fusudesu · 24 hours
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harleyquilt · 1 day
JinMao hc: Jinshi has a cold and Maomao is one to treat him.
Note: This is just a short ficlet, but set somewhere in the future, where they're both comfortable enough to show some affection, but within reasonable limits lol.
Laying in his bed, Jinshi sniffles, an unseen pressure tightening around his head. He groans, turning his head side to side against his pillow. Through half-closed eyes, he sees Maomao grinding some herbs with a stone pestle beside him.
“Tell me, apothecary.” He sobs. “Am I dying?”
He reaches out to her and glaring, she smacks his hand away. It falls pathetically back to his side, as if she has knocked the last of his energy out of him. If anyone were to see such behaviour, she would surely be executed, and thinking this, Maomao sighs. She's at least thankful for Jinshi's tolerance towards her.
“No, sir, you are not dying.” She says, sounding rather drained herself. “Please don't say such things aloud, it'll cause needless panic.”
“But…” His words fall back into quiet whimpers.
“It is a mere cold, sir.” She explains, now stewing the leaves in hot water. “You will live yet.”
“Mere,” he scoffs. “Why do I feel so terrible then?”
Maomao's disgust melts into pity, though considering Jinshi's position, reverence would be preferable. Not that it would be possible, with how he's acting. She's seen children handle colds with greater dignity than Jinshi. She could tell him as much, but he was sure to moan even more.
“Here,” she helps him sit up and hands him his tea. He takes a sip and sighs, letting its soothing effects wash over him. Maomao then takes a damp cloth and dabs away the sweat on his brow. “You need to rest for the next few days, sir Jinshi. Rest is usually the best remedy.”
“Rest…” He grimaces, taking another sip. “The longer I rest, the more work I'll have afterwards.”
Maomao nods, truly understanding his plight. She dunks the cloth into a bowl of cooled water and rinses it, moving it to Jinshi’s neck. His skin is hot and clammy, but still remarkably smooth and soft. She pauses, her eyes drifting up to his face. Despite his exhaustion, there's still a distinct prettiness to be admired. Like a woeful painting brought to life. Jinshi looks up to Maomao, silently questioning her. Swallowing, she quickly looks away and frowns. It's perplexing how someone, even while sick and bedbound, can retain such beauty.
“Maomao,” he reaches up, a hand over hers. She stiffens, but chooses not to move away. “I really appreciate this. I feel well taken care of, because of you.”
She keeps her eyes on the bedside table, her hands cold from the water, but her face growing warm. “I still think a court physician would have been more appropriate.” She mutters.
Jinshi smiles, lifting his hand up to brush aside her hair. Reaching her limit, she steps back, turning her head away. Jinshi tuts.
“You don't do well with compliments, do you?” He remarks, leaning back into his pillows.
Maomao glares back at him, suddenly offended. “The same could be said for you,” she lifts her chin. “Sir.”
“What does that mean?” Jinshi raises a brow.
Maomao flinches before collecting herself, returning to his side. She silently reminds herself of her position. “Nothing at all–”
“No,” Jinshi places his cup aside, his cold no bother to him now. “I want you to clarify.” Maomao hesitates, testing his patience. “That's an order.”
Flinching again, Maomao takes a deep breath, gathering the willpower needed to make her next move. If Jinshi is to challenge her, then Maomao simply has no choice but to bite back.
“Then, sir Jinshi,” she leans forward, her eyes meeting his. “Despite your shortcomings, I find you to be a rather remarkable specimen.” She reaches up, pauses, and brushes aside his fringe. “I admit, I enjoy the time we spend together. I like studying you.”
She could go on, but she can see that it will not be necessary.
The damage is almost immediate. His face turns beet red, his lips quivering as he fails to string together a coherent sentence, and before he's given the chance to, Maomao smiles smugly and quickly retreats from his room. He reaches out, intending to call her, but his words are pushed down from the immense embarrassment he suddenly feels. He falls back onto his pillows, dazed. Hiding his face with his hands, he wonders if Maomao truly meant the words she told him, or if she was merely trying to win against this game between them. Either way, Jinshi has been utterly, completely, and ruthlessly defeated.
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neo--queen--serenity · 4 months
It’s incredibly important to me that the anime decided to include this scene that wasn’t in the manga. In the manga, Maomao does pass out in Jinshi’s lap after saving him from what was obviously an assassination attempt.
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HOWEVER, the manga cuts off at this point, keeping strictly in Maomao’s perspective, and cuts straight to when she regains consciousness in bed after being treated for her injuries. The manga doesn’t show how she got back. They SAY how, and she briefly mentions, “wow that must have been embarrassing; he carried me back,” but we don’t SEE it. We don’t get to feel the true impact of what that means. But the anime DID show us, and holy shit.
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They SHOW us how taboo this is. They show Jinshi carrying her out of the temple, after a public attempt on his life.
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They show us the shock and horror on Lakan’s face as Jinshi silently walks past him. Horror at the state his daughter is in, horror at another man—a man with a status he could never dare to question—staking such a public claim over his child, horror at the fact that he could never have this level of closeness with her (as Maomao would never allow it).
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Everyone hides their gazes, as is their custom when someone of his rank passes by, but the air is different this time. Jinshi is furious, he’s terrified, and he could not give a single shit about how inappropriate it looks to these palace officials.
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The shot that slowly follows her trail of blood—even though it’s a small detail—that in particular leaves such a intense impression of how poignant this is for him.
Maomao talked about this scene in the manga like it was nothing to her. She did what she set out to do: she saved the person who was targeted by the attack. She didn’t even know the target would be someone she knew. But she has no idea that this happened afterwards as a result of her bravery. To her, it likely wasn’t even an act of bravery at all. She acted on impulse; she did what she knew was the right thing to do.
The anime didn’t need to include this, because the manga didn’t show it. But damn, I’m so glad they did.
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toomanymarkers · 5 months
Started watching the apothecary diaries somebody please save her
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spatziline · 4 months
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Jinshi can't sleep (based on that meme LMAO)
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justshipsandstuff · 5 months
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I’ve watched a few Chinese court dramas growing up and I have to say, nobody got game like Mao Mao
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uchiwaflame · 5 months
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finished ep 8 of the apothecary diaries
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domokunrainbowkinz · 2 months
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Pleasepleasepleaepleasepleade I’m nothing
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hualianschild · 5 months
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sayammm · 5 months
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Without Gaoshun, there would have been carnage in the empire
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louistonehill · 6 months
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Reward for hard work
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ianime0 · 5 months
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Kusuriya no Hitorigoto | Ep12 | Just the fingertips, okay? What... This dude... Now I'm blushing too!
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moongirl94 · 4 months
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bbq-potato-chip · 2 months
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exactly what you think it means
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tomotoad · 2 months
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spatziline · 5 months
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Jinshi, Maomao and their future new baby! Jinshi is just too happy
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