈️
♋ Cancer: "Emotional Enrichment" 💖🏠
♌ Leo: "Creative Crescendo" 🎭🌟
♍ Virgo: "Organized Opportunities" 📊🔍
♎ Libra: "Harmonious Connections" 🤝💫
♏ Scorpio: "Deep Transformations" 💎🔮
♐ Sagittarius: "Expansive Horizons" 🌄🌠
♑ Capricorn: "Structured Success" 🏆🏢
♒ Aquarius: "Innovative Insights" 💡🌐
♓ Pisces: "Intuitive Blessings" 🌊🌈
Main Asteroids
Jupiter with Ceres: Nurturing Abundance 🌱🍀
Jupiter with Pallas Athena: Wisdom Expansion 📚💡
Jupiter with Juno: Partnership Prosperity 💑💰
Jupiter with Vesta: Devotion and Expansion 🕯️🌄
Jupiter with Hygieia: Healing Abundance 🌿🌈
Jupiter with Astraea: Justice and Blessings ⚖️🌠
Jupiter with Eris: Transformative Expansion 💥🌀
Jupiter with Sedna: Wisdom of the Depths 🌊🌟
Jupiter's influence expands further as it moves through the houses of your birth chart, bringing luck and abundance to different areas of your life:
Jupiter in 1st House: "Radiant Self" 🌟🎉
Jupiter in 2nd House: "Material Flow" 💰🛍️
Jupiter in 3rd House: "Intellectual Exploration" 📚✉️
Jupiter in 4th House: "Home Harmony" 🏠🌼
Jupiter in 5th House: "Creative Joy" 🎨🎭
Jupiter in 6th House: "Health and Growth" 🌿💪
Jupiter in 7th House: "Partnership Prosperity" 💑🤝
Jupiter in 8th House: "Transformative Abundance" 💎🔮
Jupiter in 9th House: "Expanding Horizons" ✈️🌄
Jupiter in 10th House: "Professional Triumph" 🏆🏢
Jupiter in 11th House: "Friendship Fortune" 👥🌠
Jupiter in 12th House: "Spiritual Blessings" 🌌🙏
Jupiter Conjunction: When Jupiter is conjunct (close to) another planet, its energy merges, amplifying the qualities of that planet. This can bring heightened opportunities, growth, and luck related to the specific planet's traits. For example, a Jupiter-Sun conjunction can enhance your self-confidence and attract positive experiences into your life.
Jupiter Sextile or Trine: Harmonious aspects between Jupiter and other planets indicate ease in harnessing Jupiter's blessings. These aspects encourage positive growth, expansion, and the ability to seize opportunities with relative ease. A Jupiter-Moon trine may enhance your emotional well-being and bring support from family or women.
Jupiter Square or Opposition: Challenging aspects between Jupiter and other planets may require extra effort to tap into its positive energy. These aspects can bring growth through overcoming obstacles and learning valuable lessons. A Jupiter-Mercury square might indicate a need to balance optimism with practicality in communication and decision-making.
Jupiter and Outer Planets: Aspects with outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) can signify transformative and profound experiences. A Jupiter-Neptune trine could enhance your spiritual journey and creative pursuits, while a Jupiter-Pluto opposition may involve intense personal growth through confronting power dynamics.
Multiple Aspects: When Jupiter forms multiple aspects, its influence becomes multi-faceted. A Jupiter with a mix of harmonious and challenging aspects can create a balanced interplay of growth, challenges, and opportunities.
Remember, Jupiter's influence is unique to your birth chart. The aspects it forms with other planets provide a dynamic interplay that shapes your life journey. Consult an astrologer to gain deeper insights into how Jupiter's energy interacts with the rest of your chart and discover the keys to unlocking its full potential. Embrace Jupiter's blessings and navigate your path to prosperity! 🌈🔑
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I'm not a professional astrologer, these are just some notes I've taken
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If you have Fallen or Detriment planets you should...
Sun in Libra-7H/ Aquarius-11H- Eat Citrus/ Wear Orange
Moon in Scorpio-8H/ Capricorn-10H- Eat Mint or Seasalt/ Wear Green or Silver
Mercury in Pisces-12H/ Sagittarius-9H- Eat Honey/ Wear Purple
Venus in Virgo-6H/ Aries-1H/ Scorpio-8H- Eat Sweets/ Wear Yellow or Gold
Mars in Cancer-4H/ Taurus-2H/ Libra-7H- Eat Spicy/ Wear Red
Jupiter in Capricorn-10H/ Gemini-3H/ Virgo-6H- Eat Sweets/ Wear Blue
Saturn in Aries-1H/ Cancer-4H- Drink Coffee/ Wear Black
Uranus in Taurus-2H/ Leo-5H- Drink Coffee/ Wear Black
Neptune in Capricorn-10H/ Virgo-6H/ Gemini-3H- Eat Sweets/ Wear Blue
Pluto in Leo-5H/ Taurus-2H- Eat Spicy/ Wear Red
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astroamorsworld · 5 days
What does this Jupiter in Gemini transit mean for your rising sign?
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Aries Rising: Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings positive energy to your communication zone (3rd house). This is your chance to broaden your horizons through learning, conversations, and short trips. You might take a class, learn a new language, or travel somewhere that ignites your curiosity. This transit can also enhance your relationships with siblings, neighbors, and classmates. You'll find it easier to connect with others and express yourself clearly. Be mindful of a tendency to overthink or gossip, but overall, this is a time to expand your network and explore new ideas with an optimistic outlook.
Taurus Rising: This transit activates your second house of income and possessions. You might find new ways to make money, perhaps through a side hustle that taps into your talents. Embrace your natural Venusian charm and explore opportunities that combine your love of beauty and practicality. It's also a time to reassess your spending habits and cultivate a more abundant mindset. Remember, feeling secure financially allows you to relax and enjoy the finer things in life.
Gemini Rising: The planet of luck and expansion, has moved into your first house of self. This is basically your personal New Year! This transit brings a surge of optimism, confidence, and a thirst for knowledge. You'll find yourself naturally drawn to new experiences and people that broaden your horizons. Embrace your inherent curiosity and explore anything that sparks your interest. This is a powerful time to step into your most authentic self and share your unique voice with the world.
Cancer Rising: Jupiter is activating your 12th house of subconscious, dreams, and hidden desires. This can feel introspective and even a little mysterious. Embrace this inward journey – it's an opportunity to heal past hurts, release limiting beliefs, and connect with your intuition. Practices like meditation, journaling, or therapy can be helpful in navigating this introspective phase. While social interaction might take a backseat, this time spent within fosters personal growth and paves the way for future abundance.
Leo Rising: Jupiter's transit through Gemini activates your 11th house of friendships, groups, and long-term goals. This is a fantastic time to expand your social circle and connect with like-minded individuals who inspire and support you. You might find yourself drawn to collaborative projects or causes you're passionate about. This transit is all about building a strong support system that fuels your ambitions. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and network! Your natural charisma and leadership qualities will be magnetic, attracting people who share your vision. This is a powerful time to plant seeds for the future, surrounded by those who believe in you and your dreams.
Virgo Rising: Your focus shifts towards career and public image (10th house). This transit brings a lucky boost to your professional life! You might find exciting new opportunities arise, or receive recognition for your hard work and expertise. Embrace your natural Virgo-like diligence and strive for excellence – your efforts are likely to be rewarded. This is also a good time to expand your professional network and connect with mentors or influencers in your field. Jupiter's optimistic energy can fuel your ambition and help you achieve your goals. Remember, Virgos, don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and take on new challenges. This transit encourages growth and advancement, so shine your light and let your talents be seen!
Libra Rising: Jupiter in Gemini activates your 9th house of travel, philosophy, and higher learning. This transit ignites your curiosity and desire to broaden your horizons. You might embark on a long-awaited trip, delve into a new culture, or pursue higher education. Embrace your natural Libra charm and openness to different perspectives. This is a powerful time for personal growth through exploration and learning. Jupiter's optimistic energy encourages you to seek out knowledge and experiences that challenge your beliefs and expand your worldview. So, embrace the journey, Libra risings, and get ready to discover a whole new side of yourself!
Scorpio Rising: Prepare for a transformative journey in your realm of intimacy and shared resources (8th house). This transit can bring a deeper understanding of your closest bonds, both financially and emotionally. Jupiter's expansive energy encourages open communication and vulnerability within partnerships. It's a good time to explore taboos or hidden aspects of your relationships, leading to a more profound connection. You might also find opportunities to manage finances jointly or explore investments with a trusted partner. Remember, Scorpio risings, true intimacy thrives on trust and open communication. Embrace this transit to strengthen your bonds and unlock hidden potential within your closest connections.
Sagittarius Rising: With Jupiter, your ruling planet, moving into Gemini, it activates your 7th house of partnerships and commitments. This transit is all about expanding and enriching your connections with others. On a personal level, you might find yourself drawn to new partnerships, both romantic and platonic. Jupiter's optimistic energy fosters a spirit of cooperation and compromise, making it easier to find common ground with others. Existing relationships can also deepen and strengthen during this transit. This is a fantastic time to explore collaborations, negotiations, and strengthen your bonds with significant others. Remember, Sagittarius rising, your inherent optimism and openness are magnetic. Embrace this transit to connect with like-minded individuals who challenge and inspire you. This is a powerful time to build strong, supportive relationships that enrich your life on all levels.
Capricorn Rising: This transit brings a lucky boost to your health, habits, and work environment. Jupiter's expansive energy encourages you to find ways to make your daily routines more efficient and enjoyable. You might discover new healthy habits or explore alternative wellness practices that improve your physical and mental well-being. This is also a fantastic time to learn new skills or refine existing ones, boosting your productivity and satisfaction at work. Remember, Capricorn rising, taking care of yourself is the foundation for success in all areas of life. Embrace this transit to optimise your routines and create a work-life balance that fosters both achievement and enjoyment.
Aquarius Rising: With Jupiter gracing your 5th house of joy, romance, and self-expression, prepare for a playful and pleasure-filled year. This transit is all about embracing your authentic self and exploring activities that bring you genuine happiness. Whether it's reigniting old hobbies, pursuing artistic endeavors, or simply having more fun, Jupiter encourages you to express yourself freely. Romantically, you might attract new love interests or deepen existing connections through shared enjoyment and lightheartedness. Remember, Aquarius risings, life shouldn't be all work and no play. Embrace this transit to tap into your creativity, reconnect with your inner child, and experience life with a joyful spirit.
Pisces Rising: With Jupiter lighting up your 4th house of domesticity, family, and emotional foundations, this transit brings a wave of optimism and expansion to your personal life. This is a fantastic time to focus on creating a warm and inviting home environment. You might redecorate, make renovations, or simply spend more quality time with loved ones. Jupiter's expansive energy encourages strengthening family bonds and deepening connections with those who provide you with a sense of security. It's also a good time to explore your ancestry or reconnect with past family traditions. Remember, Pisces rising, a strong foundation at home fosters a sense of peace and well-being in all areas of life. Embrace this transit to nurture your inner sanctuary and cultivate a loving and supportive home environment.
Check my pinned post for more!💖
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knotmycupofchai · 16 days
🌀Jupiter in Gemini 🌀
Pick a card
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Pile #1
Themes: travel; searching; dreams; fulfillment; chemistry; peace; stimulation; intuition; new
This will be a very explorative, but possibly overstimulating time. You will either be learning alot or searching for purpose, fun, things you’ve never seen & finding what works for you. You could travel just to find where you may bloom. You’ll be more silent, introverted & introspective, more inclined to think through your decisions and test the waters first. Maintain strength & patience if you’re feeling stuck. Your intuition or guidance from someone wise will help you during this time. I see travel by train, plan & simply just walking in nature or visiting local places in town. Go with what feels right. This would be a time to listen more than speaking.
Pile #2
Themes: Sex; sexuality; sensuality; center of attention; dark & taboo; seduction; liberation from trauma & criticism; blossoming; witch hunt; slut-shaming; misogyny
You will receive a lot of attention, which will also bring criticism ( especially if you’re a woman). It seems a lot of you will be tapping into your dark side, especially regarding your sexuality. You may start dressing more sexy, wearing more revealing clothes to compliment your body and have a very active sex life. Consuming more sexual or taboo based content or community is also indicated ( erotica, porn, fanfic, Rated R, adult entertainment, BDSM etc…) You might post more thirst traps or just simply express you sexiness, which will make some uncomfortable. This will be a time when you’re likely to be slut-shamed and others will try to dim your light. You’re likely to dive deep into forms of witchcraft as well. A healing and liberation from sexual, feminine, love or religious wounds could bring this about.
Pile #3
Themes: community; serving others; abundance; celebration; help from others; letting go and having fun; emotional fulfillment; meet new people; establishing yourself within a group
This will be a time when you make new friends, associates or professional connections. I get the vibe that you’ll attract people that will support & celebrate your achievements ( and vice versa). A very good time financial & emotionally, you’ll have more money to spend on self-care or treating yourself. This could be a time where you receive lots of gifts or free things. As you serve others through advice, just simply being there for them or through donations, those blessing with come back to you multiplied. Trust that you deserve this and show gratitude in any way you can. A lot of public events, gatherings, parties & volunteering
Pile #4
Themes: changes; comparison; love; friendships; dreams; potential; wanting more; taking risks; the outside vs the inside; external validation; recognition; purpose
You’ll be prone to compare yourself and life to others at this time. Maybe you feel life is going slow, maybe it’s moving to fast, but not in the way you wanted. There’s a need for external validation here. Maybe you wanna be told “you’re doing well”, maybe you wanna be called pretty or just simply understood and seen by someone. There’s a longing for love, affection and victory, and that’s okay. We all want to be accepted, love and celebrated. We all want what we feel we deserve. However, a lot of things we be out of your control. It seems fate is taking the wheel & you’re not sure if you’re emotionally ready for the path. Patience is needed, your time will come. For now, love yourself for who you are and where you are. Not everything is as it seems on the outside. The grass isn’t always greener. Significant relationships are on the way
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seafoamreadings · 8 days
jupiter into gemini!
jupiter visits each sign only once about every dozen years, so this is a fairly major ingress. i have seen this more hyped than perhaps any jupiter ingress in the entire time i've been involved with astrology. partly, this is likely because jupiter is considered a bit weakened in gemini - opposite its domicile of sagittarius. but if you've been following me a while you know i don't worry too much about such 'debilities'. especially this one. a lot of people are also hyped/excited for jupiter in gemini and i like this more! while i have been, as a taurean myself, quite partial to jupiter through taurus, i'm also excited about this ingress because gemini can be such a sparkly, friendly sign when it is done well, and even a debilitated jupiter is a kindly and jolly benefic. geminis especially will benefit, sagittarians will experience profound relationship expansion, and the air signs will have a lot of fun as well. but we can all lean into the fun and friendly atmosphere!
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l3xistentialism · 1 year
Jupiter ♃ in the Signs Keywords
♃: luck & favor from higher powers, faith, religion, philosophy, higher education, expansion & growth
♈︎: selfish/intimate worldview, fast luck, easy come-easy go, personal philosophy based on their experiences, defend beliefs through action & conflict
♉︎: grounded philosophy that reflects common sense, belief in the power of nature, expansion through dedicated work, “faith without works is dead”
♊︎: gift of gab, able to connect with those who can help them grow, wise words, comedians & social commentators, believe in the power of speech & its ability to manipulate
♋︎: patriotic, strong family ties, big families, believe in the power of emotional/spiritual strength, loyal & faithful to their religion/practice, pursue subjects that honor the past
♌︎: braggadocious, heightened drama, all gold everything, worldview based on personal experience & feelings, self-important, pursue avenues that garner attention and recognition
♍︎: luck comes from doing things correctly, find success in niche areas of influence, life coaches and organizers, worldview based on practicality, do more for others than themselves
♎︎: worldview attempts to be balanced & grounded, interested in ethics & law, meandering/indecisive, beliefs spread across different practices, romanticize spirituality/theory 
♏︎: interests in life’s deeper mysteries, psychologists, surgeons, cults, understanding & potentially exploiting what people consider controversial, luck comes through relentlessness
♐︎: professors, philosophers, zealots, athletes & coaches, enjoy the gamble & risk in the game of life, the line between luck & skill is unclear   
♑︎: ambitious, crave status and the power that comes with it, believes in the traditional, interested in history/”great leaders”
♒︎: innovators, mad scientists, popular/well-known, activists, defense lawyers, union leaders, egalitarian, progressive & idealistic 
 ♓︎: #blessed, naturally lucky, believe art will save us all, spiritual leaders, creative genius, understanding and deeply profound
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calmwaterstarot · 5 months
What can we expect from 2024 dear!?? 😌
2024 has a lot going on; there are so many astrological transits happening that have a huge impact on all of us.
January 1, 2024: Mercury went direct after being in retrograde for several weeks. This means communication gets better, legal documents can be signed without issues, and anything related to speech is cleared up.
January 20 - September 1, 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius. This is going to be a wild ride. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was around the late 1700's, and during that time, the world underwent MASSIVE change. Both the American and French Revolutions occurred, coups happened with governments, royalty was dethroned, battles and wars were fought, the first wave of feminism began, etc. There's so much more than this. You should see the list. I'll include it here--start around 1777 and go through 1798. Pluto represents death, rebirth, and transformation, while Aquarius represents humanity and technology. When you pair these two, you're looking at major transformation socially, politically, economically, and technologically. There's a brief retrograde into Capricorn for one last time during our lifetime, and then Pluto will return to Aquarius for another 20 years. It's interesting to note that the rise and fall of empires throughout history is around 250 years. The cycle for Pluto is 245 years. Coincidence? I think not.
February 16, 2024: A stellium in Aquarius. A stellium occurs when three or more planets are in the same house/sign in an astrological chart. This Aquarius stellium will feature Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto. The last time this occurred was in February, 1962, and was commonly referred to as the "Age of Aquarius." This time period brought about major changes in the fields of technology, science, and aerospace. I'm afraid that during this time, though, there will be a strong focus on AI and its advancement. Pay attention to headlines regarding an upgrade in technology.
March 25, 2024: Lunar eclipse in Libra. Major historical events typically coincide with lunar eclipses, and since this one will be in Libra, I foresee society wishing for balance, harmony, peace, and justice. I believe this will be a time that humanity will call for us to take a deeper look at how we can end strife and get along with each other. Be ready for major calls for wars and upheaval to end (even though it's happening now, this will be on a much larger scale with this eclipse).
April 8, 2024: Solar eclipse in Aries. On the flip side of the lunar eclipse, we have the solar eclipse in Aries. This will be a time where we start anew and are ready to charge down a new path. Mars' energy represents war, destruction, violence, revenge, but also strength. This particular eclipse is warning us about war and destruction on a collective level because it'll be conjunct the North Node (the direction we're all going). I believe we're headed into a total collapse and rebirth when we add in the Pluto in Aquarius energy, but it's something that needs to happen for us to evolve as a civilization.
May 25, 2024: Jupiter in Gemini, which is actually in detriment. This means the energy is weaker in this sign for the planet. Expect changes in telecommunications (voice, data, and video) and social media, since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.
June 2, 2024: Neptune is anaretic. Anaretic means that a planet has entered the 29th degree, which holds a sense of finality because this planet has transited all 30 degrees (starting at 0). It's ready to move on and cut ties. What does this mean for Neptune? Well, the planet of illusions will lift its veil and a lot of what we've held onto in our beliefs will die out. Some people will still try to hold on (sunk-cost fallacy) because they're stubborn, but the majority of people will release, mourn, and deal with the fallout that's going to be super messy. Imagine the feeling of being betrayed by someone you love. That's what Neptune lifting it's veil is going to feel like for most. Again, collectively, we NEED this energy for healing and spiritual growth.
July 21, 2024: Full Moon in Capricorn. Most of the time, nothing major happens on full moons, but this one is interesting because it falls on an anaretic degree, just like Neptune. Capricorn represents structure, discipline, rigidity, and order (its ruler is Saturn), so we're going to see some upheaval in regards to these issues. The old way of doing things will no longer serve the same purpose. This is the equivalent of saying, "Out with the old, in with the new."
August 5, 2024 – August 28, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo. With Mercury rx in Virgo, this might be a time where you lose or misplace documents, feel irritated, have constant miscommunication, or face scrutiny from the general public. Remember to write down important deadlines and keep everything organized so you don't lose anything. With Mercury rx in Leo, I'm fully expecting some celebrity scandals during this time. Otherwise, it'll be a time of thinking about trying something new or wanting to get out and do something fun.
September 17, 2024: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This will happen in the 25th degree (an Aries degree), so anyone with heavy Pisces placements will have creative breakthroughs during this time. We'll see a rise in great music, art, poetry and literature, as well as film and visual arts. This time period might feel very dreamy and whimsical on the art scene.
October 2, 2024: Solar Eclipse in Libra. We had the lunar eclipse in Libra in March, so now, the solar eclipse will bring justice and balance. Anyone with Libra placements in early degrees will feel the need to purge what's not working. Even though most Librans are peaceful, this will be a time of upheaval. Expect people to help the oppressed even more (seeking justice) in a world that needs to be more fair and balanced (Libra energy).
November 19, 2024: Pluto goes direct in Aquarius for twenty years, until March 8, 2043. Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy-but-necessary ride.
November 25, 2024 – December 15, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. We all know what happens during Mercury rx, but what happens when it's in Sagittarius? Sagittarius represents higher education and learning, all things foreign and travel-related, religion, and spirituality. Expect religious or spiritual leaders, as well as educational leaders at universities, to have private documents leaked, misinformation stemming from foreign countries and media, as well as travel issues (delays, being rerouted, lots of crowds, etc.). This will not be a good time to travel.
December 6, 2024 – February 24, 2025: Mars Retrograde in Cancer and Leo. This is going to be...interesting. Mars hates being in Cancer; it's in detriment. Why? Cancer represents empathy and compassion, while Mars represents a more masculine energy that strives towards war, violence, and destruction. Cancer wants to provide a resolution to all of the conflict occurring, while Mars isn't having it. Expect masculine energies, especially men, to be more irritated and aggressive during this time. This duo can bring about discussion regarding balancing masculine and feminine energy, which we all have. Because Cancer is represented by the Moon, or the "mother" in astrology, expect some discussions about fertility and reproduction, birth rates (especially the low birth rates of some countries), marriage (or lack thereof), and any social dynamics with males and females. These discussions will carry over into 2025.
2024 is going to be a year that'll go down in history, that's for sure. One silver lining in all of this is that Venus does NOT retrograde this year, so we might see or hear about fewer breakups, and we might see or hear about more people entering into relationships and staying together.
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Saturday, May 25th 2024
Sun in Gemini ♊️💨 Moon in Capricorn ♑️🌎
We have another day of shifting energies ahead. We start the day with the Moon square Neptune in Pisces while shifting from Sagittarius to Capricorn. This can bring on some confusion and possibly some strange feelings or experiences. With the Moon in Capricorn, pay attention to the foundations of your life. Repair and re-structure, attend to financial matters and make solid plans.
Venus in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius. Interactions may be intense and intimate right now. Express yourself honestly and then step back and allow others to do the same. This transit has a strong karmic pull.
The biggest news of the day is Jupiter moving into Gemini where it will spend a whole year. Once again, the mutable signs are affected the most especially after the Sagittarius full moon. That’s Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces but for us all, this increases the desires for a more social and expansive life. Travel increases and our thirst for knowledge really wakes up. Jupiter and Gemini are about adventure and exploration but also expanding ourselves and our minds. Be aware though that since Jupiter rules Gemini’s opposite sign of Sagittarius, this placement is actually in detriment so flexibility is key. Stay sharp and avoid getting lost in the details. Jupiter loves the big picture, so while Gemini wants to dissect every little thing, try to balance the two. Think big, act small. If you want to see how this transit lights up your personal chart, book a reading with me. Your journey to personal growth and cosmic abundance starts now!
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saturniandevil · 1 month
May 2024 Important Dates
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AKA my notes from The Astrology Podcast's May Forecast.
April recap: on the 8th we had the solar eclipse in Aries that covered much of the United States, during a Mercury retrograde and right before a Mars-Saturn conjunction--all also in Aries! In international news this connects to Iran's retaliation for Israel's strike on its Syrian embassy. A tragic eclipse story is of astrologer Danielle Ayoka, whose death after a mental breakdown was sensationalized by the LA times as part of modern-day Satanic Panic. Our hosts urge the wider astrological community to learn more about how to support others who may be going through a mental health crisis and extend sympathy to the affected families. The inflammatory reporting also connects to a larger story of backlash against astrology as Saturn approaches a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces and the latter leaves the sign.
On April 10th we had an exact Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces, which a previous forecast predicted would correspond with issues of contaminated water, maritime warfare, and flooding. On the day of the conjunction, the EPA issued the first national limit for forever chemicals in the water. Saturn signifies both the restrictions and the longevity of the chemicals. There was also torrential flooding in Dubai, Russia, and Kazakhstan.
Jupiter conjoined Uranus in Taurus on April 20th; these planets only align every 14 years. Jupiter-Uranus indicates uprisings and revolutions: the last one corresponded with the Arab Spring, and there was also one in 1968-70 during Vietnam War protests, as well as the French and American revolutions. The student protests at Columbia (and later other universities) calling for divestment and ceasefire in Gaza are a direct connection here (the current encampment was directly inspired by student protestors doing the same thing in 1968 to protest the Vietnam War). These protests began on April 17th and saw a boom in media coverage when the conjunction went exact. The 1969 conjunction was in Libra; in Venus-ruled signs this alignment signals uprisings of "we don't want to be at war!" If these protests did start right at dawn on the 17th, this would have the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (already exact by degree, but not minute) rising, fitting for an action that has sparked events across the nation.
Another Jupiter-Uranus story includes Congress passing a bill wrapping together military funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan with a probable TikTok ban. A historical connection here is the passing of the Lend-Lease bill in 1941, a precursor to the US entering WW2. With the US Uranus return coming up (which corresponds to the Civil War and WW2), Chris is nervous. Other conjunction stories include the restoration of net neutrality on April 25th (Taurus ruling basic necessities and resources), the Department of Transportation mandating airlines to give refunds (the Wright Brothers flew under a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction), the FTC put a ban on employer non-compete agreements, and a VW factory in Tennessee successfully unionized as part of UAW--one of the first unionized auto factories in the South! These regulation stories also fit with Saturn bringing rules and regulations.
We're entering the month of May right as Mars enters his domicile Aries, freeing us of the Saturn conjunction, Mercury stationing direct, and Venus in her home sign of Taurus.
May 2nd - Pluto stations Retrograde This occurs at 2 degrees of Aquarius and will see Pluto backtrack into Capricorn for the final time this summer. Retrograde stations intensify the significations of a particular planet in that sign, and this particular one occurs with a square from Venus in Taurus and copresence with the Moon. Pluto in Aquarius developments include developments in AI & technology, and with Venus signifying the arts we can expect AI image/video developments. On a personal level Venus-Pluto can indicate deep, transformative relationships as well as control, manipulation, and power dynamics. Venus in Taurus also activates the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, especially in the realm of our relationship to the natural world & differentiating what is real from what is fake. On a more positive note, this is a good time to indulge in creative projects, and with a retrograde especially, returning your idea to its original state. Venus-Pluto also relates to issues of women's rights and bodily autonomy (ex. Roe v. Wade).
May 7th - New Moon in Taurus
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At 18 degrees of Taurus, the New Moon forms a sextile to Saturn (17♓), and soon approaches the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (orb 3) just a few degrees away. Jupiter-Uranus themes will become more pronounced collectively and in our personal lives, likely bringing new chapters in the stories discussed in the recap. Also in Taurus is Venus, who's slowing down after her zip through Aries and emphasizes relationships as she brings us back down to earth. Meanwhile, Mars in Aries doesn't make many aspects to other planets this month (even copresent Mercury is moving away from him), making him a bit of a renegade, but also not interfering with other planets. On the 25th Mars will reach the degree of the eclipse (18♈), so those affected by the eclipse, especially night charts, will definitely see extra focus in this part of their lives, while day charts can expect some challenges.
May 12th/13th - Sun conjoins Uranus (not pictured) This Taurus season sees the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction continually activated. Rather than the usual relaxation, we'll hear the bells of rebellion tolling over and over. (Another date to watch is May 18th, when the Sun hits Jupiter.)
May 13th - Mercury enters Taurus He exits his retrograde shadow before this ingress and at the same time Venus sextiles Saturn, clarifying conversations. We'll feel like we're finally done with some hassles. Mercury's ingress into Taurus also focuses the solid majority of our energy in this area, rather than splitting it with Aries. However, he squares Pluto immediately upon entering, so before smooth sailing we'll have to deal with intense focus, digging up the past, and uncovering secrets. This might deepen conversations as Mercury treats the same issues Venus brought up with her square to Pluto earlier this month, but now with more distance and calculation than the tender emotions, or it can amplify those issues with a microphone.
May 14th - Electional chart for the month (not pictured)
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May is actually one of the best months for electional astrology all year, free of Mars retrograde and most outer planet tensions that will overshadow the later part of the year. This selection is for about 12:30PM local time. This should give Leo rising, and the Ascendant ruler the Sun is in Taurus within 3 degrees of a conjunction to Jupiter in the 10th house. Venus is also in Taurus, squaring a Leo Moon in the first house. This is a great chart for 10th house matters like career, reputation, and public image, with the Ascendant ruler fully bonified by Jupiter and supported by both benefics. With the first house connection Diana suggests this is also a good time to update your work wardrobe or possibly website in ways that may seem unexpected. It's a good time to do something unique or innovative with Uranus placed so prominently. It's not as good for ninth house matters like foreign travel, as Mars is there in a day chart.
May 18th - Venus conjunct Uranus, Sun conjunct Jupiter Venus conjoins Uranus (23♉) at the same time that the Sun conjoins Jupiter (28♉), bringing us optimism and excitement. It's extremely buoyant and can be disruptive simply by virtue of so much happening at once. It's a Saturday, so a great time to have fun, but be prepared to sleep in late the next day. We can find new relationships that begin quickly but burn out fast too, and run into unexpected good luck.
May 19th/20th - Mars conjoins North Node (not pictured) The next day the Moon enters Libra and opposes this configuration, activating it. Mars takes the place of the Sun in an eclipse, reactivating the stories that these Aries-Libra eclipses have been pinging in our lives. Mars's anger may be in response to people crossing our social boundaries represented by the Moon in Libra. With the Moon bringing in the South Node and Mars's severing associations, we may become aware of things we need to relinquish or cut off. Picking fights can lead to consequences you really don't want.
May 20th - Sun enters Gemini This ingress foreshadows the stellium of planets in Taurus shifting to Gemini.
May 23rd - Full Moon in Sagittarius, Venus conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter sextile Neptune, Venus enters Gemini
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This Full Moon is opposite the Venus-Jupiter conjunction (29♉), both of whom sextile Neptune (29♓), and when the Moon exactly opposes the Sun it sextiles Pluto. This is a more positive and optimistic lunation than what we've been seeing so far: the best of the night sect with the best of the day sect. Agreements made during this time will have staying power, and it's a good sign for peace in world events. Neptune connotes idealism in these accords--sometimes you need ungrounded hopes and dreams to go on. Venus-Jupiter conjunctions can also bring too much of a good thing, so be careful not to overindulge. This is also a good time to enjoy material and sensual comforts. It's the perfect day for a picnic!
Venus joins the Sun in Gemini soon after.
May 25th - Jupiter enters Gemini Jupiter spends about a year in a sign, and we'll be shifting from slow, grounded Taurus to mutable, airy Gemini. He'll be trining Pluto in Aquarius while here, accelerating technological advancements like AI and innovations in transportation. Diana uses the image of lots of busy bumblebees trying to collect lots of different information very rapidly. It might be overwhelming, and we could see heightened allergens. This also sets up the next month, where we'll have lots of activity in Gemini...all of which will square Saturn in Pisces! It'll be a lively air and water show with changes in short-term travel. In our personal lives, the combination of Venus & Jupiter will alleviate some of the issues we've been feeling in mutable signs, where places we've felt weighed down and restricted will receive some levity and buoyancy. Whichever house Gemini occupies in your chart will see some smooth sailing for awhile. Use this positive support in Taurus and Gemini to make hay while the sun shines!
May 31st - Mercury conjunct Uranus Mercury is the last planet to ping Jupiter-Uranus conjunction; in general there is a lot of planetary activity in Taurus this month, really activating whichever house that falls in for individuals. Mercury brings a megaphone to the final blast of energy from Taurus. Surprising news, unexpected communications, and conversations with unlikely sources are in order. Uranus-Mercury can open up possibilities that you never could have predicted, and are good for thinking on your feet. Both planets are associated with the nervous system--it's a good day to be cautious with your caffeine consumption.
Whether you need to be active or just rest, take advantage of the stability and help this month!
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