#joe burr
jordyn14 · 3 days
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He’s so freaking cute. I just wanna hug him and never let go. 😭😭💗
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manic-eddie · 6 months
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look at him🥺he’s so adorable
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joesheistyy · 1 year
I had a request for some smut so here you go <3 I haven't written smut since probably 2016 or some shit so this very well may be cringe
Warning!!! Smut ahead!!
also I swear I had a better pic of him on one knee but I can't find it for the life of me
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Joe had planned an amazing trip for the two of you. It had been a while since you two had been on vacation, especially since life had been so hectic since football season.
The two of you spent the week in Malibu with a house on a private beach. It was the best vacation anyone could ask for. Good food, gorgeous beach, and Joe’s company.
Most of your time was spent down on the beach tanning or in the water throwing a frisbee with Joe. He loved when you’d play games with him, but especially when you’d casually throw things with him. You sucked, but he didn’t care. You tried and that’s all that mattered.
The last few days of the trip approached, and Joe seemed to act a little more nervous as each day progressed. You didn’t think much of it considering the two of you are very routine oriented and a consecutive amount of days out of that routine would stress either of you out.
You were reading a book on the screened in porch when Joe came to join you.
“Hi baby, watchu doin?” He asked, leaning down to kiss you, then sit down next to you.
“Readin” you replied, closing the book on your finger to hold your place.
“How would you feel about dinner on the beach tonight?” He asked, raising his eyebrows in a cute manner.
“I think that would be really cute! Almost something out of my dreams,” you smiled as you set your bookmark to save your place. You looked over to Joe, seeing his blue eyes glisten in the evening light.
“Great, be ready by 7, I’ve got things to do!” Joe exclaimed with a giddy little wiggle. He loved to plan dates for you so this wasn’t out of the blue.
You headed up to the room to get changed after another 15 minutes on the porch. Joe was nowhere to be found, but this was the type of stuff he loved to do.
You put on your favorite white sundress and began to do your makeup. You had a feeling something like a proposal might happen, the timing was perfect and all the pieces started to click together in your mind like a puzzle. You became giddy, so excited that time couldn’t go by any faster.
The idea of a proposal made you want to get your hair and makeup perfect. You did light and delicate makeup and curled your hair to form soft waves. You were giddy looking at yourself in the mirror, all aspects of the outfit put together.
"Y/n, where are you?" Joe called out from the downstairs of the house.
"Bathroom, I'm on my way down now!" You replied back in a voice loud enough to reach the downstairs of the house.
You made your way downstairs, meeting Joe in the living room. He looked so hot in his khaki shorts and light blue button down. His hair was fluffy and swoopy.
"You look gorgeous babe," he said, pulling you into a hug. You could sense that he was nervous but he didn't want to show it.
"And you look so handsome," you said, getting up on your tiptoes to leave a kiss on his chin.
"Let's go, I'm so excited to show you what I've planned," Joe leads you out the back door toward your private beach.
Your jaw drops at the sight of a candle lit picnic dinner by the ocean.
You follow Joe down the beach, trying to hide your excitement. The more you noticed, the more you expected to get engaged. One you saw the expensive bottle of champagne, you had a feeling of what was about to go down.
Joe stops just before the beach blanket he had laid out, wrapping his arm around your back as you both look off into the ocean.
"This is gorgeous, Joey. What a great surprise," You gushed, smiling up at him.
"Turn around babe, I have another surprise for you," you followed his orders, turning around like he said to.
"Y/n, turn back around," he said with wavering in his voice.
When you turn around, Joe is down on one knee with a gorgeous diamond ring in a velvet blue box. Your hands shot up to cover your mouth in shock, tears immediately filling your eyes.
"Y/n, I love you so much, and all I want is you, for the rest of my life. I want to carry on this life with you and only you. Will you marry me?" Joe asked with tears in his own eyes.
"Yes, yes, yes!!" You cheered and leaned down to hug him while he was still on his knee. When he stood up, he slid the gorgeous ring on your finger, you staring at it in awe. He did damn good with his ring designing.
"Oh my god Joey I love you so much," you cried into his shoulder as he picked you up and spun you around. Upon setting you down, your lips crashed together, your arms snaking around his neck and his staying around your waist.
"I love you, y/n, and I can't wait to marry you," He whispered and kissed you again.
"I just hope you got a photographer for this moment," you laughed at him, he smiled knowing that was the biggest factor for your engagement.
"I did, babe. Don't worry," he reassured you, pointing to the balcony of the house you were staying in.
"Let's open this baby," Joe cheered, reaching down for the Champagne bottle.
You both put your hands around it, popping the cork toward the house. You were one to keep champagne corks.
The photographer continued to take pictures as you two ate your dinner in the candlelight.
Upon dinner being finished, you crawled over to Joe's arms, sitting between his legs and playing with his fingers. You two carried on sweet conversation about how excited you both were. It was your dream engagement and you were both so excited to spend the rest of your lives together.
After the sun had set and the moon lit the ocean, you two headed inside, in a romantic trance.
Joe picked you up and carried you into the house bridal style. He joked that he had to get his practice in.
He carried you up to the bedroom where you found a new pair of cozy pajamas that said wifey. You smiled, grabbing them and taking them to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
After you were ready for bed, you found Joe laying in the bed in just his boxers. That sight was so attractive, even though you had been seeing that all week. Something about being engaged lit a fire in the pit of your stomach.
You climbed on top of Joe, straddling over his crotch. He smiled at you, wrapping his hands around your waist. You leaned down to kiss him, hands feeling up and down his chest. You felt him grow in his pants, ready for action.
After making out for what felt like an hour, Joe began to pull your top off. He sucked at your tits, leaving hickies in spots that wouldn’t be seen in a bikini. You moaned into his touch, enjoying every moment.
“Turn over baby,” he whispered, flipping you onto your back. He took his boxers off, exposing his large erection. He pulled off your sleep shorts and panties, leaving you exposed to the world.
“You ready?” He asked, whispering into your ear. You nodded in response.
You let out a soft moan as he teased your entrance with his tip. His lips exploring your neck and collarbone. His breath fanned over your body as he tried to restrain himself from absolutely destroying you.
“Joey stop teasing, I need you,” you moaned as you pulled him closer, directing his erection to your entrance, eager to feel him inside you.
“Wanted to take it slow but I guess that’s not the case,” he mumbled seductively with a chuckle. You smiled in response as he held his rhythm. You were eating up the pillow princess time.
Once you had settled to his large size, he began to make a steady rhythm, causing your body to seize up in all the right ways.
“Mmm baby so good,” you moaned into his ear, sucking on his earlobe.
“I love you baby,” he panted out as his strokes quickened, approaching his climax.
You directed his hand toward your clit, needing more stimulation to quicken your orgasm. Joe obliged, using his thumb and pointer finger to dance over your clit, causing the pit inside of your stomach to grow.
You could see that Joe was about to unfold. Normally, you didn’t like him finishing inside you, but this was different. You were engaged now, and hell, he can afford a PlanB.
Your body tensed up as you felt that familiar pit in your stomach, approaching your orgasm. Joe kept thrusting and his pace quickened.
You both unleashed your orgasms, ones that had built up for a while. Joe let loose inside of you, making sure to lean down into your hear and repeat how much he loved you over and over.
After you both rode out your highs, Joe laid back down next to you, pulling you close. Your breathing patterns resulted back to normal, and you both smiled in contentment.
"I love you so much, future Mrs. Burrow," he smiled and kissed you once again.
"I love you so much more, future Mr. Burrow, husband of y/n Burrow," you kissed him again.
After a short bit of post-sex snuggles, you both put your clothes back on and got back in bed, ready for sleep. Being in the sun all day was exhausting enough as is, but all the events from the day wore the both of you out.
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burrowbaddie · 1 year
This was a request for Dad!Joe celebrating his son's birthday. I hope you like it @mrsshiesty
Dad!Joe is the type of dad to go all out for his son every birthday. I'm talking about he wakes up at 5 am to decorate his door. Joe has kept a neat list in his phone of everything his son even glanced at or mentioned. Dad!Joe might have gone overboard and bought him every toy he asked for throughout the year.
"Joe, do we really need to do this. I think-"
"Shhh. You'll wake him. I think it's a good tradition. Plus, he really likes it. With the new baby coming, he's been feeling left out." Joe whispers. You nod your head and pass him the tape. When you announced you were pregnant, Little Joe didn't take it so well. He did not want a sister he would have to share his daddy with. You rub your belly, watching your husband put the final touches on the door. This year, Jojo was really into dinosaurs. He had you and Joe redecorate his room to a dinosaur-themed room, including a Jeep bed with a T-Rex head hanging over it.
"It looks great. Now can we please go to bed? I'm 8 months, my feet hurt, and if I don't get my sleep in, I will be even more cranky."
Joe nods and pulls you to the bedroom. You only get two more hours of sleep before the birthday boy comes running in.
"Happy birthday to me! Jojo is 5 now!" He shouts. Joe sits up, pulling Jojo into the bed. You watch your son bounce on the bed excitedly.
"Dad! Make me the oatmeal with the dino eggs, please!" Jojo screams. Joe scoops him up, and they disappear, leaving you to sleep for a little bit more. You wake up around 10:30 to the boys watching Jurassic Park. You can't even remember the number of times Jojo has made you both watch those movies. You could probably recite the lines. Joe crawls out of the tent to pepper your face with kisses.
"Have you guys just been watching this?"
"Yeah, it's what he wanted. Hurry up and shower; you know we're taking him to the dinosaur exhibit." He reminds you.
"Actually, I need to stay here and get things ready plus, I think this will be good for you guys to talk. Our daughter will be here in 3 weeks, and he still refuses to talk about it." You whisper the last part. Joe agrees and takes Jojo upstairs to shower and get ready. The boys return wearing matching t-shirts and shorts. You kiss your boys and wish them farewell for now. You need to get everything ready for the surprise party.
"Dad. I'm a big kid now. I can sit in the front, right?"
"Not yet, kiddo. You need to get a little bit older." Joe laughs, strapping him into his car seat. Jojo starts playing with his T-rex along the drive. When they arrive, Joe gets stopped by some fans in the parking lot. He takes photos, but when the crowd gets too much, he has to decline. He didn't want to ruin Jojo's day.
"Why are those people taking photos, Dad?"
"I'm famous."
"Because Daddy plays football professionally; remember we talked about it?"
Jojo stares at him.
"But you're just daddy. How can you be famous?"
"Umm, you know the movie we watch? The people on there are acting professionally, so they are also famous." Joe explains. Jojo stares at him again.
"Am I famous?" He asks. Joe chuckles.
"Kinda, but not really."
"I see. Look how big this brachiosaur is!" Jojo shouts, wiggling out of Joe's arms. Joe sets him down and watches his son sprint the outside standee. Joe snaps a few photos and sends them to you. Jojo takes his hand and leads him to the entrance. Joe takes out his card to pay, but the cashier lets' him know it's free.
"I can't do that. It's fine."
"We insist, Joe." The manager says.
"At least let me pay for the family behind me." Joe hands the card over and the manager charges it. Jojo taps his foot waiting for his father to come. Joe finally finishes and takes his hand.
"We should start with the North America dinosaurs, then make our way around," Jojo shouts, holding up the map. Joe does his best to let Jojo take the lead, but people keep stopping them.
"Dad! We're going to miss the show!" Jojo yells.
"I need to get-"
"You need to get us another ring." An older guy says with his buddy nodding.
"I will try my best. Next season we plan to go harder." Joe nervously laughs.
"Dad!" Jojo screams, causing everyone to look. Joe excuses himself and follows Jojo.
"Sorry, the show started and unfortunately once it started we can't let anyone in." The worker apologizes but Jojo's eyes start to water.
"I'm so sorry little man."
"Take me home! I want Mommy!" He cries.
"Look, we still have one more floor to go to."
"I said home!" Jojo runs off, and Joe chases him. He picks Jojo up and takes him to the last floor. Jojo buries his face in Joe's neck and refuses to pay attention. Joe mispronounces the dinosaur names on purpose so that Jojo corrects him every time.
"No that is Diplodocus, dad." Jojo corrects him smiling.
"So smart." Joe kisses his head and lets Jojo down to explore. This time Joe refuses photos and autographs, which most people understand. He is not there at star quarterback Joe Burrow. Today he is only dad. Joe takes Jojo back for the show, but the next show isn't until 3, and they needed to head home for the party.
"It's his birthday today, and it would really mean a lot."
"I understand, but there is nothing I can do."
"Can you ask you, manager, please tell him it's for Joe Burrow." Joe folds his hand, begging. He hated using the I'm Joe Burrow thing, but it was Jojo's birthday, and he wanted to see this show. Joe would do anything to keep him happy. The worker pages the manager.
"Play the show, Helen. Are you insane? Whatever Joe wants!" He replies. Helen laughs and lets Joe and Jojo in. Joe is happy they are alone because he is starting to feel bad turning down kids for photos. Jojo placed his 3D glasses on and sat back, watching the show go on. In the end, he couldn't stop smiling.
"Dad, when I grow up, I want to study dinosaurs! Unless you want me to play football."
"Jojo, you can be anything you want to be. If you want to be a Paleontologist, go for it. Your mom, sister, and I would be proud of you either way." Joe says, picking him up and placing him in the car. Jojo looks down at his new T-Rex plushie and frowns.
"My sister?"
"Yes. You know mommy is pregnant and carrying your little sister in her belly right. I know you've been upset about it but it will be fun to be a big brother."
"You're not a big brother; how would you know?" Jojo rolls his eyes.
"You're right, but I'm a little brother, and having a sibling is the best thing in the world. You remember in the film how the older triceratops protected his little sister?"
"Yes. That's what I will do too. I'll protect sissy!" Jojo smiles.
"You will. And me and Mommy will protect both of you."
"unless one of us is the weaker one, then Mommy will abandon us." Jojo mumbles. Joe laughs. Maybe he shouldn't use dinosaurs to explain family. When they arrive home, Joe takes Jojo to the backyard, where everyone jumps out shouting surprise. The backyard has been transformed into a Jurassic theme. Jojo squeals and jumps with excitement. He runs around, saying hello to everyone and then to the huge dino figure near the pool. Finally, he makes his way to you.
"Mommy, I can't wait for sissy to come! I'll be the best big brother."
"Aww, my baby." You bend down to hug him feeling your little girl kick. Jojo runs around with his cousin and friends, playing. When it's time to open gifts, you shake your head at the amount Joe got Jojo. After cleaning up, and when the guest leaves, you take a much-needed bath. You find your favorite boys in bed waiting for you. Jojo lies in the middle, smiling. You and Joe got pregnant fresh out of college. At 21, you had no idea what the future would hold, but you made the decision to be a stay-at-home mom and support Joe's career. It was the best decision you've ever made. 5 years later, you are still madly in love and expecting child number two. Joe kisses your head and then Jojo's head. Jojo kisses your belly and turns on Jurassic Park 2.
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boisincars · 1 year
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I watch football for the sport
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pottersolos · 5 months
pinky promise ? • Joe Burrow.
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summary : joe knows his fiancé, charleigh had a rough day so he try’s to make it better.
warnings : idk.
pairing : fiance!joeburrow x fiance!jizaiah
“babe !” i shouted through joe and i’s shared house, i had just finished my skincare and was about to brush my teeth but i didn’t know where joe had put our toothpaste.
“yes ?” i could hear his foot steps on the stairs as he walked up them, i met him in the doorway before speaking, “where’d you put the toothpaste ?”
“it’s in the draw” he said, he could tell by the look on my face that my day had been hell, he grabbed my hand dragging me into the bathroom with him, he opened the draw and grabbed the tube out.
he propped up his phone-knowing i like to get moments like this on record-and engulfed me in a tight hug, kissing my wet hair as my arms snaked around his shirtless torso, my head resting on his chest.
his hand begun stroking my head as i rested my eyes, i felt his hand stop on the back of my neck, gently moving my head to look up at him “you okay ?” he question, i nodded my head, sending him a flatlipped smile.
“i ordered chick-fil-a it should be here soon” said joe, i looked up at him and kissed his cheek.
“how ‘bout you get a movie ready in the living room and i go to the store, and i promise i’ll be right back” he smiled at me, i nodded and grabbed one of his hands and held it as we walked down the stairs.
he slid on his tazman uggs and grabbed the keys off the counter, he opened the door, he was standing in the frame and i stuck to the side of the door holding the knob.
“be fast please” i begged, “i will” joe said and placed a passionate kiss on my lips, i wrapped my hands around his neck and hung on to him, not wanting him to leave. “baby i’ll be right back” he pulled away from the kiss.
i let go of him and he walked to the car, i closed the front door and walked into our living room, clicking through peacock before settling on my personal favorite, harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban.
i paused it before it could even start, scrolling through my phone as i waited for joe to come back home. i got bored so i decide to get out the book i’ve been reading.-hunting adeline by H.D Carlton-i relaxed into the corner of the couch, flipping the pages as i read through them.
when the food arrived i grabbed it, thanked and tipped the man before going back into the living room, i set the food down and waited for joe to come back home.
this week has just not been my week, earlier this week joe and i had gotten into an argument, he did something i didn’t like with jagger, my son, when we were fighting i called jagger “my son” and let’s just say joe didn’t like that, but he understood after everything jag has been through he knows i’m overprotective of him.
tonight jagger was with my mom and stepfather, they wanted to see him, i don’t let him go off a lot without me for a few reasons, one he’s only four, two i’m overprotective, three i can’t trust anyone with him.
sooner or later joe came back, he walked in with a basket full of my favorite snacks, a sprite, and some roses, i slightly smiled and got up to go over to him.
before i could even get around the couch he was already at me, putting his long legs to use, “here, these are for you, mama” he kissed my head and sat down i sat beside him cuddling into him.
“i’m sorry” i told him, he sent me a confused look but this is something i need to talk to him about.
“for what baby ?”
“the other day, you know how i am with jag, and i don’t want you to just leave or hurt hi-hurt us” i sat up straight and looked at him trying to read his body language.
“i wouldn’t be here if i planned on hurting either one of y’all, there wouldn’t be a ring on your finger if i planned on leaving, it just hurt a little hearing you call him your son as if i don’t do anything for him” he said his face becoming unreadable.
“i’m sorry” my eyes met his once again before he pulled my head to his chest, he stood up, still holding me and sat in the corner of the couch, i cuddled into his side even more.
“i love you charleigh” his index finger arched under my chin and lifted my head to his view.
“promise ?” i asked him.
“i pinky promise” he stuck his pinky out and interlinked it with my own, i smiled and kissed his cheek, for the rest of the night we sat there, sitting right next to each other, my head rested on his shoulder, watching the movie, eating, and talking every now and then.
“one last thing then we can put this away, okay ?” i said to him, he nodded and put his full attention on me. “do you want to adopt jagger ?” i questioned him, my eyes brimming with tears at the thought.
joe was speechless, his eyes also starting to tear up, i didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing “if you don’t want to it’s fine” i fidgeted with my fingers looking down at my bare feet.
his hand grabbed onto my foot as he began to speak “no. i want to, i wouldn’t want nothing else” the tears in both of our eyes finally falling, i wiped his cheeks as he wiped mine, laughing a little before pulling his head in and placing my lips to his.
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jazzandpizazz · 1 year
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I finally have enough angles to make one of these head-turn things! I really like how it came out :D
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Fourteen Republican Senators, including Mitt Romney and Rand Paul, have voted against providing healthcare and benefits to US veterans who came home from America’s post-9/11 wars sick and dying from rare cancers and respiratory illnesses.
On Thursday, the Senate passed the SFC Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT Act – a landmark bill that will presumptively link 23 conditions to a veterans’ exposure to burn pits while on deployment overseas.
Now, around 3.5 million US veterans who lived and worked next to the huge open-air pits will finally be given automatic access to healthcare and disability benefits if they develop one of these conditions on their return home.
The bill sailed through the Senate with largely bipartisan support, with 84 Senators voting in favour of its passage.
All Democrats voted yes to passing the bill – but 14 Republicans voted no.
The senators who voted against were: Mitt Romney and Mike Lee of Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Richard Burr and Thom Tillis of North Carolina, Mike Rounds and John Thune of South Dakota, Richard Shelby and Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, James Lankford of Oklahoma, Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, and Mike Crapo and James Risch of Idaho.
Senators Steve Daines and Roger Wicker were absent from the vote.
Despite the efforts of the 14 Republicans, the bill is likely just days away from being signed into law.
It first needs to go back to the House for passage before it can be sent to the desk of President Joe Biden.
However, passage in the House is almost certain as all Democrats and 34 Republicans voted in favour of its passage back in March, sending it sailing over the threshold with a 256 to 174 vote.
In that vote, the only lawmakers voting no were also Republicans.
Among them was Rep. Lauren Boebert, who was slammed for heckling as Mr. Biden spoke about burn pits in his State of the Union address.
The Senate has modified the House version to create a phase-in period for illnesses presumptively linked to toxic exposure, meaning a new vote is needed in the House.
During America’s post-9/11 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, huge open-air pits were used to burn mountains of trash including food packaging, human waste and military equipment on US military bases.
Thousands of US service members returned home from deployment and developed health conditions including rare cancers, lung conditions, respiratory illnesses and toxic brain injuries caused by breathing in the toxic fumes from the pits.
But, until now, the burden of proof has always been on veterans to prove their condition is directly caused by this toxic exposure and almost 80 percent of disability claims mentioning burn pits were turned down by the Department of Veteran Affairs.
The bill was renamed in March after the Sgt First Class Heath Robinson who died in May 2020 from a rare cancer caused by breathing in toxic fumes from burn pits while serving in Iraq in the Ohio National Guard. He was 39.
Two years on from his death, the bill passed on his daughter Brielle’s ninth birthday.
Susan Zeier, his mother-in-law, said that the bill’s passage means she now no longer needs to “carry Heath on my shoulders”.
Ms. Zeier gave an emotional speech outside the Capitol after Thursday’s vote where she told how she has been wearing her son-in-law’s army jacket for the past four years to draw attention to the plight of veterans fighting for healthcare and disability access as she and other advocates lobbied the US government.
“I’ve been wearing this since the summer of 2018 and today, with this bill passing the Senate, I think it’s time to retire it,” she said.
“I no longer have to carry Heath on my shoulders while I’m advocating for all the other veterans who are out there sick and dying.”
Ms. Zeier described her son-in-law as a “wonderful father” who was “always helpful and always generous” and fought his cancer “valiantly” to “survive as long as he could for his daughter”.
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mariocki · 1 year
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The Seven-Ups (1973)
"Hey, do me a favour, huh? Don't tell me what I know. Listen to what I'm saying. The guy you iced was a cop."
"Okay, so he was a cop!"
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farlydatau · 1 year
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Joe Burrow Retro Graphic "This Kitty Got Claws" T-Shirt
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jordyn14 · 2 days
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This man is so fine 😮‍💨🙂‍↔️🫣
Posted on Instagram by the nfl
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manic-eddie · 6 months
He’s so precious 🥹🩷
Happy birthday to joe shiesty!!
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joesheistyy · 1 year
Driving in his Benz - Joe Burrow
I've never been a taylor swift girlie but midnights is iconic and I was inspired by vigilante shit sooooo here you go :) more angst? yes please! ending in some fluff? count me in!
2.2k words || cussing || some harsh grabbing
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Of course your evening was spent bickering with Joe. This was the second night in a row you two just couldn’t get on the same page about a handful of things. Once again going to bed angry with each other, backs facing each other.
In your late high school days, the way you’d cool down from heightened emotions was by going for a drive. Could you do this in Cincinnati? Sure, but it wasn’t as soothing as driving back roads in southern Indiana. It was definitely much preferred to do during the day. As you fell asleep, you made a plan to get up and just drive to get your head on straight when you awoke. 
When you woke up, you did not have the energy to deal with Joe. Needing to be caffeinated before any hard thoughts came to mind, you decided to go to Panera to grab a coffee and a charged tea. Of course those drinks would be spaced out throughout the day, you just needed an out for the morning. This would probably be another item Joe would want to bicker about-your caffeine intake. 
You put on your favorite oversized crewneck and Lululemon leggings before you left the bedroom, making as little noise as possible. What you didn’t know was that your stirring before getting out of bed woke Joe up. He wanted to start the day off on a good note, hoping to talk things through over breakfast, but you had already gone down the stairs and grabbed the keys to his new Benz.
The sleek black car was parked in the garage, windows yet to be tinted. You lifted the garage door before turning on the car and picking out your “bad bitch” playlist. Joe was able to hear the garage door open and close, he knew driving was your go to outlet to clear your head, so he let it go. 
After an hour or so, you had picked up your drinks and were driving with the windows down, cool spring air flowing throughout the nice car. You pulled up to a stop light, blasting Vigilante Shit by Taylor Swift and singing along with the song, dancing in a way that made you feel hot. What you didn’t know was that the car stopped next to you knew who you were and snapped a video of you in your own little world. Swiftly posting it to twitter. 
Joe was sitting on the couch at home, almost in a wallowing state. He just wanted to talk things through in a calm manner because he was just as tired of bickering as you were. Little did he know, the video of you was blowing up on twitter. His phone pinged from his pocket with the special text tone for his manager. 
Yo dude, what is your girl up to? There’s a video of her blowing up all over twitter.
Joe had no clue what you were doing, opting to trust you to clear your head without causing a scene. 
I’ll handle this. Was Joe’s response to his manager. 
You continued on the windy back roads, blasting Girls in the Hood by Megan Thee Stallion. A text came through the car’s ApplePlay. 
What the fuck are you doing, y/n? Get your ass home right now. The car read out to you. 
You let out an aggressive sigh, opting for that over tears. “Hey Siri, text Joey Boy back and respond with you don’t own me, don’t tell me what to do.”
That ring states otherwise honey. What made you think you could take my car without asking? Get home now, it’s about time we sat down and talked. 
These words making your heart sink to just about you asshole. Your anxiety had been heightened all week with the constant bickering. The phrase or anything close to we need to talk always seemed to make any situation worse in your opinion. 
“Hey Siri, respond to Joey Boy and say Fine, as you wish.”
You headed home, opting to take the longest route possible. Pulling into the neighborhood of your shared home, you took some deep breaths to try to calm your anxiety. As you opened the garage door to park the car, you saw an angry faced Joe waiting at the door to enter your house. 
“Y/n, what the fuck?” he emphasized in a stern tone, shooting daggers with his eyes. 
“What? I really don’t understand what you’re so upset about,” you huffed out, tossing your hands in the air as you approached the door to enter the house. 
“You don’t understand? How could you not understand?” he led you into the house, anger obvious not only his voice but in his tense back and shoulders. 
“Joe, I just wanted to clear my head. Why can't I do anything without getting bitched at?” You retorted, hanging the keys on the hook by the garage door. 
“Don’t start this with me, y/n. I’m not happy with you,” 
“Yeah, obviously,” You rolled your eyes, setting your drink down on the counter. 
Joe swiftly turned around, once again glaring at you in a way you had never seen before. His blue eyes were dark, eyelashes framing his gorgeous orbs in a scary yet beautiful way. His fist slammed on the counter as he began to take a deep breath. You could only imagine what was coming. 
“Oh my god, y/n,” He began as he rolled his eyes and huffed, “do you have any idea what you’ve done? First, you take my car without asking me, then you get caught and recorded in my car that you didn't ask to use, singing some stupid ass song about driving in a Benz or whatever the fuck it was, dancing and looking like an absolute fucking idiot,” he continued as his cheeks and neck turned a red as bright as a rose. Arms flying around as another outlet for his anger. 
You looked at him with emptiness filling your mind and body. He never had a problem before with you taking his car out. Plus, he always thought your singing and dancing was goofy, who did he think he was to call you all these things?
Looking up at him yet trying to avoid his scary eyes, you could see his breath hitch in his chest. “Babe, I-” you began.
“Don’t babe me, you're in the dog house with me right now,” he said, beginning to walk away. 
“So what? We’re not gonna talk about this? You’re just gonna bitch at me over something that I do on a normal basis? Alright Burrow, have your way for now. I’m done,” you directed yourself to the stairway. Joe swiftly came up behind you and grabbed your wrist with haste. That’s gonna hurt later.
“No no, you’re not done. We're talking about this now,” Joe forced you to follow him, pushing you down to the couch which caused you to swiftly get up. Inches from his chest, you look up at him, finger poking his chest with as much force as you could handle. “Don’t you ever handle me like that again,” you jabbed at his chest. Pushing through his strong stance, you headed toward the stairs determined to get away from him. 
Joe didn’t chase after you this time, he had practice in an hour and decided he didn’t want to get into it with you. His practice bag was in your shared bedroom where you had locked yourself in. As you heard his footsteps approach, you grabbed his bag and tossed it onto the floor outside the door, making sure to close it with a harsh nature. You could hear him sigh as he retrieved his grey bag from the floor. You took a couple deep breaths before sliding down the door, blocking any entrance with your weight. 
You hated to cry in front of Joe, so once you heard the garage door close, you felt safe to come out of your little pity party. Heading downstairs to give yourself a change of scenery, you plopped down on the couch where just a few minutes ago, you were scolding Joe for grabbing you in a way that was uncomfortable and not in a sexual way. Tears beginning to fall uncontrollably. You pulled your legs up to your chest, opting to put your crewneck over them so you could curl into a little ball and cry. 
You soon heard footsteps. What the fuck, Joe is at practice, isn’t he? You thought to yourself as you lifted your head to look around and see if anyone was there. After determining that you were alone, you went back to your little sob fest. All the emotions from the previous bickering fights catching up to you. The way Joe yelled at you really did your emotions in. 
Footsteps approached you and you felt a weight dip down on the couch next to you. You jolted out of your crewneck, craning your neck to your left to view Joe sat down next to you. You blinked a few times to try to clear your cloudy eyes as you pulled your body out of your crewneck ball. He sighed and tried to scoot a bit closer to you, only causing you to scoot further away from him. 
“Can we please not do this right now?” you sobbed. He sighed again. 
“Honey we need to talk,” he began. There were those words again. 
“You have practice and you need to go,” you began. He reached out to grab your hand. Your left hand to be exact. That alone scared you more than anything considering the absolute rock sitting on your ring finger.
“I texted Zac that I’m gonna be late. You’re more important to me right now,” he stated as his features softened. You scooted into him a little more, opting to rest your head onto his shoulder. The lack of physical touch lately didn’t help with all the bickering. Your sobs wracked your ribs. Joe knew you hated to cry in front of him, but it was inevitable after the recent events. 
“Joe I can’t stand this bickering and arguing anymore,” you sobbed again. He took an opportunity to give you a soothing back rub. 
“I know, y/n. I can’t either. Everything has just been eating me up and building up lately and we need to address all this,” he said, slowly turning to look at you.
“Why do you yell at me the way you do, Joe? It’s so hard to want to be kind back when I get talked to the way I do when you’re upset,” you spoke with shaky breaths. “I feel like I have to defend myself to you when you raise your voice with me. That’s why when we bicker, it feels never ending. How am I supposed to stand there and take criticism for every little disagreement or every little thing that makes you upset?”
“I don’t know, babe. I just get so lost in my own emotions that sometimes things just come out that way,” he began. 
“No Joe, they always come out that way. But when you start attacking me for things like singing and dancing, that’s when it goes overboard. You can’t keep criticizing me for things I do when you’re worked up,” you said with a more stern tone. 
“I’m sorry, y/n. I’m going to try to be better,” he said, grabbing at your hand again and fiddling with your ring. “This ring is supposed to represent my undying love for you and I’ve done the opposite. I promise I’m going to work to be a better fiancee so I can be the best husband. I love you y/n and I can’t lose you. I’m so sorry for the way the cards have fallen lately. I deserve to be blamed and torn into,” he said, looking down in embarrassment. 
“Babe I’m not gonna bitch back at you the way you yelled at me earlier. While I don’t appreciate the way I’ve been talked to lately, you don’t deserve to be talked to like that. I just need your help in talking things out before shit hits the fan, got it?” you looked at him, waiting for him to look into your eyes and agree. He nodded, leaning in to kiss your forehead. You both sighed as you leaned into his chest for comfort. He held you so close and tight like it was the thing he knew how to do best. You both needed that tight embrace. 
“No more talking to each other like that, got it?” you pulled away as you spoke.
“Of course, future Mrs. Burrow. We can settle things like adults because we are adults,” he showed a soft smile.
“Now go to practice, Burrow. You shouldn’t keep coach and the team waiting. I’ll be here to hug you later. I’m just glad we talked at least something out. We can talk more out when you get back,” you held out your pinky and wrapped his into yours. 
“I love you, y/n. I’ll be back later,” he got up and rushed out the door. You sighed and leaned back into the couch in hope that more talking to each other would help cure all your anxieties. Maybe even going for a drive, together...
lmk if y'all want a part two, I've got some ideas up my sleeve!!!!!!
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